STOKED! Read about CCʼs newest The Colorado College athletic team—snow- boarding. SPORTS, page10

���������������� ������������������ �������������������� CC alum convicted of man- slaughter

Chrissie Long News Editor CC grad Alexander Pring-Wilson was convicted of manslaughter last Thursday and was sentenced to six to eight years in prison. Pring-Wilson is accused of stabbing 18- year old Michael Colono fi ve times with a pocket-knife, according to an article in the Washington Post. Pring-Wilson, 26, had been studying at Harvardʼs Davis School for Russian and Eurasian Studies. He grew up in Colorado Springs and is the son of two prominent attorneys. He graduated from CC in 2000 with a major in classics. In April of 2003, Pring-Wilson was walking home from a bar in Cambridge, The Catalyst/EMILY SCHULTZ MA when he got in a fi ght that left 18-year They really, really mean it this time: the “secret” lot, a favorite illicit downtown parking area is now offi cially out of bounds. old Michael Colono dead. Colono had been waiting for pizza in a car with his cousin and his cousinʼs girl- Popular “secret” parking lot closed friend. Colono taunted Pring-Wilson about his drunken state, and the two ended up in a fi ght soon joined by Colonoʼs cousin. Spaces above Josh and John’s get a gate to deter would-be parkers Pring-Wilson pulled out a pocket-knife in self-defense and stabbed Colono several Andy Mendrop Staff Writer times. After the fi ght, Colono and his cous- Josh and John’s faces new competition in returned to the car, where the three real- Deep within the catacombs ized Colono was bleeding severely. They of downtown Colorado Springs rushed him to a Boston hospital where there lies a parking lot unlike Max Salmen Meanwhile, John like chocolate chips into Staff Writer Colono died two hours later. other lots in the area: dubbed “the Krakauber, co-proprietor of cookie dough. Finally the Another act in the drama He died the day before his daughterʼs secret lot” by student parking Josh & Johnʼs and member fi nished dessert is scooped of American Capitalism will third birthday. poachers, it is located on the roof of the class of ʼ85, is count- up and put in either a cone begin in Colorado Springs This encounter may have been sparked of Josh and Johnʼs, just down the ing on a superior product or a bowl. on November 13. That is by the long-festering tensions between stu- alley from Chipotle. to keep his store going: “I Josh & Johnʼs offerʼs a the day Cold Stone Cream- dents at the elite college and residents of This summer, Murphy Con- donʼt want anyone to come more traditional ice cream ery franchise #148 will open the Cambridge community. struction Colorado Springs, the in here because it is a local parlor experience, yet they at 218 N. Tejon, across the Colono grew up in Cambridgeport at- owners of the “secret” lot, pro- business, I want them here still have quite a bit in com- street from Acacia Park tending Cambridge Rindge and Latin High tected their asset with a fence. because it is a better prod- mon with Cold Stone. Both in downtown Colorado School through the 11th grade. He dropped According to Murphy Construc- uct” says Krakauber. make all their own ice cream Springs. It will be a chal- out to support his child whom he had fa- tion, the lot needed to be fenced Cold Stone Creamery of- on site daily, and both sell lenge for the reigning ice thered at fi fteen. Colono had been working in because it had been the site of fers a unique (or gimmicky “super premium” ice cream. cream king of downtown, three nights a week at a Boston hotel at the frequent unpaid parking and nu- depending on your perspec- Krakauber says his prod- Josh & Johnʼs (111 Pikes time of his death. merous broken beer bottles. tive) product. The ice cream uct is superior, but says Peak). Colonoʼs record shows that he had many Murphy Construction, which is scooped up and literally there might be a small effect Gene and Susan Berg- run-ins with the law, including a conviction rents out spaces in the lot, was put on a cold stone that looks on his sales at the beginning. meir, owners of the new for drug possession and an arrest for tres- towing one roughly one unpaid like a granite countertop. He says that in the long run Cold Stone, are counting passing. His family said he was starting to car per week, and felt the only vi- Then the customer picks “competition is good for on their proximity to Acacia turn his life around and that he had earned able option was a fence. their “mix-ins;” crumbled awareness.” Park, Palmer High, and CC his G.E.D. But even after they put up the Oreos, sprinkles, etc., which to bring success. are folded into the ice cream Continued on page 4 On the other hand, the prosecuting at- barrier, several cars that had not torneys portrayed Pring-Wilson as a mem- paid for parking followed paying ber of the privileged class. He was an as- customers into the lot. rage of oranges rolling down the lotʼs en- fee during a break in Pikes Perk, “some- piring lawyer studying at an Ivy League A brilliant plan? Not so fast. Only pay- trance ramp. The man responsible for that body got their car towed,” Manley said. School. He is well-educated, has mastered ing customers are able to open the gate, and dramatic endeavor is Drama Professor An- Manley sees the space as signifi cant for several languages and came from a stable those who were not patrons were trapped drew Manley. He used the lot second block students and Colorado Springs residents background. in the lot and were forced to call Murphy last year as the stage for his “Sight Specifi c alike, as it is both a “nice hidden way to Defense lawyer Ann Kaufman said that Construction to release them. Theater” classʼs fi nal dramatic presenta- observe people” and “adds a bit of charac- her client had been unfairly portrayed as Many students had been using the park- tion. ter” to the downtown district. a product of an elite upbringing. “Heʼs ing lot while going to Chipotle, Josh and “[The students] always called it the se- Manley adds that the lot as a landmark. worked all his life. He comes from a fam- Johnʼs or the Peak Theater. cret car park,” Manley said, betraying his “It would be an ʻalternative landmarkʼ in ily where all the children in the family And while this was a popular practice, slightly British outlook on an American an alternative guide to downtown” Manley worked,” said Kaufman, as quoted by the the parking lot was used by CC for more institution. said. He said that the lotʼs closing is a pity. Associated Press. than convenient parking. Manleyʼs class occasionally used the lot “Itʼs a good vantage point to see the Last year, students staged a slightly bi- for actual parking during some of their re- city,” he said. zarre play at the lot which included a bar- hearsals. But one time, while enjoying cof- Continued on page 4 ������ Opinion������������ ����������������

����� Voting bad for environment

����������������������������� Brian Hall revolutionary thought. been sitting underneath a pile of Americaʼs dependency on oil. ��������������������������� Staff Writer Laziness is the reason that papers for a week now. Finding Electronic voting is also harm- ���������������������������� most people do not vote. Imagine the ballot would take at least two ful because it requires energy. �������������������������� The whole campus, city, and yourself lying in bed on the fi rst minutes, and I just do not have The production of energy leads to ��������������������������������� country seem to be alive with pol- Tuesday in November as the wind that kind of time. Also, the absen- pollution, which is not benefi cial itics. Everyone is talking about ��������� pounds the win- tee ballot has no in any way to the environment. something that involves politics ����������������������������� dow and snow People who decide postage stamp on Basically, people who decide and the election. There are so falls in frenzy it. I am a poor col- to vote are hurting Mother Earth ����������������������������� many organizations trying to get to vote are hurting ������������������������������������� to the ground. lege kid and I have by polluting and fi lling up our you to vote that you would think Why would you Mother Earth by a hard enough landfi lls with unnecessary waste. ���������������������������� everyone does it! want to get out time scrounging Americans vote because they �������������������������� polluting and fi ll- But trust me, my fellow Amer- of your warm up quarters to buy want their voice to be heard and icans, not everyone who is over bed to go fi ll ing up our landfi lls soap, let alone buy they want to make a difference. ���������������������������������� the age of 18 votes. There are out a ballot? with unnecessary a stamp! News fl ash America: regardless those of us who decide to refrain. Some youth Environmental- of whom you vote for, the defi cit I think everyone should learn to ������� have the mind- waste. ly, voting requires will increase greatly and prob- admire the courage, laziness, and ��������������������������� set that they the use of paper. lematic programs like Social Se- love for the environment that we havenʼt voted for 18 or 19, years People who do not vote because curity will continue to be piled ������������������������������ who do not vote must have. ������������������������������ and that voting now might mess of their concerns for the envi- on the next (our) generation. If First off, it takes quite a bit up their routine. Not voting has ronment realize that they would no one votes in this election, we ����������������������������� of courage to fend off all the worked for many years, so they cause the depletion of rainforests could change the outcome of the ������������������������������ peer pressure. Actually, not vot- refuse to jinx themselves by sud- and cause another one of millions future. ������������������������������� ing makes you a stronger human denly voting. of ballots to be deposited into our Be lazy, courageous, and envi- �������������������������������� being. It takes a real American Being completely lazy also af- heaping landfi lls. Driving to the ronmentally friendly: donʼt vote. to stand up and say, “I refuse to �������������������������������� fects people who have absentee polling place requires gas, so by vote!” That, my friends, is a truly ��������������������������������� ballots. My absentee ballot has not voting we also help reduce ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� Terrorists winning: Letters to the Editor ������������������������������������ ������������������������������� �������������������������������� America’s scared I really appreciated Will Naitoʼs genuine concern for those vul- �������������������������������� nerable Colorado College students who might have been lured into Robert Guthrie security reason. changing their voter registration by the New Voters Project. ������������������������������� Staff Writer Islam, formerly Cat Stevens, ��������������������������������� On September 11, 2001, two a renowned musician and well- Mr. Naito claims to speak on behalf of a population of students ���������������������������������� planes driven by terrorists crashed known peacenik, was detained in who: ����������������������������������� into the twin towers of the World Maine and refused entry into the 1) Are “not into politics” but are voting because their parents �������������������������������� Trade Center. The towers were U.S. on September 22 because told them they should “participate in the process.” of the money he gives to Islamic ����������������������������� toppled, killing almost three thou- 2) Donʼt know what the Electoral College is. sand people. The U.S. declared charities. 3) Yet would be upset if they didnʼt get to vote in local elections war on terrorism Any mention in their own home states, and subsequently Terrorism is a dirty, of bombs in an 4) AND come from states like Florida where their vote might shattered the Al- underhanded tactic, airport sends the count less than in Colorado. Qaeda terrorist security staff into C and we are encourag- a frenzy. Con- network, killing I would like to ask Mr. Naito two questions. Does this popula- many leaders and stitutional rights tion actually exist? And, if the N.V.P. were a “liberal sham” orga- Cutler Publications ing it by allowing it to driving the rest are being bent nization, like he suggests, why would it want to encourage young Worner Center take hold of our daily more and more 902 N. Cascade Ave. into hiding. (and, therefore, undoubtedly liberal) voters to vote in a state where often in the name Colorado Springs, CO 80946 So why do we activities. their votes would be less powerful? still live in fear? of “security.” In any event, Iʼm sure that since I am one of the ignorant, simple- All it takes for a politician to America is a changed nation. minded children Mr. Naito is trying to protect, he would be far more This is exactly what the ter- •OPINIONS get the average Americanʼs blood qualifi ed to make these judgments. So Iʼll be sure to avoid any or- pumping is to mention terrorism. rorists were hoping for. Yes, they ganization like the N.V.P. that would dare to offer me options as to POLICY• If the government issues an Or- wanted to destroy the W.T.C., a how to exercise my democratic rights. symbol of American capitalism, THE OPINIONS ange Alert, citizens head for the Thanks for helping out. hills. President Bush seems to but the one thing they could have REPRESENTED IN think that the country is still in a wished for was to put the United Elias Cohn States into this sort of state. THIS SECTION state of national crisis, three years after the attacks. The government seems to DO NOT REFLECT Terrorism – only a minor con- think that the way to defeat ter- rorism is with tanks and bombs, THOSE OF cern to the average American be- WE WANT YOUR OPINIONS! fore 9/11 – has become a ridicu- but that does nothing but further THE EDITOR, lously large issue. Yes, we should infl ame the situation. We canʼt let this attack rule our lives forever. PUBLISHER, be vigilant, and yes, terrorism is But fi rst ... Letters to the editor may be sent to either of a terrible thing, but that doesnʼt We have to go on like before the addresses below and should include the author’s full OR ANYONE mean it has to dominate every as- and live our lives without fear. Of name and phone number. Authors will be published each course, we still need to be safe, OTHER THAN pect of our lives. successive issue, provided that they write about a different The use of violence is not the and careful, but we canʼt compro- subject per submission, and limit themselves to one letter THE AUTHOR goal of terrorism, but the means. mise our values and what makes per issue. Priority will be given to submissions of proper us free because of what happened HER/HIMSELF. ALL The goal is intimidation, terror taste and accomodating length. The Catalyst reserves the and fear. Terrorists arenʼt trying three years ago. right to edit for grammatical errors and clarity. SUBMISSIONS TO to kill people, though that may be Terrorism is a dirty, under- handed tactic, and we are encour- THE OPINIONS a secondary objective; they want E-MAIL: to strike fear into the hearts of aging it by allowing it to take hold [email protected] EDITOR MAY people across the world. of our daily activities. Donʼt give SNAIL MAIL: the terrorists that satisfaction. Go BE EDITED FOR And they have succeeded. Our The Catalyst nationʼs borders are much harder on as before, live your lives to the Letters to the Editor FORM, CONTENT to cross than they were pre-9/11, fullest. 902 N. Cascade Ave. If you are afraid, donʼt let it AND/OR LENGTH. but the people theyʼre keeping out Colorado Springs, Co 80946 arenʼt all terrorists. Some are im- show. This is what will discour- DEADLINE: migrants, others tourists or visi- age further attacks, not missiles Letters are due by Wednesday at 6 p.m. tors, turned back because of some and threats. ���������������� Opinion������������ ������ Women: remember past and get to the polls

