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B R E N T W O O D I MARCH 2020 3 Brentwood Bugle - Designed, manufactured, and delivered monthly to 4,500 households by: GREAT NEWS MEDIA Magazine Editors Alexa Takayama Jocelyn Taylor [email protected] Design | Graphics Joanne Bergen Print & Digital Marina Litvak Freddy Meynard TARGETED Erica Morton MARKETING Carolina Tatar BY COMMUNITY Advertising Sales Sam Brown Cindy DeJager Brittany Duval Carol Ann Rhyno [email protected] | 403 720 0762

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4 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities CONTENTS









8 12

13 14 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of Great News Media and the Brentwood Community Association. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate but is not warranted to be so. Great News Media and the Brentwood Community Association do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of any advertisements should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION I Community Centre, 1520B Northmount Drive NW Mailing Address: 5107 33 Street NW T2L 1V3 • Email: [email protected] 403-284-3477• Linda Van Holst – Office Manager • Steve Dietrich – Arena Manager NAME POSITION CONTACT EMAIL VOLUNTEER BOARD OF DIRECTORS McCURRY, Bonita President [email protected] OSADETZ, Kirk Vice-President [email protected] VALSTAR, Casper Past President [email protected] CIESLAK, Amy Secretary to Board of Directors [email protected] BOYCHUK, Lisa Treasurer [email protected] EMMETT, Matthew Casino Coordinator [email protected] FERGUSON, Stovel Director [email protected] HART, Larysa Events [email protected] HILDENBRANDT, Nathan Director [email protected] JOHNSON, Peter Director [email protected] JONES, Colleen Events [email protected] OGDEN, Lindsay Playgroup [email protected] SIVAGNANAM, Mohan Volunteer Coordinator [email protected] SWAILES, Melanie Development & Transportation [email protected] WENINGER HENDERSON, Marie Membership Director [email protected] SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES COLLINGRIDGE, Heather Seniors [email protected] KNOWLTON COCKETT, Polly Lee Environment [email protected] McKEE, Samantha Soccer Coordinator [email protected] MACDONALD, Ena Figure Skating [email protected] MAKAR, Roman 55+ Bridge Group [email protected] SIM, Cynthia Gardening Group [email protected] JUCKER, Jonathan Brentwood Bugle [email protected] STAFF DIETRICH, Steve Arena Manager [email protected] VAN HOLST, Linda Office Manager [email protected]

Our neighbourhood contributors for this month include Anne Burke, Stovel Ferguson, Lee Hunt, Samantha McKee, Cynthia Sim, Melanie Swailes, and the grade 5 and 6 stu- dents at Dr. E.W. Coffin School.

6 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities Dear Brentwoodians, cars parking on the street? Will more traffic pose a risk on my kids’ walk to school? Is my home—my dream— The (North) American Dream under threat? We all know the stereotype of suburban life: the kids, the pets, the minivan, and the proverbial “white picket These are all legitimate questions, and as Melanie fence”. In cities around the world (London, Hong Kong, Swailes writes in her Development and Transportation New York, Montreal) it is commonplace for families to Committee report this month, there is concern that they live in apartments for their entire lives. But in much of have not been properly addressed. She always presents North America, the single-family suburban home is the issues in an even-handed manner, and I encourage you aspiration for people who want to “settle down”, get that to read her column and make your voice heard, either big dog, and raise a family. For many, rentals, condos, by attending a DTC meeting or directly to City Hall. and even townhouses are rungs on the “property lad- der”: the last rung is often a single-family home with a Photo contest nice yard on a quiet street—in a neighbourhood like The Bugle is looking for Brentwood’s best amateur pho- Brentwood. tographers to provide cover images each month. If you have a great snap of our neighbourhood saved on your It should thus come as no surprise that matters sur- phone or posted on your social media feed, send it in for rounding development in our neighbourhood are al- a chance to be featured on the cover of an upcoming ways prominent on the agenda at BCA meetings. These issue! Photos must be 300 DPI, 1MB in file size or higher, issues can have a direct and lasting impact on our lives, 6.3 x 8.2 inches minimum size, and portrait orientation. and people want to protect the choices and invest- If submitting pictures of children or a minor, please ments they have made in their homes and lifestyles. make sure that you have direct, express permission to Right now, the hot topic is the new City of Calgary submit the picture from the parents or guardian of that planning document, the “Guidebook for Great Com- child or minor. Send your photos, or any questions, to munities”, and especially the possibility that new rules [email protected]. will allow the construction of duplexes, fourplexes, Yours sincerely, and taller homes throughout Brentwood. As the city Jonathan Jucker, editor of Calgary continues to develop new neighbourhoods Brentwood Bugle on its outskirts, there is an increasing realization that unlimited sprawl—and the car-intensive cityscape that accompanies it—is becoming unsustainable. Traffic problems, providing municipal services, loss of farm- land, and increased carbon footprint are all issues that accompany outward expansion, and in turn are leading city planners to look at the “densification” of existing Concrete neighbourhoods. Specialist City & While change can often be a good thing, and lead to a more vibrant community—as businesses move in to Village Contracting co. 403-816-0965 serve an expanding and diversifying population—it can [email protected] also create a lot of unease. Will the bungalow next door be converted into a three-story duplex that overshad- *All tri-wood residents receive the friendly neighbourhood 10% discount. ows my yard? Will my quiet cul-de-sac be packed full of

