Annex 5B

Detailed Results of Baseline Ecological Survey

Table A1 Plant Recorded in the Study Area


Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Abrus mollis 毛相思子 C N C - F S S Acacia auriculiformis 耳果相思 T E C - O F S Acacia confusa 臺灣相思 T E C - F A F O O S A O Acacia mangium 大葉相思 T E C - O F Acanthus ilicifolius 老鼠簕 S N C - F O Achyranthes aspera 土牛膝 H N C - S O S Acorus gramineus 金錢蒲 H N C - O Acronychia pedunculata 山油柑 T N C - S Acrostichum aureum 鹵蕨 H N C - O Adiantum flabellulatum 扇葉鐵線蕨 H N C - F O S 半月形鐵線 Adiantum philippense H N C - S 蕨 Aegiceras corniculatum 桐花樹 S N C - F Agave angustifolia 狹葉龍舌蘭 H E C - O Ageratum conyzoides 藿香薊 H E C - O Aglaonema modestum 廣東萬年青 H E C - S Alangium chinense 八角楓 T N C - F F O F S O O Albizia lebbeck 大葉合歡 T E C - S Alchornea trewioides 紅背山麻桿 S N C - S S Aleurites moluccana 石栗 T E C - S S S Allamanda cathartica 軟枝黃蟬 S E C - O S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Alocasia cucullata 尖尾芋 C N C - S S Alocasia odora 海芋 H N C - F F F F F F F F Alpinia hainanensis 草豆蔻 H N C - O O Alpinia sp. - H - - - S S S Alpinia zerumbet 豔山薑 H N C - F O O S Alstonia scholaris 糖膠樹 T E C - S Alternanthera philoxeroides 空心莧 H E C - F Alyxia sinensis 鏈珠藤 C N C - O Amaranthus viridis 綠莧 H N C - O Ampelopsis cantoniensis 廣東蛇葡萄 C N C - S Ananas comosus 鳳梨 H E C - S S Anisomeles indica 廣防風 H N C - S F S Annona squamosa 番荔枝 T E C - F O O Anthurium andraeanum 花燭 H E C - O O S S Antidesma bunius 五月茶 T N C - O O Antidesma ghaesembilla 方葉五月茶 T N C - F F Apluda mutica 水蔗草 H N C - O Aporusa dioica 銀柴 T N C - F F F F O Cap. 586; NT under Rare and Precious Plants of Aquilaria sinensis 土沉香 T N C, P S F S (Status in ); VU under China Plant Red Data

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Book and IUCN Red List

Arachis hypogaea 落花生 H E C - S Aralia decaisneana 黃毛楤木 S N C - S IUCN Red List: Araucaria heterophylla 異葉南洋杉 T E C O O VU-D2 Archidendron clypearia 猴耳環 T N C - S Archidendron lucidum 亮葉猴耳環 T N C - O O S Archontophoenix alexandrae 假檳榔 T E C - S O S Ardisia crenata 朱砂根 S N C - O F O S Ardisia quinquegona 羅傘樹 S N C - F Artocarpus altilis 麵包樹 T E C - S S Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Artocarpus hypargyreus 白桂木 T N C, P Kong (Status in S China): NT; IUCN Red List: VU Artocarpus heterophyllus 菠蘿蜜 T E C - O Arundinaria sp. - H - - - F Asclepias curassavica 馬利筋 H E C - S S S Asparagus cochinchinensis 天門冬 C N C - S S Averrhoa carambola 楊桃 T E C - S Avicennia marina 海欖雌 S N C - F F Axonopus compressus 地毯草 G E C - O O F S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Bacopa monnieri 假馬齒莧 H N C - O Bambusa sinospinosa 車筒竹 H E C - O O O O S Bauhinia x blakeana 洋紫荊 T N C - F F O Bauhinia glauca 粉葉羊蹄甲 C N C - S Berchemia floribunda 多花勾兒茶 C N C - S S Berchemia lineata 鐵包金 C N C - O S S Bidens alba 白花鬼針草 H E C - F S F F S Bidens bipinnata 婆婆針 H N C - S Bischofia javanica 秋楓 T N C - O O S Blechnum orientale 烏毛蕨 H N C - F O O Boehmeria nivea 苧麻 S N C - O O Bombax ceiba 木棉 T E C - O Spermacoce stricta 豐花草 H N C - O O Bougainvillea spectabilis 葉子花 C E C - F S Breynia fruticosa 黑面神 S N C - F F Bridelia tomentosa 土蜜樹 T N C - F S S Brucea javanica 鴉膽子 S N C - O O F S Byttneria aspera 刺果藤 C N C - O Caesalpinia bonduc 刺果蘇木 C N C - F O F F O Caesalpinia pulcherrima 洋金鳳 S E C - S Caesalpinia vernalis 春雲實 C N C - F O O Calliandra haematocephala 朱纓花 S E C - O Canna indica 美人蕉 H E C - S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Capsicum annuum 辣椒 H E C - S Cardiospermum halicacabum 倒地鈴 C N C - S Carica papaya 番木瓜 T E C - S S Carmona microphylla 褔建茶 S E C - O S Caryota mitis 短穗魚尾葵 T E C - O S Cassia alata 翅莢決明 S E C - O F O F Cassia siamea 鐵刀木 T E C - O F Senna surattensis 美麗決明 T E C - O S Cassia surattensis 黃槐決明 S E C - S O S Castanopsis fissa 黧蒴錐 T N C - F Casuarina equisetifolia 木麻黃 T E C - A S F S Catharanthus roseus 長春花 S E C - O S O O F O Catunaregam spinosa 山石榴 T N R - S O Celtis biondii 紫彈朴 T N R - S Celtis sinensis 朴樹 T N C - A F F S F S Celtis timorensis 假玉桂 T N R - O S S S Centella asiatica 積雪草 H N C - O Cerbera manghas 海杧果 T N C - F S O F O S Chenopodium ambrosioides 土荊芥 H N C - S S IUCN Red List: Dypsis lutescens 散尾葵 T E C O O O NT Chrysopogon aciculatus 竹節草 H N C - S Cinnamomum burmannii 陰香 T N C - O S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Cinnamomum camphora 樟 T N C - O F O S S Citrus maxima 柚 T E C - S S O O Citrus reticulata 柑橘 T E C - S Claoxylon indicum 白桐樹 T N C - F F S Clausena lansium 黃皮 T E C - O F O F F Cleistocalyx nervosum 水翁 T N C - O O Clerodendrum fortunatum 白花燈籠 S N C - O Clerodendrum inerme 假茉莉 S N C - S F F F S S Cocculus orbiculatus 木防己 C N C - S Cocos nucifera 椰子 T E C - S Codiaeum variegatum 變葉木 S E C - O S Colocasia esculenta 芋 H E C - F F O Commelina communis 鴨跖草 H N C - F Commelina paludosa 大苞鴨跖草 H N C - S S Commelina sp. - H - - - S S Conyza canadensis 小蓬草 H E C - O Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黃牛木 T N C - F O F S Crotalaria retusa 吊裙草 H N C - F Cunninghamia lanceolata 杉木 T E C - S Cycas revoluta 蘇鐵 S E C - O S Cyclosorus interruptus 間斷毛蕨 F N C - F F Cyclosorus parasiticus 華南毛蕨 F N C - F F F S Cynodon dactylon 狗牙根 G N C - F S F S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Cyperus difformis 異型莎草 H N C - O S Cyperus malaccensis 茳芏 H N C - S Cyperus rotundus 香附子 H N C - F O Cyperus sp. - - - - S S Cyrtococcum patens 弓果黍 G N C - F F F O Daemonorops margaritae 黃藤 G N C - S Dalbergia benthamii 兩廣黃檀 C N C - S S Daphniphyllum calycinum 牛耳楓 T N C - F F F S Delonix regia 鳳凰木 T E C - S O S F O Desmodium heterophyllum 異葉山螞蝗 S N C - S Desmodium tortuosum 南美山螞蝗 H E C - O S Desmodium triflorum 三點金 H N C - F A O Desmos chinensis 假鷹爪 S N C - O F O O Dicranopteris pedata 芒萁 H/F N C - F O F IUCN Red List: Dimocarpus longan 龍眼 T E C F F F F F F F LC/NT Dioscorea benthamii 大青薯 C N C - S S Dioscorea bulbifera 黃獨 C N C - S S S Dioscorea cirrhosa 薯茛 C N C - O S S Diploclisia glaucescens 蒼白秤鈎風 C/T N C - O O S Diplospora dubia 狗骨柴 S N C - O O S Duranta erecta 假連翹 S E C - O S Eclipta prostrata 鱧腸 H N C - S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Eichhornia crassipes 鳳眼藍 H E C - F Elaeocarpus chinensis 中華杜英 T N C - F Eleocharis dulcis 荸薺 H E C - F Elephantopus scaber 地膽草 H N C - F S Elephantopus tomentosus 白花地膽草 H N C - F F F S Eleusine indica 牛筋草 G N C - F F O Eleutherococcus trifoliatus 白簕花 C N C - F S O S Embelia laeta 酸藤子 C N C - F O F Emilia sonchifolia 一點紅 H N C - S O S Epipremnum pinnatum 麒麟葉 C E C - S S Eriobotrya japonica 枇杷 T E C - S Erythrina speciosa 象牙花 T E C - O S Praxelis clematidea 假臭草 H E C - S O O S Euphorbia hirta 飛揚草 H E C - S O S Eurya nitida 細齒葉柃 S N C - F O Excoecaria cochinchinensis 紅背桂 S E C - F F Ficus benjamina 垂葉榕 T E C - S Ficus elastica 印度榕 T E C - O Ficus hirta 粗葉榕 T N C - F O Ficus hispida 對葉榕 T N C - F O O F O F F O Ficus microcarpa 榕樹 T N C - F O F F S O S Ficus pumila 薜荔 C N C - F O O O Ficus religiosa 菩提樹 T E C - O S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Ficus subpisocarpa 筆管榕 T N C - O F O S Ficus variegata 青果榕 T N C - O S Ficus variolosa 變葉榕 T N C - O F Ficus virens 黃葛樹 T N C - O S Fimbristylis dichotoma 兩歧飄拂草 H N C - O S Fimbristylis sieboldii 鏽鱗飄拂草 H N C - A Fimbristylis subbispicata 雙穗飄拂草 H N C - F Garcinia oblongifolia 嶺南山竹子 T N C - S Glochidion eriocarpum 毛果算盤子 S N C - O O Glochidion hirsutum 厚葉算盤子 S N C - F Glochidion zeylanicum 香港算盤子 T N C - O Glycosmis parviflora 小花山小橘 S N C - S IUCN Red List: Gnetum luofuense 羅浮買麻藤 C N C F NT Gymnema sylvestre 匙羹藤 C/H N C - O S Hedyotis auricularia 耳草 H N C - S S S Hedyotis corymbosa 繖房花耳草 H N C - O F O Hedyotis hedyotidea 牛白藤 C N C - S S Helicteres angustifolia 山芝麻 S N C - F O F Heterosmilax japonica 肖菝葜 C N C - S S Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 朱槿 S E C - O S Hibiscus schizopetalus 吊燈花 S E C - S Hibiscus tiliaceus 黃槿 T N C - F F F S F

