




Public Disclosure Authorized

Sofia MARCH, 2010 Public Disclosure Authorized

1 1. Introduction

The National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) has requested a Loan from the World Bank, to be guaranteed by the Republic of Bulgaria, to finance the proposed Railway Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project. The Project aims to improve the quality and efficiency of railway infrastructure services in Bulgaria. This will be achieved through an investment program aimed primarily at stopping the deterioration and at upgrading the condition of existing railway infrastructure assets on selected lines on Bulgaria’s core railway network. The overall Project activities should lead to increased operational and financial performance of rail , and thereby support the objectives of the government and the EU to develop railways as a viable transport option.

The Bulgarian rail network has 4,071 route-km of standard gauge, of which 24 percent is double track, and 67 percent is electrified. About 2,915 km of the railway network form the main railway lines in Bulgaria. Most of the railway network was constructed more than 50 years ago, while the power supply and safety facilities were installed during 1960 to mid-1980s. Underinvestment has led to poor conditions that now require speed restrictions on almost 75 percent of the rail network. Over the past 15 years, an annual average of 25-30 kilometers were renewed and 30-40 kilometers repaired—only 10 percent of the levels of system repairs achieved each year before 1990.

The Transport Strategy for Bulgaria over the period 2010-2020 includes significant commitments from the government to modernize the Bulgarian railway infrastructure, in line with the priorities of Bulgaria and the European Union. One of the immediate priorities is the modernization of the railway line --, which is part of the Trans-European Network Transport (TEN-T). The modernization of this line includes upgrading the design speed and the overhaul of the signaling, telecommunications, and energy systems. The modernization is planned over the period 2010–2020. Future EU Cohesion funds received under the Transport Operational Program and the Regional Development Program are planned to finance the Sofia-Plovdiv section and Mihailovo-Burgas section (see attached map).

The public railway infrastructure is managed by the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC), and railway transport services are provided by the State-owned Bulgarian Railways Company BDZ EAD and several private freight operators. In addition to managing the railway tr cks NRIC is also responsible for the maintenance of related railway infrastructure such as 830 railway level crossings; 145 tunnels (total length of 44,432 m) located on standard railway lines and 41 tunnels (total length of 3, 071 m) located on narrow gauge railway lines; about 940 bridges (total length of 38, 842 m) on standard railway lines and another 23 with total length of 686 m located on narrow gauge railway lines; about 7,600 railway switches, 1,728 km joint less track, and 234,953 km sections with UIC 60 rails.

The first phase of NRIC’s investment program until 2015 focuses on the east-west European Corridors IV, VIII, and X between Sofia and Burgas on the , Sofia and Dragoman (Serbian border), and between Sofia and the Turkish border, respectively. The line between Plovdiv and the Turkish border is being mostly

2 modernized under the pre-accession ISPA program (Plovdiv-), and the final link to the border under the OPT program. Investments are about to start under the SOPT program for the rehabilitation of two sections between Sofia and Plovdiv (Sofia – , and – Plovdiv) and between Mihailovo and Burgas. The proposed project would support investments on the section between Plovdiv and Orizovo and modernization of the energy, signaling and telecommunication systems, and thus complementing these programs. Completing the rehabilitation of the final section between Sofia and Plovdiv (Elin Pelin - Septemvri) and between Orizovo and Mihailovo is now planned under OPT’s next planning period 2014-2020. Additionally, NRIC is preparing a portfolio of investments to be included under the next OPT focusing on the north-south corridor IV between (Romanian border), Sofia, and (Greek border).

The proposed Project would support investments on the section between Trakia- Skutare and modernization of the energy, signaling and telecommunication systems, and thus complementing the NRIC programs. It will mainly finance rehabilitation works of existing railway section, modernization of existing operable power substations, and small-scale construction building relevant to NRIC operations. Given the nature of these rehabilitation works, the project has been classified as environmental category “B” in accordance with the World Bank operational polices for environmental assessment purposes. Under Bulgarian regulation and EU directives, such types of works are not subject to mandatory environmental impact assessment.

As part of the preparation stage of the proposed Project, NRIC has prepared the present Environmental Management Plan (EMP), in accordance with World Bank policy OP/BP 4.01 on environmental impact assessment.

The project EMP consists of a set of mitigation measures, monitoring actions, and institutional aspects to be undertaken during implementation and operation of the project to eliminate possible adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. The EMP also provides the responsibilities of different parties involved in the project implementation for environmental management purposes. Although major environmental issues are not anticipated during this project, the EMP identifies several mitigation measures aimed at environment protection and maintenance of environmental conditions mainly during the rehabilitation works. The proposed environmental monitoring plan is subject to revision with updated information from the bidding documents at contractor’s recommendation (subject to approval by NRIC) before works may commence. This draft EMP was discussed during a public meeting organized by NRIC in on February 18, 2010 at which a variety of stakeholders has been invited to participate and comment on the possible environmental issues that could be encountered during this proposed project.

2. Description of Project

The proposed project to be supported by the World Bank includes three main components: (1) Improvement of railway infrastructure systems performance, (2)

3 Improvement of the railway track operational performance; and (3) Support to Project implementation. The main activities planned to be finance over the period 2010-2015 through this project are the following:

(i) The upgrade of seven traction power sub-stations: five on the line Plovdiv–Burgas at , , , , and Burgas; and two on the line -Kulata line at and , and the replacement of circuit breakers at various traction power substations. (ii) The installation of fiber optic cables and transmission equipment on the lines Plovdiv- (to close the fiber optics loop Sofia-Plovdiv-Karlovo-Sofia), and Radomir- . (iii) The construction of a Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building in Sofia to host the Sofia regional traffic management and energy dispatching systems. (iv) The rehabilitation of the railway section between Plovdiv and Orizovo. The rehabilitation will cover one track of the existing double-track section between Trakia and Skutare. (v) The acquisition of specialized machinery for inspection and maintenance of railway track, catenary and electrical systems. (vi) Technical advisory services to develop the technical designs, conduct the supervision of works, and to modernize the maintenance and traffic control and energy dispatching systems.

The attached map shows the locations of the activities to be implemented under the proposed World Bank financed project.

Legend Railway section rehabilitation (Trakiya-Skutare)

Areal installation of optic cable on selected railway section: Delyan-Dupnitsa,

Underground installation of optic cable on selected railway sections Dupnitsa- Blagoevgrad and Plovdiv-Karlovo

Construction of a Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building in Sofia

Upgrade of traction power sub-stations: TPSS Burgas, TPSS Karnobat, TPSS Yambol, TPSS Nova Zagora, TPSS Stara Zagora, TPSS Pernik and TPSS Dupnitsa.

