Medina Publishing

Catalogue 2016

1 2 Medina Publishing

Medina Publishing Ltd (MPL) is a young publishing house with offices in Surrey and the Isle of Wight. Independent, and often iconoclastic, the company constantly seeks to expand its horizons. From its foundation in 2009, MPL has established a reputation for high quality books on the Arabian Peninsula and Islamic affairs, from academic works to illustrated children’s books and, most significantly, the Arabian horse. More recently, it has branched out into such diverse areas as biography and memoirs, cli-fi and YA, photography and politics, and – under its imprint Barzipan – romance and humour. Through its sister company, Synthetic Press based in Berlin, most titles are simultaneously produced as e-books and many have their own websites. Medina Publishing recently purchased Arabian Publishing – a complete list of their titles can be found at and they are available through Oxbow.

MPL’s directors have strong links in the UK and the Middle East and a lifetime of experience in publishing and the Arab world.


Middle Eastern Interest 5

Equestrian Interest 11

General Interest 13

Children’s Books 17

Highlights of 2015 22

Forthcoming Titles 30

Complete Backlist 31 MIDDLE EAST INTEREST

4 JANUARY 2016

Mleiha: The Unwritten History (English) Sabah Jasim, Dr Margarethe Rose Uerpmann, Dr Hans-Peter Uerpmann

MARCH 2016

A Soldier in Arabia David Neild

MAY 2016

The Caravan Goes On (Arabic) Frank Jungers

Mleiha: The Unwritten History (Arabic) Sabah Jasim, Dr Margarethe Rose Uerpmann, Dr Hans-Peter Uerpmann


Catastrophes, Crashes and Crimes in the UAE Newspaper Articles of the 1970s Athol Yeates MIDDLE EAST INTEREST

5 230 x 280mm Portrait 144 pp Hardback ISBN English: 978-1-909339-64-4 ISBN Arabic: 978-1-909339-65-1 Publication (English): January 2016 Publication (Arabic): May 2016 Price: £25 Mleiha: The Unwritten History Sabah A. Jasim, Margarethe Uerpmann & Hans-Peter Uerpmann

Over the past 40 years, archaeological surveys and excavations in the Mleiha inland basin have shed much light on the diversity and richness of the human societies that have flourished there over many thousands of years. So far no other landscape in south-east Arabia has yielded so much information about its pre- and proto-history. The Emirate of Sharjah today takes great pride in its role as a centre for culture, the arts and civilized values. The publication of this book has been timed to coincide with the opening of the new Mleiha Visitor Centre as a focal point for all those wanting to find out more about the civilizations that once flourished in this unique area.

Sabah Jasim obtained Dr Margarethe Uerpmann has been working as an his BA and MA from the archaeologist and archaeozoologist in the Near and Middle East University of Baghdad, and for more than 30 years. She is affiliated to the Institutes of Early his PhD from the University Prehistory and Scientific Archaeology at the University of Tübingen of Cambridge, UK in 1985. (Germany). A major focus of her research has been on south-east He has worked extensively in Arabia where she worked in the Sultanate of Oman and the United Iraqi archaeology. Since 1992 Arab Emirates. he has been head of the local archaeological team in Sharjah, Dr Hans-Peter Uerpmann was Professor of Archaeobiology in charge of the Sharjah at the Institute of Scientific Archaeology of the University of Directorate of Antiquities Tübingen, where he first worked for the interdisciplinary project since 1995, and was Professor The Tübingen Atlas of the Near and Middle East. His main topics of Archaeology and Ancient were prehistoric subsistence economy in general and the ancient History at the University of history of domestic animals in particular. At present his research is Sharjah during 1998–2000. concentrated on the Arabian horse and the dromedary.

6 240 x 165 mm Portrait 196 pp Hardback Inc 16 pp colour plates ISBN: 978-1-909339-63-7 Publication UAE: Nov 2015 Publication UK: March 2016 Price: £12.95 A Soldier in Arabia David Neild

A Soldier in Arabia reveals the behind-the-scenes story of the events which led up to and followed the creation of the United Arab Emirates in December 1971, followed a few months later with Ras Al Khaimah joining the Federation. In 1968 Sheikh Saqr bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, with whom Neild had formed a good working relationship, called on Neild to set up and command a national defence force for the Sheikhdom, with the rank of Lt Colonel. Then, in 1972, after the Ruler of Sharjah was assassinated, Neild was asked to establish and command the Sharjah National Guard. Part memoir, part history, but always full of adventure, this compellling account will provide the reader with a better understanding of a part of the world frequently misunderstood.

David Neild was born in Portsmouth in 1938, the second son of a Royal Naval Officer. One year after he was called up for national service in 1957, he was commissioned into the Royal Army Service Corps and posted to Singapore. In 1959 he joined the élite Trucial Oman Scouts. He rose through the ranks of the British Army quickly, before leaving to command the Ras Al Khaimah Mobile Force. In 1973, Neild left the Gulf for Africa (the subject of his next book), but again the lure of the desert proved too strong and in 2013 he returned with his wife, Eileen, to the United Arab Emirates where he resides today. David and Eileen have one daughter and two granddaughters.

7 يعد فرانك جنقرز �صخ�صية حمورية يف "القافلة ت�صري ؛" ق�صة رائعة عن رحلة رجل توىل قيادة اأكرب �صركة تاريخ اأرام��ك��و، فقد �َص ِه َد واأ���ص��رف، فيما للطاقة يف العامل. وهو اأول ٍكتاب ُين�صر الأحد روؤ�صاء اأرامكو عن

بعد، على النمو الهائل الذي حققته ال�صركة والنمو أة اأعمالها كما عاي�صها، كما اأنه ُيثل اإ�صافة مهمة للكتابات التي خالل م�صريته فيها، التي ا�صتمرت ثالثة تناولت التطور الهائل الذي �صهدته �صناعة النفط العاملية. عقود. ُو ِد لجنقرز يف والية داكوتا ال�صمالية، وح�����ص��ل ع��ل��ى درج���ة علمية يف الهند�صة صا يروي فرانك جنقرز، الرئي�س، كبري االإداريني التنفيذيني، ورئي�س الن� رية الن�

امليكانيكية من جامعة وا�صنطن، والتحق القافلة ت�صري القافلة تسير جمل�س االإدارة االأ�صبق الأرامكو، ق�صة ثالثة عقود ق�صاها، يف اململكة العربية ال�صعودية؛ خالل الفرتة من عام 1947م اإىل عام بالعمل يف اأرامكو عام 1947م. ق�صة رائعة عن رحلة رجل توىل قيادة اأكرب �صركة للطاقة يف العامل ص 1978م، ويف اأكرب �صركة منتجة للنفط يف العامل. فقد اعتلى ذلك م� أرامكو؛ The اأ�صبح جنقرز رئي�ًصا الأرامكو عام 1971م، وتوىل من�صبي رئي�س جمل�س القافلة تسير ال�صبي، الذي ن�صاأ يف ٍ مزرعةبوالية داكوتا ال�صمالية، قمة الهرم االإدارة وكبري االإداريني التنفيذيني يف ال�صركة من عام 1973م اإىل عام الوظيفي يف واحدة من اأهم �صركات النفط والغاز على االإطالق. 1978م. اأثناء توليه القيادة يف ال�صركة، ُاأطلقت م�صاريع اإن�صاء �صبكة اململكة العربية ال�صعودية واأرامكو؛ م�صرية الن�صاأة والنمو يف هذا الكتاب، يتحدث جنقرز عن اللقاءات التي جمعته، ًوجها ا الغاز الرئي�صة ال�صعودية، ودمج �صبكة الكهرباء يف املنطقة ال�صرقية من و عودية لوجه، مع امللك في�صل، رحمه اهلل، والقادة ال�صعوديني االآخرين، اململكة العربية ال�صعودية، ومبادرات �صعودة القوى العاملة يف ال�صركة، ودوره يف توجيه ال�صركة خالل االأزم��ات الدولية الكربى، التي ه��ذا، مع حر�صه ال��دائ��م على رعاية م�صالح ال�صركات االأمريكية

ص �صملت حرب 1973م بني العرب واإ�صرائيل، والقفزات الكبرية ال� العربية اململكة Caravan Portrait امل�صاهمة يف اأرامكو. mmكذلك، توىل جنقرز اأعباء تن�صيق 170ا أعمال ال�صxركة 234 التي �صهدتها اأ�صعار النفط خالل ال�صبعينيات، واحلظر العربي مع امللك في�صل، رحمه اهلل، اأثناء احلظر النفطي العربي، واالرتفاعات للنفط، واحتجاز الرهائن من اأوبك يف عام 1975م. الكبرية التي �صهدتها اأ�صعار النفط يف �صبعينيات القرن املا�صي. كما يلقي جنقرز ال�صوء على دوره يف امل�صاعدة على تطوير القوى عاد بعد تقاعده اإىل والية اأوريغون، ومنذ ذلك احلني، عمل جنقرز العاملة ال�صعودية يف اأرامكو، ًمتهيدا لنقل ملكية ال�صركة، من مع العديد من �صركات النفط والغاز والطاقة، و�صافر اإىل 200 دولة �صركات النفط االأمريكية االأربع املالكة لها، اإىل حكومة Onاململكة Goes مع زوجته Paperback جويل، وهي م�صورة بارعة، كما قام بزيارات متكررة لكل ;pp Hardback 240 العربية ال�صعودية. ويتناول الطابع الفريد لنقل امللكية هذا، الذي البلدان العربية، ًتقريبا، يف ال�صرق االأو�صط، خا�صة اململكة العربية اختلف ًاختالفا ًملحوظا عن عملية التاأميم املريرة التي �صهدتها ال�صعودية التي يعتربها وطنه الثاين. �صركات النفط يف ال��ع��راق وليبيا واإي���ران وفنزويال. Together ويتطرق، How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up كذلك، اإىل م�صرية النمو امل�صرتكة، التي جمعت اململكة العربية وجنقرز ن�صط يف جم��ال العمل اخل��ريي، ًخ�صو�صا فيما يتعلق منه فرانك جنقرز بالتعليم العايل، والبحوث الطبية، وحماية البيئة الطبيعية. وقد �صغل ال�صعودية واأرامكو، من حيث الن�صاأة والنمو، وي�صلط ال�صوء على ع�صوية جمل�س اأمناء اجلامعة االأمريكية بالقاهرة ملدة 20 ًعاما، وله 4-19-909339-1-978 فرانك جونقرز الرئي�س االأ�صبق ال:(HB)أرامكو، ومعايل املهند�س خالد الفالح وزير ال�صحة ISBNورئي�س جمل�س اإدارة اأرامكو ال��دور احلا�صم ال��ذي لعبته ال�صركة يف تطوير البنية التحتية اإ�صهامات كبرية يف جامعة اأوريغون للعلوم ال�صحية، وجامعة وا�صنطن، ال�صعودية ًحاليا، يف زيارة اىل منطقة حائل عام 2011. واالقت�صاد الوطني يف اململكة الفتية. وكلية املجتمع يف و�صط اأوريغون، وجامعة بيت حلم يف فل�صطني. متثل ق�صة جنقرز، الغنية باحلكايات، اإ�صافة مهمة للكتابات التي تتناول التطور الهائل ل�صناعة النفط العاملية، ولل�صركة التي وجدت نف�صها م�صوؤولة عما يقرب من ربع امل��وارد النفطية الغالف االأمامي: اأحد الرعاة ي�صري باإبله على طريق متر، عرب الكثبان الرملية، ًمتجها يف العامل. نحو وادي ن�صاح وجرف طويق اخلالب، جنوب غرب الريا�س. وعلى بعد 160 ًكيلومرتا ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-18-7 )100 ميل( اإىل اجلنوب من هذا املكان، يقع حقل احلوطة، التابع الأرامكو ال�صعودية الذي ينتج النفط العربي اخلفيف املمتاز. ت�صوير: ديدي كاتلر. فرانك جنقرز الورقة االأخ��رية: معمل فرز الغاز من النفط رقم 2 يف ال�صيبة، الواقع و�صط اإحدى ال�صبخات، اأو امل�صطحات امللحية، بني الكثبان الرملية احلمراء يف الربع اخلايل. ISBN 978-1-909339-81-1 ISBN Arabic (HB): 978-1-909339-81-1 ISBN Arabic (PB): 978-1-909339-82-8 Publication: December 2013 Frank Jungers Publication Arabic: May 2016 Price: £24.95/£12.95 The Caravan Goes On Frank Jungers

The remarkable story of one man’s journey to leadership of the world’s largest energy company, The Caravan Goes On is the first published inside account of the workings of the corporation by a CEO and represents a significant addition to the literature on the turbulent development of the world’s oil industry. Frank Jungers, former President, Chairman and CEO of the petroleum giant Aramco, tells the inside story of his three decades in Saudi Arabia (1947-1978) with the world’s largest oil producing company.