Lauren Stokes immediate national suffrage. N.A.W.S.A. Paul herself began to picket, along with said “give me liberty or give me death,” a Staff Writer felt that it was best to go from state to the wife of Senator Layton. The fact that quote from 1775 by Patrick Henry when Tuesday night I decided to go to the state until eventual national suffrage was her identity was based off of her marital the country was fi ghting for liberation. showing of “Iron-Jawed Angels” put on by achieved. status was an indication of just how un- At this point, they began force-feed- V.O.X. and Femco. I was one of two spec- N.W.P. supporters picketed at the gates equally women were viewed. ing. When news of this got to the press, the tators in the audience, and was surprised of the White House, saying that they would Mrs. Layton had been cut off from her N.W.P. gained sympathetic support of the at just how few people showed up at this remain there from dawn until dusk every- monthly allowance because she had con- citizens and the president fi nally announced school with its supposedly conscientiously day until women gained the right to vote. tributed to the NWP and her name had his support of womenʼs suffrage. The next minded student body. They stood out in the snow, while Presi- appeared in the newspaper as a supporter day, the amendment barely passed in the I was especially disappointed after dent Wudrow Wilson when her husband, House of Representatives in 1919, and was watching the movie, which educated me tipped his hat to them Approximately 12 million the county commis- ratifi ed in 1920. further to struggle of American women to and whispered to his young women said that sioner, was against Given the incredible hundred-year gain suffrage. The women showed incredi- staff that they would womenʼs suffrage. struggle women engaged in to get the right ble courage throughout the movement, and soon tire of the cold. it is unlikely that they will When she contin- to vote, it is an absolute travesty that only some of their experiences were shocking. They didnʼt. vote in the 2004 presiden- ued to support the 46 percent of the 22 million unmarried (and Imagine having a metal device shoved The women contin- N.W.P., Senator Lay- hence young) women registered to vote ac- in your mouth to keep it open so that a tube ued picketing even af- tial election. ton sent their kids to tually got to the poles in the 2000 election. and be shoved down your throat in order to ter Wilson announced live with his mother, This is down from 64 percent in 1972. be force-fed. Imagine having your monthly that the United States would be entering the saying that she was an unfi t mother. She Approximately 12 million young wom- allowance – which is allotted to you by First World War. While the idea of picket- then began to picket. en said that it is unlikely that they will vote your spouse – cut off because of your in- ing a wartime president now doesnʼt seem Paul and Layton were arrested under in the 2004 presidential election. Their volvement in a controversial organization. too outrageous, during the early 1900s it the same false charges as the fi rst group of number is equal to the voting populations Such are examples of the adversary that simply was not done. The N.W.P. argued women. Paul was placed in solitary con- in Texas, Iowa, and Connecticut combined, American women faced during early 1900s that the president could not fi ght for de- fi nement for intentionally breaking a win- which is equal to 48 electoral votes. The in order to gain the right to vote. mocracy abroad if he was not granting it dow in order to cool the room off where the election in 2000 was won by a measly fi ve Alice Paul led the fi ght for womenʼs at home. women spend their day sewing. She began electoral votes. suffrage at the national level by starting The women were arrested on the bogus a hunger strike, which the other women No matter who you support, it is crucial the National Womenʼs Party (N.W.P.). She charge of obstructing traffi c, found guilty, joined. that women vote in this election. We owe it formed the N.W.P. after breaking from the and given the choice of paying a $10 fi ne The president realized that the gov- to the women who spent their lives fi ght- National American Womenʼs Suffrage As- (around $120 today) or spending 60 days ernment couldnʼt have a martyr on their ing for our rights to vote. Donʼt let their sociation (N.A.W.S.A.) because the older in a womenʼs workhouse. hands. They tried to claim that the hunger hundred-year struggle be in vain: get out women who were in charge of N.A.W.S.A. They took the 60 days because they felt strike was an indication of suicidal ten- and vote. felt that she was too radical in requesting that to pay the fi ne would be to admit guilt dencies. The doctor told the president that to a crime they had not committed. courage is often mistaken for insanity, and Light gets rid of spyware, considers property rights

David Light information back to its creator or ceptive labeling is wrong. If I get A: Right, exactly, ʻcause I cratic; and if you further grant Staff Writer a third party, again without in- a can in the mail that says “rat bought it. Itʼs my property, and that property rights are an impor- As I write this, itʼs 1:45 in forming you. Some spyware will poison” and it turns out to be a keeping my property secure from tant part of our society, then does the morning, and Iʼve just spent also reset your browserʼs home healthy and delicious growth for- tampering is a basic right. it matter where they come from? hours dealing with a particu- page, cause popup ads to appear, mula for rats, I have every right Q: And where do property I really think it doesnʼt. Look, larly vile sort of spyware. Oddly download other spyware, record to be ticked off. But the decep- rights come from? you donʼt need a theoretical basis enough, itʼs gotten me thinking the content of forms you fi ll out, tive labeling wasnʼt the point. I A: Well, I could say something for everything. Sometimes practi- about where property rights come or do a host of other irritating and wouldʼve been irritated no matter snide like, “I think they come cal observation is enough. Speak- from, but at this point I should potentially dangerous things. what the program claimed to be. from people thinking itʼs not nice ing theoretically, you can go back backtrack and explain. Bearing all of that in mind, The reason spyware annoys to break into someoneʼs house and forth on whether people have If youʼre so blessed as never the next sentence may make you me is that, when programs are and steal everything in sight.” a right to property, but in practice to have encountered it, spyware stare. While I went through the being installed on my computer And I could start talking about our society works on the assump- is a term for a class of software hassle of getting rid of this par- without my informed consent, I the social contract but honestly, tion that they do; and moreover it that installs itself on your com- ticular piece of spyware, which have a kneejerk reaction: “Thatʼs thatʼs boring. works fairly well. puter while you browse the Web, claimed to be a spyware removal my computer! No one should Instead Iʼll ask a question. If I could chase my tail trying to usually without your knowledge program, I found myself wonder- alter it but me!” I can imagine you grant that our society pro- think out the question of property or consent, and sometimes after ing why I objected to it. a conversation proceeding from vides all of its members a reason- rights for myself, or I could go obtaining your “consent” under a On one level, the answer is that point: able number of liberties and most with the crowd and say “Well, it false or deceptive pretense. obvious: the spyware in question Q: Well, okay, but why? of its members a high standard of works. Thatʼs good enough for Once installed, it records your (AdDestroyer, if youʼre curious) A: Um... because itʼs mine? living, and that itʼs tolerably free me.” Sometimes going with the browsing activities and sends that was deceptively labeled and de- Q: Itʼs yours exclusively? of corruption and fairly demo- crowd is good. All volunteer military turns out to be not quite so voluntary

