~ •¦^vt-. ,o *•;•* t- fiimjllini.il'^.iU.ijgl^lJJ¦ W!g*P^Bj3PM! ¦ * "./ ' J r ; x / «’ ;- &4l fs ¦ THE EVENING STAR A-17 |||||Pp|gp / Washington. D. C. ** s —““ ** Grear, Bogart MAJOR LEAGUE BOX SCORES MONDAY. MAT 21, 1»58 REDS, 5-4; PHILLIES, 1-6 j jINDIANS, 6-5; ORIOLES, 1-1 DODGERS, 5-5; CUES. 3-3 ' Stewart Gains Finals liffll»H^B* , i Take Title in FIRST GAME FIRST GAME FIRST GAME In German Tennis Cincinnati A.H.O.A. Pblla. A.H.O.A. Bsltlapre. A.H.O.A. ClntUsi. A.K.O.A. Chicaia A.H.O.A. Braaklyp A.H.O.A. BERLIN, May (JP). | Temple.2b 5 2 13 Ashb'rn.cf 4 13 0 j Adams.3b 412 0 Busbv.cf 50 3 0 Mlkitt.3b 3 0 0 2 Gilliam.2b 3 111 f 21 —Hugh Frailer,U 4 0 0 0 Blayloc.lb 4 010 1I Dorlsh.p (10 10 Avila.3b 514 5 Baker.Sb 4 12 2 Reese.as 1112 Stewart of Los jObb# Rb'sonJf 1 00 0 H'm’r,ss2b 4 0 3 2 . 2Nelson 1 0 0 0 A.S'th.rf.lf 10 4 0 I Fondy.lb 4 1113 Bnlder.ef 32 3 0 Angeles yesterday i N%SKJHMn (SE* , hI^H ; Boyd.lb-If 4 3 8 0 7 ; 40 Camp'la.e JBHk WJmma Belief 4 3 3 1 Ennls.lf 4 110 Wcrta.lb 33 0 Banks.ss 12 30 8 0 his way Up Klu'skl.lk 4 110 1 Lopata.c 4 3 8 1 1 Phil'y.lfab 3 10 0 oc'l'vlto.rf 0 0 0 0 i Moryn.rf 4 110 Hodg's.lb 4 18 1 i stroked to the finals of Member-Guest Post.rf 4 2 4 0 O’rboua.rf 4 110 1 Fr’nc’na.rf 4 0 10 Ward.lf.lb 4 3 3 0 i King.lf 4 2 3 0 Robl'n .'lb 4 14 2' Jab’ski.Sb 43 13 Jones .'lb 30 12 2 OTdner.3b 4 0 13 R't’l’do.3b 4 110 I Whlse't.cf 4 12 0 Amoros.ll 3 11 o ¦> an international tennis tourna- Bailey.c 3 0 8 0 K'i'skl.2b 2 0 10 f) Dterlng.cf 3 0 3 0 C'r'sq’el.aa 3 114 Landrlth.c 3 o 3 0 CimoU.lt 0 0 0 o R Jim Grear and his partner, . Gramas.Bß 2 1 O. O 2B'mholti 10 0 0 it H.Smlth.c 3 14 1 Naragon.c 4 0 5 0 i Brosnan.p 3 0 14 Furillo.rf 4 0 2 II ment with a 6—4, 6—4. 6—4, 4 1 1O 0 0 i'i Ralph lCrowe 1 0 0 0 Smalley.ss 0 (I 0 1 1 Mir'nda.ss 3 3 Lemon.p 3 0 0 3 IKellert Drysdale.p 30 0 0 Bogart of Chevy Chase, , Bridges.ss Roberta.p 0 0 0 Wilaon.o 3 0 0 0 Lown.p 0000 Labtne.p 0010 victory over Milan - 101 l 2 i Branovic of. m JBnc *»»<* £>lMbl # JOr may . Fowler.p 4 111 B.MUler.p 0 0 0 1 Schmlts.p 0000 have set some kind of a1 3Hemus 0000 ?, lHale.lb 30 8 1 Totala 33 824 13 Totals 27 727 6a Germany. Flowers.p 0 0 0 2 record for teaming in member- I Totals 84 734 5 Totals 33 837 IS 1 Popped out tor Brosman tn Bth. Stewart will meet Vladimir Totgls 37 13 27 9 Totals 1)2~5 27 10 out, guest tournaments as they wont ¦* 1 Grounded for Brhmltz in 7th. Chicago 000 010 200—3 Petrovic of Yugoslavia today for out 3 Struck out for Dorleb in 9th. Brooklyn 003 i Congressional Orounded for Orammas in Bth. 3 000 2uz—s the 9th annual 112 out in Ran for Wertz in 7th. ’ the title. Yugoslav orounded for Kazanskl 7th. Runs—Fondy, King (2). The defeated Country Club member-guest yes- 3 Walked tor B. Miller in Bth. OOO—I Olllitm. Baltimore oio 000 Reese (2). Snider (2). Error—Campa- ; Steffan Stockenberg of Sweden, terday. Cincinnati floo oil 030—A Cleveland 101 003 3Ux—6 nella. Runs batted in—Reese, Snider s (3). Campanella, - Philadelphia 000 000 loo— i King. Fondv. Whlse- 6—4, 10—12, B—6. They had 1 Runs—Diering, Avila. A. Smith (3). Two-base hit—Reese, ¦jl—6, 6—l. 7-under-par -s»n, „ a net Runs—Bell (2). Klussewskl. Wertz. Colavito. Errors Regalado, Home runs-—King.three-base x %%» Post. ' Phllley. batted (B), his—Snider Fondy. best ball in the title match, five 1 Orammas, Ennis. Errors Orammas, Runs In—Ward Snider Sacrifice—Snider. Sacrifice Ily J . Bailey. Runs In—Temple. : Miranda. Avila, Wertz (3). Reaalado —Campanella. plays—Fondy * batted Post : Two-base H. Smith. Home Double to ... ~ ah under without handicap, in a (2) Ennis. Kluszewskl (2). hits—Ward. ' Banks to Two-base — Fondv: Banks to Baker to ¦ ( AM «**'• 1 runs—Avila, • Y < -••-\ ... ?Ib , hits—Lopata (2). Post. ; Wertz. Stolen bases nnd earned runs—- ¦ (3-m. nicely Flowers. 0-0: off Fowler. 1-1. Winning • OH 0-0; , Pitcher—Lablne Losing pitcher in the qualifying round 1 pitcher—Fowler (3-4). Losing pitcher Wilson. 4-4: off Schmitz. off —Brosnan (0-2). Time—2:lß. (4-4). Time—2:lo. r Dorish. 3-1: off Lemon. 