A key figure in Aramco’s history,Frank Jungers became President of Aramco in 1971 and was Chairman of the Board and CEO from 1973 to 1978. He initiated the construction of the Saudi Master Gas System, the consolidation of eastern Saudi Arabia’s electric power grid and the Saudization of the company while at all times representing the best interest of his American shareholders. He worked closely with King Faisal during the Arab oil embargo and the oil price hikes of the 1970s. Since retirement in Oregon, Jungers has been active with companies in the areas of hydrocarbons and energy, travelled to 200 countries with his wife Julie, an accomplished photographer and revisited virtually all Arab Middle Eastern countries, especially Saudi Arabia which he considers his second home.

8 210 x 250 mm Portrait 192pp Paperback ISBN: 978-1-909339-90-3 Publication: December 2016 Price: £9.95 Catastrophes, Crashes and Crimes in the UAE: Newspaper articles of the 1970s Dr Athol Yates

Like any country, the United Arab Emirates have had their share of criminals, accidents, natural disasters and downright weird incidents. Most of these events merit a few pages in the newspapers before disappearing from history. This book brings the tragic, strange and illuminating stories from the 1970s back to life in a compiliation of 168 of the best, drawn from past UAE newspapers – UAE News, Emirates News, Abu Dhabi News and the Gulf Weekly Mirror. The theme of the articles are that they have all had an impact on safety, security and stability of the UAE, and cover a vast range of topics from smuggling deaths to murders, from assassinations to plane hijackings, and from mermaid hoaxes to UFO sightings. Together, they provide a fascinating glimpse into the past, and many of the stories still resonate today.

Dr Athol Yates teaches at the Institute for International and Civil Security, Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, which offers a Masters Degree for Emirati security professionals. He teaches civil security – which covers professional security practice, internal security and disaster management. His current research is on the security services of the UAE and Trucial States, including the Dubai Police, Abu Dhabi Police, Abu Dhabi Defence Force, Ras Al Khaimah Mobile Force, Dubai Defence Force, Sharjah National Guard, Umm Al Quwain National Guard, Union Defence Force and the UAE Armed Forces.


MARCH 2016

Aintree: The History of the Racecourse John Pinfold EQUESTRIAN INTEREST

11 “The racing book of the year” John Randall, Racing Post

218 x 210 mm Portrait 360 pp Hardback Illustrated throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-71-2 Publication: March 2016 Price: £30.00 Aintree: The History of the Racecourse John Pinfold

Each year, for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon in April, Aintree Racecourse becomes the focus of the sporting world and the stage of the world’s greatest steeplechase, the Grand National. More than 70,000 spectators at the course along with a global live broadcast audience of millions thrill to the spectacle of 40 horses and their riders racing over the world’s most famous steeplechase course. After years of dedicated research, John Pinfold, a leading historian of the Grand National, exposes some of Aintree’s tales as myths, while adding many new stories to the rich tapestry of the annals. Aintree: The History of the Racecourse is lavishly illustrated with numerous pictures, never before reproduced. The author draws on previously untapped sources, including the Topham family archives, to weave a fascinating story that spans three centuries.

After more than 30 years working in higher education, first at the London of School of Economics and then at Rhodes House, Oxford, John Pinfold is now an independent historian based in GENERAL INTEREST Oxford. Brought up in Liverpool, he saw his first Grand National in 1967, and has witnessed at first hand all but two of the subsequent renewals of the world’s greatest steeplechase. A recognised authority on the history of the race, he has written widely on the history of horse racing, including contributions to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and the journal of the British Society of Sports History, Sport in History. His previous books include Gallant Sport: the authentic history of Liverpool races (1999) and The Velká Pardubická and the Grand National (2010).

12 APRIL 2016

The Art of Falconry Patrick Morel

MAY 2016

Our Dementia Diary Rachael Dixey

JUNE 2016

The Last Great Event with Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison (Vol II of When the World Came to the Isle of Wight, 1970) Ray Foulk with Caroline Foulk GENERAL INTEREST

13 “I genuinely cannot recommend this book too highly” Bob Dalton, The World of Falconry

215 x 280mm Portrait 464pp Hardback Full colour throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-68-2 Publication: March 2016 Price: £40.00 The Art ofFalconry Patrick Morel

The Art of Falconry represents a milestone in titles on the sport, quite unique in scope, style and content. It presents falconry in theory and in practice, celebrating it as both an art form and a living cultural heritage. Far from being merely another “how to” book, however, it takes the reader into the field with contributions from experts in all branches of the sport and is lavishly illustrated with stunning photographs and artwork. The author’s vast falconry experience, combined with that of his fellow contributors, make this volume knowledge–heavy yet light and entertaining in style. Scottish red grouse and Belgian crows; houbara hawking with gyrfalcons and sakers; wood pigeon hawking with peregrines and goshawks; sand grouse, snipe and sage grouse with high- flying falcons: this book gives the falconer pride in the sport’s traditions and enthusiasm for the future development and evolution of this living heritage.

Patrick Morel is renowned worldwide as a Master Falconer. He has an innate sense of hunting, is a modest expert on ‘grande quête’ pointing dogs and is himself a fine shot. He is the former President of the Belgian Association of Falconry (Club Marie de Bourgogne), and was previously President of the International Association for Falconry, where he was instrumental in bringing together 60 countries which practice falconry. Patrick’s idea and initiative and the teamwork of a group of equally passionate experts led to the official classification of falconry as ‘intangible cultural heritage’ during the General Assembly of UNESCO on 16 November 2010. The French edition, L’Art de la Fauconnerie, published in 2013, has been a bestseller and recognised as the best hunting book published in France.

14 “Beautifully written without sentimentality and with lots of humour too” Brian Daniels

156 x 246 mm Portrait 192 pp Hardback; eBook ISBN (HB): 978-1-909339-73-6 ISBN (ePub): 978-1-909339-74-3 Publication: 10 May 2016 Price: £10.95 Our Dementia Diary: Irene, Alzheimer’s and Me Rachael Dixey

This book is a powerful and moving account of the progression of dementia, and raises serious questions about how our society cares for those who develop the disease, especially at a young age and those in the gay, lesbian and transgender community. It also deals with loss and grief, during the illness and afterwards. Their memoir will be invaluable for anyone affected by dementia, those working in mental health and those caring for a loved one with a life-changing and incurable illness. Told with brutal honesty of love, loss and life with Alzheimer’s this novel opens up a discussion of how dementia can be handled better.

Rachael and Irene met in1980, when Irene was a bubbly, funny and warmhearted young teacher and Rachael, seven years her junior, a budding academic specialising in health and development. The realisation of their love for each other came simultaneously and suddenly and led to a partnership that lasted half a lifetime. With a shared zest for life, they travelled widely, worked hard and expected to grow old together in their home in the north of England. Irene was only in her early 50s she started to falter. When she was finally diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s, Rachael looked after her for as long as possible at home. She continued working – a hard decision that turned out for the best.

15 World Came When the World Came to the Isle of Wight to the Isle of Vol II of When the World Came to the Isle of Wight 1970 VOLUME TWO THE LAST GREAT EVENT WITH JIMI HENDRIX AND JIM MORRISON

also featuring Joni Mitchell Leonard Cohen Miles Davis Joan Baez Richie Havens the Who ELP the Moody Blues and more

RAY FOULK with Caroline Foulk 228 x 152 mm Portrait 376 pp Hardback 2-colour, 48 pp 4-colour plates; index; ISBN: 978-1-909339-58-3 FOULK Publication: 4 June 2016 Price: £ 22.95 The Last Great Event Ray Foulk with Caroline Foulk

The Isle of Wight Festival in 1969 famously ‘stole Bob Dylan from Woodstock’ and was the starting point and benchmark for all rock and pop festivals in the UK. It would also be Hendrix’s last major performance – 17 days later he was dead. Many remember this festival as a magical, life-changing experience, encapsulating the sixties trip of sex, drugs, rock’n’roll and a political yearning for a better world. But for others, a question looms large over the history: did this final festival help precipitate the end of the dream of an alternative society, or did it reflect the changes already taking place?

“If you were one of the half a million music fans who made their way like raggle-taggle gypsies to the Isle of Wight 1970, you will absolutely love this backstage look at a great moment in rock history” Daily Mail

Ray Foulk, now based in Oxford, has fostered many passions since his early days as a promoter. After the Isle of Wight Festivals and stadium events in London, he and his brothers were head- CHILDREN’S BOOKS hunted by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation to help plan the leisure content of their new city. Through this, Ray brought the scientist and designer Buckminster Fuller to the project, embraced his environmentalism, and eventually trained as an architect himself at the University of Cambridge. Caroline Foulk has worked with her father, Ray, for many years, researching, writing, and co-promoting the schools environmental project, Blue Planet Day. Caroline trained and worked as a teacher and lives in Oxford with her husband and three children.

16 MARCH 2016

Ubuntu: Summer of the Rhino Julia Johnson

Humpy Grumpy’s Mission Improbable Julia Johnson

One Humpy Grumpy Camel Julia Johnson

Humpy Grumpy Saves the Day Julia Johnson


The Old Man and His Donkey Julia Johnson CHILDREN’S BOOKS

17 Age range: 8 years and up 187 x 265 mm Landscape 60 pp Hardback Illustrated throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-85-9 Publication: March 2016 Price: £12.95 Ubuntu: Summer of the Rhino Julia Johnson

As the moon rises over the South African savannah, a young African girl called Thembile and her father, a wildlife ranger, are out patrolling through the night on horseback. They hear the heart-rending cries of a terrified rhino calf, and find him shivering beside the mutilated body of his mother. Help is summoned, but who will care for this orphan, look after him and pay for his milk and medicines? Ubuntu: Summer of the Rhino tells the story of Thembile and George, a boy in Dubai, as they work together to save Ubuntu from the poachers. George’s school in Dubai helps to keep the rhino calf heathly through sponsoring his progress. George watches the rhino calf’s progress on CCTV and when, one afternoon, the young girl doesn’t appear at her usual time, George is convinced that she is in danger. George knows something is wrong, but what can he do when he is thousands of miles away?