Frank Bauer The reality of this horror suggests glorifi cation of war and the con- lorʼs degree. The long-term pros- Our President, George W. Staff Writer that individuals would not volun- sequences of this glorifi cation are pects of someone without a high Bush, and many other administra- Today, our military is a force teer without some strong compul- a major problem facing our gen- school or college degree are not tion offi cials often trumpet proud- completely composed of individ- sion outside the law. eration today. very good. Jobs that are available ly that the United States has an uals that sign up by choice. The But, the U.S. Army is like Joe Also, for young 18 year olds often pay minimum wage, carry entirely volunteer military force. decision is not compulsory for Camel - peddling a dangerous that do not know what to do with no health insurance, arenʼt secure, Strictly speaking this is true, but anyone. But what makes some- product to unsuspecting citizens. their future, joining the army and provide little opportunity for it does not represent the complex- body sign that dotted line, given Everyone has seen commercials seems like a bright prospect. In advancement. ity of the issue. that a soldierʼs business is vio- glorifying military life since they the absence of a clear direction in In the few years that I have Many in the military have no lence, a business often identifi ed began watching TV. Recruiters life, the armed services give di- lived on this planet, I have ob- choice but to enlist. Still others with killing others and risking donʼt depict the 120 degree days rection. The regimented structure served that there are a great many make an uninformed decision as health and life? spent in blowing sand and the of the military provides a stable people that live desperate day-to- encouraged by the military and During war time the job of a people trying to kill you. Instead, path to an individual uncertain day lives. For someone in these society. In a time when truth sel- soldier is far from a dream career. commercials show proud military about the future. desperate circumstances the mili- dom seems undistorted, calling The decision to sign on that line men and women realizing their Many of the people in this tary offers what seems like the our military force a volunteer can lead to the most horrible of hu- own personal greatness. The en- country fall into this category. In only choice for betterment. In force is just one more misleading man circumstances, where young tire culture of the United States Colorado, 14 percent of people the military there is job security, statement that we do not need to Americans kill men, women, and promotes war, from movies to 25 and older do not have a high- health insurance, instant respect, hear. children from other countries. TV shows to popular songs to school diploma. A mere third of and an opportunity to go to col- childrenʼs toys. This misleading people 25 and older have a bache- lege. ������ News������������ ����������������� School responds to student concern: new sexual assault rules introduced Lisa Perazzoli feel that the person may not mean sponsored several on-campus brought in a legal consultant, Bret she has been a V.A.T. member, Staff Writer ʻyes,ʼ then leave it alone” said events to educate students about Sokolow, who also made some “V.A.T has adamantly opposed The college changed its sex- Lane. “The person who initiates sexual assault. suggestions,” Svendsen said. the [old] policy because the ac- ual misconduct policy this year. has to determine if alcohol is in- Another aim is to facilitate The task force also set up fo- cused and the accuser had to be in It hired Kate Lane as a Sexual volved.” discussion and awareness among cus groups facilitated by pro- the same room.” Assault Response Coordinator “How do you know what point students. “The more itʼs dis- fessors that invited students to “For the [current] investiga- (SARC), modifi ed the student is defi ned substantially intoxicat- cussed, the more itʼs brought up, share concerns. After a series of tion process, we set up a time for hearing procedure and rewrote ed or impaired?” asked Associ- the more accepted and recognized focus group meetings, the task an interview to hear the studentʼs the policy to include something ate Dean of Students Jeff Cathey. itʼs going to be,” Lane said. force reviewed their concerns statement and then do the same called active consent. “Itʼs going to be a hard, hard “Weʼre really excited about and Sokolowʼs suggestions and thing for the other student in- “Active consent means the thing to determine,” he said, “but TESSA,” said Cathey. “If our formulated a draft for President volved. Then we see what match- person thatʼs initiating any form youʼre all smart kids and you just student body is looking out for Celeste. es and doesnʼt. Itʼs my duty to lis- of sexual contact has to have an damn well better be sure.” each other, thereʼs not going to be In addition to including ac- ten to each student as a student,” active, verbal ʻYes,ʼ” said Lane “Iʼm a big supporter for active some student locked in the base- tive consent in the misconduct said Cathey. “Then, Dean [Mike] at a meeting on Tuesday. “You consent,” said V.A.T. co-chair Sa- ment of some off-campus house policy, the college has also added Edmonds gets a report from both need to make sure that the person sha Svendsen. “Itʼs really impor- that no one knows about. Hope- the Sexual Assault Response Co- sides.” youʼre interacting with under- tant for people to communicate fully, this will be a much more ordinator (SARC) position and The SARC position was de- stands exactly what youʼre say- about situations. The problem educated campus than it was a changed the hearing procedure. signed to have another person for ing and what you want to do... lies in people being unsure about month ago.” In the past, the accused and students to go to in confi dential- The person may have said ʻyesʼ to what happened or how someone V.A.T. co-chair Tessa Enright the accuser were both required ity. The SARC will be a resource a whole lot, but they have to say is feeling at the time.” elicited a similar response saying to go before the Student Conduct for the college community and a ʻyesʼ as a continuum.” Svendsen vocalized her fears that, “TESSA is a really good fi rst Committee and both students at- counselor for victims of sexual Lane emphasized the account- about the alcohol-related portion step because education is the best tended the same hearing, mean- misconduct. ability and the process stating of the policy saying, “Iʼm afraid form of prevention. We want it to ing that the victim and perpetra- The V.A.T. co-chairs both “the responsibility is always on that people are going to think that be more integrated with the cam- tor had to be in the same room expressed approval towards the the initiator. You ask and you ask if alcohol is involved itʼs going pus community.” with one another. The new policy SARC position. and if thereʼs any doubt in your to result in an automatic punish- Two incidents of sexual mis- has removed the Student Conduct “V.A.T. was the only place mind, then the answer is a ʻno.ʼ” ment. Each situation is treated conduct that occurred last fall Committeeʼs involvement and for confi dential support,” said The new policy also confronts and looked at as a specifi c situa- instigated the change in policy. now the students are never in the Svendsen, “it was too big a bur- the involvement of drugs and al- tion. Thereʼs no prescribed pro- “After those events, it was raised same room during the hearing. den to place on volunteer stu- cohol. According to new rules, cedure.” as a big topic for the campus, and “Now, any involvement of stu- dents. The SARC localizes ev- a person whose judgment is sub- This year the college is also we needed to re-look at and reex- dents or faculty has been removed erything—thereʼs no confusion stantially impaired by drugs or working to formalize the relation- amine the policy,” Cathey said. for privacy. And the two students about resources, where to go for alcohol or by other physical or ship with TESSA, The Center Last year, the college assem- are never in the same room to- education and referral.” mental impairment cannot, by for Prevention of Domestic Vio- bled a task force. “The task force gether. Itʼs never going to be in- defi nition, give consent to sexual To contact V.A.T. call lence, which provides services was created to discuss where to go viting, but we want to make the 475-4996 contact. and supports to victims of domes- and the changes the school should situation as comfortable as pos- In a situation involving drugs To contact TESSA call Boettch- tic violence and sexual assault. make. It also examined our [old] sible,” Cathey said. er Health Center at 389-6384. or alcohol, “if at any time you Members of TESSA have already policy and made suggestions and Enright said that as long as Pring-Wilson faces six to eight years years in prison. According to Dobson, Continued from front page Pring-Wilson should have been charged “This isnʼt about race, or class or privi- with manslaughter (which would have lege or wealth...What itʼs about is what shortened the sentence) due to the fact that happened on the street between three he acted in self-defense. people.” “There is no question in my mind that CC classics professor, Marcia Dobson he is innocent and he should not be in pris- who testifi ed on behalf of Pring-Wilson, on,” Dobson said. “He is not a murderer.” said, “He was one of my very best stu- Pring-Wilsonʼs mother, Cynthia Pring, dents...He was mature beyond his years... told a reporter from the Associated Press He was colorful and outgoing.” that her son has been devastated since the “He was, in a word, wonderful. He day he killed Colono: “The idea that he was the kind of student that makes a class has not mourned taking a life is unbeliev- come alive,” philosophy professor John able to me. He has mourned that every day Riker told the Washington Post. since this happened,” she said. “He would Pring-Wilson was charged with fi rst- never have wanted to hurt anybody.” degree murder and could have faced 20

New Cold Stones in downtown to open November 13. The Catalyst/MIKE CALDERON Cold Stones vs. Josh and Johns Continued from front page Krakauber said. The Bergmeirs have a Josh and John have been aware of Cold similar view of the competition, and do Stones intentions on Tejon for over a year, not admit to any strategy against Josh & and have not changed anything: they are Johnʼs. sticking with the formula that has brought So, is there room in downtown for two them success for eighteen years. ice cream parlors? Well if Gene and Susan “People come in here and ask me if Iʼm Bergmeir are correct: “Everyday is a great worried about Cold Stone. And I say well, day for ice cream!” ʻwill you go there?ʼ And they say ʻnoʼ.” ���������������� News������������ ������ Memorial Hospital clarifi es abortion policy