1-1. Hit byr for a 68. In the first two rounds g pitcher—Bv Lemon (Boyd); by Wilson (A. Smith!, wild oltch—Lemon. Winning ! BECOND GAME of match play Bogart had indi- SECOND GAME Pltfher— Lemon IH-1). Losing pitcher— ; A Brooklyn Carl jii< . Cincinnati A.H.O.A. Phlla. A.H.O.A. Wilson 14-2). SffiMf... H O.A. A.H.O.A. J^;- vidual 68s and Grear gave sup- Time—2:lß. Attendance M>ksis..ib 4 () l Temple.2b 111 Qllliam.'Jb 2 3 i™n »|&; 5 13 1 Ashb'rn.cf 4 2 10 ) —lo,(Hit) (estimated). i 2 'i Saturday Bogart Rob'son.lf 4 0 0 Hemus.2b 4 0 1 2 Baker.2b 3 118 Reese.ss 4 2 14 „ Port. On had J 2 Kellert.lb 4 UK) 3 _ Bell.cf 502 (I 30 2 2 Bnlder.ef 4 12 0i saysiVVy-A day. Hamner.ss SECOND GAME [Banks.ss 30 3 H Hodges.lb 2210 I) an off for him, and Grear f Klu'ski.lb 208 (I Ennls.lf 412 0 7*l Moryn 3 1 4 1 2 3 ' Baltimore A.H.O.A. Cleveland A H O.A. rt o n Rob'son.ttb 31 3 5 through with great round i Post.rf o Looata.lb 1 lot Diering,cf [ Irvln.lt (1 came a 1 Jab’skl.Sb 4 10 2 (10 0 0 L . 40 10 Busby.cf 43 0 0 4oin Am'os.lf-rl 3 1 2 Burgess.c Bl'l’ck.lb ? 0 ' 11 ~ « " Whls’t.cf 4 I 1 ii F’rlllo.rf-lf 0 for a 7-handicap player. 0 00 0 3 S 0 .. I Avila.2b 4 12 4 40 2 Bailey,c Jones.3b 12 3 n, " A i Chlti.c 4 2 5 1 Walker.c 0i . 4 2 5 0 Gr'gr'ss.rf 0 (L S'th.rf-11 311 II 40 3 2 11 . I 8S«Phllley 3b *O2O2AI 0 i Rush.p l o o i camp'la.e 0 0 1 0 Gram's,ss 2 0 4 1 6 , , J Wertz.lb 2 7 0 In the title match Bogart t Seml'ck.c 2 18 0 t) 1 King o 0 Lehman.p /V\^y 30(I o Hale.lb 4 19 1 BCol’vlto.rf 0 (I 0 i 1 0 1 0 0 n played , '.’Thurman 1 000 8. Miller,p Pr nc’na.rl 3 10 1 Ward.lf.lb 3 15 0 Lown.p 0 o 2 0 Newco'e.p 11 (I o the front nine in 32. four" Lapalme.p 0 o o o b. Miller p 1 0 O 0 Tnandos.c 4 Fondy 1 o La'rence.p ii 17 1 Reg'l'do.Ob 4 112 2 o o under par, and without help was . o o o Haddlx.p 0 0 0 0 ('»rdliJ)'2b 3 0 4 1 Carr'sQ l.ss 3 0 2 8 oCrowe 1 000 Miranda,ss 30 8 Hegan.c 18 0 32 6 24 8 () o o 4 Totals 18 Totals 28 27 11' 2 up. Grear won the 10th with 1 Acker.p o l 3 1111 0oI) 0 W FREE! \ a net birdie, Bogart the 11thIJe'coat.p nfcStb I!! 1! ii | 1 Filed out tor Rush in 7th. 1Dyck 1 o O 0 Brown.p 0000 2 Filed out for Lawn In oth. 7 POINT SAFETY with a birdie three, Grear halved I Black.p o 0 0 o I par .'lPrailer 11 0 o Totals 32 424 13 Totals 30 827 12 Chicago 002 000 mo—3 , CHECK-UP I the three 12th, and Grear f 4B'dges,ss 0 0 0 2 Brooklyn 200 001 02x—5 ') 1. Remove end inspect 1 won the 13th with a net birdie, dPalys 110 0 1 Grounded out for Pallca In Btb. 2 Ran lor Wertz in 7th. Runs Banks. Chill. Rush. Oil- wheels and brake drums. | scoring a par and using a handi- . Totall 35 924 7 Totals 29 d27 9 Uam, Reese. Hodges (2). Robinson. 2. Inspect } ' l,| m<»'« 000 i broke lining 5 010 Error—Robinson. Runs " '**' 5* OOO—I batted in—- x v , cap • ‘ C. i, stroke, one of five he had. 1 Struck out for Jeffcoat tn sth. Cleveland oo:l 000 03x—5 i Snider, Hodges (2). Miksis. Baker. and hydraulic system. 3 Hit Into force play for Grammas in Morjn. Amoros (2). Two-base hits— Adjust headlights. The triumph the second * tn. Runz—Hale, Busby (3). Smith, Miksis, hits— 3. | City. — of San Francisco was 1 Hegan. Avila. Snider. Baker. Three-base GETTING THE FEEL OF IT—Kansas Bogart 3 Singled for Black in 7th. Error—Regalado, Runs batted Amoros. Home run—Hodges. Sacrifice— I 4. Check steering and for and Grear in the 4 Ran for Frarler In 7th. in—Busbv, Avila. Triandos, A. Baker. Dougie plays—Baker to of El Paso, Tex. (right), who tied for second in the (2). Smith. Kctlert alignment. (left) and tournament, with different part- „ 5 Lined out for Lawrence In 9th. Ward Two-base hits—Busbv. A. (2); Gilliam to Reese to Hodges: Banks *1 wheel | 0 Singled for Bridges In 9th. Smith Sacrifice—Garcia. Lett on basea II to Baker to on bases—- Check Kansas City Open golf tournament, get at least a chance to feel what first o; Kellrrt. Left 5. tires for dan- I ;ners. Bogart previously won —Baltimore, Cleveland. 7. Bases on [Chicago. 8; Brooklyn, 8. Bases on balls hold , 000 120—4 halls—Off Pallca. 5; off Garcia. 3: off |l gerous breaks, cuts and C is like as they help the winner, Bo Wininger of Oklahoma City, with Cincinnati mil ¦ — I. Struck j—Oil Rush. Lehman. 