^3=^€s r FIRE



Wfcw iHiWiwrgcn>iwii<#»

For the treatment of IJ^nor, Ophtiiu Moi^ln

Coesiiues (Moral, Etlierj Chloroform, Ifohacca* and 0,garette Habits.


Still ;K

:; tMie.8 f^Eu;* -5.? M^-i San Franchco. I II ADVERTISEMENTS.

Nos. 16,18, 20, 22 Beak St. Nos. 709, 711, 713, 715 J St.


WATERHOUSE & LESTER, nwfUNLti City Free Library SACRA RTENTO, CALIF. IR ]^s^^ EL, Call No. /

», VO$.9.N ..y J^wM?'

i REFERENCE BOOK Slack1 This Book must not be taken from the Library Rooms. UppilES.

Accession No. Form 4 1-37 2M C»2


Wood Hub and Sarven Patent Wheels


TERMS.—Payable in Advance. Per Quarter Board, Tuition (including Plain and Fancy Needlework) and Washing $60 00 EXTRA- CHARGES. Piano or Organ, with use of instrument 18 00 Guitar, Mandolin or Zither, without use of Instrument 150 Vocal (Private Lessons), per lesson 1 o Painting in Oils or Water Colors 15 o Crayon or Charcoal Drawing , 15 00 Painting on China, with use of Kiln , Languages, Type-Writing, and private lessons in any branch— Special Terms. Between F and G, 8th and 9th Streets, SACRAMENTO, CAL. IV ADVERTISEMENTS.


Hacks Furnished at all Hour*.



We have a large, fine yard connected with our stable for the accommodation of farmers.

Particular attention paid to boarding horses.



Cor. 8th and J Sts., Sacramento, Cal.

Board and Lodging, £5 to $8 per Week. Single Meals, 25 cts. Board, $4 per Week. Single Rooms, 50 cts. Family Rooms, $1.00 to $2.00. BEST FAMILY HOTEL H THE CITY.

Cars of the Electric Street Railroad pass our door every few minutes. VI ADVERTISEMENTS.

CAPTAIN FRANK RUHSTALLER. Ronstaller's Extra (jilt Edoe Is the BEST BEER in the World.

Made out of Malt and Hops only. • -TRY IT.— -• CITY BREWERY, Cor. 12th and M Sts., Sacramento, Cal. PACIFIC * HOTEL, Cor. K and Fifth Sts., Sacramento. Centrally Located and Convenient to all Places of Amusement. The Best Family Hotel in the City.

The table is always supplied with the best the market affords. Street cars from the Depot pass the door every five minutes.




No. 1015 Eighth St., bet J and K, Sacramento, Cal

This Hotel is kept in the Best (jerman Style. The Bar is well stocked with Choice Liquors and Cigars.

J. A. SHEEHAN. J. B. HARRIS. TrIE SUNDAY NEWS The Leading Weekly of trie Capi­ tal City.

The Sunday News

Has FOUR TIIVIES the circulation of any other Sunday paper in Sacramento, and the paper excels as an advertising medium. ft •0 t> * h-l | ^ as Q 0 Oi * ft*> N:i o VI i r* F M^i ^ I Co 55 1 ?r b * «6 CO ft 5s §> o « OS F* "5 ^ C5 s 5 Kr) b © So5 H <^> 1 Q i CARLAW BROS. »*««m_q«?i*« loth and R Sts. and Marble Worka DIRECTORY


CONTAINING NAMES, PLAGES OF BUSINESS AND RESIDENCES Of all Adult Population of the City and County,


Names of Merchants, Manufacturers, Business and Professional Men, Bookkeepers, Clerks, Salesmen, Laborers, Etc., also State, County and Municipal Governments, Schools, Fraternal Societies, Etc., of Sacramento City.


For S£

530 California St., San Francisco, Cal.

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1895, by F. M. Husted, in the orlice of the Librarian of Congress at Wasuington, D. C.

Serves Daiiy more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery 1" COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. s : Ci: v ;.- r.._: • •• UY • '•,".. *' , A J. M. WtORRISON A. M. GAUI/T TUB DeiflMDfGO RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. dun Day nd W/jSf. OYSTCR PARLOR ; « JO -JJ •••'•'* £ it v1 5 ° noa io siauiani cm KM, O fl . O Of bo Arcade 488 £ •? S Alder Creek &.£}.]./)...{. 488 Antelope JS.JJ."..*J 488 Arno £./.£, 492 -ill8* I8 Brighton Junction 494 Broderick 494 Clay Station /•§•?•£> 494 if Conley 496 Cosumne 497 ©• a. ™ Courtland 502 K.M- Elk Grove 506 Florin 516 Folsom .• 521 Franklin 532 J?* ft «8 Freeport 535 :*w- Gait 538 Guthrie's Station 546 *>P Hicksville 546 Isleton 546 Mayhews , 550 Michigan Bar.... 551 J» Mills 552 Monta Vista 553 Mormon Island 553 0 Natoma 553 o Oak Park 553 Orange Vale 554 Orchard Switch 555 Paintersville 555 Perkins .,.,,,...... , 555 Kepresa :..;.}.X;i.**?;»•-.-:*...^../..v,.'.,; 559 Kio Vista V/..:..^™::.V:»:.

Acock T. L. Mrs , 97 Aitken A Top lines American Cash Store Bottom lines Asher Julius Side lines Blose H. K 636 California Perforating Screen Co 655 Capital Iron Works 143 Carlaw Bros Top lines Caselli A 8 City Brewery Front edge and page 6 Columbia Broom Factory 581 Cooley Charles Top lines Crocker H. S. Co Side lines DaKosa & Neves Bet 338 and 339 Day & Joy Bet pages 342 and 343 Delmonico Bestaurant Top lines Denton C. H Bet pages 482 and 483 Elk Grove Winery Bet pages 33*8 and 339 Fashion Stables Side lines Fireman's Fund Insurance Co Front cover Garten Gold Cure Institute Co Front cover Gwyer Dr. Mrs 658 Haubold Adam 249 Heald's Business College Backbone and bet pages 300 and 301 Ketchum E. J. C. Mrs. Bet pages 338 and 339 Kimball & Upson Back cover and side lines Kromer George .. .Top lines Lafferty J. A 4 Lautenschlager & Baumann 7 Lewis L. L. & Co , Top lines Loryea Dr 657 Martyr Robert 581 Metropolitan House Bet pages 338 and 339 Mills J. E Bet pages 342 and 343 Morrison & Gault Top lines Neary & Flaherty • 5 Old Homestead Home Bakery Top lines Pacific Hotel 6 Palace Restaurant Side lines DIXON. BORGESOft & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, F.

MS- **W miiiiDs Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 12 INDEX.


Patriarchs Militant Band 574 Philadelphia House 7 Phillips Bros.... Top lines Pealer M. Mrs 372 Ruhstaller Frank Front edge and page 6 St. Joseph's Academy , 3 SalaJ. C 659 Schmidt L. & L. Co Bet pages 319 and 320 SchadBros Sidelines Sheehan & Harris 7 Singleton C. F. Mrs 6 Stephenson Geo. H ; Bet pages 482 end 483 Sunday News 7 Thomas F., Parisian Dyeing and Cleaning Works 652 Vance J. J. Co 596 and 643 Varney A. K Bet pages 458 and 459 Washburn O. F Bottom Lines Waterhouse & Lester 2 Watson & Co 303 Welch Bros. Side lines Wheat CD. 652 Wheeler R. D Top lines Windsor*Hotel 5 Winters & Morgan Bet pages 338 and 339 Wissemann George. 8 Woodson Bros Bet pages 482 and 433 Wright C. E Bet pages 482 and 483

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted's is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. H« MmgMiim 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.



Governor—J. H. Budd. Private Secretary—E. L. Colnon. Executive Secretary—E. D. McCabe. Secretary Board of Examiners—George E. Pratt. Lieutenant-Governor—Spencer G. Millard. Secretary of State—L. H. Brown. Deputy—Wm. T. Sesnon. Controller—E. P. Colgan. Deputy—F. W. Judson. Treasurer—Levi Rackliff. Deputy—W. R. Loutitt. Attorney-General—W. F. Fitzgerald. Deputies—J. C. Daly and C. H. Jackson. Surveyor-General and ex-officio Register State Land Office— M. J. Wright. Deputy—F. E. Wright. Superintendent Public Instruction—S. F. Black. Deputy— W. W. Seamou. Adjutant-General—Charles C. Allen. Deputy—R. E. Murray. State Board of Health—W. G. Cochran president, J. R. Laine M.D., secretary. State Board of Education—J. H. Budd (Governor), president; S. T. Black (Superintendent of Public Instruction), secre­ tary; W. H. V. Raymond (Editor State Text Books). Meet quarterly. State Mineralogist—William Irelan Jr. Superintendent State Printing—A. J. Johnston. State Librarian—Dana Perkins. Deputy—"W. S. Leake. Secretary State Board of Equalization—E. W. Maslin. Railroad Commissioners—First District, H. M. LaRue; Sec­ ond District, J. L. Stanton; Third District, W. R. Clark. Insurance Commissioner—M. R. Higgins. Deputy—M. M. Rhorer. Warden of Folsom Prison—Charles Aull. Warden of San Quentin Prison—Wm. E. Hale.

SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice—W. H. Beatty. Associate Justices—T. B. McFarland, W. C. Van Fleet, C. H. Garroutte, F. W. Henshaw and Jackson Temple. rse 3ri THEAMERICANGASHST0RL than an™°""y other tw™""™o Grocery' •OR. STN AMD K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f?eal Estate and Insurance CEI. mm. 7*5 K HT, SACKAMEXTO, VAU 14 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Clerk—T. H. Ward. Court Reporter—C. C. Pomeroy. Frank T. Meagher, secretary; H. C. Finkler, secretary; B. F. Edson, Librarian.

TERMS OP COURT. The Supreme Court meets at the following places: At the city of San Francisco on the second Monday in Janu­ ary and the third Monday in July. At the city of Los Angeles on the first Monday in April and on the second Monday in October. At the city of Sacramento on the first Monday in May and on the second Monday in November.

COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Assessor—T. H. Berkey. Sheriff and Tax Collector—F. T. Johnson. County Cierk—W. B. Hamilton. District Attorney—F. D. Ryan. Auditor and Recorder—R. T. Cohn. Treasurer—Edward Lyon. Superintendent of Schools—B. F. Howard. Surveyor—J. C. Boyd. License Collector—H. K. Miller. Public Administrator—W. B. Miller. Coroner—John Miller.

SUPERIOR COURT. Dept. No. 1—A. P. Catlin. Dept. No. 2—Matt F. Johnson.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. J. W. Todd, Wm. Curtis, J. F. Dreman, Thos. Jenkins and J. M. Morrison. Reporters—W. J. Davis, B. C. Brier, E. F. Duden; typewriter Mrs T. L. Acock.

Serves Daily more Patrons J than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. nmn, 423 J St., Saoramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 15

CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor—B. U. Steinman. Mayor's Clerk—W. H. Devlin. Trustees—W. D. Lawton, president; H. Wachhorst, Robt. E. Kent, Jas. G. Davis, H. W. Bragg, L. Tozer, J. H. Devine, C. E. Leonard, E. J. Pennish. City Clerk—Oscar S. Flint. Auditor and Assessor—J. D. Young. Deputy Auditor and Assessor—C. C. Robertson. City Treasurer—Jas. N. Porter. City Collector—Edw. H. McKee. Corporation Council—Robt. D. Devlin. City Attorney—J. Frank Brown. City Surveyor—Wm. Mullaney. Superintendent of Streets—Geo. Murray.


W. J. Davis, president; O. W. Erlewine, secretary and super­ intendent; W. H. Sherburn, E. A. Crouch, J. H. Dolan, A. N. Buchanan, T. W. Huntington, D. D. Whitbeck, M. J. Dillman and P. S. Driver. Office, Odd Fellows' Temple.


T. H. Huntington, M. D.; J. H. Parkinson, M. D.; W. F. Wiard, M. D.; C. E. Fowler, M. D., secretary of health officer; G. W. Herr, sanitary inspector; Victor J. Tolley, plumbing inspector.


M. M. Drew, chief; Anthony Greene, captain; J. P. Mc- Manus, J. J. Plunkett, sergeants; J. A. Wilson, J. F. Logue, D. W. Higgins, V. F. Taylor, M. Fisher, J. P. Bagley, W. L. Talbot, W. P. Rutherford, J. A. Douglas, G. W. Hayes, R. W. Ash, G. W. Maley, M. A. Pennish, patrolmen; Henry Balsz, driver patrol wagon.


POLICE COURT. to Geo. G. Davis, Judge. M. J. Desmond, Clerk. Si W. J. Hardy, Bailiff.

09 FIRE DEPARTMENT. IftJ o. Chief Engineer—H. A. Guthrie. Assistant Chief Engineer—L. Montgaillard. 50 City Electrician—R. Watkins. Engine Co No 1, 1112 2d—J. E. Sullivan foreman, J. L. on Forbes engineer, J. Hollingsworth driver engine, F. C. tr v Yager driver hose. Engine Co No 2, 915 10th—F. P. Humrich foreman, A. Hein- rich engineer, D. McDonald driver engine, D. Desmond, ±* driver hose. go Engine Co No 3, 19th bet L and M—Jos. L. Jack engineer, ztf John E. Madigan and Wm. Dunn drivers. iii n Hook and Ladder Co No 1, 1117 6th—Robt. Hunt foreman, < • Hugh Ladd driver, Richard Heinrich tillerman. Hook and Ladder Co, No 2, 19th bet L and M—Henry J. R. Ui J Myers tillerman, Jas. E. Gorman driver. < tt POST OFFICE. UI -J Government Building, northeast corner of K and 7th. W. S. Leake postmaster. Hours 8 A. M. to 5 p. M. and general de­ livery 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.; money order department 9 A. M. to 5 P.M.; Sundays 12 to 1P.M. CO J. E. Tade, Assistant Postmaster. C. J. Schiller, Money Order Clerk. Mrs Alice Campbell, Money Order Clerk. O Jas, Longshore Jr, Register Clerk. Wm. Sanders, Register Clerk. O Miss M. E. Harrigan, General Delivery Clerk. C. E. Trainor, Stamp Clerk. Samuel M. Keifer, Mailing Clerk. L, B. Van Den Burgh, Mailing Clerk. M. F. Haynie, Mailing Clerk. E. T. Spillman, Mailing Clerk. z Wm. Rider, Distributer. J. J. Donnalle, Stamper. to N. CLARK & SONS, iU* s,e"st-M Fmeim Manufacturers and Dealers PARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch and all

10th and R Sts. otner Fopei9n Granites.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 17 W. M. O'Neill, Special Messenger. J. A. Considine, Special Messenger. Carriers—J. W. Nixon, G. B. Eldred, H. Graf, G. W. Rogers, M. Butler, L. A. Devin, W. H. Tade, C. H. Agner,D. E. Kerr, J. W. Toomy, M. J. Troy, T. W. White, H. B. Humphreys, Ira Woodworth, C. S. Pepper, W. VanDyne, C. P. Bandy, R. A. Hoppe, A. F. Webb.

BOARD OF TRADE. 918 5th, P. E. Piatt President, A. M. Johnson Secretary.

ART GALLERY. The E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, O se cor 2d, W. F. Jackson superintendent. Hours (Winter)—10 A. M. to 4 p. M.; (Summer)—10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Admission free.

BANDS. A. O. F. of A. (Foresters) Band—721 K. Noack's Orchestra—O. W. Noack director, 618 J. Patriarchs Militant Band—618 J, Ray C. Hopkins leader, Wm. E. Piatt manager. Second Infantry Band, N. G. C—C. A. Neale leader, 629 J

BANES. California State Bank, nw cor J and 4th, Frederick Cox presi- nent, Joseph Steffens vice-president, W. E. Gerber cashier, C. E. Burnham assistant cashier. Capital Bankinj and Trust Co, 922 6th, Sparrow Smith presi- dent, O. I Washburn vice-president, W. W. Basset cashier. Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, sw cor J and 4th, B. U. Steinman president, Edwin K. Alsip vice-president, C. H. Cumming8 secretary, D. D. Whitbeck cashier. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAHIERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS Stores in Sacramento. mm J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ frlE &EW0ti\(0 taurant and Telephone 352. m and 714 K St. Own Day * mm °y^r p^ior 18 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. National Bank of D. 0. Mills & Co, 200 J, Frank Miller presi­ dent, C. F. Dillman cashier. People's Savings Bank, 300 J, Wm. Beckman president, Wm. Johnston vice-president, G. W. Lorenz secretary and cashier. Sacramento Bank (Savings and Loan), 431 J, W. P. Coleman president, E. R. Hamilton cashier.

CEMETERIES. Evergreen Cemetery, 10th and Y, G. W. Ficks superinten­ dent. Jewish Cemetery, cor J and 31st. New Helvetia Cemetery, 31st bet H and J. N. H. Mohns sexton. St. Joseph's Cemetery, 21st south of Y.


BAPTIST. Calvary Baptist Church. I bet 12th and 13th. Rev. J. H. Reider pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday school 9:45 A. M. Young People's Union 6:30 P.M. Juvenile Union 6:30 P.M. Prayer meeting Thurs­ day 7:30 P. M. Emmanuel Baptist Church. Twenty-fifth cor N. Rev. A. J. Sturtevant pastor. Sunday services, 11 A. M. and 7.30 p. M. Sunday school 12:15 p. M. Prayer meeting Thurs- 7:45 p. M. First Baptist Church. Ninth bet L and M. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 12:15 p. M. Young People's meeting 6:30 p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. M. Mount Zion Baptist Church. No. 1023 10th. Rev. T. F. Smith pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School 12:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Oak Park Baptist Chapel. Cypress av cor 33d. Sunday ser­ vices 2 and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. M.

Serves Daily more Patrons mmmmm.than any other two Grocery OOR. RTM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET.


CHRISTIAN. First Christian Church. Rev. J. E. Denton pastor. Eighth bet N and O. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. M. Juvenile Christian Endeavor society Friday 3:30 p. M. CONGREGATIONAL. * i First Congregational Church. Sixth between 1 and J. Rev. H. N. Hoyt pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School 12:30 p. M. Prayer meeting Thurs­ day 7:30 P. M. EPISCOPAL. St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Eighth sw cor I. Rev. G. A. Ottman, pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School 12:45 P. M. Prayer meeting Fridays 7:30 p. M. 3 7? HEBREW. u Jewish Synagogue—A. Simon Rabbi. Services Friday 7:30 O Do p. M. and Saturday 10 A. M. Sixth between J and K. 3 Q-

LATTER DAY SAINTS. ft t/» Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. K cor 24th. Rev. G. W. Harlow pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. Sunday school 12 M. Sacrament meeting 1 p. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 p. M.

LUTHERAN. English Lutheran Church. Sixteenth bet J and K. Rev. W. i rjo S. Hoskinsou pastor. Preaching Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday school 9.45 A. M. Prayer meeting Thurs­ A s£ day evening 7:30. German Evangelical Association Church. Tenth bet O and P. Rev. J. Kraber pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday school 10 A. M. Prayer meeting Tues­ days 8 p. M., and Young People's Alliance Thursdays 8 P. M. c German Evangelical Lutheran Church. K cor 12th. Rev. C. F. Oehler pastor. Sunday services 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday school 9 A.M. Y. P. M., 1st and 3d Tues­ O day each month 7:45 p. M. 2 DIXON, BORGESON «* CO., SHOW CASES 37 Markat Straat, ft. F. fillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 20 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. CD METHODIST. African M. E. Church. Seventh between G and H. Rev. J. O Pointer Pastor. Services Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. O Prayer meeting every Thursday 7:30 P. M. GO Central M. E. Church. Eleventh between H and I. Sunday services 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday School 12:15 c p. M. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. M. CO o Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Seventh between J and 8 K. Rev. T. A. Atkinson pastor. Sunday services 11 A. cd o M. and 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting Thursdays 7:30 P. M. Scandinavian Methodist Church, 1011 9th. Rev. F. N. Litje- O ff gren pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sun­ JEm *> day School 12:15 p. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. M 3 5 Sixth Street M. E. Church. Sixth between K and L. Rev. (0 M. D. Buck pastor. Sunday services 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 JO o p. M. Sunday School 12:15 p. M. Prayer meeting Thurs­ CD < day 7:30 p. M. S O PRESBYTERIAN. '££ Q- w Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church. Fourteenth bet O s and P. Rev W. H. Baugh pastor. Sunday services 11 co < A. M., 7:30 P. M. Sunday school 12:15 P. M. Prayer meet­ ing, Thursday, 7:30 p. M. •o5 • Westminster Presbyterian Church. Sixth cor L. Rev. R. M. •aaa» Stevenson pastor. Sunday services 10:45 A. M. and 7:30 OS p. M. Sunday school 12:15 p. M. Prayer meeting, Thurs­ to day, 7:30 p. M. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral of the Most Holy Sacrament. Eleventh cor K. lit. Rev. P. Manogue, bishop of the diocese of Sacramento. Rev Thomas Grace rector. Rev M. Walsh assistant. QC Sunday services 6:30, 8 and 10:30 A. M. aud 7 P. M.

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST. Seventh Day Adventist Church. 1816 G. Services Saturdays 11 A. M., and Sunday 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school, Saturday, 10 A. M. UNITARIAN. First Unitarian Church. Services every Sunday, Foresters' CO Hall, I bet 7th and 8th, at 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. a FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HustedV X is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. 502 ana 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 21

UNITED ERETHREN. United Brethren Church. K cor 14th. Rev. W. O. Lowe pastor. Sunday services 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday school 9:45 A. M. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 P. M.


Baptist Chinese Mission. 907 5th. Congregational Chinese Mission School. 622 I. Mrs S. E. Carrington teacher. Congregational Mission. Northeast cor 23d and K. Sunday school 9:30 A. M. Marguerite Mission. K cor 23d. Sacramento Night Mission. No 1112 3d.


Capital Gold Cure, 526 9th. S. M. Terrill medical director. City Dispensary, 7th between H and I. C. W. Fowler physi­ cian. G. W. Ogden in charge dispensary. County Hospital, Upper Stockton rd 2 miles se city limits. G. A. White superintendent. Foundling Home, 9th cor X. Mrs W. A. Shaw matron. Garten Gold Cure Institute Co, 808 G. G. B. Katzenstein president, O. F. Washburn vice-president, H. R. Stone secretary, G. "W. Corey medical director. Howard Depot for the Poor, 7th near L. Richd Dale presi­ dent. Open 12 to 4 P. M., Tuesdays and Fridays. Marguerite Home The, 1617 7th. Miss F. I. Safford matron. Home for old ladies. Protestant Orphan Asylum, bet K and L, 18th aud 19th. Mrs J. G. Cady matron. Ridge Home, 22d bet Q and R. Mrs L. Kane matron. Sacramento City Receiving Hospital, Old . City Hall, corner Front and I streets. Southern Pacific Hospital Association, Robert Forbes stew­ ard, southwest corner 13th and C streets. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Jr^cal Estate and Insurance EEI. man 725 K RT. SACRAMENTO. CAJL 22 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY.

LIBRARIES AND READING ROOMS. Sacramento Free Public Library, 716 I. W. C. Fitch Presi­ dent of board. Miss Caroline G. Hancock librarian. Hours 10 A. M. to 9 p. M. every day, including Sundays, except national holidays. Sacramento County Law Library, Fred C. Van Walbeck libra­ rian, Court House. State Library, W. Dana Perkins State Librarian, Capitol Building. Number of volumes 93,000. Open week days from 9 A. M. to 4 p M., Sundays 10 A. M. to 3 p. M.

MILITARY. Company B, Second Infantry, N. G. C, meets at Armory Hall every Wednesday evening. Company G, Second Infantry, N. G. C, meets at Armory Hall every Monday evening. Company E, Second Infantry, N. G. C, meets at Armory Hall every Thursday evening.


Bee The (daily evening), 1016 3d, James McClatchy & Co publishers, $6 per annum. Bee The (weekly), 1016 3d, issued every Wednesday, $1 50 per annum, James McClatchy & Co publishers. Nord California Herold, 1017 8th, Schmitt & Currlin proprie­ tors, issued every Saturday, $3 per annum. Parish Times (monthly), 50 cents per year, Uev. G. A. Ott- mann publisher, 8th bet I and J. Record-Union (daily), 1017 3d. Sacramento Publishing Co publishers. Sunday Leader, The, 916 8th, J. N. Larkin & Son publishers, issued weekly, $2 50 per annum. Sunday News, The (weekly), 610 I, Sheelian & Harris pub­ lishers. Subscription, $2 per annum. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. ^*OOT PTV * Writes * Insurance ^^KJ^J-^**^ -*- * IOI3 FOURTH STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 23^ era Weekly Union, The," 1017 3d, Sacrameuto Publishing Co publishers.


Agricultural Park, bet 20th and 23d, B and H. &** East Park, I cor 31st. Capitol Park, 10th to 15th, L to N. City Plaza bet J and I, 9th and 10th. Highland Park, Y bet 21st and 28th. Liberty Gardens, cor 24th and Carnagie av. Richmond Grove, bet 19th and 21st, Q and R. Snow Flake Park, 28th bet R and S.


Clunie Opera House, K bet 8th and 9th, J. H. Todd manager. Metropolitan Theatre, K bet 4th and 5th, J. H. Todd mana­ ger. * PUBLIC HALLS AND BUILDINGS. 0 Agricultural Pavilion, 15th bet M and N. Armory Hall, 6th and L. Berkshire Building, 6th nw cor L. Casev Building sw cor 6th and J. ft City Hal!, Booth Building. CO w City Police Court, I cor Front. City Prison, cor Front and I. Clunie Block, ne cor K and 8th. 03 Concord Hall, Foresters' Building. County Court House, cor I and 8th. County Jail, Court House. Encampment Hall, Odd Fellows' Temple, K and 9th. Exempt Firemen's Hall, 8th bet J and K. Federation Labor Hall, 1017 J. Foresters' Building and Hall, I bet 7th and 8th. Fraternity Hall, Odd Fellows' Temple. P 9) Fratt Building, se cor 2d and K. s Grangers' Hall, se cor K and 10th. 1 Hale's Block, nw cor K and 9th. afi Dixon, Borgeson & co" SHOW CASES 37 Market SI-, 8. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 24 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hall of Records, cor 1 and 7th. Hammer Building, ne cor 4th and K. Knights of Pythias Hall, Pythian Castle, cor 9th and I. Liberty Hall, Foresters' Building. Maddux Building, 3d and K. Masonic Hall, Masonic Temple, sw cor 6th and K. Metropolitan Building, nw cor K and 5th. New Pavilion, 15th bet L and N. Odd Fellows' Temple, ne cor K and 9th. Old City Hall, Front and I. Old Pavilion, ne cor 6th and M. Old Post Office Building, nw cor 4th and K. Oak Park Post Office, 3411 Magnolia av. Pioneer Hall, 1011 7th. Post Office, ne cor 7th and K. Pythian Castle, nw cor 9th and I. Red Men's Hall, Masonic Building, cor 6th and K. Red Men's Hall, 1015 10th. Scroggs Building, ne cor 10th and K. Smith's Hall, e side 7th, bet K and L. State Capitol, 10th bet L and M. State Exposition Building, sw cor Capitol Park, 15th and N. Sutter Building, sw cor J and 5th. Sutter's Fort, 26th to 28th, K to L. Temple Hall, Odd Fellows' Temple. Turner Hall, 910 K. Union Hall, 2001 O. Unity Hall, Foresters' Building. Waterhouse Block, 709-715 J. Women's Christian Temperance Union Hall, 1122 3d.




SCHOOLS. ° & •< . >•*• PUBLIC

Sacramentol High School, cor 9th and L. J. H. Pond princi­ pal. Teachers, Miss H. M. Grover, Miss A. L. Tindall, >—H Mrs E. B. Purnell, Miss M. A. Barkeley, Miss M. Meyer f5=fa and Miss F. de Laguna. Janitor, Mrs D. P. Coon. or— Capital Grammar School, P bet 9th and 10th. J. W. John­ son principal. Mrs M. D. Merrill vice-principal Teach­ ers, Miss I. Richardson, Miss M. M. Kiefer, Miss A. A. Duggan, Miss N. L. Todd, Miss H. Egl, Miss S. V. Heard, Miss I. M. Gillis, Miss L. J. Conrad and MissE. C. Ebert. Janitor, J. Patterson. Sacramento Grammar School, bet I and J, 15th and 16th. Miss Mary J. Watson principal, Miss A. 0. Weeks vice-princi­ fc pal. Teachers,~Miss A. L. Hughes, Miss O. Butler, Miss r> L. G. O'Brien, MissE. S. Kleinsorge, Miss J. E. Snook,Miss fc B. L. Piper, Miss L. Hinkson, Miss E. A. Hughes, Miss to2 M. L. Brown, Miss J. V. Burke, Miss M. Sweeney, Miss O SO M. Carrington and Miss L. M. Griffin. ?*: £ Capital Primary School, Q bet 9th and 10th. Miss H. Mc- ki Cormack principal. Teachers, Miss N. M. Harrison, Miss Cfoi B. Wilkins, Miss A. S. Brogan, Mrs. M. E. Allen, Miss I. -H *•* V.Miller, Miss I. Henley, Miss A. J. Neary, Miss M. E. <-fc O'Neill, Miss A. Johnson and Miss B. Groth. Is c^> 2 Fremont Primary School, N cor 24th. Miss Sarah M. Jones *o ^3 principal.^Teachers, Miss Ada Richardson, Miss Jennie a. Richards, Miss Lulu Kearth, Miss Maggie A. Payne, Miss ra^ © Ada G. Tenbrook and Mrs. Jennie York. >* Jefferson School, N cor 16th. Miss Jeancie Govan principal. (A Teachers, Misses M. B. Little, Nellie Miller, L. T. Heard, Henretta Andriott, Ottelia Ash and M. F. Tracy. Liucoln^Primary School, Q cor 4th. Miss L. M. Bernard prin­ cipal. Teachers, Misses N. M. Ogden, Nettie M. Hopley, Pauline M. Eilers, M. F. Spaulding, Ada J. Flynn, L. B. McCormack, Jennie Fay, Clara A. Barton, Mary Wolf, • Lucille Turner and Mary Fitherington. Marshall Primary School, J cor 27th. Miss Laura Phillips Serves Dairy more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M, MORRISON RESTAURANf A. M. GAUI/T Tfie DGlmOIliGO 8?n o a Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. aoen Day and JJL OYSTER PARLORS boo* 26 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. w principal. Teachers, Misses Emma. Dougherty, fcLaura Kirn and Mary Griffin. Janitor,*Mrs\Emma Johnson. J Sacramento Night School, 1012 I. a Mrs Mary„Tryon principal. v Sco S w Sutter Grammar School^lst'cor L. J. W.*Johnson principal. Miss M. B. JohnsonVice-principal. Teachers, Miss E. G. S .JJ to McCleery, Miss L. M. Blue, Miss M. McFall, Miss K. E. Winn, Miss W. Devine and Mrs M. A. Nagle. Janitor, f Si Mrs. E. McTernan. ,« » a Union Primary^School, 7th cor G. '^Mrs. M.'E. Mumford prin­ u £ c cipal. Teachers, Miss L. Crowell, Miss'N. Price, Miss M. McManus, Miss B. Peyran, Miss B. Ebert, Miss A. Stan- S f field, Mrs M. Long, Miss N. Wilcoxaand Mrs M. Phleger. CO Janitor, Mrs A. F. Faulk. Washington Primary, G cor 13th, Miss,'M. L. Woods principal. * Teachers, Miss^F. A. Chapman, Miss Laura Hess, Miss O Hattie Frazee/^Miss^Jennie Crofton, Miss Nettie Hersum, Mrs. Maud Tebbets, Miss Minnie Roth, Miss Virna Woods,*Miss Alice Smith. Chinese Public School, 1012 I, Mrs. C. F. Parsons teacher.

•••<• IS) SUBURBAN SCHOOLS. American River District School, J st rd nr 29th, Miss Agnes F. Burns teacher.

I. •!-< to Highland^Park School,]Highland;Park, Miss Greenlawieacher. Oak Park Capital School, Upper Stockton rd nr County Hos­ pital, Mrs Hettie A. Dunn teacher. Sutterville^School, Riverside rd, 1ms city limits, A. Hunter a teacher.

KINDERGARTENS. Froebel Free Kindergarten, Miss Bessie Rogers principal, 7th GO between G and H. S3 Marguerite Kindergarten, K cor 23d, Miss R. A. Nourse prin­ cipal, Miss O. Maydwell teacher. Sacramento Free Kindergarten, Miss Mildred J. Obarr prin­ © cipal, cor 2d and M. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. 0. WHEELER, Prop THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY, 1012 J Street......


PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Howe's School, 1015 6th. E. P. Howe. Moynahan's Business College, 513 K. J. D. Moynahan prin­ cipal. Sacramento Business College, E. C. Atkinson principal. Hale Block, cor 9th and K. This college gives a thorough business course, both in theory and practice. The college has also departments for instructions in short-hand, type­ writing and telegraphy. Founded bv the principal in 1873. Sacramento School of Design, O cor 2d. " Conducted by Cali­ fornia Museum Association. W. F. Jackson and Miss Josephine M. Blanch teachers. Sacramento School of Short-hand and Typewriting. Misses Burns and O'Neil proprietors, cor 8th and J. Sacramento Institute, K cor 12th. Conducted by the Chris­ tian Brothers. Brother Walter director. St. Joseph's Academy, bet 8th and 9th, F and G. Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy. Sister M. Liguori Superior.


DIXON, BORGESOft & CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. Se 7- s 1' nuns Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 28 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. CD I. 2 CEr O JS O MASONIC. go CD* Cemetery Committee, meets first Thursday of each month in O a: Masonic Temple. JS *• Concord Lodge, No. 117, F. and A. M., meets second Tuesday 31 evening each month in Masonic Temple. JO o General Relief Committee F. and A. M., meets the first and third Sundays of each month in Masonic Temple. CD < e o Hall Committee, meets fourth Sunday of each month in Ma­ '-- i- sonic Temple. flL U Masonic Hall Association, monthly meetings of the board on s the second Monday of each month in Masonic Temple. Sacramento Chapter, No. 3, R. A. M., meets on the first Tues­ day evening each month in Masonic Temple. i< Sacramento Commandery, No. 2, Knights Templar, meets 5 (0 first Saturday evening of each month in Masonic Temple. Sacramento Council, No. 1, R. and S. M., meets the last Mon­ 09 day evening each month in Masonic Temple. Sacramento Lodge, No. 40, F. and A. M., meets the first Fri­ day evening of each month in Masonic Temple. Tehama Lodge, No. 3, F. and A. M., meets the first Monday evening of each month in Masonic Temple. Union Lodge, No. 58,-F. and A. M., meets the first Wednes­ day evening each month in Masonic Temple. Washington Lodge, No. 20, F. and A. M., meets the first Thursday evening of each month in Masonic Temple. o Order of Eastern Star, Naomi Chapter, No. 36, meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month in Ma- soDic Temple. Order of Eastern Star, Columbus Chapter, No. 117, meets sec­ ond and fourth Monday evenings of each month in Ma­ CO sonic Temple. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance Husted'a is the only Directory a/Sacramento. i LOOK OUT Pabtfcaed. Silver Plated Ware and L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware Sacramento, Cal. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. OO SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 29

ANCIENT ORDER OP FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Court Capital, No. 6742, meets every Monday evening at For­ resters' Hall. Court Sacramento, No. 6861, meets every Tuesday evening at Forresters' Hall. Court Perseverance, No. 8028, meets every Monday evening at Red Men's Hall. Sacramento Circle, No. 166, meets every Wednesday evening at Foresters' Hall. Sacramento Conclave, K. S. F., meets first and third Wednes­ day evening of each month at Foresters' Hall. Sutter Circle, No. 125, meets every Friday evening at For­ esters' Hall. Junior Court, Pride of the Capital City, No. 65, meets every Friday evening at Foresters' Hall. Foresters' Hall Association, meets second Monday evening of each month at Foresters' Hall. Court Sutter, meets 2d and last Friday evening each month in Odd Fellows' Temple.


Sacramento Lodge, No. 80, meets every Friday evening at Odd Fellows' Temple. Union Lodge, No. 21, meets every Monday evening of each month at Grangers' Hall. Lily of the Valley, Degree of Honor, No. 11, meets second and fourth Friday of each month at Foresters' Hall.


Fair Oaks Post, No. 120, G. A. R., meets every Tuesday in Foresters' Hall. Sumner Post, No. 3, G. A. R., meets 1st and 3d Thursday evenings each month in Foresters' Hall. • Sumner Relief Corps, No. 11, W. R. C, meets 1st and 3d Thursday afternoons each month in Foresters' Hall. Fair Oaks Corps, No. 13, W. R. O, meets 2d and 4th Thurs­ day evenings each month in Foresters' Hall. Warren Post, No. 54, G. A. R., meets 2d and 4th Thursday evenings each month in Foresters' Hall. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERfCANCASHSTOR E than any other two Grocery eon. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. l^eal Estate and Insurance « *M K 8T, SACRAMJBMTO, CALu I 30 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 09 Sons of Veterans (The) Leland Stanford Camp, No. 11, meets 0 . in K. of P. Hall 1st and 3d Tuesday evenings each month. * a Clara Barton Circle, No. 11, G. A. R. (Ladies), meets 2d and 4th Thursday evenings each month in Foresters' Hall.


W OR Cosumnes Tribe, No. 14, meets every Saturday evening in Red Men's Hall. Owosso Tribe, No. 39, meets every Wednesday evening in Red M Men's Hall. Red Cloud Tribe, No. 41, meets every Tuesday evening in Red Men's Hall. I"Re d Jacket Tribe, No. 28, meets every Friday evening in Red Men's Hall. Trustees of,, meets 1st Sunday each month in Red Men's Hall. w Wenonah Council, No. 2, Daughters of Pocahontas, meets 2d and 4th Wednesday evening each month in Red Men's M Hall. fa U. O. R. M., Sacramento Stamm, No. 124, meets every Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows' Temple.

INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Capital City Lodge, No. 160 (Rebekah Degree), meets 2d and (0 4th Wednesday evenings in I. 0. O. F. Temple. o Capital Lodge, No. 87, meets every Friday evening in I. 0. O.F. Temple. a: El Dorado Lodge, No. 8, meets every Monday evening in 0] I. O. O. F. Temple. Eureka Lodge, No. 4, meets every Wednesday evening in I. 0. O. F. Temple. Germania Lodge, No. 31 (Rebekah Degree), meets 3d Tues­ day evening of each month in I. 0. O. F. Temple. Industrial Lodge, No. 157, meets every Saturday evening in I. O. 0. F. Temple. Joint Board of Trustees, meets on 2d Tuesday each month in I. O. 0. F. Temple. Occidental Encampment, No. 42, meets 2d and 4th Tuesday evenings every month in I. O. O. F. Temple.

Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery Con. S)TM AND K STREETS. Stares in Sacramento. Granite and JHarble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : 1.1ITIE1, 4*3 J STREET, • SACRAMENTO, CAI, SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 31 Odd Fellows' General Relief Committee, meets alternate Sunday mornings at 9 A. M. in I. 0. O. F. Temple. Pacific Encampment, No. 2, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday even­ ings every month in I. 0. 0. F. Temple. Rising Star Lodge, No. 8 (Rebekah Degree), meets 1st and 3d Thursday evenings each month in I. O. O. F. Temple. Sacramento Canton, No. 1 (Patriarchs Militant), W. H. Sher- burn commander. Meets 2d and 4th Thursday evenings each month in I. O. 0. F. Temple. Sacramento Lodge, No. 2, meets every Saturday evening in I. O. 0. F. Temple. Schiller Lodge, No. 105, meets every Thursday evening in I. 0. O. F. Temple. Veteran Odd Fellows' Association of Sacramento, meets every 5th Tuesday evening occurring in any month in I. 0. O. F. Temple. KNIGHTS OF HONOR.

California Lodge, No. 1580, meets 2d and 4th Thursday evenings each month in Firemen's Hall. Unity Lodge, No. 2088, meets 1st and 3d Thursday evenings each month in Firemen's Hall.


Equity Lodge, No. 1219, meets every Wednesday evening in Grangers' Hall. Harmony Lodge, No. 339, meets every Friday evening at Pythian Castle.


Capital Division, No. 5, U. R., meets 2d and 4th Tuesday evenings in K. of P. Hall. Capital Lodge, No. 157, meets every Wednesday at K. of P. Hall. Columbia Lodge, No. 1, meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p. M., K. of P. Hall. Columbia Lodge, No. 42, meets every Thursday, 7:30 P.M., K. of P. Hall. 0 DIXON, BORGESON <* CO., 3 SHOW CASES '47 Market Street, S. *% SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. O 32 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Confidence Lodge, No. 78, meets every Tuesday evening in K. of P. Hall. Endowment Rank, Section No. 162, meets annually in Decem­ ber in Pythian Castle. Sacramento Lodge, No. 11, meets every Monday evening in K. of P. Hall. Pythian Sisters, meet 2d and 4th Thursday evenings, K. of P* Hall. Knights of Pythian Hall Association meets in K. of P. Hall.

NATIVE SONS OF THE GOLDEN WEST. Sacramento Parlor, No. 3, meets every Friday evening in Grangers' Hall. Sunset Parlor, No. 26, Meets every Monday evening in For­ esters' Hall.

NATIVE DAUGHTERS OF THE GOLDEN WEST. Califia Parlor, No. 22, meets 1st and 3d Thursday evenings each month at Pioneer Hall.

ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS. Friendship Council, No. 65, meets every Thursday evening, at 1015 10th. Sacramento Council, No. 96, meets every Wednesday evening at Foresters' Hall.

TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. I. 0. G. T., Sacramento Lodge, No. 203, meets every Friday evening at Firemen's Hall. I. O. G. T., Sacramento Lodge, No. 102, meets every Friday at 7:30 P. M., K. of P. Hall. I. O. G. T„ Siloam Lodge, No. 2, meets every Tuesday even­ ing at Firemen's Hall, Eighth between J and K. W. C. T. U., Mrs. S. 0. Osborn secretary, meets every Thurs­ day at 2 p. M., 1122 3d.

UNITED ANCIENT ORDER OF DRUIDS. Acoriano Grove, No. 86, meets 2d and 4th Sunday p. M. each month at Pioneer Hall. im Spear st M tlmim CO N. CLARK & SONS, - Manufacturers and Dealers Pi \m ID cups Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble •n lOtn and R Sts. Monuments and Statuaru SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 33 Capital Grove, No. 6Q, meets 1st and 3d Thursday evenings of > each month at Red Men's Hall. Union Grove, No. 61, meets 2d and 4th Friday evenings of each CO month at Pioneer Hall. SPXt Walhalla Grove, No. 6, meets every Monday evening of each mouth at Pioneer Hall. to

YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE. map CO Y. L. I., No. 17, meets every Tuesday evening, Smith's Hall. H YOUNG MEN'S INSTITUTE. > Capital Council, No. 11, meets 2d and 4th Thursday evenings I each month, Pioneer Hall. Ir>fc i Sacramento Council, No. 27, meets every Monday evening in CO Granger's Hall. m CO

r-5 >~ r— oo -=s pa •—t e=3 *-<5 Cu Pi rt OO >* o 5*3 •—» 5C 52 >* CD <—> rn re r-> O 6 s *

§ Cn

Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANCASHSTORE than any other two Grocery 5 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. •* J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELrVTOKlCO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day A Night Oyster Parlor 34 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 03 I to TRADES. Si jiS CJ < O H 09 M Artificial Stone Finishers' Union, No. 5671, meets 1st Satur­ fit U day each month at 1017 J. s & Bakers' and Confectioners' Union, No. 85, meets 2d and 4th o s Saturdays each month at 1017 J. A m Blacksmiths' and Helpers' Union, No. 19, meets 1st Friday each month at 1017 J. Bookbinders' Union meets 1st Saturday each month at 1017 J. Boilermakers' Union, No. 67, meets 2d and 4th Thursday each •S3 month at 1017 J. Brewery Workmen's Union of Pacific Coast, Branch No. 6, meets every Saturday evening at 1017 J. Bricklayers' Union, No. 1, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday each month at 1017 J. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Pacific Division, No. £5 0 20, meets every Saturday evening at Foresters' Hall. ,- 0 Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, California Lodge, No. *gg IB 260, meets every Thursday evening at Smith's Hall. Brotherhood of Railroad Conductors, Sierra Nevada Division, 5 k No. 195, meets every Monday evening at Smith's Hall. a « Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America, Sacramento Lodge, No. 83, meets 1st and 3d Thursday evening of => ? each month at!.Odd Fellows' temple. 2=5 ft Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Sutter Lodge, No. 140 meets every Friday evening at Smith's Hall. w Car and Coach Painters' Union, No. 145, meets 1st and 3d Friday each month at 1017 J. CO Carbuilders' Union, No. 375, 1017 J. Carpenters' and Joiners' Union, No. 341, meets every Wednes­ Pa day evening at 1017 J.

Serves Daily more Patrons '» Ethan any other two Grocery J «•«. STM AND K STREETS. Stores io Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 35 Cigarmakers' Union, No. 228, meets 2d Tuesday each month tzt at 1017 J. GO Electric Street Employes' Union, No. 5610, meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays each month at 1017 J. Freight Handlers' Union, No. 5641, meets 2d and 4th Friday each month at 1017 J. Hodcarriers' Union meets 2d and 4th Wednesday each month at 1017 J. Horsecollar-makers' Union, No. 34, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday each month at 1017 J. Horseshoers' Union, No. 47, meets 2d and 4th Wednesday each month at 1017 J. Iron Molders' Union, No. 299, meets 2d and 4th Thursday each month at 1017 J. Journeymen Barbers' Union, No. 68, meets 1st and 3d Thurs­ day each month at 1017 J. Journeymen Tailors' Union, No. 107, meets every Friday each month at 1017 J. Laborers' Union meets 1st and 3d Wednesday each month at 1017 J. Mechanical Stage Hands' Union meets 1st and 3d Wednesday each month at 1017 J. Machine Woodworkers' Union, No. 31, meet 1st and 3d Wednesday each month at 1017 J. Plasterers' Union, 1017 J. Plumbers' Union, meets 1st Monday of each month at 1017 J. Pressmens' Union, 1017 J. Retail Clerks' Union, No. 55, meets every Thursday each month at 1017 J. Sacramento Council of Federated Trades, meets in Federation Labor Hall, 1017 J. Saddle and Harnessmakeis' Union, No. 35, meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays each month at 1017 J. Springmakers' Union, No. 558, meets 1st and 3d Wednes­ days each month at 1017 J. DIXON, BORGESON <0 CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Str'aat, S. T. PnilllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 36 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Stationery Engineers' Union meets 2d and 4th Wednes­ days at 1017 J. Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Workers' Union, No. 28, meets 1st and 3d Thursdays each month 1017 J. Typographical Union, No. 46, meets last Sunday each month at 1017 J. Upholsterers' Union, No. 2, meets 1st and 3d Friday each month at 1017 J. White Cooks' and Waiters' Union, No. 28, meets every Fri­ day each month at 1017 J.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HnstedV is the only Directory efSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS ft CO. Gioekery and Giasswoie 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.


CLUBS. Caledonian Club, meets 3d Tuesday each month at Pioneer Hall. C. K. of A., meets 1st and 3d Sundays each month in Cathe­ dral Hall. Catholic Ladies' Relief Society, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday evenings each month at Smith's Hall. Christian Science Reading Room and Dispeusary, 1109 10th. Exempt Fireman's Association, L. B. Sutliff secretary, 1310 I. G. U. O. of 0. F., Sacramento Lodge, No. 2189, meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings each month Pioneer Hall. Helvetia Verein (Swiss Society), meets every Wednesday evening Smith's 'Hall. Hermann Sons Lodge, No. 11, meets every Monday evening in Odd Fellows' Temple. Hibernia Benevolent Society meets in Firemen's Hall 3d Monday of each month. I. 0. B. B. Ethan Lodge, No. 37, meets every Tuesday even­ ing Unity Hall. Knights of the Maccabees of the World, Columbia Tent, No. 23, meets every 2d and 4th Tuesday of each month in Firemen's Hall, 8th bet J and K. Ladies' Benevolent Society, meets every Friday afternoon in Pythian Castle. Ladies' Society of German Zion's Church, meets 1st Wednes­ day in the month at church, 10th bet O and P. Letter Carriers'- Association, Branch 133, meets 1st Monday each month P. O. building. Lodge No. 340, B. of R. T., meets every Friday evening at "Smith's Hall. Olive Branch Ladies' Society, No. 1, meets 2d and 4th Thurs­ day evenings of each month in Foresters' Hall. Patrons of Husbandry, Sacramento Grange, No. 12, meets every 2d and 4th Saturday afternoon of each month in Grangers' Hall.

Serves Dairy more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. !Trfv7 *m

Heal Estate and Insurance m. ntofnER. 7*5 K ST, SACRAMENTO. CAIi. 38 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pelican Club, 1008 8th, John Haley secretary. Pomona Grange, No. 2, P. of H., meets every 5th Saturday of a month in Grangers' Hall, 10th and K. Portuguese Benevolent Society meets 1st and 3d Sundays of each month in Foresters' Hall. Sacramento Athletic Club, M cor 6th, C. E. Bauer pres, W. C. Haub secretary. Sacramento Christian Scientists, 1109 10th, E. H. Bradner leader, meets Sunday 11 A. M. and Thursday 3 p. M. Sacramento County Humane Society, 402 J, W. D. Lawton secretary. Sacramento Pastors' Union, meets 1st Monday of each month at 10:30 A. M. at Y. M. C. A. Sacramento Society of California Pioneers, meets last Satur­ day each month at Pioneer Hall. Sacramento Turn Verein, J. J. Trarbach secretary, meets 1st and 3d Wednesday each month at Turner Hall. St. Joseph's Convent, Senior Sodality ot the Children of Mary, meet at the Convent on the 2d and 4th Sundays, and the Junior Sodality of Mary meet 1st and 3d Sundays. Salvation Army Barracks, 507 K. Miss R. Pauli captain, Miss Hubner lieutenant, Mrs Madden lieutenant. Scandinavian Social and Beneficial Club, meets at 1015 10th. Scottish Clan meets 1st and 3d Wednesdays 7:30 P. M., K. of P. Hall. Sons and Daughters of Pioneers meets first Saturday each month at Pioneer Hall. State Agricultural Society, Frederick Cox president, Edwin F. Smith Secretary, New Pavilion, cor 15th and N. Sutter Club, J nw cor 4th, A. A. Van Voorhies president, W. R. Ormsby secretary. Switzer Verein Eintracht, meets Smith's Hall. Theosopical Society, Sacramento headquarters Free Library and Reading Rooms, 610 I. Mrs. Mary B. Smith librarian. Verein Eintracht meets every Tuesday evening Smith's Hall. Verein ]jCintracht (Singing Section), Herman Bilse director, meets every Tuesday evening in Smith's Hall. Western Star Frauen Verein, No. 1, meets 1st and 3d Friday evenings each month in Red Men's Hall, 1015 10th. Woodmen of the World, Sequoia Camp, No. 104, meets 2d

Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento.


SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 39 and 4th Wednesday evenings of every month in Grangers' Hall. Young Men's Christian Association, C. H. Dunn president, G. 0. Hayford vice-president, Grove F. Ekins general secretary. Rooms, 6th bet K and L. Open every day from 8:30 A. M. to 10 P. M. It provides for the physical, s^ social, intellectual and spiritual welfare of young men. Any young man of good moral character may become a member, without regard to religious belief. Member­ ship, $5 per annum. Reading room well supplied with the best current literature, parlors and amusement rooms L—*--J with piano, organ and games. Gymnasium with com­ petent instructor for body building, hot and cold shower and tub baths. Educational classes, lectures, social receptions and practical talks. Workers' Training Class for Bible study Sunday 9:30 A. M. Young men's meet­ ing Sunday afternoon at 3:45. Young Women's Christian Association, 1011 9th. Miss Lunetta Chandler general secretary. Devoted to the physical, intellectual and moral improvement of young women. Evening classes, lectures and calisthenics. Gos­ pel meeting Sunday, 3:30 p. M., 1011 9th.

s. ,i FEDERAL OFFICES. United States Internal I^eyemie Ofl^^'Vip £Qr 7th. Waver- ley Stairley collector. *'"'r ""< *' • ° ' ;: : <.•' CO • x aa United States Land Ofl£0eyaK ne cor; 7tji;. : , , L l United States WeatherKBureau, K ne cor 7ih.'" ID P

* ft S B * » « e * 1 v/ r:r- f v CITY I-;,.,, -.v.?ARY nfi 3 SHOW CASES 87 Marke*»*t St* S.- F. tip •. m OUR WtENT f Lflf OPENING BtflNK BOOKS. 1 IPC RRMQ BOOKBINDERS, m -LlrO DllUutl 505 ClavStt, San Francisco. \ 96 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY.


acct—Accountant Jas—James add—Addition Jos—Joseph •adv—Advertisement lab—Laborer agt—Agent ruach—Machinist, appr—A pprentice mds— Merchandise assn—Association mfg—Manufacturing asst—Assistant mfr—M an u facturer atty—Attorney-at-Law mgr—Manager av—Avenue mkr-'-Maker bartndr—Bartender mkt—Market Bdy—Broadway msgr— Messenger Benj—Benjamin n—North bet—^Between nr—Near bkkpr—Bookkeeper opp—Opposite bkmn—Brakeman opr—Operator bldg—Building pres—President bldr—Builder prin—Principal blk—Block propr—Proprietor blksmith—Blacksmith r—Residence tfarp—Carpenter rd—Road 0 E Rv Co—Central Electric Railway ret—Retail Co Richd—Richard Chas—Charles Robt—Robert elk—Clerk rpr—Repairer co—Company s—South collr—Collector Saml—Samuel com—Commission merchant sec—Secretary comp—Compositor t r , (snl-r^Solicjtpr com trav—Compler'fcJaF tvaVgl^r '', ,'', '<',& P £e'-^-South em Pacific Co cond—Conductor * « \; \ ,, j: '<''*,'.' ',.. sf.-^Street' -' . > contr—Contractor *" stenog—Stenographer cor—Corner ,., ; ',*".{ f •'! ' Sup'fc-^Scjperintendent y Danl—Daniel ';: r' "ii '«'' < Jtbl^jrel^gr'a-ph dom—Domestic'1 < < l • '|T"heb—Theodore e-East , Thos--Thomas Edw—Edward \i- „: •','* '.<. >jireas-r Treasurer emp—Employe : .' : Washfl—Washington eng—Engineer W L & Co—Weinstock, Lubin & Co t Fredk—Frederick W F & Co—Wells, Fargo & Co's Ex- j furn rms—Furnished rooms. press gen-General Wm—William , Geo—George W U T Co—Western Union Telegraph \ ins agt—Insurance agent Co f

i ~ t\j. CLARK dt SONS, i'/-l» Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. JARLAW BROS. stcam Granitc ,otb and R Sts. and Marble Works

THE r?C*> SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY o* FOR 1895. •o22 A. or—• Abbot Austin R., r 526 I. co 3D Abbott Augustus, moved to S F. Abbott O, mgr G. Lautenschlager, r 1015 8th. Abbott Martin, lab S P Co, r 925 Front. Abegglen Christian, bartndr International Hotel, r same. Abef Albert, tailor C. McCallum, r 814 J. Abel Louis, tailor, r 814 J. 0Q Abramovich John, fruit 1004 3d, r same. Abrams Albert, draftsman and interpreter 612 K, r 1515 14th. Acasta Geo. J, waiter Capital Hotel, r 1123 0. Acebedo Isabella Miss, r 423 M. Ackermann Cyrus M, painter S P Co, r 1531 D. O b Ackermann Jacob J. (Green & Ackermann), r 1300 K. SO Ackermann Albert, trav salesmau Buffalo Brewing Co, r V e cor 22d. o Ackermann Edmund, r V cor 22d. vP» & Ackermann Josephine Miss, r V cor 22d. •-H Acock Thos L, real estate and ins 603 I, r same. re> Is ACOCK T. L. MRS) typewriter, transcriber and stenographer OO **r 603 1, r same (see adv). *o •§ hf W. e*a . MRS. T. L. ACOCK, ~ © hi Stenographer, Expert Typewriter and Transcriber. (A Dictation Taken, Charges reasonable. LEGAL NEWS LAW REPORTER. 609 I Street, Sacramento, Cal. Adams Belle Miss, elk B. Wilson & Co, r 1402 J. ADAMS-BOOTH CO. (L. S. Adams, President; F. B. Adams, Vice-President and Manager; "Wm. Dwinell, Secretary), importers and wholesale grocers, 1009-1019 Front. Telephone 40. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAUI

o *> me Deimonico Tef352. 712 & 714 K St. Caen Day and m OYSTER PARLORI 98 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Adams Chas. E, hay and grain, 1106 J, r same. Adams, Egbert D., elk Adams-Booth Co, r Sutter Club. ><« CGOO ft Adams F. E., comp State Printer, r 1417 12th. 4> 05 Adams Frank H., elk C. E. Adams, r 1106 J. •a >» la w A Adams Fred., tailor, r 503 13th. * -g ." ft v o ADAMS FREDERICK B., Vice President and Manager O o Adams-Booth Co, r 1525 L. co £ Adams F. T., r 1511 K. p. a «.a Adams Hubert, watchmkr H. Steinmann, r 908 21st. §3 Adams J., r 1015 8th. rf3 J8 S| H a Adams Jane K. Mrs, r 1617 7th. I o 09 5 co to u Adams Jas., shoemkr J. W. Todd, r 1517 19th. 19 &. •S S w a Adams John Q., bootblk, r 521 alley bet 5th and 6th, Pand Q. *2 Adams John Q., porter J. Woodburn, r 705 L. ho o Adams John T., eng Capital Soap Co, r 115 0. c c Adams Kate Mrs, r 1402 J. Adams Louisa Mrs, r 1101 I. Adams L. S., pres Adams-Booth Co, r S. F. CO Adams M. L. Mrs, turn rms, 1101 I. Adams Nathan, contr and bldr, 2114 19th, r same. P3 Adams Walter W. S., r 1201 J. Adams Wm., emp S P Co, r 1117 10th. Adams Wm. H., teamster, r M cor 31st. Adams Wm. R., r 1517 19th. Addington Chas. E., bartndr, r 921 6th. Addison O, lab S P Co, r 708£ K. PC* 0 Addison Chas. B., blksmith S P Co, r 220 Q. H—« 0 Adee Sarah Miss, emp Protestant Orphan Asylum, r same. SPH CO IB Adle Adolph, cigarmkr Clark Bros. & Stanley, r 713 12th. PS H Adrot Leon, emp Capital Soap Co, r 123 N. W 0 African M. E. Church, Rev. J. Pointer pastor, 7th bet G and H. 5225 Agexire Philip, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Agner Amos, emp C E Ky Co, r 10211. S3 Agner Chester H., mail carrier, r 1021 I. « k Agostinelli O., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. *S Agostini D., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Agostini John, waiter Roma Hotel. M i Agricultural Park, bet 20th and 23d B and H. j «* Agricultural Pavilion, 15th bet M and JN". E-i 8 Augusta Manuel, tailor 520 alley bet 5th and 6th L and M, CO r same. Ahearn Wm., r 1012 2d. « Ahern David, horseshoer 1023 J, r 1318 E. W Ahern John, cleaner S P Co, r 601 13th. « Ahern Maggie Miss, emp State Printer, r 601 13th. Ahern Thos., horseshoer D. Ahern, r 601 13th. Serves Daily more Patrons ;i than any other two Grocery J! COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLO HOMFSTFAD HOME BAKERY, M19 J SirPPi

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 99 Ahlenius G. E., carp Siller Bros., r 1103 I. Ahlgren Andrew G., r 2530 L. Ahlgren John, lab, r 2530 L. Aiken Chas., carp S P Co, r 2716 12th. Aiken Robt. G., carp S P Co, r 1316 Q. Aikins John, tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r Guinda, Cal. Ainsworth Ann Mrs, r 311 Q. Airzer Andrew, carp, r 318 Q. AITKEN ANDREW, marble, granite and mantel works, 423 J, r 915 L (see top lines). Aitken Andrew M., marble cutter A. Aitken, r 915 L. Aitken Annie Miss, r 915 L. Aitken Jessie Miss, r 915 L. Akin Jas. H., electrician, r Mansion House. Akins L. Eugene, com trav, r 510 J. Alameda M., rigger 8 P Co, r alley bet 2d and 3d L and M. Albach Tillie Miss, r 1127 E. Albaugh J. L., died Apr 14, 1894. Albee B. Mrs, bakery 2331 L, r same. Albee Carlton, farmer, r 2331 L. Albee Chas., r 1828 L. Albers Conrad, bartndr Mrs A Cousins, r 407 O. Albion House, 519 K. Albrecht Hermann, carp S P Co, r 327 12th. Alden Lury Miss, r 1631 M. Aldinger Jacob, died Apr 18, 1894. Aleksa Gerome, emp S P Co, r 821 F. Alexander B. Mrs, r 812 7th. Alexander Barbara Miss, r Guthrie's Station. Alexander B. F., carp, r 811 D. Alexander Chas. P., carp S P Co, r 1015 J. Alexander Danl E., atty 426J J, r 811 D. Alexander Henry, upholsterer S P Co, r 812 7th. Alexander H. M., trav salesman Shaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 418 L. Alexander Isidor, r 812 7th. Alexander Jacob, reporter Record-Union, r 812 7th. Alexander John, r 923 S. Alexander M., lab S P Co, r 1112 4th. Alexander O. A., eng S P Co. Alexander Robt., elk State Printer, r 1116 8th. Allee L. (Ing & Allee), r 1208 10th. Allen Albert, carp S P Co, r Oak Park. Allen A. W. Miss, r 1030 G. Allen C. H. Miss, r 3011 G. Allen Chas. C, r 931 M. DIXON, BORGESO* & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S, F. jjFPGQgSSSE

PMlllDa Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 100 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Allen Chas. F., carp S P Co, r 1028 E. Allen C. W. Mrs, r 3011 G. Allen Danl. W., teamster, r 1622 J. Allen Edw. 0., opr W TJ T Co, r 821 H. Allen E. Lee, bkkpr The Earl Fruit Co, r 811 H. Allen Emma Mrs, r 1730 H. Allen Fred C, mach S P Co, r 1730 H. Allen Geo., emp S P Hospital Assn, r 13th cor C. Allen Geo. A. capt stmr Flora, r 2423 O. Allen Harry F., moved to Woodland, Cal. Allen Horace L., emp D. McKay, r 2423 O. Allen J., bricklayer, r 1007\ 4th. Allen Jas., tel opr S P Co, r 821 H. Allen John, carp S P Co, r 3011 G. Allen John F., opr W U T Co, r 1113 17th. Allen John F., tarmer, r 613 Q. Allen Jos. H., lab, r 34th cor W. Allen L. H. Mrs, r 1005 F. Allen M. E. Mrs, teacher Capital Primary School, roftKMHSk J>- Allen M. H., died March 26th, 1894. , '1*1 ^fd — Allen Millie Miss, bkkpr C. Quiggle, r 1707 3d. Allen Orvil E., r 1028 E. Allen Robt., bartndr, r 1121 5th. Allen Robt C, cook, r 1520 M. Allen Roy N., r 1005 F. Allen Thos., employment 1104 4th, r 1013 20th. Allen Percy W., fireman S P Co, r 1730 H. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO of London, James E. Mills Agent, 301 J. Allison Jane P. Mrs, died Nov 2d, 1893. Allison M. Mrs, dressmkr 924 N, r same. Allyn Jos. S., r 915 7th. Almas Fred H., r 513 P. Alpaugh Etta Miss, elk H. Boyne, r 1230 J. Alpaugh Nettie Mrs, r 1114 7th. Alsip Edwin K. (Edwin K. Alsip & Co), r 1711 N. ALSIP EDWIN K. & CO. (Edwin K. Alsip), Real Estate and Insurance, 1015 4th and Mills Bldg S F. Alsip Mary A. Mrs, died Jan. 9th, 1894. Alston P. Mrs, r 916J 7th. ' Alter Geo. C, elk Kirk, Geary & Co, r 1511 8th. Alter Henry, r 510 7th. Alvares John, lab, r 1531 Front. Alverney J., lab S P Co, r 216 T. Alvord Chas. S., comp Carrington & Anderson^ r 721 11th. Alvord Wm. B., pressman H. S. Crocker Co, r 1610 3d. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hasted*! is the only Directory ofSacramcuto LOOK OUT Published, L. L LEWIS & CO. fiisigiflKie 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 101 > Amayo Danl., waiter Palace Restaurant, r 1307 4th. AMBLER GEO. 0., Secretary L. L. Lewis & Co, r 502 J. Ambrose Philip, r 916| J. Ambrose W. H., comp The Bee, r 426 M. Ambruster Frank, r 905 2d. AMERICAN CASH STORE, 0. F. Washburn, proprietor, X 801 K, ne cor 8th (see bottom lines). American Eagle Hotel, 1201 J. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Phila., Penn., 1007 4th. American River District School, Miss A. F. Burns, teacher, J st rd nr 29th. AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Erastus H. Green, proprietor, 1822 I. Ammon Anna Mrs, r 1016 P. Amsden, Ed. F., real estate and ins 1029 J, r 700 9th. AMSDEN, O. R., proprietor Telegraph Planing Mill, J se cor 12th, r 700 9th. Amsden "Walter, woodwkr, r 700 9th. Amsler R., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. Anderburg Ole A., carp, r 1719J 13th. Andereggen J., r. 814 J. Anderson A. B. Mrs, r 818 L. Anderson A. H. (Anderson & Bliss), r 2509 I. Anderson Alfred, emp S. Johnson, r 414 14th. Anderson Alfred, blksmith J. & A. Anderson, r 1219 16th. Anderson Andrew, r 1419 J. Anderson Andrew, carp, r 1818 10th. Anderson Ann Mrs, r 1210 2d. Anderson Annie Miss, elk, r 714 I. Anderson Annie Miss, emp F. Mason, r 1219 16th. Anderson Aron (J. & A. Anderson), r 814 11th. Anderson Augusta, dom 701 O. Anderson & Bliss (A. H. Anderson and J. Bliss), painters' sup­ plies 825 J. Anderson Chas,, r alley bet 15th and 16th, G and H. Anderson Chas. W., emp State Printer, r 915 24th. Anderson Christine Miss, r 1516 G. Anderson Claus (Anderson & Johnson), r 1014 7th. Anderson Edw., gasfitter T. Scott, r 1016 9th. Anderson Edw. C, emp W. X. Clark, r 1419 J. Anderson Ehrich, emp S P Co, r 521 M. Anderson Geo., bartndr Roma Hotel, r same. Anderson Geo. B., teamster, r 522 L. Anderson Geo. B., emp Bell Conservatory Co, r 2217 9th.. Anderson H., emp Mohr

lotli and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 105 Ashley F. Mrs, fur rms 917 5th. > Ashley Lucius F., r 1017 16th. Ashworth Edw. F., molder S P Co, r 719 L. CO Aspinwall Richd (Miller & Aspinwall), r 406 L. Assalena Frank L., books, 603 K, r 1515 13th. Astarito Gaetano, r 1423 5th. Atherton Malinda J. Mrs, died April 21, 1894. Atkins Julia A. Miss, r 2130 N. ATKINSON EDMUND O, principal and proprietor Atkin­ son's Sacramento Business College, Hale's Block, 9th nw en corK. r 1711 I. Atkinson Edmund M., elk Supt. Public Instruction, r 1827 I. ATKINSON F. L., physician and surgeon. Hours: 10 to 12 M., 2 to 4 and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M., 627 J, r 823 7th. Telephone 464. I Atkinson Frank F., elk C. H. Oatman, r 1711 I. Atkinson Jas. E , emp S P Co, r 1711 L. S. Atkinson Wm., r 1711 L. ATKINSON'S SACRAMENTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, E. C. Atkinson, principal and proprietor, Hale's Block, 9th nw cor K. Attama John S., groceries 1801 O, r same. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, W. F. Fitzgerald, State Capitol. m >~ Atwater Chas. J. (Atwater & Co), r 1011 O. CO Atwater & Co. (C. J. Atwater and S. Liebling), cigars, 500 K. r— •< P^ Atwood Geo. 8., electrician F. T. Lyman, r 1420 E. <—i t=a *-eJ «=** Atwood John B., broker, 528 Oak A v., r same. pa Atwood Minnie Miss, r 1430 F. r") oo 5^ : Atwood Thos., fireman S P Co, r rear 612 L. S3* ?C Atwood Thos. A., carp, 1430 F, r same. •—» ya Aubertus A. M., carp, r 725 G. 2S- >~ Aubertus August M., carp, r 725 G. CD Aubrey L. O., elk, r 1324 3d. CO rn Auer Jacob, r M cor 3d. <—^ Augrave J. Mrs, died July 6th, 1894. CD Auker L., blksmith n cor 22d, r Oak Grove. Ault Chas O, carp S P Co, r 910 N. Ault Minnie Miss, r 910 N. Ault M. M. Mrs, emp Protestant Orphan Asylum, r same. Austin Amanda Miss, artist 815 J, r same. ten « Austin Phoebe Mrs, r 611 J. Auten F. G. Miss, r 2510 O. o I Auten Ralph, carp, r 1329 K. o I Arerill Edw., bkkpr Porter Bros. Co, r Western Hotel. en * Averill Geo. W., blksmith S P Co, r 721 G. Averill M. R. Mrs, furn rms 516 K. *^ • serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELNIONKO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day 4 NUht Oyster Parlor 106 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Avery Albert W., r 1001 2d. Avery Edw. E., real estate and ins 231 J, r 1304 N. Avery Eugene A., U. S. gauger, r 703 F. Avery I. E., elk S P Co, 1119 I. AVERY JOHN M., President Capital Furniture Co, r 931G. Avis John J., bkkpr The Singer Mfg Co, r 1226 O. Avis John R, mgr The Singer Mfg Co, r 1226 O. Avy Geo., driver Wilson & Mitchell. Axtell F. E. Mrs, r 1222 Whitney av. Axtell Wm. E., butcher, r 1222 Whitney av. Axtmann Geo., died May 30th, 1894. Ayer Fred W., ins 1004 4th, r 2100 M. Ayer Milo J., sawfiler 1109 J, r same. Ay res J. I., died Apr 27th, 1894. Azevedo Anna Miss, r 1822 O. Azevedo Caroline Miss, r 1822 O. Azevedo Clara Miss, r 1822 O. Azevedo Joaquin L. (M. J. Azevedo & Co.), r 1803 P. Azevedo John A., r 1822 O. Azevedo Jos., emp M. J. Azevedo

&. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 108 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Baker Jas. W., elk State Controller, r 916 L. Baker Leroy, electrician S P Co, r 702 11th. Baker Lottie Miss, emp State Printer, r721 M. Baker May Miss, emp S. Johanson, r 414 14th. Baker Nettie Miss, r 2518 G. BAKER OSGOOD D., druggist 2000 J, r same. Baker Saml., painter Capital Furniture Co, r 2028 10th. Baker Thos. C, painter S P Co, r 717 L. Baker W., carp C E Ry Co, r Oak Park. Baker W. E., blksmith S P Co, r 815 I. Baker Wm., died Julv 9th, 1894. Baker Wm. F., r 1016 E. Balch M. Ada Miss, r 911 N. Balch Olwer H., comp State Printer, r 1305 L. Baldwin Harry J., emp F. Mason, r Oak Grove. Baldwin John E. D., photographer 504 J, r 1420 8th. Baldwin Louis D., r Oak Grove. Baldwin Lydia C. Miss, bkkpr J. E. Mills, r 1306 O. Baldwin Pearl W. Miss, r 1420 8th. BALDWIN SALOON, H. D. Gamble, proprietor, 916 7th. Baldwin S. E. Mrs, r Oak Grove. BALDWIN WM, H.,Physician and Surgeon, hours 10 to 12 M., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M., 1029 2d, r 1100 H. Telephone 59, 3 bells. Baldy Clyde, porter State House Hotel. Baliel John J., carp S P Co, r 1324 alley bet 13th and 14th, N and O. Baliel J. W. carp S P Co, r 1324 alley bet 13th and 14th, N and O. Ball Frank, r Broderick. Ball Geo. W., emp State Agricultural Society, r 20th cor G. Ball Harry, mach S P Co, r Oak Park. Ball R. G, cleaner S P Co, r 429 L. Ball Thos., farmer, r Broderick. Ball Walter T., emp T. W. Walker, r Empire blk. Ballard Wm. R., r 1725 14th. Ballew Zora Miss, r 1529 E. Ballingall Andrew, millwright Pioneer Flour Mills, r 818 L. Ballinger Jos., porter, r 1317 6th. Ballou Emma Mrs, dressmkr 1123 3d, r same. Ballou Leonard, lab, r 1123 3d. Ballou P. Mrs, r713I. Balsz Chas, porter H. F. Dillman, r 903 Front. Balsz Henry, driver Police Patrol, r 2116 10th. Balsz Louis, blksmith, r 2116 10th. Balsz Wm., died June 29th, 1894.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted't is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS fi IU. mm ailu nfl"&Mi 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 109 Balsz Wm., Jr., r 2130 10th. Bamann Bernhard, upholsterer S P Co, r International Hotel. Bancroft Jas. L., r 1522 G. Bandy Cornelius P., mail carrier, r 2025 J. Banford Chas., barber, r 422 K. Bangson Ellen Mrs., 602 P. Banholzer Fernando, engraver, 410 J, r same. Banks A. B. Rev., pastor First Baptist Church, r 1525 N. Bankson David W., eng S P Co, r alley bet 9th and 10th, E andF. Bannan M., fireman S P Co. Bannick A., lab S P Co., r 1326 2d. Bannister Thos., farmer, r G and H, 40th and 41st. Bannon Matthew J. (M. J. Bannon & Co.), r 1414 7th. Bannon M. J. & Co. (M. J. Bannon and A. W. Jost), blksmiths 1115 10th. Banta Andrew J., r 422 10th. Banta Andrew J. Jr., emp Bassett & Minford, r 422 10th. Banta Jas. F., emp Bassett & Minford, r 401 13th. Banta Minnie Miss, elk C. L. Smith, r 422 10th. Banvard Louis H., tel opr S P Co, r 903 E. Bapst Alphonse, lab, r 1607 20th. Baptist Chapel, Oak Park. Baptist Chinese Mission, 907 5th. Baras Julia Miss, r 1509 10th. Barber Chas. E., elk, r 527 J. Barber C. W., r 616 F. Barber E. Mrs, dressmkr, r 1814 10th. Barber Florence J. Miss, r 1008 22d. Barber H. Mrs, r 811 H. Barber Isaac W., expressman 1015 14th, r same. Barber J. R., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co. Barber M., capitalist, r 1122 H. Barber M. Mrs, r 616 F. Barber Wm., emp S P Co, r 1008 22d. Barberia Francisco, barber 907 7th, r same. Barbiere Andrew, furniture rpr 1108 2d, r same. Barclay Wm., fisherman, r Riverside rd, 1 m s city limits. Barfoot E. S., lab S P Co, r 2509 P. Barieau Walter A., saloon 305 K, r 1020 N. Barker C. Henry, driver Sac Trans Co, r 1718 8th. Barker E. Adin, died Sept. 16th, 1894. Barkley H., lab S P Co, r 621 H. Barkley Minnie A. Miss, teacher Sacramento High School r1921 H. Barkwarth T. N., mach S P Co, r 523 8th. serves Daily more Jfauons THtAMERIGANCASHSTOR E than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. ^•a**

Heal Estate and Insurance GEO. KXOIQER, 7*» K «T, 8ACKAMEXTO, CAI* C 110 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Barlow David K, plumber J. Donley, r 1015 16th. a Barnard Alice R. Miss, r 910 N. f 2 Barnell Chas., r 619 E. o Barnes Benj., elk C. Barnes, r 910 J. CO Barnes Chas., cigars 910 J, r same. Barnes David, emp Capital Gas Co, 923 I. Barnes Jas., elk W L & Co, r 600 P. > S0) Barnes John A., mach S P Co, r Broderick. > Barnes Julia Mrs, r State House Hotel. h N Barnes Mary, dom 1025 Front. O Barnes Mary Miss, r 910 J. BARNES M. P., Manager F. & G. Thomas, r 1011 6th. 0 Barnes N. A. Mrs, died April 23d, 1894. Barnes Willard F., box mfr, r 2023 N. a, 0 Barnett Bros. (G. W. and J. II.), fruit shippers, 1008 2d. Barnett Chas. G., mgr Barnett Bros., r Western Hotel. ffl Barnett E. Harvey, baggageman S P Co, r 1618 2d. Barnett Geo. W. (Barnett Bros.), r Chicago, Ills. S Barnett John H., (Barnett Bros.), r Chicago, 111. u Baron Chas., emp C. L. Baron, r 710 L. J Baron Chas. L., barber 729 K, r 710 L. Baron Geo. J., painter S P Co, r 710 L. Baros Manuel, emp Western Hotel, r 509 Q. Barr Benj. F., died May 17th, 1894. Barr C. E., emp C E Ry Co. to Barr Edwin F., instructor Sacramento Athletic Club, r 502 M. Barr Geo., r 725$ J. 't-t Barrett , r 1121 Front. Barrett Chas., upholsterer, r 917 K. Barrett Chas, bootblack, r 1119$ 2d. c Barrett G., rpr S P Co, r 624 J. (3 Barrett Gilman A., r 1115 D. Barrett Isaac T., drayage 2100 0, r same. O Barrett J. Mrs, r 1115 D. Barrett J. A. Mrs, r 701 12th. Barrett John, r 1323 P. *0 Barrett John W., r 1114 C. (3 Barrett Lizzie H. Miss, r 1115 D. Barrett Mamie C. Miss, r 701 12th. Barrett Mary M. Miss, r 1115 D. I Barrett M. K., teller Sacramento Bank, r 2330 H. Barrett Ray W., r 1005 E. O Barrett Thos. R., boilermkr S P Co, r 3005 J. Barringer Louis, dentist, r 812 L. 8 Barron J. T. Mrs, saloon 200 L, r 130$ L. O Barrows Fred, emp N. Dingley, r 113 I. X p Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Wrltes Insurance COOLEY i OURT * H 8TUKET. ^m* ^m^ ^^ -Mmm »*m -™- • TOT,* KOfJH SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Ill t=-a Barry Annie Miss, r 202 T. Barry Chas. D., lab S P Co, r 202 T. Barry D. B. Mrs., r Broderick. Barry Edna, dom 2026 M. Barry G., lab SP Co. Barry J. D., rpr S P Co, r Broderick. Barry John C, msgr Sutter Club, r 519 13th. Barry John T., corap State Printer, r 1507 K. X i*- J Barry Jos. T., painter, r P bet 30th and 31st. Barry Kittie Miss, r 1402 H. Barry Mary Mrs, r 202 T. Barry Michael, lab, r 519 13th. Barry Robt., painter S P Co, r 713 15th. Barry Robt. L., r 713 15th. Bartels, Chas W., mach S P Co, r 1713 P. Bartels Henrietta Mrs, r X cor 33d. Bartels Victor, appr S P Co, r X cor 33d. Bartels Wm., bkkpr California State Bank, r X cor 33d. Barth Albert, butcher, r 2302 5th. Bartlett Geo., r 821 6th. Bartlett Geo. A., wheelwright Waterhouse & Lester, r 530 N. •— 'i l^1 Barton Chas. T., confectionery 810 J, r 1728 M. Barton Clara A. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 1728 M. # Barton Harry H., elk F. Leith, r 427$ K. Barton Jas., eng S P Co. V) Barton Thos. L., lab, r 1015 J. 8 Barwick J. A., observer U. S. Weather Bureau, K ne cor 7th, r Post Office bldg. Bary John D, lab, r 1727 5th. Basler Anna M. Mrs, died Dec. 9th, 1894. CO X Basler Chas. M., fireman S P Co, r 1707 L. Basler W. H., wood 12th st rd nr Am River, r same. Bass E. F., lab S P Co, r 910 10th. Bassett Geo O, elk G. W Railton, r 620 O. j« Bassett Henry, baker J. H. Hogan, r 900 M. x Bassett Mabel Miss, r 620 O. 0 BASSETT & MINFORD (W. S. Bassett and J. Minford), ft proprietors Mechanics' Planing Mill, Front se cor D. B. Bassett M. L. Mrs, teacher, r 620 O. Bassett Walter S. (Bassett & Minford), r 1711 P. VI BASSETT W. WALTER, Cashier Capital Banking and 8 Trust Co, r 620 O. C Bassler Mary Mrs, r 808 7th. 0) Bastiau Chas. F., mach S P Co, r 1224 Q. n Bastian E. Mrs, furn rms, 1025 3d. c•tr ft

SHOW CASES 87 •**Starke* »U, S-. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, l PHILLIPS BROS,, 505 Clay St., San Francisco, 112 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Batcher Chas., r 1318 2d. Batcher J., r 215 M. Batcher John (Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co), r 1623 0. Batcher Louis, r 1309 D. Batear Jacob, r 1114 13th. Bateman Ella Miss, bookbinder R. Schuler & Co, r 1618 J. Bates Annie Miss, elk E. A. Dodge, r Broderick. Bates Egbert W., r 2227 O. Bates Frank L., eng S P Co, r 1921 H. Bates Geo. O., r2229 0. Bates Herbert L., fireman S P Co, r 1921 H. Bates Ida Miss, music teacher 1318 Q, r same. Bates Jos. N., carp, r 2330 N. Bates L. J. Mrs, r 1909 H. Bates Mamie Miss, elk E. A. Dodge, r Broderick. Bates Matie H. Miss, emp State Printer, r 929 K. Bates Oliver O, died July 9th, 1894. Bates Sidney L., fireman S P Co, r 1909 II. Bates Walter 0., mach S P Co, r 1318 Q. Bates Wm. M., elk H. G. May & Co, r 1909 II. . Batista P., lab Garibaldi Hotel. Battaglia Feruccio, shoemkr A. Caselli. r 1325 4th. Batelle Chas., elk. r 710 15th. Battelle Geo., r 710 15th. Battelle Geo. L., carp S P Co, r 710 15th. Battenberg Otto, emp C. Suter, r 1017 13th. Batteris John, lab, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Battista Bristani, bootblk 3d bet J and K, r 520 14th. Battista Malerbe, lab, r J st rd nr 40th. Battxeall Darius W., emp C E Ry Co, r 2112 I. Baty Thos. G., lab, r 11th cor X. Batz Henry, lab, r 522 alley bet 5th and 6th, O and P. Bauch Henry, horseshoer Mrs M. McElaney, r 408 L. Baudy Adam, bartndr Nagle & Svensson, r 300$ K. Bauer Adolph, supt California Winery, r 2314 Q. Bauer Adolph F., painter Capital Furniture Co, r 526 I. Bauer August, emp Ebner Bros Co, r 2028 10th. Bauer Chas., lab S P Co, r 2028 10th. Bauer Chas., r 814 J. Bauer Chas., porter Adams-Booth Co., r 817 O. Bauer Chas. E., cashier Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1220 G. Bauer Emile F., tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1220 G. Bauer F. Miss, dressmkr, r 2028 10th. Bauer Jennie E. Miss, r 1220 G. Bauer J. J., musician, r 1220 G. Baugh Walter H. Rev, pastor 14th st Pres'n Church, r 1431 Q. • N. CLARK & SONS, lV-iy tipearSt., San Francisco. I Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. pADIAUf RRQQ OOARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS


SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 113 BAUGHMAN W. E. J., Manager Henry Cowell & Co., r 1414 10th. Bauman Albert, r California Hotel. Bauman Chas., r California Hotel. Bauman Chris, r California Hotel. Bauman Frank, r California Hotel. o* Bauman G., foreman 8 P Co, r 1235 H. Bauman John, emp Kohler & Van Bergen, r R cor 31st. Bauman John, dairy, Riverside rd 2 m s city limits, r same. Bauman John, r California Hotel. Banman Steffan, hotel 900 J, r same. BAUMANN H. N. (Lautenschlager & Bauraann), r 1015 8th. Baumann Leonhard, bartndr J. Gerig, r 1200 I. Baumgartner C. F., horseshoer, r 814 11th. Baunhold John, confectioner G. H. Braun, r Hotel Rhein. Bauquier A. M. Mrs, r 627 alley bet 6th and 7th, L and M. Bauquier Jos. C, carp, r 1616 12th. Baur Chas., r 429 N". Baur Frank, emp W. Gutenberger, r 429 N. Baur John, tinsmith S P Co, r 429 N. Baxter Harry, rpr S P Co, r Broderick. fc Baxter M. A., foreman S P Co, r 701 I. O Baxter M. M. Miss, furn rms 1721 J. ft Baxter W., molder 8 P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Bay Harry, mach S P Co, r 1223 F. o b2 Bay Herman V., upholsterer S P Co, r 516 K. SO Bayer Emil, r 1631 17th. Z* fc£ Bayer Frank, manner, r 1316 17th. Bay less Chas., lab, r 905 6th. o Beach J. C, carp, r 708 11th. & —) •* Beach R. 0., fireman S P Co. CL. Beal Chas. L., fireman S P Co, r 826 6th. ••"$ T Beal Frank J., groceries and liquors 930 N, r same. •§ Beal Mary Mrs, r 724 6th. t* Beals H. S., photographer 627 J, r 1213 F. C>**b. c* Bean C. M. Mrs, r 416 10th. © Bean Fred. J., blksmith H. Bennett, r 416 10th. (Si* Bean Michael, r 214 Q. Beane Arthur, r 1521 E. Beane John L., lab S P Co, r 1521 E. Beard Alice Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1617 I. Beard Marshall R., dep Co Assessor, r 1820 H. Bearclslee Peter D., painter C. H. Krebs & Co, r 2318 P. Beasley Chas., elk Weber & Co, r 1831 N. Beasley Chas. O, r 2409 O. Beasley Martin, elk S P Co, r 2409 O.

Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 8 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. PW J. M. MORRISON A. M. GATJI/T RESTAURANT Ttie DeimoniGO AND tffij Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. GQ80 Day and HIQIH. OYSTER PARLORS 114 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Beasley M. E. Miss, nurse County Hospital, r same. Beaton Carl W., emp Capital Gas Co, r 1515 4th. Beaton Harry E., appr S P Co, r 1515 4th. Beaton John, rpr S P Co, r 1515 4th. Beatty H. 0. Mrs, r 714 17th. .0 Q. » ()w (3 Beau Blanche Miss, bkkpr Sieh & Henn, r 1214 I. 1 u O Beauchamp Chas. L., mach, r 715 11th. sis. Beauchamp H. H., lab S P Co, r 1417 N. Beauchamp J., painter S P Co, r 716 J. Beaumont Chas. J., elk Sullivan Kelly Co, r 1121 G. Beaumont D., civil eng, r 1014 G. Beaumont Mattie M. Miss, r 1014 G. 2 Beaumont S. G. Miss, r 1014 G. CD Bechtold Edw. S , appr S P Co, r 2125 K. Bechtold John U., mach S P Co, r 2125 K. Bechtold Louisa Miss, r 2125 K. * Beck Alice, dom, 1602 G. Beck B., fireman S P Co. o Beck & Camezind (F. Beck and S. Camezind), saloon 101 K. Beck Frank (Beck & Camezind), r 113 K. Beck Beckley Isaac, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 9th cor K. Beckley John A. (Julier & Beckley), r 1118 Q. o Beckman Geo. B„ emp S P Co, r 1214 19th. O Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAM » 1012 J Street

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 115 Beckman R., fireman S P Co. BECKMAN WM.,President People's Savings Bank, r Golden Eagle Hotel. Beckner Minnie G. Miss, r 819 0. Beckstead A., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Beckwith Chas. M., atty 420$ J, r State House Hotel. Beckly P. R„ dep sheriff" courthouse, r same. Bedee Sadie Miss, r 809 12th. Bedee Saml. S., elk Red House Co, r 1423 6th. BEE THE, James McClatchy & Co publishers, 1016 3d. Beebe Arthur H., lineman Capital Gas Co, r 620 O. Beebe Jos., musician, r 1521 P. Beebe N. Mrs, r 328$ K. Beecher Geo. A., gardener, r 1105 I. BEEDE J. K., Manager Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Co 1007 2d, r 1618 18th. Beeler Annie, dom 1120 J. Beeler Chas M., r 2921 G. Beeler Geo., emp S P Co, r 1314 3d. Beeler Geo. T., bartndr, r 1314 3d. Beeler Gilbert, mach Kimball & Upson, r 6*25 J. Beeler Jos., r 125 J. Beeler Josephine Mrs, furn rms 125 J. Beeler X., waiter New Wm. Tell Hotel. Beemer Angelo, emp F. S. Smith, r 1117 7th. Beer Jos., elk Geo. E. Dierssen & Co, r 611 P. Beer May Miss, elk W L & Co, r 611 P. Beers C. M. Mrs, r 1220 N. Beesley Albert V. (Beesley & Son), r 2318 O. Beesley Chas. A. (Beesley & Son), r 2318 O. Beesley Chas. H., elk Weber & Co, r 1831 N. Beesley & Son (C. A. and A. V.), groceries 810 K. Beger Louis, bartndr W. H. Verheim, r 1211 3d. Beggs Thos., r 1006 3d. Behan Mamie H. Miss, bkkpr The L. Elkus Co, r 921 6th. Behm M., lab S P Co, r 217 O. Behn Fred, rpr S P Co, r 1023 D. Behr John, carpet weaver 28th bet R and S, r same. Behrens August F., appr E. Goepel, r 704 12th. Behrle Jos., r 1622 9th. Beilharz Richd., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1400 4th Beitzel J., lab S P Co, r Front nr Y. Bel Mary Mrs, r 724 6th. Belay iff Geo., elk Henderson, Brown & Co, r n cor 3d. Belcher Onno J„ orchardist, r Broderick. Belden P. H. (White & Belden), r 1028 4th. DIXON. BORGESOft & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S. F. PlflDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 116 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Belden Frank, steward Capital Hotel, r K cor 7th. Bell & Co (L. Bell), auctioneers 420 J. BELL CONSERVATORY CO, Dillman & Geisreiter, pro­ prietors, florists and nurserymen, between 9th and 10th, k- O 7 o W and Y, and ofl&ce 607 J. It 00 Bell Eva Mrs, r 722 E. '•' ^ Bell, Flye & Co (H. A. Bell, C. E. Flye and W. McLaughlin), CO com 915 2d. u s_ ® o Bell Harry A. (Bell, Flye 2 fv Bell Jos., emp Am. Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. fr' -1 t1o a* Bell Lewis (Bell & Co), r 1030 I. F CO o } Bell Silas, mach 217 L, r 1331 L. c Sat 2 k CD < Bell Wm., comp State Printer, r Central House. •#-* Bellhouse F., mach S P Co, r 903 10th. ir •rs~ ol- Bellhouse Thos. F„ r 1812 H. *- z \" CL u Bellmer John, groceries 915 K, r 1010 10th. I<; S Bellmer Wm. F., elk Lindley & Co, r 1010 10th. V '' Belote John, carp, r V cor 29th. VI: C«D- S° Belote Wm., lather, r V cor 29th. *" tf) BELVIDEBE HOTEL, McKay & McCurdy, proprietors, Tii o 1023 6th. iM' «#-* Bemis H. Reed, r 517 N. w OS Sf* HM Bemiss Charles L., watchman State Printer, r 1314 O. $ to Betniss C. L. Mrs., corsets 1314 O, r same. iff, Ben M. Mrs., r alley bet 7th and 8th, G and H. Bender Alex, painter, r 1212 O. Bender M. Mrs, r 1212 O. CJ Bending Wm. J., cook T. W. Walker, r Empire blk. Benedette A., lab S P Co, r 913 Front. Bening Augustus H„ carp, r 1731 3d. Bening Fred H., emp S P Co, r 1731 3d. Bening Wm. L., real estate and ins 1005 4th, r 1521 3d. Benjamin Arthur, emp Favero & Striff, r 1521 E. Benjamin Augustus M., lineman P P Tel C Co, r 1412 J. Benjamin Chas. F., com trav, r 513$ K. Benjamin T. D. Mrs, r 1521 E. Benjamin Wm. R., elk A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1315 K. Bennett A. Miss, elk Mrs I. Bennett, r 1411 K. Bennett A. E., mach S P Co, r Pacific Hotel. CO Bennett Carrie Mrs, dressmkr 609$ I, r same. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted's is the only Directory ofSacmmento i LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. ®"£ssrm 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 117 Bennett E. Miss, elk Mrs I. Bennett, r 1411 K. Bennett Edw., horsetrainer, r 2000 H. Bennett Elsie C. Miss, died May 3d, 1894. Bennett Esther Miss, r 1411 K. Bennett Francis M., eng, r 2620 H. Bennett Frank W., msgr Sac Trans Co, r 905 M. Bennett Geo., emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Bennett Geo. A., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 614 16th. Bennett Geo. H., elk The Nonpareil, r 1501 N. Bennett Harrison, teller Sacramento Bank, r 714 7th. BENNETT HENRY, blacksmith and carriage maker 520 12th, r 512 12th. Bennett I. Mrs, cigars 926 J, r 1411 K. Bennett J. Mrs, r 1312 8th. Bennett Jas. T., r 1528 7th. Bennett J. D., cond S P Co, r 929 K. Bennett Jesse, r 1528 7th. * Bennett John D., helper S P Co, r 614 16th. Bennett John T., driver Bassett & Minford, r 610 14th. Bennett L. A. Mrs, r 1217 G. Bennett Lydia R. Miss, emp State Printer, r 614 13th. Bennett Marion F., eng, r 2620 H. Bennett M. S., lab, r 614 13th. Bennett N. S., r 411 L rear. Bennett S. B., stenog, r 614 13th. Bennett True T., r 1528 7th; Bennett Wm., blksmith H. Bennett, r 610 14th. Bennett Wm. G., r 610 14th. Benson A., r 814 J. Benson Benj., emp S P Co, r 1114 8th. Benson J. Mrs., dressmkr 609$ I, r same. Benson Jas., r 609$ I. Benson Magnus, lab S P Co, r 1007$ 4th. Benson P., r Tremont Hotel. Benson Ralph W., elk Bell, Flye & Co, r 621 N. Benson Walter B., mach S P Co, r 621 N. Benteen Helen A. Mrs, r 918 15th. Benteen Wm. H., emp Earl Fruit Co, r 918 15th. Bentley Benj. F., barber, r 408 N. Bentley Chas. H., asst mgr Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, r 2501H. * ' * Bentley Fred M., farmer, r 408 N. BENTLEY R. I., Manager Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, G cor 6th, r 2501 H. Benton John, waiter Buckmann & Carraghar, r K nr Front. I |" — - 1 w ITn n r Serves Daily more Patrons 1)111 IIA ° H U tit than any other two Grocery WHY/ COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, 11II • I f^eal Estate and Insurance m. wm.7S 3 K 8*. SACRAMESTO, CAJU 118 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 Berck L. B. Mrs, r 1515 K. If) Berck Nathan, elk, r 1515 K. o ... Berck Saml., elk, r 1515 K. Berdeen Fred., r 1700 0. * 5 Berdolt C. Mrs, r 1113 Q. < B Berg John E., saloon 1630 J, r same. Berger John G., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1610 N. 3 2 Berger M. Mrs., r 1610 N. Berger Nicholas, emp Bergman & Co, r 1610 N. Bergin Wm., r 1121 Front. Bergman Adam (Bergman & Co), r 709 L. g v Bergman & Co (F. and A. Bergman), pickle mfrs 709 L. BERGMAN FRANK (Bergman & Co), and Havana, Key V) West, New York Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles a 706 J, r 714 K. P r. Bergman H. L., elk Perkins & Son, r 2701 N. Bergman John P., r 2701 N. Bergman V., elk I. Zemansky, r 231 K. BERKEY THOMAS H„ County Assessor Court House, w r1015 11th. Berkshire Building 6th nw cor L. BERKSHIRE THE, 1126$ 6th. BERLINER EMIL, Proprietor Berliner's Delicatessen 723 J, r same. BERLINER'S DELICATESSEN, Emil Berliner Proprietor, 723 J. Bernal Danl. F., agt H. H. Fortson, r 621 J. Bernard Henry M., died May 18th, 1894. (0 Bernard Julia Mrs, r 427$ K. Bernard Lizzie M. Miss, prin. Lincoln Primary School, r o 427$ K. Bernath Jos., plater S P Co, r 402 9th. rt Bernhard Chas., emp C. Suter, r 511 Oak av. Bernhard Geo., moved to Los Angeles, Cal. CO Bernhardt Chas., restaurant 827 2d, r same. Bernetti Fritz, cabinetmkr, r 809 L. Bernnazocki G., emp H. A. Petralli, r 918 2d. Bernor Colombini, tailor Joe Poheim, r Roma Hotel. a Bernstein Julius, clothing 306 K, r same. Berriesford E. Mrs, r 2030 J. Berriesford Jos., died Jan. 7th, 1894. u Berriesford J. W., collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies& Co, r 1014 21st. UJ Berriesford Ralph, tailor S. Try on, r 923 20th. Berry Josephine, dom, 1610 O. Bert Mary Miss, dressmkr 910 9th, r same. f" Serves Daily more Patrons IL than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Granite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : i. limn,42 S J STREET, • SACRAMENTO, CAI* era • "iilffl SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 119 Bertagna Chas. A., lab S P Co, r 604 F. t-=ea Bertagna Jos., watchman S P Co, r Highland Park. Bertchi C, lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Bertero J., lab S P Co, r 3d bet R and S. Besoin Alexander, driver C. P. Massey, r 1210 K. Bessey Chas. H., boilermkr S P Co, r 825 M. Bessey Wm., express, r 1708 Q. Bessey Wm. D., tinner J. W. Guthrie, r 1708 Q. Best A. W., artist, moved to S. F. Best Geo. B., brick contr 1915 J, r same. Best Harry H., lab S P Co, r 619 13th. Best Margaret Mrs, dressmkr, r 1007 8th. Best Wesley, barber J. Wollmer, r 619 13th. Best Wm. P., rpr S P Co, r619 13th. Bethel Chas. G., blksmith L. Auker, r n cor 22d. Betshard Jos., r 814 J. , Betshard Louis, r 814 J. Bettie J., lab, r Tremont Hotel. Bettinger Horatio S., r Oak Park. Betz Albert, stenog Atty-General, r Berkeley, Gal. s=*=> Betz Geo. P., r 1425 5th. Bevens Wm. A., lab, r 614 13th. Bewley Jas. A., waiter J. Bowman, r 106 K. Bianchini Angelo, r 420 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Biddle G. H., finisher S P Co, r 813 E. V Bidwell Anna R. Mrs, r 725 7th. c Bidwell Frank J., baggageman S P Co, r 1019 I. Bidwell Howell G., elk A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 610$ I. Bidwell Hubert G., painter S P Co, r Brighton. Biederman Henry, cabinetmkr C. Suter, r Oak Grove. ** cr CO » Bier Arthur F., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1409 alley X SO bet 2d and 3d, K and L. Biegle H. C. Mrs, r 2228 N. BIEWENER F„ Proprietor Fulton Market se cor 4th and M, r2325M. Biggs Harry E., bkkpr, r 1214 10th. Biggs J. H. Mrs, r 1214 10th. - ft Biichler Mary E. Mrs, dressmkr, r Broderick. Billings F. D., eng, r 815 18th. Billings Hattie A. Miss, r 1114 O. « 0 Billings L. N., farmer, r 1114 O. p V Billingsley Ferdinand R, elk Kilgore & Tracy, r 1815 H. Billingsley Frank, helper A. Meister & Sons, r 1815 H. 5 o* f » Billingsley U. O, orchardist, r 1815 H. ft Billingsley U.C. Jr., cigarmkr Knowles & Wagener, r 1815 H. 0* Billiou E. Mrs, r 1118 J. ft DIXON, BORGESON 3

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted*S is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L L. LEWIS k CO. Cn 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. CO SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 125 Born Robt., driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2421 N. Borum Effie Miss, dressmkr, r 1114 7th. Borzone H. Mrs., r 309 N. Boscacci D., tinner, r 422 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Boschetti P., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Boschetti S., lab., r Garibaldi Hotel. Bosquit D. A., fireman S P Co. Bosselle Louis, r 1801 M. Botemly Eva Miss, emp W L & Co, r 1128 9th. Bothroid Cameron, carp, r J st rd nr 34th. Botkin Edith A. Miss, r 1331 0. Botkin W. W., bkmn S P Co. Bottemly M. E. Mrs, died Sept 4th, 1894. Bottino G., lab S P Co, r 215 L. Bottler Frank, cigars 805 K, r same. Botto Dan]., moved to Auburn, Cal. Bottoms D., r 1631 P. Bottoms Jeff H., r 1631 P. pa Bottoms Knox E., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1631 P. »•* ft ft Bottoms Robt., helper S P Co, r 1631 P. ft x Bottoms S. Miss, r 1631 P. X **• r+ Bottoms W. R., cleaner S P Co, r 2226 10th. 0 Boughton O. S., lab, r 116 K. x V) Boule Henri, restaurant 427 K, r 427$ K. ft Boulin Clara Miss, marker W L & Co, r 911 L. x Boulin Frank A., rpr S P Co, r 607 O. B1 Bouquet E., r 311$ N. ft Bourdet Chas., r 722 E. Bourke Stephen, porter Golden Eagle Hotel. g Bousch Henry, blksmith 408 L, r same. ' ft Boust Edw., emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. X Bovin August, waiter, r 407 N. Bovyer Elizabeth E. Mrs, groceries 2800 N, r same. Bovyer Fred., emp W L & Co, r 2800 N. Bovyer H. Mrs, r 520 L. Bovyer Mabel Miss, r 2800 N. Bovyer Stephen T., pilot Sac Transp Co, r 2800 N. Bowden C. Mrs, dressmkr 1421 5th, rsame. Bowden E. Miss, r 1217 3d. Bowden J. Saml., elk W L & Co, r 1421 5th. Bowden Richd., capitalist, r 1217 3d. Bowem , r 410 J. Bowen Kate M. Mrs, died Aug. 23d, 1894. Bowen Patrick, painter G. B. Blue & Son, r 308$ S. Bower Fred E., driver Am Cash Store, r 1631 J. Bower Jos.) rpr S P Co, r International Hotel. Serves Daily more Pairons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery ) COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Heal Estate and Insurance CEO. HtOHIEit. 7S5 K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAL, 126 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Bowers Alden H., farmer, r Jackson road nr 35th. Bowers Robt., r 1619 P. Bowers W. O., r Golden Eagle Hotel. Bowles Minnie Miss, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1818 G. Bowles Wm., carp S P Co, r 1017 U. Bowley Argil D., real estate J nw cor 4th, r 2301 H. Bowley Lena E. Miss, r 2301 H. BOWMAN ANDREW, carriage and sign painter 520 12th, r2427 J. Bowman Anna M. Miss, r 2427 J. Bowman Arthur W., carp Waterhouse & Lester, r 725 G. Bowman C. H. Mrs, r 1214 H. Bowman Chas. H., elk F. Trout, r 1214 H. Bowman Harry M., carriage painter 918 11th, r 809 I. Bowman Hattie W. Miss, r 1214 H. Bowman Jas. N., bkkpr J. N. Phillips, r 1410 H. Bowman John, restauraut 110 K, r 106 K. Bowman John, poultry raiser, r 30th bet O and P. Bowman Jos. N., pressman Record-Union, r 2427 J. Bowman Wm. E., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 725 G. Bowman Wm. T., carriage trimmer A. Bowman, r 2427 J. Bowsee Ella Miss, r W bet 30th and 31st. Bowsher Amos L„ eng S P Co, r 1615 7th. Bowsher Robt. V., fireman S P Co, r 1615 7th. Boyd Abraham L., lab S P Co, r 1721 11th. Boyd G. T., confectionery 907 K, r same. Boyd John W., emp S P Co, r 1126$ 6th. Boyd John W., carp, r 1418 F. BOYD JOSEPH ft, County Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Court House, r 1021 O. Boyd Thos., r 1831 P. Boyd Wm., rpr S P Co, r 620 F. Boylan Edw., gardener, r 821 10th. Boylan Edw. W., elk, r 821 10th. Boylan Frank M., r 608 P. Boylan Jos., gardner E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, r 821 10th. Boylan Mamie Miss, emp State Printer, r 608 P. Boylan P. M., emp Capital Gas Co, r 608 P. Boyle F., watchman S P Co. Boyle Frank, died April 11th, 1894. Boyle Frank A., lineman Sunset T. & T. Co, r 1712 E. Boyle Fred, elk Peters & Ray, r 901 K. Boyle Geo., moved to S F, Cal. Boyle Geo. J., bartndr J. Martin, r 1712 E. Boyle Harry, r 1010 O. Boyle J., mach S P Co, r 727 J. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery 1 COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. SELLS REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY. Cooley,{ RENTS HOUSSS. 11013 4th SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 127 Boyle John, r 111 K. Boyle Kate Miss, elk, r 1010 0. Boyle Lizzie V. Miss, r 1712 E. Boyle Mary Mrs, r 1712 E. Boyle Mollie Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1010 O. Boyne Albert, confectionery 813 K, r same. Boyne Arthur V., comp Record-Union, r 1713 17th. Boyne Geo. B., decorator C. H. Krebs & Co, r 1229 Q. Boyne Geo. B. Jr, paperhanger C. H. Krebs & Co, r Highland Park. Boyne Horace E., painter C. H. Krebs & Co, r 1229 Q. Boyne Wm., r 714 K. Boysen Iwer, photographer 318 J, r same. Boze Wm. J., moved to Los Angeles, Cal. Bozzoni Joseph, bootblk 717 K, r 812 alley bet 8th and 9th, H and I. Bozzoni Louis, r J st rd nr 39th. Brace Alma Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 2130 L. Braceland Katie, dom Golden Eagle Hotel. Bracker K., fireman S P Co. Brackett Chas. M„ plumber, r 2030 Front. Brackett Geo. H., carp S P Co, r 728 7th. Braddock Alfred M., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 2119 N. Braddock Fred M., elk D. Dierssen Co, r 2119 N. Braddock Joshua C., farmer, r 2119 N. Braddock Rosa Miss, r 2119 N. Bradley Edith A. Miss, stenog Wood, Gray & Co, r 2320 H. Bradley Frank, fhoemkr J. McCarty, r 1410 15th. Bradley John W., hopgrower, r 2212 19th. Bradley Mabel Miss, r 2320 II. Bradley Walter W., r 428 L. Bradley Wm. H., r 2320 H. Bradley W. J., switchman S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Bradley W. R., switchman S P Co. Bradner Clara H. Mrs, Christian scientist 1109 10th, r 1423 O. Bradner Ernest H., Christian scientist 1109 10th, r 1423 O. BRADSTREET MERCANTILE AGENCY THE, G. A. Capen Superintendent, old Post Office building, 4th nw cor K. Bradway Clayton W., bkmn S P Co, r 1919 M. Brady O, emp S P Co, r 1109 8th. Brady Edw., appr C. H. Krebs & Co, r Highland Park. Brady F. T. Mrs, r Highland Park. Brady Geo. E., bartndr R. H. Singleton, r Howard House. Brady Jane Mrs, r T cor 20th. Brady Milton M., contr and bldr 2509 G, r same.

