Ft)ti \ I t;\ 1.!it'itrlc:l) P ,\ I ) R.o ! I NSR Ic li\.\ i( \ P.\ t'LIi. i iti ll,,:t'. ,,1 ilt< P,r,iii- sr. m..$J..$.0.,I J..]rJ9.L.ta.. O"t ..'.t r:-..n3"t'llP-l'1 V1^N nme.....!.k.".0-fi' ...1...... ---.'-.- venue...A/....qh.i#k* / /

'\;i.i i,.. 1.()l l l,.\ir.ilr)ii:,\iiillBL.l_()\\ \\,lll( l.llrvF.lt !s Ni)'l .\l,i,t_t(..\ll1 i: t'.\ Ii't l , i .' 1... Lrsctl br crrniii.lulc 5it Ltlt b), rccoqnised poljticill p:trl\ l

I 'r.r:rii,:,.iJ its .t ;lin(lill:ite lix' slcction to thc HoLrst- t-,I tltc pcoplr: iior:t rlr". fu6.J, pA(AS*0UAAfl I'.rrli:irrru:tur-\ rr)ns!irLrcrlc\.1 '...rr,li,r.r:,.,.-,,'.*ArtXl-4-P(V.B/4*Rkf IrLrlrc...r*.'th.*.. Ired'.,,.,,,'..k.,..RA6.H.U {A f-P KRIJ {t ll4 rtfi R',,, L,t, : r ;, - - 5o/ dcr.x p BHD.Ijg4/, q&q1 v m,X na/ip^ U0 J ry = 4 r / lA 47 tli. r,.r rr, : ..:rr.r\.il ;:r S.No 711 u, I,rrrr N,,. .r-fq .... ,)i- rj)(l_,,1..,-1,.1;,1,,,..,,1.1 i(.\sscr,i,iv ii,: U NDL...... eorrrrrrucrrer (.,ir:i)r.rlid rr(i,in,rJO-9NAEd"+tflli.${S{ (',,t.rr1ri.re,.. ' I \tr n.rnr,- ,.QAnrg* PR&S,/UD.DE@IA"ud it is enrcred ar S\,rJ82-in parr ).,, 6l ',t.lr.: -leir,,ial r,,ll !i,r PA

r,,,,.3.t.3.2 ol1 S rrrt"rt e of Prop.roscr

1,.\ll't II

, ir, 1r.' rLscrl I.r e.rnciirlrrte \()-l :..r irp [r\ ri!()Ji]isc(l polirical plrt,, )

Ir ulc l-:r' nr''ntinittc as .rndr dirtc tbr- election to the FIouse the People fiorl illc. Parliar.ncntarr, (,oirstit,-rerrcv (:lit(lril.ll!'\ n't c lrat he r's nrolhcr'sr'lt usband's liiti.t.... I lis poslal udrlrcss

I llis rtartte is cnteted lt S.\o in Pan o o1 Ihc le, toraI r.rll iil' ...... Y(Ass constltuencv col]l s ,.'r.l n rllrrl r Parlia entilrv coltsttluencv.

Wc rl.'clart that we arc electors of th bove Parliamentarv Constttllenc i'itld ollr ilirllle: tl'! Constituency as indi lttctl lrciLrl rurLi cntur!'d rn tirc electoral roll 1'or that rlrtrmentary ",. llirl)aIl(i \,Lir \i!il.titlrcs belrr\\ ill il)kin f subscrib ins to th is notrrination:

Particullr () I thc proposers and thcir sigrt:tttr Si.nu Nanre of lcctor l{oll \o. ot' Fuil Nunrc :lrni.lirLi! L)., . !r0lrpo!lent I) ro poscr Assertbly Part No. of S.No. in

Constituenc F: lectola l lhat part Roll l 4 l (t

L l

4 5 ()


l0 N.B-th slrould be ten electors of the constituency as p


I. rlte crndrdatc nrentionr'(l in Palt l,'Part Il (Strikc out u'hich is not applicrblc) ass.nt 1,.) Ihrr nonrirlirlrr)n irntl hcrcbl declnrc (rri lh:rr I rrrl l r.:itizor of lndia and Irarc not acclttired thc citizcrrship ol lri-r' li,t'cisrt State,'country. ( lr) 11',", , have cornplcred...... a years of age: ISI RIKE OU1.c(i) oT c(ii) BELOW WHICHEVER IS NOT APPLICAtsLEI (\'r r/ r rlrur I urn scr rrp at rhi) elccrion by ntpULf,ANTSf1*qiXl l.WO COfV6"PFIJ plrtv. u,hich is a recognised tktmal-Prtty, Srtrte Parry in this Srare and that rhe svmbol rcservcd tbr the ahove party be ailotted to me. OR

2 (.)U i)tlllt Irr'n:r'l at this election by the ...... prlrt\,. \l ) ls a registered-unrecognised litical 'partv'thrt I lm co estinI this

elec I io ir: rrn intlcpcndent candidatc. (S ike out u hich is not applic lc ) antl that the s bols I har,'e chosen, in order of laference. are:-

(li ) tiii) {(i) th.)t my nlnre lntl nrv t'ather's/mothcr's/husband's name have beon correctly spelt out .lro".- i,,...@ $LLJ l:l ( nanre of thc ianguage): (c) that to thc bcst of'r.ny knorvlcdge and beliel, I am qualified an(l not also disqualilied lbr being choscn lo flll the seat in the House ofthe People.

