and West Councils

2017 Air Quality Annual Status Report (ASR)

In fulfilment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management

June, 2017

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 South Hams and Councils

Local Authority James Kershaw Officer Customer First, Environmental Health & Department Housing Follaton House, Road, , Address TQ9 5NE Telephone 01803 861287

E-mail [email protected] Report Reference ASRSHWD.0002 number Date June 2017

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area Air Quality in South Hams and West Devon

Air pollution is associated with a number of adverse health impacts. It is recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Additionally, air pollution particularly affects the most vulnerable in society: children and older people, and those with heart and lung conditions. There is also often a strong correlation with equalities issues, because areas with poor air quality are also often the less affluent areas1,2.

The annual health cost to society of the impacts of particulate matter alone in the UK is estimated to be around £16 billion3.

Within the South Hams area there are 3 Air Quality Management Areas, these are located within the towns of Totnes and , and adjacent to the A38 at Dean Prior. The main pollutant of concern is Nitrogen Dioxide associated with road traffic pollution.

The monitoring has shown no meaningful improvements in the air quality levels prior to 2016. The 2015 results did appear slightly better, however the 2016 figures increased back to the trend levels.

There are no Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) within West Devon, however the 2016 monitoring on Road in has shown regular exceedances of NO2. Further monitoring locations on this road commenced in the latter part of 2016, and once we have determined the extent of the area where the levels are in exceedances of NO2 are determined we will seek to determine an Air Quality Management Area.

Actions to Improve Air Quality

Since the amendment to the Air Quality Management Order in 2016 the Council has been working on a new Clean Air Strategy for the two authority areas, including an air quality action plan for the three locations. This is currently in draft but we hope to put it out for public and statutory consultation in 2017.

1 Environmental equity, air quality, socioeconomic status and respiratory health, 2010 2 Air quality and social deprivation in the UK: an environmental inequalities analysis, 2006 3 Defra. Abatement cost guidance for valuing changes in air quality, May 2013

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 i South Hams and West Devon Councils

The clean air strategy also seeks to adopt a supplementary planning document,

Conclusions and Priorities

The trends have shown no improvements in air quality in time as was expected due to improvements in engine technology. The main priority in the next 12 months is to consult on the proposed Clean Air Quality Strategy to South Hams and West Devon with the public and statutory consultees.

In West Devon the principle priority will be to determine the need and extent of a potential Air Quality Management Area in Exeter Road, Okehampton.

Local Engagement and How to get Involved

If you live within Totnes and are interested in helping to shape the future of the Totnes air quality action plan please get in contact with either the Transition Town Totnes Transport Group ( or Totnes Town Council.

If you live within Ivybridge please contact Ivybridge Town Council with any ideas that you might have for improving the air quality in Ivybridge.

Alternatively please feel free to contact Environmental Health at South Hams District Council or West Devon Borough Council, by email to [email protected]

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 ii South Hams and West Devon Councils Table of Contents

Executive Summary: Air Quality in Our Area ...... i Air Quality in South Hams and West Devon ...... i Actions to Improve Air Quality ...... i Conclusions and Priorities ...... ii Local Engagement and How to get Involved ...... ii 1 Local Air Quality Management ...... 1 2 Actions to Improve Air Quality ...... 2 2.1 Air Quality Management Areas ...... 2 2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council ...... 4

2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and/or Concentrations...... 5 3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance ...... 6 3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken ...... 6 3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites ...... 6 3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites...... 6 3.2 Individual Pollutants ...... 6

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)...... 6

3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10) ...... 7

3.2.3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5) ...... 8

3.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) ...... 8 Appendix A: Monitoring Results ...... 9 Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2016 ...... 22 Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC ...... 24 Appendix D: Map(s) of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs ...... 25 Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in ...... 33 Glossary of Terms ...... 34 References ...... 35

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 iii South Hams and West Devon Councils

List of Tables Table 1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas ...... 3 Table A.2 Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites ...... 10 Table A.3 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results ...... 12 Table 4 Table B.1 – NO2 Monthly Diffusion Tube Results - 2016 ...... 22

List of Figures

Figure A.1 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Totnes ...... 14 Figure A.2 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Ivybridge ...... 15 Figure A.3 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Dean Prior ...... 16

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 iv South Hams and West Devon Councils

1 Local Air Quality Management This report provides an overview of air quality in South Hams and West Devon during 2016. It fulfils the requirements of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995) and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents.

