stunts done by Tyler on famous horse. ~'J'udge and MI·s. C. F. Kerr of' Here­ Altogether it will be 8 picture that ford visited in the R. R. will provide an hour's . exciting enter­ Gilbr~atb home 'the first 9f the weal(. Judge tainmcnt fOl' ev~body who sees i.t, Kerr was ' the first· school teacher to Children especially will get a big kick teach in the Center school. out of it, . and par~ts are urged to bl'ing th~ whole family to town Sat­ urday afternoon. . WCAI, P~T. A. UNIT REPRESEN­ TED AT DISTRICT Tim',' compwte gho~v.ings of "Tracy CONFERENCE Rides" \\' ill . be given 'SatOl'dny ufter­ noon. The first show start. at 1 :()O we~k. Mr.. J. D Ivey and Mrs .•J. C. o'c1oel(. the second at about and Wayne ' returnc

this week from the Fllt not obtllin,',!. (NOTE : Finnl results of the Intel" Spraggins. Halfway; teums: pl'es idin J: Inl!'n·,ting talk. un ail ht··1"llrt·· WurtJr.-·- - ---' ?T '- -:.. _ .. --_-=~·.~~, -o·~· -,==·~~,, · ·- · ---· · · , dwlu,tit' !'t.ugue mc"t h~Vt not yet I IJUlfwuy, towu Avenue, Lukeview; phllses "f the WOIri, of the purent Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Scroggins. A TO ATTE!'III IIISTIUCT ('()!'IIVEN· ' h,.,." "Un'"IIIY , nlllluun,'':". und up to : ' G"u,I,,; 8 llnd above: individuuls. 1,·I\,·h.·" , "rganization we"" givl'n 'Dickson 11",1 Claude Roney are nmonl': TlOlIO lll" WOM EN'S ('LI'IIS I' tillle uf goi ng to press no unnOUCl" . ~eunuh Rnglund. LnkHiew. fit'st; und rel'''l't , of ,1t·1.'gull's from most " .. ivcel Wedne.dny from the state · those attending the Fat Stock Show - ""·,,t huo I>eell illUde uf the ranking Sibyl HUIT';o", Lakevlt'w. secund; CUI' of the tW"nty fro"r "I)unties Wl"re s('hl)ol fund (It AU 8tin Amount of this wurk . Mrs. O. ('. Sanders will (lth'nd Ih. : uf the wriou. schuol fur cumuined ' roll Cox, Eust Mound; tellm.: I.uke- reud. the payme"t was $668.pu. .

b!C~' I~!:':~ U~~o~ ' ~r~~~i:~~ce t:;~~ ~~~:;~:~" c~~':'I~:t:~~i('hof ron~:~~;;·ut~~ I ~ve~~:~;r~.~ H;!~ ~:Ii'~:: ~~h~~,~ ~:=::. I Vi~;~":;tel~;~~~::~:~es 4und G, ----;JlirY;-;.-L-A ,-,- #;' '- The ~::~y=~. ~· ~· 1· 411 ,~118-....,.....:~ ~~ ...,;, wellk. They were accompanied by Pillinvit'w 'lI'xt \\·,·dm·.. loy She will which is thought to be ,....tficient tt> : individuols: Ciareee P,·ttit. Aberna. · ,'ent s"hool year to $9.00 for !Irs. Dennison und daughter,. j" nttend us vOling del,·gllt,· from th. · pi 0"(' 1101" Ce nter in first plll(,(' ror ' t.hy. Thom". und MII"Y Alice A th ... ·e-of·1 .. onwtly. ··Mrs. Tubb. "elwlu.ti.·. and I l"av~s $7.00 for each · enrol. ' ('"unty I··"d,·r"tion "I' WOII,ell's club .. . .. llI ss H) I!\tudel'u. both of Cotton Centor. tied of Shunlytown" will I... IJl·... entcd lit Horne,' Simpson is tl'on,"l'ting bus lind \~ill h,. tl ... ho'",' gut',1 if Mr. I .,. . 1' .... first; Ge"e Young Abernathy, and Cu;ton C"nler 'hil!'h ,i,'hool a~di'UI'ium pupil ye: ~~ be r .., ... i:d_. _ , nc s~ in SlI n Saba this '\Yeek. E II. P,: rry I. - . - - • Tlll'lmu MIIsolI. Petersburg, .,'cond; FridllY night. H::10 u'.-\u('k. Mllrd, ~~ NEW I.ATHE INSTALLEU BY The young I}eople of th,' FiTst Bop· I Oth(,r IOl'u l eliil, n".",In- .. ' wdl 111,0 i.ul. .. v,ew sl'houl won the nll · round Phillip Short. lIale ('~nter, und La Don't mi .. this play! liAS IUTClfEY tist' churt'll al'e pl'es(>n.ting the: piny, ultt'n4i n'~ \' isito l" :-I dllrin!! tht. ('1111\','11 , cl)unly l'hRmJ}lUn~tup in t~t! lIale CtH~ 1I ·f{ell ' ~mbl'l·et Pl'tt'l"sbul'lC. thil'd; "I/ere COllies Churlle,'1 at HulfwllY I'i"n "hi('h will h"l Ih"""l(h Fndll)' Iy . lnterSl·holu st,c leugue meet. III ~ T"UIllS, P,·tersburg, Abernuthy und COTTON (,ENTEI( H. II . ('IXIl Rus Ritl'h •. )· has recentl), installed Saturday night. l"ftNnoon.. , ::. I:~"~:::~ i~~s~I~::I'I~e"e~l.nt~he T~~~~ Iiule Center; ('Iuss H high sehool s; ·1n. II 4'", fo"t B~nd Illthe i·n thQ Mrs. Brutnn, Chnrlic and Ruby Bl'u ! TIl\' progrum wllld~ hn ... IlI'l'tl at', dl\'UJuuIR; Gt'rtrude Richtt~ I·. Abe .. nn ~ A l(lctU)'P Hntl dl'tnnll"\tlutilll1 on shop of lh(~ \Vinn Motor Co., and is ton l'etul'n('d Monday from Fort ""'ur- : ranKed for tilt, nlt't'tmg lin .. piut'l'tl nomht,1' of point!'1 wns 278, Official thy, first: ,Bt!l'llll't' Powell, Cotton Ct.·rI r('novating rl<'fining 'und p .rt· s~ in ", ('10 now prt'purlld to do aU kind'l:l of lathe th whcr~ they nttended tho fun.rql \ s" \'(~ru l vt.,ry inlf'I't'!">ting and t'lItt'r· ItnnuulI(·t'I1l(l'nt ('ont·t>rning points wun \l'r, se('ond.; NtJvt~l111 JtJlU's, Hale Cen thing lJlutt'riul ~ wpn' given hy Mr ~ wOTk up to th£> cnllO('ity of th(l mach. of Grandmother' Bruton. . I t"ining s,,,,uk,'I". lIlII"ng th"111 wi ll by ull seRt)ol . had not b"l'n In~de . lit 11'1'; teams: Ah,·rnuthy. 1101,· C"nter, Julin K"'lcy homt· d'·",," intO Afr. Rnd Mrs. O. C. Snnd~I" wor.. I I ... Mrs Ph,,,.IJt' K. Wllnwr lInd '1r< I''''';" tllne. but local school olflclU ls ( '"ttun Center "g,··fore th,' melllb,· .. of the C"t'l th",. who Ilttendod the funp. , Vuln,'y T,,\,lor pn·, idt·nt of t il<' SllIt,· IIt're of the opinion that Abernuthy · lIeciumation boys sub-junior W"nu- ton C"ntr hnnl(' ,It'mon,lration cluil ItE(;rI. ,~-~I · ~~~~;G~:;:-- nl of A P. QlIiaenbprry ut PlainvIew ! F,.,~erntiulI: . . . :::::Ihtl':::::~ ~:::~en:~le~~k~I~:~ :: 'm~b~~'; : 11111 . Ch urehw~ II, sn;der, fi"st, llilly who mot w,th Mrs Alht·rt Brt·w,· I.·,. METlfOlll!'lT ('HURCn . I 1 ht' S Ol'lUI ~ lth · "I t.he ~'lln\'t'nt I H1\' . . r ! \\ hlte, luwa AVt.'nue, !oi('conu; Cnrl Thur ~ dny Mardi 14th. , Tom nnd (ie?rge ,S mith' in ~ irH'lud,'!" n. " Hirthduy I::lnchl'tlll." 11 ;1 .lt~lk.~:~:~.\~~l';;·:l't~; :t:'r~~~:r i:~l n~t:I:~~:'~ It ~mg, Cotto~ Center; gi~ I M , ~ub-iun- (' M:'s, ~I~rri ~ un,d Mr ~ Rhllnlntf' tH", R~~Ulllt "w n.'i('(~s : 11 be, held At fro,m Nl~W MeXICO thiS wet'k uftt'l" n l "I.ltlOll'l'~lnllnK 1.. 