Press release 11 July 2012 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Swede new Head of the EU Police Mission in Afghanistan Swedish District Police Commissioner Karl Åke Roghe has been appointed Head of the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL Afghanistan). The mission is to assist the Afghan police in setting up an effective civil police organisation. Mr Roghe will take up his position at the mission on 1 August 2012.

"The appointment of Åke Roghe as head of EUPOL Afghanistan comes at a stage when is shifting its focus in Afghanistan from military commitment to civil. The Government attaches great value to the appointment and supports Åke Roghe in his assignment," says Minister for Foreign Affairs . External links More information about the "I am pleased that a Swede will have the opportunity to lead the important work of improving security in mission: EUPOL:s web page Afghanistan," says Minister for Justice .

EUPOL Afghanistan was launched in June 2007. In addition to Mr Roghe, some twenty Swedes are currently serving in the mission, posted by the Swedish Police, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and the Folke Bernadotte Academy. Mr Roghe has sound experience of the EU's international activities and has previously served in both Kosovo and the Sudan. Mr Roghe most recently held a position with the police authority in Gävleborg.

Swedish involvement in EUPOL Afghanistan is part of Sweden's comprehensive efforts in Afghanistan.

Press release 29 June 2012 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Final agreement on unitary patent protection Agreement was reached today at the European Council on the final outstanding issue in the negotiations on unitary patent protection, i.e. where the seat of the Central Division of the Court of First Instance of the Unified Patent Court will be situated.

The solution to the issue, which has been deadlocked since December, is that the seat of the Central Division will be in Paris, while some parts of it will be located in London and Munich.

"This agreement is great news. It means that the Council has now agreed all parts of the negotiation package and that years of hard work have been fruitful," says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling. However, the Minister for Trade adds that everyone had to make concessions to reach this compromise, but that the agreement provides a solid basis for a competitive European patent system.

"An improved patent system is important for Swedish innovators, particularly for small and medium-sized companies," says Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask. The agreement involves substantial improvements compared with the current system since it is simpler, less costly and more uniform.

It is hoped that the new system will be up and running in spring 2014.

Contact Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) Press Secretary to Ewa Björling +46 8 405 37 11 +46 70 296 18 99 email to Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) 2011

Press release 01 December 2011 Ministry of Justice Martin Valfridsson new State Secretary at Ministry of Justice The Government today appointed Martin Valfridsson as State Secretary at the Ministry of Justice.

Mr Valfridsson most recently served as a judge at District Court, but he also has several years of experience of different positions at the Ministry of Justice

The division of responsibilities between the two state secretaries at the Ministry of Justice means that State Secretary Magnus Graner will have main responsibility for civil law matters, while Mr Valfridsson will have main responsibility for criminal law matters.

As of today, the new Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Justice is Christoffer Järkeborn.

Contact Anna Erhardt Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask 2010

Press release 15 December 2010 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Commission gives go-ahead to enhanced cooperation on single European patent The European Commission has responded to the request submitted by Sweden and eleven other Member States on 7 December and produced a proposal for enhanced cooperation on a single European patent. The Commission has now proposed a framework for this cooperation, which will make it possible for those Member States that want to break the deadlock in the negotiations on an EU patent and create a competitive patent system in Europe to do so without waiting for all 27 Member States.

The Commission proposal contains the basic conditions for enhanced cooperation on a single patent for those states that choose to participate. In the next stage, the Council can take a decision by qualified majority to begin enhanced cooperation based on the Commission proposal once the European Parliament has given its approval. If the Council takes such a decision, the Commission will make further proposals on the details of the single European patent. The Council will then negotiate the conditions for the patent before the proposal is ultimately adopted. All the EU Member States can participate in the negotiations, but only those involved in the enhanced cooperation may participate in the decision.

"The Commission's proposal is a very important step forward. Enhanced cooperation is the only way to move forward now, and we hope that as many Member States as possible will choose to take part," says Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask.

"I warmly welcome the Commission's proposal. I am pleased that the Commission has acted so quickly, as it proves that this issue is a high priority. It is also pleasing that so many EU Member States are prepared to support enhanced cooperation, which is something that Sweden has worked hard for. If we do not move ahead now, European entrepreneurs will be left without a competitive patent system for a long time to come," says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.

Enhanced cooperation on a single European patent is open to all Member States that choose to take part. All entrepreneurs and innovators will be able to apply for a single patent, regardless of their nationality. As such, there will be no disadvantage to companies in Member States that do not choose to take part.