The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where an exceedance is considered likely the local authority must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives. This Annual Status Report (ASR) is an annual requirement showing the strategies employed by South Hams and West Devon to improve air quality and any progress that has been made.

The statutory air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England can be found in Table E.1 in Appendix E.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 1 South Hams and West Devon Councils

2 Actions to Improve Air Quality 2.1 Air Quality Management Areas

Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared when there is an exceedance or likely exceedance of an air quality objective. After declaration, the authority must prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) within 12-18 months setting out measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of compliance with the objectives.

A summary of AQMAs declared by South Hams District Council can be found on the next page. Further information related to declared or revoked AQMAs, including maps of AQMA boundaries are available online at https://uk- Alternatively, see Appendix D: Map(s) of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs, which provides for a map of air quality monitoring locations in relation to the AQMA(s).

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 2 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Table 1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas

Is air quality in Level of Exceedance (maximum the AQMA Pollutants monitored/modelled concentration at a influenced by Action Plan AQMA Date of and Air City / One Line location of relevant exposure) roads (inc. date of Name Declaration Quality Town Description controlled by publication) Objectives Highways At Declaration Now England?

A single residential A38 Declared NO2 Annual Dean property adjacent YES 70 µg/m3 70 µg/m3 None AQMA 03/03/2005 Mean Prior to the A38 near to Dean Prior

A single residential Ivybridge Declared NO2 Annual property adjacent Ivybridge NO 54 µg/m3 43 µg/m3 None AQMA 13/07/2009 Mean to the A38 near to Dean Prior

42ug/m3 (Bridgetown An area Terrace 2008) 56 42 ug/m3 encompassing a Declared 42ug/m3 (Bridgetown) stretch of the A385 13/07/2009, NO2 Annual (Bridgetown Totnes Totnes between True NO None Amended Mean Terrace 2008) 52 ug/m3 Street Junction, 8/6/2016 (True Street and the junction 56.3 ug/m3 Junction) with Clay Lane. (True Street Junction, 2014) ☒ South Hams District Council confirm the information on UK-Air regarding their AQMA(s) is up to date

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 3 South Hams and West Devon Councils

2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council

Defra’s appraisal of last year’s ASR concluded “An Action Plan has been developed in 2013 for measures to address the AQMAs in Ivybridge and Totnes. The extent of the AQMA has recently been extended in Totnes to account for an additional area of exceedance, however there appears no report received by Defra of changes to the original AQMA declared in 2009. The report highlights two single measured points of exceedance, one within the extended Totnes AQMA, and the other within the small area AQMA near the A38 at Dean Prior. On the basis of the evidence provided by the local authority the conclusions reached are acceptable for all sources and pollutants, with the provisos listed in the commentary below.”

The Council has now submitted the amended AQMA Order for Totnes to DEFRA.

South Hams District and West Devon Borough Councils have been actively working on a revised air quality strategy, which includes revised Air Quality Action Plans, a supplementary planning guidance document, and a revision to the validation checklist to bring it in line with the revised IAQM guidance, this will all contained within a single Clean Air Strategy for South Hams and West Devon.

The Councils expect the following measures to be completed over the course of the next reporting year: adoption of a clean air strategy for South Hams and West Devon following public and statutory consultation, and the implementation of the supplementary planning guidance.

The principal challenges and barriers to implementation that South Hams and West Devon anticipates facing are a lack of support to consulting on the clean air strategy due to the Councils currently consulting on a proposed joint local plan. This is causing the public to object to new housing developments due to air quality impacts.

Whilst the measures stated above will help to contribute towards compliance, South Hams District Council anticipates that further additional measures not yet prescribed will be required in subsequent years to achieve compliance and enable the revocation of all of the AQMAs.

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2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and/or Concentrations

As detailed in Policy Guidance LAQM.PG16 (Chapter 7), local authorities are expected to work towards reducing emissions and/or concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less). There is clear evidence that PM2.5 has a significant impact on human health, including premature mortality, allergic reactions, and cardiovascular diseases.

