the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP Cariba

M IX CELEBRATING IT CULTURAL UP DIVERSITY Visible Our Backyard Africa! Pulse Heartbeat Mix It Up Meeting Place Keeping Place

REPORT FROM Multicultural Arts Victoria Viva La Fiesta

Graphic Design Janette Hoe Photography Josh Robenstone, Bill Poon, Peter Casamento MAV thanks all artists and communities involved in Mix It Up MIX IT UP


JILL MORGAN Executive Officer - Multicultural Arts Victoria

MIX IT UP 2006


“This gig was all about bringing down barriers and helping people to claim the Arts Centre as their own. On this level the night and afternoon was a critical success. People are talking about the space now as if they own it and would come back for a similar event if it was made available” Sister BB curator AFRICA!


Mix It Up celebrated Victoria’s cultural diversity with amazing local national and overseas artists at the Arts Centre. The partnership between MAV & the Arts Centre on the program of culturally diverse presentations has been an extraordinary success, particularly given the restraints of time in the planning phase of such a new program. All staff involved in the program were very committed to the program and its success.


‘Enhance the programming capacity of the Trust and its leadership role within Victoria’s performing arts sector’.

‘Engage with, and reflect in appropriate ways, the cultural diversity of Victoria’

The program enabled the Arts Centre, through the partnership with Multicultural Arts Victoria to forge new opportunities both for visitors to the Arts Centre and the performing arts industry and successfully achieved the main aims of the program.

Audience Development with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities is a long term process and commitment. It is about developing relationships. Multicultural audience development requires Arts organisations to change the way they meet and invite CALD artists and communities to participate. It is crucial that organisations add new program content and new program delivery formats to meet the needs and interests of CALD communities and youth.

The Mix It Up Program created inspiration and activity amongst the communities involved, including the artists, au- diences and community organisations. This program has the potential to generate momentum over time that would see the great wealth of professional, quality contemporary and traditional culturally diverse art presented to broad audiences, as a reflection of our rich and diverse society. MIX IT UP

One of the keys to the success of developing a program such as Mix It Up is to acknowledge and find the skills within communities, in all areas including marketing, programming and networking. Finding the cultural leaders in communities is critical. MAV has these links and networks which is a bridge to a rich cultural resource both artistically as well as in the area for audience development.

Creating dialogue with communities and community organisations such as MAV creates a dynamic interchange and opens the doors to new audiences, new products, and new ways of working. Cultural ambassadors or cultural liaison is vital for change and opening new doors and new ways of thinking.

Organisational cultural change within large organisations such as the Arts Centre can be achieved as demonstrated by the Mix It Up program. Having change champions that are brave cultural warriors is vitally important.

It is a challenge but once organisational cultural change is achieved the outcome created is a dynamic interactive diverse program with culturally diverse audiences.

This partnership between MAV and the Arts Centre has the potential to effect significant change for Arts in a Multicultural Australia. It highlights the Arts Centre’s leadership role in program, audience and creative development and enables MAV to provide local CALD artists with connections and pathways into the mainstream arts community and validation of their cultural practices and heritage.

Below are some observations and recommendations for the program:


• Support from community groups was overwhelmingly positive, with great excitement generated at the opportunity to promote their artists & cultures at such a prestigious venue • Members of the Turkish and Latin American community groups provided translations of media releases and distributed them to their media outlets in . This resulted in great coverage, including a return visit to the final event, “Our Backyard”, by Turkish TV to film & interview participants. • Email, posters, flyers & word of mouth promotions were also actively undertaken by communities associated with all of the Hamer Hall events. • Food is an essential cultural ‘ingredient’ which is very important and it was initially exciting to see this recognised in the provision of cultural foods at each occasion. However, it sometimes suffered from a lack of authenticity in the eyes of the community members, and was therefore not the rich cultural expression intended. • Communities valued the Arts Centre for respecting and valuing their culture and involving them at different levels in the Mix It Up program. • A much younger culturally diverse audience was welcomed and felt comfortable attending the Arts Centre.


• International artists on the Hamer Hall stage successfully provided high profile and quality drawcards • International artists can connect culturally to the local community and stimulate arts activity locally beyond the program MIX IT UP

• Local artists represented on the main stage were of a calibre equal to the touring acts, providing important profile and acknowledgement of their status as professional artist • Further consideration needs to be given to the strategy of the program when choosing main stage artists; ie, who is our target market? Targeting the Trinidad community with the Mighty Sparrow, for instance, or Senegalese with Daara J, are very small markets. This leads to complications not just with audience numbers, but with cultural representation from the local community. In this case there needs to be an active artistic element locally for the programming to be successful. • Further consideration also to communities that are not ethnicity specific but rather arts genre specific could contribute to the success of the program. For example Mighty Sparrow could have been targeted at the large ‘/’ music aficionados’ community present in Melbourne. The brief from the curator was very “narrow” and did not allow for innovation and audience development. • Involving the communities, or key artists from the communities, in the programming planning phase through MAV would be beneficial in ensuring quality and relevance of the touring artists and audience development. • This would also value add the Public Programs area; a stronger, larger community provides greater access to cultural activities and displays of a meaningful depth. • However, even with the smaller communities, the Public Programs were extraordinarily successful; participatory workshops were always crowded, and could be expanded in the future; quality commercial stalls and cultural displays were also extremely successful, as were the free performances. People loved it and the communities and artists were very proud of their culture being recognised. • Resourcing for the development of new work, as occurred with the AFRICA! Program (Diafrix/ Jali Buba Kuyateh/ Ethiopian Circus etc) is highly recommended. The AFRICA! New work between Diafrix and established artists from the African Australian community has already led to the recording of a CD. This program would have far reaching and powerful impact on the arts community in Melbourne and indeed Australia. • Meeting Place Keeping Place was the Visual Arts component of the program – although not performance based it was culturally based and challenged the conventional boundaries of diversity. A catalogue was produced which gave an overview of the exhibition and the program. It attracted significant visitation and was an important element of Mix It Up. • A visual arts component was an important component of the public access programs • Meeting Place Keeping Place – through corporate relations a series of performances were held on a Friday night. The space came alive but there needs to be additional seating to add to the comfort of patrons. These could be fold away chairs, that are easy to move around and could be used in workshops also. • Development of Sunday Soap Box into the Mix It Up was a very positive addition and worked well with the Mix It Up branding and programming. • Full Tilt supported the creative development of new theatre based work for local artists which stimulates new blood in the Arts industry which is very healthy.