Jaimie Stevenson talʼs policy. A receptionist at Memorial with temporary health coverage, dure in this town, I would suggest Staff Writer The California religious group, told The Catalyst that the insur- until Medicaid applications were that it be performed here, but usu- Memorial Hospital will not Center for Bioethical Reform, had ance policies which will pay for reviewed. Military health insur- ally I send them elsewhere,” said provide abortions without a well- also been critical of the policy. abortion within the 20 week pe- ance plans do not cover abortion. the counselor. documented medical necessity, The group has toured the country riod will not, now or prior to Me- The Colorado Springsʼ Inde- She deals primarily with preg- according to new rules recently with graphic billboard-sized im- morialʼs own policy, provide in- pendent reported in August that nant women who are aware of approved by the hospitalʼs board. ages of aborted fetuses, with the surance coverage for women who neglecting to provide low-income potential birth defects of their un- The hospitalʼs board an- word “Choice” transposed upon simply do not want the child. women with this buffer of support born child. nounced the revised policy to them. If an insurance company will may result in a rise of early-preg- One undisclosed source said physicians after it had been draft- One such image was plastered not pay for a womanʼs abortion, nancy medical problems, and a the new policy has limited abor- ed in late September. on the side of a truck which cir- she must pay out of her own rise in emergency care, which is tions performed in the hospital, The 17-member board of the cled Acacia Park last February. pocket. Because Memorial no provided by the government for but the counselor does not feel city-owned hospital opted to The California group contends longer allows abortions of acci- free. that the accessibility of abortions “continue to allow qualifi ed phy- that abortion is, among other dental pregnancies, the women “Supposedly we [at Memorial] has become any more stringent sicians to perform a pregnancy things, a form of genocide, and seeking abortion there are doing were a hospital which performed than it was before. The counselor termination for documented med- harmful to the mother. so for their own health concerns, abortions (prior to the September said that she refers most of her ical indications for pregnancies at While the hospital has adopted fetal abnormalities, or, potential- draft of the policy), but political- patients to Denver or to a clinic in or less than 20 weeks gestation,” a clearer policy on this procedure, ly, a victim of rape. ly” it was not supported, said one Kansas for abortion services. according to the document. there is dispute as to whether or For women without medical physician. One Memorial physician said not the recent revision has had insurance, Medicaid may or may A Memorial counselor said, that the policy clarifi cation of the any impact upon the behavior of not fund the operation. Colorado in the past eight years, she has More information regard- board originated from pressure physicians, who report that the Department of Health Care and referred just two to three women ing the Center for Bioethical from the Colorado Springs City 20 weeks restriction has actually Financing cut a federal funding per year to have an abortion per- Reformʼs stance can be found at Council to make clear the hospi- been a de facto policy for some program which supports Colora- formed at the hospital. time. doʼs low-income pregnant women “If it were an available proce- Panel makes a last-minute analysis of election Isabel Werner rived at the symposium, which Rorschach test,” he said. “If [the elected by then.” joked “The big issues of this elec- Staff Writer Loevy used to show the observers public voting sector] is predis- tion now are the fl u vaccine short- For the last Sondermann Sym- the statistics of Coloradoʼs voting posed to the president--they just Mike Littwin age and which Cheney daughter posium event planned before the styles. see what they want to see--and Littwin, a respected and well- is lesbian.” upcoming election, political sci- “Eight-fi ve percent of Col- thatʼs total polarization.” Thus, a known political reporter for the ence professor Curtis Cook cre- oradoʼs votes are represented lot of the presidential campaign- Rocky Mountain News spoke of Andrew Dunham ated a panel discussion consisting here,” Loevy said referring to a ing done by the person attempt- the relatively new and unprec- The fi nal speaker in Wednes- of professors from CC, local me- list including Denver, Boulder, ing to defeat the incumbent goes edented interest in this yearʼs day eveningʼs presidential sym- dia and CC alums. Jefferson, Arapahoe, El Paso, unseen. presidential race. posium panel was political sci- Wednesday night, CC profes- and Douglas counties. The num- In addition, the “national poll- This year has been “a fascinat- ence professor Andrew Dunham. sors Andrew Dunham and Robert bers show that Colorado is over- ing numbers are meaningless. It ing race for the presidency,” Lit- He addressed the question: “Why Loevy were joined Wednesday whelmingly Republican save for is not just one presidential race- twin said. Not only has peopleʼs are we so angry at each other over night by Mike Littwin of the a few highly Democratic areas. -there are 50 states and D.C. that awareness of the importance of this campaign?” Rocky Mountain News and Eric “Denver and Boulder coun- have their individual races for the He told the audience of an Sondermann of Sondermann As- ties are the heart of the Colorado presidency.” We donʼt care enough about event he witnessed a few days sociates. With only 12 days re- Democratic party, while Jefferson He urged the audience to “for- our candidates. Nobody cared ago while driving down Nevada maining until the 2004 presiden- and El Paso counties are the heart get national numbers and look at enough about the last election— Avenue. “There were two cars tial election, the panelists each of the Colorado Republican poli- the individual numbers by state,” until the end. -Mike Littwin right next to each other. One had had a particular focus of their tics,” Loevy said. as that is a better way of predict- a Bush bumper sticker, the other a speeches. The charts also cited informa- ing the outcomes. this yearʼs race been substantially Kerry.” In an apparent act of rage, tion that compared Colorado to In addition, he believes that increased, so too has the atten- or distaste for the otherʼs political Robert Loevy the entire U.S. regarding Repub- “the undecided voter holds the tiveness the public has put on is- beliefs, one sped in front of the Professor Loevy spoke of lican votes. “Year in and year out, key to this race. They still repre- sues of controversy. other and gave them the fi nger. the assertion that Colorado is a Colorado is four percent more sent the gold mine.” “Yet,” Littwin added, “the “Thereʼs an intensity to his “swing state” in this election. republican than the rest of the na- Sondermann described three public discourse hasnʼt come any- campaign year. I donʼt know. But Loevy said, “Colorado is a tion. Four percent is a long way to scenarios where he predicts the where near the peopleʼs interest.” Iʼm pretty sure itʼs not about the Republican state, but Democrats go in politics,” he said. election will go, and he added The people may be talking about issues,” said Dunham. can win here--any outcome is “But just as there is red and that “thereʼs a break yet to happen issues, but “nobody answers any Dunham went on to compare possible.” He said that the term blue in America, thereʼs red and in this race.” Plan One would be questions--they just do stump how liberals and conservatives “swing state” is something the blue in Colorado... and if these that the late and undecided voters speeches,” Littwin said, referring feel similarly about issues, espe- media has put on states that are, changes within Colorado are go “toward Bush--against Kerry. to the candidateʼs campaigns. cially focusing on gay marriage. in political terminology “battle- great enough to pull off a miracle, Because it feels comfortable.” During the town meetings and “This is a convenient window ground states.” Iʼd be surprised. Because thatʼs Plan two would entail a situ- campaign rallies, the presiden- to cover the elections,” Dunham “A swing state is one that never happened before.” ation that closely resembles the tial candidates are giving their said referring to the media. “May- swings with the winner--we call 1980s election. “Been there, done speeches outlining their platform, be weʼre more angry at each other them ʻbell weather states.ʼ” Ac- Eric Sondermann that- take the risk with a new per- drilling their message to the pub- because we agree more.” cording to Loevy, bell weather There may be red and blue son.” lic, yet going no further. “The de- He added that the fact that states are in fact “poor predictors within states, but Eric Sonder- And fi nally, scenario three bates were the highlights of this most Americans are centrists “is of the presidential election.” This mann quipped “there are red and leaves the United States with “no campaign. The Bush group didnʼt the reason for the rage. Weʼre year is the fi rst time in over thirty- blue with in counties, too. Itʼs a late break. Itʼll simply be a very want any scene where heʼd make moderate, but weʼre centrists.” six years that Colorado has been distinct difference between El close election.” a fool of himself, like he did in In conclusion, Dunham added considered a battleground area. Paso County and Colorado Col- But Sondermann reminds the fi rst debate.” that “the reason this race is so “The candidates need it on their lege.” those gathered in the Gates Com- Littwin said that people are intense and polarized is because short list, in order to get the 270 Sondermann is a CC graduate mon Room that itʼd be much talking about the election all of Bush thinks itʼll help his reelec- Electoral College votes.” With better for the country “if we had the time, from the canvasses hap- tion chances. Only, Bush has 30 the former southern states turning This election is a political something clear and decisive pening all across the country to percent of the people approving almost completely Republican in Rorschach test,” he said. “If [the rather than not.” get out the vote campaigns in cit- his job while 30 percent disap- the past decade, it has become public voting sector] is predis- In recollection of the past six ies across the nation. prove. He is deliberately the most more important for candidates, posed to the president--they just months of campaigns, Sonder- “We donʼt care enough about polarizing president in US his- especially Democratic ones, to see what they want to see--and mann said “in March 2004, no- our candidates. Nobody cared tory.” fi nd other states that could replace thatʼs total polarization. body cared--there was nothing enough about the last election— The Sondermann Symposium the votes they lost elsewhere. -Eric Sondermann tight about the race. And now, until the end.” And that caused on the year of the presidency re- “The Democrats are assum- nobody talks about November problems. The people this time sumes on November 16th with ing itʼll be a close race,” he said. 3—somebodyʼs gotta pull the around are interested and getting Juan Williams speaking on “Re- and the son of the late CC profes- Members of the audience were country together in the end, and political because “they donʼt want fl ections on the Meaning of the sor Fred Sondermann. given a chart of data as they ar- itʼd be best to have a president the same thing to happen again.” 2004 Elections.” “This election is a political Finishing his speech, Littwin ������ Features������������ ���������������� Coors and Salazar Colorado votes on issues; struggle for Senate local measures on ballot Lisa Perazzoli gay couples should be allowed to Staff Writer adopt children “if it is in the best COMMENTARY erendum gives the state authority interest of the child.” to contract out more work, and “All eyes on Colorado,” said Coors turned to traditional tears away much of the hiring red Tim Russert, “Meet the Press” family values stating, “a child Warren Pettine tape. Some worry this measure Staff Writer host, on Sunday, October 10 in needs both a father and a moth- will encourage corruption, but ac- reference to the potential change er.” countability measures have been of power in the Senate based on Coors and Salazar also clashed More is at stake in this yearʼs written in. the outcome of Coloradoʼs Sena- over the legal drinking age in election than just the presidency. Referendum B is a standard torial election. Colorado. Coors argues that the Colorado residents will vote measure to clean the state consti- Currently, the Republicans drinking age should be lowered on major environmental issues tution of unnecessary clutter. This hold a 51-48 majority in the Sen- to 18 years of age, and Salazar like renewable energy and mass sort of legislation is commonplace ate, meaning that a shift of two challenges this proposal say- transportation, the constitutional and entertains no controversy. seats could change the majority ing, “weʼve lost enough young reform of our electoral system Referendum 4A instills a party. people already to alcohol-related and the tobacco tax. An informed modest sales tax of four cents on Republican businessman Pete deaths.” electorate is essential to democ- a $10 purchase resulting in an ex- Coors and Democratic Attorney racy. So, read, form your own Salazar and Coors disagree on Referendum 4B renews organi- pansive rail service and rapid bus General Ken Salazar have argued opinions, and vote. a number of other issues. Salazar zation which funds Denver zoo. transit covering the entire Denver- over the war in Iraq, gay marriage wants to make the middle-class Amendment 34 would ban metro area. This measure will al- votes in proportion to the popular and Coloradoʼs legal drinking age. tax cuts that were approved by the limits being set on how much leviate traffi c congestion, reduce vote. This measure is designed to Both contenders would have giv- Bush administration permanent money property owners win in air pollution, and help the city de- begin taking effect in this yearʼs en President Bush the authority to and another of his goals is to re- lawsuits against construction velop in a positive direction. presidential election. The fear is go to war in Iraq before knowing fi ne the estate tax in order to pre- companies for defects. Trial law- The Scientifi c and Cultural that as the only state implement- that Iraq had no weapons of mass vent small, local businesses from yers are pushing for this amend- Facilities District funds local the- ing this policy Colorado will be destruction. being overshadowed by large cor- ment - which the Denver Post ater, the Denver zoo, the Denver political sidelined. The Denver “I donʼt think itʼs appropriate porations. describes as a matter that “should Art Museum, the Museum of Post referred to it as “unilateral to second-guess what decision Coors advertises himself as a have been handled in state law,” Natural Science, and more than disarmament.” wouldʼve been made based on the “tax-cutter” and believes, “Colo- rather than as an amendment to 300 other scientifi c and cultural For any environmentally con- information we have,” said Pete radoans know how to spend their the state constitution. organizations. Referendum 4B scious individual Amendment Coors when asked about whether own money.” Coors has yet to Amendment 35 would raise would renew this vital organiza- 37 is extremely important. By or not he would give the President mention an established plan to re- state tobacco taxes and use the tion and the tax that supports it. requiring most large Colorado the authority to go to war know- duce defi cit spending. money to fund vital state health In the words of the Denver Post, utilities and companies to receive ing what we know today concern- On the environment, Coors programs. Coloradoʼs existing “The difference between cultural three percent of their electricity ing weapons of mass destruction. stated on his website that, “good tax – at 20 cents a pack – is the mediocrity and world-class activ- by 2007 and 10 percent by 2015, “The most important question stewardship of the environment is lowest in the nation, and the in- ities can be a penny tax on a $10 this measure would help Colo- to me today is, now that we are in not just a personal responsibility, crease to 64 cents would still keep expenditure.” rado farmers and ranchers (by Iraq, how do we move forward?” but also a public value.” Coorsʼ us below the national average. Referred Question 1A is the letting them lease their land for said Salazar. While Salazar be- opponents argue that he fails to This measure will raise $175 mil- fi rst step in the creation of an wind power and sell animal waste lieves President Bush made a cite any plan to improve the cur- lion in the fi rst year alone, with independent police monitor to to biomass power plants), reduce persuasive case in instigating the rent environmental situation. 46 percent going towards the investigate police misconduct. air and water pollution, protect war with Iraq, he thinks that the Salazarʼs strategy is to hold Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) Proponents of Question 1A argue consumers with stable energy situation was mishandled. the federal government and other program and the state Medicaid that a police monitor is essential sources and put Colorado at the Salazar contended that Coors polluters accountable for their fund. The Federal government to preventing such horrifi c behav- forefront of the move away from “brings zero experience to the ta- damage and to fully fund the matches any funding of Medicaid ior by an otherwise esteemed and fossil fuels. ble in terms of making our home- Land and Water Conservation and allocates $2 for every dollar vital part of government. Referendum A provides fl ex- land more stable.” Fund to preserve wildlife habitats we spend on CHP+. The Tabor Make up your own minds ibility in the stateʼs civil servant The two opponents disagreed and water. Amendment makes this proposal about these issues. A major source employment system. These laws more fervently on the issue of gay This close Senate race will de- unable to be introduced as state of information for this article was have gone untouched for over and lesbian rights and Russert pend on the voting choices made law, due to funding restrictions. the October 10 editorial endorse- 86 years. Currently, it takes over pointed out inconsistencies. by Coloradoʼs unaffi liated voters Amendment 36ʼs purpose is ments in the Denver Post. nine months to hire someone, and While Salazar opposes gay and holds the possibility of shift- to abolish the winner take all sys- the law requires civil servants to marriage rights, he belives that ing power in the U.S. Senate. tem of electoral distribution and divide Coloradoʼs nine electoral take an inch-thick test. This Ref-