South Hams and West Devon Councils are taking the following measures to address

PM2.5: we are working on a clean air strategy for both Councils this is likely to detail promotion of non-private car alternatives, as well as requiring the facilitation of ultra- low emission vehicle infrastructure on all new residential developments.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 5 South Hams and West Devon Councils 3 Air Quality Monitoring Data and Comparison with Air Quality Objectives and National Compliance 3.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

3.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

Neither South Hams nor West Devon have any automatic (continuous) monitoring sites. The last automatic monitoring for NO2 undertaken in the South Hams was in 2013 when a nitrogen Dioxide chemiluminescent analyser was in operation on

Bridgetown Hill, Totnes. A PM10 ‘screening’ analyser (an Osiris) was also in operation at the same location until 2014, for results see previous submitted air quality reports.

3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

South Hams District Council undertook non- automatic (passive) monitoring of NO2 at 28 sites during 2016. Table A.2 Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

in Appendix A shows the details of the sites.

West Devon Borough Council undertook non- automatic (passive) monitoring of NO2 at 6 sites during 2016.

Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D. Further details on Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for the diffusion tubes, including bias adjustments and any other adjustments applied (e.g. “annualisation” and/or distance correction), are included in Appendix C.

3.2 Individual Pollutants

The air quality monitoring results presented in this section are, where relevant, adjusted for bias, “annualisation” and distance correction. Further details on adjustments are provided in Appendix C.

3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Table A.3 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results in Appendix A compares the ratified and adjusted monitored NO2 annual mean concentrations for the past 5 years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 6 South Hams and West Devon Councils

For diffusion tubes, the full 2016 dataset of monthly mean values is provided in Appendix B.

There are 2 locations within Totnes where the annual mean is greater than the objective level, these being locations TSH5 and TSH12 (42.1and 52.1 µg/m3 respectively).

At Ivybridge levels on Western Road, Ivybridge have returned to be above the objective levels at monitoring location ISH5 (Western Road terrace), last year the levels had dropped to 38.1 µg/m3.

Levels at Dean Prior continue to breach the objective levels, with monitoring location DPSH2 being 69.6µg/m3. This would be a positive indication that there is the potential for the 1-hour mean objective to be breached.

Due to the limited roadside space, and the fact that there is only a single sensitive receptor there is no intention for South Hams District Council to commence automated continuous monitoring at this location. This location being adjacent to the Devon Express Way A38, it is unlikely that traffic flows will vary during the day or night, and therefore it is also unlikely that NO2 levels will fluctuate dramatically.

Monitoring recommenced in the latter part of 2016 in West Devon, and due to the low number of results it is too early to make any firm views in this area, however the results for OWD2 (East Street, Okehampton) are concerning and we have increased the number of diffusion tubes in this area, and we will keep the need to declare an AQMA under regular review.

The trend data shows that apart from 2015, the NO2 appear to be fairly consistent and certainly the expected reductions in levels have not materialised with improvements in vehicle emission technology see Figures A.1 – A.3.

3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10)

Neither the annual mean nor the 24 hour mean objectives were exceeded as measured by the Osiris monitor on Bridgetown Hill up until 2014. The results obtained were included in the 2015 Updating and Screening Assessment (SHDC 2015) and it is not thought to be worthwhile to reproduce the results in the Appendix to this report. As noted above, access to the 2015 USA is available via South Hams District Council Environmental Health.

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3.2.3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The Councils have not undertaken any monitoring of PM2.5 in 2016.

3.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

The Councils have not undertaken any monitoring of SO2 in 2016

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 8 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Appendix A: Monitoring Results

Table A.1 – Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites We have no automated monitoring sites

Notes: (1) 0m if the monitoring site is at a location of exposure (e.g. installed on the façade of a residential property). (2) N/A if not applicable.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 9 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Table A.2 Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites Tube collocate Pollutant Distance to Distance d with a Site X OS Grid Y OS Grid s In Relevant to kerb of Height Site ID Site Name Continuo Type Ref Ref Monitore AQMA? Exposure nearest (m) us d (m) (1) road (m) (2) Analyser ? TSH1 Queens tce roadside 80085 60765 NO2 yes 0 5 no 1.5 TSH2 Barn Close suburban 79981 60865 NO2 yes 0 8 no 2 TSH3 Pudda-vine suburban 79612 61407 NO2 yes 1 0 no 2 TSH4 Devon Ceramics kerbside 80246 60715 NO2 yes 5 1 no 2 Bridge-town Hill TSH5 kerbside 81097 60510 NO2 yes 0 1 no 2 Tce Bridge-town Hill TSH6 kerbside 80920 60387 NO2 yes 2 1 no 2.5 bottom Bridge-town Hill TSH7 Roadside 80962 60381 NO2 yes 0 10 no 2.5 semi TSH8 Bridge-town hill roadside 8100 60461 NO2 yes 0 3 no 2 Bridge-town hill TSH9 kerbside 81063 60493 NO2 yes 0 1 no 2.5 bus Bridge-town TSH10 kerbside 80934 60372 NO2 No 0 1 no 2.5 corner TSH11 Bridge-town pub kerbside 80791 60294 NO2 no 1 0 no 2.5 ISH1 End Western Rd kerbside 63313 56011 NO2 yes 1 1 no 2.5 Western Rd ISH2 kerbside 63166 55966 NO2 yes 3 1 no 2.5 video Western Rd ISH3 roadside 63093 55946 NO2 yes 0 3 no 1 villas ISH4 imperial kerbside 63192 55989 NO2 yes 5 1 no 2.5