B R E N T W O O D I MARCH 2020 7 Brentwood Community Association Board Meeting Meetings are held the last Tuesday of every month (March 31st) at 7:15 pm in the upstairs Boardroom of the Sportsplex. All community members are welcome but are asked to submit agenda items in advance if they have items for discussion at the meeting by contacting Linda Van Holst at 403-284-3477 or office@ Seniors’ Tea The Teas are held the third Thursday of each month, from 1:00 until 2:30 upstairs at the Brentwood Sportsplex, 1520A Northland Drive NW, behind the Sir Winston Churchill Aquatic Centre. All people 55 and over are invited to join us for refreshments and conversation! Scrabble Group: The Scrabble Group meets every Thursday afternoon in the Sportsplex Boardroom. New members are most welcome. Please call 403-284-3477 for more information. Brentwood 55 Plus Bridge Group: The Bridge Group meets every Wednesday at 1 pm upstairs in the Community Banquet Room of the Sportsplex. All players are welcome! Contact Seed & Garden Roman at 403-289-6244. Wisdom Sharing Playgroup: Come out and meet fellow The Brentwood Community Playgroup is designed for parents and neighbourhood gardeners, share some garden tips and get a jump caregivers to get together with their young children (ages 0-5) for start on your garden planning! a couple of hours each week to connect, learn through play and most importantly, have fun. Essentially, playgroup is one of the Bring your excess, unused or first, and most important, social networks for children and families. unwanted seed packets and Registration is ongoing, and we are always happy to have new self-saved seeds to exchange for the seeds you need. Please members join. Email us at: brentwoodcommunityplaygroup@ remember to date and label your seeds. BCA Hall Rentals: All are welcome. Please stop The Banquet Hall and Boardroom at the Brentwood Sportsplex are by to meet other Brentwood available for rent by the public. Please refer to the BCA website for green thumbs even if you don't details and go to the Facilities have any seeds to share! page. Current BCA members get a 15% discount on hall rentals. March 7th, 2020 at 10:30am Bugle Submissions: Upstairs in the boardroom at the We want to hear from you! If you have a community event you Brentwood Sportsplex. want to promote or something to say about our neighbourhood, For more information visit: share it here! The deadline for the April issue is March 1st, 2019. For submission guidelines please e-mail Jonathan Jucker at or email: [email protected]. [email protected]

8 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities and you can join at any time. Please email us if you would like more information: [email protected] Time: Saturdays, 3:15–4:30pm Dates: February 18–April 4, 2020 Location: Joyful Java Café (4039 Brentwood Road NW)

Important: Casino Volunteers Needed! Buy Nothing Brentwood Your Brentwood Community Association (BCA) is running We offer area residents a way to give, receive, share, a casino on April 14 and 15 at the Elbow River Casino (218 lend, and express gratitude through a network of 18 Ave SE) and we need volunteers! hyper-local gift economies, where the currency is the connections between neighbours. Monies raised during our casinos are used to support all of the wonderful programs run by the BCA. Please help Give freely; share creatively. Post anything you’d like to us support our community, and all its members, by vol- give away, lend, or share; ask for anything you’d like to unteering. Your support is greatly appreciated. receive or borrow.