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides 天胡荽 H N C - O Hygrophila salicifolia 水簑衣 S N C - O Hymenocallis littoralis 水鬼蕉 H E C - S S Ilex asprella 梅葉冬青 S N C - F F F F S Ilex rotunda 小果鐵冬青 T N C - O Indigofera suffruticosa 野青樹 S N C - O S Indocalamus sinicus 華箬竹 H N C - F O Ipomoea aquatica 蕹菜 C E C - S Ipomoea batatas 番薯 H E C - O Ipomoea cairica 五爪金龍 C N C - F O S Ipomoea pes-caprae 厚藤 C N C - F S Isachne globosa 柳葉箬 G N C - A Juniperus chinensis 圓柏 T E C - O S Kandelia obovata 秋茄樹 T N C - O O O Kyllinga brevifolia 短葉水蜈蚣 H N C - O S Kyllinga monocephala 單穗水蜈蚣 H N C - S S Lagerstroemia speciosa 大花紫薇 T E C Cap. 96 F F Lantana camara 馬纓丹 S E C - F F O S O F F Lemmaphyllum microphyllum 伏石蕨 H N C - O S Leucaena leucocephala 銀合歡 T E C - O O S Leucas mollissima var. chinensis 疏毛白絨草 H N C - O S Ligustrum sinense 山指甲 S N C - F S F S Lindernia crustacea 母草 S N C - O S F S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Liquidambar formosana 楓香 T N C - O F Liriope spicata 山麥冬 H N C - F O Litchi chinensis 荔枝 T E C - S O S S 潺槁樹 T N C - F F F S O O S Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia 豺皮樟 S N C - F F S Lophatherum gracile 淡竹葉 G N C - F Lophostemon confertus 紅膠木 T E C - O O Ludwigia perennis 細花丁香蓼 S N C - S S Lygodium japonicum 海金沙 C N C - O O F F S Lygodium scandens 小葉海金沙 C N C - F Macaranga tanarius var. 血桐 T N C - F O F F S F S F F tomentosa Maclura cochinchinensis 構棘 S N C - S S O S S Maesa perlarius 鯽魚膽 S N C - O O S Mallotus apelta 白背葉 T N C - O F Mallotus paniculatus 白楸 T N C - A F F F O F F Mallotus repandus 石岩楓 C N C - S S Mangifera indica 芒果 T E C - S Manihot esculenta 木薯 S N C - S S Maranta arundinacea 竹芋 H E C - S S Marsilea quadrifolia 蘋 H N Ra - O Mazus pumilus 通泉草 H N C - O Melaleuca cajuputi 白千層 T N C - O O S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Melastoma candidum 野牡丹 S N C - O S F Melastoma sanguineum 毛菍 S N C - F O F F Melia azedarach 楝 T E C - S S Michelia x alba 白蘭 T E C - O S Microcos nervosa 破布葉 T N C - A F F F O F Microstegium ciliatum 剛莠竹 G N C - F Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊 C E C - F O O F F S F O Millettia speciosa 美麗崖豆藤 T N C - O S O Mimosa pudica 含羞草 H N C - O S O O O S Mirabilis jalapa 紫茉莉 H E C - S Miscanthus floridulus 五節芒 G N C - O S S 芒 G N C - O Morinda umbellata 羊角藤 C N C - S Murraya paniculata 九里香 S E C - O O S S Musa x paradisiaca 蕉 H E C - O S F O S Musa sp. 蕉屬 T E C - O S Neyraudia reynaudiana 類蘆 G N C - O O Ocimum basilicum 九層塔 H E C - A S Oroxylum indicum 木蝴蝶 T N R - O O Oxalis corniculata 酢漿草 H N C - S O S Paederia scandens 毛雞矢藤 C E C - S O F O O Pandanus tectorius 露兜樹 T N C - F O F F F F S Panicum maximum 大黍 G E C - O S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Panicum repens 鋪地黍 G N C - A S Parthenocissus dalzielii 異葉爬山虎 C E C - O Paspalum conjugatum 兩耳草 G N C - S F S Paspalum distichum 雙穗雀稗 G N C - F Passiflora foetida 龍珠果 C E C - O O S S F S Pavetta hongkongensis 香港大沙葉 S N C, P Cap. 96 O Phoenix loureiroi 刺葵 T N C - O Phragmites australis 蘆葦 G N C - O Phyllanthus cochinchinensis 越南葉下珠 S N C - O O F S Phyllanthus emblica 餘甘子 T N C - F F F S Phyllanthus reticulatus 小果葉下珠 S/T N C - S S S Phyllanthus urinaria 葉下珠 S N C - O O S Phyllodium pulchellum 排錢草 S N C - F F O Pinus elliottii 濕地松 T E C - F S Pinus massoniana 馬尾松 T N C - O S O Pistia stratiotes 大薸 H N C - O Plumbago zeylanica 白花丹 S N C - S S Plumeria rubra 雞蛋花 T E C - O S Polygonum chinense 火炭母 H N C - S S Polygonum glabrum 光蓼 H N C - O Polygonum hydropiper 水蓼 H N C - F Polygonum perfoliatum 杠板歸 H N C - O S Psidium guajava 番石榴 T E C - O S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Psychotria asiatica 九節 S N C - F A F S S Pteris biaurita 狹眼鳳尾蕨 F N C - S S Pteris ensiformis 劍葉鳳尾蕨 F N C - S O S Pteris semipinnata 半邊旗 F N C - F Pteris vittata 蜈蚣草 F N C - O Pterocypsela indica 翅果菊 H N C - S S Pterospermum heterophyllum 翻白葉樹 T N R - O Pueraria lobata 葛 C N C - O F Pueraria phaseoloides 三裂葉野葛 C N C - O Pycreus flavidus 球穗扁莎 H N C - O S S O S Pycreus polystachyos 多穗扁莎 H N C - S S Pyrrosia adnascens 貼生石韋 H N C - O O S S Ravenala madagascariensis 旅人蕉 T E C - S Rhaphiolepis lanceolate 細葉石斑木 S N C - O S Rhododendron pulchrum 錦繡杜鵑 S E C - O O Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 桃金娘 S N C - F O F S Rhus chinensis 鹽膚木 T N C - F Rhus hypoleuca 白背鹽膚木 T N C - F O F Rhus succedanea 木蠟樹 T N C - O O Ricinus communis 蓖麻 S E C - O S Roystonea regia 王棕 T E C - O Sageretia thea 雀梅藤 C N C - F O S Salvinia natans 槐葉蘋 H N Ra - F

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Sansevieria trifasciata 虎尾蘭 H E C - O O Sapium discolor 山烏桕 T N C - F F O Sapium sebiferum 烏桕 T N C - F F F A F F O Sarcandra glabra 草珊瑚 S N C - O Sarcosperma laurinum 肉實樹 T N C - O Scaevola taccada 草海桐 S N C - O S Schefflera heptaphylla 鵝掌柴 T N C - F F O F Scirpus littoralis 鑽苞藨草 H N C - O Scleria sp. - H - - O Scolopia chinensis 刺柊 T N C - F O O F Senecio scandens 千里光 H N C - S S Senna occidentalis 望江南 S E C - S Senna tora 決明 S E C - S S S Sesuvium portulacastrum 海馬齒 H N C - S Severinia buxifolia 酒餅簕 S N C - O O S Sida acuta 黃花稔 H N C - S S Sida rhombifolia 白背黃花稔 H/S N C - S F F S Smilax china 菝葜 C N C - F O Smilax lanceifolia var . opaca 暗色菝葜 C N C - O O Solanum americanum 少花龍葵 H N C - O S S Solanum torvum 水茄 S N C - O S O O F S Spathodea campanulata 火焰樹 T E C - S Spermacoce mauritiana 二萼豐花草 H N C - S S

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Spilanthes paniculata 金鈕扣 S N C - S S S Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 假馬鞭 S N C - O F F S Stephania longa 糞箕篤 C N C - S O S S Sterculia lanceolata 假蘋婆 T N C - F F F S S Strelitzia nicolai 大鶴望蘭 T E C - S S Strelitzia reginae 鶴望蘭 H E C - O Strophanthus divaricatus 羊角拗 C N C - F O F S Strychnos angustiflora 牛眼馬錢 C N C - O Synedrella nodiflora 金腰箭 S N C - S S Syngonium podophyllum 合果芋 C E C - S S Syzygium jambos 蒲桃 T E C - S O F S Syzygium levinei 山蒲桃 T N C - S S Tadehagi triquetrum 葫蘆茶 S N C - O Terminalia catappa 欖仁樹 T E C - S S Tetracera asiatica 錫葉藤 C N C - F O O Tetradium glabrifolium 楝葉吳茱萸 T N C - O O S S S S Teucrium viscidum 血見愁 H N C - S S S Thespesia populnea 恒春黃槿 T N R - S S Thevetia peruviana 紅酒杯花 T E C - O O S Thuja orientalis 側柏 T E C - S S Tipuana tipu 大班木 T N C - S S Toddalia asiatica 飛龍掌血 C N C - O Toxocarpus wightianus 弓果藤 C N C - O