SHOW CASES 37 •*•Market St., g-. F. CITY RY SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKB.NDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 128 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Bragg Chas. L., fireman S P Co, r 616 8th. Bragg Geo. W., foreman Waterhouse & Lester, r 616 8th. Bragg H. W., foreman Waterhouse & Lester, r 704 7th. Bragg Walter S., elk Hevener, Mier —H Brendel Edw., emp W L & Co, r 1317 3d. Brendel John P., mach S P Co, r 1213 D. Brenelly Edw., plasterer, r 1011 5th. Brennan Chas. P., driver W. Gropp, r Central House. co SO Brennan Thos. J., painter, r 1416 II. Brennan T. J., eng S P Co. Brennan Wm., cleaner S P Co, r 818 J. Brenton W., eng S P Co. Bresette Albert, teamster, r 1722 4th. Bresette E., teamster, r 1722 4th. CO Bresette Laura Miss, r 1722 4th. o Breslauer Theo. M., moved to Santa Barbara, Cal. & Bresytanszri C, lab S P Co, r 1119 2d. Breuner Fred, upholsterer John Breuner, r 606 L. o b2 Breuner J. Mrs, r 606 L. sO Breuner John (John Breuner), r 2223 M. ?K to£ BREUNER JOHN (John and Louis F. Breuner), Furniture, Bedding and Carpets, 604 K. Telephone 162. o Breuner Louis F. (John Breuner), r 1420 O. vp» o -H Breuner Minnie, dom 800 9th. «-p Brewer A., saloon 207 K, r 323 M. Is t-o ^ Brewer C. D. Mrs, r 1912 M. t>3 •§ Brewer Geo. C, hop grower, r 1912 M. M* . Brewster Almon J., lab S P Co, r 1307 F. r*a . Brewster Georgiana A. Miss, died Apr 24th, 1894. © Brewster Vernon I., expressman, r 1307 F. If*l Bride D., lab S P Co. Bridge O. S., carp, r Tremont Hotel. Brien Margaret Mrs, r 909 alley bet 9th and 10th, F and G. Brier Bingham C. official court reporter Court House, r 1116 13th. Brier Chas. B., stenog Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1231 L Brier J. Mrs, r 1231 L. Briggs E. E. Mrs, r 523 O. , Briggg Evelyn Miss, r 1300 I. Serves Daily more Patrons s THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery 9 1 COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT Th6 D6M10MG0 RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. aaen Day and HlnK. OYSTER PARLOR*

go, z 130 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. s -• ° Briggs Frank F., mach S P Co, r 2909 N. o S • w o a. Briggs Fred E., carp, r 1228 K. *• 8 3 w ft b_o Briggs H. C. Mrs, r 1326 10th. > . B-S Briggs J. H., lab S P Co. 5 c« Briggs Nina L. Miss, r 1326 10th. Briggs Wallace A., physician 212 J, r 1300 I. Briggs Wm. D., student, r 1300 I. a, a P o BRIGGS WM. ELLERT, Physician for Eye, Ear, Nose and go & j Throat Diseases 429 J, r 1830 N. Bright W. G., fireman S P Co. H c s .a I ° 3 Brignoni Bartolo, lab, r Roma Hotel. W 8 * Brindle R., lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. *- o Brink Maud E. Miss, cashier Red House Co, r 1831 J. ho o Brink May E. Miss, elk Red House Co, r 1831 J. c a M CO BrinkM. E. Miss, r 1112 J. O H .8 « Brinkel Henry, emp M. H. Meagher, r 1721 E. E Soft

R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 131 "0 Brome Tunis C, emp Capital Soap Co, r 1116 15th. Brome Wm., groceries 730 O, r 728 O. Bronner Geo. F., r 1421 L. Bronuer Geo. P., elk, r 1421 L. Bronner G. F. Mrs, boarding 1421 L. Bronner John F., elk W F & Co, r 1421 L. ft *7 Bronson M. D., painter 1402 0, r same. Brook C. F., died Sept 12th, 1894. Brooks C. E.? emp S P Co, r 719| J. Brooks Danl. J., porter Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 927 0. Brooks H. E., carp, r Broderick. 8 O Brooks Oson A., lab S P Co, r 910J 14th. Brophy Dennis E., eng Capital Gas Co, r 319 T. * O Brophy John, lab Capital Gas Co, r 319 T. Brosius Julius H., fireman S P Co, r 528 I. 8© Bross Edith W. Miss, r 2002 I. Brostilin A., cleaner S P Co, r Roma Hotel. D Brother Philip J., r 2030 Front. ta« Broughton Alfred C, emp S P Co, r 1806 I. Broughton Alfred P., electrician S P Co, r 1806 I. X Broughton Emma Miss, r 1806 I. Brown A., waiter State House Hotel. > Brown Albert E., eng S P Co, r 612 7th. 0 Brown Alfred J., bkkpr L. L. Lewis & Co, r 1610 J. Brown Alice Miss (Haley & Brown), r 521 J. Brown Andrew, fisherman, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Brown Andrew, baker* r 1222 U. o Brown Anne Mrs, r alley bet 6th and 7th, Q and R. Brown August F., died Apr 1st, 1894. Brown August H., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. Brown A. W. Mrs, r 1610 J. Brown B. Byron, bkkpr Bell & Co, r 1206 K. DO ® Brown Ben, emp S P Co, r 619J H. Brown Bros. (S. Brown), blksmiths and wagon mkrs 1100 K. or Brown C, lab S P Co, r Wm. Tell House. Brown C. Mrs, r 1225 O. to Brown C. A., painter S P Co, r 1727 5th. Brown Caroline Mrs, r 211 O. EC Brown C. C, r 701 6th. Brown C. F., fireman S P Co. So Brown Chas., r 116 K. Brown Chas. C, lab, r 1113 8th. Brown Chas. E., carp, r Highland Park. n «f Brown Chas. H., emp J. Riley, r 1113 8th. •< Brown Chas. M., eng S P Co, r 1126 6th. 0 Brown Christian O., emp Clunie Opera House, r 408 P. DIXON, BORGESOiS & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. Se F. m

505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 182 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Brown Chas. P., lab, r 1511 Front. "O Brown Calvin B., atty 405 J, rl615 2d. .£ Brown C. W., carp, r 1016 9th. Brown Danl., elk Washbume & Co, r 317 12th. 15 Brown David P., r 1610 J. o Brown E. A., tinner S P Co, r Western Hotel. Brown Edgar L., trav salesman Horst Bros., r 1100 H. o Brown Edwin M., emp S P Co, r 1126 6th. 020 Brown Edw. S. (Henderson, Brown & Co), r 1120 J. CD o Brown Elizabeth Mrs, teacher Sutter Grammar School, r JS o 1120 J. Q.2 CO o Brown Ella S. Miss, dressmkr, r 1327 4th. <»> z Brown Emma Miss, hairdresser 2230 I, r same. O cc Brown Eugene A, emp S P Co, r 317 12th. s JBS <•• Brown Eugene C, emp S P Co, r 1321 4th. Brown Fannie Miss, r 909 2d. 31 Brown Frances Miss, r 211 O. (0 s* Brown Frank, farmer, r 1701 N. «0 o Brown Fredk., upholsterer 1009 K, r same. £J 0 Brown Fred. B., emp C E Ry Co, r 1716 alley bet. 17th and • ••• t- 18th, F and G. s» z £ta ia Brown Geo. J. D., teamster, r 1518 N. 2 Brown Harry, emp C. Suter. < Brown Henry P., emp John Breuner, r 1517 14th. £ o Brown H. H., r 1007£ 4th. 03 < (0 Brown Jas., live stock, r 1108 4th. • BBoS Brown Jas. A., propr Theatre Comique, r 130 J. *•* Brown Jas. F., r 1514 0. cd «*-• Brown Jas. M., lab Capital Gas Co, r 212 T. CO Brown Jay R., atty 328J J, r 921 8th. Brown J. B., r 1108 4th. Brown Jennie Miss, milliner Mrs M. M. Parkenson, r 611 J. Brown Jennie Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r Oak Park. * BROWN J. FRANK, City Attorney, I cor Front, r 1514 O. Brown J. H., teamster, r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. Brown J. Hooker S., r 1616 6th. Brown J. K., driver M. J. Azevedo & Co, r 1803 P. Brown John, porter Hoysen & Durand, r 300 K. Brown John, lab, r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. Brown John M., boilermkr S P Co, r 1111 L. Brown John R., emp J. A. Brown, r 1012 2d. Brown Jos., lab, r 2311 Q. Brown J. W., r 1327 4th. Brown Kate Mrs., r 1417 L. Brown Katherine Mrs, r Oak Park. CO BROWN L. H., Secretary of State, r 818 L. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'8 is the only Directory of Sacramento = LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. HwFli5i|Hl« 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento^ Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 133 Brown Mary Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Brown Mary Miss, student, r Eldred House. Brown Mary Mrs, lodgings 228 L. Brown Minerva Mrs., r 1409 13th. Brown Mollie L. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r1225 O. Brown Nellie G. Miss, r 1514 O. Brown Pearl, granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 1012 N. Brown Richd., blksmith Brown Bros, r Eldred House. Brown Richd. A., r 1015 24th. Brown Sadie Miss, r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. Brown Simeon (Brown Bros), r 1225 Q. Brown Virgie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1609 11th. Brown Walter, r Riverside rd. Brown Walter E., cook, r 2425 N. Brown W. B. C, Mrs, r 1100 H. Brown W. Elmer, collr Edwin K. Alsip & Co, r 1711 N. Brown Wm., r 1320 8th. • BROWN WM. A., Proprietor Eldred House 1010 K,r same. Brown Wm. H., rpr S P Co, r 718 8th. Brown Wm. P., bartndr Union Hotel, r same. Brown W. T., rpr S P Co, r 415 O. Brown W. W., painter S P Co, r 914 7th. Browne Emily S. Mrs, r 614 14th. Brownell D. C., trav salesman Baker & Hamilton. Browning Chas., emp S P Co, r 1324 I. Browning Lizzie Miss, milliner Mrs E. Katzenstein, r 1213 D. Broyles Albert M., farmer, r Jackson rd nr 35th. Broyles Chas. O., lab, r Jackson rd nr 35th. Broyles Jas. R. lab, r Jackson rd nr 35th. Broyles Susan Mrs,*r Jackson rd nr 35th. JBruce Jas. T., bkmn S P Co, r 1622 18th. Bruceler C. W., carp, r 718 8th. Bruening Emil W.,»sbookbinder 319 J, r 1001 F. Brummer J. Henry, carbldr S P Co, r 509 N. Brundage Nathaniel G., farmer, r 1922 M. Bruner A. (Armstrong & Bruner), r 1022 N. Bruning J. H., restaurant 509 K, r same. Brunner Fred, butcher Mrs E. Weber, r 1511 F. Brunner Marguerite Miss, f 1511 F. Brunson Wm. L., lab, r Oak Grove. Brush Chas., blksmith, r 620 I. Brusie Electa Miss, emp State Printer, r 1630 O. Brusie S. Mrs, r 1630 O. Brusie J. C. Mrs, r 1014 7th. Brusie Judson, atty 1014 7th, r same.

Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, 17? f?eal Estate and Insurance (El. MCI 7*5 K ST, 8ACHAMESTO, CAU 134 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Brust Edw., r Roma Hotel. Brustle C, carp Merry & Vanina. Brustolin Angelo, r Roma Hotel. Bruzzell Chas., r Roma Hotel. Bryan A. Worth, r 2305 P. Bryan John, butcher, r 1108 4th. Bryan, L. Mrs, r 815 H. Bryan Percy, fireman S P Co, r 815 H. Bryan Robt., driver W L & Co, r 1724 K. Bryan W. C, elk S P Co, r 815 18th. Bryan Wm. F., farmer, r 1720 O. Bryant A. B„ teamster, r 2315 I. Bryant Geo., elk C. A. Sawtelle, r 1723 J. Bryant Jacob G., boilermkr S P Co, r 1723 J. Bryant Wm., lab S P Co, r 612 F. Bryant Wm. G., teamster, r 2401 0. Bryce Robt. W., bkmn S P Co, r 1308 F. Brymer Harriet H., r 718 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. Brymer Robt. F., cleaner S P Co, r 718 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. Bryson W. J., died Oct 3d, 1894. Bryte Carrie M. Miss, r 1125 E. Bryte Geo. J., dairy 1125 E, r same. Bryte Michael, capitalist, r 2720 M. Bucer Adele, dom 920 M. Buchan Walter, emp W. Rodman, r Oak Park. Buchanan A. G., elk The Nonpareil, r 1100 H. Buchanan A. N., with Clarke & Co, r 722 9th. Buchanan Bertha Miss, elk Red House Co, r 1330 J. Buchanan Chas. H., sec Red House Co, r 918 N. Buchanan Geo. W., rpr S P Co, r 1330 J. Buchanan J. J., postal elk, r 222 M. Buchanan J. J. Mrs, stenog W. P. Fuller & Co, r 222 M. Buchanan John, mach S P Co, r Broderick. Buchanan J. R., carp, r 1330 J. Buchholz L. F., fireman S P Co. Buchmann Philip, driver Clauss & Kraus, r 1700 I. Buck Herbert, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1411 K. Buck J. E., painter, r 802 7th. Buck Milton D. Rev, Pastor Sixth-st Methodist Episcopal Chuch, r 720 O. Buckingham H. B., r Broderick. Buckingham R. H., r Broderick. Buckins Orla E., r 328 10th. Buckley Henry L., atty, r 716\ K. Buckley John J., searcher of records 611 I, r 609 I. THEAMEfilCANCASHSTOBEmZor: COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. mm, 4Q3 «T St., Sacramento, Cal. ^7*3 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 135 Buckley John W., r 1317 D. Buckley Mary Miss, r 716£ K. Buckley Patrick J., r 716} K. Buckley T. C, opr S P Co. Buckley Timothy J., r 1317 D. Buckman H. O. (Cowles & Buckman), r615 K. Buckman Wm., bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2924 X. Buckmann August, steward Buckmann & Carraghar, r 321 P. BUCKMANN & CARRAGHAR (G. A. Buckmann and Ed­ ward J. Carraghar), Proprietors Saddle Rock Restaurant, 1019 2d. Buckmann Geo. A. (G. A. Buckmann & Carraghar), r 321 P. Buckminster L. Mrs, r 603 11th. Buckner John, cond, r 111 K. Budahn A., emp C. Suter. BUDD JAMES H. HON., Governor of the State of Cali­ fornia, State Capitol, Budinski Chas., bartndr P. H. Steiner, r 509 M. Buell Arthur, butcher, r 1007£ 4th. Buell Chas. P., carp., r 1509 D. Buell Warren, architect and bldr 1420 D, r same. Buergi Albert (Miller & Buergi), r 1114 7th. BUFFALO EREWING COMPANY, Herman H. Grau * Manager, between Q and R, 21st and 22d. BUFFALO BREWING CO'S ICE DEPARTMENT, be­ V) tween Q and R and 21st and 22d. 0 Buford Jas., r 1710 3d. Buford W. Price, driver W. McLaughlin, r 1710 3d. Bugbey Benj. N., collr 724 J, r 2228 N. Bughner J., cond S P Co. ** v Buhleier Henry, r 711 M. CO » Builder Alice Mrs, r 327 M. Builder Daul. K., painter, r 327 M. <

iMHtfcli Hl'L iUi'O fllW IjlH'i). PARI AW BROS Importers of Scotch and all 10th and R Sts. oMer Foreign Granites. •n SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 137 Burke John, emp S P Co, r 1824 2d. > Burke John, emp Am Steam Launday, r 1822 I. CO Burke John E., died June 18th, 1894. Burke Laura J. Mrs, r B cor 30th. 5? X & ssass Burke Martin J., blksmith, r 1303 D. to Burke M. C, helper S P Co, r 2318 J. ft* o Burke & McAllister (E. E. Burke and J. L. McAllister), ladies' tailors, 806 J. $ z Burke M. H. Mrs, rl217K. 7©> Burke Michael J., blksmith, r 415 12th. CO Burke Milo A., r 1305 P. Burke Thos., r 1713 F. H Burke Thos. F., lab, r 1303 D. J Burke Walter, appr S P Co, r 2014 K. £ > Burke Wm., emp S P Co, r 1316 3d. r*. 00 Burkhard Wm. J., sign painter 522 K, r same. Burkhardt Saml., eng Capital Gas Co, r 1709 3d. § r Burkhart II. W., eng Capital Gas Co, r 1603 2d. m Burkett C. O, emp C E Ry Co. Burleigh Gardener L., painter, r 919 6th. CO Burlington H., lab S P Co. BURNETT AUGUST, Proprietor Merchants' Exchange Sa­ loon 1023 3d, r 1616 3d. 3^ Burnett Chas. L., appr S P Co, r 731 P. r— CO Burnett Clara Miss, r 1616 3d. -< P4 —\ ess Burnett Esther E. Mrs., r 2018 19th. *-< ca* BURNETT GEO. H., Manager Telegraph Planing Mill, r r-5 781 P. C/O 3^ C3* W Burnett Henry A., carp, r 731 P. o•- 1 Burnett Philetus W., r 717 P. 5=0 Burnett Robt., r 1615 8th. rz: >*• o CD BURNHAM C. E„ Assistant Cashier California State Bank, rn r1412 N. Burnham Henry, foreman Friend & Terry Lumber Co., r Burns Alexauder, boilermkr S P Co, r 917 11th. H 9 S Burns Andrew, fireman S P Co, r 709 7th. oo . •t0r Burns Annie Mrs. farmer, r J st rd nr 29th. o r+ 9 3 O S Burns Catheriue Mrs, r Slater's Add. 9 Burns Chas., hunter, r Slater's Add. go Burns D. M. I Burns & Waterhouse), r S F. Burns Dora Miss, r 821 N. K. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento.

COh. biNMO ft STREETS. Stores in ^acjauitsuto. i * aw a * ^^kil M. MORRISON n A MGAUJ.T Tut liri MONIfO Pirft'a'aiRes- T i u im THE DELMONK- O taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day ft Nlftht oyster Parlor 138 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Burns Frank, hunter, r Slater's Add. Burns Geo., drayage 2200 M, r same. Burns Harriet Miss, marker W L & Co, r 717 I3th. Burns Henry T., lab, r 917 llth. Burns H. Fergusan, bartndr Western Hotel, r 821 N. Burns J. Mrs, r 8th bet Q and R. Burns Jas., emp C. W. Reed Co, r 717 I3th. Burns Jas., r Broderick. Burns Jas. L., lab S P Co, r 807 J. Burns John, fisherman, r Slater's Add. Burns John B., painter S P Co, r 717 I3th. Burns Jos. J., drayage 1318 23d, r same. Burns Kate Miss, r 2200 M. Burns Larry, r Broderick. Burns Lizzie Miss, r Broderick. Burns Lizzie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 717 I3th. Burns Maggie Miss, r Broderick. Burns Margaret Mrs, r Slater's Add. Burns Mary A. Mrs, moved to Sprague, Wash. Burns Nellie Miss, r Broderick. Burns Nellie C. Miss (Misses Burns & O'Neil), r Bumside. Burns & O'Neil Misses (Miss N. C. Burns and Miss N. S. O'Neil), private school 8th cor J. Burns Patrick, fireman, r 726 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. Burns Patrick, r 1608 P. Burns Peter, janitor Capital Gold Cure, r 1713 E. Burns Peter, eng S P Co, r 916 F. Burns S. Mrs, r 2200 M. Burns S. Mrs, r 1015 22d. Burns Thos., r Broderick. Burns Thos. M., drayage 22d nr N, r same. Burns & Waterhouse (D.M. Burns and C. P. Waterhouse), live stock, F cor 17th. Burns W. J., eng S P Co. Burnside R. T., emp S P Co, r 2922 W. Burr Chas., emp C E Ry Co, r 901 L. Burr Edwin A., r 2011 M. Burr Richd. P., bkkpr Baker & Hamilton, r 2011 M. Burress Wm., actor Clunie Opera House. Burrington Albert C, r 1815 P. Burris Laura A. Miss, elk Red House Co, r 825 J. Burroughs Chas. R., emp S P Co, r 1320 G. Burroughs Reuben, r 1320 G. Burroughs Thos. F., emp J. A. Brown, r Pacific Hotel. Burson Margaret Mrs, dressmkr 1024 E, r same. Burt T. A., appr S P Co, r 820 8th. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME . ....BAKERY.... 1 1012 J STREET.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Burtless W. H., upholsterer 811 J, r same. Burton Benj. B. Rev., moved to Colorado Springs, Col. Burton Chas. T., elk R. D. Finnie, r 1310 9th. Burton Henry T., blksmith, r 1919 O. Burwell L. S., bakery 1706 L, r same. Bury A., tailor, r 2106 10th. Bury A. Miss, dressmkr, r 2106 10th. Bury Clara Miss, dressmkr, r 2106 10th. Busch F., lab SPCo>r 5th, cor L. Busch John, barber 926| J, r 1508 Q. Busgan Jacob, carp S P Co, r 1422 6th. Bush D. C, elk Diepenbrock & Co., r 1828 G. Bush Ella G. Mrs, r 1828 G. Bush Geo. L., emp. Geo. R. Cantrell & Co, r 1205 C. Bush Geo. W., rl205C. Bush Henry, clothing 329 K. r 1524 5th. Bush Ike, elk, r 1524 5th. Bushby Sarah Mrs, r 1528 4th. Bushell August, r 1610 7th. Bushnell Arthur M., comp, r 510 M. 3 3 Bushnell Wm,. bartndr, r 1121 Front. 1 Busick C. O., student L. White, r 1730 M. Bustin John C., emp Marsh & Hornlein, r Union Hotel. So Butalle Tony, emp S P Co, r 705 L. 3 a- BUTCHERS' HOME SALOON, F. Eckhardt Proprietor, H . 1020 J. D a Butler A. Mrs, r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. er to Butler A. Mrs, r 1621 M. (A Butler Bert, lab SP Co, r2105 L. Butler C. Mrs, r 1417 19th. Butler C. S., carp S P Co, r 721 I. Butler Ellen M. Mrs, r 612 P. Butler Flora Mrs, r 709 12th. Butler Frank, mach S P Co, r 709 12th. 15 Butler Frank G., r 612 P. Butler Frank J., barber Golden Eagle Hotel, r 411 N. Butler Harry M., porter State Printer, r 1624 14th. sr- Butler H. William,emp Mebius & Drescher, r 1707 3d. sr- Butler Jas. T., msngr W F & Co, r 415 T. Butler Jas. W., bkkpr W. Wylie & Co, r 1621 M. s* m Butler Jos. F., pipemkr Schaw. Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 816 20th. Butler Michael, r 1621 M. N § Butler Nellie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 709 12th. ^ 3 Butler Orpha Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 2218 H. SHDW TASFS D,xov&R,GESON 2 U11U U UUJLJ 37 Market Street, S, V. """••vsei

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. HO SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Butler Stephen W., drayage 1618 7th, r same. Butler Stephen W. Jr., teamster, r 430 0. Butler Wm., lab, r Riverside rdlms city limits. Butler Wm. L., emp C E Ry Co, r 1010 21st. Butterfield A., lab S P Co, r 14th bet V and W. Butterfield Rufus, carp, r 809 I. Button S C, packer Pioneer Flour Mills. Butts L., carriage trimmer, r 1201 J. Byers David, r 1416 2d. Byers R. H. Mrs, dressmkr 809 M, r same. Byran Frank R., peddler, r 34th bet S and T. Byrne Edw. P., comp The Bee, r 1510 8th. Byrne Geo., elk W L & Co, r 1713 E. Byrne Geo., fireman S P Co. Byrne John J., elk W L & Co, r 1713 E. Byrne Jos., comp, r 402 O. Byrne Kittie Miss, r 429 L. Byrne Peter A., upholsterer 1713 E, r same. Byrne Thos., lab, r 1510 8th. Byron Kate Miss, r 2301 L. Byron Margeret Miss, r 2301 L. Byron Roger D., farmer, r 2301 L. c Cable Anna Miss, dressmkr Mrs E. M. Coty, r 1409 K. Cable D. E., elk T. H. Cook & Co, r 725 G. Cable Geo. W., helper S P Co, r 1409 K. Cabral A. S., lab S P Co, r alley bet 3d and 4th, R and S. Cadogan Alice Miss, r 1025 I. Cadogan John J., r 11th cor I. Cadogan John P., bkkpr, r 1025 I. Cady Foster, contr and bldr 512 N, r same. Cady Harriet Miss, r 715 alley bet H and I, 7th and 8th. Cady Horatio W., barber O cor 21st, r 715 alley bet 7th and 8th, H and I. Cady Horatio W. Jr., helper S P Co, r 715 alley bet H and I, 7th and 8th. Cady Jeannie G. Mrs, matron Protestant Orphan Asylum, r same. Cady John, carp, r 514 18th. Caen Lucien, bartndr L. Cahen, r 226 J. CAFE ROYAL, George Wissemann, Proprietor 700-702 J (see adv). Caffaro Louis, hotel and saloon J nw cor 2d, r same. Cafferty Patrick W., died June 18th, 1894. Cafferty P. W. Mrs, r 1512 O.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted*t is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. £02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 141 Caffrey Philip, lab, r 1927 M. Cagniacci Pasqual, shoemkr A Petrocchi, r 120 L. Cahen Leon, saloon 226 J, r same. Cahill Frank, r 409 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Cahill John, tiuner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 706 12th. Cahill John C, lab S P Co, r 925 Front. Cahill John J., elk, r 714 0. Cahill Patrick, heater S P Co, r 1703 4th. Cahill Thos. J., watchman S P Co, r 920 18th. Cahill Wm., elk The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 606 J. Cain Patrick, r 901 Front. Calahan W. E., painter C E Ry Co. Calderwood J. F., lab S P Co, r 725 J. Calderwood W. T., elk, r 725 J. Caldwell T. J., comp State Printer, r State House Hotel. Caldwell Robt., carp, r 700 9th. Caledonia Club, 1011 7th. California Bottling Works, 407 K. California Fruitilaxi Mfg. Co.,T. M. Lash Pres., 725 K. California Fruit Transportation Co., G. H. Appel gen agt 1004 2d. CALIFORNIA HOTEL, Joseph Gerig proprietor, 1200 I. CALIFORNIA STATE BANK, Frederick Cox President, Joseph Steftens Vice-President, W. E. Gerber Cashier, C. E. Burnham Assistant Cashier, N W Cor J and 4th. California Wine Association, R, cor 31st. California Winery, R, cor 21st. Calio John, farmer, r 2607 P. Calio Marie Mrs, r 2607 P. Callahan August F., emp S P Co, r 1914 8th. Callahan B. B., r 1914 8th. Callahan Jos. M., lab S P Co, r 1914 8th. Callahan Josephine, physician 426| J, r same. Callahan Mary Mrs, r 1914 8th. Callahan Philip, elk Griffith & Son, r J914 8th. Callahan Rich'd E., mach S P Co. r 1403 4th. Callahan Robt. E., plasterer, r 1914 8th. Callahan T. E., truck bldr S P Co, r 1403 4th. Callahan W. J., emp S P Co, r 1403 4th. Callender E. H. Mrs., r 1115 H. Callendine John P., painter, 2022 H, r same. Callendine L. J. Mrs?, died May 15th, 1894. Callendine L. L. carp S P Co, r 924 6th. Callihan P. A. Mrs, r 517 J. Callihan Saml. M., r 517 J. Callinan Thos., emp S P Co, r 1331 3d. f Serves Daily more Patrons I Oil III A i[.than any other two Grocery lAj H V r COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. If II • I t^eal Estate and Insurance fill. MER, 725 K »T, 8ACHAMEXTO, CAL. 142 . SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Calvary Baptist Church, Rev J. H. Reider pastor, I bet 12th and 13th. Calvert David, r 2719 N. Calvert Geo. W., r 2719 N. Camenzind Chas., driver City Brewery, r 1229 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Camenzind F., contr and bldr 2118 H, r same. Cameron A., opr Sunset T & T Co, r Broderick. Cameron Alexander W., painter, r 1111 8th. Camezind Solomon (Beck & Camezind), r 101 K. Camia M., barber M. Lima, r 7th, cor J. Camp Jas. G., foreman S P Co, r 1305 Q. Camp Jos., painter W. F. Bailey, r Wcor 12th. Campbell Alden W., r 1716 6th. Campbell Alice Mrs, m o elk P 0, r 1119 10th. Campbell Annie B. Mrs, r 1323 I. Campbell Bros (T. W. and G.), feed stables 619 L. Campbell Chas., emp C E Ry Co, r 814 J. CAMPBELL CHARLES M., Furniture and Carpets 409 K, 1-1420 15th. Campbell Fannie Miss, r 1420 15th. Campbell F. M., barber L. Friedman, r 727J K. Campbell Geo. (Campbell Bros), r 1208 8th. Campbell J. Mrs, r 1717 18th. Campbell Jas. H., cesspool excavator 829 S, r same. Campbell Jas. R., lab, r 1917 10th. Campbell John, plumber F. T. Lyman, r Central House. Campbell John, r 901 Front. Campbell John, r 322 M. Campbell Jos., carp, r 725 Oak av. Campbell Kate Miss, dressmkr, r 416 P. Campbell Kate A. Miss, seamstress John Breuner, r 1115 8tb. Campbell L. Mrs, r 1831 9th. Campbell Peter H., elk E. McEwen, r 324 O. Campbell Robt., r 1208 8th. Campbell Sarah J. Mrs, died Feb. 16th, 1894. Campbell Thos. (Campbell Bros.), r 1208 8th. Campbell Wm. (Campbell Bros.), ivl208 8th. Campbell Wm. R., emp HartwCI, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 1716 6th. CAMPE AUGUST ^Proprietor Gruhler's Saloon 522 J, r 1117 5th. Campion Patrick, fisherman, r Slater's add. Campton Saml., painter, r 1026 8th. Canessa John B., r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Canfield Earl A., elk Hale Bros. & Co, r 1913 G. THE AMERICAN CASH SIMr^LT: ZZ COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Wrltes i Insurance COOLEY i IOIJ FOURTH HTR1KT. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 143 Cann Delbert, r 408 N. Cannon Geo., emp C E Ry Co, r Louisiana Tract. Cannon H. W., bkmn S P Co. Cannon N. B., farmer Louisiana Tract. Cantrell Geo. W. (Geo. W. Cantrell & Co.), r 1731 E. Cantrell Geo. W. & Co (G. W. Cantrell and W. F. Crone- miller), glasswks, 1731 E. Cantrell Nettie Miss, teacher Broderick School, r Broderiek. CAPEN GEORGE A., Superintendent The Bradstreet Mer­ cantile Agency, old Post Office Building 4th nw cor K, r 725 P. CAPITAL ALE VAULTS, Nagele & Svensson Proprietors, 302 J. CAPITAL BANKING & TRUST CO, Sparrow Smith, President; 0. F. Washburn, Vice-President; W. W. Bassett, Cashier; 922 6th. CAPITAL BOX FACTORY, Towle Bro's. Co, Proprietors, 2d cor Q. Capital Brewery 12th cor I. CAPITAL ELECTRICAL WORKS, Philip G. Goldsmith, Proprietor, Electrical Supplies, 824 K. CAPITAL FURNITURE CO, J. M. Avery, President; II. Mier, Secretary; F. Mier, Treasurer; 616 J. CAPITAL GAS CO, B. U. Steinman, President; C. H. Cum- mings, Secretary and Treasurer; J. C. Pierson, Superin­ tendent; Front cor T. Shop 419 J. CAPITAL GLUE FACTORY, C. Jurgens & Son, Proprie­ tors, Upper Stockton Road. CAPITAL GOLD CURE INSTITUTE, Dr. S. M. Terrill Medical Director, 526 Ninth. Capital Grammar School, J. W. Johnson prin, P bet 9th and 10th. CAPITAL HOTEL, Blessing & Guthrie Proprietors, K sw cor 7th. CAPITAL IRON WORKS, Cook & Drew Proprietors, 1109 9th (see adv). "CAPITAL IRON WORKS. M!odel Making aridfc Drafting. M^ Steam Fitting a Specialty. ~©a BICYCLES AND ELECTRICAL MACHINES REPAIRED. MANUFACTURERS OF Cook, Drew & Co.'s Automatic Gas Generator —AND— AUTOMATIC ENGINE CARBURETOR. Dixon, Borgeson & co", SHOW CASES 87 Market 8t* * F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKB.NDBRS,BOOKBINDERS, 505 ClavSt., - San Francisco. 144 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CAPITAL NURSERIES, M. N. Williamson Proprietor, fruit, shade and ornamental trees, 2d nr S P Depot. CAPITAL PHARMACY, J. A. Green Proprietor, 630 K cor 7th. Telephone 189. Capital Primary School, Miss II. McCormack prin, Q bet 9th and 10th. Capital School, Mrs H. A. Dunn teacher, Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Capital Soap Co, W. D. Knight sec, 1431 Front. CAPITAL SODA WORKS, C. Sehnerr & Co Proprietors, 1113 Front. Capital Transfer Co, 524 K. CAPITOL AVENUE MARKET, John Schaerer Proprietor, sw cor 8th and M. Capitol Packing Co, G. E. Emery mgr, 11th cor B. CAPITOL PARK, bet 10th and 15th, L and N. Capwell H., r 13th cor X. Carbine Patrick, shoemkr T. F. Taylor, r 1904 I. Carbuhn Jacob J., cook C. Dittmaf, r 317 15th. Card R. Henry, carp Siller Bros, r 2628 G. Cardwell Harry, student, r 1204 N. Cardwell John T., farmer, r 1204 N. Cardwell Maud Miss, r 1204 N. Cardwell May Mits, r 1204 N. Carey Alfred E., emp Golden Eagle Hotel, r 713 10th. Carey G. W., lab S P Co. Carey G. W. Mrs, r 713 10th. Carey J. Howard, r 713 10th. Carey John, cleaner S P Co, r 1422 C. Carey R. S., farmer, r 1003 H. Carito Joseph, lab, r alley bet N aud O, Front and 2d. Carl H. Mrs., r 1718 14th. CARLAW ANDREW (Carlaw Bros.) r 1725 11th. CARLAW BROS (John and Andrew), Granite and Marble Works 10th S E cor R (see top lines). CARLAW JOHN (Carlaw Bros.), r 1725 11th. Carle Silas, contr and bldr, 1124 2d, r 427£ K. Carli Luigi, shoemaker A. Petrocchi, r 118 N. Carli Silva, lab, r Jackson road. Carlow Edw. J. (Carlow & Miller), r 1239 J. Carlow & Miller (E. J. Carlow and H. F. Miller), plumbing, 1230 J. *' Carlow W. H., emp Carlow & Miller, r 1239 J. Carlow Wm. H., Dep. Co. Clerk, r 920 11th. Carlson Carl G., bartender M. J. Gastman, r 1001\ 4th. Carlson Chas. A., mach State Printer, r 1800 L. |\L CLARK & SONS, 17-ia Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. fO» ALL KINDS OF noth and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 145 Carlson Fred., mach S P Co, r 2024 H. Carlson Julia, dom 1904 J. Carlton David, helper T. Scott, r 1015 G. Carlton F., piper S P Co, r Ebner Hotel. Carlton Jas., fireman S P Co. o* Carley A. C. Mrs., r 1819 Q. Carley David, upholsterer, r 715 I. Carley E. M. Mrs., baths, 715 I, r same. Carley Henry B., bkmn S P Co, r 715 I. Carley J. Clarence, elk J. E. Mills, r 605£ J. Carmichael D., blacksmith, 1009 8th, r Oak Grove. *22 Carmichael D. W., (Curtis, Carmichael & Brand) r 2222 M. Carmichael W. Mrs., r 610 14th. or— Carmody John, expressman, r 1314 19th. Carmody S., emp S P Co, r 1103£ J. Carnahan J. Frank, bartender Depot Hotel, r same. Caro Alex., elk H. Bush, r 619 O. Carolan Cassie Mies, stenog, r 1124 8th. Carolan Thos., saloon 730 K, r 1124 8th. Carolan Thos. F., bartndr T. Carolan, r 1124 8th. Caroli A., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Go Carpenter A. L.Mrs, emp State Printer, rl617 14th. Carpenter Edwin, emp S P Co, r 1120 21st. Carpenter Edwin D., carp S P Co, r 1409 Q. Carpenter Elijah, watchman, r 1405 2d. g b Carpenter Fred. L., solr Western Hotel, r 217 M. Carpenter Kate F. Miss, r 2100 K. Carpenter Keturah Mrs, r 1120 21st. Carpenter L. A. Mrs, r 2100 K. * o Carpenter Lillie Miss, r 1905 Q. 3> Carpenter Richd. J., music teacher 1617 14th, r same. Carr Geo. B., dentist 1007 8th, r same. Carr Lizzie, dom Central House. to i * Carr Martin, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. * Carr Sarah Mrs, r P, bet 30th and 31st. Carraghar Edward J. (Buckmann & Carraghar), r 1326 N. Carragher Ellen Mrs, r 321 P. I Carragher Henry J., appr S P Co, r 321 P. Carragher Nellie Miss, r 321 P. Carragher Wm., sign writer, r 427 N. Carran Thos J., died June 21st, 1894. Carrier W. J., emp S P Co, r 1022 K. Carrigan Andrew, r 230 M. Carrigan Jas., r 1721 15th. CARRINGTON & ANDERSON (S. E. Carrington and J. M. Anderson), Proprietors Pacific Printing House, 917 5th. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAWERICANGASHSTOR E than any other two Grocery 10 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. MT, GAUI/,„ T me DeimoniGo Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Ooen Day and Nlnm. OYSTER PARLORS 146 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Carrington Belle Miss, r 1024 F. Carrington Henry E., jeweler J. N. Phillips, r Oak Grove. Carrington J. II., carp, r Broderick. Carrington Maria Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 1024 F. Carrington Maria Mrs, died Dec 6th 1893. Carrington Richd. P., foreman S P Co,r 2727 N. Carrington Rosetta Mrs, r Oak Grove. Carrington Samuel E. (Carrington & Anderson), r 1024 F. Carrington S. E. Mrs, teacher Congregational Chinese Mission School, r 1024 F. Carroll A. L. Miss, r 416 V. Carroll Bridget Mrs, r 1323 9th. Carroll Danl. H., painter S P Co, r 416 V. Carroll Edgar B., moved to S F. Carroll Ednah Miss, r 729 7th. Carroll Geo O, eng Sac Transp Co, r 1522 5th. Carroll Harry, plumber T. Scott, r 729 7th. Carroll Harry M., emp S P Co, r 729 7th. Carroll Henry J., plumber, r 1221 Q. Carroll Jas., r 729 L. Carroll Jas., elk W. J*. Toland, r 1400 G. Carroll Jas P., comp Record-Union, r 625 M. Carroll Jas. S., rpr S P Co, r 416 V. Carroll Jeremiah C, marble wks 1922 10th, r same. Carroll Jerome C, elk A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 729 7th. Carroll Jerome C.' Jr., r 729 7th. Carroll J. J. Mrs, r 416 V. Carroll John, boltmkr S P Co, r 1108 P. Carroll John F., painter S P Co, r 2104 N. < Carroll M. Mrs, ne cor 31st. Carroll Maye R. Miss, r 729 7th. Carroll Nellie, dom 1314 H. Carroll Patrick, lab, r 1714 5th. Carroll T. F. Mrs, r 1211 C. Carroll Thos., r 421 7th. Carson Peter, butcher H. Shulmeyer, r Y cor 6th. Carstensen & Co (R. Carstensen and J. Rasmussen), saloon 1021 4th. Carstensen Rasmus (Carstensen & Co), r 1021 4th. Carston Anna Miss, r 1113 12th. Carston Dora Miss, r 1113 12th. Carter Addie Mrs, r 628 7th. Carter C, r 1108 4th. Carter Daisy Miss, marker W L & Co, r 1323 6th. Carter Edw. L., blksmith 11th cor T, r Oak Park. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COA. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. 0. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY » 1012 J Street...... SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 147 Carter Jas. F., tallyman S P Co, r 1619 14th. Carter J. B. Mrs, r 2421 N. Carter J. W., emp S P Co, r 721 H. Carter M. Mrs, emp State Painter, r 1619 14th. Carter Oliver, died July 11th, 1894. Carter W. J., r 625J 6th. Carthew Grace Miss, r 612 15th. Cartwill Wm., rpr S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Carty Geo. C, r 2228 0. Caruthers Eleanor A. Mrs, r Freeport rd nr Sutterville rd. Caruthers Wm. P., farmer, r Freeport rd nr Sutterville rd. Carver N. M. Miss, teacher, r 1409 9th. Case Mary Mrs, r 1502 2d. Casebolt Frank, emp S P Co, r 1117 6th. Casebolt Ira J., died August 26th, 1894. CASELLI ANSONO, Manufacturer and Dealer in Fine Boots, Shoes and Uppers 527 K, r 1309 6th (see adv). Caselli S., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Casey Agnes Miss, r Mansion Honse. Casey Building, J, sw cor 6th. Casey E. A., stenog Mebius & Drescher, r 519 L. Casey Geo. T., lab Richards

DIXON. BORGESOft & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S. F- >Y S/S.Q •l\ X LA U/i IF. PlilDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 148 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Casselman Allen W., emp C E Ry Co, r 2227 1. Casselman Jacob (Lavenson & Casselman), r Yolo county. Casselman John, lab S P Co, r 621 H. Casselman John A., emp C E Ry Co, r 2227 I. Casselman M,, rpr S P Co, r 1010 3d. Casselman Thos., helper S P Co, r 621 H. Cassidy Wm., helper S P Co, r 917 alley bet 9th and 10th, L and M. Castelani Jos., cleaner S P Co, r 918 2d. Castelhun F. C, atty 531 K, r same. Castopeli Morris, waiter M. Zarick, r 230 J. Castorf L. Mrs, turn rms 300 J K. Castorf Lulu Miss, r 300£ K. Castro A.,_painter, r 309 N. Castro D. F. Mrs, r 309 N. Castro Louis, cook B. Pilcovich, r 411 M. Castro Manuel (Castro & Son), r 225 M. Castro Rudolph (Castro & Son), r 225 M. CASTRO & SON (Manuel and Rudolph), Wood and Coal, 1130 4th cor L. Caswell Isabel Miss, r 2919 D. Caswell W. A., bill poster 1108 4th, r same. Caswell W. A. Mrs, lodgings 1108 4th. Caswell Wm., carp S P Co, r 2919 D. Caswell Wm. H., treas Clunie Opera House, r 1108 4th. Cate W. H., comp State Printer, r 901 L. Catey Geo. W., eng, r 303 14th. Cathcart B. F., mach S P Co, r Broderick. CATHEDRAL OF THE MOST HOLY SACRAMENT, Rt. Rev. P. Manogue, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento, Rev. Thomas Grace Rector, Rev. M. Walsh Assistant, 11th ne cor K. Cathers Susie Miss, r Broderick. Catholic Cemetery, 21st eor Y. Catlett Benj. F., elk O. P. Willis, r 212 J. Catlett Chas. E., emp C E Ry Co,r 2115 I. CATLIN AMOS P., Judge Superior Court, Department No. 1, Courthouse, r 1021 H. Catlin Don, elk* r 1021 H. Catlin Harry, student, r 1021 H. Catlin John, atty, r 1021 H. Catlin Ruth Miss, r 1021 H. Catsulis Paul, cook B. Codekas, r 429 L. Causley Bessie Miss, r 718 14th. Causley Chas., carp S P Co, r 71414th. Causley Chas. J., appr S P Co, r 714 14th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'a is the only Directory ofSacr&ra&nta LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Silve**"§££r Plated War e and 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 149 Causley Hattie Miss, r 718 14th. Cavagnaro G. B., bootblk, r 812 alley bet 8th and 9th, H and I. Cavagnaugh B. W., farmer, r Riverside r If m s city limits. Cavanaugh B., r 602 I. Cavanaugh John, hop grower, r 602 I. Cavanaugh Katie Miss, r 602 I. Cavanaugh Maggie Miss, r 602 I. Cavarina Jos., lao, r 308 R. Cave Alice Miss, r 518 N. Cave Bertha Miss, r 1509 D. Cave John B., farmer, r 1214 K. Caverley Eli, emp C E Ry Co, r 2227 O. Cecchettini Edw., blksmith G. B. Blue & Son, r Y, cor Front. Cecchettini Mose (Lazzarini & Cecchettini), r 120 N. CENTRAL ELECTRIC RY CO, H. P. Livermore General Manager, T. A. Shock Superintendent, 28th, corN. CENTRAL HOUSE, Hornlein Bros Proprietors, 820 K. Central M E Church, Rev J. L. Trefren pastor, 11th bet H and I. Central Stables, J. Goig mgr, 1021 J. Cereghino A., lab, r 8th, cor T. Cereghino Jean B., lab, r 8th, cor T. Ceseua D., pilot, r 1317 2d. Chadbourn F. M., r 1805 J. Chadbourn M. Emma Miss, r 1805 J. Chadderdon Howard, comp The Bee, r 522 L. Chadderdon J. L., r Central House. Chadwick A. J. Mrs, furn rms 1618 6th. Chadwick Geo., tinner S. J. Jackson, r 600 M. Chalmers Hugh, driver Mebius & Drescher, r 1329 6th. Chamberlain Wm. E., r 1618 M. Chamberlain Mamie Miss, stenog S P Co, r 2427J K. Chambers Benj. J., r 819 25th. Chambers C. Mrs, r 402 P. Chambers Ellen Miss, r 402 P. Chambers Geo. E., elk Perkins & Son, r 819 25th. Chambers Henry J., mach S P Co, r 410 13th. Chambers Kersey, emp Red House Co, r 819 25th. Chambers Laura Miss, r 819 25th. Chambers Lulu Miss, r 819 25th. Chambers Rowena Miss, dressmkr, r 819 25th. Champlin Nelson, r 917 I. Champion E. Mrs, furn rms 417J K. Champion Fred W„ r 417£ K. Champion Israel, pilot, r 1727 5th. THE AMERICAN CASH STORE^l,-= COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Starts in Sacramento, $eal Estate and Insurance HI. NHMEII 9 TM K ST, SACK AMEN TO, CAJU Q 150 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 VI Champion Lulu Miss, r 417f K. Chance Maggie, dom 1120 I. P . Chance Silas, grading contr 1222 19th, r same. Chance Wm. S., emp W. R. Knights & Co, r 1222 19th. 5! Chandler C. H., boarding 724 8th. Chandler Chas. H., elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 811 II. CHANDLER LEVI C, Real Estate and Insurance 231 J, r same. Chandler Lunetta S. Miss, sec Y W C A, r 922 M. Chandler Mabel Miss, r 1723 J. Chandler R., cook S P Hospital Assn. Chandler Roswell N., painter, r 1706 H. Chapin Wm. W., mgr Sacramento Pipe Wks, r 719 If. Chapman Belle Miss, r 1124 D. Chapman C. B., contr and bldr T cor 26th, r same. Chapman C. E. Miss, emp Mrs. M. A. Pealer, r 610 7th, Chapman Chas. II., elk Am. Cash Store, r 2121 K. Chapman D. Mrs, emp Protestant Orphan Asylum, r same. Chapman D. Frank, appr Miller Bros., r Oak Park. Chapman Edna, dom 2228 K. Chapman Edna J. Miss, cashier Buckmann & Carraghar, r 1315 7th. Chapman Edw. C, elk S P Co, r 909 10th. Chapman E. M. Mrs, r 1711 G. Chapman F. A. Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r 1711 G. Chapmam Frank M., miner, r 514 18th. Chapman Frank 8., r 1315 7th. Chapman Geo. F., moved to Monterey, Cal. Chapman Geo. R., painter S P Co, r 706 L. Chapman Geo. W., insp S P Co, r 1122 E. Chapman H. F., painter S P Co, r 828 10th. Chapman Isaac, molder S P Co, r 2008 J. Chapman Jas. A., carp, r 1124 D. Chapman J. M., elk W L & Co, r 918 N. Chapman Marguerite I. Miss, elk J. E. Richardson, r 1315 7th. Chapman Nettie Miss, milliner Mrs. M. A. Pealer, r 2121 K. Chapman Robt., plumber R. L. Hays, r 2121 K. Chapman S. V. Mrs, r 2121 K. Chappell Albert G., bkmn S P Co, r 429 13th. Chappell J. B., foreman S P Co, r 2431 L. Chappell John, emp C. A. Palm, r 719f J. Chappell Rachel Miss, r 2431 L. Chappil R. A. Mrs, r 1614 N. Charles John R., blksmith, r 918 13th. Charlesworth John W., blksmith S P Co, r 710 D. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, Granite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : MITRED, 4*3 J STREET, • SACRAMENTO, CAR* SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 151 Charleville F. A. Mrs, r 2720 M. Charleville Robt., painter, r 2720 M. Charlton G. W., lab S P Co. Charlton J. W. Mrs, r 1617 7th. Chase Elnore Mrs, shirtmakr F. Mason. Chase Ellis F., cond S P Co. Chase Frank F., cond S P Co, r 1233 G. Chase Jennie Miss, dressmkr 1030 9th, r same. Chase W. H., carp 8 P Co, r 1018 J. Chatfield Thos. F., moved to S F. Chatman E. Mrs, dressmkr 1223 7th, r same, Chatman Elias, carp S P Co, r 1223 7th. Chemical Dyeing and Cleaning Works, 14th, cor R. Cheney Edw. G., pressman Carrington & Anderson, r 1718 8th. Cheney H. C, switchman S P Co. Cheney H. E., switchman S P Co, r Western Hotel. Chenu Alice Mrs, r 1412 3d. Cheuu Chas, eng S P Co, r 1412 3d. Chenu Maud Miss, dressmkr, r 1412 3d. Chenu Margaret Miss, milliner, r 1412 3d. Chestnut Peter, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Chevalley Aime (Chevalley & Oulevey), r M, cor 2d. Chevalley & Oulevey (A. Chevalley and E. E. Oulevey), soda water mfrs, 2d, sw cor M. Chief Engineer Fire Department H. A. Guthrie, 1017 5th. Chief of Police M. M. Drew, I, cor Front. Child A. L. Mrs, r 1520 O. Child Freeman A., appr 8 P Co, r 1010 C. Childs J. R., blksmith H. G. Melvin, r 918 13th. Chinchilla Mdnuel, r 405 M. Chinese Mission School, Miss E. Wilsie prin. 907 5th. Chinese Public School, Mrs. C. F. Parsons teacher, 1012 I. Chinn W. C, fireman S P Co. Chiorini Jas., emp Mazzini Bros, r 1108 3d. Chiperowsky Max, emp S P Co, r 1324 6th. - Chipman H. Clay, sign painter 1023 4th, r 914 N. Chippo N., lab S P Co, r alley bet 6th and 7th, G and H. Chisholm Geo. H., r 1319 I. Chisholm M. M., farmer, r 1319 I. „ Chisholm N. W., emp Bell Conservatory Co, r 901 W. Christ Wm. M., barber L. Friedman, r 1614 L. Christenson Sine, dom 705 O. Christian Henry H., elk Sunset T & T Co, r 718 8th. Christian Henry J., bkman S P Co, r 2311 N. Christian Science Reading Room and Dispensary, 1109 10th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. »„ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. UJ O 152 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. < CHRISTIANSON ANTHONY D. (Christianson & Co), r s 703* J. s Christianson Christian L., r 2103 L. UJ CHRISTIANSON & CO. (A. D. Christianson and L. Heil- CO bron), Groceries, Fruit, Produce and Game, 703-705 J. XI Christianson Ernst, emp Phoenix Milling Co, r 2412 I. c 0 Christianson Louis, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1209 J. H Christianson Mary Mrs, r 703\ J. co Christie Edmund P., bkkpr Continental Fruit Express, r 628 ui 7th. z 0 Christie Isaac, teamster, r 1520 F. o nv Christie Robt., driver Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 523 O. ir Christie Wm. M., elk S P Co, r Oak Park. Christophel Frank, driver Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r i • 1622 Q. Christopher Arthur, porter, r 619 G. Christopher Arthur T., coachman, 2310 M. Christopher E. A. Mrs, nurse 619 G, r same. si Christopher E. G., r 619 G. Church Elsie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. u n Churchill J. C, r Broderick. Churchill Lauren B., plasterer, r 2219 O. Churchill Levi B., carp, r 2219 O. Id J Churchill Michael, hostler J. W. Wilson & Son, r 318 K. bi m Churchman Geo, V., eng, r 2331 J. a* Churchman John C, piper S P Co, r 2411 J. < Churchman Thos. C„ groceries 2331 J, r same. 2 Cinfuentes Gregorio, saloon 1531 Front, r same. UJ Cimoli Z., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. -I CITY AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR, J. D. Young 328 J. CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION, O. W. Eflewine Secre tary, Odd Fellows' Temple. CITY BREWERY, Captain Frank Ruhstaller Proprietor, ne cor 12th and H (see front edge). CO CITY CLERK, O. S. Flint 328 J. CITY DISPENSARY, G. W. Ogden Physician in Charge, 7th bet H and I. o CITY HALL, 328 J. o City Hotel 311 K. CITY PHYSICIAN, C. E. Fowler 4th cor K. CD City Plaza bet J and I, 9th and 10th. CITY PLUMBING INSPECTOR, V. J. Tolley 328 J. CITY POLICE COURT, George G. Davis Judge. I cor Front. City Pound 28th bet S and T. CITY PRISON, M. M. Drew Chief of Police, I cor Front. CITY SANITARY INSPECTOR, G. W. Herr 328 J. a N. CLARK & SONS 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealer* Carlaw Bros. Granite and garble lOtb and 11 Sta. Monuments and Statuaru SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 153 City Street Improvement Co (S F), J. W. McDonald pres, W. E. Dennison sec, 411 J. CITY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, O. W. Erie- wine Odd Fellows' Temple. CITY SURVEYOR, Wm. Mullenney 328 J. CITY TAX COLLECTOR, E. H. McKee 328 J. CITY WATER ASSESSOR, Leon Salomon, 328 J. Civittello Vincenzo, bootblk 1107 7th, r alley bet 6th and 7th, P and Q. Clacy Angelo, saloon 803 K., r 8th, bet J and K. Clair Jas., boilermkr S P Co, r 1115 8th. Clanci Eva E. Miss, r 1729 G. Clancy John, hostler W. B. Devin, r Eldred House. Clanton Louis, bartndr V. Arcega, r 200 L. Clare Allen L., elk T. A. Lauder, r 1006 K. Clarence J., real est, r 605J J. Clarendon House, 621 J. Clark A. Mrs, emp Am Steam Laundry. Clark Addie M. Miss, r J st rd nr 34th. Clark Belle Miss, r 1021 Q. Clark Bros & Stanley (H. and M. Clark and L. Stanley), cigar mfrs, 922 K. Clark Camille Miss, elk The Nonpariel, r 1213 K. Clark Chas., hostler J. A. Lafferty, r 1101 J. Clark Chas. H., r alley bet 6th and 7th, P and Q. Clark Clara H. Miss, elk, r 1021 Q. Clark Clarence B., asst undertaker G. H. Clark, r 1117 5th. Clark C. LeRoy, painter S P Co, r 1907 M. Clark Danl., carp, r 1723 15th. Clark Danl. B., driver Mrs J. L. Clark, r Riverside rd. Clark Edw., lab, r 1121 Front. Clark Eliza Mrs, r 519 9th. Clark Emma Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1831 J. Clark Erasmus J., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1021 Q. Clark Etta Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 1320 5th. Clark F. M. Mrs, housekpr, 1616 15th. Clark Francis, emp C. Suter, r 815 17th. Clark Frank, carp S P Co, r 1211 D. Clark G. B., eng S P Co. Clark Geo., bartndr H. F. Dillman, r 925 Front. CLARK GEORGE H„ Undertaker and Embalmer 1017 4th, r 1019J 4th. Clark Geo. L., elk T. Lynn, r 1021 Q. © Clark Geo. T., r 1417 16th. Clark Harriet Mrs, r Oak Park. Clark Harry (Clark Bros. & Stanley), r 820 N. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH ANO N9THCCT8. Stores in J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ & THE DELN|0Kl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Own Day 4 NIM Oyster Parlor 154 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Clark Horatio D., truck bldr S P Co, r 1516 20th. Clark Howell, r 11th, cor X. Clark Ida Miss, r 1815 C. Clark Ida Miss, furn rms, 1719$ 13th. Clark Jane Mrs, r 1121 9th. Clark Jas., carp S P Co, r 505 J. Clark Jas L., farmer, r Riverside rd. Clark J. Frank, r 1017 4th. Clark J. L. Mrs, dairy Riverside rd, r same. • Clark John L., eng Capital Gas Co, r 607$ K. Clark Josephine C. Miss, elk Adams-Booth Co, r 1121 9th. Clark Jos. L., r 1224 G. Clark J. S., emp S P Co, r 609$ I. Clark Leroy A., eng Bassett & Minford, r 1500 Front, Clark Lottie Miss, furn rms, 1121 9th. Clark M. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1320 5th. Clark Minnie C. Miss, r 1128 10th. Clark Myer (Clark Bros. & Stanley), r 827 19th. Clark Nehemiah, pottery Alameda, r J st rd nr 34th. Clark O, emp S P Co, r 310 N. Clark O. R., r 2017 J. Clark Peter (Worley & Clark), r City Hotel. Clark Robt. H., fireman Pioneer Flour Mills, r Broderick. Clark Rose M. Miss, teacher Elk Grove, r J rd nr 34th. Clark Thos., bartndr J. Didion, r 1430 G. Clark Thos. G., r 1815 C.­ Clark Thos. W., eng S P Co, r 1424 G. Clark Warren E., carp S P Co, r 1907 M. Clark W. E., mach S P Co, r 1322 3d. Clark Wm., extraman Engine Co No. 1, r 1117 6th. Clark Will X., planing mill 1425 J, r 1816 F. Clark W. R., emp C E Ry Co. Clarke Amy Miss, r 823 H. CLARKE ARTHUR R„ Proprietor Wigwam Oyster and Chop House 727 K, r same. CLARKE & COX (C. W. Clarke and Fred Cox), Capitalists 926 4th. CLARKE CRAWFORD W. (Clarke

