Phis' Fir:3F One Hundred !:Fe~!R-S and Vvorlhy Ofour Fulure in Iqresl End Supporl
CENTENNIAL PRODUCTION \ 1, , 1 ... " .. \1/ , 1, " ,," , 1, ,' .. ,1/ "' , " ,I, , I , . , , I, , I , '" ", -O - O - O - O - O - O - O - O- O - O - O - O - O - O~O- O - O - O - O - " 1"1"1' ' i' '1' ''1 ' /,' /, " , '''1 ' I,' , , ' ' 1' I , ' I , ' ' , ' 't' ' .' ' I' -b: SNEAK PRE.VIE.W NOW S~OWING -:cf~ , I , ~I, , I , ,' ... ," ,I, ,I, , I , ,I, , ', ,1/,1, ," ,II ,II '" , I, ,1/, 1" -O- O- O- O- O- O- O- O-O-O-O-O-04J-O-O-O-O-O- /,'"" /"' " I ,' ,,'" 1 , \ I I' ' I ' ' I ' '1' / , ' ,," "" '1' / 1' "I ' " . ' " ,' -tOUR. S€l€CT€O SUB")€:CT'S ~"'TS 41NO CR~"TS SCHOOL To tra in. in. .e.hvi+~ .f)NOTE4~Q. S~TTL£ (VI£NT SCHOOL c."f.r .... in \ en.d fOr" pr4n(frv.~io" .f'"or l"di.". in 'h.. U.S . (\)o,..U,w •• of nafionwide ou+s\ar"\diI"\9 + . rf. ar"'\d cr.,ff. TIB <P Me:oIC4'lc.. 1(£ SEARCH f"OUNOATIO~ Pt 3e:T4'l PHt f"oU(\lOATION fo place docfors Varied projec+", In, !'",_I\ eo",tnun.iH •• c hos. t\. .r'\.f"\ua tty Your conlrihulion no w will help Convenfion choose e projecl big enough 10 be worlhy of Pi Phis' fir:3f one hundred !:fe~!r-s and vvorlhy ofour fulure in IQresl end supporl. Make checks payable to Centennial Fund Alumnce send to your Alumnce Province President Chapters send to Centennial Fund Treosurer- Mrs . Theodore Shreve, 417 leyden St., Denver 20, Colo.
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