Julia Johnson is a drama teacher turned children’s author, story- teller and performer who first came to Dubai in 1975. She has appeared on stage, TV and radio in the UK and in Dubai, has toured Theatre-in-Education productions to schools and has recorded over one hundred audio books. Julia’s stories frequently focus on the history and culture of the Arabian Peninsula. She has written over a dozen stories for children including The Camel That Got Away, The Turtle Secret won the Best International Children’s Book Award at the Sharjah International Book Fair 2014.

18 HUMPY PAPERBACK COVER (4MM) 13/8/04 8:12 am Page 1 One Humpy Grumpy Camel his delightful children’s number rhyme tells of a camel that keeps coming across Tlarger and larger numbers of desert dwellers ... follow his footsteps and find out where they lead. One Age range: 5-7 years Humpy 220 x 170 mm Landscape Grumpy 32 pp Paperback Camel

Penned by Julia Johnson with charming sketches by Emily Styles, One Humpy STACEY INTERNATIONAL Illustrated throughout Grumpy Camel is another product of the mother-daughter partnership which produced A is for Arabia. This book of illustrated verse is suitable as a reading book for ages 7-10, and is an ideal picture book for younger children who are learning to count. ISBN: 978-1-909339-89-0

ISBN 1-900988-92-5 Written by Julia Johnson Illustrated by Emily Styles Reprinted: March 2016

9 781900 988926 Julia Johnson Emily Styles Price: £5.00 One Humpy Grumpy Camel Julia Johnson Humpy Grumpy Camel first appeared on the scene more than a decade ago with a cameo appearance in Julia Johnson’s A is for Arabia, and now he’s famous! In One Humpy Grumpy Camel he appears with a whole new cast of characters – five silly billy goats, eight baby scorpions and nine busy beetles, 13 wise old men and 14 dancing girls, and many more – all of whom make counting fun for every child. Told in verse, the book is illustrated with water colour images of Arabian life from sunrise to sunset – the leafy palm trees and desert foxes, the incense burners and glowing lanterns.

Age range: 5-7 years Hur.,t,v Grur.,t,v 220 x 170 mm Landscape Saves +he l>av! 32pp Paperback

Written by Illustrated throughout Illustrated by Julia Johnson ISBN: 978-1-909339-88-0 Emily Styles Reprinted: March 2016 Price: £5.00 Humpy Grumpy Saves the Day! Julia Johnson Everyone knows Humpy Grumpy – he’s a celebrity in Dubai and far beyond. After his cameo appearance in A is for Arabia and his adventures with his friends in One Humpy Grumpy Camel, Humpy now has a book for him all to himself! Told in Julia Johnson’s engaging rhyme and illustrated with Emily Styles’ distinctive water colours, Humpy braves the desert and shows his courage in a crisis. This book of illustrated verse is suitable as a reading book for children aged 5-7, and is an ideal picture book for younger children. 19 Age 6 and upwards 10 x 258 mm Portrait 32pp Paperback Illustrated throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-59-0 Publication: March 2016 Price: £7.95 Humpy Grumpy’s Mission Improbable Julia Johnson

The wild adventures of the popular Humpy Grumpy camel continue in Humpy Grumpy’s Mission Improbable! Humpy loves the movies and dreams of being an action star–driving fast cars, scaling tall buildings and catching criminals. One day all his wishes come true as he is thrown straight into the action for real – the tallest building in the world is surely no match for the coolest camel in Dubai. Will Humpy’s improbable rescue mission succeed?

Praise for One Humpy Grumpy Camel ‘...a beautifully illustrated counting book depicting the culture of the area.’

20 Age range: 6 years and up 210 x 258 mm Portrait 28 pp Paperback Illustrated throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-94-1 Publication: December 2016 Price: £7.95 The Old Man and His Donkey Julia Johnson

Abu and his donkey have been together for as long as anyone can remember. Every day they bring water to the village in the mountains, and every day the villagers are waiting for them, ready to fill their pots. Sometimes the donkey carries firewood, sometimes sacks of rice, and in the long dark nights she has a very special job to do. But one day a young man in a big shiny truck rolls up. He can carry more of everything and much faster, can’t he? So what will become of Abu and his donkey now? But big isn’t always best, and nothing can rival the experience of an old man and his tried and trusted friend, especially in the mountains! The Old Man and His Donkey, like all the best fables throughout the ages, is a an entertaining story that teaches us about life. This heart-warming tale of the kindly old Arab and his (equally old) donkey is beautifully told and illustrated and is sure to appeal to children and adults alike, wherever they live.

ILLUSTRATOR Charlene Kasdorf grew up in the prairies of Canada and spent afternoons rummaging through the boxes of paper in her parents’ printing shop. Logically, she began her studies in Graphic Design, and while working internationally, earned her BFA and MEd. She now lives in Qatar and balances her work in illustration, art, and education…all the while spending afternoons watching her two little sand pirates construct inventions and stories out of paper.


From Epsom to Tralee Roy Gill

JUNE 2015

Deeper than Indigo Jenny Balfour Paul

Stealing Dylan From Woodstock (Vol I When the World Came to the Isle of Wight, 1969) Ray Foulk with Caroline Foulk


Spirit of the Wind A Photographic Celebration of the Wild Horses of the Namib Desert Miona Janeke

The Pearl Diver Julia Johnson; Patricia Al Fakhri


Success Through Cooperation: The First Decade of the GPCA, 2015 HIGHLIGHTS 2006–2015 Gulf Petrochemicals & Chemicals Association

Molecules, Mind and Matter: How the Arabian Gulf Became a Global Petrochemical Hub Dr Abdulwahab Al-Sadoun

23 “In telling the story of our racecourses, Roy Gill perfectly highlights the agony and the ecstasy of the world of racing” Bob MBE

210 x 218 mm Portrait 276 pp Hardback ISBN: 978-1-909339-07-1 Publication: March 2015 Price: £38.00 From Epsom to Tralee Roy Gill

Many years in the making – not least because the developments and changes to statistics taking place daily in the racing world necessitated constant updating! – this book is a veritable encyclopaedia of racing. The author recounts the noteworthy occurrences and behind-the-scene stories of each venue – their highs and lows, heroes and villains, as well as personal anecdotes about the courses, the horses, the jockeys and trainers. From Epsom to Tralee is beautifully illustrated with contemporary and archive photographs (many of them previously unseen and unpublished), illustrations and fascinating items of racing memorabilia.

Roy Gill was born in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, in 1938. His father Reg was a milkman (horse-drawn cart of course) but in his spare time was also an illegal bookmaker – at their local racecourse, Epsom, licences were sometimes overlooked and Reg often worked on the Hill. Racing was an integral part of family life, but it was not until he was 12 years old that the young Roy was allowed to accompany his father to the races. From that moment he was hooked. After boarding school and a stint in the Royal Navy, Roy embarked on a career in bookmaking, learning the ropes at the London School of Turf Accountancy. Every spare moment was spent visiting racecourses, at first in England and eventually round to the whole of the UK and Ireland. The journey that began at Epsom in 1955 was completed at Tralee in 1992 when he had visited every racecourse under Flat and National Hunt rules, making a total of 107 meetings.

24 “One of the most remarkable books I have ever read” A. N. Wilson

152 x 228 mm Portrait 320pp Hardback 32pp x colour plates ISBN: 978-1-909339-53-8 Publication: June 2015 Price: £22.95 Deeper than Indigo Jenny Balfour Paul

This intriguing odyssey, set on the edges of time, encompasses biography, memoir, detective story, travelogue and history to tell a remarkable tale of East-West connections and a mysterious love. The author’s quest begins when the word ‘indigo’ draws her to the illustrated journals, now in the British Library, of Victorian traveller Thomas Machell. She finds her life to have striking echoes of his, not least travels to and within India, a career in indigo, and a passion for journal writing. This spellbinding book brings to life Machell’s untold story, that of a spirited outsider at the time of the British Raj reaching into the future.

Jenny Balfour Paul is a writer, artist, international lecturer and intrepid traveller, she is the author of two books on Indigo, and numerous other writings. She was consultant curator for the Whitworth Art gallery’s 2007 touring exhibition ‘Indigo, a Blue to Dye For’. Jenny is an Honorary Research Fellow at Exeter University; a Fellow, Councillor and Trustee of London’s Royal Geographical Society and a Fellow Royal Asiatic Society and New York’s Explorers Club; and President of the UK’s Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. She is involved in research into dyes recovered from shipwrecks, is a partner in ‘Silk Road Connect’, an educational initiative launched by cellist Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road Project in New York, and promotes revivals of natural dyes throughout the world.

25 Vol I of When the World Came to the Isle of Wight

228 x 152 mm Portrait 296 pp Hardback 2-colour, 48 pp 4-colour plates; index; ISBN: 978-1-909339-50-7 Published: June 2015 £ 22.95 Stealing Dylan From Woodstock Ray Foulk with Caroline Foulk

The 1969 Isle of Wight Festival was Bob Dylan’s one and only full concert appearance in seven-and-a-half years and played its part in a highly transformative period of the artist’s life. Stealing Dylan from Woodstock tells, from a unique perspective, of an extraordinary event which seismically altered the lives of the author, his family, all those involved with it and many of those who attended.

“If [Volume 2] possesses the same warmth, with and innocent charm as this first instalment, it will be well worth another trip across the Solent” Graeme Thompson, The Mail on Sunday

Ray Foulk, now based in Oxford, has fostered many passions since his early days as a promoter. After the Isle of Wight Festivals and stadium events in London, he and his brothers were head- hunted by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation to help plan the leisure content of their new city. Through this, Ray brought the scientist and designer Buckminster Fuller to the project, embraced his environmentalism, and eventually trained as an architect himself at the University of Cambridge. Caroline Foulk has worked with her father, Ray, for many years, researching, writing, and co-promoting the schools environmental project, Blue Planet Day. Caroline trained and worked as a teacher and lives in Oxford with her husband and three children.