3: off money | Tom Wheeler and Grear Philadelphia 000 02x—t) OL > 1 Bv,f““hca. li. by Brown. bv Gar- : Lown. 4; out—By Lehman, foreign 031 l c **’8. 1: Struck r particles. M his $4,300 check. Wininger won with a 273 total for 72 holes, the others were with Bobby Brownell. Two other Hits—Off Pallca, Bln 7 innings: bv Newcombe. 1: by Rush. 4: bv Lown. Runs—Robinson, Kluszewskl. Jablon- off Brown, 0 in 1 Inning. Runs and 1. Hits—on Lehman, 3 in 3(4 Innings: 6. Inspect exhoust sys- m players, Brownell and Col. Ron- . ski. Acker, Ashburn, Ennis. Lopata, run,—Off Palica, 5-5: off Brown, ;otf Necombe. 3 in 58, innings; off Rush, a stroke behind.—AP Wirephoto. ” f.Vb'd0-0. off ® tern for dangerous K Jones, Oreengrass. Semtmck. Runs batted Garcia. 1-1. Winning Ditcher— . In 8 Innings; off Lown. 1 ip 2 Innings leaks. nle Kelly, also have figured in I in—Semtnick 43). Temple. Jablonskl, Garct* (.t-.il Losing pitcher—Palica Runs and earned runs—Off 7. Check reor park- m. Bailey. (2-8), Time—2:oß. 2-2; Lehman two triumphs in this event, Robinson. Ennis, Hamner, Jones. Attendance—l2Jllß. off Newcombe. 1-0; off Rush. 3-3; ing and lights. ’ Two-base hits—Temple. Ashburn, Home off Lown. 2-2. Wild pitch—Newcombe[ pi* other F.

Winning pitcher— ¦ » 11 oldest of the member-guest ; runs Semtnick. Jablonskl. Robinson, RED SOX, 12-2; WHITE SOX,S-1: Newcombe (8-3 i. ||il This service is Jr •: tournaments. Finnts, Jones. Stolen base—Ashburn. Losing pitcher—Lown d-2). Time—- you ask B-CC Expected to Furnish Sacrifice fly—Hamner. Left on bases—- !2:3o. Attendance—2l,2l4. FREE when A' . Philadelphia. « **'*' Two Short Putts Bogart’s sub-par golf for the Cincinnati. 8: Bases on FIRST GAME it during ’ 1 ' kails—Off Acker. 1; off Jeffcoat. 1: of! Un AHO.A. Chicago. A.H.O.A.' five rounds indicates ,L J | he has > Black. 3: off Lawrence. 1: off S. Miller. O'dman.Bb2fi 4 112 Rivera.cf 4 14 0 found his game and will be ,2. Struck out—By S. Miller. 8; by Jeff- 0 1 Fox.2b 5 0 3 1 Cards Sign Fullback • coat. 1; by Black, 1: by Lawrence, 2; Mal-Co?ne.3b10.2 b5 103 0 3 Champ by Haddlx, Minoso.lf 4 110 i CHICAGO, May 21 (JP).—' Schoolboy Golf tough Hits—Off 3 5 () The in the Mason-Dixon Cup a a 5 Cons'gra.p 0 0 0. I innings; 1. Acker. in 2V Vernon.lb o , off Jeffcoat, 0 in 1% Innings; Za’hln.lb 0 0 2 0 Kell,3b 2 0 2 (i Chicago Cardinals today ClinchK.C. Title matches over the same course off 1 tn Innings: Lapalme, Gernert an- Invitation i He also won the medal in thee • Black. 2 off ls 2 0 0 0 Moss.c 1 o 0 0 The 23d annual 1 /* Innings; Stephens,lf 2 (» () signing next week end. He will be onei 2 In 1 off Lawrence, oin % 1 Nieman.rf 4 i) 2 0 nounced the of Carnell Schoolboy Golf championship ( abbreviated event. inning; off 8. Miller 6 In 7>,i Innings; Jensen.ri 4 2 2 o Lollar.c 2 1 4 o Neuman, of 12 Middle Atlantic off o 21f) a fullback from the (Buck) amateurs > B Miller. 4 in 1)4 innings: off Had- Piersall.cf ft oft Hat field.3b (> Dl. today County Buddln.ss 7-1775 1 started at Norbeck Bill, jr.. defeated A. W. , dix, 0 In H Inning. Runs and earned 4 2 4 1 Jackson.lb 3 010 0 University Chicago. i r ' playing the best amateurs from of Illinois at champion ex- runs—Off Acker, 4-4, off Lapalme, 2-2; Daley.c 5 2 7 0 Apa clo.ss 4 3 l H Wininger Club, with the ' Braden, 2 and 1, in the final,I. Philadelphia Saturday [ off 0-0; Bauman.p 3 10 Donovan.p 1 00 o Black. off 1 For Bo on and Lawrence. 0-0: off Hurd.p oected to from Bethesda- Jeffcoat. 0-0; s. 4-4; off 210 0 Johnson.p 00 o o come they Sunday. off Miller. B. IDropo | after eliminated H. H. Miller. 0-0; off -0. Hit by 1 0 0 0 Auto Trouble? UP).— Chevy High School’s team o KANSAS CITY. May 21 Chase . Results in other flights and I Pitcher—By 8 Miller ifcobtnson. Klus- Dahlke.p 00 0 Two short but difficult putts for titlists. Gaddis and Bill Park, respective- zewskl). Winning Ditcher—B. Miller Fornleles.p 0 0 0 J ly, the front nine in the semi- consolations: 11-0). Losing pitcher—Lapalme (1-1). MDelsing.lf 2 10 0 birdies won the Kansas City Bethesda has produced eight on Championship consolation: Vernon Time—2:44. Attendance—2l.B77. I 15 35 827 /fay/. Open Wininger yesterday champions years, final. Briggs and Bob Sherwood. Columbia, Totals 42 27 8 Totals b for Bo in 22 four John d**- «*• Geddes and Ray Swearingen. Other filzht winners—Second. Dr. n L. GIANTS, Struck out in sth. early away. many any other * Reillv def. 1 up. Third,I, Columbia. 