1Indlf'nn (l nd II It'U , , . , luI": Betty Chul'll's Mt'BI'lt!(" Abe .. nu- arne tH. \\, . nlOl"tling nnd (~vf'ning !WrVIC{IS at the load f I I Id b r 1'1 lind ,ro,'et! h'gh In htp .... ry evonts to ' t· . A th rf f St Pt ' h apcnd;ng ',~u;;',:.o duy~O~~li~'h ti.:~: Il:~:': : ~:,~'::n by tht· Junl",. ,III S" ,un I,"t t l... ", ov ... the top. . I,\,~;.: :~:::';d;( ~~.,~.::~t~. L;:o~:~~~., ,~:~~ Wag :i~~~r ~~' Mr: ~,~U~! sa~,' s :/'c i ::~: :~i n~t'~~.~~~;;:•• '~:i;'~h h,:~~d~~. ;:~~ · enta. MI'. nnrl !'ofrs . "V. B. Smith. I Lukev,ew IH tu reee,v ~ u 10vIIlg cup t·"nter.· Th,· nt'xt Il",.. tinl!' wil: Lt· "ith Mrs 1';n't"Ud ihnwnt~ ~t.'n' .. sE' n ·(ld. by tlw. uwnrdt"d during t"ht· rl'VI\'lal will ito r. eumon',u. Individuul high point I, ,·t t, th,' t )11 ",n" 'I I "'~ . P 111\: 'l'cond ' l'hnrc 181 Vitia (' or j ,s l'~~ ( . til ,"" Lt etH U ~ -''''I uWlInh'd ~\,"duy morning Ray Uf\l' Italph Bensley \\'llrp in . (\'nlt'r Illlp\('l1l1'nt ('11 wtll t'lJ nd\ll'! lionurs \\'t' nt tu \rurrf'n Urivt:'r uf I.~~ j~"i lib~l'ty C 1 t • CI n \\' ··tl~ t' !\1d~r B('n son , J. 1. Dyct', T (' [)Yl'r, -----.~ ---.---.----..- .Uale C.nt" I: Sunday night. n d;'III",,,ll'ulion "f Ih,' I' . ~O F"rl1llll1 I:uk" r i, 'w in Seniur truek, nntl Win· St' IIl~~1I ~l'Ce, n I: I·;rs ; 0 • ~I n' 'kl"~' E. L. Lunsford. Nt·wJon. G. F Poolt·. Jo:A~TI-:Il:-; STAll MEEtINf; Mary Kyle and Rill Smith wel't" in l'quippt'd With rubl ll'l" tln' ~ , ant! ttlt' "lull WI.l:;ulI, of tho. sU,lrw. ~c huol. wlI n '1't~tt.~ 's bUl'g~ (, uY. rVI t' 1(' t· , Trl.lf'tt_ Pool, Jlarris, ~humatl', Lt".j . TONIGHT , Olton Sunduy. , ~ .. . nt. \\. M",'onllll'!'; - Ilt'('rill g" ·t ·row li :-; t,·, 1 1l~IIII" , ',",:In,~t>hr~n~I~~ ::~h~~~~O:nt;:r:~' in ~ n ('clon. Iltti~l t, · dass B elementary t'lrrroll, .f (' Whitt', .1. (' nrown, .-.: I -~- . W. E. l\i6er on,l ,Iaughte.'. Eloi .... 10 " Ull' lIillt' S"''''II- pia ... · ~ n\II,'" I J R HI k P l b ~: . Mnlth~w ; . Hutherforrl. Grover Relfulur nw,·ti/lg nf th,· Lomond Mr. lind Mrs, ~nrvin \VHl"nm .. tn Wt' ~ t of tOw.n 1.hl :\ uftt'lnCII JI\ tht· ront('Mt und nW,~tl thun. 1,OnO. stud· !~; : .:~~ ~~:~:lI~ ~h :~ ~ IO. ~'b~rn:t~~~ ~:~: S~~PSt.' I" 1" .l\l! st Sn~(> S (lI" W , .J Wnl"k('J ~ ('hoplf'r No. ;t8. ;Ordpr nf the' Eal't(>rn left T.u for tic Ftlt I Th,' ,I",""" ulklld. ,I,slnd ",eet III I.ubb~"· k SOO/l . Th. ( "'ntl'r, fi,·, t; Ct'eil Phon'. Abcrnnthy. ( ', \I ·,-;.-;;;;--;'-';::;'~ . . ~ M Akeson, S,'c. brcoth with till) Methodist 1'.. -1 .~ .. _ wlnll,ng tru.. k I"nm W,,11 HI ... com pet" "' .. "n

JhotJII. sister Wtls to ))(.tul<- lI s u~y thnt they ,'Iln he c~chung~d hrought by the m"mbel·. were W. J ~ J onlUl was culled 10 tht. nr"n, ion un.! Ilw ·,uhl".'t ,, "~ew. I \\ "lwlIls untll'rene Mahagao. Lake- Abprnolhy first; Beth MeGcehc, Hale for " " " Tr"a . ury.,~ond. 'f surrend,r· much appr.ciatcd Refreshments at WeU. by a mw•• e.that hor ~' rolll Hu~' r " I'" ·W. t,ed fo,' third place. .. C.'nt(lr. second; . ..d bef"r.' Murth .Ith. . fruit j.·lio. rllokies .lInd .cocoa ·wer• . tierio!.ltly ill. . ., ____ "---'-" .T"ullI honors .went to Snyder, li;ilke- Senior boy. dpl'1nmntion: W. A. Interest payment on the Llbe'rty "jI r\'ed to 's lal'ge crowd. The clUb BtI1l. CU~ Or ~ .Ilcom. W. M. S. MEETS VIt'W IIfld Itulllllngwatcr In the ordol' Amerson, Abernllthy, first; John bonds wlli cense after. AI'"I \st. udjourned to meet with MI'\!. A. R Mill Davison loft Tues __ ! numed . . . Boren. Abernathy, second; J. L. Gre- . t~e ~cn.qllry . ~nds wULYlcld Interest. Redinger next time. When the W M. S. ml,1 at th. 1 Cla88 n elementary ~ndlvldual win· gory. PetersbUfirl scnlor airill, Jua. 1ho Fh·.t Nahonol BanK will be glad Those who Ilttended the Fat StOck churrhMnrch 19. Mrs W C Wilhite I nero: l\I~ttlc Applewhite. Hale Cen· nitll Nlcholaon, Halo' Center, flrat; to help owner. of the Liberty bonda Show. from ' here were; Mr. aud ·lith tlleikl¥Dt,ional tcr. first; Elvin Crow, . .Jtllllams . . . effect th9 exchange. and son, .e~ Jrom~hc ~bernathy. LII~eIl8 L Coff-e~' 86th' Psalm, lind 1$, •. s. A. Bird of- on!!; Evelyn Davidaon, Leaohmli1!, I. . Struvo; B1N Gravelle I1l'1yer. . ~COUNT\, WIDE CLUB 'MEE'TS_ nodlnge». . . . . fl C. . Mal·elf ~li~11 "~tnber (Jf It will bo more pleuant to rtad••• The hlllaciel you 1UJl;1 a~ later, One realOn that leriou. attention tn Senator LonR Bud ~h:.~'~~:~o.;;~~~:t::;~~1'~*T;~~~~~!~t!~.::. t II a t the ,overn_, their proJlO~I. t. DOW n~lSar.J I. thllt bOW bel n; ment plnn. (:0 establish a po_erful air 80m! ot thetr ftrlllmtD~ are belDI ad Stop Qnd b, Oo .. ernor hR_ on jJlfJ laland or Ollom, whJeb WiI!! Yalleec! trorn hill pIlCH tl'l the fcdcrul Conricl.r ::: ant tree- to fortifv now that the W.lh &,oVf;!mment. t retn 8lHldftcln,. to the :~O~I~nhRftt:: ~: Illgton eonl'erenee ftll:reemf!oll bave testlmon, before tb. h01lIe eommlttee C!el)led hy thoustmd. ot penple sen.tor - tl lrt'\I'r Ih. "m f' 111 ( ky I u\\rlll''41~ bt!(!n reoudlatt:d and ollr all17 pledp on hlnklna aDd currenel b, lIarrlner Long (!Ialml thAt at Icftl t Ill' mUlion CHAPTER II-Contonued "f)111I1 hi I~JUr Idmhhy h li"I!"" Itt ~11Il: not to torUt)' Guam I. wtped OUt. S Eccles. governor"" of tbe- Fede ral perllO)!. are l upportlng hili acbeme U (jh ~ llIrc Ihn l I'hlt wHuh) 11011. to C~~~nl,~n e!~:;P~ve~,r~~:nh: Resene board lind III .ueh the titular would '(!em to be Ihe tIme, tberefOM ","J Poe hnd hrnU l:hl II hlrgc hilS: .... I ~h build 8hlp8 In which luckier mlln will w(>J«!Ome Sir Jolin Slmna. BrlUl h head of tbe nntlon's bAnkIng .SBlem elthen!! to bl!&l'ln to ann''bu the ThaDkl to al rpltult a. the Grtek reo blm I n IInrls! 