26 The Pearl Diver Jacket for reprint '09:FINAL JACKET pearl diver copy 14/8/09 12:22 Page 1 The Pearl Diver Jacket for reprint '09:FINAL JACKET pearl diver copy 14/8/09 12:22 Page 1 TheTheThe PearlPearl Pearl DiverDiver Diver JacketJacket Jacket forfor for reprintreprint reprint '09:FINAL'09:FINAL '09:FINAL JACKETJACKET JACKET pearlpearl pearl diverdiver diver copycopy copy 14/8/09 14/8/09 14/8/09 12:2212:22 12:22 PagePage Page 11 1 The Pearl Diver Jacket for reprint '09:FINAL JACKET pearl diver copy 14/8/09 12:22 Page 1 The Pearl Diver The Pearl Diver The Pearl Diver The Pearl Diver The Pearl Diver The Pearl Diver

Patricia Al Fakhri is well known as an artist and aeed is going to learn how to dive – teacher in Dubai where aeed is going to learn how to dive – aeedaeed is going is going to learn to learn how how to dive to dive– – she has lived for over 20 The aeed hisis going fatherS histo learn has father how promised has to dive promised to – teach to teach The hisS his father father has has promised promised to teach to teach years with her husband. The ShisS father him! has promised to teach TheThe S him! She has had many him!him! him! It is the Itstart is the of thestart pearling of the pearling season season exhibitions and her work “Imaginative colour illustrations ... gripping ending.” ItItIt is isis the It thethe is start startstarttheand ofstart of of thisthe thethe of pearling is pearlingpearlingthe his pearling first season seasonseason trip season out on to the can be seen in public “Imaginative colour illustrations ... gripping ending.” and this is his first trip out on to the “Imaginative“Imaginative“Imaginative colour colour colour illustrations illustrations illustrations ...... gripping ...gripping gripping ending.” ending.” ending.” andand this and this is this is his hiswaters is first first his trip first tripof theout trip out onArabian onout to to on the the to Gulf. the Leaving places and galleries. KHALEEJ TIMES waterswaters of the of Arabianthe Arabian Gulf. Gulf. Leaving Leaving KHALEEJ TIMES Pearl waterswaterswaters of of the the of Arabian theArabian Arabian Gulf. Gulf. Gulf. Leaving Leaving Leaving Her other books KHALEEJ TIMESIMES the rest of his family behind on the KKHALEEJKHALEEJTTIMESTIMES Pearl Pearl the rest of his family behind on the Pearl thethe rest rest of of his his family family behind behind on on the the Pearl the rest of his family behind on the include Sharifa: the Story the rest of hisshore, family Saeed behind and on his the father join the shore,shore,shore, Saeed Saeed Saeed and and and his his father father his father join join the the join the of an Arabian Horse (with shore,shore, Saeed Saeed crew and of his and a fatherpearling his father join dhow the join and the set out to Joan Hannam, Medina “The words are rich with knowledge and portray the perils and myths crewcrewcrew of a ofpearling a pearling dhow dhowdhow and andset and out set set toout out to to “The words“The“The“The are words words richwords are withare arerich rich knowledgerich with with with knowledge knowledge knowledge and portray and and and portray portray the portray perils the the perilsthe perilsand perils mythsand and andmyths myths myths crew of a pearlingspend dhow the hotand summerset out to months on the Publishing 2015). of the age-old industry... and a culture proud to recognise its heritage... spendspendspendspend thethe hotthehot summerhotsummer summersummer monthsmonths monthsmonths onon thethe on on the the of the age-oldofof the ofthe the age-oldindustry... age-old age-old industry... industry... industry...and a cultureand and and a aculture culture prouda culture proud toproud proudrecognise to to recognise torecognise recognise its heritage... its its heritage... itsheritage... heritage... Diver spend the hothigh summer seas. months He learns on the how the pearl atricia Al-Fakhri is well-known as wonderful illustrations by watercolour artist Patricia Al Fakhri.” Diver highhighhigh seas. seas. He Helearns learns learns how how how the thepearl the pearl pearl Diver high seas. He learns how the pearl wonderful illustrations by watercolour artist Patricia Al Fakhri.” Diver wonderful illustrations by watercolour artist Patricia Al Fakhri.” Diver atricia Al-Fakhri is well-known as Diver atricia Al-Fakhriatriciaatricia isAl-Fakhri well-known Al-Fakhri is well-knownis well-knownas as as wonderfulwonderful illustrationswonderful illustrations illustrations by watercolour by watercolourby watercolour artist artistPatricia artist Patricia AlPatricia Fakhri.” Al Fakhri.” Al Fakhri.” divers hunt for the treasures of the an artist and teacher in Dubai diversdiversdiversdivers hunt hunt hunt for for the thefor treasures thetreasures the treasures treasures of of the the of of the the P an artist and teacher in Dubai TIME OUT DUBAI Julia Johnson Julia Johnson an artist andan teacher anartist artist and in and teacherDubai teacher in Dubaiin Dubai TIMEIME OUT DUBAI Julia Johnson seabed, and discovers the secrets and

P T O D Julia Johnson P Julia Johnson P wherePP she has lived for over 20 years TIMETOIMEUTTIMEODUTUBAIODUTUBAIDUBAI Julia Johnson seabed,seabed,seabed,seabed,seabed, and and and discovers and discovers discovers discovers the the the secrets secrets secretsthe the secrets secrets and and and and and where she haswherewherewhere lived she she shefor has has hasover lived lived lived 20 for foryears for over over over 20 20 20years years years dangers of the sea. with her husband. She has had many dangersdangersdangersdangers of of the the of sea. sea.the sea.sea. with her husband.withwithwith her her herShe husband. husband. husband. has had She She manyShe has has has had had had many many many This delightful story, carefully exhibitions and her work can be seen ThisThis ThisThis delightful delightful delightful story, story, story, story, carefully carefully carefully carefully exhibitionsexhibitionsexhibitions and and and her her her work work work can can can be be beseen seen seen exhibitions and her work can be seen researchedresearchedresearchedresearched fromresearched from from from oral oral oral oral and and and from and written written written oral written and written inininin inpublic publicpublic public placesplaces placesplaces places and and andand and galleries galleriesgalleriesgalleries galleries researched from oral and written in public places and galleries sourcessourcessourcessources – – –some somesome –sources somedating datingdating dating – from somefromfrom frommore moremoredating morethan thanthan from than more than throughoutthroughoutthroughoutthroughoutthroughout thethe thethe the Emirates. Emirates. Emirates.Emirates. Emirates. sources – some dating from more than throughout the Emirates. aa hundred-and-fifty hundred-and-fiftya hundred-and-fiftya hundred-and-fifty years years yearsago ago – ago– offers offers years – offers ago – offers and and

and a hundred-and-fifty years ago – offers and and an insight intoan insight the way into of thelife thatway of life that and an insightan insight into theinto way the wayof life of that life that sustainedsustainedan insight the the Arabian Arabian into the Gulf Gulf way right right of lifeup up that Patricia Al Fakhri

Patricia Al Fakhri sustained the Arabian Gulf right up Patricia Al Fakhri sustainedsustained the Arabian the Arabian Gulf Gulf right right up up Patricia Al Fakhri Patricia Al Fakhri sustained the Arabian Gulf right up

Patricia Al Fakhri 251 x 158 mm Portrait until the discoveryuntil the of discoveryoil. of oil. untiluntil untilthe discovery the discovery of oil. of of oil. oil. Julia Johnson is a drama teacher turned children’s TheThe The winning winning winningThe charm charm winning charm of of Patricia Patricia of charm Patricia of Patricia “Julia Johnson enchants the reader with this tale, and Patricia Al Fakhri’s The winning charm of Patricia author, storyteller and performer who first came to Dubai “Julia“Julia“Julia Johnson Johnson Johnson enchants enchants enchantsenchants the the thereader thereader reader reader with with with thiswith this thistale, thistale, tale, and tale,and andPatricia Patriciaand Patricia Patricia Al Al Fakhri’s AlFakhri’s AlFakhri’s Fakhri’s Al-Fakhri’sAl-Fakhri’sAl-Fakhri’s Al-Fakhri’s watercolours watercolours watercolours watercolours combine combine combine combine “Julia Johnson enchants the reader with this tale, and Patricia Al Fakhri’s Al-Fakhri’s watercolours combine in 1975. She has appeared on stage, TV and radio in the watercolourswatercolourswatercolours capture capture capturecapture the the themagic themagic magic magic of of the ofthe of sea...the sea...the sea... sea...the the father-sonthe father-sonthe father-son father-son relationship relationship relationship relationship is is is is withwith with Julia Julia Julia Johnson’swith Johnson’s Johnson’s Julia narrative narrative Johnson’s narrative to to narrative to to UK and in Dubai, has toured Theatre-in-Education watercolours capture the magic of the sea... the father-son relationship is with Julia Johnson’s narrative to beautifullybeautifullybeautifully explored... explored... explored...explored... a auseful usefula a useful useful addition addition addition addition to to any toany to anyschool schoolany school school library.” library.” library.” library.” makemakemake The The Pearl ThePearlmake PearlDiver Diver The Diveran anPearl outstanding outstandingan Diver outstandingan outstanding 56 pp Hardback productions to schools and has recorded over 100 audio beautifully explored... a useful addition to any school library.” bookmake for children The Pearl aged Diver 8 – outstanding books. BAHRAIN THIS MONTH book bookfor children forbook children aged for childrenaged8 – 12. 8 – aged12. 8 – 12. BAHRAINBAHRAINBAHRAINTHISTMHISTONTHHISMONTHMONTH book for children aged 8 – 12. Julia’s stories frequently focus on the history and BAHRAIN THIS MONTH culture of the Arabian Peninsula. She has written over StoryStoryStoryStory a dozen stories for children including The Camel That “Seamlessly blending fact and fiction, Julia Johnson has created a story

“Seamlessly blending fact and fiction, Julia Johnson has created a story INTERNATIONAL STACEY “Seamlessly blending fact and fiction, Julia Johnson has created a story INTERNATIONAL STACEY Story “Seamlessly blending fact and fiction, Julia Johnson has created a story INTERNATIONAL STACEY Got Away. The Turtle Secret won the Best International “Seamlessly blending fact and fiction, Julia Johnson has created a story INTERNATIONAL STACEY TCYINTERNATIONAL STACEY ISBN: 978-1-909339-76-7 “Seamlesslywhich blending is not onlyfact exciting,and fiction, but anJulia informative Johnson accounthas created of a bygonea story age.” Julia Johnson Children’s Book Award at Sharjah International Book INTERNATIONAL STACEY STACEY INTERNATIONAL whichwhich is not is notonly onlyonly exciting, exciting, exciting, but butan but informativean an informative informative account account account of a ofbygone ofa bygonea bygone age.” age.” age.” PUBLISHINGMEDINA JuliaJulia Johnson Johnson STACEYSTACEY INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL Fair 2014. Julia Johnson STACEY INTERNATIONAL which is not only exciting, but an informative account of a bygoneSOCIETY age.”DUBAI Julia Johnson ulia Johnson enjoys writing and acting. SOCIETYSOCIETYDUBAIDUBAI STACEY INTERNATIONAL uliauliaulia JohnsonShe Johnson Johnson has toured enjoys enjoys enjoysschools writing writing andwriting colleges and and and inacting. acting.Dubai, acting. Abu SOCIETY DUBAI uliaSheDhabi Johnson first and went the enjoys Northern to the writing MiddleEmirates, andEastOman, acting. in Bahrain, SOCIETY DUBAI ulia JohnsonJJShe enjoysShe first first writingwent went to andtheto the Middle acting. Middle East East in in SheJKuwait, first Qatar went and to Saudi the Arabia Middle with talks East and ISBN 1-900988-58-5 ISBN 1-900988-58-5 J1975, where she was swift to develop her ISBN 1-900988-58-5 1975,1975, where where she she was was swift swift to developto develop her her ISBN 1-900988-58-5 She first went1975, Commissionsto where the Middle she have was included East swift ina story to fordevelop Qatar’s National her ISBN 1-900988-58-5 Illustrations Publication: September 2015 J skillsskills asas aa scubascuba diver.diver. SheShe nownow dividesdivides skillsskills as asa scuba a scuba diver. diver. She She now now divides divides IllustrationsIllustrations 1975, where skillssheher Day wastime as 2009, a swift betweenscuba an interactiveto diver. develop Dubai studentShe and her now pack an fordividesold the Kremlin ISBN 1-900988-58-5 Illustrations herher timeexhibition time between betweenfor the Abu Dubai DubaiDhabi and Authority and an anold for old Culture and Illustrations skills as a scubaherwatermill time diver. between Shein Worcestershire. now Dubai divides and an old watermillwatermillHeritage in (ADACH) Worcestershire. and a series of five short stories for PatriciaPatricia AlAl FakhriFakhri her time betweenwatermillShe Dubai is inmarried Worcestershire.and an with old two children and a Patricia Al Fakhri MEDINA PUBLISHING SheKraftShe is (Middle marriedis married East). with with two two children children and and a a Patricia Al Fakhri watermill in Worcestershire. STACEYSTACEY INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONAL granddaughter.She is married with two children and a STACEY9 781909 INTERNATIONAL339767 Patricia Al Fakhri 781900 781900STACEY INTERNATIONAL 988582 988582 granddaughter.granddaughter. 781900 988582 She is married with two children and a 781900 INTERNATIONAL 988582 Price: £12.95 granddaughter. 781900 988582 STACEY INTERNATIONAL granddaughter. 781900 988582 The Pearl Diver Julia Johnson

Saeed is going to learn how to dive – his father has promised to teach him! It is the start of the pearling season and this is his first trip out on the waters of the Arabian Gulf. This delightful story, carefully researched from oral and written sources – some dating from more than 150 years ago – offers an insight into the way of life that sustained the Arabian Gulf up until the dis- covery of oil. Since its first publication in 2003, it has sold more than 30,000 copies worldwide.