1 up. • 2-5; CARDINALsToj ! \ for Johnson after his lead melted times as as Fred Hanlon. flight—George 2 Ran for Goodman in ?th. , J. 8. Murray def. R. H. Dillon. 2 and 1. Second Cornell and 3 out The Oklahoman scrambled for school, and has threats in Deane Fourth. Charles Holmes, def. Jack Betz, L. J. Bradford. Columbia, def Bud FIRST GAME Struck for Fornieles in 7th. How does the '56 Ford compare 1 up. Fifth. Robert Kirchmyer def.. Dieudonne and Don Sullivan, Argyle. 3 I Si. Louii. A.H.O.A. New A.H.O.A. Beman, defending champion; •» the :* York. Boston oil 052 300—12, a two-under-par 70 in the final ¦ James Lowe. 1 up. Sixth. Charles Ewen i and 2. Cosolation—Charles E Wilson l Bias me..ss I 1 Dark.ss 4 10 5 Chicago with Chevy, Plymouth, Rambler? , Bruce Kessler. 1954 winner who > def. **rank up. and John Gonella. Bethesda. def. Tom i Morgan.2b 4 0 10 :i 1 0; ; 000 010 400— o round to emerge with a 273—15 Sellnow. 2 up. Mueller.rf 2 Get the Free book that rates all Wheeler and Mark Evans. Columbia. 1 Musial.rf 2 120 Mays.cf 41 :t 0 Runs—Goodman. <2). • did not compete last year, and I 1 Third flight—C. H. and Bert ‘.’Brandt o o i Malzone Ver- under par and one stroke better Maher l 0 0 Bpencer.2b 5 0 4 1 non. Jensen (2). (2). (2). the low-priced cars. ¦SV "Washington's Little Detroit” Indian Spring, which used toJ Ferguson. Kenwood, Harry : Boyer.Mb 0 Buddin Dalev 36 pages! . Bill Dudley, last year's runnerup. def. Merrick 4 11 Castan.Mb M O o 3; 1 Bauman. Hurd. Rivera. Lollar. Hatfield. !*¦-( Main than Bob Rosburg of San Fran- hold several two- team \ and Ritchie Edmonston, Columbia. ?2 and I Repulskl.lf 4 14 0 Lockman.if 2 O 2 o! ' Jackson. Aparicio. Authentic! Ask for it today! Plant 16 in | man 1. Consolation—Lloyd ;t o Errors—Fox. Buddin The low today’s 18-hole Smoot and Eddie * Moon.lb 0 1 Katt.c M 0 70; • cisco and Fred Hawkins of El M2). Runs batted in—Jensen (3). Mal- 2 o 24,h ST - NW [ championships, same with han- - Bean. Prince Georges, def. R. O. Wis- ¦ DGreco.cf 4 o :t 0 White.lb M 2 8 1 |*one <:*>. Daley (5 ? qualifying will up singer and Washington. 5 o 0, Aparicio <2). Vernon. Ky* Paso. Tex. make the Bill Holter. . Smlth.c 4 2 Ant’nelli.p M o 1 ' Rivera 7). dicaps and some without, some 5 3 and **. ld.p o o : Goodman. Minoso. Two-base CAR X-RAY championship flight, 'i Little 2 l Aparicio. Vernon, Dalev. FREE 1956 of Ft. Lauderdale, with the . Fourth flight—Dr. James ISauer ] ihits—Bauman. i ' with Calcutta pools, etc., con- W. Bernhard I 00 0 Totals 28 527 10' Rivera. Home Daley. first round and Dr. Richard Fisher. Columbia, . Surkont.p 0 0 0 l base—Delsing.runs—Jensen. AT YOUR Fla., was fourth with a 276 and tomorrow at Manor. ; Sicdenburg def. Stolen Sacrifice fly— fined their partner events to one 5 Norman and A. S. Mitchell. , MCooper 1000 plays—Malzone A second flight will play H and 5. —H. T. : Jensen. Double to Good- fifth place was shared at 278 at season, i Columbia. Consolation man to Consolo to to [ this and tossed out all 1 Slaughter and Lee Echels. Oakmont. Pa . Totals 32 524 5 Zauchin Vernon: Buddin MASH DEALER by Singing Georgetown Prep among the George i Left on bases—Boston. 8; of Hills, ‘ handicaps. It was to find the; def. Mclntosh and Felix Altrup. ,Chicago fi. on next 16 lowest qualifiers. Kenwood. H and 5. 1 Lined out for Littlefield In 7th. Bases balls—Olf Bauman. Calif.: Stan Leonard of LeChute. 1 best two-man team in the club "~ 2 Ran for Musial in Xth. *„y off Donovan. 2: off Dahlke. 2: off Canada, and Dow 3 Grounded out for Burkont in Pth. Hurd. 1. Struck out—By Bauman. 6: by Finsterwald of from scratch. PIRATES, 6-5; BRAVES, 3-0 Donovan. 2: bv Johnson. 1. bv Por- Anything with “club cham- 1 St. Louis 000 nieles J by SPECIAL FOR Bedford Heights. Ohio. goes 000 OOO —0 • Hurd. 1 Hits—Off Bauman. pionship” attached inspires Bill The honor to Dr. Willis* FIRST GAME New York 001 010 OOx—2 M in 5 innings; off Hurd. 5 In 4 Innings; Wininger’s $4,300 victory at off Consuegra. 