• The Mix It Up program brought audiences to Hamer Hall/the Arts Centre who had never been inside before, they felt welcomed and excited to be there. MIX IT UP

• Much positive feedback was received about the more ‘relaxed vibe’ created in Hamer Hall by allowing people to move around the theatre and dance. • Both main stage/ticketed programming and the free foyer programs contributed to drawing these new audiences in. • Communities want to build on this involvement; the Turkish community is very organised and is already discussing future events there; other communities (Latin, Cuban, Caribbean, African, Indigenous) are also keen to expand their involvement with the Arts Centre. • It is recommended that all Mix It Up programs be designated as children’s/family events, to allow unticketed access to the performance for babies & toddlers; this is important to make attendance possible for new communities. • The public access program, exhibitions and forums were an essential ingredient to making the program successful.


• The Mix It Up brand was very successful. • The brochure was an excellent corporate relations tool and the launch was essential in assisting with branding. • Winning of two awards for the program is a significant achievement and is a testament to the success of the program and needs to be marketed fully. • Communities have very effective means of promotions themselves including word of mouth networks and cross promotion at community events and celebrations, which was used to advantage on many occasions. This should be included as an essential part of future marketing strategies for Mix It Up. • Individual promotions, particularly the music program promotions suffered from the lack of sufficient lead time for several events. This put enormous pressure on the marketing department and did not allow for the development of cultural ambassadors to get out there and be involved in guerrilla word of mouth marketing in communities in as much as we would have liked. • The marketing department need to create a dialogue and work in partnership to value add to their fantastic work and links in the beginning with the communities, cultural ambassadors and MAV. • MAV facilitated linkages with key community leaders and representatives who used ‘word of mouth’ networks within their respective communities for some concerts. This was particularly successful where there was lead time with the Turkish community for Pulse Heart Beat and the Latin Community. The Latin program on SBS inter viewed Los Van Van in Japan – so the word was out before they hit our Australian shores. • MAV contributed to marketing via centre spread feature articles in MAV’s bi monthly publication Folio, prominent listing of events in MAV enews, cross promotion of Mix It Up at other MAV events and community celebrations, distribution of posters and flyers to related organisations. • MAV facilitated additional linkage with SBS radio and ethnic media resulting in significant culturally specific coverage of Mix It Up events during the series. MAV can provide links to industry/ community specific media opportunities for specific cultural events. MIX IT UP

• Media partner 3PBS was utilised through out Mix It Up but greater use of the grass roots knowledge and connections could be utilised in future- PBS Latin music programs, world music programs. Support from the announcers was significant and enthusiastic. • Engagement of cultural ambassadors from relevant communities to be offered incentives to sell cheaper priced or two for one tix to members of community – must be at least 3 weeks before event. Meeting the international artists is also an incentive. • Consult with other event organisers/ promoters, artists and communities to create a matrix of similar events preceding the Mix It Up events – engage cultural ambassadors or publicist to handbill at these events. • Invite community leaders to morning tea at least 3-4 weeks prior to event to brief them on event and offer incentives to spread the word through community. • Multi-layering is essential with connections. From Consulates to the youth in the communities. Different approaches for the different layers. • Longer lead time for publicity – at least six weeks to ensure real community engagement • More accurately reflect nature of the program in flyers/posters text. • Mix It Up cross promotion – events need to be more effectively linked to each other. • Indicate level of competency of international artists in marketing material – e.g. quotes from Womad and other recognised world music/ arts bodies. • Marketing strategies to be planned out in early stages of programming – more consultation between Arts Centre and MAV/community teams in relation to a grass roots approach.


• The Arts Centre’s financial resourcing of MAV was pivotal to the success of the program. MAV was able to employ an additional part time staff member dedicated solely to MIX IT UP • There was confusion relating to the roles of curators in relation to aims of the program and budget parameters. This needs to be clarified, as it created several difficult situations, including in some circumstances lowering the quality of the program (Cariba). • Communications between Arts Centre Public Programs staff & MAV staff was frequent and enabled successful programs despite some difficulties with resources & programming • Communications between departments including marketing, public programs, main stage, production and MAV staff needs to be centralised or stream lined. MAV discovered there are many different departments in the Arts Centre, all great people but communication was time consuming. • Partnerships need to be strategically developed and planned to ensure the program is not fragmented or original aims are met. • MAV had no input into the Theatre access program which did not engage directly or build relationships with the CALD communities but did deal with dance focussed classes and audiences which seemed at odds with the original aims of the program to reflect the cultural diversity of Victoria. MAV would have willingly worked with our colleagues to engage different cultures in this part of the Mix It Up program. I.e. the Brazilian dance could have been cross referenced with Vive La Fiesta. Communities do not segment their art, this is a very western approach and not multicultural savvy. MIX IT UP

WORKSHOPS & SCHOOL WORKSHOPS • Under privileged and under represented schools all greatly appreciated the chance to participate in the workshop programs • The schools involved were limited by available resources (number of classes to be run) as well as the very short notice • However, the ongoing involvement of the English Language Centres was highly successful and should be continued. • The program could be improved by providing more context before the workshop happens, ie, visits to the schools by artists or key community members to provide depth of cultural information and teacher’s notes • Again this program could easily be expanded if able to be resourced and organised in an appropriate time frame for school curriculum.