320 x 200 mm Landscape 48 pp Hardback ISBN: 9781909339330 Publication: March 2015 Price: £25.00 Spirit of the Wind Miona Janeke

The result of an intrepid pilgrimage to discover the essence of the mysterious herds of feral horses. The exquisite photographs of the horses and their surroundings show a deep, almost spiritual, connection between subject and photographer. “The country, its people, and Namibia’s phenomenal and unique wild horses have mesmerized me. I saw the thirst in their eyes and the burning desire to survive. I was looking for the spirit of freedom and found it here, within the wild horses of the Namib Desert.” 27 - Success through Cooperation

From a standing start in 2006, the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association has become a key resource for global industry. GPCA meetings, most especially its Annual Forum in Dubai, are “must-attend” events for regional and international leaders. The association’s reports carry great weight, and its committees play essential roles in charting and encouraging the forward movement of the chemical companies of the Arabian Gulf. The GPCA is committed to responsible stewardship and to the future progress of the industry. This present report details the origins, development, and functions of the association and is issued in conjunction with its tenth anniversary celebrations. Success through Cooperation he Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association(GPCA) represents the downstream hydrocarbon industry in the Arabian Gulf. Established in 2006, the association voices

T the common interests of more than 240 member companies h is eaeo the GPCA, 2006–2015 Decade of First The The First 159 x 235 mm Portrait: from the chemical and allied industries, accounting for over 95 percent of chemical output in the Gulf region. The industry makes up the second largest manufacturing sector in the region, Decade of producing over U.S. $100 billion of products a year. The association supports the region’s petrochemical and the GPCA, 80 pp Paperback chemical industry through advocacy, networking, and thought leadership initiatives that help member companies to connect, 2006–2015 to share and advance knowledge, to contribute to international dialogue, and to become prime influencers in shaping the future of the global petrochemicals industry. GPCA manages six working committees—Plastics, Supply Illustrated throughout Chain, Fertilizers, International Trade, Research and Innovation, and Responsible Care—and organizes six world-class events each year. The association also publishes an annual report, regular newsletters, and reports. ISBN: 978-1-909339-80-4 For more information, please visit Publication: December 2015 Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association Price: £5.00 Success through Cooperation: The First Decade of the GPCA, 2006-2015

From a standing start in 2006, the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association has become a key resource for global industry. GPCA meetings, most especially its Annual Forum in Dubai, are “must-attend” events for regional and international leaders. The association’s reports carry great weight, and its committees play essential roles in charting and encouraging the forward movement of the chemical companies of the Arabian Gulf. The GPCA is committed to responsible stewardship and to the future progress of the industry. This present report details the origins, development, and functions of the association and is issued in conjunction with its tenth anniversary celebrations.

The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) represents the downstream hydrocarbon industry in the Arabian Gulf. Established in 2006, the association voices the common interests of more than 240 member companies from the chemical and allied industries, accounting for over 95 percent of chemical output in the Gulf region. The industry makes up the second largest manufacturing sector in the region, producing over US $100 billion of products a year. The association supports the region’s petrochemical and chemical industry through advocacy, networking, and thought leadership initiatives that help member companies to connect, to share and advance knowledge, to contribute to international dialogue, and to become prime influencers in shaping the future of the global petrochemicals industry. GPCA manages six working committees — Plastics, Supply Chain, Fertilizers, International Trade, Research and Innovation, and Responsible Care — and organizes six world-class events each year. The association also publishes an annual report, regular newsletters, and reports.

28 159 x 235 mm Portrait 168pp Hardback Illustrated throughout ISBN: 978-1-909339-78-1 Publication: December 2015 Price £25.00 Molecules, Mind and Matter: How the Arabian Gulf Became a Global Petrochemical Hub Dr Abdulwahab Al-Sadoun

This pioneering study provides the first-ever account of the extraordinary entrepreneurs who created a new industrial pillar for the economies of the countries in the Arabian Gulf region. It is an important, untold story of progress and hope and of modern technology transforming waste into valued products. The final section reviews the state of the industry today, as it prepares for fresh challenges and opportunities. Richly researched and written by a respected authority on the life of the GCC countries, Molecules, Mind and Matter sets the frame for all future analysis of this major aspect of modern culture.

Abdulwahab Al-Sadoun received a PhD in industrial chemistry from King’s College, University of London, and is a graduate of the General Management Program of the Harvard Business School, and of several executive management and technical training programmes at leading institutions in Japan, the USA and Europe. He began his career as a senior researcher at SABIC Research and Development Center in Saudi Arabia. He then worked for several of the most prominent agencies in the region, including Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority and the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting. Since 2009 he has served as secretary general of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the International Council of Chemical Associations and the Board of Trustees of the Riyadh Economic Forum and the Arabian Society for Human Resources Management.. Dr. Al-Sadoun is the author of over 25 articles on the regional petrochemical industry and the co-author of two US patents.

29 2017


Alexandria: City of Gifts and Sorrows From Hellenistic Civilisation to Multiethnic Metropolis (Arabic) A. J. Polyzoides

Discovering the UAE Francesca Affleck

Natural Remedies of Arabia (Adult and Junior Editions) Donna Pepperdine and Bob Lebling

The Writing in the Stone Irving Finkel


SeaBEAN Trilogy: Compendium Sarah Holding FORTHCOMING

Barzipan Publishing COMPLETE BACKLIST COMPLETE Seven Bands of Gold: Forbidden Love Jenny Lees

30 Medina Publishing Ltd 2009 – 2015 COMPLETE BACKLIST COMPLETE

31 THE ARAB HORSE ROYAL HERITAGE HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein Alia was born in 1956 to King Hussein and Queen Dina of Jordan. After studying in Jordan and the UK, ince its first publication in 1989,The Arab Horse has Co-authored by HRH Princess Alia, the eldest she graduated from the University of Jordan been recognised as the definitive work on the subject.ROYAL HERITAGE daughter of the late King Hussein of Jordan, and the with an Honours degree in English Literature. S She embarked on an M.Phil. in archaeology at London This, the third edition, has been substantiallly revised and artist and author Peter Upton, Royal Heritage tells University before taking over direction of the Royal Stables. redesigned to bring the story of the Arab horse to a newThe Story of Jordan’s Arab Horses the story of the Arab horse in Jordan, from the early She is the President of the Jordanian Equestrian Federation and generation of enthusiasts of the breed. days of the Bedouin tribes to the 21st century, a ASIL also works with charitable causes and organisations dealing with The first Arab stallion brought into Britain from the story closely associated with the Hashemite family intercultural dialogue and understanding. In 2009 she founded of Jordan, direct descendants of the Prophet. Photographic Studies of the Purebred Arabian Horse the Princess Alia Foundation to address issues relating to human Desert of Arabia was Padischah, imported in the 1830s, The account also tells of the Arab Revolt of and animal welfare and the environment. The Foundation follows whose pure-bred line still exists. Since the first edition a holistic approach and its message is ‘Compassion and Respect 1916, in which the Emirs Ali, Abdullah, Feisal THE of The Arab Horse – subtitled ‘A Complete Record of Towards All Creation’. Princess Alia is married to Mohammed Al and Zeid, with T E Lawrence, drove the Ottomans Saleh and is the mother of three children. the Arab Horses Imported into Britain from the Desert out of the region, and how some of the Hashemite Peter Upton studied art and art history at of Arabia from the 1830s’ – more imports have been mares became the foundation stock of the Royal college and university, and is best known for discovered. But, as the author admits, one must draw the Stud in Jordan. Royal Heritage covers many other eter Upton studied art and art history at college his paintings depicting the desert scene and the ARAB adventures including the traumatic events which line somewhere. This book provides a complete record and university, but considers that he really learnt Arab horse. He has held one-man exhibitions nearly led to the loss of the Stud’s precious mares in Britain and abroad, and his works, including of all the desert-bred horses imported into Britain after P and describes how, despite these setbacks, the more from his uncle, Charles W. Cain, the well-known many special commissions, are in private collections around the Padischah, from whom present-day pure-bred Arab etcher of Arabia in the 1920s, and from studying the world. A past President of the Arab Horse Society of Great Britain, HORSE Royal Stud has flourished. In 1987 Princess Alia, horses descend, up to 1960. work of those artists he most admires, notably Stubbs, an international judge, and a recognised expert on the history Director of the Royal Stud, organised the first Arab of the Arab horse, his passion for this breed goes back some 65 In his introductory chapter, Peter Upton provides horse show to be held in Arabia entitled ‘The Arab Munnings, Edwards, Sorolla and the Pre-Raphaelites. “An indispensable addition to the history of the Arabian for in these horses which came to England we have a heritage without price.” years to his first pony, a white part-Arab. He writes regularly for a narrative history of the desert journeys of those early Horse at Home.’ It was an event which inspired Peter Upton is best known for his paintings depicting The Arab Horse Society News the AHS News and other magazines, has been involved in films on the Arab horse, and is the author of numerous books on the British enthusiasts who went in search of horses suitable other Arab countries to organise horse shows of the desert scene and the Arab horse. He has held one- subject, including The Arab Horseand Out of the Desert. for shipping back to Britain, most notably Major Roger their own. man exhibitions in Britain and abroad, and his works, “One of the book’s most interesting presentations arranges the imported horses according to their strains and tribes of origin.” Princess Alia includes many fascinating personal Upton, Wilfrid Scawen and Lady AnneHRH Princess Alia Al Hussein Blunt (founders of including many private commissions, are in private CMK Record (USA) the famous Crabbet Stud in 1878), and the Honourable reminiscences: about the horses she holds so dear, the people involved in the Stud through the years, collections around the world. HRH Princess Haya Al Hussein, author of the Foreword, is Miss Dillon. A past President of the Arab Horse Society of “Mr Upton conducts us on a triumphant progress from the stallion Padischah, foaled in 1825 and imported circa 1830, to the stallion the daughter of King Hussein and Queen Alia of Jordan. She is the famous and infamous, family and friends, heads

