Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts Copyright © 2015, International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts
584 · Reviews Reviews · 585 Wolfe, Judith and Brendan Wolfe. C. S. Lewis’s Perelandra: Reshaping the ies of Perelandra in particular, by unraveling and addressing many of its obscure Image of the Cosmos. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2013. Xvii + symbols and themes. 160 pp. Hardback. ISBN 978-1-60635-183-3. $45.00. Parts One and Two are preceded by Judith Wolfe’s vivid and concise introductory assessment of “The Scope and Vision of this Study,” and by one As a creator of other worlds, C. S. Lewis is better known for his epic Chronicles of the collection’s most endearing inclusions, Walter Hooper’s reflections on of Narnia series than for the science fiction novels that make up his “Space his conversations with Lewis about Perelandra (“C. S. Lewis and the Anthro- Trilogy” (Out of the Silent Planet [1938], Perelandra [1943], and That Hideous pological Approach”). Hooper reveals that Lewis had firm ideas about reading Strength [1945]). Modern readers are also more likely to encounter Lewis’s and receiving narrative texts: first and foremost, he claimed, a text must be writing in the form of his imaginative fiction, even though he produced a allowed to work on the reader “in its own way,” not as something we have substantial amount of scholarly and theological works. Yet, as this new collec- been told it is, or as something drawing on a particular source. Thus, as Judith tion of essays edited by Judith and Brendan Wolfe suggests, Lewis’s innovative Wolfe states earlier in her Introduction, “to read Perelandra solely through one studies and treatises on a diverse range of subjects—medieval and Renaissance set of sources is to import (now outdated) anthropological methods into liter- literature, medieval cosmology, philology, modern science, and Christian- ary study, and to distort the object of enquiry from the start” (ix).
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