The overall success of the Mix It Up program shows the importance that these types of collaborations and programs make to the artistic life of our community. To work in partnership with the CALD communities requires commitment to fostering long term relationships to reinforce the pathways for both artists and audience engagement with the mainstream arts community.

Mix It Up is multi layered and creates many entry points to the Arts for artists and communities who are normally not engaged in the Arts or disadvantaged.

MIX IT UP has contributed enormously to the development of arts in a multicultural Victoria. The Arts provides us with a universal language that enables us to understand and empathize with each other in a time when there is much conflict and divide between cultures and people.

The Arts Centre was courageous and visionary and we thank them for this.

The MIX IT UP program

— attracted new audiences to the Arts Centre; — provided opportunities for multicultural artists to perform at the Arts Centre; — cemented the Arts Centre’s role as both iconic venue and nurturer of emerging talent; — developed new ways of working across cultures in partnership with Multicultural Arts Victoria; — provided a benchmark study that can be used as a model for multicultural audience development in other states; — established a professional platform for multicultural artists; — dispelled stereotypes of multicultural artists as ‘folkloric’ art; — created opportunities for new work; and — connected with culturally diverse communities. MIX IT UP

MIX IT UP 2006


Audience Development with CALD communities is a long term process and commitment. It is about developing relationships. Multicultural Audience Development requires Arts Organisations to change the way they meet and invite CALD communities to participate and needs to add new program content and new program delivery formats to meet the needs and interests of CALD communities and youth.

Following a guide to Audience Development


Outreach to new and diverse audiences is demanding work. It’s challenging and at times it can appear overwhelming. It is a personal as much as a professional journey.

• Multicultural Audience Development should be viewed as a broadening of current audience development practice and integral to development work already undertaken. • To succeed, the commitment to Audience Development and diversity must be there on the part of the organisation and the professional individual. Change Champions at the top are essential. • Multicultural Audience Development outreach should only be undertaken when a long-term commitment can be made. Outreach and Audience Development is not something that is done only as long as the grant funds last. It is a way of growing audiences for the Art Centre long term. It is an investment in the future Mix It Up welcomed the community and artists to the Arts Centre.


Recognise and reflect the importance of personal relationships when working with CALD communities and organisations.

• Before programs are designed and implemented, considerable time must be spent getting to know the community and individuals within. • Relationships must be built with individuals and communities as well as cultural organizations/partners. Relationships must be consolidated. • Take the time to attend to the personal before moving to the task. Value the community and their culture rather than seeing them just as potential ticket sales. • When it comes time to invites and participation, do so personally by phone or face to face or utilise trusted net works known to the communities i.e. MAV or VMC. • Ensure key individuals are invited to other programs that are not culturally specific- to build the relationship. The Africans (music & dance ) be invited to Brazilan (dance & music) • If people are asked to put up posters and hand out to fliers to the community – why should they do it? What is the incentive- do they know of the Arts Centre or Hamer Hall or the Arts Centre staff. MAV is an important bridge to the cultural keys with in the community MIX IT UP


The presence of staff and cultural ambassadors who have a deep understanding of the CALD culture greatly facilitates the process of building relationships and establishing trust with CALD community members.

• It is not necessary that staff be culturally specific, bilingual/bicultural staff is an asset but cultural ambassadors can successfully fill this role in the community. • Partnering with organisations that have links to your target audience is critical. MAV has extensive links with the ethnic sector state wide. This is often a challenging process as the communication and ways of working are different. • All staff and cultural ambassadors must be able to relate to and be accepted by the targeted community.


• Create atmosphere -Hang posters or set out cultural objects reflective of the CALD culture in Hamer Hall or State Theatre foyer • Have signs and printed materials available in other languages. • Have signs showing where to go- do not assume people know the Arts Centre- where is the Black Box? Where is the Fairfax? • Front of House staff be involved in aims of Mix It Up.


Do not try to fit new audiences into existing programs designed for traditional audiences.

• Ask communities what they want for programs, identifying both needs and interests. • Ask communities what they want to see – what they would like to see (i.e. what they are prepared to buy tickets to) • Be prepared to develop new programs • Be prepared to do things differently: Cross cultural promotion e.g. at the dance performances (PNG dancers in the foyer of the Brazilian dance performance) • Once programs are ongoing, seek regular feedback and keep community informed of what is happening.


Most CALD communities do not have an understanding of the Arts Centre, programs or operation. They sometimes also may have limited literacy in English.

• Explain Audience Development programs MIX IT UP. That it is about their culture and that the Arts Centre is supporting the culture of the community and opening the doors to new audiences because it cares about diversity - the particulars of the role of ambassadors. (This needs to be strategically worked out collaboratively before involving the communities) MIX IT UP

• Demonstrate or talk about the programs-. Word of mouth critical • Offer plenty of help with paperwork and carefully explain why information is needed, who will see it, and how it will be used. I.e. Contracts


Don’t attempt too much at one time.

• Audience Development programs usually require a good deal of support. Trying to quickly meet everyone’s needs will over tax, everyone, Audience Development outreach ambassadors and staff. • Develop the program and content thoughtfully and incrementally, nurture the partnership, cement the partnership. Reflect on the learnings. • Monitor and record achievements against targets and aims.


