Uniting the Community for a Smoke-Free Hong Kong

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Uniting the Community for a Smoke-Free Hong Kong Annual Report 2013-2014 Uniting the Community for a Smoke-free Hong Kong 凝聚社區力量 共建無煙香港 凝聚社區力量 共建無煙香港 香港吸煙與健康委員會 二零一三至二零一四年年報 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Annual Report 2013-2014 香港吸煙與健康委員會 Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health Annual Report 2013-2014 年報 1 目錄 Contents 3 委員會憲章 Charter of COSH 4 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH 8 委員介紹 Members of COSH 18 秘書處 Secretariat 20 主席報告 Chairman’s Report 專題 Highlights 29 匯聚全港 18 區力量 “Quit to Win” Campaign Unites the 18 Districts to 齊做戒煙大贏家 Promote Smoking Cessation 活動 Events 38 活動紀要 2013-2014 Highlights of Events 2013-2014 42 宣傳及社區推廣活動 Publicity and Community Involvement Projects 77 教育及青少年活動 Education and Youth Programmes 90 與傳播媒介之聯繫 Working with the Mass Media 92 會議及考察 Conferences and Visits 103 資訊及研究項目計劃 Information and Research Projects 報告 Reports 114 環保工作報告 Environmental Report 116 獨立核數師報告書 Independent Auditor’s Report 附錄 Appendices 132 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 158 各常務委員會之職能範圍 Terms of Reference of Standing Committees 160 第十四號報告書 COSH Report No. 14 174 第十五號報告書 COSH Report No. 15 1 凝聚社區力量 共建無煙香港 委員會憲章 Charter of COSH Uniting the Community for a Smoke-free Hong Kong 委員會成立於1987年,屬一法定團體。 COSH was first established in 1987. It is a statutory body vested with 《香港吸煙與健康委員會條例》(第389章) functions, as set out in the “Hong Kong Council on Smoking and 賦予以下職權,專責保障市民健康,以及 Health Ordinance” (Cap. 389), to protect and improve the health of 提高公眾對煙草禍害之認識: the community by: 1. 提高及教育市民有關吸煙與健康之知識; 1. Informing and educating the public on the harm of smoking and its adverse effects on health; 2. 進行或委託專人進行與吸煙有關的研究; 2. Conducting and coordinating research into the cause, prevention and cure of tobacco dependence; 3. 向政府、社區衞生組織以及社會服務團體 3. Advising the Government, community health organizations or 等提供有關吸煙與健康之意見。 any public body on matters relating to smoking and health. 根據憲章,委員會就本港各項有關煙草之 Under such a charter, COSH has taken up the role as an active 問題,擔當主導角色,並時刻關注各項可 player and commentator on all issues relating to tobacco control. 影響煙草產品推廣及煙草蔓延的環境變 We aim to act within our charter in response to the changing local 異,於憲章賦予之職權範圍內,因時制 environment as it affects the promotion of tobacco and the epidemic 宜,採取適度應變措施。 caused by smoking. No Smoking 2 3 委員會組織架構 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH Organization of COSH 委員會成員 Members of the Council 香港吸煙與健康委員會 秘書處 主席 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Chairman Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP Hong Kong Council on Secretariat 副主席 鄺祖盛先生 MH Vice-chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH Smoking and Health 委員 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 Member Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 陳宇齡先生 Mr Abraham CHAN Yu-ling 周裔智先生 Mr Eugene CHAU Yui-chi 戴兆群醫生 Dr Daisy DAI Siu-kwan 林崇綏博士 Dr Susie LUM Shun-sui 行政委員會 (2013年10月履職) (from October 2013) Executive 麥耀光博士 Dr MAK Yiu-kwong Committee 伍婉婷女士 MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 孫益華醫生 Dr David SUN Yee-wha 唐少芬醫生 Dr Joyce TANG Shao-fen 黃進達先生 Mr Jason WONG Chun-tat 教育及宣傳委員會 資訊及研究委員會 黃㠶風先生 MH Mr Jackson WONG Fan-foung, MH 法例委員會 社區聯絡委員會 Education & Information & 余榮輝先生 MH Mr Christopher YU Wing-fai, MH Legislation Community Liaison Publicity Research Committee Committee 當然委員 黎潔廉醫生 太平紳士 Ex-officio Member Dr