Varsity Basketball the Best of Luck
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BLOCK CLUB TO HOLD NORMAN ELKINGTON, BARN DANCE FEB. 17, an Jfrancteco Jforijorn MEMBER OF BAR, TO COLLEGE BALLROOM OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS SPEAK TO ST. IVES UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO z ss VOL. XX, No. 4 SAN FRANCISCO, FEBRUARY 3, 1939 FRIDAY COMEDY TO OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT Amendment Vote to Be Held Monday West Coast Premiere Of "Louder Please" Proposed Election Fr. Rossi, S.J., >. 16. €. Commentator Tryouts Today By College Players Advocates New For Oratorical Of Foghorn Editor Praises Foghorn Norman Krasna Production to Run for Three Days; USF Program A congratulatory letter from Bill Stern, N.B.C. head, to The Contest in B-l O'Rourke, Lohman, and Hammersly By Exec. Committee Foghorn was received Tuesday from New York City. The mes In Principal Roles New Benches, Shrubbery sage, addressed to Norman Hammersly, managing editor, Next Debate on Tuesday <$>- -<> and Lawns to Cover praised the excellence of The Foghorn, and called this journal Nite With Stanford With the final week of rehearsal Nominating Board to Be Composed of Members of one of the outstanding college newspapers in America. rounding out the preparation of the School Grounds Pacific Coast premiere of "Louder, Publication Staff; Elections Mr. Stern is connected with * ^ University Three Please," Broadway comedy hit the Special Events section of the The San Francisco Foghorn, Bi-annually which will first appear before Little NEW ATHLETIC FIELD National Broadcasting Company, University of San Francisco, STUDENTS ATTEND being in charge of the depart Theater audiences next Wednesday Revival of the proposed ment. The letter was absolutely San Francisco, California. Clubs Ask night, Director James J. Gill pre Field to Be Ready for Use dicted one of the most brilliant per amendment to revamp the en unsolicited by anyone connected Dear Mr. Hammersly: Gavel Frosh Debating with The Foghorn. formances to be seen on the uni tire system of selecting an edi In the Spring of May I congratulate you on the Society Schedules Fr. Feely's This recognition from one of the ForMoney versity stage. tor for The Foghorn, student 1940 outstanding newsmen in the United excellence of your paper? In Matches In the starring role is Jack O'Rourke, who provides the key news organ, was announced by States is considered a tribute to the my opinion, it is one of the out By J. C. LABOYTEAUX note of the action as the pub First Talk Latest development of the campus editors and staff of the paper. standing college newspapers in Debating at the University of San Student Body President Pete licity agent. O'Rourke invests the beautification program has been the The writer highly commended America. Francisco received its initial impetus Most important news of last Tues role with all the humor that was Sexton late yesterday. announcement by Father Rossi, this publication for its general for the Spring Semester when the day's Executive Committee meeting The one thing that I like given it by the author, Norm The amendment was to have On Franco project superintendent, that seating newsiness, its sports articles, and varsity debaters journeyed to St. was the announcement that any new about it tremendously is the fact Krasna. In creating the role of been voted upon shortly after the facilities will soon be available the fact that it does not "pull its Mary's College for a no-decision ar automobile stickers could not be ob city elections last semester, but for throughout the campus. punches." that it not only has Mie news about gument with their transbay oppo tained for the student body by the a typical press agent, O'Rourke By BOB WARDELL Following is the text of Mr. makes him a shrewd, smooth- reasons unknown, it was postponed. Fifty benches, six feet in length, your own institution, but also has nents last Wednesday night. The time of the Fair's opening. Art Zeif, Stern's letter: thinking individual whose sole The proposal seeks to discard the will be placed in strategic spots, fill question upheld was, "Resolved, Sticker Committee chairman, dis Monday evening the fifth an good articles on sports in general idea is to get the names of his old selective system employed by ing a long felt need for weary stu That the United States should enter closed his report stating that the Ath nual Spring Lecture Series was National Broadcasting Company, and does not pull its punches. charges into the front pages. The Foghorn staff in choosing its dents. into an alliance with the South Amer letic Board refused to appropriate the editor in favor of one which would Inc. My every good zvish for your Support from the