Hydraulic Interpretation of Direct Velocity Measurements in the Bab al Mandab*

L. J. PRATT Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

WILLIAM JOHNS Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

STEPHEN P. M URRAY Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

KATSUROU KATSUMATA Department of Earth and Planetary Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

(Manuscript received 5 February 1997, in ®nal form 14 October 1998)

ABSTRACT Acoustic Doppler Current Pro®ler velocity measurements in the Bab al Mandab during the period June 1995± March 1996 are used to assess the hydraulic character of the exchange ¯ow. The strait is 150 km long and contains two distinct geometrical choke points: the Hanish sill and narrows. The authors use a three-layer approximation of the monthly mean velocity and density structure at the sill and narrows to calculate the phase speeds of the ®rst and second internal, long gravity waves. The ®rst (second) mode is generally characterized by in-phase (out-of-phase) motions of the two interfaces. The calculations take cross-strait topographic variations into consideration by using a piecewise linear representation of the actual bottom. The resulting phase speeds are used to determine whether the ¯ow is subcritical, supercritical, or critical with respect to the ®rst and second modes. Subcritical (supercritical) means that the two wave pairs corresponding to a given mode propagate in opposite (the same) directions, whereas ``critical'' means that one or both members of a pair has zero phase speed. Critical or supercritical conditions are indications of hydraulic control and imply that signal propagation through the strait associated with a particular mode can occur in only one direction, or perhaps not at all. During the summer months, the velocity pro®les indicate a ``three-layer'' structure, with surface water out¯owing from the , intermediate water in¯owing from the Gulf of , and Red Sea Water out¯owing at the bottom. During this time period, the ¯ow is found to be subcritical with respect to both internal modes, although tides and mesoscale disturbances are potentially strong enough to temporarily create critical or supercritical con- ditions, particularly with respect to the second internal mode at the narrows. During the winter and transitional months the velocity has a two-layer character with in¯owing surface water and out¯owing Red Sea Water. However, the out¯owing Red Sea Water can further be partitioned into an intermediate layer originating from the Red Sea thermocline and a deeper, homogeneous layer originating from below the thermocline. A subtle three-layer character therefore exists and the three-layer model is con®gured accordingly. Surprisingly, the monthly mean narrows ¯ow during this time period is found to be substantially subcritical with respect to the ®rst baroclinic mode. At the Hanish sill the ¯ow is marginally to moderately subcritical with respect to the ®rst mode, suggesting the possibility of proximity to a section of critical control. It is possible that friction may be strong enough to shift the control section to the south of the sill. With respect to the second mode, the ¯ow at both the Hanish sill and Perim narrows are found to be very close to the critical speed with respect to the second internal mode, suggesting hydraulic control. The wave whose propagation is arrested is one attempting to move from the into the Red Sea. The vertical structure of this wave suggests a role in determining how much Upper Red Sea Deep Water is able to pass through the Bab al Mandab and into the Gulf of Aden. The strength of tides and mesoscale disturbances in the strait suggest that this upstream in¯uence may be intermittent. Estimation of internal Rossby radii of deformation for the ®rst and second internal modes indicates that rotation (which is neglected in our wave speed calculations) is only moderately weak. Nevertheless, the errors in calculated propagation speeds due to the neglect of rotation are estimated to be quite small.

* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Contribution Number 9649.

Corresponding author address: Dr. Larry J. Pratt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MS 21, 360 Woods Hole Rd., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1541. E-mail: [email protected]

᭧ 1999 American Meteorological Society 2770 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

1. Introduction Figure 1 shows that the sill, named after the nearby , lies well north of the narrowest section, The Bab al Mandab (BAM) is a strait 150 km long named after Perim Island. In the following, the terms that connects the Red Sea to the 's Gulf of Aden (Fig. 1). The Red Sea is otherwise closed except ``sill'' or ``Hanish sill'' will refer to the cross section for the , and the through¯ow permitted in coincident with position B2 in Fig. 1, while the Perim the latter is negligible. It has been well documented narrows (or just ``narrows'') refers to the section at A2. (e.g., Siedler 1968; Patzert 1974; Maillard and Soliman The narrows generally contains the largest velocities. 1986; Smeed 1997) that winter conditions in the BAM Also, the terms ``out¯ow'' and ``in¯ow'' will be used consist of surface in¯ow into the Red Sea and deep to indicate ¯ow from and into the Red Sea, respectively. out¯ow into the Gulf of Aden. The out¯ow originates Recent observations (Murray and Johns 1997) of the from 50 to 200 m in the Red Sea with a smaller portion currents and strati®cation in the BAM apparently yield originating from greater depths. It forms an over¯owing a paradox. On one hand, the strong upstream/down- plume that descends from the 163-m-deep Hanish sill stream asymmetry of the ¯ow strongly suggests that to 400±600 m in the Gulf of Aden (Fedorov and Me- hydraulic control exists at the strait, perhaps at the sill chanov 1988; Bower and Price 1999). This exchange or narrows. In particular, the over¯ow has the character ¯ow is driven by2myrϪ1 evaporation and by cooling of ¯uid spilling over a dam and qualitatively resembles over the Red Sea and is probably reinforced by the the Mediterranean over¯ow and others that are known monsoonal winds that blow more or less in the direction to be hydraulically controlled (Farmer and Armi 1988; of the surface in¯ow during winter. In summer, the wind Armi and Farmer 1988). On the other hand, rough es- direction over the BAM reverses and a shallow (Ͻ20 timates of the internal Froude number (Murray and m) surface out¯ow into the Gulf of Aden forms. The Johns 1997) during the period of strongest exchange Red Sea in¯ow during this season lies beneath the sur- and based on direct velocity measurements at the nar- face layer and is composed primarily of Gulf of Aden rows suggest that the ¯ow is substantially subcritical Intermediate Water (Patzert 1974; Smeed 1997). Un- with respect to the ®rst internal long gravity mode. That derneath this in¯ow is a weakened Red Sea out¯ow. is, ``two-layer'' internal gravity waves can propagate in

