Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held at CHURTON VILLAGE HALL, on TUESDAY 10 JULY 2018 AT 8PM. Present: Cllr C Hayes, Cllr K Cundill, Cllr D Rudd, Cllr A Thacker, Cllr P Thacker In Attendance: Mrs Claire Taylor (Clerk) and 2 members of the public.


2. GENERAL PUBLIC SPEAKING TIME The following issues were raised: i)Suspicious activity: 2 individuals in Stannage Lane had been reported on 9 July to the police. Noted. ii)Stiles at Stud Lane: Reported as in need of attention. Resolved: Estate to speak to landowner. iii) Newsletter: Resolved: Order 150 colour A3 copies from Deva Print.

3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Members were invited to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests they had in any item on the agenda, subject to the rules regarding disclosure contained in the current Members’ Code of Conduct and as defined by regulations made under section30(3) of the Localism Act 2011. No declarations made.

4. COMMUNITY SAFETY No police representative in attendance. Noted that a bike marking session had been held to which there had been a limited response.


Agreed: Proposed by Cllr D Rudd and seconded by Cllr K Cundill.

6. TO CONSIDER MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES. i) Pump Lane: Kerbside weeding still required. Resolved: Clerk to raise with Highways. ii)Freedom of Information request: Noted: The Clerk had made a formal request to ascertain cost of pothole repairs and associated damage claims specific to Churton.

Further information required. Resolved: Cllr P Thacker to let Clerk have a list itemizing his concerns to send to Highways. iii)Marathon: Noted: The Clerk had liaised with Marathon Organisers re improvements for future marathons and they had confirmed that road closures affecting Churton this year would be as advertised and not earlier as happened last year. iv) The White Horse: Agreed: Clerk to circulate details to all Councillors regarding the ACV process and to progress ahead of next meeting. v) Flooding at Marsh Lane: Noted: Estate have raised with Grosvenor Farms. Resolved: To be monitored. vi) Grass cutting: Noted: A contract had been established for a fortnightly cut at the Village Hall. vii) Sibbersfield Lane: The Clerk reported that Highways had been informed that the Parish Council were of the view that a speed limit assessment should be carried out on Sibbersfield Lane. Highways had sent details of the requirements and advised that the Parish Council would have to fund 50% of the cost. Farndon Parish Council supported the initiative but were not in a position to part fund. Resolved: Cllr Rudd to send comments to the Clerk to send to Highways.

7. ACTIONS BETWEEN MEETINGS Members were reminded that the Clerk should only be asked to act on resolutions made at meetings and not between. Resolved: Noted.

8. STANDING ORDERS Resolved: Churton Parish Council approve and adopt NALC Revised Model Standing Orders2018. Proposed by Cllr C Hayes and seconded by Cllr A. Thacker.

9. GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS Resolved: Churton Parish Council approve and adopt the Churton Parish Council Data Protection and Retention Policy (May 2018). Proposed by Cllr C Hayes and seconded by Cllr K. Cundill.

10. UPDATE FROM THE VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE Noted: i) There had been an increase in party revenue. ii) The revised lease had now been signed. iii) Bouncy castles: it was now a requirement for hall users to sign a declaration regarding insurance and supervision requirements. iv) The Estate had tidied up prior to the Memorial unveiling ceremony but some weeding was required.

11. PLANNING (RECENT DECISIONS AND APPLICATIONS) Approval: 18/01789/FUL Single storey extensions and first floor extension Mulberry Stannage Lane Churton by CH3 6LE

Applications: Springfield Stannage Lane Chester Cheshire CH3 6LE Proposal: Removal of existing hedge and installation of new fence and gated access (Resubmission of 17/04749/FUL) Reference Number: 18/02224/FUL

Dairy Barns Chester Road Churton by Aldford Chester CH3 6LB Single storey side and rear extension and loft conversion (Resubmission of 17/03412/FUL) Reference Number: 18/02328/FUL

12. STANDING CONSIDERATION OF ANY HIGHWAY MATTERS Farndon / Holt Bridge: Noted: The bridge would be closed for 14 weeks from 16 July onwards.

13. MATTERS RELATING TO CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL Nothing not already referred to elsewhere on the agenda.

14. FINANCE MATTERS Resolved: That the payment of salaries and expenses, the payment of invoices for goods received and services rendered be approved and the receipts and balances noted.

Proposed by Cllr C Hayes seconded by Cllr D Rudd. Community Account Balance at 18 June 2018 £5139.04

15. CORRESPONDENCE (i)The White Horse: The landlord had informed Cllr Kitchin that he would be relinquishing his tenancy. Resolved: Noted. (ii) Grosvenor Estate: The estate had written to advise that Rupert Collis would be leaving the estate at the end of September. Resolved: Noted.

16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Agreed: 11 SEPTEMBER 2018 at 8pm in Churton Village Hall