News Coverage prepared for: The European Union delegation to

. Disclaimer:

“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


. Thematic Headlines  Domestic Scene

 First Phase Runoffs  PM: Government to Be Sworn Tomorrow  Advisory Council to Hold First Meeting Thursday  Justice Ministry Denies Acquitting April 6 in Foreign Funding Case  Supreme Guide: MB Will Not Rule Egypt Alone  Recusal of Judge in Mubarak Trial Wednesday  Molla: No Place for Baradei in National Rescue Government  Awwa: Advisory Council to Convene Thursday  Judicial Source Denies Release of “Eye Sniper”  Abdel-Fatah Detained Further 15 Days  El-Baradei to AP: Youth Do Not Feel Revolt Goals Achieved  SCAF member comments on Al-Yom7 Behind-the-Scene Footage of Mubarak’s Step-Down  Moussa: Salafist Rise in Parliament Good Thing  Tahrir Divided over Decision to Re-open the Square  Judges Receive Case Files of Mohamed Mahmoud St. Clashes  Activists and Coalitions Agree to Re-open Tahrir Square  Elections Updates in Al-Akhbar newspaper.  Elections Updates in Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper.  Elections Updates in Ahram  Elections Updates in al-Tahrir  Elections Updates in al-Shurouq  Runoff Violations in

 Regional Development  UN Ratifies Egypt-Proposed Resolution to Urge Israel to Join NPT


Newspapers (6/12/2011)

Page: 4 Author: Sameh Lachin

Runoff Violations in Nasr City

Al-Ahram reports on a relative calm and a few problems in the parliamentary elections first phase runoffs.

In Nasr City, the brackets seat was contested by Salafist al-Nour candidate and Dr. Mustafa al-Najjar, who called on the High Electoral Commission to intervene after voters had complained about alleged ballots already cast.

Al-Najjar, however, said he was unable to prove rigging.

Al-Najjar also denounced the continuing campaigns of Islamists in front of the polling stations.

He said he would file a complaint to the HEC against the violations he had noticed through his campaign.

Al-Najjar told al-Ahram that in some polling stations, employees closed the doors on themselves, an act he described as “unnatural and incorrect.”

As for the runoffs, al-Najjar said the process was chaotic.


Page:4, 5, 6, 7 Author: Suad tantawi, Muhmmad Hindi, Ahmad al-Zuhayri and others

Elections Updates in Ahram

General reports on the runoff voting that started yesterday revealed a low turnout. Madihah al-Nahrawi reported on stuffing ballots violations during runoffs.

Amirah Salah reported a low turnout in Heliopolis, and pointed out the absence of ladies. Naji al-Jirjawi reported on some crowdedness at some polling stations in al-Zaytoun district.

Abd al-Jawwad Ali and Ibrahim Imran reported on the very low turnout in the eighth constituency in .

Qasr al-Nil the calm was “killing,” as described by al-Ahram’s Ahmad al-Zuhayri. The same calm was reported in Bulaq, al-Muski and al-Sabtiyah.

47 of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice (FJP) are in the runoffs. FJP called on its supporters to participate in the runoffs.

Muhammaf Inz reported on the coordination between the Muslim Brotherhood’s FJP and Salafist al-Nour in Damietta, where committees of both parties were formed.

In Alexandria, al-Ahram’s stringers reported that the Freedom and Justice and al-Nour hired microbuses to transfer voters to polling stations.

Shihab Center for Human Rights accused al-Nour Party of shredding the signs and posters of the FJP in al-Ajami to hang their own posters. The center also accused al-Nour Party of bribing voters in al-Muntazah district.

The center also detected stuffing ballots.


Proponents of candidate Tareq Talat allegedly received L.E 200 after voting. In Assyout, the turnout is low.

Arafat Ali reported on a low turnout in the Red Sea and a lower number of violations.


Pages: 3, 11 Authors: Walid Magdi, Karima Hasan (and others)

Tahrir Divided over Decision to Re-open the Square

Political movements and youth groups in Tahrir Square announced that they have taken a decision to re-open the square to allow movement of cars and pedestrians.

Arguments arose between protesters who were in favor of the decision and others who were against it. A number of protesters confirmed that the group, which rejects the decision, does not belong to any of the political forces or movements known in the square, and that they want to tarnish the image of Tahrir protesters.

The organizing committee of the sit-in, along with 60 movements and parties, issued a statement in which they said the sit-in will continue in Tahrir Square and in front of the Ministerial Cabinet headquarters. They said the sit-in will be re-organized to allow traffic in the square.


Page: 3 Author: Not mentioned

Awwa: Advisory Council to Convene Thursday

Presidential candidate Mohamed Selim el-Awwa said the law governing the election of a president will be tackled on Thursday during the first meeting of the newly-minted Advisory Council.

During a meeting with students of the American University in Cairo (AUC), Awwa said the council will convene on a weekly basis, and will meet with SCAF monthly.

Repeated in Al-Yom7, page 3.


Page 3 Author: Bassant Zeineddin

Moussa: Salafist Rise in Parliament Good Thing

The Salafist success in garnering votes in the parliamentary elections was a good thing, so they would be able to discuss the people’s problems, said presidential candidate Amr Moussa.

Moussa told CNN that last week's results should serve as a wake-up call to more liberal and sectarian factions within Egypt.

