2004 Annual Report

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2004 Annual Report Fostering the Power of Community, Service and the Arts 2004 Annual Report – Celebrating Twenty Years n its 20th Anniversary year, Rex continued its renewal efforts with During 2004, Rex concert events showed another, contingent, activities aimed at broadening its base of support. We recognize this side of this transformation to broad support. A new generation and Ias a necessary evolution from the single-source support during the alignment of performers are giving their energies to provide the live era of benefi t concerts performed by the Grateful Dead for Rex. musical context that brings Rex and our supporters together. In this Launched on our website, the Rex Community Caravan is an initia- way, Rex can be a focus for the “jam band” movement spawned by tive designed to sign up a multitude of small donors; to invite our natural the Grateful Dead, providing a channel for the palpable desire of these constituency to join in a philanthropic community resonant with the audiences to contribute to the re-creation of positive culture. feeling of the concert and touring social networks. It is hoped that the This report describes the programs of our three Award winners and website itself will evolve to embrace the 22 grants provided to grassroots an interactive paradigm of sharing. organizations during the year. RALPH J. GLEASON AWARD ing countries and builds the In memory of music journalist Ralph J. Gleason, a major fi gure in the advancement capacity of local organizations of music in America in the 1960s, whose and professionals to meet the openness to new music and ideas transcended differences between generations and styles. needs of their communities. ISLP has organized the work Bill Monroe of highly skilled volunteer Biography by Tom Ewing lawyers and law fi rms on 44 William Smith Monroe was projects in or affecting more born in Ohio County, Ken- than 25 countries. 31 W. 52nd St., 3rd Floor, New York, NY tucky in 1911. Inspired by 10019, 212-880-5836, www.islp.org the fi ddling of his uncle and the blues of a local black Camp Winnarainbow JERRY GARCIA AWARD musician, Monroe taught himself BILL GRAHAM AWARD In memory of Grateful Dead guitarist and founding Rex In memory of pioneering producer and founding Rex board member Jerry Garcia, this award is designed to to play the mandolin and resolved board member Bill Graham, himself a refugee, this honor and support individuals and groups that work to develop his own style of playing award is for those working to assist children who to encourage creativity in young people. the instrument. By the 1930s he was are victims of political oppression and human rights violations. Camp Winnarainbow largely responsible for the success of Scholarship Fund in honor of the renowned Monroe Brothers duo, International Wavy Gravy and in the 40s, he spearheaded the Senior Lawyers Project Camp Winnarainbow is a non-profi t development of a new style of music The International Senior Lawyers circus and performing arts sum- that came to be called “bluegrass”. Project (ISLP) provides volunteer mer camp that provides a small, For the next fi fty years he toured legal services by highly skilled and protected environment where each and recorded, inspiring many with experienced attorneys to advance summer, 700 children try new ac- his music, now known and appreci- democracy and the rule of law, pro- tivities and ways of interrelating ated throughout the world. Monroe tect human rights and promote equi- to one another. The Camp values died in 1996, and, since then, only table economic development world- the uniqueness of each individual one biography has been published, wide. Through the pro bono work within the diverse racial, cultural, a superfi cial account based largely of retired and active practitioners, economic and religious backgrounds on hearsay. working independently and with that comprise the community. Camp Author, Tom Ewing joined Mon- law fi rms, ISLP helps governments Winnarainbow provides a train- roe’s Blue Grass Boys in 1986 touring and citizens develop and implement ing ground to nurture leaders for a and recording several albums with legal reforms, assists programs that peaceful, harmonious and sustain- Monroe, including the Grammy advance the social and economic able culture. Award-winning “Southern Flavor.” well-being of people in develop- 510-525-4304, www.campwinnarainbow.org “A new world is born. It is not the old world that is changing. It is a new world which is born. And we are right in the middle of the transition period, when the two overlap, when the old is still all-powerful and entirely controlling the ordinary consciousness. But the new slips in, still very modest and unnoticed – so unnoticed that externally it disturbs hardly anything... for the moment, and it is even absolutely imperceptible in the consciousness BOARD OF DIRECTORS of most people. But it is working, it is