FIG. 1. Map of Bab al Mandab showing Hanish sill and Perim narrows sections. The site of Siedler's (1968) measurements are denoted by an ``S.'' NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2771 both directions (toward the Red Sea and toward the Gulf control condition in the BAM. (Maxworthy did and Phil- of Aden), a feature that indicates a lack of hydraulic lips did not.) Also, hydraulic control usually implies the control at the narrows. existence of hydraulic jumps, whereby supercritical ¯ow The number of possible con®gurations that hydrau- is returned to a subcritical state. Such jumps can lead to lically controlled three-layer ¯ow can take is large overturning and mixing within and between different lay- (Smeed 1999, manuscript submitted to J. Phys. Ocean- ers and may be important, for example, in the mixing of ogr.), and this makes it dif®cult to anticipate what a the descending Gulf of Aden plume. Finally, the presence hydraulically controlled summer ¯ow in the BAM might or lack of hydraulic controls within the strait is a con- look like. In the winter the situation is apparently sim- tributing factor in the understanding of the strati®cation, pler and elementary two-layer hydraulic theory (e.g., velocity and overall local character of the exchange ¯ow Farmer and Armi 1986) suggests one of the following as suggested above. regimes. First, the winter ¯ow might be maximally con- In this paper we examine the question of ¯ow criticality trolled, meaning that supercritical motion would exist more thoroughly using monthly mean velocities obtained at either end of the strait. These supercritical ¯ows by Murray and Johns (1997) from Acoustic Doppler Cur- would be joined to the slower ¯ows in the Gulf of Aden rent Pro®lers (ADCPs) moored at the Hanish sill and and Red Sea by internal hydraulic jumps. Such a regime Perim narrows over the period June 1995 through March would prevent internal waves from propagating through 1996. From these measurements and from hydrographic the BAM in either direction. The presence of a strong data obtained during the same period, we construct a local seasonal cycle, in which the summer out¯ow is atten- three-layer representation of the internal structure of each uated, suggest that long internal waves can propagate monthly mean ¯ow using approximations to the cross- out of the strait from the Red Sea, arguing against max- strait sill and narrows bottom topography. During sum- imal exchange. The other possible controlled state mer months the three layers correspond to the out¯owing would be submaximal, a regime with supercritical ¯ow surface and bottom layers, and in¯owing intermediate at the southern end of the strait. Supposing that the sill layer described above. In the winter, the velocity structure and narrows represent the most likely locations of crit- has a two-layer character but the density has a three-layer ical control, there are a number of con®gurations that structure (Siedler 1968), and we construct our three-layer might arise. A control section might exist at the sill, model accordingly. In both cases, any net (barotropic) with supercritical ¯ow to the south extending through transport into or out of the Red Sea is removed. The the narrows and into the Gulf of Aden. This regime propagation speeds of the ®rst, internal, long gravity seems at odds with the observation of descending out- modes of the model ¯ow are calculated, and it is found ¯ow into the Gulf of Aden. Or the ¯ow could be sub- that the ¯ow is subcritical with respect to these two-layer critical to the north of the narrows (including the sill) modes during each month. During the winter, the speed and supercritical to the south. It is also possible for the of one of these modes is reduced at the sill, indicating a ¯ow to be critical at the sill, supercritical immediately possible two-layer internal hydraulic control in the vi- downstream, and critical again at the narrows. In this cinity. Such a control would prevent propagation of ®rst case a hydraulic jump would exist between the sill and internal gravity modes from the Gulf of Aden into the narrows. Further complicating the picture is that the Red Sea. The model also permits calculation of the sec- winter ¯ow appears to have a subtle three-layer char- ond (``mode 2'') internal long gravity wave speeds and acter, as explained below. the ¯ows at the sill and narrows turns out to be subcritical Hydraulic conditions within the BAM during different with respect to these during the summer. During the win- seasons are important in many respects. Perhaps the most ter, and perhaps the transition months, the ¯ow at both basic scienti®c issue concerns the extent to which the the sill and narrows is close to the critical speed for mode Red Sea strati®cation and thermohaline circulation are 2. This result suggests the presence of a mode-2 hydraulic determined by local atmospheric forcing. The degree to control associated the blockage of signals propagating which the Red Sea is self-contained and self-determined, from the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. The vertical and not just a gulf of the Indian Ocean, depends to a structure of the wave that is arrested suggests that the great extent on the ability of internal waves to propagate control is instrumental in determining the percentage of into the Red Sea through the BAM. Information con- Upper Red Sea Deep Water that composes the out¯ow. cerning the propagation of waves is also important in the The paper is organized as follows: Our three-layer formulation of numerical models of the Red Sea in which model is described in section 2 and the wave speed cal- open boundary conditions must be imposed at or near culations from it are presented in section 3 (for the Hanish the BAM. For example, standard radiation conditions per- sill) and section 4 (for the Perim narrows). In section 5 mitting wave propagation out of, but not into, the nu- we discuss the composition of the winter out¯ow in more merical domain may imply the existence of hydraulic detail and discuss the rami®cations of hydraulic control control. Similar issues arise in the application of simple with respect to mode 2 on this composition. Section 6 analytical models of the Red Sea thermohaline circulation discusses the potential importance of rotation and time (Phillips 1966; Maxworthy 1997), in which the investi- dependence, both of which are neglected in the preceding gator must decide whether or not to impose a critical analysis, and section 7 summarizes our ®ndings. 2772 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 2. Layer structure of Bab al Mandab exchange ¯ow according to Smeed (1997).

