Report No. London Borough of Bromley DRR11/023 PART 1 - PUBLIC

Decision Maker: Development Control Committee

Date: 8 March 2011 Decision Type: Non-Urgent Non-Executive Non-Key


Contact Officer: Mary Manuel, Head of Planning Strategy Tel: 020 8313 4303 E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Officer: Marc Hume, Director of Renewal and Recreation

Ward: All

1. Reason for report

1.1 This report follows the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel’s (LDFAP) meeting on 17th January where the approach to developing the Core Strategy Issues Document was endorsed, including using 21 area pen portraits to help understand local and borough wide issues.

1.2 The LDFAP requested that the Executive and Development Control Committee be asked to consider the developing pen portraits and advised of the overall structure and approach to the Core Strategy Issues Document.

1.3 The report includes as appendices, draft outlines of the key elements proposed for the Core Strategy Issues Document; visions and objectives for the borough (developed from Bromley 2020 (Building A Better Bromley) where they have a specific spatial relevance), area pen portraits and strategic issues and themes.

1.4 The preparation of a robust Core Strategy as the central policy document within the suite of documents which will form the Local Development Framework (LDF) has been re-emphasised though the Localism Bill and the examination in public held last year into the Mayor’s revised draft London Plan.



2.1 Agree the structure and approach to preparing the Core Strategy Issues Document as set out in the report.

2.2 Comment on the vision and objectives, area pen portraits, and strategic themes, forming Appendices 1-3 to be considered by the Local Development Advisory Panel on 24th March 2011.

1 Corporate Policy

1. Policy Status: New policy.

2. BBB Priority: Excellent Council. Vibrant and Thriving Town Centres, Supporting Independence, A Quality Environment



1. Cost of proposal: No cost

2. Ongoing costs: N/A.

3. Budget head/performance centre: Planning Division Budget

4. Total current budget for this head: £3.3m

5. Source of funding: Existing revenue budget, ______


1. Number of staff (current and additional): 103.89 ftes

2. If from existing staff resources, number of staff hours: N/A ______


1. Legal Requirement: Statutory requirement.

2. Call-in: Call-in is not applicable. ______

Customer Impact

1. Estimated number of users/beneficiaries (current and projected): Borough-wide ______

Ward Councillor Views

1. Have Ward Councillors been asked for comments? Yes.

2. Summary of Ward Councillors comments: Ward Councillors were invited to the workshops held in 2010 where the identification of 21 areas started and have been sent the notes of these workshops and invited to comment on the area pen portraits. Emails were sent to all Councillors on 27 January 2011 following the LDF Advisory Panel's request that the indicative programme for the Core Strategy be circulated and Members advised of the plans for this meeting.



3.1 The Local Development Framework Advisory Panel (LDFAP) met on 17th January 2011, in particular, to consider the timetable and process for the continuing preparation of Bromley’s Core Strategy. The Core Strategy will form the overarching strategic policy document within the suite of documents forming the borough’s Local Development Framework (LDF). The Bromley Area Action Plan and the Supplementary Planning Guidance on Planning Obligations, both adopted by the Council in 2010, also form part of the LDF.

3.2 The Indicative Programme agreed by the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel, and circulated to all Members shows the process of preparing an initial document, the Core Strategy Issues Document, for consultation. This document will draw on a wide range of information including from the Council, Greater London Authority (GLA) and Government data (e.g. the Office for National Statistics data), specific evidence collected as part of the LDF process and findings from ongoing discussions with key statutory and other partners . The initial period of public consultation is planned for spring 2011 on the vision and objectives, local areas, issues and themes identified. The responses will be reported to a future meeting of the LDFAP and options and a draft prepared for further consultation in the autumn.

3.3 The Government published its Localism Bill in December 2010. Part V includes proposed changes to the planning system, including the option of neighbourhood plans and devolving some current borough level decision making as well increasing the Mayor of London’s responsibilities including the potential power to create Mayor Development Corporations. These proposed changes at below and above the borough-wide (level) places increased importance on the Council preparing and adopting a robust and effective Core Strategy. This will need to follow the required procedures and be found ‘sound’ by the Inspector based on clear evidence. It must set out visions for the borough, demonstrate evidence of understanding the strategic and local issues and opportunities and policies clearly derived on this basis. The Core Strategy is required to be in general conformity with national policy and the London Plan.

3.4 Advice to authorities currently preparing Core Strategies and other LDF documents is to continue with these documents. The approach taken by the LDFAP and officers is to ensure work undertaken will support a strong Core Strategy or borough wide plan as outlined in the Localism Bill. The Bill is currently at Committee stage and how it will evolve and the timescale for being introduced remains unclear. In addition to its progress through Parliament, however, regulations would need to be introduced and this is expected to be sometime after the Core Strategy is anticipated to be adopted.

3.5 The Core Strategy Issues Document is expected to comprise three key sections, the visions and objectives for the borough, the local area profiles and strategic themes. This report includes early work in progress with regard to these sections. They will be considered by the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel at its meeting on 24th March and a final version will be considered by the Executive for agreement as the consultation version in the spring.

The Spatial Visions for the Borough

3.6 Clear spatial visions and objectives will be required in the Core Strategy. Building a Better Bromley, Bromley 2020, the agreed Sustainable Community Strategy for the borough together with other Bromley based strategies is the starting point. The spatial and land use implications of the aspirations and objectives in these documents have been drawn out and form Appendix 1. As the Core Strategy develops these will evolve and be refined, in particular, through the local pen portraits and strategic themes and response to consultation.

3 The emerging local area pen portraits

3.7 Workshops with Members took place in spring 2010 to draw on the knowledge and understanding of their local areas as part of gathering information about the borough as an early part of preparing the Core Strategy. These identified 21 areas, which can be seen to have a specific community or geographic focus. At this very local level issues can be identified which may be very place specific, or relate to a type of activity, development or geography. These may require different responses to be reflected within the Core Strategy. The use of small geographic areas will play an important role in engaging residents in the development of the Core Strategy. They provide a more accessible approach to understanding issues and opportunities than a primarily topic or theme based methodology.

3.8 A map and short profile of each area including a summary of key issues and opportunities is being prepared. Thirteen of these are included as Appendix 2. It is hoped that the remaining profiles will be available for the meeting.

Strategic Issues

3.9 The Core Strategy as the overarching strategy policy document within the LDF has to cover and address all the issues affecting the borough will can be expressed spatially. The eight themes of Bromley 2020 have been brought together in five sections reflecting more accurately how communities understand the borough and how the Council and partners provide facilities and services.

 Living in Bromley

 Supporting Communities

 Getting Around the Borough

 Bromley’s Valued Environments

 Working in Bromley

 Climate Change and Environmental Considerations.

3.10 A draft of each section is included within Appendix 3.


4.1 Bromley 2020 as the agreed Sustainable Community Strategy for the borough is the starting point for developing the Core Strategy together with other key Bromley documents. The Core Strategy will contribute to all the Council’s priorities, in particular, An Excellent Council, Vibrant and Thriving Town Centres and a Quality Environment.


5.1 documents have to be developed in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and regulations.

Non-Applicable Sections: Financial and Personnel Background Documents: (Access via Contact Officer)