0 in 2 innings, off Don- McFerren, to get Wolf and Eddie Ault, 1-up vic- - Milwaukee. A.H O A Pllt.burth A.H.O.A. Dark, jr„ on his game. ;i Runs White. Errors Katt. ovan. 9 in 4*4 Innings: off 0 Milburn Country Club, his first, a O'C nell.'lb 0 4 O'Brien.'-’b 'i 11 3 ’ Dark. White. in Inning: off Johnson. [Young [ tors over the slightly favored Logan.ss 4 20 4Sklnner 110 0 Runs batted in—Dark. 1 Dahlke. 1 In ft inning: Bill won the Manor Club 1 2 Home runs—Dark. White. Stolen base— 5 2 Innings. Runs DAY Hot > off Fornieles. in and GRADUATION since the Springs Open team Mat'ws.3b 4 I 0 S 10 10 Mays. last of Dr. Alan Weisberg, the Roberts.2b Double plays—Dark to Spencer to earned runs—Off Bauman, l-ft: off Don- championship last year, and Aaron.rf 4 2 0 0 Vlrdon.cf 4 110 White; Blasingame Left on i year, lifted his 1956 winnings to champion, o to Moon. ovan #-7: off Johnson. 0-0: off Dahlke. yesterday won [club and Dick Schatt- ¦ Th'son.lf 4 10 0 Cl'ente.rf 3 1 2 bases—St. Louis. 8; New York. 4. Bases ~-2: off the club's minia- . Adcock.lb <1 « 0 Long.lb 3 3 ' Fornieles. 3-3: off Consuegra. $9,546. man. Dr. Wolf and Ault, sev- 2 18 on balls—Off Littlefield. 7; off Antonelli. O-ft; off Hurd. Winning pitcher— ture match play championship, Torre.lb 2 15 1 4 0 0 0, Struck out—By by 4-7. Finsterwald, who Thomas.lt ( | 2. Littlefield. 4 . Bauman (2-1 >. Losing pitcher—Dono- won the St.: eral times club titlist, took an 1 Bruton.cf 4)30 Kravitg.c 2 0 5 1 Littlefield, M in ' van (2-1). an event of all 9-hole 0 Antonelli. 7. Hits—Off Time—2:4o. Louis Open a week earlier and matches. . Rice.c 216 Shepard.c 1 o 3 o H innings: off Surkont. 2 In 2 innings early lead and nursed it through ICov’gton o o o 4 0 10 ' and earned I 201 Freese 3b Runs runs—Off LittleAeld. started the final round here only the tight match, which was , Crone.p 11 Groat s. 314 4 -2; off Surkont. 0-0; off Antonelli. 0-0 SECOND GAME » 2Tanner I 0 Friend.p 20 0 1 bv (Musiah Un ‘ A.H.O.A. Chicago. AHO two strokes back, oo o Hit pitcher—By Antonelli 5?^ oz. A salvaged some- marked by sub-par golf. Bleater.p 0 o Winning pitcher—Antonelli <3-3>. Los i G dman.7b 4 1 « 1 Ap'ricio.ss 4 2 15' thing from the tournament Indian Spring members, | SPend ton 10 0 0 ing pitched—Littlefield 10-1). Time—- Consolo.2b o ft ft ft Fox.2b 4 12 3 ; 1:58. (estimated) M’lzone.3h 4 ft 1 2 Minoso.lf 3 12 ft Musial Attendance—2o.ooo# « Keeps 34 924 11 Totals b despite soaring to a 73 yester- through a blind bogey, contrib- Totals 30 fi 21 12 jVernon, l 4 2 1 Kell .3b 4 112 day. SECOND GAME Thrb’ry.lf 4 ft 3 ft Rivera.cf 2ft 2 ft His share of the $22,500 pot uted SIOO to the District juniorL’ 1 —Hit Into force plar for Rice In 9th. SI. Louis A.H.O.A. New York A.H.O.A. Jensen.rf 4 12 1 Lollar.c 4 ft 3 1 2 —Hit Into force play for Crone In B's’g’me.ss 12 Lockman.if 0 o' . Piersall.cf 4 1 2 ft Delsing.rf 3 ft 2 0. boosted his earnings to $13,061.84 golf fund. . 1 4 1 4 1 Streak Going 7th. sCooper O o 0 4 0 15 Buddin.ss 4 ft 2 5 Jack sn.lb 3 l put pro 3 —Hit play tn Dark.ss , White.c 4 1 Dropo.lb 1111 shje/Cffers and him top flight I Into force for Sleater Hatton.2b 5 1 0 5 Mays.cf 5 11 O' 2 2 1 ft 2 0 on of the Other winners: 1 Delock.p I 9th. Musial.rl 3 3 0 Rhodes.rf 4 2 o n 2 ft 1 2 Keegan.p 1 ft 1 2 heap, $202.41 . Lobel And Mcl Yudetevitt 1 ahead of Mike first—Max •• dzf. Charles Murphy And M. N. Portnoy, , Boyer.3b 4 10 0 Mueller.rf o l 0 j . Milwaukee 000 101 010—3 ; 3o P White. 1 b 4312 0; Totals 32 7 27 13 Totals 29 6 27 14 Souchak. Despite Injury 5 And 4. Second—Kenneth Bennett And Pittsburgh Moon.lb 1 d 000 000 oox —o Repulskl.lf 4 1 3 (I Th'pson.'tb 3 1 0 2, Bo To— *113 $4,300: Vic Inoff def. Bob Ruffner Ana 1 ftftft Oftt—2; gypjeciajt Wmincer Lester Spencer.2b Boston 10ft Singman. 3 and 2. Third—Bob DelOr'co.cf 4 0 2 0 4 15 5 Chicago F?>d Hawkins rtS—*>74 100 NEW YORK, May (>T>). — Becker j Run*—O'Connell. Logan. Mathews, Sarni.c 3 4 1 17 1 100 OOft OOO—1 ! Bob Rosbers HK—*,’74 1.500 21 ¦ and Dexter Stein del. Leo Hartman and 2 Westrum.c 2 1 d, Skinner. Vlrdon. Long. Freese. Groat. 