If you, or your children, participate in BCA programs Check out the Buy Nothing Brentwood/Dalhousie/Tri- and need to fulfill volunteer credits, we encourage you wood Facebook page, or to sign up for a shift. Each shift counts for 10 volunteer Horizon Church credits, and you can bank your credits for next year’s Horizon Church holds a weekly Sunday morning gath- programs. ering at 10:00 AM at Brentwood Elementary School If you are interested, please contact Matthew Emmett with Pastor Nathan Hildenbrandt. It is open to anyone ([email protected]) or the and everyone, regardless of who you are, where you BCA office. live, or what you believe. Horizon is a church where skeptics are welcome, and we hope to explore the We are Knitting for a Cause! claims of Christianity together. Childcare is available, The Knitting for a Cause group would like to extend and there will be coffee during the service. You can their heartfelt appreciation to everyone in the com- find more information about Horizon Church at www. munity who has donated wool and knitting supplies to their initiative over the years. Thanks to your dona- tions, the group has been able to spread kindness and compassion throughout our wonderful city, one stitch at a time. The group began by knitting sets of children’s hats, scarves and mitts to donate to elementary schools in Calgary. Thanks to your generosity, hundreds of little hands and ears have been kept warm during our frigid Carroll Place Bingo - Now Twice Monthly! Calgary winters. While the group continues to knit win- Join us on March 10 and March 24 for Bingo ter wear for kids, they have also expanded to partici- pate in some incredible initiatives. Our group has been Join youth volunteers and community members to busy and there is no sign of slowing down. We are al- spend an evening of fun and Bingo with the residents ways looking for new members. All ages and skill levels of Carroll Place. welcome! No knitting experience necessary. Come knit Tuesdays, March 10 and 24 • 6 pm – 8 pm with us and be part of the amazing projects we have Carroll Place Lounge underway. We meet from 1:00 to 3:00 pm every Satur- Additional Info: day at the Carroll Place Lounge. Call Erika Cusimano to • $0.25/card/game. Bring your Quarters! sign up. 403-452-5575. • Winner takes home the pot • We will play 10-11 games. Everyone has a chance to ESL Conversation Class win! Come meet friends and improve your English through Come out and join us for a great time! conversation, homework help, cultural activities and Everyone is welcome! community. All levels are welcome! All classes are free,


Submitted by Melanie SwailesOn behalf of the BCA Development and Transportation Committee What does the Guidebook for Great Communities mean for Brentwood? In previous issues of the Brentwood Bugle, I have writ- ten about the Guidebook for Great Communities. The Guidebook (once approved by Council, likely in April) will be a stand-alone statutory policy that guides future development in every community in established areas, including Brentwood. It will override current statutory documents in place for our community, such as the Brentwood Station Area Redevelopment Plan. Where can I read the Guidebook? A complete copy of the 147-page Guidebook is on the City of Calgary website at, then enter “Guidebook for Great Communities”. Areas labeled “1” provide a sense of the appropriate scale of a What does this mean for low density districts? proposed low-density district. This enables the development of This illustration shows some of the housing forms that rowhouses nest to other low-density homes, including single- would be allowed in low-density districts, including detached homes. the concept is to have two stories be the building rowhouses. This would be a significant change to low- frontage that can come up to a street and with a possible third density districts such as Brentwood. It is important for storey stepped back, to minimize impact on the people-focused you to learn about the proposed changes before they experience at street level. Building frontages would require some are implemented so that you can provide your feedback. connection towards the public area creating a transition from the private to the public areas. the regulations for these elements address massing, setbacks, and height.

Why are these changes proposed? The Municipal Development Plan encourages growth and change in low-density neighbourhoods by increas- ing the mix of housing types such as accessory suites, semi-detached, townhouses, cottage housing, and row Services & Treatments or other ground-oriented housing (Policy 2.2.5a). How- Aesthetics ever, in many communities, including Brentwood, ex- Massage Therapy isting R-C1 land uses do not allow for built forms other Professional Products than a single detached home unless a Change of Land Complimentary Consultations Use (rezoning) is approved by Council. Electrolysis The Guidebook seeks to make it easier to create a va- Laser Hair Removal Skin Resurfacing riety of housing types within established communities. Micro-Needling Right now, most of the homes in Brentwood have R-C1 For a complete list of treatments and products land use (“single family”). Allowing for duplexes, row- see our website houses, or other built forms might provide greater va- riety of housing types and choice for those who wish to live in Brentwood but not in a detached home. Pregnant? Prepare yourself for labor and relieve tension in your muscles with a pregnancy massage. The Guidebook provides the overall framework for See Nasie, our RMT certified in pre and future development and Bylaws would need to be post natal massage. amended to accommodate the proposed changes. The Guidebook would allow for a comprehensive way to al- 403.282.7713 low for changes across all established communities in- 4505 Brisebois Dr NW stead of on an individual basis.