4 3. Summary of Bulgarian policy, legal and administrative framework with regards to Environmental Impact Assessment

The implementation of the activities of this project will be in accordance with the following current legislation, practices and standards in Bulgaria relevant to Environmental Impact Assessment and the project investments in general:

1. Environmental Protection Act 2. Air Quality Act. 3. Water Act. 4. Waste Management Act. 5. Biological Diversity Act. 6. Protected Areas Act. 7. Monuments of Culture and Museums Act 8. Environmental Noise Protection Act. 9. Low of the Spatial Planning 10. Water Supply and Sewerage Services Regulation Act. 11. Health Act. 12. MH, MRDPW and MoEW Regulation No.9/16.03.2001. on the Quality of Potable andWashing Water. 13. MoEW Regulation No 5/08.11.2000 on the Procedure and Method of Establishing the Networks and Activity of the National Water Monitoring System. 14. Regulation No.7 on air quality assessment and management. 15. Regulation No. 2/22.03.2004 on the Minimum Labor Health and Safety Requirements for Construction and Erection Works 5 16. Regulation on the Terms and Procedure of Performance of Environmental Impact Assessments. 17. Regulation No.26/22.10.1996 ) on Recultivation of Disturbed Lands, Amelioration of Low-Productive Lands and Utilization of the Humus Layer. 18. Regulation No. 3 on the permissible limits for noxious substance concentration in soils. 19. Regulation No.6/26.06.2006 on Environmental Noise Indicators determining the discomfort degree during different parts of the day, limit values of the Environmental Noise Indicators, methods of assessment of the noise indicator levels and harmful effects of noise on the population’s health; 20. Council of Ministers Decree 131/2000 Regulation on the requirements towards treatment and transportation of waste oils and oil produces. 21. BS EN 50121-5:2000, Electromagnetic compatibility. Emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus; 22. Council Directive 92/43/EEC for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora; 23. Ordinance for the requirements and procedures for inventory of equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls, it's marking and cleaning, and for treatment and transport of wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls. 24. Regulation on the terms and conditions for carrying out the Compatibility Assessment of plans, programmes, projects and development proposals for construction with the purposes referred to the special areas of conservation.

4. Environmental aspects relevant to project area

(i) Railway section rehabilitation (Trakiya-Skutare part of Plovdiv-Orizovo). In case of preserving the existing track alignment, the activities envisaged forthe rehabilitation of railway lines are expected to have a positive effect on the overall environment including decrease of operational costs; reduced travel time; improved flood control through installing new drainage facilities or rehabilitation of existing ones. The proposed activity for renewal and rehabilitation include improvement of characteristics of the railway line in terms of its layout and profile, parameters of the engineering railway equipment such as existing bridges, railway crossings as well as energy supply equipment in the respective railway section. The section is located in Plovdiv field, which is alluvial plain formed by the Maritsa River and its tributaries, in the central part of the Gornotrakiyska Valley. The area is characterized by transitional continental climate, quite typical for the most central-sauthern parts of Europe, with the average annual temperature of 12.3 °C.

The railway line in the section Trakia-Skutare crosses the protected area of the Natura 2000 network, BG0000578 Maritsa River. Impelmentation of the rehabilitation activities in this railway section will be in accordance to the specific measurements, given by RIEW Plovdiv, which is the responsible authority for the protected area.

There are two more natural protected areas in the vicinity of the railway, Maritza Parv mai (BG0002081) for Birds and Gradinska Gora (BG0000255); their boundaries are located at a distance of 6.5 km from Orizovo city and 3.9 km, respectively.

6 Neither the rehabilitation nor the operation of the railway Trakiya-Skutare is expected to have any adverse effects on these nature reserves. Also, there are no known cultural relics or historic sites along the railway section.

(ii) Improvement of traction power substations. The proposed modernization activities for seven existing traction power substations, situated in or near residential areas and replacement of their container for relevant equipment include rehabilitation works at the following locations:

• Stara Zagora Substation is located in Stara Zagora field - east of the Gornotrakiyska Valley enclosed between Surnena Sredna gora forest, Svetiliyskite hills, Monastery hills, Sakar Mountain and Hills with an average altitude of 196 meters, and along the Bedechka river. The power supply substation is located in the industrial area of Stara Zagora. There are no protected areas close to this proposed power supply substation.

• Nova Zagora Substation is in the central part of Bulgaria, situated in the northern part of Gornotrakiyska Valley. The power supply substation is located in the industrial area of Nova Zagora

Close to the city of Nova Zagora is the protected area BG0000441 Blatnitsa river.

Yambol Substation is located in Southeast Bulgaria. The town of Yambol is situated on the banks of the river Tunja. It is located 77 km from the Black Sea and south of the highway Sofia-Bourgas. The power supply substation is located in the industrial area of the town. There are three protected areas close to the town of Yambol - BG0000192 Tundja 1, BG0000195 Tundja 2, BG0000196 Mochuritsa river

• Karnobat in Southeastern Bulgaria. It is located in District Burgas.

There is one protected area in the region of Karnobat; BG0000196 Mochuritsa river.

• Burgas is a town in eastern part of Bulgaria, town of Burgas is located in the westernmost point of the Black Sea in Burgas Bay and the eastern part of Burgas Valley, located east of the Gornotrakiyska Valley. Burgas is situated on the shore of the Black Sea. Burgas Substation is situated in the village of Dolno ezerovo, which is 5 km west from the town of Burgas. There are two protected areas in the region of Burgas; BG0000270 lake Atanasovsko ezero and BG0000273 lake Burgasko ezero. The village of Dolno ezerovo is located closed to the protected area Burgasko ezero.

• Pernik is situated in southwestern Bulgaria, located in Pernik valley at an altitude between 700 and 850 m, length 22 km and is surrounded by mountains Vitosha, Golo Bardo and Lyulin. The nearest residence is located at XX m from the site.

7 In the region of Pernik in accordance to Council Directive 92/43/EEC for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora, there is one protected area BG0001375 Ostritsa.

• Dupnitsa is in southwestern Bulgaria. It is located in District in the foothills of the Mountains. Dupnitsa is situated northwest of Mount Rila about 60 km south of Sofia. Rivers pass through town Djerman, Bistrica, Otovitsa (Samoranska River) and Gibran. The nearest residence is located at XX m from the site.

In accordance to Council Directive 92/43/EEC for the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora there is one protected area in the region of Dupnitsa (BG0001188 Rila buffer).

The existing power substations in Stara Zagora, Nova Zagora, Yambol, Karnobat, Dupnitsa and Pernik are situated 20-50 m from the existing rail line.

These sites are all situated on land owned by NRIC within the existing railway corridor and do not alter land use in the area. Access to these sites could be made easily by car or walk. The reminder of land in the surrounding area is usually used for residential purposes or railway undertakings. The existing rail infrastructure (within the territory of these substations) is fenced off from public access. No endangered ecological communities are known at these sites and it is unlikely that any threatened flora species would occur, as there is no suitable habitat. Air quality in the vicinity of the site is considered to be typical of urban areas.

The rehabilitation of the substations will include renewal of Substation building and the container(s), which must be fully fit for equipment operation and must include storage areas, WC, control room and storage battery room. Works will also involve upgrade of the existing electrical substations as well as installation of some new electrical equipment.

As an alternative, the substation existing building and rooms can be used for the same purpose, after the necessary repair works. The repair must include exterior and interior touch-coat and re-painting, re-covering of floors and roof and new double-glazed PVC joinery. This might include also repair of the water supply system (WSS) and electrical installations, installation of fire alarm system repair of the WC, battery room, and corridors, etc. Walls exterior final coat must be mineral, chemically treated, and silicon material. Internal rooms will be painted according to their purpose. The roof will be completed by voalit (bitumen modified with APP (Attactic polypropylene) and reinforcement in glass fibre padding and onduline corrugated sheets, and PVC gutters and draining pipes. The pipes shall drain the water to elevation terrain.

