Graduating Seniors
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- I d .,. + ... ... > . .- Final Issue The Daily Campus of the No. 110 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Friday, April 30, 1971 56th Year Sem ester Seniors Reflect Page 5 feedoSeereed'Texan' in Trouble See Page 6 Parting Words See Page 8 Wise Advice See Page 13 .. About Mitchell... See Page 12 Classical Ten ois. O See Page 14, 15 . .,. Injunction Blocks Dedication Conflicts A federal district court Thursday handed down an injunction barring any interference with today's scheduled dedication cere- . monies for the new Underwood Law Library. Aai rulingn followedt e threei dayso of' courteeioThe proceedings, initiated when Dale Story, chairman of the Student Mobilization Commit- statement which prohibited any other scheduled activities today during the dedication. The SMC had requested that Chicago Seven defendant Jerry Rubin and one of the Seven's appeals attorneys. Arthur Kinoy. be permitted to speak on campus at the same time U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell speaks at the library dedication. |* #h,The court ruling, effective until 6 p.m. today, enjoins the de- I." fendants (Story and the SMC) from: . "Interfering directly or indirectly by act, word, or deed," . with the program connected with the dedication; . I. "Presenting a program of speakers, and particularly a pro- . gram of speakers including Arthur Kinoy. Bartee Haile. Jerry I Rubin. Steve Jimenez, or any of them on any portion of the = SMU campus before 6 p.m." today. * "Conducting any speeches, demonstrations, or acts. or mak- ing vocal sounds, either natural or amplified, which interfere - with or detract from the activities listed in the dedicatory cere- 8 monies." . -= Dr. Joe Howell. Vice-President for Student Affairs. said the hearing in the case lasted from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday. He interpreted the injunction to mean that "nobody is going gi to be able to distract or disrupt the ceremonies, and if they do a they're in contempt of this injunction." = "I'd like to call on the SMU community." Howell added. "to a respect this Injunction and to allow the dedicatory ceremonies to proceed without embarassment or interruption." Kinoy and, in Rubin's place, John Froines, also a Chicago .- Seven defendant, are scheduled to speak at 4 p.m. today in the ! main quad. This appearance is legal, under both the injunction and the official University stance on the issu~,. Story could not be reached for comment, but the Campus Y. ca-sponsor of the 6 p.m. program, issued a statement Friday supporling "the pnncaple of freedom of speech and the right of all people to be exposed to varying opinions." and encouraz At Year's End Universityv community members to hear the preseaattis at aolle above depickts a Froines and Kinoy. and of Mitchell With teday's leae, the Dily Campus c es pubionmtill next flat. The school yew. fer o the presn things and events in SMU news during dXe 1970.71 wo ,,~ ., ,., ,-== :.,, ,, n- . o , :1 ,;I - -- -- 2YUDAUY&.ULMI E FrfdaV April430 1971 __ rr-.-.r .7w a n - -- Institute Centers "Concern On Texas Velfare Crisis William P. Hobby, Jr., publisher of th. i:or. Local citizen. will go to the polls May 18 to de- of Post, will be the first speaker. He was the chair. cide the fate of welfare in Texas. The Institute of Urban and Environmental Stud- man of a state committee appointed in 1969 by Lt Gov. Barnes to look into welfare reform. The news ies, along with leaders of local church groups, is Ben scheduled to focus attention on the increasing prob- report of the committee is called "Breakin the Poverty in Texas." lems of welfare in Texas in a one-day conference, Cycle of "Can Texas Meet the Welfare Crisis?" The morning session of the conference will in- The conference will be held beginning at 9 a.m. clude a citizen's committee, including Mayor.elect Gathered from United Press International all day Tuesday in the Student Center. Wes Wise, which will give five different viewpoints. Kotouc Acquitted of My Lai Charges According to the Institute, increasing welfare on welfare. rolls, shortages of state and local funds, and a de- Dr. Douglas Jackson, professor of the sociology McPHERSON, GEORGIA FT. pressed economy have brought the welfare problem of religion at SMU, will speak at the luncheon on Capt. Eugene M. Kotouc, a former intelligence officer, was found to crisis proportions and have made it imperative "To Promote the General Welfare." innocent Thursday of maiming a Viet Cong suspect near My Lai, but welfare that Texans re-examine the ceiling on At the afternoon portion of the conference report.