Cartoonist Stephane Angoulvant Cartoonist Michael Shum ���������������� Features������������ ������ Mystery treats while ghost tricks ‘A shadow Sarah Matthews with absolute conviction that I was at a party. And I, who have cold, a number of things hap- of Life’ Creative Columnist had pulled off a fabulous failure neither, was sneaking around tun- pened at once- a woman and (After a poem by Kathleen in my second block course and nels and tripping over boxes. man screamed in unison, their Raine) No one really believed the sto- felt like doing something wild to A minimal amount of kicking voices throbbing in a horrible dis- ����������������������� ry anymore. It had been passed vent my frustration. The story of broke the rusty lock off, and I sonance, I had a brief vision of down for decades, from older stu- the dead girl came to mind, and I opened it to fi nd a large stack of staring down the barrel of some �������������������������������� dents to younger ones like some decided to seek her out. letters, written in ornate handwrit- ancient revolver, a horrible pain ������������������������ family heirloom, and the silt of Before I continue, let me set ing and purple ink. They were all shot through my head, ���������������������������� time had slowed its fl ow so that one thing straight. I do not –did dated 1934. and I rolled my neck as I set- ��������������� only a small percentage of the not- believe in ghosts. I scanned them quickly- each tled into this new suit of fl esh. It ����������������� ears on campus even heard it. I speak about them as if I be- one was insipid and nauseating, was just too easy. I couldnʼt help ��������������������� I canʼt even remember who lieve, just as I speak about visits and each was signed “Rose.” I feeling pity for the poor soul I dis- ������������������������� told it to me; I suppose I heard from Santa Claus. It makes life felt something click in my head placed, but it couldnʼt be helped. �������������������������� it from the friend of a friend of a more interesting to pretend from as I read the name. The last one How convenient that young peo- �������������������������� friend over a mediocre cafeteria time to time that such things are was a plea to meet her beneath the ple these days are so foolish… ������������������� meal. real. chapel, as she “could not spend though I suppose that we always A long time ago, a girl died. I did not plunge into the dark another moment” without the re- were this way, and that is how I ������������ Or so the story goes. She was underbelly of the school in search cipient of the letter. met my end. ������������������� lured into the storage tunnels, the of ghost as much as in search of It seemed I was about to solve Somewhere above me, I heard ���������������������� unromantic catacombs that run an adventure. At fi rst, I was rather an ancient murder. This Rose was the bell in the chapel strike mid- ����������������������� beneath the school, and was mur- disappointed, but after a dull peri- desperately in love with some- night. It impressed on me the ur- ��������������������� dered. od of wandering I almost tripped one, but he betrayed her. I felt gency of my mission. Time was ����������������������������� It isnʼt all that surprising that over an ancient wooden box. a sudden wave of enthusiasm to short. ����������������������������� someone died here once upon a I must have been near the cha- fi nd the murder site…it had to be I straightened the kidʼs clothes ����� time- half of the older buildings pel at the time because I could close. and scooped up the letters left ������������������������������ boast ghost stories. But somehow hear the clock chiming eleven- But as I got to my feet, I felt a strewn unceremoniously on the ������������������ I could tell that this tale was dif- thirty quite clearly. It was Satur- cold breath of wind, and it smelled ground. “Happy Halloween,” I ferent. day night, when anyone without faintly of snow and smoke. murmured. ������������������������ I was in a reckless mood the a life was at home studying and Before I had time to wonder -Continued Below- Creative Columnist week before Halloween. I knew anyone without common sense why air underground was that Catherine Dawson ��������������������������������������� The tale of an apparition of lighting fi res to celebrate the Sarah Matthews seasons and putting out food for Creative Columnist -Continued from Above- when a surprisingly familiar girl brought people running, it didnʼt ghosts, the Celts, who were prob- If you asked me what it is like found me. I assumed from her matter. Just a few more minutes. Long before Christians celebrat- ably very confused by now, lit fi res to be dead, I could honestly tell manner that she knew my host, The gun was still waiting where ed a guy coming back to life after to celebrate All Saints’ Day and put you that I donʼt know. I never re- but I, unfortunately, do not have Rose had left it 70 years ago, and having been nailed to a stick (talk out food for marauding children. ally died. I have been waiting for access to those memories. I knew that nothing could cause about creepy), the Celts celebrated The name “Halloween” comes 70 long years to fi nd out what it is She was angry with me for my killer more pain than taking something called Samhain, which from some bizarre mutilation of really like to be dead, and if things not coming to some Halloween away the one person she truly sounds nothing like what you would All Hallow’s Eve, the day before All expect it to sound like. Saints’ Day. At least it is easier to go as I hope they will I should be party with her, and I tried to shake cared about. I picked it up and Anyway, this unpronounceable pronounce than Samhain. fi nding out soon. her off until I noticed what was pointed it at the girlʼs head. holiday was very important because When the Irish started pouring Ever since the bullet entered hanging around her neck. NO!!! I could sense someone it was the fi rst day of winter; the into the United States at the end my brain I have been nothing It was an old-fashioned pen- else in the dark chamber. Both day honored the changing of the of the nineteenth century, they more than a ball of energy, want- dant. I grabbed it and pulled it trying to stay my hand and pre- seasons. Hence, it always snows brought Halloween with them. ing nothing more than to fi nd the close to get a better look despite vent this justice. “You canʼt stop whenever you want to go trick-or- Old traditions like carving turnips bastard that killed Rose and me. her protests. It was the perfect me!” I cried. treating. (and later pumpkins), bobbing When I walked into that dark sub- image of Rose. Or her sister. As You have to stop yourself. It Because everything is dying for apples, and giving out treats terranean chamber where Rose I said, they were twins. “Who is was the ghost of Roseʼs sister and around Halloween, the day also be- made their way into American pop came connected with the dead. The culture, where they were joined and I were to meet, I caught a this?” I demanded. the spirit of the kid whose skin I veil between the worlds of the liv- by vampires, Frankenstein, and glimpse of her lying in a pool of She kept pulling her neck wore, speaking in unison. ing and the dead was thinner, and Britney Spears (which do you think blood before I met my end. back until I dropped the pendant. The girl could clearly not hear ghosts could return. As it was also is scariest?). And since then I have waited. “What is the matter with you them She stared with blank, stu- New Year for the Celts, the day rep- Satanic cults did the same I was bound to the spot, unable to tonight? Iʼve told you a dozen pefi ed terror. The sort of look you resented one last time for people thing the Romans and Christians see or hear, unable to think about times, thatʼs Grandma Rose. Re- give a crazy person who is point- (both dead and alive) to play jokes had done: they stole Halloween. anything except for revenge. member? She raised me after my ing a gun at you. and have a grand old time making However, instead of making them From time to time I could sense a parents died, and I know youʼve “I must get my revenge if I am idiots of themselves before the more popular (which I doubt was human presence, but until tonight heard me complain about how she to be free!” It isnʼt revenge you clock reset. Kind of like Friday night what they were after anyway), they nowadays. Or Saturday night. Or just incriminated a poor innocent I could do nothing. never lets me do anything because need. Just peace. The killerʼs almost any other night. holiday. Havenʼt you heard? On All she is so worried about losing me. sisterʼs voice was alone now. Let When the Romans showed up, A new religion, Corporate Hallows Eve, ghosts walk. We And how Iʼm the only one who it go. Nothing you can do now they had a brilliant idea. “Hey, let’s America, discovered, as the just need a pair of legs. In a win- ever calls her- what is with you? will right that wrong. steal their holiday! That way they’ll Romans, Christians, and Satanists dow of 24 hours, we are strong You look really pissed.” I knew she was right, but I like us better!” And it worked. before them, that this was a perfect enough to inhabit a human body- Everything clicked in my head. wanted her to be wrong. I wanted They combined Roman holidays opportunity. They made Halloween regrettably forcing the resident Rose, her sister, her enviousness. the blood on my hands. You only with Celtic ones. Then the Chris- as we know it today, complete spirit out. But after waiting 70 She lured both of us down there… think that is what you want. Re- tians showed up, and they liked with candy corn, cheesy masks, years, ethics are the last thing on I thought I could remember now venge will only make it harder. the Roman idea so much that they and pumpkin carving kits. And borrowed it and stuck a Christian after all that, I still can’t pronounce my mind. seeing her pretty hand clutch- I kept the old gun level with holiday on October 31st. Instead Samhain. After a full day of searching for ing the gun, hearing her piercing the girlʼs head. The clock began clues and looking up old articles, scream before I died. to strike. It was now or never, but I started to get frustrated. Most of The clock was striking 11:45 I felt doubt. With a sigh, hop- the reports I read said I murdered p.m. I only had 15 minutes left ing I wouldnʼt regret it, I let the ‘A Ghoulish Treat’ Rose and fl ed- what surprised me before my soul would be cut weapon slide from my fi ngers and most was that Roseʼs twin sister loose from this body and I would relinquished my hold on the life Grim are the people tonight, Digging eff ortlessly to was the most adamant adherent to have to spend who knows how I stole... Rest in piece, only to arise Extract that, which matters this belief. many more decades waiting. And Imprisoned within its decapi- most, She and I had been close in that time I needed to take my …when I came to, the clock tated body, A friends. Funny. Even Rose her- revenge. was on the last stroke of mid- Manifested by evil. Treat. self had suspected that I was The girl stood there, looking night. My thoughts were swirl- cheating on her with her sister at concerned. I grabbed her arm ing as I tried to fi gure out what Resurrected in a fi nal battle, Happy Halloween! one time. and went towards the tunnel en- the heck had happened. My best In which, ghouls and goblins By eleven-thirty I was stum- trance. A sense of purpose gave friend watched me nervously as take Creative Columnist bling around campus, trying to me strength to drag her along de- she kicked an old pistol across Piece by delicious piece; think through the rising panic, spite her struggles. Even if they the fl oor. Karole Huntley ������ Scene������������ ���������������� David Light is the... ������ B.H. Fairchild pays CC a visit ����� Kate Miller Instead of diving straight into his own Texas border – the land and culture he in Staff Writer work, Fairchild started with a selection which grew up. ������ To be honest, I wasnʼt expecting much. from the man he considers to be the “great- Teasingly gleeful that time was al- Kenneth Branagh’s “Hamlet” Upon learning that my fi rst assignment as est poet” – the legendary Anthony Hecht. most up, Fairchild selected a fi nal poem Kenneth Branagh directs and stars in a Catalyst writer would be to cover B.H. Following a and prefaced it with a mischievous smile. this unabridged, four-hour ode to Ken- Fairchildʼs poetry reading on October few of Hechtʼs “This poem is crude, vulgar, in bad taste... neth Branagh. Thereʼs nothing wrong 14th, I couldnʼt help but groan. After all, I lines and a and I think youʼll like it,” he pronounced with doing Shakespeare on screen, but resold the guyʼs latest collection – 2003ʼs piece by un- as he began reading. An homage to a wild letʼs be honest. Branaghʼs “Hamlet” has Early Occult Memory Systems of the known Nebras- friend from the authorʼs childhood, “Bra- little to do with what Shakespeare wrote. Lower Midwest – a mere 20 minutes af- kan poet Don zil” comically addresses the challenges You may be fooled into thinking that it ter my Introduction to Poetry class ended. Welch, Fairch- that many young people face while on the does because no changes were made to Nevertheless, as 7:00 p.m. approached last ild launched path to adulthood. The entire audience left the text of Shakespeareʼs play, but trust Thursday night, I inhaled the last of my into his own Packard Hall entertained and delighted me, this is four hours of Kenneth Branagh Raisin Bran and hurried off to Packard writings with a with Fairchild and his poetry. standing naked in front of a mirror touch- Hall. hilarious open- If one took away all of Fairchildʼs allit- ing poem about eration, rhythm and metaphors, he would ing himself and talking dirty. Right on schedule, the nearly packed Courtesy of I should make it clear that this is not, auditorium listened as the English Depart- t h e inane 16mm still have a collection of truly fantastic sto- on any level that I can identify, a bad ment presented Fairchild not only as the fi lms he was subjected to as an undergrad ries. The powerful memories that Fairch- movie. In fact, I actually enjoyed it on winner of the prestigious Kingsley Tufts in Spanish 101. ild weaves into his verses come alive with every level—and yet thereʼs something Award but also