2. The three-layer model reversal in the direction of layers 1 and 2 are associated with the reversal of the monsoon winds in the southern Based on historical XBT data, Smeed (1997) has ap- proximated the strati®cation in the BAM by the summer Red Sea (Patzert 1974). The third and deepest layer is and winter three-layer regimes shown in Fig. 2a. The composed of Red Sea water originating from middepths surface layer has salinity ϳ37 psu and a temperature that (50±200 m) and, to some extent, greater depths. Layer varies seasonally over 23Њ±33ЊC. During the summer 3 ¯ows into the Gulf of Aden throughout the year, al- months, this layer is relatively thin (Ͻ20 m thickness) though the transport is attenuated during the summer. and warm (ϳ32ЊC), and it ¯ows toward the Gulf of Aden Based partly on this picture of the strati®cation and (Fig. 2b). During the winter months the layer is thicker partly on the observations of Murray and Johns (1997), (ϳ80 m), cooler (ϳ26ЊC) and it ¯ows toward the Red we have constructed a three-layer model for calculating Sea. The second layer is composed of cooler (T ഡ 18ЊC) the propagation speeds of long, internal gravity waves and slightly fresher (S ഡ 36 psu) Gulf of Aden Inter- at the sill and narrows. Each layer has uniform density mediate Water (GAIW). In the summer, this layer ¯ows and velocity. The model ignores lateral variations in into the Red Sea (Fig. 2b), forming an intrusion that has layer velocities as well as the earth's rotation, and jus- been detected as far as 800 km into that body (Smeed ti®cation for the latter will be taken up in the ®nal sec- 1997). In the winter the intrusion retreats into the Gulf tion. Two pairs of wave speeds are calculated, one for of Aden (or simply decays) and disappears from the BAM the ®rst internal modes and the other for the second altogether, as suggested in Fig. 2c. As stated earlier the internal modes. Application of the model during the NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2773 months July, August, and September is straightforward as the velocity has the distinct three-layer structure shown in Fig. 2b. During the winter and transitional months (Oct±Mar) only layers 1 and 3 are present in the BAM as shown in Fig. 2c. However, the density distribution during this time period will show that layer 3 is actually composed of two sublayers so that the exchange ¯ow has a three-layer structure apparent in density if not velocity. This feature, which was ®rst recognized by Siedler1 (1968), will be discussed more thoroughly in sections 3±5. In any case, we will continue to apply the three-layer model during this period, keep- ing in mind that the two-layer hydraulic character of the ¯ow will be revealed by the mode-1 propagation speeds. The bottom depth at the sill and narrows varies quite a bit, with deep central channels and shallow shelves, and use of a one-dimensional model in this situation would lead to obvious ambiguities in estimating layer depths. We have therefore derived general expressions for the propagation speeds over arbitrary cross-sectional topography. We will use these expressions in connection with shapes that approximate the actual geometry at the sill and narrows. Following the de®nition sketches of Fig. 3 consider a three-layer ¯ow in the x direction, contained in a channel whose bottom elevation varies with y. The FIG. 3. De®nition sketch showing (a) cross section and (b) lon- layer densities, thicknesses, and velocities are denoted gitudinal section for a three-layer model with continuously varying cross-sectional topography. ␳n, dn, un where (n ϭ 1, 2, 3), and the departures of the interfaces from their equilibrium elevations are denoted and . The hydrostatic, Boussinesq momentum equa- (uA)ץ Aץ ␩1 ␩2 tions governing the three layers are given by nnnϭ . (2.2) xץ tץ up2 ץ uץ 110ϩϩϭ0 Following Baines (1995) treatment of the two-layer ver- x΂΃2 ␳ sion of this problem, it is convenient to introduce theץ tץ shear velocities up2 ץ uץ 220ϩϩϩgЈ␩ ϭ 0 ␯ ϭ u Ϫ u and ␯ ϭ u Ϫ u (2.3) x΂΃2 ␳ 11 1 1 2 2 2 3ץ tץ and to use these in place of the layer velocities through 2 up the substitutions ץu330ץ ϩϩϩg11Ј␩ ϩ gЈ 22␩ ϭ 0, (2.1) x΂΃2 ␳ Q ϩ ␯ A ϩ (␯ ϩ ␯ )Aץ tץ u ϭ 12 1 2 3 1 A where Q Ϫ ␯ A ϩ ␯ A u ϭ 11 23 ␳ Ϫ ␳␳Ϫ ␳ 2 A gЈϭg 21and gЈϭg 32. 12␳␳ Q Ϫ ␯22A Ϫ (␯ 1ϩ ␯ 2)A 1 u3 ϭ , (2.4) In addition ␳ is the average density and p 0 is the pressure A at the (rigid) upper surface. where Denoting the cross-sectional areas of each layer by

An, the continuity equation for the nth layer is Q ϭ u1A1 ϩ u 2A 2 ϩ u3A3 (2.5) is the total (or ``barotropic'') volume transport and

A ϭ A1 ϩ A 2 ϩ A3 (2.6) 1 In analyzing hydrographic data taken from near the narrows, Sied- ler (1968) was the ®rst to recognize the three-layer structure of the is the total cross-sectional area. Both Q and A are in- winter ¯ow and wrote ``The vertical distribution of temperature, sa- dependent of x. At this stage no linearization has been linity, and density is characterized by three layers: A homogeneous surface layer, a complicated intermediate layer with great variations made and the system contains the ®ve unknowns (␯1, ␯ , ␩ , ␩ , p ). (Although the layer areas also appear in time, and an almost homogeneous bottom layer.'' (His narrows ␴␪ 2 1 2 0 pro®le is reproduced in our Fig. 11.) to be variables, they depend only on the interface dis- 2774 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29 placements.) The barotropic transport Q is a parameter Note that the dependence on the bottom topography