8 1011:1 sholl III (rlll ~ I he IHlmNJ or the wurld, tor(!lgo secretar, 10 II coofeNlllee be­ belUoD Is (!rulhet.1 'J nld Gre:tk pa Bfr, ikeles d1d not quite take" Icar o~ 6l'ent& It they "ro Jnltuenced I~ "'llck dllli t 11'1 11 01(1 ) OU rN'lI III tlmt bdlth wUlllrJ ilell to DIME fo r g lnnllJi: &torch.!t. It. ~company ln g Sir Ollt of IhH!" Long" D e -8u('h IImdcrJliII[. _ Time'. Chua ••• triot Venh·.elnl. lending the revolt at boo" ~"l'rl'd my hirth lu), , ' (111\1 ~'(clulllllXJ lIIIlIlIe wuullln th" rUUUlIIU'1I a he would J obo wUl be Cnpt Anthony Eden lord prooched the J)nllition ot l..oul81nna to connection with UIIs trend, It II The WfUI the nge ot seumfr rWI, ned from htl the. AI he ,l!:nvo It In lui n~"et rp"IIM In her 0"" n life llnd nAil IlUI)Qr!l tltloti or todny senator lH'I\\. e\!er, wben he proposed a tnteJ'('Rti nJ: fn ah!l.('.r~e hnw mUch 1<'81, and dlll.'lrrunluent atuthorltl home on t.he Island ~f ~te .e1l088 tire "\\: hnlln blrlhdH)? tA ,Jte In ill'r own mint.! on', the rap belief or 1CJterdny troutle St>nntM I~IJI:' nnd Ute CerllTJ visit ~'Ian wlU 1:0 ttl Ang(lftn scn to on Itnllnn Island for rodlstrlbllt!on of' Ili rome, wherea8 Sen "lilne... ture nr l) IJewrlttl n II,,"es, the ec.stIUIJ' reruge ItoI' J.on a; 1,n& urged a ~1!t rlbutloD of C(lUglllhl "tread\' hll"(> CAU8e.l lor tbe 10 tulk wlUj Sm iCl ll"llders. The Ulrk !l 100Ik trllVCr!h II ot hllhllng ber own book: 10 her owo pdmltllslrntlon It must he I!Illld frank rll fl~tL lI ~ lI l'8 'fill dl!('u~!I legallm " ('{1 rrullK'r t~l(lk Venlu1o, to dR, • lit! tmld n 81 n!fully '" _I lu!!t tbe ll lJthnre ~8 Orellt Hr.tllin (i rnnre italy nod &1 ",Ith 1l4J' ten mllllnn It. Th('v IUI\ ~ trlel1 fi p- h1!nJ! baek !lnd the prflt('('tion- of rhe ltu!ton flat; • mnn dollnrs In DI~t the ho) hrlJl,. 11l1iI: this In" N_IW nil her t\\{otv third blrthdul glulD and a n t'!altero SP.t'urIlJ Illlt'l ""Itll -capltAI to keep tllht sum, p",vlded encb time lheJ' IllIV@ 8U1'.1'!C!mlCd only 1n Then la8t ot the (loot f1ll1t hAd re­ ..., -+_ __",_ ..1 ~wnl 1)",1'111': n, ItUPlltl,,1I tn him unexpt'(' Ii'dly \ n o Mnrchillon batt Polnnd and lllJ381n I..lmllalioti of arm­ InC'Ome "OS redlslrlbuted Mr Ecclc" belled the. ('rolal'r A\'(!roIT flurrendeted ~~~~ 8~~l~h~r;l;en~~D1I~II~ ~~ r t~fll:t~e "0111-1"8 hud Itt>o.Jn @lI:lJ'rlt'n(ln.: Ihe given her bJl(k these dl'f!nms db ho... o.m {> nt by all nntl\lo~ wllIlllso be taken to the gl)u;!rnmenl went baok t(l the dnrll ImDlcdl.lte1Y tol good Ih~ (mild hI:! huw I:rllc(ou! and snn fit ArknnsJlw Ill'm()('rntic IMdM' I'I Unramlllll.r o1i'l1l,:hl nr Ip.Hrlll.i: JJWIIV up. The ~I & U I, eowpllC1ltt'd by a r~ lowlnr tbe WorM "Ar to UlllfltrUllt bta Irlten 8trhl!:!! IIn1 l"llrr.1IH'll rrl Illld Awet!t Iwd tine I he c!luhl bl! tI Van ceDt a nDOuDc(' W@D[ Ulat Oernlanl pos­ argument Rnd "hOlved that ot tbe lOp tbe Rl>nntp. mmT" nlll' nf hll gl"Cll tetll Mtll" St'lJmellog, Germao hl!'tlT'Ywelght nlll. 8.led hl ,}ll rll nt silky Jl:tI t'll pnlll r ~IUtlhl9nn rl'U In \01'1' wllh h~r' ThAt of bflom 'one one apeef'lll'll of erltl rl~1II nt Senatnr l.~n8" tes8ea mUlto" avlaUoo In "olatlon ot the fIO,t war tentfl of ltoltl8-"et 1I\\cel rul!l!'fil 111'0 rlnzen ",.8 1111 s h ~ IIl"1:'dl'd Jilin a brflnk- JlllI t Jlrlll!e ftgbter bent llr aRma. with !chpmea, hut the 1"t!8Ult "ftl onl, I tbe Vel'SHJllu trel!lt1 ~auRt' ot thl, per tenl or the tlmllie. at the top of or tbem I an Intll{ ntlnu (hul wnn,lerrlll thlnp ease and ",fI, '~ow \\'I!' get. BIter" rre8h olltbuut by tho l..ollllllnn,. sena Jt'rance ma, Invoke Ihe ROUle .('("('Itd the income ~J,ed a' mut'h nff 42 per could hUIIIIl'1t Ihnt pm)r ~Irhl "pre Daer. JOU kno9' II thp world I beavy­ lor tnok Sftnntor nohln!on'l own -. It. dozeo anti II hulf )':dltil lJrt.'Ulhcd wltb Italy aDd Ii nnco BrlUsh declore ~nt ot the tnmllles It the bottom of \\bn stllmlllllf'!! !loughl In mttrrl11ge by rich weight champion. The tUtt that be tl word, anll rnntf'rtt'd IhElm tn hlt!l I.tSe awed G~r ~hem~~~~~ ::m!b~I~~= tiUD ac l oudoD 10 SUIIII(lT{ of lit mo"" tlle U,t' hrUI~rmnre he .alet thnl YOlln)( IlII'n tI reported Dear tbe BulilltlaD border a Jew lind llQI ft blllC!'-4'l Pd Nordl(' WIth T rupnrl@d to :rOll l'rM lou. lv thnt tile "Two dotcn ~:.J~ ' to keep Ihe r~lch rrOln a't'rloi: the air the fllflJt le avera.e fOlullv In the hi,; In \m .... 1;: l\IMl. MurehhwfI Afte r all _be,. one teglment part or Ihe ru­ Ihf" hllt'k of hili lI('tul A~ s ttalghl Ill' ndmlnl81rntloll hnd Ilt(>PtlMl) ot on(' Gall hud wnnl hpd thp t'nrd ~I'I'" force omellA.I iUll('lion tome flftsS Irot 08 much All four bUh If 8hu "11.11 JIl ll rrlll ll nt-lilil" Ihl!'! tlnL6 be1Uou. Fourth arm, (lIrp.. bas de nnd down lUI a hMltd fcJU'e t. Mid to time tn tnkl' "rllon Dl!lllnst ~Pnntor Ita wire and Ilrn upen the " e t 1:/" l1red famtlh~1!I at !be \)ottom of the In nexl \ I'll r-u ,1>0011 <,< ulr1 IIIB IllIlt II he dJDed to l!.urrePtier bOI tbe revolution fLn n4\r FIIr BIlle!' Ion:; on Int'nmp In'( Qtlcsllnns. nut VeIOl)e , ttll! lnll fin Ihe t'ltrd .... UlJ rome list had hN II nil 01,1 \Un I" 1 \'I'nt\ f \Ir­ .. deDo.ltely OHr f.leutherlQl hni 11 uiIJ Inftlrpl'Il IlItlot and Nhcra A 8p[tOrpnlh thp pn\\C'rs flint he h ~"f'(Je-­ hlurred but Ihl II'. rtJ s IlnmiSluknhle "Thl, IIfl{,.. tpl,'h (It 1 Iwr ('ftht ",Uti Ihnt \lnll I ' lULl: t u n!Urr} Aml Olin Hloa, u premier qud Icalier of thtl s ~:~~~~~ I~~ ~~ ft ~~F~USR~ nt! ha rd httrluR' 'Nordl(" Ill .... 1.11 ! Baer chiI'd thM Mil, h n Nlllnlp In8t«'lId ot "TwCIlt)' Ill rl"1! times t"l'llt:; Itln.. dip Into pruftt8 rrom 1:01(1 to rp.. unahle 10 use nil 1l\P Inlnme In ('on IJdp. . hlllil nwrn-lt \\null hIS "011"1 flIltUe revult wa9 "",pflrte-d • relu .. L'tli Il'lzure a tll\l yount:: 1(>'011 .... ho 1I1:\11:IIs "hllc he jlllttlrll: l "oll~ lin ... ,. hili pln<'e \\ rmhl IInmpllon"' he ('1lDl ln llP,1 11J(~ y there In Tirt$tont f'n"i1);(h tn '1n!l hi 111'( r'lt' Ih" oHlcr at RbQdes. the tiny IslaDd wb.,~ Juilul ure SC'.f G''::IQ3U or tbo Dullunlll d l'lrt ftghlJl. T h .. nU!