**Castc'tribc '' l lr-rr thu- tle rc lllirt I irrl a rnenrber uf thc *+caste r.t hrch is hedu['d tribe ol'the S 01' .....in rclalion Irl t.rrca)in thar I also declare thlt I have not been. d slrall not be nominated as a candidate at the present gcn.:rirl election/thc byc-elections being held srnr u ltaneously, to the House of the People lront nlore Lhan tuo Parlianrcrltarl Constitucncics. IU i),rr..r.f :3.:2otl Si gnature i1 didare rSc'ore rrut the words "assembly constituency comprised within" in the case of Jammu and Kashnrir. Andauran and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh. Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu arrd Lakshadrveep. *Score out this paragraph, if not applicable. **Sctrre out the words not applicable. N.il.-A "recognised political party" neans a political party recognised by the Election Cornmission under the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 in the State concemed.

PART III,\ (1o be tilled h1 th.. crrnilidlie) r i r \\ itetlre: Lhc c.rndidrrtc t i) IxLs l,ccn c()r.r\ rclarl (rr r rrt rnr ,ltienea(s) trniiel srrb-seetion ( 1.1. or (hI lirr crrntr'.rrerli()n of iur\ llNr spccilictl in sut)-5aclio:r (l). o[ :ce ti,)n li ol'lhL' l{ci)rescn ta lion ot'thc l)coplc ,\ct. 195 ] (+ j trl 195 I ): or \s-\i,

{ /r ) hils bc.n conr ictcd lirr artr otht'r ollencc( s ) lirr ,,r ltich lre hus brcn .!rlrncc(l tcr irtrpr isonrtrenl 1t)r l\\(r \'ailr5 ul rD()rc. J l1'thc rnsrler.is "\ es". tlrc c:rndidate shall ftrrni the tirllowing intbrnration: '(r) t xsc lllst iniirr;lrrliott rcpoll No. \o r;r; l)rrlt. - )1..1i1,l ()r. I)istliel(.t. St (s) for w'hrch he ( ri1 ) sccli(r!)( s i 0l' lr rc e();.icerned \Ia:n(1 orici elcscription ol thc,'rt-lcll s)

lrl. l'<. tt !,,11\ . l-(l . . . .

(;\ ll)Jlc(\ I ul \'ulr, r\:liJIil s l ( i ) Courl(s ) ri lt ich tortv icte e ca:rllrt1ate.... s ) quanturr of i |r )[)rr:r i:hntelt t( . ) i;,1 Iinilcatr' period ol implisonnretrt( arrd/or tine(s)1.... ( t ll) Datc(s ) ,.ri'rcl.irsc olll pnson rctloTr(! ). I \ i/l i\\ lrr \\ ir a ll't\ 1rpcal(s)'rcvision(s1 tiled against abov. a{lr,\ \',"'s \rr (i.r) I)ate antl parti lars ofappeal{s), application(s) for revisio letl

(.r) \anlc ol th courtls) bcfcrc u'lriclr thc appcal(s)iapP licati n{s) fbr rc\,ision filcd..

(r'i ) Whcth the slid appeal(s)r'app licatron( s) fbr revisi haslhave heer.r ciisposed of or is :t cnding..

(vl) If l c sairl appcal{s )i app Iieai ion(s 1 lbr revt ston ave been disposed o1-'- \tt tc(s)ot'(lisposal.. ) Nature ul' order(s) passed...... (l) wherher rhe candidare rs holding an),ollice of prolit under the covernment of lndia or State ctn ernrncnl.)...NI ( itrs No) ffi (l) whether.thc candidlrc has heen declared insolvent by any Court?..aJO, (ifts-No)

t.1t \\ hctltcr tltc clrr;tliclltc is ttttclct' aJlcgiarlcc or adhctcnce t() il:lv li'1.'isn

eo Lrnt rr 1..N0-(J:cs-\,, ) [l+=:=lrcffis...... ()r(lcr ()l' lt)\\ hctlrcr llre eirr.r(lr(llla 1-,rrs beer disrlLirrlilrcLl tttttlcr:,i;litttl 3A tlt tlre sltti A.:t b\ iLn thc President.'... NrO. .. Oig\ot W i(rI\\ ltcther thc..rrrilrtl.lc ,\.ts (lisntlss!d 11-t; (jor'111pliotr or lor tlisloraltf ir'lrile llolditls ot'fl( t Ltrtler tire ai()\t1.llll.l(!ll i,t'ltttlia ol llle (;()\.1-lllllcl.lt ol'anv Stalc'l "Nh t\3.\t'1 M (jtir in r ,'t \\ ittfhcl thr: ciinrlrrl;i1r ltil: itn\ >uDr,irling .olririlrti5) riith thc crnttt-'rr1 citlrcl ttltiirttlLlill eirllilelt\ !)i b1 llLt:t trt ptlrlllil:lLli) in rihiclr tllc eitnLlitlate Ilas it shille tpr-stipplr 4 ot ar'rv goo(ls to that Goven'rrnent or fbr execution ol rvorks undertaken by that ( irrr cr nnr.:nr'.'....4)0... tlt, xu) u \','-. ',r ith .' hielr Gevernrnent rnd cletails of -tib-;stin+ eon'r'aet(s), rr t \\ irr'1it:; 'l;e t:rrt,lirliric- is a tnatag;;rg a!Jl'r1. ()r ntilt:lgar L)l Sccrctiir\ ol'any corupAllv (rr ( ()m,,lrii;, r rr,llrcl thrrn a crrcrper-riirr. societr') in lir.' cirpilll t,l- \\,hich thc Ccntral (rirr r:r,ir:r.r1 i r Stilla (loVc'rnltti:Il ltl:. not iess tlter) l\\ Jnlv-il\'.- l.rercent sltirre 'l . NO. { )5, ilLr 1

