Whitney Houston: Life and Death Download
8 Arts & Life Editors Nicole Lopez-Isa Arts & Life Michelle D’Souza Whitney Houston: Life and death Download BY SHANNON Gioello six other albums and three movie of the Staff Writer soundtracks, all of which have dia- mond, multi-platinum, platinum or Week Last week, the world lost one gold certifications. As for her sin- of the greatest voices it has ever gles, she is the only artist to chart known. Singer, artist, actress, pro- seven consecutive number ones in ducer and model Whitney Hous- the Billboard Hot 100. “Beekeeper’s ton was found dead in her Bev- Houston’s acting career began erly Hills hotel suite Saturday. The in the ‘90s, when she starred in the Daughter” cause of her death is still unknown film “The Bodyguard.” Although it and the tragedy has elicited doz- recieved mixed reviews, the movie ens of statements and tributes, in- still grossed a significant amount by cluding one performed by Jennifer at the box office. Around that time, Hudson at the Grammys Sunday, she also dated R&B singer Bobby The All- extolling the fallen star’s career Brown. They eventually married achievements and passionate out- and had a child, a daughter named American Rejects look on life. Bobbi. The couple would later di- vorce in 2007. Whitney Houston was born Three years after their last During her lifetime, Whitney Aug. 9, 1963 in Newark, N.J., to release, the Oklahoma natives Houston was given a staggering Army serviceman and entertain- responsible for top 40 hits such total of 415 awards, the most no- ment executive John Russell Hous- as “Move Along” and “Gives You table being two Emmy awards, ton, Jr., and Grammy-winning Hell” finally began gearing up six Grammy awards and thirty gospel/soul singer Cissy Houston.
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