copacity t(l eo,!:!aume" to hlro lUore men, you Ba ld he couldent att'-r b. bad been IBOde(! 10 11..1, b,. OV rldlt'ulft Nn lKllllIl'lun 110\\,,('\ Pf' Ilrose wllhh.l hl'r This .... n. olnlUst un So Mr F..«JII'a t ook Ihl' ('IOlIlUon tbat ",ork tbo oneil bo bad over a eertalo 011. 01 abe reb.1 ",a,.hlpa. G.n Geatl@ thlt'); IIkkmedly aWllre ot . hllll=: d 1\1 II l1l nlr!'l JII Kt tiS tho t'I(1('k Idea that It would In~rwt. lJe pur~baalng ~.t,e'a&6be&'; al'tll!lrll bUll), now vlllltin. Genera) Thp ndmlnlltrfltlan hnll tnM t'nngress Thea It he said well I buve to have what Wenl 011 about Ller or wbnl the flower In ttLe l o\~er brncketL Th@ ROV strurk 1'1 drnw~y el('v'H1 The Lnw laND OR .aD aoaDB or a8... BDJD =: U=l!~~ed8.~1 -:::,. :: Pet'lhlng at Tucson Ariz &8.y'_ Ih1lt It 'l'nnts to kOf'p thp S RA Thrmlgb my place opeo lODger tban tbat, well be othel'l were 8Il111\i .'Ilor DIT('red nn explnnntlon of bow 11ffl("I!8 hUllng lillie to protect rnrelJ evueta ...rd., .,.. 1'\m~tlonlnl In Dflnn!d It Rlrhllt>rtc aut.omn.Ucally blred more men nOI b, llSYRUP PEPSIN , "School tonlll:ht, l'hlI7 Dick os"'~d those tn lilt' lowcr hll'Omc elm'~s wore lockf'd rJO(lt! f)l'rllnps this \I'tli Mllru Sa:ioDlld, au.11I aud Lartqa .011 mlU New Plan. Mm(>tlmes cnllpd the Government compuJalon but by t1eJo "Oh eure'" You don't n-t .m.ta., lor th_ Gwruud GI'Ip ~ 'Am (> rl ~n Is 00 tilt! verge of real iI!('Oo ,otn~ toohtnln prul~PAAlnnot tht' redig. t'llmlm; III Inte lu'rhnp8 It wtr." "!Ill ~ trlu" bo"" be.uu Itl It.thvD.a. lor NRA n~ s lstnnt prf'!htpnl sealt)'. let all tho prices and 0.11 tlIot 1 ber went off tOjtAlher ond In a will puB you tIuoUflh wh_ chain. would lea.e JOU'traDdecl oflldnls. hu' ·ht'. a I bomic ~\'er)' It. D4I mrnl fort'(! and. t1'1bUtN InCflO1e ot the rlt'h lJfX'lIl1l!e Any"")' IlrtlplQI It hnn'::lfl ol;nln IIh" h la belltt"ed UUIot 001, • flOW or tb .. Ihi' lldmlnls lrntJan " take caro of Itself tlte IIJlme as it hnd U.Plll duze 0811 be&OO auhunaUl'lIllJ mlltll'd Ihtl' plnn would humll n Dft tUrt' are lI(tinl1t'l, \HlrklQl Ililt .rJrullu nt j:tl PPf't1 al till' Imlm dill lIot IltnllflRe TO X\~, 111' to bother m mud or aaucl. Fire8tone Groun4Gdp nra. formotOl'eaN, mo.t 1II:ta:raru h-l"",'_ will IUnOt til" po!tltloll '''IR In l'l twroJ't. ttl!' fIIenra te all OUt UYe, It u. IDno undersold anotber .Il. bU810eu or c1eorlns up. lI .. r tor ttc()~~ry and In Mnt of IhlM ypar ",here tht' glluotl nI( III WQuld la lit! Ihh:1 Yo Ith It. dqtb peuull, \ elll~t/ltltl hI .lIp I t pnt 1: (111 hJu'k to ronllnl"",.. (In IIlmnr'( til(. othftt dn\' thoul:htl 8wuru In II 80'a of golden trucb and tractors gh'e the farmer greateet economy eftII' _ork whkh ('sn 00 .. :tllUodE'd" postll\t iy lIor Inter th/lll luly HIt! na mrml'Y hy laXU11 n AI It hOPIIt'J1t'd It Will! n"'lhr>r hut cenaUl to be (Ollr( Ulllrl l lll~d ID Nt)!U n \\l'1h Ihl' s U,:1'I:r lOlln n the pru(lOlIMI man It was dono b)' good ml.ln.agcmo,:nt oilerecl, ....d ftllef hom ~g-e-"dec1 on mud roada .....d in lion \\"lllllllo", the d"llr~ 81iIan 18 o~er" Tllllt Is Ihl' rN. /:lllzt'd \\r>n kn(> !l.tI or Ihnt rollil ('flU I I n It know II, II an,l 1111 !llIe I ua. and blll1l.lw~ h.t~"1 r Hb (" lab­ Th .. mlinPIHf'"J' wilt pltlre lD th .. IJ("W SU -\ should 1)(> l'lIIlftnf'l'! 10 mtHlf>ra ~i UlrOU&lLJ.a.w" or long The kltcben grIP"'" hot thc J:/lS ~ onrt' I Well It 18 II. pl(lnslire to hn, (' some- the p rn~r ums n hun, ('!\ hv ~\ nntlOr ~. drlft,01 hllpplly r ff In' .. Ihp rip""" I I ~ p eoft ground. orate b01DU 111 A!hrna. I\l\Ij bl" falua , It! hn n l:l of lh" rt"df'Tnl r ',",rT~ hAnk .. or Int('rlltnto I'UItlIllf'rN' rhnc I" the bours It wn8 iJecnllllC be Just was 8. bet and y,hlatl(d UnU "nrk.-J on .h hndy .01 Ir IIMt MV 80 "'VI'" thnllll'h IlJp, l.on!: 1111 I I ulhror I uI:hllu IIl1d t1r \ ..r II rt'd IW""II!V tllrf'l \ Illl '!lIn hlll .. n. U.aI')' blHI.! alntll.l, tlt,.-n nH)/\SlIlIt'd $11- "&'\030 of Ilold I."Prtltlrnl ...... llrI n!lnllul!llrntl '" prllpo!W1I Ihnt In t'lxt(>m1 t eo r business hlnn 1I,10ull nl,~ jfl fn!;\!'! rhl S- lhl IVur11 Why eu.n Ftrestone ghe you thea" wonderful new tireI JIlin lI t1;v(> to 1l!t1 1t o"pr and O\tr year "mor" dOl shO "colllU IIhllil) to sohu 111,_11 hhl I I, ~ t lll In hI r llln! IUd will lIIu'l, lie ('UII" 10 ,lubBl m I_I t.4o ulto.1 all fll~rkln~ t"'r ~1:I11( ... 1 I In .. Ihe ~IlA tilt tl\n )Pllrs rrom thp bItu the pr"LL I. III Theto WJla e nough mOILOY spent by with the wlde tread thut witha.tands this ternfie "ull and 11M. Unly tUUI ,-.rUttM 10 PlIOlr" Ute l ilt' L'inlt' .11 111 In tf'tlt'rol rl"I('r"4' n 'tf'>oJO ~M.r ('{.mlll l!' ] lIle 111 IXlllrrr!1,11I lIule It (lycrylKldy running to WU8hlnston OD 8;:lIlnKI ifiiiiI1 eh'ain, and stili dOe9 not destroy the cord hotly' Firestone !llII•• ltllOu.1I \I I, PO!lllllllo;o !I,Q! IIff'" t;-"l'n". Illt" bun.',," .... fll~ I.sut. -- ... would 1111111\ nn" 10 Indu!ltry pn!:I~.'(1 coll e. to pay oft' rue dcproslIlou, and cSemalldll "'HI 110 UlU~ by t ht! l,rPr\l th.. bumilt, N'ul l M HI~'tttM I' \ <,j r 1h" t ;aII'f1nllo IlAIl(l mhl}, VOI (,8 ~~ t(l On 11'1\1 nr Iht' IUllmHII hv I AIOI: nil" In lIu('H or ("{lmnlPtN> ltl\'l I'ndl 11 \ IIr con do this because the bod, of thl.a tire 18 built With tben nil lJu811lCliS got sore... All wa s look ,o'e rQ'lIelll Who "111 rlULIII tllal he r,'nr" ~ .. nIQndl ",srrllnlld to "l'I.lul 17 1n ravor ot the To"nst>lId (lInn. 