/ : eer manga o manhwa på folkbibliotek svensk titel eer manga o manhwa på folkbibliotek English title eer manga and manhwa in public libraries upphov Lena Andersson 〈
[email protected]〉 Mikael Wilander 〈
[email protected]〉 kollegium – kunskapsorganisation färdigställd handledare Mats Dahlström abstract We believed that knowledge organisation of manga and manhwa with homosexual (inclu- ding lesbian) themes might be a allenge for Swedish public libraries. One of the reasons for this is that these themes in manga and manhwa usually occur in genres not direc- ted towards an (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) audience. To see how Swedish public libraries treat su titles and why they treat them as they do, we exami- ned a selection of public libraries, their collections, acquisitions, cataloguing and shelving of relevant titles. e theory used is mainly Grant Campbell’s binarisms, subject access to literature and critical analysis of knowledge organisation. ree methods were utilised: online directory seares, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with librarians. We found a number of relevant titles. Among the selection criterions used, lib- rarians mentioned acquisition requests and title reviews. Several libraries did not perform original cataloguing or did not use subject headings indicating homosexual themes. So- me of the subject headings used to indicate su themes were manga terms, others were terms directed towards users seeking literature with homosexual themes. Shelving practi- ses varied slightly, depending, among other things, on what librarians perceived to be the target audience. Some libraries displayed titles with homosexual themes during occasions su as pride festivals. Overall, the libraries we examined claimed not to give any spe- cial treatment to titles with homosexual themes.