i'./) \\ li(ilr.i ii. ,..irttlr,.l.tlc ltas bteti rir-.qtriiii.'d b.,,th,: Cr.,rrtrtrrssiolr rrrttit.r scctiorl l0/\ ol tfic .,,,r.1 ,\et. NO. . (\blNor -il r.., ri, ,lr:. ,'t ,l -,rrr;rlitl, 'r" n \ u\. I'I...,.MR&J4 PUruFI \ rgrit Candidarc i)rrr-': &^!l- 3 U\1

P.\R I I\

tTt, i,q Illl.,t-l.r tlre llit,,rrlr:rc (, .r ( 1 , \(,. p.,1,.' n^O \.r.,r \,r,.,rr1il.,ri,,1r .t.lf th[[ zott I

I-lri-< I\)rrrinittion \\.rs rle l5irctl lr, l c ltt r'n\ tltfice at.l?. ..9$lilrour r o,r.V5,.0!...N.L,t1i1rrte)irr'the*rrrntlitKitIrrr{rerier:1nJi)]L-r)t'prop()scr...... ) *\9 f-,,,'" .lX:..09: l7 Re lllce

PAR'I-V l)cr:ision ol'lleturning Ol'liccr Accepting or Rejecting the Nomination Paper I lrrr,e uxar.nincd this nrrminrr()ri pal)er in accorclance. with section 36 of the llcpresentati()r1 of the Peoplc Act, I 95 I 143 ol l9,5 I i and decrde as follows:-

Dillu..... I{eturn ing Of fice r

. 1['ertbration ). . 5 PA R1' \TI llccr:ipt for Nonlinaliort Paper and \uticc ol'Scrutinv r Ir' l-.c handed o\er l(r tlle Ircr':()n plcscr.illlu the \(rlnination Paperl -'.(ti,,i \1, ,,i :.,,lrtitlilti()l'l fapel.. ..

( , \ llrc i , : r l r i r : : : i i. i r irilpsr ot...... ,...... ,r 'illldidtttc lirl elcction ltltn lr...... I)lr lii,rl!'r)ixl-v collstiiiie;-.t ' rr:Ls t!,:lirereC to mc JL nlr ofl'ice +clnrliclllle ill ... lr,,llir ( ) i l ...... iri.rt;'1 bY the l)rlrposer. All ronlination papets rtill lrr: L;lnLrr rLr) rl,i r!l lilii.lY at...... (lri,tlr)o11...... ((late)iLL...... 1Plrr.r)

,,.11, Returnrng Otticer lSerrre oul thc uorcl not applicable

o t, W ) I CD' q} n

I1,1 NE


uqil -s*,x x \ I til


FORM 26 I (See rule 4A)

I 7- I I v)

.AFFIDAVIT TO BE FILED BY THE CANDIDATE ALONGWITH T{OT'j T'TffiNffi BeeroRe rHE RETURNTNG oFFtcER FoR ELEcrloN To (couNclL oF srares) (NAME oF THE HousE) FRoM ANDHRA PRADESH LEGISLATIvE iASSEMBLY CCiruSrtrUerucY NARASAPURAM (NAME OF THE CONSTITUENCY) E PABf4 l, K.Bharat S/o Sri K. Raghu Rama Krishna Raju, Aged about 27 Years Resident of 4- 6olz, etoct 4,Al Bhimavaram,Akividu Mandal, west Godavari District, Andhra ''$ pradesh, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:- 3 1 Attested

"o,-JU'#il,Go"ooM.A.. L.L.ra., ta.l , Lt I i NOTARY ADVOCATE i.,b.(ta2 & Opp: M.R.O. Office. AH|MAVtRAit,l.W.G Dr..A.p..lrE,a 6 eJ- 0

t HAnz$s t (1) I am a candidate set up by Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP)

(2) My name is enrolled in (60) Undi Assembly Constituency, Andhra Pradesh (Name of the constituency and the State), at Serial No. 71 . in Part No 159.

(3) My contact telephone number (s) is /are 9949067383 and my e-mail id (if any) is [email protected] and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are

l. www.facebook.com/b.kanumuri I I ll (4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of lncome Tax return:

sl. Names PAN The financial year Total income No. for which the last shown in lncome- lncome-tax return tax return (in has been filed Rupees)

1 Self BLRPK6787R 2017-18 7,365,006 I 2016-17 7,968,220 I 20't5-'t6 8,144,480 I 2014-13 5,945,440 I 2013-14 4,777,670 2 Spouse Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable HUF (if Candidate is 3 Karta/Copracencer Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 4 Dependent-1 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 5 Dependent-2 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 6 Dependent-3 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Note: lt is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN. lt should be clearly stated "No PAN allotted".

