Anthony Hang Fai Lau

Depart ment of Elecerical Engineering SIcGill Cniversity

.\ Thesis siibmitted to the Facttlty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of b taster of Engineering Bibliothèque nationale du Canada Aquisitioe and Acquisitions et Bibliographe Services services bibliographiques

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Slany cornpliter vision applications. such as object recognition. active vision. anci content briçed image retrieval (CBIR) could be made both more efficient and effective if thtl ohjwts of interest cotild be segrnenred from the background. This thesis dis- ciisses the developnient and implementation of a complete ~insiipervisedobject-biised atttwion systern for locating salient objects in an image. Tlie rriajor conipotierits of this system are the segmentation and the attention procrss. Consiti~rabl~research haç beeri done in these two areas. but unforturiately. diere is still not a single rnethod that can be appiied reliably under al1 situations. \Ci. have analysecl the attention model proposed by Osberger and have founci chac thir rnettiod fails to idcntify some important regions that are saiierit to humaris. Noditications to this mode1 are proposed to correct some of these problenis. For the segnientation process. one important aspect is the measurernent of the qiiality of a partictilar segnientation. since the attention process depends solely on the segmenta- tion output. in particular. three different cluster tdidity rneasures are consiclered: a simple thresholcl-based indes. a non-parameter indes. and the modified Hubert in- des. From the esperirnenta1 resuIts. the simple threshold-based index is shown to outperforrn the other indices on most test images. We believe that the success of the rhreshold-basetl index is largely reIated to the incorporation of hurnan preference ici the selection of the threshold parameter. Résumé

Dc ntirnbreuses applications en vision artificielle telles que la vision active et I'indesage (l'images basé sur le contenu pourraient etre rendues plus efficaces si les objets d'intérêt poutxient segmentés du fond de l'image. Cette thèse discute du développement et de l'implémentation d'un systérne d'attention non-supervisé basé sur des objets pour localiser rlcs objets saillants clans une image. Les cornposantes niajeiires de re systènie sont la segmentation et le mécanimsme d'itttclntion. Bien que que ces rleiis sujets aient été l'objet de nombreuses recherches. il n'tlsist~toujours à ce jour pas de méthode fiable qui puisse 6tre appliqtiée dans coiitcs les situations. Xoiis avons analysé le modéle d'attention propoé par Osberger ttr. nous avons trouve qu'elle ne réussi pas a identifier quelques unes ries régions sail- lantes évicicwes pour des humains. Des modifications à ce modèle sont proposées pour c.0rrigr.r iwtairis de ces problémes. Cu des aspects importants pour la seg- iiieiitatioti est Iri niesure de la quiilité d'une m'ethode en particulier puisque le pro- resstb rt*i;ittentionrepose uniquement sur Ir résultat tlc la segnientation. Plus partir- iiliérement. trois différentes rnéthocles de niesure rle vdirlitl; sont ronsirlér6es;: tin indes tlPterniin6 par un setiillage simple. un index non-paramétrique et une version niocC ifiée rie Iïncles d'Hubert. D'après les résultats expérimenta~~x.1' indes déterminé par un seuillage siniple surpasse les autres méthodes pour la plupart des images testces. Nous croyons que le succès de l'index déterminé par un seuillage simple est largement lié a l'incorporation de préfiences humaines dans la sélection du seuiI utilisé. Acknowledgements

First of dl. I would like to thank niy supervisor. Prof. '1I.D. Levine. for tiis enthii- siastic guidance and support. He is always arailable when needed and is willing tu tliscuss with his stutirnts any clifficulties encountered during the research. I must also thank GiIbert Soucy for transiating the abstract to French. al1 the people at CI11 for providing a goorl working atmosphere. and my farnily for their unfailing support arid encoiiragenient throiighoiit the period of this wrk. TABLE OF CONTENTS

.. Abstract ...... 11

... LIST OF FIGURES ...... 1-111

LIST OF T.4BLES ...... sii

CH-4PTER 1. Introrluction ...... 1 1. The Xeed for Object-based Attention ...... 1

2 . 5Iotivation ...... -.) 3 . .4n Overview uf the Approach ...... --I 4 . Organisation of the Thesis ...... 4 5 . Contributions ...... 4

CH-APTER 2 . Literature Review ...... 6 . 1. Perceptual Grouping ...... I 1.1. Signal Level ...... 10 1.2. Primitive Level ...... 12 1.3. Stn~cturalLever ...... 12 1.4. Conslusions ...... 23 2 . \i-isual Attention System in Humans ...... 13 2.1. Strtlcture of the Human Visual S_vstem ...... L4 -1.2. Psychophysical Aspects of the Human Visual Attention System . . i5 -1.3. CoucIrrsions ...... '210 3 . Visual -ittention Systems in Slachines ...... 20 3.1. Conchsions ...... 3-- 3 CH-APTER 3 . Perceptual Sdiency Sleasure ...... 23 1. Perceptrial Saliency Factors ...... 23 1.1. Osberger and Maeder 's mode! ...... 2-4 12 Discussion ...... 26 1.3. Xew and Slodified Importance Factors ...... 29 2 . Methods for Combining the Importance Factors ...... 33 2.1. Osberger and Uaeder's Method ...... 33 2.1. Itti and Ibch's SIethod ...... 33 '2.3. Discussion ...... 34

CH-WTER 4 . Feaciire Selection ...... :33 1. Colour ...... 36 1.1. Coloiir Spaces ...... 35 1.2. Conclusions ...... -13 2. Testur~...... 43 2.1. Relatecl CVork on Texture ...... -14 2.2. Rrlared \.Vork ori I'risupervised Segmentation of Satura1 1ni:iges . . 4G 2.3. TestureRepresentation ...... 47 4 Gabor Filter Biink ...... 4s 2.5. Generation of Texture Feature Set ...... 51 - - 3 . Feattire Integration ...... ai

CH.4PTER .? . Iniag~Scgnientation ...... -59 1. Revictv of Image Segmentation Techniques ...... 59 1.1. Clustering-bwed JIethods ...... 60 1 . Edge-bnsetl Sl~tho& ...... 61 1..3 . Rtyjori-basetf SI~thods...... 62 1.4. Hybriti SIethods ...... 63 1.3. Conclusions ...... 63 2 . ?;ou-parametric Density Estimation for Image Clustering ...... 63 '1.1. Clustering .\ lgorithrn ...... 64 2 Cliister Càlidity indices and Stopping Criteria ...... 65 '1.3. Post-processing ...... 70

CH-iPTER 6. Etduation and Test Results ...... Ti 1. Determining Parameter Values ...... 71 1.1. Weights for Colour . Texture . and Position ...... 71 1.2. Parameters Csed in Image Clustering ...... 73-- 2 . Cluster Measures ...... t t 2.1. -4ssumptions Lsed in Each SIethod ...... 78 2.2. Test Images and Implementation Issues ...... 78 2.3. Test Results and Discussion ...... 79 3 . Saliençy Factors ...... S2 3.1. Determining the CCéights of Different Sdiency Factors ...... 82 3.2. Discussion ...... S1 4 . -4pplications ...... 3-1 4.1. Face finding ...... 8-4 4 .2. [mage compression . machine vision . and CBIR ...... 86

CHJLPTER 7 . Conritisions ...... Si 1. Dirertion of Future Work ...... 88

.4 PPESDIS .-\ . Thc Grnphical Cser Interface (GLI) ...... 30

APPESDIS B . The Image Database ...... 92

APPESDIS Ç . The Test Set and Results ...... 96



Systern Block Diagrarn. The niethod consists of three computational processes shown in the left-hand column. The data transferred twtween each process is inciicated in the shaded strips. Examples cif the input. interniediate data. and final output are shown in the right-harul colurnri ...... 3

-4 simple pictiire of a baby girl ...... 8

6loc:k diagrani for Osherg~rand 1Iarrkr's [niportatire 1Lap ralciilation ...... '24 Situations whcrc a contrast nieasire si~ccecdsand where it fails. The ntinibtbr within the brackets indicates the region's intensity. For al1 thrce cases. the background's intensity is equal to 100. . 27

Situations where foregrounti/backgoiind measure fails ..... 28 Situations where shape rneasure fails ...... 29

Spectral sensitivity of cones from Cos. Estévez. and 11371 ...... 3T Colour cube ...... 38

Texture samples from the Brodatz coIIection ...... 44

(a) Real and (b) imaginary components of a Gabor filter nith a mavelength (Ilf) of 5.3 pixels and uni- aspect ratio. (c) Frequency response of this filter...... 49 The frequency response of a dyadic bank of Gabor filters with 3 scales and 4 orientations...... 50 LIST OF F[GL.S

Block diagram of the generation of texture features. The filter bank (FB)generates .Y texture channels. The first Iinear transformation ( LT 1) approximates the orientation-invariance tramformat ion. rcsiilting in K channels where K 5 -V. The nest nonlinear trarisformation (NTI) and low-pas filter (LPF) produce a local energy estimation of the filter output. The second nonIin~nr transformation (XT2) is inciuded to compensate for the effect of NT1 ancl the final linear transformation (LT'L) improves the perceptual riniformity of the texture space...... 2

(a)=\zebra image. SIagriitude of different texture channels at 2 scales and 4 orientations :(b)-(e) capture the high frequency coniponents of the image and (f) is the summation of (b)-(e). (g)-(j)capture the Iow frequency components and (k) is the c;ummatiori of (g)-ij)...... 33 (a)Test signal. tmo sine waves with different rnagnitittie and a no rcsponse region. with salt and pepper noise. (b)Loi:aI energy ~stiniatedby thret) different nonlinear functions: magnitude. - - squaring. and rectified sigrnoid. cr = 0.25...... 9s -4 transforniation of the testiire space is proposed to improt-e the perceptual iiniformity. This transformation normalises the distance between the origin and the three vertices vl. v2. and v3 and the distance between these three sertices...... 'iG Estit~iatetltestiire scale of the image in figure 4.7. Brighter regiotis inciicate larger scales...... 58

(a)-4 simple image that contains roughly 5 different colours md (b) the STH index for this image...... 65 NN-nom (left). C-corn (center): and 2-score ( right ) for the image in Figure 5.1 ...... 69

Part A. Se,mentation of 30 randornly selected images. Boundaries are shoivn in gr-See figure 6.2 for the other 15 images. ... 74 Part, B. Segmentation of 30 randomiy selected images. Boundtuies -* are shown in gre- See figure 6.1 for the other 15 images. ... (9 LIST OF FiGL'RES

Compiitation time of the whole clustering algorithm (upper cwe) and clie time spent on the density estimation process (lower cunc) at different sampling rates on a 300 MHz Pentium II PC .... 16

Segmentation results of s test image at different sampling rates II

-1situiition ivher~the C-nom in YP indices gives a wrong result. SU

Samplcs of the test images and the se,gnentations selected by ilifferent methoth: non-p;irametric indices (Pdcolumn). modifiecl Hubert index (3"' column). and the thresholcl-basecl method (dth wltirriri)...... Y 1

Importanc~maps for ii sample image. (a). Far (c)-(hl,brighter regions represent higher importance. (c')size factor. (d)colour factor. (e)ronrrast factor. (f)foreground/backgro11nd,(g)location factor. and (h)firial importance rnap produced bu weighted summation of ic)-(g). To faditate the evaluation of the final importance niap. riit. rariking of ttir top€ive most important regions are highlightetf in (b). Arrow directions indicate the next most salient regions. Y3 lmportanc~rnap for 16 test images and the niost salient regions highIightecl in the original image. The most sidient region is inciicated bu a red cirde......

Face detection. Original irnaged (a) and the corresponding importance maps (b). Only color (red) and shape (circular) fartors are used in computing the importance rtiap. . - . . - . .

The main window and the test parameter dialog......

The t hurnbnail dialog and the sdiency parameter dialog. ....

The first part of the image database...... The second part of the image database......

The t hird part of the image database......

The Iast part of the image database- ......

The firçt part of the test set dong tnth the final segmentation selected b- the threshoId-based method and the focus of attention


(FO.4) path. The F0.i path is ordered according CO decreasing saliency...... 96 The second part of the test set along with the final segmentation selectetl bu the thresholti-based rnethod and the focus of attention (FO.4) path ...... 97 The 1st part of the test set dong with the final segmentation selected by the threshold-based methori and the foc~isof attention (FO.4)pach ...... 95 UST OF T.4BLES


Shapt? inipcmance wl~iesfor Figure 3.4 ...... :30 1.1 THE ?iEED FOR OBJECT-BISED ATTELMIOS



This thesis disciisses the development and irnpIernentatiou of a complete object-basecl attcmtion system for locating salient objects in an image. In this chapter. the need ;incl rriotivation for this approacti is presented. An overview of the thesis follows. iricliicling a hrief oiitline of each of the remaining chapters.

1.1. The Need for Object-based Attention

)[an! coniputer vision applications. such as object recognition 160, 391. active vision [l?!. and content baed image retriet-al (CBER)[2, 371 can be made hoth more t~tficieiitand effective if the objects ofhtertist can be segmenteci from the background.

Iii thc ixse of objw recog~iition.especially in a cornplex scerie. the recogriition process rail htb riwrtbefficit~nt ancl robust if even a rough tstimation of the location iirid sim of the salient objects çau be obtaiued [39]. A ranking of perceptual saliency or closenes to the target niotlel is then required to rietermine tvhich region should be processed tint. .As a resiilt. espensive computational resources can be focused mainly on those regions that are worthy of more detailed examination. This kind of attention -stem can ako be applied ta CBIR. to improve the retrieval accuracy The first generation of image cetrietal systems relied solely on ketwords ~nteredh- a humCuiwhen the image was entered into the database. The strength of this approach cornes from the hi$ accuracy of the identification of major objects present in each image and its image -pe (such as a xenic picture or art work). For example. if one wants to retrieve images that contain a polar bear. he just needs to type in the keyword -polar beaf to retrieve d images that have at least one polar bear with 100% accuracy. However. there are several major drawbacks that constrain its applicability and usefulneçç. These disadvamages include the requirement for nianual annotation and the inherent limitation of words in expressing abstract ideas. For instance. it is very difficult to describe precisely the content of some images. such a. tsniodern paintings. with a lirnited number of keywords. -4s a resiilt. image retrieval baseci on image content has been proposed as a uem approach to organise the huge idever-espantiing image databases (e-g.. online museums and databases of medical images). Besicles. the classical image retrieval system can be frirther improved by rnabling the systern to mimic the identification of salient objects in an image as in rhr keyworci-based systcni.


Object-biwd CBIR has been investigated by several researchers 121. .113][115]. In these approaches. dthough features of locai regions instead of global properties are iised. each region is still treated mith equal importance. -4s a result. an irrelevanc irriage can be retrieved just because it contains a background that is visually sirriili~r ro the qiiery imagc. Hence. it is desirable to have a complete and fully automatic attention systeni for segmenting and locating szlient objects in an image. hlethods For cl~terniiningthe saliency of regions have been investigated by Osberger and SIaeder .L86i. . Honever. only initial results have bbeen presented and no in-depth anaiysis of their rnt~thodhi~s ken carried out. As stated in f861. the periorrtiance of an objwt- baseri ;ittmtion systcrri depends largely on the qualit? of the segnicntation resuits. Heriw. ic is desirable to analyse their method and to select an image segmentation technique best siiited to the attention algorithm.

1.3. An Overview of the Approach

Each proccss irivolvecl in the detection of salient objects in an iniage di be rIiscussed i~ithis thesis. The overall Ttem is summarised in a block diagram in Figure 1.1. The system input is a single colour image. -4 set of bioIogically motivated feitture maps are estracted from the image and then used in the image segmentation process. Before the region information of the "objects' can be generated. the dehi- tion of "abject" must be defined preciseiy. To be of general use. no contextdependent information is assumed and an object is dehed simpIy as a coherent and homogenous Fcanirc I Extraction

Imponance Map Calcuiation

FIGURE1.1. System Block Diagram. The method consists of three corriputatiotial processes shotvn in the left-hand coliimu. The data cransierreci between each process is indicated in the shaded strips. Ex- aniples of the input. intermediate data. and final output are shown in the right-harict column

region. If higher-ievel. topdonn information is knom a priori. chis information can t>2 tisd to group the regions into a Iogicd enti- that resembles the original physical object. The final stage involves the compmation of the Importance Map based on a number of factors. such as contrast and eccentricit- that have been able to draw attention. This importance map represents the perceived saliency of the regions. Organisation of the Thesis

In Chapter 2, a ret-iem of the literature of the biological basis of perceptiid group ing and attention will be presented. The current state of machine vision simulating these tw taks will also be described. Etidence from psychophysical experiments shows rhat ubjects ciin exist preattentively and can affect covert attention. Hoivever. riiit rriiich researcli has been focused on developing an object-hased rnodel of attention. Hence. ir is desirable to investigate this topic in detail. Chapter 3 bt>ginswich a discussion of the only object-based attention mode1 that tm hem developed for cornputer vision applications 1861. En this model. tive factors ares identifiecl and formtiiated mathematicauy. Situations mhere these factors fail and ?idutions co these problems will be discussed in this chapter. [n Chapter 4. the details of selectiag a particular representatiiln schenie for each fratiirr artnclisci~ssrd. Transformations on the feature spaces to iniprove the percep- rual iiriiformity will also hr presentecl. In Ctiaprer .i, t tie first section ret-iews the major image segmentation techniques. Reasotis for selecting a particitlar image seginentalion method and sorue irnplenieii- tiiticiti issue will Iie clescrihed in the cernainder of this Chapter. FinaIl?. Chapter 6 prments a tarie- of results of the system applied to real world iniriges. This inclucles an ~rarrii~iationof the selection of c-arioirs rnoclel parameters ;mi th^ fwsibiiity of iising chis system as a are-processor to a face-finding system.

1.5. Contributions

The major contributions of this thesis are.

0 Lots of work has been done on image segmentation. Horvever. them is still no -'off-the-shelF' solutio~ithat can be applied to dl types of images. One of t.he miijor problems is the lack of a good measure of the quality of a particular segrnerication. In this thesis. three different measures are considered and we find that a simple threshold-based measure mith a manuaiIy select& thresh- old give consistently better results than other more cornplex. statistics-basecl measures.

O Parameters are a signiiicaut aspect of any mathematical formulation of an d- gorit hm. Some paranieters can be obtained through theoretical arguments. ffowewr. tht. optiniiitn values for some other parameters depend on subjec- tive jutigements. such as the importance or saliency of different objects in a scene. To retluce the bias on aay particular image type or subjective opinion. systematic and estensive expenmentation has been performed ta find suitable parameter dues.

