Lucerne Residents Fined Security Sets New Policy Students Must Show ID to Enter Building
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• •TV College at Lincoln Center, ForcJham Lucerne Residents Fined Security Sets New Policy Students must show ID to enter building Fordham University New York, New York Student Signature ISSUED WITHOUT BIRTH DA NOT TO BE USED AS PROOF OF Ai By Erna Leslie As of January 1, 1993, students, faculty and reasons we want to check IDs is that sometimes staff will have to show their Fordham I.D. to these people even go wandering into faculty of- security officers at checkpoints in the lobby, said fices," he said. Michael J. Kenny, Assistant Director of Security. Student reaction however, is mixed. Checkpoints will be set up in the Lowenstein "In a way it is goodbecause they will be tight on building at the 60th Street entrance lobby, and the security now. But at the same time, it may prove fki'iir by £<?* Law school lobby at 62nd street, according to a to be a little inconvenient. But I guess you have to Clare Saliba memo sent by the Fordham Security office. decide which is the lesser evil," said Gina, CLC the vandalism actually occurred. "The adminis- Residents of the Lucerne will be fined $7.50 New security policy states that persons not '93. "For the most part I always bring my ID card tration just told me it happened. If I were to get for an incident of vandalism on the fifth and eighth having a valid Fordham I.D. card will be required with me so I won't have a problem." fined, I would want proof because I never saw floors, said Amelio D'Onofrio, Residential Life to explain their purpose for entering the campus. "I don't see a problem with it, " said Laura water on the floor," he said. D'Onofrio said Manager. He acknowledges that the measure is Visitors will be issued a one-day pass. doubts aboutwhether or not the incident did in fact "unfair" yet sees it as the most reasonable solu- "I think that in any major building, in a major happen are "very inaccurate." tion. area like Manhattan, [there's] some type of access ' Liz Garcia, CLC '93, who lives on the fifth On October 31, "the standing fire hoses on the control," said John Carroll, University Director of "I've seen a bum on the sixth floor, said she feels "anger at not being able to find two floors were turned on between the hours 4 and Security. "That's a protection for the occupants, who did it" floor getting cookies;" 6 a.m.," said D'Onofrio. The halls were flooded and that's what we're trying to do at Fordham." and water filled the stairwell, he said. • "If something happens on a floor only that Carroll said that this program has worked very particular floor should be fined," she said. • The incident was discovered by "a student who well at Rose Hill since August. Castillo, CLC '93. "I don't think it's really a "To fine the whole dorm when the incident reported it to a security guard. The guard then "We have a continuing problem with visitors hassle. Normally you need to have a validated I.D. occurred on only two floors is outrageous. It's just notified me," said D'Onofrio. Administrators still coming to the building," said Kenny. There will to use the computer center and to get books any- do not know who committed the act, he said. not fair," said Joe Mitnick, CLC '96. Chris be one guard specifically assigned beyond the way. You have to do it at the Bronx campus." Lucangeli, CLC '96, who lives on the seventh Floor meetings were subsequently held so that desk, checking I.D. cards. Visitors or people "You can differentiate between a 'homeless floor, agrees with Mitnick. "[The] fine is biased without an ID will have to be cleared at the desk. person and a regular student," said Despina, CLC and unfair because there is no reason to penalize "I think it is a great idea to check ID cards," said '95. "I think if we haven't had a major problem in the entire building." Paul, a security guard. "A lot of people come in the past, it is not necessary to show yourl.D. now. The entire building Patrice Womac, CLC '95, wasn'tin the dorm on here to use the res (rooms. When they ore finished, I don't think it's necessarv." will be fined the night in question and doesn't believe that she they can easily sneak upstairs, use the cafeteria, "I think it's a dumb idea," said Jean Marc should be fined. Womac also questions the effec- and then go wandering about," he said. Archer, CLC '93. "They tried that last year and it tiveness of a communal fine. "What is fining us as Another security officer agreed. "One of the didn't work. They were randomly checking ID's a community going to do to bring us together? If continued page 3 "students could voice their ideas," said D'Onofrio. anything, we wind up pointing fingers at each The purpose of the meetings was to "get student other," she said. feedback, field any questions and gather any new Benjamin Billingsley, another resident of the information. We tried to explain why the entire Lucerne, is also angered by the imposition of such building was being fined," he said. a fine. "If the Lucerne staff is unable to determine Library Dedicated to Dean Quinn D'Onofrio justified the mandatory fine by stat- who the culprit was how can they justify fining ing that "we [the residents] live together as a only the Fordham residents? What about the community and if that community cannot identify students who can prove that they were not in the who's involved then it is necessary for all to pay for building on the evening in question? Will impos- By Mlna Landriscina the damage which was done and the clean-up ing a fine on them make them feel more like a In a dedication ceremony on November 24 not simply with books, but he conversed with costs." He also said that there are "no exceptions" community? I think not," he said. honoring CLC's former dean, Gerald M. Quinn, people of all ages and backgrounds, he said. to the uniformly imposed fine, even if a resident "If a fine is going to be given it should be shared the library was renamed The Gerald M. Quinn "If you ever had the occasion to go to Gerry's can prove that he or she was not in the dorm at the by ihc entire building including the security guards Library and a bronze plaque bearing the name was apartment, you would have seen wall to wall time of the event. whose job is not to open the door, play cards and unveiled. books," said Quinn. "So in a certain sense, he has Many Lucerne residents feel that the fine is solve crossword puzzles, but to prevent these . "The library is the heart of the university," said moved from a smaller home to a bigger home. unfair. Kevin Partridge, CLC '96, wants proof that things from happening." Edward Brjstow, Dean of the College of Lincoln "Sometimes I think about what my brother Center, in his opening remarks to the gathering of would think about all the fuss we are making," one hundred. "It is the canvas facility that best said Quinn, "I think he would be a little embar- reflects Gerry's spirit -his wide ranging intellec- rassed by it, and he'd laugh it off with a joke, but CLC Promotes AIDS Awareness tual and cultural interests, his brilliance and devo- 1 think deep clown, he'd be very happy, as we are." tion to the humanist traditions and his personal After CLC (heater players Jennifer Grcenbcrg interest in the development of a remarkable num- and Nicole Alifnnte sang "Somewhere" from West ber of students." Side Story, CLC junior Mario Garcia read a selection from Plato's Timaeus, At the reception, By Scan Gallagher The bronze plaque, unveiled by Kevin Quinn, Quinn's brother, will comfort those who heard he recalled that Dean Quinn tried to get him a In observance of World AIDS Day on Tues- and faculty to wear to show their support and Dean Quinn's words and it will inspire those who scholarship for Hispanic students. "Ho brought it day, December 1 a student group set up a table in sympathy for victims of the AIDS pandemic. to me Ihc day before it was due, but he told me to will come later and ask about him, said Bristow. the Plaza to promote AIDS awareness. Hcslin declined to identify the individual faculty go home, write the teller, his secretary would type "His love of life and his love of ideas were very "One of the disheartening things of the day is members. "I think they might be afraid to associ- it, he would mail it," Garcia said, "It turned out, I contagious, which is why he was such a wonderful that certain faculty members refused ribbons," ate themselves with something that scares them didn't get it, but for (lie clean of your college to and interesting and engaging companion," said •aidNorccn Hc»Hn,CLC '94,nmcmbcrofC,U.R.B and because it's a Catholic university and it come and do something like that has always been Reverend Joseph O'llare, who called Quinn a (Colleges and Universities Resisting the Epi- (AIDS] is still a touchy subject that relates to sex no incredibly touching to me." master conversationalist.