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Tradescantia spathacea 紫萬年青 H E C - S Trichosanthes rosthornii 中華栝樓 C N C - O S Triumfetta rhomboidea 刺蒴麻 S N C - S S Tylophora ovata 娃兒藤 C N C - S S Uraria crinita 貓尾草 H N C - S Urena lobata 肖梵天花 S N C - F O F Urena procumbens 梵天花 S N C - O F Uvaria macrophylla 紫玉盤 S N C - F F S Vernicia montana 木油樹 T E C - O S Vernonia cinerea 夜香牛 H/S N C - S S S Vitex negundo 黃荊 S N C - F O O S Vitex negundo L. var. cannabifolia 牡荊 T N C - S S Vitex rotundifolia 白背蔓荊 C N C - S A S S Washingtonia robusta 大絲葵 T N C - S S Wedelia chinensis 蟛蜞菊 C N C - O 三裂葉蟛蜞 Wedelia trilobata C E C - O F O S 菊 Wikstroemia indica 了哥王 S N C - S S Xanthium sibiricum 蒼耳 S N C - S S S Youngia japonica 黃鵪菜 H N C - F F S Zanthoxylum avicennae 簕欓花椒 T N C - F F O F S S Zanthoxylum nitidum 兩面針 C N C - F O S O Zanthoxylum scandens 花椒簕 C N C - S O

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Growth Conservation C

Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status M Area PL SS RS SG U/D MW Form Status FSW S / C M/ S (overall)

Zingiber officinale 薑 H N C - S Zornia gibbosa 丁癸草 H N C - S Zoysia sinica 中華結縷草 G N C - F F F S Total No. of Plant Species 376 (Overall in Study Area) 146 97 110 94 48 61 32 10 18 19 112 206

Abundance: A=Abundant; F=Frequent; O=Occasional; S=Scarce Status: C=Common/V. Common; R = Restricted; Ra=Rare/V. Rare; P=Protected Growth Form: G=Grass; C= Climber; H=Herb; Se=Sedge, P=Palm; S=Shrub/Sub-shrub; T=Tree Origin: N=Native; E=Exotic MW = Mixed Woodland FSW = Fung Shui Woodland PL = Plantation SG = Shrubland-Grassland C = Cultivation M = Marsh M/S = Mangrove / Sandflat S/C = Stream / Channel SS = Sandy Shore RS = Rocky Shore U/D = Urbanized/Disturbed Conservation Status: NT = Near Threathen; VU = Vulnerable; LC = Least Concern

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Table A2 Plant Species Recorded in the Pumping Station/Sewage Treatment Works

Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Abrus mollis 毛相思子 C N C - S Acacia auriculiformis 耳果相思 T E C - Acacia confusa 臺灣相思 T E C - O S O F F F Acacia mangium 大葉相思 T E C - Acanthus ilicifolius 老鼠簕 S N C - Achyranthes aspera 土牛膝 H N C - S Acorus gramineus 金錢蒲 H N C - Acronychia pedunculata 山油柑 T N C - Acrostichum aureum 鹵蕨 H N C - Adiantum flabellulatum 扇葉鐵線蕨 H N C - 半月形鐵線 Adiantum philippense H N C - 蕨 Aegiceras corniculatum 桐花樹 S N C - Agave angustifolia 狹葉龍舌蘭 H E C - Ageratum conyzoides 藿香薊 H E C - A O S Aglaonema modestum 廣東萬年青 H E C - Alangium chinense 八角楓 T N C - O O O O F O Albizia lebbeck 大葉合歡 T E C - Alchornea trewioides 紅背山麻桿 S N C - S

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Aleurites moluccana 石栗 T E C - S Allamanda cathartica 軟枝黃蟬 S E C - Alocasia cucullata 尖尾芋 C N C - O Alocasia odora 海芋 H N C - F A F F O Alpinia hainanensis 草豆蔻 H N C - O O Alpinia sp. - H - - - S S Alpinia zerumbet 豔山薑 H N C - S Alstonia scholaris 糖膠樹 T E C - Alternanthera philoxeroides 空心莧 H E C - Alyxia sinensis 鏈珠藤 C N C - Amaranthus viridis 綠莧 H N C - O Ampelopsis cantoniensis 廣東蛇葡萄 C N C - Ananas comosus 鳳梨 H E C - Anisomeles indica 廣防風 H N C - S F S Annona squamosa 番荔枝 T E C - S Anthurium andraeanum 花燭 H E C - Antidesma bunius 五月茶 T N C - S S Antidesma ghaesembilla 方葉五月茶 T N C - Apluda mutica 水蔗草 H N C - Aporusa dioica 銀柴 T N C - O O O

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Cap. 586; NT under Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Aquilaria sinensis 土沉香 T N C, P Kong (Status S S in China); VU under China Plant Red Data Book Arachis hypogaea 落花生 H E C - F Aralia decaisneana 黃毛楤木 S N C - IUCN Red Araucaria heterophylla 異葉南洋杉 T E C List: VU-D2 Archidendron clypearia 猴耳環 T N C - Archidendron lucidum 亮葉猴耳環 T N C - Archontophoenix alexandrae 假檳榔 T E C - Ardisia crenata 朱砂根 S N C - O O S Ardisia quinquegona 羅傘樹 S N C - Artocarpus altilis 麵包樹 T E C - Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Artocarpus hypargyreus 白桂木 T N C, P Kong (Status in China): NT; IUCN Red List: VU

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Artocarpus heterophyllus 菠蘿蜜 T E C - Arundinaria sp. - H - - - F F Asclepias curassavica 馬利筋 H E C - F Asparagus cochinchinensis 天門冬 C N C - Averrhoa carambola 楊桃 T E C - Avicennia marina 海欖雌 S N C - Axonopus compressus 地毯草 G E C - F A Bacopa monnieri 假馬齒莧 H N C - Bambusa sinospinosa 車筒竹 H E C - S Bauhinia x blakeana 洋紫荊 T N C - S Bauhinia glauca 粉葉羊蹄甲 C N C - Berchemia floribunda 多花勾兒茶 C N C - S Berchemia lineata 鐵包金 C N C - S Bidens alba 白花鬼針草 H E C - O Bidens bipinnata 婆婆針 H N C - Bischofia javanica 秋楓 T N C - Blechnum orientale 烏毛蕨 H N C - Boehmeria nivea 苧麻 S N C - Bombax ceiba 木棉 T E C - Spermacoce stricta 豐花草 H N C - O Bougainvillea spectabilis 葉子花 C E C -

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Breynia fruticosa 黑面神 S N C - S Bridelia tomentosa 土蜜樹 T N C - S S S Brucea javanica 鴉膽子 S N C - S O Byttneria aspera 刺果藤 C N C - Caesalpinia bonduc 刺果蘇木 C N C - A Caesalpinia pulcherrima 洋金鳳 S E C - Caesalpinia vernalis 春雲實 C N C - Calliandra haematocephala 朱纓花 S E C - Canna indica 美人蕉 H E C - S Capsicum annuum 辣椒 H E C - Cardiospermum halicacabum 倒地鈴 C N C - S Carica papaya 番木瓜 T E C - O Carmona microphylla 褔建茶 S E C - Caryota mitis 短穗魚尾葵 T E C - S Cassia alata 翅莢決明 S E C - Cassia siamea 鐵刀木 T E C - Senna surattensis 美麗決明 T E C - Cassia surattensis 黃槐決明 S E C - Castanopsis fissa 黧蒴錐 T N C - Casuarina equisetifolia 木麻黃 T E C - Catharanthus roseus 長春花 S E C - S

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Catunaregam spinosa 山石榴 T N R - Celtis biondii 紫彈朴 T N R - Celtis sinensis 朴樹 T N C - O S O O O O Celtis timorensis 假玉桂 T N R - S O Centella asiatica 積雪草 H N C - Cerbera manghas 海杧果 T N C - Chenopodium ambrosioides 土荊芥 H N C - S IUCN Red Dypsis lutescens 散尾葵 T E C List: NT Chrysopogon aciculatus 竹節草 H N C - Cinnamomum burmannii 陰香 T N C - 樟 T N C - Citrus maxima 柚 T E C - O Citrus reticulata 柑橘 T E C - Claoxylon indicum 白桐樹 T N C - Clausena lansium 黃皮 T E C - S S S Cleistocalyx nervosum 水翁 T N C - Clerodendrum fortunatum 白花燈籠 S N C - Clerodendrum inerme 假茉莉 S N C - S Cocculus orbiculatus 木防己 C N C - S S Cocos nucifera 椰子 T E C -

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Codiaeum variegatum 變葉木 S E C - Colocasia esculenta 芋 H E C - Commelina communis 鴨跖草 H N C - F Commelina paludosa 大苞鴨跖草 H N C - S Commelina sp. - H - - - S Conyza canadensis 小蓬草 H E C - Cratoxylum cochinchinense 黃牛木 T N C - S O Crotalaria retusa 吊裙草 H N C - Cunninghamia lanceolata 杉木 T E C - Cycas revoluta 蘇鐵 S E C - Cyclosorus interruptus 間斷毛蕨 F N C - Cyclosorus parasiticus 華南毛蕨 F N C - O Cynodon dactylon 狗牙根 G N C - O Cyperus difformis 異型莎草 H N C - O Cyperus malaccensis 茳芏 H N C - Cyperus rotundus 香附子 H N C - Cyperus sp. - - - - S Cyrtococcum patens 弓果黍 G N C - F F O F Daemonorops margaritae 黃藤 G N C - Dalbergia benthamii 兩廣黃檀 C N C - S Daphniphyllum calycinum 牛耳楓 T N C - S O