as the “most enthusiasti- I settled into my seat, skepticism fad- images of eccentric neighbors, abandoned terribly off-putting in this fi lm. I think cally received” poet that CC has welcomed ing as Fairchild began introducing his farmhouses, and the struggles of growing itʼs the stench of Branaghʼs ego permeat- in the past. Wearing a grey suit and well- next poem. “It seems to me that we have up in the severe Midwest. After hear- ing every moment. We get close-ups of worn cowboy boots, soft-spoken Fairchild fewer love poems today,” he declared as ing his poems read with such conviction Branagh at every possible opportunity. introduced himself as a man from Texas, he launched into the passionate “Kansas”. and animation, I sorely regret selling my He leads into the intermission with a Oklahoma, and a “small, isolated town in Over the next forty-fi ve minutes Fairchild Fairchild volume to the bookstore for a technically elaborate scene centered (of the corner of Kansas.” Well, I thought, at recited a handful of his poems, illustrat- measly two dollars and strongly urge any- course) on a Branagh monologue. There least heʼs familiar with the Midwest – an ing the melancholy beauty enveloping the one to seek out a reading or a collection by may or may not be a subliminal message important detail in my Ohioian mind. land between the Mississippi River and the this immensely talented poet. in this movie saying, “The man known as Kenneth Branagh is your friend. The Ken Excessive beer guzzling meets German is mother. The Ken is father.” I wouldnʼt put it past him. When I said no changes had been nationalism this weekend at Oktoberfest made to the text of Hamlet, did you stop Mikela Triglio Bavarian, including the food, the dancing, race in honor of a royal marriage, but it for a moment and think about that? Iʼm Staff Writer the music, and the fun. It began in 1810 soon turned into a grand celebration, with sure you remember Hamlet from your For those of you who havenʼt taken a Oktoberfest: live band includ- people merrily drinking and dancing away high school English class. Itʼs a long play class in the German department, you may the night. containing a bunch of weird, extrane- not know exactly what “Oktoberfest” is ing accordions, dancing men in Foreign exchange student Sylvia Ko- ous crud. “The Ken” leaves everything or what to expect at an Oktoberfest held lederhosen and dancing women lankowska originially from Poland and in, up to and including the part where on CC campus. Some people think of it as in dirndle, Bavarian food, beer and a one-time resident of Germany fondly Shakespeare snipes at the childrenʼs the- a fi fteen-day beer drinking contest that re- (for those over 21), projected recalls her experiences with Oktoberfest: ater groups that competed with him. You sults inbrawls and torn lederhosen (those pictures and fi lms from the Ba- “Everyone is having such a good time, may be thinking, “Hey, that sounds kinda funny pants they traditionally wear in Ba- thereʼs no place for sadness. Once you have cool.” As a concept, I do indeed fi nd it varia). varian countryside, and singing been, youʼll always go back.” For her, itʼs cool. But suffering through it on screen, In reality, itʼs a festival usually held in professors. Stop by Bemis Hall about having fun and not worrying about not cool. late September that ends on October 3, between 7 p.m. and midnight this the little things. Itʼs as if The Ken decided to set aside Germanyʼs national holiday. It originated Saturday. Marco Kuenzel, HR of the German all the lesser directorial decisions, like ed- in Bavaria, a region rich in culture located House, also has a great appreciation for the iting the script, so he could focus his full in the south of Germany. Bratwurst, polka, when King Joseph Maximilian of Bavaria festival. “I just love seeing people come mental energy on looking good for the waltzes, those big tasty pretzels (actually married Princess Therese of Saxonie out- from all over the world to celebrate and ap- cameras. Actually, thatʼs not quite fair. It called bretzel in German), and good beer side of Munich on a fi eld now known as preciate the culture of such a small region. is a very Branagh-centric movie, but he all come from Bavaria. Theresienwiese (Thereseʼs Meadow). It Itʼs impressive to think that this tiny part of made some directorial decisions. He gets Basically, itʼs tribute party to all things was originally meant to be a simple horse the world can share itself in such a way.” a thumbs-up for refusing to stint on the production values. Great costumes, fan- OK, itʼs melodic hardcore, but that doesnʼt mean that it doesnʼt drum also added to the overall time, during which frontman Caleb tastic sets, and very nice props, includ- make 12th wave pop-punk look like goth barbie. Has Good Char- Scofi eld took the time to delight the crowd with an apparent fan- ing a choo-choo train. Rosencrantz and lotte ever even heard of this stuff? No, no they havenʼt because favorite and disarmingly impassioned guitar/vocal solo “Burning Guildenstern go to meet Hamlet riding they suck really terribly. More accurately, Boston-based Cave In Down the Billboards.” This member of the band shed his inten- on a little kidʼs choo-choo train, like one has actually more or less abandoned their hardcore roots; though sity for sincerity in a crowd-pleasing moment of earnest impro- youʼd see at an amusement park. What they still sport plenty of “punk” melody, itʼs structured “progres- vising. Of course, the song itself wasnʼt particularly good—the the hell was he thinking? sively.” Thatʼs right...prog emo! Originating as a primarily me- emotive guitar strummery was a little derivative and the lyrics Still, the costumes and set design are tallic post-hardcore group, Cave In took a few left turns at the turn were juvenile protest type stuff—but, it offered a juxtaposition to both superb. I canʼt fi nd enough superla- of the century and wound up channeling Rush through modern the rest of the show. tives for the production values on display hard rock. Addition- The extended length here, but let me try. The word “lavish,” ally, their 2001 LP, of the set also gave the while not actually a compliment, is none- “Jupiter”, gained them band ample opportunity theless quite accurate; also “breathtaking” comparisons to no less Hardcore in Denver to do their noisy, spaced and, I very much suspect, “expensive.” than former rock “sav- out thing as well, which Given the star-studded cast, expense was iors”. Thank you hy- by JT Rogstad played better than could be probably not a giant issue (and speaking perbolic mainstream expected considering the of the cast, Claudius in particular is bril- music press. Doubtless context. Thankfully they liantly interpreted by Derek Jacobi, while this is a stretch, considering the uniquely vital role were able to fi t in two expert Converge covers, which provided a Charlton Heston actually turned in a good played in deconstructing indie rock guitar methods, but Cave In reminder of the absence of that band. performance as the Player King. is certainly a comparably song-oriented space-rock band, albeit As “hardcore” as Cave In occasionally comes across, it was This fi lm truly does have good act- with very disparate infl uences and end effect. However you ap- only during these two songs that any sort of violent audience ac- ing, outstanding production values, and proach the band, they put on a fi ne show Tuesday night at the tivity took off. By this time most of the crowd was too overcome a pretty decent script. And yet somehow Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom, one of Denverʼs greatest and by spacey prog metal to do much more than watch the handful or The Ken, by dint of his sheer egotism, most overlooked concert spots. so of spastic headbangers who had cleared out a spot in the center manages to turn “Hamlet” into something Technical hardcore is a diffi cult and physically strenuous mu- of the dance fl oor. Still, it was an energetic, imaginative, and loud that would be better entitled “Look at me, sical form to pull off and it is especially impressive to consider show, and it reminded me how much more vital and genuinely everybody!” I would recommend this that the guys played for a full hour after practicing for a set only life-affi rming I fi nd this music than the more overtly good times movie to people who routinely stab them- half that time. The extended playing time was mostly due to ven- vibes of your average groove/“jam” band. Finally, respect must selves in the eyes with herpes-infected ue pressure resulting from the unfortunate bus-related absence of be paid to opener Between the Buried and Me who held down the needles, or who like Kenneth Branagh. the original headliners, Converge (fellow Bostonians and former Napalm Death-inspired grindcore meets Black Flag hardcore that Thereʼs probably a lot of overlap. Hydra Head label mates of Cave In). However, a broken bass was so necessary considering Convergeʼs absence. ���������������� Scene������������ ������ tual news. People enjoy the dramatic, but prefer a well rehearsed and understand- As it able event to one that is raw and diffi cult Badly Drawn Boys draws to understand. If the presidential candidates didnʼt prepare speeches and answers at the huge crowd in Denver turns out, debates, they might not be able to give clear responses and use such powerful Laura Dudnick States on July 27, 2004. After a ten-minute language. If the two candidates had to Staff Writer break, the band proceeded to play songs pause to think about their answers the image On the chilly Sunday night of October from their older albums, such as The Hour American audience would lose interest. 17, a large crowd gathered outside the Fox of the Bewilderbeast and Have You Fed Therefore, when “a pseudo-event Theatre in Boulder to see a truly amazing the Fish? In response to audience request, competes for attention with a spontane- concert: the British band, Badly Drawn Boy. the band also played one of the hit singles ous event in the same fi eld, the pseudo- matters Now touring across America, the once- from their About a Boy soundtrack, Silent event will tend to dominate”. The media small band Sighs. willingly covers pseudo-events, because April Russo is mak- Badly Drawn Boy origi- their audience would rather read about a Features Editor ing its way nated in Manchester, Eng- pseudo-event and because the media is from San land and as a result of its Looking for an interesting and intel- under so much pressure to produce sto- Francisco to British background were lectually challenging book to read over ries. New York able to play the soundtrack block break? Check out Daniel J. Boorst- There isnʼt always enough news to fi ll City, while to the movie “About a Boy” inʼs The Image: A Guide to Pseudo- that front page or that news broadcast. stopping in in 2002, starring Hugh Events in America. This book, written in Thus, the media is forced to cover pseu- Vancouver Grant and based on the nov- 1961, offers a surprisingly accurate per- do-events or not have news, and they and Toronto el by . spective on the problems that exist in the are competing with other media sources along the The rest of the band media and in politics today. to have the latest and most appealing way. plays a wide variety of in- Boorstin explains that many of the stories. The media often shapes public The lead struments including per- events covered by the media are “pseu- opinion, so articles claiming that Bush singer and cussion, guitar (played do-events.” A “pseudo-event” is an event is leading in the polls or that Kerry won pianist, Da- by Gough on only some that isnʼt really “news” which is covered the debate actually convince citizens that mon Gough, songs), fl ute, electric bass, by reporters and leads to a string of other Bush is ahead or that Kerry did win the did not mir- violin, and cello. Amazon. articles on the same event. debate. The public may support Bush be- ror the typi- com recommends that fans For example, when President Bush cause they feel the majority support him cal ʻpop starʼ of Badly Drawn Boy would and Prime Minister Allawi spoke about or may decide they think Kerry won the Courtesy of look that todayʼs younger generation also enjoy The Shins, The the war in Iraq, this was a pseudo-event. debate because they read an article that demands. Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, and Both President Bush and Prime Minis- cited polls giving him the win. Instead of jumping around the stage and Belle & Sebastian. ter Allawi knew about the event before This book really makes one think causing a wild show, Gough kept the mood If Badly Drawn Boy happens to pass it took place and knew that the media about the problems citizens face in fi nd- of the show similar to the music—mel- through Colorado on its next tour, it would would be represented. ing credible news sources and the real low, meaningful, and just barely rhythmic be a wonderful concert to attend if you are Therefore, they prepared their speech- events. The problems Boorstin saw be- enough to dance to. While holding the looking for a calm, musical show. Those es with this in mind. Reporters not only ginning to surface in 1961 are much microphone for emphasis, Gough stood who thrive on audience participation in a covered the speeches, but wrote articles worse now. To fi nd out more about the onstage hidden behind a scruffy beard, show and love to see an excited, dancing on reactions to the speeches and analyses media and pseudo-events, read The Im- wearing a knit beanie and chain-smoking crowd might not enjoy seeing Badly Drawn of the speakers. This one pseudo-event age: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in Amer- cigarettes. Boy as much as others, as the fans mostly created a cascade of related articles. ica. This thought-provoking book applies Fot the fi rst half of the concert, the band keep their excitement inside as opposed to Boorstin argues that pseudo-events directly to the pre-election media cover- played its newest album One Plus One is letting it go with dancing. have become so dominant in the media age and the political strategies currently One, which was released in the United because they are more popular than ac- in motion. Scene and be Seen Friday October 22-Sunday October 24 “Journeys with George” presented by CC Film Series, 7:30 p.m. in the WES Room