various campus inaugurated by Father Ray "The campus, with its pathways, ican countries." Seniors James Mace necessary $150 for the stickers, de have the editor selected by the organizations has been promised by mond T. Feely, S. J., who spoke garden, lawns and shrubbery and RCA Building—Radio City continued success! and Norton Herold represented the claring that the matter was not one of Executive Committee. The nomi various organization heads. Kappa the benches, on which the students New York, N. Y. Sincerely yours, University of San Francisco. their jurisdiction. nees are to be selected by the mem on "Behind Franco's Lines." Lambda Sigma, upper division may enjoy the sunshine, will have January 27, 1939. bers of the Publications Council, Father Feely was enthusiasti BILL STERN, The next debate lined up by Zeif suggested that the Associated literary society, has assured Frank the atmosphere of a city park," de Students purchase 10,000 stickers for which, for the present, has ceased cally received by a large audience Mr. Norman Hammersly, Special Events, Debate Manager Herold is slated Silva, S. J., faculty advisor to the clared Father Rossi. $150 and that half of the amount to function in favor of letting the that filled the college auditorium to Managing Editor, National Broadcasting Company. for Tuesday evening, February 7, group, their fullest co-operation. Seven hundred truck loads of red spent would be returned by the end various publications handle their capacity. against Stanford University. This Business Manager Busy rock have been transported to the of the semester if the price of two for own administration. will take place in the local college Class officers are being contacted Spanish Life Normal various parts of the campus. The theater and Don speakers will be' a nickel be charged. The amendment, which will be by Jim Mace, business manager, to The talk was a colorful travel material is now being scattered over voted upon by the student body in Law Commerce to Fair Edition to Dick Fenton and John O'Brien. Varsity House secure the support of the various ogue based on Father Feely's re the roads. In two weeks' time the a special election next Monday, re Herold also announced that try classes. cent visit to Spain. While in Spain roads will be ready for use. In connection with the affairs of quires a two-thirds majority vote to Hold Dance Night Be Published on outs for the annual Young Men's In he observed that behind Franco's Loam Field the Varsity House, it was decided to A new member has been added secure its passage. stitute Oratorical Contest will be lines life is just as normal as it is Work is also progressing on the held at noon today in room Bl. The appoint Trude Spearman, John L. to the cast in the person of John L. Of Fair Opening 17th of February Sullivan and Marv Moscini to the Reason for the amendment was in San Francisco. Only two things athletic field, with the ground now judges will be Fr. Lyons, S.J., dean Sullivan, one of last football sea Varsity House Committee. It was offered last semester by President point to the fact that there is a war being covered with loam. It is hoped of the University; Mr. Silva, S.J., son's sterling ends, who will take also asked of the Chair to grant per Sexton in explaining that the ma going on: the number of men in that the field will be ready for use by Affair Expected to Be Extra Pages to Be Added debate coach, and Mr. Gill, dramatic the role of Allen, script writer for jority of other schools had a simi mission to appoint other new mem uniform and the presence of bomb baseball season next year. coach. Criterion Studios. Sullivan will lar method of electing an editor of Held at Local To Regular Weekly bers to this committee within the proof shelters. The athletic field will be used for take the romantic lead in the pro the college newspaper. Sexton as Coveted Award week. Contrary to general belief, there football, soccer, baseball, and rugby, Country Club Issue duction, having had experience on serted that the hesitant method of Those who qualify for this contest are few soldiers representing Ger On motion from Norton Herold, the Little Theater stage through appointing Norm Hammersly editor as well as for intramural competition. will compete in the finals to be held many and Italy in Spain. The total One of the more popular spring In order to commemorate the chairman of the Finance Committee, three previous plays. Sullivan re following the resignation of the Tennis courts and a gymnasium may on Friday evening, February 24. To number, according to figures re dances, the annual Law-Commerce opening of the San Francisco the International Relations Club was places Bob Christian in the role, editor appointed last spring was not be added later.