10 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities MLA, Calgary-Varsity Jason Copping Unit 201, 1055 20th Avenue NW What are District Models?  403.216.5436 Community planning would occur on a district model,  [email protected] rather than each community creating its own Local Area\jasoncoppingAB Plan. Brentwood will be part of District 14, which also Jason_CoppingAB @JasonCoppingAB includes Dalhousie, Triwood (Collingwood and Charles- wood), Highwood, Rosemont, and Cambrian Heights. Budget 2020 Our communities have similar characteristics and are linked by Northmount Drive. It started with a Speech from the Throne and the legislative assem- bly is back in session. As outlined in the speech, this session will Representatives from those communities, along with continue to build on the last with a focus on, jobs, the economy, developers, builders and City of Calgary planners will and balancing the budget. work together to determine where it makes the most Budget 2020 was once again created using feedback from Alber- sense to have the greatest density, what form those tans who demonstrated their insight into the choices that need to buildings should have, etc. be made together to create jobs, get out of debt, and grow our economy. Budget 2020 will continue to build on the momentum This is important because the Guidebook would take and progress made to date. It will ensure we live within our means precedence over any existing Area Redevelopment while at the same time create long-term sustainability for critical services and protecting the most vulnerable. Plans; communities each still want to have some say in how development proceeds within their boundaries. March is Community Association Awareness Month Where can I learn more? Please try to learn about the Guidebook! Let’s take a moment and celebrate why Calgary-Varsity is a strong community. It is the dedicated volunteers who ensure our resi- The City of Calgary has an interactive display at the Cre- dents have access to vibrant community associations. Banff Trail, ate Space on Level 1 of the Central Library, to the end Brentwood, Parkdale, Silver Springs, St. Andrew’s Heights, Triwood, of February, with Planners at the Library installation Varsity and University Heights provide spaces where community members can gather. Saturdays and Sundays, from 1 – 3 p.m. to answer your questions. These community associations are volunteer-run. As March is Community Association Awareness Month in Calgary, I would like The City of Calgary will also be at the upcoming Calgary to thank the many volunteers it takes to run these organizations. Home and Garden show, Feb. 27 - Mar. 1. Check the City Many of our neighbours work tirelessly to ensure that our communi- of Calgary website for other events or information. ties have strong organizations providing support and opportunities in recreation, education, and social life. Community associations are We will post information on the Brentwood CA website a hub for social interaction right in our own backyard. as it is made available to us. Also check the Development and Transportation Website at https://developments. Whether it is a volunteer who maintains the outdoor rinks, the or- ganizers who run Scouts and Girl Guides, a safe space for our se- for links or updates. niors to gather, or those who simply partake in a breakfast during stampede, I encourage you all to take a moment to recognize the Join the BCA so that you are on our email list for future work done by our community associations. events or information. http://brentwoodcommunity. Our community associations are only as strong as our community com/registration/ leaders. It has been my pleasure to get out to all of the communi- ties in our riding and to meet with the volunteers who take time If you are interested in community planning and rede- away from their families. You are all to be commended for your de- velopment issues, we welcome new members to join votion to making our communities great. us. We meet at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of every It is an honour and privilege to work alongside these individuals. I month in the Sportsplex Boardroom. Our next meetings wish you all continued success and I look forward to seeing you out are on March 2 and April 6. Please contact the BCA for at your community events. more information at [email protected] As always, feel free to reach out to my office at or at 403–284-3477. [email protected] or call 403-216-5436.