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Delonix regia 鳳凰木 T E C - S S Desmodium heterophyllum 異葉山螞蝗 S N C - Desmodium tortuosum 南美山螞蝗 H E C - O Desmodium triflorum 三點金 H N C - F Desmos chinensis 假鷹爪 S N C - S S Dicranopteris pedata 芒萁 H/F N C - S IUCN Red Dimocarpus longan 龍眼 T E C F F F S List: NT Dioscorea benthamii 大青薯 C N C - O Dioscorea bulbifera 黃獨 C N C - S S S Dioscorea cirrhosa 薯茛 C N C - Diploclisia glaucescens 蒼白秤鈎風 C/T N C - S S Diplospora dubia 狗骨柴 S N C - S S Duranta erecta 假連翹 S E C - Eclipta prostrata 鱧腸 H N C - O Eichhornia crassipes 鳳眼藍 H E C - Elaeocarpus chinensis 中華杜英 T N C - Eleocharis dulcis 荸薺 H E C - Elephantopus scaber 地膽草 H N C - F Elephantopus tomentosus 白花地膽草 H N C - O Eleusine indica 牛筋草 G N C - A

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Eleutherococcus trifoliatus 白簕花 C N C - O F O Embelia laeta 酸藤子 C N C - Emilia sonchifolia 一點紅 H N C - S Epipremnum pinnatum 麒麟葉 C E C - Eriobotrya japonica 枇杷 T E C - Erythrina speciosa 象牙花 T E C - Praxelis clematidea 假臭草 H E C - O S Euphorbia hirta 飛揚草 H E C - S O Eurya nitida 細齒葉柃 S N C - S Excoecaria cochinchinensis 紅背桂 S E C - Ficus benjamina 垂葉榕 T E C - Ficus elastica 印度榕 T E C - Ficus hirta 粗葉榕 T N C - Ficus hispida 對葉榕 T N C - O S S S S S S Ficus microcarpa 榕樹 T N C - Ficus pumila 薜荔 C N C - O O F Ficus religiosa 菩提樹 T E C - Ficus subpisocarpa 筆管榕 T N C - Ficus variegata 青果榕 T N C - O Ficus variolosa 變葉榕 T N C - Ficus virens 黃葛樹 T N C -

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Fimbristylis dichotoma 兩歧飄拂草 H N C - O Fimbristylis sieboldii 鏽鱗飄拂草 H N C - Fimbristylis subbispicata 雙穗飄拂草 H N C - Garcinia oblongifolia 嶺南山竹子 T N C - Glochidion eriocarpum 毛果算盤子 S N C - Glochidion hirsutum 厚葉算盤子 S N C - Glochidion zeylanicum 香港算盤子 T N C - Glycosmis parviflora 小花山小橘 S N C - IUCN Red Gnetum luofuense 羅浮買麻藤 C N C List: NT Gymnema sylvestre 匙羹藤 C/H N C - O Hedyotis auricularia 耳草 H N C - O S Hedyotis corymbosa 繖房花耳草 H N C - F O Hedyotis hedyotidea 牛白藤 C N C - S Helicteres angustifolia 山芝麻 S N C - Heterosmilax japonica 肖菝葜 C N C - S Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 朱槿 S E C - Hibiscus schizopetalus 吊燈花 S E C - Hibiscus tiliaceus 黃槿 T N C - Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides 天胡荽 H N C - Hygrophila salicifolia 水簑衣 S N C -

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Hymenocallis littoralis 水鬼蕉 H E C - S Ilex asprella 梅葉冬青 S N C - O F S Ilex rotunda 小果鐵冬青 T N C - Indigofera suffruticosa 野青樹 S N C - O Indocalamus sinicus 華箬竹 H N C - F F Ipomoea aquatica 蕹菜 C E C - Ipomoea batatas 番薯 H E C - A Ipomoea cairica 五爪金龍 C N C - Ipomoea pes-caprae 厚藤 C N C - Isachne globosa 柳葉箬 G N C - Juniperus chinensis 圓柏 T E C - Kandelia obovata 秋茄樹 T N C - Kyllinga brevifolia 短葉水蜈蚣 H N C - O Kyllinga monocephala 單穗水蜈蚣 H N C - S Lagerstroemia speciosa 大花紫薇 T E C Cap. 96 Lantana camara 馬纓丹 S E C - O O O Lemmaphyllum microphyllum 伏石蕨 H N C - O Leucaena leucocephala 銀合歡 T E C - S S Leucas mollissima var. 疏毛白絨草 H N C - O chinensis Ligustrum sinense 山指甲 S N C - S S

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Lindernia crustacea 母草 S N C - S S Liquidambar formosana 楓香 T N C - Liriope spicata 山麥冬 H N C - F Litchi chinensis 荔枝 T E C - Litsea glutinosa 潺槁樹 T N C - S S S Litsea rotundifolia var. 豺皮樟 S N C - S S O oblongifolia Lophatherum gracile 淡竹葉 G N C - Lophostemon confertus 紅膠木 T E C - Ludwigia perennis 細花丁香蓼 S N C - S Lygodium japonicum 海金沙 C N C - S S F Lygodium scandens 小葉海金沙 C N C - Macaranga tanarius var. 血桐 T N C - S S S S tomentosa Maclura cochinchinensis 構棘 S N C - O S S Maesa perlarius 鯽魚膽 S N C - Mallotus apelta 白背葉 T N C - Mallotus paniculatus 白楸 T N C - S F F O Mallotus repandus 石岩楓 C N C - O Mangifera indica 芒果 T E C - Manihot esculenta 木薯 S N C - O Maranta arundinacea 竹芋 H E C - S

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Marsilea quadrifolia 蘋 H N Ra - Mazus pumilus 通泉草 H N C - Melaleuca cajuputi 白千層 T N C - S Melastoma candidum 野牡丹 S N C - Melastoma sanguineum 毛菍 S N C - Melia azedarach 楝 T E C - S Michelia x alba 白蘭 T E C - Microcos nervosa 破布葉 T N C - O O F F A O Microstegium ciliatum 剛莠竹 G N C - Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊 C E C - F O F O S Millettia speciosa 美麗崖豆藤 T N C - Mimosa pudica 含羞草 H N C - O O S Mirabilis jalapa 紫茉莉 H E C - Miscanthus floridulus 五節芒 G N C - S Miscanthus sinensis 芒 G N C - Morinda umbellata 羊角藤 C N C - Murraya paniculata 九里香 S E C - S Musa x paradisiaca 蕉 H E C - Musa sp. 蕉屬 T E C - O Neyraudia reynaudiana 類蘆 G N C - Ocimum basilicum 九層塔 H E C - A

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Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Oroxylum indicum 木蝴蝶 T N R - Oxalis corniculata 酢漿草 H N C - O Paederia scandens 毛雞矢藤 C E C - O S S F F F O S Pandanus tectorius 露兜樹 T N C - O Panicum maximum 大黍 G E C - S S Panicum repens 鋪地黍 G N C - Parthenocissus dalzielii 異葉爬山虎 C E C - Paspalum conjugatum 兩耳草 G N C - O Paspalum distichum 雙穗雀稗 G N C - Passiflora foetida 龍珠果 C E C - S O S S Pavetta hongkongensis 香港大沙葉 S N C, P Cap. 96 Phoenix loureiroi 刺葵 T N C - Phragmites australis 蘆葦 G N C - Phyllanthus cochinchinensis 越南葉下珠 S N C - S S O Phyllanthus emblica 餘甘子 T N C - O Phyllanthus reticulatus 小果葉下珠 S/T N C - S S Phyllanthus urinaria 葉下珠 S N C - F Phyllodium pulchellum 排錢草 S N C - Pinus elliottii 濕地松 T E C - Pinus massoniana 馬尾松 T N C - Pistia stratiotes 大薸 H N C -

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 32 Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Plumbago zeylanica 白花丹 S N C - S Plumeria rubra 雞蛋花 T E C - Polygonum chinense 火炭母 H N C - S Polygonum glabrum 光蓼 H N C - Polygonum hydropiper 水蓼 H N C - Polygonum perfoliatum 杠板歸 H N C - O Psidium guajava 番石榴 T E C - Psychotria asiatica 九節 S N C - O A A A S Pteris biaurita 狹眼鳳尾蕨 F N C - S Pteris ensiformis 劍葉鳳尾蕨 F N C - S Pteris semipinnata 半邊旗 F N C - Pteris vittata 蜈蚣草 F N C - Pterocypsela indica 翅果菊 H N C - S Pterospermum heterophyllum 翻白葉樹 T N R - Pueraria lobata 葛 C N C - Pueraria phaseoloides 三裂葉野葛 C N C - Pycreus flavidus 球穗扁莎 H N C - S O Pycreus polystachyos 多穗扁莎 H N C - S Pyrrosia adnascens 貼生石韋 H N C - O Ravenala madagascariensis 旅人蕉 T E C - Rhaphiolepis lanceolate 細葉石斑木 S N C -

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 33 Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Rhododendron pulchrum 錦繡杜鵑 S E C - Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 桃金娘 S N C - S Rhus chinensis 鹽膚木 T N C - Rhus hypoleuca 白背鹽膚木 T N C - Rhus succedanea 木蠟樹 T N C - S Ricinus communis 蓖麻 S E C - S S S Roystonea regia 王棕 T E C - Sageretia thea 雀梅藤 C N C - S S S Salvinia natans 槐葉蘋 H N Ra - Sansevieria trifasciata 虎尾蘭 H E C - Sapium discolor 山烏桕 T N C - Sapium sebiferum 烏桕 T N C - S F S S Sarcandra glabra 草珊瑚 S N C - Sarcosperma laurinum 肉實樹 T N C - Scaevola taccada 草海桐 S N C - Schefflera heptaphylla 鵝掌柴 T N C - S Scirpus littoralis 鑽苞藨草 H N C - Scleria sp. - H - - Scolopia chinensis 刺柊 T N C - Senecio scandens 千里光 H N C - S Senna occidentalis 望江南 S E C - F