The container(s) must meet all the requirements for servicing the equipment by staff on duty or staff responsible for repairs, as well as the requirements for the assemblies placed in the container. The container shall be located on concrete platform, on foundations with access to the facilities through concrete paths. Drip boards and other protection must be considered for all specific places on the structure,

8 for preventing water and humidity penetration. Polymer gutters and polymer draining pipes must be stipulated up to terrain elevation.

The transformers will be located within special area in accordance with relevant Bulgarian standards and material safety data sheets. Special oil/water separator would be installed to capture runoff. The modernization works for these substations do not require cut-off trees or removal of any vegetation at these sites.

There are no old condensers containing PCBs and other hazardous materials at the seven power substation sites elected for modernization works under this project In 2008, the NRIC implemented a program for removal from use of the condenser batteries in the energy supply substations, containing Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and in accordance to Ordinance for the requirements and procedures for inventory of equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls, it’s marking and cleaning, and for treatment and transport of wastes containing polychlorinated biphenyls, and the use of such equipment is prohibited.

An EMP Checklist will be developed for each substation site in accordance with the form included in Annex 1 by the Contractor under the supervision of NRIC and completed before modernization works may commence.

(iii) Works related to installation of optic cable on selected railway sections

The optic cable will be installed along the railway line and power supplied by 25 KV/50 Hz. In sections Voluyak – Razmenna – Pernik and Delyan – Dupnitsa the installation will be aerial on the concrete or steel-grid posts of the overhead system in compliance with art.96 of Regulation 55, dated 29.01.2004, of Ministry of Transport (State Gazette issue 18/ 2004), while in sections Pernik - Radomir - Delyan and Dupnitsa - Blagoevgrad the installation will be underground located in the right of way area (easement area) of the railway road of NRIC protective HDPE pipe with construction (mounting) of the necessary shafts and collectors. For bridges and tunnels, in case of installation on their structure, the cable must be also installed in protective HDPE pipe.

The optical cable in the section Plovdiv-Karlovo will be installed along the railway line, power supplied by 25 V / 50 Hz. Installation will be underground, in the easement area (right of way area) of the NRIC’ s track, in protected HDPE pipe with construction (installation) if necessary pits and collectors, and only in special cases in route sections with hard to access mountain areas, areas of big railway stations without channel system, railway tunnels and bridges – and overhead on concrete or steel-grid posts of the overhead system according to art. 96 of Regulation 55, dated 29.01.2004, of Ministry of Transport (State Gazette issue 18/2004). For long bridges and tunnels the cable should be also installed in protective HDPE pipe.

The existing railway line Plovdiv-Karlovo goes near one protected area; BG0000429 Stryama river.

The construction of digital transmission and optical cable system for the respective sections also includes reconstruction, air-conditioning and repair of rooms, designed for positioning of the telecommunication apparatuses in the entire section

9 from Sofia to Blagoevgrad, in sections Radomir - Kyustendil - Gyueshevo and Voluyak – Razmenna – Pernik.

(iv) Construction of Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building

The construction of a Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building in Sofia to host the Sofia regional traffic management and energy dispatching systems will be located in a residential area on the premises of NRIC. The new building will be constructed where currently exists an old deposit used by NRIC for maintenance and operations activities. The works will include demolition of this old building and construction in the same area of the new CTC building. The construction works will follow the requirements of Bulgaria’s Structure of the Territory Act. An EMP Checklist (Annex 1) will be updated with current information about the construction site as well as possible mitigation measures and necessary monitoring activities updated by the Contractor in line with the technical studies for this construction.

5. General Anticipated Environmental Impacts

For most construction and rehabilitation works under the proposed project, adverse impacts of the proposed activities on the environment would largely materialize during the construction stage, and they may include emission of polluters in the air, surface waters and soil as well as changes in acoustic environment and generation of waste construction.

During the construction period, there will be emitted mainly dust and exhaust fumes from the construction and transportation machinery. During operation period, significant emissions of air polluters are not expected because of use of electric power traction machinery.

With regards to surface water, contamination of water by digging soil is possible during construction activity in case of accidental oil spills during construction. In the period of operation, changes in the quality of surface water is expected to be minimal.

During construction or rehabilitation works, temporary changes in acoustic characteristics of the environment and settlements will take place. This will be a result of concentration of working construction and machinery used. During operation, the level of the acoustic noise, caused by the traction supply system and its equipment, will meet the relevant requirements of the Bulgarian legislation.

Waste will be generated both during construction and operation periods and will be stored in and transported to places specialized for that purpose.

Certain changes in landscape characteristics due to excavation and earth works in the process of project implementation are also possible.

It is expected the possible impacts on environment to mainly take place during the construction period thus there are considered having temporarily effect on the environment. 10

6. Project Alternatives

(a) In the case of works proposed involving fiber optics cable the alternative would be to keep or replace the old copper cable based system. However, the technical and operational parameters of these copper cables are heavily worsened and resulting in many network breaks. Also, the situation was additionally aggravated by frequent thefts. Furthermore, these copper cables have very low throughput and cannot be used for implementation of a modern telecommunication network. Consequently, the project proposes the modernization of these cables and their replacement with fiber optics.

(b) The capacity of the existing electrical network at the proposed power substations needs to be increased to cater for the projected demands. The “do nothing” option is likely to result in significant long term adverse impacts on the railway network that would reduce the efficiency of the network and lead to substantial delays thus, it is not considered to be acceptable. As such, there are not considered to be any alternatives to the proposal to increase the electricity supply. The rehabilitation of these traction substations is the most appropriate method of enhancing the existing electricity supply network.

(c) The rehabilitation works proposed for the railway section Plovdiv-Orizovo included couple of technical alternatives including (i) completion of doubling of the section; and (ii) “do nothing” and use the capacity of triangle Plovdiv-Dimitrovgrad- Mihailovo.

*Alternative (i): Although this may provide continuity of the Sofia-Burgas line, this may not be economically justified at this time--probably in the future if traffic increases. The doubling would require land acquisition, and would have larger environmental impacts than the simple rehabilitation of the existing section Trakiya- Skutare as part of Plovdiv-Orizovo.

*Alternative (ii): While it may be an option for freight, this would not have provided any benefits to passenger services to the localities along the Plovdiv-Orizovo section. Also, the expected future high traffic on Plovdiv-Turkish border may not allow additional traffic diverted from the Plovdiv-Mihailovo section.

(d) Related to the proposed CTC building construction investment, NRIC could have kept an existing building currently handling traffic control for the Sofia region. However, the existing building is not large enough to house and handle all the components of the future new systems. Additionally, the existing building does not belong to NRIC. The future site (currently deposit) of the new CTC building is on the premises of the NRIC and will be owned by them.

7. Environmental Mitigation measures during the construction and operation periods

To ensure implementation of the mitigation measures, construction works contracts will include in the Technical Specifications contractual clauses on environmental protection, and the Mitigation Plan (Annex 2) as well as the Monitoring Plan (Annex 3) will be attached to these Technical Specifications thus

11 complying with the requirements of Bulgaria’s Law of the Spatial Planning and World Bank’s operational policies.

7.1. Air Quality and dust emissions

During the construction period, random emissions, mainly - dust and exhaust fumes, due to work of digging machines, off-road vehicle movement, and loading- unloading activity are expected. Such pollution is insignificant and has a very short- term impact.