Partnerships promote the sustainability of programs. Partnerships are also critical to helping CALD communities access the arts.

• Work to build a local coalition or network in support of the positive development of CALD communities. Selection of MIX IT UP artists and organisations – MAV is pivotal in this. Need to be developed carefully and incrementally. • Work out ways to continue the relationship with curators/artists/communities once shows have passed. • Link to key CALD community leaders and or arts practioners. Determine what you expect from the contact and how you interact with them.


Culturally diverse ambassadors/peers requires attention be paid to developing effective working relationships. Cultural differences impact work styles, preferred styles of communication, and expectations.

• Teamwork should characterize the work environment with frequent communication between staff. Communication is often more time consuming. Make sure program aims and objectives and strategies are clearly defined with all including externals i.e. curators • Peer networks are important in Audience Development outreach efforts. • Time should be dedicated to helping all staff and Boards better understand the benefits of multicultural marketing and Audience Development, cultural differences and to building trust MIX IT UP


Working with the CALD audience represents risk-taking for many. It puts people in an unfamiliar environment and challenges their feelings of competence.

• Dedicating time to Multicultural Audience Development reinforces the importance of additional resources to achieve the outcomes desired


Building cultural competence and working in new ways takes both extra time and experience.

• A planned staff development program, with strategic planning focused on working with culturally diverse audiences increases skill levels and builds community among those who work in audience development. (MAV and the Arts Centre) • Audience Development is not just numerical development it is also cultural, and social development for long term sustainability MIX IT UP


MIRIAM ABUD Project Coordinator - Multicultural Arts Victoria



2 workshops in total - 1 Beat Box & 1 song and dance. The workshops engaged with 12 students from Brunswick English Language Centre that have a multicultural focus. Brunswick ELC was enthusiastic and took up the opportunity quickly. 5 artists from the local community ran the workshops which were free of charge to the school.


— Early engagement with schools to better align with school procedures — Longer engagement with the schools to enable pre and post communication that provides extended context — Continue to be able to offer school access free of charge so that access is provided for under privileged schools and language centres

As far as possible, the project would also help professionalise other aspects of the musicians’ livelihoods (marketing, administration, fund-raising etc) and look at the feasibility of establishing an ongoing Grand Union company in Melbourne to capitalise on work achieved so far, and develop locally the ideas and ethos of the ‘parent’ UK organisation.


Activities included 3 workshops for general public - Soundhouse Compose Your Own Music To An African Beat with Stani Goma; Daara J Acapella workshop at the Black Box; Kuukua and 2 African drummers Song And Dance workshop at Black Box.


The public programs ran from 1200 - 1700 hrs in the Level 5 Foyer at Hamer Hall. Performances by six different performance groups including circus acrobats, dancers, singers, drummers. Performances were enhanced by mar- ket stalls that also ran for the afternoon. These included hair braiding, ceremonial coffee making, traditional henna hand painting as well as produce stalls and African cultural stalls.


— Take into account that engaging with cultural groups requires commitment of working closely with the community groups to ensure a timely bump-in MIX IT UP

— Continue to engage with the community groups through MAV who are in a better position of informing/ advising cultural sensitivities. MAV are abreast of community developments and can recommend the most appropriate groups for a particular event. This is particularly important when working with such diverse communities such as the African community. — Logistics of confirming and contracting large numbers of artists would be better enabled with longer lead times. — Early engagement with the community to be able to involve caterers from the community



Two Music and Dance workshops were held, one on each day. A total of 55 students from Westall , Broadmeadows and Western English Language Centres engaged with the program and 3 indigenous artists ran the workshops. Workshops were held at Black Box.


— The need for pre and post school engagement is apparent when the emphasis for the workshop is on cultural exchange. Students could be better prepared in what to expect from the workshops and be better informed of the cultural context they are being exposed to which would result in a better respect for cultural sensitivities.


Activities included 3 workshops for the general public. Soundhouse Create And Compose Your Own Indigenous Sound Track; Blackbox Song And Dance workshop. 6 artists from PNG and Australia facilitated the workshops. A total of 85 participants.


Program ran from 1200-1700 hrs on Foyer levels 5 and 2 at Hamer Hall. A total of 27 artists (including 4 from PNG) performed. Market stalls numbered 6 and included was tattoo painting, sculpture stall, grass skirt making, bag making, PNG information centre and food stalls. Foyer was decorated by PNG sculptures that were generously loaned for the day.


— A booking or management system for free public workshops would enhance our ability to run these activities more successfully. — Logistics of confirming and contracting large numbers of artists would be better enabled with longer lead times. MIX IT UP



Four workshops (2 each day). A drumming and a dance workshop was held each day in the River and Buckland rooms at Hamer Hall. 66 students from 4 schools, Collingwood, Brunswick, Westall and Western English Language Centres participated over the two days. Two artists facilitated the program.


— Dedicated spaces for these types of activities is highly recommended if we are to look at building these programs.


The program of belly dancing with music accompaniment ran from 1900-2000 hrs in Level 2 Stalls Foyer. Middle Eastern bar food was available from 1900 until concert interval.


— This approach to running public programs when time is limited works very well and saw the certainly engages with the concert audience. — The shortage of food was an issue on this occasion



Four workshops were held over the period of the day (2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon). Two artists from the community facilitated the program for 99 students from 3 schools, Mt Hira Islamic School, Brunswick English Lan- guage Centre and Minaret College. The workshops were run in the River and Buckland Rooms at Hamer Hall.