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 34 Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Senna tora 決明 S E C - S F S S Sesuvium portulacastrum 海馬齒 H N C - S Severinia buxifolia 酒餅簕 S N C - S S F Sida acuta 黃花稔 H N C - S Sida rhombifolia 白背黃花稔 H/S N C - F F O Smilax china 菝葜 C N C - S S Smilax lanceifolia var . opaca 暗色菝葜 C N C - Solanum americanum 少花龍葵 H N C - S Solanum torvum 水茄 S N C - S S Spathodea campanulata 火焰樹 T E C - Spermacoce mauritiana 二萼豐花草 H N C - S Spilanthes paniculata 金鈕扣 S N C - S Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 假馬鞭 S N C - O S S Stephania longa 糞箕篤 C N C - S Sterculia lanceolata 假蘋婆 T N C - O F S Strelitzia nicolai 大鶴望蘭 T E C - Strelitzia reginae 鶴望蘭 H E C - Strophanthus divaricatus 羊角拗 C N C - S S S Strychnos angustiflora 牛眼馬錢 C N C - Synedrella nodiflora 金腰箭 S N C - Syngonium podophyllum 合果芋 C E C - S

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 35 Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Syzygium jambos 蒲桃 T E C - S Syzygium levinei 山蒲桃 T N C - S Tadehagi triquetrum 葫蘆茶 S N C - Terminalia catappa 欖仁樹 T E C - Tetracera asiatica 錫葉藤 C N C - Tetradium glabrifolium 楝葉吳茱萸 T N C - O Teucrium viscidum 血見愁 H N C - S Thespesia populnea 恒春黃槿 T N R - Thevetia peruviana 紅酒杯花 T E C - S Thuja orientalis 側柏 T E C - Tipuana tipu 大班木 T N C - Toddalia asiatica 飛龍掌血 C N C - Toxocarpus wightianus 弓果藤 C N C - Tradescantia spathacea 紫萬年青 H E C - Trichosanthes rosthornii 中華栝樓 C N C - O Triumfetta rhomboidea 刺蒴麻 S N C - S Tylophora ovata 娃兒藤 C N C - S S Uraria crinita 貓尾草 H N C - Urena lobata 肖梵天花 S N C - S Urena procumbens 梵天花 S N C - Uvaria macrophylla 紫玉盤 S N C - O O S

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 36 Project Elements

Growth Conservation Scientific Name 中文名稱 Origin Status Form Status SPS SPS SPS Wan Wan Wan Proposed Proposed San Shek San Shek San Shek San Shek Shui Hau Hau Shui Tong Fuk Tong Fuk Wan STW Wan Pui O SPS Pui O Street SPS Street Cheung Fu Fu Cheung Alternative Alternative Cheung Sha Sha Cheung

Vernicia montana 木油樹 T E C - O Vernonia cinerea 夜香牛 H/S N C - S Vitex negundo 黃荊 S N C - S S Vitex negundo L. var. 牡荊 T N C - S cannabifolia Vitex rotundifolia 白背蔓荊 C N C - S Washingtonia robusta 大絲葵 T N C - Wedelia chinensis 蟛蜞菊 C N C - 三裂葉蟛蜞 Wedelia trilobata C E C - S 菊 Wikstroemia indica 了哥王 S N C - Xanthium sibiricum 蒼耳 S N C - A S Youngia japonica 黃鵪菜 H N C - S Zanthoxylum avicennae 簕欓花椒 T N C - S O S Zanthoxylum nitidum 兩面針 C N C - A S O Zanthoxylum scandens 花椒簕 C N C - S S O O Zingiber officinale 薑 H N C - Zornia gibbosa 丁癸草 H N C - Zoysia sinica 中華結縷草 G N C - Total No. of Plant Species 376 (Overall in Study Area) 52 31 50 42 52 61 37 10

Abundance: A=Abundant; F=Frequent; O=Occasional; S=Scarce

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 37 Status: C=Common/V. Common; R = Restricted; Ra=Rare/V. Rare; P=Protected Growth Form: G=Grass; C= Climber; H=Herb; Se=Sedge, P=Palm; S=Shrub/Sub-shrub; T=Tree Origin: N=Native; E=Exotic Conservation Staus: IUCN Red List - NT = Near threatned; VU = Vulnerable; LC = Least concern; Hong Kong Herbarium (2015).

MW = Mixed Woodland FSW = Fung Shui Woodland PL = Plantation SG = Shrubland-Grassland C = Cultivation M = Marsh M/S = Mangrove / Sandflat S/C = Stream / Channel SS = Sandy Shore RS = Rocky Shore U/D = Urbanized/Disturbed

B&V/ ERM Drainage Services Department 38 Table B1 Bird recorded within the Study Area

Common name Species names Protection Status (1) C FS M M P RS M/ SS S/ S U/ Commonness (2) W W S G D

Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus LC 2 20 Common Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos LC 2 1 0 Common Fork-tailed Sunbird Aethopyga christinae LC 2 4 1 1 Common Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis LC 1 2 1 1 Common White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus LC 1 2 1 Common Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi LC 2 1 1 Common House Swift Apus nipalensis LC 1 1 1 2 1 2 Common Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus LC 1 2 1 Common Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis LC 14 Common Striated Heron Butorides striatus - 1 Uncommon Great Egret Casmerodius albus LC 14 2 Uncommon Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis Protected under Cap. 170 – Wild 1 1 2 Common Protection Ordinance; Class 2 Protected of PRC; Classified as “vulnerable” by China Red Data Book Rock Dove Columba livia LC 1 1 4 Uncommon Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis LC 1 3 2 1 1 1 Common Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos LC 2 2 3 2 1 Common Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus LC 3 1 1 1 1 Common Little Egret Egretta garzetta LC 1 3 9 Common Pacific Reef Egret Egretta sacra Protected under Cap. 170 – Wild 1 3 Common Animals Protection Ordinance; Class 2 Protected Animal of PRC Common Koel Eudynamys scolopacea LC 1 1 Common

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1 Common name Species names Protection Status (1) C FS M M P RS M/ SS S/ S U/ Commonness (2) W W S G D

Hwamei Garrulax canorus Protected under Cap. 170 – Wild 2 Common Animals Protection Ordinance; Appendix 2 of CITES; Class 2 Protected Animal of PRC Black-throated Laughingthrush Garrulax chinensis LC 1 1 Uncommon Masked Laughingthrush Garrulax perspicillatus LC 7 13 6 Common Black-collared Starling Gracupica nigricollis - 1 Common White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis LC 2 Common Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica LC 2 2 1 2 2 3 Common Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach LC 2 1 1 Common Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata LC 5 2 2 8 Uncommon White-rumped Munia Lonchura striata LC 6 1 2 4 3 Common Black Kite Milvus migrans Protected under Cap. 170 – Wild 2 2 2 Common Animals Protection Ordinance; Class 2 Protected Animal of PRC; Appendix 2 of CITES White Wagtail Motacilla alba LC 2 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 Common Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa dauurica - 1 1 Uncommon Common Tailorbird Orthotomus sutorius LC 1 7 4 3 2 Common Collared Scops Owl Otus lettia Protected under Cap. 170 – Wild * Common Animals Protection Ordinance; Class 2 Protected Animal of PRC Great Tit Parus major LC 1 5 3 Common Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus LC 5 2 19 Common Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis LC 1 2 2 1 Uncommon Common Magpie Pica pica LC 3 1 4 Common Yellow-bellied Prinia Prinia flaviventris LC 1 3 6 Common Sooty-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus aurigaster LC 5 3 Common

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2 Common name Species names Protection Status (1) C FS M M P RS M/ SS S/ S U/ Commonness (2) W W S G D

Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus LC 1 17 7 4 1 Common Chinese Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis LC 2 1 20 7 7 Common Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis - 1 8 3 1 1 Common Black-collared Starling Sturnus nigricollis LC 1 1 6 Common Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica LC 7 3 5 2 4 Common Total no. of birds - 29 16 53 97 70 2 23 7 55 10 85 Total no. of bird species 44 - 13 6 19 21 26 2 10 5 19 5 21

C = cultivation, FSW = Fung Shui woodland, M = marsh, MW = mixed woodland, P = plantation, shore, RS = rocky shore, M/S = mangroves/ sandflat, SS = sandy shore, S/G = shrubland/grassland, S = stream, U/D = urbanised/ disturbed * Species was heard from bird calls; Shaded cells are species of conservation interest. (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database; Zheng and Wang (1998). LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.