"This is a message to the liberal forces that they have to come together and (...) mobilize themselves in order to create a strong opposition within the Parliament," he said.


Page: 2 Authors: Ahmed Gomaa, Khaled Moussa & others

Activists and Coalitions Agree to Re-open Tahrir Square

A large number of political movements and coalitions in Tahrir decided to open the square to allow movement of cars and pedestrians. They confirmed that the sit-in will continue to be in Tahrir until the demands of the revolution is achieved.

Protesters took the decision in response to the demands of residents and business owners living in Downtown. They decided to give way to political initiatives that ensure the demands of revolution are achieved and a fair retribution for martyrs of the revolution.

Some quarrels broke out between a number of protesters and employees working in Tahrir governmental complex, who demanded putting an end to the sit-in.

Protesters in front of the Cabinet headquarters announced their complete refusal of El- Ganzouri’s national rescue government and demanded SCAF to hand over power immediately to a civilian presidential council. They placed symbolic coffins of Tahrir martyrs in front of the Cabinet headquarters and said they consider SCAF and its government to be illegitimate.


Page: 3 Authors: Mohamed Fathallah,Osama Ali,Gihan Hassan

PM: Government to Be Sworn Tomorrow

Appointed Prime Minister, Kamal El-Ganzouri, stated that the new government will be sworn in tomorrow.

A constitutional amendment will be introduced to delegate presidential powers to the Prime Minister.

The names of all ministers were announced in the media, except for the Interior Minister’s, who remains unnamed so far.

Ganzouri said the Interior Minister will be revealed in the cabinet line-up before SCAF Head, Mohamed Tantawi due to security reasons.

He confirmed that the Interior Minister will not be a civilian.

There is no intention to appoint a Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, he added.

This topic was covered in Tahrir page 2 ” The new Government will include 12 ministers from Essam Sharaf’s former government, and 2 who were ministers at Mubarak’s time “.

This topic was covered in Yom7 page3 + shorouk page 1+ Akhbar 3, 5 +Ahram page 1+ Dostour page 1, 4

Page: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9


Authors: Mohamed Morsy, Heba Saeed, Abd El-Razik Tawfeek

First Phase Runoffs

The HJEC announced in yesterday’s press conference that the next round of the first phase of the elections will take place on January 10th and 11th, after Cairo’s Administrative Court cancelled the elections in Cairo’s first constituency.

Mohamed Tantawi, SCAF head, followed the election updates from the Armed Forces operations room, while delegating other SCAF members to visit the polling stations in person.

Ismail Etman, member of SCAF and head of the morale and public relations department in the Armed Forces stated that they rectified all the mistakes of the first round.

In Cairo’s 6th constituency, the turnout was extremely low, and candidates tried to buy the votes.

Runoffs in Alexandria, went very smoothly.

NCHR criticized the HJEC for not abiding by the Administrative Court’s ruling for cancelling the elections in a number of constituencies.

The Administrative Court turned down 18 lawsuits for cancelling the elections in Damietta and Port Said.

In Damietta, the Armed Forces banned publicity in front of the polling stations.


Page: 1 Author: Ahmed Gharib el-Gamal

Molla: No Place for Baradei in National Rescue Government

Presidential hopeful Mohamed el-Baradei will not hold a ministerial portfolio in government of Kamal el-Ganzouri, said SCAF member Mokhtar el-Molla.

SCAF has not and will not announce the casualties sustained since the start of the revolution among Army ranks to keep the morale of soldiers high, Molla said.

The Advisory Council will be made up of 40 or 50 members representing all political spectrums as well as the youth, he said.


Page: 1, 4, 5,6,7,8 Author: Ahmed Abu Gabr, Israa Hamed, Mohamed Ads, Wael Kamhawy, Asmaa Kordy,

Election Updates

HJEC Head, Abd El-Moez Ibrahim, announced they are committed to enforce the Administrative Court’s ruling to cancel elections in a number of constituencies. However, the voting process will not stop until the Court hands down final verdicts and decides on the contestations.

He revealed that the US Ambassador to Egypt offered financial aid for the elections but declined her offer, saying, “The commission only deals with the Egyptian Government.”

After counting, the turnout rate of the first round of the first phase of parliamentary elections is 52 percent and not 62 percent as announced before.

Asyut runoffs witnessed poor turnout if compared with the first round. However, runoffs were free from the first round blunders.

40% of Asyut voters were not decided on the candidate they were going to choose.

According to the governorates’ operations room, the most blatant violations were committed by FJP and Al-Nour representatives. They handed out flyers in front of the stations on the elections day.

Military Force Commander, Hamdy Badeen, checked on a number of polling stations in Nasr city, Cairo.

Judges of East Cairo’s constituency said that the voting process is running smoothly, however, the conditions of the vote count stations are inhumane.


Cairo’s 8th constituency witnessed a decline in the turnout. In addition to numerous violations by FJP candidates.

The Sawaseya Center for Human Rights revealed that a candidate in the 6th constituency in Kasr El- hired thugs to hand out flyers in front of the polling station.

The Center’s report also revealed that Tarek Talaat Mostafa, parliamentary candidate, offered the poor in the district bribes to buy their votes.

Runoffs in North Cairo’s constituency attracted low turnout.

Al-Nour party encouraged its supporters in Cairo’s second constituency to vote for FJP’s candidate who is facing a fierce competition with the Egyptian Bloc’s candidate.

