International Journal for and Engineering, 2011, 1(4): 196 – 205 UDC: 629.313:629.34


Slaven Tica1, Snežana Filipović2, Predrag Živanović3, Stanko Bajčetić4 1,2,3,4 University of , Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Received 19 May 2011; accepted 12 September 2011

Abstract: The strategies for developing urban systems are implemented nowadays through policy based on the principle of population mobility realisation with a limited use of passenger . The system of public transport with its performances, technology, quality, costs and environmental impacts represents one of the important factors that exert influence on the operation, location, size and structure of contemporary cities, their economy and social relations. A state-of- the-art trolleybus subsystem is an efficient tool for attaining the goals of sustainable development and quality of life, especially in the areas of small and mid-sized cities. The trolleybus subsystem has a set of technical and technological, ecological, and economical advantages over other passenger transport subsystems.

Keywords: public transport, trolleybus subsystem, sustainable development, quality of life.

1. Introducing the Problem be aimed at adjusting the system in terms of functions or functions of urbanised areas. The concepts of quality of life and sustainable development are widely accepted and Public transport systems have recently established goals of contemporary cities and undergone changes becoming the centre urban area development. of attention in terms of a new approach to structure improvement and optimisation, The main strategy of EU cities related to organisation and management in accordance reaching the goals of sustainable development with contemporary scientific and professional and quality of life with respect to transport achievements. Changes that should be systems is implemented by pursuing the implemented in the public transport system policy based on the population mobility structure and operation confirm the relevance realisation principle in addition to a limited of the ’quality of life in cities’ concept through use of passenger cars. a higher level of service quality (Filipovic et al., 2009). Owing to the strong mutual dependence between transport and cities, one of the main The urban public transport system as a goals of the public transport system should productive, cost-effective and ecologically

1 Corresponding author: [email protected]

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efficient segment of the urban transport city with the same or similar benefits, but they system represents one of the main instruments can be implemented more quickly demanding of sustainable development policy and quality only 10-15 % higher investments compared of life in cities (Tica, 2011). to conventional rail subsystems.

Sustainable development represents economic, 2. Trolleybus Subsystems as Part of technological, social and cultural development of Sustainable Development Strategy and a city and its most important subsystem – urban Quality of Life in Cities public transport system that is in compliance with ecologically acceptable norms and standards Regarding the main goals and effects of the and that enables present and future generations urban public transport development in the to meet their needs without endangering future upcoming period, the trolleybus subsystem development and survival as well as quality of with its characteristics and performances has life improvement. Sustainable development excellent prospects for future development. demands that the structure and functioning of Nowadays, in about 370 cities in 47 different a city and its subsystems should ensure a user countries, the trolleybus subsystem receives a friendly environment. major share of local public transport.

Quality of life in cities must unite general For example, in Russia and Eastern European transport and traffic interests and all citizens countries, the trolleybus subsystem enjoys should be able to meet their transport needs equal status as the subsystem in terms of on equal terms in accordance with acceptable the number of , transported costs, in addition to a supreme level of service and the effects related to the elements of the quality and environmental kept to system operation. Currently, these countries a minimum. boast 12035 in service in 88 cities. alone has 85 routes of 918 km Energy crisis that causes a rise in in total length with 1 242 operating vehicles. prices, increasing damage to the environment Yearly ridership on the trolleybus subsystem in and chronic financial problems in the public this city is about 975 million which accounts sector speak in favour of modern trolleybus for 23.1 % of the total number of transported subsystems in terms of creating the conditions passengers (Tica and Mišanović, 2005). that contribute positively to sustainable development and quality of life in cities. The former USSR countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Baltic Ensuring that any adverse effects on the countries) have about 11200 trolleybuses in environment are kept to minimum, efficient their fleet inventory. Other counties and modern trolleybus subsystems can resolve of Eastern Europe have about 2800 vehicles numerous transport and traffic problems in nowadays. many cities more efficiently and effectively compared to other urban public transport The trolleybus is set for expansion in other subsystems. The trolleybus subsystem brings cities worldwide as well. The trolleybus major advantages to the urban environment subsystem is the main mode of urban public when compared to the standard subsystem. transport in 86 EU cities. There are 15 Similarly, as rail subsystems, they provide the trolleybus companies featuring the cutting