— Care with ensuring the appropriate mix of cultures must be taken when booking two schools into the one workshop — Dedicated spaces for these types of activities is highly recommended if we are to look at building these programs. MIX IT UP


Program ran from 1300-1700 hrs in Foyers on levels 5, 4 and 2 at Hamer Hall. Performances included flamenco guitar and dance, singing, DJ playing, public salsa lessons and music band. Twenty nine artists were engaged for the program. There were five market stalls on street level, Mexico, Chili and El Salvador information stall, pan pipe and pinata making, Mexican jewellery stall and food outlet. A Day of the Dead display was a highlight. Sunday Soapbox forum Traditional Music, Contemporary Desires was held in association with Vive La Fiesta. The panelists included David Bridie, Shaun Rigney, Wang Zheng Tin and Nicky Bomba.


— Overlapping roles of curator and MAV needs clarification — Inclusion of Sunday Soapbox forum added depth to the days activities — Foyer performances should remain down scaled so that all the activities compliment each other without the sound of bands becoming overpowering.



Program of market stalls ran from 1230-1430 hrs with the food offer extended until 1600. Eight market stalls were located on levels 5 and 2 at Hamer Hall. Stalls included coffee ceremony, indigenous face painting, hair braiding, Koorie Heritage Trust stall and MAV information stall. African craft and jewellery was also on offer with indigenous crafts. The indigenous culture was the focus for the day. The market place in the foyers offered visitors the opportu- nity to browse and learn more of the local communities with the ability to also attend the free concert on the stage in Hamer Hall.


— The programming of the concert and the public programs complimented each other



Two workshops were held in Buckland and River Rooms over the day. Seven artists facilitated the dance/music and steelpan workshops. Twenty four students from Mt Hira College (Year 4) participated in the program.


— Consideration needs to be given to the available resources from the local community to deliver associated programs MIX IT UP


Steelpan performance, public Calypso dance workshop and steelpan public workshop ran 1300-1700 hrs on level 5 Foyer at Hamer Hall. Six artists delivered the programming content. There were four market stalls including, head dress making, Caribbean Travel Agent, Caribbean craft and art stall and a food stall.


— It is preferred to fulfil the performance requirements from local communities to enhance local relationships and minimise costs for interstate travel and freight.



Six market stalls were set up in the George Adams Gallery as well as a large component of art works from local artists of diverse cultural backgrounds. The aim for the public programs for this event was to deliver a program that gave a wrap to the 2006 series. The focus was on engaging with cultural groups that had little opportunity during the season. The community groups included Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Sth and Central American, East Timorese and Turkish. We also engaged with Amanda King to facilitate a public banner workshop. The stencilled hand prints were available for participants to leave a message or decorate at will, symbolising the joining of hands across cultures. The banner will be sewn up and available to display by MAV and the Arts Centre. Similar to the Visible concert, the public programs deliberately focused on non-performance activities so that the visitors could browse between watching stage concerts.


— Inclusion of coffee and food sampling worked well with engaging with visitors — The George Adams Gallery space complimented the activity


FUTURE PROGRAMMING PREFERENCES: — inclusion of market stalls and craft making stalls to continue — continuation in working closely with MAV to further develop Arts Centre/MAV relationship and also Arts Centre/ local community relationships — pre production timelines to be given longer lead times — relationships between Arts Centre/MAV/contract curators to be further refined and defined — ability to source food and beverage offer within the communities to ensure authenticity — better and more reliable access to venues for workshops would greatly enhance further development of these programs MIX IT UP

— develop a ticketing system/management system suitable for free/low cost activities with small number of participants — better financial and staff resources for delivery of program — clearer defining of audience target and expectations of the overall program would further enhance the ability of Theatre and Public Programs and Marketing to focus on a shared goal — future programming to commence as early as possible to continue to build on the success of the 2006 season MIX IT UP



“A big thanks to the Arts Centre and MAV – being part of MIX IT UP has given my group Diafrix a great deal of confidence - we had never imagined we would get the opportunity to perform at the Arts Centre. Being commissioned to create new work was unreal – we brought the traditional African sounds of Jali Buba Kuyateh and King Marong and mixed them with hip hop. The music and partnerships created through MIX IT UP has opened many doors for us.”

Khaled Abdulwhab DIAFRIX

“Thanks for the opportunity to been part of Our Back Yard, I am so glad that I have been able to share my passion for South American handicrafts with the wider public. I hope this kind of event could be open for other members of my community as well, I run a craft group and we work through the year making some traditional handicrafts, what is been passed to us from generation to generation fulfill our lives, but when the opportunity comes to share our knowledge with the community we just find disappointment and closed doors. People like me and many others are fighting to maintain alive our traditions, against all odds. We get disappointed, sad, but I believe that events like the one you organized give us hope to continue with our work. Thanks again for your support.”

Paulina Fuentes

“I was fortunate enough to see Visible on Sunday with a colleague and we were both really impressed. Even though Hamer Hall can be such a dead space there were a number of pieces yesterday that really lifted the roof. A great turn out audience wise and a lovely feeling in the auditorium. Congratulations to everyone involved.”

Anna Kelly ARTS VIC

“I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed ‘Sing Sing 2’. It was a really superb show and a fantastic vibe. Also, it’s great to see the ongoing fabulous line up that MAV and Mix It Up is continually producing.”

Damian Smith

“The Mix It Up program is a milestone in creative programming and an innovative partnership to build new audi- ences for the Arts in Victoria. In this environment, creating diverse audiences and maintaining harmony is a major challenge. But we can do it through the arts.”