Thereafter, and often inand Peter Upton the words of the original a well-known horsewoman, the first Jordanian equestrienne to of state and handlers. The work is richly illustrated Great Britain, an international judge, and a recognised Shamyl, imported in utero when his dam was given to HM Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) in 1960 and foaled in 1961. However The Arab Revolt of 1916. long the 130-year pilgrimage, Mr Upton points out to the reader many fine sights and, rather like the conscientious driver of a tourist Peter Upton compete in the Olympics and President of FEI since 2006. She importers, the author gives detailed descriptions of the with paintings, drawings and rare photographs expert on the history of the Arab horse, his passion for is known for her many humanitarian activities, including being Emirs Abdullah and Feisal, the sons of the Emir of Mecca, Sherif Hussein Bin Ali, with the Arab Army on coach, takes a number of side roads so the passengers can more fully appreciate the delights of the territory traversed. eighty-six horses who have lines existing to this day, as from old archives and private collections, as well this breed goes back some 65 years to his first pony, a a UN Messenger of Peace, a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN their way to Aqaba. “All in all, a feast for the eye, for the imagination and for the intellect. And if you are interested in breeding Arabian horses there is well as detailed tables of descent of mares and stallions, as up-to-date portraits of the Stud and its horses. white part-Arab. He writes regularly for the AHS News World Food Programme, and Chairperson on the International sustenance aplenty here for you.” Humanitarian City in Dubai. She is married to Sheikh Photograph by T E Lawrence, courtesy of the Imperial War Museum. and sections on Bedouin horse breeders, the origins of the Peter Upton gives an in-depth account of the horses and other magazines, has been involved in films on The Australian Arabian Horse News Mohammed Al Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai. Arab horse, and the development of strains. themselves; the breeding, lineage and preservation the Arab horse, and is the author of Out of the Desert, Lavishly illustrated with 60 full-page colour portraits of the hugely important Jordanian bloodlines. HRH Prince Rashid Al Hassan, author of the Historical ISBN 978-0-9564170-4-6 A story of legend, romance and war, Royal Desert Heritage: An Artist’s Collection of Blunt’s Original Context, is the son of Prince Hassan of Jordan, youngest of horses by the author, colour reproductions of famous Tariq Dajani Heritage tells with passion for the first time the Arab Horses (1980), The Classic Arab Horse (1986), The ISBN 978-0-9567081-7-5 brother of the late King Hussein, and Princess Sarvath. He paintings of Arab horses by the Old Masters, and with attended Harrow and Sandhurst and graduated from Cambridge remarkable saga of the Arab horse in Jordan. Arabian Horse – History, Mystery and Magic (1998), and 160 black-and-white photographs, this revised, expanded University in 2001and serves in the Jordanian armed forces. He co-author with HRH Princess Alia al Hussein of Royal is a keen equestrian, a polo player of international reknown and and reformatted edition ofThe Arab Horse will delight and Heritage: the Story of Jordan’s Arab Horses (2011). Captain of the Jordanian Polo Team. 9 780956 417046 Medina Publishing inform all those with an interest in this most beautifulHRH Princess Alia al Hussein and Peter Upton Front:Wilfrid Scawen Blunt on Pharaoh (detail of a life-size oil painting by Lady Anne Blunt, 1881); Peter Upton breed. Back: The lone horsemen in Wadi Rum (watercolour by Peter Upton) ISBN: 978-0-9567081-7-5 9 780956 708175 Medina Publishing

Medina Publishing Asil: Photographic Studies of The Arab Horse Royal Heritage: The Story of the Purebred Arabian Horse Jordan’s Arab Horses Peter Upton Tariq Dajani HRH Princess Al Hussein 285 x 234 mm Landscape & Peter Upton 360 x 250 mm Landscape 336 pp Hardback 112 pp Hardback 210 x 218 mm Portrait ISBN: 978-0-957023-40-6 264 pp Hardback ISBN: 978-0-957023-38-3 Price: £45.00 Price: £75.00 ISBN: 978-0-956417-94-6 Price: £35.00

o-authored by HRH Princess Alia, eldest daughter of SMALL MIRACLES SMALL HRH Princess Alia Al The Story of the Princess Alia Foundation the late King Hussein of Jordan, and Sharifa Sarra Ghazi, Hussein was born in 1956 to CSmall Miracles, the Story of the Princess Alia Foundation tells of an THEKing Hussein and QueenHISTORY Dina OF THE extraordinary charitable endeavour. When it was established of Jordan. She is the President in 2009, the authors little knew how the Foundation would of the Jordanian Equestrian fundamentally change their lives, as well as the lives of Federation and also works countless others – both animal and human. BRITISHwith charitable causes and RIDING PONY When Lyn White, an animal cruelty investigator, suggested Small Miracles SMALL MIRACLES the need for an organisation to alleviate and prevent the organisations dealing with appaling abuse of animals she was daily witness to, Princess intercultural dialogue and The inspiring story of the Princess Alia Foundation, its triumphs Alia immediately embraced it and saw in it a wider mandate understanding. In 2009, she founded the Princess Alia to include special needs and public health, as well as animal Foundation to address issues relating to human and animal and tragedies, hopes and dreams, and the small miracles welfare. Tireless in her charitable work and a woman of welfare and the environment. The Foundation follows that take place each day, is told here – at times harrowing limitless compassion, she nonetheless needed support to get a holistic approach and its message is ‘Compassion and and heartbreaking, at times joyful and uplifting. It is, the idea off the ground, and the obvious choice was her cousin Respect Towards All Creation’. Sharifa Sarra Ghazi, someone already committed to animal above all, indisputable evidence of the humbling and welfare and to general education, and highly organised and transformative power of kindness and compassion. motivated besides. The Foundation is now well established. Originally staffed entirely by volunteers and still dependent on donations and support from kindly individuals and organisations within Sharifa Sarra Ghazi was Jordan and around the world, its reputation and reach continue born in 1971. After early to grow. The New Hope Centre was launched in 2010 to schooling in Amman, she provide medical care and rehabilitation for rescued and confiscated wildlife and endangered animals, and Growing attended Roedean School in Together (Equine Therapy), initiated in late 2010, has shown Sussex, and then completed her remarkable results with troubled and autistic children. Officer Training at the Royal More recent projects include partnership with Vier Pfoten HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein Military Academy, Sandhurst, International to establish the Al Ma’wa Wildlife Sanctuary, before joining the Jordanian We share this planet and our destiny with and Sharifa Sarra Ghazi and Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow, whose mission is to Army. With a degree in Psychology and Cognitive Science all living things, and in purchasing this help troubled youths become the agents of change and lead book you are helping to promote balance, from University College London and as a qualified the world towards a brighter future harmony and respect for all creation. counsellor, she has worked tirelessly to improve educational The story of the Foundation, its triumphs and tragedies, hopes and dreams, and the small miracles that take place each standards for children in Jordan, improve parenting skills A share of the proceeds from all sales will be donated to the Princess Alia Foundation. day, is told here – at times harrowing and heartbreaking, at and increase opportunities for women. Her love for all times joyful and uplifting. Above all, it is indisputable evidence living things is innate and, as Princess Alia’s right hand in THe SToRy of THe PRinceSS AliA foundATion of the humbling and transformative power of kindness. the Foundation, she is dedicated to the rescue of animals Written with passion and humour and gloriously illustrated, and the rehabilitation children in a holistic, compassionate this book should be compulsory reading in every part of the and practical way. world. It will do much to reawaken the seeds of compassion which reside in us all, but all too often lie dormant through inertia, ignorance or social conditioning. This is an inspiring www. UK £35 HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein story that will remind us that we share this planet and our destiny with all living things and will help to promote balance, ISBN: 978-0-9564170-8-4 Tom Best and Sharifa Sarra Ghazi harmony and respect for all creation. The History of the Welsh Pony The History of the British Small Miracles: The Story of the Riding Pony Princess Alia Foundation Tom Best Tom Best HRH Princess Al Hussein 210 x 218 mm Portrait & Sharifa Sarra Ghazi pp Hardback; Paperback 210 x 218 mm Portrait ISBN (HB): 978-1-909339-02-6 300 pp Hardback 210 x 218 mm Portrait ISBN (PB): 978-1-90933902505 ISBN: 978-0-956417-09-1 276 pp Hardback Price: £35.00 / £25.00 Price: £35.00 ISBN: 978-0-956417-08-4 Price: £35.00

مخبأ في الرمال الكشف عن ماضي قطر

ف ا رنسيس جيليسبي فيصل عبداهلل النعيمي The Purebred Arabian Horses of Hidden in the Sands: Hidden in the Sands (Arabic): Iraq: Myths and Realities Discovering Qatar’s Past Discovering Qatar’s Past Dr Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz Frances Gillespie and Frances Gillespie and Al-Nujaifi Faisal Al-Naimi Faisal Al-Naimi

215 x 280mm Portrait 210 x 280 mm Portrait 210 x 280 mm Portrait 240 pp Hardback 48 pp Paperback 48 pp Paperback ISBN: 978-1-909339-01-9 ISBN: 978-1-909339-03-3 ISBN: 978-1-909339-03-3 Price: £35.00 Price: £12.95 Price: £12.95 32 Jewels from the Sea Frances Gillespie has lived in Qatar for almost “ This beautifully illustrated and clearly written book does more than JEWELS Pearl Fishing in the Arabian Gulf 30 years, working as an English teacher for many years تعيش فرانسيس جيلليسبييف قطر منذ حوايل ثالثني عاماً، حيث عملت uncover Qatar’s past – for the first time it offers the younger generation a جواهر البحر: صيد اللؤلؤ يف الخليج العريب أستاذة للغة اإلنجليزية لسنوات عديدة ومؤلفة تساهم يف مجال اإلعالم and as a freelance writer, contributing to the media and chance to understand our nation’s archaeological history. Hidden in the rances Gillespie is well known for her best-selling وتأليف الكتب حول تاريخ قطر وتاريخها الطبيعي. ويف عام ٢٠٠٠ تولّت ,writing books about the history and natural history of books on the region for children and adults. In this مسؤولية ق منسمرشوع األرشيف القطري، وهو مبادرة مشرتكة بني Sands is both a visual feast and an important contribution towards helping ّ Qatar. In 2000 she was the coordinator of the Qatar Fher latest work, she tells the fascinating story of pearl تُشتهر فرانسيس جيلليسبي بكتبها املخصصة لألطفال والكبار، السلطات َالقطرية وجامعة برمنغهام. وقد ناقشت يف كتابيها اكتشف ”.Archaeology Project, a joint initiative between the us all appreciate the rich cultural heritage of Qatar قطر )الطبعة األوىل عام ٢٠٠٦( َو مخبأ يف الرمال: الكشف عن مايض .fishing in the Gulf JEWELS THE FROM والتي حققت أعىل املبيعات يف املنطقة. وهاهي تخربنا اليوم يف Qatari authorities and the University of Birmingham. JEWELS جواهر البحر It was a harsh and way of life for the men قطر )٢٠١٣(، اللذين حققا أفضل املبيعات، طيفاً واسعاً من ّمكونات أحدث أعاملها َالقصة املذهلة لصيد اللؤلؤ يف الخليج العريب. التاريخ الطبيعي لقطر، فضالً عن ثقافة وتقاليد وتاريخ وآثار قطر ومنطقة Her best-selling books Discovering Qatar (first HE Sheikh Hassan bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Thani at sea, and a hard and lonely life for the women they الخليج العريب. ّويعد كتابها الجديد جواهر البحر آخر إصداراتها التعليمية published in 2006) and Hidden in the Sands: Uncovering Vice frChairperson, m Qatar Museumsthe Authority fr m the left behind. But although the life of the divers and their ً جواهر البحر صيد اللؤلؤ يف اخلليج العريب والرتفيهية والغنية باملعلومات لجيل الشباب، والتي تضم أيضاً كتاب Qatar’s Past (2013) cover a wide range of natural womenfolk was hard, it was also time of togetherness لقد كانت الحياة صعبةوخطرية بالنسبة للرجال يف عرض البحر، مستكشف طبيعة قطر )٢٠١٣(، اللذين حققا أفضل املبيعات، طيفاً واسعاً history as well as the traditional culture, history and ًوقاسية ًمليئة ِبالوحدة بالنسبة لنسائهم اللوايت ّتركوهن يف البيوت. البحر جواهر and friendship, shared triumphs and disasters, of joy من مكونات التاريخ الطبيعي لقطر، فضالً عن ثقافة وتقاليد وتاريخ وآثار archaeology of Qatar and the Arabian Gulf. Jewels from ولكن عىل الرغم من أن حياة الغواصني ونسائهم كانت شاقة، إال أنها ّ in finding a perfect pearl, of songs and laughter – each صيد اللؤلؤ يف اخلليج العريب قطر ومنطقة الخليج العريب. ّويعد كتابها الجديد جواهر البحر آخر the Sea is the latest title of her informative, educational man daily placing his trust in Allah and in the help of his كانت أيام الصحبة والصداقة، أيام مشاركة األفراح واألتراح، أيام فرح إصداراتها التعليمية والرتفيهية والغنية باملعلومات لجيل الشبايب، والتي and entertaining books for youngsters, which include SEA SEA companions. تضم أيضاً كتايب )٢٠١٣(، وهو سلسلة من ستة SEA الجميع العامر بالعثور عىل لؤلؤة رائعة، أيام األغنيات والضحكات، مستكشف طبيعة قطر Qatar Nature Explorer (2013), a series of six colourful Pearl Fishing in the Arabian Gulf At the beginning of the 20th century the economy أجزاء، ٍبإصدار ملون وغالف من الورق املقوى، تستعرض أنواع الحيوانات حيث يستهلّ كلّ رجلٌ َيومه بوضع ثقته يف الله ويف عون رفاقه. ّ hardback books on Qatar’s fauna and flora. of every Gulf state on the Arabian coast depended on .والنباتات يف قطر