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edge technology in Italy and Switzerland. Since 2001, under the auspices of the These two counties are leaders in developing European Union and within the Research the trolleybus technology while in many other Programme of the European Commission countries this is again and the International Association of Public introduced or its implementation is envisaged Transport (UITP) a series of activities have (UITP, 2007). been initiated, aimed at creating a vision and concrete proposals concerning the Looking at the number of operating vehicles implementation of an attractive, clean, safe, and companies, the largest trolleybus systems available, efficient and financially viable local are found in Switzerland with 618 vehicles and regional urban public transport system and 15 companies, Italy with 388 vehicles and by 2020. 14 companies, Greece with 350 vehicles and 2 companies, France with 199 vehicles and 6 3. Comparative Analysis of Trolleybus companies, Austria with 131 vehicles and 4 Subsystem Characteristics Compared to companies, Germany with 104 vehicles and 3 Other Urban Public Transport Subsystems companies, etc (The Electric Tbus Group, 2011). The urban public transport system is the There are about 3100 trolleybuses in operation most important mobility service offered to on the American continent and the largest citizens in many cities but it is also one of the systems are found in US cities (, main sources of urban pollution and exhaust , , Dayton), Canada emissions. Therefore, electrically powered (, ) and South American subsystems have shown major expansion cities (Sao Paolo, Santiago, Buenos Aires, for the last two decades. Furthermore, it is Cordoba, Quito). a well known fact that electrically powered vehicles compared to fossil-fuel powered The regional distribution of the global vehicles are more energy and productively trolleybus subsystem is shown in the Table efficient. Electrical energy which the 1 below (Tica and Mišanović, 2005). trolleybus subsystem uses as the power source Table 1 represents the energy of the future because it Regional Distribution of Trolleybus is ecologically clean, flexible and renewable. Subsystems The trolleybus subsystem is entirely in Region Trolleybus stock compliance with current environmental Eastern Europe 4.482 goals and commitments defined by the Kyoto Western Europe 1.893 Protocol which refers to exhaust emissions, 26.666 an innovative approach to the organisation of urban public transport and reduction of North America 1.926 noise levels. South America 828 0 This fact is best supported by a simultaneous Australia – Indonesia 60 display of the equation of emissions, that 4.810 is, environmental pollution expressed in g/ km from the standpoint of local and global Totals 40.665 emissions from fossil-fuel powered

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and trolleybuses, which is shown in Table 2 The trolleybus subsystem can physically be (Khorovitch, 2004). integrated with other modes by creating a system structure in which every system has its On the other hand, the lack of energy sources place and role in the system as a whole, thus on the vehicle is highly advantageous to the reducing the inflexibility of this subsystem. subsystems which use them, in terms of the The integration with the rail subsystem is a total vehicle mass reduction, the possibility of typical example when the rail modes cover the a better use of space for passengers, and due main passenger flows while other modes cover to a smaller number of assemblies it ensures the territory with a lower , greater reliability of the vehicle viewed as the that is, low transport demands. According technical system. to this outline, trolleybuses are converted from radial lines leading to the city centre Similarly, rubber wheels offer the trolleybus into the rail system feeder lines of greater an environmental advantage over conventional capacity. Not only does the integrated tariff rail subsystems making it the quietest vehicle of all subsystems offering transport services in in the urban public transport system. cities improve the quality of customer service According to research carried out in Arnhem significantly, but it also offers customers the (the Netherland), an average noise level of possibility of choosing a subsystem on equal trolleybuses is 7 dB (A) and buses 78 dB or similar terms. (A) at the same speed and under the same operating conditions (UITP, 2007). The operational efficiency of overground subsystems, including the trolleybus Advantages of the trolleybus subsystem subsystem can be enhanced nowadays by are found in its operational and dynamic introducing and using route types “” and properties observed in jerk-free acceleration “A”, which in conjunction with integrated and vehicle deceleration, low noise levels monitoring and control improves the inside the vehicle and no vibration once the reliability, and attractiveness of vehicle is at rest. these subsystems.

