Produced by St Nicholas Church Pinvin. Issue 33/8 October

How St. Nicholas Church looked before any major restoration work was carried out around 1850. Note the Bell tower was square and also had two bells.

1 St Richard’s Hospice has a Free Open Afternoon on Sunday 13th October 1-4 pm where the community can learn more about our services, volunteering and fundraising, along with tea and cake being served.

Alice Spearing | Engagement Officer St Richard's Hospice, Wildwood Drive, Worcester, WR5 2QT T: 01905 763963


St Richard’s Hospice is largely dependent on voluntary donations and gifts in Wills.

Members of Pinvin Parish Council & useful contacts Chairman: Steve Mitchell Vice-Chairman: Alasdair Mustard 4 Willow Close The Close, Main Street Tel 01386 555467 [email protected] Tel: 01386 55273 [email protected] Councillors: Dave Biddle Richard Coates 4 Abbey View Road Row Orchard, Church Lane Tel: 01386 553229 Tel: 0777 594 3966 Alan Wilson Ken Rowe Tiffany O'Dell 3 Willow Close 5 Spion Kop 1 School Close, Main Street Tel: 01386 561921 Tel 01386 554279 Tel 01386 556253 District/County Councillor: P.C.Clerk: Liz Tucker Carole Hirst 10 Throckmorton 1a Church Walk, Stourport on Severn DY13 0AL : 01386 462441 Tel 07903 377066 Email: [email protected]

Local Police:LPO: PC 2886 Acaster 0300 333 3000 PCSOs: PCSO 6427 Pardoe & PCSO 40162 Tinkler Email: [email protected] Police & Crime Commissioner John Campion Phone 01905 331656 Email [email protected] Website 01905 331656 Worcs. Hub: 01905 765765 Worcs. CC: 01905 763763 DC: 01386 565000 2 Issue 33/8

Pinpoint October 2019 The Newsletter For The Village of Pinvin, Produced By St Nicholas Church Pinvin From Claire Lording, our Vicar Dear Friends

For the past few weeks it has been a really difficult time in British politics with both sides of the Brexit debate falling out with each other in spectacular style. This month may well see us leaving the EU, but nothing seems very certain anymore in such a di- vided parliament and country.

Whichever side of the debate we find ourselves there is a challenge for everyone about how we learn to disagree well and how we live so that significant differences of opinion are not allowed destroy us, and those around us. I was listening to the Jeremy Vine Show the other day when he was interviewing people who had not spoken to life long friends after the Brexit Referendum. Difference of opinions for these friends had proved catastrophic. It was a hard listen, which just felt so sad and without any hope of reconciliation.

Jesus spent a lot of his time going around talking to the various leaders of his day about all sorts of issues where he didn’t necessarily hold the same opinion as those he was engaging with. Jesus could have easily ignored them, he could have easily had some sort of spectacular falling out with them or he could have yelled and ranted and treated those who didn’t agree with him with absolute disdain. But he didn’t. Jesus, on so many occasions, just continued getting alongside people and trying to teach them a new and different way of living. He must have got frustrated at times but he never gave up. And above all he kept on loving all those who disagreed with him.

In our lives we will disagree with different people for different reasons. Maybe the chal- lenge for us will be whether we too can keep on sharing our values and principles in a spirit of love and kindness, however difficult that might feel at times.


3 WHAT’S COOKING? Pumpkin Pie

200 g / 5 oz butter 1 egg yolk-beaten 2 Tbsp icing sugar 500 g / 1 lb 4 oz pumpkin-peeled & diced 125 g / 5 oz soft light brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp mixed spice 200 ml / 7 fl oz double cream

1.Make pastry with flour, butter, icing sugar- bind together with egg yolk plus 1 Tbsp water- wrap in clingfilm and chill 2.Roast pumpkin at 180oC gas 4 for 30 minutes 3.Roll out pastry and line 24 cm / 9” flan tin-chill again. Bake blind for 20 minutes 4.Puree pumpkin, add brown sugar , spices and cream-blend until smooth- pour into pastry case 5.Bake 45-50 minutes -remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes. Remove from flan ring or leave if in a flan dish.

FROM THE EDITOR This month POST OFFICE & STORES Parish Council & St Richards page 2 Recipe page 4 • Post Office (Euros in stock) Children’s Corner on page 5 • dry cleaning/shoe repairs (9 am Tues & Fri) Church Services page 6, • local free range eggs Church New s PCC page 7 • local honey, jams, marmalades & apple juice Pre School page 8 • local baked cakes, tarts & pies Nature Notes page 10, • Health Lottery Massage therapist page 11 • frozen local organic ready meals • greeting cards, gifts, wrapping paper We welcome contributions to Pinpoint. • stationery, jiffy bags It is your newsletter. William Jeff & Celia Young 01905 381511 [email protected] Tel 01386 554605 or Hopwood House, Main St., Pinvin Shop: 8 am - 6 pm Mon-Fri 9 am-12 noon Saturday Deadline for November issue is Post Office: 8.30 am - 5.30 pm Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 20th October 2019 please ! 8.30 am - noon Wed 4 Children’s Corner

Colour black each shape which has a dot in it to see who is here

5 St Nicholas Church welcomes you

THE ABBEY CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS , St Nicholas' Pinvin, St Mary's Wick, St James'

Services at St Nicholas for October-November October 6th 10.30 am Holy Communion

October 20th 10.30 am Harvest Festival followed by traditional Harvest Lunch November 3rd 10.30 am Holy Communion

At the end of each service we enjoy coffee and biscuits and friendship.