PUllllus Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 156 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Clinton Geo. W., moved to Elk Grove, Cal. Close Wm., emp S P Co, r 120 I. Closson Elihu B., emp S P Co, r 1812 H. Closson W. II., capitalist, r Pacific Hotel. Cloud J. Harper, emp S P Co, r International Hotel. C lough J. W. Mrs, furn rms 630 M. Clough John W., blksmith S P Co, r 630 M. Clow G. B. N., physician 531$ K, r 1201 L. Clunie Block, ne cor K and 8th. Clunie Opera House, J. H. Todd mgr, K bet 8th and 9th. Coady Jas., died June 19th, 1894. Coady Mary Mrs., saloon and boarding, 1025 Front. Coates Edw., coremkr S P Co, r 301$ J. Coates Harry E., lab S P Co, r 319 12th. Cobb H., sol B. Muir, r 8th cor U. Cobarrubia Frank, lab, r alley bet N and O, Front and 2d. Cobarrubia Jennie Mrs, r alley bet N and O, Front and 2d. Cobarrubia Maggie Miss, r alley bet N and O, Front and 2d. Coburn Alice Miss, r 612 Er Coburn Thos., gardener, r 612 E. Coburn Wm., tei opr, r 612 E. Cochman E. Mrs, r 8th cor U. Cochman Geo., elk, r 8th cor U. Codekas Basil (B. Codekas & Co) and restaurant 520 K, r 1120 5th. CODEKAS B. & CO (Basil Codekas and John Cresteno), Poultry, Fruit, Produce and Commission, 1130 J. Cody May Mrs, r 1222 F. Cody Thos. A., printer 1017 3d, r 810 P. Codyer Mary Mrs, r 825 alley 8th and 9th, O and P. Coe W. A., molder S P Co, r 1800 I. Coffer David P., teamster, r 2313 Front. Coffer Jos. G., lab, r 2213 Front. Coffer Josiah W., teamster, r 2313 Front Coffery P., emp S P Co, r 1927 M. Coffey Edgar, gardener 600 N. Coffey Edw. F., farmer, r 2507 G. Coffey Edw. I., student, r 2328 K. Coffey Jas., lab, r 621 J. Coffey J ohn, eng City Water Works, r 2328 K. Coffey John, carp S P Co, r 1404 3d. Coffey Katie Miss, dressmaker 1404 3d, r same. Coffey Martin, r 2507 G. Coffey Mary, dom 813 L. Coffey Patrick, lab, r 621 J. Coffey Patrick J., carriage mfr 916 4th, r same.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hasted'a is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. CroGKery and Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 157 Cofley~Wm. J., emp S P Co, r 2507 G. ~ Coffield N., r 914 14th. Coffin Jennie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1421 L. Coffin Percy, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. Coffman Edgar A., r 900 8th. Coffman Emma, waiter Eldred House. Coffman John, lab, r 2830 N. Coffman Louis, teamster, r 2830 N. Coffman Susie J. Mrs, dressmaker 900 8th, r same. Coffman Thos. J., cond C E Ry Co, r 2830 N. Coffman Wm. Mrs, r 2830 N. Cofiman Wm. D., died April 10th, 1894. Coger E. Mrs, r 2230 I. Coger Wm. B., barber 317 K, r City Hotel. Coggeshall, Ralph, painter, r 1315 Q. Coggeshall Wm. W., bartndr L. A. Vogel, r 506 K. Coglan Chas. M., Sec. State Board of Equalization, r 1408 M. Cogswell Wm. E., teacher Atkinson's Sacramento Business College, r 916 E. Cohen Isador, cigars 326 J, r 600 I. Cohen Jos. L., elk Red House Co, r 1716 7th. Cohen Philip, glazier, r 1526 5th. Cohn A. S., bkkp Hale Bros & Co, r 606 7th. Cohn Mary Mrs, r 606 7th. Cohn Michael, clothing 115 K, r same. COHN RICHARD T., County Auditor and Recorder. Hall of Records, r 666 7th. Cohn Wm., tel opr 8 P Co, r 606 7th. Coitano John, bootblk, r 812 alley bet 8th and 9th, H and I. Coker C. G., lab S P Co, r 415 P. CokerM. T. Mrs., r415P. Coker Nettie I. Miss, dressmkr Miss A. Corey, r 415 P. Coker Robt. S., coremkr S P Co, r 913 P. Colbert Mamie Miss, emp F. Mason, r 508 10th. Colby C, driver, r Hotel Rhein. Colby Chas. A., truck bldr S P Co, r 427$ K. Colby Easie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Colby Wm. H., msgr W F & Co, r 1312 18th. Colcough Maritta Miss, r 1108 G. Colclough W. H., bkkpr Sacramento Bank, «1108 G. Cole Chas. 8., r Oak Park. Cole Elizabeth Mrs, emp F. Mason, r 1525 E. Cole Geo. W., photographer H. S. Beals, r 1007$ 4th. Cole & Haycock (R. Y. Cole and W. H. Haycock), soda water 11th cor B. Cole Jas., nurse 628 I, r same. Tjinr Serves Daily more Patrons III •• IIA 25ft I UflL than any other two Grocery WHY f ^ COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f^eal Estate and Insurance CEO. KROIHER, 725 K ST, 8ACKAIUKXTO, CAL 158 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Cole Kate Mrs, r 1015 10th. Cole M. J. Mrs, r 1511 18th. Cole R. Y. (Cole & Haycock), r Grass Valley. Cole Warren, died Sept 13th, 1894. Cole Wiley, fireman S P Co, r 1715 6th. Cole Wm. H„ appr S P Co, r 1207 L. Colegrove Fred., elk Mebius & Drescher, r 1235 F. Coleman Harry A., elk Red House Co, r 520 J. Coleman H. F., molder, r 220 Q. Colemau Ida II. Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 1931 C. Coleman Jas. O., broker 325 J, r 1118 N. Coleman John, bartndr, r 111 K. Coleman J. H., blksmith S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Coleman John H., carp, r 1931 C. Coleman Quiller F., r 1031 C. Coleman Rosa Miss, died April 29th, 1894. Coleman T. Mrs, r 816 14th. Coleman T., eng S P Co. Coleman Theo. S., elk Hale Bros. & Co, r 1931 C. COLEMAN WILLIAM P., Real Estate and Insurance, and President Sacramento Bank 325 J, r same. C0L6AN EDWARD P., State Controller State Capitol, r 1203 O. Colgan M. E. Mrs, elk State Controller, r 1203 O. Coiner , carp, r Broderick. Collier Anita A. Miss, r 800 Q. Collier J. Mrs, furn rms 612 K. Collier J. M., emp S P Co, r 1726 M. Collier*Jos. W., eng S P Co, r 800 Q. Collier Laura Mrs, r 1811 5th. Collier Mary Mrs, r 430 O. Collier Walter L., fireman S P Co, r612 K. Colligan Jas., elk, r 1225 3d. Colligan Maria Miss, r 1225 3d. Colligan Michael, lab, r 1225 3d. Collins Cornelius W., eng, r 831 E. Collins Danl. B., hostler Pioneer Bakery, r 124 J. Collins Fred. H., elk The Nonpariel, r 819 O. Collins Geo. E., switchman S P Co, r Broderick. Collins John, comp State Printer, r 1022 K. Collins John, collr National Bank of D. O. Mills &Co, r200 J. Collins Lewis D., emp State Printer, r 1704 O. Collins M. C, fireman S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Collins Robt., lab, r 180112th. Collins S. S., labS P Co, r 807 7th. o I Collins Thos., lab, r 1025$ 10th. s D mo THE AMERICAN GASH STORE. than™ any othe-°' r tw™o Grocer^™y- COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Cooley,{££™:T"ll013 4th SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 159 Collins Wm C, reporter The Bee, r 921 10th. Collins Wm. E., r 1121 Front. Collins Wm. H., r Oak Park. COLOMBO HOTEL, H. A. Petralli Proprietor, 918 2d. Colombo Lulu R. Miss, r 415 N. Colombo Martin J., master mariner, r 415 N. Colson Emmet, lab, r 1924 4th. Colter Geo., emp Dr. I. G. Shaw, r Oak Park. olts Edw., emp S P Co, r 301$ J. COLUMBIAN BROOM FACTORY, Robert Martyr Pro­ prietor, 223 L (see adv). COLUMBUS BREWERY, Captain Frank Ruhstaller Pro­ prietor, 16th, between K and L (see front edge). Colusa House 1108 4th. COMBS D. MADAME, Hair Dresser and Manufacturer 521 J, r same. Combs Dudley M., barber G. G. Ogg, r 521 J. Comninos Geo., barber 1013 7th, r same. Compton Grace, dom 1625 M. Compton M. Mrs, dom 1306 O. Compton S. R., elk The Nonpareil, r 1022 K. Compton Thos., mach, r 2409 P. Comstock Elijah, r 1511 18th. Comstock Warren E., died Dec. 26th, 1894. COMSTOCK WILLIAM D., Furniture, Upholstery and Bedding 501-505 K, r 1629 G. Conaghie Archie, farmer, r 1405 2d. Concord Hall Foresters' Bldg. Condo C. Mrs, r 912 18th. Condo Edw. E., elk W L & Co, r 912 18th. Condo Emily Miss, r 912 18th. Condon B. T. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 429 L. Condon John, foreman J. W. Wilson & Son, r 318 K. Condon John F., bkmn S P Co, r 1522 G. Condon Ludger, barber J. W. Revord, r 1311 6th. Condrey E. Mrs, r B cor 32d. Condrey J. M., capt u Stmr Jacinto," r B cor 32d. Cone Phcebe Mrs, r 1800 F. Conela H., emp Union Iron Wks, r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. Coney Elkin, pawnbroker 128 K, r same. Coney Julia Miss, r 1213 G. Congdon C. A., eng S P Co. Conger A. A., fireman S P Co, r Union Hotel. Congregational Chinese Mission School Mrs S. E. Carrington teacher, 622 I. Dixon, Borgeson &co", SHOWCASES 87 Market 8t* S. P. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKB.NOERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 160 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Conkey Chae. P., r 23d bet N and 0. Conkle Henry W., gardener 1100 N. Conklin Alonzo, r 219 0. Couklin Grace Miss, r 219 O. Conklin Lizzie Miss, r 219 O. Couklin Nellie Miss, r 219 0. Conklin Wm., lab T. Scriver, r 912 4th. Conklin Wm. H., teamster, r 1519 D. Cbnlan P., hotel 311 K, r same. Conley Jos., emp F. S. Smith, r 1117 7th. Conley Wm., 406$ J. Conn Chauncey B., plumber Crouch & Co, r 1621 J. Conn Frank H., stenog Sacramento Bank, r 1621 J. Conn J. B. Mrs, r 1621 J. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO of Hartford, A. E. Rudell General Agent, 1005 4th. Connell Chas. M., plasterer, r 1017 L. Connell Danl. H., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 222 M. Connell Jas., cleaner S PCo, r 1418 2d. Connell Jas., orchardist, r 1221 C. Connell John, emp S P Co, r 731 J. Connelly D., insp S P Co, r Blue Canyon. Connelly Emilie M. Miss, bkkpr H. S. Crocker Co, r 1115 12th. Connelly Fannie C. Mrs, furn rms 1115 12th. Connelly Maggie Miss, elk W. F. Peterson, r 620 J. Connelly Thos., emp Capital Soap Co, r 122 K. Conner Albert, driver Phoenix Milling Co, r 1314 J. Conuer Allen H , eng, r 1115 L. Conner Dennis, bartndr E. Welsh, r 317 L. Conner E. Mrs, r 1531 O. Conner Ellen Mrs, r 1913 I. Conners David, mach S P Co, r alley bet 4th and 5th, K and L. Connolly Jos., plasterer, r 1826 13th. Connolly Mamie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 926 7th. Connolly Mattie liliss, elk W L & Co. r 1226 3d. Connolly Robt., bkmn S P Co, r 2024 3d. Connor John M., cond S P Co, r 1510 M. Connor M., lab S P Co. Connor Wm. W., porter State Printer, r 1815 18th. Connors J, lab S P Co, r 1813 M. Conport Arthur, upholsterer, r 1006$ 2d. Conrad Abbie Miss, r Broderick. Conrad Albert, r Broderick. v Conrad Andrew J., r Broderick. Conrad Andrew J. Jr.. r Broderick. Conrad Benj. D., painter, r 1801 M. N. CLARK & SONS, 1V-19 SpearSt., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. CARLAW BROS. stcam Granite xoth and R Sts. and Marble Works *-o SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 161 Conrad Cornelius C, elk W L & Co, r 1402 Q. Conrad Geo,, carp, r Broderick. Conrad Harry M„ r 1801 M. Conrad John, porter, r 1402 Q. Conrad John, lab, r Broderick. Conrad Louise J. Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r o* 1402 Q. Conrad M. Mrs, r 1801 M. Conrad Minnie Miss, r 1801 M. Conrad Peter, tailor 621 J, r same. c/> Conrad Saml. E., farmer, r Broderick. >' Conran Ira M., dep Sheriff, court house, r 1212 10th. DO1 Couran J. Mrs, r 1212 10th. Conroy Ella Miss, dom County Hospital. o| Considine Danl. A., lab S P Co, r 1914 N. Considine Danl. J., saloon 330 K, r 1914 N. Considine Jerome A., spl msgr P O, rl914 N. Consiglieri Flora Mrs, moved to S F. Consolation Thos., bartndr F. Goulart, r alley bet 2nd and 3d, L and M. Constable John S., painter S P Co, r 1429 4th. Constable Lucinda Mrs, r 1024 E. Constallo Angelo, lab, r Jackson rd. Contell Jas. H., carp, r 2028 J. Content John S., elk M. S. Williams, r 1630 11th. o to Contessi F., lab, r 918 2d. SO CONTINENTAL FRUIT EXPRESS, W. V. Newlin Presi­ dent. Refrigerator Cars for Transporting Perishable Fruits. 129 J. Telephone 358. o CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO of N. Y., Charles Cooley Agent, 1013 4th. —3 , Contner J. E., hostler S P Co, r 814 7th. CONVENT OF SISTERS OF MERCY, Sister M. Ligouri Superior, bet 8th and 9th, F and G. Conway Jas. C, elk Fabian Bros., r 810 Q. Cb Conway Patrick H., eng, r 810 Q. Cook A. A. Mrs, r 1718 25th. Cook Agnes Miss, r 1114 7th. 1 Cook Allen A., architect 627 J, r 1718 25th. Cook Archie D., gardener, r 8th cor F. Cook Chas., lab, r 908 12th. Cook Christopher M., r 1718 25th. Cook Dexa M. Miss, r 1014 22d. COOK & DREW (E. R. Cook and W. F. Drew), Proprietors Capital Iron Works, 1109 9th (see adv). Cook E. C, cementwkr, r Whitney av bet 12th and 13th. Serves Daily more Patrons THEiEEAKWM than any other two Grocery ii COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores In Sacramento. M. MORRISON M. GAULT TUB Deimonico RESTAUR ANT il Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. (tym Day and WOK. BYSTER PARLORS .2 «> 162 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 3 Ok «> eg O Cook Edith B. Miss, r 1014 22d. U Q a COOK EDWARD R. (Cook & Drew), r 730 P. •8 & Cook E. J. Mrs, dressmkr, r 1022 24th. •78 Cook Evangeline S. Miss, music teacher 1718 25th, r same. w £ to Cook F. Howard, emp State Printer, r 1300 P. P 8 o CO Cook Geo. N. elk T. H. Cook & Co, r 1301 L. as SSI* Cook Gertrude Miss, emp Mrs J. T. Wilson, r 816J K. C O (2 8*8 Cook Grace Mrs, r 1614 6th. aDO a 5 a Cook Harry, helper S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. 8 Cook Henry, waiter L. Fischer, r 116 K. Si* Cook Hiram, r 807 J. ! §S;9 Cook J. A., painter, r 727 M. ft B J w Cook John, meat mkt 118 J, r 122 K. Cook John, eng, r 1405 2d. its Cook John R., dairy 1022 24th, r same. o «1§ Cook J. S., medical electrician 922 9th, r same. w 8 O fr. Cook M. Mrs, r 1300 P. Cook Matteson J., carp, r 1014 22d. Cook Philip, janitor Armory Hall, r 521 L. CO Cook Robt., watchman, r Oak Park. Cook Robt. N., carp S P Co, r 1510 8th. Cook T. Mrs, dressmkr 908 12th, r same. COOK T. H. & CO. (T. H. Cook), Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Flour and Feed, 929-931 K. IP Cook Thos., barber 1104 J, r 908 12th. Cook Thos. H. (T. H. Cook & Co); r 1301 L. Cook Thos. H. Jr., r 1301 L. Cook Thos. H. C, barber, r 908 12th. Cook Virginia Miss, dressmkr Mrs. T. Cook, r 908 12th. CO Cook Walter E., lab S P Co., r 1611 20th. Cook Wm., r 1416 3d. 1=4 Cook Wm. C, r 1300 P. Cook Wm. $., lab, r 908 12th. Cook Wm. H., elk T. H. Cook & Co, r 818 G. Cook Wm. L., r E cor 30th. Cooke E, E. Mrs, emp State Printer. Cooke Frank, emp State Printer, r 1016 13th. !ii)a Cooksley Arthur W., plumber, r 1412 5th. Cooksley Henry J., physician 928 O, r same. ti." » Cooksley H.J. Mrs, r 1415 P. Cooksley Walter D, r 8 cor 29th. CO Cooksley Wm., r 1414 C. COOLEY CHARLES, Real Estate and Agent Continental Fire, Traders, and National Insurance Cos, 1013 4th, r J nr 37th (see top lines). Cooley Chas. O, elk S P Co, r 613 13th. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY ' 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 163 Cooley J. H., r 913 F. Coolidge Iseac B., r 1210 2d. Coolot Anthony, cigars 812 J, r 1010 8th. Coolot A. E., bkkpr A- Coolot, r 1010 8th. Coombes Albert P., elk W. R. Knights & Co, r 918 18th. Coombs P. May Miss, dom 720 O. Coomes H. V„ car bldr S P Co, r Brighton. Coon A. B. Mrs, r Y cor 31st. Coon C. W., asst bkkpr Mebius & Drescher, r 721 J. iz Coon David P., r 1314 9th. Coon D. P. Mrs, janitor Sacramento High School, r 1314 9th. Coon Ho man, elk D. Weiman, r 914 J. Coon Kate Mrs, r 914 J. Coon Merrick, emp S P Co, r Oak Park. Coon M. L. Miss, r Y cor 31st. Coon Sylvester B., bkmn S P Co, r 325 15th. Cooney Bessie Miss, dressmaker, r 1419 7th. Cooney Ella Miss, dressmaker Miss N. Readman, r 1419 7th. a Cooney Jas. E., emp A. A. Van Voorhies cte Co, r 1419 7th. Cooney Mary A. Mrs, r 1419 7th. Cooney Manuel J., lab, r 1715 11th. Coons W. W., Notary Public State House Hotel, r same. Cooper Arthur J., rpr S P Co, r Slater's add. > Cooper C, farmer, r 1011 5th. D Cooper Chas., bricklayer, r 808 O. O Cooper Chas. M., bkmn S P Co, r 501£ M. G Cooper Chas. W., miner, r 1131 I. > Cooper Cyrus A., groceries 11311, r same. Cooper David, comp State Printer, r 1116 8th. H Cooper E. F., comp, r Central House. CO 53 Cooper Fredk., lab A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r R, cor 8th. B. Cooper Fred T., carp, r 1314 N. r- GO Cooper Geo., bootblk, r 1805 8th. Cooper Geo. A., rpr S P Co, r 710 D. or Cooper Geo. R., lab S P Co, r 912 F. Cooper J. B., lab S P Co, r 912 F. N Cooper J. C. Mrs, r 1417 19th. > Cooper J. H. Mrs, r B, cor 29th. Cooper John F., orchardist, r 1627 E. Cooper Laura Miss, r 1627 E. Cooper Louis, comp State Printer. Cooper Millard F., miller Pioneer Flour Mills, r 818 L. So COOPER MUSIC CO., E. L. Hawk President, C. A. Neale Vice President, T. G. Eilers Secretary and Treasurer, B Mathushek and Jacob Doll Pianos, Music and Musical n«f Merchandise, 631 J. o DIXON, BORGESOrt o & CO., * SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, T. ^mm.^mmmmm i

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 164 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Cooper Richd. W., elk C. A. Cooper, r 1131 I. Cooper Saml. A., horsetrainer, r 918 22d. Cooper Thos., bootblk, r 1805 8th. Cooper Wm., bartndr R. H. Singleton, r 111 K. e© Cooper Wm., lab, r 1803 8th. Copes Wm., mining, r Eldred House. Coppage Thos., lab S P Co, r 621 H. Coppersmith J. H., boilermkr, r 624 7th. 2 Coppersmith Michael T., painter S P Co, r 1631 L. a> o Coppin Alfred E., salesman Sacramento Lumber Co, r Oak Grove. •g.8 Coppin 0., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. CO a Coppin Edw. A., elk Griffeth & Son, r Oak Park. o tc Coppin Robt., farmer, r 2301 O. Corbitt Alex. B., emp Clunie Opera House, r 700 9th. -J * Corbin Jas., r 621 J. 0) Corcoran Jas., elk, r 1319 2d. CO o •• z Corcoran Jas. L., appr 8 P Co, r 411 V. CD < Corcoran John, lab S P Co, r 518 0. Corcoran John T., appr S P Co, r 411 V. Corcoran Mary V. Mrs, r 411 V. CL. Li Corcoran Maurice, lab, r 518 O. 2 Corcoran Michael, mach 8 P Co, r 415| K. Cordano Deodato, bootblk, r 808 E. Cordano Ninno, lab, r 8th cor T. §• Cordell Adolph O., stenog White, Hughes & Seymour, r 1516 D. aaasaa Corder Lillie M. Mrs, r 43 5 J. Cordner John L., shoemkr 329 12th, r same. Cti Cardoza Frank, lab S P Co, r 216 T. CO Cardoza Mary Miss, 2216 T. Corey Annie Miss, dressmkr 623 M, r same. COREY G. W., M.D., Medical Director Garten Gold Cure Institute Co, 808 G, r same. Telephone 167. Corey Jas., fisherman, r 623 M. Corey Jos., lab, r 1831 19th. Corey Jos., emp Cal Winery, r S cor 20th. Corey Maggie Mrs, emp State Printer, r 623 M. Corey Richd., emp S P Co, r 518 14th. Corliss Chas. P., asst baggage agt S P Co, r 427£ K. Cormack John O., r 2320 N. Cornado Ventura, steward Morrison & Gault, r 712 K. Cornell Chas. W, r 1409 10th. Cornell Danl., plumber, r 222 M. Cornell Elizabeth H. Miss, elk, r 1409 10th. Cornell Geo. H., former, r 1409 10th. c/> Cornell John A., mining, r 1409 10th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Haeted'a is the only Directory ofSacnuceato LOOK OUT Poblithed. •^p*" L. L. LEWIS & GO. 'teWIM 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 165 Cornell Kate, dom 821 18th. Cornell Viola Miss, r 818 11th. Cornell Wm., fireman City Water Wks. . Corness Carrie B. Miss, music teacher 707 I, r same. Corocco David, farmer, r J st rd nr 36th. Corporation House Sacramento Fire Department 1017 5th, Corrado Ambrose, emp G. B. Corrado, r 1211 Front. Corrado G. B., hotel 1211 Front, r same. Corsaw T., emp S P Co, r 106 Slater's add. Cortez Lottie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Cortez Pedro, died Jan 17th, 1894. Cortez Jesus, tailor, r 1307 3d. Corwin E. N. Mrs, dressmkr 1326 P, r same. Corwin Wm. S., died Dec 19th, 1893. Cory John, lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Cosby Edith D. Miss, elk U S Int Rev Collr, r 1208 P. Cosby Geo. B., r 1208 P. COSBY GEORGE B. JR., Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 204 K. Telephone 498, r 1208 P. Cosgrave John P., city editor The Bee, r 521 9th. Cossich John, groceries 2330 J, r same. Costa Frank, elk Gregory Bros. Co, r 2d cor I. Costa Manuel (Martin & CostaJ, r 1616 2d. Costello Chas., rpr S P Co, r alley bet 9th and 10th, C and D. Costello Daul., emp S P Co, r 1304 alley bet 13th and 14th, J and K. Costello J. B., musician, r 417 N. Costello John T., restaurant 814 2d, r 2508 V. Costello Kate Mrs, r rear 914 C. Costello Kate Miss, r 1127 10th. Costello Mamie Miss, dressmkr 1127 10th, r same. Costello Nicholas J, druggist Washburne & Co, r 800 J. Costre John, mach, r Pacific Hotel. Cothrin Wm. K., Cashier Baker & Hamilton, r 1228 N. Cotter Claude C, bkkpr J. F. Hill, r 718 8th. Cotter Mamie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 2009 10th. Cotter Nellie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 2009 10th. Cotter Thos., lab S P Co, r 2009 10th. Cotter Wm. M., eng S P Co, r 817 P. Cotting Lottie A. Miss, r 20151. Cotton Jared O, bkkpr Sacramento Glass & Crockery Co, r 815 14th. Cottrell M. E. Mrs, r 1911 G. Cottrell Sutton F., cashier Morrison & Gault, r 1911 G. Coty E. M. Mrs, dressmaker 1417 5th, r same. Coty Eugene M., barber G. G. Ogg, r 1417 5th. r Serves Daily more Patrons ! L than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, Heal Estate and Insurance CEB. aHfJUIER9 7SS K ST, 8ACKAMEXTO, CAL Q 166 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 Couch Antone, confectionery 508 K, r same. V) Couchman Geo., carp, r 523 alley bet 5th and 6th P and Q. Couchman Henry J., carp, r 523 alley bet 5th and 6th, P and Q. c Couehlin Jas., elk S P Co, r 1319 2d. CouTson Jesse M., driver Curtis & Herzog, r 1429 4th. Coulson L. May Miss, r 1429 4th. Coulson Lulu J. Miss, r 1429 4th. Coulter Frank, paper hanger, r 1908 11th. Coulter Mary J. Mrs^ r 615 alley bet 6th and 7th, F and G. Coulter Wm. B., salesman W. Wylie & Co, r 1111 1). Coulter Wm. J., driver A. Dunbar, r 916 alley bet D and E. g 4> Counts John P., atty, r 1911 G. M COUNTY ASSESSOR, T. H. Berkey, Court House. COUNTY AUDITOR AND RECORDER, Richard T. £ ft Cohn, Hall of Records. COUNTY CLERK, W. B. Hamilton, Court House. COUNTY CORONER, John Miller, 905 K. COUNTY COURT BOUSE, I, cor 7th. COUNTY HOSPITAL, G. A. White Superintendent, J. L. Crook Assistant Superintendent, Upper Stockton rd 2 w miles se city limits. COUNTY JAIL, Court House. COUNTY LICENSE COLLECTOR, Henry K. Miller, Hall of Records. COUNTY SHERIFF AND TAX COLLECTOR, Frank T. Johnson, Court House. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, B. F. Howard, Court Honse. COUNTY SURVEYOR, Joseph C. Boyd, Court House. COUNTY TREASURER, Edward Lyon, Hall of Records. o Couper Newton A., bkkpr Capital Soap Co, r 915 L. Courneen John, lab S P Co, r 2017 3d. COURT EXCHANGE, Charles Heisen Proprietor, 630 I. Courtier Zoch, died May 8th, 1894. Cousins Annie Mrs, saloon 1109 2d, r same. Cousins Jas., emp Capital Gas Co, r 1506 2d. Cousins Jas., hackdriver, r 1109 2d. Couture Saml. S., sawfiler 1130 4th, r 415 alley bet L and M. Covacewich Martin (Covacewich & Tarras), r 318 Q. Covacewich & Tarras (M. Covacewich and E. Tarras), restaur­ ant 1006 2d. o Covell Benj. H., contr and bldr 1323 19th, r same. Covell Benj. H. Jr., hay, 22d, bet N and O, r 1323 19th. Covell Myra Miss, dom 1417 16th. COVENANT MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION of Galesburg, 111., Geo. Kromer Agent, 725 K. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stocas in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. limn. 4Q3 .T «*t , Sacrnmento, Cal. at SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 167 Coveny John, r 1401 Front. Covington W. H., lab, r 1315 5th. Cowan Albert C, died Jan 17th, 1894. Cowan Geo., fireman S P Co. Cowan Thos., cooper, r 1612 F. Cowan Wm. N., bkmn S P Co, r 718 8th. Cowell Henry (Henry Cowell & Co), r San Francisco. COWELL HENRY & CO (Henry Cowell), W. E. J. Baugh- man Manager. Lime, Plaster, Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe and Terra Cotta Chimneys, 509-5111. Cowell L. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 11th cor N. Cowger John H., r 1726 N. £=»=? Cowger Mary S. Mrs, died Jan 26th, 1894. COWLES & BUCKMAN (G. Cowles and H. 0. Buckman), Proprietors Del Paso Saloon, 615 K. Cowles Geo. (Cowles & Buckman), r 615 K. Cowles Geo. Jr., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 606 Oak av. Cowper Harry T„ mach S P Co, r 516 M. Cowper Margaret Mrs, r 510 15th. Cox Chas. O, r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. Cox Clara E. Miss, r Broderick. Cox Danl., driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2513 N. Cox Danl. M., teamster, r 1906 P. Cox David, fireman Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, r 920 14th. V) Cox Edw. H., paperhanger, r 2020 J. XL Cox Edw. H. Jr., r 2020 J. Cox Freda Miss, r bet 19th and 21st, T and U. ft COX FREDERICK (Clarke & Cox), and President California State Bank, r bet 19th and 21st, T and U. Cox Geo. W., lab, r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. 5 S Cox Harvey, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Cox Jas. W., teamster, r 1810 E. Cox J. G., died Apr 16th, 1894. Cox John E., fireman S P Co, r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. 1 X Cox John H., farmer, r Riverside rdlms city limits. Cox John H., r 2223 J. Cox John T., lab, r 421 M. * ft Cox Jos. L., lab S P Co, r 1517 N. 0 H Cox Milton P., miner, r 2223 J. v 0 Cox R. J., elk S P Co, r 122 K. s <* Cox Silas M., lab S P Co, r 2223 J. Cox T. J., boilermkr S P Co, r Broderick. X Cox Wm. G., emp S P Co, r 1517 N. ft Coxhead R. S., elk S P Co, r 925 10th. "1 Coxley Patrick, died Aug 17th, 1894. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. V» SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 168 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Coyle J. Henry, melter S P Co, r 1418 E. Coyle Jas. D., farmer, r Oak Park. Coyle L. Mrs, emp State Printer, r Hale bldg. Coyle Martha E. Mrs, r 1418 E. Coyle Mattie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Coyne B., emp S P Co, r 1717 14th. Coyne Martin J., contr and bldr 915 21st, r same. Coyne W., emp S P Co, r 1602 3d. Cozier E. E., switchman S P Co, r 716 8th. Crabbe Dick W., painter S P Co, r 1701 E. Crackbon J. Mrs, r 1905 H. Craddock C, died July 8th, 1894. Craddock John (Craddock & Montgomery), r 825 6th. Craddock oz Montgomery (J. Craddock and J. H. Montgom­ ery), employment 825 6th. Crader Lilly Miss, rlll5 9th. Crader M. J. Mrs, r 1115 9th. Craig Chas. H., asst undertaker G. H. Clark, r 1019£ 4th. Craig Wm. B., emp E C Ry Co, r 2108 19th. Cram Chas. G., mach 8 P Co, r 603 I. Crandal Mabel M. Miss, cashier The Nonpariel, r 314 N. Crandal N. Mrs, r 314 N. Crandall J. Mrs, r 1301 H. Crandall John, gardener, 1300 I. Crandall Peter, r 101511th. Crane Addie M., dom 1502 2d. Cranley H. Juanita Miss, r 1918 L. Cranley Marie Miss, r 1918 L. Cranley Wm., r 1918 L. Craton Geo. B., emp T. M. Lash & Co, r 31st and V. Cravens R. O., asst State Library, r 1217 H. Craw Albert E., lab, r 917 8th. Craw Grace Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1717 12th. Craw Eugene, painter, r 1717 12th. Craw L. D. Mrs, r 1116 U. Crawford Emily Mrs, furn rms 824 L. CREAMERIE, THE. A First Class Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen. J. Ernst, Manager, 612 J. Credoze Manuel, lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Creedan J., switchman S P Co, r 1006J 2d. Creedon D. F.> farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Creedon Jeremiah, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Creedon John, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Cregan M., lab S P Co, r 1015 8th. Creighton John F., emp State Printer, r 1016 13th. Creque Fredk. F., elk S P Co, r 2414 G. N, CLARK & SONS, im Speu st •San hmiSi0- Manufacturers and D«al«rs tr" PARI AW BROS Importers of Scotch and all 10th and R Sts. otner foreign Granites. •n SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 169 Cress Danl. M., lab, r 21st nr M. > Cress Ethel Miss, r 2013 K. CO Cress Fred., farmer, r 2013 K. Cress H. Mrs, r 2013 K. Cress Jesse M., student, r 21st nr M. to Cress John M., lab S P Co, r Oak Park. a* Cress May Miss, cook, r 2013 K. o Cress Stella Miss, r 2013 K. Cress Wilbur F., farmer, r 21st nr M. ? Cresteno John (B. Codekas & Co), r 1309 3d. CO a CO Crew Aleck, emp H. W. Rivett. Crew Laura Mrs, r Mansion House. -I Crew M. Miss, r 1402 H. Crimmins Edw. H., emp L. L. Lewis & Co, r Pacific Hotel. > Crimmings Mamie Miss, r 12th st rd nr Am. River. I Crimming8 Patrick, farmer, r 12th st rd nr Am. River. r*. Critea C. Carleton, bkmn S P Co, r 1516 11th. Crocker Benj. R., capitalist 6th ne cor M, r 618 L. i m Crocker Calvin E., capitalist, r 520 10th. Crocker—E. B. CROCKER ART GALLERY, W. F. Jack­ CO son Superintendent, O se cor 2d. Crocker F. D. Mrs., nurse 1626 D, r same. Crocker G. M., appr S P Co, r 1418 C. Crocker Horace A., mach S P Co, r 912 G. Crocker—H. S. CROCKER CO. (Sacramento and San Fran­ cisco). George M. Mott Manager, Sacramento, Sta­ tioners, Booksellers, Fancy Goods, Book ai d Job Printers, 208-210 J (see side lines). oo ^ Crocker Oliver L.. plater S P Co, r 1615 E. Crocker Stephen, r 1619 18th. 3- 22 Crofton J. Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r 1921 H. Crohan John, r 906 G. Croll Stephen G., r 118 O. r» Croly D. Frank, salesman ;W. Wylie & Co, r 1622 17th. o Croly Edw. J., contr and bldr 1201 P, r same. Croly Maud Miss, r 1622 17th. Cronan John, auctioneer, r 301$ J. Cronan John, r 206 Q. 3! Cronan Mary Mrs, r 206 Q. t CRONAN MICHAEL, Wholesale Liquors and Cigars, 230 K, rl014N. 00 , Crone Elizabeth Mrs, r 1616 3d. Crone E. T., lab, r 1720 T. oo Crone J. H., saddle tree mkr 1628 T, r same. . . 0 Crone John W., foreman Capital Box Factory, r 1620 3d. Crone Robt. L., r 1616 3d. THE AMERICAN CASH STORESrrr^^rro^^WtlY? COR. 8TH ANO K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, IIII • I J. ifi. MORRISON A Strictly 4. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELNIONKO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day ft Hiaht Oyster Parlor 170 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Cronemiller M. M. Miss, physician 507J J, r same. Cronemiller W. F. (Geo. W. Cantrell & Co) and Sec Sacra­ mento Box and Supply Co, r 1117 F. Cronin J. T., piper S P Co, r 206 9th. Cronkite H., died Jan 5th, 1894. Cronkite 0. N., r 221 N. Crook Ella Miss, r610 N. Crook J. L., Assistant Superintendent County Hospital, r Up­ per Stockton rd 2 miles se city limits. Crook Wm., waiter Capital Hotel. Cropper J. R., r Broderick. Cropper M. E. Mrs, r Broderick. Cropper Win. 0., miner, r Broderick. Crosley J. S., paperhanger 811 L, r same. Crosby S. J., plumber S P Co. Crosby J. W., cashier C E Ry Co, r 811 L. Cross Annie Mrs, r 823 12th. Cross F. K. Mrs, r 722 8th. Cross Frank K., truckbldr S P Co, r 1819 J. Cross Geo., r 1601 K. Cross Geo. C, switchman S P Co, r 1819 J. Cross J. G., housemover P cor 16th, r same. Cross Jos. A., mach W. Gutenberger, r 115 N. Cross Kate Mrs, r rear 712 J. Cross Martha W. Mrs, r 717 K. Orosseley Sadie, dom 2330 H. Crouch Bessie Miss, r 231 O. Crouch Cecil C, farmer, r Highland Park. Crouch Clarence C, r Highland Park. CROUCH & CO., A. V. Scheppelman Manager, Plumbing, Gasfitting, Mantels and Tiles, 511 J. Telephone 94. CROUCH EUGENE A., Manager W. P. Coleman, 325 J, r 308 O. Crouch Jas., emp C E Ry Co, r 1121 Front. Crouch Mary Miss, r 231 O. Crouch M. E. Mrs, r 231 O. Croucher F. E., drayage 21111, r same. Crouse W., coremkr S P Co, r 306 11th. Crow A. D., eng S P Co, r 617 E. Crowe Wm. D., patternmkr Union Iron Works, r 901 L. Crowell & Lambert (W. T. Crowell and J. Lambert), furniture 927 K. Crowell Lillie Miss, teacher Union Primary School, r 701 I. Crowell M. H. Mra, r 2108 L. Crowell Went T. (Crowell & Lambert), r 912 14th. Crowell Wm., butcher M. F. Odell, r Riverside rd. Serves Daily more Patrons ;T than any other two Grocery COA. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Crowell Wm. H., printer, r 12th nr T. Crowey M. Mrs, r 2113 O. Crowley Hannah Mrs, emp State Printer, r 715 N. Crowley John, saloon 5311, r same. Crozier Arthur, plater S P Co, r 421 O. Crump Blanche Miss, r 703 7th. Crump Lee T., appr S P Co, r 703 7th. Crump Travis T., bartndr T. Blauth, r 414 N. Cruzen Leslie, carp Merry & Vanina, r 1615 G. CRYSTAL PALACE, J. Thieben Manager, Crockery 610 J CRYSTAL PALACE SALOON, Freygang and Schneider Proprietors, 906 J. Cuddy Clarence, r 1227 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Cuddy Eliza Miss, emp State Printer, r 1227 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Cuddy Geo. F., died Feb. 1st, 1894. Cuddy Mabel Miss, r 1227 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Cuddy Mabel Miss, waitress E. Reid, r 1406 O. Cullen Jas., blksmith Winters & Morgan, r American Eagle Hotel. 3 7! Cullinan John, eng S P Co, r 909 V. V Cullingford L. Miss, r 1322 3d. 01 Cullivan Mamie Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 1118 P. Cullivan Peter J., elk Sunset T & T Co, r 1118 P. Cullivan Thos., emp Capital Gas Co, r 1118 P. Cullum Allen W., watchman State Capitol, r same. Culmsee Lewis, carp, r 2425 I. I 3 Culverson Jas. P., farmer, r Oak Grove. Culverson May E. Miss, r Oak Grove. Cummings Chas. H., sec Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank and sec and treas Capital Gas Co, r 829 O. Cummings H. N., farmer, r Broderick. Cummings Kate Mrs, r 1730 4th. Cummings Libbie, dom 1313 I. *5 Cummings &Magennis (W. J. Cummings and W. V Magen- nis), saloon 525 K. Cummings Michael F., emp State Printer, r 1220 18th. sr- Cummings R. Mrs., r 817 8th. sr Cummings W. J. (Cummings & Magennis), r 2230 10th. m Cuneo B., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Cunha Autonio, teamster, r 1831 6th. J fib Cunha John (Cunha & Valine), saloon 300 L. Cunha & Valine (J. Cunha and C. Valine), saloon 300 L. C Cunningham Alexander, stonecutter Carlaw Bros., r 2126 10th "0 Cunningham C.Mrs, r 507 13th. 0) Cunningham Chas. E., eng, r 1230 D. 0 DIXON, BORGESON d3 CO., 2 SHOW CASES 37 Mavkat Stv'aat, S. V. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 172 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Cunningham Denis, elk W L & Co, r 1228 E. Cunningham Elizabeth Mrs, moved to S F. Cunningham Jennie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1228 E. CUNNINGHAM JOHN A., Proprietor Sacramento Boiler and Iron Works, 112-114 I, r 1523 G. Cunningham Margaret Miss, r 1117 I. Cunningham Patrick, bricklayer, r Pacific Hotel. Cunningham R., r 507 13th. Cunningham Robt. Q. (Doian, Middlemass & Co), r 623 N. Cunningham, Saml., blksmith, r 908 9th. Cunningham Thos., lab S P Co, r 1108 D. Cunningham Virginia Mrs, r 625£ 6th. Cunningham Walter, insp S P Co, r 920 C. Cunningham Wm. P., r 1228 E. Curl L., insp S P Co, r Rocklin. Curl S. A. Mrs, r 3020 F. Curl Saml. D., hostler, r 20th cor G. Curl Wm, C, carp Oak Grove, r same. Curley Jacob M., r 1525 E. Curran Jas., street contr 1415 5th, r same. Curran Val., bkmn S P Co, r 620 8th. Curran W. T. S., bkmn S P Co. Currell Carrie E. Mrs, r 1323 I. Currey Annie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1622 17th. Currie J. H., lab 8 P Co, r 731 J. Currie Stephen, driver Fashion Stables, r 804 K. Currlin Albert (Schmitt & Currliu), r 1720 10th. Currlin Waldemar, comp Schmitt & Currlin, r 1720 10th. Curry Albert,.painter, r 2304 O. Curry Frank P., bkmn S P Co, r 418 L. Curry Jos., r 815 J. Curtin Christopher E., lab S P Co, r 1224 3d. Curtis Alice L. Miss, r Lower Stockton rd f m s city limits. CURTIS, CARMICHAEL & BRAND (M. J. Curtis, D. W. Carmichael and G. S. Brand), Real Estate and Insurance, J nw cor 4th. Curtis C. Gertrude Miss, r 2330 I. Curtis Frank P., comp Record-Union, r 625 M. Curtis George P. (Curtis & Herzog), r 1130 N. CURTIS & HERZOG (George P. Curtis and Charles C. Herzog), Fruit and Produce, 308, 310, 312 K. Curtis John W., mach S P Co, r!719 14th. Curtis J. S., janitor City Hall, r same. Curtis Mary A. Mrs, r 1119 10th. Curtis M. J. (Curtis, Carmichael & Brand), r 2330 I. Curtis N. Greene, atty 920 6th, r 1529 H.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'e is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. stM8S aBl1 Ran£8S- £02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 173 Curtis Roland B., elk Curtis & Herzog, r 418 L. CURTIS WM, County Supervisor, r814 7th. Curtis Wm„ r Lower Stockton rd, £ m s city limits. CURTIS WM. A., Secretary Wood, Gray & Co, r 1502 2d. Curts Louis, printer, r 1301 Q. Cuseck Chas., r Broderick. Cuseck John, r Broderick. Cushing G. H., r 216 P. Cushman M. S. Mrs, r 1431 I. Cusser Saml., lab, r 1805 8th. Custis I. A., lab, r 2523 J. Cutbirth Lincoln H., carp C E Ry Co, r Oak Park. Cuthbert Arthur G., mach S P Co, r 2812 K. Cuthbert Wm. W., comp Record-Union, r 1428 7th. Cutler Benj. A., r 1129 Q. Cutler W. F., veterinary surgeon 1017 G, r same. Cutler Wm., r Central House. Cutter Edwin P. B., farmer, r Jackson rd nr 43d. Cutter Eugene G., Farmer, r Jackson rd nr 43d. Cutter Geo. H., farmer, r Jackson rd nr 43d. Cutter J. W. Mrs., farmer, r Jackson rd nr 43d. Cutting D. B., elk, r 1828 G. Cutting F., molder, r 1721 Front. Cykler Frank, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2025 O. Cyzmore Geo., locksmith M. Wormer, r 2221 11th. Czestav W., tailor, r 719 F. r> Day Jas., molder S P Co, r 311 K. Dahlin John A., carp Siller Bros, r 1103 I. Dahringer Frank T., emp S E Ry Co, r 1409 J. Dahringer Henry A., blksmith T. Dahringer, r 1409 J. Dahringer Theo., wagon mkr 907 12th, r 1409 J. Daiber Frank J., foreman Pacific Brewery, r 1409 L. Dailey Chas. C, florist Dillman Tract, r same. Dailey Chas. E., carp, r Dillman Tract. Dailey Cornelius W., contr and bldr 418 15th, r same. Dailey N. J., carp, r 521 N. Dailey Wm. H., carp 619 16th, r same. Dailey Wm. R., painter S P Co, r 2529 J. Dainton Geo. A., r 608 alley bet 6th and 7th, O and P. Dake E. Mrs., r 619 P. Dake Jas., died Apr 18th, 1894. Dake Louis, moved to Marysville Cal. Dake Wm., spur mkr, r alley bet Front and 2d, P and Q. Dakin Eleanor Mrs, r 1132 6th. Serves Daily more Patrons 111 Ml •• A j* . than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. j^eal Estate and Insurance CEO. HUES, 99S K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAI* 174 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Dal chow Theresa Mrs., r 523 N. Dale Richd., pres Howard depot for the poor, r alley bet Front and 2d, P and Q. Daley Geo., r 1419 3d. Daley Jas., bartndr T. Norton, r 319 K. Daley Michael, lab, r 520 N. Dallas Alex. C, gardener, r 1029 F. Dallas Jas., bootblk 1022 4th, r same. Dally Annie B. Mrs, r 1417 L. Dally Annie V. Miss, r 1417 L. Dalrymple H. Mrs,.r 705 7th. Dalrymple John, elk, r 705 7th. Dalton Anna, waiter E. E. Towle, r 3d bet L and N. Dalton Katie Mrs, r 8th nr O. Dalton Mary J. Mrs, r 3d bet L and M. Daly Chas. E., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 531£ K. Daly Danl., r 1831 4th. DALY J. C., Dep. Att'y-General State Capitol, r Ventura,Cal. Daly J. M. Mrs, r 531 \ K. Daly John B., r 13th nr B. Daly John E., helper S P Co, r 1831 4th. Daly John S., rpr SP Co, r 1007 \ 4th. Daly Patrick, blksmith, r 1831 4th. Daly Rosco S., moved to S F. Dameron John, emp S P Co, r 1208 10th. Damm Adam, r 1816 J. Damon Ethel M. Miss, r 1728 E. Dandeen L. Mrs, farmer, r Jackson rd nr 40th. Danforth Edw. J., r 812 Q. Danforth Eugene E., pressman State Printer, r 1608 13th. Danforth Grace Miss, teacher, r 812 Q. Danforth Levi, lab S P Co, r 812 Q. Dangler Chas., groceries and liquors, 1830 3d, r same. Dangler Chas. Jr., emp Sac. Boiler and Iron Wks, r 1830 3d. Daniel Christian, r 300£ K. Daniels Frank, blksmith, r 1317 5th. Daniels Hannah Mrs, furn rms 626 L. Daniels Jos., cook Sutter Club, r 626 L. Daniels Nancy Mrs, r Slater's Add. Daniels Thos. P., painter, r 626 L. Daniels Wm., r 1718 O. Danielson Alfred, switchman S P Co, r 24th bet W and X. Danioth Julius (Danioth & Kuchler), r 1720 10th. DANIOTH & KUCHLER (Julius Danioth and Fred. Kuch­ ler), Proprietors New Post Office Saloon and Lodging House, 708 K. |f* Serves Daily more Patrons | L than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. T Insurance COOLEY i **«•TOT.< FOURT• H HTRt EX. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 175 Danis Belle K. Miss, r 1700 K. Danis Ella M. Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 1700 K. Danis K. Mrs, r 1700 K. Danis Lena M. Miss, teacher, r 1700 K. Danis Mabel C. Miss, r 1700 K. Danville J. Mrs, dressmkr 709 12th, r same. Daray A. Mies, elk J. Ernst, r 1722 9th. Darby A., waiter Golden Eagle Hotel, r 825 J. Darling C, rpr S P Co, r 2326 N. Darling Harry J., trav salesman Baker & Hamilton, r 1109 24th. Darneville E. F. Mrs., r 1207 L. Daroux B. Mrs, furn rms 418 L. Daroux John W., heater S P Co, r 1130 Q. Daroux Leonora Miss, r 418 L. Daroux Nellie Miss, r 418 L. Darrall Alonzo L., carp S P Co, r 2531 P. Darrall Ida Mrs, medium, r 2531 P. Darst John H., elk A. B. Martin, r 626 I. Darwin Alice Mrs, music teacher 2523 P, r same. Darwin Jas. H., died March 15th, 1894. Dashiell Jessie Miss, r 1821 Q. Dashiell Robt. R., r 1821 Q. Dashiell Wm. A. wine mfr 1821 ty r same. Dassonville Adolph A., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 1719 5th. Dassonville Chas. F., painter 8 P Co, r 1217J J. Dassonville Fredk., moved to S F. Dater Alice Miss, teacher, r 917 10th. Dathe Robt., cellarman City Brewery, r Lower Stockton rd. Dauger Alfred, carp, r 2011 9th. Dauger Eugene P., contr and bldr 2011 9th, r same. Dauger Eugenia Mrs, r 2011 9th. Dauger Geo. L., carp, r 2011 9th. Dauger Lena Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 2011 9th. Daugherty D. K., r 1309 I. Daul John F., elk S P Hospital Assn, r 1123 E. Daum Emil, fireman Kohler & Van Bergen, r R cor 31st. Dauncey Jas., r 816 P. Davenport Fred. T., trav salesman Waterhouse ' Y SACRAMENTO', ^,Lii\ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 176 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Davids John, lab, r 1121 Front. Davidson Annie Mrs, r 314 15th. Davidson Flournoy, teamster, r 2404 M. Davidson H. K., lab S P Co, r Mansion House. Davidson S. J., emp S P Co, r 1115 3d. Davidson Wallace M., emp C E Ry Co, r 2404 M. Davis Mrs, r 814 J. Davis Alexander, painter C. H. Krebs & Co, r 1011£ 9th. Davis Andrew L., carp P. Wolf, r 1614 K. Davis Annie Miss, r 512 8th. Davis Asahel B., r 2430 J. Davis Chas. H., appr S P Co, r 908£ F. Davis Chas. J., painter, r 1807 M. Davis Clarence H., emp S P Co, r 1704 3d. Davis David, saloon 1022 4th, r 316 J. Davis D. J., mach S P Co, r 818 8th. Davis E. S., appr S P Co, r 908£ F. Davis Eugene H., emp Mohr