The Administrative Court will examine Mostafa Bakry’s case over the coming 3 weeks. The case is expected to be transferred to the Cassation Court.


Page: 1,3,4,5,6,7 Authors: Huda Abu Bakr, Rana Mamdouh, Yusuf Shaaban and others

Elections Updates in al-Tahrir

Al-Tahrir sheds light on the runoff polls that started yesterday and will continue today in the nine governorates of the first elections phase; namely, Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said, Damietta, Kafr al-Shaykh, Fayyoum, Luxor, Assyout and the Red Sea.

A generally low turnout was reported in all constituencies.

Almost all the seats in the runoff are contested by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice and Salafist al-Nour.

Runoff polls are held in some constituencies in spite of Administrative Court rulings annulling the first phase polls results.

Al-Tahrir reported on the Administrative Court ruling annulling the polls results in Cairo first constituency in al-Sahel. The Administrative Court issued the ruling on Sunday.

While some observers and Administrative Court judges considers the High Elections Commission’s abstention from executing the Administrative Court ruling to be a crime, recalling similar attitude of the elections commission headed by Abd al-Aziz Omar in the 2010 parliamentary elections.

Yusuf Shaaban headlined: “The High Elections Commission has not Learnt the Lesson and the Violations are Increasing.”

Al-Tahrir reported on the general low turnout in all constituencies of the nine governorates of the first phase.


Page: 13 Authors: Iman Moussa

Advisory Council to Hold First Meeting Thursday

The cabinet’s advisory council is expected to hold its first meeting next Thursday, presidential hopeful Selim al-Awa said.

The meeting will set criteria for the selection of the Constituent Assembly members, and will discuss the bill on presidential elections.

All council resolutions will be reviewed by SCAF.

“The advisory council will hold weekly meetings in a vacant government location. Members will not receive any financial rewards,” Awa said, clarifying that the council’s work will end once a new president is elected.

The council’s composition has not been announced yet but it will include political forces of different hues, according to Al-Awa.

Topic was covered in yom7 page 9 + Masry Youm page 1+ Ahram page 3, 14


Page: 1 Authors: Haitham Radwan

Judicial Source Denies Release of “Eye Sniper”

A Judicial source at the public prosecution denies online reports claiming that First Lieutenant Mohamed el-Shenawi, aka the Eye Sniper, was released from custody.

Shenawi was detained for four days pending investigation that were extended for an extra 15 days, the source said.

Topic was covered in Al-Yom7 (pages 1 and 13):

Al-Yom7 files complaint with the prosecution general against Interior Minister Mansour Essawi for his refusal to reveal the identity of police officers involved in targeting the eyes of protesters on November 12-22.

Al-Tahrir (page 1).


Page: 1,4,5 Authors: Muhammad Basal, Ahmad al-Bahnasawi and others

Elections Updates

Al-Shurouq headlined its front page: “Polls without Voters in the Runoffs.”

Al-Shurouq marked the low turnout at the polling stations.

Alya’ Hamid attributed the low turnout in some constituencies to voters’ confusion after the Administrative Court’s ruling to annul the first phase results in a number of constituencies.

Hani al-Naqrashi headlined: “the Parties’ Operations Rooms Detect the Disappearance of Voters and the Return of Thugs.”

Freedom and Justice Operations room reported on delay in opening 25 poll stations. Salafist al-Nour Party detected “no violations.”

Wala’ al-Hudayni reported that Ahmad al-Misri, candidate of al-Huriyah (freedom) Party filed a claim at the State Council against the High Elections Commission, calling for a recount in the North Cairo constituency.

Ahmad al-Bahnasawi reported on SCAF members’ visits to polling stations and close observation from the Armed Forces Operations room. General Ismael, member of SCAF told the press that SCAF adopted the same the security plan in the runoffs. He also asserted preventing any campaigning in front of polling stations.

Al-Shurouq also reported on the runoff polls held in al-Sahel constituency that had witnessed clashes and violations.


Al-Shurouq reported on the details of the Administrative Court ruling to annul the first phase results.

The Administrative Court refuted the arguments about the Cassation Court, being responsible for the polls-related cases, asserting its specialization in such cases.


Page: 3 Authors: Mostafa Eid (and others)

Judges Receive Case Files of Mohamed Mahmoud St. Clashes

A judicial source confirmed to Al-Sherouk newspaper that the Public Prosecution handed over the file containing information on the attacks against protesters in Tahrir Square on November 19, and the bloody events that took place in Mohamed Mahmoud St. to the two judges examining the case.

The judges will begin the first session of the trial today and will call for testimony new witnesses and the families of the martyrs.


Page 1 and 8 Author: Mahmoud Reda and Ahmed Abdel-Radi

SCAF member comments on Al-Yom7 Behind-the-Scene Footage of Mubarak’s Step- Down

SCAF member Major General Ismail Etman commented on a widely-circulated footage on the internet showing the moments when the step-down speech of former president Hosni Mubarak, delivered by former vice president Omar Soliman, was aired inside the state TV building.

In a phone call with Al-Hayat-1 satellite channel, Etman, who appeared in the footage, said he has nothing to do with leaking the visual recording.

Etman raised the question of why the footage was leaked at this precise time.

Turning to his role on the step-down day, he said he was there to ensure that the step- down speech was aired.