␩1 and the other derivatives of theץ/A1ץ that must be predetermined for the case of a rigid lid enters through and is negligibly small in our monthly mean BAM ap- layer areas, all of which must be prespeci®ed. Speci®c plication. The barotropic pressure p 0 can be eliminated examples will follow in the discussion of the BAM sill from consideration by subtracting any two of the mo- and narrows geometry. mentum equations from each other. Two equations - The long-wave speeds are the eigenvalues of the tained this way and any two of (2.2) now comprise a 4 matrix aij. In general, two pairs of eigenvalues and by 4 system for the unknowns (␯1, ␯ 2, ␩1, ␩ 2). associated eigenvectors will arise, corresponding to We wish to calculate the propagation speeds of small ®rst and second internal modes. When the background disturbances to a steady background ¯ow causing per- ¯ow contains no shear, the ®rst baroclinic modes will turbations of the velocity and interface elevationuЈn and be characterized by displacements of the two interfaces ␩n. We therefore replace un by un ϩ uЈn and dn by (d1 that are in phase, as shown by the dashed curves in Ϫ ␩1, d 2 ϩ ␩1 Ϫ ␩ 2, and d3 ϩ ␩ 2), where un and dn the center of Fig. 3b. This pair corresponds to the now denote background velocity and thickness. These modes that would arise in a two-layer system created expressions are substituted into the 4 by 4 system sug- by removing our middle layer. The second pair cor- gested above and the resulting equations are linearized. responds to the second internal mode that, under con- x are ditions of no shear, is characterized by 180Њ out ofץ/unץIn doing so the quadratic velocity terms un x, and the layer areas are approxi- phase excursions of the two interfaces, as shown byץ/ uЈnץreplaced by un mated as the dotted lines at the right of Fig. 3b. When shear is present in the background ¯ow, the phase lags of the dA1 A11(d Ϫ ␩ 1(x, t)) ഡ A 11(d ) Ϫ ␩ 1(x, t), two modes are still zero or 180Њ unless the phase speed d(d1) is complex, a situation not encountered for BAM shears for example. Carrying out similar expansions for A 2 and and strati®cation. A3 results, after some tedious algebra, in the system When the two propagation speeds for the ®rst internal modes have opposite sign, signals carrying information ␯jץ ␯ץ i ϩ a ϭ 0, (2.7) with that particular vertical structure can propagate in .x either direction, toward the Red Sea or the Gulf of Adenץ t ijץ In this case we call the ¯ow subcritical with respect to where ␯ ϭ (␯ , ␯ , ␩ , ␩ ) and the elements in the i 1 2 1 2 the ®rst internal modes. When both speeds have the coef®cient matrix a are given by ij same sign, propagation in only one direction is indicated Q Ϫ 2␯ A ϩ ␯ A ␯ A and we call the ¯ow supercritical with respect to those a ϭ ␯ ϩ 11 23, a ϭ 13, 11 1AA 12 modes. When one or both of the two speeds is zero the ¯ow is critical. Similar terminology is used in connec- 2 A ␯ 21A tion with the second internal modes. Critical conditionsץA ␯␯ 123ץ␯ 11 a13ϭϪgЈϪ 1, a 14ϭ , a 21 ϭϪ , ␩ A at any section in a strait is an indication of hydraulicץ ␩12Aץ A control. Supercritical conditions at any section of the Q Ϫ (␯ ϩ 2␯ )A Ϫ 2␯ A 12122 strait is usually an indication of critical ¯ow elsewhere a22ϭ ␯ 2 ϩ , A and, therefore, of hydraulic control. 22 AץA ␯ 22ץ A ␯ץ ␯122122ϩ ␯ )␯) a23ϭϪ Ϫ , a 24ϭϪgЈϪ 2 , ␩ 23. The Hanish sillץ ␩ Aץ ␩11Aץ A Ϫ1 Ϫ1 A 1 Figure 4 shows the topography across the Hanish sillץAAA 1 13ץ (A12(A ϩ A 3 a31ϭ , a 32 ϭ , -␩ section. Central to our study is data from the upwardץ␩11A ΂΃ץA ΂΃ looking ADCP moored near the bottom of the deep Q ϩ (␯123121ϩ ␯ )A ϩ ␯ (A Ϫ A ) a33 ϭ , central channel and capable of ranging within about 13 A m of the surface. The position of this instrument is -␩ denoted B2 in Fig. 1. Also present was a salinity±temץ/ Aץ ␩ ϩ ␯ Aץ/ Aץ( A (␯ ϩ ␯ a ϭ 11 2 3 2 112 2, ␩ perature mooring (not shown) instrumented with sixץ/ AץA 34 11 moored CTD units (Sea Cats) at depth levels of 145 m, Ϫ1 Ϫ1 A 3 117 m, 94 m, 66 m, 52 m, and 30 m, deployed withinץ (AA 3 3(A 1ϩ A 2ץAA13 a41ϭϪ , a 41 ϭϪ , 100 m of the ADCP. A continuous plot of along-axis, ␩ץ␩22A ΂΃ץA ΂΃ ADCP velocity pro®le over the period June 1995±March

.(␩ 1 1996 appears in Fig. 3 of Murray and Johns (1997ץ/ Aץ ␩ 1ϩ ␯ 232Aץ/A 1ץ(A31(␯ ϩ ␯ 2 a43 ϭϪ , ␩ Also, Figs. 4a,b of that paper show temperature andץ/A32ץA salinity over the same period. Q Ϫ (␯ ϩ ␯ )A ϩ ␯ (A Ϫ A ) a ϭ 121232. (2.8) The dashed line in Fig. 4 is an approximation to the 44 A bottom topography used in the propagation speed cal- NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2775

FIG. 4. Cross section of the central BAM at Hanish sill with in- strumentation and analytical approximation (dashed curve) to bottom topography. culation. The layer areas and their derivatives for this approximate topography are given by 1 A ϭ dwϪ ␣(d Ϫ 20)2 112 1 1 A ϭ (45 Ϫ d )(w Ϫ 25␣) ϩ ␣(45 Ϫ d )2 212 1 FIG. 5. Monthly mean ADCP velocities at Hanish sill, June 1995± March 1996. The bottom (not shown) is at 162 m. 22 ϩ 65(118 Ϫ d3 )

A 2ץ Aץ 2 12 the monthly mean ADCP sill velocity pro®les. Note A33ϭ 65d ϭϪ ϭϪw ϩ ␣(d 1Ϫ 20) -␩ the distinctive ``summer'' pro®les of July through Sepץ␩11ץ tember, which contain Red Sea out¯ow (negative ve- A locity) in the upper 10±20 ml, middepth in¯ow, andץA23ץ ϭϪ ϭϪ130d3, (3.1) ␩ deep out¯ow. During these months the interfaces of ourץ␩22ץ three-layer model are nominally chosen as the two zero where ␣ ϭ 564 and all other quantities are expressed crossings of the velocity pro®les. For example, the Au- in meters. These expressions are valid provided the gust pro®le has nominal interface levels at z ഡ 25 m upper interface depth is Ͻ45 m and the lower interface and z ഡ 105 m. The monthly mean velocity pro®le for depth is Ͼ45 m, which is true in all months. The pa- August is then averaged over the three corresponding rameter w is the width of the upper portion of the model layers to obtain u1, u 2, and u3. The strati®cation mea- channel (see Fig. 4) and is computed so as to remove sured at the salinity±temperature mooring is then used the barotropic transport, as described below. to compute monthly averaged densities and these are When con®guring a layer model to match an ob- averaged over each of the three layers to form ␳1, ␳ 2, served ¯ow with continuously varying velocity and and ␳3. We also vary the positions of the interfaces by density, there are always uncertainties in de®ning in- Ϯ5 m about the nominal values and include the results terface positions. There is often a range of reasonable in our uncertainty bars. choices, and we compute phase speeds over this range. The winter and transitional month (Oct±Jun) velocity We also vary the density values over a reasonable range pro®les have in¯ow throughout the upper 40±50 m un- when direct density information is not available (which derlain by out¯ow so that the velocity has a two-layer is sometimes the case at the narrows). The ranges in character. However, the strati®cation throughout this phase speeds that result from all of these variations are time period has a three-layer structure, which can be not error bars in the strict sense, but they do give an indication of the uncertainty of the calculation due to ambiguities in ®tting the layer model to the observed ¯ow. We will refer to these ranges as ``uncertainty 2 For the purpose of calculating phase speeds, the pro®les are ex- trapolated to the surface (from 20-m depth) and bottom (from 30 m bar.'' above the bottom) using both constant velocity extensions and con- The propagation speed calculations are based on stant shear extensions. The results for each type of extrapolation are monthly mean strati®cation and velocity. Figure 5 shows included in the uncertainty bars. 2776 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