The measures that are proposed to mitigate/restrict the impact on air quality are: not to use road and railroad construction machines as well as rail self-propelled machines with damaged engines; restriction on idling construction machines; road transportation vehicles should not be loaded with bulk materials beyond the safe- clearance and the materials should be covered during transportation; provide temporary watering for the storage areas for bulk materials and construction waste at dry and windy weather; disposal of waste, not subject of frequent loading-unloading activity, to be protected from the wind by covers; practice speed restrictions.

During the operation period, no significant air pollution is expected.

7.2. Surface water

The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of current legislation in the field of water protection in regards to ensuring all necessary permits (for use of water and waste water discharge) and take over administrative and criminal responsibility.

The measures that are proposed to mitigate/restrict the pollution impact on surface water are related to restricting disposal of excavated earth, grease, oil, etc. in existing water sources, rivers, streams, irrigation canals, etc. To protect surface water from oil and oil products penetration, proper working equipment and machinery shall be used. Drip boards and other protection must be considered for all specific places on the structure, for preventing water and humidity penetration.

During the whole construction period, the Contractor shall guarantee that all river beds and drainages in and around the construction site will be maintained in good condition and no excavation material or other particles originated by works will fall in them. The Contractor shall submit an Action Plan for incidents involving spills of hazardous substances before the actual rehabilitation works may commence

The designs of the proposed works will include adequate measures for water drainage.

During the operation period, no significant surface water pollution is expected.

7.3. Waste management

The measures that are proposed to mitigate/restrict the impact of the construction waste generated during works are: re-use and recycle the materials and proper disposal of waste in accordance with permit. In general, waste generated

12 during the whole construction period will be systematically collected, stored and disposed in the corresponding specialized sites in accordance with regulatory requirements in the field of waste management in Bulgaria.

The Contractor shall develop a program for waste management before works start as required under the Bulgarian legislation on waste management.

7.4. Noise

The Contractor shall develop and adopt effective measures both in terms of management and the technologies applied to minimize noise levels, particularly near settlements.

Measures proposed to mitigate / reduce the impact of noise are organizational management measures, namely: to limit the impact of noise in residential areas in according with national legislation, construction activities will be coordinated with local residents, restriction on idling time for machines and equipment, servicing and regular maintenance of heavy construction vehicles, to travel on predetermined routes and approaches to strictly comply with the permissible speed when crossing settlements, limiting working hours in time zones designated by local authorities, in the case of acoustic emission in a specific direction - to use acoustic barriers to break the line of impact from noise source to noise receiver.

During operation, it is expected that the noise level will be within the permissible limits due to the rehabilitation works performed under this project. During operation,the level of the acoustic noise, caused by the traction supply system and its equipment, will meet the relevant requirements of the Bulgarian legislation

7.5. Health protection and labor safety

Regarding working environment, the basic requirements for safe working conditions shall be met. The Contractor shall develop a Plan for health and safety at work, including: risk assessment of workplace; measures and requirements for safety and health performance of construction works, risk factors, personal protective equipment, safe work instructions, plans for fire prevention and fire fighting, emergency and evacuation plans for workers and occupants of the site, on-site contractor coordinator of health and safety and other requirements arising from legislation on labor protection.

All electric installation works must be performed by a qualified personnel who will have had passed training on healthy and safe labour conditions.

The measures for ensuring the work safety will be determined and performed by documenting in logbooks, assignments of duties, etc. according to specified templates.

Electric installation works will be performed using electric protection equipment which will avoid electric power injuries, the electric arc effect and the products of its burning, as well as the impact of an electromagnetic field.


Electromagnetic conformity of the traction supply system The electromagnetic emission and resistance level for the traction supply system and its equipment during the operation will be in compliance with EN 50121- 5:2000 and the limit values, specified in this standard as minimum requirements.

During the operation national regulation as well as NRIC’s regulations with regards health and safety at work will be observed.

7.6. Cultural Heritage

All archeological property found during works should be treated in accordance with national legislation. In the event of the unexpected discovery of archeological objects the Contractor shall immediately cease the activity at the site until further order from the Supervision Engineer, and immediately inform the Supervision Engineer, the Employer, and the local and archeological authorities and follow their directions.

8. Environmental Monitoring Activities

The Plan for environmental monitoring is an important component of environmental management aspects relevant to the proposed works. Targets for monitoring the environment impacts and mitigation measures are: verification of the estimated expected impacts based on selective parameters and determine the actual scale of impacts, as well as registration of unforeseen effects.

The National Railway Infrastructure Company is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of Environmental Management Plan. The Monitoring Plan covers the measures related to all potential impacts described above, and it will be followed during the implementation of the proposed project. National Railway Infrastructure Company will monitor the implementation of the Plan. Potential environmental impacts and safety of people can easily be avoided or mitigated by adopting good engineering practices. The contractors that will carry out the works will also follow the requirements of national legislation on territorial planning and the current environmental management plan.

The environmental monitoring plan (Annex 2) shall be submitted for approval by the Regional Inspectorates on Environment and Water (RIEW) and the Executive Environment Agency (EEA) at the start-up of construction activities.

National Railway Infrastructure Company will also assign some monitoring activities during construction and operation of the investments under the project to a supervision engineering consultant.

The results of monitoring activities will summarized by the National Railway Infrastructure Company in an annual report to be submited to the competent authorities (RIEW and EEA) and to the World Bank. In case there are discrepancies with the statutory requirements for environmental, NRIC develops additional mitigation measures for unforeseen impacts that exceed the established norms.


Competent authorities (Executive Environment Agency and Regional Inspectorates on Environment and Water) confirm the results of the monitoring and the proposed additional measures, where appropriate.

When approved, the monitoring report shall be presented to the supreme audit authority, the Ministry of Environment and Water (MEOW).

The Project Reports submitted to the World Bank on a quarterly basis will include a chapter on the Environmental monitoring activities.

9. Environmental Institutional Setting

NRIC will implement the project activities and will keep relevant records of all environmental liabilities and provisions of the contract. In the structure of NRIC, there is a specialized unit to deal with environmental activity. The company will designate an official who will be responsible for implementation of activities in environmental protection and restriction of the impact of the project in accordance with the requirements of EMP. The Contractor shall designate an official - a specialist - from his side, to monitor environmental aspects in the construction phase.

In addition, the Supervision Engineer on the project will assist NRIC regarding the environmental monitoring aspects during project implementation. The Supervision Engineer shall explain to the contractors their responsibilities under the contract. The Supervision Engineer shall perform a determining role in monitoring. His responsibilities shall include: to provide NRIC with a monthly report on EMP implementation till the completion of the construction phase; to identify any deviations from the EMP measures proposed or undertaken specific measures to reduce the environmental impact of the project or measures that need to be taken. The table below shows the main institutional organization for the implementation of EMP.

Table 1 - Institutional responsibilities for implementation of EMP

Decision making chain of command for Responsibilities in Environmental environmental management (to take regard to information flow action, to authorize expenditures, to mitigation and (reporting - from shut down, etc.) monitoring of who and to who and Responsibility environmental how often) Activities Institution or aspects person RIEW/NRIC Contractor Monitoring the Supervision (Environmental implementation of Engineer, appointed Specialist) to the person (liaison Supervision Engineer Environmental officer) from NRIC (monthly) to NRIC to Management Plan Regional Inspectorate Regional Inspectorate of Environment and of Environment and Water Ministry of Water to Ministry of Environment and Environment and Waters Waters


To ensure the Contractor’s responsibility in respect of the Environment, the EMP will be included in the Supervision Engineer’s Terms of Reference and in the Technical Specifications of works contracts.