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 10 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Western Road ISH5 kerbside 63220 55981 NO2 yes 0 1 no 2.5 Tce ISH6 Sports-mans roadside 63784 56273 NO2 no 1 1 no 2.5 Road DPSH1 Dean prior farm 72956 63476 NO2 yes 3 2 no 1 side Road DPSH2 Dean Prior road 72995 63484 NO2 yes 0 2 no 1 side DPSH3 Dean Prior sign roadside 73005 63496 NO2 yes 0 5 no 1 True Street Road TSH12 82103 60609 NO2 no 2 0 no 1 junction side TSH13 Candle-tree roadside 82066 60579 NO2 no 10 0 no 1 TWD1 Dolvin Road left Roadside 48421 74556 NO2 no 1 0 no 2 TWD2 Dolvin Road right Roadside 48421 74556 NO2 no 1 0 no 2 Tavi Calling-ton TWD3 roadside 47516 74020 NO2 no 1 1 no 2 Road TWD4 Tavi- Plym Road roadside 47986 73110 NO2 no 5 1 no 2 OWD1 Charter Hall Oke roadside 58705 95241 NO2 no 2 1 no 1.5 OWD2 East Street, Oke roadside 59007 95246 NO2 no 2 1 no 1.5 Notes: (1) 0m if the monitoring site is at a location of exposure (e.g. installed on/adjacent to the façade of a residential property). (2) N/A if not applicable.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 11 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Table A.3 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results Valid Data Valid Data Monitoring Capture for Site ID Site Type Capture 2016 NO Annual Mean Concentration (µg/m3) (3) Type Monitoring Period 2 (%) (2) (%) (1)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

TSH1 roadside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 35.2 33.3 35.4 31.5 33.64 TSH2 suburban Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 22.9 23.3 23.3 21.4 21.54 TSH3 suburban Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 27.7 28.5 35.3 27.1 30.63 TSH4 kerbside Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 32.7 31.9 31.9 29 32.37 TSH5 kerbside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 44.2 39.3 44 38 42.15 TSH6 kerbside Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 34.8 34.9 39.8 37.3 41.71 TSH8 roadside Diffusion Tube 83.33 83.33 34.2 33.3 32.6 35.8 36.83 TSH9 kerbside Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 39.5 34.8 36.9 31.8 37.54 TSH10 kerbside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 23.8 23.70 TSH11 kerbside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 27.2 31.48 TSH12 Road side Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 51.3 56.3 46.5 52.13 TSH13 roadside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 32.4 31.9 28.9 32.27 ISH1 kerbside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 34.8 31.1 33.7 28.3 32.82 ISH4 kerbside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 27.7 27 27 25.2 28.38 ISH5 kerbside Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 45.8 44.1 45.6 38.1 43.60 ISH6 roadside Diffusion Tube 100.00 100.00 25.9 29.52 DPSH1 Road side Diffusion Tube 83.33 83.33 25.5 27.8 29 24 29.46 DPSH2 Road side Diffusion Tube 83.33 83.33 67 76.4 64.5 64 69.61 DPSH3 roadside Diffusion Tube 91.67 91.67 43.5 40.4 42.4 33.8 42.36 TWD1 Roadside Diffusion Tube 50.00 25.00 36.41

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TWD2 Roadside Diffusion Tube 83.33 41.67 36.45 TWD3 roadside Diffusion Tube 100.00 50.00 30.82 TWD4 roadside Diffusion Tube 100.00 50.00 29.98 OWD1 roadside Diffusion Tube 83.33 41.67 29.88 OWD2 roadside Diffusion Tube 66.67 33.33 47.23

☒ Diffusion tube data has been bias corrected ☐ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% (this has not been done for West Devon data as no nearby monitoring stations in accordance with LAQM) ☐ If applicable, all data has been distance corrected for relevant exposure (see table B1 for the distance adjusted data.)