Cindy LAI Kit-lim, JP Committee Committee 斐博歷先生 Mr Brett McEwan FREE 任期於 李國棟醫生 SBS 太平紳士 Outgoing members Dr Donald LI Kwok-tung, SBS, JP 2013年9月 who served 屆滿之委員 the Council for the year up to September 2013 行政委員會 Executive Committee 主席 鄺祖盛先生 MH Chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 副主席 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Vice-chairman Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 委員 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 Member Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 黎潔廉醫生 太平紳士 Dr Cindy LAI Kit-lim, JP 4 5 委員會組織架構 委員會組織架構 Organization of COSH Organization of COSH 教育及宣傳委員會 Education & Publicity Committee 資訊及研究委員會 Information & Research Committee 主席 鄺祖盛先生 MH Chairman Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 主席 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Chairman Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 委員 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Member Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 委員 周裔智先生 Member Mr Eugene CHAU Yui-chi 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 戴兆群醫生 Dr Daisy DAI Siu-kwan 周裔智先生 Mr Eugene CHAU Yui-chi 鄺祖盛先生 MH Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 斐博歷先生 Mr Brett McEwan FREE 麥耀光博士 Dr MAK Yiu-kwong 林崇綏博士 Dr Susie LUM Shun-sui 伍婉婷女士 MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 麥耀光博士 Dr MAK Yiu-kwong 唐少芬醫生 Dr Joyce TANG Shao-fen 黃進達先生 Mr Jason WONG Chun-tat 黃㠶風先生 MH Mr Jackson WONG Fan-foung, MH 黃㠶風先生 MH Mr Jackson WONG Fan-foung, MH 增選委員 林大慶教授 BBS 太平紳士 Co-opted member Prof LAM Tai-hing, BBS, JP 余榮輝先生 MH Mr Christopher YU Wing-fai, MH 吳文達醫生 Dr Alexander NG Man-tat 增選委員 周海傑先生 Co-opted member Mr CHAU Hoi-kit 法例委員會 Legislation Committee 社區聯絡委員會 Community Liaison Committee 主席 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Chairman Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 主席 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 Chairman Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 委員 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 Member Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP 委員 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 Member Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP 鄺祖盛先生 MH Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 鄺祖盛先生 MH Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH 麥耀光博士 Dr MAK Yiu-kwong 麥耀光博士 Dr MAK Yiu-kwong 唐少芬醫生 Dr Joyce TANG Shao-fen 伍婉婷女士 MH Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH 余榮輝先生 MH Mr Christopher YU Wing-fai, MH 孫益華醫生 Dr David SUN Yee-wha 增選委員 林大慶教授 BBS 太平紳士 Co-opted member Prof LAM Tai-hing, BBS, JP 黃㠶風先生 MH Mr Jackson WONG Fan-foung, MH 李詠梅醫生 Dr Anne LEE Wing-mui 余榮輝先生 MH Mr Christopher YU Wing-fai, MH 麥龍詩迪教授 OBE, SBS 太平紳士 Prof Judith MACKAY, OBE, SBS, JP 增選委員 周奕希先生 BBS 太平紳士 Co-opted member Mr CHOW Yick-hay, BBS, JP 左偉國醫生 SBS, BBS 太平紳士 Dr Homer TSO Wei-kwok, SBS, BBS, JP 李鋈發先生 Mr Herman LEE Yuk-fat 黃宏醫生 Dr Christine WONG Wang 6 7 委員介紹 委員介紹 Members of COSH Members of COSH 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice-chairman 委員 Member 委員 Member 劉文文女士 BBS, MH 太平紳士 鄺祖盛律師 MH 陳志球博士 BBS 太平紳士 陳宇齡先生 Ms Lisa LAU Man-man, BBS, MH, JP Mr Antonio KWONG Cho-shing, MH Dr Johnnie CHAN Chi-kau, BBS, JP Mr Abraham CHAN Yu-ling 劉文文女士是一位專業設計師,於2008年獲委任為委 鄺祖盛律師現職商人,於2009年加入委員會,現為 陳志球博士為醫療輔助隊副總監(行動),於2009年加 陳宇齡先生是一位商人,於2008年加入委員會。現為 員會主席。劉女士於2001年加入委員會成為委員,並 行政委員會和教育及宣傳委員會主席、社區聯絡委員 入委員會,現為社區聯絡委員會主席、行政委員會、 香港特區政府中醫中藥發展委員會和香港特區政府食 於2005年至2007年擔任教育及宣傳委員會主席一職。 會、資訊及研究委員會和法例委員會委員。 