Repeated in Al-Dostor (page 2).


Page 3 Author: Not mentioned

UN Ratifies Egypt-Proposed Resolution to Urge Israel to Join NPT

The United Nations General Assembly ratified two resolutions, floated by Egypt, on establishing a nuclear-free Middle East region, Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Amr Roshdi said.

One of the resolutions urges Israel, a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), to join the pact and place all its nuclear facilities under the inspection of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The resolutions also call on Israel and other NPT non-signatory states to halt the production, testing and storage of nuclear arms, Roshdi said.


Page 4 Authors: Ibrahim kassem

Political Parties Need 0.5% to Win Parliamentary Seats

HJEC announced that a political party or an alliance needs to win at least 0.5%of the valid votes in the elections to win parliamentary seats.


Page 3 and 22 Author: Khadega Afifi

Recusal of Judge in Mubarak Trial Wednesday

The Cairo Court of Appeals will hold a hearing on Wednesday to hand down its ruling into the recusal request of the judge presiding the trial of former president Hosni Mubarak over the killing of protesters during the revolution.

The case also involves Mubarak’s two sons, Alaa and Gamal, former interior minister Habib el-Adli, 6 of his top aides and fugitive businessman Hussein Salem.

Repeated in Al-Tahrir (page 2)


Page 3 Author: Khaled Merry

Justice Ministry Denies Acquitting April 6 in Foreign Funding Case

The Justice Ministry confuted media reports that a report issued by a fact-finding commission probing the case of NGO foreign funding has vindicated the April 6 Movement.

Nothing can be further from the truth, the Justice Ministry spokesperson said.

The fact-finding commission was formed by a Cabinet decision to investigate allegations about NGOs receiving foreign funding. The Commission is chaired by Justice Minister Abdel- Aziz el-Gendi.

Repeated in: Al-Ahram (page 3), Al-Gomhoria (page 2) and Al-Shorouk (page 3).


Front Page, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 Authors: Ahmed El-Tahawi, Hoda Mohamed (and others)

Elections Updates

Limited turnout was reported on the first day of the runoffs of the first phase of parliamentary elections. Vote-counting began right after voting was completed. It is expected that initial results of the runoffs will be announced later today.

The Higher Elections Commission decided, during a meeting yesterday, to implement the court decision that invalidates elections of the first phase in Al-Sahel district over suspicions of fraud. The HEC set another date for holding elections in the same district again.

Senior Judge Abdel Moez Mas’oud, head of the HEC, announced that results of elections in Dairut district in Assiut and Moharam Beik district in Alexandria will not be announced until the Higher Administrative Court issues its decision regarding their validity.

Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Head of SCAF, and Major General Sami Anan, Chief of Staff and Deputy Head of SCAF, said they are following-up the electoral process during the runoff stage. Tantawi gave his orders to SCAF members and military leaders to supervise elections in the 9 governorates and remove any obstacles that affect the electoral process.

Violations were also detected during the runoffs. In the sixth district in Cairo, there were incidents of buying votes, affecting voters’ decision inside polling stations, or campaigning at the time of voting.


Also, elections in Alexandria saw violations by candidates. “Monitoring without Funds” campaign reported campaigns made in front of polling stations using large speakers to affect the decision of the voters. The campaign said supporters of Al-Nour Party candidate transferred a number of voters and called on them to vote for him. Candidates of FJP and other independent candidates violated the rules of the HEC by establishing booths in front of polling stations and distributing posters.


Page 4 Author: Gawdat Eid Abdel-Fatah Detained Further 15 Days

A Cairo court turned down an appeal by political activist Alaa Abdel-Fatah to revoke his detention.

Abdel-Fatah, a member of Kefaya movement, was detained pending investigations for stealing a weapon from an Armed Forces soldier and sabotaging public property during the October 9 Maspero incidents.

The Court also ordered the detention of Abdel-Fatah for additional 15 days.

Repeated in Al-Gomhoria (page 2) and Al-Shorouk (page 3).


Page 4 Author: Mohamed Adel

Supreme Guide: MB Will Not Rule Egypt Alone

The Muslim Brotherhood will not rule Egypt singlehandedly but will cooperate with all sides in the process, the group’s Supreme Guide Mohamed Badea said.

The Egyptian people, giving their votes to the MB, have placed a huge responsibility on the group’s shoulders, Badea said.

The MB does not seek a majority in the Parliament, but to participate in the political process, he said.

The MB was enraged by SCAF statements over the powers of the next parliament, depriving it from forming a new government or even withdrawing confidence from the government, he said.

Repeated in Al-Masry Al-Yom, page 10 (an interview with Badea).


Page 4 Author: Not mentioned

El-Baradei to AP: Youth Do Not Feel Revolt Goals Achieved

Presidential candidate Mohamed el-Baradei said the liberal youth behind the country's uprising have been "decimated" in the Islamist-dominated parliamentary elections.

In an interview with the Associated Press on the same day the electoral authorities announced that Islamist parties captured an overwhelming majority of votes in the first round of elections, Baradei expressed concern about the rise of religious hard-liners advocating extremist ideas such as banning women from driving.

He said he hopes moderate Islamists will rein in the extremists and send a reassuring message to the World that Egypt will not go down an ultraconservative religious path.

"The youth feel let down. They don't feel that any of the revolution's goals have been achieved," he said.