- his attorney said this still left the "mystery" of why Kotouc was ever spending. ers from various news media around Dallas will tried. Co-sponsors with the Institute are the American question experts in the field of welfare. "I don't like mysteries, and on a completely personal basis, I intead Commission Jewish Committee, the Christian Life Any interested students should contact Mrs. Jo to continue to unravel this mystery for myself," said Robert Crosby, of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, Dallas- of the Institute of former Nebraska governor and Kotouc's civilian defense counsel. Fort Worth Area of the United Methodist Church Fay Godbey, assistant director A seven-officer court-martial panel deliberated just 65 minutes be- and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas. Urban and Environmental Studies, at ext. 2291. fore clearing the 37-year-old Kotouc on the maiming charge, which could have resulted in a seven-year prison sentence. "I couldn't be happier," Kotouc, of Humboldt, Neb., beamed after hearing the verdict. "I'm pleased to be living in a country where we have a system of justice as we have in this country." Campus Unclassified Association Set To Oppose Class Suits WASHINGTON The nation's leading manufacturing and retail associations lined up GOING TO EUROPE? Need a Place to Live? before a Senate subcommittee Thursday to condemn proposals, in- Furnished House For Rent J NEED CHEAP FLIGHTS? I'm going home for summer, and want cluding an administration bill, which would allow consumers to file Two blocks from campus. 3 bedroom. to sublet my room (In a 2 bedroo)m fur. suits in federal courts. Hundreds of Combinations. For more in- nished apt.) to 1 or 2 people. 1 mile frrcn class action June 1-July 7. $150 plus feed dog. All formation write to: business fed- SMU. Swimming pool. Call henry. j-& The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest bills paid. Reply to Box 1384. TINER NTINENTAL, Box 401 SMU 943L eration, said such legislation would "set up legitimate business enter- or call 691-2771 evenings. prises as high visibility targets for bounty hunters." F . The main thrust of the opposite was against class action suits, in S * S which one person files suit in behalf of all persons who may suffer Typing FOR SALE a Nice North Dallas 3 bedroom, 2 bath of the defendant's alleged wrongdoing. lot 300' x 120' In SEE OUR AD IN THE because Thesis, Resumes home on landscaped JOURNAL of ACCOUNTANCY The chamber, in a statement presented by attorney Irving Scher, 30's. Private, country living with central Public Stenographer air, heat, living room, dining room, Becker CPA Review Course told the Commerce subcommittee that "consumer class actions will family room. Sheraton-Dallas Hotel DALLAS (214) 2^t-:Th not provide an expeditious or meaningful remedy for consumers Phone: 233-2493 748-6211 ext. 217 or at SMU 363-5611. Ext. 2258 FORT WORTH (214) 27'- t*-y against unfair-d dc-ceptive.irade rces" . - (Call Collect) 200 Arrested After March on HEW NEED A SUMMER HOME? CHILDREN AGES: 2-5 WASHINGTON . Student or working girl-Free room and 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. NEED HELP TYPING board in exchange for babysitting after About 200 civil rights and antiwar demonstrators were arrested 5 p.m. some weekdays. Must be avail- S PARK CITIES TERM PAPERS, REPORTS? able some Saturdays and Sundays. Sep- IrThursday when they attempted to march on the White House after a arate air-conditioned apartment. Time KINDERGARTEN Experienced Typist--Reasonable Rates off. This arrang ment available for sum- Conveniently located---Close to Campus day of protests at the Capitol and the Health, Education and Welfare mer or longer. References. 526-4959. In EDUCATIONAL DAY CARE CENTER Department. University Park. 3412 Binkley (near SMU) 52-7532 Call 369-7847 The protestors, demanding new legislation to help poor and black Americans plus total U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, were taken into GUITAR custody by police outside HEW, where they had smashed down a 10- SUMMER JOBS HIGGINS foot high plywood wall erected overnight and painted black to keep Gibson B-25 Cherrywood with natural Openings for students in their home towns finish. Absolutely perfect condition. This them from roaming around the building. this summer. Write National Personnel steel string guitar sells used for $16000 MOCKINGBIRD LANE FLORIST in retail shops. Want to sell to SMU Manager. Suite 618. 800 W. 47th St., "Fower or Fowe" The day started with the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy and other Kansas City, Mo. 64112. Give summer student. Am asking $1.00. Call Mark * Studt iscount 821-1433 civil rights leaders marching arm-in-arm with antiwar demonstrators address, phone number and expected date Hundahl, 691-3318, 7-10 a.m., 4-6 p.m., " Wedding Service of arrival in home town. 10 p.m. on. t in a mule train caravan that rumbled through Washington streets to 5606 E. Mockingbird Lane the Capitol steps. After a boisterous rally there, a procession of about 600 persons- reminiscent of the "Poor People's Campaign" that Abernathy led here APARTMENT TO SUBLET Couple would like to rent in 1968-went a few blocks to HEW to press their demands for do- PART-TIME I need to sublet my apartment for the a furnished apartment or mestic reform.