(5) Pending criminal cases

yz(i) I declare that there is no pending criminal case against me. (Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the Candidate and write NOT ! APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below)


(ii) The following criminal cases are pending against me: NOT APPLICABLE

(lf there are pending criminal cases against the candidate, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pending cases in the Table below)

T Attesled 2 MALLI]LA * : t.A rL M SRINIVASA RAC R .lt.a56 * M.A., L.L.M. i u", NOTARY & AOVOCATE OF Ctrrr:: M.R.O. OJfice. gr.!ll.!avaPAM.1.W G Dt.. A p..tna,? Table a FIR No. with name Not applicable Not applicable and address of Police Station concerned b Case No. with Name Not applicable Not applicable of the Court Section(s) of concerned Not applicable Not applicable Acts/Codes involved (give no. of the Section, e.q. Section ...... of lPC, etc.) d Brief description of offence Not applicable Not applicable

Whether charges have NO NO been framed (mention YES or NO) I lf answer against (e) Not applicable Not applicable above is YES, then give the date on which charges were framed o Whether any Appeal/ No No Application for revision has been filed against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO)

(6) Cases of conviction ti(i) t declare that I have not been convicted for any criminal offence. (Tick this alternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and write NOT APPLICABLE against alternative (ii) below)


(ii) I have been convicted for the offences mentioned below: NOT APPLICABLE

(lf the candidate has been convicted, then tick this alternative and score off alternative (i) above, and give details in the Table below)


(a) Case No. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (b) Name of the Court Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (c) Sections of Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Acts/Codes involved (give no. of the Section, e.g. Section ...... of IPC ctc.). (d) Brief description of Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable offence for which convicted (e) Dates of orders of Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

3 TvIALLULA SRINIVASA RAO T m.A.. L.L-M-. NOTARY & ADVOCATE Opp: tr4.R.O Office, .T IT.A. LLI'I IW* R.it .1562 t SHIMAVARAM-l.1fl .G.Dt..A.P .lndra conviction (0 Punishment Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable imposed (s) Whether any Appeal Not applicable Not applicable Nol applicable has been filed against conviction order (Mention YES (f) lf answer to (g) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable above is YES, give details and present status of appeal

(6A) I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and (6)

[candidates to whom this ltem is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE lN VIEW OF ENTRIES lN 5(i) and 6(i), abovel : NOT APPLICABLE

Note: 1. Details should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters 2. Details to be given separately for each case under different columns against each item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i.e. the latest case to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases. 4. Additional sheet may be added if required. 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court's judgment in W.P.(C ) No. 536 of 2011.

(7) That I give herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc.) of myself, my spouse and all dependents:

A. Details of movable assets

Note: 1. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. Note: 2. ln case of deposivinvestment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date of deposit, the scheme, Name of the BanUlnstitution and Branch are to be given Note: 3. Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per current market value in Stock exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. Note: 4.' Dependent' means paternts, son(s), daughte(s) of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood Note: 5. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment. Exolanation: - For the purpose of this Form, the expression "offshore assets" ' includes, dbtails of all deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any oth6r body or instittition abroad, and details of all assets and liabilities in foreign countries': Atteste d \ j, vl r T 4

5 H.A , U-M * n r562 * t $ OF st. Description Self Spouse HUF Depende Depende Depende No nt1 nt2 nt3

(i) Cash in hand Rs.2,439,1 1 8 Not applicable Nol Not Not Not applicablE applicable applicable applicable (ii) Details of deposit in Rs. 2,495,835 in Not applicable Not Not Not Not Bank accounts savings accounts. applicable applicable applicable applicable (FDRs, Term Deposits and all other types deposits including saving accounts), Deposits with Financial lnstitutions, Non- Banking Financial Companies and Cooperative Societies and the amount in each such deposit. (iii) Details of investment Rs 920,134,648 Not applicable Not Not Not Not in Bonds, Equity Shares applicable applicable applicable applicable Debentures/ Shares NIL and units in companies/Mutual NIL Funds and others and the amount (iv) Details of investment Rs 237,600 in Not applicable Not Not Not Not in NSS, Postal provident fund and applicable applicable applicable applicable Saving, lnsurance Rs. 1485,000 in policies and other savings. investment in any Financial instruments in Post office or lnsurance Company and the amount (v) Personal Rs'104,053,148 Not applicable Not Not Not Not loans/advance given Loans and advances applicable applicable applicable applicable to any person or given to relatives. entity including firm, company, Trust etc., Rs.5,865,466^ and other receivables Loans and advances

from debtors and the given to others . amount Rs 938,516 incomes receivable. Motor Vehicles/ Bently Car Not applicable Not Not Not Not Aircraftsl/achts/Ship AP1OAW1 111 applicable applicable applicable applicable s (Details of Make, Year 2 registration number Rs. 11,426,3641 etc. year of purchase |^r- 5 MALLULA S INIVASA RAO T M.A.. L.L.M. NOTARY & AOVOCATE 5 lr-A, rrM r u\* Opp: M.R.O. Office, * * ouii 1{vA RAM-r.w.G. Dt..A. p..lndra

OF and amount) Jewellery, bullion and Not applicable Not applicable Not Not Not Not valuable thing(s) applicable applicable applicable applicable (give details of weight and value) Any other assets Rs 11,651,651 other Not applicable Not Not Not Not such as value of receivables/prepaym applicable applicable applicable applicable claims/interest ent of taxes etc.,

Gross Total Value Rs 'l,060,727,346 Not applicable Not Not Not Not applicable applicable applicable applicable

B. Details of lmmovable Assets:

Note: 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated

Note: 2. Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format

Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore ASSEtS.