The Supervision Engineer shall report monthly to the Employer on the implementation of activities and progress of the project in accordance with the EMP.

10. Consultations carried out and public hearing

The rehabilitation of the railway section between Trakiya-Skutare covers one Regional Inspectorate on Environment and Water and one municipality – Maritza. The seven traction power substations cover four Regional Inspectorates on Environment and Water (Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Stara Zagora and Burgas) and seven municipalities. The Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building covers one Regional Inspectorate on Environment and Water - Sofia, and one municipality – Sofia.

Pursuant to the requirements of national legislation on the environment, where investment proposal concerns the territory of two or more RIEWs, competent authority for assessing the need for the EIA and the decision for EIA is the Minister of Environment and Water. In this regard, the competent authorities and the population affected will be informed in writing about investment proposal before works may commence.

In accordance with the Bank policy OP/BP 4.01, one public meeting for announcement of the project and the possible environmental impacts was held on 18 February 2010 in the building of the NRIC’s regional department in Plovdiv. Several stakeholders have been invited to participate at these discussions including affected community groups, local communities, institution and NGOs. Consultations were carried out to discuss the positive or negative impact of the project.

A protocol for the public consultation was prepared. Opinions in writing, submitted prior to or during the discussion, are attached to the Protocol to complete the documentation. The Minutes of this public meeting are attached in Annex 4.


Annex 1 EMP Checklist for Construction and Rehabilitation Activities

General Guidelines for use of EMP checklist:

For low-risk topologies, such as school and hospital rehabilitation activities, the ECA safeguards team developed an alternative to the current EMP format to provide an opportunity for a more streamlined approach to preparing EMPs for minor rehabilitation or small-scale works in building construction, in the health, education and public services sectors. The checklist-type format has been developed to provide “example good practices” and designed to be user friendly and compatible with safeguard requirements.

The EMP checklist-type format attempts to cover typical core mitigation approaches to civil works contracts with small, localized impacts. It is accepted that this format provides the key elements of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) or Environmental Management Framework (EMF) to meet World Bank Environmental Assessment requirements under OP 4.01. The intention of this checklist is that it would be applicable as guidelines for the small works contractors and constitute an integral part of bidding documents for contractors carrying out small civil works under Bank-financed projects.

The checklist has three sections:

Part 1 includes a descriptive part that characterizes the project and specifies in terms the institutional and legislative aspects, the technical project content, the potential need for capacity building program and description of the public consultation process. This section could be up to two pages long. Attachments for additional information can be supplemented when needed. Part 2 includes an environmental and social screening checklist, where activities and potential environmental issues can be checked in a simple Yes/No format. If any given activity/issue is triggered by checking “yes”, a reference is made to the appropriate section in the following table, which contains clearly formulated management and mitigation measures. Part 3 represents the monitoring plan for activities during project construction and implementation. It retains the same format required for EMPs proposed under normal Bank requirements for Category B projects. It is the intent of this checklist that Part 2 and Part 3 be included into the bidding documents for contractors, priced during the bidding process and diligent implementation supervised during works execution.



A) General Project and Site Information

B) Safeguards Information

C) Mitigation Measures

D) Monitoring Plan



INSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE Country Project title Scope of project and activity Institutional WB Project Management Local Counterpart and/or Recipient arrangements (Project Team Leader) (Name and contacts)

Implementation Safeguard Supervision Local Counterpart Local Inspectorate Contactor arrangements Supervision Supervision

(Name and contacts)

SITE DESCRIPTION Name of site Describe site location Attachment 1: Site Map [ ]Y [ ] N Who owns the land? Description of geographic, physical, biological, geological, hydrographic and socio-economic context Locations and distance for material sourcing, especially aggregates, water, stones? LEGISLATION Identify national & local legislation & permits that apply to project activity PUBLIC CONSULTATION Identify when / where the public consultation process took place INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING Will there be any [ ] N or [ ]Y if Yes, Attachment 2 includes the capacity building program capacity building?



ENVIRONMENTAL /SOCIAL SCREENING Activity Status Triggered Actions A. Building rehabilitation [] Yes [ ] No See Section A below B. Minor new construction [ ] Yes [] No See Section A below Will the site C. Individual wastewater treatment system [ ] Yes [] No See Section B below activity D. Historic building(s) and districts [ ] Yes [] No ?? See Section C below include/involve 1 any of the E. Acquisition of land [ ] Yes [] No See Section D below following?? F. Hazardous or toxic materials2 [] Yes [ ] No See Section E below G. Impacts on forests and/or protected areas [ ] Yes [] No See Section F below H. Handling / management of medical waste [ ] Yes [] No See Section G below I. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety [] Yes [ ] No See Section H below

1 Land acquisitions includes displacement of people, change of livelihood encroachment on private property this is to land that is purchased/transferred and affects people who are living and/or squatters and/or operate a business (kiosks) on land that is being acquired. 2 Toxic / hazardous material includes but is not limited to asbestos, toxic paints, noxious solvents, removal of lead paint, etc. 20 PART 3: MITIGATION MEASURES

ACTIVITY PARAMETER MITIGATION MEASURES CHECKLIST 0. General Conditions Notification and Worker (a) The local construction and environment inspectorates and communities have been notified of upcoming activities Safety (b) The public has been notified of the works through appropriate notification in the media and/or at publicly accessible sites (including the site of the works) (c) All legally required permits have been acquired for construction and/or rehabilitation (d) The Contractor formally agrees that all work will be carried out in a safe and disciplined manner designed to minimize impacts on neighboring residents and environment. (e) Workers’ PPE will comply with international good practice (always hardhats, as needed masks and safety glasses, harnesses and safety boots) (f) Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow. A. General Rehabilitation Air Quality (a) During interior demolition debris-chutes shall be used above the first floor and /or Construction (b) Demolition debris shall be kept in controlled area and sprayed with water mist to reduce debris dust Activities (c) During pneumatic drilling/wall destruction dust shall be suppressed by ongoing water spraying and/or installing dust screen enclosures at site (d) The surrounding environment (side walks, roads) shall be kept free of debris to minimize dust (e) There will be no open burning of construction / waste material at the site (f) There will be no excessive idling of construction vehicles at sites Noise (a) Construction noise will be limited to restricted times agreed to in the permit (b) During operations the engine covers of generators, air compressors and other powered mechanical equipment shall be closed, and equipment placed as far away from residential areas as possible Water Quality (a) The site will establish appropriate erosion and sediment control measures such as e.g. hay bales and / or silt fences to prevent sediment from moving off site and causing excessive turbidity in nearby streams and rivers. Waste management (a) Waste collection and disposal pathways and sites will be identified for all major waste types expected from demolition and construction activities. (b) Mineral construction and demolition wastes will be separated from general refuse, organic, liquid and chemical wastes by on-site sorting and stored in appropriate containers. (c) Construction waste will be collected and disposed properly by licensed collectors (d) The records of waste disposal will be maintained as proof for proper management as designed. (e) Whenever feasible the contractor will reuse and recycle appropriate and viable materials (except asbestos)

B. Individual wastewater Water Quality (a) The approach to handling sanitary wastes and wastewater from building sites (installation or reconstruction) treatment system must be approved by the local authorities (b) Before being discharged into receiving waters, effluents from individual wastewater systems must be treated in order to meet the minimal quality criteria set out by national guidelines on effluent quality and wastewater treatment (c) Monitoring of new wastewater systems (before/after) will be carried out (d) Construction vehicles and machinery will be washed only in designated areas where runoff will not pollute natural surface water bodies. C. Historic building(s) Cultural Heritage (a) If the building is a designated historic structure, very close to such a structure, or located in a designated historic district, notification shall be made and approvals/permits be obtained from local authorities and all construction activities planned and carried out in line with local and national legislation. (b) It shall be ensured that provisions are put in place so that artifacts or other possible “chance finds” encountered 21 in excavation or construction are noted and registered, responsible officials contacted, and works activities delayed or modified to account for such finds.