Table 2 Comparative Display of Local and Global Pollution Emissions from Bus and Trolleybus Subsystems LOCAL EMISSIONS GLOBAL EMISSIONS Pollutants Bus Trolleybus Bus Trolleybus Trolleybus (g/km) (g/km) (g/km) (g/km)* (g/km)**

SO2 1.07 0 1.7 0.86 0.43

NO2 23.6 0 24.2 1.31 0.66 CO 0.47 0 4.8 0.61 0.31

CO2 1204 0 1314 912 456 0.47 0 0.5 0.25 0.13 *Electrical energy produced at thermal power plants **Electrical energy produced at hydroelectric power plants

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Some experts single out the so-called visual The appeal and advantages of the trolleybus and ambient pollution from the overhead subsystem, from the passenger’s standpoint, contact line as the main disadvantage of over the conventional bus subsystem are the trolleybus subsystem in cities. With confirmed by a research of customer attitudes respect to this the bus subsystem has the to both subsystems conducted on one service edge on the trolleybus subsystem. However, line in . The research showed that 50 research showed that the trolleybus % of subjects expressed positively in favour subsystem is much better received by of the trolleybus. The same research revealed customers compared to the bus subsystem. expectations that the trolleybus subsystem The overhead contact line enables a would derive more revenue than the bus constant visual presence of the system in subsystem for the same capacities and the urban areas, and it certainly represents same route by approximately 24 % (The an advantage of the system rather than Electric Tbus Group, 2011). a flaw since a visually detectable route network improves the accessibility of the The right method of comparing the trolleybus urban public transport system (Tica and and bus mode of transport is the so-called Busarčević, 2005). “whole life benefit costing method”. This type of analysis was done in Vancouver in 1999 and Similarly, higher investment costs by 10 % the research findings showed that total unit and the overhead contact line maintenance costs of the trolleybus subsystem per vehicle requirement represent some of the over a 20-year operational period amount to shortcomings of the trolleybus subsystem 1.9 million Canadian dollars, that is, about compared to the bus system. However, initial 1.7 and 2.9 in the case of the conventional bus investment in the trolleybus subsystem is subsystem which uses compensated by its longer lifespan, positive (CNG) as its power source. This data reflects environmental effects and extra revenue only the costs and excludes the benefit derived which are the result of greater appeal and from the expected increased number of rides on accessibility of the system. the trolleybus subsystem and its contribution and significance to the conservation of the According to the data of the Ministry of environment (The Electric Tbus Group, Transport of the Russian Federation for 2001, 2011). The main positive characteristics of the operational costs of the trolleybus subsystem trolleybus subsystem of urban public transport amount to 5.31 EUR/1000 seat·km, which is compared to the conventional bus subsystem are 12.1 % less compared to the bus subsystem clearly illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 (UITP, 2007). whose costs amount to 5.96 EUR/1000 seat km (Schuchmann, 2005). Fig. 1 shows a recent diminishing trend in the trolleybus subsystem costs. This trend is The research and record of the a result of market development and tender trolleybus operation in confirmed that procedures for the procurement of vehicles, trolleybus life expectancy is approximately while on the other hand vehicle types create 20 years, which is about 42 % more than a balance between unequal prices within the modern bus life expectancy (at most 14 trolleybus subsystem. This way the greatest years under similar operating conditions) disadvantage of the trolleybus subsystem (UITP, 2007). becomes an indistinctive economic feature.

200 Tica S. et al. Development of Trolleybus Passenger Transport Subsystems in Terms of Sustainable Development and Quality of Life in Cities

Fig. 1. Development of Trolleybus Prices

Fig. 2. Capital and Traction Energy Costs

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Fig. 2 shows that the trolleybus becomes more competitive if used regularly when capital investment costs and traction energy costs are matched.