s pearling. When an enterprising Japanese perfected the يف بدايات القرن العرشين كان االقتصاد يف كلّ دول الساحل ,method of cultivating perfectly formed, spherical pearls العريب من الخليج يعتمد عىل صيد اللؤلؤ. وعندما نجح املغامر فرانسيس جيليسبي within a couple of decades the industry collapsed. At the الياباين يف زراعة الآللئ الكاملة املستديرة وأتقنها أ ّميا إتقان، مل ِميض صيد اللؤلؤ يف اخلليج العريب same time, the discovery of oil proved both a blessing and Frances Gillespie a curse. Many pearlers abandoned their way of life and إال عقدان من الزمن حتى انهارت صناعة اللؤلؤ كليّا.ً ويف ذات left the area, but others stayed and reaped the benefits of الوقت، أثبت اكتشاف النفط أنه ٌنعمة ونقمة ٍبآن معاً. إذ تخ ّىل the flow of liquid gold. الكثري من صيادي اللؤلؤ عن منط معيشتهم وغادروا املنطقة، ّولكن Frances Gillespie describes the men and women آخرين ّفضلوا البقاء َوج َنوا مثار تدفق الذهب السائل. whose lives revolved around the pearling trade – not only the divers but the crews and their masters, the تصف فرانسيس جيلليسبي حياة الرجال والنساء التي متحورت ,merchants and traders, the boat builders and sailmakers حول تجارة اللؤلؤ، إذ مل يقترص وصفها عىل الغواصني وحدهم بل and the craftsmen and jewellers who made from pearls

ّتعداه إىل أفراد الطاقم كلّه ورؤسائهم والتجار ّوبنايئ القوارب ّوصناع Frances Gillespie the most beautiful adornments, which were sought after by emperors and sultans. She explains how pearls are األرشعة والحرفيني وحتى اغالصيّ الذين صنعوا من الآللئ أجمل ّالحيل formed, what equipment was used to harvest them and التي كان يلهث وراءها األباطرة والسالطني. ثم ترشح املؤلفة طريقة how they were graded, and tells of the songs and seasons, ّل تشكاللؤلؤ، وترسد أنواع املعدات التي كانت تستخدم لجمع اللؤلؤ جيليسبي فرانسيس .and of the dangers that lurked beneath the sea وكيفية تصنيفه، وتوثق أنواع األغاين واملواسم، فضالً عن املخاطر التي Jewels from the Sea is aimed at a general readership كانت تقبع يف أعامق البحر. from youngsters upwards and is published through the Norman MacDonald has travelled extensively َجال نورمان ماكدونالد بشكل ف يفمكثّ الرشق األوسط وأفريقيا والرشق generosity of Maersk Oil (Qatar). It is lavishly illustrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Far East. Over the كتاب جواهر البحر ّموجه إىل ٍرشيحة واسعة من ّالقراء الشباب األقىص. وعىل ّ مرالسنني، ساهم وال يزال يف الكثري من املشاريع والقصص ,with photographs from the first to last days of pearling and years, he has collaborated on and illustrated many والبالغني، وينرش برعاية كرمية من مايرسك للنفط قطر. وهو ٌمزين .التاريخية واآلثارية املرتبطة بهذه املناطق من خالل الصور التوضيحية like Hidden in the Sands: Uncovering Qatar’s Past, features ُ current, historical and archaeological stories and بالكثري من الصور الفوتوغرافية التوضيحية من بدايات صيد اللؤلؤ .the superb paintings of artist Norman MacDonald projects associated with these places. Jewels from the Seais available in English and Arabic, وحتى أيامه األخرية. وعىل غرار كتاب مخبأ يف الرمال: الكشف عن in conjunction with an interactive website which ISBN: 978-1-909339-30-9 مايض قطر، تظهر يف هذا املنشور ٌلوحات مذهلة للفنان نورمان ,features text and pictures from the printed books ماكدونالد. quizzes and games, links to additional information, and اإلنجليزية ISBN: 978-1-909339-29-3 a teachers’ resource pack for schools and educational ISBN: 978-1-909339-29-3 establishments. Visit: Also available in Arabic

ISBN: 978-1-909339-30-9 Discovering Qatar Jewels from the Sea Jewels from the Sea (Arabic) Frances Gillespie Frances Gilespie Frances Gillespie

210 x 280 mm Portrait 210 x 280 mm Portrait 210 x 280 mm Portrait 192 pp Hardback; Paperback 60 pp Paperback 60 pp Paperback ISBN (HB): 978-1-090339-62-0 ISBN: 978-1-909339-29-3 ISBN: 978-1-909339-30-9 ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-61-3 Price: £12.95 Price: £12.95 Price:: £30.00 / £19.95

Wings Over Arabia Sicilian Shadows Through the Palace Keyhole Roger Harrison Francesco Scannella Ann Hutchinson Sawalha 320 x 240 mm Landscape 228 x 152mm Portrait 168 pp Hardback 152 x228 mm Portrait 368 pp Hardback; Paperback; eBook 432 pp Hardback; Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9564170-7-7 ISBN (HB): 978-1-909339-26-2 Price: £45.00 ISBN (HB): 978-1-909339-35-4 ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-27-9 ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-34-7 ISBN (ePub): 978-1-909339-28-6 ISBN (ePub): 978-1-909339-36-1 Price: £13.99 / £10.99 / £4.95 Price: £10.95 / £13.95 / £4.95


The Nabataeans were ancient peoples of Arabia, whose civilization was headquartered at Petra, ‘the rose red city half as old as time’. Their loosely controlled trading network covered the borderland between Syria and Arabia, from the Euphrates to the Red Sea. THE Incredibly wealthy from trade, they were significant regional players. Herod Antipas, for

example, was married to a Nabataean princess. The Roman emperor Trajan annexed the B A : Nabataean kingdom in the beginning of the 2nd century ad. Their distinct culture, easily identified by their characteristic finely-potted painted ceramics, became dispersed in the

general Greco-Roman culture and was eventually lost. ri


The Nabataeans: A Brief History of Petra and Madain Saleh is not intended as a f substitute for any of the commercially available guidebooks on Petra. Instead it is meant H

to help the reader understand the whys, wherefores and whens of these fascinating i people. and to provide visitors to both the Saudi Arabian and Jordanian sites with more ST

substance than found in a book of listings and pictures. ory This new title is published to conicide with the 200th anniversary of the first European

to describe the historic Nabataean site of Petra by the Swiss traveller Johann Ludwig of

Burckhardt. What makes it unique is that it will provide a popular and accessible account P of the two major Nabataean sites: Petra in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as well ET as its important sister city of Madain Saleh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Both are UNESCO World Heritage sites, and the author knows them intimately. r A

AN d M A

David W. Tschanz was born in Connecticut and moved to Saudi Arabia d in 1989. He has advanced degrees in history and epidemiology and has A i

been fascinated with Petra since the early nineties having written a series N of articles and earlier booklet on the Nabataeans. He has made over 40 S

visits to both sites including trips leading study groups. With over 950 A published articles and eight books on topics ranging from military history l EH to computer technology to ancient civilizations, he brings an eclectic

approach to his subjects. A Brief History of

d A

vid Petra and Madain Saleh W. T

ISBN 978-0-9570233-1-4 S c HAN z 9 780957 023314 David W. Tschanz The Nabateans: A Brief History The Future of the Bank of Kalila and Dimna: Fables of of Petra and Madain Saleh England: A Silver Lining? Conflict and Intrigue Ramsay Wood; G M Whitworth David W Tschanz Paul Tempest Foreword by Michael Wood 170 x 240 m Portrait 238 x 160 mm Portrait 244 pp Paperback 240 pp Hardback; Paperback 200 x 148 mm Portrait ISBN: 978-0-957023-31-4 ISBN (HB): 978-0-956708-12-0 224 pp Paperback Price: £14.95 ISBN (PB): 978-0-956708-14-4 ISBN: 978-0-956708-10-6 Price: £12.99 / £9.95 Price £9.95


Surviving the Storm Demogarchy: putting Drowning the Lifesaver: Sanral politics in its place from the inside (and out) The Windsor Energy Group Denis Beckett Denis Beckett 152 x 228 mm Portrait 88 pp Hardback 198 x 130 mm Portrait eBook (Kindle format) ISBN: 978-1-909339-52-1 154 pp Paperback; eBook ISBN (ePub): 978-1-909339-55-2 Price: £10.00 ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-31-6 Price: £2.04 ISBN: (ePub): 978-1-909337-32-3 Price: £5.00 / £2.80

ARAB FALCONRY ARAB FALCONRY History of a Way of Life Discover the heritage, rich traditions and mystique of the Arab art and sport ARAB FALCONRY of falconry. Since pre-Islamic times, the Middle East has had a proud history of flying hawks, including sakers, lanners and peregrines. Roger Upton’s reputation as a chronicler of the History of a Way of Life noble art and skills of falconry is unrivalled, Arab falconers train their prized falcons to be successful hunters of their chosen and his knowledge of and passion for the sport quarry, the prized houbara bustard, the stone curlew or the desert hare. They have are well known. much to share about their way of life, past and present, and Arab Falconry explores their stories. Roger Upton’s personal account includes excerpts from his own diaries This updated version of Arab Falconry – History recounting his adventures on hawking trips over decades, and this book provides a of a Way of Life includes new photographs and paintings by the author’s son, Mark Upton, a valuable insight into the world of Arab falconry, which is rarely documented in the highly talented artist specialising in hawks, West. ROGER UPTON hounds and horses, and a dedicated falconer. Exploring the mystique of falconry in the Roger Upton has been an enthusiastic Middle East, Arab Falconry is illustrated `falconer for more than fifty years. From the throughout with photographs of hawks of outset, he was fascinated by falconry in the every kind and in every circumstance, and deserts of Arabia. His opportunity came is embellished with intricate line drawings when he was asked to entertain two sheikhs to explain all aspects of falconry, including from Abu Dhabi who were as intrigued by trapping, training, furniture and quarry. Roger falconry in the West as he was by the great Upton draws on more than half a century of tradition and ancient heritage of falconry in personal experience of falconry in the Middle Arabia. East and elsewhere. His account is essential reading for anyone with an interest in this A fine day’s hawking on the Wiltshire ancient art and its practitioners. Downs, on the open high ground above Roger’s home led, the following spring, to an invitation to Abu Dhabi to meet the ruler, HH the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan. Together they enjoyed hunting ROGER UPTON houbara bustard. Since that time Roger has travelled the Middle East in search of the hawk trappers, the merchants, the hood makers and falconers, sharing with his Arab friends the excitement of this noble sport while learning and recording the rich traditions of Arab falconry.