Ruth Rentschler MIX IT UP


AFRICA 23 April SING SING 2 28 May MEETING PLACE KEEPING PLACE 7 July - 8 October PULSE HEART BEAT 23 July VIVA LA FIESTA! 27 August VISIBLE 3 September SUNDAY SOAPBOX 3 September - 9 October CARIBA 10 September OUR BACKYARD 29 October MIX IT UP

AFRICA! MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Jali Buba Kuyateh Diafrix & Friends Daara J MIX IT UP


AFRICA! FOYER PUBLIC PROGRAMS Ethiopian Circus African Royal Drummers King Marong & Friends MIX IT UP


SING SING 2 MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Market & Food Stalls Workshops Performances MIX IT UP

SING SING 2 MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Not Drowning Waving The Moab Stringband Traditional Welcome MIX IT UP


PULSE HEART BEAT MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Omar Faruk Tebilek Hossam Ramzy Synergy Percussion Serena MIX IT UP

VIVE LA FIESTA! MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Performances Workshops Sunday Soap Box with Peter Clarke Exhibition MIX IT UP

VIVE LA FIESTA! MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Arte Kanela Flamenco Labjacd Juan Formell with Los Van Van MIX IT UP

VISIBLE MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Market Stalls Coffee Ceremony Face Painting Sunday Soap Box MIX IT UP

VISIBLE MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Daen Ellis & Robbie Thorpe Koori Youth Will Shake Spears Sudanese Catholic Choir MIX IT UP

VISIBLE MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Little G David Arden Joel Ma Ethiopian Circus Sudan Azza MIX IT UP

VISIBLE MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Jali Buba Kuyateh Monica Weightman South Sudan Musica Diafrix MIX IT UP

CARIBA MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Performances Workshops Sunday Soap Box MIX IT UP

CARIBA MAIN STAGE - HAMER HALL Ru CL Jigzie Campbell Mighty Sparrow MIX IT UP


OUR BACKYARD THE FAMOUS SPIEGELTENT Stiletto Sisters Babagaboush Cosmo Cosmolino DJ Delay MIX IT UP

OUR BACKYARD MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Performances Workshops Art & Craft Stalls Local Artists Exhibition MIX IT UP

OUR BACKYARD MARKET PLACE - FOYER HAMER HALL Performances Workshops Art & Craft Stalls Local Artists Exhibition MIX IT UP



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Meeting Place, Keeping Place

Until Sun 8 Oct. Open daily until late. George Adams Gallery

Meeting Place, Keeping Place. Celebrates Victoria’s cultural diversity & the vitality that different cultures bring to the visual and performing arts. Melbourne is a ‘meeting place’ for artists from around the globe, who now call this city ‘home’. Showcases a fascinating cross-section of established & emerging visual artists whose practice reflects multicultural Victoria.

The artists whose work is showcased in the exhibition are; Sutueal Bekele Althe, Kate Beynon, Angela Cavalieri, Renato Colangelo, Raafat Ishak, Ellen José, Magda Matwiejew, Georgia Metaxas, Nusra Latif Qureshi, Naeem Rana, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Emmanuel Santos, Melinda Schawel, Renee So, Susan Wirth & Mami Yamanaka.

A range of free public events have been created to bring to life the ethos of Meeting Place, Keeping Place. These include:

Floor Talks Join curator Steven Tonkin & a panel of artists for a discussion of their work. Thurs 31 August, 12.30pm: Sutueal Bekele Althe, Angela Cavalieri & Emmanuel Santos Thurs 28 Septr, 12.30pm: Renato Colangelo, Naeem Rana & Melinda Schawel

My World, My Victoria, My Home Open daily: What does cultural diversity mean to you? Young people throughout Victoria were asked to draw, paint or illustrate their interpretation of “My World, My Victoria, My Home”. See their results in this joyous selection of artworks. Mezzanine level above the George Adams Gallery & throughout the Arts Centre

Sunday Soapbox Meet the artists as they compare their diverse cultural backgrounds & artistic sources at the first Sunday Soapbox for 2006 . Sunday Soapbox continues with a different topic each week until 8 Oct visit for the full program.

Free performances @ the George Adams Gallery on Fridays from 6.30-7.30pm with musicians from culturally diverse backgrounds.

AUGUST 4th Lou Bennett & the Sweet Cheeks – A sweet, cheeky combination of harmonies. 11th Ria Soemardjo, Adrian Sherriff and Jeremy Dullard - West Javanese music 18th Fadil Suna & Julian Swinnerton - Music from Kurdistan:sas and oud 25th Valanga Khoza & Andrea Watson - African rythmns and voice from Soweto

SEPTEMBER 1st Anthea Sidiropoulos with George Iliopoulos & Tony Iliou - Original mediterean music 8th Rosamel Burgos & Orietta Seguel - Music from the Andes 15th Ernie Gruner & Phil Carroll - Bohemian nights (klezmer, jazz, middle-eastern) 22nd John Norton & Michael Kontochristos - Acoustic flamenco and middle-eastern tunes 29th Etienne Dinanga & Rene Sephton - World folk fusion & congolese rhythms


9 June 2006 Meeting Place, Keeping Place A free exhibition celebrating contemporary local artists from diverse cultures Meeting Place, Keeping Place is a free visual art exhibition at the Arts Centre from 7 July – 8 October 2006, celebrating Victoria’s cultural diversity and the vitality that different cultures bring to the visual and performing arts.

Part of the Arts Centre’s MIX IT UP! initiative, Meeting Place Keeping Place showcases a fascinating cross-section of established and emerging visual artists, working across a range of media, including painting, printmaking, photography, installation and new media.

The artists included in the exhibition are: Sutueal Bekele Althe, Kate Beynon, Angela Cavalieri, Renato Colangelo, Raafat Ishak, Ellen José, Magda Matwiejew, Georgia Metaxas, Nusra Latif Qureshi, Naeem Rana, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Emmanuel Santos, Melinda Schawel, Renee So, Susan Wirth and Mami Yamanaka.