4Brandt 0 o O 0 Hearn.p 3 0 0 0 Tefl Kroll 1.500 Stan . Bob Snyder. 2 and 1. Fourth—Oscar Runs—Vernon. Jensen. HO—*J7H Musial, who still has high Sherman Sidney } \ Errors—O'Connell. Kruvttr. Runs Poholsky.p 2 o 1 o McCall.D J O 1 Minoso. Error Gen#* Littler 07—\!7H I.IHH and Sherman def.•: friend. (2). Long i L —Jensen. Runs hatted in—Vernon, Kell, hopes of capturing Morris Hamburger and Raymond batted In—Skinner Vlrdon. ISc’nd’nst 0 0 0 0 Wilhelm.p 0 o o O' Dow his seventh t — Jensen. Two-base Kell.; SNORKEL Finsterwald 7.4—*»7K I.IHH Ehrlich (31. Logan. hits—White. PEN i and 1 j Aaron. Two-base hits ‘.’Harmon O O 0 ! Jackson. Stan Leonaid _7l—27* l.lrtH ,|2 ¦ runs—Long. 0 Home runs—Vernon. Jensen. batting title and reaching the j Aaron. Clemente. Home Jackson.p o o O 1 T tals 34 11 27 14 : Stolen Dou* Ford 71—279 7H:*» [Logan. Rtce, Collum.p o , base—Rivera. Sacrifices—Delock. Jack 3,000-hit Sacrifices—Clemente. 0 o o Keegan. Double plays—Aparicio Fox Burke 71—279 7H.4 total, harbors another, Conflicting Friend. Double play—O'Connel to Ad- MSauer 0 h o o Jackson; to W'aliy 7*:: tournaments almost ti Ito Vernon to Buddin to Delock Ulrich .7:1—•.*70 ambition. wants cost ;cock. Left on base—Milwaukee. 0: Pltts- OWehmeler o 0 0 o Left on , Dick Mayer HH—’iso 550 He to break ; Don Sullivan and Roger burgh. 4. Base, on bases —Boston. 5: Chicago. 7 ‘795 balls—Off Crone. 2: Dave Douglas ; r Bases on balls—Off Delock. 5; off Keegan. only 70—2ND 550 Gus Shur's National League en- Martino a chance to off Friend. 1 Struck out—By Friend. 8: Totals 33 724 9 1. Struck Arnold Palmer _7*!—*2Xo 550 defend theirr by Crone. by Sleater, Hits—Off out—By Delock, 2; by Keegan. Furgol —i 440 1: 3. 1 Walked for Poholskv {•*• Runs and earned Martv 71 durance record of 822 consecutive 1 title in Argyle's two-man team Crone. 5 in 6 Innings: 1 in 7th. off Keegan. runs—Off Delock. Paul McGuire HO—•;*! 440 I I 2 innings. off Sleater. 2 Ran for in ‘th. 1-1: 2-2. Winning pitcher— games. tn Runs and earned runs— Schocndienst (1-2). championship. «-(); off n-t); M Walked for in Delock Losing pitcher—Keegan Great for giving getting, Off Crone. Sleater. off Collum Pth. ' > Time—7:i)7. and that’s . Friend, 4 Ran for Sami in pfh. I Attendance—23.sH4 3-2. Wild Passed ~ The Cardinals’ star entered Sullivan had to play in the Bitch—Friend. out Blasingame 9th. 12) Winning Ditcher—; 5 Struck for in the Pen ... y esterday I ball—Kravltz 6 Ran Snorkel the pen that ’s double-header against t second flight final of the Con- -Friend • SECOND Runs—Blasingame, 31 2 its retractable of 32,457 was tops for a day in GAME Repulski. Mays. [Martin.'lb 3 0 3 0 Lopez.cl 4 0 3 0, fillingtube. more yesterday, but for a few so he and Martino played their Milwaukee A.H O,A. FltUburrh A H.O A Rhodes. White. Thompson. Westrum. iCoirs.lf-lb 3 0 2 0 Zernlal.lf 4 0 1 which a of 190,126 fans r 2 4 Er-1 Man o o' total moment in the eighth inning of qualifying round at Argyle in the.lO’Con'l.2b 0 1 J.O’B'tl.fb 5 2 4 5 > rors—Thompson. Sami. Bpencer. Bover. i le.cf 3 1 5 Slmp'n.lb 4 1110 Genuine palladium-silver point saw major league games, the big c ICovlngtn 1 0 0 0 Freese,3b 4 0 2 4 Collum. Runs oatted in—Musial. Bami. Robl'nlb 4 0 9 1 Slaug’r.rl 4 13 0 the first game it looked like his morning. They were out in a best t Dittmer.2b 0 o 0 0 Clem'te rs 4 2 2 0 i Spencer. Rhodes. White. Dark. Two-base Cerv.lf 0010 Finlgan..'lb 4 2 0 1 resists noise- was in Pittsburgh. Logan.ss 40 3 1 Long.lb 4212 0 i hits—Spencer, Mays. Rhodes. Stolen i Howard.c 413 0 Oinsberg 4 1 wear... seems to sail The pursuit of the record had ball of 36. but Sullivan had Thom's,lf c42 fowc Pirates, come to3 Math's.3b 4 0 10 3 2 4 0 ' base—White. Sacrifice flv—Dark Dou- McDo Id.