'MIre Cou~hllu Nnll Iill! 1<' rlll1J~ IIstlJf\OIl\ lIy thnt rurrlt s o ... rol:!S !l IU!l' 11111'11 It" tlle WATCH YOUR Gum ... Dipped cor(i", _ Lmlerncatb Lho t rend, the putcuted IUto 1W11I1I(' howev",r nnr[ de- (,0' e r II tl r &'i'lea lug for the. be!Jt of It In their coU~ i!I nnd took fUnd. rrhtU a h:llIk In l nofe.. lo I 'J AA7 :5(_)411111 Ilnl"e a flPdan l r,.f., tv' rc~oltod RaUl(' 10101 the prof\"StlI v,:nuld ellm f"ul ('d they weDt bOlDe alld el08cd "lip their ~on~lrUt:lIon f{'alure of ."'0 t"xtrl1 JaH~ Nl of Gum-Dipped '-- btl I.s lIUtrt'llll~ rI'd II~ will prot». I Do lf> ftf'f'd n4'l1 hf. bat'itpd hy OIorp Ihnn th E' rl lWlutllln ca lling .on co,," I~r~po.e. rom"s s, nfltor l\ye IlItlte the t'od('S nt rulr Ilrn~t1 N?!1 trl1m abop This other woy c\,(!rybody ,,"0014 IID-NEYS! IIll' move to I'Hrl1 wh.m.. biB t wu tou. to- pf'r (,fflt cold or ~N l N'rtHk'lllt'fl In .r(>AI tu f'no('t Ihp old a~t.' pellslun hilL Cenlral Ban' the !'I:orth 11 n k 0 t a olllll1 t'nlloll to till' IIneall"d M't\11'e In 1I1gh Stret{'h ("ord~ ~I l' " eJ:tra adhcslOn of t .... e Lrt:ml to the hlue beeo on olle tootlns \ ou dOlll geL DOW rulde. Ili ke 1""'r't"(tnlaJ:e \\ bllt will hftlll"'U It Itl not 11II ~" lble fot tile Unlloo Slatel 1m f,:n>lI;!l1\ e with a dURin 811" ('oul,1 not ttll refore apply Be SUre They Properly rord bot), ('nahhn,:: I Lret'otone lin!; tn hold on till!! bL'uvy. __ will ~ the Imm .. dl Ale . IIJlpoUft rarl"'l to pny twenty trmr tbnu •• nlt mllllol] lim ID the 81lnRIe to cr{'nl(> a c."t'ntrlll 10 10('01 Ideh wben you know that eyeryoody II e~en 10 buul'S lind \\0 c:t'8 IbO!W' Cl.a.... tho Blood tough, J!lCle ntifi("aH~ " l'Signed tread, ThlA tire c1 .... 108 ibclE doUntl P'l'r1 1('nr Ihe tOUlI 1'08t of bAnk Senalor N) (lll Milnn hos (.oU8('ft treated like you b~IDg trcatcd T8~ .tmute I OUI('ked down g,.'nllt,Jr I :~dOU;et~f'u..~7· n;ilNJ~~:t":n:JI;h~w:~t,,~~~: plants nnw DD r roc}(,H ,lTlni 5200 per IIInlltb to l!\"J'f mo.n mnn1 hUmorous e:rpl"E'sslu uB. Here we on uny IJ.ndof clav or soft g round, ond the t~od proJt'lCtwrdI Hue, l.OIli: tor bh~ t1H IJU.lIh·rIDx all Ih'" aDthorlt1 to Iqu@ mot>(>~ r~ Mr lilt hl)erJ.: R Itn(etn(lnt Immftdillte PIt_I .1.It.) bave 8 II('lInl N!t:\ "hI g h bUl Wbh:.n WUllld Inllo ' 1IlU'''HJUt 51antHn,: "aUooal bnnlt H G W"UII lit In Aml'rl('ft to "rite and pu8scnger curs. Ir your trn('tor i. not cquJJlpcd with ('on!Wf'\ IHlvE!' AII':rnndpr Ilnmllton, tbt' f'oMmund ImmPrlint(>lr prllt, "'tt"d 118 did rubber tarcs, sce Jour ::&~o:u;l~e .~.(~~ l~ l:a:;~I~~~~ ahnut tbf' ~t'w IIlInl He wll1 nnd first 5~Tp.tffrv of the tren. ;L lJ r~ Wlll lnlll I rl'NI \'Itt ~ I,llnt nt III", Arner ROme JrOl.>tI nppllNlLLle descrtpllove ooPI Senntor I")t' n!hlln((~11 a hili 'lUh lrnn r "d"rullor 0' F.n. h of nearest F U'e1'l lonc SCl"Vlce ID ~11.Verl 1l "II agree that lR 11<1" If It "('rl' ",onfiUI't'I 10 rtw> nor 01 "pollt1t'1I nm"t 9 8trUUII:~ ~r,,1 I NArtnn.1 t ADk OOIH IlUIupd by na atnm.~ Dnd hortlbl1 I!rue:1 OlteJ'JI(loll! lea rn hOWellS) it is tu runke Ihl' I. trul" The thinA' \Ii hldl Re natur rnw til II nl liou nf Inl('rllt1l le N'lDlm«>rNt low.... Luo~ wa. ald~d lil sPnal" r 110.01111 baok ••a;alllAt f .. nt'1"JlI aflt'lIrIU"" In thp ... lfurl 10 mnkeo ftntmnb ~ N,e O\erluoktnl hO""IPver III tlmt Mr Itn l! 111'1' 11(>01 unly to Ihnlle ItHlu Jl lrlflK. tbe changeover. Get our Hltaa l®l.lJOb ot california who rflp!'f\flltnl Din"" on,..h'nth ot U," and other"'I." ocr like burnan beln,.. ~ t ~D aal1Jllton's c.'COIral bank C'OIIfIIISl'd. alul llr IlIlhmln whu III Inbor', re)Itf>Mnl" -elaNd &h.:&t the H'Data abould h.". GaUoa'. cltc:ul.Uol ('urreDt" Tbe ad- AIr Wella _III find th. Dew er. per priooa on n fulliinc of llree bronJ;ht '"1n and grIef to IbOllA8ndlt rlv !'! nn tho Nntloonl IndlltllrtnJ Rerov IOmetblDc 10 .., aboul methoo. for mlnl.,,,Ulln I pl'ClI'I'al1l IIkel, \ tOl1ll10, .Iran,e operaUoo.IJ OD bUllneg and auto lL upplies. aU~fl o. The ~aon It «IIIO(lsed "o1 beeaulM>... lo fOr, honrd when h ~ learned ot &l 'V'fldlDI tbe bUIe aUlD _",ht til taw pertftlll'lent lbandfml'Mnl 0' tb. na meD, 10 mnb them ,pellk the new bull r PNlJdeot. \ Jal"iulO.D bill b.retofore tlftnal ban. DftCe ..blt'll tr.. bNn used I De. lancu a l~ remo,[nc control ot the banking fnelll lUchht>rr II Mntement promptly .ru(_ bHD eooahtered I IUppurter of tb. .IDee Ih. CblJ..., Tb, Clrt'UlaUon I UH from aperlenred b.nkerll. tbe back "'lIh ItO ..mph~lI(' ot.Mnllt1on Ibat wbole tblnl had been turned over to Ih~ rountr, ",nold nol permit aueb acr- =4ent Lo:;:~~::.!.br:::~ :t~: .b':n:!P!:' O:~I~III~I'!:td~~~ N•• Yorke" ~d t~t III sortl the C!'Ootro! of pollUclnDI who pneral Unn ... ."....-'-.~-~..... ~""'~. "naUn'. bOil .r.uln. nel'u,J' Oft .r~I' 22. 10M. ao en pa)' In tant ID '1U'10lU WO)'8 tb, II • .,eaklnc aN elpcrlcnted onl, 10 '11 1ft unthinkable" he &!lId_ -that n. bonul bill ma, ..,,0.r.tD& Ilf aUlD) for redemJ) t1l)ft. e.rnlop ot one day "e,., week n. j)01tUca. It eeem. Pftl"ldnJ:kftl that the rttnttrell will mtMraw the oob orotect od an attempt ••p. to lb. tftUUt7 will retire .11 eenJr1Ua man Wbd h ... ~OOO • ,eu ~1' 11,000 Nortb Dakota leoalor I hould IldYonce Uon thttt Ihe three InUlinn (If' f01Jr mit Uberlll .theme Ole creation II ~ .11. • rhlet to t he hllef DleJlaUr9, be'fle. "rlrrollttoll prh1lere" lind na t~wnrd tu lupPOr' ot JO.:eroo:lellt. .. aj ot linn ond~l'fJnld overworked Ind b.lpo and lDllAtloni," .od I ~n or otber IInnal unke ",tu no lonpr hill" imlt Some coeo ..Ub fillrtr IneGmeir,. tinl, ~nti'.1 bartk .. hlcb one hllDt1rf!d And I", voprkrlra In thE' 1M! t¥lce ,rude. DOW' HORSE>SHOE ~ "... wtlJ lnald 00 b,,,1'11I1 thelr.., sMe Meurtt1 tor 'MUaD« af their 0.. JII. r DOW borrowtOI DIOne, with _hleb 111ft, ,ea. ... AiD reprelellted th@ belgth huv !'! Snme or them .1 a reBult 01 tbe l!ftll('1'1J.. 01 -eoulerYaUem, DOte.. :ur:: .::;a- could tell a more tnt .. xnA sre ror the ft ret lime tn tbel" All Ihul .... II N IIur nnw Orlldu"lI) Tbe N,e leg-il laUOh "118 altered 10 IIv.. , Rflttln5:: onl:\! finy of rest a Wefl_ VI-TAIS., 1I1~ ~ u urI IN\\tI hallllrlf(~tI a .... IIY tuk tbe lima week tllAI Governur Bccle. ADd IIOfnelhlne It Ilttll, better U'Mt lb. 11110: II mntor Ufil botel tea roomll had In III. h'1 ~tml)n, on the coolie ""'" they bu. been ptlld lD rtnl ,lh. UII~IJ CO:~tt-:~ ~~~r:t1i! ::;e ~~~~~~ Ibe IlnRt prfOM 10 t he alHI IndQlt:r1 ,. lle4!'a In tbe bouse that the FetJ (,JI ll 111'10.1 neither Ule monc,. Dor the all NDA oftu to rl\'e 01). a(ld hI sbould h"'e rom , al8 not tnterprellnJ' the (JobltUo 1;1 ' \\ 118 to huld her own ('hlt tthuy. ebuas b1 tl. tederal _"de eoml'Dl. Ibe credit tlon. Ilel'e tbnt 10 the Supr('me IOUM} 'ILlug or a l'urJtUD had frAnk", of • Tb. (n tbl' QO"nll'l, I I)t. ot the United Stale& Out I abuJII..IoneLI II OCItnllalll anLl _ code wUh ""II have dUfttult1 lmp ~tRd b, op1n1onl I wblt"l lu) haLl no ',IlIPlltlll, Dud I::Lllth IChemea .. ~ It~ ndlnl mem*" (It bAd wllhdru n nl'lt of a iL condltlo~(J'1·~Dln. far .wu.1 ,feura "UW~1lll aJWII& wlneoo n~al In ber .ecr~ fl'(llll .:alt'Ulntllll .them been DO of .. A Special Welcome To The- · .. . h .SMITH VARIE7'Y .STORE ~ .Set' Our Specials Before You Buy ··CLEANERS S.··.··ll1lt ·.. . rlammittand Anderson Grocery + .c>- Market