with the interface placed at the velocity zero crossing and include the results in the mode-1 uncertainty bars. Note that most of the velocity pro®les in Fig. 5 have a signi®cant barotropic (depth averaged) component. For example, the depth-averaged velocity in November is more than Ϫ25 cm sϪ1. On the other hand, it is known that the annual mean barotropic velocity in the BAM (based ona2myrϪ1 evaporation rate) is less than 1 cm sϪ1 and monthly mean values are unlikely to exceed this by any signi®cant amount. The apparent barotropic transports in the ADCP pro®les are due to the fact that the upper layer is much wider than the lower layers. For example, the strongest negative velocities in November occur at about 85-m depth where the ¯ow is con®ned to a narrow central trough, whereas the upper layer could extend over a much larger width (Fig. 4). For the purposes of phase speed calculation, it is desirable to remove the barotropic component of the ¯ow. One could do so by simply adding a constant factor to the velocity FIG. 6. April 1996 sill density pro®le shown with March 1996 ADCP velocity pro®le. pro®le, but, since the mass imbalance is almost certainly due to the relatively large (but unknown) width of the in¯ow, we calculate the width w of the upper part of the model channel such that the total transport is zero: seen in the ␴␪ pro®le made from an April 1996 CTD 4 u1A1 ϩ u 2A 2 ϩ u3A3 ϭ 0. cast at the sill (Fig. 6.) A nearly homogeneous upper Figure 7 shows the results of the propagation speed layer of thickness 30±40 m is underlain by a strati®ed calculations for each month. (Note that the ``phase'' and middle layer of thickness ϳ80±90 m and a lower ho- ``group'' propagation speeds are identical for these long mogeneous layer of thickness ϳ40 m. Next to the ␴ ␪ waves.) The left- and right-hand columns of arrows cor- pro®le in Fig. 6 is the March 1996 ADCP velocity pro- respond to the ®rst and second internal modes, respec- ®le. The velocity zero crossing lies 15±20 m beneath tively. Each arrow indicates the magnitude and direction the lower boundary of the upper homogeneous layer. of the speed of one of the two pairs of modes, with The close proximity of these two boundaries is typical right-pointing arrows indicating propagation toward the of the October±March data. In the intermediate layer Red Sea. Uncertainty bars appear near the tips of the the velocity reaches a maximum value (in the direction arrows indicating the ranges in propagation speeds due of the Gulf of Aden) and strati®cation is evident. In the to ambiguities in the de®nition of the interfaces, vari- lowest layer the density is relatively homogeneous and ations in reasonable values of the layer densities, and the velocity is reduced. For the picture shown in Fig. estimated errors in removing the barotropic transport. 6, we con®gure the three-layer model the following way: (The bars are omitted whenever their range is less than The lower interface is picked to match the top of the 5cmsϪ1). As an example, the two ®rst internal modes lower homogeneous layer (ϳ120-m depth) and this level corresponding to month 6 have speeds ഡ(Ϫ1.08 to (which is less distinct than the lower interface position Ϫ1.18 m sϪ1 and ϩ0.28 to ϩ0.43 m sϪ1), indicating for summer) is varied by Ϯ10 m. The upper interface that the ¯ow is subcritical with respect to the ®rst in- is picked to match either the zero crossing of the velocity ternal modes. The Ϫ1.08 to Ϫ1.18 m sϪ1 wave prop- pro®le (ϳ45-m depth) or the bottom of the homoge- agates toward the Gulf of Aden, while the other wave neous layer (ϳ35-m depth). Wave speeds are calculated propagates toward the Red Sea. Similarly, the second for both of the later choices, and the range in values is internal modes for the same month have speeds included in the uncertainty bar estimates. With this mod- ഡ(Ϫ0.65 Ϯ 0.03 m sϪ1 and ϩ0.06 Ϯ 0.03 m sϪ1), el con®guration, the mode-1 wave speeds turn out to be indicating nearly critical ¯ow. That is, one wave prop- close to what would be obtained from a two-layer model with the interface coincident with the velocity zero crossing. In fact, we perform a two-layer calculation3 4 In most cases, the resulting w is within 30% of the actual strait width at 20-m depth, so the technique seems quite reasonable. In the few cases where this difference exceeds 30% we simply set w to be the strait width (ϳ100 km at the sill) and verify that the resulting 3 The two-layer phase speed is calculated by con®guring the three- barotropic velocity is small compared to the calculated propagation layer model to have a thin (1 m thick) intermediate layer with zero speed. Additionally, we vary w within 20% of its estimated value in velocity and centered about the velocity zero crossing. This method all cases to verify that the resulting phase speeds are insensitive to gives mode-2 phase speeds that are very close to those of a two- this value. The range in phase speeds resulting from this variation layer model. are included in the uncertainty bars. NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2777