Table B2 Bird recorded within the Project Area

San Shek Proposed San Shek Pui O Tong Wan SPS San Shek Wan Cheung Protection SPS & Cheung Fuk SPS Shui Alternative Common name Species names Wan SPS STW & Fu Street Commonness status Access Sha SPS & Access Hau SPS Site & & Access Access SPS Road Road Access Road Road Road LC Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 1 2 Common LC House Swift Apus nipalensis 1 Common LC Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis 1 1 1 1 Common - Black-collared Starling Gracupica nigricollis 1 Common LC Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 1 Common LC White Wagtail Motacilla alba 1 Common LC Common Tailorbird Orthotomus sutorius 1 1 1 1 1 Common LC Great Tit Parus major 1 1 Common LC Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 2 1 1 Common LC Yellow-bellied Prinia Prinia flaviventris 1 Common LC Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 1 2 2 1 Common LC Chinese Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis 2 2 2 1 1 Common - Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 1 1 1 1 1 1 Common LC Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonica 2 1 2 1 Common Total no. of birds 5 9 12 2 6 4 6 5 Total no. of bird species 14 4 6 10 1 5 3 6 5 (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 4 Table C1 Mammal, and Reptile recorded within the Study Area

Protection Common name Species names C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2) Status (1)


Asian Common Toad Bufo melanostictus LC + + very common Asiatic Painted Kaloula pulchra LC + common Ornate Pigmy Frog Microhyla ornata LC ++ common Paddy Frog Fejervarya limnocharis LC + ++ common Class 2 Protected Chinese Bullfrog Hoplobatrachus chinensis ++ common Animal of PRC Gunther's Frog Rana guentheri LC + ++ very common Brown Tree Frog megacehphalus - + ++ common Reptile Red-eared Slider Trachemys scripta LC + common Chinese Gecko Gekko chinensis LC + very common Bowring's Gecko Hemidactylus bowringii - + + + very common Changeable Lizard Calotes versicolor - + common Chinese Skink Eumeces chinensis - + common Long-tailed Skink Mabuya longicaudata - + common Reeves' Smooth Skink Scincella reevesii - + + common Classified as “endangered” Copperhead Racer Elaphe radiata + + + common by China Red Data Book Red-necked Keelback Rhabdophis subminiatus LC + common Mammal Protected Japanese Pipistrelle Pipistrellus abramus under Cap. ++ ++ ++ ++ very common 170 – Wild

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 5 Protection Common name Species names C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2) Status (1)

Animals Protection Ordinance Chestnut Spiny Rat Niviventer fulvescens LC + common Roof Rat Rattus rattus LC + very common Domestic Dog Canis lupus LC ++ ++ very common Domestic Cat Felis catus - + very common Eurasian Wild Pig Sus scrofa LC + very common Domestic Ox Bos taurus - ++ ++ very common Domestic Water Buffalo Bubalus bubalus EN ++ +++ common

Shaded cells are species of conservation interest. C = cultivation, FSW = Fung Shui woodland, M = marsh, MW = mixed woodland, P = plantation, shore, RS = rocky shore, M/S = mangroves/ sandflat, SS = sandy shore, S/G = shrubland/grassland, S = stream, U/D = urbanised/ disturbed + = 1-5 individuals, ++ = 5-20 individuals, +++ = >20 individuals (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.


Table C2 Mammal, Amphibian and Reptile recorded within the Project Area

Common name Species names Protection Pui O Cheung Tong Shui Proposed San Shek San Cheung Commonness (2) Status (1) SPS & Sha SPS Fuk Hau San Shek Wan SPS Shek Fu Street Access SPS & SPS Wan SPS Alternative Wan SPS Road Access & Access Site & STW & Road Road Access Access Road Road Amphibian Paddy Frog Fejervarya limnocharis LC + Common Brown Tree Frog Polypedates megacephalus LC + Common Reptile Chinese Gecko Gekko chinensis LC + + + Very common Mammal Japanese Pipistrelle Pipistrellus abramus Protected + Very common under Cap. 170 – Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Domestic Dog Canis lupus LC + Very common

+ = 1-5 individuals, ++ = 5-20 individuals, +++ = >20 individuals Shaded cells are species of conservation interest (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.


Table D1 recorded within the Study Area

Protection Status(1) Common name Species names C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2)

Plum Judy Abisara echerius - 2 1 1 Very Common Indian Fritillary Argyreus hyperbius - 1 Uncommon Angled Castor Ariadne ariadne - 1 3 1 1 1 2 Common Forest Hopper jama - 2 Common Lemon Emigrant Catopsilia pomona - 1 1 2 Common Tawny Rajah bernardus - 1 1 1 1 2 Common Lime Blue Chilades lajus - 1 2 2 1 Very Common Common Mime Chilasa clytia - 1 1 1 1 Common Rustic Cupha erymanthis - 1 1 Very Common Common Mapwing Cyrestis thyodamas - 1 common Common Tiger Danaus genutia - 1 1 1 1 Very Common Red-base Jezebel Delias pasithoe - 2 1 1 Very Common Blue-spotted Crow Euploea midamus - 1 1 1 Very Common Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe - 1 4 4 2 4 1 6 Very Common Large Faun Faunis eumeus - 2 4 2 Very Common Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon - 3 2 Very Common Common Bluebottle Graphium sarpedon - 1 1 4 Very Common Great Orange Tip Hebomoia glaucippe - 1 1 1 Common Purple Sapphire Heliophorus epicles - 1 3 1 1 Common Great Eggfly Hypolimnas bolina - 1 1 1 Common Peacock Pansy Junonia almana LC 1 1 Common Blue Pansy Junonia orithya - 1 1 1 Uncommon

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 8 Protection Status(1) Common name Species names C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2)

Blue Admiral Kaniska canace - 1 2 2 1 Common Banded Tree Brown Lethe confusa - 1 1 3 Very Common Dark-band Bush Brown Mycalesis mineus - 1 1 1 1 Very Common Common Sailor Neptis hylas - 1 1 1 1 1 Very Common Chinese Peacock Papilio bianor - 1 1 1 1 Very Common Lime Butterfly Papilio demoleus - 2 3 Common Red Helen Papilio helenus - 3 1 1 2 3 1 Very Common Great Mormon Papilio memnon - 2 3 2 2 1 Common Paris Peacock Papilio paris - 3 1 1 Very Common Common Mormon Papilio polytes - 3 12 2 3 2 Very Common Spangle Papilio protenor - 1 1 1 2 Very Common Indian Cabbage White Pieris canidia - 2 2 3 1 Very Common Contiguous Swift Polytremis lubricans - 1 1 1 1 Common Chinese Dart Potanthus confucius - 1 Common Common Five-ring Ypthima baldus - 1 3 Very Common Straight Five-ring Ypthima lisandra - 1 1 Common Punchinello Zemeros flegyas - 1 1 2 Common Pale Grass Blue Zizeeria maha - 1 3 1 3 Very Common Total no. of 15 9 7 52 33 1 2 13 33 22 34 Total no. of butterfly species 40 10 8 6 23 20 1 1 10 21 15 20 C = cultivation, FSW = Fung Shui woodland, M = marsh, MW = mixed woodland, P = plantation, shore, RS = rocky shore, M/S = mangroves/ sandflat, SS = sandy shore, S/G = shrubland/grassland, S = stream, U/D = urbanised/ disturbed (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 9 Table D2 Butterfly recorded within the Project Area

San San Shek Tong Proposed Shek Pui O Wan SPS Cheung Cheung Fuk Shui San Shek Wan Protection SPS & Alternative Fu Commonness Common name Species names Sha SPS & Hau Wan SPS STW status (1) Access Site & Street (2) SPS Access SPS & Access & Road Access SPS Road Road Access Road Road Angled Castor Ariadne ariadne - 1 1 Common Lemon Emigrant Catopsilia pomona - 3 2 common Common Mapwing Cyrestis thyodamas - 1 common Common Tiger Danaus genutia - 1 Very Common Blue-spotted Crow Euploea midamus - 1 Very Common Common Grass Yellow Eurema hecabe - 1 1 1 Very Common Large Fauna Faunis eumeus - 1 1 Very Common Tailed Jay Graphium agamemnon - 1 Very Common Common Bluebottle Graphium sarpedon - 1 Very Common Dark-band Bush Brown Mycalesis mineus - 1 Very Common Red Helen Papilio helenus - 1 1 1 Very Common Great Mormon Papilio memnon - 1 Very Common Common Mormon Papilio polytes - 2 5 1 Very Common Spangle Papilio protenor - 1 Very Common Indian Cabbage White Pieris canidia - 2 1 Very Common

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 10 San San Shek Tong Proposed Shek Pui O Wan SPS Cheung Cheung Fuk Shui San Shek Wan Protection SPS & Alternative Fu Commonness Common name Species names Sha SPS & Hau Wan SPS STW status (1) Access Site & Street (2) SPS Access SPS & Access & Road Access SPS Road Road Access Road Road Pale Grass Blue Zizeeria maha - 2 2 Very Common Total no. of butterflies 10 1 5 0 7 7 5 3 Total no. of butterfly species 16 6 1 4 0 6 3 4 3 (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 11 Table E1 Dragonfly recorded within the Study Area

Common name Species names Protection C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2) Status (1)

Asian Pintail Acisoma panorpoides LC 1 1 2 Common Orange-tailed Midget Agriocnemis femina LC 1 1 3 Abundant Wandering Midget Agriocnemis pygmaea LC 2 4 Common Pale-spotted Emperor Anax guttatus LC 1 1 1 Abundant Blue Dasher Brachydiplax chalybea LC 1 2 Common Asian Amberwing Brachythemis contaminata LC 2 1 Abundant Orange-tailed Sprite Ceriagrion auranticum LC 2 Abundant Yellow Featherlegs Copera marginipes LC 1 1 Abundant Crimson Darter Crocothemis servilia LC 4 1 1 Abundant Blue Percher Diplacodes trivialis LC 4 1 1 1 Abundant Black-banded Gossamerwing Euphaea decorata LC 2 1 Abundant Common Flangetail Ictinogomphus pertinax LC 4 Abundant Common Bluetail Ischnura senegalensis LC 1 1 Abundant Russet Percher Neurothemis fulvia LC 2 5 1 Abundant Pied Percher Neurothemis tullia LC 3 1 1 1 Common Red-faced Skimmer Orthetrum chrysis LC 2 1 2 1 4 2 1 Common Common Blue Skimmer Orthetrum glaucum LC 3 2 1 1 2 16 1 2 Abundant Marsh Skimmer Orthetrum luzonicum LC 2 2 1 1 Abundant Common Red Skimmer Orthetrum pruinosum LC 1 2 1 Abundant Green Skimmer Orthetrum sabina LC 1 2 5 Common Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens LC 1 1 2 Abundant Orange-faced Sprite Pseudagrion rubriceps LC 1 1 1 1 Common Common Blue Jewel Rhinocypha perforata LC 1 6 Abundant Variegated Flutterer Rhyothemis variegata LC Common