ATTEND THE OPENING OF lA'l yar WI: _pmt .Imolt I milliOD The ft.rly Itt we, pay it equ.iva1mr To Smith Variety Store HALE CENTER'S N!fJW STORE doll.,. to fiod bettcr metbod. of 'to "'bCiut"3 ? "a oro~'epCr '"b-i'ofour ­ pvin, yo u good ttltpbooe .ervice . . inyellmentlf\tdcpbQA~pl'D , t ! . We hjiv,e some Pedigreed Arizona Higeria Theil COllie Around to Our Place -·41_ I,n --'-1 seed-nbw }n Stock. - Variety We paid it to tbe American Tele. another way . ~ ,1"i.'bID ' ,ccot Ind And See Chevrolet's phone & Teu~gr!lpn C O- . ". pit~Q.t __ !~_·. !~~ t.~.~~ry~_oli'.rwct~t'Clvc(rom ' High'est Prices Paid for cumpany of U1 C' BeU S1'tern. For telepbone C'uttomeu. NEW 1935 CAR our PATTON'S Cream. Eggs and Poultrv . it we rtuived, ill aile of' the h .._ Vfl without h, tclephone aer ... ke 'u . Ron ey our of vl.lted r~;~ a,. glad that tho b.glnning HA~~~UT .oo.ted corup;lnltt of tbal SY'lem, r.u, tidea, and •• Iow'ln COIt'-U YOII • Jlpaneae Spring Is ~ . I ______Ibe It'rvicn of A. T.&T.' ., tCl tll'.if DOW r4!('eiv4! would be quite ",alikel),. Panba~dle Prod~ce Winn Motor Co. of I d~b o ne uptrll".nd engiD~fI, We bav'e paned on IU Ihe telcpbonc J. M. LUCAS Stoll Service • .. . 0' COil usetin the Southwcst tb4! ~cfit.. "d Sfore We are always glad Fruin Permanent Waves to serve you in the $1.00 and Up The A. T. & T . hu provided .ub. hviQss of tbis naff w~rk, in the be ~ WI' ·al'(' glad indl'('t\ to weit'OIllL"YOU as a Garage tl:lnti:J ny al (' \,p ,1 Iht' m'An;' tetvice. lief Ib2t.-w. an und4!ruking planned tor WELCOME- SMITH \:ARIETY Barber Line. . ltu. ,tal! ~ r (o 'nu. lu laC-I, In th e ilL'w frlL'lId a.IHI 'I\(' igohhor, alld Wl' trust that 'f.'r:ldOl's. IlIlpknwnts the I~ng run. like the tclephone 1(',. , ,ai l kw )'C IH ~ it 'hu IAken An #(111,,1 vice, .... (' h a polky will in l,be end Cqrne in to See Us YOIl will enjoy a ph'as:lIlt alld profitahle busi - f Engines SPECIA,L / 11 1: (I n 'I h~ wvrk it bu Joudvt tbe bring loU the tQunder. more,ewil.lrinS Try Our ~' Station Iter's and .soIved that ' Country We fa Better than .City Lite " Mr. Joe CosmetiOi WtddbJatou, all'll. NU. ~ke .on and .Loving SOUTHWESTERN BELL TUEPHONE COMPA.N' Call 45 lin. Jack a~t Went kind eno,u,b to n . Rear of Phillips HaUer),. Station TIll' opl'nillg' of YOII,r'YJ.lridy store here is # THY (lUI{ l"EW !\1AHKET ~.. aNt juctce the latte.r dt bate \\i td • Let Us Fix Those Flats ...,. afttmoon. Tbe boy. We" on BARBERSHOP 611 Awotin S~ . alll'wllt illal l'wrYt)Jll' in tltis trad'e territory I Tht, Bpst M,,:t! at The Lowcst ['riL'es loat. But FOR CONOCQ GAS AND GERM PROCESSED OIL is looking' forw:!rd to. a lid we wish you good .. Hale Center Hdwe. Grocery .., For All Your Car r\el'ds hwk alld I,,'sl wi,I,,·, (1I1 your husiness ven­ ., ...... ATTEND OUR •• ture ill Halt' CL'ntel'.· These J . LIFE. FIHK HAIL Moreman Motor Co. I:\'SlJHAl"CE Plymouth And Chrysler Agents . Aclcled Touches /J,'st lI ·ish.,.,· (Ii 11111.' Cel/(",.'s Nth' Store These added louches will mean much 10 WELCOME TOSMITJlVAIRIF'lT the enjoymenl of yqur .kitchen. Through GRAND OPENING . A. L. Kellar For Variety in Your Meals our Match· offer you make a splendid tHY uviDg b-y the purchase of this uio of \Vl<:U.'OI\lE TO (WI{ l'\l<:W . useful appliances - an assurance of Club Cafe , I\E\(;)WOH welllurned 10aSt, invigorating cof­ SA TUR1JA-Y ~ s WE AR[ALWAl~ \\ fee~ and 'delicious walBes. Every , ) Set' l is Ftlr Philm Haditl, alld Tu"l'~ .', , appliance properly .designed for WELCOME- SMITH ,':\HIETY SEE THE THOlJSAND AND' ONE ITEMS OF OUR STOCK Glad to I-Iavl' You Willt e" long wea·r,'·6nished in heavy, SEE THE OUTSTANDING VALUES THAT WE OFFER Ballard Hardware highly polished chromium ON EVI!:RY ITEM-NOTE THE LOW PRICES COMPARE GET R~ADY FOR Y()UH SPHI:\,(; Glad ...... ~ ) ...... - . plate, and fully guaraotced. THE (~UALITY-AND FILL YOUR NE-EDS FROM CON. WORK BEFORE THE LAST WI': I\()W II :\\'E A I\1';W LAm;)·; VENIENT COUNTERS. . MINUTl<~ RUSH TO EXTE;SI> mlH BEST WISORS TO - - _ .• - ... - . __._, _ _ _ _ I Sl IPP),Y OF EIKAY'S WIIITE GET YOUR r ;\!\\' !\I<:W BUSI]\;ESS ENTEHPIUSl<: SJlOE CU:AI\I.:H A!\-(} POLISUEB 1:,\ IIAU-: C EN'IJ<':H S•• e Mor. BIG9cSALE Tractor. '1'1 I EHEFOHK-", Pinson Drug et.n 1/31., . ,~or our Opening~k we AI'e Staging a Big9¢ Sa~ . HundJ'ed~ of Ilt'TIlS are OIl sule for' only &¢---even ,our big- circular-cannot -list WE ,JOIN Ir\ WELCOMlN(; thcm all--hut you 1 ~'1n Ik ~ur~ ,that nev~r' before , hus t/tere- been ·ltepairs Best Wishes' . pl'e~e lltcd- such an opportumty to buy needed merchandise at Such a • • low ' , TOTHE \ ~ r\l<:W VAHII<:TY STORl<: \ t May Yom' OPCII. illg' Day He As - -\' \. NOW! smllH VAmElY Big a SlII'l'ess As As O~II' New Friend And Neighbor We \Vish ¥ouSucce.'lSundPrQseperity in Your New Undertaking. · . " ...... nenr . TIle Creenln:nlJ leo' cop \vnt cI'08€1eil b; t10g "I('(I ~ ~ , rt'rtnl ,Disco hny 011 the Dionne Quintuplets w~a~ c tll1 ~ t In RC'nreshy 8!lllut1. by II British C:i IH·dlllon . Ipd hy Murt ln 81('18n; o ll\'i'r H lullne. the ir grnndra UI· t.!r!.(fsIfY, II fie! wh \.eh the pllrt y have beeD Plan Board of Guardians to pl1 shcd 1I01l1lJ\\,:JNt with the (lr; W . H . A l .I L'I · ~ ()n , h('nd ot the Red I"lI rn li el alIliuo,lIO Prevcalt Exploitation. CJ:'O SB In \Iorlllllrn Onlnrlo, IUU) Ke n.. (,(lnsi tilt n(>:1r11o' 400 mlleR. trnt'(lrllll lnl; in accepting lIl'th 1I 10I'rll"II', ('ul! nnrlt!f uH.'rchft nt. ftreVlollHJ~ Ilne ~ p l ored territory. be­ , ""!l Bayer article)'Oll tWC(m SI'oresbl sound nuel AIlgmn",· Torollto,-TJIf)' rr'I'llburn g(l\'crllluC!nt lintl trlcnd of Ihe (1III1I1 y. All of tlH:'~fl snUk, 18 prepored to crlmt, 0. now blJHrd ot 'll'(' lum it'f1 n li · ('o · ~t! f l'llduU I8 til the suit 00 gunrdtUll8 tor tb.