ACTIVITY PARAMETER MITIGATION MEASURES CHECKLIST D. Acquisition of land Land Acquisition (a) If expropriation of land was not expected but is required, or if loss of access to income of legal or illegal users of Plan/Framework land was not expected but may occur, that the Bank’s Task Team Leader shall be immediately consulted. (b) The approved Land Acquisition Plan/Framework (if required by the project) will be implemented E. Toxic Materials Asbestos management (a) If asbestos is located on the project site, it shall be marked clearly as hazardous material (b) When possible the asbestos will be appropriately contained and sealed to minimize exposure (c) The asbestos prior to removal (if removal is necessary) will be treated with a wetting agent to minimize asbestos dust (d) Asbestos will be handled and disposed by skilled & experienced professionals (e) If asbestos material is be stored temporarily, the wastes should be securely enclosed inside closed containments and marked appropriately. Security measures will be taken against unauthorized removal from the site. (f) The removed asbestos will not be reused Toxic / hazardous waste (a) Temporarily storage on site of all hazardous or toxic substances will be in safe containers labeled with details of management composition, properties and handling information (b) The containers of hazardous substances shall be placed in an leak-proof container to prevent spillage and leaching (c) The wastes shall be transported by specially licensed carriers and disposed in a licensed facility. (d) Paints with toxic ingredients or solvents or lead-based paints will not be used F. Affected forests, Protection (a) All recognized natural habitats, wetlands and protected areas in the immediate vicinity of the activity will not be wetlands and/or protected damaged or exploited, all staff will be strictly prohibited from hunting, foraging, logging or other damaging areas activities. (b) A survey and an inventory shall be made of large trees in the vicinity of the construction activity, large trees shall be marked and cordoned off with fencing, their root system protected, and any damage to the trees avoided (c) Adjacent wetlands and streams shall be protected from construction site run-off with appropriate erosion and sediment control feature to include by not limited to hay bales and silt fences (d) There will be no unlicensed borrow pits, quarries or waste dumps in adjacent areas, especially not in protected areas. G. Disposal of medical Infrastructure for medical (a) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that newly constructed and/or rehabilitated waste waste management health care facilities include sufficient infrastructure for medical waste handling and disposal; this includes and not limited to: ƒ Special facilities for segregated healthcare waste (including soiled instruments “sharps”, and human tissue or fluids) from other waste disposal; and ƒ Appropriate storage facilities for medical waste are in place; and ƒ If the activity includes facility-based treatment, appropriate disposal options are in place and operational H Traffic and Pedestrian Direct or indirect hazards (b) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that the construction site is properly secured Safety to public traffic and and construction related traffic regulated. This includes but is not limited to pedestrians by ƒ Signposting, warning signs, barriers and traffic diversions: site will be clearly visible and the public warned construction of all potential hazards ƒ Traffic management system and staff training, especially for site access and near-site heavy traffic. activities Provision of safe passages and crossings for pedestrians where construction traffic interferes. ƒ Adjustment of working hours to local traffic patterns, e.g. avoiding major transport activities during rush hours or times of livestock movement 22 ƒ Active traffic management by trained and visible staff at the site, if required for safe and convenient passage for the public. ƒ Ensuring safe and continuous access to office facilities, shops and residences during renovation activities, if the buildings stay open for the public.


When Why What Where How Cost Who (Define the (Is the parameter Phase (Is the parameter (Is the parameter (Is the parameter (if not included (Is responsible frequency / or being to be monitored?) to be monitored?) to be monitored?) in project budget) for monitoring?) continuous?) monitored?)

During activity preparation

During activity implementation

During activity supervision Annex 2

Environmental Mitigation Plan

Institutional Institutional Cost responsibility Phase Issue Mitigating measures responsibility for (EUR) for supervision implementation Construction Construction site Site clearance Clearing and grubbing, debris generated due to 5,000 Contractor Supervision dismantling of existing railway track, power substation Engineer, appointed equipment, tree cutting, etc. before the commencement officer from NRIC, of the construction activities shall be done in accordance Regional with local regulations Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW a) Noise The construction equipment will strictly conform to 10,000 Contractor Supervision disturbance Bulgaria noise standards; Vehicles and equipments used Engineer, appointed including vibrations shall be fitted with exhaust silencers and shall be officer from NRIC, checked regularly. In residential areas, construction Regional activity in that part of the railway line near the locality Inspectorate of will be in a good organization primarily during any Environment and period, the technique is not idling, servicing heavy Water, MoEW construction vehicles to travel on predetermined routes and approaches to comply strictly permissible speed when crossing the settlements, limiting working hours in time zones designated by local authorities, in the case of acoustic emission in a specific direction to use acoustic barriers (barriers) to break the line of impact from the noise source to receiver. Workers shall be provided with earplugs; Suitable noise barriers or double-glazing of windows will be provided to the noise receptors. b) Dust / air quality Water will be sprayed on earthworks, temporary 25,000 Contractor Supervision haulages and detour roads to prevent dust generation. Engineer, appointed Vehicles delivering fine materials like sand and fine officer from NRIC, aggregate shall be covered to reduce spills on roads. Do Regional not use machines road construction machines as well as Inspectorate of rail self-propelled machines with damaged engines; there Environment and shall also not have a prolonged idle running. It shall be Water, MoEW ensured that the dust emissions from the crusher and vibrating screen at the stone quarries are within the emission standards. c) Soil erosion Control soil erosion/ sedimentation through use of dikes, 5,000 Contractor Supervision fiber mats, mulches, grasses, slope, drains and other Engineer, appointed devices. officer from NRIC, Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW d) Quarries, sand & Only licensed quarries and borrow sites will be used; 0 Contractor Supervision borrow pits precaution will be required to prevent the spillage of Engineer, appointed materials during transportation; all vehicles will be officer from NRIC, covered to avoid spillage during transportation of quarry Regional materials. Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW e) Water and soil All the existing flowing water bodies (rivers, streams, 50,000 Contractor Supervision pollution from canals including irrigation canals) hazard are provided Engineer, appointed improper material with culverts to maintain the natural drainage of the area; officer from NRIC, storage, for roadway drainage, the side of the service road and in Regional management and the median provide lined drains. Inspectorate of usage Environment and Water, MoEW f) Potential Proper handling of lubricants, and solvents by secured 20,000 Contractor Supervision contamination of storage; ensure proper usage of construction equipment; Engineer, appointed soil and water from collect all waste and dispose to permitted waste place. officer from NRIC, improper usage of Regional construction Inspectorate of equipment Environment and Water, MoEW g) Air pollution Maintain construction equipment to good standard, 0 Contractor Supervision from improper improper functioning machinery that causes excessive Engineer, appointed maintenance of pollution will be banned from the construction site. officer from NRIC, equipment Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW h) Workers safety Provide safety instructions and protective clothing, safe 0 Contractor Supervision organization of temporary routes, safety will be Engineer, appointed determined and performed by documenting in logbooks, officer from NRIC, assignments of duties, etc. according to specified Regional templates, Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW i) Archeological All archeological property found during works should be 5,000 Contractor Supervision Chance finds treated in accordance with national legislation. In the Engineer, appointed event of the unexpected discovery of archeological officer from NRIC, objects the Contractor shall immediately inform the Regional Supervision Engineer and the local and archeological Inspectorate of authorities and follow their directions. Environment and Water, MoEW Construction Worker’s Camp Ensure proper handling of lubricants and solvents by 15,000 Contractor Supervision Site Conditions secured storage; ensure proper usage of construction Engineer, appointed equipment; collect all waste and dispose to permitted officer from NRIC, waste place; limit construction equipment operation Regional speed; etc. Inspectorate of Environment and Water, MoEW

