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Project Document Template I. BACKGROUND The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set ambitious goals for sustainable development in 17 aspects of economic, social and environmental dimensions to guide all regions, including developed and developing countries, and hope to achieve economic development, social inclusion and environmental sustainability by 2030. End Poverty is the first of its goals, not only because there are still large-scale populations in extreme poverty, but because of disasters and other reasons, poverty continues to spread and occur. With regard to resilience building, goals 11 (Building Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 13 (Climate Actions) clearly set out the goals of resilient communities. The 2016 New Urban Agenda, published by the United Nations, proposes a vision for urban development: “It is possible to settle and produce in resilient and sustainable cities and human communities and to foster prosperity and quality of life for all.”. The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction United Nations Disaster Reduction Agency has built ten major indicators system that “make cities more resilient”, including budgeting, disclosure and update of disaster resistance data, maintenance of emergency infrastructure, safety performance assessment of key facilities, and development of education and training. On September 19, 2016, China announced at the United Nations Headquarters the " China’s National Plan on Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. In 2018, China’s administrative system reform established a new emergency management department. The department insists on the integration of prevention and relief and insists on the unity of normal disaster reduction and extraordinary disaster relief to realize the transition from post-disaster relief to pre-disaster prevention. We should also realize the transition from the response to single disasters to that of comprehensive disasters and the transition from disaster losses reduction to disaster risk reduction in order to enhance the comprehensive prevention capability of the whole society to resist natural disasters. This also provides an important policy basis for the construction of China's model of resilient cities and comprehensive disaster reduction demonstration areas. In terms of poverty reduction and development, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made major decision-making arrangements for implementing the “rural vitalization strategy”. In 2018, the Chinese government issued the " rural vitalization strategy Plan (2018- 2022)" 2 , further emphasizing the importance of rural development in terms of environmental governance, resource utilization, and industrial development. In December 2018, the Central Economic Work Conference pointed out: To lay a solid foundation for poverty alleviation, we must work hard to increase poverty-stricken areas such as the "three districts and three states" and special poverty groups to reduce poverty and prevent poverty-stricken people from returning to poverty. In ecologically fragile areas, it is necessary to explore a multi-integrated sustainable development model such as poverty alleviation, environmental protection, and resilience building, such as a sustainable development model that protects the environment. Zhouqu County is located in the south of Gansu Province, southeast of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. It is located in the western Qinling Mountains, the Dieshan Mountains and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is a typical alpine valley. “Three rivers (Bailong River, Gongba River, Boao River)” run through it and the topography is complex. As a key area for constructing the national ecological security barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and a deep poverty- stricken area among the “three districts and three states”3 , Zhouqu has been affected by natural disasters. It is not only the worst-hit county in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, but also a rare landslide in the country. There are 77 disaster-stricken landslide points and 93 disaster-stricken mudslides in the county, with more than 80% of the villages and more than 85% of the population in the geological disaster coverage area. On August 8, 2010, a massive mudslide occurred in the 2 3 三区:西藏、新疆南疆四地州和四省藏区;三洲:甘肃的临夏州、四川的凉山州和云南的怒江州;“三区三州”是国家 层面的深度贫困地区,自然条件差、经济基础弱、贫困程度深。 2 county, causing 1,557 deaths and 218 missing persons, with property losses amounting to 13.3 billion yuan. After the disaster, the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for the Recovery and Reconstruction of Zhouqu Disasters" (Guo Fa [2010] No. 38)4 . After several years of post-disaster reconstruction, Zhouqu County's comprehensive capabilities have been improved, but it still faces severe challenges in poverty reduction, environmental protection, disaster prevention, mitigation and disaster relief capabilities. To this end, it is urgent to speed up the construction of ecological civilization the mining of superior resources, the upgrading of industrial transformation and the breaking through the bottleneck of development to win the battle against poverty and to build a well-off society in an all-round way. As the largest development agency of the United Nations system, the United Nations Development Programme always focuses on the localization of sustainable development goals, aiming to link the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals with China’s national and regional development priorities and five-year plans. They help local level to grasp development opportunities, solve development challenges, attract public and private sector partners, promote sustainable development at the local level and provide successful examples of China's sustainable development at the international level to promote international exchanges and cooperation. In the early stage, some pilot work has been developed on localization of poverty reduction and resilience urban construction. Moreover, positive feedbacks were received. In view of Zhouqu County's clear strategic determination and layout in the demonstration project of actively implementing the 2030 sustainable development agenda and building an organic integration of poverty alleviation and resilience, and the localization of the UNSD Sustainable Development Goals Relevance, so the project cooperation is promoted. Specifically, it will strengthen the capacity and resilience of Zhouqu government agencies and urban and rural residents to cope with climate change and natural disasters, and strengthen the ability of Zhouqu government institutions and urban and rural residents to adopt industrial employment, reduce poverty, and cope with climate change and natural disasters. Start with resilience, solve the outstanding problems in the development of Zhouqu County as far as possible scientifically and locally, establish a model of sustainable development, and play the role of men and women in different regions and age groups in the construction of resilient communities and economic development activities. The role of men and women in poverty alleviation and resilience community building and economic development activities, and in this process focus on women's empowerment and achieve comprehensive economic, social and ecological development. 4 3 II. PROGRAMME STRATEGY 2.1 Development Challenges As a typical high-risk developing region, Zhouqu County is constrained by many factors such as land, resources, talents, technology, hazards risks, climate change, etc..The below describe a number of serious challenges to achieve sustainable development in Zhouqu Country: (1)Hazards risk management capabilities need to be improved. Despite the frequent occurrence of many natural hazards in history and the numerous self-rescue and external reconstruction work, the current hazards risk management capability of Zhouqu itself is still limited. The problem is mainly reflected in the lack of macro-resilient development strategies and action plans. The knowledge and awareness of relevant departments and people in hazards prevention and mitigation are low, and the frequent, long-term and harmful cognition of hazards (especially geological hazards) is insufficient. Therefore, various types of meteorological disasters often occur and cause serious losses. (2)The ability of industry to reduce poverty needs to be improved. The agricultural population of Zhouqu County accounts for 90%, and the economic development is mainly based on the cultivation or breeding of special agricultural products. However, due to inconvenient transportation, it is difficult to connect with the consumer market for bringing great challenges to poverty reduction work before 2020. Although in 2018, Zhouqu County was identified by the Ministry of Commerce as “e-commerce integrated demonstration county”( E-commerce into rural integrated demonstration county), the Ministry of Commerce plans to invest 20 million yuan to set up the “Zhouqu County E-commerce Public Service Center”. The overall demonstration project includes the construction of the center.System engineering, system construction, capacity building, publicity and promotion, but due to geographical location, inconvenient transportation, limited arable land, especially the lack of cold chain logistics facilities, lack of leading e-commerce enterprises, making the market competitiveness of local specialty products insufficient. The ability to produce large-scale, high-quality agricultural products
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