FIG. 7. Propagation speeds of the ®rst and second long internal gravity wave modes at the Hanish sill. Each arrow indicates the magnitude and direction (toward or away from the Red Sea) of a particular wave based on mean velocity for that month. The net barotropic ¯ow has been removed before calculation of the speeds. Uncertainty bars indicate ranges in calculated speed due to ambiguities in strati®cation and/or interface de®nition. agates toward the Gulf of Aden, but the wave that would possible therefore, that the sill is close to a point of otherwise propagate toward the Red Sea is nearly ar- mode-1 critical control. rested. The mode-2 propagation speeds were remarkably With respect to mode 2 the ¯ow is supercritical during insensitive to variations in the de®nition of the interfaces months 2±3 and very close to the critical speed over and layer densities, as evidenced by the relatively small months 6, 10±2, and perhaps 3. This behavior suggests error bars. the presence of a mode-2 critical control section at or Figure 7 shows that the ¯ow is substantially subcrit- near the sill during these months. Such a control would ical with respect to both mode 1 and mode 2 during the arrest the mode-2 wave attempting to propagate from summer (months 7±9). ``Substantially subcritical'' the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. For this wave, the means that the two speed arrows for each mode point ratio of interfacial displacements ␩1/␩ 2 is typically in opposite directions, that the two speeds have roughly Ϫ0.50 in the winter months, meaning that a negative the same magnitude, and that the magnitude is roughly displacement of the lower interface is associated with the same as if the ¯uid was quiescent. During months a positive displacement of the upper interface of about 6 and 10±3 the ¯ow continues to be subcritical with half the magnitude. respect to mode 1, although the speeds of the wave attempting to propagate into the Red Sea are reduced. 4. The Perim narrows At one end of the uncertainty bars the ¯ow is, in fact, close to being critical. The reduction in speed is par- Figure 8 shows the cross section of the strait at Perim ticularly apparent in the winter months (11±2). It is narrows along with the position of the ADCP and an 2778 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 8. Cross section of BAM at Perim narrows with instrumenta- tion and analytical approximation to bottom topography. analytical approximation of the topography. Here, the ADCP is capable of ranging to within 16 m of the surface. As in the case of the sill, the topography con- FIG. 9. Monthly mean ADCP velocities at Perim narrows, June tains a deep central trough the depth of which ϳ220 1995±May 1996. The bottom (not shown) is at 220 m. m is greater than that ϳ163 m at the sill. The areas and their derivatives for the analytical topography are given by density information at the narrows as the current here apparently caused intense strumming in the nearby T±S

A11ϭ dw, A 2ϭ w(55 Ϫ d 1) ϩ 7200(165 Ϫ d 3), chain mooring with resultant instrument damage. Con- sequently, layer densities had to be calculated from a 1 A A June 1995 CTD cast in the central narrows and, during ץ12 ץ A33ϭ 7200d , ϭϪ ϭϪw, -␩ other months, inferred from the sill density. Some calץ␩11ץ culations were repeated using layer densities taken from Aץ Aץ 23ϭϪ ϭϪ7200. (4.1) hydrography appearing in Siedler (1968), Patzert ␩ (1974), Maillard and Soliman (1986), and Smeedץ␩22ץ These expressions are valid as long as the upper inter- (1997). The ␴␪ pro®le from the June CTD cast is shown face is shallower than, and the lower interface deeper in Fig. 10 along with the June mean velocity pro®le. than, 55 m. In some cases both interfaces lie below 55 The three-layer structure in density is present, with an m and (4.1) is replaced by intermediate layer 130 m thick sandwiched between up- per and lower homogeneous layers. Unlike the situation A1122ϭ 55w ϩ 7200(d Ϫ 55), A ϭ 7200d , at the sill, the base of the upper homogeneous layer (ϳ40 m) is no longer close to the zero crossing of the Aץ Aץ AץA1223ץ A33ϭ 7200d , ϭϪ ϭ ϭϪ ϭϪ7200. velocity (ϳ120 m); however this is a peculiarity of the ␩ June ¯ow, which is transitional between summer andץ ␩ץ ␩ץ␩1122ץ (4.2) winter. Probably more characteristic of winter are the 19 December velocity5 and density pro®les measured As before, w is computed so as to bring the total volume by Siedler (1968) in the central channel slightly south transport to zero and all quantities are expressed in me- of the location of the Murray and Johns ADCP. (The ters. In all cases, the computed value of w was within position of Sielder's measurements are indicated by the 30% of the actual width. small circle with the nearby S in Fig. 1.) Figure 11 Monthly mean velocities are shown in Fig. 9 over June 1995±March 1996. Note the Red Sea out¯ow in the upper 10±15 m during July, August, and September. Also note that the velocity extremes are generally larger 5 Direct current measurements were made by Siedler (1968) using than at the sill. Unfortunately, there is a lack of complete a lowered Savonius current rotor. NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2779

FIG. 10. June ADCP velocity pro®le at the Perim narrows, shown with a density pro®le taken from a near by June CTD cast. FIG. 11. December velocity and density pro®les measured by Sied- ler (1968) at a cite approximately 8 km downslope (south) of our Perim narrows section. The location is shown in Fig. 1. (constructed from Siedler's Figs. 43 and 44) contains the current speed and density pro®les averaged over a three-day period. The base of the homogeneous layer 5. Hydraulic interpretation of the winter results lies at 50±60 m depth, while the velocity zero crossing lies at a depth ϳ70 m. Calculation of the phase speeds The strongest indications of critical control occur with during the winter months was made following the same respect to mode 2 at the sill during months 10±3 and procedure as used at the sill. 6. In order to understand the signi®cance of this control The narrows phase speeds for each mode and each it is necessary to further examine the composition of month are indicated in Fig. 12. In contrast to the situ- the two layers that compose the out¯ow in winter. The ation at the sill, the narrows ¯ow is substantially sub- ®rst consists of ␴␪ ranging from 23 to 27.5, which ac- critical with respect to mode 1 for each month. The ¯ow cording to the historical hydrography appearing in Patz- is also subcritical with respect to mode 2, though not ert (1974), originates from the Red Sea thermocline substantially so throughout winter. In fact, the phase (depths of approximately 50 to 125 m). The second speed of the mode-2 wave attempting to propagate into consists of the relatively homogeneous bottom layer with 27.75 28.2, which originates from greater the Red Sea is nearly zero over months 1 and 2 and Ͻ ␴␪ Ͻ depths. That the lowest layer is so homogeneous is con- relatively small during months 6, 11, 12, and 3. The sistent with the fact that water deeper than about 125 value of ␩ /␩ for this wave in month 2 is Ϫ0.25, mean- 1 2 m in the Red Sea is quite homogeneous, although mix- ing that a negative displacement of the lower interface ing could also play a role. is associated with a displacement of the upper interface, To investigate the possibility of mixing within the which is positive but only ¼ as large. out¯ow more carefully we have examined two June The dashed representation of month 12 in Fig. 12 1995 CTD casts, one at the sill (number 45, to 138-m (designated ``Siedler'') shows a supplemental calcula- depth) and one 11 km north of the sill (number 50, to tion based on direct current measurements made by 158-m depth). The T±S diagrams for both casts are Siedler (Fig. 11). The main difference between our shown in Fig. 13 over the depth ranges 98±138 m for month 12 ®ndings and Siedler's is that his ¯ow is sub- number 45 and 110±158 m for number 50. The deepest stantially subcritical with respect to mode 2, whereas waters (T Ͻ 21.75ЊC) are essentially identical, while ours is marginally subcritical. This difference is due higher up in the water column the salinity differences mainly to the greater bottom depth (270 m as opposed (⌬S Ӎ 0.01 psu) are close to exceeding the resolution to Ͻ220 m) at his narrows section. of the instrument. The results suggest that little mixing 2780 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29