Note: The total estimated cost will be known once the detailed designs are completed; thus, this table will be also revised accordingly during project implementation. Annex 3

Plan for Environmental Monitoring

When is the How is the parameter to be Where is the parameter to be Institutional What parameter is monitored? Cost Phase parameter to be monitored?/ type of responsibility for to be monitored? (frequency of (EUR) monitored? monitoring monitoring measurement or equipment continuous) Construction a) Noise disturbance a) noise levels (dB); a) At and near a) Inspection and a) once a month or on 20.42 (per a) Supervision and vibrations equipment work site supervision; complaint; sample) Engineer, Officier according to NRIC, MoEW Bulgarian noise standards b) Dust/air quality b) air pollution (solid b) At and near b) inspection b) every 2 months; 186.44 a) Supervision particles, CO, NO2, work site unannounced (per Engineer, Officier Pb (random inspections during sample) NRIC, MoEW sampling)) material delivery and construction c) Soil erosion c) Turbidity c) At work site c) Visual observation c) Construction stage 21.78 (per a) Supervision by Supervisor sample) Engineer, Officier engineer NRIC, MoEW d) Quarries, sand & d) Possession of d) Quarry, sand & d) inspection d) Before work begins see note a) Supervision borrow pits official approval or gravel borrow pit Engineer, Officier valid operation NRIC, MoEW license e) Water and soil e) water and soil e) runoff from e) inspection; e) during material 27,61 a) Supervision pollution from quality (suspended site, material observation delivery and water Engineer, Officier improper material solids, oils, pH value, storage areas; construction, 82,96 soil NRIC, MoEW storage, heavy metals) wash down areas especially during (per management and of equipment precipitation (rain, sample) usage snow, etc) f) Water and soil f) water and soil f) depository site f) inspection; f) once every 4 27,61 a) Supervision pollution from quality (suspended observation months during water Engineer, Officier improper disposal of solids, oils, pH value, construction and on 82,96 soil NRIC, MoEW waste materials ) complaint (per sample) g) Potential g) water and soil g) At work site; g) unannounced g) once per month see note a) Supervision contamination of quality (suspended construction inspection during construction, Engineer, Officier soil and water from solids, oil, lubricants, equipment place on complaint, and in NRIC, MoEW improper fuel, pH value case of spillage maintenance of equipment h) Air pollution h) Exhaust fumes, h) At work site h) Visual inspection h) During work see note a) Supervision from improper dust during work Engineer, Officier maintenance of NRIC, MoEW equipment (machinery) i) Staff safety i) protective i) At work site i) inspection i) unannounced see note a) Supervision equipment; inspections during Engineer, Officier organization of work NRIC, MoEW bypassing traffic Construction Worker’s Camp Site Conditions j) Overall workers’ j) Cleanliness, solid j) On the camp j) Unannounced j) According to the see note a) Supervision camp site conditions waste handling and site during inspection existing regulations Engineer, Officier disposal facilities, construction NRIC, MoEW drainage conditions activities

Note: The total estimated cost will be known once the detailed designs are completed; thus, this table will be also revised accordingly during project implementation. The costs shown are estimated based on information provided on the Executive Environment Agency website (2006). Annex 4


from the Public consultation on "Renewal and Rehabilitation of Trakiya-Skutare Railway Section” project (held on February 18, 2010)

Today, February 18, 2010 at 11 am in the boardroom of the Railway District - Plovdiv a public consultation on "Renewal and Rehabilitation of Trakiya-Skutare Railway Section” project was held, comprising: 1. Vesela Mihalkova – Head of Environmental Inspectorate, National Railway Infrastructure Company

2. Miroslava Blagoeva – Head of ”Ecology” Sector, Strategy Development and Investment Projects Directorate, National Railway Infrastructure Company

3. Vasil Tomov – Chief expert, Environmental Inspectorate, National Railway Infrastructure Company

4. Violeta Vasileva - Chief expert, ”International Programs and Projects”, Strategy Development and Investment Projects Directorate, National Railway Infrastructure Company

5. Bogomil Tanev – Chief coordinator, Strategy Development and Investment Projects Directorate, National Railway Infrastructure Company

The public discussion was attended by local representatives: 1. Yordan Arapov – Director, Railway District – Plovdiv;

2. Stoyna Bonova – Head of Sector, Railway District – Plovdiv;

3. Savo Milenkov – Engineer Investor within the Railway District – Plovdiv;

4. Kostadin Peev – Head of Department, Railway District – Plovdiv;

5. Bogdan Prodanov – Chief Engineer ”Investments” Railway District – Plovdiv;

6. Maria Andreeva – Expert, Plovdiv

7. Mariyana Stefanova – Representative of the Power Supply District – Plovdiv;

8. Atanas Paparizov – Consultant, MT.

Observers attending the public consultation: 1. Toma Yanakiev – Consultant, World Bank

The meeting was led by Miroslava Blagoeva and was held under the following agenda: 1. Presentation of ”Renewal and Rehabilitation of Trakiya-Skutare Railway Section" project;

2. Presentation of a draft Environmental Management Plan, concerning the Project for rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure. 3. Discussion.

Ms. Miroslava Blagoeva opened the meeting and introduced the participants to the Project for rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, proposed for funding under a World Bank programme for 2010-2012. The proposal includes three main components: (1) Improvement of the railway infrastructure performance, (2) Improvement of the railway track operational performance; (3) Support to Project implementation.

The main activities planned to be financed over the period 2010-2015 under this Project are as follows:

(vii) The upgrade of seven traction sub-stations: five along Plovdiv–Burgas line in Stara Zagora, Nova Zagora, Yambol, Karnobat and Burgas; and two along Radomir-Kulata line in Pernik and Dupnitsa, and the replacement of circuit breakers at various traction power substations. (viii) Installation of fiber optic cables and transmission equipment along Plovdiv-Karlovo (to close the fiber optic loop Sofia-Plovdiv-Karlovo-Sofia), and Radomir-Blagoevgrad lines. (ix) Construction of a Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) building in Sofia to host the Sofia regional traffic management and energy dispatching systems. (x) Rehabilitation of the railway section between Plovdiv and Orizovo. The - rehabilitation will cover one track of the existing double-track section between Trakia and Skutare. (xi) Acquisition of specialized machinery for inspection and maintenance of the railway track, catenary and electrical systems. (xii) Technical advisory services to develop the technical designs, to conduct the supervision of construction works, as well as to modernize the maintenance, traffic management and energy dispatching systems.