Cover paintings by Mark Upton

ISBN 978-0-9564170-6-0

ISBN 978-0-9564170-6-0 9 780956 417060 ISBN 978 - 9948 - 01 - 632 - 8 Arab Falconry: History of a The ‘Call’ of Shaykh Muhammad Way of Life bin ‘Abdal-Wahhāb and the Three The Living and the Dying Sa‘ūdī States Roger Upton The Emergence of Modern Saudi Arabia Tom Stacey 215 x 28 mm Portrait Sultān Ghālib al-Qu‘aitī eBook (Kindle format) 244 pp Hardback ISBN (ePub): 978-1-909339-08-8 ISBN: 978-0-956417-06-0 152 x 228 mm Portrait Price: £3.05 Price £35.00 456pp Hardback ISBN: 978-0-956708-16-8 Price: £45.00

Decline The Twelfth Night of Ramadan The Pandemonium

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35 Children’s Literature THE BLUE AL JACK frances gillespie has lived in Qatar for almost thirty nce upon a time there was a good king who Discovering years, working as a teacher and a freelance journalist. She had three very lazy sons. As he grew older, their Discovering began contributing to publications on Qatar in 2000 and fatherO began to despair. He wondered how he would ISLAMIC ART ART ISLAMIC DISCOVERING turned to writing her own books in 2006. In recent years ever succeed in educating his sons so that, when the she has concentrated on publications for young readers time came, one of them could take over the rule of the Entertaining, educational, fun and informative, Discovering Islamic Art is about Qatar and the Arabian Gulf, including Hidden in kingdom. designed for youngsters and parents, teachers and students, the curious and Experts came from far and wide to give advice, but the the Sands: Uncovering Qatar’s Past. She is also author of the the connoisseur. Throughout the ages, Islamic artists, artisans, architects and spoilt young princes would not listen to any of them. At ISLAMIC best-selling title Discovering Qatar. last a famous wise man arrived at the court and offered craftsmen have attempted in their work to reflect their beliefs and traditions to teach the princes by means of instructive fables. So in the most beautiful way they can in every medium and material available to THE BLUE JACK AL charming were these stories, so full of wit and wisdom, them. With this fully illustrated and highly readable account, Mary Beardwood that the king’s sons were captivated by them and in has opened a door to young readers – enter and discover the world of Islamic and other tales from islamic lands time began to learn the lessons they taught. In the tales, ART the art: a world of beauty and inventiveness, spiritual depth and exquisite artistry. animals could talk and had human feelings, and the same failings as humans too. They displayed arrogance, greed nce upon a time there was a beautiful book for children which told the story of and cowardice, but also intelligence, bravery, and above all, loyalty to their friends. Courage, honesty and quick- ❁ Introducing the main elements of Islamic art – geometric designs, the blue jackal and other wondrous tales from Islamic lands – tales which have O thinking were rewarded, but animals that were greedy or calligraphy and arabesques. been handed down from one generation to another for thousands of years. The stories BLUE dishonest always came to a bad end. ❁ were illustrated with magical pictures of lions and tigers, of donkeys and camels, of Trace its origins from 7th century Arabia, its spread to all corners of First written down more than 2,500 years ago in an the Islamic Empire, to the early 20th century. jackals and wolves and the birds of the air and the fishes of the sea. All the children of ancient Indian language called Sanskrit, these and other the world grew to know and love these stories and the pictures that went with them, Jackal stories were included in a book called the Panchatantram ❁ Discover how Islamic architecture is decorated with colour, carving, and, fables. From India, travellers carried the stories to Iran, most importantly, calligraphy. and they in turn passed them on to their own children, and their children’s children. and other tales charlene kasdorf has lived and worked as an and then on to the Arabic-speaking world, where they ❁ Find out how practical, everyday objects are turned into works of art. artist, illustrator, and educator in Canada, Thailand, from islamic lands formed part of a book called Kalila and Dimna. Switzerland, the UK and currently in Qatar. She earned Other stories in this collection come from places ❁ Enter the enthralling world of stories and fables, where detailed paintings Beardwood Mary Beautiful Maths as far apart as Morocco, Iraq and the Punjab. They are illustrate tales of the heroes and villains of myth and legend. her Masters in International Education in Switzerland Circles are the starting point for many tales that children would hear from their parents and other geometric shapes. and her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Canada. She credits ❁ Understand how Islamic discoveries and knowledge of science, grandparents, passed down through families, each In this pattern on the right, five overlapping circles are used to make a flower with four

her mother with nurturing her talent and opening up Gillespie Frances mathematics, medicine and astronomy were recorded and used for petals. storyteller relating his or her own version. In The Blue countless creative opportunities. centuries by doctors and scientists throughout the world. By joining different points on the circles you Jackal these fables are re-told, in simple language that can see an eight pointed star shape emerging, which has been coloured in yellow, ❁ and finally decorated with a geometric children can understand and enjoy, and are beautifully Fully illustrated with photographs and drawings. pattern. illustrated by Canadian artist Charlene Kasdorf. The ❁ Every chapter includes fun activities for children. author was inspired to make this collection of tales by the animals depicted on the glorious works of art on display ❁ Weblinks to further information. in the Museum of Islamic Art, Qatar. With the support

In the pattern on the left, seven circles have of Occidental Petroleum of Qatar Ltd, these delightful been drawn which makes a flower with five petals. fables which have been handed down from generation to ISBN 978-1-909339-04-0 a young reader’s guideBy joining every other with point on the circle two activities triangles with a hexagon in the centre make a generation around the world are now brought to a new, six pointed star.

young audience. On the activity page opposite, join the dots on five circle patterns to find more geometric shapes.

Mary Beardwood Medina Publishing 9 781909 339040 UK £13.95 ISBN: 978-1-909339-22-4 Told by Illustrated by Frances Gillespie Charlene Kasdorf The Blue Jackal The Blue Jackal (Arabic) Discovering Islamic Art and other tales from Islamic lands and other tales from Islamic lands Mary Beardwood Frances Gillespie; Charlene Kasdorf Frances Gillespie; Charlene Kasdorf 210 x 280 mm Portrait 210 x 258 mm Portrait 210 x 258 mm Portrait 68 pp Paperback 80 pp Hardback 80 pp Hardback ISBN (PB): 978-1-909339-04-0 ISBN: 978-1-909339-22-4 ISBN Arabic: 978-1-909339-23-1 Price: £10.00 Price: £13.95 Price: £13.95

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Phil DamPier has been writing about the royal family for 26 years. Between 1986 and 1991 he covered the royal beat for The Sun, Britain’s biggest-selling daily newspaper.

This book is a celebration of theAs a freelance wit journalist andfor the last 20wisdom years, he has travelled toof more thana 50 mancountries, following whose WaltonPhil &Ashley Dampier members of the House of Windsor, and his articles have been published in dozens of newspapers and magazines worldwide. He frequently appears on radio and TV, and gave expert analysis for unique style, down-to-earth Globalhumour National TV of Canada and during their no-nonsensecoverage of the wedding of the Duke andapproach Duchess of Cambridge in April 2011. have brought colour into our lives.ashley W altonWith was the royaldelicious correspondent of the Daily disregard Express from 1979 to 1992. forHe travelled public to every continent covering numerous tours, including the Queen and Prince Philip in India, Africa and China. He was one of the first reporters to identify a young Lady Diana Spencer as a future royal opinion, his quips and faux pasbride, have and covered herprovided last tour with Prince Charles fodder to South Korea in 1992.for He wascartoonists also among the first to reveal the romance between Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson. and columnists for decades, and his one-liners are globally famous. But ISBN 978-0-9573792-2-0 less well known, perhaps, is his perception about the state of the world Phil Dampier & we live in and his thoughtfulness about the lives we live. 9 780957 379220 Ashley Walton The compilers of Prince Philip: Wise Words and Golden Gaffes, seasoned court reporters who have long followed and A Matter of Luck Fibs, Factswritten about and the royal Farces: family, present an affectionate portrait PrinceSPECIFICATIONS Philip: of an extraordinary figure who is in many ways ahead of his time. They include his latest remarks on the events of 2012 200 X 148 mm Portrait Wise112 Words pp softback & Golden Gaffes Tales fromand corkersthe from Arab years gone World by, as well as his more thoughtful Print ed: ISBN 978-0-9573792-2-0 opinions. Jame M Killeen ePub ed: ISBN 978-0-9573792-3-7 JohnWith everything Carter from frustrated beards and bloody greatPhil Price: Dampier £8.95 (ePub £4.99) & Ashley Walton mechanical copulators to a bit of French bashing (and that Publication: December 2012 ghastly place Stoke), this book will have you laughing out loud. 234 x 170 mm Portrait Illustrated with cartoons by Richard Jolley Chapters include: The Prince of Political Incorrectness; 200 x 148 mm Portrait 200 x 148 mm Portrait Distribution: (UK) Central Books 192 pp Paperback; eBook Blasted Birds and Bloody Bunny Huggers; Media Monkeys; A [email protected] pp Paperback ISBN (PB): 978-0-957379-26-8 240Sporting pp Paperback Life; On Himself and His Family – Royal Reflections; or order on line at The Commander: Splice the Mainbrace! And it’s hilariously 978-0-957379-22-0 ISBN: (ePub): 978-0-957379-27-5 ISBN: 978-0-957023-34-5illustrated by Richard Jolley. subject code: Price:WHX humour £8.95 collections Price: £9.95 / £2.43 Price:Put it in the£9.95 loo, give it to Auntie Ethel, download it to your phone – but whatever you do, don’t Reviews expected in the Daily miss out on this latest (and best) collection of Mirror, the Daily Express, The Lady, quips, quotes and comments from our beloved The Oldie, Saga, and local radio British institution, Prince Philip.


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