0 The çomplete systern for locating salient objects is implemented in Microsoft i'isual C-t tvich .\Iicrosoft Fundation Class (MFC) for a stand-alone appli- ration. App~ndisA provides a hrief description of the system with imagw of the graphiral user interface. CHAPTER 2

Literature Review

David 11arr has mritten [73j: "\Vhat does it niean. to see? The plain man's answer (and Aristotle's. toi)) noiiltl be. to know what is where by looking. In other morcls. vision is the procrss of ciiscovering from images what is present in the world. and where it is." i'isiial perception is a natural and native ability of humans and aninlais. Csing an abrindant arnount of information about colour and form. me can sense the environm~nc in its original 3-dimensions. or -!-dimensions if time is included. Sot only can ne see rhc Sdimensional world. btit ive can also recognise the objects and understand their positional. strtirttrral. iind r.ontestiial relacionships. In nature. the ability CO dewct irriti r~cogniseobjects rffectively and efficiently is vital to survival. Animals rtiiist hr iibIr to tlistingiiish their food from other less edible alternatives. The- musc iilsci htb ahIe to detert carnoiiflagtd or occlutled predators. The secmingly straightforwarcl idtfFortIess rsk of ohjecc detection and recognition for bath hiimans and anirniils is estreniely tlifictrlt to sinlulate in the computer. One reason for this ciifficulty is the inconiplete and unclear definition of object in the field of coniputer vision. If

KP want a computer to recognise an object. the definition of object must he precise ind without ambigriity. However. even for humans. there does not elcist a ked and uniwrsally held definition of object. Both Clhan [1341 and Marr (721 raise the qtiestion about the goal of segmentation. particularly in a bottom-up manner. 4Im asks: -Rlat. for esample. is an object. and mhat makes it so special that it should be recoverable as a region in an image'? 1s a nose an object? 1s a head one'? ..." Tney both conclude that it is ex~remelydifficult. if not imposçible. either to formulate ahat should be recovered as a region from ;in image or to separate complete objects. such as a çar or a hoiise. from a complex scene. -4Ithough the problem of unclear def nit ion of object or goal of segmentation seerns to be unsolvable. the task of object detection and recognition is performed smoothly and accurately within the birman visiial sustem. without an? sign of arnbiguity. in this chapter, both psychophysic:al and physiological aspects of the rnechanisms iised b~ hiimans in perceptual grouping ilriil attention will bv revicnecl. An overview of the current state of machine vision id1 then be presented.

2.1. Perceptual Grouping

Iri the literature. perceptual grouping is sometimes described in other terms. suçh as st~grnentatiori.rliistering. association. and figure-ground separation. depending on rlie point-of-virw from mhich this problem is viewed. In 1661. Lowe states ttint Tpr- wpttial r~rganisatioiirefers tu a basic çapability of the huinan visud systeni to deriv~ rthxrit groupings and structures from an image aithout prior knowledge of its cm- tents". Similarly. Sarkar [106]defines the term perceptual grouping or pcrceptiial organisation as the iibility to impose structural organisation on senso- data. so as to grotip sensop primitives arising from a common underlying cause. If a person is ;wkd to segment an image into different regions. the answer ma? not be unique and varitls t'rrxn person :o person. For the image in Figure 2.1, one may segment the image irito E\VO distinct groups: the bi~bmd the background. Jlnother possible segnien- tation r.oulti be the baby the beach. the water. and the sky. Homever. one can also further segment the baby's head from the body. This variation in cornplexity rnay arise because of different general grouping systems. However. it is more iikely due to

;i riifftarerice in the level of abstraction rather than the overall -tem. Such a hier- arrhical franiework for representing objects has been used in man? cornputer vision systenis for tleriving higher level concepts of objects from lowver Ievel primitives [73I ;95] [78[ i42! 11071.-. In the first chapter of hIarrmsbook "Vision7 [73]. he descrïbed four Iev~lsof abstraction for deriving shape information from images. The lowest level is the image itself and the primitive at this Ievel is the intensity due(either in grey scaIe or colour) at each pkeI in the image. The second level is the primal sketch. -4t this level. a set of loa level features is extracted fiom the tntensity or colour map of the first level. The primitives at this stage are zero-crossings, blobs, terminations FIGURE2.1. A sample picture of a baby girl iiriri cliscontinuities. eclge segnients. virtual lines. groups. ciirvilinear organisation and boi~rltlarics.Tht1 third level of abstraction is the 2-112 D sketch. The purpose of this stage is to organise and represent the prima1 sketch in a viewer-centred coordinate frarne with a rough description in terms of surfaces. The primitives now become local surfac~orientation. distance from the viewer. discontinuities in depth and surface orientation. The highest level of abstraction is the actual 3-D model representation. The purpose of this stage is to derive and represent the objects in an object-centred (wordiriate franie so chat recognition can be achieved with riewpoint invariance. The primitives are 3-D shape models Nith the conesponding sufiace properties and their spatial organisation. This representationai framework is mainly object-centreci. On the der hand. viewer-based representation has &O been proposed for explairiing how information is stored in the human visual system [3]. In a viewer-based fram~ mork. different views of the object rather than its 3-D mode1 are extracted and stored. The adtamage of this approach is chat it is not necessary to build an explicit model of eve. object intended to be recognised. Althoiigh any object can be described by different levels of abstraction as sug- gested by Ilm. it is still not ciear how the grouping process works or how it an terminat~.The first theory for explainhg perceptual grouping is the Gestalt Theory proposed by Wertheimer in 2922 [1401. This theol proposes that the geometrical relationships thet humans lise in perceptual grouping can be categorised as follows j141]: a Similarity: SimiIar elements are grouped together. a pro sir nit^: Eiements chat are dose cogether tend to be grouped together. a Conciniiacion: Elenlents that [ie dong a commun Line or smooth cume are grouped togec her. a Syrnrnetry: Synmetnc curves are grouped together. a Closirre: Cimes are connected to enclose regions. a Familiaricy: Elements are gouped into familiar structures. This theory implies chat t here is a tendency for humans to seek the rnost unam- biguoiis and simple interpretarion of the world. This principle of sirnplicity of forni is siitiilrir ti) the law of least action or the minimum principle discovcred by lincieut

Greek geornclters. This theop- has fostered many other theories and continues CO rxtlrt significiirit influence on the psychology of perception. .Ilthough introdtrcerl at the beginning of the ZILhcentu- these skprinciples are sti1I talid and arp the bilris of musc groirping rziethortç. It shoulcl be noted that these rules are not esclusivc.

;iml groupings ni- be fornied using combinations of subsets of these relationships. Cnfortiinately. the adgorithrnic irnplemencation of these mies is ven; difEcult becausc the! have beeri obtairied through observation and they often confiict. even for simple stirntili. as shom by Lowe !671. Moreover. the theon; is usually dernonstrated usirig simple visiial patterns. mhich me not a1was.s occur in the real world. the ivorkl of iirirriiabIe. uricertain stimuli. Tberefore. on- a relatively few aspects of the Gestalt rheory have been inçorporated into computer vision ?stems. such as similarity pros- imity. and continiiity [106].iVhen these principles are used together. higher Ievei nieca-rules are employed either explicitlv or guide their application. Sinw perceptiiai groriping can be defined at many different Ievels of abstraction. a uriety of specific goals has been selected and pursued by researchers. Sitmerous interesting roniputational approaches have been proposed ot-er a wide range of ab- straction Ievels. A classificato- structure in perceptuaI organisation is proposed by Sarkar and BoyIl061 to organise these algorithms and as a standard nomenclature n-ith &ich to clisc~ççexisting and hture research. In their classification scheme. algorithms are cIassified based on two characteristics The first is the type of feature being organiseci or the Ievel of abstraction : signal level. primitive Ievel. structural level. and assernbly leve1. The second is the dimensions over mhich the organisations are sought : '2-D. 3-D. 2-0 plus cime and 3-D plus time. .4 grey scale image is in 2-D rvhile a range image is in 3-D. With this classification scheme. since the totai number of categories is jiist 16. some categories rnay contain more than one algorithm. Tu further differentiate these algorithms. additionai classification schemes have been sug- gested by Sarkar and Boyer. such as the computational technique. This cIwification muctirre is useful for companng and visualising the similarities and Jifferenceç be- tweeri dgorithms and chus tvill be used here. However. another possible dassification schenie can be bzised on whether toplevel knowledge of objrcts is i1ti1ist.d or riuc. Since the ernphiisis of this thesis is on '2-D images, the review tvill be focused on those algorithms designed for gre-scale or colour images. Readers are referred to Sarknr's paper 11061 for methods involving higher dimensions.

2.1.1. Signal Level

This Ievd iiivtilves the lowest and niost basic forrri of orgariisntiori. and the inpiit Cr) thalgorithms are Io~i~lpoint properties. Zahn 11481 has proposed the use of graphs to extract and detect Gestalt clusters in dot-dusteririg problems. He uses a famil? of graph-theoretid techniques biuiseti on the minimal spanning tree to segment severai kinds of dot c1usters. -4 mininial spanning tree retains both the information of the local neighbourhood and the overédl structures of the clusters and thus is suitable for data clustenng problems. Ziicker il511 approached the problem of dot clustenng wïth a probabilistic mode1 for clus- rem Each pisel is clzissifierl according to one of three labels: edge. interior. and noise rvith the corrclsponding probabiiity. -1relavation process is used to relabel the pisels iteratively irntil no more pixels are relabeiled. -1 similar method is used bu Spann '116ii. for tigure-ground separation. He approached the problem using global optimi- sation of a functiun representing the local error fit of an assrimed mode1 describing the variation of the luminance over the local regions in the image. To minimise t hr effect of tariance in scale and noise. a multi-scalar ppmid was used with interconnections hetween the layers. The optimisation is carried out using simulated anneaiing. The use of a mode1 and globaI optimisation removes the necessity of selecting parameters and t hreshulds. Hoaet-er. choosing a suitabte mode1 may even be more difficuh t han setting thresholds or parameters depending on the problem domain. Image segmentation also belongs to this category In a ret-iew paper 1871 pub- lished in 1993. 173 papers are quoted in the references. Since then. more than ten new r-tgoritlirns have been published [26, 111, 5, 61, 64, 110, 20, 901. The major ctintributious of these methods are twofold. The first is a better definition of CO- herent regions or boundiiries. especidly for comple'c scenes . For example. Deng et ai. [26I propose a new measiire J for region uniformity that evaluates the spatial (listrihirtion of rolour in an image. To reduce the overall comple.uity and to improve t Iit, stability of the distribution estimation, the image is pre-qunntised to rediice the niiniber of distinct colours. An interesting aspect of this meiisure is t hat bot h texture and coloirr information are prtiserved and encoded in the distribution. Shi antl Slalik il111 propûse a Iiew feature distance derived to reduce the instability of a simiiar- ity niatris. Featiirct ciistance tvas previously defined eittier arbitrririly. such eqrial rveighting on al1 fetatures. or from the statisti~sin the test image set. Since this nex distance is baset1 solely on the image data. them is no need to pre-define the signifi- cancr uf eacti kature. For measilring texture. a set of filters is usually app1id to the iniag~.B~longir and iIlaIik 151. . find chat the filter responses insidr textiirtd regioris are gtiner;tliy spatially inhoinogetitlous. Thtis. th- have dweluped a ncm nlethotf for rditr:irig th(w inhortlcigeneities by a rnechod called area compIetion. The main idea

htlhiiid this rtiectiotf is to int:reue the similarities betmeen pixels if the? are dose ni eiich other in thtl spatial domain and have neighbotrrs thnt are close in the featiire

cloniiiin. -4s ri restilt. a, non-uniforrn region having a repeticiw pattern of featiires can still hp cIassifiei1 ns one region. Lambert and Carron [ôl]define a new cololir spiice syiibolicall~.tvtiere is eqJicitly defined and processed according to its relevanc~ co chroma. A fiizzy (:lassifier is used to classift- the reIevance of hile based on the follotving nites: 1. Hue is not reletant and cannot be utilised in segmentation for

srriall chroma ~xlire~.2. Hue is approximately ris relevant zis chroma and intensity Fur nierlirini chronia rdues. 3. Hue is very relevant for large chroma talues. Leung iiriti Malik [64] definc! a new deûnition of texture as repeated scene eIements. To be invariant to sale antl perspective. düne transformation is used rvheti measuring the sirniIarit~between different regions. The s~condcontribution of recentlu proposed segmentation aIgoritbrns is a more ~'ffmiwor efficient way of region rnergtng and clustering in Feature space. Shi and lialik [llO{propose a novel approach to solw the petceptual grouping problem by tr~atingimage segmentation as a gmph partitiming problem. -4 globaI criterion. normaliseci cut. is proposed by them for segmenting the graph. Comaniciu and Meer [ZO] propose a generai technique for image segmentation based on feature densit. 1.1 PERCEPTCAL GROLTNG

A technique cailed mean shift algorithm is used For estimating density gradients to locate the position of local maxima. The number of local masima or modes is deter- rnined automatically by the algorithm: however. the number of mocles depends on the width of the density estimation kemel. Park et al. [90] suggest using mathematical morpholog'. to cluster and clas* pixels in the Feature domain. First. a colour his- tagram is generated and smoothed with a 3-D Gaussian kernel. Xext. mathematical morphology. tlilation and erosion. is applied to the histograni to remove the outli~iers and to separatc distinct clusters. Carson et al. il31 propose uing an Eupectation- Maximisation (EU)algorithm to perform segmentation based on image features. The clistribution Fiinction of each cliister is presumed to be Gaussian and the EII algo- rithm is used to determine the maximum Iikelihood parameters of a mixture of h* Caiissians. This method is repeated For different values of K and the nitmber of c*lust~rsis cletrrmineri by finding the best fit of the estimatecl paranieters to the thta.

2.1.2. Primitive LeveI

This It.vrl involvm the intermediate level of organisation with edges or ciirws as iriptit . Hfrault and Horautl 1471 attack the figure-ground discrimination problem frorii a corribinatorial optimisation perspective. They define the problem as separating ii salient cime from noise and make explicit the definition ofshape (or figure) based on ~orircirlarity.snioothness. proximity. and contrat in terms of matheniatical Forniuias. Sitriiilatcd annealing is iisd For solving the conibinatoriiil optiniisatioti problem.

2.1.3. Structural Level

=\t this level. lines and regions are organised into a variet? of 2-D shapes. Mahan and Setlitia [78] use perceptual organisation for scene segmentation mcl tltrscription. This segmentation system generates hierarchies of features that corre- spiintl to structttrai elcnients such as boundaries and surfaces of objects. Bwed on Gestalt principles. edges are grouped to form curves. Contiguous curves are grouped to form contours while qmmetric cuves are grouped to form symmetries. Nexx. sy- rnetries rtlll become ribbans if closure is detected. ..ln exhaustive search is used to ftnd reiationships between different features. Before each search. inmiid or conflicting hypotheses of a-joins or groups are removed using geometric constraints: cocunilin- earity. çoatinui~-proximity. and ccmmnination. Promising results are dernonstrated on real images with a srnall number of objects. However. because of the inefficient search method. the complesity can grow exponentially for more cornples scenes. To overcome the computational comple'uty of rnany hierarchicai approaches. Sarkar and Boyer [IO?] propose a voting method and graph-theoretic structure to represent the data organisation. They recognise that the bottleneck of the susteni is the compatibility test among al1 pairs of tokens. By building a histogram of the coken's feacirre similar to the Hough transform. the compatibilitv test then becomes tt boirntled s~archthrorigh the parameter space. Both rnethods proposetl bv Sarkar and Mohan utilise onIy edges as input to the syscem. On the other hand. Schlüter and Posch [IO81 proposed combining boch contour and region information for perceptud grouping. In this method. edges are first groiiped recursively to form 2-D closures (closed regions). At the sarne time. rqion segmentation is performed and then the resiilting region map is niatched to the closest eclge group. Additional boundaries are generated if some rclgions cannot br matrhctl to ;in! ~tlgcgroiip.

2.1.4. Conclusions

Percepciral grotipirig is a basic and effortles capability of the hurnan risual sys- ttm Hotwwr. i~5r~vi~nclci in chis section. this grouping task is ti~vioi~slyriot sirriplts but a very complirated process that encornpasses severai levels of abstraction. -11- ttioiigh a lot of research have been done on this topic. there is still no gcneral theory that can esplain most of the known t-isual grouping phenornena. such as figurepiincl discrirnination and object detection.

Visual Attention System in Humans

In orcler to repiicate human tisual performance. we have to andyse and under- stand how the system works wïthin our brains. Even though most of the hunian brain's functional mechanisms and its underlying neurai circuit- are still unknorr-n. a basic idea about the t-isual -tem cmbe acquired fiom psychophysical and neuro- physiologicai e-xperiments conducted in the past. Based on these hdings, a biologi- cdiy motit-ated mode1 of attention can be devised. 2.2.1. Structure of the Human Visual System i'isual information enters the nervous system in the retina. travels through the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). and then enters the cerebral cortex at the back of the head in an area named 1'1 (also knom as the -striate corte<). From this scarting point. information branches off and traveIs fonvard into the many specialiseci visual areas that are located in the posterior hdf of the brain (called .*extrastriate" visiial areas). As the information travels fonvard from the striate cortex into the txtriutriate cortes. the features coded bu single neurons change from simple bars and tdges to more complex attributes of object identit. The Retina T~votypes of photosensitive ceh. rods and cones. exist in the retina. The? have cliffmwt sensitivities and adaptation rnechanisms to differmt wavelengths. Cones are ;rssociat~dnith coloiir vision ahereas rods are associateci with vision at low light levels. Three different types of cones (red .'aciually yellow". green. and bhe conrs) arr foiincl in the humriri rctina n-hile a fourth typçl of conc. the double cone. is forml in non-primate visual -stems. These cones appear to be distribiited more or iess riindo~rilyi~i the retiria. but there are müny ber cones for blue than for grmi or rd The r~lativcnutnbcrs of recl. green. arid blue cones are fotind to be in the ratio of 40

CO 20 Co 1 . An intercsting characteristic of the retina is the non-uniform distribution of the photoreceptors. The tIensit>r of these receptors is much higtier at the centre of the: rc1tiria. calleri the fovea. chan in the surrouncling region, The density of the receptors r1t.c-reast~smith the distance frorn the centre. This foveated-sampling scheme provides significant data rediictiori at the expense of having to physicall- move the fovea to t fit* point of interest. The LGN The LG?; represents an intemediate rehy stage between the retina and the visual cortex. The LGS. organisecl in six layers. is an important switching device used to segregate the parvocellar (P) md magnocellar (hl) channels and to align the input frorn the two eyes. The SI [ayers are coocemed primarily with non-cotour vision processing ( e-g.. motion of objects and spatial reasoning) while the P layers are vep- important for colour vision processing (e.g.. object recognition). Three of the Layers receive input from the ipsilateral eye and the other three from the contralateral ey. The distinctions between P and 41 ceils are still maintained in the cortex.

C'1 is layered like the LGX. There are three cypes of cells or neurons in the 1'1: simple. cornpleu. and hypercomplex. Simple cells are chsracteriseci by receptive fields with excitaton; and inhibitory fields. and whose profile cm be modelled by Gabor fiinctions [551. Coniplex cells show orientation selectivity in much the sane Ka- siniple cells but the? do not have distinct escitatop and inhibitory zones (not phase sensitive). Firizilly. hypercornplex ceIls. also callecl end-stopped cells. are vert. sensitive to line endings. cilrvitttire. and angles. Wich these cells. several perceptual properties ciln be detected stich as selectivity in orierication. size. position. colour. direction. and depth. The responses of al1 V1 neurons can be thought of as retinotopic feature maps rharacterising the visiial stiniulus captured by the retina. .-lfr.~r1'1. both the pathway and functions becorne more comples. Thc presence of crossover ancl feecfback make ic vep difficult to analyse and interpret the actiial layoiit of tlie neural circuitp. Discussion One of the reasons for the existence of attention is the need to shift the high- resoliition fovea onto the most important parts of a scene. providing a tletailed de sc-ription of the object of interest. The low-Ievel ieatures extracted and rncorlecl in the hiimari visual system incltide colour (red. green. and blue). twtiirtD.position. motion and tlrpth.