Contact Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) Press Secretary to Ewa Björling +46 8 405 37 11 +46 70 296 18 99 email to Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask

Press release 08 December 2010 Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Justice Ten Member States move ahead on EU patent Sweden has requested that the European Commission propose enhanced cooperation in the area of patents. The request also has the backing of Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Estonia and Lithuania.

In addition, several other Member States have indicated their desire to participate in enhanced cooperation. Sweden now hopes that as many Member States as possible will choose to take part. The UK is also submitting a separate request to the same effect.

"I regret that the Council has not been able to reach unanimity in the matter, but look very positively on the fact that there is such strong support for enhanced cooperation in the patent area. It is pleasing that so many EU Member States are prepared to move ahead and create a competitive patent system for Europe," says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.

"If we do not move forward now, we risk European entrepreneurs being left without uniform patent protection for the foreseeable future. It is the climate for innovation in Europe that will suffer. According to estimates from the European Commission itself, failure to adopt an EU patent will cost businesses around EUR 250 million," says Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask.

The Member States behind the request to the Commission currently account for the lion's share of European patent applications lodged with the European Patent Office. Enterprises from Member States that are not participating will also be able to apply for patent protection under the common provisions to be created by enhanced cooperation. Common patent protection for all these Member States will mean substantial savings for Swedish and European enterprises and innovators and is an important measure to promote innovation and European competitiveness.

The Competitiveness Council will continue to discuss the EU patent and the possibility of enhanced cooperation on 10 December.

Contact Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) Press Secretary to Ewa Björling +46 8 405 37 11 +46 70 296 18 99 email to Monica Enqvist (fd Ohlsson) Martin Valfridsson Press Secretary to Beatrice Ask Evelina Janunger Kaarme Special Adviser +46 8 405 81 63 + 46 709 35 21 03

Press release 05 October 2010 Prime Minister's Office Sweden's new government Prime Minister has appointed the following government ministers today, 5 October 2010

Ministers and their press contacts are listed below. For new ministers, the press contact given is temporary and applies until further notice.

Prime Minister: Fredrik Reinfeldt Roberta Alenius +46 70 270 72 17

Markus Nordström +46 70 238 67 30

Minister for EU Affairs: Jenny Sonesson +46 70 308 44 06

Minister for Justice: Beatrice Ask Martin Valfridsson +46 70 274 10 22

Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy: Tobias Billström Markus Friberg +46 702 61 30 84

Minister for Foreign Affairs: Carl Bildt Irena Busic +46 70 271 02 55

Minister for International Development Cooperation: Peter Larsson +46 70 283 95 97

Minister for Trade: Ewa Björling Monica Ohlsson +46 70 296 18 99

Minister for Defence: Mikael Östlund +46 70 297 43 28

Minister for Health and Social Affairs: Göran Hägglund Petra Kjellarsson +46 70 646 21 12 Minister for Children and the Elderly: Niclas Thorselius +46 70 509 50 65

Minister for Public Administration and Housing: Martin Kits +46 70 535 07 87

Minister for Social Security: Niclas Bengtsson +46 70 353 78 22

Minister for Finance: Daniel Valiollahi +46 72 225 45 47

Minister for Financial Markets: Peter Norman Anna Charlotta Johansson +46 70 356 30 32

Minister for Education and Deputy Prime Minister: Jan Björklund Camilla Hansson +46 70 206 99 09

Minister for Gender Equality (Deputy Minister for Education): Yoav Bartal +46 70 357 51 94

Minister for Rural Affairs: Anna-Karin Nyman +46 70 519 01 59

Minister for the Environment: Lennart Bodén +46 70 950 22 45

Minister for Enterprise and Energy: Håkan Lind +46 70 269 11 98

Minister for Information Technology and Regional Affairs (Deputy Minister for Enterprise): Anna-Karin Hatt Frank Nilsson +46 70 690 24 33

Minister for Communications: Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd Markus Sjöqvist +46 76 107 20 36

Minister for Culture and Sport: Sara Bengtsson +46 70 358 77 91 Minister for Employment: Hillevi Engström Sebastian Carlsson +46 73 769 22 77

Minister for Integration (Deputy Minister for Employment): Anna Neuman +46 70 301 47 90

Contact Roberta Alenius Presschef hos Fredrik Reinfeldt +46 8 405 49 04 Markus Nordström Press Secretary to Fredrik Reinfeldt +46 8 405 48 72 +46 70 238 67 30 email to Markus Nordström