Annotated Legal Cases on Physician-Assisted Suicide in the USA 29 Jul 2012 Page 1 of 124 Annotated Legal Cases on Physician-Assisted Suicide in the USA Copyright 2005, 2012 by Ronald B. Standler no claim of copyright for works of the U.S. Government no claim of copyright for text of judicial opinions or other quotations Keywords assisted, assisting, Baxter, compassion, case, cases, death, die, Donaldson, dying, euthanasia, Glucksberg, Kevorkian, law, laws, legal, life, McIver, mercy killing, Oregon, physician, physician-assisted suicide, Quill, Sanderson, suicide, United States, U.S., U.S.A., Vacco Table of Contents Introduction . 3 definitions . 4 disclaimer . 5 Patients Who Want to Die . 6 reason we need physician-assisted suicide . 9 “It’s Over, Debbie” . 10 Suicide Was a Crime . 12 Assisting a Suicide Is a Crime . 13 statutes . 13 case law . 15 my comments . 17 possibility of criminal prosecution of physicians . 18 cases involving physicians . 20 cases involving nonphysicians . 22 consent of victim is not a defense . 24 Donaldson (Cal.App. 1992) . 27 Washington State v. Glucksberg (1994-97) . 31 en banc opinion of U.S. Court of Appeals . 32 six state interests . 39 1. preserving life . 40 29 Jul 2012 Page 2 of 124 2. preventing suicide . 42 3. preventing undue influence . 44 4. preventing injury to innocent third-parties . 45 5. protecting integrity of medical profession . 45 6. fear of adverse consequences . 46 the en banc majority opinion continues .... 46 U.S. Supreme Court . 48 Quill v. Vacco (1994-1997) . 65 U.S. Court of Appeals . 66 my comments on Quill . 70 Calabresi’s concurring opinion .
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