FIG. 12. Propagation speeds of the ®rst and second long internal gravity waves modes at the Perim narrows. The representations are the same as in Fig. 7. is taking place between the two locations and over the Stommel (1982) model, more recently emphasized by depths shown. Also, the bulk Richardson number Kinder and Parrilla (1987) for the Gibraltar over¯ow. The two out¯owing layers are shown schematically gD⌬␳ in Fig. 14 and labeled Red Sea thermocline water ␳(⌬U)2 (RSTW) and Upper Red Sea Deep Water (URSDW). Note that these layers have different sources; Red Sea of the out¯ow, calculated using a very liberal ⌬U Յ Deep Water is formed sporadically during winter deep 1.2msϪ1 over D ϭ 60 m, is Ͼ1.6 m sϪ1. This value convection events in the far northern reaches of the Red also argues against mixing within the out¯owing layer Sea (Woelk and Quadfasel 1996), whereas the ther- just upstream of the sill. mocline is thought to be replenished more continuously In an attempt to determine the extent to which the over a substantially larger area (Cember 1988; Eshel et lower ¯uid is drawn up from greater depths, we have al. 1994; Garrett et al. 1995; Eshel and Naik 1997). The computed the average salinity over the lowest 40 m of near criticality of the sill (and perhaps narrows) ¯ow CTD cast 45 and searched 40-m intervals of cast 50 with respect to mode 2 implies a certain degree of in- to ®nd the offset depth at which the average is the ¯uence over the partitioning of volume transport be- same. The two average salinities match (⌬S ϭ 0) at tween these two water masses. an offset of 25 m. That is, the deepest waters measured The in¯uence alluded to above can be illustrated by by the CTD cast on the sill comes from an average of considering an example. We choose a February sill re- 25 m deeper 11 km upstream. This ``aspiration'' of alization in which the mode-2 waves have propagation deeper water is entirely consistent with the Bryden and speeds Ϫ0.81 m sϪ1 and Ϫ0.04 m sϪ1. The ¯ow is NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2781

FIG. 14. A schematic representation of the structure of one of the mode-2 waves whose speed was calculated using the January sill Ϫ1 values: u1 ϭ 0.25, u2 ϭϪ0.61, u3 ϭϪ0.56 m s ; d1 ϭ 45, d2 ϭ

75, d3 ϭ 43 m; and, ␳1 ϭ 1.0237, ␳2 ϭ 1.026, ␳3 ϭ 1.0284, which leads to c ϭ 0.04 m sϪ1 for this wave. The dashed lines indicate displacements of the interfaces, and the solid arrows perturbations of the two volume ¯uxes.

transport and the transports in the upper two layers. That FIG. 13. Temperature±salinity plots for 3 June 1995 CTD casts 45 (taken at 1842 UTC 3 June 1995, at the Hanish sill) and 50 (taken is, critical control with respect to the second internal at 0010, 4 June 1995, 11 km north of the sill). For cast 45, the data mode is associated with regulation of the amount of runs from 98 to 138 m, also in 2-m increments. For cast 50, the data Upper Red Sea Deep Water that is able to pass over the is for depths 110±158 m at 2-m intervals. sill. Further analysis of this phenomena would require a more complete model. therefore very close to being critical with respect to the second internal mode. The wave whose speed is nearly 6. Time dependence and rotation zero has a vertical structure that causes perturbations of Murray and Johns (1997) report typical barotropic the layer volume ¯uxes in the proportions (1.00, 0.88, tidal velocities of about 60 cm sϪ1 and maximum tidal Ϫ1.88). That is, a volume ¯ux perturbation of one unit velocities of about 1 m sϪ1 in the BAM. In addition, in the upper layer is accompanied by a 0.88 change of they measure mesoscale ¯uctuations with periods of the same sign in the middle layer and a 1.88 change of 5±10 days, typical velocities of magnitude 20±50 cm reverse sign in the lower layer. This situation is depicted sϪ1, and with more complex vertical structure. Reference in Fig. 14, which shows the ¯ow rate perturbations as to the sill propagation speeds (Fig. 7) shows that the 60 thick arrows in each layer. Changes in ¯ow rate due to cm sϪ1 typical tide, and perhaps the 20±50 cm sϪ1 me- the presence of the wave are roughly equal in the middle soscale ¯uctuations, are suf®cient in months 10±3 and and upper layer, and opposite and of twice the magnitude 6 to reverse the sign the mode-1 wave that propagates in the lower layer. Accompanying these perturbations toward the Red Sea, thereby creating mode-1 super- are displacements of the two interfaces. For this wave critical ¯ow. During months 7±9, a 60 m sϪ1 tide would