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 177 Davis Jos. R.. r 2323 N. Davis Jos. W., lab, r 611 alley bet 6th and 7th, O and P. Davis Laura Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 116 N. Davis Laura I. Miss, dressmkr, r 1408 P. Davis Lottie Miss, bkkr J. G. Davis, r 612 M. °rn Davis Lydia A. Miss, dressmkr Mrs E. N. Corwin, r 1326 P. o* Davis Mabel J. Miss, r 2612 N. Davis Mary A. Mrs, r 613 N. Davis Michel, clothing 121 K, r same. Davis Minnie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 116 N. Davis M. L. Mrs, r 1905 Q. Davis Nathan, r 1516 2d. Davis Newton B., farmer, r 2305 I. or~ Davis Norman, waiter Western Hotel, r 1206 2d. 30 Davis Price, r 512 8th. is Davis Priscilla, dom 1623 O. Davis R. D. (Wasserman, Davis & Co.), r Sutter Club. Davis Richmond, real estate rnd ins 1002 J, r 1811 G. Davis S., elk W. Lampert, r 730 N. DAVIS SOLOMON H., Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tools, Cutlery, etc., and Secretary Pioneer Box Co, 704 fc J, r 718 J. o Davis T. II. Mrs., groceries 1417 28th, r same. & Davis Thos. H. H., contr and bldr, 1417 28th, r same. 2 Davis Walter S., r 2611 N. O b Davis Wm., moved to Oakland Cal. sO & Davis Wm., r 1317 6th. Ps" to Davis Wm. B. (Jones & Davis), r 530 K. © Davis Wm. D., carp, r 2605 O. & Davis Wm. F., lab S P Co, r 812 11th. —J >• Davis Wm. H., mach, r 812 11th. <-E> Is Davis Wm. H., comp Record-Union, r 925 G. OJ t—« »»r Davis Wm. H., msgr Supreme Court, r 1116 8th. to >§ DAVIS WINFIELD J., Official Court Reporter, Court House, a r1713 G. af* . © Dawes Michael, cook, r 211 N. h» Dawlev Bertha E. Miss, r 1521 19th. in Dawley P. Mrs., r 1521 19th. Dawson Frank, r 925 O. Dawson Jas. R., r 612 F. Dawson J. Edw., painter, r 925 0. Dawson John, painter, r 925 O. Dawson Lizzie Miss, milliner Mrs. M. M. Parkinson, r Upper Stockton rd. Dawson Ralph, r 612 F. Dawson Wm., teamster, r Upper Stockton rd nr Guthrie's sta. r Serves Daily more Patrons = L than any other two Grocery J COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. 1. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A A. MT. GAUL cT TH6 Deimonico ti Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. OQBH Day and Ninm. OYSTER PARLORS 178 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. S bfl a Day Chas., time kpr S P Co, r 1026 8th. DAY FRED. W. (Day & Joy), r 714 I. sol« • Day John H., elk Neubourg & Co, r 1001 2d. DAY & JOY (F. W. Day and F. H. Joy), Book and Job vbg SeSn • g s Printers 814 K (see adv). Day J. R., r 210 Q. •Jog Day Julia Mrs, r 605 9th. Day Louisa, dom 719 N. Sfil - Day Mary Mrs., r 2214 H. * • 5 Day Timothy, emp S P Co, r 605 9th. Day Wm., lab S P Co, r 320 10th. .u2 «£,*g «0 Daywalt H., carp Siller Bros. S Dealy J., fireman S P Co, r 1015 8th. Deamude Jessie Miss, r 1531 P. CO Dean A. M. Mrs, r Y cor 31st. Dean B. Mrs, lodgings 902$ 7th. Dean Bertha Miss, r 1125 8th. Dean Cora M. Miss, dressmkr Mrs R. H. Byers, r 822 M. o Dean Delia Mrs, r 1315 27th. Dean Ethel Miss, music teacher 1125 8th, r same. Dean Geo. D., bridge contr 822 M, r same. Dean Georgie M. Miss, packer H. Fisher & Co, r 822 M. Dean H. E. Mrs, dressmkr 1125 8th, r same. o • Dean Julia A. Mrs, r 1516 D. Dean Maria L. Miss, r 1516 D. CO Dean O. S. (Keller & Dean), r 725 G. Dean Wm. H., emp C E Ry Co, r 1315 27th. CD Deane Mrs, r 903 S. Deane Bros. (F. L. and H. L.), groceries 2001 J. Deane Frank L. (Deane Bros.), r 2001 J. Deane Herbert L. (Deane Bros.), r 2001 J. Dearborn Edwin, hunter, r 1405 O. Deardorff Sallie Mrs, r 806 H. Debrunner A., lab S P Co, r 1231 alley bet I and J. De Busman Pearl Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1314 3d. Decamo Manuel, emp Sacramento Coal Co, r Broderick. CD Decker H. W., insp S P Co, r 1900 K. Decker John, emp Fashion Stables, r 516 K. CCf 5 Decker M. Mrs, r 1518 N. Decker Richd, r 1900 K. CO DeCoe Culver A., musician, r 2111 M. DeCosta Arthur, emp S P Co, r 1522 7th. a DeCosta D. Mrs, r 1125 F., ® DeCosta Frank, lab, r 413 P. DeCosta J., porter Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1410 C. o DeCosta Jos., barber 904 2d, r same. O Serves Daily more Patrons IT than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY R. D. WHEELER, Prop. I 1012 J Street. 8/0 x SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 179 oR DeCosta Jos., elk S. H. Farley, r 1125 F. •ofi DeCosta T. L., lab S P Co, r 1317 5th. m DeCunie M., lab S P Co. Deeble Thos., elk C. Feldhusen, r 1127 8th. DeFiennes H. R., elk John Breuner, r 717 7th. > DeFremery W. C. B., pres Sacramento Packing and Drying US Co, r S F. DeGroft Thos. J., emp S P Co, 2313 12th. .'o Dehn Henry, bartndr G. Wissemann, r 1118 7th. "0 Dehn Henry, contr and bldr 2801 K, r same. Deiss Chas., baker Sieh & Henn, r 1230 6th. o DeLaguna Frederica Miss, teacher Sacramento High School, r c 905 L. z DeLamater G. W., r 222 P. DeLamater John F., switchman S P Co, r 2320 P. Delamater John H„ r X, bet 29th and 30th. E DeLamater Saml. H., lab, r 2320 P. o < Delaney Ja3., emp M. Cohn, r 113 K. o o Delaney M., lab, r 1230 3d. r Delaney Maud Mrs, r 1230 3d. m Delaney Michael, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1900 I. Delaney P., eng S P Co, r 721 G. y* Delaney W. B., emp S P Co, r 605 F. m Delano A., piper S P Co, r 1103 D. Delano Flora Miss, elk W L & Co, r 721 G. 3 Delano Frank, emp S P Co, r 721 G. Delano J. P., r 721 G. Delaran M. Mrs, r 1405 O. 3 Delbanco E. N. L., emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. DeLigne Augustus A., atty 328$ J, r 221 O. »9 DELMONICO RESTAURANT AND OYSTER PARLORS THE, Morrison & Gault Proprietors, 712-714 K (see top lines). o DeLong Birdie Miss, r Oak Grove. to DeLong Tully, r Oak Grove. 01 p CD DeLbnge J. B., saloon Freeport rd nr Lower Stockton rd, r 3 > same. a DEL PASO SALOON, Cowles & Buckman Proprietors, 615 K. Deluchi G., farmer, r 905 5th. Demar Martin, eng Capital Box Factory, r alley bet Front and 2d, M and N. DeMaranville Chas., r 1812 L. DeMaranville Walter N., collr, r 1812 L. Demartine Andrew, lab, r 8th cor T. DeMartine Jos., r 1118 C. DeMartini John B., bootblk, r 1208 5th. DIXON, BORGESOrt & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, F. Ph!H!DS BrOS. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 180 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CO Demartini Jos., emp Garibaldi Hotel, r 118 L. B DeMartini Rose Mrs, died Apr 9th, 1894. aaaa. •o Dematei John, lab, r Roma Hotel. J* DeMerritt Chas. G., horseshoer C. W. Godard, r 717 P. o DeMerritt Emma F. Miss, r 717 P. o DeMerritt Jennie S. Miss, r 717 P. CO DeMerritt Watson B., horseshoer C. W. Godard, r 717 P. a* DeMerritt Wm. A., driver W F & Co, r 1723 15th. s Deming C. L., fireman S P Co. < Demmon Chas. F., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1131 0. O AC Demonceau Thos, mach S P Co, r 315 Q. JE <*• z Denel S. J., elk S P Co. !3 Denham , farmer, r 1006J 2d. 0) Denham Jas. F., elk W L & Co, r 907 L. 8* Denison Jos. L., r 1126 F. CO o Denman C. L., r Golden Eagle Hotel. CD < Denman John, horse trainer, r 1931 G. e o Dennery Alphonse, r 702 N. Q. Id Dennie Jas. M., r 322 M. S Dennie L. Miss, emp State Printer, r 322 M. Dennis A. J„ r 3d bet L and M. 2 2 Dennis E. R. Mrs, r 1515 L. Dennis L. L. Miss, bkkpr The Nonpareil, r 1515 L. cd Dennis Newton T., bkkpr Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r «*•* 1515 L. CO Dennison Danl., horse trainer, r 1830 E. Dennison John, rpr S P Co, r 1830 E. Dennison Minnie Miss, stenog Baker & Hamilton, r 1830 E. Dennison W. fi., sec City Street Imp Co, r S F. Denny Edw.. r Broderick. Denny Frank H., appr S P Co, r Broderick. GC Denny J. Mrs, r Broderick. Denny John, mach S P Co, r Broderick. Denny Nellie Miss, dressmkr, r Broderick. Denny Tessie Miss, r Broderick. Dent Alfred, butcher H. Shulmeyer, r 1425 2d. Dent J. R., butcher, r 1425 2d. DENTON CHARLES H., Real Estate and Insurance, 1007 4th, r 608 14th (see adv). Denton Esther C. Mrs, r 608 14th. Denton Fannie Miss, r 2619 P. c/S Denton Frank, elk, r 2619 P. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory ofSacaat^te = LOOK OUT PobUahad. Silver Plated Ware and L L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. C^3 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 181 Denton Jas. E. Rev., pastor First Christian Church, r 1516 0. Denton Lillie M. Miss, elk, r 608 14th. Denton Nehemiah N., r 2619 P. Denver Annie Miss, r 1425 9th. Denver Patrick, emp S P Co, r 1425 9th. De Pauli Antone, lab Capital Gas Co, r 1504 Q. Depoister Frank, horse trainer, r 624 23d. Depot Hotel, B. U. Steinman propr, ft 2d. CTD Depue — Mrs., r 820 M. DePuy Edw. S., carriage painter 1012 9th, r 1717 N. DePuy Mary Mrs., r 1717 N. DeRiso Frank, emp S P Co, r Broderick. DeRiso Vincent, baker, r Broderick. Derman Albert, clerk W L & Co, r 1513 E. Derman Geo. L., molder S P Co, r 1513 E. Derman Geo. W., r 1513 E. g- n ft Derman Pauline Mrs, r 2722 M. Derman Wm. F., jeweler J. N. Phillips, r 1513 E. Derr E. J. Mrs., r 2230 O. IS? Derr Harry H., cashier 8 P Co, r 2230 O. «s«s. •0O0 Derr Jesse W., emp C E Ry Co, r 2219 J. cro _ Deschler Jos., bartndr A. L. Campe, r 1011 14th. Deseve JohnB., shoemkr, 1009 9th, r 1214 9th. Desmond Danl. J„ hose driver Engine Co No 2, r 1025 I. Desmond Michael J, elk Police Court, I cor Front, r 412 N. SS DeSuiza John, lab S P Co, r 218 L. Deterding Chas. W., milk vender, r 1911 O. Determan Frank, r 1228 E. Deitrich Louis, died Aug 25th 1894. tr- Dettling Frank, brewer City Brewery, r Wm Tell House. » PI Deuel Ernest C, dentist 1000 J, r 1104 G. Devin Chas., r 804 K. Devin Edna Miss, r 1417 I. Devin John B., mach, r 2605 O. ^4 Devin Josephine Mrs, died March 17th, 1894. 00 Devin L. A. Mrs, lodgings 929 K. Devin Lee A., mail carrier, r 2130 N. Devin Wm. B., livery 1017 K, r 1029 K. Devine Mrs, r Mansion House. Devine Bernard, emp S P Co, r 805 N. s \ * Devine Edw., emp Ml Hirsch, r 4th nr N. m O . Devine Edwin L., r 1 £26 11th. 2 < I Devine E. V. Mrs, r 526 11th. Devine Henry H., bkkpr Sullivan-Kelly Co, r 805 N. > 2 Devine Jas. B., atty, r 1526 11th. If. o Devine Jas. F., painter S P Co, r 1215 G. c 0) o Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COB. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, SCO K&AfllEB Heal Estate and Insurance 19 TSS K «T, 8ACRAMEKTO, CAI*

182 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 Devine Jas. H., marble wks 726 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and VI L, r same. fi . Devine Jas. J., comp The Bee, r 1322 Q. Devine J. C. Mrs, r 1319£ 4th. ^ p Devine J. Edw., r 1319£ 4th. Devine John O, r 726 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. Devine Mamie Miss, r 1319£ 4th. Devine Martin, atty and notary 900 7th, r 1016 15th. Devine Mary Mrs, nurse 1030 9th, r same. Devine May Miss, emp State Printer, r 1030 9th. W «? Devine Wm. H„ groceries 830 N, r same. g . Monuments and Statuari! SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 185 Dodge E. A. Mrs^ glove mfr 1017 9th, r same. Dodge E. R., r 919 F. > Dodge Guy E., moved to San Jose, Cal. Dodge Josie Mrs, r Broderick. CO Dodge J. R., fireman S P Co. Dodge Lydia Mrs, r 222 P. Dodge Orlando W., gardener, r 5th nr X. ato* Dodge Oscar P., mgr Jones, Fisch & O'Malley, r 1614 G. O Dodge Van C, mach hand 0. R. Amsden, r 716 13th. Dodge W. C, r 716 13th. i Dodson J. Neal, comp State Printer, r 1204 10th. CO Doe W., emp S P Co, r 609* I. Doebler H. C, elk R. J. Gordon, r 1018 2d. Doherty Ann Mrs, furn rms 122 K. Doherty Celia Miss, dressmkr 1512 K, r same. ? Doherty E. Mrs, r 1512 K. vb Doherty Jane E. Mrs, r 1227 K. r*. Doherty Jas., emp S P Co, r 1512 K. 1 Doherty Jas. F., elk. r 1227 K. Doherty John W., heater S P Co, r 1512 K. Doherty Kitty Miss, dressmkr Miss C. Doherty, r 1512 K. DOHERTY MALCOM C, Groceries, Hay, Grain and Feed, 801 M, r same. r-> Doherty Mattie Miss, elk Hale Bros. & Co, r 1227 K. 3^ Doherty Philip, lab, r Wood's Hotel. r- DC Doherty R. Mrs, r 1415 5th. -- Dohn Lulu Miss, emp State Printer, r 912 13th. S3* *70 Doig John, r 1012 O. o ^C Dolan Bernard, r 901 Front. z >- Dolan B. O., lab S P Co, r Broderick. «—> cr> Dolan Frank, r 1111 3d. <•> rn Dolan Jas., lab S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. <—5 Dolan Jesse, mach S P Co, r Broderick. O Dolan John, painter, r 328J K. Dolan John H. (Dolan & Middlemass), and (Dolan, Middle- mass & Co), r 1330 7th. Dolan Jos., plumber, r 1320 2d. Dolan Michael E., fireman S P Co, r Broderick. t DOLAN & MIDDLEMASS (John H. Dolan and Joseph H. Middlemass), Wholesale and Retail Grocers, nw cor 7th P* -sak and N. § £ i Dolan, Middlemass & Co (J. H. Dolan, J. H. Middlemass and oo C/l J R. Q. Cunningham), meat mkt, 1328 7th. Serves Daily more Patrons T than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND It STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0rtl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K SL Open Day ftNteh t Oyster Parlor 186 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Dolan Patrick, lab S P Co, r 1320 2d. Doland FrankF., r 1113 8th. Doland Wm., driver Freund & Long, r Windsor Hotel Dole Enoch, driver State Printer, r 1721 4th. Doley Lenore Miss, r 613 14th. Domingos John, carp S P Co, r 721 G. Dominguez Nicholas A., barber A. Wilson, r 813 M. Donaca Mrs, emp L. Elkus Co. Donaca Richd. W, bartndr Western Hotel, r 1013 Q. Donahue Agnes Miss, bkkpr Mrs B. Doscher, r 331 12th. Donahue Jas., r 1218 5th. Donahue J. F., bkmn S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Donahue John, r 2319 K. Donahue John, emp S P Co, r J st rd nr 36th. Donahue Jos., appr S P Co, r 331 12th. Donahue M., comp, r 1113 3d. Donahue Ralph, r 1930 K. Donahue Ruth I. Miss, elk W L & Co, r 2319 K. Donaldson Geo. J. C Surveyor, r Broderick. Dondaro Chas., lab, r 1813 3d. Dondaro Delia Miss, r 1813 3d. Dondaro Jos. emp Capital Box Factory, r 1813 3d. Dondaro Mary Miss, r 1813 3d. Donley John, plumber 1021 10th, r 1617 10th. Donnalle John J., elk P O, r 1117 8th. Donnalle Kate Mrs, r 1117 8th. Donnelly Edw. M., saloon 1001 K, r 929 K. Donnelly Jas., emp Marsh & Hornlein, r 316 K. Donnelly Jos., carp S P Co, r International Hotel. Donnelly Wm. H., bartndr E. M. Donnelly, r 1014 10th. Donoho Ellen Mrs, r 506 8th. Donoho Fred. G., tailor, r 506 8th. Donohue Patrick, lab, r 1619 13th. Donovan Alexander, nurse 1120 17th, r same. Donovan Alice Miss, teacher, r 813 P. Donovan C. Mrs, lodgings 801 7th. Donovan Jas., r 328 10th. Donovan John, fireman, r 1714 Donovan M. Mrs, r 813 P. Donovan May Miss, teacher, r 813 P. Donovan Nellie, dom 2003 K. DonsingG. F., bottler Buffalo Brewing Co. Dooley Jas. F., elk S P Co, r 1717 M. Dooley Kate Mrs, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. Dooley Maggie Miss, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. Dooley Mamie Miss, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. THE AMERICAN CASH ST0BEL™Dr^S ~ COR. 8TH AN* K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. Ct> SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 187' Dooley Thos. J., lab S P Co, r 708 D. Dooly Edmond, died Oct 2d, 1894. Dooly Edmund J., r 1828 Q. Dooly M. Mrs, r 1828 Q. Dooly Michael, tel opr, r 1828 Q. Dooly Stella Miss, dressmkr Mrs F. A. Webb, r 1828 Q. Doonine Jeremiah, lab, r 1025 Front. Doran Ellen Mrs, r 715 N. Doran Jas., r 1718 7th. Doran John E., eng S P Co, r 1718 7th. Doran John S., stereotyper Record-Union, r 715 N. Dore John, emp A. Heilbron & Co, r 14th bet B and C. Dorland Wm. L., eng S P Co, r 1515 5th. Dorman Geo. M., collr F. Mason, r 1229 F. Dorman Henry, mgr F. Mason, r 2627 J. Dorman John, insp S P Co, r 624 16th. Dorman Louise Miss, dressmkr, r 2627 J. Dormer E. Mrs, r 1924 M. Dormer Herman, carp, r 1323 17th. Dormer John M., comp State Printer, r 1305 L. Dormer Rudolph N., carp, r 1924 M. Dorsey Chas. A., comp Record-Union, r 1519 5th. Dorsey Francis Miss, r 1409 10th. Dorsey J. R., blksmith S P Co, r 612 F. Dorsey L. P., comp State Printer, r 1201 J. Dorsey L. P. Mrs., nurse, 1409 10th, r same. Dorsey R., emp S P Co, r 604 F. Dosch Chas. F., elk D. Dierssen Co, r 1602 G. Dosch Chas. H., painter 522 15th, r same. Dosch Edw., r 600 23d. Dosch Fred., tinsmith S P Co, r 600 23d. ' Dosch Geo. F., emp Mebius & Drescher, r 1602 G. Dosch Hattie Miss, r 600 23d. Dosch Walter L., elk W F & Co, r 1602 G. DOSCHER B. MRS, Groceries and Provisions, ne cor D and 12th, r same. Doty Irvin, fireman, r 1114 7th. Doty Jas., watchman Western Hotel, r same. Doty John B., driver Western Hotel, r 1120 5th. Dougherty Edw., saloon 1831 Front, r same. Dougherty Emma Miss, teacher Marshall Primary School. Dougherty John F., r 721 I. Dougherty Wm. A., lab, r 1831 Front. * Douglas C. Miss, r 915 T. Douglas Erastus, lab, r 111919th. o Douglas Hattie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1103 D. SHOW CASES „T2flCT* pjPP"ja-api n I r;

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 188 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Douglas H. N. Mrs, r N nr 3d. Douglas Jas., r Tremont Hotel. Douglas Jas. A., policeman, r 701 E. Douglas Jas. S., lab S P Co, r 1315 7th. Douglas John, lab Carlaw Bros, r 915 T. Douglas John J. F., collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 111919th. Douglas Jos., lab S P Co, r 411 L. Douglas K. L. Mrs, r 1106 I. Douglas Patrick, lab S P Co, r 915 T. Douglas Philip, foreman S P Co, r 1103 D. Douglas R. C. Mrs, lodgings 1022 5th, Douglas Richd S., butcher G. Llewellyn, r 1001 Q. Douglas Robt. C, mach S P Co, r 1022 5th. Douglas T., elk Red House Co, r 915 T. Douglas Wm., granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 915 T. Douglas Wm. G., helper S P Co, r 1119 19th. Douglas Wm. W., dep State Controller, r 1106 I. Douglass John, r 1007£ 4th. Dovall F., lab S P Co, r 329 P. Dowd E. L., farmer, r Dillman Tract. Dowd Michael, emp C. E. Ry Co, r 2800 N. Dowe Jos., mach 8 P Co, r 829 E. Downer A., r 1116 U. Downer A. L., r 1116 U. Downer John A., janitor P O, r 1310 7th. Dswner Oscar M., mach 217 L, r Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Downes Ellen Mrs, r 416 12th. Downes Matthew T., emp S P Co, r 416 12th. Downey Wm., lab r 1025 Front. Downing Frank, eng S P Co, r 919 E. Downs J. R., elk, r Union Hotel. Doyle Josephine Mrs, r U nr 14th. Doyle Mary Miss, r 1117 I. Doyle Sarah Mrs, r 823 12th. Doyle Thos., student, r 1324 I. Doyle Wm., r 1730 P. Doyle Wm., rpr S P Co, r 2707 6th. Dozier J. R., emp H. G. Melvin, r 1 bet 4th and 5th. Drake J. Mrs., turn rms 104 K. Dray Arthur F., wood, coal and feed, I cor 20th, r 1323 I. Dray Bruce L., cashier Pac M Life Ins Co, r 1323 I. Dray F. R., r 1323 I. Dreman Annie M. Miss, r 1620 I. Dreman John F., County Supervisor, r 422 I. rear.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'S is the only Directory ofSacramenfO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 189 CO Dreman Benj. W., painter, r 1620 I. Drescher Philip C. (Mebius & Drescher), r 1423 H. Drescher Valentine, comp Record-Union, r 1918 K. Dresser S., pressman State Printer, r 918 15th. Drew Josephine Miss, r 1515 0. Drew Levi H., r 1419£ Q. Drew Minnie Miss, bkkpr N. L. Drew, r 2216 O. DREW MOSES M., Chief of Police I cor Front, r 1515 0. DREW NATHAN L., Real Estate and Insurance 408 J, r 2216 O. DREW WARREN F. (Cook & Drew), r 1222 Q. Dreyer Fred. W., r 1015 C. Dreyer H., carp S P Co, r Brighton. Dreyer John H., cook, r 1015 C. Dreyer Wm. M. L., bartndr John Black & Sons, r 1117 Front. Dreyfoos Cyrus, elk N. Zemansky, r 1018 E. Dreyfuss Julius, r 328$ K. Dreyfuss Moses, msgr Day & Joy, r 922 17th. Driemeyer Edw., r 1309 4th. Driemeyer Edw. F., emp Sacramento Warehouse Co, r 1309 4th. DRIESBACH FLORENCE MRS, Dressmaking 725 I, r same. DREISBACH FRANK K., Proprietor Monarch Cigar Fac­ tory 628 I, r 725 I. Drinkall Jos., elk W L & Co, r 721 H. Driscoll Jas., lab, r 808 T. Driscoll John (Root, Neilson & Co), r Golden Eagle Hotel. Driscoll Katie Miss, emp F. Mason, r 1122 G. Driscoll Mamie Miss, r Golden Eagle Hotel. Driver Grant S., elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 725 G. Driver Philip S. (Driver & Sims) and notary 401 J, r 2518 L. DRIVER & SIMS (P. S. Driver and Wm. Sims), Attorneys- at-Law, 401 J. Drohan John E.. pressman Carrington & Anderson, r 730 K. Drohan M., carp Siller Bros. Druge Otto D., emp C E Ry Co, r Oak Park. Drumgold Andy, r 425 11th. Drumgold John J., boilermkr S P Co, r 425 11th. Drumgold Julia Miss, r 425 11th. Drumgold Lizzie Miss, r 425 11th. Drumgold Maggie Miss, r 425 11th. Drumgold Nora Miss, r 425 11th. Drumgold Robt., boilermkr S P Co, r 425 11th. Drumgold Wm., blksmith, r 718 M. Drummond Emma C. Mrs, furn rms 516 K. Serves Daily more Patrons I than any other two Grocery cpR.' 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f^eal Estate and Insurance (ElME.. 785 K ST, 8ACKAMKXTO, CAL. 190 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Drummond Wm. E., pressman, r 516 K. Drummond Wm. J., r 1016 18th. Drury John, painter G. B. Blue & Son, r 2308 K. Dryer R. P. N., upholsterer 8 P Co, r Brighton. Dryden Sydney R., died June 15tb, 1894. Duane Francis, elk H. Casey, r 800 M. Dubacher Mary Mrs, r alley 19th and 20th, 0 and P. Dubecher John, lab, r Oak Park. Duchene Jean E., baker, r 1313 9th, Duden E. Fred., official court reporter Court House, r 1017 L. Duden Florence A; Miss, bkkpr The Singer Mfg Co, r 1027 I. Duden Frank, r 1212 10th. DUDEN WILLIAM L., Manager Waterhouse & Lester, r 710 N. Dudgeon Wm., elk W L & Co, r 400 K. Dudley E., farmer, r 2018 19th. Dudley J. Monroe, carp, r 2906 F. Duensing Louis, upholsterer S P Co, r 703 O. Duftee Edw. B., lab S P Co, r 2429 L. Duffee Jas., saloon Broderick, r same. Duftee Walter B., saloon Broderick, r same. Duffee Wm., r Broderick. Duffy Catherine Mrs, r 1611 E. Duffy Frank, driver Wilson i x u, L^A. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS,, 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 192 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Dunn Sarah, dom, r 1907 4th. Dunn Thos., emp S P Co, r 1907 4th. Dunn Thos. J., contr and bldr, 1722 6th, r same. Dunn Wm., r 616 H. Dunn Wm., driver Engine Co. No. 3, r 1222 19th. Dunne Jos., finisher John Breuner, r 1023 6th. Dunnigan Edw. 0., student, r 706 9th. Dunnigan Jas. M., foreman S P Co, r 1119 F. Dunning Minne Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r H st rd nr 36th. Dunning Patrick, molder S P Co, r H st rd nr 36th. Dunphy Geo. (Walsh & Dunphy), r 2115 L. Dunphy Jas., appr S P Co, r 2115 L. Dunsing John, r 20th cor Q. Dunster Mary Miss, music teacher 711 M, r same. Dunster W. H., stokkpr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 719£ J. Dunster L. E. Mrs, r 2316 P. Duran Edw. C, emp Clunie Opera House, r 727 M. Durand John, r 1111 3d. Durant Wm. A., upholsterer W. D. Comstock, r 626 L. Durenberger Michael, tailor O. Hanson, r 519 J. During Ambrose, helper S P Co, r 812 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. Durkee Chas. M., electrician S P Co, r 610 G. Durkin Delia, dom 1630 G. Durkin Edw., emp S P Co, r 120 I. Durkin Mary, dom 722 9th. Durkin Michael, lab 8 P Co, r 1825 Front. Durno Peter, molder 8 P Co, r 902J 7th. Durrer Frank, lab, r Oak Grove. Dutcner W. P., nurse S P Hospital Assn, r 13th cor C. Dutrich L., lab Carlaw Bros. Dutschke Lillie, dom 829 O. Dutton Chas. S„ appr S P Co, r 2404 G. Dutton Wm. B., emp S P Co, r 2404 G. Duvall Adelaide Miss, dressmkr, r 1022 O. Duvall J. B., tailor 1022 O, r same. Duvall John C, lab S P Co, r 1329 5th. Dwenger Wm. H., r 914 alley bet Q and R. Dwight Geo. L„ millwright Pioneer Flour Mills, r Pacific Hotel. Dwinell Wm., sec Adams-Booth Co, r 1210 O. Dwyer Edw., upholsterer S P Co, r 323 N. Dwyer Edw. J., atty and notary 1009 7th, r 1609 J. Dwyer Ellen Mrs, r 600 N. Dwyer Frank, elk S. Dwyer, r 1609 J. DWYER F. T„ President Sullivan Kelly Co, r 600 N. ft. CLARK & SONS, *H9 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite 10th and R Sts. and Marble Works SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 193 Dwyer Geo. A., elk S. Dwyer, r 1609 J. Dwyer Helena G. Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 718 P. Dwyer John J., elk Sullivan Kelly Co, r 600 N. Dwyer Jos., r 1027 I. Dwyer Kittie Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 713 P. o* Dwyer Mary Miss, r 1609 J. Dwyer Michael, capitalist, r 613 J. DWYER STEPHEN, Groceries, Provisions, Hay and Grain, ne cor 16th and J, r 1609 J. Dwyer Stephen T., painter S P Co, r 609£ I. Dwyer Thos., painter S P Co, r 415 15th. Dwyer Thos. E., student, r 600 N. Dwyer Timothy, baker, r 713 P. Of"— Dwyer Timothy S., painter, r 713 P. Dwyer Wm. L., elk S. Dwyer, r 1609 J. GO L^O Dwyer Wm. P., r 600 N. Dyer Edw. L., lab S P Co, r 1014 20th. Dyer Harry, r 426 L. Dyer J. H., bkmn S P Co. Dyer John, mach S P Co, r 428 10th. Dyer Thos., r Broderick. Xfl E £r> Eades Jos., r 707 E. £ Eades Mary A. Mrs, nurse 707 E, r same. o b Eadon Elise E. Mrs, r 1323 J. SO Eadon Julia Mrs, milliner Mrs M. M. Parkenson, r 418 0. 5*5 fc1* Eagan Wm., lab S P Co, r Broderick. EAGLE CONFECTIONERY AND BAKERY. Wm. Gropp ?foc •» Proprietor, 826 K. —i Eagle Winery, 1517 18th. rt> •TT Eames Thos. J., shipper S P Co, r 2406 J. U) |5 Eanis E. Mrs, dom, r 1711 13th. •bO ^s Earhart Sallie Miss, typewriter, r 714 I. W* . EARL EDWIN T., President The Earl Fruit Co, r Sutter a<*>• . Club. o•* Earl—THE EARL FRUIT CO, Edwin T. Earl President, til Los Angeles, and Sacramento 1014 2d. Earl Wm. E., harnessmkr J. D. Lord, r 725 I. Earle Edwin E., bkkpr H. K. Wallaee, r 912 14th. Earle Harry H., bkkpr Kirk, Geary & Co, r 1111 28th. Earle Henry W., plumber 8 P Co, r 2728 F. Earle Herbert B., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 912 14th. Earle H. H., emp C E Ry Co. Earle Mary E. Mrs, r 912 14th. Earle Patrick M., emp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Serves Daiiy more Patrons E than any other two Grocery 13 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. M. MORRISON . M. GAULT me Deimonioo RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. doen Day and llnK. OYSTER PARLORS 194 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 2£* Earley Annie M. Miss, dressmkr, r 1116 8th. East Park, I cor 31st. EAST PARK RESORT. M. F. Groeneveld Proprietor, East £ •; 3 Park.

«' OB Easterbrook Jas. S., teamster, r 1223 C. a « Easterbrook Maggie Miss, emp F. Mason, r 1223 C. Easterbrook Stella Miss, emp State Printer. » (2 Easterbrooks Benj., r 1418 J. o ."ag *2 a. s Eaton Mrs, r 827 D. 9 Eaton Baxter, plumber, r 922 O. go a Eaton Chas., hostler H. M. Johnson, r 817 25th.. Eaton D., r 1121 Front. » 9*2 P . * Eaton Geo. A., elk Beesley & Sou, r 1415 21st. w Eaton Harry R., bartndr W. A. Barieau, r 323 N. MO Eaton L. V. Miss, r 817 25th. ^ . Eaton M. E. Mrs, r 922 O. M 0) Eaton Nora Miss, r 922 O. Eaton Warren L., cigars 1018 4th, r alley bet 3d and 4th, J 00 and K. EBEL FREDERICK A.", Proprietor The Park Nursery 1601 CO 10th, r same. Ebel Lucy D. Miss, r 160110th. Ebel Mark H., florist O. B. Strong & Co, r 1601 10th. Eberhardt Adam, tinner 8 P Co, r Highland Park. *• Eberhardt D. Mrs, r 2108 I. EBERHARDT WILLIAM, Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammu­ nition, Locksmith and Billiard Table Repairer, 528 K, r tf 0 same. Eberle John, harnessmkr J. Janson, r 1015 5th. Ebert Bertha Miss, teacher Union Primary School, r 529 J. Ebert Edith C. Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 529 J. Ebert E. G., merchant tailor 529 J, r same. Ebert Geo. E., elk E. G. Ebert, r 529 J. Ebert Lillie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 529 J. J EBNER BROS CO (Frank X. Ebner and John Gruhler), Wholesale Liquors, 116 and 118 K. Telephone 364. Ebner Frank X. (Ebner Bros Co), r 903 I. W Ebner Hattie Miss, r 903 I. EBNER HOTEL, Leo Fischer Proprietor, 116 K. Ebner Lulu Miss, r 903 I. CO Eby Thos. M., elk Surveyor General, r 1622 L. Echternach W. H., hostler D. Gillis, r 917 8th. Eck Frank F., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1900 N. ECKHARDT FREDERICK, Proprietor Butchers' Home Saloon, 1020 J, r same. Serves Daily more Patrons « than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY ' 1012 J Street...... SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 195 Eckhardt Henry, r 523 K. Eckhardt Katie M. Miss, r 523 K. ECKHARDT WILLIAM H., Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle and Cutlery, 523 K, r same. Eckman Henry L., groceries, 331 P, r 1528 4th. Eckmann Julius (Eckmann & Steinmeyer), r 7th, cor P. Eckmann & Steinmeyer (J. Eckmann and H. L. Steinmeyer), groceries, 7th cor P. Eddlinger Harry, died Jan 17fh, 1894. Eddy Wm., liquors 10th cor M, r 904 L. Edelstein Louis, r Hotel Rhein. Edge C. I. Miss, r 8th cor Y. Edge Edw. R., eng, r 8th cor Y. Edginger Frank A., train dispatcher S P Co, r 731 M. Edler A. F„ cigarmkr, r 713 G. Edler Agnes Mrs, r 713 12th. Edler Arthur, emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 713 12th. Edler Oscar A., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 713 G. Edler Otto J., plumber, r 713 12th. Edler Sylvester, tinner Carlow & Miller, r 713 12th. Edmondson Robt., r 31st cor S. Edwards Ann Mrs, r Oak Park. Edwards Arthur W., molder S P Co, r 512 8th. Edwards B. L., farmer, r Freeport rdlms city limits. Edwards Chas. H, lab, r 328 S. Edwards Fred., r F cor 17th. Edwards Mamie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r Oak Park. Edwards Wm., elk, r 1700 3d. Egan Bros. (F. M. and II. L.), cigars 821 K. Egan Frank M. (Egan Bros.), r 1731 N. Egan Geo. J., elk J. Woodburn, r 1825 P. Egan Harry L. (Egan Bros.), r 1124 I. Egan Jas., lab, r 1914 11th. Egan John, opr W U T Co, r 1112 15th. Egan Jos. T., r 1323 F. Egan Michael, emp S P Co, r 1323 F. Egan Wilbur R., elk, r 1124 I. Egan Wm. H., barber 1800 I, r 410 J. Egbert Lulu, dom 712 H. Egeberg Emil L., r 915 P. Egeberg Juel C, nurse S P Co Hospital Assn, r 915 P. Egeberg Lorenz, wood wkr G. B. Blue & Son, r 915 P. Eger Lucian, mgr Jos. Thieben Crockery Co, r 601 N. Egl Alice Miss, r 917 G. Egl Arthur, bkkpr, r 917 G. Egl Emilie Mrs, r 917 G. DIXON. BORGESOrt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. 9. T. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 196 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. C0 Egl Ilelene Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 917 G. Ehmann Addie Miss, stenog, r 1236 I. Ehmann Carrie Miss, r 1236 I. Ehmann Chris. (Ehmann & Co), r 1236 I. O EHMANN & CO. (Chris. Ehmann), Choice Family Gro­ o ceries and Provisions, 1028 and 1030 J, Telephone 148. Ehmann Emma Miss, r 1236 I. CO Ehmann Henry C, died Dec 17th, 1894. Ehmann Lillie Miss, bkkpr Ehmann & Co, r 1236 I. Ehret Jos., carp 8 P Co, r 1625 19th. Ehret Louis, emp Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1625 19th. Ehret Michael, lab S P Co, r 1821 M. Ehret Stephen, appr S P Co, r 1625 19th. Ehrhardt Fred., emp M. F. Odell, r 1020 K. Ehrhart Katie, dom 902 N. Eib Geo. E.,insp S P Co, r Red Bluff. Eichrodt Max, draftsman S P Co, r 803 M. Eikenberg J. H., restaurant 415 K, r 405£ K. Eilers Chris. H., elk F. H. Eilers, r 1501 10th. Eilers D. W., r 1501 10th. Eilers Fred. H., groceries 1501 10th, r same. Eilers Pauline M. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 150110th. Eilers Theo. G., sec and treas Cooper Music Co, r 1233 Q. Eirich Emma Miss, r H cor 31st. Eirich John, carbldr S P Co, r H cor 31st. Eirich Michael, r H cor 31st. Eisenmenger Fred., solr Western Hotel, r same. Eiser Andrew, r 318 Q. Eiszler John, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 608 10th. Eiszler John Jr., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 608 10th. Eiszler Sherman, bellboy State House Hotel, r 608 10th. Eiszler, Wm. A., elk State House Hotel, r 608 10th. Eitel A. Mrs, r 1700 J. EKINS GROVE F„ General Secretary Y M C A, r Lull House. Ekstrom A. G., r 1218 4th. Ekstrom Chas. M., rpr S P Co, r 1218 4th. Ekstrom Maltie, r 1218 4th. Elbmirt C. Bren, r 1005 E. Elder Jos., candymkr Welch Bros, r 607 J. Elder M. L. Mrs, r 1001 I. EL DORADO SALOON, Lachenmeyer & Faig Proprietors, 826 J. Eldred Chester W., r 2119 J. Eldred Cora Miss, cashier Hale Bros & Co, r 2309 1. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted's is the only Directory ofSacramcntx; LOOK OUT PabUaned* L. L. LEWIS & GO. 'MhLMMm '502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento, Cal, SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 197 Eldred Frank, r 619 J. Eldred Frank E., eng Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, r 1725 N. Eldred Geo. B., mail carrier, r 2228 K. Eldred Gilman S., elk W L & Co, r 2309 I. ELDRED HOUSE, W. A. Brown Proprietor, 1010 K. Eldred Isaac, farmer, r H st rd nr 40th. Eldred Lafayette L., painter, r 2119 J. Eldred M. D. Mrs, dressmkr, r 2309 I. * Eldred Myrom D.. r 2309 I. Eldred Nelson G., emp C E Ry Co, r 915 20th. Eldred Nelson K., emp C E Ry Co, r 915 20th. Eldred Sidney, r 921 K. Elder Wm J., mgr Wm. Land, r State House Hotel. Eley S. A., wood turner Capital Furniture Co, r 1119 I. El Fredo M., patent medicines 1317 9th, r same. Elkington John, eng r J st rd nr 36th. Elkins Walter, r 419 L. Elkus Albert, vice pres The L. Elkus Co, r 1512 M. ELKUS E. S., General Outfitters 922 and 924 J, r 809 L. Elkus Geo. W., emp E. S. Elkus, r 1623 J. Elkus Gus, elk W L & Co, r 605 N. Elkus H. Mrs, r 605 N. Elkus Louis* pres The L. Elkus Co, r S F. Elkus—The L. Elkus Co, L. Elkus pres, mfrs men's furnishing goods 101 J. Ellery Wm* carp S P Co. r 1917 C. ELLIOT HENRY, Contractor and Builder, Plans Furnished and Estimates Given, 1017 10th, r 1720 N. Elliot A. Fred., farmer, r 1200 K. Elliott Andrew W., emp S P Co, r 708 P. Elliott Carlos, emp Mrs A. Keene, r 1226 7th. Elliott Chas. J., rpr S P Co, r 907 alley bet 9th and 10th F and G. ELLIOTT CHRISTOPHER A., Attorney-at-Law and No­ tary rm 3, 627 J, r 1708 N. Elliott E. Alice Miss, dressmkr, r 1719 14th. Elliott Edgar E., teamster, r 2704 N. Elliott Edw. J., farmer, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Elliott Etta Mrs, r 1226 I. Elliott Etta Miss, elk W L & Co, r 708 P. Elliott Eva Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 708 P. Elliott Frank A., teamster, r 2704 N. Elliott Fred. (Elliott & Haggerty), r 717 L. Elliott Geo. A., carp S P Co, r 813 P. ELLIOTT & HAGGERTY (F. Elliott and D. J. Haggerty), Proprietors The Peerless Saloon, 809 K. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery •OR. 8TH ANa K STREKTS. Stores in Sacramento, t^eal Estate and Insufanee SEI. HtOPIEil. 7SS K HT, SACRAMENTO, CAL Q 198 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 Elliott Ida W. Miss, student, r 708 P. VI Elliott Jas., contr and bldr 1207 L, r same. ft . Elliott Jas. F., teamster, r 2704 N. Elliott Julius, bartndr, r 1025 3d. Elliott Margaret A. Miss, elk W L & Co, r 708 P. Elliott Rebecca M. Miss, milliner Mrs F. Sullivan, r 708 P. Elliott Roberta Mrs, r 1227 K. a 2 Elliott S. A. Mrs, r 1719 14th. Elliott T. L., emp C E Ry Co, r 1010 21st. Elliott Warren G., painter, r 1719 14th. w «? Elliott Wm., r 520 alley bet 5th and 6th, L and M. g v ELLIS CHARLES J., Freight and Ticket Agent Southern M Pacific Co, Front opp J, r 1630 L. « Ellis Edmund, r 830 Q. B Ellis John M., emp C E Ry Co, r 1316 17th. Ellis Teresa Miss, emp State Printer, r 1224 O. Ellis Wm. R., teamster, r 830 Q. Ellithorp S. L. Mrs, r 505 18th. U Ellsworth Chas. H, student, r 1600 K. Ellsworth Chas. H., r 1205 G. W Ellsworth Edw. S., elk J. A. Green, r 1022J J. Ellsworth H., store kpr S P Co, r 1022 J. Ellsworth M. A. Mrs, r 1600 K. Ellsworth Peter H., died June 23d, 1894. Ellsworth Wm. M., saloon K cor 6th, r 1.600 K. Ellwood W. R., elk, r 1111* H. ELM NURSERY, Hugh McWilliams Proprietor, 12th and U. Elsasser F. O, wood carver, r 616 alley bet 6th and 7th, H in and I. Elsom Mrs, r 401 L. o Elster Ralph B., printer D. Johnston & Co, r 505 J. Elsworth Sherman, lab S P Co, r 1228 D. Eiwood Wm. R., elk Perkins & Son, r 1111J H. Elworthy Fred. C, grainer, r 1422 12th. CO Elworthy Fred. W., r 1422 12th. Elworthy Jennie Miss, music teacher 1422 12th, r same. Ely Jas. W., student, r 614 B. Ely J. H. Mrs, r 614 B. I Emanuel Saml., emp H. S. Crocker Co, r 712 N. Emeigh Jacob, died Dec 1st, 1893. Emenn A. Mrs, furn rms 1016 P. Emerine Martin, meat mkt 1024 3d, r 1730 6th. o Emerson F. B., wheelgrinder S P Co, r 527 I. Emerson Harvey G., painter E. S. DePuy, r 1717 N. Emerson J., lab, r Tremont Hotel. w Emerson Sylvester, stonecutter, r 1007£ 4th. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery •OR. «TN AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. iimn. 483 «T St., Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 199 Emery Geo. E., mgr Capital Pkg Co, r Broderick. Emery Sophia C. Miss, died Dec 11th, 1893. Emmanuel Baptist Church, Rev A. J. Sturtevant pastor, 25th cor N. Emory Douglas, driver Fountain Bros, r 1805 12th. Emory J. Mrs, r 1805 12th. Emory Justine, died March 28th, 1894. Emory Norris, r 1805 12th. EMPIRE BROOM FACTORY, Joseph A. LeFavor, Pro­ prietor, 225 J. Empire House, 122 K. Employers' Liability Assurance Co of London, Eng, 231 J. Emptage W. G., rpr S P Co. Encampment Hall, Odd Fellows' Temple, K and 9th. Endergand Albert, lab, r Riverside rd. Enerkum John, dairy J st rd nr 40th, r same. Engine Co No 1, J. E. Sullivan foreman, 1112 2d. Engine Co No. 2, F. P. Humrich foreman 915 10th. Engine Co No. 3, J. L. Jack eng 19th bet. L and M. England W., barber Julier & Buckley, r 1222 4th. Englehart Edw., pressman, r 422 L. Englehart Frank G., r 422 L. Englehart K. Mrs, furn rms 422 L. English Jas., fireman, r 421 10th. English John, watchman Sacra'to Warehouse Co, r Front cor R. » English Lutheran Church, Rev. W. S. Hoskinson pastor, 16th fi bet J and K Engstrom A. E., appr S P Co, r 1407 I. ^ Engstrom Fred. E., coppersmith S P Co, r 1407 I. a g Ennis Chas., waiter J. Bowman, r 106 K. 2 - Ennis Daisy I. Miss, r 1800 O. CO Ennis Jos., lab S P Co, r 1325 3d. X p Ennis Scott F., elk, r 1800 O. U < Ennis S. D. Mrs, r 1800 O. ftp Ennis Wm. H., died Nov. 9th, 1893. jf ^ Enos Frank, emp Mrs A. Keene, r 1226 7th. » Enos Jos., emp M. J. Azevedo & Co, r 1811 P. g •§ Enos Manuel I., groceries 1500 Q, r same. * ft Enright Dennis, rpr S P Co, r 2113 5th. IS D Enright Henry, r 1321 4th. Enright John, blksmith S P Co, r 2113 5th. * Enright Michael, teamster, r 1124 O. t c Enright Roger, plumber, r 1124 O. 2 ff Enright Wm., blksmith S P Co, r 1319 2d. • g EN WRIGHT THOMAS L., Manager Holbroook, Merrill & 2 Stetson, r 1626 K. ' Sr DIXON, BORGESON 3 A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. f\ 1 SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 200 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Enston Edw., barber, r 1026 8th. Entenmann Christina Miss, r 1207 K. Enterprise Soda Works, 1926 0. Entrican David 0., farmer, r 816 P. Entrican D. O. Mrs, boarding 816 P. Epp Louis, carp, r 1110 D. Epperlein Albert, elk, r 705 L. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, C. E. V. Saunders Agent, 402 J. Erauw M. J. Mrs, r Oak Grove. Erauw Prosper, r Oak Grove. Erb Geo. B., stonecutter, r 621 9th. Erb Jos., molder, r 621 9th. Erdody Jos., r Windsor Hotel. Erickson A. T., r 2414 O. Erickson Emma, dom, 1237 I. Erickson John, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1112 J. Erkes Johanna Mrs, r 705 L. ERLEWINE O. W., City Superintendent of Schools and Secretary Board of Education, Odd Fellows' Temple, r 20021. Ernst Adolph G. (Geo. E. Dierssen & Co), r 709 O. Ernst B. Mrs, r 830 O. ERNST J., Manager THE CREAMERIE, a First-Class Restaurant, 612 J, r 722 9th. Esch John, r 1416 K. Eskridge C. J., lab, r 1815 19th. Eskridge Leonard W., porter L. L. Lewis & Co., r 1116 9th. Espenball Richd., horseshoer, r 406 L. Espmosa Josephine Mrs, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Estabrook Benj. H., eng S PCo, r 1310 E. Ester D. H., fireman S P Co. Esterbrook F., lab, r 723 7th. Estes Carrie M. Miss, r 1223 H. Estes C. M. Mrs, r 1223 H. Estes L. W., mach S P Co, r 1223 H. Estes W. B., student W. C. Reith, r 1214 H. Estey Eva Miss, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 612 18th. Estey Ida Miss, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 612 18th. Ettle C. J., carp Merry & Vanina, r O bet 23d and 24th. Etzler M. C, teamster C E Ry Co, r 2428 N. Eugene H., emp S P Co, r Broderick. ' EUREKA STOVE HOUSE, Hirsch & Battorski Proprietors, 725 J. Evans Cora E. Miss, dressmkr, r 1916 M. Evans C. P., r 1425 15th. N, CLARK & SONS, mi Spe"st-SaB Frinclsco Maataf aetttrers aad Dealers If- PARLAW BROS Japorters °f Scotch and all roth and R Sts. otner foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 201 Evans Evan, emp Singer Mfg Co, r 821 6th. •1 Evans Jas. L., porter State Capitol, r 816 alley bet 9th and > 10th, L and M. CO Evans J. M. Mrs, r 1529 E. Evans John R., r 516 K. ?x Evans Lillie Miss, music teacher 1425 15th, r same. b* •BBaS Evans Mamie Miss, r Broderick. to Evans Maud Miss, cashier Am Cash Store, r 427 O. o Evans Thos., watchman, r Brodarick. * z Evans W. Fred., carp S P Co, r 1019 O. © % Evergreen Cemetery, G. W. Ficks Supt, 10th and Y. v* EversEdw., emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1017 10th. CO Evers Herman, elk D Dierssen Co, r 1017 10th. H Eversult Geo. H., boarding, 713 E. J Ewers Birdie Miss, milliner, r 1307 H. 1 > Ewers Carrie Mrs, r 1307 H. Ewers H. Chas., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1307 H. 09 Ewers Lillie Miss, r 1111 8th. 1 r Ewers Nikolaus, died May 26th, 1894. Ewers W. A., insp S P Co, r Colfax. m Ewert Chas. W., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. CO Examiner The, A. J. Wool agt, 730 J. Exempt Firemen's Hall, 8th bet J and K. r-> Eyden H. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 606 M. 55- Eyman Wm. H., painter C. H. Krebs & Co, r Windsor Hotel. t— CO -«3 PA •—t e=J ^~ Fabian Bros. (E. and A.) Groceries, J sw cor 9th. J=S* SB o•- » Fabian Emil (Fabian Bros.), r 1520 M. .-»- so Fabian L. Mr*, furn rms, 1520 M. o 35- Fagan Jas., lab, r 1025£ 10th. Fagerskog Marie, dom 1615 L. Fagg Marion E., carp, r 2110 O. Faig Gottlob (Lachenmeyer & Faig) r 1615 10th. Fain Benton H., painter, r 1621 alley bet 16th and 17th, G and H. Fain Gus. H., painter, r Oak Park. Fair bairn Helen Mrs, r 516 O. Fairbairn Jas. P., emp Sacramento Lumber Co, r 516 O. Fairbairn R. A., carp H. A. Ryder, r Oak Grove. Fairbairn Thos. T., driver Sacramento Lumber Co, r 1815 Front. Fairbanks H. A., mgr National Fruit Association, r 220 O. Fairchild Sarah K. Mrs, r Mansion House. Serves Daily more Patrons K than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STRUTS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUIVT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Nl(0 taurant and Telephone 3S2. 712 and 714 K St. Own Day ftNUh t Oyster Parlor 202 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Fairfield Blanche Miss, r 1802 L. Fairfield May Miss, r 905 Front. Falconer David, contr and bldr, 811 7th, r same. Falconer Donald, carp, r Oak Park. Faley Dennis, died July 2d, 1894. Faley MaUte Miss, emp F. Mason, r 1122 G. Falk E. B., lab, r H st rd nr 40th. Falkenstein Clara Miss, dressmkr Mrs R. H. Byers, r 825 M. Falkenstein John, bartndr J. A, Falkenstein, r 825 M. Falkenstein John A., saloon 726 J, r 825 M. Falkenstrom Chas., tailor O. Hanson, r 1221 7th. Falkinburg R., painter S P Co, r 1321 9th. Falltrick Edw., watchman S P Co, r J st rd nr 38th. Falltrick Lila, dom 2330 M. Faloon John, lab S P Co, r 1822 8th. Fancoli Peter, bartndr J. Scmid, r 120 I. Fankhauser John, r 1328J I. Fann M. E. Mrs, r 1003 I. Farewell Albert, carp S P Co, r 1923 D. Farewell Albert J., lab, r alley bet 10th and 11th. D and E. Farewell John (Kuebler & Farewell), r alley bet 10th and 11th, D and E. Faria Antone, shoemkr 1103 7th, r same. Faris Jas.* farmer, r 1123 H. FARIS JAMES JR. (Faris & Spinks), r 21st nr W. FARIS & SPINKS (James Faris Jr. and Alfred Spinks), General Collection Agency 614 I. Farley Geo., emp S P Co, r 2325 L. Farley J. Mrs, r 1503 L. Farley John C, lab S P Co, r 1723 G. FARLEY STEPHEN H., Groceries and General Merchan­ dise 530 12th, r 1125 F. FARMERS' FEED AND LIVERY STABLE, J. D. Lock- art Proprietor, 1013 and 1015 11th. Telephone 393. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, B. U. Steinman President, E. K. Alsip Vice President, C. H. Cummings Secretary, D. D. Whitbeck Cashier, 300 J. Earn Thos., waiter, r 801 7th. Farnsworth C. W., r 1321 4th. Farnsworth E. J., r 1521 2d. Farnsworth John, r 1521 2d. Farnsworth Mercy Miss, teacher, r 2527 M. Farnsworth Percy E., gardener, r 2110 10th. Farnsworth Wm. C, r 2527 M. Farr David, eng S P Co, r 1322 3d. Farr E. R. Mrs, furn rms 825 J. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 203 Farr F., carp C E Ry Co. Farrar Ezra, r 2109 K. Farrar Gilbert W., emp S P Co, r 1410 G. Farrar G. Wesley, emp S P Co, r 1621 K. Farrell Edw. J., lab S P Co, r 2115 M. Farrell Ella Miss, elk W L & Co, r 2515 I. Farrell Fred T., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1826 M. Farrell H. Mrs, r 420 N. Farrell H. P., bkkpr, r 828 6th. Farrell John H., student, r 1826 M. Farrell John J., emp S P Co, r 2515 I. Farrell John J. Jr., elk W L & Co, r 2515 I. Farrell Jos., boilermkr, r 625 M. Farrell L. F.. emp S P Co, r 828 6th. Farrell L. W., saloon 5311, r 828 6th. Farrell Mamie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 2515 I. Farrell Mary, dom 1003 H. Farrell Mary C. Miss, dressmkr Mrs E. M. Coty, r 420 N. Farrell Patrick, lab, r 2915 Q. Farrell.Tessie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. 3 if Farrell Thos., plasterer, r 2916 Q. TJ -t Farrell T. J., eng S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. to Farren John, horseshoer, r 214 M. <§- Farrow John, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. a Farwell Wm., r 1108 4th. 3 H FASHION STABLES, Schad Bros. Proprietors, 508-514 K O D "I , (see side lines). re Fassett Alice Miss, r 1418 K. to in Fassett Annie Miss, r 1418 K. Fassett Chas. H., emp S P Co, r 1814 O. Fassett Henry H., r 1418 K. Fassett Lydia Mrs, r 1418 K. Fassler Frank, r 814 T. Fassler John, r 125 J. Fately Arthur B., elk B. Wilson & Co, r 925 K. > Fattalini Jos., waiter L. Faure. id) Faulkner O. M., painter, r 728 8th. FAURE LUCIEN, Proprietor Maison Faure, French Restau­ rant, 613 K, r 1018 6th. m Fauret Julian, plasterer, r J st rd nr 40th. Fauser Gustave emp Cal Winery, r V bet 24th and 25th. I fib Favero Chas. E. (Favero & StriflH, r 1227 E. Favero Michael, painter, r 1227 E. c FAVERO & STRIFE (Chas. Favero and John M. Strift), TJ (Successors to Chris Neilsen) Fine Carriages and Wagons, 0) Trimming and Painting, 1013-1015 10th. O DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. 5 SHOW CASES 3V Market Street, S. V. T PMlllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 204 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Fawcett Louisa Mrs, r 1318 4th. Fawcett May F. Miss, died Dec 22d, 1894. Fawcett Pleasant E., paperhanger, r 3026 J. Fawcett Wm. J., furn rms and saloon 130 J, r 1313 4th. Fay Chas. H., r Broderick. Fay Frank, r Broderick. Fay Frank, carp S P Co, r 1629 6th. FAY FRANKLIN G., Phisician and Surgeon. Hours 10 to 12 M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M, 627$ J, cor 7th, Telephone 309, r 1729 G, Telephone 309-3. Fay Geo. M , r Broderick. Fay Henry, teamster, r 715 O. Fay Jennie Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 1629 6th. Fay John, r Broderick. Fay John A., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Fay Maggie L. Miss, stenog F. Hickman, r 1117 10th. Fay Michael, r 1117 10th. Fay Peter, fireman S P Co. Fazzi C, cook County Hospital. Fealy John H., mach S P Co, r 1301 F. Fealy W. T., emp 8 P Co, r 419 L. Federation Labor Hall, 1017 J. Federer Jacob, cabinetmkr Capital Furniture Co, r 1015 8th. Federle Jos., painter S P Co, r 419 10th. Fedlinder H., emp S P Co, r 900 J. Fee Henry, molder, r 1121 Front. Feeley Jas., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 312 12th. Feeney Ellen Miss, r 1117 L. Feeney John J., blksmith S P Co, r 1023 Q. Feeney H. Mrs, r 1521 19th. Feeny Jas. H., mach S P Co, r Broderick. Fehl Chas., emp Capital Gas Co, r 615 P. Fehl Elizabeth Mrs, r 615 P. Fehl Geo. H., r 614 17th. Fehl Louis, r 615 P. Fehr Albert, tinsmith S P Co, r 1905 2d. Fehr Albert A., mach S P Co, r 2107 11th. Feldhusen Annie Miss, r 1127 8th. FELDHUSEN CLAUS, Groceries and Provisions, Wholesale and Retail, 801 and 803 L, r 1127 8th. FELDHUSEN HENRY, with Claus Feldhusen, r 1127 8th. Feldhusen Nicholas, elk C. Feldhusen, r 1127 8th. Felix Frank, pilot, r 1327 3d. Felix Julius L., emp Union Iron Wks, r alley bet N and O, Front and 2d.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HustesTl is the only Directory ofSacramento ? LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stow ^ Ranges. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 205 Fell Albert M., emp S P Co, r 1619 R. CO Fell Richd., horseshoer, r 1619 R. Fellman Frank, baker Pioneer Bakery, r 1214 4th. Fellows E. C, fireman S P Co. Fellows Walter M., lab S P Co, r 224 J. o Fellows Wm. H. H., comp State Printer, r 1709 M. Felsburg G., tailor Joe Poheim, r 919 Ft Felt Adolf, mach S P Co, r 2420 I. Felter Emma Miss, music teacher 619 10th, r same. H Felter Jas. I. (Jas. I. Felter & Co), r 619 10th. Felter Jas. I. & Co (Jas. I. Felter), plows 927 3d. tx Feltes John, truck bldr S P Co, r 120 I. Fenldy Jas., r 1417 28th. Fenley Thos. M., emp C E Ry Co, r 1417 28th. Fenton Arthur D., undertaker John Miller, r 1213 K. tr Fentou Clara Mrs, r 1318 G. o Fenton El bridge S., moved to Oakland, Cal. Fenton Elmo H., r 510 8th. o Fenton Harry S., r 719 0. Fenton H. E„ bolt mkr S P Co, r 1318 G. Fenton Ira B., elk W L & Co, r 1516 N. Fenton John F., elk W L & Co, r 1226 3d. to Fenton Jos. F., r 719 O. Fenton Maurice, emp S P Co, r 719 O. Fenton Nellie T. Miss, elk E. S. Elkus, r 719 O. Fentzling Alfred, waiter J. Haub, r 429 N. Fenz Svbil Mrs., died Sept 24th, 1894. Feraut Bertrand, r J st rd nr Oak Knoll. tr Ferdon J. Mrs., housekeeper 1808 N, Ferguson A. A. Mrs., r 1221 4th. o Ferguson Jas. H., mach S P Co, r 610 O. Ferguson John D., emp S P Co, r 704 N. &s Ferguson John N., r 609 9th. * e Ferguson M. Mrs, furn rms 224 J. % < Ferguson F., r 1121 Front. ft Fern Mary G. W. Mrs, died June 25th, 1894. Fernandez Manuel F., lab, r 224 T. Ferr Albert M., r 917 6th. 8 0 Ferral Walter B., painter S P Co, r 1128 I. Ferrari Jos., bootblk J. P. Foppiano, r alley bet*4th and 5th, ft 06 L and M. B 0 Ferrari Kate Mrs, r 118 N. Ferre Albert E., elk W. L. Helke, r 1617 12th. Ferrea Antone, died Dec. 19th, 1894. Ferrel Geo. H., lab, r 12th cor T. P ft) Ferrel J. P., lab, r 12th cor T. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f^eal Estate and Insurance T*5 K 8T, BACKAMEXTO, CAIi.