"They got decimated," he said, adding that the youth failed to unify and form "one essential critical mass."

Baradei said writing the constitution that respects human rights, dignity and freedom of expression should be based on a consensus among all the political players, and not on a parliamentary majority.

He said the Muslim Brotherhood has been working for many years, providing basic needs for health care and other social services the government failed to deliver and thus gained wide popularity throughout the country.


In contrast, the liberal youth groups behind the uprising failed to form a cohesive, unified front. He said they only formed political parties two months ago.

Repeated in:

Al-Masry Al-Yom (page 3), Al-Tahrir (page 13), Al-Yom7 (page 3), Al-Shorouk (page 3): Interview by Al-Shorouk with Baradei.


TV Coverage (5/12/2011)

1- Program: Al Hayah Al Youm Genre: Talk Show Channel: Al Hayah TV Hosts: Lobna Asal

Administrative Court decides to cancel the result of the first constituency in Cairo and cancel its runoff as well.

Al-Hayat reporter in Kafr Al-Sheikh said: Supporters of Al-Nour Party and the FJP were distributing posters on the voters in front of polling stations.

HEC receives a draft of the decision that invalidates the runoff in Al-Sahel constituency.

Major General Ismail Etman makes inspected the flow of work in some of the runoff stations.

The number of ballot boxes that were opened is 90 in Al-Sahel constituency, said the Head of HEC Executive Office.

2. Program: Al Hayah Al A’an Genre: News Channel: Al Hayah TV Host: Maha Bahnassi and Yasmin Saeed

Dr. Mohy Hafez, Member of Arab Investors said:

Political stability is one of the main reasons for economic stability.

The consequences of the decrease of foreign exchange on economic growth are worse than estimates.

Armed Forces force Al-Nour Party supporters out of a ballot station in Matareya after they distributed publicity materials inside the station.

Street defense committees in Fayoum ended a clash that broke out between Al- Nour and FJ P supporters.


Major General Ismail Etman said to Al-Hayat tv:

Candidates who violate the rules on elections publicity in front or inside the ballot stations will receive punishment

Citizens distributing posters or carrying laptops used for any sort of publicity will be arrested.

A new statement on forming the advisory council will be issued next Thursday.

Al-Ganzory has full authority to form and run the new government.

All negative incidents of the first phase of the parliamentary elections will not happen in the upcoming phases.

60 political parties and movements addressed the protestors in Tahrir in order to open way for traffic through the Square, to help the elections process succeed.

National Human Rights Council criticizes HEC for not implementing court decisions.

HEC excluded 50% of polling stations administrative staff in the runoff as they weren’t needed.

Head of a ballot station in Asyut files a report against Al-Nour Party.

Judges Club Operations Office said they haven’t received any in the run-off and thuggery incidents are not correct.

HEC will not make any announcement regarding the reports filed to the Administrative Court over some invalid results until the court gives a final decision.

HEC announced:

HEC has no interest to take sides with any party.

Individual and slates seats will be announced at the same time.

Elections administrative staff will get a bonus of EGP 1000 on two installments.

We appealed to SCAF with a suggestion to count votes in the substations but we haven’t received a reply.

The electoral publicity in front of the ballot stations is an ethical crime.

Judge Zakareya Shalash, Head of Giza Criminal Court said, HEC must issue an official statement to destroy the extra ballot papers that are with the judges.


1- Program: Masr AL-Gededa Genre: Talk Show Channel: Al Hayah 2 Host: Moataz AL-Demerdash

Hassan Nafaa, political science professor said:

We need an independent committee with a professional administrative staff.

I am not worried about Islamists winning the elections.

The LE500 fine was not the reason that made people vote in the elections.

Program: Misr Tantakheb Genre: Talk Show Channel: CBC Host: Lamees Al Hadidi & Khairy Ramadan

Low turnout in the first day of runoffs.

HEC announced that the voting process is conducted normally in all run-off constituencies.

The Administrative Court decided that election results in El-Sahel and Shoubra constituencies are invalid.

HEC Head stated:

Voting and vote count in invalidated constituencies will continue until the Administrative Court hands down a final decision.

Ballot papers were sent to stations number 793 and 794 in El-Salam constituency after run- off the original ones were stolen from the Judge’s car.

Voters’ turnout in the first phase is 52% and not 62% as previously announced.

Voting in Al-Sahel constituency was invalidated as per the Administrative Court decision.


Run-off elections in El-Sahel constituency will be held on 10 and 11 January.

Runoff violations are less than the first round’s.

Security Forces are in charge of preventing publicity inside or outside the polling stations, said Major General Ismail Etman.

The Voting process wasn’t affected by the fire exchange between 2 prominent families in Esna district, stated Luxor Security Director.

Consulates in Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, and France increased in number in preparation for the second phase of the election process.

El-Ganzory will not announce the name of Interior Minister until the government is sworn in.

El-Ganzory: There will be no Minister of Parliamentary Affairs in the new government.

Protestors resume their sit-in in front of Cabinet Headquarters.

Judges Club said that Niqabi women have to show their faces before voting to identity them.

UN General Assembly approved a decision demanding Israel to join NPT.

Judges seal the ballot boxes to resume the voting process tomorrow and armed forces secure the boxes.

1- Program: News All Day Genre: News Channels: Channel 1

Tantawi follows up on the flow of the electoral process from SCAF operations room.