Notes: 3 Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40µg/m are shown in bold. 3 NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m , indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) Means for diffusion tubes have been corrected for bias. All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 13 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Figure A.1 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Totnes

Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Totnes 60


55 52.13

51.3 50 46.5

Concn. NO2 of 45 44.2

44 40 42.15

39.3 38 35 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TSH5 44.2 39.3 44 38 42.15 TSH12 51.3 56.3 46.5 52.13 Year


LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 14 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Figure A.2 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Ivybridge

Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Ivybridge 47

45.8 45.6

45 44.1 43.60


41 Concn. NO2

38.1 39


35 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 15 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Figure A.3 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Dean Prior

Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations for Dean Prior 80 76.4


69.61 70 67 64.5 64 65



Concn. NO2 of 50

43.5 45 42.4 42.36 40.4 40

33.8 35

30 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year


LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 16 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Table A.2 – 1-Hour Mean NO2 Monitoring Results South Hams has no automated monitoring sites

Notes: 3 Exceedances of the NO2 1-hour mean objective (200µg/m not to be exceeded more than 18 times/year) are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the 99.8th percentile of 1-hour means is provided in brackets.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 17 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Table A.3 – Annual Mean PM10 Monitoring Results South Hams has no automated monitoring sites

Notes: 3 Exceedances of the PM10 annual mean objective of 40µg/m are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16, valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

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Table A.4 – 24-Hour Mean PM10 Monitoring Results South Hams has no automated monitoring sites

Notes: 3 Exceedances of the PM10 24-hour mean objective (50µg/m not to be exceeded more than 35 times/year) are shown in bold. (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the 90.4th percentile of 24-hour means is provided in brackets.

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Table A.5 – PM2.5 Monitoring Results South Hams has no automated monitoring sites

Notes: (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) All means have been “annualised” as per Boxes 7.9 and 7.10 in LAQM.TG16, valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.

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Table A.6 – SO2 Monitoring Results South Hams has no automated monitoring sites


Exceedances of the SO2 objectives are shown in bold (15-min mean = 35 allowed a year, 1-hour mean = 24 allowed a year, 24-hour mean = 3 allowed a year) (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%). (3) If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the relevant percentiles are provided in brackets.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 21 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Appendix B: Full Monthly Diffusion Tube Results for 2016

Table 4 Table B.1 – NO2 Monthly Diffusion Tube Results - 2016

3 NO2 Mean Concentrations (µg/m ) Annual Mean Distance Bias Site ID Corrected Adjusted Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Raw to (0.94) and Data Nearest Annualised Exposure (1) (2) TSH1 39.2 31.8 38.8 32.2 36.2 30.4 35.6 34.4 34.5 45.3 33.7 37.4 35.8 33.64 33.64 TSH2 28.2 24.4 23.5 20.3 19.5 18.4 20.6 21.1 20.8 25.1 30.1 22.9 21.54 21.5 TSH3 40.76 48.81 42.71 33.8 27.1 22.76 21.03 23.16 40.14 29.54 29.3 31.89 32.6 30.63 25.9 TSH4 35.63 33.6 37.37 33.92 24.81 30.28 30.59 28.07 40.6 40.4 43.57 34.4 32.37 21.1 TSH5 44.84 45.03 47.36 43.87 48.93 33.78 42.68 45.41 42.45 47.67 49.11 46.91 44.8 42.15 42.2 TSH6 48.83 48.51 41.02 42.97 44.55 40.56 48.17 47.63 38.43 49.14 38.32 44.4 41.71 30.3 TSH8 39.03 40.3 36.77 41.75 44.11 42.34 39.05 33.96 37.46 37.05 39.2 36.83 36.8 TSH9 32.41 43.29 38.37 44.21 45.28 25.62 36.73 36.92 42.28 45.02 49.14 39.9 37.54 37.5 TSH10 26.37 26.85 24.99 25.05 28.14 17.31 18.09 24.69 23.38 29.68 27.78 30.25 25.2 23.70 23.7 TSH11 33.19 34.45 32.06 36.1 36.51 25.08 29.46 32.16 29.56 36.14 38.33 38.83 33.5 31.48 26.0 TSH12 48.22 53.15 62.4 52.67 55.17 52.19 60.82 44.79 52.75 45.22 77.38 60.78 55.5 52.13 52.1 TSH13 34 38.5 30.2 40.94 33.16 27.51 30.52 28.66 33.57 39.72 37.34 37.81 34.3 32.27 21.2 ISH1 38.89 37.56 34.31 33.31 33.31 25.3 25.49 30 34.31 44.45 37.79 44.32 34.9 32.82 32.8 ISH4 33.88 33.66 30.28 30.15 24.96 23.63 21.91 26.05 25.49 35.75 34.78 41.77 30.2 28.38 17.5 ISH5 45.25 50.08 44.74 41.02 47.78 33.78 42.23 43.65 49.16 52.35 60.13 46.4 43.60 43.6 ISH6 32.95 30.39 26.21 28.93 29.16 25.15 21.29 28.56 32.36 39.16 41.02 41.61 31.4 29.52 29.5