206 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Ferrero Anton, lab, r Roma Hotel. Ferris C. Mrs, r 1717 2d. FERRITER MARY C. MRS, Proprietor The Mansion House, 906-914 7th, r same. Ferriter Thos., elk S P Co, r Mansion House. Ferry J. V., lab S P Co, r 314 alley bet 3d and 4th, R and S. Ferry M. C, physician 709 6th, r same. Festler Frank, lab, r Freeport rd J m s city limits. Fetherolf Lafayette, lab, r 1400 2d. Fetherston Frank, pressman H. S. Crocker Co, r 1418 5th. Fetherston Geo. F., harnesmkr M. Wickwire, r 1418 5th. Fetherston Michael F., polisher A. Aitken, r 1418 5th. Fetherston Minnie Miss, r 1418 5th. Fetherston Wm., r 1418 5th. Feusi John (Feusi & Waldisbuehl), r 1731 24th. • Feusi & Waldisbuehl (J. Feusi and B. Waldisbuehl), plumb­ ers and locksmiths 1003 K. Feyhl Gus A., upholsterer Locke & Lavenson, r 323 O. Fical Chas., eng County Hospital, r same. Fickett C. A., r 2706 O. Ficks Blanche Miss, r 916£ 7th. Ficks Edna Miss, r 916£ 7th. Ficks Geo. W., supt Evergreen Cemetery, r 916£ 7th. Fidler R. W., fireman S P Co. Fiedler Fred J., emp Capital Gas Co, r 414 N. Fiedler Geo. H., appr S P Co, r 414 N. Fiedler Max, carp, r 414 N. Fiedler Max Jr, appr S P Co, r 413 N. Field R. S., curios 923 K, r same. Fields Bros (J. G. and J. J.), junk 500 I. Fields Edw. G.? r 1113 3d. Fields Harry M., emp Waterhouse Fisher Michael, policeman, r 1930 K. e S) Fisher Minnie Miss, r 631 E. I- Fisher Noble, mach, r 824 M. 03 Fisher Robt., driver T. Scriver, r 912 4th. UJ O Fisher T. H., fireman S P Co, r 911 L. * z 0 Fisher Thos., blksmith, r 631 E. o 0 FISK C. A., Manager Pacific Electrical Works, 408 J r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. Fisk Richd. A., electrician, r Broderick. Fitch Burk, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 9th cor K. J Fitch Wm. C, foreman S P Co, r 415 15th. Fitch Wm. L., painter S P Co, r 423 D. Fitz, H., carp, r 1015 8th. •8 Fitz Jos., bartndr, r 1015 8th. Fitzgerald C. Garrett, elk S P Co, r 519 N. r-W Fitzgerald C. M. Mrs, r 1512 5th. Fitzgerald Danl., melter S P Co, r 2429 O. Fitzgerald J., lab S P Co, r 1218 3d. 111 y' Fitzgerald Jas. R., died April 8th, 1894. Fitzgerald Jas. T., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1512 5th. bi D Fitzgerald J. J. C, pressman State Printer, r 912 17th. < Fitzgerald John, eng S P Co. Fitzgerald John, saddler, r 824 T. s Fitzgerald John H., opr P P Tel C Co, r 1118 J. cc Fitzgerald John W., te* opr S P Co, r 311 Q. UJ Fitzgerald Jos., emp Am. Steam Laundry, r 1822"I. J Fitzgerald Mary, dom 2518 Li. Fitzgerald Peter A., elk S P Co, r 519 N. Fitzgerald Thos., bricklayer, r 824 T. CO FITZGERALD W. F„ Attorney-General State Capitol, r S F. Fitzjames Mary Mrs. r 211 N. Fitzpatrick B. T. Mrs, r 1521 8th. o Fitzpatrick Jas., rpr S P Co, r 1414 E. Fitzpatrick Jas., bartndr J. W. Jackson. o Fitzpatrick John, plasterer, r Eldred House. CQ Fitzsimmons Rose, dom 1216 7th. Fix Ernest, Buffalo Brewing Co, r V bet 24th and 25th. Flaherty C. O., r Windsor Hotel. Flaherty Julia, dom 1515 O. FLAHERTY PETER (Neary & Flaherty), r Windsor Hotel. Flaherty Timothy, boilermkr S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. fX N. CLARK & SONS, 1V-19 Spear St., San Francisco. ^^ Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS OF loth and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK. ^"D SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 209 Flahive Mamie Miss, r 1414 3d. Flahive Martin, blksmith S P Co, r 1414 3d. >•—*•• Flahive Thos. P., driver Henderson, Brown & Co, r 1414 3d. Flanagan Edw., emp S P Co, r 2307 I. Flanagan J. H., blksmith S P Co, r 1226 4th. Flanagan John P., molder S P Co, r 1900 M. Flanagan Katie Miss, r 1417 6th. Flanagan Patrick, carp S P Co, r 1417 6th. Flanagan Theresa Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1419 Q. Flanagan Thos. H., upholsterer S P Co, r 1417 6th. Flanders Rex, elk The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 3d cor J. Flannagan J. L., elk Western Hotel, r 209 K. Flannery Jas., mach S P Co, r 1317 F. Flannigan Frank J., pressman Geo. P. Royster & Co., r 828 CO 10th. Flannigan Harry, elk Ing & Allee, r 1226 4th. Flannigan J. H., blksmith, r 1226 4th. Flaus Lottie Miss, r 1305 P. Fleck Julius, shoemaker 1521 4th, r 1523 4th. Fleckenstine Mary Miss, r 1017 F. Flecker Chas., waiter E. Hummel. CD Fleehart W. E., elk Stanton, Thomson & Co, r 1119£ 10th. r> Fleigleman Henry, lab, r rear 825 L. & Fleischer Robt. H., emp State Printer, r 1300 K. Fleming Geo., musician, r 1015 11th. O b2 Fleming Jas. E., emp S P Co, r 1024 N. sO !? Fleming Maggie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1024 N. 7K * Fleming Wm. F., r 1024 N. Flemming Frank P. (Stein & Flemming), r 1420 12th. 5o» Flemming Maggie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1420 12th. —) Flemming T. Miss, r 402 O. CE> Flemming Wm. M., harnessmkr D. McKay, r 1420 12th. 13 wt— « *» Fletcher C., cooper G. Ochsner, r Wm Tell House. •§ Fletcher J., mach S P Co, r 506 K. ' * >•*. Fletcher Paul H., elk H. E. Yardley, r 1009\ 10th. ra* Fletcher Robt. J., chiropodist 906 alley bet 9th and 10th, K © * and L, r same. tt) Flies Peter A., sawfiler 918 11th, r Hotel Rhein. Fligeltub Ike, elk W L & Co, r 1227 Q. Flinn M. Mrs, furn rms 1212 9th. Flint Addison A., carp S P Co, r 915 18th. Flint Annie Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 915 18th. Flint Chas. O., r 2729 N. Flint Clarence E., r 620 N. Flint Danl., farmer, r 620 N. Flint Edw. C, farmer, r 620 N. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery ' H COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. i| •.ll'».M-i|i ( |

M. MORRISON RESTAURANT . M. GAULT TUB Deimonico *u • Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. QQBn Day onfl Migni. OYSTER PABLOR* 210 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Flint Eva, elk Mrs M. L. Swilling, r 2729 N. Ml' Flint Flood V. (F. V. Flint & Co), r 1808 P. Flint F. V. & Co. (F. V. Flint), real estate and ins, 305 J. a*. • Flint Howard M., farmer, r 620 N. SS» • Flint John, r 2729 N. Flint Minnie Miss, r 915 18th. » s • FLINT OSCAR S., City Clerk 328 J, r 1223 H. «t o o Flint R. R., hopgrower, r 819 I. 111* Flint Wm. G., lab S P Co, r Highland Park. Flint Wm. R., farmer, r 620 N. Floberg John P. (Klune & Floberg), r 428 J. ; w Floberg Warren, elk Klune & Floberg, r 428 J. Flohr Andrew, gunsmith, r 2003 K. Flohr Chas., gunsmith 1024 6th, r 706 L. Flohr Rheinhardt, gunsmith C. Flohr, r 1024 6th. Flood Annie, dom, 311 K. Flowers Frank G., driver Phoenix Milling Co, r 1319 alley bet 13th and 14th, J and K. Flowers Newton, driver City Brewery, r 1127 H. Flume Eli, lab, r 1025| 10th. Flumer Edw. J., r 718 Q. Flumer Henry F., r 1329 F. Flye Chas. E. (Bell, Flye & Co), r 1313 G. Flye Danl. R., mariner, r 1217 7th. (0 Flye Wm. P., elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1423 2d, a> r- Flynn Ada J. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 211 M. u Flynn Chas., teamster, r 2731 N. U K Flynn Danl., candymkr, r 402 L. h Flynn Danl. T., molder S P Co, r 1818 2d. (0 Flynn Hattie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1617 O. Flynn J. M., Mrs, r 211 M. Flynn Matthew J., asst foreman S P Co, r 1617 O. Flynn Michael S, saloon 1500 K, r same. Flynn Thos. H., emp Capital Box Factory, r 1818 2d. Foderingham Henry, moved to Los Angeles Cal. w CM Fogalsang W, A., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1415 4th. CD o Fogetti Frank, lab, r Roma Hotel. Fogle Mary L. Miss, bkkpr National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, r 907 L. "4-3 CM Foizey Richd. S., mach S P Co, r 1127 10th. Foizey Thos. E., truck bldr S P Co, r 1328 7th. Foley C. Mrs., r 515 N. Foley Danl., r 719 E. Foley Danl., car loader Wood, Gray & Co, r Broderick. Foley E. Mrs., r 1619 13th. Foley J. Mrs., r Broderick. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY • 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 211 Foley John, r 1618 12th. Foley Marie Mrs., tailor, r 410 M. Foley Mary, dom 1430 H. Foley Michael, fireman S P Co, r 719 E. Foley Nora Miss, r 719 E. Foley T., fireman S P Co, r 2407 F. Folger Alfred G., teller Peoples' Savings Bank, r 1122 H. Folger Chas. M., r 1715 Q. Folrath, Jas. H., r 503 0. Fonts F., lab, r Oak Grove. Foot Fred. E., stenog 1014 J., r 1520 O. Foot M. Mrs, r 1520 O. Foote M. D. Mrs, r 1026 O. Foote W. J., pattern mkr S P Co, r 1210 H. Fopiano John, lab, r 8th cor T. Foppiano Jas P., bootblack 605J K, r 1023 6th. Forbes J., insp S P Co, r 6th and E. Forbes J., r 116 K. Forbes Jas. L., eng Engine Co No. 1, r 1112 2d. FORBES ROBERT, Druggist S P Hospital Association, 13th and C, r 423 11th. Forbes Thos., bkmn S P Co. Forbes Winthrop W., dentist 814 K, r 925'K. Ford Asa C, r 1611 19th. Ford Bartholomew, expressman, r 2407 O. Ford C. J., eng, r 1214 H. Ford Henry R., cook J. Bowman, r 106 K. Ford John, r 827 L. Ford John P., emp Capital Box Factory, r 322 M. Ford Julia Mrs, r Mansion House. Ford Lizzie C. Miss, r 2407 O. Ford Nathaniel, porter W. V. Pierce, r 611 alley bet 6th and 7th, O and P. Ford Patrick J., stenog, r J st rd nr 39th. Ford Thos., waiter Western Hotel. Ford Wm., roller S P Co, r 1417 2d. Fordenwalt Chas. E., r Oak Park. Foresters' Building and Hall, I bet 7th and 8th. Forman Stanton, foreman Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co pipe wks, r 1425 E. Forney H. H., fireman S P Co. < Forrest Jas., emp S P Co, r 406£ J. Forrest L. L., bartndr A. Brewer, r 323 M. Forrest Vada Miss, r 2416 P. Forseman Wm. T., capt San Joaquin'No. 2, r 1513 3d. Forster John, eng City Brewery, r 224 J. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, T. PlilDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 212 SACTIAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Forster John, emp S P Co, r 1525 G. Fortman F. Harry, groceries 2100 M, r 1416 H. Fortson Arthur L., r 516 10th. FORTSON HARRY H., Manager and Collector J. T. Clark of S F, 629 M, r 1222 I. Foss C. I., r 10011. Foss Jared, tinner Carlow & Miller, r 10011. Foss Shad R., driver T. H. Cook & Co, r 1415 K. Foss Wm., elk P. Wall, r 1415 K. Fossati G. B., groceries and saloon O cor 21st, r same. Foster Albert, r 1030 F. Foster Antone, lab, r Highland Park. Foster Fannie Miss, r 610 7th. Foster Frank, pilot, r 1421 L. Foster Jas. L„ foreman Record-Union, r 1017 3d. Foster Jas. R., treas A. S. Hopkins Co, r 1003 L. Foulks Mrs, r 1424 10th. Foundling Home, Mrs W. A. Shaw matron, 9th cor X. Fountain Bros (W. A. and J. B.), brick mfrs, 14th cor Y. Fountain Clara Mrs, teacher, r Oak Park. Fountain Garrett W., r 1120 5th. Fountain Jas. B. (Fountain Bros), r 1408 P. Fountain Wm, A. (Fountain Bros), r 1430 P. . Fourgous F„ emp S P Co, r 1400 S. Fourgous L., appr S P Co, r 1400 S. Fourness Alexander, bartndr S. Gainsley, r Broderick. Fourness E. Mrs, r Broderick. Fourness Eli, mach S P Co, r Broderick. Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church, Rev W. H. Baugh pastor, 14th bet O and P. FOURTH STREET CASH GROCERY, R. A. Olmsted & Co Proprietors, L cor 4th. Fouse C. Mrs, r 623 R. Fouse Chas. W., porter Sullivan-Kelly Co, r 623 R. Fouse Clara Miss, r 623 R. Fouse Wm., emp S P Co, r 623 R. Fowkes R. L., pressman State Printer, r 1214 K. FOWLER CHARLES E., Physician and Surgeon and Health Officer, 4th cor K, r same. Fowler Frank A., elk Adams-Booth Co, r 513 Oak av. Fox Albert, emp S P Co, r 1013 J. Fox, David F., veterinary surgeon 1115 10th, r 1009 I. Fox Jerry, emp S P Hospital Assn, r 13th cor 6th. Fox John, lab, r 1025£ ,10th. Fox Mary Miss, emp State Printer, r 1114 4th. Fox Nellie Mrs, furn rms 1114 4th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory of Sacramento == LOOK OUT Published. Silver Plated Ware anil L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. cso SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 213 Fox T., coppersmith S P Co, r 1807 8th. FOX THOMAS, Manager Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co (of Cal)., 1009 2d, r 701 I Foy J. J-, mach State Printer, r 713 H. Foye A. L. Mrs, r 1228 N. Fraley Harry, elk W L & Co, r 820 N. France Henry, r M bet 29th and 30th. France M. E., lab S P Co, r 1329 5th. France Walter, baker W. Gropp, r Central House. Franc s A. L. Mrs, r 1511| K. Franc s Chas., elk W. Woolsey, r 1021 15th. Franc s Chas. J., lab S P Co, r 1112 Q. s E., blksmith, r Hotel Rhein. Franc: rt?2 Franc s G., r 1312 2d. S'H ft Franc s Geo., furniture 821 J, r 1203 F. Wcrg Franc s Geo. H., died J any 3d, 1895. Franc s Geo. H. L., lab, r 416 Q. Franc s Geo. M., r 416 Q. oSsf Franc s Jas. H., r 416 Q. Franc s John P., died Nov 15th, 1893. •o Oo Franc s Jos., foreman W. F. Frazer, r 228 S. ero _ Franc s Joseph, elk J. Wilson, r 416 Q. 2 ° Franc s Josephine Mrs., dressmkr Miss C. Doherty, r 102J. 15th. as Francis Louis A„ baker G. H. Braun, r 429 N. Francis Mamie Miss, emp State Printer, r 228 S. Francis Milton, emp S P Co, r 1329 5th. Francis Theo. J., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 102115th. Franciscovich Edw., bartndr S. Versiko, r 1323 Front. Frank August F., butcher H. Shulmeyer, r 1930 4th. Frank John, tomales, r alley bet 8th and 9th, M and N. Frank August, saloon Broderick, r same. Frankie F. A., cook, r 1007£ 4th. Franklin Ella Mrs, milliner W L & Co, r 7011. CO Franklin Ellis, asst supt W L & Co, r 7011. c Franklin L. T., specialist 415 J, r same. Franks Edmund, r 1923 I. Franson Frank F., elk S P Co, r 1403J 4th. ;® • Franson Harry A., tel opr S P Co, r 1403£ 4th. Franson Reaka Miss, milliner W L & Co, r 1403| 4th. Frantuvich A., marble cutter Carlaw Bros. -4 © m Franz Geo. B., music teacher 820 J, r 2820 O. Franzso G. E., farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Frascinetti Angelo, candymkr, r alley bet 5th and 6th, M and N. Frascinetti C, candymkr, r 419 alley bet 4th and 5th, L oif . c and M. 0)

Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery SOR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, Chranite and marble monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : ..limn, 4*3 J STREET, - SACRAMENTO, CAE, era SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 215 Freeman W. B., blksmith S P Co, r Broderick. Frees Jacob, moved to Freeport. Freese Alfred F., printer Sheehan & Harris, r 610 I. Freese Chris., waiter Western Hotel. Freichler Wm. H., died Nov 1st, 1893. Freidale Jos., r 419 10th. x?m Freemont Primary School, Miss Sarah M. Jones prin, N cor 24th. French Fredk., bootblk 1010 K, r 1317 6th. FRENCH LAUNDRY, Maisonnave & Lafosse Proprietors, 912 L. Freund Henry W. (Freund & Long), r 427 0. Freund John, saloon 1126 J, r same.. Freund & Long (H. W. Freund and D. J. Long), meat mkt 428 K. Frey Gottlieb, r 12011. Frey Henry, elk Schmid & Parker, r 902 J. Frey Louis, cigar mkr F. K. Driesbach, r 1400 4th. Frey Lulu Mrs, dressmkr, r 1400 4th. FREY ROSINE MRS, Proprietor South Park Saloon and Resort, 1803 9th, r same. Frey Wm., r 711£ alley bet 7th and 8th, N and 0. Freygang Richd. (Frevgang & Schneider), r 1705 4th. FREYGANG & SCHNEIDER (R. Freygang and F. Schnei­ der, Proprietors Crystal Palace Saloon, 906 J. Friburg John C, fireman State Printer, r 619 15th. Friccell Jas., lab, r 2015 I. Frichette Chas. H., elk, r 1415 7th. Frichette Edwin J., appr S P Co, r 1415 7th. Frichette Geo. F., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 1415 7th. Frichette Jos. J., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 1415 7th. Frichette Marian E. Miss, student, r 1415 7th. Frichette Mary Mrs, r 1415 7th. Fricke Fredk., rpr S P Co, r 1510 4th. Fricke Jas., r 1510 4th. Friedman L., barber 1010 4th, r 224 J. Friedman Simon, r 2522 S. Friederich Annie Miss, dressmkr, r 1116 P. Friederich Frank, r 1116 P. Friederich M. Mrs., nurse, 1116 P, r same. Friederich Millie Miss, r 1116 P. Friel Jas., saloon 117 N, r same. FRIEND & TERRY LUMBER CO., A. M. Simpson Pres­ ident, E. J. Holt Secretary, J. E. Terry Manager, 1310 2d, telephone 30. Frieseke Fred., meat mkt E cor 12th, r 309 13th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, 1. V. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. HI O 216 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Frieseke Wm., capitalist, r 309 13th. Frisbie A., eng S P Co. Frisbie C. A., fireman S P Co. Frisbie Delia J. Mrs, r 1510 4th. Frissell C. A. Mrs, r Mansion House. Frissell Ella Mrs, r 11th cor H. Fritsch Elizabeth Mrs, 1114 15th. FritschEmma Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1114 15th. Fritsch Henry, painter, r 1114 15th. Fritsch Lizzie Miss, r 1114 15th. Fritz Annie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1017 L. Fritz J. Mrs, r 1017 L. Fritz Ottilie Miss, 1105 L. Fritz Wm., molder 8 P Co, r 1808 N. Fromelt Hugo, saloon Broderick, r same. Froomer B., elk N. Zemansky, r International Hotel. Frost A. L., warehouseman State Printer, r 2404 K. Frost John L., fireman S P Co, r 519 K. Frost Jos. W., lab S P Co, r 1617 I. Fruaut Mrs, cook, r 1725 8th. Fruenfelder John, lab, r 1007J 4th. Fruhauf Nicholas, carp, r 1225 8th. Fry B. S. Mrs, r alley bet 7th and 8th, L and M. Fry Emma J. Miss, r alley bet 7th and 8th, L and M. Fry Geo. A., r alley bet 7th and 8th, L and M. Fry Jos. H., r alley bet 7th and 8th, L and M. Frye Hiram, r 2300 H. Frye M. E. Mrs, furn rms 609£ I. Fryer Geo. W., r Slater's Add. Fryer Jas. W., foreman Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 921 24th. Fuche Elenore Mrs, r 1617 7th. Fuchs Anna Miss, r 405 K. Fuchs Carl P., moved to McMinnville, Or. Fuchs Caroline Mrs, midwife 705 L, r same. Fuchs Clara Miss, r 405 K. Fuchs Emma, dom 2101 9th. Fuchs Ernest P., e%& Fuchs, r 405 K. Fuchs Henry, newsdealer 525 J, r same. Fuchs John, emp J. J. Meister, r 323 16th. Fuchs John B., lab S P Co, r 2414 Q. Fuchs Peter, cigars 405 K, r same. Fuchs Philip J., upholsterer Ingram & Bird, r 1416 12th. Fuchs Philomon, r 2414 Q. Fuchs Rose, dom 731 L. Fuhrman Annie, dom 1009 L. 2 N, CLARK & SONS, 1MI Speu *•-SM Franclsco Manufacturers and Daalcrs C.1EY PIPE IS AND CAPS. Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOtn and R Ste. Monuments and Statuani SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 217 Fuller Albert, bartndr Marsh & Hornlein, r 1107 I. Fuller Bert, carp S P Co, r 904 L. Fuller D. G. Mrs, r 904 L. Fuller Hiram H, bartndr C. F. Williams, r 1107 I. Fuller M. Mrs, r 1107 I. Fuller Wm., emp F. S. Smith, r 1117 7th. Fuller Wm. S., emp S P Co, r 904 L. Fuller W. P. (W. P. Fuller & Co), r S F. FULLER W. P. & CO. (W. P. Fuller and Llewellyn To- zer), Manufacturers and Importers Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Sash and Doors, 1016 and 1022 2d. Telephone 86. Fulton A. L., comp State Printer. FULTON MARKET, F. Biewener Proprietor, se cor 4th and M. Fulton Saml. S., r 1515 13th. Fulton Victoria Miss, r 519 K. Funston A. Mrs, r 1620 O. Funston John O., foreman bindery, State Printer, r 1620 O. Fuqua Alfred M., baker W. Gropp, r 1003 I. Furlop Wm., blksmith J. McGuire, r 1023 6th. Furlow Chas. B., driver Union Ice Co, r 821 6th. Furry Henry, carp S P Co, r 1617 14th. Futterer Frank, appr E. Goepel, r 1513 K. Futterer Fredk., saloon 1118 J, r 1513 K. Futterer Fredk. N., bartndr F. Futterer, r 1513 K. Futterer Mamie Miss, r 1513 K. Futterer Rose E. Miss, elk W. F. Peterson, r 1513 K. Fuzzey Chas., butcher H. Shulmeyer, r 1410 2d. Gr Gaa, Chas. F., r 1726 17th. Gabrielli Adelso, emp Garibaldi Hotel, r 118 L. Gabrielli F., vegetable vender, r J st rd nr 40th. GABRIELLI PELLEGRINO, Proprietor Garibaldi Hotel 118 L, r same. Gaertner A. C. Mrs, r Slater's Add. Gaertner E. J., fireman, r Slater's Add. Gaeschlin Frank, coppersmith S P Co, r 1225 O. Gaeschlin Laura Miss, r 1225 O. Gaeschlin Mary Miss, r 1225 O. Gaffney M. Mrs, r 1222 Q. Gaffney Mary Mrs, r 1219 3d. Gaffney Mary Miss, housekpr 12th cor K. Gaffney Rose Miss, r 1222 Q. Gaffcrd May J. Miss, student, r 1212 10th. THEiEBICANCA8H8T0REr^r.o:r * COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DCLN|0rtl(0 taurant and Oyster Parlor & Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day ftNUh t 218 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY.

00 Gagan 0., mach F. H. Veach, r 326 K. d Gageby John, molder S P Co, r 614 10th. 3 Gaid Bernardo, lab, r Roma Hotel. Gaige Alpha E. Miss, elk F. A. Resseguie, r 3022 J. Gaines C. O, elk, r 813 7th. Id o Gainsley L. Mrs, died Mar 5th, 1894. 6 o Gainsley M. Mrs, r 1010 3d. 1* ° J* s Gainsley Seth, saloon 900 2d, r same. 0 < o t- Galatoire P., moved to S F.

OllU VV UllOllO 37 Market Street, •• V. pmiiiDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 220 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Garrison DeWitt O, painter, r 1225 8th. Garrity H. Mrs, r 410 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Garroutte Wm., fireman S P Co, r 612 K. GARTEN GOLD CURE INSTITUTE CO, George B. Kat- zenstein President, 0. F. Washburn Vice President, H. R. Stone Secretary, Dr. G. W. Corey Medical Director, 808 G. Telephone 167. P O Box 379 (see front cover). Gartner Jas., emp Pacific Brewery, r 1720 16th. Garvey John F., live stock, r 523 alley bet 5th and 6th, L and M. Garzoli Jas., r 809 L. Gascoigne Albert E., bkmn S P Co, r 1416 E. Gascoigne John, carp, r Oak Grove. Gaskey John, blksmith G. B. Blue & Son, r 308 S. Gaskill Anna M. Mrs, elk U S Int Rev Collr, r 1108 11th. Gaskill John W., r 1108 11th. Gaskill Mary Mrs, r 1108 11th. Gasper John, lab, r 34th cor T. Gassaway H. P., comp Record-Union, r 328 J. Gastman Martin J., saloon 516 K, r 1026 3d. Gates D. H., r 1211 G. Gates Egbert J., r 1415 15th. Gates Harry E., elk C. H. Krebs & Co, r 1327 O. Gates Messinger E., elk S P Co, r 1327 O. Gatorno G., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. GATTMANN JULIUS M., Proprietor Turner Hall Saloon, Turner Hall, 912 K, r 1518 7th. Gauguin Emma Miss, dressmkr, r 323 Q. Gauille Pauline, dom, 2326 M. Gaul K., brewer City Brewery. GAULT ALBERT M. (Morrison & Gault), r 1913 G. Gault Lucy B. Mrs, r Oak Park. Gault Saml., lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Gaume Louis, foreman Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, r 616 7th. Gavello John, lab, r Roma Hotel. Gay R. U., elk S P Co, r Freeport rd 1 m s city limits. Gayetty Frank W., vegetable vender, r 2700 F. Gay lord Agnes Miss, emp State Printer, r 2425 O. Gaylord Chas. A., lab S P Co, r 2425 O. Gay lord Mary Mrs, nurse 2425 O, r same. Gayner M. Mrs, furn rms 314£ J. Gayner Maggie Miss, r 314| J. Gayner May Miss, stenog, r 314£ J. Gear A. H., eng Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1727 J. Geary Wm. (Kirk, Geary & Co), r 731 F.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. 5 Pay no money in advance. Husted'fl* is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 221 Geary Wm. J. F., trav salesman Kirk, Geary & Co, r 731 F. Gebert Chas., r 2000 0. Gebert Jacob, saloon 2000 O, r same. Gebhard Mary Miss, r Broderick. Gebhart David S., blksmith Capital Gas Co, r 2307 Front. Geddes Jas. A., emp S P Co, r 724 8th. GEDDES THOMAS, Manager Sacramento Lumber Co, 2d bet L and M, r 819 O. Gedeon John, blksmith, r 322 10th. Gee Emma M. Miss, died May 12th, 1894. Gee John W., comp Carrington & Anderson, r 721 11th. Geeslin John W., bkkpr Stanton, Thomson & Co, r 1523 P. Geeslin Thos. S., bell boy State House Hotel, r same. Geft Wm. M., emp S P Co, r 1031 E. Gegan Jeremiah, fireman S P Co, r Hotel Rhein. Gegan Kate, dom 1420 O. Gehrig Frank, r Freeport rd|ms city limits. Gehrig K., dairy Riverside rd 2 m s city limits, r same. Gehring Emma Miss, elk W L & Co, r 912 I. Gehring Francis J., r 1320 20th. Gehring Frank P., harnessmkr F. Gehring, r 912 J. Gehring Fredk., harness 912 J, r same. Gehring Minnie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 912 J. Geibel Fredk., upholsterer John Breuner, r 604 K. Geibel Katie, dom 606 L. Geiger Amelia Miss, dressmkr, r 1730 J. Geiger August, malster Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2227 P. Geiger Chas. C, elk Scheunert Bros & Co, r 1730 J. Geiger John, appr S P Co, r 1730 J. Geiger Louis, tel opr S P Co, r 1730 J. Geiger Wm., carp, r 1730 J. Geiger Wm., baker Sieh & Henn, r 409 alley bet O and P. Geiger Xavier, baker, r 2227 P. Geisel Kate Miss, elk W L & Co, r 400 L. Geisel L. Mrs, r 400 L. Geisel Lottie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 400 L. Geisendorfer Katie Miss, r 1616 3d. GEISER & KAUFMAN (Wm. B. Geiser and A. C. Kauf­ man), Agents Bannister's Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes; Wright, Peters & Co, and Nolan's Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes. Fine Footwear a Specialty. 603 J. Geiser Wm. B. (Geiser & Kaufman), r 1126£ 6th. Geisreiter Eugene (Dillman & Geisreiter), r 9th cor X. Geitner Lewis S., gardener, r 2016 N. Gemmel Annie dom 715 I. Gemsch Louis, r 1324 G. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery J COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. I^eal Estate and InsuPanee SEt. KROPIER. 7S5 K NT, SACRAMENTO, €AI* 222 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. d Genis Peter, elk Am Cash Store, r 1414 2d. Genshlea Geo., blksmith, r 1101 H. a Genshlea Jos. G., cigars 624 J, r 1101 H. 4 Gent Wm. C, mach S P Co, r 516 M. u Genung Abbie G. Mrs, music teacher 719J L, r same. o George Chas. D.. harnessmkr, r 1106 P. 0) George F. E., cond S P Co, r 1109J I. George Geo, blksmith S P Co, r 908 F. George Harry, emp S P Co, r Highland Park. * 35 George Jas., plumber H. A. Petralli, r 411 bet 4th and 5th, K and L. N George J. S., emp State Printer. O George L. W., fireman S P Co. George Mary M. Mrs, r Highland Park. 0) George Mary W. Mrs, associate editor State text books, r 903 10th. 0 George Wilbur F. (McKupe F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 224 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Gidlund Albin C, painter, r 703 23d. Gidlund Amanda Miss, r 703 23d. Giebel Cornelius E„ emp Golden Eagle Hotel, r 1402 O. Gieseke Frank, plasterer, r 428 L. Gieseke Fred. H., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. Giffen Jas. B., elk Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 701 8th. Giffen J. W. Mrs, r Highland Park. Gifford Geo., mach S P Co, r 1219 D. GiffbrdN. J., r 303 11th. Gilbert Ethan A., car insp S P Co, r 2200 K. Gilbert H., mach, r 1015 8th. Gilbert Jos. H., gas meter mfr 1023 4th, r Wm Tell House. Gilbert Sarah Miss, r 609 N. Gilbert Wm. A., wheelwright Waterhouse & Lester, r 1922 I. Gilchrist Alexander, lab Capital Gas Co, r 801 7th. Gildersleeve Geo. W., bkmn 8 P Co, r 1410 G. Giles John W., barber I. Dunlap, r 1615 6th. Gilkey Emmerson, carp, r 1726 K. Gilkey W., bartndr State House Hotel, r 804 K. Gill G. W., bartndr W. M. Ellsworth, r 723 7th. Gill H. D., comp State Printer, r Broderick. Gill I. N., groceries Broderick, r same. GILL JOHN A., Contracting Freight Agent Union Pacific System 305 J, r 1118 12th. Gill Maggie, dom 1515 I. Gillen Danl. C, cond S P Co, r 818 11th. Gillen Hugh, r 1027 I. Gillen M. P., emp C E Ry Co. Gillenwaters G. Frank, expressman, r 819 P. Gillespie Edw., blksmith S P Co, r 429 L. Gillespie Geo., oiler S P Co, r 1412 7th. Gillespie Jos. D. (Gillespie & Monsees), r 2004 N. Gillespie & Monsees (J. D. Gillespie and H. H. Monsees), blksmiths, N cor 21st. Gillespie Nathan, bootblack 529 K, r same. Gillett Frank B., student McKune & George, r 607£ K. Gilley Wm. J., tinsmith Cook & Drew, r 1121 9th. Gillis Addie M. Mrs., r 921 8th. Gillis D. H. eng S P Co. Gillis Dougald, livery 917 8th, r 921 8th. Gillis E. E. Mrs, r 1220 7th. Gillis Inie M. Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 921 8th. Gillis Jas. L., r 1220 7th. Gillis Lulu Miss, elk, r 921 8th. Gillson Mary Mrs, farmer, r J st rd nr 38th. N. CLARK & SONS, 1V-1» Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. 1845. '1894. UNPARALLELED RECORD OF THE Mutual Benefit Life INSURANCE CO. OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY.

A M Z I DODD, FBEBIDENT. Assets, ia,,,^, $53,346,092,82 Cash Dividends Paid Policyholders, - $43,706,710.98


and Dividends are Payable at the end of the First and Each Succeeding Year. >


All Policies ABSOLUTELY NONFORFEITABLE and INCONTESTABLE. A Dollar's Worth of Insurance for Every Dollar.

Members unable to Continue Payments do not forfeit their Policies, Insurance Continued for FULL AMOUNT until FULL VALUE of Policy is Exhausted.

See Specimen Policy, Premium Rates and Strong Points on .Following Pages. . THE BEST CONTRACT EVER OFFERED.

JAS. MUNSELLrJR.rManager, 415 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J.

* In a mutual life insurance company, every dollar saved in expenses is a dollar added to dividends, and a dollar saved in the actual cost of insurance. By reference to the following pages it -will be seen that The Mutual Benefit is conspicuous for its economical management and for the magnitude of its dividends. The past record of the Company, taken together with the unequaled liberality of its policy contract and its unsurpassed reputation for fair dealing "jrith its members, prove that the Mutual Benefit furnishes the best insurance at the lowest cost price. The policies of The Mutual Benefit are liberal in every regard; there is no limit of travel, residence or occupation, after two years. After the same period the policy is absolutely incontestable, except for non-payment of premium. It, in fact, does precisely what it claims to do— insures a man's life -without quibble or chance for it. Of equal, if not still greater importance is the question of surrender value, or how a man will be treated by a company when he surrenders his policy or ceases payment on it. The Mutual Benefit gives to such a man the full value of his policy computed by the highest standard, either by extending the full amount of the policy for such time as the value will pay for, or to the purchase of a paid-up policy. It is the only company -which does this. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company is also extremely liberal in the payment of cash values to those who desire to discontinue their insurance, and loans in cash upon its policies up to 50 per cent of their value where valid assignments of the policies can be made as collateral security. In economy of management, in largeness of dividends, in the liberality of policy, in absolute non-forfeiture and in fair dealing with members, it is excelled by no company, and furnishes all that can be furnished by any Life Insurance Company.

The Most Liberal Advantages Secured by Contract in Policy. All kinds of Approved Policies issued on the Life, Endowment, Accelerative Endowment, Modified Xndowment, and Optional Endowment Plans, on lives between the ages of 14 and 70 years, for any amount from 0500 to $25,000. Also Annuities, Present and Deferred. Claims paid immediately on com­ pletion and approval of proofs. No entrance fee. No fee for Medical Examination.

For Specimen Policies, Tables, etc., send your name, address, age, kind of policy and amount desired, and a statement will be mailed, showing the cost and advantages of the same.

See Specimen Policy and Premium Rates on following pages. SPECIAL AND PECULIAR ADVANTAGES OF A MUTUAL BENEFIT POLICY Which are Not Combined in the Policies of any Other Company.

Large Dividends which are declared and paid ANNUALLY at the end of the first and each succeeding year, so that there are no withheld Dividends to be forfeited in case of death or lapse of the Policy. Equitable Surrender Values, which are indorsed on the Policy, so that the Insured can stop paying Premiums without any loss by forfeitures. The Insured may stop Premium payments, and take his choice of Extended Insurance in the full amount of the Policy for as long a period as the value of the Policy will pay for at low term rates, or of a Paid-up Policy for a reduced amount payable "whenever death occurs. The Insured may borrow money (from the Company) on the Policy as per" statement indorsed thereon, and thus prevent the lapse of the Policy if he happens to be short of funds, or he may secure a cash loan to meet any sudden emergency. If the Insured forgets to pay a premium on the day it is due, his insurance is continued in force by the Company without action on his part. If he is well, he has ample time to pay up his arrears; while if he is sick, he is protected by his Extended Insurance. Example of Lapsed Policies Paid in Full. POIilCY No. 109,784, on the life ot Mr. Thomas Bennett, of San Francisco, Cal., was issued in 1883, for $5,000, only 10 premiums being paid. Mr. Bennett died in March, 1894, nearly two years after the lapse of the Policy, which, however, was promptly paid in full—85*000—by the Company. This Rule Applies to all Policies, Giving, at Age 35, on ths Annual Life Plan

OVER 4: YEARS' INSURANCE FOB 2 YEARS' PREMIUMS; OVER IO YEARS* INSUBANCE FOR 5 YEARS' PREMIUMS; OVEB 20 YEARS* INSUBANCE FOR 10 YEARS* PREMIUMS. Or Paid-up Policy is issued if preferred. On other Plans the Value and Extension are very much greater. 47 LAPSED POLICIES, insuring $123,620, were PAID IN FULL by the Company in 1893, under its NON-FORFEITURE and EXTENSION SYSTEM.

Why run the risk of forfeiture? or why trust to the uncertainties of the. Assessment plan, when you can get ABSOLUTELY NON-FORFEITABLE INSURANCE at thfc LOWEST NET COST m The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company?/ of Newark, New Jersey. To such as desire insurance -with the least possible Cash Outlay the Company offers the privilege of the 30 PER CENT PREMIUM LOAN PLAN. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Go. of Newark, N.J.

Paid Policyholders Since Organization in 1845: ; Policy Claims 970,031,433 60 S Surrendered Policies •. 17,488,084 1» i dividends 43,706,710 98 f > Total $131,826,228 77 > Prosent Assets .* 53,346,092 8»

Total Cash Benefit to Members $184,572,321 59

• Amount Received from Members (Premiums) 153,519,099 30

* Amount of Benefit to Members above Amount Received $31,053,222 29

Total Amount of Insurance in force Jan. 1894 $202,276,750 00

The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company is particularly noted for four things •f the very greatest importance to insurers.

1. It has been, and is the most economically managed Company.

2. It has paid, and does pay the largest average dividends.

3. It has furnished, and still does furnish the cheapest insurance.

4. It has held its membership -better than any other Company.


For Eleven Tears (1881—1891). 1893. Ratio of Expenses Total Premiums Dividends Paid Ratio of (including Taxes) Dividends COMPANIES. Received Policyholders to Dividends Paid in (11 years). (11 years). Mean Am't to Insured. Income. Premiums 1893. PEE CENT. FEB CENT. FEB CENT. Mutual Benefit, N. J, $53,537,967 $13,749,948 .61 12.7 25.7 $1,698,927 Connecticut Mut., Conn... 50,978,662 18,061,487 .67 13.4 25.6 1, 2 5 6, 2 0 2 New England Mat., Mass.. 24,982,601 5,705,598 .66 14.0 22.8 6 6 8,976 Penn Mutual, Penn 25,283,153 4.778,434 .95 18.4 18.9 7 6 8,102 £tna, Conn 34,847,594 6,229,925 .74 14.4 17.9 7 1 9, 8 4 1 Northwestern, Wis 57,225,622 9,818,254 17.8 17.2 1,14 3, 96 2 In all other Companies expense of management was greater and dividends were less. 3. COST OF INSURANCE, As shown by examples of five similar life policies in five different Companies.