Head of Judges Club said, we will issue many decisions regarding invalid voting.

Head of the HEC said administrative staff and judges didn’t go to Al-Sahel constituency’s polling stations today.

El-Ganzouri finished the formation of the new government.


2- Program: Sabah AL-Kheir Ya Masr Genre: News Channels: Channel 1

Runoffs will be held in 9 governorates today and tomorrow.

Although SCAF gave El-Ganzouri’s government full powers but the government is still headed by the president, the ruling SCAF, and they have their authorities as well, said Atef Al-Ghamry, journalist in Al-Ahram newspaper.

Program: Yeseed Sabahak Genre: Daily Host: Dina Hegazy& Karim Awad Allah

Minister of information was removed from his post and it is expected that Ahmed Anis replaces him.

It is expected that SCAF issues a statement to grant El-Ganzouri’s government wider authorities.

MB and Salafis exchange accusations before the elections runoffs start today.

Expatriate Egyptians prefer to vote for the Egyptian Bloc.


Links: 215856-240417.rar 200348-211457.rar

Radio Coverage (5/12/2011)


News All Day Channel: Radio Masr

HEC receives the Administrative Court ruling suspending runoff voting in Al-Sahel constituency. SCAF denies issuing a statement that allows vote count in sub-stations.

Al-Ganzory finishes forming the new government except one ministry.

Voters turn out in polling stations for the run-off polls.

Low turnout of voters in run-off polls.

Expatriate Egyptians start voting today in the second phase of the parliamentary elections.

Al-Ganzory to announce the new government tomorrow.

Administrative Court examines today the lawsuit filed over the validity of voting in the second constituency in Fayyoum.

Program: News

Channel: El-Sahrk El-Awsat

The Administrative Court invalidated the voting results in El-Sahel constituency.

HEC Head stated that the voting process and vote count in the constituency will continue; however, no results will be announced.

Judges seal ballot boxes to resume run-offs tomorrow.

104 candidates compete in run-offs over 52 individual seats.


Program: News

Channel: El-Barnameg El-Aam

Tantawi follows the elections updates from the operations room of the Armed Forces.

Program: News Bar

Channel: Mega FM

El-Ganzory said: Interim Prime Minister will acquire presidential powers.

SCAF renews its commitment on handing over power to a civilian authority.


Links: 20111205-160028-160135.rar 20111205-170120-170125.rar 20111205-230126-230131.rar AT-20111205-190058-190131.rar AT-20111205-220055-220122.rar AT-20111205-230039-230119.rar AT-20111205-240010-240026.rar 190058.rar 070117-070130.rar 100136-100144.rar 150018-150023.rar 270042-270046.rar 270104-270110.rar


Internet Coverage (6/12/2011)


We are all khaled saeed

Only 4 seats in the first round of the first elections phase did not need a runoff. The runoffs today (Monday) will determine one third of the parliamentary seats.

Our country’s problems are much bigger than being solved by one political current. Before choosing a candidate, remember that 40% of Egyptians are below poverty line, 6 million youth are unemployed, over 20 million suffer from chronic diseases and almost half of the Egyptians are illiterate.

In less than 12 months, we conquered the impossible, though there are numerous problems, we will not give up hope.

Abd El-Hady Farag, one of the victims of January 28th who suffers from complete paralysis, insisted on voting yesterday. snc6/s320x320/166926_299946833388521_104224996294040_726668_1759682519_n.jpg

Egyptian Cabinet

Runoffs of the first phase of the parliamentary elections started. 104 candidates compete to obtain 52 members of the Parliament.


The Supreme Council of Armed Forces

Communiqués No. 88

SCAF is proud of the great Egyptian people for their great achievement that amazed the world.


SCAF hails the great turnout of Egyptians as a reflection of a number of facts like the persistence of the spirit of the January 25 revolution, the great value of the precious bloods of the martyrs who paid the price of liberty and democracy, the greatness and genuineness of the Egyptian people who have inspired the whole world.

SCAF also thanked the judges and the Ministry of Interior for their hard work, and also the Armed Forces for their genius efforts.


VIDEO – Protesters continue to rally to #FreeAlaa

VIDEO – For Workers Power and International Socialism

Muslim Brotherhood Site

FJP Press Release No. (12) – Run-Off Voting

Tomorrow, Monday 5/Dec/2011 runoff voting for the first phase of parliamentary elections 2011 begins. We would like to make things clear:

With our sincere appreciation and respect for all competitors in this election, parties or independent – representing all political and intellectual currents, we must stress that we did not get into any co-ordination schemes, alliances or concessions to any of the candidates.

The FJP, once again, calls on all media, especially private satellite channels, to show commitment to objectivity and impartiality in the coverage of this round and future rounds.

The FJP warns those who use its name and without official approval by the party and its secretariats, put up posters, distribute publications or flyers, announce unconfirmed data or reports, and give election gifts or bribes. We warn all those that the FJP will take legal action against them.


