Memel Territory — 3 —
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MBRABY A B C f U V J » [Distributed to the Council C. 159. M. 39. 1924. VII. and the Members of the League.] G e n e v a , March 22nd, 1924. LEAGUE OF NATIONS THE STATUS OF THE MEMEL TERRITORY — 3 — CONTENTS Page 1. Letter from the Conference of Ambassadors to the Secretary-General, September 28th, 1923.......................................................................................................................... 5 2. Letter from the Conference of Ambassadors to the Secretary-General, October 18th, 1 9 2 3 .............................................................................................................................25 3. Letter from the President of the Lithuanian Cabinet to the Secretary-General, November 22nd, 1923 37 4. Letter from the President of the Lithuanian Cabinet to the Secretary-General, November 24th, 1923 38 5. Extracts from the Minutes of the twenty-seventh Session of the Council, Paris : Minutes of the eighth meeting, December 15th, 1923 45 Short Analysis regarding the question of Memel, prepared by the S e c re ta ria t...................................................................................................................46 Minutes of the ninth meeting, December 17th, 1 9 2 3 .........................................49 Minutes ofthe tenth meeting, December 17th, 1 9 2 3 .........................................50 Report by M. Guani, adopted by the Council, December 17th, 1923 . 53 6. Letter from M. Skirmunt to the President of the Council, and Annexes, communi cated to Members of the Council, December nt h , 1 9 2 3 ...........................................53 7. Letter from M. Galvanauskas to the Secretary-General, communicated to Members of the Council, December n th , 1 9 2 3 ............................................................................ 64 8. Note by the Secretary-General, informing Members of the Council of the composi tion of the Memel Commission, February 9th, 1 9 2 4 ............................................... 67 9 • Letter from the Conference of Ambassadors to the Secretary-General, dated February 4th, 1924, and Memorandum containing observations of the Conference of Ambassadors on the letter of M. Galvanauskas of December n th , 1 9 2 3 .......................................................................................................67 10. Letter from M. Galvanauskas to the Secretary-General : Comments on the letter from the Conference of Ambassadors ofFebruary 4th, 1 9 2 4 ................................73 11 • Letter from M. Skirmunt to the President of the Council, communicated to the Council, March 10th, 1 9 2 4 ..............................................................................................74 12. Extract from the Minutes of the fourth meeting of the twenty-eighth Session of the Council, Geneva, March 12th, 1924....................................................................... 77 13- Report of the Commission (Annex to the Minutes of the twenty-eighth Session of the C o u n c il) ........................................................................................................................ 82 14 ■ Extract from the Minutes of the eighth meeting of the tw’enty-eighth Session of the Council, Geneva, March 14th, 1 9 2 4 ................................................................... 92 15 • Draft Convention and Annexes (Annex to the Minutes of the twenty-eighth Session of the Council)........................................................................................................................97 16. Transitory Disposition (former Article 18 of the Draft Convention) (Annex to Minutes of the twenty-eighth Session ofthe Council)......................................... 118 S' d. N. 65o (F.) 700 (A.) 3/24. Imp. J. de G., Ambiily et Kundig. LEAGUE OF NATIONS THE STATUS OF THE MEMEL TERRITORY A . C. 664. M. 295. 1923. VII. LETTER FROM THE CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL [Translation.] S ir, Paris, September 28th, 1923. I have the honour to forward to you : 1. The text of a Decision adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors on September 25th, 1923, with regard to the situation created at Memel by the attitude of the Lithuanian Government ; 2. An annexed file including the following documents : (a ) The Decision adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors on February 16th, 1923 ; (b ) A telegram from the Conference of Ambassadors to the French Representative at Kovno, dated March 7th, 1923 ; (c ) A telegram from the French Representative at Kovno, dated March 8th, 1923 ; (d ) A telegram from the Conference of Ambassadors to the French Representative at Kovno, dated March 9th, 1923 ; (e ) A telegram from the French Representative at Kovno, dated March