** 3 1 3 8 Jacobs.2b 3 0 3 3. shaking off the cellar to an leave and . Aaron.rf 4 2 2 0 Fotles.c 4 110 i ble plays—Thompson to Spencer to Carey.3b 3 2 0 1 SPles, 0 0 o through paper work! your end. Martino played the sec- 0 1 Make blues after four straight years Thoms'n.lf 4 0 3 0 Groat.s. 3 o 0 3 White: Spencer to Dark to White. Wes- Igrim.p 0 0 0 Crimtan.p 2 0 0 3 A fast ball by Southpaw John- ond nine alone. He was back in1 Torre.lb 4 18 0 Virdon.cf 4 2 2 o i trum to Spencer. Left on bases —St. Kuck, p 4 0 0 1 IThompxnn 1 0 0 0 1 gift a Sheaffer Snorkel Pen! /jjF in last place, now have won ny 39 Bruton.cf 3 2 10 Kline.D 4 0 0 0 i Louia, JO: New York. 10. Bases on balls Burt'hy.p (10 0 1. Antonelli hit Stan Just above , for a 75. and 76 was the dead- - Ctand'l.c 3 0 3 l —Off Poholsky. 1: off Jackson, l; off seven of their last nine. Spahn.p 2 0 Total* the left wrist. He forced to , line. One stroke more and they „ 0 1 ; CoUum, l: off Hearn. 5: off McCall. I. 31 827 9 Total, 34 727 11 Long lofted three-run was ' Murff.p 0 0 0 0 Struck out—By Poholskv. 4: bv Hearn. new a homerj leave the game but was back in , wouldn't have made it. 2Tanner 110 0 4: by McCall, 1: by Wilhelm. 2 Hits— 1 Filed out for Crtmtan tn Bth. Sheaffer’s into the rightfield stands in the Frank Johnson.d 0 0 0 0 Off Poholskv. 8 in fi innings: off Jack- 2 Struck out for Jacobi In 9th. r W~~~l the finale after ice packs had Clark had a two-under- son. 2 in m innings: off Collum. 1 in slim pencil to match. \ (ff / inning game New York y fifth of the first and been applied to the wrist between par 70 by himself and he and j Totals 32 624 4 Totals 35 11 27 12 inninc: off Hearn. 5 in fi*a innings; 001 001 200—4 a two-run off McCall. 2 in It* innings: off Wilhelm. Kansas City . 000 000 003 2 homer in the first games. Tom Shenk won the medal with 1 1 Filed out for O'Connell in Bth. 10 in l Inning. Runs and earned runs— inning of the second game. He a best ball 2 Singled for Murff in Bth. Off Poholsky. 3-3: off Jackson. 2-2: off Runs—Bauer. Howard. McDoutald. Ends “dunk filling" | u "Stan's hand is badly bruised," ¦ of 68. Bob Martino} Collum. 0-0: off Hearn, 2-2; off McCall, Carey. Slaughter. Fintgan. Runs batted also batted in a i . 000 000 000—0 0-0; Wilhelm, Hit by pitcher— In—Carey (.3). Bauer. Oinsberg (2). two more with Trainer Bob explained. and Bill August were next with Milwaukee i off o-o. hits—Carey. single in the Bauman 1 : Pittsburgh 200 uol 20x—5 Bv Poholskv «Westrum). Passed balls—- Two-base Howard. Ftnlgan. seventh of the “It's quite sore and it must [ a 69. (Westrum (2). Winning pitcher—Hearn Simpson. Home runs—Bauer. Carey be Runs—O'Brien, , (3-2). Losing (3-2). : Stolen base—Carey. play—De- II & nightcap. Clemente <3V, Long. Pitcher—Poholskv Double CHAS. G. STOTT CO. painful, but Stan insisted on Error—Burton. Runs batted in—i Time—3:oo. Attendance—2l.93B maestri to Blmpson. Left on bases— Pittsburgh beat Ray Crone in playing." Woodmont members held aI Long |4|, Fotles. Two- base hits—, New York 5. Kansas City. 8. Bases - Clemente. Foiles. Vlrdon. run—i on balls—Oft Kucks. 1: oft Crimian. 4; the first game when shaky . 36-hole medal play sweepstakes » Home oft Burtschy, a Long. Double play—Groat to J. O'Brien WEEK-END 1. struck out—Bv Kucks. Milwaukee defense helped the jin classes, with Bernle Gewirzr to Long. Left on bases—Milwaukee, ti: ! FIGHTS 2; by Ortm. 1: by Crimian. 3: by D. C. Pittsburgh. 8. Bases on balls—Off Kline. Burtschy. 1. Hits—Off Kucks. lln 8 ! WASHINGTON SILVER SPRING ALEXANDRIA Pirates score all six the Polo Club Wins I the Class A winner with 158 mi- * 1; Spahn. 2. out—Bv Kline. Ward. Innings: on Grim, o In i, inning; g4M runs in off Struck NEW HAVEN. Conn—Steve 5 ofii GEORGIA AVE. 1711 KING ST. . by Spahn. Bpahn. 9 Hartford, outpointed (Kid) Crimian. In 8 Inning,; Burtschy. 1310 NEW YORK AVE. nus 20 handicap for rounds * 1: 3. Hits—Off 137. Earl oft I fifth inning Warren Spahn was Season's Opener two in innings: off Murff, 1 In Va In- Mathews. 1.16, Boston (10). il In 1 Inning. Runs and earned runs—l tne victim of Kline's six-hitter in for 138 net. Lew Netvmyer won -1 ntng; off Johnson. 1 tn 1 Inning. Runs HAMILTON. Bermuda—Yvon Durelle. Olf Kucks. 2-5: oft Crimian, 4-4. Winning 5 S The Washington Polo Club earned Bpahn, 5-5: ' 1 sis. Canada outpointed Pitcher—Kucks (4-2). Losing pitcher—' is in Class B, runs—Off off Jerome Rich- Crimian (0-2). 