growing.” – Satprem Bob Weir Cameron Sears Sage Scully From the Executive Director John Scher Cliff Palefsky In the spring of 1984 the first Rex benefit was held in San Rafael, California. For Nick Morgan the next 11 years, the Grateful Dead performed concerts to benefit Rex across Roger McNamee John Leopold the country that resulted in over $7 million in grants to some 900 programs. Michael Klein In December 2001, after a hiatus of some years, we initiated renewal efforts, in Rosalie Howarth the absence of direct Grateful Dead concert funding, by extending our reach Mickey Hart Freddy Hahne to a broad base of supporters. With such support we have now granted an ad- Carolyn Garcia ditional $487,000 to 73 programs. Stefanie Coyote Barry Caplan 2004 activities confirmed a stronghold of commitment among not only the older Diane Blagman Steve Bernstein Rex alumni, but also among a new generation of musicians, contributors and ADVISORY BOARD supporters. Joining together, we are helping the Rex Foundation carry forward Bill Walton the ethos which surrounded the original Grateful Dead benefit concerts: love Danny Rifkin of the music, a joyful spirit of connection, generosity, concern for the greater Jon McIntire Larry Brilliant good, and appreciation of the value of funding grassroots organizations. Bernie Bildman John Perry Barlow As the Rex Foundation makes its transition from the first 20 years to the next Emeritus 20, I am reminded of those intriguing M.C. Escher prints that show a subtle Hal Kant metamorphosis from one state to another. The Rex Community Caravan is Bill Graham (1984 – d.1991) our representation of our own metamorphosis – all of us, together, whether as Jerry Garcia (1984 – d.1995) charitable contributors, musicians performing at our events, volunteers, in-kind supporters or any combination of these – are shifting from meeting at Grateful Executive Director Sandy Sohcot Dead concerts to traveling together, building a wide-reaching philanthropic Administration community that is grassroots in spirit and grassroots in giving. As you read Chris Meharg through this report you may see yourself on the Rex Community Caravan, Volunteers and hopefully you will feel good about the results of your support. With a Alan Trist David Large vibrant legacy to build on, and with the enthusiastic commitment of the next Brooke McKinney generation of supporters, I am ever hopeful and excited about all that we can do together over the next 20 years. – Sandy Sohcot The Rex Foundation is named after Rex Jackson, Mission Statement a Grateful Dead roadie and later road manager until The Rex Foundation continues to embody the spirit of generosity and concern that evolved his untimely death in 1976 in the culture of the Dead Heads and the Grateful Dead, aiming to help secure a healthy environment, promote individuality in the arts, provide support to critical and necessary social services, assist others less fortunate than ourselves, protect the rights of indigenous HOW REX WORKS people and ensure their cultural survival, build a stronger community, and educate chil- The Rex Foundation has no dren and adults everywhere. paid board members. Virtu- ally all of our grant recipients are Guiding Principles and Values selected through the personal • We respect traditional wisdom cultures. knowledge and outreach of our • We respect individual rights and differences. decision makers – as a result, • We are willing to take risks and trust people. grant requests are not solicited. • We help people who are helping others and are trying to make a difference. We have no application forms • We help people develop bold new solutions to problems. and no published guidelines. • We benefit the broader community and the broader good. Grants are made once or • We practice inclusiveness and open-mindedness. twice a year, and our report • We support organizations committed to grassroots action. is published annually. • We seek to identify entities doing good work that might otherwise be overlooked. • Our support helps beyond direct funding by boosting the visibility of the recipient’s work. • We want to be an agent of change, to help leverage greater impact. REX FOUNDATION P.O. Box 29608 • We are non-partisan. San Francisco, CA 94129-0608 • We promote an active, informed citizenry. (415) 561-3134 • The Foundation is an efficient conduit for supporting the community. • Being part of the Rex Foundation is enjoyable. www.rexfoundation.org • We carry on the best of the spirit of the 60’s to create a more harmonious world. Federal ID # 68-0033257 2 Rex Community Caravan REX EVENTS – CELEBRATING 20 YEARS We have not been accustomed to, or culturally geared, In celebration of the Rex Foundation’s 20th Anniversary, to asking for contribution dollars. When we began our we presented events that highlighted our transition from renewal efforts, we primarily presented benefit concerts, the first 20 years to the next 20.
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