nth, 1923. (/ ) A telegram from the Conference of Ambassadors to the French Representative at Kovno, dated March nth ; (g ) A telegram from the French Representative at Kovno, dated March 13th ; (h ) A resolution adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors — C. A. 209. Ill — dated March 14th, 1923. (i ) A letter from the President of the Conference of Ambassadors to the President of the Lithuanian Delegation at Paris, dated March 14th, 1923 ; (/ ) A report, dated March 6th, 1923, addressed to the Conference of Ambassadors by the Extraordinary Commission at Memel ; (k ) A report, dated July 25th, from the Commission instructed by the Conference of Ambassadors to prepare the draft of a Convention with Lithuania to settle the conditions for the transfer of the sovereignty of the Memel Territory ; (I ) A covering letter to the Draft Convention and Protocol, addressed to the Prime Minister of the Lithuanian Republic on August 8th, 1923, by the Conference of Ambassadors ; (m) The text of the Draft Convention ; (n ) The text of the Draft Protocol ; (0 ) The resolution adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors — C. A. 223. XII — dated July 27th, 1923. {p ) A telegram from the French Representative at Kovno, dated September 21st, 1923. I should be greatly obliged if you would be good enough to communicate these docu ments to the Council of the League of Nations. I shall forward the complete text of the reply from the Lithuanian Government to the letter from the Conference of Ambassadors dated August 8th, 1923, as soon as that reply has reached me. (Signed) POINCARÉ — 6 — 1. THE SITUATION CREATED AT MEMEL BY THE ATTITUDE OF THE LITHUANIAN GOVERNMENT. D e c is io n a d o p t e d b y t h e Co n f e r e n c e o f A m b a s s a d o r s . [Translation.\ September 25th, 1923. The British Empire, France, Italy and J a p a n , signatories, with the United States of A m e r ic a , as the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, to the Treaty of Peace of Versailles, Considering that, under Article 99 of that Treaty, Germany has renounced in favour of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all rights and titles to the territories lying between the Baltic Sea and the North-Eastern boundary of East Prussia, as described in Article 28 of Part II (boundaries of Germany) of the Treaty, and the former boundary line between Germany and Russia ; Considering that the Lithuanian Government, on March 13th, 1923, formally declared its acceptance of the Decision adopted by the Conference of Ambassadors on February i6th, 1923, which lays down the conditions upon which the Principal Allied Powers intend to transfer to Lithuania the rights and titles ceded to them by Germany, in virtue of Article 99, over the territory in question, commonly described as the Memel Territory ; Considering that the Lithuanian Government refuses to accept the Draft Convention which has been prepared in pursuance of the Decision dated February 16th, 1923 ; Considering that, as long as this Convention has not come into force, all rights and titles to the Memel Territory continue to belong to the Allied Powers ; Considering that the Lithuanian Government, in spite of the protests raised by the Allied Governments, has not ceased to intervene in the administration of the Memel Territory, contrary to the rights and titles of the Allied Powers and under conditions prejudicial to the autonomy of the Territory ; Considering that the Allied Governments have thus on the one hand been provented from exercising their rights and, on the other hand, from duly effecting the transfer provided for by the Decision dated February 16th, 1923, for the benefit of the Lithuanian Government ; Considering that the present administration of the Territory has never been accepted or approved by the vote of the inhabitants, that it has only been provisionally recognised by the Allied Governments, subject to the carrying into effect of the provisions laid down by the Decision dated February 16th, 1923 ; Considering that the Lithuanian Government continues to prevent the port of Memel from becoming the natural outlet for the neighbouring Polish districts ; Considering that, in consequence, there has arisen a situation affecting international relations, which threatens to disturb international peace or the good understanding between nations upon which peace depends ; Considering the provisions laid down by Article 11 of the Covenent of the League of Nations : Draws the attention of the Council of the League of Nations to the situation created by the attitude of the Lithuanian Government. 2. (a) DECISION OF THE CONFERENCE OF AMBASSADORS WITH REGARD TO MEMEL. Paris, February 16th, 1923. The British Empire, France, Italy and J a p a n , signatories, with the United States of A m e r ic a , as the Principal Allied and Associated Powers,