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 12 Common name Species names Protection C FSW M MW P RS M/S SS S/G S U/D Commonness (2) Status (1)

Saddlebag Glider Tramea virginia LC Common Crimson Dropwing Trithemis aurora LC Abundant Indigo Dropwing Trithemis festiva LC Abundant Total no. of dragonflies 25 4 24 16 6 2 0 17 9 31 4 Total no. of dragonfly species 27 12 3 16 10 5 1 0 2 5 14 3 C = cultivation, FSW = Fung Shui woodland, M = marsh, MW = mixed woodland, P = plantation, shore, RS = rocky shore, M/S = mangroves/ sandflat, SS = sandy shore, S/G = shrubland/grassland, S = stream, U/D = urbanised/ disturbed (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 13 Table E2 Dragonfly recorded within the Project Area

Protection San Shek San Cheung Shui Proposed San Cheung status (1) Pui O Tong Wan SPS Shek Common name Species names Sha Hau Shek Wan Fu Street Commonness (2) SPS Fuk SPS Alternative Wan SPS SPS SPS SPS Site STW LC Russet Percher Neurothemis fulvia 3 1 Common LC Red-faced Skimmer Orthetrum chrysis 1 1 Abundant Orthetrum LC Common Blue Skimmer 1 Abundant glaucum LC Green Skimmer Orthetrum sabina 2 1 Abundant LC Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens 3 2 1 2 Abundant Total no. of dragonflies 5 0 3 0 3 2 4 1 Total no. of dragonfly species 5 2 0 2 0 1 2 3 1 (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14 Table F Aquatic Fauna recorded within the Study Area

Scientific Name Chinese Name English Name Pui O San Shek Cheung Tong Fuk Shui Hau Status HK Status IUCN Wan Sha Acanthopagrus latus 黃鰭鯛 Yellowfin seabream    common Data Deficient (DD) Acentrogobius caninus 犬牙细棘蝦虎鱼 Tropical sandy goby  common - Ambassis gymnocephalus 眶棘雙邊魚 Bald galssy   common Least Concern (LC) Anguilla japonica 日本鰻鱺 Japanese eel   common Endangered (EN) Bathygobius fuscus 深蝦虎魚 Dusky frillgoby     common Least Concern (LC) Brotia hainanensis 海南蜷螺 Large Stream Snail  Common Least Concern (LC) Caridina cantonensis 廣東米蝦 Atyid shrimp    Common Least Concern (LC) Channa asiatica 月鱧/山斑 Small snakehead  Uncommon Least Concern (LC) Chelonodon patoca 凹鼻鲀 Milkspotted puffer  common Least Concern (LC) Clarias fuscus 鬍鯰 Whitespotted Walking Catfish  Common Least Concern (LC) Eleotris acanthopoma 刺蓋塘鱧 Spinecheek gudgeon    declining Least Concern (LC) Eleotris oxycephala 尖頭塘鱧 Sharp-headed sleeper    declining Least Concern (LC) Enithares sp. 仰泳蝽 Backswimmer   Common - Exopalaemon sp. - Shrimp  Common - Favonigobius reichei 雷氏乳突蝦虎魚 Indo-Pacific tropical sand goby    declining Lower Risk/Near Threatened by IUCN Red List Gambusia affinis 食蚊魚 Mosquito fish  Common Gerres oyena 奧奈銀鱸 Common silver-biddy   common - Glossogobius biocellatus 雙斑砂蝦虎魚 Sleepy goby  Uncommon Lower Risk/Near Threatened by IUCN Red List Glossogobius giuris 舌蝦虎 Tank goby    common Least Concern (LC) Hemichromis stellifer 星點伴麗魚 Jewelfish  Common Least Concern (LC) Liniparhomaloptera 擬平鰍 Broken-band hillstream loach  Common Data deficient (DD) disparis Liza subviridis 綠背鯔 Greenback mullet   common - Luciogobius guttatus 竿蝦虎魚 Flat-headed goby    declining - Lutjanus 紫紅笛鯛 Mangrove red snapper    common - argentimaculatus Macrobrachium 海南沼蝦 Palaemond shrimp      Common Least Concern (LC) hainanense Melanoides tuberculata 瘤擬黑螺 Snail  Common Least Concern (LC) Metrocoris lituratus - Small pond skater   Common -

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 15 Scientific Name Chinese Name English Name Pui O San Shek Cheung Tong Fuk Shui Hau Status HK Status IUCN Wan Sha Mugil cephalus 鯔 Mullet    common Least Concern (LC) Mugiogobius abei 阿部鯔蝦虎 Abe goby    common - Omobranchus 斑頭肩鰓鳚 Blenny  Common Least Concern (LC) fasciolatoceps Oreochromis niloticus 福壽魚 Nile tilapia  Common - Parazacco spilurus 異鱲 Predaceous Chub   Common Vulnerable in China Red Data Book Periophthalmus 彈塗魚 Mudskipper   common - modestus Pisodonophis cancrivorus 食蟹豆齒鰻 Crab eating eel  common - Pomadasys maculatus 大斑石鱸 Saddle grunt   common Least Concern (LC) Pseudogastromyzon 麥氏擬腹吸鰍 Sucker-belly loach    Common Least Concern (LC) myersi Pseudogobius javanicus 爪哇擬蝦虎魚 Java goby    common - Ptilomera tigrina - Large Pond skater   Common Puntius semifasciolatus 七星 Chinese Barb  Common Least Concern (LC) Rhinogobius duospilus 溪吻鰕虎魚   Common - Rhinogobius giurinus 子陵吻鰕虎魚 Barcheek goby   Common Least Concern (LC) Scatophagus argus 金錢魚 Spotted scat   common Least Concern (LC) Schistura fasciolata 橫紋南鰍 Striped Loach  Common Data deficient (DD) Siganus canaliculatus 長鰭籃子魚 White-spotted spinefoot  common - Sillago japonica 日本鱚 Japanese sillago  common Least Concern (LC) Sillago sihama 鱚 Silver sillago  common - Takifugu niphobles 黑點多紀魨 Grass puffer   common Data deficient (DD) Takifugu ocellatus 弓斑多紀魨 Eye-spotted puffer   rare IUCN - Near Threatened Terapon jarbua 細鱗鯻 Jarbua terapon    common Least Concern (LC) Tridentiger bifasciatus 雙帶縞蝦虎魚 Shimofuri goby    common Least Concern (LC) Uca arcuata 弧邊招潮蟹 Fiddler crab  Common - Uca crassipes 青白招潮蟹 Fiddler crab  Common - Varuna litterata 字紋弓蟹 Crab  Common - Xiphophorus hellerii 劍尾魚 Swordtail  Common - Total no. of species 39 9 8 24 24 (1) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. LC = Least Concern; EN= Endangered; VU = Vulnerable (2) AFCD (2015) Hong Kong Biodiversity Database.

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 16 Table G Abundance of Aquatic Fauna recorded in Streams

Scientific Name Pui O San Shek Wan Cheung Sha Tong Fuk Shui Hau U M L U M L U M L U M L U M L Anguilla japonica + + Pisodonophis cancrivorous + Mugil cephalus +++ + + ++ Liza subviridis ++ + Ambassis gymnocephalus +++ +++ Siganus canaliculatus ++ Sillago japonica + Sillago sihama + Lutjanus argentimaculatus ++ ++ ++ Gerres oyena ++ ++ Pomadasys maculatus + + Acanthopagrus latus ++ + ++ Terapon jarbua + ++ ++ + + Eleotris acanthopoma + + + ++ Eleotris oxycephala + ++ + + ++ Acentrogobius caninus + Bathygobius fuscus + + + + ++ + ++ Glossogobius giuris + + + Psammogobius biocellatus + Luciogobius guttatus + + + Mugiogobius abei + ++ + Favonigobius reichei + + ++ Periophthalmus modestus +++ + Pseudogobius javanicus ++ ++ + Tridentiger bifasciatus ++ + + Scatophagus argus +++ ++ Takifugu niphobles + + Takifugu ocellatus + + Chelonodon patoca + Hemichromis stellifer + Puntius semifasciolatus ++ ++ Gambusia affinis ++

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 17 Scientific Name Pui O San Shek Wan Cheung Sha Tong Fuk Shui Hau U M L U M L U M L U M L U M L Xiphophorus hellerii ++ Oreochromis niloticus ++ Parazacco spilurus +++ ++ ++ ++ Rhinogobius duospilus + ++ ++ Rhinogobius giurinus + ++ ++ Channa asiatica ++ Clarias fuscus + Pseudogastromyzon myersi ++ + ++ ++ Liniparhomaloptera disparis ++ ++ Schistura fasciolata + Omobranchus fasciolatoceps + Macrobrachium hainanense + + + + + + + + + + + + + Caridina cantonensis ++ + ++ ++ +++ +++ Exopalaemon sp. +++ Uca arcuata ++ Uca crassipes +++ Varuna litterata + + Ptilomera tigrina +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ Metrocoris lituratus ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Enithares sp. + + + Brotia hainanensis ++ ++ Melanoides tuberculata ++ + Total no. of species 8 7 30 6 3 4 8 5 4 10 10 15 3 5 23 U = Upper Stream, M = Middle Stream, L =Lower Stream

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 18 Table H Density (abundance / m2) of intertidal fauna recorded in Location I-1

High-shore Mid-shore Low-shore Abundance / m2 September October September October September October Cellana sp. 0 0 16 14 11 26 Siphonaria sp. 0 0 13 13 12 19 Monodonta labio 0 0 7 8 17 25 Lunella coronata 0 0 0 1 2 3 Echinolittorina radiata 33 43 16 16 0 0 Echinolittorina maccalan 18 13 11 11 0 0 Thais clavigera 0 0 0 0 3 3 Saccostrea cucullata 0 0 0 0 28 24 Barbatia virescens 0 0 11 10 6 7 Ligia exotica 5 4 5 3 2 0 Capitulum mitella 0 0 12 10 2 0 Nerita sp. 0 0 3 2 5 4 Epixanthus frontalis 0 0 0 0 2 2 Gaetice depressus 0 0 1 1 1 1 Chlorostoma argyrostoma 0 0 3 3 3 3 Holothuria leucospilota 0 0 0 0 1 1 Gobies (Family Gobiidae) 0 0 0 0 1 0 Total 56 60 98 92 96 118

