
Take a deep breath. Now take another one.

Did you feel this low an hour ago? Or yesterday? Probably not. So you probably won’t always feel this way. That’s a good thing. And I know it feels super dark and scary right now, and that’s totally ok. Y ou’re allowed to feel upset.

Is there something that triggered this? What? ______

Is this something you can avoid or prepare for in the future? ______

How? ______

Is it a real thing that you would totally understand someone else being sad about? Most likely. ______

So is it ok if you feel sad? Yes. ______

©2019 - TheSimplifiedLife.com

And is there actually any rule saying that you should never feel upset? Or that your problem isn’t big enough or bad enough? If your friend were in the same situation, what would you tell them? Because you’re probably going to be a lot kinder to them than you’re being to yourself right now. ______

Ok love, your homework is to just accept that you feel sad. And if you need to cry, you cry. If you need to scream into a pillow, you scream. If you need to sit on the floor, doubled over, by God you do that. Because it’s ok. You aren’t always going to feel happy.

That being said, there are plenty of ways to set yourself up for happiness, and I know a few things that make you feel better 99% of the time:

● Meditating ● Walking ● Listening to your Happy Playlist on Spotify (or, let’s be honest, listening to the ​ ​ / “Higher Love” remix on repeat) ● Looking into the mirror and telling yourself you love you (yes, you feel goofy AF, but you eventually smile) ● Dancing around the living room ● Drinking a big glass of water ● Going somewhere with redwood trees or water ● Calling a friend even though your tendency is to isolate and suffer alone, even when people are in the room next to you and you leave the door open hoping they see your misery and ask what’s wrong (this might be something to look into )

So promise me, love. Right now, you’re going to cry if you need to, and then pick one item from that list and do it. You’ve got this. You felt fabulous yesterday and you will feel fabulous again. ​

©2019 - TheSimplifiedLife.com