2.2.2. Psychophysical Aspects of the Human Visual Attention System Man- of the rnechanisnis of ttuman visual attention have been discovered through psychophyical esperiments. In these experiments. human performance is evaluated rlnring some sp~cific.t-isromotor task. Most psychophysicai investigations involved with attention are actually concerned nith covert attention. and its facilitation effects on visual tasks. Two basic models of human visual attention are the zoom-lens model and the spotlight model. The first rnodel n-as initia& proposeci by Jonides [56] and then Furt her developed by Erîksen and his associates 1311 [W].They propose t hat attention is analogous to il zooni-iens systeni. At a low-power setting. attentionid resources irre evenly distribiited across the visual field. If the discrimination task is ilifficiilt. or rvhen a pre-cue haci been previously flahed. the attentional system zooms in to that area and allocates a clisproportionate share of the processing resources to it. However. not a11 attentional resources tvould be employed in the pre-cued area. The remaining resources are sharcd among other locations. The second modcl ms first introdiiced by Seisser [al]and then moctified by Julesz [58] and Treisman [123]!124/ :125]11261 il271 j1291. This paradigm proposes that attention involves two distinct stages. preattentive and attentive stages. In the first stage. processing is perfor~tierl in piiraIlel over the whole field. whereas in the second stage. a seqiiential analysis of some parts of the image occurs. The spotlight metaphor is proposed for the attentive stagf* since it would only affect a limited area of the visual field. Ewn though the clebiittb ahout this second moclel is still open [139].it is by far the rnost acceptecl paradigm of visuiil attention. Topdown and Bottom-up Control The twri basic nirchariisnis that coritrol visual attention can be describeci as goal- tlrivm (top-rlotvti). ;ititl stirriiiltis-tlriven (bottorn up) processes. This distinction is not new. For rxaniple. iVilliani .lames (1590) [54] characterises this tlistiuctiun in terms of "active" iiritl "passive" riiodes of attention. Attention is said ta be goal-drivcn ivlieri thtt attention is controlleci bu the observer's deliberate strategies and intetitions. tri rvr>ntrast.attention is said to be stimulus-driwn tvhen it is concrolled by some saliwt attrihiitcs of th^ image that arc! not nec~ssarilyrelevant to the observer's perceptiid goals. What features catch the eye? The niost important question about the t-isual attention system i.s what Featrires c-;rn catc-h che OP'S attention or mhich feature attracts the most Lxations. For the passive bottom-up mode of attention. it is necessmy to identify a set of basic features used in preattentive processing and determine whether attention depends on the kattire itself. the feature contrat. or both. It is dso important CO find out whether chese feattrres have equitalent effects in drawïng attention. SIany experiments have been condircted to analyse different stimulus propenies. in general. targets having distinct features are percepttialIy salient and stand out fiom a background pattern, For the first question. Wolfe Cl461 has an extensive reviem on defining a basic feature set for visual search. The presumption is made that if a stimulus supports both efficient search and effodess segmentation. then it is safe to incltide it in the basic set. He states that there is a reasonable consensus about a srnail numb~rof basic features and more d~baceover several other candidates. Some of the basic katures conststent with chc esperirnental results are: a colour. [136] lIuch research has led CO the conclusion that colour is one of the best ways to müke ii stimulus "popout" from its surroundings. For siniple patterns. roloi~rdifference aloiie is siifficient for eficient visiiril search aricl rffortless texture segmentation. a onrntatzori. [35! Orientation is also ivell-accepteci as a basic feature in visiral srarch. Hoivewr. a differ~nc~of 1.5 degrer or niore is n~etiedto siqiport ~ffirirtit visiia1 s~iir~h. a r-irn!atiue. [1281 It hè~shheen foi~nclthat curved lincs can be hncl anicing straigtit distnirtcw tising parnlld proccssing. This implies that the tirne rp-

qiiired for Jetecting the ciirwd lines rioes riot cliffer sigriific-antly with tiic rilirii- b~rof cargets. How~wr.the search is les eficient if the target is straight and dit, distracters are cund a srcr. Treisrnan and Gorniican [128] concludc ttiat it is easier to fintl big oh- jeccs iamong small ones chan srnaII among big. However. for a giveti size of rlihcractcrs. finding a biggcr target is no eaçier than a srnaller one. In addi- [ion. the slliptl of the reaction time against the number of targets is vep sceep. implying that size is not a. good basic feature for nsiial search: escept for a siniple case in which a big circk iç surrounded by much smaller ones. motion. ;74] It is apparent ttiat it niIl be vert- easy to find a moving stimt~lits among stationary distracters. shupe. IVolfe States that shap is probably the most problematicat basic feüture becatrse there is no widely agreed layout of shape space". Some candidates for the ues OF this çpace are Iine termination [57].chsure [27], and face [33]. For the second question about the significance of a certain feature and its contrat in dratving attention. Sorttidurft [82I bas performed a series of experiments designed to investigate the role of features versus feature contrast in preattentive vision. Hi study shotvç chat features. in general. are not round to ptay an important roIe in chese t;isks and performance was instead related to feature contrast. Only in the case of colour docs performance also depend on the hue feature. Theeuwes' 11211 experinient dso show che attention-grabbing abiiities of colour. Recent results presented by 'clmrian et al. 170) also suggest chat initial fixation placemenrs are not controHed by perceptiia! featurrs donc. In this study. eye movements were nieasured while viewers esan~in~lgrcy-scalp photogaphs of reaI-world scenes. They also at ternptrd to spwify the visiial fraturrs thtleterminetl initial fixation placement 1711. They analysecl !cical regions of their scenes for sevrn spatial features: Iuminmc~muirriri. liiniinrinrt* iriiuinia. image çoritrat. mxxirnri of local positive physiologiral contras. mininia of local riea,ative physiological contrit. ectge ciensity. and high spatial frequency. €rom their analysis. onIy rdge dwsity predictrcl fixation position ro an! reliable riegrw ;inci rven this featirrtl produced only a relatively wak effect. Thus. the nature of the visuai features that roacrol Fixittion placement in scenes is still undear. For the Lut question. whetlier or not features have equimlent effects in tirawirig attenrilin. the intuitive answr woiilcl be no. Basecl on esperirnents in which sribjecrs serirr.11 fur singletons (a singleton is a single target among homogeneoits distracters and tliffers froni thme clistracten by ii single basic featurt.). llluller arid Foilnd .i791 . ;irpiitbt tiiit th~c.rmtrihrition of an! specific feature to the ovcrall salierice of any object is runtrolled by a wcight thiit can change frum tak CO task and. iridtd. frorri trial to triai. The'. finri that the rwiction titrie for tria1 .V is contingent iipon the rclationship hmwm targpt identity on trial -V and .V-1. That is. people are fater to finci a cduiir si1ig1twt1cl11 triai .V if a 1-oloiir smglcton is found on tria1 Y-1. jt-hile esp~rimentri1 r~sultssupport rhe iinewn wighcings of different feacures in drawing attentiori. hw

rhtw a~ightingsiirp tiistritiirt~tior hoiv the! are altered quantitativel. hay~t to bp esplaineri. liost of t ht. rarly psycliologii-al esperiments were coaclucted nit h simple imayfi havtnq a dark barkground and simple objects such as bars. circles. squares. and Icr- tm. For th es^ images. it is vev casy to distinguish the background from the objects. These esperiments are usefiil in isalating the effects of diierent features. but not for shm-ing t heir inter-relationships. The attention-grabbing abilip- of dXerent fe-atures on romples real images ma'; differ from these simple ones. Tû understand how eue movement is controlled in more realistic visual-rr3gniti1-e ta&. reading and scene riewing have been studied. -1 common assumption in these studies is that the cion pnint of the ~yeis the fotus of attention at a given tirne. Bumetl [Il]Ends that the 6~ationptxitions are highly regdar and related to information in the pictures. For esample. viewers tend to concentrate cheir 6xations on the people rather than on background regions when esamining Sund- Xtemoon on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat. Henderson et. ai. i46j also have found chat 6rst pas gaze duration and second pass gaie duration are longer for sernantically informative than unin- formative objects. providing evidence for reiatively ear- peripherally-based scene analusis. To determine whether attention is relaced to semantic informativeness (the nieaning of the region) beond visuai informativeness (the presence of discontinuity in tesciire. ïolour. liiminance. and depth). Henderson et ai. [44, 451. conducted a series of psperiments with the semantic informativeness defined as the degree to which an objecr vas predictable witbin the scene. An iinpredictable abject \vil1 have high se- niantic informativenoss and vice versa. They do not Bnd any tendency by the viewer to iriiniediately k-atc their attention ou semmticdIy informative objects, De Garaf flt al. [24] also foiintl no rvidence that semantically inconsistent objects were fixateci rarlicr than consistent objects. However. the? observe that viewers tend to look back more ofteri to seniantically informative than to uninformative scene regians. Thcse resiilts suggest that the attention is first driven bu a bottom-up process before a more organisecl top-down proress is engaged to analyse the scene in niore detail. Are objects available preattentively? -4 rerent ti~batrin the literature concerns nyhether covert attention is directecl to iinsegmented regions of space. or to segmented perceptual groups that are likely to çoristitutc çohcrerit objects. As our xtions must ultiniately be clirected towrd indivitiual objects. sotnt. theorists have proposed that it rvould be efficient for covert attention to operate on s~grnentedobjects rather than on unstructured regions of space [4] [29] [81]. The space-based and object-based rnodels of attention are often presented as mutually esclusive alternatives [4]. However. me-hybrid tiem are pos- sible. For instance. covert attention ma? operate ivithh a spatial medium (as argued hy Tsal and Lavie [130j). but grouping processes ma- act to modulate the spatial estent of the attended region (Latie and Driver [62]). Lavie et al. [62I exarnined the relation between segmentation and spatiaI attention by esanlinhg patients hating disorciers (estinction. neglect. and Bdint's syndrome) after brain damage. He found that the effects of these brain-damage-reIated qadromes can be reduced if the two concurrent erents forrned a good perceptual group such as dumbbell shape instead of two circles. Based on this evïdence. he argues that spatiaI attention is diected within a segmented representation of the visuai scene. Mth at Ieast some of this seg- mentation taking place preattentively. Rcnsink et al. [IO21 also show that objects have some preattentive existence by demonstrating that preattentive processes are sensirivc to aciiliision. IVolfe Il451 has condiicted a series of experiments that make il similar point. These rfiiilts support the idea that objects cari exist preattmtively.

In this section. reçent and past discriveries and Iinowleùge about the human visiial susteni are prejcntcd. From chis review. it can be seen that there is no general iigrtlenient on major issues of the visual attention systern. such as a model of attention. seltlctiun tif ri brwic featiir~set. and the spatial nierlium of the iitt~~itiotiproces. Nev~rtheless.thcrtl is both physiral and psyhological evidrrtice showirig the t&ttvw and iniporranrc ofa sniall srt of basic features. which inchde colour. texture. position. and motion. within ttit. htrnian visual attention system. In additions. object-biwd attmtion systenis haw dso been proposed both as an alternative or as an complernent to the space-based model of attention,

Visual Attention Systems in Machines

Reccnt arin~ncesin r-ornputer technoiogy are =tonishing and have madc a real- tirne niachine vision systern FedisibIe. However. despite enormous progress in reçerit yars. machine vision -stems stiIl have a long way to go before approaching th^ lewl of iiuman performance. The main reason for this is the Iack of effective and efficient algorithms For man- general cornputer vision processes. such as image segmentation and object recognition. One remedy to this problem is information selection or data reduction so as to reduce computationd time and to suppress irrelevant data and noise. Starting from the rnid40S. specific efforts have been made towards more effec- tive uiocfels of attention. Since that time. more than ten models has been proposed i75, 50, 109, 101, 36, 21, 104, 131, 191. Most of these models. horvever. have been trst~tfonly on simulated data. In reali- we seldom see any objects mith perfectly uniform colour and teyture- Even for artificial objects. the surface property rnay be affected by shadons. highlights. and non-uniform lighting. For the mode1 to be prac- tical. it sbould be able to toterate a certain amount of noise and be applicable to a wide range of environments. Its performance should also degrade gracefully in case of failure. The attention riiadels proposed by Koch 1501 and Milanese [761 are very simihr and are hz~don an architecture previoiisly proposed by Koch and Cllman [591.This architectiire is relateci to Treisman's feature integration theol [128].Visual input is first decomposed into a set of featiire maps. Colours. intensity. and orientations are us~din both moriels nhile edge tnagnitude mcI ciirt-atiire are also usecl in 5liliu1esr's niod~l. Thesr maps are then transformed into conspicuitv maps representing the '-ronspiciiity" of locations. Intcgrating al1 thc conspicuity maps forms a final saliency niilp. The final sritgfl of th es^ two niodels is not the same because their intended applications arc different. Koch's model is used for simulating the scan path so that a winner-takeall selection schenie and inhibition of return are used thc final stage. On the ritticr hand. sinw the purpose of 5Lilanese's model is for locating iiiicl rtwgnising objccts. the saliency map is further processed to provide both the position iind region information nhich iiïc fed into another higher-level process for objert recognition.

Scla and Lrvinr jlO9J mode1 interest points iis the loci of centres of CO-circwlar rvlgts. Espcrinicntzil results on real images show that centres of symmetry rorr~lnte wll with hiinian fisation points. Reisicld et al. [IO11 ;triti Gesii rt al [36] iilso itse ayninictry in predicting Lxition centres. In tinie-ta~inginiagery. Concept.ion and Kechsler [21]propostd an attention srhenie baseti un edgr rnaps, motion ciies. and past history. In their algorithm. the saliency map is iiseci CO guide the coarse to fine classification of objects so that the irnioiint of information to be processed later is reduced tremendously. Their main contribution is the integration of active and selective attention with leaniing and memol in a hierarchical frarnework. Rybak et al. [IO41describeci an attention mode1 for espiaining innriant object recognition in humans. In their model. attention is iised ro guide visual perception and recognition. However. the attention mechanisni is a topdown proces instead of bottom-up. .-\part from geueral visual attention systerns. Tsotsos et al. 11311 proved that in visita1 search. if esplicit targets are given in advance. the tirne comple'aty will be a Linear proportion of the image size. On the other hand. if no e-xplicit target is provided. the task is XP-complete. Thus. the? propose that the human brain mat- not be solvin:: this general problem and it is necessary to have attentional selection to guide the search process. -4 mode! of primate visual attention is dso presented th is boch biolûgically plausible and computationally feasible. -4 topdonn hierarchy of witiner-take-al1 processes is embedded within the visual processing pyramid. Horvever. chey nlso state thiir a balance betrveen data-driven and knowledge-driven proceses rniist be achiewd. Osberger and S[acder 1861 preseut a method for determining the perceptual itn- partance of different rpgioris instead of point locations in an image. They sderteil tivv factors t hat tiwp hem faund CO infitience visual attention in assmsing the overall iniportariw of each region. Fhese factors are: coatrast. size. shape. location. ruid foreground-barkgrl~~incl.The finai salien- measure is obtained by the sumrnation of

C~PsquarP of each factor.

.\Iost of r hc atteiitilin nicicieIs proposed for machine vision are spaccd-buect wtiere pt~~pc~iiilsa1icnc.y is cirt~rrninedby local feature contrait. such as Koch's nio(f~1

;trici 1iiI;iriw~'sIIIO~P~. On the 0thhand. ohjecc-based attention rnarlels also arp r~c~ivingincr~asing rinioiints of attention. For these models. objm propertics. srtch

;is: synimetry. region size. shape. and intensity contraçt are çonsiclerrd. [t is not c-lrirrly iindcrstood wtiich approach is more efficient or effective in niodellitig himan ittttwion. HO~VPVP~.~ini.~ rriost cornputer vision tastsks are Enallu focused on individua1 ohjects. and not rriuch research have been done on chis topic. it is northwhile ancl huitfiil to investigate object-baseci attention in greater detail. CHAPTER 3

Perceptual Saliency Measure

This Ctiapter rxplort~Iiow ohject-brised visual atteution can be modeiled in a triachine visiun systeiti. Those factors which have been identified b~ Osberger and Naeder .1861 . will h~ presentetl aliing wich several new rneasures infiuenced bu psyrhophysical t~virIt*ntv.Methods for combining these factors ni11 aiso be discused in ttiis Chapter.

Perceptual Saliency Factors

In nwst cases. a perceptually saiient region ail1 correspond to a perc~ptually nicaningful or interesting object. However. in some situations. a percepti~aIIysalient regiun mq not be related co any logicai objects. in scene viewing. Henderson imri Hollirigwrtb 1451 firid that iuitid Lution placement does not seem to depend on the scrnantic informativeness of regions. In these experiments. semantic informittiveneçs is definecl as how unlikely the scene region is expected from the context. However. people tend to look back more often to semantically informative objects. Hence. if visual attrntion is defined as the point of fkation. there exist at Ieaçt two definitions for visiiai attention. The first definition is what kinds of regions can attract €kations instantaneously within the first two seconds of viewing. The second one is which regions vkaers will look back to more often. These ret-isited regions are what the rïew~rsare interested in and seek to knom more about. This overt attention often ÏnvoIws a higti-level topdown process mith the goaI set b-the viever. Objects that people usualIy look for inchde human faces. animak. automobiles. and aeroplanes. Csiially. peopIe are less interested in objects that oRen form the background. such as the sk. floor. and ~ali.-4,s a rdt. whenever human judgement is used in assessing FIGURE3.1. Block diagram for Osberger and .LIaecler's Importance hpcalciilation

;in attention model's performance, these two distinctions have co be stated clearly. In this thesis. our attentiori will be focused primarily on the low-level, bottoni-up process.

3.1.1. Osberger and hdaeder's mode1

The prirpost. of this mode1 is to automatically determine the perc~ptiialirnpor- tance of clifferent regions in an image. The h1ock diagram for Osberger and Maeti~r's importance niap calculation is shown in Figure 3.1. In [86]. eight low level features and four tiighcr led factors are identificd which have been foiind to influence hii- nian visiial attention. Thcse low IeveI features are intensity contrast. size. shape. çolour. motion. brightness. orientation. and line endings. Higher level factors are location. foregrounc1/backgror1nd. people. and context. These features are simiIar to those iclrntifietl hy Wolfe 11461 as tiescribed in Chapter 2. Of these features. only tiw factors are selected by them for rnodelling tlsual attention. The mathematicaI definition For these fivc factors are stated belom. In order to be able to compare these factors tlireïtly. the? are scaled to fit in the range [O.11.

Contrrtst of rqiun. Regions haking high contrast ~4ththeir surroundingr; are foiinci to be visiially salient. Aence. the contrast importance l,,t,,,t is defined as the differenc~in the mean grey level of the regîon R, and its surrounding rp.!$ons Rr -rmqhbours -

where 3(&)is the mean gey level of region 4. and $(&-n,,hhr) is the mean grey level of al1 neighbouing regions of 4. 3.1 PERCEPTC-IL S.-CE' FACTORS a Sizr of reyiorr. -411 else being equd. larger regions are more likely to attract visual attention than smaller ones. In other words. larger regions are easier to tietect than smaller ones. However, this effect levels off after a certain chrestioId. The size importance is defined as:

where =I(R,)is the area of region R,. and .A,, is a constant used co prevent excessive weighting being given to very large regions. The- set this constant to 1% of the total image area.

O Shpe of regzon. Elongated objects have been found to attract more attention than rounder blobs of the same area and contrast. Importance due to re~on shap~is defined as:

nht3re bp( RI) is the nuniber of pixels in the region R, which border with ot her r~gions.iind sy is a constant. They foiirirl a value of 1.75 for .sp silitable for tliscririiiiiatiiig long. tliiri regions froni roiinder ones. Locritaorr of ryiorr. Esperitrietits have shown that viemers are directed at the c-tsntrt.23% of a wene while viewing television [30]. Thus. importance due to

location of il region is definecl as:

where c~nter(R,)is the number of pisels in region R, which arp also in thc center 23% of the image.

O Foreground / Background. Osberger et al. assume that a region connected to the border of the image di have a higher probability of being ae the back- ground. This assumption is vatid if the main objects are not located dong the border of the scene or there are one or mo major backgrounds that contain most of the image borders. This measure is defined as:

where borderpx(R) is the number of pixels in region R, ~t-hichalso beiong to the border of the image. and totafborderpix is the totaI number of image 3.1 PFKXPTUAL. S.-CY FACTORS

border pixels. Based on this definition. regions with a high nurnber of image border pi-els wilI be clasiéied as belonging to the background and \vil1 have a Lnw Joregro~iind/bnckgroundimportance.