B R E N T W O O D I MARCH 2020 11 From Churchill Semi went on to write and produce the TV show, The 11th Hour, in . As Semi humbly puts it, “I was High To Los lucky to be surrounded by amazing people and we pulled it off—twice winning “Best Series” and once “Best Angeles Writing.” by Lee Hunt Shortly after that, Semi landed a writing job on the TV show . “I felt like I was walking into a DREAM!” How’s this for a resume? The person I am writing about But she also remained down to earth. Proof? “One day, this month, Semi Chellas, grew up in Charleswood, was I was changing my baby’s diaper at 6 a.m., when the valedictorian for her 1987 grad class from Sir Winston phone rang. I’d been nominated for 2 of the 5 writing Churchill High, studied at both Yale and Cornell, and awards in the Emmys. I couldn’t believe it! But I also had went on to be an Emmy award-winning writer and ex- to finish changing that diaper.” Semi adds, “I had kids ecutive producer for both TV and movies. And—as the right smack in the middle of my career and it’s wonder- old adage goes—that’s barely scratching the surface! ful, hard sometimes, but it also makes all the challenges that much easier because I have that joy. I would never Semi moved to Charleswood at age 7 with her parents. tell people what to do, but I think it’s important to know As her mom was a writer, Semi was delighted to have that it’s doable.” her desk next to her mom’s so that they could both write at the same time. Semi especially liked to “listen to The next big event for Semi will be the North American mom’s typewriter.” Semi first expressed her stories orally, release of her film American Woman in March 2020. but soon started to write them down. Already shown at TIFF and CIFF, American Woman is loosely based on the Patty Hearst story and springs from Semi enrolled in the International Baccalaureate pro- the novel by Susan Choi. Semi had been proofreading gram at Churchill, but also found time to fit in theatri- Choi’s novel and saw it immediately as a potential movie. cal productions. Her drama teacher, Jim Whitehead, describes her as “adventurous, passionate, kind, task Asked about what advice she might give to a high school committed, and humble.” On Graduation Day, Semi was or college student who aspires to be a writer or produc- Valedictorian at the Jubilee Auditorium, and Whitehead er, Semi suggests: “Work with your peers…don’t let dis- says she “beguiled the attentive people with the depth appointment or frustration stop you. Ninety percent of and meaning of her words.” To salute her teacher’s role everything in this business comes to nothing… So, you in this young writer’s life, Semi told me: “I wrote my first have to enjoy the doing, not just look for success”. play in college in honour of Jim Whitehead.” Semi’s prin- Now living in Los Angeles with her writer/director hus- cipal at Churchill, Terry Allen, recalls Semi as “a very en- band Mike Goldbach (his series On Becoming God in gaging person, with a lively personality and of course, a Central Florida is currently on Crave) and two children, brilliant student.” Semi is presently working on two miniseries. Also, on Semi went on to study at Yale and Cornell, before ap- her “wish list” is to someday produce a movie set in Al- plying to the Canadian Film Centre in Toronto. To her berta’s Badlands. surprise, Semi told me, “I got in—and since then I have Asked about her parents, Semi responded, “I owe so worked in film and television.” much to my parents. They raised me in a stew of books, She wrote “a TV movie called Dead Aviators (renamed movies, and ideas. They have always supported my Restless Spirits in the US) which got made and was nomi- drive to work.” nated for a bunch of awards. That was the first time I felt May that drive, plus the “joy of doing”, continue to moti- like I could really earn a living through my writing.” vate Semi in new and challenging endeavours.

12 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities of open pollinated seeds, thus helping to preserve the genetic diversity so critical to survival of regionally adapted plants. It will be held on Saturday, March 21st from 10 am to 3 pm at Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community Association (1320-5th Ave NW). This is a family event and will include displays by local seed savers, native plant collectors, conservation groups, prairie seed companies, and community gardeners. There will be presentations throughout the day and refreshments will also be available. For more information, visit

The Brentwood Community Garden is entering its 11th season and throughout the last decade has enjoyed the consistent support of many gardeners, most from Brentwood but with several coming from other commu- nities that do not currently have a community garden. We are extremely fortunate to have within our group many experienced members who understand the chal- lenges of growing vegetables and other crops in raised beds in our unpredictable Calgary climate. If you are in- terested in joining us, contact me at [email protected] for more information about the garden. by Cynthia Sims

“Spring, the sweet spring, is the year’s pleasant king / then blooms each thing…” THE BEST SUMMER So begins the poem “Spring” by the 16th century poet, THE BEST SUMMER Thomas Nash. After our often bitterly cold winter, we CAMP EVER too yearn for the coming of warmer days and frost-free CAMP EVER nights. As always, we are forever hostage to Mother Na- ture’s whims and while March is not always kind, we can WONDERWONDER still enjoy watching our indoor plants, like my orchid, showing new buds (photo). Other indoor activities are available, and we can look forward to three important garden related events in March. One, organized by Brentwood Community Association’s FUNFUN events committee, is a seed sharing event on March 7th, advertised elsewhere in this issue. The second one is a Community Garden Workshop organized by staff of the Calgary Horticultural Society. It will be held at the Winston EXPLORATIONEXPLORATION Heights/Mountainview Community Association (520- 27th Ave NE) on Tuesday, March 10th, from 6:30-8:30 pm: Inspiring children 5 Inspiring children 5 REGISTER AT register at https://communitygardenworkshop2020. to 13 through fun to 13and through engaging fun STEM REGISTER AT The third event is the annual Seedy andprogramming! engaging STEM CALL: 1-519-475-6600 Saturday, a day celebrated worldwide and dedicated programming! CALL: 1-519-475-6600 to the preservation of heritage species and the sharing