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 19 Table I Density (abundance / m2) of intertidal fauna recorded in Location I-2

High-shore Mid-shore Low-shore Abundance / m2 September October September October September October Cellana sp. 0 0 13 14 10 22 Siphonaria sp. 0 0 7 13 9 16 Monodonta labio 0 0 9 10 17 20 Lunella coronata 0 0 0 2 3 4 Echinolittorina radiata 32 32 12 17 0 0 Echinolittorina maccalan 15 15 3 13 0 0 Thais clavigera 0 0 0 0 2 6 Saccostrea cucullata 0 0 0 0 30 32 Barbatia virescens 0 0 9 9 8 10 Ligia exotica 5 5 4 5 0 0 Capitulum mitella 0 0 8 9 0 0 Nerita sp. 0 0 2 3 4 4 Epixanthus frontalis 0 0 0 0 2 2 Gaetice depressus 0 0 1 0 1 1 Chlorostoma argyrostoma 0 0 4 4 4 4 Holothuria leucospilota 0 0 0 0 1 1 Total 52 52 72 99 91 122

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 20 Table J Density (abundance / m2) of intertidal fauna recorded in Location I-3

High-shore Mid-shore Low-shore Abundance / m2 September October September October September October Cellana sp. 0 0 17 15 10 21 Siphonaria sp. 0 0 9 13 10 15 Monodonta labio 0 0 9 10 18 19 Lunella coronata 0 0 0 2 3 4 Echinolittorina radiata 23 23 13 14 0 0 Echinolittorina malaccana 22 22 9 12 0 0 Thais clavigera 0 0 0 1 3 4 Saccostrea cucullata 0 0 0 0 32 38 Barbatia virescens 0 0 10 7 8 7 Ligia exotica 0 0 3 4 0 0 Capitulum mitella 0 0 5 11 0 0 Nerita sp. 0 0 3 3 3 3 Epixanthus frontalis 0 0 0 0 3 2 Gaetice depressus 0 0 1 0 1 1 Chlorostoma argyrostoma 0 0 4 3 3 3 Holothuria leucospilota 0 0 0 0 1 0 Total 45 45 83 95 95 117

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 21 Table K Density (abundance / m2) of intertidal fauna recorded in Location I-4

Abundance / m2 High-shore Mid-shore Low-shore September October September October September October Epifauna Cerithidea sp. 172 180 48 46 0 0 Batillaria sp. 66 73 197 199 158 152 Clithon sp. 0 0 12 15 0 0 Nassarius festivus 0 0 2 3 0 0 Lunella coronata 0 0 2 2 0 0 Nerita sp. 0 0 1 1 0 0 Metapenaeus sp. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hermit crab (Oder Anomura) 0 0 0 0 1 1 Total 238 253 262 266 159 153

Infauna Cerithidea sp. 76 81 2 3 0 0 Batillaria sp. 39 41 158 156 18 20 Anomalocardia flexuosa 0 0 17 17 17 19 Scopimera sp. 2 3 0 0 0 0 Hermit crab (Oder Anomura) 0 0 0 1 1 1 Nassarius festivus 0 0 3 2 0 1 Alpheus lobidens 0 0 0 1 0 0 Circe scripta 0 0 1 1 0 0 Clithon sp. 0 0 1 1 0 0 Tapes sp. 0 0 0 1 0 0 Macrophthalmus sp. 0 0 0 1 0 0 Meretrix meretrix 8 6 0 0 2 2 Total 125 131 182 184 38 43

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 22 Table L Abundance of benthos recorded in Locations B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4

Phylum Class Order Family Species B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 Aglaophamus Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Nephtyidae dibranchis 14 11 14 18 Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Ampharetidae Ampharete sp. 2 7 8 8 Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Pectinariidae Amphictene japonica 0 1 3 2 Annelida Polychaeta Flabelligerida Flabelligeridae Brada villosa 0 0 0 1 Annelida Polychaeta Amphinomida Amphinomidae Chloeia parva 0 0 3 0 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Cirratulidae Cirriformia tentaculata 21 2 6 4 Annelida Polychaeta Eunicida Onuphidae Diopatra sp. 3 2 3 4 Annelida Polychaeta Capitellida Maldanidae Euclymene sp. 66 48 63 93 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Polynoidae Gattyana sp. 2 2 0 1 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Glyceridae Glycera onomichiensis 81 91 48 53 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Goniadidae Glycinde gurjanovae 62 87 69 145 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Polynoidae Iphione sp. 0 1 0 0 Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Terebellidae Loimia medusa 5 8 11 7 Annelida Polychaeta Eunicida Lumbrineridae Lumbrineris sp. 0 0 3 2 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Magelonidae Magelona pacifica 23 21 5 25 Mediomastus Annelida Polychaeta Capitellida Capitellidae californiensis 36 18 36 28 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Nephtyidae Micronephtys sp. 2 0 0 3 Annelida Polychaeta Capitellida Capitellidae Notomastus latericens 5 0 2 7 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Hesionedae Ophiodromus sp. 0 0 1 0 Annelida Polychaeta Oweniida Oweniidae Owenia fusformis 0 1 0 0 Paralacydonia Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Lacydoniidae paradoxa 2 0 0 2 Paramphicteis Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Ampharetidae angustifolia 0 4 0 2 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Spionidae Paraprionospio pinnata 400 803 1373 1493 Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Pectinariidae Pectinaria papellosa 5 0 0 0 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Phyllodocidae Phyllodoce malmgreni 3 5 7 8 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Pilargiidae Pilargis sp. 46 2 5 0 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Poecilochaetidae Poecilochaetus sp. 4 1 1 2 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Spionidae Polydora sp. 0 1 2 7 Annelida Polychaeta Sabellida Sabellariidae Potamilla sp. 2 1 0 1 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Spionidae Prionospio 13 5 5 2

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 23 Phylum Class Order Family Species B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 queenslandica Annelida Polychaeta Terebellida Ampharetidae Samytha besslei 8 4 0 2 Annelida Polychaeta Orbiniida Orbiniidae Scoloplos sp. 0 0 1 1 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Pilargiidae Sigambra hanaokai 0 1 6 1 Annelida Polychaeta Sternaspida Sternaspidae Sternaspis sculata 29 8 7 7 Annelida Polychaeta Phyllodocida Sigalionidae Sthenolepis japonica 0 0 1 1 Annelida Polychaeta Spionida Cirratulidae Tharyx sp. 71 11 9 42 Arthropoda Crustacea Decapoda Alpheidae Alpheus sp. 0 1 0 0 Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda Amphipod - 14 10 2 24 Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda Melitidae Melita sp. 10 7 0 1 Arthropoda Crustacea Decapoda Penaeidae Metapenaeus ensis 2 2 2 8 Arthropoda Crustacea Amphipoda Ingolfiellidae Paranthura sp. 0 1 0 1 Arthropoda Crustacea Stomatopoda Squillidae Squilla fasciata 0 3 0 1 Chordata Osteichthyes Perciforme Gobiidae - 1 2 1 1 Chordata Osteichthyes Perciformes Taenioididae Trypauchen vagina 1 0 0 0 Coelentera Anthozoa Actiniaria Actiniidae Actinia sp. 0 0 0 5 Coelentera Anthozoa Ceriantharia Cerianthidae Cerianthus sp. 6 3 2 2 Coelentera Anthozoa Actiniaria Edwardsidae Edwardsia sp. 1 0 0 0 Echinodermata Holothuroidea Dendrochirotia Cucumariidae Phyllophorus spiculata 1 0 0 0 Echinodermata Stelleroidea Ophiurida Amphiuridae Amphioplus laevis 4 3 0 0 Listriolobus Echiura Echiurida Echiuroinea Echiuridae brevirostris 0 1 1 0 Ochetostoma Echiura Echiurida Echiuroinea Echiuridae erythrogrammon 1 0 0 0 Mollusca Bivalvia Arcoida Arcoidae Scapharca cornea 1 0 0 1 Mollusca Bivalvia Pholadomyoida Laternulidae Laternula anatina 0 0 1 0 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Veneridae Marcia sp. 0 1 0 0 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Tellinidae Merisca perplexa 1 1 0 1 Mollusca Bivalvia Mytiloida Mytilidae Modiolus flavidus 0 0 1 1 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Tellinidae Nitidotellina iridella 42 7 1 41 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Tellinidae Nitidotellina minuta 1 7 4 4 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Veneridae Paphia undulata 0 0 1 1 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Mactridae Raetellops pulchella 5 3 1 3 Mollusca Bivalvia Nuculoida Nuculanidae Saccella cuspidata 12 8 4 3 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Solenidae Solen dunkerianus 12 7 12 4 Mollusca Bivalvia Veneroida Veneridae Timoclea imbricata 5 15 4 16 Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Pyrenidae Mitrella bella 0 3 0 0

B&V/ ERM DRAINAGE SERVICES DEPARTMENT 24 Phylum Class Order Family Species B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Nassariidae Nassarius festivus 5 1 0 0 Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Nassariidae Nassarius siquijorensis 0 1 0 2 Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Turritella Turritella terebra 0 5 5 2 Nemertinea Anopla Heteronemertea Cerebratulidae Cerebratulina sp. 3 9 4 4 Phoronida Phoronidea Phoronidae Phoronis sp. 0 0 0 2 Sipuncula Phascolosomatidea Phascolosomaliformes Phascolosomatidae Apionsoma 1 2 0 0 trichocephalus Total no. of species 45 50 42 52 Total no. of individual 1034 1249 1738 2100