822 i7th NAtional 8-4181 the speond game. off to a good start for j 177-34—143. There eandMurff. 0-0: off Johnson, o-o. winning ardson. 173*4. New York (10). Time—2:lß. Attendance Sf. the new ’ was a tie in Class C between Pitcher—Kline (3-3). Losing pitcher—- KINGSTON. Jamaica—Gerald Gray. Connecting All Stores Johnnny Antonelli held the season and it's surprise R. Spahn (3-2). Tiipe—2:os. Attendance US. stopped Tony 1 no that '¦ Miami.JamaicaFla IQI Necro. 15«. shutting *G. Herman. j —V.-..14H Miami. Fla. (31. - Cards to five hits while Don Bradley is chiefly responsi- 189-44—145. and them out in the first game at the ble. Richard Ehrlich. 183-38—145. * The Class D winner Dr. I i I iiI ri 1 I i 1 I t f .¥>T; g Polo Grounds. Homers by A1 The team’s top was Ar- I I ¦ l | • > ) 17-7n7? iiiif scorer last ; thur Lewis, Dark and Bill White accounted year. Bradley scored five goals 196-50—146. for the Giants' runs off Dick to lead Washington to a 7-3 Marty West, Jr., ex-Pirate making his I eliminated in Littlefield. victory over the Maryland Polo the semifinals of the Congres- start Cardinal. Hoyt i first as a ; | Club yesterday at Barnsley ’ sional member-guest, Wilhelm saved the second game; and Mrs. [Field in Olney. Halter Cun- * Jack Barry won Columbia’s MUFFLER when he came to the rescue with ningham and Dr. John Keeler, : two on and nobody , mixed scotch foursome low gross FLOOR MATS. SEAT COVERS, SAFETY BELTS, out in the for Washington, and Frank Wil- with 77. ‘ ninth. He fanned Walked Cooper a Low net went to Mrs. son, twice, and Fred Kohler, for Gilbert Page AUTO RADIOS, Grady Hatton, ¦ Rude and Corn- ACCESSOR and then made Maryland, scored the others. well with 85-14—71. ¦jj', Stan Musial ground out. The Dodgers won the first from factory replacement^ Chicago on Duke Snider's fifth uT..lk& home run off Jim Brosnan, mak- r\ ing his first big league start. Ssuuto vmr auto mufflers Sandy Amoros hit a triple with 4R epH I AllMufflers Installed Free <’Unrnntrnrl /or llir lAjr of ) our Car the tied in the eighth score in- MODEL YEAR ning to win the second game. INSTALLED fiiSTAUED Don New combe, in one of his rare j FORD '42 to '54 512.75 relief appearances, was the win-' Relined 4 Wheel» Complete ) 77ff ner _ CHEVROLET '42~t0 '54 12.75 7.77 ' of the second and Clem La- Complete I bine took the first in relief of FINEST QUALITY LINING ) PLYMOUTH '42 to '54 15.50 9.77 Rookie Don Drysdale. Brooklyn! S £k f eight its .! BUICK '37 has won of last 10 and PONTIAC - 6 2 4C ( l° I to's2 16750 10.27 the Cubs have lost 16 of their OLDSMOBILE '42~t0 '54 1650 10727 last 20. buicksp as \ *¦ W / I ; PONTIAC Kluszewski and Post hit back- AA..«.«e '34~t0 '54 13.95 8787 °,H *' " I to-bark homers off Robin Rob- 1 OLDSMOBILE-6 ’S AmM Co )) ARE YOU ASHAMED OF YOUR rrts for the Reds' victory over; lav I the Phillies. It was Klu's eighth ) BATHROOM AND KITCHEN? and Posts’ 11th. Del Ennis, whose QUICK, EFFICIENT FREE BRAKE I home run was the only Phil score Service by Experts / ) ALUMINUM OR PLASTIC TILE in the openet, helped ADJUSTMENTS !«»«? j his team \ IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM TTlanhdttan win the second with another • * * • - ,iH,° ,,U OAV,D MIMON< ’*'¦ roundtripper. Rivctless Bonded Linings Ha Taarinf Out Cutting Walla No Warping, Bulging at ,i.« KTAW ( * • sssr I ,o " *' I | Lootaning law Coat Inctallotion No Maintenance Coat • *"4 9 I * I m?la«e* Washington Start Alerandria Store Latest Pressure Bended Lining Equipment 1r Paitnanant Gleaming Beauty, Gas Water Heaters Duplicate D. C. Testing Machine i Pei Proa iotimetea Cell I AVAILABLE I 7th at R Sts. N.W. 1810 King Street JOHN WOOD, MlKION THE TILEMEN—HAYDEN & HANLEIN NO. 7-7557 Kl. 8-5525 Installed—EASY PAYMENTS IMMEDIATE | wru PIX YOUR TERMS AS LOW AS $lO MO. Ifp MR,T,CT I Man. tSru »»!.. O A.M. la 7P M. Man thru Than. Ula I.M ALLAT'w 10N! CAU |NS lwfcl *¦». * SlMin. eAM. la IP M Prl. an« Hal . » AM. la 7 P.M. E. A. GASCH & Son i CON6RESSIONAL TILE CO. riimhim A Healing leatraeiet 4914 Wiacenam A*e Kl. 7-1144 WA. 7-J37J I Attar || S O'clock Cell RA. 1-7 US ( dHHnAiiUIUiJJMLBMB^HHLJLRMJUBiU^MfeMLwMmIMIBk