B R E N T W O O D I MARCH 2020 13 Dr. Coffin Visits the Bella Concert Hall Community Soccer by Grade 5 and 6 students Commences Soon! In early February, grade 1 through 6 students from Dr. E.W. Coffin School went to the Bella Concert Hall at Season - The Brentwood Community Outdoor Soc- Mount Royal University. The students went to hear a cer season for the U4 to U16/18 age groups com- live orchestra presentation called The British Invasion, mences the week of April 27 and continues until presented by The Royal Canadian Artillery Band. The June 25 with dates varying depending on the age school’s music teacher, Mr. O’Reilly, likes to take the Dr. group. Super Soccer Saturday is scheduled for June Coffin students to the Concert Hall because he wants 27 this year. The U12 Tournament will take place over them to have the opportunity to hear live music instead the same weekend. Further details will be on our of digital recordings. website ( soccer.html) as they become available. Students heard various string, woodwind, and brass in- struments, such as the double bass, the flute, and the Coaches – The Coaches Information Night will be tuba. Hearing live music was a different experience for held on Tuesday, March 18 at 6:45pm for U4–U8 and the students compared to a recorded version. When at 7:30pm for U10 and up at the Brentwood Sport- asked what the students thought, a grade 6 student splex Boardroom. We hope all coaches will have the said, “It was incredible, and you could hear each instru- opportunity to attend a coaching clinic where the ment clearly.” cost of attending would be reimbursed by the Brent- wood Community Association. All coaches should The concert hall allowed everyone to hear the music attend team selections and equipment distribution really well. “The inside is all made of wood and we on April 8 at 6:30pm at the Skate Shack. (Age group learned that the roof is adjustable to allow for differ- times to be confirmed). ent sound vibrations,” explained a grade 6 student. Dr. Coffin students have enjoyed this experience on two Referees – If you have previously been a referee for separate occasions now and hope they might get to go Brentwood Community Soccer, you will be contacted back again in the future. by the referee coordinator. Referee Clinics will be held at the Calgary West Soccer Centre in April. The “I love new architecture in Calgary, and we are lucky cost of attending will be reimbursed to referees by because we have now seen the New Central Public Li- the Brentwood Community Association. For further brary and the Bella Concert Theatre!” exclaimed a grade information, or for those interested in earning some 5 student. Possible future field trips for the grade 5/6 money by being a referee for Brentwood Soccer home class could be City Hall, Ralph Klein City Park, or they games for U10 to U16/18, please contact Samantha may head back to the Bell National Music Center. Cal- McKee at Samantha.mckee@brentwoodcommunity. gary does not only have good opportunities to hear live com and I will forward your details to our referee music, it also has some amazing architecture! coordinator.

Questions? – If you have any questions regarding Brentwood Community Soccer, or would like to volunteer, please contact Samantha.mckee@

14 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities Northwest Warriors Hockey Wow! The month of February just flew by. There have been some exciting things going on in the last two months with Northwest Warriors Hockey. In January our teams made a very strong show in Esso Minor Hockey Week. We would like to congratulate the following teams for their efforts during Esso Minor Hockey Week: Semi-Finalists: Atom 2, Atom 3 White, Atom 6, Peewee 5 White and Midget 1 Our Silver Medal Winners: Atom 1, Peewee 1 and Peewee 2 Our Gold Medal Winners: Atom 5 White, Peewee 3 Red, Midget 2 and Midget 3 It was an amazing effort by all of our teams, and we are extremely proud of all the kids! February marked the final month in the regular season and our teams were perfecting their game in anticipa- tion of the playoffs. They were squeezing in as much ice time as possible. The regular season ended on February 23rd and playoffs started on February 25th. We wish them all the best of luck! The end of February also heralds the beginning of an event that is very dear to our hearts: The Georgie Bam- ber Tournament of Champions. This hockey tournament for Timbit players (5- & 6-year-old stars) is in its four- teenth year, and just keeps getting better and better. We are fortunate to be able to have the Bamber family be part of our opening festivities. The kids are having an amazing time playing the game Georgie loved so much. We look forward to many more years of hosting this wonderful event. If you would like to know more about Georgie, his story is posted on our website (www. Thank you again to all our dedicated volunteers within the Northwest Warriors. It is their passion and enthusi- asm that makes our association such a great place to play hockey. Northwest Warriors Hockey