Curator, Steven Tonkin says “Victoria is both home to and a meeting place for artists from around the globe. These artists keep the richness of their own cultural heritage alive in their work, and infuse Melbourne’s contemporary art scene with a unique dynamism not seen elsewhere.”

A range of free public events have been created to bring to life the ethos of Meeting Place, Keeping Place. These include:

Floor Talks Join curator Steven Tonkin and a panel of artists for a discussion of their work. Thurs 31 August, 12.30pm: Sutueal Bekele Althe, Angela Cavalieri and Emmanuel Santos Thurs 28 September, 12.30pm: Renato Colangelo, Naeem Rana and Melinda Schawel

Free Entertainment, Fridays, 6.30pm Free performances from musicians and artists from culturally diverse backgrounds.

My World, My Victoria, My Home Open daily from 22 July: What does cultural diversity mean to you? Young people throughout Victoria were asked to draw, paint or illustrate their interpretation of “My World, My Victoria, My Home”. See their results in this joyous selection of artworks. Mezzanine level above the George Adams Gallery and throughout the Arts Centre

Sunday Soapbox – Visuals Artists Step Out: 23 July, 2pm Meet the artists as they compare their diverse cultural backgrounds and artistic sources at the first Sunday Soapbox for 2006 . Sunday Soapbox continues with a different topic each week until 8 October visit for the full program. the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP Meeting Place, Keeping Place the Arts Centre 7 July – 8 October 2006 Free Admission / Open daily Monday – Saturday: Open 9am until late Sunday: Open 10am until after the last show Visit for more details about Sunday Soapbox and the music performances MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity

Media: Please contact Ricky Bryan on 03 9281 8146 / 0411 599 229 or email: [email protected] MIX IT UP


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the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP "THE BEST DANCE BAND IN CUBA" The New York Times FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AUSTRALIA, LATIN GRAMMY WINNERS

Supported by Melbourne’s ‘Latin Massive’

ONE SHOW ONLY! 27 August, 5pm


MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity MIX IT UP VIVE LA FIESTA! FLYERS

the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP "THE BEST DANCE BAND IN CUBA" The New York Times FOR THE FIRST TIME IN AUSTRALIA, LATIN GRAMMY WINNERS

Supported by Melbourne’s ‘Latin Massive’

ONE SHOW ONLY! 27 August, 5pm From the fiery flamenco bars of Seville, Spain, to the hot salsa clubs of New York and down the vibrant streets of Havana, Cuba, Vive La Fiesta! journey of Latin music from is a MEDIA PARTNER around the world. TICKETS $ 30 $-45

MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity

Juan Formell and Los Van Van will ignite the stage with their hot fusion of Cuban rhythms. Founded by the legendary Juan Formell, the group has remained "The undisputed king Cuba's most popular band for over 30 years and are of Cuban dance regarded as one of the greatest salsa bands ever. orchestras and one of Supporting will be Melbourne’s own the most influential forces ever in and Afro-Cuban music." Los Angeles Times

PLUS FREE ENTERTAINMENT FROM 1- 5PM • Learn salsa dancing with City Salsa Club • Performances by Los Cabrones; • Make your own pan pipe or piñata DJs Naseem, Kano and Ennio Styles; • Forum with composers & musicians on and flamenco guitar with Richard works that fuse traditional & Tadesco and Ruth Sancho contemporary sounds • Tasty food for purchase

ily tick*, am et F : • $ 1300 136 166*, 8 TICKETS 9

$ • BOOK NOW! the Arts Centre Box Office • G 30 -$ r 45 or Ticketmaster outlets o u • * Transaction fee applies p h s 6 ac Programmed by Simon Raynor from Terrasphere Productions - promoter and PBS FM presenter.+ $30 e MIX IT UP


VtheVISIBLE Arts Centre in associationI Swith MulticulturalI Arts VictoriaB presents as part Lof MIX IT UP E The hottest Indigenous and new African talents in town!



Media Partner ONE SHOW ONLY! 3 September, 1.30pm

MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity MIX IT UP


VtheVISIBLE Arts Centre in associationI Swith MulticulturalI Arts VictoriaB presents as part Lof MIX IT UP E The hottest Indigenous and new African talents in town!


• KOORI YOUTH WILL SHAKE SPEARS • DIAFRIX • JOEL MA • MONICA WEIGHTMAN • SOUTH SUDAN MUSICA • LITTLE G • ETHIOPIAN CIRCUS AND MORE! VVISIBLEI DiscoverDis the rich culturalS layer of ‘invisible’ talent bubbling away in our city cover I the rich B withwith performancespe c ubyltu Indigenousra and new African artistsL from two exciting rfo l lay Media Partner rman er o MulticulturalMulti Artsce Victorias by projectsf ‘–in visib E ONE SHOW ONLY! 3 September, 1.30pm cultura Indige le’ ta A compilationl CDArt createds V throughnous an lent bub compila ictoria d new bling a tion CD projects African way in create – Visible artists f our city d throu and Black Harmonyrom tGatheringw gh Visible o excitin SUNDAY 3 SEPTEMBER, 1.30will - be3PM launched at the concert. g MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity . THE ARTS CENTRE, HAMER HALL (as part of Open House) FREE DIAFRIXD EVENT! IAFRIX JOEL MA LITTLE G KOORI YOUTH WILL SHAKE SPEARS SOUTH DAVE ARDEN SUDAN SUDAN AZZA MUSICA JALI BUBA MONICA KUYATEH WEIGHTMAN SUDANESE ETHIOPIAN CATHOLIC CIRCUS CHOIR Visible, a mentorship project, has been instrumental in AND MORE! helping new and emerging Black Harmony Gathering African performers develop is an annual event that brings their art form by teaming together local Indigenous artists them with established artists and their more recently arrived also from migrant or refugee brothers and sisters from Africa backgrounds. to Say No to Racism . PLUS FREE ACTIVITIES FROM 12.30 – 3.30PM Enter a vibrant cultural marketplace with: • Craft, art and cultural displays by local African and Indigenous artists • Sudanese henna tattooing • Forum on the struggle and • Indigenous face painting success of refugee and migrant artists • Hair braiding • Ethiopian coffee ceremony • Tasty food from the regions Programmed by Multicultural Arts Victoria. for purchase Program correct at time of print. MIX IT UP SUNDAY SOAPBOX E-FLYER