The period of the system operation, operational lifespan of the vehicle and , traction energy costs, appeal, revenues, environmental impacts and a positive contribution toward the conservation of the environment have to be taken into consideration when analysing the trolleybus subsystem operation and comparing it with other subsystems (primarily the bus subsystem). Owing to everything that has Fig. 3. been said and by employing a unique method Sustainable Development of Urban Public for analysing all operational indicators, the Transport System trolleybus subsystem will become an extremely appealing mode of urban public transport. The contemporary trolleybus subsystem is entirely in compliance with the concept of 4. Elements for Defining Trolleybus sustainable development of urban public Subsystem Development Policy transport in every aspect of its structure and operation, i.e. it is in compliance with the The trolleybus subsystem development policy policy of sustainable development and quality is aimed at the coordination and continuity of life. of improving the system as a whole, thus increasing the savings, functionality and In the future it will be necessary to work environmental acceptability. intensively on developing programmes and regulations which will promote cleaner Once local authorities learn to appreciate the systems of urban public transport such as the benefits of developing, using and investing into trolleybus subsystem. The efforts to support a modern trolleybuses and when they discover wider use of the trolleybus subsystem should the best way for achieving these objectives, be made simultaneously with the attempts the trolleybus subsystem will undergo a more to define corresponding favourable terms rapid development envisaged in the policy in the surroundings, primarily in the field of developing the urban public transport of policy. Similarly, other measures that system as a whole. Fig. 3 shows the concept of would be aimed at cutting the costs of project sustainable development of the urban public realisation and facilitating its feasibility as transport system which is in compliance with soon as possible should be implemented. sustainable development policy and quality of life in cities, that is, with system development For some of the above-mentioned policies to occurring when the introduction of a new be carried out, the following activities which form of an environmentally acceptable urban could encourage a rapid development of the public transport system is encouraged. trolleybus subsystem within professional

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institutions that promote this mode of urban • Finding the methodology necessary for public transport need to be implemented defining the factors which could help (Tica and Busarčević, 2006): direct the policy toward the reaffirmation of this mode of passenger transport and • Affiliation with other professional and which also influence developmental scientific institutions, especially those urban plans. responsible for applying new technologies and enhancing the development of the • Providing operators with technical urban public transport system concerning support in cities that have plans to vehicles and ancillary infrastructure. introduce the trolleybus subsystem or revitalise existing systems. • Creating a database of cities using the trolleybus subsystem and monitoring the 5. Conclusion development tendencies via information technologies. Based on all the above, a conclusion can be reached that an environmentally clean urban • Developing methods for integrated and public transport system represents one of interactive , including the main demands for aiding sustainable economic instruments and analyses of development of cities. Consideration given the impact of the urban public transport to experience and available possibilities of system development and land use on the improving and developing the trolleybus environment. subsystem in many countries should provide us with an answer as to why the trolleybus • Successful promotion of the trolleybus system is one of the passenger transport as an environmentally acceptable mode subsystems of the future. of passenger transport. Several facts and arguments are considered • Participation in the debates on the issues in favour of the trolleybus subsystem in this of sustainable development of urban paper. Finally, the most important advantages public transport and learning from the of the trolleybus subsystem should be experience of other countries and EU emphasised, that is, the reasons why this member states (following examples of subsystem is ranked among the systems good practice). which contribute to sustainable development and quality of life in urban areas should be • Exchanging experience related to the underlined. The trolleybus subsystem of urban benefits of treating the trolleybus public transport has the following features: subsystem under local legislation and efficient lobbying in favour of the • It is environmentally friendly and trolleybus subsystem development. acceptable (with no noxious exhaust emissions and the lowest noise levels • Remarking positive characteristics of compared to other modes). the trolleybus mode from the standpoint of service users, operators and local • It is cost-effective and economically community. viable, using renewable energy sources.