B R E N T W O O D I MARCH 2020 15 NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD: Qualified LANDSCAPING & WEEKLY YARD CARE: Starting at $36. journeymen plumbers/gasfitters, very experienced in Garden bed design, mulch, rock and sod installation, Brentwood. Upfront pricing. Reliable, conscientious, stone patios, walkways, raised beds, rock walls. Afford- fully guaranteed. Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 24-hour able exterior painting, deck and fence builds. Window emergency service, call 403-255-7938. “Showering you or gutter cleaning starting at $89. A+ Member of BBB, with great service.” Licensed, insured. Seniors’ discount. Call or text 403- 265-4769. OFFICIAL PLUMBING & HEATING: Small company, low overhead, excellent warranties, and great rates. FAULTY ALARM SYSTEM? Is your security system going Specializing in residential service and installs. Services haywire or not working at all? It doesn’t matter how old, include furnace service and replacement, hot water tank who manufactured it or who installed it – if your alarm service and replacement, leaks, clogs, gas fitting, and more. needs some TLC or a complete overhaul, we’ve got the Licensed and insured. Why wait? Call today and get it fixed expertise and experience you need. Dynovac Plus Secu- today! Available 24/7, we accept debit/VISA/MasterCard. rity: 403-262-1980 or [email protected]. Call 403-837-4023 or email officialplumbingandheating@; FOOTHILLS LUTHERAN CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL: is a licensed, non-profit program for 3 and 4-year-olds RIGHTWAY PLUMBING AND HEATING: Has been hap- that facilitates the development of the whole child pily serving the Brentwood area with quality work, in a caring Christian environment. Children have fun happy clients and fair pricing; with second generation with friends, laugh and learn, paint and paste, pray experience, there is no job we can’t handle. Furnaces, and play, slide and sing. Small class size. Email school@ softeners, garburators, appliances, humidifiers, faucets, to register or schedule a visit. water heaters, bathroom renos and gas lines also! In- Website: Phone: stalled with great warranties. Call 403-968-6630. 403-284-1360.

A-PLUS REGISTRY SERVICES; NOW HIRING: Must have HANDYMAN SERVICES: Stucco patching, re-stucco, a high school diploma, be 18 years old, and hold a clean small renovations, drywall and painting, foundation police record. Please email your resume to services@ parging, and small concrete work. We can also build or Visit us at fix decks, fences, etc. No job is too small. Fully insured. For free estimates, please call Wes 403-809-3644. NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no-cost mediation and con- COMPANIONSHIP—CARE: Compassionate, mature, flict coaching service that can help you resolve problems personalized companionship service during regular vis- and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours its and medical appointments. Help with all daily tasks again!, 403-269-2707. and personal care after surgery or illness. Accompani- ment to family events, social events, or vacation. Eng- E.G.K. GENERAL CONTRACTING, RENOVATIONS & lish and German bilingual. Liza Schach 403-278-7730, DEVELOPMENTS: Framing, drywalling, taping, textur- [email protected]. ing, tile work, painting, t-bar ceilings, plumbing & elec- trical, window & door replacements, all types of flooring, HOUSE AND YARD MAINTENANCE: Eavestrough insulating, exterior work, insurance claims, mold reme- cleaning/leak sealing, window cleaning, power raking, diation, handyman services & more, with 35 + years fall yard clean up, fence repair, hedge trimming, weed- of experience in all areas. ing, top dressing, some pruning, painting, drywall re- Licensed, insured, W.C.B. & B.B.B. accredited A+ rating. pairs. Call Ryan at 403-202-1263. Email [email protected], call Erich, 403-606-2493.

16 M A R C H 2020 I Call 403-720-0762 for advertising opportunities For business classified ad rates call Great News Media at 403-720-0762 or [email protected]

JEFFREY ELECTRIC: Friendly professional electrical ser- vice for your next residential project, large or small. City Qualified Trade, Master Electrician, insured, licensed, Public Skating certified, bonded. Very competitive rates for quality We offer seasonal public skating at the Sportsplex electrical work. Service panel upgrades from 60 amp to rink. The schedule is as follows: 200 amp. Sub-panels, aluminum rewiring, custom kitch- ens and basements. Free estimates. www.cejelectric. Saturdays 12:15 pm – 1:15 pm com or call Clayton at 403-970-5441. January 4th to March 7th, 2020

ELECTRICAL SERVICES BRENTWOOD: WestPro Electri- Mondays 10:00 am – 11:30 am th rd cal Services provides quality customer-focused service January 6 to March 23 , 2020 at affordable rates. I’m always happy to discuss your No skating on Monday, February 17th, 2020 personal electrical needs and give a custom consulta- No skating on statutory holidays. tion over the phone or come by for a free quote. I’m only Cost: $1.00 per person a phone call away! Call Marco at 403-891-3257 or visit Public skating only – no sticks, pucks, sleds or strollers. We do not supply skating assistance equipment. Any- one under age 18 must wear a helmet.