3.1.2. Discussion

The fiv~factors chosen by Osberger and 4laeder are usefui for modrlling hurnan visi~zilattentiotl in simple sititations with strong "popout" effects. -4.5 describeci in Ctiapter 2. chr most widely agreed rissumption that has been used in man! psy- choIogical experinients is that an object or target is salient and pops-out froin thr background if its visual features ciifFer frotn other objects. Th~sidea is proposcd by Triesnian iri her F~atrir~Integration Theory 11271. Contrast or differcnce in visual Ctiattirc~scm faditate visual search and thus is visually sdient. Contrast cm be de- fin~rInot onlv bu incetisity. but also by other Iow-lever features suçh as orientation and coloitr. Horwver. rontrast alone is not enough for explaining the .-popout" effect of ohj~crshaving ~lisrinctfecttiires among other ciistracters. Contrast can only be iised tii tssplain thta rrlutrur perceptiial saliency of rsoluteri objects: nut br objjects cl[l~;~~tbnt rci twti othcr. Ttiis is riot tiarci to understand. as shown in Figure :3.2. Contrwt is mi~ailydefined as the distance in the feature space. In case 1. intcnsity cont rast for region -4 and region B is CO and JO. respectively. and chus rttgion .A is prrccptually niore salient. This prediction is consistent with human judgement. In rase 2. hoivever. the contrast for region .4 and region B is the sarne. with a talite tif 70. The prchlrtn with this image is the lack of a common reference franie for intcrpretatrori. One int~rpr~tationof this image can be a very large bright square having a rwtangirlar hole in the middie. -4nother interpretation can be a dark bar in a ririifornt white hickground. Although these two cases are vep simple and pruhably rvoiiId not occtrr in reality. they show the necessitu for a good measure of figure- grouud discrimination. In case 3. if someone is asked to decide whether region A or region C can attrrtct more attention. the answer would be A. From the contrrrst calciilation. the vidue of saliency of region A is 30 whiie that of region C is 35. :{93 - 30) t (100 - 93)] * 0.5. Hence. the prediction based on contrast done could be wong For regions adjacent to high contrast regions. In assessing the relative depth information of different regioris. Osberger et al. use the percentage of image border as an indication or background. This means saiient objects are presumed to occupy none or a very srnail portion of the border. 3.1 PERCEPm.U S~~CYFACTORS

Case 7

FIGURE3.2. Situations mhere a contrat medsure succeeds and wherc it fails. The nimiber within the brackets indicates the region's intensity. For al1 three cases. the background's intensity is equal to 100.

Siich iiri assumption is did for most photographs since the most important objects are placed roughly in the centre of the image when the picture is taken. It is not vlilid. honever. if this placement rule is not followed when the image is taken. siich as pictures taken from a camera mounted on a mobile robot. or if a background rcgion is separated into ttvo isotated regions by an occluder. Some of these isolated rcgions menot even be close to the image boundary and thus NiII be assigned a vee high value for foreground/background measure. In Figure 3.3a. region B is obvîoiisty iri the foreground while regions A.C. and D belong to the background. Since region C does nnt touch the image border. it miII be given a very high value. 1.0. for foreground/ background importance. This problem can be solved by grouping regions A and C by similarit? and continuation. Hon*ewr. this grouping must be done carehlly to avoid grouping t-cvo seemingIy distinct objects. such as region B and E. 3.1 PERCEPTUAL S.-UIEYX FACTORS

FIGURE3.3. Situations where foreground/background nieasure fails

;\nocher problem associated with this foreground/background method is illus- craterl in Figure 3.33. In this figure. region -4 should be the main object with ttie rcw of the regioris belonging to the background. However. after cotinting the number of pisels in edregion which also beloug to the image border. region -4 will be assignecl a lowr foreground/background value (0.6) than those assignecl tu regiotis B. C. D. irnd E (0.9). The probleni of determining depth information from a single image is also es- plorerl by Rosenberg [103]. He uses occlusion cues to caIculate the relative depth of t~iichobject. Sis cases of occiusion are identified and used in a relrisation algorithiii to inier the relative tlepth graph of the objects. The problem with this method is the rtquirement of a Iiighly accurate image segmentation and the occurrence of occlusion. ').IOCPOVP~.the number of ronflicts which have to be solwd ma? grow evponentiaIly for more coniples scenes. Other rnonocular depth cues iucludc relative siii~.linear p~rspertiw.testiire gradient. relative height. and atmosphcric perspective [143I. -41- choirgh th es^ depth cu~sare widely accepted and weIl-studied. depth perception stiiI poses a big problem in practice since these cues risualiy involve a high-level under- standing of the scene and therefore tend to tvork only in very restricted ent-ironmencs. For pictrir~staken b_v hirmans with some purpose in mind. the method proposed hy Osberger et al. is applicable and is easy to compute without an!- prior knowledge of the scene. The shape importance cue. as described in Chapter 2. is very controversial. For simple cases consisting of only circles and long thin rectangles. there is a very high probability that human Euations are more IikeIy to fall on the rectangles than on the FIGURE3.4. Situations where shape measure fails circles. For niorp comples shiipes. such as the example shown in Figure 3.4. how- cver. the evidence is less clear. \C'hich shape attracts most of Our fi'rations? 1s the -'Z" shaped region G more salient than the irregular shaped region D? How about the hexagon E'I The shiipc importance mesure proposed by Osberger et al. favoiirs elongatecf regions over rounder ones. The shape importance vaiues of these regions are shown in Table 3.1. For this image. the most salient region predictetl by the shape importance niemire is the background B. This regiou is certainly not circular and ha manu long and narrow parts. Hence. it has the highest perceptiiai saliency valiir for S~LRPP!Thtb major problern for an? shape definition is the presence of *-hole".such as the buckgroiind. Do we consicler its shape as the oiitiine of its outerrnost bouridav? Or do we also ronsidcr the inner boundaries such as the shape of a doriut'.' In other tvor(ls, do wc treat the encloseri regions as textures or not'.' .lpparently. there is no simple answer to these questions. If the application is restricted to certain enriron- nients and the most important objects are well-identi6ed and kriown beforehantf. one can niake some useiul conclusions about the shape saliency of regions. Otherwise. the usage of shape in rnodelling the hurnan attention çcstem shoultl be approachecf catrtiotisly if not eliminated altogether because this feature is not weil-defined and its effect on attrscting human visuaI attention is not well-understood in generd.

3.1.3. New and Modified Importance Factors

Basecl on the discussion on Osberger and Maeder's method. some of their coni- putational methods are modified and new factors are proposed.

0 Contrust in colour and teztzlre. The contrast importance ImLraitniil1 be rede- fined as the Euciidean distance in the mean colour and texture of the region 3.1 PERCEPTUAL S.~'iCY FACTORS

1 Regon 1 Shape importance value ! l 0.24 j A ' B (background) 1.O0 1 C 0.40

r I I G 0.45 TABLE3.1. Shape importance values for Figure 3.4

R, and its surrounding regions RI-nriqhboursas follows:

(1 feat(4)- feot(R,) 1) - border(Q. R,) (3.6) R! cnrighbuur.r of R,

wher~rdgepis( R,) is the perimeter of region & in pisels. and feat(%) is the niean ralour and testurc of region R,'. border(&. R, f is the length (number of pis~ls)of the common border of region R, and R,. a Hue. Since colour alone can gab human attention. especially red i121!. it cari ht. ttscld in niodelling visual attention. Xo niatter how bright or tioii- dark thc c~b.jectis. as long as its perceived surface hue is red (not black or white). it wiI1 be perceptually salient. However. no strong evidence haemerged conrerning the attention-grabbing ability of other thüri red. In the case of face recognition. the hue of skin colour cm be used to indicate its irnportanc~. Hence. the hile iniportance is defined as the distance From the reference hue as b t4ow:

~herehue(R,) is the hue of the mean colour of region R, in radians. and Refermce is the preferred hue that is known to attract attention. sd is a constant used to control the threshold on the difference in hue between R, and rejerence. and sat(f$) is the saturation of the mean colour of region R,. .\ dueof 0.1 for sd is found to be suitabie for discriminating red frorn other hues. The second term is included to represent the uncertainty of hue at -- '-4discussion of how these are computed can be found in Chapter 4. 3.1 P ERCEPTG.U S.UNCE' FACTORS

different saturation Levels. -4t low saturation value. the colour appearance is grey and thus the value of hue is meaningless. Hence. a rnonotonic increasing furiction (tanh(x))which levels off alter a certain threshold is used for the hue uncertainty function. s f is another constant used to control the saturation level of the uncertainty function. For the CIE L'a'b' . a value of 0.0017 for s f is suitable.

O Suturution. ln general. people are more interested in coloiirful regions with vivid colour. Colour saturation is considered by Braun [SI as a perceptual saliency factor. Siniply. the importance of saturation is just the saturation Ievel of the rriean colour of the region .

O Locution. The eqiiacion proposeil by Osberger et al. has a sharp cut-off be- tmen the centre 25%: ouf the image and the surrounding region. -4 rriort! general forrri of this function is defined belon-:

tvhere fL,,(~.9)can be any function relevant to the importance of location. in particular. the following function is used:

rr and h is the midt h and height of the image.

0 .Veiu fort.~ou~d/hack~o~undrneasure. [n order to solve the problem associated nith Osberger and Naeder's rnethod discussed in the previous section. their rriettiod is niodified. First. global region properties are used to group regions together if there is a high probability that these regions corne from a single ob- ject. In redity. shadows. highlights. uneven lighting, and many other sources of noise are very cornmon and unavoidable. Thus. it is better to perforrn the simiiarity testing adaptively so that the merge restrictions are tighter when the noise lewl is low and lowr when the noise level is high. One possible 3.1 PERCEPTCAL SAiEWCY FACTORS approach is to impose a restriction that only regions which form a single con- nected cluster in the feature space will be considered to be -similar". 147th this approach. the usage of an absolute threshold can be avoided. Since LW separate objects can also have sirnilar features that form a single cluster in feature space. as shown in Figure 3.3. another mesure of '-occlusion" mirst be iised to estimate how likely the two regions belong to a single objecc and arc separatcd by an occhder. [n real scenes. ive often observe that if a large backgroiind is separated bu objects in the foreground. a large portion of the backgroiind woiild stilI be connected to the border with several rnuch srnaller isolated regions. Hence. a more consenative condition on the ratio of regions can be applied to hirther reduces the error probability of merging two different regions. A high probability for -occlusion" wiil be assigned only if the ratio of a region is much srnaIler than the total area of al1 the regions chat are -sini- ilar" to this region. Ti, solve the second problem associatecl with Osberger's riirthod wlierr the main objects ucciipy a large portion of the image border. the filreyround/baçkground measiire can be deiïned ,as the ratio betwecn thv number of border pixels and edge lengths. The final foreground/backgroun(l rritu.siinn is tlefiri~das folhvs:

borderpxel( R,) is the number of pkeis in region RJ which aiso belong to the border of the image. ,and the baundarypixe!( R, ) is the number of pisels in the bounda- of region R,. The function is the probability of these regions being occluded by other objects. 3.2 METHODS FOR COMB~~GTHE II\.iPORT--L\iCE FACTORS 3.2. Methods for Combining the Importance Fac- tors After obtaining the importance dues for each factor. they have to be eombined to give an overall ranking For each region. A simple sunimation rnethod proposed by Osberger and hIaeder [861 and Four more complex combination strategies proposed by Itti idKocli [49j wi11 be discussed in this section.

3.2.1. Osberger and Maeder's Method

Osberger and SIaerler [86]chaose to treat each factor as being of equal importanre sincr it is difficult to deterniine exactly how rnuch more important one factor is than iinother. They observe that very few regions would respond strongly for al1 factors and thoscl regions iclentified by hurnans as salient usually have a very high ranking in anly soriie factors. Hence. each factor is squared and then summetl together to produce the final importance value as follows:

3.2.2. Itti and Koch's Method

Itti ancl Koch [491 have conducted an experiment to cornparc four feature corri- hination strategies for sdiency-based tisual attention systerns. The four strategies they considered are: (1) simpIe nomdised summation. (2) linear combination with Leamed weights. (3) global non-hear normalisation followed by summation. and (4) local non-Iinear competition behveen saiient locations. In their tisual attention sys- tem. visual saliency is defined as the magnitude of spatial discontinuities in colour. intensit. and orientations at different scales. A large number of featiire maps (a total of .32) is generated and combined by one of the four methods. They also observe that salient objects itppear strongiy in oniy a few maps and may be masked by nuise or les salient objects. Experimentai results show that the simple normaIisation rnethod consistently yields ponr performance mhile the ;trainedV method yields the best per- formance. However. different learned mights are used for different image cIasses. The other two methods yield intermediate performance. Since the last two methods (3 3.2 METHODS FOR COMBIMXG THE MPORT+INCE F.4CTORS and 4) do not require ar- Learning procedures or any specific models. the? are rririre generic and are applicable to a broader range of situations.

3.2.3. Discussion

-4s discussed in section 1.2. the foreground/background measure is more impor- tant t han the mitrast and shape measures in region-basecl attention. Hence. qua1 weights shoiild not be useci. In Itti and Koch's experiments. the 'mained" met hod consistently yielcled the best performance mith a cwo-fold improvement when corn- pmrl tci thfa othcr methotls, Since the parameters are allowd to va- for diffcrenr test images. this niethoci catirioc be iised in a general visiori susterri. Hoivever. it ~vuuldbc usch1 to analyse the performance of a -trainedWmethocl with only one set of paranictcrs for al1 test images. The other two methods proposed bi- itti and Koch arc more generir, hoaewr. the spatial normalisation Iiinctions IISP~in these nitxthocis vanririt he e'ttended directlu to a region-based feature map. Thus. these two methods id1 riot hr corisicierrd. -4s ;L result, the int~grationmethoci that tvas i~seclin ttiis reseiirch is the iwighterl suniniacion of a11 importance factors. aitii the wighrs di- ti~iridby ~xprrimentation€rom a large collection of test images. If no speciiic rveights ton irny Factor ran be found to inlprow the overall performance with confidençe. c)rw cxn eittirr itscl tyiiaI wights for ;il1 iniportançe factors or cIassify the test images iiito rlitft'riwt categaries and thm find the optimum weights for each group. CHAPTER 4

Feature Selection

The perrcptiial saliency functions described in Chapter 3 require the image CO be pre- segmented into coherent. non-ovedapping regions. that resemble the original ptrysical objects in the çcene. Hoivever. before an image can be segmented. it must be trans- formcti into n set of feattire maps that alIow similarity and surface continuity to btl (lefine& The rnost commonly iised features for image segmentation are colour (201. testure [85]. and posicion [131. These features are intuitive to humans in discrim- iriating and separating different objects. We usualIy use colour and testirre when cltwribitig tht) visual proprrties of an object such as brown micurly hair. ti sniooth ilnt1 shiny slirfactl. etc. Position is also an important crie in ciiscriniiniicing objerts since if two regions are far apart in the spatial domain. they have a lomer probability of helonging to the same object. Biologicaily. specid neurons in the human visual systerii arp capable of rleterting al1 of these features at an early stage. Spatial infor- mation about the objects can be easiIy included in the feature vector by inrlurling the s-y-coordinates of each pisel. However. utifsing this extra information can have negative sicle-effects such as breaking up a Large unifom region [13j. For colour and texture. many feature spaces and cornputational methods have b~enproposed in the Iiterature. Hence. selection cnteria must be adopted to choose a particular representation scheme for these features. Since the objective of the segmentation stage is to have the image segmented as if it were performed by a human. the feature space should also be perceptudy uniform. That means the perceived difference of an? tmo samples separated by a fked distance in the feature space should be constant. 4.1 COLOCR

Mer the extraction of these features. the? must be combined to form a single feature vector. During this integration proceçs. decisions have to be made on how the features are to hcr cornbined and what to do if these features contradict each other. For esample. how similar is the perceptual difference of a unit distance in colour space cornpared to a unit &tance in texture space? In addition. since texture refers to the spatial distribution of colour. the colour of the pixels within a texture region will riot be the same or even similar. iinless it is a uniform .non-texture" region. In the following sections. a brief review of colour and texture is presented. as well as niethocfs for resolving conflicts that arise from the feature integration process.

4.1. Colour

The hurnan visual systern uses three different kinds of cones. each with different spectral sensitivity. t« sensc the colourful world (see Figur~4.1). These cones have peak responss at wavelengths of 580. 340. and 440 nm. respectively. \C'ith these rhree rcceptors. ive can distinguish coioured lights mith cliffererit wavelerigtlis ariil intcnsitirs. Sinw thtl pciwer spectrum of light in the visible freqiiency range is encoded by three channels only. t his tmodirig is a niany-to-one mapping and the original potver spectrurri rarinot bc recover~dcor~ipletely by the human visual system. However. this provides a usefiri additive property of the appearance of light. A misture of two lights at different waveiengths van produce a colour that appears different from the two original light sources. -4s a result. the whole visible coiour spectrum can be producecl by niising three or more primary colours at different proportions. -4s three channels are iised in the human visiial svstcm. trichromacy has been adopted in computer vision for reprcsenting coloiir quarititatively. However. the aavelengt hs of the t hree prima- colours defined in the CIE (Commission Internationale de ïÉclairage) standard are 100. 546.1, and -4353 nm instead of the peak responses of human cones in order to rriatch the light emitted by artificial light sources. Based on this standard. al1 image capture and display devices are designed nith these three primary rolours. subject to smd variations depending on the actual materials rssed, The mn--format of any colour image is the RGB format speci-ng the relatke intensity of the three primaries. hycoIom is represented by a point C(r.g. 6) in a colour cube. as shown in Figure 4.2. The origin of the RGB colour space is the -colouf biack and the full brightness of ali three primaries together appears as FIGCRE4.1. Spectral sensitivity of cones from Cos. Estévez. and \IV& rwen il371

~vhitc.Thrrc c-orners of the colour cube located on the major xxes correspond to thcl thrrr priniaq coloiirs: red. green. and blue. The remaining three corners correspond to the seçontia~coloiirs: yllotv. cyan. and magenta. In the romputer. cach of these Lxes is encoded with 8-bits. ranging forni O to 25.5. Initiallu. the RGB colour space is linearly related to the intensity. However. because of the nonIinear rrliitionship bettveen the input signal and the resulting brightness of niost displ- systenis. such as the cathode ray tube(CRT). the input signal to a (lisplay devire rniist ht* niodificd to eliminatc this nonlinear property. This coniprri- sacion nietiiorl is called gamma-correction. For a typical rnonitor. the eleçtro-optical radiation transfer function is often expressed by a mathematical power function:

~htwI is the brightness of the pixel. -4 is the masimum luminance of the CRT and IVis the applied voltage in the range of O and 1. For a conventional CRT. gamma is aronnd -1.2. For couvenience. images oc photographs. especially those posted on the irirernet. rvhich are intended to be t-iewed pnmarily from a PC. are already gamma correcteri thring the encoding process so that no extra correction is needed wheu displa-ing them- The resulting colour space is cailed nonhear RGB space or sRGB space [118]. FICCRE4.2. coloitr cube

4.1.1. Coiour Spaces

Diie cc> the logarithrnic relationship between the perceiveci brightness by Iiiimanu and the actiial intensity. the linear RGB space is perceptually nonlinear. Moreover. this cdotir susteni is tiot intuitive sçince people are more acctistomed to the t hree ha- sic attributes of coloiir: hue. saturation. and bfightness. To correct these problems. riew rolotir spaces and transforniations of the RGB colour çpaces have been proposed [48, 147, 961. Some colour spaces are simply linear transformations of the RGB space: CIE 1931 .YYZ and Y..CIE 1960 YUK and CIE 1976 YU'V'. Coloiir spaces generated by nonlinear transformation incfude: 1-CBCR(.JPEGand SIPEG digital stanrlard). PhotoYCC(Kodak PhotoCD systern). HSI(Hue. saturation. and inten- situ). CIE 1976 (L'a'b'). and CIE 1976 (LBu"v"). Some colour spaces are obtained by collections of colour sarnples in the form of patches of paint. matches of cloth. pads of papers. or printings of inks. Such s-tems are referred to as colour order systems and include the SIunsell system. DIN Item. Coloroid system (designed for use by architects). and OS4 (Optical Society of America) system. Xo mathematical transformations have been proposed yet For these colour order systems escept the Slunsell -stem [771. CIE 1931 XYZ and Yxy The CIE 1931 SYZ system is defined such chat dl visible colours can be defined using ody positive \-dues 1141. Transformation from RGB CO SYZ is defined as:

~l-r-tiereboth the RGB and .YYZ values range from O CO 1. CIE also defines a normalisation process to compute the chroniaticity coordinates

CO facilitate the representation of colour in the absence of brightness: CIE 1960 Yuv and CIE 1976 Yu'v'

Both ILL:aiid Yu 'u' are desigried to produce a uniform chromatiçity scale tliagram in tvhirti a eoloiir clifference of unit magnitude is equnlly noticeable for al1 coloiirs. Howevvr. the lugarithrriic response of the human eye on brightriess is uot niorldletl. The Yur and ).ü 'u' are obtained by the following equations. and 1' is iinchanged frorxi the CIE .YkZ systeni. I-CBCRColour Space The l'CsCR colour space is used in the JPEG and MPEG digital image format. The t hree channels are luminosity(k'). bIue chrominance(Cs) and red chrominance(CR) The separation of luminance from chrominance allows image-compression techniques to cake advancage of the eue's Iesser need for resolution of cotour than of brightness. RGB dues are conmrted to IVCBCRdues in two steps. First. a nonlinear transfor- mation is applied co the signal. The resillting values are converted to kWCBCRthrough a linear transformation.