The Freedom and Justice party is engaged in this run-off round with 47 candidates, in most districts of the Republic, namely:

1 - Cairo: (15 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers First (the Coast) Fahmy Abdo Kamal Mehdi Second (Al-Qubba and Al-Zaytoun) Amr Zaki Yasser Abdullah Third (Nasr City) Mohamed Yousry (Alliance) Essam Mokhtar Fourth (Heliopolis) ------Khalid Hassan Fifth (Qasr Al-Neil) Amr Khadr (Alliance) Mustafa Farghali Sixth (Al-Jamaleya) Khalid Mohamed Nasser Othman Seventh (Misr Alqadima and Khalipha) Khaled Hanafi Yousry Bayoumi Ninth (Matareya and ) Sayed Jadallah Ashraf Al- Saad 2 - Alexandria (8 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers First (Montaza) Hosni Dowidar (Alliance) Mustafa Mohamed Mustafa Second (Al-Raml) Mahmoud al-Khodeiri (Alliance) Mohammadi Syed Ahmed Third (Karmouz) Mahmoud Attia Saber Abu Fotouh Fourth (Mina al-Basal) Dr. Hamdi Hassan Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud

3 - Kafr Al-Sheikh (6 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers First (Kafr El-Sheikh) Mohamed Shaker Sennar Taha Mansour Abdel-Fattah

Third (Desouk) Mohamed Al-Halisi Mohamed Idris


Fourth (Burolus) Mohamed Aamir Ashraf Al- Saeed

4 - Damietta (3 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers First (Damietta) Ali Al-Daey Mohamed Ahmed Abu Mussa Second (Kafr Saad) Mohamed Al-Filahji 5 - Fayoum (6 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers and Farmers First (Bandar Fayoum) Hamdi Taha Adel Ismail Second (Fayoum) Osama Yahya (Alliance) Sayed Gabr (Alliance) Third (Snuras) Jamal Mohamed Hassan Fawzi Ali Abdul Aziz Yamani

6 - Assiut (7 candidates):

Constituency Professionals Workers First (Assiut) Samir Khashaba ------Second (Dayrout) Mohamed Salama Bakr Mohamed Madar Moussa Mohamed Mousa Third (Al-Fateh) Abdul Aziz Khalaf Mohammed Ali Abdullah Sadiq Nasr Fourth (Abu Tiej) Hassan Ali Abdul-Aal Aamir Abdul Aziz Mohamed Ibrahim Mansour

7 - Luxor (one candidate):

Constituency Professionals Workers Luxor Dr. Abdul Mawjood Rajeh

8 - Red Sea (one candidate):

Constituency Professionals Workers Hurghada Mohamed Mahmoud Youssef Ahmed


FJP Press Release No. (13), Runoff Starts

Today, Monday 5/Dec/2011, runoff voting for the first phase of the People’s Assembly elections 2011 started. Engaged in this round are 47 candidates from the Freedom and Justice party (FJP).

The following is a report on the latest developments on the first day of the runoff:

First, the Electoral Process: On this first day of the runoff, and up to this moment, the electoral process has not seen the same levels of turnout witnessed in the first round, which is understandable.

Second, Polling Stations: Opening of 25 polling stations in the Red Sea Governorate was postponed to nine o’clock for the absence of representatives of those competing with FJP candidates.

Third, the Security Situation: Our representatives have reported a large number of thugs loitering in front of the Coptic School and the Hurreyah Experimental School in , in Qasr Al-Nil constituency.

Fourth, Media Performance: Certain media miscreants owned by a number of businessmen are still playing a treacherous role to thwart the electoral process and mislead voters and public opinion through the dissemination of false information about stopping elections in the Coast constituency in (Cairo) and Muharram Beck constituency in (Alexandria), although the High Judicial Elections Commission (HJEC) confirmed that the news were false and that the election continues on schedule in all constituencies where runoff voting is required.

Fifth, Representatives: An armed forces officer banned the entry of all representatives to polling stations at the headquarters of the Directorate of Health Affairs in Ataba Square, in the sixth constituency (Qasr Al-Neil), claiming that the Armed Forces have not approved the permits, which is contrary to the decisions of the HJEC and a breach of the Political Rights Law.

Violations Mar Elections' Run-offs in Several Provinces, FJP Press Release No. (14) On this first day of the run-off for the first stage of the Egyptian People's Assembly elections 2011/2012, and until this moment, many abuses and provocations were committed by some of those competing with FJP candidates.

The following is a summary of the main abuses and outrages witnessed during the first day of runoff, up to this moment:


1 - A number of candidates hired unknown bandits to pose as if campaigning, outside polling stations, in the name of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), filming them ‘red-handed’ with party propaganda that had been collected from the streets, methods often used by the defunct former regime.

2 – Certain anonymous persons distributed ‘Communiqués’ in the name of a number of our candidates, including several ‘messages’ to the effect that we are coordinating with other candidates, or that we declared our support for candidates running for the seats that we do not have candidates for. All such ‘communiqués’ have nothing to do with the FJP or its candidates. If we do coordinate with any parties or persons, we will announce that officially.

3 – In Alexandria, certain parties are spreading rumors that we have withdrawn our support for Counsellor Mahmoud al-Khodeiri. That is totally untrue.

Egyptian Legislative Elections, FJP Press Release No. (15)

The first day of the run-off for the first stage of the Egyptian People's Assembly elections 2011/2012 has ended, with turnout ranging from 20 to 25%, and a noticeable increase during the last hours of the election day.

The position of the FJP on the most important events on the first day of run-off voting:

1 – The party yet again extends its gratitude to the Egyptian people for their fortitude and positive outlook, which make us confident that this enlightened public will participate on the second day of the run-off.