Friday Oct. 22-Saturday, Oct. 23 Theater: Bertolt Brechtʼs “The Threepenny Opera,” presented by the CC drama department. No one under 18 admitted. 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., Armstrong Hall, $5 general admission; $2 with CC ID

Friday October 22 Film Festival: A showing of the best of the 2004 Telluride Mountain Festival. 7 p.m., Packard Hall, $15 general admission, $13 with CC ID, all proceeds support El Paso Search and Rescue

Films Opening This Week:

“Celsius 41.11”: A response to Farenheit 9/11, correcting liberal attacks on President Bush, 9/11 and the war in Iraq. (Tinseltown)

“The Grudge”: Thriller starring Sarah Michelle Gellar as an American nurse working in Tokyo. She encounters a horrible curse that drives its victims insane before turning them into murderers. (Carmike 10, Chapel Hills 15, Cinemark 16, Tinseltown)

“I Heart Huckabees”: Existential romp through relationships, dreams, and the meaning of life. Starring Lily Tomlin, Dustin Hoffman, Jude Law and Naomi Watts (Kimballʼs Twin Peaks)

“Surviving Christmas”: Ben Affl eck fi lm about re-living childhood. (Carmike 10, Chapel Hills 15, Cinemark 16, Tinseltown) ������� Sports������������ ���������������� Quick-footed McGinnis leads Men’s Soccer to victory