~I"n~ - ~""h'rnwm - ',~~ tuplet9. If such II. step Is nCl,\' t;S nry 10 Premier 1Ip.I)burn . t tl~c. be is- not Bil Fi ... re. 'or Relicf NOW~ .8Dteguiml them trom ('.xploltnlloo, con«'rlll'd n8 Iu \I·hetlLer.Mr, and Mra. "\\'hnt Nlmcs nft~ r 0 1>l)lIon1" :!:""~~L~,~"',;!'':l \,*+- The 'Gn lnrlo-Ieglslntnrej- I' Its, llfea· DIonne· op)lear on tlte IItage or DUt. ' otlkcd tiJ(!' I;lrl wbo Wile copyloi sta· ent lIesslon . .may be asked to consUtute ·'The),. hnve po ,'niue, except 81 the tlstlcs. Itaelt· the protector ot the world'lI Ulost parents of Ih~ qulatuJllet4," be 81.1" 15~~ . " RlerS Oft Ge~,!J•• Io,..,~",. tamin\s·bllblea. and to pllll special leg" "But 1 IIhould be surprised It the Amer· Rodi~!y hcf"",d OD AJI' 'liN . leln-tlon In their behalf. . teftn ~ u1borUi es would 8UO~ ~!lble. to ThiS Is the answer given by Premier be e xhibited on the stage. We wo uld Mitchell Hepburn. to Ul-e $1.000.000 euU not permit It In OntarIo. The whole for breach or contrnct. DIed In Chicago bUlIlnCIII Is • dl 8lffaC~, ond r deprecate by lvao I. Spenr. llromote r. agl1lO!t the to the fu)lcst extent, the- d luuatiOI tn­ ond or the quln .. ('Idents Whi ch hnve (l&v!)lor.ed. We are flon, ,ft.. \Y .. JtoebucJt.. nttorney· l)lll l olllK to let thelle c'b lhJren get loto ot Oo,,,rlo, and a. fiumber ot the hauds or IIclt·seeklog promoter.," "-HEARD THE NEW. S 1 1+1£ and Amerlcap publiShing or .. • ganlzftUons. Ch. ,,,.. Orok,n P.ct, Creation for Spring Spenr alleges tliat three d3f11 atter the birth ot thu Dlunne ea lust May. their falher sh:cned a contmct glv .. Int; his organh:QUnn esc)utllve rlglttll to BAKING POWDER IS NOW eshlblt th('w nnd oil otber ruembl.'MI ot tho family. aDd [bot this hall. s ince booD \'I()lnted. In the.. worh! of morul vr. luel th~ Uepburn dl... ·lftre s that "If tli('re Is IllW dOllllnolt'8. MUI'der. or wilat, f -A POUNO! Inc ~ m, and lar):'e r ar tu ('halr8 be tn· nlly ocll.on t he I~ Jr I "hH lIr e ('nn tuke to eHlr the ('rlnlt~ IIln)' b" . III a lwnrll 0 ~' Ift.. 25 t r'Odueed. Tho table wh ich Will nde­ latJon of the ftx t>d order.or the mflral pre vent th., explnltntlon or the!!t' qua re th ~ ba lJl l!B. Wl' IIhnll nvnll ourselvcs of It." In artll\ll roolJl ('1m bec.'Ome world .. Nu per son can es~nlle. Ue Olll)' one or tile tildeIIIhle 8 IUld " I""'ger one. .. Altorney,U('Il('rnl Uoobuck bos al · or m tll'''!! or B.I'IJrllXllIlntel)" tbe aamCi ready d{'clll.rl·d the ('Olilrnc[ with !illenr FLAG.AlIENGEIt BIle, caD lIullolement 'tt. lIull nod void, IIn!1 11111:1 wnrm!d th~ [,tv·

. Co be turnl!lboo -.t b the Oil" It hI" Rt!I!kll to Ilrt'M hl8 o.'1 lml. In I bedroom the opporlunlt, to In· of iI rough CI'C I) e Ilnd pnt III Hr.alnt to make It .eem to bove IIp.l''t'. !llldlnn l·uu rl8. h~ de-elares, would lie..... ! '\'".S II: :I"~O :: .l g ' :~:I~t l~I~~I:'d h:~\\~~I~'U;~;€,I~~ tr .. ," 0111'· .. · 1'" lI rl'£! HI thf' np,.fI)lldl of e rente I)I~. la alruotlt 1111 ( rent u 10 Impudent 1lttle ~ontm stlng bow It 'l'be bomemaker mao )' be dfJ ll, with er fUlhdlon tlUch a contruct. wblcb Is fanrrl n &: In "(JUl' .'\lJwrl('nn l~II .. ID." 1.0\'11 nnrl I hA rW' $l!lr{' 1101n~ o t l:ond. (he '11,,101 roo m.. Th ~ be-t! !l h!.de need· tbe thront for nddcd cbl~! Ittraltun .hleb fUlIL ~ e r ....m •• bot Ub· ml.:ht phlce the 1I\'e5 of the the bullies ftnd in tho ftmJh'liI'f' will ll" no IrSII It. c . .. ~(' l' k' Pf'Ii{"'. nn,l "'lJIme It. " It ed ."111 be DO tonc",.. for tbera fa • rer· Pattero 0980 may be ontpred IHI It ean be bouled and 1@fl 1U. to nr In Jeopardy, person tba'i:J Ihe Chl(' r EX(!{' llt!,·C or Ihe IR IIfll "Mill:" (or n "l!'IIf'''t!r 10 refrain utatlon leogtb tbouCb wldUl1 m", dlf, tn abe" 14. 16. 18, 2(), :12, 34. Sa. earredJJ Il1to the &f'N. It !l\\fll ·nttup, . aw.rdl.n. auad. Too.. natiou. from confll('t, 11 (' must bend (,,,cry ter. It wUl pro.,e~ wtee to let II IIt71. nnd "0, . Size 10 r equires 3'" 1ard1 -It elll u.. to be teft lInpurl'hued. It wu ftt Itoebuck'" rt.'queat thut the So-"OeC'Ortl1(' thp. 1'001' In whkh the eOI'ft: y In Ih(' dlr(',·t·jlln o r Il{'nce, tor the 4lpertment wbleb "lit ,In the 39 Inch labrle.. I'r('sldent w JII sit.. Yell, ot l 'OUrSl" It II. Inee. tlv•• to Christian Living Or tH OuClt~ 0' ~I K'M t6 ftltd' bou. tmp"""oft or aulJ1cleo( fr"me"nrlE eourt of NlplUlng dilltrict appointed .. Complote, diagrammed sew Out . til til tll. roo_ mUtt I»e curtailed 110 a board of four gunnll nn8 tor the quia .. ..bea put 1011) lar, er room.. The IDeladed.. ,~... t " . t.wnf!M of Article. ~mt "lbu t" tupl e~D. A, n. Duroe. their pbf.. Oft' the race with • bandellu lS ~~~~~d ~t~ u ~~n;~~d"~II~~~ ',:~P. I :em:~~::~ I ( ,. ~: '!~~:)~YCA ()f Ihe IAlrrl DI'Q oVj>r dN!uer CIIn be .QPplemeoted b,. IA tull.. 90.4 FIFTEGN CJl:NTS In to Cbe Ut't'f'G .d~ aPPftrfthMt of the 8u7.)'·s ItHe SI CI'@Atlon tor sprlog. It or Ford's tlll·nI N . ' I th j· rl~hl"'111". tm(j hi s (>lIrs Ilre 011('11 Ill ee bureau and the former bet'mUei lltampJ (COlD'll llretcrred) tor ,aaftL Tbl!re are Ulf1 pt wheft tbl. lat .. 15 of brown rtlllToli Mt. ruced with The pIli, 11I'~ l n !l, UIU' III th(' mosl unto Itlt'l r l.rn.n'rR·· 1 ~' . 121. nod Olll l be dreulll8 table. The desk wblcb Be lIu re to write plainly .. ptau .. _ I..,.t. Th .. l. _ ben an mnl('hlll,t! ~ lI k fI~ l d ('l\rrll'lI • belg .. npprl'..t Ul hf' In I.Ullrn h"I'II" '!! nlJllh'n.·l' .. nl)' tOI!I' 1'I II.IX·Olllll "t thf't r j>(forts tot OO('f! . .. rl&: ht for tbe 1I t' lnlt room ot Paris Police MUlt Pall Igart{DeDt til bela. tllrnlAbOd nut for tou('d quill. ADDRESS. lb. S'rY"" , 'II that Qul('1 "1I,I .fue, ·u I n t ill' ~tJI ~ (I rlj!llh"'II !ll y. hilt hlil {'III"!! 1Ir. ll(lI,n tbe apartmpot roo I",<,ome ODt! of the II1Il1I 11 \'.' 1l8elf, but with lin e,.." to nHrf"lfIt; IhCo Difficult Examinations aDd ~IZlD ot encb pattern. : 1.IOlt: . II' IWll r Ihl'l r (' rlf'i'I fllr hrlp. (' homber plec"CS. to' or Ibis '0 be the Send . your order to S\>wlng ~ quar t.r . In th~ nflu '\Hurt', T " Parls.-Clllldldo(e lJ ror the police A Rlf' ndl'r ,la rk \''''111 1: !III '" t'."f"r ll It :: "'1'11,· flll"t' II f 1I1f' Lord 11'1 nl{ lIl ns t ('1, M(>. I hc ' WOlo