教育及宣傳委員會和法例委員會委員。 物及環境衞生諮詢委員會委員。 劉女士現為資訊及研究委員會和法例委員會主席、行 政委員會副主席、教育及宣傳委員會和社區聯絡委員 Mr Antonio KWONG, a qualified solicitor, is a Dr Johnnie CHAN is the Deputy Commissioner Mr Abraham CHAN is a businessman. He was appointed 會委員。 businessman. He joined COSH in 2009. He is the (Operations) of Auxiliary Medical Service. He joined as a member of COSH in 2008. He is currently a member Chairman of the Executive Committee and Education & COSH in 2009 and is the Chairman of the Community of Chinese Medicine Development Committee, HKSAR Ms Lisa LAU, a design consultant by profession, was Publicity Committee and is a member of the Community Liaison Committee and is a member of the Executive and Advisory Council on Food and Environmental appointed as COSH Chairman in 2008. Ms Lau joined Liaison Committee, Information & Research Committee Committee, Education & Publicity Committee and Hygiene, HKSAR. COSH in 2001 as a member and was the Chairman and Legislation Committee. Legislation Committee. of the Education & Publicity Committee from 2005 to 2007. She is the Chairman of the Information & Research Committee and Legislation Committee, Vice-chairman of the Executive Committee and also member of the Education & Publicity Committee and Community Liaison Committee. 8 9 委員介紹 委員介紹 Members of COSH Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 周裔智先生 戴兆群醫生 斐博歷先生 黎潔廉醫生太平紳士 Mr Eugene CHAU Yui-chi Dr Daisy DAI Siu-kwan Mr Brett McEwan FREE Dr Cindy LAI Kit-lim, JP 周裔智先生是一位專業註冊社工,於2008年獲委任為 戴兆群醫生現為醫院管理局總行政經理(社區及基層 斐博歷先生現職政府新聞處助理處長,於2009年加入 黎潔廉醫生現為衞生署副署長,於2012年加入委員 委員。周先生現為教育及宣傳委員會和資訊及研究委 健康服務),於2009年加入委員會,現為資訊及研究 委員會,現為教育及宣傳委員會委員。 會,為行政委員會委員。 員會委員。 委員會委員。 Mr Brett FREE is the Assistant Director of Information Dr Cindy LAI is the Deputy Director of Department of Mr Eugene CHAU is a registered social worker by Dr Daisy DAI is the Chief Manager (Primary & Community Services Department. He joined COSH as an ex-officio Health. She joined COSH as an ex-officio member in profession. He joined COSH in 2008 and is a member of Services) of Hospital Authority. She joined COSH in member in 2009 and is a member of the Education & 2012 and is a member of the Executive Committee. the Education & Publicity Committee and Information & 2009 and is a member of the Information & Research Publicity Committee. Research Committee. Committee. 10 11 委員介紹 委員介紹 Members of COSH Members of COSH 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 委員 Member 林崇綏博士 麥耀光博士 伍婉婷女士 MH 孫益華醫生 Dr Susie LUM Shun-sui Dr MAK Yiu-kwong Ms Yolanda NG Yuen-ting, MH Dr David SUN Yee-wha 林崇綏博士現職臨時香港護理專科學院有限公司 麥耀光博士現職中學校長,於2012年加入委員會,現 伍婉婷女士是灣仔區區議員,亦擔任多項公職,於 孫益華醫生為牙科醫生,於2011年加入委員會,現為 主席,於2013年加入委員會,現為教育及宣傳委員會 為教育及宣傳委員會、社區聯絡委員會、資訊及研究 2008年獲委任為委員。伍女士現為社區聯絡委員會和 社區聯絡委員會委員。 委員。 委員會和法例委員會委員。 資訊及研究委員會委員。 Dr David SUN is a dentist. He joined COSH in 2011 and Dr Susie LUM is the President of The Provisional Hong Dr MAK Yiu-kwong is a secondary school principal. He Ms Yolanda NG is a Councilor of Wan Chai District and is a member of the Community Liaison Committee. Kong Academy of Nursing Limited. She joined COSH joined COSH in 2012 and is a member of the Education an active member of several associations. She joined in 2013 and is a member of the Education & Publicity & Publicity Committee, Community Liaison Committee, COSH in 2008 and is a member of the Community Liaison Committee. Information & Research Committee and Legislation Committee and Information & Research Committee.
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