1;. = 0.2990 * R' +0.3S70 * G' +0.1140 * Br Cg = -0.1687 * R' -0.3313tG i-0.$000* B' CR = 0.3000 * R' -0.41Sï * G' -0.0813 * B' Photo YCC Colour Space The Kodak Photol-CC colour space is designed for encoding images with the PhotoCD sustem and is siniilar to the 1-CBCRcolour space. The only differenw is that a ciiiferent trrrnsforniation rnatris is used in the second sep. The goal of thtn Pl~otok'CCc-olour-tmmding scheme is to provide a definicion chat enables the wnsistent r~pr~s~~itationof cligitai colour images from negatives. slides. or other high- qiiality inpttt and ;~lIoivsrapid. efficient conversion for ndeo display. The nonlinearity of tliis wloiir spart* is brisrd lin the nurilinear property of video displays insteatl of the logarithrnic sensitivity of the human eye. For R.G. B > O.OIS

For R. G. B < 0.OlS 4.1 .lS. HS V (hue, saturation, and value) Colour Space Different versions of HSV colour space have been proposed in the literature [122] ;43]. The niost commonly useci HSC' colour space is the cylindrical space where ni~~itriunisaturation tloes not depend on the intemitu \due [1141. The probtem with this space is the high sensitit-ity to noise for vel dark colours. .-\lternative colour spaces are gcnerated with different relationships between the intensity and niri'rimum saturation. such as lineiir 1371 and quadïatic [1441. Despite niociificiitiriiis to the shapa of this çolour space. dl HSC' coIour spaces mnke no referencr to the percrptiori of light by the hunian vision sytern. The transforniation frritri RCB to KS\- proposed bu Travis 11221 is given bclow:

\- - R L- - G let R' = . Gr= and 1' - nlui(R.G. B) I- - min(R,G. B)' 1' - B B' = 1- - rmnt R.G. B) .j - B' if R = maz(R.G. B) and G = min(R.G. B) I - G' if R = max(R.G. B) and G f min(R.G. B) I - R' if G = rnax(R,G. B) and B = min(R.G. B) (4-L3) 3 - B' if G = mux(R.G. B) and B # min(R.G. B) 1 3 iG' if B = mar(R.G. B) and R = min(R.G. B) CIE 1976 L'u'b' and CIE 1976 L*uœf Both CIE L'rr'h' and CIE L'u'r;' color spaces arp intended to be uniform colour spaces. The colour differences in chromaticity and luminance are bath taken into account in the minimisation process of the variation of perceptual differences of unit vectors. The nonlinear transformation for L' is designed to mimic the logarithmic *.response of the human ey. The CIE L'u'c' colour space is based on the CIE 1976 IU'L" while CIE L'n'b' is based directly ou CIE -YYZ. The equation for the parameter L' is the same for both spaces:

\;,. S,,.and Zndefin~ the appropriately chosen reference white and un and c:, ;ire the mlii~sobtained €rom the tyuation for l'u'r' using this reference white point. The Muuseil System The 11unsell systern is one of the most widely used colour order systems. origi- nated by the artist A.H. Slunsell in 1905. .4n important feature of the hIunsell syçtem is rhat the coloiirs are arrangd so that. the perceptual difference betmeen any tmo neighbouring simples is as close to constant as possible. SIiyahara and Eoshida [77! proposed a transformation. cded the hthernaticai Transformation to SIunselI (SITSI). based on the CIE 1976 L'a'b'. However. this Îs jus an appro-ximation to the hIiinsell -stem. There does not exist a simple and exact mapping fiom RGB or SI--Z to the IIunsell coordinate. 4.1.2. Conclusions .\il linear transformations of the RGB space do not agree with the logarithmic brightness sensitivity of hiiman eyes. hong the nonlinear transformations. it is not clear which colour space has the highest perceptual uniformity and hoa much more iiniform one coloiir space is when compared to another colour space. 3evertheless. sirice the CIE L"ugr*and CIE L'u'b' colour spaces both have been tested esteusively using psychophysical esperiments [117]and are widely accepted as perceptually uni- forrti spaces. either one of these two colour systems can be used in representing the surface coloiir of objects. In particular. the CIE L'a'b' is selectcd for this project.

4.2. Texture Texture is an important attribute in descriting the surface properties of objects. Iniages of real objects ofteu eshibit certain particular patterns of colour. These patterns can be the resuIt of physical surface properties. such as irregular surface orientation. or theu coitlcl be the result of reflectance differences. such as differencc~s in rtiaterial and colour. This perception of texture. while very obvious and ~ffortless for humans. is v~rytiifficult to define forrnally and precisely. A large nuniber of f~atiir~shave beeri identified by researchers and have proven to play an important rnle in testure identification. These features indude cornenes. contrat. directionality. lint4ikrness. r~giilarit~roiighness. uniformity. density. linearity. direction. frequenc. phase. and coniplesity [120][1i[631.These featirres are not iridependent ancl arp mrr~latedwith t1ac.h other. such as directionaily and line-likeness. Because of the high tlimrnsionality of the textiire space. t hep is no single method of t~sturereprcsentation whi(.h iïit; nioclei iitltqiiately al1 aspects of testure [133].hIost texttir~r~searrh has bwn contluctrtl on the Brodatz texture collection, samples of which are illustrated in Figure 4.3. Although there is no generally agreed definition of texture. severai basic assump tions are commonly used in texture anaijsis. First. textures are homogeneous patterns or spatial arrangements of pixels. Ma- papers on texture have considered only gre- scalp images. although colour tesmre has become a focus of recent research [89][51]. Secondl- unlike colour. texture is a region propertt- inçtead of a point propert- =\s ii result. its definition must involve pi& in a spatid neighbourhood. The decision on selecting a suitable size for this neighbourhood depends on the texture type and FIGURE4 -3. Texture samples €rom the Brodatz collection the [rade-off b~tweennoise-suppression and edge-IocaIisation. LVitb a Iarger spatial support. a niore robust estimation of the testure can be obtained. At the same tirne. utilising a bigger neighbourhood reduces the spatial resolution of the texture by smoothing oiic the ~dges.The 1st assumption on texture is its multi-scalc prop erties. For example. a coarse tiew of a tree shows the leaves and branches while a 'Ioser look at the tree rewals the fine detaiis of the bark and the veins of the Ieaws. Cnfortunatel. it k unclear mhere thii transition (when the leaves are perceiveci as objects by themselves) occurs in texture segmentatiou-

4.2.1. Related Work on Texture

-4substmtiai amount of work ha. been done on the problem of texture analpis. classification. segmentation. and q-nthesis. -1 large nwnber of suri-eys have already b~enpublished [1421 [40][138] (1351 1281 [100][84] (1331 [98]on texture analysis alone. In [133].Tucepan and Jain categorise existing texture models into four major classes: statistical. geometrical. model-based, and signal processing met hod. Statisti- cal methods extract texture features from the spatial distribution of grey values. such as co-occurrence matrices [41].rnder the category of geometrical methods. texture is defined as a composition of Texture elements" or primitives. Voronoi tessellation features proposed bu Turceryan and Jain [132]is one example of this category. [n riiotlel-basecl niethocis. testiires aepresumed to possess certain structures and these structures cati be rlescribed IocdIy. Based on these assumptions. SIarkov random fields ( JIRFs) (881 and fractal geornetp are commonly used for rnodelling images. These methods can be used not only for describing texture. but also to syrithesize it. In signal processing methods. the testure fmtures are obtained from a set of filter~rl images. Studies in psychophysiology have suggested that the visual systern rlccorii- poses thtx iriiag~forniecl on the retina into filtered images of various freqi~enriesartcl orientiitioris [12].The stuciy conducted by De iTaloiset al. 1251 on the brsiri of the triaratlue rriorikey coriclutled that simple ceIIs in the visual cortex of the nionkcy arc tiinerl to narrow ranges of frequencv and orientation. Moreover. the reccptiw fields of simple cells can be niodelled closeiy by Gabor functions. Thcse studies have led to the use of rnulti-channel anaiysis for texture representation. -4s a result. Gabor and wavelct niotlels. in particuhr. are wideIy used for texture analysis. \éry few qiiantitatiw cornpiirisons between different texture feature representii- tion schemes have been presented- Most stiidies have used mosaic images for bench- rnarking. These test images are generated by randomly selecting two or more testitre samples from the Brodatz's cotlection and then combining them side-by-side CO f~rm a texture rnosaic. Despite the srnd number of comparative studies. experimentai re- stilts do not agree with each other [98][16].Co-occurrence features give the best per- forrilance in the studies of Strand and Tavt 11191 and Ohanim and Dubes [83].mhile Law [63]and Pietikainen et.& [94] had the opposite conciusions. Recently. Randen and Hitioy [981 comparecl a large nurnber O€ ûitering approaches including the Gabor filter. different versions of the mlet. and two classical non-filtering approaches. co- occurrence and auto-regressive features. This study shows that the performance of various filtering approaches tqfor different textures. Yo single approach performs consistently nie11 for al1 test images. and thus. no single approach may be selected as the clear mimer. However. if on- the overail performance is examined. the 16-tap FIR quadrature mirror filter bank achieves the best overall results. To obtain the performance on rdscene images instead of exthetic images. Chang, Bowyer. and Sivaguranath [16] compare gre-Ievel co-occurrence, Laws texture energy and Gabor filters on 35 real images. Their results show chat the performance of these three testure algorithms is much higher rvhen tested on mosaic images than on real scenes. For esaniple. 85% classification rate for Gabor filten on mosaic image and 71% on real images. In this stiidy, Gabor fitters offer the best performance. The 2tssiimptions and objective for segrnenting real scene images differ from that of segmenting mosaic images. For a real scene. it is preferable to have the image segregated into several uon-overlapping regions depending on their perceptual sini- ilarity. since the size of the objects may va- from 5-pixels wide to half the sizc of tti~rvholt* image. On the other hünd. the objective of segmenting mosaic images is to segregate clifferent testure patches regarcllclss of their visilal siniilarity. Thiis. it is tifsirable to test not only a texture algorithm's discriniination power. but iilso how r.losr the distatice meaurc is to the perceived difference. In an attenipt to reduce the dimensionality of the texture space, Ri10 ancf Lohse [99] have conductecl a psyhophysicai experiment to identify the high level featurts that ilïe most relevant to the attentive perception of textures. To achieve this. the? tiad 20 siibjects pcrforni an unsupervised classification of 30 pictures from Brodacz's albuni. Both hierarchicd clustering analysis and rnultidimensional scaIing analysis are iised to icientiF; and verify the dimensionality of the experimental data. This andysis shows that 95.5% of the ~ariabilityin the classification data is preserved in a thr~e- tlimensional space. Rao and Lotise interpret these axes as repetition. orientation. and complesity. Although the sample size of 30 may not be large enough to giw a romplete picture of the texture space. the result of this study still indicates that rnany testure features arp highly correlated and as few as three dimensions may be erioiigti to rpprrlsent a n- id^ variety of textures.

4.2.2. Related Work on Unsupervised Segmentation of Nat u- ral Images LImy new image segmentation aigorithrns proposed in the last few yars utilise both colour and texture to segment images. Most of these algorithms have been tested on a large set of reai images to show their robustness and performance. Carson et. al. [13]use joint colour. texture. and position as feature vectom Instead of using classical methods for representing texture. they introduce a nod method to estirnate the scaie parameter of the underlying texture. At each pi'rel location. the average niagnitutle and direction of edge vectors within a local neighbourhood at several scales are çomputed. The process of estimating the ..actua17' texture scale is based on the changes in the magnitude and direction of the local edge vectors across scales. This rnethod is similar to a soft version of local spatial frequency estimation. Thrre texture features. polarity. anisotropy. and scale. are extracted. bïlliams and .Ilder 11441 rise a rnask for feature extraction. The mask consists of k*k blocks and rach block is n pixels wide. LVithin each block. the average intensity, standard deviation of intensity. and average colour are computed. Within this frameivork. texture is implicitly estracted hy the standard deviation of intensity within each block and the spatial distribution of colour within the rnask. Liu and Picard [65] have investigated ihc \hic1 random field mode1 for modelling texture. The Wold mode1 decornposes the image into three niutually orthogonal components which can be described as p~rioclicity.directioriality. and randomness. These three propenies corresponcl to the three most iniportant perceptuai dimensions identified by Rao and Lohse. [99].

4.2.3. Texture Representation -4s C~~SÇ~SSCCIin the review papers. not a singie representacion scheme can bc idetitified as the rlear ninner that can perform consistently weil on al1 test images. Herire. it is not clear how to select a particular scheme for general image segrneu- cation. However. since the segmentation resirlts are usually judged b- a human. it n-oirld be riesirable to have the texture representation scheme that most ctosely re- smibles the hurnan visiial systeni. In particuIar. Gabor filters have proved to mode1 siiffkiently the psychopht.sica1 data obtained in texture discrimination experinients 1221 i55I. Sloreover. Gabor filters have some desirable optimaiity properties. They attziin rmximurn joint resdution in the space acd frequency domains [23].This prop erty ïs highly valuable in balancing the conflicting objectives of accurate estimation of texture fritures in the frequenq domain and good spatial Iocalisation. Hence. Ga- bor Lilters are selected to represent texture- Transformation on this temure space to simulate the orientation inmiance and perceptual uniformity dlalso be discussed in the following sections. 4.2.4. Gabor Filter Bank A '2-D Gabor function can be defined as a cornplex sinusoid modulated by a 2-D Gaussian function in the spatial domain. Thus. Gabor functions are coniplex-valueri functions in 8'. However. some techniques use real-c-alued. even-symmetric Gabor filters only [53]. -4 fa mil^. of 2-D Gabor function g(x. y) and its Fourier transforrn

G(u.L') are characcerised by the foiiowiag formulas [691:

ivhert* cr,, = !/'27(~,i11~d u, = 1/2ïïag. 0 is the orientation of thc Gabor kernel. cr, and cr, control the wirlth clf the Gaussian envclope and j is the frequency of the sin~isoidül naveforni. The frreqirency and orientation setective properties of a Gabor filter are more esplicit in the freqiiency dornain as shown in equatiori(4.19). Figure 4.4 shows the real and iniaginary parts of a Gabor filter with 8 = O. a wavelength of 5.3 pixels. and ii~iityaspect ratio (O, = O,). The frequency response of the filter is also shom uri the sanie figure. Parameter selection Dtie to the fact that Gabor wavelets are not orthogonal. some information in the filtered images is redundant and some of the origind data may be Lost. Hence. the de- sign objective is to utilise the smaiiest number of Gabor füters to cover approximately the mhole feature space- This objective can be achieved b-hat-ing the half-peak mag- nitude of the filter responses in the frequency dornain touch each other. -4s in [53] [69]. the half-peak radial frequency bandwidth. Br,and orientation bandwidth, Be FIGURE4.4. (a) Real and (b) imaginary components of a Gabor 61- trr with a mvelength (11f) of 5.3 pixels and unity aspect ratio. (c) Frcqiiency response of this filter.

are given by

where Br is in octaves and Bo is in degrees. If the Frequency of two consecutive scales are fI and t2.the required bandwidth. Br is then given by log2(fL/ f2). Once the highest radial frequency ( fo) and the scaling factor of the kernels (fù/fi) are fiued. the width of the Gaussian fiinction (0, and a,) can be obtained From equationsf4.20 and 4.21). FIGURE4.5. The frequency response of a dyadic bank of wit h :3 scales and 1 orientations.

\Vheri ittipIcmenting ir Gabor BIter bank. it is necessa- to çhoose the niimber of walt~s(tv:iv~lengths) anci orientations. This determines the total number of channels in the filter bank. Randen and Husoy [98] found that the performance of texture rlassification increascs with the number of featureç. The ov~raIIbst texture featim repr~sentationin t heir stiidy also has the highest feature dimensionality of 40. On thta r-rintrary. Smith [Il31 rliscm-~redthat the algorithm with -3 scales and 4 orientations gaw the hpst overall accuracy on 10 texture classiiîcation probkms. He founcl that utiiising a higher number of scales and orientations could have negatiw eefects on performance. He called this observation the peaking phenornenoa. The freqitency rrsponse of the bank of 12 Gabor fdters at 3 scales and 4 orientations is shown in Figure 4.5. This filter bmk çovers most of the frequency plane except for the low t'requen- range at the centre. For natural images. tom frequency filters niII pict up the structure of objects rather than the objects' texture. Hence. it is preferabte to excIude the estremely low frequency filters. One of the major issues in lirter design reiates to the eficiency of filter impiemen- catiou. In the general form of the Gabor function, it is not a separable filter. This rnerins a single convolution of a Gabor function and an image. with a size of K x K and 'i x S respectiveiy. requîres -VA"- multiplications and additions. One way to reduce this cornpurational workioad is by reducing the redundancy of the Gabor cle- composition using a pyramidal approach [38]. Because of the frequency selective property of the Gabor filter. the band-passed image can be subsampled without any loss of information. Hence. efficient methods. such as Burt's HDC method [IO].can be used to dom-sample the image before the convolution. However. this approach also liniits the choice of subband deconiposition to d-dic (octave band) decomposi- tion. Ir shoultl also be noted chat the Liltered images are smailer than the original image due to the sub-sarnpling. In order to generate a feature rnap ac the highest resolution. iipsampling ancl interpolation is required. An alternative soliition to this problem is proposed in [51].The Gabor function is tlecomposed into 2 separable fiinctions. The requirernent for this decornposition is to use a circuliir shaped racher than an eliiptical shaped Gaussiaii function. Replaciiig both 6, and O,, bu a single variable a. the Gabor function in equatiori 4-18 vilri hr rxpr~ssetias a separable function as fo1lon.ç:

This filter is more etfivient to impiement than the direct implernentation sincc c~onvolvirigan K x K filter with an .V x .V image takes only 2h-.V2 computations. Bf-sitles. iinlike the pyarnidal approach. there is no constraint on the scaling factor of the Gabor filter banks ancl no upsampling is required as the Filtered outputs already have the sarne dimensions as the ciriginai image.

