ROSSMOOR NEWS WedNesday, august 21, 2013 WalNut creek, califorNia Volume 47, No. 23 • 50 ceNts grading for the courts Shred Day Saturday allows onsite witnessed destruction Rossmoor will sponsor another on-site witness-destruction shred day on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. in the Gateway parking lot. This event is sponsored by the Golden Rain Foundation. The cost is $5 per file box or 30 pounds. Only cash is accept- ed. Residents can witness the destruction of their confidential in- formation and files by Shred Works, a AAA-certified shredding company. All the shredded material is recycled. Only paper is accepted. There is no need to worry about re- moving staples or paper clips. Help will be available to unload the material from the car. For information, call Shred Works at 1-800-81SHRED, or email Kyle Taylor at
[email protected]. How to use Dial-a-Bus for early and late trips In Rossmoor and downtown News photo by Mike DiCarlo esidents who go to the Fitness Center at Del Valle for an early morning workout, need to get to a meeting at Buckeye tennis court construction under way RGateway Clubhouse or who need to catch BART for work, are advised to call Rossmoor’s Dial-a-Bus for their There’s lots of activity at the Buckeye tennis court site. Last week the demolition work was transportation. The number is 988-7676 finished and work began on the rough grading for the two new courts. All the courts at Buck- Residents who want to dine at Creekside Grill or venture eye are closed to play so players have been using the two old courts on Rossmoor Parkway.