2 – The FJP emphasizes its full respect for the provisions and decisions of the Egyptian judiciary, especially the decision it made to suspend run-off voting in Cairo's 1st District for party lists and individuals. 3 – The FJP yet again denounces the practices of some parties and candidates who get involved in negative propaganda against the FJP.

4 – The FJP calls upon the High Elections Commission to provide the appropriate atmosphere for the sorting of votes, so as to avoid a repeat of the crises that occurred during the first round of the elections.


Twitter AsmaaMahfouz

I am amazed to see the strength of protesters who were injured and who suffered a lot but still willing to continue their struggle. Those who received treatment among them returned to Tahrir Square again. Our military rulers honored those who murdered us and imprisoned those who defended the rights of the victims. Free Alaa Abdel Fattah! Anyone who knows protesters who were injured during the Mohamed Mahmoud clashes, please, send me their contacts as we are creating a record of them. Monasosh All credible sources confirm that sniper policeman, accused of injuring protesters, was not released and is held in prison pending investigation. They are punishing Alaa Abdel Fattah in prison by preventing any inmate from talking to him. Any inmate who tries to approach Alaa and talk to him gets beaten. Free Razan, she was devoted to defending prisoners and now she is one. Appeal filed against the decision to hold Alaa in prison for 15 days was denied and Alaa will remain in prison pending investigation. Iyad_ElBaghdadi

I want to clarify something - when I talk about a crisis of Islamism, I'm talking about a crisis in ideology, not in politics. The Arab Spring Manifesto is Islamic, libertarian, and radical. For the most part you either have illiberal Islamists who are too radical, or liberal Islamists who are aren't radical at all. Gsquare86

SCAF is pretty much the one who will decide who is going to be in parliament and who is not. Why are you voting people?! Boycott Egyptian elections. How are they expecting people to participate in something that no one actually understands?! Unless they want them not to. This is exactly what is happening now. Number one problem with Egyptian elections: Who is the mentally- deformed person who came up with this system? WaelAbbas

There are entire ballot boxes thrown in trash!


. Publication overview

 Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

 Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

 Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

 Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper is a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt[1] and several other Arabic nations. It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

 Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

 Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

 Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

 Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ……………………………………………………………………………………………………....3-31 Al Ahram Newspaper Runoff Violations in Nasr City…………………………………………………………………………………...…3 Elections Updates in Ahram …………………………………………………………………………….……….4-5 Al Masry Al Yawm Newspaper Tahrir Divided over Decision to Re-open the Square…………………………………………………………….6 Awwa: Advisory Council to Convene Thursday…………………………………………..……………………..7 Moussa: Salafist Rise in Parliament Good Thing…………………………………………………………………8 Al Gomhoreya Newspaper Activists and Coalitions Agree to Re-open Tahrir Square……………………………………………………….9 PM: Government to Be Sworn Tomorrow………………………………………………..………………………10 First Phase Runoffs………………………………………………………………………………...……………….11 Al Dostour Newspaper Molla: No Place for Baradei in National Rescue Government…………………………………………………12 Election Updates……………………………………………………………………….………………………..13-14 Al Tahrir Newspaper Elections Updates in al-Tahrir……………………………………………………………………….…………….15 Advisory Council to Hold First Meeting Thursday……………………………………………………………..16 Al Sherouk Newspaper Judicial Source Denies Release of “Eye Sniper”…………………………………………………………………17 Elections Updates …………………………………………………………………………….…………………18-19 Judges Receive Case Files of Mohamed Mahmoud St. Clashes………………………………………………..20 Al Yawm Al 7 Newspaper SCAF member comments on Al-Yom7 Behind-the-Scene Footage of Mubarak’s Step-Down…………...…21 UN Ratifies Egypt-Proposed Resolution to Urge Israel to Join NPT…………………………………………..22 Political Parties Need 0.5% to Win Parliamentary Seats……………………………………………..…………23 Al Akhbar Newspaper Recusal of Judge in Mubarak Trial Wednesday…………………………………………………………………24 Justice Ministry Denies Acquitting April 6 in Foreign Funding Case…………………………………………25 Elections Updates………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 26 -27 Abdel-Fatah Detained Further 15 Days………………………………………………………….……………….28 Supreme Guide: MB Will Not Rule Egypt Alone……………………………………………….……………….29 El-Baradei to AP: Youth Do Not Feel Revolt Goals Achieved…………………….………………………..30-31 TV Coverage…………………………………………………………………………….………………………32-37 Al Hayah TV Channel ………………………………………………………………….……..……………….32-33 Al Hayah TV 2Channel …………………………………………………………………...……………………….34 CBC Channel…………………………………………………………………………..………………………..34-35 Channel 1……………………………………………………………………………..…………………………35-36 Channel 2 …...... 36 Links…………………………………………………………………………..…………..…………………………37 Radio Coverage…………………………………………………………………………………..……………..38-40 Radio Misr………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….38 Al Shark Al Awsat Channel…………………………………………………………………..…………………..38 Al Barnamej Al Aam……………………………………………………………………..………………………..39 Mega Fm……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..39 Links…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………40


Internet coverage………………………………………………………………………….…………………….41-47 Face book…………………………………………………………………………………………………………41-42 Arabawy……………………………………………………………………………………..………………………42 Muslim Brotherhood Site……………………………………………………….………………………………42-46 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………….………………………………….47