4.2.5. Generation of Texture Feature Set

An ovenien- of the generation of a texture feature set is shom in Figure 4.6. First. a set of Gabor filters is appiied to the input image. generating n texture chan- nels. These filter responses are then subjected to a series of linear and nonlinear transforruations and smoothing to forrn the 6nal texture feature maps. Linear Transformation on Texture Space For natural scene images. it is desirable chat the texture features are invariam to rotation and scaling. For example. the sttipes of the zebra in Figure 4,Ïa are at different orientations and scaies. In order to have the zebra segmenteci out as a single region. the texture features must be insensitive to changes in orientation and scale. -


FIGCRE4.6. Block diagram of the generation of texture features. T~P filter barik (FB) generates -V texture channels. The first linear transfor- mation (LT1) approsimates the orientation-invariance transformation. resulting in fi channels where K 5 .V. The nest nonlinear transforma- cion (NTl)and low-pass filter (LPF) produce a local energl- estimation of the filter output. The second nonlinear transformation (ST2) is included to compensate for the effect of ?;Tland the final linear trans- formation (Lm)improves the perceptual uniformit? of the testiire space.

One \va? to rmove the orientation selectivity of the Gabor filters is by sumniing the filter rcsponses of tlifferent orientations at each scale [114].The resdting filttlr arts Iik~a band-pascd filter which can be modelled by Difference-of-Gaussian (DOG) tilr~rs.The magnitude of the Gabor outputs of the zebra image are show in Fig- ure 4.7. This test image esplicitly shows the discriminative power of the Gabor filrers on scalc and orientation. The horizontal stripes are completely separated fom the vertical and diagonal ones. Honever. the testure features of the zebra's Lori? forni

SPYPC~tvell-s~parat~d (-Iusters. From the rombiried channels. (f) and (k). the shap~of th^ zehra ht.comes more prominent and complete. [t should be stated that combining channels of clifferent orientations miIl lower the discrimination pomr since classifica- tion betwetlri ttvo trsttire regions can no longer be based on the distribution of enerc across different orientations. That means two textures are not distinguishable if their total amount of energ-- nithin each frequency channels is the same. regardIess of t heir tfirectionality (eg. tnono-direction or bidirections). Fortunatel- this situation seldom happens in naturai scenes. Local Energy Measure [t is a common practice to use the locd energies as the texture features. rather than directly ixsing the output of the filters. This approach is understandabLe since the filter otitput of a sinusoidal signal dlstiii be a sinusoid, see Figure 4.7. (b)-(f) F~GURE4.7. (a)=\ zebra image. Magnitude of different texture chan- ncls at 2 scales and 4 orientations :(b)-(e) capture the high frequency components of the image and (f) is the summation of (b)-(e). (g)-(j) capture the Iow frequency components and (k) is the summation of (d-(j). in particiilar. Henw. a local energ't function. such as a Gaussian, rectangular. or circular function. is iised to estimate the energy in a small local region, Jlrnong these functions. the Gaussian kernel clearly outperforms the other cwo functions because of its smooth transition frorn the centre to the boundary without iuiy discontinuities. fo achieve high edge localisation. a small neighbourhood is preferred. On the other hand. to achieve accurate energy estimation. a large local neighboruhood is required. -1s a compromise. the size of the filter will be set to a function of the radiai frequency of the Gabor filter. -1Gaussian smoothing function. a, = l/(?&f) is used by Randen ancl Husoy [98] and a, = 0.51 f is suggested by Jain and Fanokhnai [53!. III order to increase the feature distance behveen difFerent testures while reducing the variance wit hin each texture region. a nonlinear function is cornmonly applied brior~the smoothing. Commonly used nonlinearities are magnitude 1x1. squaring (1)'.i~nd rectified sigrnoid Itanh(a - r)l. To provide a feature value that is in the sarrie units as the input signal. a second nonlinear function is applied. This function is an inverse of the first nonlinear function to counterbaIance its effect. Differ~nr rharnrteristics of these noniineariries can be obtained by testjag thern on a test signai. Because of the band-lirniced property of Gabor filters. the filter output will contain a seL of sinusoidal signals within the frequency bandwidth of the filter. The strength of these signals are iisually not the same depending on their central frequencies and aniplitudes. Hence. a test signai is created to simulate three different testurd regions. for siniplicity These regions are two sine maves which differ in magnitude and ri iwrt3spurise region. Salt and pepper noise is added to the signal to sirnulate the randornness and rincertainty in real images. This test signal and the resulting local rnergies are shown in Figure 4.8. The saturation parameter. a. of the sigmoid function is 5t.t to 0.25 as suggested by dain and Farrokhnia 1531. -4 larger due for this parmieter will cause the signal to satiirate more rapidly. causing the sine wave to berorne more similar to a square we. From Figure 4.8b. comparing the fluctuations in the second region and the differences between the mean energy of the three regions.

KP can see that the sigrnoid function produces the smaiiest intra-texture t-ariation while squaring achieves the highest inter-texture separation. From experimentation. ive have found that it is more important to have a larger interillas distance than a lower intra-ciass variance. As a result. squaring di be used in the subsequent esperiments. FIGCRE4.8. (a) Test signal. two sine wvaves with different magnitude and a no response region. with sait and pepper noise. (b)Local energy tstimated hy three different nonlinear functions: magnitude. squaring. and rectified sigrnoid. a = 0.25. Perceptual Uniformity of Texture Space Cnlike the colour space. there is no generally agreed perceptually uniforrn testure spacp. Howxcr. it is still desirable to have a tezure spacc that at least does not violate an- obvioiis perceptud properties of texture. For example. a testure wvith a clorriiriant direction at a high spatial frequency dlbe perceptually doser to a testure tvith a similar surface pattern at a lower spatial frequency than to a smooth non- texture region. If the orientation-invariance transform is performed. the nuniber of tpsture rhannels wvill be reduced from 23 to 3. one charnel per scale. The rtlliulting trstiirtl qxiw ~'it~it)r twsily visua-elised in 3-D as show in Figure 4.9a. where y,. y.?. mti g:i correspond to thc responses of the low. medium and high spatial frequency coniponents. If one calculates the Euclidean distance between the three vertices. cl. r2.and r3,of the triangle in Figure 4.9a. and the distance between t hese t hree points ti, the origin. it is clpar that the distance is fi between cl. c?. and UJ. and 1 hetween an! of these points to the origin. This means chat these three points are closer to the origin than to each other. The 1-isua1 rneaning of these four points is: UI has a unit arnoiint of energ'. at low hequency. mhile L? and (;3 have the same amount of energy at niedium and high spatial frequencies respectivei. Obviously. the origin corresponds to a non-testured region. Aithough it is not cIear how similar these four texture features are muid never be the case that a texture region like q or i- is cioser to a smooth region than a region iike al which contains a similar amount of energy. Hence. the objecti~eof tbtransformation is to rectifj this problem so FICL'RE4.9. -1transforrnatioa of the texture space is proposed to im- prove the perceptual uniforrnity. This transformatiûn normalises the disriince betwen the origin and the three vertices vl. t.2. and v3 and t hr distanc-r h~ t~v~~nt hese t hree vertices.

that the distance hetwem a- of these four points is the same. One Iinear transforni chat iichieves this objtctivc is ;LS folloivs:

tvhcre 3 k a weighting factor that controls the relative importance of scale differences in the new horizontal plane. si. sz. versus the differences in totai amount of energy. sa. This transformation is a combination of rotation and scaling (sec Figure 4.9b). After the transformation. the three t-ectors become:

To deterniine the of the parameter 3. one can set the distance berneen uy and the ongin and the distance betmeen cl and zt2 in the new feature space to be the same. hfter simple manipulation. the dueof 3 is lound to be To cornpress

Further the distance betiveen t.1. Q, and q. a smaiier duefor 3 cm be used. 4.3. Feat ure Int egrat ion

Aiter extracting features for coIour. texture. and position. they must be combined to fom a single friture vector. There are several issues that need to be addressed before this can be achieved. The hrst issue is the dependency of the three sets of features. tn fact. the colour and cexture of any region are highly correlated. -1non- rero vtytor in texture space implies that the surface colour in the local neighbourhood is not uniforni but varying. either randomly or in a regular pattern. Hence. a iiniforni testiiretl region will tiot be uniform in colour space. In order to have a textureci region rernain intact after segmentation. the colour and texture features of the pixels within this region must forni a well-separated single cluster. This can be done by replacing the colour mith the average computed from a Iocal region. The size of this local region should be proportionai to the scdc! of the texture. The straightfortvard way to tlstimate the restiire scde is to !ocate the scale which contains the largest amoiint of energy. Hoivever. this rnethod Iimits the resoiution of scaie to the number of freqiiericy bands used for texture extraction. To increase this resolution without increasing the niiriiber uf filters. intrrpola&m cari be us&. Let el. ez. and cx be the arriuiirit of energ'- at thr~escales and XI. A?. and X3 be the wavelengths of the corresponding ttwiire channel. Then. the scale. S. can be estirnated using the following formula:

tvh~rethe first term is the estimate of S. and the second term is the confidencr of rhis ~srirriate.CVhtw the magnitudes of et. e2.and e3 are srnall. such as in a irniform region. the scale of the testure is meaningless. Hence. the sum of e 1. e?. and e3 can be iised as a rneasiire of the confidence of the estimation. The constant. st. concrols the satirration of this merisure. The estimated scale of the image in Figure 4.7 is shown in Figure 4.10. The second issue in featiire incegration concem the dynamic range ofeach feature and their relative importance in perceptual grouping. Depending on the feature estraction method. the d>namic range can tan; dramaticaiiy. For example. if RGB colour space is used for representing colour. the dynamic range of each colour channel is O to 235. However. if the Lab colour space is used instead. the dyamic range is O to 100 for L. 400 to 500 for a. and -200 to 200 for 6. -4,s a result. the features FIGURE4.10. Estimated texture scaIe of the image in figure 4.7. Brighter regions indicate larg~rscales. r:irist hc nornidised so that differtlnt featurcs (coIour, texture. and position) al1 have rht. same varinnrr and rm h~ tronipard directly It would also b~ desirabk to scril~ thr cfynaniic range of each fraturt. so that the perceived diffwence of tivo regions rvhirh differ t~ one unit in a- dimension of feature space would be the same. Hencc. ~i1r.hfcatiir~ is scal~dbu a weighting Factor. which represents both normalisation and scaling. More clic integration. Since no perceptual theov exists regarding hon to splm these parameters. these weights nlII be deterrnined empirically. The fina1 ftutiirr wctor is hmed as follot;:

where IL-,.. lri. ancl IL-, are the meights for colour. texture. and position. respectivelu. iinrt (cl. (.:>. Q). (tl.t2. ... tk).and (pl.p?) are the coordinates of colour. texture and position respectively. CHAPTER 5

Image Segmentation

Segnientatioii is ii proces of partitioning a digital image into disjoint connecteci sets of pisels. iwh of which c:orresponds to an object or region in the spatial domain. The division of an rrnagc into regions is baseil on criteria such as similarit? and proximit. such that each region is homogeneow and no union of any two regions is hoinop~rioous rvith rttspecL tu the sanie criteria. Image segmentation is a very critical coniponent of iin image processing system because mors at this stage infiuence feature extractioii. cl;issific;~tion. and intcrpretacion. Therefore. image segmentation has lotig been an ac-tiw restsarçh topic in image processing since the euly 10's [91. Despite a L-3st aniounc of researrh. the performance of even the most state-of-the-an techniques are sri11 les chan satisfactory and cannoc be regarded as general purpose. In this chapter. a brief revi~w(3f ~sistingtechniques on image segmentation is given. Issues concerning rhe irnplementation of the s~lectedsegmentation method wi11 also be discussed.

5.1. Review of Image Segmentation Techniques

[n general. image segmentation techniques cm be classified into four major classes: i.Iustering-based. etige-based. region-based. and hybrid methods. Clustering-based rnethorls refer to groupings that are done in measurement or feature space. white rdge-based and region-based methods refer to groupings that are done in the spatial tfoniain of the image. The main ciifference betmeen an edge-based and a region- based method Les in the different segmentation criteria. in a edge-based method. the segmentation process is based on spatial discontuiuity. On the other hand. in a region-based method. it is based on spatial similarity among pixels. Hence. region- based methods are the 1ogicaI dual to the edge-based methods. The last catego- hybrid methods. are combinations of one or more of the 6rçt three methods which take advantage of their strengths and minimise their weaknesses.

5.1.1. Clustering-based Met hods

Clustering is a type of classification imposed on a finite set of objects or datiim points. Each objw is çlassified to one of the cluster labels depending on its relation- ship to other objects. This relationship can be represented by a proximity niatrk or distances between objects in a d-dimensional space. A brief review of approaches that have been applied to image segmentation is given below. For more detailed tlesçriptions. readers are to [52].

This "claïsical" method is probabIy the best-known and most niclely-~isrcl for (.lustering data. If the clusters are weI1 separaced. il mininium-distance classifier cari be usetl to separate them. In this method. the means of k clusters are estimatecl by a r~cursivelabelling and updating procedure. First. an initial guess of the riurnb~r of clusters and their means must be provideci as input to the classifier. One popiilar rriethod for ohtaining the means of the k clusters is by randomiy selecting k sarnpies Irnni thc data set as an initial guess. Next. a minimum distance classifier is used tu dassify the ot)jtws mto ilne of the k clusters. After the labelling. the rneans cd the cliisters arc- replaced by the centroùis of the new resiilting cliisters. This proccss is r~peatecliintil no changes are made to any object in a given cycle. The rnethod is very siniple and works well for large and well-separated data sets. Cnfortunately- this niethoci also has a number of disadvantages. First. the nurnber of clusterç mrtsc be knon-n in acltmce. which itself is a very difficult problem. This algorithm may ii1~0not converge to the reaI cluster centre if the clusters are unbalanced or elongated c-lusters are involved and the result produced depends on the initial dues of the means. Recently. modifications to this method have been proposed to improve its robiistness and efficimcy. such as fuzzy k-means and sequential k-means [931. Density Estimation Another popular approach to clustering is to estimate the underlilng densil of the rlatum points and to allocate each point to one of the identiiied populations. If the forrn and number of underlying population densities cm be determined in advance. pararnetric density estimation met ho& cm be used. Ot hemise. non-parametric den- sity estimation methods should be used instead. One conirnonly used density mode1 for parametric density estimation methods is the Gaussian density îunction and the underlying densities are açsurned to be a rnk- tiirt3 of y Gaussian densities [lS]. If this assumption holds. and a rough estimation of the number of clusters or classes is available. then the parameters of the population ciensities cari be estirnated from the data by maximising the likelihoocl of the pa- ranieters. A nimber of techniques. such as the E'cpectation-hlxcirnisation algorithrri. can be iised to obtain the optimum soIution. The major rlrawback of this methoti is the iissuniptioti about population densities which limits its application. For natur;il wries. this Gaussian i~urnptiondoes not seem to hold for niost situations. CC'ithorit any assiirnptions about the distribution of daturn points. non-paramecric nicthods itïc based solely on the notion that clusters are regions of featiire space having high density and separated hy regions of low data density. The probability tiensity tstirriate at a point r is determineci by a weighted summation of clatum points falling withiri a sniall region aroiintl s. Clusters are then identifieci by locating local rlensity- niasirria. Sirice thet? is uo n~edto specifj- in advance the shape and nurnber of the cltisters (determinecl from the nurnber of local maxima). this approach is niore general and van be merl to idenci- anv unknawn or irregular shapecl clusters. Pairwise Data Clustering Sometirnes the characteristics of a data set cannot be represented in a metric space. Instead. the? are characterised indirectly by paintise cornparisons as in a prosirnity rnatrix or graph, Advamages of pairnise cornparisons over distance in nietric. spiice inclutle the support of higher Ieve[ similarity chat violates the triangular inequality [105][5]. However. techniques for Cinding the optimum partition or merging arnong the (fatum points basecl on the more generai similarity matrk are. in general. lc~ssefficient and require more merno- storage [llO][97]. For example. the proximitv matri\: of a small image of size 128x128 has n' = 268.000.000 entnes.

5.1.2. Edge-based Methods

Segmentation can be obtained by detecting the boundaries of various regions. This task is usuaily accomplished by tocating points of abrupt change in locaI features. such as intensit. colour. or surface texture. A large variety of edge-detection methods are available in the literature. such ris the Sobel. Preaitt, Roberts. and Canny edge operators. However. since the edges are often broken. edge linking is required to ensurr chat the boundaries form dosed contours. Because of the small spatial support of the edge detercor. the edges are very close to the actual boundaries. Hoivever. due to the srune fact. this operator is very susceptible to noise and false edges can appear in highly testured regioos. Ma and SIanjunath [68] have proposed a novel boundary detection scheme. which they called .-ccIge Row' , to facilitate the inregration of difftwnt image attribut~sfor edge dccection.

5.1.3. Region-based Met hods

Region-basecl methods are the logical tlual to the edge-based methocis. Instead of locating changrs in surface properties. region-based methods detect the honmgeneous regions clirec-tly. iisually by iteratim split and rnerge phases. Cnlike the dge-basecl methods. a measure of region homogeneity must be defined in advance. In general. aivailable approaches for the cask can be dividecl into two groups. region growing and split-iind-merge. In a region growing approach. a number of riniform regions (seeds) ilre givca a priori and the siirrounding piuels are merged to one of these seeds (region groming) if the iiniformity criteria rire satisfied. For split and merge methods. non- iinifcirrri nlgioris are broken doim into smaIler areas until all the resrllting regions are rlassifieri as --iiniform" based an the uniformity criteria. Nest. neighbouring regions iiïe rwnpared and niergetl if the- are close enough in fcatiire space. In all cases. the qiiality of the segmentation output is directly related to the tiniforniity criteria. and tience the selection of a good uniformity rneasure is vital for success. Recently. Deng et al. [26{ introduced a new measure for hornogeneity. called the .I measure. which mesures the uniformity of colour distribution in a locai region. By doing this. colour- texture patterns are incorporateci into the homogenei- measure and thus no explicit texture feature estraction is needed. In generai. region-based methods are more robust than edge-based methods because segmentations are based on much Iarger local neighbourhoods. However. according to uncertain- theory. this approach dso has poor boundary localisation. 5.2 SON-P-kRXtIETRiCDI-rSTTY ESTllL4TION FOR ihL4GE CLCSTERDiG

5.1.4. Hybrid Methods Each approach mentioned in the previous sections has both advantages and draw- backs. Hence. it is desirable to combine some of the existing methods. making use of each approach's advantages. Because of the duality property of edge-based ancl region-based methotls. these methods are commonly combined [15](921 [6]. Zhii ancl liiille 11501 have proposed a methad cailed region cornpetition" to uni- existing ttlchriiques siich as snake/b;illoon rnodels. region growing. and Bayesian/SIDL (min- inium clescription lerigth) within a statistical framework. Nazif and Levine [80]haw proposeci a rule-based approach mhich systematically organises md applies a large iitirritwr of cliffercnt heirristics for Iow level image segmentation.