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 22 South Hams and West Devon Councils

DPSH1 21.63 30.68 26.14 30.34 22.54 32.69 33.74 37.62 38.48 39.51 31.3 29.46 19.1 DPSH2 52.83 62.04 82.74 72.71 89.9 52.97 52.59 84.19 103.4 87.17 74.1 69.61 69.6 DPSH3 47.63 42.97 52.52 41.72 47.59 38.21 44.09 41.78 46.9 44.19 48.08 45.1 42.36 42.4 TWD1 29.85 43.97 42.39 38.7 36.4 26.9 TWD2 30.19 30.25 43.5 45.15 44.77 38.8 36.4 26.9 TWD3 26.57 25.07 25.19 38.36 41.22 40.31 32.8 30.8 30.8 TWD4 20.25 24.72 30.24 36.77 40.33 39.05 31.9 30.0 16.9 OWD1 25.99 27.49 29.21 33.16 43.08 31.8 29.9 29.9 OWD2 41.83 45.18 55.45 58.52 50.2 47.2 47.2


☐ Local bias adjustment factor used ☒ National bias adjustment factor used ☒ Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% (Except for West Devon data as there is no relevant AURN’s close to the NOx sites)

Notes: 3 Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40µg/m are shown in bold. 3 NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m , indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined. (1) See Appendix C for details on bias adjustment and annualisation. (2) Distance corrected to nearest relevant public exposure.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 23 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Appendix C: Supporting Technical Information / Air Quality Monitoring Data QA/QC No additional information to provide.

LAQM Annual Status Report 2017 24 South Hams and West Devon Councils

Appendix D: Map(s) of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs

Map showing Totnes NO2 monitoring locations

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Map showing Totnes AQMA

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Map showing Ivybridge NO2 monitoring locations

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Map showing Ivybridge AQMA

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Map showing Dean Prior NO2 monitoring locations

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Map showing Dean Prior AQMA

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Map showing NO2 monitoring locations

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Map showing Okehampton NO2 monitoring locations

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Appendix E: Summary of Air Quality Objectives in England

Table E.1 – Air Quality Objectives in England Air Quality Objective4 Pollutant Concentration Measured as 200 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more Nitrogen Dioxide 1-hour mean than 18 times a year (NO2) 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more Particulate Matter 24-hour mean than 35 times a year (PM10) 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 350 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 1-hour mean than 24 times a year Sulphur Dioxide 125 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 24-hour mean (SO2) than 3 times a year 266 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more 15-minute mean than 35 times a year

4 The units are in microgrammes of pollutant per cubic metre of air (µg/m3).

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Glossary of Terms Please add a description of any abbreviations included in the ASR – An example is provided below.

Abbreviation Description

AQAP Air Quality Action Plan - A detailed description of measures, outcomes, achievement dates and implementation methods, showing how the local authority intends to achieve air quality limit values’

AQMA Air Quality Management Area – An area where air pollutant concentrations exceed / are likely to exceed the relevant air quality objectives. AQMAs are declared for specific pollutants and objectives

ASR Air quality Annual Status Report

Defra Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – Air quality screening tool produced by Highways England

EU European Union

FDMS Filter Dynamics Measurement System

LAQM Local Air Quality Management

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide

NOx Nitrogen Oxides

PM10 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm (micrometres or microns) or less

PM2.5 Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less

QA/QC Quality Assurance and Quality Control

SO2 Sulphur Dioxide

JLP Joint Local Plan

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