(which has ␩1/␩ 2 ϭϪ0.50) the perturbation ¯ux arrows not quite reverse the direction of these waves, though shown are associated with an upward displacement of the maximum l m sϪ1 tides would. At the narrows (Fig. the lower interface and a downward displacement, half 12) it appears that a 60 m sϪ1 tide is insuf®cient to cause as large, of the upper interface displacement. These dis- mode-1 supercritical ¯ow in any month, though a 1 m placements are shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 14. sϪ1 tide might occasionally be large enough. It is there- (Of course, there is no ®xed sign for this linear distur- fore quite possible that hydraulic control with respect bance, and we could also have drawn Fig. 14 with the to mode 1 at the sill, if it occurs, is highly intermittent. ¯ux arrows and displacements reversed.) The above pic- For mode-2, the intermittency is even more pronounced. ture is similar for all of the nearly critical, mode-2 dis- All of the ¯uctuations mentioned above seem suf®cient turbances of the steady ¯ow at the sill during winter. to change the direction of the disturbance that, in the The vertical structures of the disturbances suggest in- absence of currents, would propagate into the Red Sea. ¯uence over the partitioning between the lowest layer Moreover, the tidal velocities might also reverse the sign 2782 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 29 of the other mode-2 wave, particularly during the sum- trol). In particular, our analysis suggests the monthly mer. mean ¯ow to be substantially subcritical at the Perim Our uncertainty bars do not re¯ect ambiguities re- narrows throughout the entire deployment period (June sulting from tidal or mesoscale time variations or any 1995 through April 1996). Only the strongest tides uncertainty that might result from applying concepts might temporarily render the ¯ow there supercritical. developed in connection with steady ¯ows to time-de- The same can be said for the Hanish sill ¯ow during pendent ¯ows. In general, the application of hydraulic the ``summer'' months 7±9. During months 10±3 and 6 theory to rapidly varying ¯ows is a relatively unex- the ¯ow is marginally to moderately subcritical, as ev- plored issue. In some case studies involving more ex- idenced by the relatively slow speed of the ®rst baro- tensive measurements in space and time, it is possible clinic wave attempting to propagate from the Gulf of to follow individual signals as they propagate though Aden into the Red Sea. The nearly critical nature of the the strait in question. [An example is the undular bore ¯ow at one end of the uncertainty bars may indicate the observed in the Strait of Gibraltar (Armi and Farmer proximity of our sill section to a section of critical ¯ow 1988; Farmer and Armi 1988).] A discussion of the (a point of hydraulic control) or may simply indicate hydraulics of instantaneous ¯ows in the Bab al Mandab that no mode-1 control exists. For example, it is possible would require more extensive measurements and, prob- that bottom friction has shifted the control to the south ably, further advances in theory. of the sill in the manner described by Pratt (1986). Given The importance of (neglected) rotation is typically the uncertainties in our estimates due to factors such as estimated by calculating the width of the strait to the the neglect of rotation, idealization of the bottom to- internal Rossby radius of deformation Ld. In the present pography and (especially) extrapolation of density and model there is a distinct Rossby radius associated with velocity, either conclusion is possible. In any case, the each internal mode, and their values are estimated in strength of the tides and mesoscale ¯uctuations in the the appendix to be 16 km Ͻ Ld Ͻ 18 km for mode 1 strait strongly suggest the intermittent occurrence of and 10 km Ͻ Ld Ͻ 12 km for mode 2. The appropriate mode-1 critical ¯ow. width to compare these values of Ld against is not ob- Interpretation of results for the second baroclinic vious. The actual channel widths at the sill and narrows (mode 2) depends upon the season in question. During are wider than any of the Ld estimated above. However, months 7±9, the monthly mean velocity has a three- much of the actual width is covered by water that is layer character, with out¯owing surface and Red Sea homogeneous in our three-layer theory. This is partic- over¯ow waters and in¯owing Gulf of Aden Interme- ularly true in the winter and transitional months, when diate Water. We con®gure our three-layer model such the upper interface lies near the top of the central to- that the two interfaces correspond to the velocity zero pographic troughs and the lower interface lies beneath. crossings and calculate the mode-2 wave speeds ac- Thus, the average width of these central troughs (about cordingly. This calculation suggests the month 7±9 ¯ow 7 km in both cases) is perhaps the appropriate scale to to be subcritical at both the sill and narrows, but perhaps use. Based on these values we calculate (again in the subject to intermittent criticality or supercriticality at appendix) that the error in estimating the appropriate the hands of the strongest tides. During the remaining long wave speed is less than 5%. The small error ex- months, the velocity structure is two-layer in character pectation is due to the fact that the role of long gravity but the density structure is more complicated. An upper, waves in nonrotating hydraulics is played by Kelvin nearly homogeneous layer, which more or less corre- waves in rotating hydraulic models. The formulas for sponds to in¯owing water, is underlain by an interme- their speeds in the presence of a background ¯ow are diate layer of strati®ed water originating largely from nearly the same. the Red Sea thermocline. Below this layer lies a nearly On the subject of rotation, we also note that the May homogeneous layer of upper Red Sea Deep Water. When and June 1995 CTD survey carried out by Murray and con®gured in accordance with this three-layer structure, Johns (1997) indicated very little cross-strait slope in our propagation speed calculations indicate nearly crit- isotherms and isopycnals at the sill or narrows, a further ical ¯ow at both the sill and narrows. The wave whose indication of the weakness of rotation. speed is arrested is the one which, in the absence of any ¯uid velocity, would propagate from the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. The dynamics of this wave are 7. Conclusions such as to affect a partitioning between the volume ¯ux Through direct calculation of internal long-wave of Upper Red Sea Deep Water and that of the two over- speeds, we have attempted to assess the criticality of lying layers. That is, the wave plays a role in deter- the ¯ow at the Hanish sill and Perim narrows, the two mining how much Upper Red Sea Deep Water is drawn primary choke points of the Bab al Mandab. Our results over the sill. Since the ¯ow is close to critical at both based on monthly mean velocity and strati®cation are the sill and narrows the actual point of hydraulic control quite surprising; we ®nd that the ¯ow at both of the is ambiguous. It might be the case that critical ¯ow sections is subcritical with respect to the ®rst baroclinic exists at both locations, with a hydraulic jump between. mode (the mode involved in two-layer hydraulic con- The situation is further complicated by the presence of NOVEMBER 1999 PRATT ET AL. 2783 tides and mesoscale ¯uctuations that may render such which rotation might alter the phase speed, suppose a control intermittent. that the deep central channel is replaced by a rectan- gular channel of width 6 km that contains two layers, Acknowledgments. This work was support by the Of- one of them inactive. Then the speed of the long gravity ®ce of Naval Research under Grants N0014±95-1-0456 wave and its Kelvin wave counterpart differ by the and N0014-95-1-0025. Eddie Weeks of LSU and Rainer factor Zantopp of RSMAS processed the ADCP and hyro- ␣ ϭ 1 Ϫ [1 Ϫ tanh2(w /2L )(1 Ϫ d/D )]1/2 graphic data used to calculate phase speeds. We also a d ϱ wish to thank Heather Deese, David Fratantoni, Nelson [see Pratt 1983, Eq. (3.19), for example]. Using the Hogg, and David Smeed and two anonomous reviewers worst case scenario, we take w ϭ 6 km, Ld ϭ 10 km, for a number of helpful comments. and d/Dϱ ϭ 0.2, which gives ␣ ϭ 0.04, or a 4% error in propagation speed. (The average of the side wall depths is d). Although rotation may be marginally im- APPENDIX portant in the central trough, the associated errors in Estimates of the Importance of Rotation propagation speeds are probably not so. The strength of (neglected) rotation can be approxi- REFERENCES mated by comparing the Rossby radius of deformation for the vertical mode in question to some measure of Armi, L., and D. M. Farmer, 1988: The ¯ow of Atlantic water through the ¯ow width. 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