5.1.5. Conclusions Each niethod ha its own arlvantages and disadlantages. Edge-baser1 methods iichiev~good loralisation but are sensitive to noise. On the other hand. region-based niethods are niorc robust but at the eypense of poorer ecige localisation. .Uthoiigh hy- brid ttiethods protluce thc bcst segmentation results. these approaches are. in general. niore cornples ancl cornpiitationally espensive. Also. since the objective of this thesis is focused on rra1 scenes. it is preferable to select a method which imposes a niini- niurn numher of assumptions on the image formation and the form of the underlying populations. ?rrtiong the mttthods m~ritionedabove. non-paranictric clensity estima- tion satisfies the niininiuni assumptions requirement. [t also provides featiire clerisity information that is needed for the enstring attention process. Thus. this method is itstvl for wgnienting rcal scenes in this work.

5.2. Non-parametric Density Estimation for Image Clustering

The methotl described here folloms the morks in 1911 and [20].Yon-parametrir. rliistering starts with the estimation of the densi- Let {-Ya),=,...,be a set of n tlatum points in the d-dimensional space. Then the muitivariate density estimation at a point x is tlefined as: rrhere h is the radius of the density estimation kernel and K(r)is the dcnsity esti- mat ion kernei. The optimum kemeI yielding minimum mean integrated square error (MISE) is the Epanech-Nilrov kerneis[ll2]:

wherr rd is the volume of the hypersphere. Other types of kernels, such as linear arid Gaussian ;Ire also frequently used.

5.2.1. Clustering Algorithm

The steps for the clustering are describecl below:

O Geriercite rr rrrnrlorn su&-sampleof the dntum points. To speed up the compiita-

rion. it sct of m points Si...S,is randomly selected €rom the data. Moreover. i~ider tu retliice oiitliers ancl -'invalid" düttrm points. pisels lying cm the rcgions of abrupt changes in spatial domain tire exclucied frorn thc sample W. a Estinide the 1oc.d Jerisity of euch point in the saniple .set und then ctpply the grrtdierrt-crscent or hill-climbing method to lowte the local muirno. For eacti saniple point S,.rqilation(5.L) is iised to estimate the density at -Y,. k nearest

neighbours tif each data point are also determined. The gradient ascent niethod is usecl to associate each data point to a nearby density maximum by moving dong the point of highest density among the k nearest iieighbriurs. Mwqe rieurby r:luster centres. An? pair of cluster centres ivhose distance is less chan a chreshold ndi be merged. If no significant valley exists between an? two c1itster centres. these clusters will also be merged. a Re-cluseif~nyfhe sarnples. Each sample point is relabeiled to the chster de- Cined by a majority of its k nearest neighbours. Fewer nearest ncighbours can be used if smdl chsters are expected. Hiemrchtcal ciusterzrry. After the cluster centres are found. the? are merged together hierarchicdly The criterion for this merging process is the inter- cluster distance. Homever. thi criterion can produce undesirable results. such as merging mo well-separated but close ciusters before other well-connected chsters t hat have centres hrther apan in feature space. To avoid this probiem. PauweIs and Frederk [91j have taken a different approach. First. the choice 5.2 NON-PARAMETRIC DENSITY ESTMATION FOR IMAGE CLESTERING

of h (the width of the density estimation kernel) and k (the number of nearest neighbours) are set to resuit in an over-segmentation of the feattture space. Then, the clusters are merged based on the ratio of densities at the saddie point and the neighbouring cluster centres, thereby produchg an ordered tree of clustering. They defineci the saddle-point as the point of maximal density among the boundaxy points which have neighbours in both clusters. Depending on the size of k, the estimation of the saddle-point cm deviate from the actual boundary by the distance to the kt" nearest neighbour. To reduce this emr, the boundary points can be further limited to points having at least 30% of neighbom in both clusters. The reason provided by the authors for using density instead of distance in the merging process is to avoid the undcorne chaining-efkt of hierarchicai clustering. However, if distance information is ignored completely, the merging process will be vulnerable to error and noise in the density estimation, especiaüy for smaü clusters. Hence, it is better to merge the clusters bdon both density and distance. To make these two measures directly comparable, the distance is normalised by the average inter- cluster distance. Preference can be given to indicate the relative importance of density and distance. Rom experimentation, the bat clustering results are achieved when the relative weights between density and distance are in the ratio of 10:l. a Selecting the optimum nvmk of clusters. At the last stage, the number of clusters is deterrnined from indices of cluster-vaiidity or an absolute threshold. This topic will be discussed in the next section.

5.2.2. Cluster Validity Indices and Stopping Criteria Determining the number of clusters present in an image is a very dif6cult probiem. This anSes Çom the unclear dation of what is a good segmentation. For artificid images, it is easy to produce a definition since the ground truth of the image formation is known a priori. However, for natnral images, obtaining the ground hthis not at al1 an easy task or may even be impossible. As discussed in Chapter 2, any image can be interpreted at different levels of abstraction and it may not be dear which level of abstraction is optimal for a given image. As a redt, many image segmentation techniques reIy on specifw heuristics badon the appIication area, and the d&tion of a good segmentation is hard-coded into the program. Although heuristics are widely iised in a variety of fields. it is desirable to have a mathematical definition of a good segmentation so chat it can be analysed systematically. In [52]. a large number of indices of cluster diditu are reviewed. such as the Davies-Bouldin index (DB)and the modified Hubert r index (MH).The problem with these indices is that they al1 are baseci on the assumption of Gaussian-shapecl and well separated clusters. To overcome this probleni. Pauwels and Freder~v[91] have proposed a new non-parametric measure for cluster validity which does not exhibit an? shape preference. To compare the performance and validity of different indices in image st~gmentation.three different niethods are considered and analysed experimentdly: a simple chreshold-baser1 index. the !WH index. and the Paiiwels and Frrclerix's non- parmietric nieasures. The relison for selecting these methods is because they represent chree major clitises of cluster riliclity indices. from simple threshold rnethods to nicire i-omplex indices bath with and withoiit any specific assumptious on the distribution of th^ data set. In the following. a brief review on these methods is provicled and th^ iinalytiral rtwilts dlbe presented in Chapter 6. Thceshold-based Index Thrcvtiotds arr wry ronirnonly used as stopping criteria beraiise of their simplicity (no additional wmpiitations is reqiiiretl). Hoivever. in general. the? require firie- ttinirig to optimise performance. This can be an advantage if it is eaçy to tiinc, this . para1rietr.r. or a disacivantagt. othenvise. Since hierarchical clustering i.: basetl on tht> rlensity and distance hetween the clusters. a threshold on this measure cm be usrcl ifi a scopping criterion. Thus. clusters are merged if the following condition is satisfiecl:

where rlensit!/(i.~)is the ratio of the density at the saddle-point between ctuster 1 and cliister j and the ciensity at the cluster centres. and distancefi.j) is the distance htmwen these two clusters. p is a constant indicating the relative importance of tlensity to distance and r is the pre-defined threshold. From esiximentation. ~ve hav~foiind thnt the relative importance of density aud distance is about 10:l and thus a value of 0.1 is used for p. Modified Hubert r Index This indes is proposed by Dubes [52] and is based on the assumption chat es- cimates of the cluster centres are close to the ?me" position of the clusters in the pattern spnce and deviations €rom the centres are due to errors and distortions. Hence. there is an implicit assiirnption of ball-shaped chsters. For a given clustering, the .WH indes is defined iis follows: Lcc Ctij be the label function.

L(i) = k, if pattern i is in the kth cluster and is the Eilclirlean distance betwen ciuster centres j and k. Define

The modihed -11H index in then given bu:

whew S(l.j) is the Euclidean distance between pattern i and j. n is the tocal number uf patterns. .il = n(n - L)/L and

This index rneasures the degree of linear correspondence between the entries of S anci 1-. The matrk S is the same for dlchsterings but the matris k- varies dependhg oti the corresponding cluster centres. For strong md mell-separiited clirsters. the rltister centre associated mith each data point should not deviate significantly from the t rue cent rp as Iûng as the clilstering is over-segmented. Hoivever. when the merging process ~sceeclsthe optimum level and tries to merge tm well-separatecl clusters. the cluster centres dlthen start ta det-iate fkom the red centres and the similarity betaeen the prosimity matrices 'i and Y Ml1 begÎn to decrease. As a result. the optimum number of clusters is debed as the "knee- point of the iiH function wbere 3.2 XOY-PAR~METRICDE,YSITY ESTJMATION FOR MAGE CLCSTERIYG

F~CCRE5.1. (a) 3 simple image that contains roughly 5 diffcrent colours i~rid(b) the llIH index for this image. sudden change ocriirs. As cari be seen from the definition of this irides. the !CIH incles is computationally intensive (O(n2)).Figure 5.1 provides an example of this index for a sitriple image. Non-Parametric Cluster-Validity Indices Paiiwels and Frt!cleris i911 introduced two non-pararnetric measures that qtiantify tlitb riotiori of "goc)d c.lusters'* as is relatively well-connected region of high data-densit- The tint incles. called the ?S-nom. measures the average isolation of each cluster. This nieastire is based on the notion that similar patterns (close in feature space) stiotiltl be assigned to the same cluster. This indes is defined as:

wherc ~'~(1,)is the fraction of the k nearest neighbours of feature x, that have the siitiitb1;hd as 1,.This index favours well-cormecteci regions to be assigned the same cluster label. However. it cannat distinguish whether two well-separatecl cltisters shoiilti be merged or not. The second index. the C-nom. is proposed to compensate for the deficiencies of the first. This indes is designed to give a high response when a given cluster is ~11-connectecland a low response when a cluster contains two or more well-isoIated regions, To achieve this. the average connectivity of an!- tm-O points in the same clliister is measrired based on the density at their niidpoints: -4 high density midpoint irnplies good connectit-ity and vice versa for low density midpoints. This method is good for Gauçsian-shaped clusters. For clusters whose shaped is curved. however. the 3.2 XO'i-P.1R.UETRTC DENSITY ESTIorL4TIO-I FOR MXGE CLCSTERCIiG

F~CURE5.2. NN-norni (left). C-nom (~enter).iuitl 2-score (right) for the image in Figure 5.1

niitl-point of two randomly selected points can lie on the void betiveen the arc. To rectify this problem. the midpoint is shifted tomards the high density region until the local nia..irnirrn is r~achetl.During this shifting process. the sarnct distances betwen the niidpoint to the two test points must be maintained to avoid ending up at either ont. of the tcst points. This inties is defined as:

wherts h: is the number of randomly chosen pairs of test points and t, is the mid-point ;ifter the shifting process. f(t,) is the data density at the point t,. To select a single clustering. these two clusiier-didity indices musr be combined tu giw ;L single measurc. Pau~velsand Frederiv propose first computing the Z-scores of ttie C-nortii and .l'.Y-tiorm to niake the itidices directly comparable: thc two rtmlting 2-scores art. summed to give the final score. 2. The clustering hat-ing the maxiniuni Z-score is selectecl as the optimum segmentation for the given image. The equations for computi~lgthe 2-scores and the final Z score is defined as follows:

where Jl,-LD stands for median absolute deviation. T-picd curves for the NX-nom, C-norm and the Z-scores are shom in Figure 5.2 for The disadvamage of using the median and the JI.4D to normalise the cluster measures is that their ridues depend on the range of tdid clusters. or number of obsenations. After the segmentation. mathematical morphology. dilation and erosion. are utilised tu reniove small and thin regions that usuülly correspond to noise. Next. three conser- vative region rnerging processes are applied to the segmentation result. First. regions that are smaller than 0.5% of the whole image are rnerged to their Cconnected or S-connected neighboiirs If more than one neighbour is found. the one closest in feature space is selected. CVhen position is also included in the feature vector. large regions .ni- be split into tnro or more regions. Hence. a second step of the region rnerging is used to merge similar regions based on colour andior tevture only In some images. the regions' surface features are not uniform but change smoothly (for instance. from light to dark. such as the sky). Hence. another rnerging process is carriecl out CO nierge regions whose contrarit ülorig their cornnion borders are heIow ü pre-drfined t hr~sholtl. CHAPTER 6

Evaluat ion and Test Result s

This c-hapter examines the performance of the O bject-hased attention algorit hm. Thtw itrr basically three areas to be analged. First. several important paramecers that coiild not bc rletermined iising logical and theoretical arg~mentsare evaluatecl esperimentall The second pcm ivill compare and analyse tlifferenc methotfs for SP- lecting the hest number of cliistem. The Imt part of this chapter will disriiss the performances of different saliency factors in predicting the perceptiial saliency of r+ giotis in ii srthrit%.Thc image database used in the experiments was chosen from the Corel image collection1. (See Appendi.. B for al1 of the images in the experiniental c1ntabaseI.

6.1. Determining Parameter Values

The parameters that need to be determined e?iperimentally are the aeights on the çuluur. wstiire. and position features in the feature extraction. and the sarnple size. krrtd widtli. and nuniber of nearest ueighbours in the process of image segmentation.

6.1.1. Weights for Colour, Texture, and Position

As stated in Chapter 4. the purpose of imposing weighting factors on colour. texture. and position features is to normalise the dynarnic range of different features and to improve the perceptual uniformity of the combined feature space. It mould be preferable to et-aluate the perceptuai differences among these features tbrough psychophysical experiments. However. th% is beyond the scope of this thesis and no appropriate literature is amilable on the topic. Alternatively these weights can be determinecl by finding a parameter set that produces the best overall segmentation resul ts. Before appIying any modification to the weights, the features ;rre obtained as follows:

0 Colour features are obtained by convening the RGB values of each pisel into L'a'b' space. with L ranging from O to 100. a' ranging from -500 to 500 and 6' ranging from -200 to 200. Testure features are formed by applying a set of band-pas filterç on rht. in- censity. L. Sext. the set of transformations described in Chapter 4 is applied. Position features are the r. y coordinates of the pixels nornialised to the range of O to 1 by a scaiing factor. To preserve the aspect ratio. the same scaling factor is used for both r and y coordinates. II the original z. y coordinates ranges frorn O to width and hright. respectively. l/max(w~dth.helght) ran b~ user1 ~LSthe swling factor. Optimisation process for finding the weighting factors

-4lthoi1gh a nuniber of rneasures have been proposed for estimating the qualit! of a plirticiilar seprntation [149][7].they are not very accurate or effective when mtipar~tlto hiirii;iri performance. In order to avoid extensive psyrhological rxperi- r~i~nt;ttionand stili Iiaw a subjective justification For the segmentation rrsults, che following prciwss w;u usect for selecting the best parameter set to gives the bcst ovrrall r&drs:

Froni a pr~liniina- examination of the image segmentations. ive found that.

for ii large portion of the database. the segmentation resuits rlid not var- significantly with different weighting factors. Only on a small suhset of the database could Ive observe significant improvement by modifjing the weights. Hencc. in order to reduce the complexity of the optimisation process. onIy a sniall siibset (about 50) of the ciatabase was employed. including al1 of the images that preferred a different parameter set from the majority of images in the complece database. Segmentation results using different weighting factors were obtained and judged by hiiman ohse~ers.In particdar. the judgement were baed on the following criteria: 1. Grouping should be consistent with the visual appearmce. So visually distinct regions should be merged and vice versa for visually similar regions. 2. llore emphasis shouid be placed on the major objeçts in the ini- age rather chan the background. 3. The overall quality of the segnientation results for a given parameter set were obtained by counting the number of images jiidgecl acceptable based on the first two criteria. Resuits and Discussion Frorri exterisiv~~xperinientation on a wicle variety of test images. we have found that the weighting factors for colour. texture. and position should be iipproximat~ly cqiial to 1. 1. and 10. respettivel> to achieve the best results. 1: was observecl chat the incliision of position in the feature vector has both admntages and disadvantages. The major iidvmtage is chat the proximity of pixels is also considered in the grouping process. On the other hand. this can be a disadvantage since the position information may catisr an occlrirled object to form two or more chsters in the featiire space. Fortiinately. this prohlem can be solved easily by merging regions having similar dorir and texture. For normal scene images where different objects form distinct c.lusters in feacirre sp;lctl, che segnientation restilts do not cliffer significaritly wliet1it1r position is inclitdetl or not. Wowever. if two or more objects in a sçene have similar siirfaw properties. a much better result is produced if position is incorporatrrl irito rhe feature vwtors. Generally. including position into the featiirp wctor impraves the sepuability of different regions and produces more compact and smooth regions. thus. yieldirig ;r hrttt~segmentation result. Figure 6.1 k 6.2 show the final segmentations of 30 ranctornly selecccd images.

6.1.2. Pararnet ers Used in Image Clustering There are thrw parameters in the clustering aigorithm outIind in Chapter 5 that ned to be sec. The hst one is the sampling rate. S. From the whole image. m pisels are randornly seIectecl and irsed in the subsequent density estimation and clustering

procms. wh~rern = S.\; and 9 is the total number of pixels. The lut two parameters ro he determined are the wïdth of the density estimation kernel. h. and the number of nearest neighborm. k. that are used in the gradient-ascent process.

For an image of size 180x120. the total cornputation time of the clustering al- gorithm and the time needed for density estimation at different sampling rates are FIGURE6.1. Part -1.Segmentation of 30 randornly selected images. Botindaries are show in gray. See figure 6.2 for the other 15 images. shom in Figure 6.3. Clearl- the bottleneck of the dustering dgorithm is the density- escimatioo process. By examining the density-estimation equation on page 63. we can see that this operation has a computation complesity of 0(n2). This process takes 9.3 minutes on a 300 UHz Pentium II PC if 100% sampling is used, but only 35 seconds if haif the data set are considerd Hence. it is desirable to analyse ho%- much FIGURE6.2. Part B. Segmentation of 30 randody selected images. Boundaries are shown in grey- See figure 6.1 for the other 15 images. segmentation error is introduced when the data set are subsarnpled. From an exam- ination of the segmentation resdts of a mide varie- of test images, there seems to be a general trend that the outputs are vee- similar for ary sampIing rate between 40% and 100%. Below this range. srna11 objects begïns to disappear and the boundaries start to deviate £rom their actud location- As a rdt. -10% of the whole image is FIGURE6.3. Computation time of the whole clustering algorithm (iip per i-iin-c) and the rime spent on the density estimation proces (hwr run-el at different sarnpling rates on a 300 MHz Pentium II PC riwd to cstimate the iinderlying feature distribution. The segmentation results for test images ivith sampling rates ranging from IO% to 100% are shown in Figure 6.4. Kernel Width and Number of Nearest Neighbours In cletermining the values for these two parameters. Pauwels and Frederis [91i have stated that the specific kalue of these two parameters is not critical as long :fi ~td1values. n-ith respect to the range of the data. are iised. Howewr. ive have &en-ed that the segmentation results are directly relatd to the specific idues of these tn-O parameters. The parameters can be interpreted as srnoothtng factors on rh~density of the data in feature space. ,-î larger duefor h and k will cause more ciusters to merge. thus yïelding fewer regions in the image domain. To avoid merging srnaII regions. a smder value for these parameters is preferred. However. if we wish to reduce the effects of noise and outliners. a larger value for h is preferred. For the images iised in this esperiment. we found that k equal to 0.4 percent of the total numbcr of data points prodiiced the best rdtswit hout over-smoot hing the density. Bas~don this kemel n-îdth. the number of neares neighbours is selected as follows: FIGURE6.4. Segmentation resuits of a test image at different sampling rates tvhcrt is the distance of the kth nearest neighboiir of point i in the feature spaw.

