Paris, Washington DC, 19.10.2020, 01:18 Time

USPA NEWS - Two days after the terrorist assassination of Samuel Paty, a history professor, tens of thousands of people marched in Paris and rallies took place throughout , on Sunday 18 October to pay a tribute to the martyr of the Republic.. The investigation into this attack is in working progress, knowing that eleven (11) people are now in police custody, knowing that in terms of terrorism, police custody in France lasted up to 96 hours.

THE CONTEXT OF THE TRAGEDY IN CONFLANS STE HONORINE------Friday, October 16 Samuel Paty, a history teacher at the Bois d'Aulne college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, was beheaded by an Islamist after showing his students caricatures of Muhammad as part of a course on freedom expression. Two days later, thousands of people gathered across France to pay tribute to him. Ten Thousands of French rally in Paris and elsewhere in France, to pay a sad tribute to Samy Paty, the martyr of the Republic. Across the country, demonstrators took to the streets to commemorate the memory of this professor who left too early (more than 3,500 people in Dijon, 3,000 in Strasbourg, 2,500 in Marseille etc ...). All over France, this vibrant tribute resonated. Everywhere in France, this immense cry of unity resounded.The French Presidency indicates that there will be a national tribute for Samuel Paty during the week. THE FRENCH ANTHEM SUNG FOR SAMUEL PATY THE MARTYR OF THE REPUBLIC------In the Place de la Republique, in Paris, a large crowd gathered observed a poignant moment of silence. It is a strong moment of sadness and solidarity in homage to Samuel Paty, this history professor coldly assassinated, savagely handled, in Conflans-Sainte- Honorine, by a young terrorist.------The people gathered, had bears of flowers, tedy bears, lit candles in sober ceremonial and veering to console the sorrow of the professors who came in great numbers in solidarity for the victim Samuel Paty, almost considered a martyr of the Republic, then sang La Marseillaise the French national anthem. In the first row appeared apolitical men and women, such as Prime Minister Jean Castex, Minister of Education Jean Michel Blanquer, former PM, , of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, President of the Ile de region. France, Valerie Pecresse and Jean Luc Mélenchon, president of the extreme left LFI.

"CUT THE HEADS BUT YOU WILL NEVER KILL THE THOUGHT"------The majority of those present were made up of unions of teachers, and young schoolchildren, and students, associations defending freedom of expression and . Among this crowd, people also came from all walks of life, from all religions, gathered to unite in unity. Roseline Signoret, a 59-year-old designer wore the following slogan on her banner, in rethinking of the barbarism followed by this married professor Samuel Paty “Cut off heads! You will never kill thought “. IN THE SAME EVENING, A COUNCIL OF DEFENSE WILL RESULT FROM CONCRETE ACTIONS ANNOUNCED BY PRESIDENT MACRON------The Islamists will no longer sleep peacefully in France "has shifted the President of the Republic, at the end of the council of dense which he summoned urgently, that is to say 48 hours after the tragedy of the beheading of Professor Samuel Paty. A defense council, which was held at the Élysée Palace on Sunday October 18, "started at 6 pm", according to France 2. "All the ministers present consulted for 48 hours, they came with very concrete ". At the end of a defense council of two hours and a half 2:30, the Elysee ( French Presidency) indicates its willingness to carry out rapid "concrete actions" against associations or individuals authors of hate or support messages after the assassination of the teacher. The Elysee (French Presidency) announced this Sunday that security in schools will be reinforced from the start of the school year.

231 FOREIGNERS TO BE EXPELLED IN THE NEXT HOURS, ANNOUNCE INTERIOR MINISTER------Gerald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, in particular demanded "the expulsion of 231 illegal aliens, registered S for radicalization, a measure which could take effect in the coming hours", according to France 2, TV. Other decisions should be taken to better protect teachers who face threats, including on social networks, and prevent Islamist propaganda. The Minister of the Economy, , "proposes to strengthen the controls on the financing of a certain number of Islamist associations". THE MINISTER OF INTERIOR AND JUSTICE WILL IMPLEMENT CONCRETE MEASURES THIS WEEK------The Interior Ministry has identified 80 messages that support the action of Samuel Paty's attacker. From Monday, proceedings will be launched against the people who disseminated these messages, reported on the reporting platform for illegal content and behavior on the Internet of the Ministry of the Interior. IN TOULOUSE FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE RALLY IN CAPITOL IN TRIBUTE TO SAMUEL PATY------The forecourt of the town hall of the Pink City was crowded with people this Sunday from 3 p.m. Nearly 5,000 people according to the FSU (Unitary Union Federation) were present, responding to the call of the teachers' unions. After long applause, a Marseillaise resounded in the arcades of the Place du Capitole. 12,000 PEOPLE IN LYON AND NANTES PATY TRIBUTE TO SAMUEL PATY------In Lyon, where Samuel Paty had studied, at Lyon-2 University in particular, more than 6,000 people came to pay homage to him on Place Bellecour. Many teachers were also present to defend their profession damaged by the death of one of them. In Nantes, 6,000 people gathered around the monument to the 50 hostages, brandishing the front page of the September 2 issue of Charlie Hebdo, which had republished the cartoons of Muhammad on the occasion of the opening of the trial of the January 2015 attacks. . During this time, the investigation progresses in accelerated to identify the culprits of this barbaric assassination, of this professor, Samuel Paty, appreciated by his entourage and his pupils, who only wanted to teach the "freedom of expression", at Conflans.

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