the Arts Centre - Sunday Soapbox Page 1 of 2

the Arts Centre presents Sunday Soapbox

Free discussion and Sunday Soapbox is an entertaining mix o performance every conversation, performance and multimed Sunday at the Arts presentation in front of an enquiring audi Centre, devised and different topic each week, there’s sure to hosted by Peter Clarke to get you on your soapbox!

8 October | George Adams Gallery | 2pm A Sneak Peak at the Melbourne Festival What is this year’s Festival all about? Kristy Ed panel of Festival artists including Richard Murph den Berg (Navigators), Ria Soemardjo (Second Warby (Monumental), will whet your appetite an choose how to enjoy this year’s offering to the fu best Festival questions to the final Sunday Soap + More about the Melbourne Festival

When 03 Sep 2006 - 08 Oct 2006

Pricing Free

Venue George Adams Gallery

Time 2pm

Booking Other purchasing methods


the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP For the first time in Australia

Trinidad & Tobago’s King of Calypso Supported by & Soca Melbourne’s own RuRu C.L C.L

ONE SHOW ONLY! 1010 SEPT,SEPT, 5PM5PM Bring your bells, whistles and flags for all the excitement, colour and sheer musical exhilaration of Carnival at the biggest Soca party this city has ever seen with


MIX IT UP! Celebrating cultural diversity and his sensational eight-piece band WithWith a career spanning over 50 years, 70 albums and a string of international a car THE TNT TROUBADOURS awards,awa Theee Mightyr s Sparrow is the Caribbean’s greatest entertainer. rds, panni The M ng ov ighty er 50 “What a party starter! Sp aWer never y everears DJ without dropping at least one row is , 70 a Sparrow tune. He is the king, a t hgiant,e C and hislbu musicms means so much to aribb and so many people.” ean’s a stri grea ng of test e inter ntert nation Sparrow is reknowned Robbiefor his Chater, biting Thesocial Avalanches commentary, hilarious takeaine onr. life al and all round political savvy with songs such as Black Miss Universe Your Bam Bam , What’s the Use of Getting Sober . Supporting is one of Australia’s most talented MCsCricket Lovely Cricket

and Shake & Brake, First BOOK*, 1300 136 166*, the Arts Centre Box Office or Ticketmaster outlets NOW! (* Transaction fee applies) Ru C.L

PLUS FREE ACTIVITIES FROM 1–5PM ily ti am cke • Costumes, photos and footage from the vibrant Carnival celebrations F t: • $ • Performance by steel pan percussionists Skelepan TICKETS 8 9

• Learn how to create the extraordinary beats of a traditional steel drum $ • • Make an exotic Caribbean head dress G 30 -$ r o 45 • Forum and performance with contemporary musicians who use traditional percussionu p • Learn Calypso dancing with renowned Jamaican performer Jigzie Campbell s h 6+ ac • Sample the fare of the Caribbean with food for purchase : $30 e

Music consultant Jaslyn Hall – Program correct at time of print. MIX IT UP


the Arts Centre in association with Multicultural Arts Victoria presents as part of MIX IT UP CARIBA! featuring The Mighty Sparrow

For the very first time in Australia, the undisputed “King of the Calypso World” THE MIGHTY SPARROW brings all the excitement, colour and sheer musical exhilaration of Carnival for the biggest soca party this city has ever seen!

With a career spanning over 50 years, 70 albums and a string of international awards, don’t miss your chance to see the man affectionately dubbed ‘The Birdie’ in full flight with his eight-piece band The TNT Troubadours.

This remarkable singer, lyricist, composer and all round entertainer is an eleven time Calypso Monarch including the King of Kings Competition where every monarch in the calypso world is invited to compete against him.

Sparrow is renowned for his biting social comment, hilarious take on life and his all round political savvy. Songs such as Cricket Lovely Cricket, First Black Miss Universe, Capitalism Gone Mad, What's The Use of Getting Sober, Shake & Brake Your Bam Bam and hundreds more have endeared him to audiences worldwide.

Supporting The Mighty Sparrow is one of Australia’s most talents MCs Ru C. L with his Jamaican flavoured R&B hip-hop. Ru C.L has supported international acts including Jurassic 5, Pharcyde, Mad Professor, Lee Scratch Perry, Supernatural, DJ Craze and more.

Bring your bells, whistles and flags and party, dance and celebrate with the Caribbean’s greatest entertainer!

Music consultant Jaslyn Hall –

Sunday 10 September, 5pm the Arts Centre, Hamer Hall

TICKETS $30 - $45 Book at*, 1300 136 166* or outlets * Transaction fee applies

Experience vibrancy of Carnival with FREE ACTIVITIES FROM 1–5PM • Learn how to limbo • Make a traditional Caribbean mask • Storytelling with renowned Jamaican storyteller and dancer Jigzie Campbell • Forum on the secret of how musicians communicate during a performance • Sample the fare of the Caribbean with food for purchase MIX IT UP OUR BACKYARD FLYER

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