Beale Tejada Staff Writer On Wednesday in the 82nd minute of a 1-1 game, history was made at Stewart Field. Patrick McGinnis, a senior forward for the Colorado College Menʼs Soc- cer Team, scored his 33rd goal of the season, lifting the team to a 2-1 victory over visiting Depauw University. With his two goals on the day, McGinnis tied Andre Zarb-Cous- inʼs 30 year old school record with 33 goals in a season. McGinnis also has three games left to play, Patrick and if he continues on his torrid streak, it seems inevitable that he will claim the title as his own. McGinnis When asked how he felt about the #10 record after the game, McGinnis stuck to his usually stoic demean- - National scoring or, “Itʼs cool, but Iʼm just glad we leader won the game.” Quite a response from some- - Tied a 34-year-old one who leads all of Division III school record with in goals and total points with 33 his 32nd and 33rd and 77, respectively. However, goals of the season McGinnis has not achieved his The Catalyst/MIKE CALDERON success without lots of hard work Junior Brian Tafel and senior captain Alex Aguirre lead the Tigers on an offensive attack against (set by Andre Zarb- and the help of his teammates. their opponents. The Tigers won their fi nal home game pushing their record to 14-2-1. Cousin in 1970) Last year, McGinnis was a very team. With their win over De- Indeed, every game is a must- missed the tournament while - 11 multiple-goal capable scorer, but this year he pauw, the Tigerʼs have raised win for the Tigers who are in- those two did well in the tourna- games, seven hat- has blossomed into an outright their record to a very impressive dependent. Being independent ment because they won their con- tricks, three games scoring machine. Averaging more 14-2-1. And, just last week, they means there is no conference tour- ferences.” than two goals a game and relying crashed the national scene by be- nament that will guarantee them a The last three games of the with four or more on his exquisite array of lighting- coming ranked 23rd nationally. birth in the tournament, there is season, all on the road, are must- goals, and one game quick moves and an intimidating But as Greg Miller sees it, “Itʼs only a selection committee. win games despite the teamʼs with fi ve goals presence that leaves defenders encouraging to be ranked nation- Alex Aguirre, the die-hard impressive record. Every win - Sixth in nation with bewildered, McGinnis dazzles ally, but itʼs a double edged sword team captain says, “Itʼs hard be- counts when youʼre fi ghting for the fans and his teammates all because it gets you overconfi dent. ing independent because, in my a spot in the tournament. And as 57 career goals and while making a strong case for in- As in past seasons where we have experience, weʼve beaten teams for Pat McGinnis, heʼll continue 135 career points in dividual national recognition. been left out of the tournament, it who have won their conference to leave his scoring touch wher- less than three full McGinnisʼs phenomenal year helps us realize that we have to and get into the tournament. For ever he goes. seasons is all part of a masterful season win every game from here on out instance, we beat both Wartburg being put together by the entire to be sure we make it.” and Macalester last year, but we CC’s newest athletic team STOKED for upcoming season Christy Wray Shlachter is hoping to get the half pipe, and rails. Staff Writer team up to the mountains every Similar to each competition, Say hello to Colorado Col- weekend for either competitions each practice will be different in legeʼs newest athletic team: the or practices. The fi rst practice of its concentration. “My vision for snowboarding team, otherwise the practices is to have a focus known as STOKED (Snowboard “My goal is to get each practice (grabs, jibbing, rid- Team Openly Keen on Evening ing switch, etc.) so that everyone Debauchery). With the ever as many riders on the team, regardless of skill increasing popularity of snow- involved with the level, can improve their riding boarding competitions since they every time we go up together by were fi rst introduced at the X- team as possible, all learning from each other,” Sh- games and later at the Olympics, without much lachter explains. captain Jen Shlachter wondered Keep your eyes out for campus why the ski team should be CCʼs emphasis on skill wide fundraisers that will hope- only competitive team on the level.” fully help the team pay for cabin mountain. rentals for weekend and block Since this will be the fi rst —Jen Shlachter break trips. One fundraiser that year of STOKEDʼs existence, it is in the works is a jib jam, other- will be more of a trial year to see the season is December 4 and the wise known as a rail competition. what the team will expect from fi rst competition wonʼt be until The team is hoping to bring some themselves for future competing after CCʼs winter break. The sea- rails to campus and have a com- seasons. Right now Shlachter is son ends mid-April. There will petition between the snowboard Courtesy of Lauren Stokes simply focused on getting people be nine competitions total this team and the ski team. STOKED (Snowboard Team Openly Keen on Evening Debauch- interested in the team. “My goal season and the team is hoping to (As a fellow snowboarder, Iʼm ery) snowboarder Lauren Stokes hits the half pipe. Captain Jen is to get as many riders involved get as many people to compete as glad to see the introduction of Shlachter helped to organize the team after noticing a consider- with the team as possible, without possible. There are four types of this team on campus and I hope able demand for the sport among students. much emphasis on skill level,” events at competitions which in- it can give the ski team a run for Shlachter said. clude boardercross, slope style, its money!) ���������������� Sports������������ ������� Baseball mania as Redsox head to World Series In 1918 the Red Sox won World Series Schedule their 5th World Series, the most by any club at that time. One of the stars of the Boston Game One: 10/23/04 Cardinals at Boston championship franchise was a young pitcher by the name Game Two: 10/24/04 Cardinals at Boston of George Herman Ruth, aka Game Three: 10/26/04 Red Sox at St. Loius The Babe or The Bambino. Game Four: 10/27/04 Red Sox at St. Louis In 1920, however, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee needed Game Five: 10/28/04 Red Sox at St. Loius money to fi nance his girl- Game Six: 10/30/04 Cardinals at Boston friend’s play, so he sold Babe Ruth’s contract to Colonel Game Seven: 10/31/04 Cardinals at Boston Jacob Ruppert’s New York Yankees for $100,000 (plus a loan collateralized by Fenway Park). Playoffs don’t Since then, the Yankees, who had never won a World Championship before acquir- show real champ ing Ruth, have gone on to win 26, and are arguably one of the David Light Cleveland (68.55%) is 1.58. The greatest success stories in the Staff Writer Yankees and Sox were separated history of sports. by .61. “My s*** doesnʼt work in the Meanwhile, the Boston Red How about pitching? Well, playoffs. My job is to get us to the Sox have appeared in only four Bostonʼs rotation was healthy all playoffs. What happens after that World Series since 1918, losing year and aside from Derek Lowe, is f***ing luck.” —Billy Beane, each one in game seven. Many effective. New Yorkʼs rotation General Manager of the Oakland consider Boston’s performance was awful and frequently injured. Aʼs. after the departure of Babe So, the Red Sox scored a ton Salty though the quote is (one Ruth to be attributable to “The more runs than the Yankees did, of the most famous lines from Curse of the Bambino.” and allowed far fewer. The Sox Moneyball), Beaneʼs absolutely This year though, Sox fans had pitching that was better and right. The playoffs offer no guar- are beginning to wonder and more durable than New Yorkʼs, antee that the team that wins the hope “Is the curse broken?” World Series is in fact the best and Bostonʼs defense was supe- team in baseball in any sense rior as well. Which team is bet- except symbolically. You simply ter, the Yankees or the Red Sox? canʼt rely on the better team win- Itʼs obviously Boston; if the two ning in a best-of-fi ve or best-of- teams played each other a thou- seven series. Taking three out of sand times, is there any doubt that fi ve or four out of seven is a coin Boston would win at least 525? fl ip; itʼs a crapshoot. And yet in the actual season A team can be in the playoffs the Yankees, playing almost ex- for anywhere from 3 to 19 games. actly the same schedule as the Red Three to nineteen! Are you kid- Sox and actually spotting the Sox ding me? This is how weʼre sup- three games in the season series posed to fi nd out once and for all (which Boston won, 11-8), won who the best team in baseball is? 101 games to Bostonʼs 98. Know- Pick any 3 to 19 games from the ing what you know about the two regular season, and a teamʼs re- teamsʼ quality, if they played the cord over that miniscule span of season out again with the same time wonʼt tell you anything about injuries and the same overall pro- how good it is. What, youʼve nev- duction, how often would you er seen a good team have a bad expect New York to win more stretch, or a bad team get hot for games than Boston? Once in fi f- a week or two? Heck, forget the teen times? Maybe once in 20? playoffs, even a teamʼs win-loss A lot less often? Whatever your record over the 162-game regular answer is, I think itʼs pretty clear season isnʼt a perfect measure of New York got lucky. Mondo team quality. lucky. Take the Yankees and the Red If weʼre talking about a record Sox. Many of you know that the over 162 games and we end up Yankees won 101 games this saying, “Yʼknow what? They got year and the Red Sox won 98; lucky,” how can you seriously ex- almost all of you know that the pect that a series that might last as Yanks leapt out to a 3-0 lead over long as fi ve or seven games will the Sox in the American League always (or even often) go to the championship series. It seems better team? You canʼt. The play- logical to conclude that the Yan- offs are great entertainment and kees are the better team this year, they make a lot of money for a lot but here are some numbers I bet of people, but they donʼt tell you you didnʼt know about. who the greatest team is. The Red Sox scored 5.86 runs Donʼt get me wrong. Iʼm not per game while allowing only saying the World Series doesnʼt 4.74. The Yankees scored 5.54 matter, because obviously it does while allowing 4.99. The Boston to every fan and player. I want my defense converted 69.44% of balls team to win the Series and I want in play into outs, while the Yankee it very badly; there was wail- defense managed only 68.83%. ing and lamentation in my house “Pfft,” you say, “a trifl ing differ- when the Giants lost the Series ence.” Youʼd think that, but youʼd in ʼ02. But I also realize playoff be wrong. The American League performance isnʼt the measure of has 14 teams; in this category, the a team. Not even a little bit. difference between leader Tampa Bay (70.13%) and 13th-place ������� Events������������ ���������������� ���������������

Friday, October 22 be at 7:00 p.m. in Packard Hall. Tickets are $12 with a CC ID and • There will be a showing of the Alexandra Pelosi documentary $15 for general admission. “Travels with George” at 7:30 p.m. in the WES Room. This fi lm, shot Sunday, October 31 during the 2000 Bush Presidential campaign, will also be showing • The Phantom of the Opera comes to Shove Chapel. Saturday and Sunday night. The 1925 black and white silent fi lm will be shown on a big screen • The CC Drama Department will present a performance of Bertolt with live organ accompaniment. Halloween night, Oct. 31, starting Brechtʼs “The Threepenny Opera.” This show will be at 7:00 p.m. at midnight (between Oct. 31 through Nov. 1). Costumes encouraged. and 10:00 p.m. in Armstrong Hall and will also be performed Saturday Free and open to the public; no tickets needed; seating on fi rst-come night. Tickets are $2 for students and are available at the Worner Desk. fi rst-served basis. Sponsored by Filmseries and Chaplainʼs Offi ce. • A showing of the best of the 2004 Telluride Mountain Festival will

House for Rent 3 Bedroom house, fi replace, 2 car garage, 1 1/2 bath, large yard, no cats, close to everything, south, south west. Contact at cell phone number (619)-208-1841 or 633-3528. Mature student preferred. Make $75 Taking Online Surveys $450 Group Fundraiser Scheduling Bonus 4 hours of your groupʼs time PLUS our free (yes, free) fundrais- ing solutions EQUALS $1,000-$2,000 in earnings for your group. Call TODAY for a $450 bonus when you schedule your non-sales fundraiser with CampusFundraiser. Contact CampusFundraiser, (888)-923-3238, or visit Math Tutor Available For Algebra to Calculus 1. Four years of tutoring and three years of teaching at the college level. Call Marcus at (719)-930-8551. Be a R.A.! Applications Available: Friday October 29th at the Residential Life Offi ce

Information Sessions: November 1 at 7:00 p.m. in Mathias November 3 at 7:00 p.m. in Slocum November 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Loomis

Applications Due: Friday, November 26th at 5:00 p.m.

• Also look for our information tables in Worner on November 3rd, 4th, and 5th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30p.m.