SI, Description Self Spouse HUF Depen- Depen- Depen- No dent'l dent 2 dent 3

(i) Agriculture Land PropertY -l Not Not applacable Not Not applicable Not Location (s) Ai.Bhivaram Village, applicable applicable applicable Survey Number(s) Akivedu Mandalm, West Godavari dist.. S.Y.No.351-4A, 351-i ,170-28 170-3 ,170-4 ,170-5 165-3,163-3,166-2A, 18,101-10,101-11,17 169-2 Prop€rty -2 Chintapalli Village,Miryalguda Mandal, Nalgonda Dist Sy.No.45l -A,451-A, 451-r'.2

Area (Total PropertY -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Measurement in Ac. 17.8925 Cents applicable applicable applicable Acres) Propertv -2

Ac.2.03 '/a g\fia Whether inherited Prorrertv -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Property (Yes or No) Yes applicable applicable applicable Property -2 No

Date of Purchase in ProDertv -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicaqle_ . Not


f OF\ case self-acquired 17.04.2017 applicable applicable applicable property Propertv -2 26.1.20t4 Cost of Land (ln case Propertv -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not of purchase) at the Not applicable applicable applicable applicable time of purchase Propertv -2 Rs. 6.67 lakhs

Any investment on Propertv -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not applicable applicable the land by way of NO applicable development, Propertv -2 construction etc. NO

Approximate Current ProDertY -l Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Market Value Rs.196.62 lakhs applicable applicable applicable ProDertv -2 Rs.6,67 lakhs (ii) Non-Aqriculture Propertv - I Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Land: Plot No.19/D in applicable applicable applicable Location (s) Sy.No.95/3 House Survey Numbe(s) No.6-85/19/D situated at Rest of the area Raidurg Panmakth4 Seri Lingampally Mandal, Ranga Reddy District Propertv - 2 Plot at Ai.Bhimavaram Village, Alivedu Mandalam, W.G.Dist, Near by D.No.4-70 Sy.No.157-5,157- 6,t57-7

Not applicable Not Not Area (Total Propertv 1 Not Not applicable - applicable applicable Measurement in 10197 Sq.ft (1133 applicable sqft) sq.yards) ProDertv - 2 9988.2 Sq.ft (1109.80 Sq.Yds.)

Not applicable Not Not Whether inherited Property 1 Not Not applicable - applicable applicable Property (Yes or No) No applicable Prooertv - 2 Yes

Not Not applicable Not Not Date of Purchase in ProDertv - 1 Not applicable case self-acquired 29.01.2003 applicable applicable applicable property Property - 2 Attasle 7 C, M ALLU A SRINIVA ARAO M.A., L-L.M. bu" NOIARY & ADVOCATE I Opp: M.R.O. Offioe' BHTMAVARAM-l.W.G0t..A.P..tn

Not Not applicable Not Not Cost of Land (ln case Property 1 Not applicabie - applicable applicable applicable of purchase) at the Rs.23.91 lakAs time of purchase Property - 2 Not applicable

Not Not applicable Not Not Any investment on Propertv 1 Not applicable - applicable applicable applicable the land by way of No development, Propertv - 2 construction etc. No

Not Not applicable Not Not Approximate Cunent Property 1 Not applicable - applicable applicable Market Value Rs.226.60 lakhs applicable Pro -2 Rs.19.98 lakhs (iii) Commercial Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Buildinqs. applicable applicable applicable (including Apartments) - Location (s) - Survey Number(s) Area (Total Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Measurement in sq applicable applicable applicable ft.) Built-up area (Total Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not measurement in applicable applicable applicab16 sq.ft) Whether inherited Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Property (Yes or No) applicable applicable applicable Date of Purchase in Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not case self-acquired applicable applicable applicable property Cost of property (ln Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not case of purchase) at applicable applicable applicable the time of purchase Any investment on Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not the property by way applicable applicable applicable of development, construction etc. Approximate Current Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Market Value appiicable applicable applacable

l\lW A ttes ted 8 ,grr.r i tlLA SRINIVASA RAU o T M A., L L,M.. NO]A RY & ADVOCATE + opp: M.R.O. Ofso€,

rl l]r . o * l f\il av A RA t/l,1 .w. 6. Dt. . A P.;lfti? o. oFIN (iv) Residential Propertv - '! Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Buildinss: Plot No.74lA applicable applicable applicabl (including situated at Rest of e Apartments) the area - Location (s) Manikonda Jagir. - Survey Number(s) Seri Lingampally Mandal, Ranga Reddy District Sy.No.210/P

Prooertv - 2 H.No.4-57,2nd Floor at AL Bhimavaram Village,Akivedu Mandal West Godavari Dist. Sy.No.l34l4 Area (Total Propertv - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Measurement in sq. 16830 sq.ft (1870 applicable applicable applicabl ft.) Sq.Yds) e Propertv - 2 2032.74 Sq.ft (22s.86 Sq.Yds)

Built-up area (Total Property - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not measurement in 20000 sft applicable applicable applicabl sq ft) Propertv - 2 e 2588 Sft.