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• It calls for smaller investment and shorter Last but not least, we should be aware of the time for implementation compared to fact that it is our choices that determine the other electric drive subsystems, using future. the best possible conceptual solutions in terms of vehicles and route types. Acknowledgements

• An intensive development and operation This paper is based on the project TR36027: of the trolleybus subsystem will result in “Software development and national database decreasing vehicle prices and operational for strategic management and development costs (primarily maintenance costs), of transportation means and infrastructure in thereby increasing the quality of , rail, air and inland waterways transport component and aggregate production. using the European transport network models” which has been supported by the • It is more advantageous from the aspect of Ministry of education and science of Republic life expectancy of vehicle fleet operation of Serbia (2011-2014). compared to the bus subsystem. References • It is convenient for passengers because of the space inside the vehicle and energy Filipović, S.; Tica, S.; Živanovic, P.; Milovanović, B. 2009. created outside the vehicle. Comparative analysis of the basic features of the expected and perceived quality of mass passenger public transport service • It is appealing to operators due in Belgrade, Transport 24(4): 265-273. to excellent traction and dynamic properties; it is highly dynamic, safe, Khorovitch, B. 2004. The trolleybus in a modern city: state-of- and able to move independently of terrain the-art and future perspectives, Public Transport International topography and vehicle load. 53(4): 53-57.

• It is flexible on all route types with the Schuchmann, A. 2005. Trolleybus Systems: Business Case possibility of using additional units for (Investment and operating costs) [CD], in: UITP-Bus autonomous motion outside the network. Committee, th2 Trоlleybus meeting.

• It has the possibility of storing the energy The Electric Tbus Group. 2011. Trolleybuses on order and the possibility of recuperating. [online]. Available from internet: . • It is productively efficient using state-of- the-art high capacity vehicles with motion Tica, S. 2011. Contribution to the Development of the Methods control on specific, designated corridors for Strategic Management of Passenger Public Transport Systems. and at high average operating speed. Summary of Doctoral Dissertations. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, • It is convenient from the standpoint of 132-135. local community due to rapidly produced positive effects in terms of the balance Tica, S.; Busarčević, D. 2005. Elements fоr defining policy оf between transport capabilities and trolleybuses traffic development [CD], :in UITP-Bus Committee, environmental impacts. 3th Trоlleybus meeting.

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Tica, S.; Busarčević, D. 2006. Elements fоr defining pоlicy оf RAZVOJ TROLEJBUSKOG PODSISTEMA trоlleybuses traffic development [CD], :in UITP-Bus Committee, TRANSPORTA PUTNIKA U FUNKCIJI th 4 Trоlleybus meeting. ODRŽIVOG RAZVOJA I KVALITETA ŽIVOTA

Tica, S.; Busarčević, D. 2006. Elements fоr defining pоlicy оf U GRADOVIMA trоlleybuses traffic development [CD], :in UITP-Bus Committee, Slaven Tica, Snežana Filipović, Predrag 5th Trоlleybus meeting. Živanović, Stanko Bajčetić

Tica, S.; Filipović, S.; Petrović, J. 2002. Defining Goals Sažetak: Strategije razvoja gradskih and Objective of the Public Transport System, Professional transportnih sistema, danas se ostvaruju Magazine: Economic view VII(2): 227-233. kroz vođenje politike koja kao osnov uzima princip realizacije mobilnosti stanovnika uz Tica, S.; Mišanović, S. 2005. Trolley bus subsystem оf public ograničeno korišćenje putničkih automobila. urban transport – experience in development and explоatatiоn Sistem javnog gradskog transporta putnika [CD], in: UITP-Bus Committee, th2 Trоlleybus meeting. svojim performansama, tehnologijom, kvalitetom, troškovima i uticajem na životnu UITP-International Association of Public Transport–Trolleybus sredinu, predstavlja jedan od bitnih faktora Working Group. 2007. Development policy for public transport od uticaja na funkcionisanje, lokaciju, veličinu trolleybus subsystems, International Association of Public i strukturu savremenih gradova, njihovu Transport, 5-11. ekonomiju i socijalne odnose. Savremeni trolejbuski podsistem predstavlja efikasno sredstvo za dostizanje ciljeva održivog razvoja i kvaliteta života, posebno na području malih i srednjih gradova. Trolejbuski podsistem ima niz tehničko-tehnoloških, ekoloških i ekonomskih prednosti u odnosu na druge podsisteme transporta putnika.

Ključne reči: javni gradski transport putnika, trolejbuski podsistem, održiv razvoj, kvalitet života.