5th Sunday We are part of the Benefice of Pershore, Pinvin, Wick & Birlingham. When a month has a 5th Sunday, which happens 4 times a year, there will be a 10:30 service at one of the Benefice churches in rotation, for all 4 churches.

Please read Pinpoint, Abbey Bulletin', or Village Website for details.

We regret that this isolated church cannot be left open. If you wish to visit please contact the office 01386 552071, who will direct you to a contact person who will enable you to visit St. Nicholas church. Pershore Abbey & Benefice Office, 11 Broad Street, Pershore WR10 1BB- [email protected] Registered Charity No 1133566

6 St Nicholas Church Parochial Church Council

The follow people have been elected as officers of St Nicholas Church. Vicar - Rev Claire Lording 01386 552071 Assistant Curate - Rev Steve Dunton 01386 552071

Churchwarden Glen Hurst 01386 555830 Churchwarden Hilary Roffey 01386 556629 Vice chairman Rob Mustard 01386 552735 Secretary Jill Mustard 01386 552735 Treasurers Jayne Bostock & Clive Kateley Electoral Roll Officer Richard Collyer Committee Members Stella Elliott.

Should any Pinvin Villagers like to attend the meetings or be part of the PCC, please contact any of the above people. Date of next PCC Meeting 13th November at 7:30 pm in Church General Enquiries should be directed to the Parish Office at 11 Broad Street, Pershore 01386 552071 ------|| ------Our village Church needs support by people who are willing to bring new ideas and suggestions to make the church building more useful for us all. You don’t have to come to church or joint the PCC It’s the skills and ideas that some people within this village have – this is what we need. INTERESTED! Call me – Glen number above.

7 Nurturing hearts and minds on a path of possibilities Pinvin Community Preschool, Opening Times Memorial Hall, Main Street, Pinvin, Monday – Thursday 7.45am – 6pm WR102ER Friday 7.45am – 5pm 01386553600 07548670303 Holiday Club [email protected] Wednesday – Friday 8.30am – 4pm ______

Since returning to Preschool on 9th September the children have settled in and are enjoying learning through play, with lots of varied and challenging activities both inside and out (while we can still enjoy the warm weather!). We are thrilled to be so popular and our current numbers are high, but if you do need to enquire about child places, please contact Hana on 01386 553600.

Thank you to everyone who came to the Community Pig Roast on 14th September. It was a really fun afternoon and your support was really appreciated. Future events on the calendar include the Lower Moor bonfire and fireworks on 2nd November – details to follow shortly.

The children and the Reverend Claire Lording look forward to welcoming you to our Harvest Festival Celebration on 22nd October at 11am, at the Memorial Hall. Chil- dren will be helping to prepare their famous ‘community stew’ and apple crumble, us- ing fruit and vegetables grown in our own Forest School. Any edible contributions to the feast will be very welcome.

Following the huge success of the Masquerade Ball on 28th June, we are busy organ- ising ‘The 2019 Winter Ball’ on 6th December. In partnership with Stonebow Care home it’s another opportunity to come together, have fun and raise some much-need- ed funds. The evening will begin with drinks on arrival from 7pm, a delicious three course meal, live music and dancing until midnight. Tickets are £40 per head if you buy before 1st November and £45 after this date. Please contact Hana on 07825 578713 or email [email protected].

22nd October – Harvest Festival Celebration; Pinvin “Community Stew”! Kids make bread and stew; fruit and veg from forest school; any food contributions welcome Details of Christmas events will follow next month.

8 Pinvin seems to have a litter problem. Please use the appropriate bins provided so we can keep our village tidy. You know it is so much nicer

9 Nature Notes The last swallow left on 14th September. The evening light is fading fast as this is written on the autumn equinox, 23rd Sep- tember. The busy bat whirring around the garden gathering tasty flying insects last night is absent now because of the rain. Some of its prey seek shelter in the con- volutions of upvc window frames, then spill onto the sill in the morning light. A wolf spider looking in the house for company has blundered into the untidy web of a more slightly built daddy long legs spider hanging inverted by the ceiling corner. A little help with a small paintbrush frees its legs and it continues on its way. A young grass snake lies dead by the roadside and an almost iridescent green and most unfortunate frog has had its rear legs crushed into the tarmac, while there are still signs of life in the front limbs. It’s curious how we feed the squirrel but eschew the rat passing by. One has a good PR dept. The other may be the beneficiary of food put out for birds and hedgehogs. Nature always finds an alternative way to the will of mere humans.


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11 Diary Dates ------|| ------Sunday October 20th at 10:30am Harvest Festival Service

------|| ------Sunday November 10th at 10:30am Remembrance Day Service

------|| ------Tuesday December 24th at 5:00pm Carols and Christingle Service