Whether inherited Propertv - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Property (Yes or No) No applicable applicable applicabl Propertv - 2 Yes

Date of Purchase in Property - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not case of self-acquired I 8.02.2010 applicable applicable applicabl property Property - 2 e 17.04.20t7

Cost of property (ln Propertv - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not case of purchase) at Rs.488.52 lakhs applicable applicable applicabl the time of purchase Property - 2 e Not applicable

Any investment on Propertv - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not the land by way of NO applicable applicable applicabl development, Propertv - 2 e construction etc. NO Attesle 9 ,r,n'JUif$flffiSA RAO T M.A.. L.L-M. NOTARY & ADVOCATE ! t(tt \" Opp: M.R.O Office' F r.b.a562 * BHlMAVARAM.l.W.G Dt..A. P..lndia o q / o FI f----T------_l Approximate Current Property - 1 Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not Market Value Rs.824.40 lakhs applicable applicable applicabl Prope rlv -2 e Rs. 16.05 lakhs (v) Others (such as NO Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not interest in property) applicable applicable applic€bl e (vi) Total of current Rs.1290.32 lacs Not Not applicable Not Not applicable Not market value of (i) to applicable applicable applicabl (v) above e

(8) I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government:- (Note: please give separate details of name of bank, institution, entity or individual and amount before each item st. Description Self Spouse HUF Depen- Depen-dent 3 No dentl

(i) Loan or dues to Not applicable Not Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable BanU Financial applicable lnstitution (s) Name of Bank or Financial lnstitution, Amount Outstanding, Nature of Loan Loan or dues to any lnd-Barath Not Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable other individuals/ Commidities Ltd applicsble entity other than Rs. 4,00,000 mentioned above Sriba Seabase Pvt Name(s), Ltd - Rs. Amount Outstanding, 86,68,43,048 Nature of Loan Arkay Energy (Rameswarm) Ltd - Rs. 1 ,90,231 Raghu Rama Renewable Energy Ltd - Rs. 49,99,941 K lndira Priyadarshini - Rs. 14,97,25,192 K Raghu Rama Krishna Raju - Rs. 1,92,58,648 Vamsi lndustries Ltd - Rs. 68,000 Uber Projects Pvt Ltd - 40,08,516 Total Rs. Anes eO 1,045,493,576t- o 10 MALLU LA IVASA M.A., L.L.M., NOTARY & AOVOCATE ooo: M R'O Offioe' t w G Dt A P lndra BHIMAVAhAM'I Any other liability Rs. 26,395,373 Not Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable other payables. applicable Not Grand total of Rs 1,071,888,949 Not Not applicable Not applicable applicable liabilities applicable ii) (A) Has the Deponent been in occupation Y€S/ NO Dues to departments dealing of accommodation provided by the (tick the with government Government at any time during the last appropriate accommodation ten years before the date of notification alternative) of the current election?

(B) lf answer to (A) above is YES, the Not Applicable following declaration may be furnished namely:-

(i) The address of the Government accommodation:

(ii) There is no dues payable rn respect of above Government accommodation towards -

(a) rent; (b) electricity charges; (c) water charges; and (d) telephone charges as on ...... (date) I the date should be the last date of third month prior to the month in which the election is notified or any date thereafterl.

Note - 'No Dues Certificate' from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be submitted.

( iii) Dues to department dealing NIL NIL with Government transport (including aircrafts and helicopters) Lrn*.,.Yfill9el s d MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO 7L M.A.. L.L.tU,. NOTARY & AOVOCATE Opr): M.R.O. Office. o,.r,!r.1 ,.,' t t\* , I 1: Dt..A.p.lndra Self Spouse HUF Depen- Depe Depen- dentl n- dent3 dent2 (iv) lncome Tax dues Not applicable Not applicable Not Nol Not Not applicable applicable applica applicabl ble e (v) GST dues Not applicable Not applicable Not Not Not Not applicable applicable applica applicabl ble e (vi) Municipal/Property Not applicable Not applicable Nol Not Not Not tax dues applicable applicable applica applicabl ble e (vii) Any other dues Not applicable Not applicable Not Not Not Not applicable applicable applica applicabl ble (viii) Grand total of all Not applicable Not applicable Not Not Not Not Government dues applicable applicable applica applicabl ble e (ix) Whether any other Not applicable Not applicable Not Not Not Not liabilities are in applicable applicable applica applicabl dispute, if so, mention ble e the amount involved and the authority before which it is pending

(9) Details of profession or occupation:

(a) Self Business

(b) Spouse - Not applicable -

(9A) Details of source(s) of income:

(a) Self Business

(b) Spouse - Not applicable -

(c) Source of income, if any, of dependents, - not applicable -

(9B) Contracts with appropriate Government and any public company or companies

(a) details of contracts entered by the candidate - NIL -

(b) details of contracts entered into by spouse - Not applicable -

(c) details of contracts entered into by dependents - not applicable - Atl,ested 12 T MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO M.A., L.L.M.. & ADVOCATE 5 r.A ur, NOTARY M.R.O. Otfiee, F t562 * t Opp: o BHlMAVARAtl.t,WO. Dl..A.P..lndia oFI (d) details of contracts entered inlo by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interested: - not applicable -

(e) details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners - Not applicable -

(f) details of contracts, entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share - not applicable

(10) My educational qualification is as under:-

Master of Business Administration (MBA) from CARDIFF University, CARDIFF in February 2014.

(Give details of highest School/University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/diploma/degree course, name of the School/College/University and the year in which the course was completed.) PART.B


1 Name of the Candidate Shri K.Bharat 2 Full Postal Address 4-5012 Block 4 Al Bhimavaram Akividu Mandal West Godavari District Andhra Pradesh

3 Number and name of the Constituency 60 Undi Assembly constituency , and State Andhra Pradesh 4 Name of Political Party which set up the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress candidate (Otherwise write'lndependent') Party (YCP) 5 Total number of pending criminal cases NIL 6 Total Number of cases in which convicted Not applicable 7 PAN of Year for which last Total lncome lncome Tax Shown Return filed (a) Candidate BLRPK6787R 2017-18 7,36s,006

(b) Spouse Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (c ) HUF Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (d) Dependent Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (e) Dependent Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

Atte s le cl

MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO 13 M.A., LL,M" NOTARY & AOYOCATE Opp: M.R.O. Office, I N* TIHIMAVARAM-1,W.G.0t..A.P..lndra tn ru I Deta ls of Assets and L ab tres nc ud n offshore assets Dependent Description Self Spouse HUF Dependent Dependent -1 a Not applicable Not applicable Movable 1,060,727,346 Not Not Not applicable applicable applicable Assets (Total Value) Not Not Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable B lmmovable 129,031,890 applicable applicable Assets Not applicable Purchase Rs.s19.10lacs Not Not Not applicable applic€ble applicable price of self- acquired immovable property il DevelopmenV Not applicable Not Not Not Not Not construction applicable applicable applicable applicable applicable cost of immovable property after purchase (if applicable) lll Approximate Not applicable Not Not Not Not Not applicable Current applicable applicable applicable applicable market price

(a) Selt Rs.1057.67 acquired lacs assets (Total Value)

(b) lnherited Rs.232.65 assets (Total lacs Value)

I Liabilities (i) Government Not applicable Not Not Not Not NA dues (Total) applicable applicable applicable applicable NA ( ii) Loans from Not Not Not Not Bank, 1,071,888,949 applicable applicable applicable applicable Financial lnstitutions and others (Total) 10 Liabilities that are under dis ute (i) Government Nir Nit Not Not Not Not dues (Total) applicable applicable applicable a licable (ii) Loans from NIL Nit Not Not Not Not Bank, applicable applicable applicable applicable Financial lnstitutions and others (Total)

e ied 14 MALL VASA RAO M.A.. L,L.M., NOTARY & AOVOC,AIE Opp: M.R.O. Otfice, N"' p..trl(t L EHIMAVARAM-l.WG. 0r..A. ia 11 Highest educational qualification: Master of Business Administration (MBA) from CARDIFF University' CARDIFF ,UK in February 2014 (Give details of highest School/ University education mentioning the full form of all certificate/ diploma/ degree course, name of the School/ College/ University and the year in which the course was completed.

L u["-

Attcs le ! rvrnr-r-uUffiI6auo M.A., L.L.N'., NOTARY & AOVOCATE Opo: M.R.O. Office, Purira\/ARA M.l.W.G. Dt..A. P .lttda,



l, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I further declare that:-

(a) there is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 Part A and B above;

(b) l, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, otheJ than thos'e mentioned in item 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8,9 and 10 of Part B above.

verified at .BAirnavuvr.rn.. This the2.{{5.. oay ot . [[)*!.*7.29.t1.... t u[* DE qt o}.

MALLULA SR,N,VASA o 5'9-2022 FdO + NOTARY Valld upto roro*"* NOTABIAL ofri;fr!'*., Cot.rcd ln Ul. tr.graro ",,,;,,?l^#,1;t 3fl.i.,,,,, sl. Nr---G& Etzs. 3'2' t1

t6 rkltiktt {tlll/Voter l nfonnation

{I-{l/State Andhra Pradesh fr qn qql Frqf+q *;/Asse nbly Undi Constituency

TIII/Name ?id6 SSD$rr"d)


ft.r/Gender M

qEqI;Iq{m{iolEplc r.to RCU0566465 (J ftilffi 61 qlqTFather's/H usband's 6 SJ $oo"a:' Nane RAGHURA}/A KRISHNA RAJ U

qFI Tigl/Part Number lao

qfq 6-l qH/Pafi Nan€ AiBhirnavaram

TIfrilil trqiE/Seria| No 71

q6grq +E/Polling Station MPP School, 5th Class, Eastern Side 1st Room, Abhirnavaram

q-f,s].{ of ilRts/Polli n g Date 11t 041 2019

gBoftfulerinted on 312412019 7:22:08 PM

t$te 1 : Ihis outp,i is cofiputer gEnerated and b proviied onv for the infoffrEtir to the vder

nue 2 r ]hb is rd dr idenlity docuYErt.