6.2. Cluster Measures

Althoiigh it is important to develop better techniques for feature extraction or groirpirig criteris. and which have a doser resemblance to the performance of the hiirrian visuai systrm. it is equaily important to e-@ore netv techniques for meauring the validity of different ciusterings that usualiy arise in the many image segmentation techniques. The challenge of morking with real scenes is that there may be more than one possible n-ay to segment an image. and thej- may ail resuit in didsegmentations. Hence. a natural question is what determines the diditu of a particular segmentation and ~hetheror not this definition can be forma& dehed in terms of mathematical formulas. In other words. hom can we estimates the true or best number of clusters or regions for a given image'? In Chapter 5, three different methods that are designed for measuring the cluster-talidil are described: a threshold-based indes. modified Hubert ï indes (M).and Pauwels and FrecierSs non-parametric measures (LW). In this section. the performances of these three methods on reaI scene images ni11 be andysed and compared. 6.2 CLCSTER 'UiE.4SLXES

6.2.1. Assumptions Used in Each Method Before explaining the test methods and resutts. ic is useful to restate the assump tions used in these three methods. In a threshoid-based rnethod. an invalid clustering is defined as a violation of a pre-defined threçhold (see equation(5.3)). Since. it is (lesirable to minimise the amount of over-~e~pentation.the optimum number of clus- sers is the one that is both wlid and hris the srnailest number of clusters. The lait twniethods. MH and !VP. are global mesures that compute the overall goodness of a segmentation. Both methods are based on the notion chat the clusters are well- separated in feaciire ipace. Hence. the performance of these methods may not he wry rcliable for weakly sepürated clwers. Howewr. Gaussian distributions are assumed in MH but not in .VP. Cnlike the tttreshold-based method. the decision scheme of rstimatinç the best number of clusters depends only on the changes of the indices (xs a firnction of the number of dusters) but not on their specific values. The driwback of this kind of decision scherne is that a sudden transition or a -knee" in a function is often riot esy to detect or define precisely. tn addition. since it is not effectiw to search for al1 possible cases (themavimum number of regions wiH be the mal numbcr of pixels). for an- given image. the search must be Limited to a specific range. For instance. 1 to 6 clusters is used in [91]and [13!.Given this resiriction. it is important to cietcrniine whether the ideal nurnber of clusters lies on the boiindaries of the search range or even outside this range.

6.2.2. Test Images and Irnplernentat ion Issues To test the robustness and the vaiidity of the assumptions of the t hree methods.

;i set of 40 real scerie images from the database in Appendix B \vas carefully selected to capture the rariations in object size. contrat. and other properties present in real tvurld scenes. Saniples of these test images are shom in Figure 6.6 (See Appendix C for the ahole test set and segmentation results). in this test set. we found that the best number of clusters can actually be as large as 15. Hence. the search range is set to [l..... 131. For the chreshotd-b4 method. based on the criteria stated in section 1.1.1. a threshoid of 0.5 @\-es the best overaii result. Hence. the threshold

(7)is set to 0.3. For the MH index, the optimum number of cliisters is defined as the -knee" point of the MK function. In actual implementation. the %te- point is defined as the ma\imum in the second denmiw of the MH hrnction. Besides. since the prosimit? matrices .Y and k- of a 18h120 image contains 467 million entries each. anly 10% of the pixels are used for computing these matrices. For the NP method. since the definition and procedures for finding the cluster number are clearly defined. no estra assiimption is reqcired. It may not be fair to compare a method that requires 'rraining'' to other nmhods that do not. Thus. if both methods achieve the same levei of performance. the one chat cfoes not reqiiires any "trainin< is prefened since it is more generai. On the uther hand. if a tiwd parameter set can be used throughout the experiments. the threshold-batseci method could perhaps aiso be classified as an ~rnsupemsedrnethod.

6.2.3. Test Results and Discussion

The performance of the three methods on the 40 test images can be surnmnris~d rvith reference to S images. The final segmentations selected by each methocl are shorvn in Figure 6.6. As espected, al1 met hods are capabie of selecting the optiniiim riumber of c.lusters when the clilsters are well-separated in feature space. such as the dfiroplane ancl the eagle. Although the heatl and the tail of the eagle are rrierged rvitti the background in the segrricntation selected by the NP method. the major objects are still clearly visible and separated. At the other extrerne. such as images C and D. the iniportant objects (the cheetah adthe tree branches in C rind the hurses in D) artb tioc tvelI-separat~tlfrom the background. Part or al1 of these objects are lost in the segmentation sclectpti by the MH and IVP methods. .\s a resiilt. these methorls shoiild not be applierl if aeakly-separated clusters are expwtetl. The chrshold-baseri niethoci. because tht> importance of these objects has already been considerd in thp selection of the threshold parameter r. these salient objects are well separated in the segmentations selected by this methods. .\part from the compactness assumption of the clusters. both the .W and .VP methods also implicitly assume the esistence of one and only one amw to the nuniber of clusters. In addition. they also assume that the dues obtained for the number of clusters is located in the middle of the search range. In reatity. where uuthing is perfect and noise is unavoidable. these assumptions cannot be guaranted to tiold iinder al1 situations. From experimentation. we have obsened that the .CIH and .VP indices can have not oniy one but two or more knee points jsee Figure 5.2). Ulen this happens. it is not ciear which knee point is the best description of the data distribution. On the other hand. if the -rea13 number of clusters Lies outsides 6.3 CLCSTER hiE.4SLRES

FIGURE6.5. A situation where the C-norm in :VP indices gives a rvrorig result.

the search range. no significant knee point will be found. IF these two cases are not tlandled appropriatel. arbitra- resuIts wiIl be retumed. In general. it is better to have an image over-segmented chan under-segrnented. However. it is not clear how much over-segmentation is acceptable and how this niriisiire coultl bc! quantifiecl mathematically The non-parametric indices proposed by Pauwels and Frederis[911 are supposed to perforni eqiially well as the ,WH index on Gaussian-distributed clusters and perforni bet ter on irregularly sbaped clusters. On the rcsdts of 40 test images. this claim does riot seem co holcl. In sorne mes. the segmentations picked by the MH index are better chan the one selected by the NP indices. One possible reüson for this obsemation is chat the assiiniption of Gairssian distributions actually holds for most real images. \CF. also Foiind chat the methoci iised For measuring the connectivity in NP indires tloes not always give the crue connectivity of a given cluster. A situation mhere this rrieasiire breaks tfown is ilIustrated in Figure 6.3. Suppose in a given clustering. all rhree clusters are merged and assigned the same cluster label and the two anchor- points for the C-norm are points -4 and B. Then the test point T haifnray betrveen the two anchor-points wiil fa11 on the Liigh-density region. -4s a resuIt. a high value for connectitity dlbe reported, The cime needed with 15k120 Mages to compute the .VP indices and MH index (with a 10% sampiing rate) are 22 seconds and 55 seconds on a 300 MHz Pentiurn II PC. For the threshold-based rnethod. the on- computation is equation (5.3). Since the inputs to this equation. densi&(i.j) and distance(ij). have already been compiited during the hierarchicd chtering stage. the computation time for this equation is negiigible. Arnong these methods. the clear winner is the threshold-based rnethod. FIGURE6.6. SampIes of the test images and the segmentations selected by different methods: non-parametric indices (Pdcolumn). modified Hubert index (3rd column). and the threshold-based met hod (4'h COL m)- lt performs well on dtll test images and requires only simple comparisons. A minor drawback is that a suitable threshold must be kn0n.n a priori.

Saliency Factors

Before being able to determine the contents of a scene. it is necessa? to 6rçt focus attention on the niost salient parts of an image. This entails an effective rnodel of the liiiriiari attention systetn and it is vital to the development of a poweriul conipiiter- based vision syteni. in this section. the region-based attention model described in Chapter 3 is analyd and evaluated.

6 Al. Determining the Weights of Different Saliency Factors Severi saliency factors are described in Chapter 3. These factors are: contrast. c.oloiir. location. sizp. foreground/background or depth. saturation. and shape. Aiter c.onsidrrable expcrimentacion. we found that only the 6rst Cive Factors are useful for prfdicating thr irnp~rt~mceof a region. Saturation and shape factors are useful in sonic situations. Howewr, thcir rates of failure are much higher than their sucrrss rates. -4s a result. they wi11 not be considered in the subsequent erperiments. The final importance dire is defined as a weighted sum of each factor as follo~-:

ivtiere IL,^ is the weight lin the kth Factor. Ik. of region L. Since the resirlts dlbe judged findly by a human. a traditional trial and error method was used to decerrnine the importance of different saliency factors in human visual attention. At present. no extensive psychologka1 expetiment has beeii con- tlucteci and the weigbts of the saliency factors were seIected and judged soleIy by the itut hoc. If more time was adable. these factors codd be obtained more formally and reliably by hating a group of subjects rank the relative importance of different regions in a set of test images. Xter obtaining these statistics. numerical methods or neural networkç could be used to find the optimum weights b- minimising the overaII difference betmeen the e-xpected and estimated importance dues. From especimentation. it is found that the results ciosest to human performance were obtained with weights of 1.0 for foregrcund/background. 0.5 for contrast, and 0.3 for colour. location. and size. For the size factor. a saturation value of region FIGLRE6.7. Iniportanc~niap for a scunpie iniage? (a). For (c)-(h). brighter regions represent higher importance. (c)size factor. (d)cotour fartor. (e)contrast factor. (f)foreground/backpound. (g)location fac- tor. anci (ti)final importance rnap produced b_v weighted stirnmatioii nf (r)-(g). To fditate the ewluation of the final importance map. the ranking of the topfive most important regions are highlighted in (b). -4rrciw direct ions indicate the nest most salient regions.

size qua1 co 5% of the whoie totai image area is found to be better than 1%. The pdorrnance of these fiw factors and the final important values are illustrated in Figure 6.7. To indicat~visuallv the ranking of these regions. the topfive important regions arp highiigbted in Figure 6.a. For these images. the importance tdues pred- icated by the mode1 are ven; consistent mit h the resitlts obtained kom a human. The most important objects. the cdeche. horses, and the bright dome roof, are within the top-five regions. Moreover. the scm path generated from the importance map also agrees well with expected human perfomance. 6.3.2. Discussion

To test the robustness of this mode[. it was applied to 100 images ~6tha 6xed paranieter set. Resirlts of 16 images are shown in Figure 6.3. in general. the attention niodel gives consistently good resiilts for a wrïety of images. .As WC can see from the weights coniprising of the importance factor. the final importance values are highk biased to the foregound/background factor. Since the test images used folloiv conventional photographie techniques. the O bjects of interest are usually piaced ac the centre of the image. Hence. the probability that these objects touch the image border are rnwh loiver than the background. -4s a result. the foreground/backgrourid rrieasure cati separate the objects from the background quite accuratel. Hotvever. if the ubject touches the border. such as the elephanc at the bottom left of Figure 6.3. kt f&* nrgative error occurs. In this case. the importance factor fails to predict the saliency of the elephant and it ranks the douds as the most salient region in that picturr. For sorne images. regions among the topfive ranks selected by the attention müps do not really reçpond to important objects. such as the sky. shadows. and the ground. In ordcr to further refine the results. higher Ievel reiiçoning and kno~vledgc i\ïp recpired. Semrthelms. for a low-lrvel systcm. the restilts are promising ancl the method is generid eriough to be used in manu cornputer vision applications inclriding c.otlt~nt-based image retrievai.

6.4. Applications

This technique for locating salient "objects" in an image can be extended easily to tiantik a number of task-specific applications. such as face finding. image con~pression. machine rision. and CBIR.

6.4.1. Face finding This problem is of significant interest in the field of computational vision. and has posed numerous practical challenges to date. For face hding, the importance of a race can be encoded Lao the weights factors of the importance factors. For dicriminating face Eiom other objects. sicin coIour (hue) and shape (roughly circular or elliptical) can be used. The roundness of a region can be obtained by rneasuring the ratio of area to edge Iength. In figure 6.9. a test image and its importance map

iç shonni. In this experiment. O-two importance factors are used. colour (red) and FIGURE6.8. II nportance maps for 16 test images and the most saLient regions highIigttted in the original image. The most salient region is indicated by a t:ed circIe. F [CURE 6.9. Face detection. Original imaged (a) and the correspond- ing importance maps (b). Only color (red) and shape (circular) factors are iised in computing the importance map. shape (etliptical with an aspect ratio of 1:l.s). From the importance map. al1 the faces are clearly visible in the importance map mith vent high importance wliie when romparerl to ocher non-faCe regions. However. this method also detects the arni of tht* person wtio is at the far right. Thus. &ter these candidate regions are icleritified. niorr sophisticüt~dalgorithms could be applied to further screen out the non-face rt g'wns.

6.4.2. Image compression, machine vision, and CBLR \iïth the availabiiity of an importance map. the major computational resources cari he utiliseci more eficientiy and effective- by concentrating on the most salient regions. These resorirces could be measured by the image compression ratio or the processing cime. For CBIR. one of the major goals is to develop a similarit? measure that closely resembles the obsemed visual differences. It generally accepted that global features are not adequate for judging visual ciifferences. Csing an importance map. the similarity measure can be basecl on the salient regions only and hence si11 not be affected by the background. CHAPTER 7


[n ment years. considerable emphasis has been placed on the development of com- ptiter vision systems emiilating the performance of a human. Despite the vat dificul- tirs twoiintered in niodelling the human visual system (Hi's). the benefits in being able to achieve this have led to continutd widespread research in this area. One active rcsearch topic is the simulation of the human visual attention sytem. To function in a real-world environment. an autonomous agent must have an attentional process to lo- cate objeïts in order to build a high-level interpretation of its environment. With this kriowlerlge. the agent can navigate around and perform more compleir tasks. Apart froni active vision. such an attentional systeni could be beneficial to other compucer vision applications. such as content-based image retried (CBIR). This thesis has tliscussed the implementation issues related to the development of such a system for lwating salient objects in a scene image. First. the attention mode1 proposed by Osberger and SIaeder [86] is analyseci. Satisfactory results on real images cmbe obtained with their originaI method. Hozr- cwr. iinder certain situations. their method fails to identi- some importance regions that are salient to a human. To correct these problerns. a number of modifications and several new sdiency factors are proposed. From experimentation, we have found that onIy some of these factors are actually iiseful for estimating a region-s saliency in general. These factors are: contrast. foreground/background. coiour. size. and lo- cation. Other factors. such as shape and saturation. are applicable only in a number oE speciiïc conditions. These factors do not seem to have an equd influence on visuaI ae tention. For photographs. where important objects are usualiy located in the cen- tre of the image. the foreground/background factor is much more important than the others. The second most important factor is contrast. The rest of the factors have less but similar abilities to attract human attention. Sext. issues related to the implementation of image segmentation and feature selection is disctissed. Since the performance of the object-based attention mode1 jusr describecl depends larg~lyon the quality of the "object" information. aa effective image segmentation technique is required. To mimic the perceptiial grouping mecha- nism in HVS. a niimber of biologically motivated features for representing the visual property of a region are selected. These features are colour (L'a'b'). cesture (Gabor). and position. -4simple method for estimating the scale of the texture feature is also described. -1 nurnber of image segmentation techniques are reviewed with ernphasis on their relative strengths and weaknesses. In particuiar. non-pararnetric density estimation t~chniqu~hjare best siiited to the algorithm used in the attention process since no c-ontcst-relatecf information is assumed and the regions' information is represented in both spatial and feature domains. In order to have the system fuIly autoniatic without an- human supervision. a niimber of clustering validity measure are considered for estiniatirig the hest number of clusters. These measures are: modified Hubert index !Xi!].Pauwels and Frederk's non-parametric mesures [91].and a t hreshold-baseci nïeasure. Surprisingly. the simple threshold-based measure clearly out-perforrns the ottier more corriples meaçures for al1 test images. We believe this contradiction is caused by the incorporatiou of human preference in the threshold-based measure. Althoi~ghit is desirable to have an aigorithm that is formdly defined and does not rrquire an! training. it is much more important to have an algorithm that performs correctly a intendeci. Our experiments indicated that both the modified Hubert index and the Pauwels and Freclerix's non-pararnetric measure did not provide consistent segnientations over a wide range of images.

7.1. Direction of Future Work

The next logical step in the research is the incorporation of high-level. conrext- dependent groiiping and attentional cues. In reaiitl-, we seldom find an object that is uniform in colour and texture. Lu general. most objects. including natural and artificial ones. are composed of severai heterogeneous parts. For example. a car has four tires and a chassis. Ctiiising this higher-IeveI knowledge cm help reduce the over-segmentation inherent in the low-level definition of an object as a coherent and honiogeneous region. -Ln example of this approach is the body plan of Forsyth and Fleck [34]. Another areii deserving further attention is the extension of the system to CBIR. In ciment approaches to CBIR. the similarity measure used treats the whole image as a single region or each sub-regions with equal importance. With a saliency virliie ;~ssoc.iatedwith each r~gion.the comparison between two images can be focused on thcl salient parts only regardless of the background. This approach is desirable since riiost image classi6cation triethods consider only the few major abjects in the scene. stirh as iniages containing zebras. cars. or eagles. APPENDIX A

The Graphical User Interface (GUI)

To facilitate the experirneritation with different approaches and rnethodologies. a graphiral user interface (GL-1) ivas created (see Figure -4.1 ). Before an! operation can be pdorrned. the user musc speci- an input image either from the .-File Opeu" tiidog or r he .*Thumbnails" tlialog (see Figure -4.2). Both dialogs can be accessed from the .*File" menu or the toolbar Located at the topleft corner of the winciow. After an imagr is selccted. it dlbe rlisplayed on the left side of .'Main" section of the main tuirtdow. Theri. the image can be analysed by selecting -colour segmentation" frorn tht* ".\(~tioti" nienii. This operation takes about 20 seconds for a 180x120 image. Afc~r rhis oprration has rompletd. the best segmentation selected by the cluster validity rneastm and the corr~spondingsaliency map will be displayed in the first row of the "Resiilts" section. Apart from this information. the segmentations for two to elewn regions from the hierarchical clustering dlalso be displayed on the last trvo rom of the samc section. Each region in the segmented images is colour coded according to its salieriry ranking. The colour scherne iised is shown on the right side of the -5lain" section. -411 major parameters of the feature extraction and image segmentation processes can be niodified from the '-Test Parmeters- diaiog (see Figure -4.1) y- selecting the '*Test Rirameters" from the -Settinge menu. To change the parameters of the importance map calculation. one can select the "Saliency Parameters- from the same menu CO open the 5aIiency Parameters" dialog (see Figure -4.2). APPEISDE A. THE GRAPBICAL USER MTERFACE (GL7)

FIGURE-4.1. Thniairi rvinclow and the test parameter dialog.

FIGUREA.2. The thumbaaîi diaiog and the saliency parameter dialog. ?LPPENDN B. THE DLIGE DATABASE


The Image Database

The image cl;itabiii;e mas ri~ndomlyselected [rom the Corel image collection'. It contains 180 colour images mhich were used for testing tlifferent image segnienta- tion rnethods and calculating the importance map. Each image has a resolution of LSOsllO. In orrlcr to sho~the strengths and wcakneses of different approaches. thcse images wre selected from a wide vririety of categories including animal. building. in- sect. people. aeroplane. and sceniç pictures. For most of these images. either one or a few salient objects can bt! easily identifid.

FIGUREB. 1. The 6rst part of the image database. FIGUREB-2- The second part of the image database.

93 FIGUREB.3. The thkd part of the image database. .APPE'iDIX B. THE MAGE D.ATABr\SE

FLGC'REB.4. The Iast part of the image database. .4îPESDLY C. THE TEST SET .Qii REStZTS


The Test Set and Results

FIGUREC. 1. The first part of the test set dong mith the final seg- mentation selected by the threshoId-based method and the focus of at- tention (FO.4) path. The FO-4 path is ordered according to decreasing salienc-- .APPEXDLY C. TEE TEST SET .L%PRESLLTS

F~GUREC.2. The second part of the test set dong with the haI seg- mentation seiected by the threshold-based method and the focus of attention (FO-4) path 97 APPEW-K C. THE TEST SET ILXD RESCLTS

FIGUREC.3. The last part of the test set along with the final seg- mentation selected by the threshold-based method and the focus of attention (FO.4) path 98 REFERENCES

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