Brentwood Crime SWANBY LAW Activity was Down in NANCY A. SWANBY December 2019 • Barrister • Solicitor • Mediator The Brentwood community experienced 9 crimes in December 2019, in comparison to 15 crimes the previous month, and 16 crimes in Wills & Estates Planning and Estate Administration December one year ago. Brentwood experiences Collaborative Family Law an average of 18.4 crimes per month. On an annual Residential Real Estate basis, Brentwood experienced a total of 221 crimes Wills, Enduring Powers of Attorney, Personal as of December 2019, which is up 4% in comparison Directives, and Probate to 213 crimes as of December 2018. To review the full Brentwood Crime report visit brent.mycalgary. com Suite 226, Market Mall Professional Centre How To Report Crime In Brentwood: Dial 911 for 4935 – 40th Avenue NW Calgary, AB T3A 2N1 Direct Line: (403) 520-5455 emergencies or crimes in progress. For non-emer- Facsimile: (403) 984-4842 gencies dial (403) 266-1234. To report a crime e-mail: [email protected] anonymously, contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800- (house calls and after-hours appts. still available) 222-8477 (Talk, Type or Text), submit tips online at, or text tttTIPS to 274637.




Executive custom-built & recently renovated bungalow with fully developed walk up basement backs onto Heritage Pointe Signature 9th Hole with views of the large pond. Total of 3 bdrms & 3 baths, formal dining/flex rm, gourmet maple kitchen with centre island, granite countertops & stainless-steel appliances, open to large eating area with built-in desk. Large great rm with 12-foot ceilings, fireplace & built-ins. Patio doors leading out from eating area to large south dura deck with metal railings & glass panels with beautiful landscaped south backyard with firepit. Large master bdrm with 5-pc spa like ensuite with large soaker tub, O/S shower & walk in closet. Staircase leading downstairs to large family rm with media centre, fireplace, 2 bdrms, 3-pc bath with steam shower, workout rm & playrm all with radiant in floor heat. Walk-up onto the patio from the family room. O/S triple attached garage. Pride of ownership shown throughout. Ideal for empty nester, professional or older family. Exceptional Value! 403-606-8888 I [email protected] I We are so lucky to have mom close!

She gets to see her granddaughter every week INDEPENDENT & ASSISTED LIVING • Flexible meal plans but you still have a full kitchen! • Daily activities • Exercise and wellness programs • 24 hour onsite care teams

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The Guidebook for Great Communities- planning communities for everyone

The City of Calgary is planning communities in Calgary so they offer more housing, shops, and service choices for the people who live, work and visit them. The Guidebook for Great Communities provides the foundation on which our communities can grow and develop to be vibrant and resilient, for generations to come. For a community to be a great place to live, it requires housing options; access to a variety of goods and services close by; and offer its residents and visitors areas to recreate and gather. When a community provides more opportunities, people can live in their neighbourhood regardless of age, income or stage in life. You can find more information on the Guidebook for Great

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Visit my website,, for all my listings with photos, anytime!

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ON THE MARKET 104, 4500 - 39 STREET NW (VARSITY) 823 RANCHVIEW CIRCLE NW (RANCHLANDS) Immaculate condition, townhouse over 980 sq.ft. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 Four level split with front driveway. Total of 4 bedrooms. Close to all bathrooms. Walking distance to U of C.$305,000 mls# C4281328 amenities. Asking $348,800 mls# C4282437

82 ROCKYSPRING CIRCLE NW (ROCKY RIDGE) 3323-52 AVENUE NW (BRENTWOOD) Two-storey home with over 2,375 sq.ft. Total of 4 bedrooms. 3 Well built bungalow, over 1,350 sq.ft. Tons of recent upgrades: shingles, bathrooms. Backing onto the ravine. Asking $539,800 mls# C4280617 garage door, windows, furnace, fence. Asking $593,800 mls# C4282263 CRESCENT HEIGHTS- CENTRE STREET FOR LEASE Minutes away from the Downtown core, 4,000 sq.ft 99 BAKER CRESCENT NW (BRENTWOOD) Rentable. Net rent: $18 sq.ft. per annum. mls# C4269697 Bungalow with total of 3 bedrooms. Recent upgrades furnace, central LEASED vacuum system, shingles & windows. Close to all amenities. 1009, 108 - 3 AVENUE SW (CHINATOWN) Asking $549,800 mls# C4281093 Excellent studio apartment in China Town-Five Harvest Plaza. Close to Bow River. Good for investment and the tenant is willing to stay. 4 CLARENDON ROAD NW (COLLINGWOOD) Asking $98,800 mls# C428021 Fabulous, curb appeal bungalow with tons of renovation in the last few years, over 1,050 sq.ft. Total of 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms. Close to all amenities. Asking $524,800 mls# C4280615

Free Home Evaluations Anytime Re/Max Real Estate No Cost or Obligation Mountain View Call Danny Wai 222, 4625 Varsity Drive NW Calgary AB T3A 0Z9 at 403-247-5171 Fax: 403-247-4200 and Start Packing! E-mail: [email protected] Not intended to solicit currently listed properties.