Altested T 0- rYwl^/vvl-- t MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO s n.a. LLlr M.A., t t L,L.M., 8.L..1562 NOTARY & AOVOCATE Opp: M.R.O. Offioe. ot{MAVA OF RAM-j.W.G. Dt.. A. p .lndra I {tr5,,U, tcarrmaiu lhlr|(

ttl {old}€r' Y.. ol snhr t9e0 id!8D6, / t dt

7800 8t.1? ,0S0


.'.a$I\ $o5

AddE.! si/O Rrohu #Y;,TffJ;t*""" riamakd6hns Rrlu plor .r.Oo lnd), Soo s66,B.6qrF6 o 212€. goF ROAD NO 7. Lsi[. ,oooe6 Jrrbfll HItt, Fltm t{.!.r, Ey00c6brd, Andhr. Pradrah


Aftes te c,

MALLULA I- ul"" SRIN'VASA RAO M.A., L.L,M. NOTARY & ADVOCATE OpD: M.R.O. Office. orr,r't"\\,/a RA M-1.w. G. Dt..A. p tr,.i,, IU*

Attesteo T , . . l. s {.A. tL I -ho.1562 * t F B

Iseue date: l9-0tr-2019 Sr Nol I ,.,,nffiffi^ lNDiA r1u i Jn^ 'i:.,.. nf;"l lll {- l- 1, i i ^\fi.,y1'o"fln#ll'^, : - . :";r,r', SH - 1;:' :,::tl' uB 1N05496?? qmrr BRAN.H ,.. ].T;,il;:.il.l " 9It8[ 5l tl' Branch Addfess; gr$ $ sIi i./ Branah Phonqdg,-n)l icc9)r5 rccountuo ot*l|li].,,s, iar. ;; un^^'', - 500 004

ln fie Namebf : qFt Name l) ti) CI AP ili) *, f #:l1li$:i'1i-ii[o^'^** " "','bi,Xlii^-Xi;li',n;i,3; INC IA tocA!$:l tflI occupatron |tESr lo-"3-?clc p\one tlill Address Bran;h No : rsBl6'22i?03/??3581 Yi fleg No' 496?C43i945?{ sra utaA d fits Dste of Openlng A/c ,dvrcff N ilqftq q'fi-fd / Nomination RegistBred

\" uI* A tte s te c, MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO I M.A., LL.{., NOTARY & AOVOCATE I Opp: M.R.O. Offioe,

l/ tHtMAlA RA l,t.t.W. p., T.O t G. Dt., A. lnda qqa ifa qnr qRr lFr gt Name ?144? i.?95 t'1R (ANUIIURU EHARAT SAVINGS BANK PASS BOOK srdt s. lVc. no. ilqio-< ufua sq-drd{ Nomination facility available

r9b202CuC09765 (S8 CENERAT

u*i.unionbankonl ine.co. in/

: :4.'adr -8:;inararam (l\ll !li i'irssed Call Ealance ob No:0922J008586 c;1 Unlon Bank @q-affi ol lnclle l:. -16. :r,l )4ob?: l0)

\ A.ttested ,",AL T LULA SRINtV.ASA RAO M.A.. L.L.M NOTARY & E [4. LLI ADVOCATE t Opp: F.tt .a562 M.R.O. Olflee .. B'. .. MavaRA M.,t.w c.&..a. P..hda ot, OF TtrEfflI qif.ITruoter ! nfonnation

tIwI/State Andhra Pradesh

6u,o qqrffi{ *a/Assembly Palacole Constituency

ilrl/Narne doo" {,i-5 dde,l

Ganga Prasad Degala

frq/cender M

q6qH q7 srqi-6/rptc No wQO1066075

fu6ffi 5"1 mqTFather's/H usband's Sodd{d o"O dile) Nane Venkateswara Rao Degala

qrrr \{gypart Number 6'1

qFI e-f fl-q/Part Name Medapadu

rkrEIdI ;Fqio/serial N o 782


Td-fl{ di Hr{-s/Polling Date 111 041 20'19

gfro ftfu/Printeo on 312412019 3:51:0'1 PNI

l.tte '! : Thb ouqtd is conputer g€tEaated ard b pro/kled onv for tE intonrElirl !o t€ vder.

l6te 2 : this is not an ijently d@r]rr€nl.

Atteste c, Iv!M/rna^!- MALLULA SRINIVASA RAO { M.A., L.L.lu., NOTARY I & ADVOCATE Op.p: M.R.O. Offtce, oTITMAVARAM-r.W.G. Dt..a. p..tndra \ vr.oF E _t

Anesl'6 'llrwwW- MA,I-LU LA SRINIVASA RAO it.A.. L.L.M.. NOTARY t ADVOCATE Opp: M.R.O. Office, Bl{lfttAvARAM.1.W.G,0t..A,P..ln7r,.