Subject of this public consultation, as required by the World Bank, is the renewal and rehabilitation in Trakiya-Skutare railway section. In this connection, representatives of the municipalities of Plovdiv and Maritsa, as well as the affected community were invited to participate by written notices and announcements. The proposed Project activities include improvement of the railway line performance in terms of its position and profile, parameters of the railway engineering facilities, such as existing bridges, railway level crossings, as well as the equipment for energy distribution in the railway section. Ms. Vesela Mihalkova presented an Environmental Management Plan of the Project for rehabilitation of the railway infrastructure, developed under the requirements of the World Bank. Based on the proposed activities under the Project, potential negative environmental impacts are identified and measures to mitigate these impacts are developed. The Plan also provides Environmental monitoring, where the institutional responsibilities for implementation of the EMP are set out - types of measurements, frequency, responsible persons and institutions. The public consultations on projects represent a part of EMP. This EMP is available for the public at NRIC’s website: www.rail-infra.bg

Discussion: Mr. Yordan Arapov: ”Exactly what kind of activities are set in Trakiya-Skutare? Does it include the railway section Orizovo-Mikhailovo and will the existing track be kept unchanged? What will the type of rails be?” Ms. Stoyna Bonova: ”Does the Project include rehabilitation of the stations?” Mr. Kostadin Peev: ”Engineering and geological studies for Trakiya-Skutare railway section from 1984 are kept in the archives of Railway District - Plovdiv. If necessary, the documentation can be provided to the prospective contractor”. Ms. Miroslava Blagoeva answered the questions: The final approval by NRIC’s Management Board is still pending. The activities and specific technical parameters, including the type of rails, will be written down in accordance with the decisions taken (under UIC standards). Terms of Reference will be submitted. The Investment Intention envisages track renewal, replacement of energy facilities, cleaning and restoration of the unnatural structures (bridges, culverts) to their original condition, and repair of host buildings. Alienated will not be conducted. Doubling of Orizovo-Mihaylovo railway section will also be included upon provision of financing. Ms. Miroslava Blagoeva thanked those present for their participating at the meeting, for the interest shown and the proposals made.

Attachments: Attendance list with the participants in the Public consultation for announcement of ”Renewal and Rehabilitation of Trakiya-Skutare Railway Section" project /18.02.2010/. Public Meeting Announcement


110 Maria Luiza Blvd., 1233 Sofia www.rail-infra.bg tel.: (+359 2) 932 6001 [email protected] fax: (+359 2) 932 6444




We would like to inform you that National Railway Infrastructure Company with main office address Sofia, 110 Maria Luiza Blvd. in compliance with art. 95. (1) from the Environmental Protection Act, amended SG No 30 from 11.04.2006 and art.4,(2) of the Regulation on the terms and procedure for EIA performance, amended SG No 3 from 10.01.2006, is envisioning the implementation of investment intent “Renewal and rehabilitation of railway section Trakia - Skutare”. The railway section is located on the territory of Plovdiv and Maritza municipalities. The object of the investment proposal “Renewal and rehabilitation of the railway section Trakia- Skutare” is the following: - Development of Technical design and technical specifications for optimizing the permanent way parameters with regard to plan and profile, but without creating need for expropriation of real estates/parts of real estates, as well as rehabilitation of the permanent way within the section “Trakia – Skutare” and within the railway stations (when included); - Development of proposals for most effective and efficient technical and economic alternatives for rehabilitation of the energy facilities within the section “Trakia – Skutare”. - Optimization of the railway alignment, including the following activities: renewal of the permanent way; rehabilitation of the reception buildings of the railway stations and stops; restoration of the facilities (bridges and culverts); rehabilitation of the energy facilities. The accomplishment of the site “Renewal and rehabilitation of the railway section Trakia- Skutare” aims at: - Achieving high train movement security and ensuring conditions for safe operational work; - Reaching the design speed of train movement – 100 km/h to 120 km/h; - Reducing of the travel time; - Improving the parameters of the permanent way with regard to geometry and design; - Lowering the costs for current maintenance of the permanent way and the facilities; - Providing better comfort and higher travel security.

The investment proposal in the design phase will be accomplished at a single stage with an approximate 9-month implementation period. The implementation of the construction initiatives will be planned on the base of the technical design, developed by the Designer. The railway section “Trakia – Skutare” runs across Plovdiv district. The rail track is located on the territory of Plovdiv and Maritza municipalities, as well as Skutare mayoralty. The railway “Trakia – Skutare” is owned by „National Railway Infrastructure Company”. All activities, related to the optimization of the permanent way parameters with regard to plan and profile, as well as the rehabilitation of the energy facilities, will be accomplished without a need for expropriation of real estates or parts of real estates – i.e. within the existing railway servitude. For the implementation of the investment proposal no additional area will be required, which is subject to a designation change and expropriation. No agricultural lands are affected. The existing alignment of V railway line “Plovdiv – Burgas” within the section “Trakia – Skutare” on the Plovdiv territory crosses with a railway bridge Maritza river. The river is separated as “Maritza River” Protected Area under identification code BG0000578, included in “Natura 2000” network. During the operation of the object of the investment proposal, no use of natural resources is planned. During the construction, the use of broken-stone for the ballast prism during renewal is envisioned. All additional construction materials will be delivered as a commodity from the market. During construction, the formation of the following waste types is envisioned: The construction works within the servitude of the rail track of Trakia – Skutare section during rehabilitation will be a source of construction waste as follows: • Waste from construction and demolition (sieving, including soil, excavated from polluted places) – group 17; • Metal wastes, formed during the building of the sub-sites along the track – group 16; • Wastes from electrical cables – group 17; • Components, which are not mentioned elsewhere (rubber shims) – group 16 01; • Wastes from electrical and electronic equipment (insulators) – code 16 02 16. • During the construction no release of hazardous waste is envisioned. The Staff, working on the temporary construction sites, will generate mixed household wastes – code 20 03 01. Internal procedure for the collection, storage, and transportation of the generated wastes during the rehabilitation will be envisioned. The specified activities will be accomplished in compliance with the legislative documents on environmental protection. The wastes will be collected and stored on temporary waste storage sites at specially designated places. There is a need for the execution of prudent control on the observation of the requirements of the Waste Management Act, the Regulations adhering to it, and other normative documents, referring to waste related activities. On 18.02.2010 in the building of Railway Section Plovdiv on address: Plovdiv, 2 Macedonia Blvd., from 11.00 a.m. “National Railway Infrastructure Company” organizes the conducting of public discussion of the investment intention “Renewal and rehabilitation of the railway section “Trakia- Skutare”.

Written standpoints and opinions will be received at address: NRIC, 1233 Sofia, 110 Maria Luiza Blvd. Contact person: Miroslava Blagoeva, tel.: 02/ 932 3863, e-mail: [email protected]