Total Total Net cost NAME OP COMPANY. Number of Premiums Dividends Policy. (7 years). (7 years). (7 years). 127,278 $3,112 20 $612 90 $2,499;) Mutual Life, New York 271,785 3,248 00 645 80 2,602 20 175,380 3,049 20 397 70 2,651 20 40,765 3,234 00 689 30 2,644 70 26,040 3,150 00 431 10 2,718 90 In other Oompanies cost of insurance was greater. 4. ADHERENCE OF MEMBERSHIP.

P 0Q O CD o £?& hf>.tf»-OTHi.C» Ot tf»- CO o & CO CO OS at the end of f& < v , , v , -a oo os 1871, and whole OS t£) "ax w%*^^ co*bo co cn bs «o »|i. cn'io'bs number since Cn CI bi'co^-a -a o o © CD * ir O CO CO 5D -3 issued. CS O COO*' CD a CO CT ~J Number ceased 8 g CQ P |-i CT CO CO CTC rf»- M >-ifcobOCOCO "o'csi © co^coll o l1^^% ^^ o^^"o co^ bo ~3 bs co o o ^ H^ ^ 1 ai H co-ciot- tf». i- tf».ofco~arti.co-acocococni-ini.i-'«obo lapse and "not en ocoto-^osos iotf^c»^t-»-aix>coco?o-^cnoscorf^.b3Cn taken." 2 p < 3 -3 os cs os en ©i en cnoxcn*>-M^tf>.f^*>-hfi>.^ff».i^^-tf».rf^coco Number termin­ e.- ^1 _q Hi. M © OD 00 -5-1CntOtObOI-tQOOTCOCOI-1bOCri(X 1,000 in force. s w • • CPD CD W CD Net Cost and Present Value of Policies Issued at Various Times Since Organization. CD T 1845. STEPHEN P. LEEDS, of San Francisco, Cal., policy No. 151, issued at age 38, for $3,000, annual premium $50. Total premiums to date, $2,450, and total dividends, $1,349.90; making a net cost of $1100.10. The Company would now extend Mr. Leeds* insurance for five years and 252 days without further payment, thus giving over fifty-four years' insurance at an average annual cost of $10.07 per thousand. The Company will now issue a paid-up policy for $1720 or allow $1,542.84 in cash for the surrender of the policy. Net cost of Policy in 1893—$15.60.

1855. JOHN WEEKS insured at Buffalo, N. Y., policy No. 10,852, age 38, for $5,000, annual premium, $128.50. Total premiums to date $5,011.50 and total dividends 32,433.80, making a net coat of $3,577. TO. The Company would now extend Mr. Weeks'insurance eight years and three hundred and. twenty-one days from December 1, 1894, thus giving nearly forty-eight years' insurance at an. average annual cost of $10.77 per thousand, or a cash surrender value of $2,935.43, or a paid-up policy for §3,905.00 would be allowed if desired. Net cost of Policy in 1893—$53.60.

1865. JUDGE CHABLES H. BELKNAP, of Carson City, Nev., policy No. 30,070, issued at age 93, for $5,000, annual premium $96.50. Total premiums to date $2,895.00, and total dividends $1,100.81.. making a net cost of $1,794.19. The Company would now extend Mr. Belknap's insurance sixteen years and twenty-three days without further payment, thus giving over forty-six years' insurance at an average annual cost of only $7.79 per thousand, or the Company would now allow a paid- up policy of $2,905, or a cash surrender value of $1,385.91. Net cost of Policy in 1894—$50.85.

1875. Hon. G-ROVER CLEVELAND insured at Buffalo, N. Y., policy No. 81.166, age 38, for $5,000, annual premium $143.70. Total premiums to date $2,730.30, and total dividends $702.35, making a net cost of $3,037.95. The Company would now extend Mr. Cleveland's insurance eleven years and three; hundred and six days, thus giving over thirty years' insurance at an average annual cost of $13.15 per thousand, or the Company would now allow a paid-up policy of $2,525, or a cash surrender value of $1,291.87. Net cost of Policy in 1893—$94.45.

1885. EDWIN O. COCHBAN insured at San Francisco, Cal., policy No. 122,931, age 37, for $5,000, annual premium $138.80. Total premiums to date $1,388.00, and total dividends $299.45, making a net cost of $1,088.55. The Company would now extend Mr. Cochran's insurance ten years and seven days without further payment, thus giving over twenty years' insurance at an average annual cost of $10.87 per thousand, or the Company would now allow a paid-up policy of $1,390, or a cash sur­ render value of $529.50. Net cost of Policy in 1894—$101.90.

NOTE.—in some of the above cases the Company has made loans on the policies, which would have i to be paid off before the full value named could be allowed. SPECIMEN POLICY—1st Page. See 2d Pages following. Continuous Life—Sel£ [EDITION OF DECEMBER, 1892.]

(INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. )fl No. 000,000. This Policy Witnesseth $10,000. THAT THE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, in consideration of the statements and agreements in the Age 85 application for this Policy, which are hereby made a part of this contract, and of the sum of Two Hundred and Sixty dollars, to it in hand paid by John Jones and of the AjlTVliCul Annual Premium of Two Hundred and Sixty dollars, to be paid at or before twelve o'clock, M., Premium, on the First day of January in every year during the continuance of this Policy, Does Insure the life of John Jones of Newark in the County of Essex, State of New $260.00 Jersey in the amount of Ten Thousand dollars, for the term of Life, payable to John Jones, his executors, administrators or assigns, at its office in the City of Newark, New Jersey, upon due and satisfactory proof of interest and of the death of the said Insured, deducting therefrom all indebtedness of the party to the Company, together with the balance, if any, of the then current year's Premium. Provided, that in case the said Premiums shall not be paid on or before the several days hereinbefore mentioned for the payment thereof, at the office o the Company in the City of Newark, or to Agents when they produce receipts signed by the President or Treasurer, then, and in every such case, this Policy shall cease and determine, subject to the provisions of the Company's NONFORFEITURE SYSTEM as indorsed hereon, with accompanying table. This Policy does not take effect until the first Premium shall have been actually paid; nor are Agents authorized to make, alter or discharge this or any other contract in relation to the matter of this insurance, or to waive any forfeiture hereof, or to grant permits, or to receive for the cash due for Premiums anything but cash. Any error made in understating the age of the Insured, will be adjusted by paying such amount as the Premiums paid would purchase at the table rate. No assignment of this Policy shall take effect until written notice thereof shall have been given to the Company. This Policy, -while in force, will participate annually in the Company's distributions of surplus, and, after two years, will be INCONTESTABLE, except for non-payment of Premium. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company has, by its President and Secretary, signed and delivered, this Contract, at the City of Newark, in the State of New Jersey, this First day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety. EDWARD L. DOBBINS, Secretary. AMZI D0DD, President. (Form 1.) Specimen Policy—2d Page. LIFE POLICY-AGE 35, 810,000, PREMIUM 8260.00. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N.J.

NON-FORFEITURE PROVISIONS. WHEN AFTEK TWO FULL ANNUAL PBEMIUMS shall have been paid on this policy it shall cease or become void solely by the non-payment of any Premium when due, its entire net reserve, by the American Experience Mortality and interest at four per cent yearly, less any indebtedness to the Company on this Policy, shall be applied by the Company as a Single Premium at the Company's rates published and in force at this date, either, first, to the purchase of non- participating term insurance for the full amount insured by this policy, or, second, upon the written application by the owner of this Policy and the surrender thereof to the Company at Newark within three months from such non-payment of Premium, to the purchase of a non-participating Paid-up Policy, payable at the time this Policy would be payable if continued in force. Both kinds of insurance aforesaid will be subject to £he same conditions, except as to payment of Premiums, as those of this Policy. No part, however, of such term insurance shall be due or payable unless satisfactory proofs of death be furnished to the Company within one year after death; and if death shall occur within three years after such non­ payment of premium, and during such term of insurance, there shall be deducted from the amount payable the sum of all the Premiums that would have become due on this Policy if it had continued in force. (THE FOLLOWING TABLE Shows the amount that the Company agrees to loan (being one-half of the reserve) upon a satisfactory assignment of the Policy as collateral security; also the additional time for which the insurance will be continued in full force after lapse by non-payment of premium; or the value of the Policy in Paid-up Insurance upon surrender within three months from date of lapse. The figures given are based upon the assumption that the premiums (less current dividends) have been fully paid in cash. If there be any indebtedness upon the Policy, the values as stated in the table would have to be reduced proportionally upon the principles stated in the Policy. The indebtedness, if any, may be paid off in cash, in which case the figures in the table will apply. Number of IN CASE OF LAPSE OF POLICY Company Will Years' Extended Issuance. Premium* oan Pald-ITp Policy Paid Years Days

2 * 110 2 32 $ 540 3 170 3 64 810 4 230 4 104 1,080 5 290 5 146 1,340 6 850 6 179 1,810 7 420 7 194 1,870 8 490 8 180 8,140 9 560 9 135 2,400 IO 630 10 48 2,660 11 710 10 286 2,910 12 780 11 124 3,160 13 860 11 290 3.410 14 950 12 59 3,660 15 1,030 12 163 3,900 20 1,470 12 319 5,020 25 1,950 12 85 6,000 30 2,440 10 328 6,820 as 2,910 9 139 7,490 40 8,340 7 264 8,020 Cash loans ino t made for less th«ax fifty dollars. (Specimen Convertible Policv-3d Page.) 20 YEAR ENDOWMENT, AGE 35.-810,O00.-PREMrUM, 8498.70. The Mutual BenflffiUfeJ^ of Newark' N> J ] NON-FORFEITIJRE PROVISIONS. ^ ^ ^

WHEN AFTER TWO FULL ANNUAL PREMIUMS shall have beet, paid o ^ ^ ^ ^^ and

Decome void solely by the non-payment of any Premium when due, the em, cent yeatiy, lesB am

Dividend Additions, by the American Experience Mortality and **""" o fl,ngle Preminm at the

indebtedness to the Company on this Policy, shall be applied by the P ^ n0D.participaUng term

Company's rates published and in force at this date, either. firj£, o ^^^ application by the owner

insurance for the full amount insured by this Policy, or, second^ upon ftB from 8UCh non-payment of this Policy and the surrender thereof to the Company at New.r*•*«"»* the time thls Policy would be of Premium, to the purchase of a non-participating Paid-»P J™^*' e6t to the Bame conditions, except payable if continued in force. Both kinds of insurance ^^ ** ^h term inBUrance shall bedueor as to payment of Premiums, as those of this Policy. So part. *™™£ vlthin one year after death; and If e payable unless satisfactory proofs of death be furnished° f ^^ durlng 8Uch term of insurance, death shall occur within three years after ™*™***1™£ * miliums that would have become due on there shall be deducted from the amount payable the sum orail^ the rr M temporary insurance as this Policy if it had continued in force. If the'J^™ be m°n be applied to the purchase of pure endowment > aforesaid to the end of the endowment term, the «»«»"£" £V»pM insurance, payable at the end of the term if the Insured be then living. ^ ^ ^^ ^

After two full years" Premiums shall have been paid the toWJ^ ^L.a

receipted while in force or within three months from time of lapse, 11In ^^ AaaUi0ns, computed bj. Ui" a sum not less than the full reserve vine of the Policy, exci „ ASP, at the end

above-named standard, deducting therefrom any indexes*£ ^ °^™ _Vn^ ^t***. «* of the TENTH policy year, or at the end of any succeeding FIVE yea y _ ^ .^^-^ c if it be surrendered fully receipted within thirty days "/ ^ |a^= Guaranteed Cash Surrender Value by the ™TTRK reserve value of all existing Div

THE FOLLOWING TABLE yj Shows the minimum values of the Policy under the several options grant

1st Option.-Cash Surrender Value. „„„,„.._ on the Policy. 3d oJtion.-Amount that may be borrowed from the ^^acL End

this Policy will be allowed only on the "Addition" Plan Uote.—The first ten years' Dividends that may be declared upon more than those above stated: but they cannot be less The values of this Policy may, owing to Dividend Additions, be BSg" Loans not mode for less than twenty dolllars. "W (provided there be no loan on the folicy requiring adjustment. B. J. MILLER, Mathematician. . The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J.


No. 151, issued in 1845, for $2,000, at age 32. Life of Stephen P. Leeds, of San Francisco. Contract Premium $50.00, annually, during life. Dividends allowed in reduction of Premiums.


1845 $50 00 1861 $20 00 $30 00 1877 $41 24 $8 76 1846 50 00 1862 22 50 27 50 1878 42 44 7 56 1847 50 00 1863 22 50 27 50 1879 43 66 6 34 -1848 50 00 1864 25 00 25 00 1880 44 84 5 16 1849 $17 50 32 50 1865 25 00 25 00 1881 46 00 4 00 1850 17 50 32 50 1866 25 00 25 00 1882 31 90 18 10 1851 17 50 32 50 1867 25 00 25 00 1883 25 80 24 20 1852 15 00 35 00 1868 *50 00 1884 26 80 23 20 1853 16 00 34 00 1869 25 00 25 00 1885 27 80 22 20 1854 17 50 32 50 1870 25 00 25 00 1886 29 54 20 4& 1855 17 50 32 50 1871 *63 50 1887 30 04 19 9& 1856 17 50 32 50 1872 35 50 14 50 1888 31 84 18 16 1857 17 50 32 50 1873 37 00 13 00 1889 32 40 17 60 1858 17 50 32 50 1874 38 00 12 00 1890 32 90 17 10 1859 17 50 32 50 1875 *76 00 1891 33 40 16 60 1860 17 50 32 50 1876 40 00 10 00 1892 33 90 16 10 1893 34 40 15 60 $1,349 90 Contract Premiums for 49 years $2,450 00 Seductions by Dividends . . 1,349 90 Actual Cost or Net Amount of Premiums paid $1,100 10 *Two Years' Dividends. It should be borne in mind that the Mutual Benefit's policies are all STRICTLY NON-FORFEITABLE, both as to the policies themselves, and as to dividends,, which, in the Mutual Benefit, are always declared ANNUALLY so long as the policy continues in force. Long deferred dividends conduce to extravagant management, and impose* great loss on the average membership. Deferred Dividends are a great help to companies which cannot pay good average dividends, and seek to conceal the fact by paying no dividends for many years and CONFISCATING the dividends of all who drop out of the company in the meantime. See the following page. The Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of Newark, N. J. PREMIUMS AND DIVIDENDS. > 1 "T $1 7 8 13 5 7 8

10 1 0 8 > 1 9 4 1 8 7 0 1 8 2 7 2 0 6 4 2 0 1 1 9 6 0 6 5 3 4 2 3 7 0 2 3 6 2 1 0 4 6 2 4 2 3 0 2 1 7 8 7 6 5 2 7 2 6 4 6 8 2 6 2 1 0 6 9 0 5 1 0 4 4 8 7 0 4 6 5 0 4 0 7 3 0 8 4 2 9 7 6 2 8 7 4 2 7 6 2 6 8 2 6 0 2 5 1 8 5 3 4 3 9 0 3 7 4 2 3 5 9 4 3 4 5 6 3 2 4 3 2 0 5 6 2 0 4 2 5 0 3 m 3 (3 3 P > w 3 > 3C Ot5O1lt*O9K>»*O<»Oll^ll*COC£COk£tSI-'>-'l->>-'QOO Si "S. ;> w H m ® a T 2. a 8! c ^7 SC 16 7 2 1 12 8 3 7 10 7 0 9 10 3 4 9 10 0 9 $3 9 3 9 6 8 4 9 3 7 4 4 9 7 9 0 8 8 7 9 8 5 2 7 8 2 6 9 7 8 3 7 3 8 7 1 2 9 6 2 1 6 7 5 1 5 6 1 2 5 3 1 4 8 4 5 8 6 4 3 2 0 8 0 2 1 7 5 6 6 9 2 8 6 7 3 8 6 5 4 6 3 7 9 6 0 4 9 6 t 7 9 5 2 8 5 1 4 7 8 4 9 4 0 5 4 2 3 7 4 0 8 2 4 0 9 5 8 9 4 4 6 8 3 4 1 5 8 J> 0 Sf 13 6 1 3 $2 5 3 6 10 2 4 9 4 3 7 6 9 2 6 9 1 0 4 9 3 0 4 7 6 8 4 2 0 9 3 9 7 3 9 7 3 1 6 3 0 9 5 2 9 6 3 7 9 1 7 6 1 0 7 2 4 6 4 0 6 1 4 5 6 8 5 4 8 1 5 2 8 6 5 1 0 3 4 6 1 4 7 3 4 0 8 3 8 6 5 3 6 4 3 5 7 1 3 4 8 2 3 1 6 3 2 9 3 0 2 7 2 9 0 1 2 7 8 6 2 7 8 1 6 7 2 3 7 6 2 2 8 4 2 6 7 9 2 6 9 2 5 8 1 5 a JO > $4 6 7 5 7 3 5 7 1 0 4 6 4 8 3 6 3 1 4 8 0 7 9 2 7 6 2 8 6 8 7 6 1 5 9 6 0 2 5 8 9 3 6 7 8 3 5 6 7 5 8 9 5 4 2 6 3 5 7 5 1 8 5 0 6 2 4 9 8 7 4 9 5 6 4 9 2 8 4 9 0 4 8 7 5 4 8 4 8 2 4 7 8 5 4 7 2 8 2 6 0 6 7 0 5 0 5 2 8 6 2 3 5 5 1 3 5 0 9 3 4 7 6 4 7 6 4 7 1 0 4 6 9 2 5 0 1 9 C 25 IT Sf 1 a c -r • Mf©«0000000000000-3-3-3-3-a-a-3-3-q-3-a-qOsCSOCsCaCiOiO»CsOiO»CiC»OiOia»C»CsCiCa J° 8-=.* . SOO0l»'«10-10>CS-JM*-]OlfcO(n0lh'-4Ci!tH0>O0lOBOUHD3Ha«C0O-iS0l01 8f P. 2 e OS*-IOlOtOb3l-'H;h-l-'l-i|-.H-l-.h-OOOQOOOClOOOOOQCOpOOOOOOOOOO S H c »^meowit^»(»g;»£M£^^ow«eifcomt30-aoiWt-'oa«.oSSb9H5i^voii.MaQoODOiHo-4eiUH 9f - .. . -- 5 5 H H H P t* *2 «= p, 5 p p p K K » S .5 •* •» & P- 5 - = g s g = g 1 » 55 S © m ft oa ® P. R. 2s «• 8p. t°s : t= : P : p CJ m • !+ • rt- • cf B R a •1 U OS : cc : oc : » g g » O 1= B a Ms 2 •O MM Ml-* MM MM MMM MMMMM B OO OO OO 00 00 00 0000 000000 0000000000 CO 00 CO -3 CO —5 eo 00 co 00-3 CO -« Oi en M*. n "s a 5 I fle bO CO bS 00 to CO bs 00 to ts CO fcoe n en en or c n- J* 3 B M b3 MbO M CO M bO M bO OS b» to tfi-en os "2 O CO O O fc© CO p 00 00 e, » w - rt^b© p ps en 00 M en ^i bo 0 M M "b© eo bo » 2 S co -a O $ & •e H «• > £ b© to «:>. tn os 0 » B « Mb© M bO MCO M b3 M bO CO CO p OS .oa, M p J^. 00 os os en co M Jf». p 00 p B CO CO co "co en en en b© eo bo O ft g. ?8? 09 en en rf^bo ^1 to TOj> •« B 5 ° M bS M bO M"CO MbS M bO to b© to if>. en os M 00 tf>> OS *». M Jf*. p p p P" CO M p,p © 'eo en bo bo en to co bs en eo bs 'b© eo bo O Gilman Lyman P. (L. P. Gilman & Co), r 427 M. Gilmer Andrew, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Gilmore Alice B. Mrs, restaurant 1018 J, r same. Gilmore G. S., elk S P Co, r 2318 O. Gilmore John, painter, r 918 13th. Gilmore Jos. F., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. Gilmore Marcus D., elk Kast & Patterson, r 1018 J. Gilmore Norah Miss, cook Mrs A. B. Gilmore, r 1018 J. Gilmore Robt. M., mgr Mrs A. B. Gilmore, r 1018 J, Gilmore Saml., blksmith H. G. Melvyn, r 918 13th. Gilmore Walter E., emp C E Ry Co, r 1010 21st. % Gilmore Wm., carp, r 918 13th. Gilmere Wm. A., waiter Mrs A B. Gilmore, r 1018 J. 8 Gilpin John F., emp S P Co, r 1921 C. Co N Gilson Chas., carp, r Eldred House. w SoO Gilson Melvin T., lab, r W bet 30th and 31st. & Gilstrap Wm. H., moved to Healdsburg, Cal. P* *> GILT EDGE SALOON, Jacob Gruhler Proprietor, 1014 J. o Gimbal Eugene, elk Baker & Hamilton, r 805 M. SB Ginsberg Harris, emp S P Co, r 206 J. *H >• Ginsberg Jacob, cigars 619 K, r 206 J. . Ginsberg Max, confectionery 316 J, r 314 J. IS Ginsberg Saml., cigars 206 J, r 1400 K. 1 Giorgetti Vettorio, shoemkr A. Casselli, r 1724 2d. fat . Giorgi G. Mrs (G. Giorgi & Co), r 304 K. ««•. © Giorgi G.

SACRAMENTO. CALIF. M. MORRISON . M. GAULT TUB DeimoniGO RESTftURftM £85 Tel 352. 712 & 714 K St. m Day and m OYSTER PARLORS • £ § 226 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. £•§ s. Glackin Mary L. Mrs, postmaster Oak Park, r same. Glas P. Jacob, elk J. N. Porter, r 1406 4th. *?! Glatz Edw. L., hunter, r 410 L. £ w £ * Glatz J. Fred., r 410 L. Glatz J. Fred. Jr., r 410 L. Gleason M. Mrs, r 1914 11th. §43 UK Gleeman Anna Mrs, r 227 J. Gleie F. H., lab S P Co, r 2110 11th. I - o e Glen Jas., eng, r Broderick. So S| Glendenning Harry, emp Clunie Opera House, r 700 9th. Glenn Aggie Miss, r 1916 I. Glenn Alice J. Miss, r 412 L. Gl«m David, teamster Capital Box Factory. Glenn H. L. Mrs, furn rms 412 L. § «a£ Glenn Malcolm C, stenog Robt. T. & Wm. H. Devlin, r 1916 I. Glenn Malcolm M., comp State Printer, r 1916 1. Glenn May Miss, r 1916 I. Glenn M. C, musician, r 427$ K. CO Glenn Wm., elk, r 412 L. 3 Safe Glenn Wm. H., carp S P Co, r 1003 E. Glick Wm. E., carp, r 3020 F. 00 Glickraan J. F., clothing 807 J, r same. Glickman Morris, clothing 510 J, r 1415 J. Glidden Stanley, jeweler K nw cor 7th, r 1314 N. Glide Jos. H., live stock, r 910 H. pis 0 Glide Jos. H. Jr., farmer, r 910 H. P 0 Glide Lizzie Miss, r 910 H. :1 Glide Mary Miss, r 910 H. 5 Gloman L. J., mach S P Co, r 908 F. P§ Glossop Robt. S,, comp The Bee, r 518 N. 8 Glover Mrs, r O cor 3d. Glover Chas., waiter J. Ernst, r L bet 6th and 7th. Glover Edwin (Luce & Glover), r 427$ K. J Glover Fred. R., elk S P Co, r State House Hotel. Glover Geo. F., elk R. H. Pettit, r 300$ K. Glover Gustavus W., farmer, r 2201 L. Glover John, hostler W. J. Irvine, r 1122 2d. Glover Warren A., contr 2201 L, r same. Gloyd Ruth A. Miss, nurse 1830 N. Glueck Fredk., saloon Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital, r same. Gluesing K., appr S P Co, r 2620 H. Glynn Jas., emp S P Co, r 1201. GodaM Chas. W., horseehoer 404 L, r 1306 P. Goddard A. A., elk S P Co, r 1227 F. Serves Daily more Patrons mnnnoREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND R STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. I79«rt6 R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY • 1012 J Street.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 227 Goddard Cecelia Mrs, r 1514 4th. Goddard Lizzie Mrs, dom Windsor Hotel, r 1512 4th. Goddard L. L., farmer, r Lower Stockton rd $ m s city limits. Goddard W., eng S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Godegast Henry G. J., cigarmkr Clark Bros & Stanley, r alley bet 15th and 16th, G and H. Goding Chas., switchman S P Co. GodingGeo. W., switchman S P Co, r 912 G. Godt Wm. A., died Jan 17th, 1894. Goepel Edw., plumber 1016 J, r 1223 Q. Goepel Herman, r 1016 J. Goepel Oscar, plumber E. Goepel, r 9251. Goethe Chas. M., elk H. J. Goethe, r 1209 K. Goethe H. A. Mrs, music teacher 918 R, r same. GOETHE H. J., Real Estate, Insurance, Notary Public, Conveyances and Agent North German Lloyd and Ham­ burg-American Packet Cos, 1011 4th, r 1209 K. Goethe H. Taubner, elk H. J. Goethe, r 1209 K. Goethe M. T., molder 8 P Co, r 318 0. Goette John, died Dec 11th, 1893. Goff Hattie M. Miss, dressmkr 901$ L, r same. Goff Mahala Mrs, r 901$ L. GOGINGS' DRUG STORE, Mrs. S. I. McLean Proprie­ tor, T. Y. Tallman Manager, 904 K. Goig John, mgr Central Stables, r 1020 O. Goldberg A., saloon Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital, r same. Goldberg Aaron, r 712 N. Goldberg Amelia Miss, r 1716 J. Goldberg Gustav, saddle mkr C. Nelson, r 1716 J. Goldberg M. Mrs, r 1716 J. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Gray & Titus Proprietors, K nw cor 7th. Golden Christopher, r 1222 J. Golden J, r 311 K. Golden State Hotel, 918 K. Golding Fred. W., insp S P Co, r 1207 G. Goldman Emil, elk G. Lavenson, r 1235 I. Goldman J., r 906 O. Goldman Saml., shoemkr J. H. O'Connell, r 906 O. Goldsborough W. L., barber W. H. Guinn, r 1111 12th. Goldsmith A. J., tailor C. McCullum, r 1006$ 2d. Goldsmith John H., comp State Printer, r 1406 N. GOLDSMITH PHILIP G„ Proprietor Capital Electrical Works 824 K, r 1114 8th. Goley A. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 2105 L. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, F- PIlsBros.«iffif.»"» £ 228 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Goley Peter F., r 2105 L. Gollnik Max, peddler, r 5th cor V. Goma Jos., laborer, r H st rd nr 40th. o Gomes Antone, barber 429 12th, r same. o Gomes Manuel, wood and coal, groceries and saloon 500 o, 00 r same. Gomes Manuel, waiter Western Hotel. Gomes Delia Miss, r 1924 2d. £ Gomes Domingo, saddler, r 1924 2d. Gomes Jos. L., lab S P Co, r Highland Park. •g.8 Gonnesti B., lab S P Co, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Gonzales Henry, master mariner, r 624 O. Goodby Wm. driver Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. O C Good Ann Mrs, furn rms 901 Front. JES *k Good Chas. A., r 901 Front. Good Robt. E., r 901 Front. 31 G00DELL CALIFORNIA FRUIT LINE, H. C. Goodell £ ° General Manager, E. T. Walker Agent. Refrigerator •*• z Cars for Transporting Perishable Fruits, 1012 2d. CD < GOODELL H- C, General Manager California Fruit Line e p 1012 2d, r Western Hotel. Goodell Louis D., lab S P Co, r 427$ K. CL u Goodell Nathaniel D., architect, r 911 O. 2 Goodell Wm., elk S P Co, r Highland Park. Goodenough Wm. B., r 1516 4th. B in Goodhew Alfred J., emp S P Co, r 1110 8th. Goodman Henry D., molder S P Co, r 605 P. Goodrich Hershel, elk W L & Co, r 1235 H. co Goodrich Rebecca Mrs, r 1700 M. CO Goodrich Virgil, elk W. M. Petrie, r 1235 H. Goods Robt, r 2117 4th. Goodwin Jos., emp J. A. Brown, r 1018 2d. Goodwin Jesse, msgr W L & Co, r 1122 O. Goodwin Louis, emp C. Nelson, r 2427$ K. Goodwin Thos., tinner S P Co, r 1016 9th. Gordon Andrew, emp S P Co, r 1008 E. ULl Gordon Frank M., emp Columbian Broom Factory, r 1400 4th. Gordon John, emp S P Co, r 521 17th. Gordon Lizzie Miss, marker W L & Co, r 52117th. Gordon Mary Mrs, r 1230 6th. Gordon Mary J. Miss, dressmkr, r 1008 E. Gordon R. J., cigars 307 K, r City Hotel. Gordon Wm. H., r 52117th. Gore Alvy E., painter, r 1007 14th. Gore John J„ emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1826 M. CO Gore John M., elk W. F. Purnell, r 1826 M. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the, only Directory ofSacramecto x LOOK OUT PnWWhtaV L L. LEWIS & CO. fumisWrtme 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 229 Gore Lena Miss, r 1007 14th. Gore Minnie Miss, r 1007 14th. Gore Robt. D., r 1007 14th. Gore Wm. T., carp S P Co, r 1007 14th. Gorman A. J., lab, r 12th cor W. Gorman Annie, dom Capital Hotel. Gorman Chas. F., elk S P Co, r 823 M. Gorman E. C. Mrs, r 823 M. Gorman Jas., emp S P Co, r 1016 O. Gorman Jas. E., driver Hook and Ladder Co No. 2, r 1016 O. Gorman Jas. E., stenog and notary A. M. Johnson, r 621 M. Gorman John, lab, r 12th cor W. Gorman Lee, elk, r 1016 O. Gorman Mary Miss, r 12th cor W. Gorman Richd. F., emp State Printer, r 1718 M. Gormley J. J., emp S P Co, r 729 I. Gormley Sarah Mrs, dom 1210 K. Gormley W. F., emp State Printer, r 729 I. Gorsuch Henry W. H., elk C. M. Campbell, r 1210 5th. Gorth Michael, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1323 E. Goss Chas. R., mach S P Co, r 1525 G. Gostick Geo. A., elk Schmid & Parker, r 1201 J. Gotcher Chas. M. (Wm. Gotcher & Son), r 2302 P. Gotcher Maggie Miss, r 2302 P. Gotcher Wm. (Wm. Gotcher & Son), r 2302 P. Gotcher Wm. & Son (W. and Chas. M), groceries 2300 P. Gotthold Julius C, piper S P Co, r 419 10th. Gottleib Saml., r 1400 7th. Gottorski Morris (Hirsch & Gottorski), r 729$ J. Goullant Francisco, saloon 130 L, r same. Gould C. S. Mrs, r 1123 I. Gould Fred., bartndr Mrs G. Hauser, r 1930 M. Gould Geo., r 1714 4th. Gould John E., bkmn S P Co. Gould Lewis A., bkkpr Capital Box Factory, r 1319 P. Gouldin Thos., r 2324 K. Govan Jas., r 600 O. Govan Jeannie Miss, prin Jefferson School, r 600 O. Govan J. Elias, chf elk depot office W F & Co, r 600 O. Govan Miriam W. Miss, teacher Sacramento Free Kindergar­ ten, r 600 O. Govan Wm. H., dep elk Supreme Court, r 600 O. GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Hon. Jas. H. Budd, State Capitol. Gowans Robt. W., physician 701 J, r same. Serves Dally mora Patrons than any other two Grocery SOR. STM AND K STREETS. c3ttOsv8e% Ifl tSssVCsTAlBftDBOL Ileal Estate and Insurance KEUMmEil, 7*8 K ST, BACKAMENTO, CAI* 230 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. e Goyette Arthur, barber W. E. Hinton, r O nr 6th, VI Grabelli J., r 814 J. 0 . Grabsch Annie Miss, marker W L & Co, r Highland Park. Grabsch Wm., lab S P Co, r Highland Park. < 8 Graca P., lab S P Co, r 511 Q. GRACE THOS. REV., Rector of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Sacrament, r 12th cor K. Gracia Manuel, barber F. R. Waters, r 625 N. Grady J., emp S P Co, r 2226 M. Grady John E., mach F. M. McKeever, r 919 I. Grady Thos., blksmith, r 2226 M. Graeter Chas., emp H. W. Rivett, r 916 M. Graeter Harry, elk L. C. Graeter, r 916 M. Graeter Louis C, confectionery 728 K., r 916 M. Graf A. Mrs, r 1728 10th. Graf Edw., r 300 11th. Graf Edw. Jr, r 300 11th. Graf Emil, emp Geo. E. Dierssen & Co, r 1728 10th. Graf Henry, mail carrier, r 1728 10th. GrafM.,r816 9th. Graf O. F., carp S P Co, r 1023 6th. Graf Paul, harness 1120 J, r 1417 K. Graff John, r 719 F. Graff Wm. C, piper S P Co, r 1612 5th. Frafmiller Andrew (Grafmiller Bros), r 1016 9th. GRAFMILLER BROS (Charles J. and Andrew), Livery, Hay, Grain and Feed, 1016-1020 9th. Grafmiller Charles J. (Grafmiller Bros), r 1016 9th. Grafmiller Wm., watchmaker H. C. Hotfilter, r 1614 12th. Graham Edwin, elk T. W. Schwamb, r 821M. Graham E. M., bartndr Golden Eagle Hotel, r 1417 12th. Graham John A., r 821 M. Graham Jos., rpr S P Co. Graham L. E., eng S P Co, r 730 8th. Graham O. E., painter, r 1030 G. Graham Robt. D., draftsman Siller Bros, r 1614 13th. Graham S. Mrs, r 1030 G. Granac M., lab S P Co. Grand Hotel, 104 K. Granger Elva Miss, dressmkr 1227 0, r same. Grangers' Hall, se cor K and 10th. Grangers' Meat Mkt, ne cor 10th and Q. GRANGERS' STABLES, F. S. Smith Proprietor, 1117 7th. Telephone 99. Granis Julia Miss, r 1021 H. Grannes B. G., cook, r 1105 I. Serves Daily more Patrons J , than any other two Grocery «OR. STH AHt> K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, 1 lUTVCn WOOPEN MANTELS AND TILING. 4S3 .X St., Sacramento, Col. ^"^

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 281 Grant Ada S. Mrs, r 1015 6th. "— r Grant Duncan, eng S P Co, r 1322 3d. Grant Ethel Miss, r 1015 6th. Grant Eugene S., lab S P Co, r 2331 J. Grant Francis, foreman C E Ry Co. Grant Jas. E., elk Am Cash Store, r 1621 12th. 1=^ Grant Jos. C, eng S P Co, r 1216 8th. Grant M. A. Mrs, r 1015 15th. Grant Mattie Miss, elk Hale Bros, r 1015 15th. Grant Sarah R. Mrs, r 1310 E. L—>-i-J Grant Wm. F., fireman, r 519 Oak av. Grasme Albert, mach Singer Mfg Co, r 1213 9th. Grasme S. Mrs, r 1218 9th. Grass Fred, elk Simons & Son, r 1810 P. GRAU HERMAN H., Manager Buffalo Brewing, Co, r 21st cor V. Graul Robt., molder W. Gutenberger, r 816 alley bet 8th and 9th, K and L. Gravel Edw., painter S P Co, r 3015 J. Graves Alfred, grainer 626 J, r 1118 7th. Graves Archibald M., carp S P Co, r 2122 J. Graves N. B., trav salesman Baker & Hamilton. Graves Nellie Miss, r Oak Grove. Graves P., lab SJP Co, r 2123 J. Graves R. E. Mrs, r Oak Grove. Gray A. C, farmer, r 724 7th. 1 Gray C. Mrs, dom 9th cor R. Gray Chas. A., carp S P Co, r 2301 N. Gray Clara Mrs, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 612 K. Gray E. A. Mrs, furn rms, 719$ J. 2 I Gray F. L. (Gray & Titus), r 1229 I. Gray Fred, fireman, r 415$ K. Gray Geo. A., cond S P Co, r 2301 N. «? Gray Geo. B., saloon Riverside rd 1 m s city limits, r same. Gray Geo. H., mach S P Co, r 510 P. 1 .» Gray G. Fredk., fireman S P Co, r 2301 N. Gray Herbert, r 1320 C. * ft Gray Jas. E., bootblack E. C. Jones, r 311 O. 0 9 Gray John, waiter, r 300$ K. Gray John W., appr S P Co, r 1515 3d. * 8 Gray Jos., r 720 N. ; » Gray Jos. H., moved to Stockton, Cal. • * Gray L. H., elk S P Co, r 1233 H. ft Gray Lottie Miss, r 724 7th. Gray Mabel Miss, r 724 7th. Gray Nellie Miss, r 720 N. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Stveet, ». V* SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 232 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. GRAY & TITUS (F. L. Gray .and C. J. Titus), Proprietors Golden Eagle Hotel, K nw cor 7th. & Graz Katie, dom 1322 7th. III Graze Christian, porter W L & Co, r 824 N. GO Graze Louisa K. Miss, died May 3d, 1894. Great American Importing Tea Co, J. Wilson mgr, 617 J. Grecia Mary Mrs, r 2212 11th. H Green & Ackerman (W. Green and J. J. Ackerman), saloon CO 513 K. UJ Green Annie A. Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 1124 P. 5°*^ Green Barney M., teamster, r V nr 9th. on Green Chas. F., carp S P Co, r 2731 1. w Green Chas. W., r 18311. a Green David, elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1309 F. Green Ely L., agrl impls 224 J, r 1309 F. U GREEN ERASTUS H., Proprietor American Steam Laun­ oM dry 1822 I, r 1831 1. So Green Frank, emp S P Co, r 2312 H. "c Green Frank, r 1225 3d. w n Green Genevieve Miss, asst State Library, r 701 12th. 1- * Green Geo., lab S P Co, r 1412 22d. Green Geo., r 328$ K. o-R Green Geo. C, collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1421 UJ ij 6th. lAl D Green Geo. V., elk S P Co, r 710 7th. a* Green Geo. W., fireman S P Co, r 1528 2d. < Green Henry E., r 18311. Green H. R. Jr. (Pattee & Lett Co), r Riverside, Cal. Green Jas. W-, elk Sacramento Glass and Crockery Co, r 718 M. -j -1 Green J. C, elk Christianson & Co, r 1616 7th. Green John, r Tremont Hotel. Green John, appr C. T. Barton, r 807 J. Green John, eng S P Co, r 921 8th. Green John, hostler W. J. Kavanagh, r 512 J. CO Green John, r Eldred House. Green John, carp S P Co, r 1512 2d. GREEN JOHN A., Proprietor Capital Pharmacy 630 K. o Telephone 189, r 1122 9th. O Green Lee L., teamster, r V nr 9th. Green Lizzie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 610 H. CQ Green Louis B., saloon 724 K, r same. Green Maggie Miss, dressmkr, r 1124 P. Green Nellie Miss, r Broderick. Green Thos., lab, r 1124 P. Green Thos. C, roofer S P Co, r 717 L. Green Wm. (Green & Ackerman), r 424 N. 5 1MI Speu st Saa Francl8C0 CQ N, CLARK & SONS, - Manufacturers and Dealers CARLAW BROS lmPorters of Scotch and all 10th and R Sts, other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 233 Green Wm., fireman S P Co. •n Green Wm., lab S P Co, r 2812 H. > Green Wm. A., elk H. G. May & Co, r 2117 K. CO Green Wm. S., bkkpr Mebius & Drescher, r 207$ J. Greenbower J., insp S P Co, r 717 11th. # X Greene Anthony, police captain, r 1904 O. & •asm Greene John D„ plumber F. T. Lyman, r 1904 0. Greene Maty Miss, r 1904 O. o Greenlaw Alfred G., mach, r 530 10th. * z Greenlaw Alonzo S., dep Co Treasurer, r 12th st rd nr Am © river. vr/» > Greenlaw Amy L. Miss, teacher Highland Park School, r CO 1029 H. H Greenlaw Chas. W., r 1721 J. J Greenlaw Eugenia A. Misr, r 411 13th. •8 > Greenlaw Flora Miss, prin Oak Park School, r 1029 H. CO Greenlaw Geo. H., blksmith S P Co, r 1011 G. Greenlaw Ida Miss, r 1011 G. r Greenlaw John W., r 411 13th. GREENLAW JOHN W. Jr., Wood and Coal 1420 J, tel­ m ephone 288, r 411 18th. CO Greenlaw Lester, appr Carlaw Bros. Greenlaw Wm. H., emp W L & Co, r 1709 O. r-5

Greenwald Carl, r 726 P. >• GREENWICH INSURANCE CO. of N. Y., 1007 4th. c— CO Greenwood Saml. T., painter, r 1408 D. •< £4 Greenwood Wm., gardener 1003 H. —t e=3 •-< <=au Greer R. E. & Co. (R. E. Greer), auctioneers, 1006 J. pa rr> Greer Robt. E. (R. E. Greer & Co), r 1815 J. OO >~ Greer Robt. H., cleaner S P Co, r 2312 H. TO Greer Wm., lab, r 1108 4th. yo Greffeir Theodore, gardener, r L cor 24th. 25 >- Gregory Anwyl O., photographer 810 J., r same. o cr> Gregory Bros Co (Eugene J. and Frank Gregory), com 126 J. <-> rn Gregory Chas. R., upholsterer, r 1122 17th. r-5 Gregory Eugene J. (Gregory Bros Co), r 128$ J. o Gregory Frank (Gregory Bros Co), r 128$ J. Gregory Harry, driver W F & Co, r 1014 H. Gregory John H., comp State Printer, r State House Hotel. Greholber Jos., carp S P Co, r 713 P. t, Greider Fred. W., elk J. T. Stoll, r 817 11th. H oi a Greno Chas., r Broderick. \ a 0fi0 S, Gribble Hiram, capitalist, r 900 2d. o rf » Grider Louisa Mrs, r Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. a3 o 5 Griemert Ignatz, carp, r 1731 U. en $ Griesel Adolph H., harnessmkr J. Griesel, r 1713 J. 7* c Serves Daily more Patrons rt THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORKlsoa A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELNIONKO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Own Day ft NUht °yster Parlor 234 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Griesel Jacob, harness 1022 J, r 17J.3 J. Griesel Ottilie Miss, r 1713 J. Grietzner F., molder S P Co, r 1523 4th. Griffee C. H., eng S P Co. Griffee Chas. H., prop Plymouth Stage Co 1217 J, r same. Grifteth Bradford W. (Griffeth & Son), r 1313 L. Griffeth Melbourne B. (Griffeth & Son), r 2008 M. Griffeth & Son (B. W. and M. B.), groceries 1700 M. Griffey Lucy D. Mrs, r 2918 G. Griffin Benj. A., mach S P Co, r 1502 G. GRIFFIN BROS (M. E. Griffin), Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, 516 J. Griffen Chas. D., died Dec 15th, 1894. Griffin E. E., elk S P Co, r 1531 2d. Griffin F. H., emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Griffin Franklin A., emp S P Co, r 2512 H. Griffin Fred., lab, r 1117 8th. Griffin J. Mrs, r 1805 N. Griffin Jeremiah, insp S P Co, r 1318 F. Griffin John, emp Capital Gas Co, r 1910 4th. Griffin Jos. A., appr S P Co, r 815 J. Griffin Laura, dom 601 N. Griffin Lizzie M. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 2512 H. Griffin Louis F., elk, r 1218 I. Griffin Martin W., died Feb 11th, 1894. Griffin Mary Miss, teacher Marshall Primary School, r 2512 H. Griffin Maurice E. (Griffin Bros.), r 427$ K. Griffin Maurice J., emp Capital Gas Co, r 1334 2d. Griffin M. W. Mrs, r 2512 H. Griffin Patrick, stoker Capital Gas Co, r 1910 4th. Griffin Peter, lab, r 1910 4th. Griffin Robt., tailor 527$ K, r International Hotel. Griffin Thos. M., emp State Printer, r 1923 N. Griffin Thos. W., ins agt 603 K, r 1218 I. Griffith Edw., cutlery 1020 8th, r same. Griffith Fredk. D., sec Lindley & Co, r 719 H. Griffith Geo., appr S P Co, r 813 8th. Griffith Jas. H., lab, r 408 N. Griffith L. Mrs, r 813 8th. Griffith O. W., rpr S P Co, r Colfax. Griffith Wm., carp Siller Bros., r 813 8th. Griffith J. J., emp State Printer, r 1403 K. Griffiths Evelyn Miss, music teacher 1231 H, r same. Griffiths John F., elk S P Co, r 1231 H. Griggs Wm., lab S P Co, r 1423 5th. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAIIIERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STRUTS. Stores in Sacramento. ! THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 235 Grigsby Albert E., elk Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r 1Q15 11th. Grigsby H. J., lab S P Co, r Oak Park. Grigsby Jas. P., r Oak Grove. Grillo Gus, emp S P Co, r 1227 E. Grimes Allen L., lab S P Co, r 1100 P. Grimes Ernest L., mach S P Co, r 1106 P. Grimes Stanley M., mach S P Co, r 1126$ 6th. Grimes W. W. Rev., r 1402 T. Grinnell Martha J. Mrs, r 520 L. Grinton John K., mach, r 728 7th. Griswold Frank, com trav, r 1616 14th. Griswold M. Mrs, r 1616 14th. Griswold May Miss, student, r 1616 14th. Griswold Ralph S., finisher State Printer, r 1921 N. Groeneveld Jas., bartndr M. T. Groeneveld, r East Park Resort. GROENEVELD MELLE T., Proprietor East Park Resort, East Park, r same. Grogan Michael, emp Capital Gas Co, r Windsor Hotel. Grogan Nellie Miss, r J st rd nr 36th. 3 3 Gromer John, r 718 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. •n to Grondona Chas., hopgrower, r 712 Q. Grooms David B., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 217 Q. Gropp John, driver W. Gropp, r F nr 7th. ft Jo GROPP WILLIAM, Proprietor Eagle Confectionery and ft Bakery, 826 K, r same. 3 Gross Edwin F., saloon Oak Park, r same. Gross Emil G., carp S P Co, r Oak Grove. Gross Louis, mining expert, r Oak Grove. Grosser Gottlieb, cabinetmkr, r 1605 E. Grosser Philip, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1723 13th. Grossherr Fredk., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1501 K. Grotefeud Paul, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. Groth Bertha Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 1214 I. Groth Emma Miss, teacher Oak Park School, r 1214 I. I CD Groth Fred. W., trav salesman A. S. Hopkins Co, r 1214 I. !*> Groth Jas. H., r 1214 I. Grothe August, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r Fifth St m Hotel. Grothen Louis W., asst foreman S P Co, r 908 14th. I fib Grove Louis, saddlemkr C. Nelson, r 1613 4th. Grover Harriet M. Miss, teacher Sacramento High School, r 1100 H. Grover Hattie H. Mips, r 725 L. •o Grover John, r 725 L. 0) Grover M, tailor 911E, r same. 0 DIXON, BORGESON 2 A CO.. SHOW CASES 3V Market 8tr«*«, ft. V. PtillllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 236 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Groves Geo., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 504 20th. Grubbs Albert, janitor Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, r 1417 4th. Grubbs Eugene C, carpet cleaner 1417 4th, r Dillman Tract. Grubbs Win. J., porter State Printer, r alley bet 4th and 5th, N and O. Gruhler Albert E., elk S H. Davis, r 900 8th. Gruhler Anna Mrs, r 822 8th. 2 Gruhler Edgar C, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1116 16th. CD O Gruhler Fred., hutcher, r Oak Park. •§.8 Gruhler Herman A„ clkS. H. Davis, r 1504 L. GRUHLER JACOB, Proprietor Gilt Edge Saloon, 1014 J, go r same. CD 5 Gruhler John (Ebner Bros Co), r 822 8th. O oc xs ^ Gruhler Mary Mrs, dressmkr 2120 H, r same. -"^J? z< GRUHLER'S SALOON, A. L. Campe Proprietor, Old Colo­ 10 nial Brand of Whiskey, 522 J. Grundon H. Mrs, r 1724 16th. 2 ° Gruenwald Geo. J., cabinet mkr S P Co, r 1727 J. CD < Gryce Catherine Mrs, r618 E. e o Gudfreund Fritz, elk V. Hauser, r K nr 8th. Guenther Fritz C, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1609 20th. ?* Guenther Geo., emp C. Schurr, r 1208 3d. Q. u Guerra Secondo, r Roma Hotel. S Guild Annie, dom 1220 H. CD S Guild Wm. A., mach S P Co, r 1321 5th. Guinn Mindie E. Miss, r 820 M. CCJ Guinn Wm. H., barber 1008 7th, r 820 M. Guisto Frank, farmer, r C cor 31st. So Guisto John A., farmer, r 31st cor S. • Gularte S. J., lab S P Co, r 222 M. Gullion Denpsey H., saloon 2001 K, r 2000 K. Gullion P. Mrs, boarding 2000 K. Gumbinger John, truck hldr S P Co, r 814 J. Gunn Arthur N., blksmith S P Co, r 510 8th. Gunn Erastus, blksmith 129 I, r 1115 G. Gunn E. S., carp, r 1115 G. Gunn Rivis 0., blksmith E. Gunn, r 2019 S. Gunn Y. T., emp S P Co, r 718 H. o Gunther Fred, emp S P Co, r 120 I. Gunther Fred, emp State Printer, r 1421 Q. Gunther Fred, plumber F. T. Lyman, r 112 N. GURNET CAB AND HACK CO, Plummer & Quinley Proprietors, 717 K. Telephone 235. Gurney Chas. W., died Oct 10th, 1894. I * CO Gustafson August, elk B. Wilson & Co, r 1800 Q.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustodfa is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L L. LEWIS & CO. stflwani1 R w 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 237 Gustiv D., saloon 2012 H, r 2014 H. Gutenberger H., molder S P Co, r 31st cor Y. Gutenberger Jacob, bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1911 S. Gutenberger L., bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 14th cor Y. Gutenberger Michael, molder S P Co, r 14th cor Y. Gutenberger Wm., iron wks Front cor N, r 1615 6th. Guth Annie M. Miss, r 11311. Guth Geo. H., elk Kirk, Geary & Co, r 1131 I. Guth J. Mrs, furn rms 811 J. Guth J. L., lab S P Co, r 1131 I. Guth Wm. R., elk R. A. Olmsted & Co, r 1131 I. Guthrie Addison B. (Blessing & Guthrie), r Capital Hotel. Guthrie Henry A., chief eng Fire Dept, r 1510 G. Guthrie John J., r 1510 G. GUTHRIE JOHN W., Plumbing, Gasfitting, Hot Water Heaters, and Plumbers' Supplies, 127 J. Telephone 165; r1220 O. Guthrie Maud E. Miss, milliner Mrs. E. Katzenstein, r 1220 0. Gutierrez Albert A., harnessmkr, r 1324 3d. Gutronich Lorenco, bricklayer, r 212 N. Gwinn H. F., elk, r Jackson rd nr 31st. Gwinn Jas. L., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r Jackson rd nr 31st. Gwinn Olney M., buyer Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r Jackson rd nr 31st. Gwynn Solon S., mgr F. Van Guelder, r 612 K. Gyer Alice Miss, r 2127 K. Gyr Jos., carp, r Highland Park. Gysin A., tinsmith S P Co, r 1211 4th.

