Sugriva Begs Lakshmana for Forgiveness

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Sugriva Begs Lakshmana for Forgiveness “Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama” Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 36 Sugriva Begs Lakshmana for Forgiveness Summary Sugreeva's apology pacifies Lakshmana. On knowing that Lakshmana is pacified by Tara's reasoning Sugreeva makes his apologetic statement and affirms his support to Rama. Then Lakshmana's rage comes to a halt and he too is appeased by the open declaration of Sugreeva about his adherence to Rama, and Lakshmana asks him to come to Rama. Chapter [Sarga] 36 in Detail iti uktah taarayaa vaakyam prashritam dharma sa.mhitam | mridu svabhaavah saumitrih pratijagraaha tat vacah || 4-36-1 In that way when Tara has submissively argued with words containing probity, Saumitri gave assent to her perspective as he is soft by his nature. [4-36-1] tasmin pratigrihiite tu vaakye hari gana iishvarah | laksmanaat sumahat traasam vastram klinnam iva atyajat || 4-36-2 And when Lakshmana conceded to that argument of Tara, Sugreeva, the king of monkey-troops, got rid of his highly intense scare of Lakshmana, like the riddance of a dampened cloth. [4-36-2] tatah kantha gatam maalyam citram bahu gunam mahat | ciccheda vimadah ca aasiit sugriivo vaanara iishvarah || 4-36-3 Sugreeva, the king of Vanara-s, then ripped apart the superb garland which is so far enwreathing his neck, and which has several strands according several gratifications, and he also became sober as though the insobriety is ripped from his mind. [4-36-3] Page 1 of 5 “Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama” Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 36 sa laksmanam bhiima balam sarva vaanara sattamah | abraviit prashritam vaakyam sugriivah sa.mpraharsayan || 4-36-4 Sugreeva who is the most powerful one among all Vanara-s, then placatingly spoke this humble sentence to Lakshmana, whose prowess is most formidable. [4-36-4] pranastaa shriih ca kiirtih ca kapi raajyam ca shaashvatam | raama prasaadaat saumitre punah ca aaptam idam mayaa || 4-36-5 "My prosperity, prominence and this perpetual kingdom of monkeys are once mislaid, but oh, Soumitri, I regained all this just by the beneficence of Rama. [4-36-5] kah shaktah tasya devasya khyaatasya svena karmanaa | taadrisham pratikurviita a.mshena api nripaatmaja || 4-36-6 "Who is capable of repudiating such a lordly Rama, even by a fraction of one's own bravery, unless he is prepared to tread that kind of path on which Vali has gone. [4-36-6] siitaam praapsyati dharmaatmaa vadhisyati ca raavanam | sahaaya maatrena mayaa raaghavah svena tejasaa || 4-36-7 "Virtue-souled Raghava reacquires Seetha, and even exterminates Ravana by himself with his own resplendence, while I and my assistance remain only in name. [4-36-7] sahaaya krityam kim tasya yena sapta mahaadrumaah | shailah ca vasudhaa caiva baanena ekena daaritaah || 4-36-8 "Basically, why some measures of succor [relief] need be extended to him who has ripped seven gigantic-trees, a mountain, and even the earth, all just with one arrow! [4-36-8] Page 2 of 5 “Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama” Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 36 dhanur visphaaramaanasya yasya shabdena laksmana | sa shailaa kampitaa bhuumih sahaayaih kim nu tasya vai || 4-36-9 "He who outstretches his bow with a clangor [to make a loud metallic ringing sound] by which the earth with its mountains quakes, oh, Lakshmana, to him these aides are really of what aid, indeed! [4-36-9] anuyaatraam nara indrasya karisye aham narasabha | gacchato raavanam hantum vairinam sa purahsaram || 4-36-10 "Lakshmana, I just can tread behind that king of people, Rama, on his charging to eliminate enemy Ravana along with all of his vanguards, that's all. [4-36-10] yadi ki.mcit atikraantam vishvaasaat pranayena vaa | presyasya ksamitavyam me na kashcin na aparaadhyati || 4-36-11 "If I have overstepped either in faith or friendliness, in the least, that may be pardoned for I am an attendant of yours. By the way, none is unoffending. [4-36-11] iti tasya bruvaanasya sugriivasya mahaatmanah | abhavat laksmanah priitah premnaa ca idam uvaaca ha || 4-36-12 Lakshmana is pleased with that great-souled Sugreeva who is speaking thus, and said this he said to him, indeed, in friendliness. [4-36-12] sarvathaa hi mama bhraataa sa naatho vaanareshvara | tvayaa naathena sugriiva prashritena vishesatah || 4-36-13 "In anyway, my brother indeed has a defender with him, oh, king of Vanara-s Sugreeva, especially you, who are a defender of your own word and a deferential one towards Rama. [4-36- 13] Page 3 of 5 “Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama” Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 36 yah te prabhaavah sugriiva yat ca te shaucam iidrisham | arhah tam kapi raajyasya shriyam bhoktum anuttamaam || 4-36-14 "With this kind of preponderance and plainness you possess, Sugreeva, you are the only merited one to enjoy this unexcelled kingdom of monkeys. [4-36-14] sahaayena ca sugriiva tvayaa raamah prataapavaan | vadhisyati rane shatruun aciraat na atra sa.mshayah || 4-36-15 "Before long, Sugreeva, dauntless Rama will be eliminating enemies in a war with you as his supporter, there is no doubt about it. [4-36-15] dharmajnasya kritajnasya sa.ngraamesu anivartinah | upapannam ca yuktam ca sugriiva tava bhaasitam || 4-36-16 "You are the knower of virtuousness and gratefulness and you do not retreat from battlegrounds, or, on your own word, thus what you have said is conclusive as well as coherent. [4-36-16] dosajnah sati saamarthye ko anyo bhaasitum arhati | var.hjayitvaa mama jyestham tvaam ca vaanara sattama || 4-36-17 "Even though one has capability to know his own lapse and speak it up, oh, ablest among Vanara-s, who is he that behooves [profit] outspokenly, excepting my elder brother and you. [4-36-17] sadrishah ca asi raamasya vikramena balena ca | sahaayo daivataih dattah ciraaya hari pu.ngava || 4-36-18 "You are a coequal to Rama by your valor and vigor and oh, best one among monkeys, gods have given you after a long time. [4-36-18] Page 4 of 5 “Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama” Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 36 kim tu shiighram ito viira nis.hkraama tvam mayaa saha | saantvayasva vayasyam ca bhaaryaa harana duhkhitam || 4-36-19 "However, you quickly start from here along with me, oh, brave one, and embolden your friend who is anguishing in the despoilment of his wife. [4-36-19] yat ca shoka abhibhuutasya shrutvaa raamasya bhaasitam | mayaa tvam parusaani uktah tat kshamasva sakhe mama || 4-36-20 "Oh, friend, on hearing that which querulously spoken by Rama, who is downhearted in his anguish, I too reflexively spoke bitter-words to you, and thus whatever I spoke that may be pardoned. [4-36-20] iti vaalmiiki raamaayane aadi kaavye kiskindha kaande sat tri.mshah sargah Thus, this is the 36th chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India. Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate References Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. (2000). Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys. Merriam-Webster. (2007). At (2007). At Page 5 of 5 .

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