I Abernothy; Marie Kinc/lidc of -'Ii :~:~~:~~~t:~:~:~~;~~~~:P~;;~~i~}:.~~an~,d~' ;'c~T :-HiifoCciifiihOll"iP80n, ·r.THstaiice ·ene-Jiines 'or'-Sn.ilToWiltel"L~:'~:k~~~.~~~~:;:~~~ ====~,;.;.ti_!!!!~~~~, h9TIOl'i~>-UIj!.iO'U-JlilUl-..1UI.J.t-!..--"i6;""'"i " ~~·~o, ' Mrs, L. R. Kincaid", aitd .Jllmes Reed .------...... --: 1 HlO-.,yard dash- Shipp, Hille, C,entero nllowater~ visited in the W, D'I LUtfick, Hal~ Oe~,; ROI\~k. Abernn- Hanoi home Sunday, Poot\!.PettlFibufj{' Time--;-. 12, MI' Bnd Mrs: ? L" Anthony of Lub- I SELL YOUR CULLS .l3tOl.ld jlllnp-:,ThoIl1Psoll. Abe.fD,atbyll!!cl<,yc}:e _ ",s,ting In the Crud), KEEP YOUR PRQDUCERS 11~==::lil;I~$~n Abernathy; Wylie, Pet4rs· Brooks home SaturdllY. , . ' ShiP. Hale, Centel\--l)ist-ncl> ' ..M~. R o., , ~Q?~cr and chlldl'en of Plains Cooperative. feet. .". . Lubbock arevlsltmg In the Charles Inc • . Rale Center (Shipp, Dent, pannell home t his week 11-______11' _._~ __. ~., ,= Lutrick); Time "':56,9. , Mr. and ltfrs. Hobby Tbomas were Pillll-up- lIlyst,el 'Abe;natby; Thomp among those who attended the Fot. 1______-:- ____--. 24 times, Stock Show in Ft. Worth lust week. . LINDSEY ' .. .- - - Dr. Hutchinson Winners in the, plllygl'ound , bl!lI Rev, R 'R. Gilbl'cuh WM coiled t') ; F _ ~ H I Eye, Ear, N'o~Q ' aljd T/U'oat were: 1\11'61' sel'iOollrlrli; , ' Li\ke" "\l"~" :"Olton to conduct th~ funeral .of Mrs, ' UnCI',lI orne ant Dr. 111; 'C;-QVertol1 . , first; Snyder second; Liberty, third; t A. McClain, Monday He was ae- Alllhukll1ce Service Diseases of CliUdfCD H41e won the Ihlfh $chool ward sCboo!s, juniol' girls, lIak. Cen. companied by MrR, C~n!er GiII,)J'~8th" PHONE 6 Dt'. J.P. junior diViSIon with 27 1-8 points to tel' fil'St' Cation Center second and 'Mr, Reed left ,Inst wrl'k for Cahf- LaWmore General Medicine 25 for Abernathy 8nd 4 l!-lI for Peter~ Petcrsbu;g, third; clnss high school omia. .. " Ii '11 Plai.llview Dr, F; B. Malone . burg, There were only three team~ scnjo~ girls; Aberr.athy. first; C9tton _.__ ' ______... _ ...... _.. _____ Eyl.\, Eu, Nose and Thl'oat. LelIPI4II~_IJl.~Ulli+_en--"teuredJ, JJ"Sh!pp o~ Bnle C~~tC I' was In· c~~:~~:e:~~ ~ rluss B high school : I FREE' Dr_ J. H. Btllea- high With 14 .pol?ts. Petersburg. first; HIII~ Center, sec.. Surrqrr The , :Ward School dlslslon went to ond ; war!! school. , junior 'boys; Aber-, Dr. H_ C. I\tuweU Abenllithy with 45¥., points to 10% nathy, first; Cotton ('ent. I" "econd; lib General (l\fedicine for aale Center, the "nly other ~n - Hule C.fill'r, third: I'urol schools, I A Ilother Set Of try. G, Down of Abernnthy was hlgt, boys: \~,:('st~ id~, first: Lak ev iew, sec- DISHES indlvidua,l with 12 1-4 pomts, IInll; ('I('ment8, third. j:I,': ," I,' • • . - , I. ~c, ~~~tuJ:~:~:~:~O!?!~ Tlw ,summary follaw. : Yolley bnll: Lib"l'ty, ""unty winn .. r; Be Hl'r(' Saturday • Obstetrics Dr. J, S, StanloT ClUB B !leniof8 e1nss\ B schools" Hule ('clltel', ,first; ' :\' \\' I '1'1 N THREE TItUCliS EACH WAY Pole vault--Wlritllrre, Hal. Center; Cotton ('('ntt'r, ""001,,<1: Petel'Sburg, f 'c ' e eOllll' 1(, . ew' !YA Urolugy and General Medicine Harlan P"tersburg; Vineyard, Abel'- thil'd: Variety Store [)AILY IlETWEEN C, E, Hunc J,H. Felton I.l!BRU('\i. Al"1l A~I ,;\RII.LO Datby; C. Hill'lfln. , Pel"rs ~ul · g , Tenni;'. boys 'doubl,'., Hole C.. nter, Suporintelldent BUsiness" Mgr. A char1cl'ed training school (or Shot lIut-Boone. Hal~ Centel' ; Tar firot: Pel.{'rsburg. second; I:itls sing- Fa.t - Safe - Economical nurse. is conducted hi connec- • ver, Abernathy; HavenhlJl, ,Aberllllth) Ips, Petersbul'g, first ; Abernathy; Davia, Halfway, Distance 35 1-5 feet. ODd; se~ I' R"IG-, HT PRICE tion with the sanitarium, ==:;;;:;';;;~:;;;:;;;;:==-I 100 yard dllllh--:-Driver, LakeView: Rural pentathlon: Dirver, ~kE'viE'w l.antroap; ·Lakevlew;· ~tovall, Pewrs Davis, H.lfway, seCond: GROCERY AND MAKRET burr; 8oont>, Hali, Center. Tillie: 10,11 Ntv .. ns, 'Slonl'back, third ; Stockton, '''Wher" You'll G.. t Many 8orll'ain~ " HI.h Jum~ettle, Ab ... rna1lty and f.a ot Mound, fourth. • I------:-----'Ii;;::: Drlnr. Lakeview, (11("0.: Rlteft'y, Ward School Hale Center '22Il , lIel" Center ....1 C Higgms, Pet ....· 50-yard d".h-W.. i1, Hal~ CentE'r; 0 R 0 IS 67 ~ ,N Cou»- .. - .. -- ..... __,166 burl, (tied for third and fourth) Webb. Elroy, nnd Brown, Abl>mathY' 1 •• • NOW " C Always· • Ford U!~.. ~"""'_ COU~ , ' ::: Abernathy, • tl"d), Mllhllgon, Lake· nnthy (tied) Dlstanet-4 feet 7 in : and dog_ of RUlllllng Fit., t'or Snl,' Adults 20(" - Children lO¢ s.dan . .-.. ao lvlew 100-yord do,h-Elroy, Abernathy, I b) ) ~"~··' .... i~~°:J!'I~ TIl40r Broad Jump- - DrI~e r, l.ak"\'It'w, Oown, Ab~mnthy, \\'ell, Hale Cen PINSON DUU(; CO. 11 Coupe -_ .. ----- ... _,32& Tarver, Aberlrathy; Stovall, Pet~r. ler: ROIr~rs, Ab .. rnnthy Tim e-- l~ 4 ii_iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiii __liiii~ I Friday & Saturday Nights - ~IW. new motor - ~ bur.1 , Hale C'IIIt"r Dlstonce I Broad jump-W"bb, Down, Wesley, , 1 V·a Coup., new motor __ ....76 19 ~eet 11 1-2 inC,hes , Abernathy: W.. I Bol. Cent~r DIS I Save Your Ti~e. ~.abor :\ En' .\(,TION THIUI~ LS 1 , V.. rcmSor ---.---.-----' S600 HI~h hurdl .. s" ~. flllrlrlllS" P~~~. - I tanc('-15 foot r. inches And, Expense .. , A \\,AIT YOU! tItLu. ~outh Collpe : $600 burr. Settle Ab.mothy, Vlnp)~ld" Relay- Ab"rnnthy (Elroy, Brown. By D~i~~\tY~:e Laundry 1I1~Ch.vrotet S~n. l~t 711 Abernathy; lIotlan, P"t ...burg TIme llown, Webb Tirn<'-68,6,. i! , lib new. . . ,3 10.1. I Pull-up ..:.... Mauldin, Abernathy, Ford Roadster $101 Low hurdll's,- [)I'i"pr, I..ak.·view: , Thompson, Ab"rnothy. Selfy George' O'Brien \,883 V~""'167 ClOMd Cab Vln"yard, Abl>rnRthy: J Harlan, I Helpy , I~-- 5,1""',.. D-W Truck, ,".. $1&2& Petersburg: C f~i"in., PNer.bul'll 1 IWv. r.nd Mr. M. E. Foirchild, }fat- LaundrV \ ,y..&-16'l Cl0614 Cab Tlrne-29 I. , I ti,' Bruton, Silos McG,,~ and Mr. , H: (In Old Jordan 1'1.",) 1\ Z.\\E (a{l~:Y's t

G ,oo/J Ga. with D, p<'Ildab'_ ', .. ,;:""