Habal Henry, elk Pioneer Flour Mills, r 2517 N. Haberkorn John, tailor 413 J, r same. Hack Edw. B., r 511 9th. Hack Edwin, barber 604 I, r same. Hack Henry L., coppersmith S P Co, r 727 I. Hackett Don Z., eng S P Co, r Union Hotel. Hackett Fred, postal elk. Haddington Chas., bartndr G. Newman, r 921$ 6th. Hadger Wm., decorator, r 2514 F. Hadley Eugene S., bkkpr State Printer, r 1610 O. Hadrys A.", tailor Joe Poheim, r 1525 8th. Hadwick Wm., died Aug 29th, 1894. Hadwick W. H. Mrs, r 316 M. Haeckle Louis A., elk, r 513$ K. THEAMERICANGA8H8T0RErr^ZGr:tJ[g7) COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. II U • I f^eal Estate and Insurance CES. raomER. 7*5 K BT, SACKA31EXTO, CAI* 238 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Haedrich Ferdinand, grading contr W cor 26th, r same. Haedrich Ferdinand Jr., grading contr W cor 26th, r same. Haedrich Fred A., painter, r 1516 G. Haedrich Peter, grading contr W cor 26th, r same. Haedrick H., lab Standard Oil Co. Hafer Frank, switchman S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Hafley Wm. L., emp Burns & Waterhouse, r F cor 17th. Hagelstein Emil, r s s B, bet 13th and 14th. Hagelstein Gustave, candymkr, rssB bet 13th and 14th. Hagelstein Louisa Miss, r s s B bet 13th and 14th. Hagely John, magnetic healer 1916 I, r same. Hagenbucher Arnold, baker W. Gropp, r Wm Tell House. Hager Geo. W., gardener 706 M. Hagerty Jas., r 31st cor K. Hagerty Mamie Miss, r 1026 3d. Hagey Bi-Chloride of Gold Institute, 724$ K. Haggerty Anna Mrs, r 317 O. Haggerty Danl., r 317 O. Haggerty Danl. J. (Elliott & Haggerty), r 1323 K. Haggerty Ellen Miss, r 1623 P. Haggerty Elizabeth Miss, teacher, r 1623 P. Haggerty Hugh, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 317 0. Haggerty J., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 2819 O. Haggerty John, lab S P Co, r 1623 P. Haggerty John, emp S P Co, r J st rd nr 36th. Haggerty JohnR., lab, r 1623 P. Haggerty Julia Miss, dressmkr, r 317 0. Haggerty Kate Miss, dressmkr, r 1623 P. Haggerty Maggie Miss, dressmkr, r 1623 P. Haggerty Mary Miss, dressmkr Mrs F. A. Webb, r 1623 P. Haggerty Michael, emp Capital Box Factory, r 317 0. Hagstrom Henry, mach S P Co, r 319 alley bet 3d and 4th, L and M. Hague Jas., lab, r Broderick. Hague Thos., grading contr 2228 Front, r same. Hahn Florence Miss, r 1309 H. Hahn Jos. (Joseph Hahn & Co), r 1309 H. HAHN JOSEPH & CO (Joseph Hahn), Drugs, 430 J. Hahn Rose Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Haiden John A., emp C E Ry Co, r 2110 H. Haight J. M., printer D. Johnston & Co, r Western Hotel. HAIGHT N. H., Homeopathist and Surgeon, 1008 8th, r 1621 L. Haines B. Albert, emp S P Co, r 725 L. Haines Geo. W., mach Stanton, Thomson & Co, r Oak Park. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY * Writes * Insurance IOZ3 FOVRTH STREBTt SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 239 L^^-J Haines Wm. M., blksmith, r 1216 8th. Haitz Frank P., student, r 1322 N. Haitz Jos. A., elk Perkins & Son, r 1322 N. Haitz T. Mrs, r 1322 N. Halbert Chas., r 511 6th. Halderman Jas. C, driver W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1616 18th. , , Haldron D., r Tremont Hotel. *"—^ Haldron Matthew, r 1927 3d. Haldron Wm., r 1927 3d. HALE BROS. & CO, E. W. Hale Managing Partner Sacra­ mento Store, General Merchandise, K nw cor 9th. ,_, HALE EVERET W., Managing Partner Hale Bros & Co, r 1300 H. Hale Jas. A., mining, r 419 L. Hale Wm. H., emp S P Co, r 509 N. Hale's Block, nw cor K and 9th. Haley Alice Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 2000 10th. ' Haley & Brown (Miss M. Haley and Miss A. Brown), dress- mkrs 521 J. Haley Cornelius, bartndr, r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and 0. Haley E. Mrs, r 900 L. Haley Edgar V., emp S P Co, r Highland Park. Haley Jas. M., r Highland Park. Haley John, bricklayer, r 2000 10th. Haley Mary Miss (Haley & Brown), r 2000 10th. Haley Maurice, saloon 1312 K, r 1310 K. g> Haley Michael, lab, r 2000 10th. u Haley Patrick, express, r 2401 K. Haley Ralph A., elk B. Wilson & Co, r Highland Park. Haley Thos., emp The Nonpareil, r 510 M. (N g, Haley Wm. B., emp S P Co, r Highland Park. M » Halfelder P., lab S P Co, r 714 E. ^ p Hall , canvasser, r 1213 9th. Hall A. D. Mrs, r 917 16th. "* Hall Chas., rpr S P Co, r Broderick. Jf 8y3 Hall Curt C, carp, r 1317 Q. Hall Evangeline R. Miss, elk T. W. Griffin, r 1218 I. 9 £ Hall Fannie Mrs, r 1511 D. f" ' Hall F. M. Mrs, r 1317 Q. JS g Hall Frank, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r Jackson rd nr ^ #» 32d. » © Hall Fred., piper S P Co, r 1608 D. p«* Vi Hall Geo. W„ restaurant 426 K, r same. % £ Hall Jas., r 315 M. • % Hall Jas., emp S P Co, r 1821 J. 2 Hall John, comp Record-Union, r 1113 3d. 3 ft Dixon, Borgeson &co:, SHOW CASES 87 Market fcfe, •> F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BUUIte. PHILLIPS BROS.. BOOKBINDERS,BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 240 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Hall John C„ fireman S P Co. r 713 E. Hall John W., lab, r Dillman Tract. Hall J. R. Mrs, hairdresser 1218 Q, r same. HALL, LUHRS & CO fT. B. Hall, C. A. Luhrs, C. A. Yoerk and L. B. Monr), Wholesale Groceries, Liquors and Cigars, 908-916 2d. Hall Milton, elk State House Hotel, r same. HALL OF RECORDS, I cor 7th. Hall R. H., trav salesman Baker & Hamilton. Hall Robt, salesman Stanton, Thomson & Co, r 2015 L. Hall Thos, B. (Hall, Luhrs & Co), and pres Orangevale Coloni­ zation Co, r 1236 O. Hall Walter C. (Wilson, Hall & Co), r 1228 0. Hall Wm., track oiler 0 E Ry Co. Hall Wm. G., special agt Connecticut Mutual Life Ins Co, 1005 4th, r 922 M. Hall Wm. R., upholsterer 1518 5th, r same. HALL WM. J., Agent Sacramento Coal Co, Front and O, r 603 N. Hallanan Jas. P., lab S P Co, r 316 T. Hallanan John, fireman S P Co, r 1918 4th. Hallanan John A., r 316 T. Hallanan Maggie, dressmkr, r 316 T. Hallanan Patrick, lab S P Co, r 316 T. Hallanan Wm., emp S P Co, r 1918 4th. Hallanan Wm. M., appr S P Co, r 316 T. Hallberg C. B., switchman S P Co. Haller Edw., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1107 I. Haller, Jacob M., house mover, r 1904 N. Haller John, tailor 1027 6th, r 710 alley bet 7th and 8th, H and I. Haller Peter, bartndr C. Quiggle, r 12th cor E. Haller Wm., emp California Winery, r 2311 P. Halley Walter, r 1512 O. Halley Wm., com Record-Union, r 1512 O. Hallifax Bros (John and Chas.), yeast mfrs 721 6th. Hallifax Chas. (Hallifax Bros), r 1114 J. Hallifax John (Hallifax Bros), r 1114 J. Halligan Agnes, dom 1027 G. Halloran Lizzie F. Miss, r 1218 D. Holloran M. Mrs, r 1410 2d. Halloran Martin, yardmaster S P Co, r 1218 D. Holloran Patrick, died Nov 26th, 1893. Halloran Thos. E., emp S P Co, r 921 6th. Halloran Wm. N., painter, r 1927 3d. Halloway David Z., lab, r 2228 H. IM. CLARK & SONS, 1M9 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS Of xoth and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 241 Halsey David C, cond, r 1003 L. Halterman Lafayette M., emp C E Ry Co, r 1317 29th. Hambleton Geo. W., farmer, r 1215 18th. Hambloom A. R.. painter, r Mansion House. Hamburg-American Packet Co, 1011 4th. cm HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO of Ham- burg,Geo. Kromer Agent, 725 K. 3PO Hamer Cora B. Miss, r 1313 E. Hamer Geo. W., died Mar 25th, 1894. Hamer M. J. Mrs, r 1313 E. c/> Hamer Sadie G. Miss, r 1313 E. Hamer T., mach S P Co, r 1313 E. Hamill John, eng S P Co. Hamilton A. E. (Hamilton & Aschenauer), r 1022 3d. Hamilton Andros S., molder S P Co, r 1725 J. Hamilton & Aschenauer (A. E. Hamilton and G. Aschenauer), saloon 1024 3d. Hamilton Eddy A., elk S P Co, r 712 10th. Hamilton Edw. G., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1211 J. HAMILTON EDWARD R., Cashier Sacramento Bank, r Til 429 J. O Hamilton Ellen Mrs, r 1521 19th. ft Hamilton R. W., lab S P Co, r Brighton. HAMILTON WM. B., County Clerk, Courthouse, r 1112 F. o 2b NO Hamilton Wm. H.. porter Western Hotel, r 513$ K. fe Hamilton W. T., undertaker, r 1011$ 9th. 7X, * Hamlin A. Mrs, elk The Nonpareil, r 1311 L. o Hamlin Alfred, plasterer, r 917 10th. Qo Hamlin Arthur, furrier, r 724 8th. -H Hamlin Bert A., r 917 10th. «T> »»f Hamlin Fred, plaster, r Windsor Hotel. Ul is 1—» Hamlin Geo., cabinetmkr, r 917 10th. >§ Hamlin J. Mrs, r 818 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. a. Hamlin Mary Mrs, furn rms 728 K. r>*a . O Hamlin Mary Mrs, dressmkr 917 10th, r same. Hf Hamlin Thos. J., lab, r Oak Park. Cfi Hamm Ann Mrs, r 520 O. Hamm Wm. J., elk E. S. Elkus, r 2509 J. Hammack E. Mrs, furn rooms 716 8th. Hammack Sterling, emp S P Co, r 716 8th. Hammam Baths 1126 7th. Hammer Building ne cor 4th and K. Hammer Cora F. Miss, r 1237 I. Hammer F. E. Mrs, r 2119 1. Hammer M. L. Mrs, r 2119 I. Serves Daily more Patrons T than any other two Grocery 16 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAUL- T me Deimonico RESTAURAN- T Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. m Day and wigw. OYSTER PARLORS 242 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY.

Cbto HAMMER M. S., Proprietor Hammer's Pharmacy, Drugs, «.s > • Toilet Articles, Soda Water, etc., 401 K cor 4th, r 1237 I. HAMMER'S MUSIC STORE (Chickering Hall), C. M. Spaulding Manager; Sole Agents Chickering & Sons, SSw • Wissner and Kimball Pianos, 820 J. HAMMER'S PHARMACY, M. S. Hammer, Proprietor, 401 n o o K cor 4th. Hammond A. F. Mrs, r 916$ J. 09 (t c . Hammond Annie Mrs, r 1324 C. S ss h•" • Hammond Chas. M., piper S P Co, r 1414 E. S 8 Hammond Edw. P., elk H. Weinrich & Co, r 619 O. Hammond Fred L., r 1324 C. Hammond John T., cigars 1009 10th, r same. a Hammond Robt., elk, r 823 M. Hammond S. B., storekpr S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Hampel Andrew, trav salesman Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 908 2d. ft* Hampton Wm. A., TJ S. gauger, r 1116 12th. Hanche Annie Miss, r 714 N. O Hanche Elizabeth Mrs, r 714 N. Hanche Henry F., r 714 N. Hanche Minnie Miss, r 714 N. Hanchett Lewis E., elk S P Co, r 1515 3d. o • Hanchett M. Mrs, r 1515 3d. Hancock B. F., rpr S P Co, r 1827 H. HANCOCK C. G. MISS, Librarian Sacramento Free Public Library and Reading Room I bet 7th and 8th, r 610$ I. h en u Hancock Geo. W., died Dec 31st, 1894. u Hand Edw., lab S P Co, r 120 I. DC Hand Herbert W., musician, r 1223 O. a r- Hand J. Orrin, fireman S P Co, r 729 N. to Hand Uzilla E. Miss, r 1223 O. ^* (ft Handlin J. J., molder, 1109 H. Handlin Wm. J., r 1109 H. 1 Hanford Belle Miss, r 1730 O. •a Hanford C, pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co. Hanford E. Mrs., r 1730 O. vw en Hanford Geo. E., eng S P Co, r 1416 16th. <9 P Hanford Jas. W., appr S P Co, r 1730 O. Hanford Jos. H., emp S P Co, r 1730 O. Hanford Ralph P., emp S P Co, r 1730 O. 3 8 Hanifin Alice Miss, r 2207 J. CO Hawkins Wm., lab, r Slater's add. a HANK'S CORNER SALOON, H. F. Dillman Proprietor, © 901 Front. Hanks E. L., lab, r Y bet 12th and 13th. Hanks Geo., painter S P Co. o Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery J COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESTBD HOME BAKERY ' 1012 J Street.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 243 Hanks Jas. M., emp 0 E Ry Co, r X bet 29th and 30th. Hanley T., blksmith S P Co, r 1210 3d. Hanlon John, emp S P Co, r 511 M. Hanlin Wm., emp S P Co, r 511 M. Hanlon Daisy Miss, dressmkr, r 2018 4th. Hanlon John, fireman, r 2018 4th. Hanlon John J., printer D. Johnston Hanford E. Mrs., r 1730 O. W CM Hanford Geo. E., eng S P Co, r 1416 16th. Hanford Jas. W., appr S P Co, r 1730 O. Hanford Jos. H., emp S P Co, r 1730 O. - Hanks E. L., lab, r Y bet 12th and 13th. o Hanks Geo., painter S P Co. O Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANCASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY' 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 243 Hanks Jas. M., emp 0 E Ry Co, r X bet 29th and 30th. Hanley T., blksmith S P Co, r 1210 3d. Hanlon John, emp S P Co, r 511 M. Hanlin Wm., emp S P Co, r 511 M. Hanlon Daisy Miss, dressmkr, r 2018 4th. Hanlon John, fireman, r 2018 4th. Hanlon John J., printer D. Johnston

t^e&l Estate and Insurance 6E0. KRflBIEit, 7SS K ST, 8ACHA31EKTO, CAL P 246 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0 Harrington A. L., bkmn S P Co. v\ Harrington Frank, tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r Inter­ P national Hotel. Harrington Harriet Mrs, r 13th nr G. Harris A. A., farmer, r Eldred House. Harris D., capitalist, r 1005 6th. < Harris Frank, collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r O bet 9th and 10th. W Harris Fred, steward State House Hotel, r 1312 9th. Harris Geo., emp Mrs J. T. Wilson, r 816$ K. Harris Geo., student, v 1213 F. g « Harris Geo., appr S P Co., r 1415 F. Harris Geo. B., mach S P Co, r 1415 F. Harris Harry, lab S P Co, r 1420 7th. S « Harris Henry, waiter, r J cor 3d. Harris Jas. H., bootblk G. G. Ogg, r 1012 2d. HARRIS J. B. (Sheehan & Harris), r 1615 3d. Harris John E., contr and bldr 1114 P, r same. Harris John H., r 1011 P. u Harris Jos., r 1420 7th. w Harris Jos. J., lab S P Co. r 1905 L. Harris L. Mrs, r 1114 P. Harris L. Mrs, r 713 I. Harris L. Mrs, r 2509 G. Harris Luther R., hotel 1201 J, r same. Harris & Miller (W. A. Harris and B. W.Miller),blacksmiths 602 L. Harris Minnie, emp Tremont Hotel. Harris Newton, stenog The Singer Mfg Co, r 1114 P. Harris R. Lee, carp, r 1114 P. o Harris R. Leo, tinner, r 1117 8th. Harris S. W., elk The Bee, r 1207 D. Harris Thos. O., collarmkr A. A. Van Voories & Co, r719$ J. Harris Walter, appr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r O bet 9th and 10th. n Harris Wm., lab, r 34th cor W. Harris Wm., collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r O bet 9th and 10th. Harris Wm. A. (Harris & Miller), r 600 L. s Harris Wm. H., hostler, r 2315 P. Harrison Chas. E., elk Golden Eagle Hotel, r 1715 3d. o Harrison Chas. M., comp, r 1715 3d. Harrison E. Mrs, r 1126 P. Harrison E. I. Miss, r Broderick. Harrison Jas., lab, r 122 K. Harrison Jas. E., painter 1007 J, r same. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, ttranlte and Harble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : i. nmn, 4*J J STREET, • SACRAMENTO, CAI« era SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 247 • Harrison Louisa Miss, r Broderick. Harrison Martin, lab S P Co, r 120 I. Harrison Nelle M. Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 1715 3d. Harrison Thos., mach Union Iron Wks, r Monte Vista. f>*"-3 Harrison Thos. E., mach S P Co, r Broderiok. Harrison W. H., comp State Printer. Harrison Wm. G., groceries Highland Park, r same. Harrison Wm. H., carp S P Co, r Broderick. Harrison Wm. H. Jr, elk Lindley & Co, r Broderick. Harrop J., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Harrop Sarah Mrs, r Broderick. Hart A. L., atty 426$ J, r 1027 L. Hart Albert, r 1731 L. Hart Edw. E., pressman State Printer, r 1731 L. Hart Edw. A., expressman, r 1214 8th. Hart Elijah C, atty 328$ J, r221 O. Hart Fred., reporter, r 1006$ 2d. Hart Geo., fireman S P Co, r 718 E. Hart John, melter S P Co, r Broderick. Hart Kate Mrs, r 1305 L. Hart Lorraine Miss, student, r 1428 8th. Hart Saml. P., eng, r 1519 4th. Hart Sue Miss, r 1305 L. V) Hart Thos. W., packer Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1215 25th. Hart Walter, eng S P Co, r 1419 18th. n Hart Wm. C, comp State Printer, r 1610 L. ft Hart Wm. H. H., moved to S F. Harter A. E., eng S P Co. 2 & Harter Eli E„ r 806 H. CO « Harter Geo. H., eng, r 806 H. Harter Homer, elk, r 806 H. Hartford A., r Broderick. Hartford House 1022 5th. 1 » Hartig Oscar G., carriage painter A. Bowman, r 219 13th. Hartley Depuy J., eng S P Co, r 1411 J. Hartley E. M. E. Mrs, r 1107 F. * ft Hartman Emil, pres Hartman Investment and Collection 6 P * » Agency, r 2610 O. « 0 Hartman F. W., molder S P Co, r Mansion House. p ft Hartman Henry, foreman Gity Brewery, r 12th cor H. s Hartman Investment and Collection Agency, E. Hartman 0* pres, 420 J. x Hartman Jacob J., emp S P Co, r 2103 11th. ft Hartman Laura S. Miss, r 2610 0. i Hartmann Geo. P., r 2229 P. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES &7 Market Street, S. V, SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. Ul Q 248 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Hartmann P. Mrs, dressmkr 1010 3d, r same. Hartwell Chas. N. (Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker), r 1615 2d. Hartwell Fannie Miss, r 1615 2d. Hartwell Flora Miss, r 1615 2d. HARTWELL, HOTCHKISS & STALKER (0. N. Hart­ well, F. S. Hotchkiss and W. D. Stalker), Proprietors Sacramento Planing Mill, se cor Front and Q. Hartwell Mary Mrs, r 1325 G. Hartwell Wm. S., porter W F & Co, r 2218 H. Harvey Chas. F., barber, r 1233 G. Harvey Edw. H., elk D. H. Quinn, r 1233 G. Harvey Geo. A., painter J. E. Mayo, r 1233 G. Harvev G. H. Mrs, r 1233 G. Harvey G. L., lab S P Co, r 1206 4th. Harvey Jas. L., bkkpr, r 1120 K. Harvey Josie Mrs, r 1113 8th. Harvey Saml. E., carp S P Co, r 925 Front. Harvey S. S., fireman S P Co. Harvie N. (Kreuzberger & Harvie ), r 2204 O. Harvin Saml., emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Harwood Aaron, stair bldr, r 1423 O. Harwood Chas. T., stair bldr, r 1119 15th. Hasert Emanuel, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2313 P. Haskell Jos. E., com trav, r 1210 F. Haskell Lulu M. Mrs, r 1210 F. Haskell Sallie Miss, embroidery 1210 F, r same. Haskell Wm. H., r 1210 F. Hassett W. J. (D. Johnston & Co), r 713 H. Hasslacher Oswald, barber A. Hoefer, r 731 K. Hastenplug Edw., emp C. Suter, r 1122 alley bet 11th and 12th, J and K. Hastenplug Jos., appr H. C. Hotfilter, r 1122 alley bet 11th and 12th, J and K. Hastenplug Oscar R., painter J. E. Mayo, r 1122 alley bet 11th and 12th, J and K. Hastenplug Peter J., r 1122 alley bet 11th and 12th, J and K. Hastings Chas. D., harnessmkr, r 2221 9th. Hastings Cora E. Miss, r 1329 P. Hastings Dora Miss, dressmkr Miss N. Readman, r 1329 P. Hastings Geo. W., farmer, r 2221 9th. Hastings Jas. M., contr and bldr 2011 9th, r 2221 9th. Hastings Kate Mrs, r 2221 9th. Hastings Theodore K., elk N. Dinglev, r 1329 P. Haswell Frank E., r 917 M. Hatch J. D., cond S P Co, r 816 11th. Hatch Norman V., mining, r 1430 21st. N, CLARK & SONS, 1M9 Sp8U *••M ?raBClsco Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOth and R St». Monuments and Statuani SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 249 Hatch 8. R. Mrs, r 812 H. Hatfield Jessie Miss, r 413 M., HATFIELD LLEWELLYN T., Attorney-at-Law 1005 2d, r1431 0. Hatfield Victor L., student L. T. Hatfield, r 1431 O. Hathaway J. Mrs, r 1919 N. Haub Chas. W., cashier The L. Elkus Co, r 1012 H. Haub J. Geo., elk J. Haub, r 1012 H. HAUB JOHN, Proprietor Haub's Restaurant, Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors 720 J, r 1012 H. HAUBOLD ADAM, Cigars, Notions and Catholic Church Goods 1122 J, r same (see adv). ADAH HAUBOLD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CIGARS, TOBACCO, CUTLERY and NOTIONS, CATHOLIC CHURCH GOODS. llgg J Street. HAUB'S RESTAURANT, ICE CREAM AND OYSTER PARLORS, John Haub Proprietor, 720 J. Haug Albert, r 300$ K. Hauger Isaac, carp Merry & Vanina, r 1718 2d. Hauseu Henry, driver Waterhouse & Lester, r Hotel Rhein, Hauser Andrew, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1814 21st. Hauser Andrew Jr., brewer Pacific Brewery, r 1814 21st. Hauser Casper, bartndr, r 923 S. Hauser Christ., bartndr J. Gruhler, r 1014 J. Hauser G. Mrs, saloon 1930 M, r same. Hauser Henry, emp S P Co, r Broderick. Hauser Matthew, died Sept 1st, 1894. Hauser Minnie Miss, r Broderick. Hauser P. Rickie Miss, r 1814 21st. Hauser Rosa Miss, seamstress, r Broderick. Hauser Valentine, r Broderick. Hauser Wm., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 21st bet R and S. Haush, Laura Miss, elk, r 825 J. Hauthoru R. N., emp C E Ry Co. Haverlan John, pressman State Printer, r 1016 13th. Hawes David, stone cutter, r 900 J. Hawes Elisha, metal lathing 1121 C, r same. Hawes Harvey, cook Shelley Bros, r Broderick. Hawjc Albert, stoker Capital Gas Co, r 326 P. Hawk Blanche Miss, bkkpr E. L. Hawk, r 312 O. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STaCKTS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Nl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day ft NUht Oyster Parlor } 250 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. HAWK E. L., Real Estate and Insurance 1004 4th, and President Cooper Music Co, r 312 0. Hawk Owen D., elk J. R. Nathan, r 1116 9th. Hawk Wm. H., stoker Capital Gas Co, r 326 P. Hawkins E. A., emp S P Co, r 612 15th. Hawkins F. J., r 721 L Hawkins H., r 1602 3d. Hawkins Jas., blksmith, r Hotel Rhein. Hawkins P. W., carp, r 1818 8th. Hawks N. Mrs, r 1831 P. Hawley J. H., switchman S P Co. HAWLEY ROBERT H., Manager Edwin K. Alsip & Co, r 14211. Haworth E. Mrs, r 607$ K. Haworth Margaret A. Mrs, r Broderick. Hawthorne Wm., baker John Black & Sons, r 1119 Front. Haycock Wm. H. (Cole & Haycock), and elk Sullivan-Kelly Co, r 427$ K. Hayden A. Mrs, r 1628 K. Hayden Chas. F., r 1628 K. Hayden John K., farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Hayden Martin, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Hayden Wm. J., emp S P Co, r 1628 K. Hayes Geo. H., barber, r 1503 25th. Hayes Geo. W., policeman, r 1127 E. Hayes Major, gardener 1314 H. Hayes Rice, feed stable 913 12th, r 1200 I. Hayes Wilmer E., r 1500 K. Hayford Carroll L., elk Hale Bros. & Co, r 826 14th. Hayford Emma Mrs, emp State Printer, r 409 9th. HAYFORD GEORGE 0„ Manager L. C. Chandler, r 828 14th. Haynes Edw., bkmn S P Co, r 7211. Haynie M. F., elk P O, r 902$ 7th. Haynie Stephen W., peddler, r 2623 P. Haynke August C, mach S P Co, r 417 16th. Hays Lee, plumber, 1115 21st, r same. Hays Wilber, packer Phoenix Milling Co, 1500 K. Hayton Geo. M., r 1601 K. Hayworth Mrs, emp L. Elkus Co. Hay worth John H., emp F. M. McKeever, r 1112 I. Hazelton Arthur, porter L. R. Harris, r 1201 J. Head Chas. A., died Oct 11th, 1894. Head Wm., elk The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 721 H. Heady Fannie A. Mrs, r 1424 G. Heald Francis F„ carp, r 908 L. Serves Daily more Patrons R than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOMEDRADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 251 Heald I. A., mach S P Co, r 1926 M. Healy Alfred, reporter, r 804 K. Healy Danl., r Fairview, Healy Jas., lab S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Healy Wm., emp S P Co, r 1822 13th. Heany Elizabeth Miss, r 1708 8th. Heany John G., emp S P Co, r 1215 7th. Heany Patrick, watchman S P Co, r 1708 8th. Heany Thos., mach S P Co, r 2109 L. Heaphy J. J. (M. J. Heaphy & Co), r Windsor Hotel. Heaphy M. J. (M. J. Heaphy & Co), r Windsor Hotel. Heaphy M. J. & Co (M. J. and J. J. Heaphy), leather goods 920 8th. Heard L. T. Mrs, r 1010 P. Heard Lucy T. Miss, teacher Jefferson School, r 1010 P. Heard Sue V. Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 1010 P. Hearn E. M. Mrs, r alley bet 5th and 6th, P and Q. Hearne John F., student, r 816 P. Heber F. L. Mrs, music teacher 530 K, r same. Hebland Thos., r 611 D. Heck John, mach S P Co, r 2720 F. Heckman Albert J., mgr Porter Bros. Co, r Golden Eagle Hotel. Hector M. E. Mrs, r 900 L. Hedger Wm., died Nov 24th, 1893. Hedlund J. O., stone contr 626 L, r same. Hefternan John J., emp Central Stables, r 1021 J. Heidenreich Chas., insp S P Co, r Rocklin. Heigelman Hans, butcher M. F. Odell, r Riverside rd. Heilbron A. & Bro (Adolph Heilbron), live stock 521 J. Heilbron Adolph (A. Heilbron & Bro), and (Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co), r 1102 O. Heilbron AngustF., died Nov 21st, 1893. Heilbron August H. H., bkkpr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 704 O. Heilbron Henry A., buyer Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 2025 M. Heilbron Irving, elk City Surveyor, r 710 H. Heilbron Louis (Christianson & Co), r 710 H. Heilbron Louise R. Mrs., r 704 O. Heilbron Marie E. Miss, r 704 O. Heilbron Otto F. L., r 704 L. Heilbron Tillie A. Miss, r 704 O. Heilmann Kate Mrs, r 1721 E. Heilrath Christopher, lab J. Heilrath, r 915 8th. Heilrath J ohn, blacksmith 915 8th, r same. DIXON, BORGESON A CO., SHOW CASES 3V Market Str«*t, 1. F. CI : "/-- : ••**••:• ;.:'<:¥ SJ. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 252 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Heilrath Robt., painter J. Heilrath, r 915 8th. Heilshorn Chas., lab Miller Bros, r 1116 J. Heinrich A., eng Engine Co No 2, r 915 10th. Heinrich Emil, saloon 301 L, r 2330 M. Heinrich Nellie Miss, r 1127 3d. Heinrich Richd., tillerman H & L Co No 1, r 1117 6th. Heinrich S. Mrs, r 1127 3d. Heintz Frank J., dep Co Clerk, r 916$ J. Heintzelman T. W., emp S P Co, r 711 8th. Heintzman Christian, cabinet mkr Capital Furniture Co, r H bet 6th and 7th. Heinz Jos., emp State Printer, r 1222 I. Heirs Benj. C, r 914 18th. Heirs W. F. Mrs, r 914 18th. Heisch Mrs, r 25111. Heisch Edw. G., emp S P Co, r 1615 N. Heisch Geo. elk Christianson & Co, r 2105 10th. Heisch Julius O., carp S P Co, r 1615 N. Heisch R. Mrs, r 1615 N. Heisch Rose M. Miss, r 1615 N. Heisch Wm. J., r 1418 G. Heise Chas. E., elk W. P." Fuller & Co, r 1822 3d. HEISEN CHARLES, Proprietor Court Exchange 630 I, r 622 I. HEISEN CHARLES Jr., Notary Public 904 7th, r 622 I. Heiser Max, elk O. L. Heiser, r 12th cor G. Heiser Oscar L., groceries 12th cor G, r same. Heisler Hannah Miss, tailor, r 517 17th. Heisler John B., trimmer A. Meister & Sons, r 517 17th. HEITMAN J. H., Manager Joe Poheim 600 J, r 1525 8th. HELKE WILLIAM L., Proprietor Pioneer Pharmacy ne cor 2d and K, r 429 L. Helken John, lab, r Slater's Add. Hellinge Frank W, wood 310 N, r same. Hellinge Wm., appr S P Co, r 310 N. Hellman Jos., r 624 G. Hellman Martin, fireman, r 624 G. Hellman Robt., bartndr Sacramento Brewery, r 28th bet R and S. Hellman Albert, lab M. Emerine, r 1814 28th. Helman Wm., r 1230 6th. Helmick M. E. Mrs, dressmkr 2221 O, r same. Helms R., r 918 K. Helmsdorph Hans, emp J. J. Meister, r 323 16th. Hembree E. Mrs, r 2009 J. Hembree Hattie B. Miss, retoucher A. O. Gregory, r 2009 J.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'fl is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. MM MR. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 253 Hemenway Anson B., carp, r 700 24th. Hemenway G. W., fireman S P Co, r Brodorick. Hemenway John S., carp S P Co, r 1317 18th. Hemenway G. W., stenog, r 700 24th. Hemmel Carl, lab, r 1025 Front. Hemmes Chas. J., carp S P Co, r 528 J. Henchen Herman, oiler S P Co, r 1108 4th. Henderson Albert G., miner, r 1204 2d. Henderson, Brown & Co (W. M. Henderson and E. S. Brown), com 201 J. Henderson Edw., elk Carlaw Bros, r 408 N. Henderson Jas. J., stenog S P Co, r 1019 O. Henderson Jas. M., farmer, r 1600 M. Henderson Jas. M. Jr, collr W. P. Coleman, r 805 M. Henderson Louis, lab S P Co, r S bet 19th aud 20th. Henderson Mary Mrs, matron Capital Gold Cure, r 526 9th. Henderson Wm. J., barber 307 K, r same. Henderson Wm. M. (Henderson, Brown & Co), r 1215 Q. Hendrew Harry, msgr W L & Co, r 3016 F. Hendren S. A., teamster, r 3016 F. fta Heudren Susie Miss, wrapper W L & Co., r 3016 F. x Hendricks L. G. Mrs, r 905 L. Hendricks Louis V., elk White, Hughes & Seymour, r ? Vl 905 L. X 9 Hendricks Saml., r 905 L. 0 ft Hendricks Wm. C, r 905 L. X Hendricks Whitley F., painter 505 K, r 418 O. ft Henesey P. J. Mrs, furn rms 621 J, r 701$ J. Henesey Walter J., elk M. Gardner, r 701 J. Heney Richd., comp State Printer, r 1520 M. Heninger Robt. L., cond C E Ry Co, r 1321 29th. Hen% Archibald N., r 715 M. Henley Catherine R. Miss, r 715 M. Henley Frank, bricklayer, r 1808 13th. Henley Isabel Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 715 M. Henley J. A. Mrs, furn rms 715 M. Henley Oscar A., brick contr 1621 13th, r same. Henley Oscar A. Jr, emp O. A. Henley, r 162113th. Henley Walter, emp O. A. Henley, r 1621 13th. Henley Wm., atty, r 913 P. Henn Henry (Sieh & Henn), r 614 L. Hennessey John, marble polisher Carlaw Bros, r 1830 L. Hennessey Kate I. Miss, r 1830 L. Hennessy Mary Miss, r 1830 L. Hennessey Wm. H., appr S P Co, r 1830 L. Hennesy Michael, blksmith S P Co, r 230 M. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANCASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. l^eal Estate and Insurance . 6EB. HaOBlE», 785 K ST, 8ACKAMKKTO, CAL. 254 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 8 HENRIKSON GUSTAV, Physician and Surgeon, Hours 9 to 10 A. M., 12 to 2 and 4 to 6 p. M., 627$ J, telephone 309, r r * same. Henry Mrs, r 1022 5th. Henry Geo. B., city mgr The Singer Mfg Co, r K cor 10th. Henry J. J., painter S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. £ in Henry Lewis, butcher C. Swanston & Son, r Riverside rd. 0) Henry Peter C, cook P. C. Krogh, r 519 K. *-* Henry W. A., lab S P Co. N Henry Wilson A., justice of peace 608 I, r 504$ J. O Henschel Annie Mrs, furn rms 804 K. < O Henschel Bertha Miss, r 804 K. M Henschel Julius, r 804 K. 0 Henshaw Holmes, agt Continental Fruit Express, r 224 J. o Hensler Jacob, saloon and lodgings 20th cor Q, r same. Hensley Wallace L., bkkpr Christianson & Co, r 920 N. Henwood Emma Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1615 6th. Henwood Josiah, molder W. Gutenberger, r 1615 6th. 1 Henwood Lulu Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1615 6th. 0 Hepting Edw., emp S P Co, r 2212 10th. Herberger Chas. W., upholsterer J. G. Davis, r 1526 7th. u Herbert August, baker W. Gropp, r 816 R. Herbert Edmund, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r V bet 24th and 25th. Herbert Wm. B. (Seiter & Herbert), r 612 K. Herbst Geo., r 1801 C. 0 Herbst Otto, carp S P Co, r 1801 C. Herbst Sophie Mrs, r 1801 C. Hergett Geo., farmer, r 618 I. C Hergett Geo. A., harnessmkr, r 618 I. Herman Harry C., waiter Morrison & Gault, r 801 7th. (3 Herman J., lab S P Co, r 624 G. O Herman Jacob, appr S P Co, r 1012 V. Herman Jos., lab S P Co, r 1530 D. Herman M., fireman S P Co. O Herman Wm. W., bartndr L. B. Nichols, r 1311 18th. Hermance L. Stewart, lab S P Co, r 1227 H. Hermance Theodore, emp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. (3 Hermann H. H., bartndr, r 1311 18th. Hermly Chas., emp California Winery, r P cor 21st. i Hermosilla R. R., r 220 Q. Herndon Chas. B., r 1415 10th. Herndon Geo. L., brick mason 1423 8th, r same. Herndon Harry, elk John Breuner, r 2713 N. 8 Herndon Ida Miss, r 1423 8th. O Herndon Jos. N., teamster, r 2328 N. X p Serves Daily more Patron* L than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. if Cooley,]^™;fSELLS REAL ESTAT. E }101) 3 4th SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 255 Herndon Wm., r 1423 8th. Herndon W. L. Mrs, r 1428 8th. Herold Geo., baker, r 921 S. Heron Louis, r 1618 6th. Herr Annie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1020 15th. HERR GEORGE W., City Sanitary Inspector 328 J, r 1020 15th. j5ssB5j Herr L. S. Mrs, r 1020 15th. 5=0 Herren Amy Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1128 9th. Herrera Emanuel A., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 409 M. Herrera P. Mrs, r 409 M. Herrera Peter, emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 409 M. Herrick A. C. Rev, r 1304 N. 5=o Herrick A. C. Mrs, artist 1304 N, r same. Herrick Jane P. Miss, r 1304 N. Herrick Kate Miss, r 1304 N. Herrman Albena, dom 1830 N. Herrmann Eugene, fireman Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 324 N. Herrmann R., brewer Pacific Brewery, r 920 R. Herron David, carp P. Wolf, r 2308 F. Hersun Jane Mrs, r 1230 E. Hersun Nettie Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r 1230 E. Hertig Edw., cook, r 1824 3d. Hertner Kate Mrs, r Y cor 9th. jjf Hervagalt Amel V., r 512 P. 2. Hervegault E. Mrs, r 1318 5th. ~ Heryford Edw., driver G. Van Dusen, r K cor 21st. 2 Herzog Chas. C. (Curtis & Herzog), r 1619 P. & g, Herzog Philip, r 1130 N. Jj g Hess Effie Miss, music teacher 1716 H, r same. ^ ^ Hess Emil, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. - j- Hess Jas. A., saloon 221 K, r 425 O. ~J g Hess Laura E. Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r JJ y 1716 H. 2 » Hess N. A. Mrs, r 1716 H. 8 O Hess Silas, r 1716 H. * *% Hess Whitney P., msgr W F & Co, r 1830 M. pj g Hesser M. E. Mrs, r 20211. V ^ Hesson Thos., emp A. A. Voorhies

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 257 Higgins Edw. D., cond S P Co, r 1400 7th. Higgins Edw. V., emp S P Co, r 528 I. Higgins Fred, elk State Printer, r 1430 K. Higgins H. Edw., r 800 E. Higgins H. Edw. Jr., r 800 E. I'm Higgins John, lab Evergreen Cemetery, r Windsor Hotel. Higgins John H., emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 711 E. Higgins Maggie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 528 I. Higgins Marlin R., r 1305 L. Higgins Maud Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Higgins P., insp S P Co, r 727 L. Higgins P. J., r Broderick. Higgins Roger, bartndr F. McLaughlin, r 201 I. Higgins Timothy, bkkpr, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. CO 250 Higgins T. J., r Broderick. Higgins Wm., r Broderick. Higgs David, truck bldr S P Co, r Oak Park. Higgs Fred., blksmith S P Co, r Oak Park. Higgs Geo., blksmith, r 1327 E. Highland Park School, Miss F. Greenlaw teacher, Highland Park Xtl Hignet Geo. M., r 1421 11th. r> Hignet M. Mrs, r 1020 15th. & Hilbert Albert J., elk J. Riley, r 1320 D. £ Hilbert Alice miss, r 1320 D. o b Hilbert Edw., r 1320 D. o £ Hilbert Emma Miss, r 1230 D. ^ >3 Hilbert Geo. W., piper S P Co, r 1320 D. Hilbert John M., elk The Nonpareil, r 1320 D. GoO v» Hilbert Madge J. Miss, died Jan 9th, 1894. •H Hildebrand Albert S., tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r re> S 1115 8th. ?-o rthT Hilderbrand David O., elk Nolan Bros Shoe Co, r 406 P. *o •» Hildebrand Henry C, r 406 P. tMt. Hildebrand Jas. O., housemover, r 406 P. aC* © Hildebrand Wm., appr A. M. Stringer, r 406 P. * Hildebrand Wm. F., carp 406 P., r same. Cfl Hildebrand Wm. T., painter, r 406 P. Hildebrandt Geo., elk G. Sermonet, r 708 8th. Hildebrandt Louis, elk G. Sermonet, r 708 8th. Hildreth Thos. L., saddles 314 P, r same. Hilger Jacob (Kuhn & Hilger), r 1015 11th. Hilger Jacob, emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Hill C E., fireman, r Broderick. Hill Chas. E., emp S P Co, r 1311 L. Hill Chas. E., student, r 1904 K. Serves Daily more Patrons I than any othsr two Grocery 17 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT me Deimonico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Qnen Day and Nlnm. OYSTER PARLORS 258 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CO O C . Hill Christina, dom 1131 L. •§ 8. Hill Elsie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1727 J. W £ M Hill H. Mrs, r 1601 M. .5 8;§ Hill Henry, carp P. Wolf. Hill J., cfeaner S P Co, r International Hotel. ami1* Hill Jas., lab S P Co, r 305 13th. 0* v 5 Hill Jas. G., farmer, r 328J K. .0 *§.* flill John, emp M. Hirsch, r Central House. j*J Hill John, tailor S. Tryon, r 914 23d. Hill John S., hay baler, r Highland Park. °.IE Hill Jos. B.,r 502 10th. s HILL JOSEPH F„ Proprietor Pacific Wheel and Carriage I ! Works 1301 J, telephone 130, r same. o. « 2 Hill Jos. F. Jr., emp J. F. Hill, r 1301 J. B S? » o,S2 Hill Jos. W., r 1311 L. . C (3 Hill Richd. A., elk The Earl Fruit Co, r 816 P. .8 a*- Hill R. J., r 13th cor X. fifiPU « Hill Wm., mach S P Co, r 1830 8th. HILL WM. A., Manager J. F. Hill, r 1010 14th. CO Hill Wm. G., emp Bassett & Minford, r 1421 18th. t*4 Hill Wm. J., emp S P Co, r 1421 18th. Hill'Wm. W., lab St. Joseph's Cemetery, r Oak Park. Hillebrand Herman J., r 607| K. .» Hillebrand W. F., elk F. Kolliker, r 820 14th. Hiller Albert, com trav, r 328 O. Hillhouse F. C, lab S P Co, r 827 L. Hillhouse John, emp S P Co, r 530 10th. H-4 0 Hillhouse John W., cabinetmkr, r G nr 17th. Hilliard Danl. M., emp C. Suter, r 2411 K. Hilliss J. A. Mrs, r 505 18th. Hills Fred, lab, r 1023 D. Hilton Barbara Mrs, died Aug 24th, 1894. « ft Himmel Arthur, r 1213 3d. Himmel Edw., restaurant 1021 3d, r 1213 3d. Hind Wm. M., mach S P Co, r 614 18th. Hines Chas. M., emp S P Co, r 902 L. Hines C. M. Mrs, furn rms 902 L. Hines E., emp S P Co, r 502 8th. W Hines Patrick, melter S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. HING T. W., Physician and Surgeon (English and Chinese), 1007 3d, r same. CO Hinkson Add C. (Hinkson & Van Fleet), r 604 N. Hinkson Lucy Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 1116 10th. Hinkson Mary Miss, r 111610th. Hinkson P. K. Mrs, r 1116 10th. serves Daily more Patrons THLAMEHIGANCA8HSTQRE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY ' 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 259 HINKSON & VAN FLEET (A. C. Hinkson and F. T. Van Fleet), Attorneys-at-Law, 627 J. Hinsdale Etta Miss, bkkpr The Singer Mfg Co, r 630 M. Hinters John J., dep sheriff, r 7th and I. Hinton Wm. E., barber 1007 J, r 1026 8th. Hintz Emil, waiter, r 421 M. Hintz Herman, bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 421 M. Hintze Chas., mach S P Co, r 908 S. Hintze Emil F., oiler S P Co, r 614 15th. Hintze Richd., mach S P Co, r 908 S. Hintze Wm., painter S P Co, r 908 S. HIRSCH & GOTTORSKI (M. Hirsch and M. Gottorski), Proprietors Eureka Stove House, 725 J, and Junk Deal­ ers, 1013 J. Hirsch Jacob, r 726 P. Hirsch John, emp W. Gutenberger. Hirsch J. R., mach S P Co, r 906 9th. Hirsch Marx (Hirsch & Gottorski), r 726 P. Hirsch Philip, elk Hirsch — Hodge A. W., cigars_529 K, r Y cor 28th. Hodges Oscar, died J uly 1st, 1894. Hodge T., emp S P Co, r 520 J. Hodgkinson Anna P. Miss, r 1416 G. goo Hodgkinson Edw., fireman, r 709 7th. So Hodgkinson Jas. J., rpr S P Co, r 1416 G. Hodgkinson Thos., emp S P Co, r 1416 G. Hodson Thos. J., comp Record-Union, r 1904 K. 0 Hods Edw., cook, r 1011 5th. Hodson B. M., photographer A. K. Varney, r 521 J. ( DIXON, BORGESOtt 9 A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. 8, F. PM!!"!DS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 260 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Hoeckel Chas., labS P Co, r Upper Stockron rd nr Oak Grove. Hoeckel Chas., elk The Nonpareil, r 615 0. Hoeckel Fred., elk The Nonpareil, r 615 0. Hoefer Alexander, barber 822 K, r 2101 10th. Hoeger H., cook County Hospital. Hoehn C. Mrs, r 1719 P. Hoehn John A., r 1719 P. Hoess Frank J., tailor J. Lang, r 517 17th. Hoflinch Christian, tailor C. McCallum, r 425 J. Hofer John, porter International Hotel. Hoferdt E., wagoumkr, r alley bet 12th and 13th, D and E. Hoff Jos., elk C. M. Campbell, r 1014 2d. Hoffel Jacob, emp W P. Fuller & Co, r 1825 6th. Hoffelt Henry, emp S P Co, r 1114 D. Hoffelt John, poultry raiser, r 1530 16th. Hoffelt N., emp S P Co, r 1114 D. Hoffman Alexauder, elk H. Hoffman, r 1726 N. Hoffman Danl. W., a9st foreman S P Co, r Oak Grove. Hoffman Edw., lab S P Co, r 1006J 2d. Hoffman Geo., waiter J. H. Bruning, r 513 K. Hoffman Gus. A., elk Kirk, Geary & Co, r 714 N. Hoffman Henry, groceries and saloon 1330 17th, r same. Hoffman H. H., cond C E Ry Co, r 2508 J. Hoffman Rexford A., r 1726 N. Hoffmeier Julius, eng Kohler & Van Bergen, r R cor 31st. Hofmann Eliza Miss, emp State Printer, r 925 K. Hogan Ann Mrs, r 1016 14th. Hogan Chas., baker J. H. Hogan, r 900 M. Hogan Jas. M., elk J. H. Hogan, r 107 L. Hogan John, painter S P Co, r 820 Q. Hogan John B., eng, r 1016 14th. • Hogan John H., bakery 900 M., r 1030£ E. Hogan John J., molder S P Co, r 1818 O. Hogan M. Mrs, furn rms, 520 J. Hogan Marguerite Miss, emp State Printer, r 1016 14th. Hogan S., emp S P Co., r 1214 4th. Hogan Wm. J., restaurant 227 J, r 1510 5th. Hogeboom Frank, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Hogle Milton (McClain & Hogle), r 1213 9th. Hogue M. Mrs, died July 18th, 1894. Hogue Marion M., assist janitor Court House, r 908 8th. Hogue Robt. L., painter, r 908 8th. Hoit Bridget Mrs, r X nr 5th. Hoit Chas. W., r Oak Park. Hoit Fanny Miss, teacher Oak Park School, r Oak Park. Hoit Geo. J., lab Evergreen Cemetery, r X nr 5th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory ©fSacramento = LOOK OUT Published. w L. L. LEWIS & GO. HwFiisigMniie 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento, Cal

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 261 Hoit M. M., piano tuner 1325 alley bet 13th and 14th, N and > 0, r same. Hoit Olion A„ piano tuner Oak Park, r same. Holbern Harry, trav agent, r 630 M. Holborn F. C, emp S P Co, r 500 K. Holbrook Geo. C, musician 629 J, r 1132 6th. HOLBROOK, MERRILL & STETSON (S. F.), T. L. Enwright Manager, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges and Tin­ ware, 221-223 J. Holden Erastus, elk S P Co, r 805 M. Holdeu Frank S., electrician, r 2401 I. Holden Jos., cook New Wm Tell Hotel. Holden M. A, Mrs, r 2401 I. Holden Thos., carp, r 915 N. Holdener Dominick, waiter J. Schmid, r 120 I. Holder Ernest J., emp 1. Boysen, r 1012 2d. Holder Minnie Mrs, furn rms 1012 2d. Holder Thos. P., r 1012 2d. Holdfelder P., r 714 E. Holdridge Sherman L., elk Kilgore & Tracy, r 2211 L. Holl Chas. C, r 1325 G. HOLL & DUNN (S. Solon Holl and C. H. Dunn), Attorneys- at-Law, 920 5th. Holl S. Solon (Holl & Dunn), r 1325 G. Holland Chas., elk Henderson, Brown & Co, r 307 M. Holland Crawford, r 307 M. Holland Cyrus, r S cor 22d. Holland Danl., bartndr, r 609| I. Holland Frank, lab, r S cor 22d. Holland Jas., farmer, r 1804 G. Holland John, lab S P Co, r608 L. Holland Mabel Miss, r 307 M. Holland Mary J. Mrs, r rear 805 L. Holland M. J., dairy S cor 22d, r same. Holland R. L., comp State Printer. Holland Ulyssus G., r rear 805 L. Holland Wm. H., eng, r 1022 E. Holleran John, r 508 L. Holley John, r Broderick. Holligsworth E. M. Mrs, r 916 14th. Uollingsworth Emmett, student, r 1716 6th. Holliugsworth Johu, driver Engine Co No 1, r 1112 2d. Hollis Fred., eng S P Co. Holloran Fred., mach, r Pacific Hotel. Holly Adam, malster City Brewery, r 2319 O. Holm B. M., lab S P Co, r 800 S. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COB. «TM ANO ft STREETS. Stoics is Sacramento, l^eal Estate and Insuranee (El. (RlfflEl 7S8i K &T. SAOKAMESiTO. CAL 262 8ACRAMENT0 CITY DIRECTORY. Holm Matilda, dom 927 M. Holman Myrtle Miss, r Broderick. Holmes Albert, fireman S P Co, r 1322 3d. HOLMES ALEX., Photographer 1308 10th. Holmes C. E., waiter Golden Eagle Hotel. Holmes Chas. H., foreman engraving dept State Printer, r 1701 O. Holmes Danl., lab, r 300J K. Holmes Edwin G., painter S P Co, r 1625 8th. Holmes Gershum F., lab S P Co, r 1625 8th. Holmes Harry B., lab S P Co, r 1113 3d. Holmes Louise Mrs, r 25111. Holmes N. B., emp State Capitol grounds, r 323 M. Holmes Saml., bartndr, r 1121 Front. Holmes S. T., elk S P Co, r 1316 7th. Holmes Thos. A., rpr S P Co, r Blue Canyon. Holmes W. J., insp S P Co, r 729 I. Holmes W. P., fireman, r Union Hotel. Holt E. J., sec Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r S F. Holt N., insp S P Co, r Marysville. Holton Gunter, lab S P Co, r 511 6th. Holzhauser Anna Miss, r 428 L. Holzhauser Fred., r 428 L. Holzhauser Freda Miss, r 428 L. Holzhauser M. Mrs, r 428 L. Holzinger Geo., died Aug 18th, 1894. Holzinger Herman, emp S P Co, r 1220 O. HOME INSURANCE CO of N. Y., Geo. Kromer agt, 725 K. Hone Ernest, moved to Santa Rosa Cal. Honeywell Chas., carp, r International Hotel. Hood Wm., cond S P Co, r 1237 H. Hook Geo. E. (Hook

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 265 Howard E. F., r X bet 29th and 30th. Howard Fred. M., elk Am Cash Store, r 1508 J. > Howard Geo., carpetlayer John Breuner, r 811 L. CO Howard House, 111 K. Howard John F., lab S P Co, r 605 H. Howard Mary A. Mrs, r alley bet 5th and 6th, P and Q. Howarth Geo., marblecutter Carlaw Bros, r 2114 10th. IS Howe B. Mrs, dressmkr 1110 11th, r same. Howe Edw. P., private school 1015 6th, r 21st bet V and W. Howe Edw. P. Jr, teacher, r 21st bet V and W. 08 Howe Ella Miss, r 21st bet V and W. CO Howe Frank, student, r 1110 11th. Howe S. Luke, moved to New York. | H Howe Wm. S., student I. Joseph, r 21st bet V and W. Howell C. C„ mgr Sacramento Industrial Improvement Assn, > r G cor 15th. 00 Howell Jos. A., elk C. A- Sawtelle, r 1326 17th. 3 Howerton Frank, mach S P Co, r 1214 19th. CO Howlett John W., r 1515 D. m Howser S. Harley, fireman, r 508 N. Howser S. Henry, carp, r 508 N. co Hoy Michael, lab S P Co, r 1813 2d. Hoyle Richd., r 528 I. Hoysen John, r 300 K. Hoyt David B., r 910 13th. Hoyt Geo. A., plumber Miller Bros, r 625 M. pa Hoyt Henry N. Rev, Pastor First Congregational Church, r 1823 H. *•" . HII . Hoyt S. Mrs, r 13th cor B. Hubbard Cyrus II., r 1431 I. Hubbard Eva, emp L. Elkus Co, r 2115 I. a. -22 Hubbard H. Mrs, r 2115 I. Hubbard L. S., painter S P Co, r 40th cor Y. § CD Hubbard S. B. Mrs, r 1010 F. Hubell Sarah A. Mrs, boarding 716 H. Huber Chas., farmer, r 1817 S. Huber Clara Miss, r 1625 L. Huber Eva Mrs, moved to Millville Cal. Huber Jacob, carp S P Co, r 2431 13th. Huber Zacharias, r F bet 30th and 31st. Hubert A. Miss, r 714 I. * » I Hubert A. Mrs, furn rms 714 I. Hubert Alexander, janitor Foresters' Hall, r 714 I. i ™ 2 Hubert Geo. E., teamster, r 1912 11th. s o S Hubert Mabel Miss, r 714 I. a> tn X Hubert W. A., carp, r 714 I. Serves Daily more Patrons R T than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH ANO K STREKT8. Stores in Sacramento, t«s- THE DELMONKO «5r Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. * Oven Day ft Night oyster Parlor 266 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Hubner Laura Miss, r 430 L. Hudson A. H., emp Bell Conservatory Co, r same. Hudson Barbara Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Hudson Geo., emp C E Ry Co, r 1020 15th. Hudson Jack, live stock, r Oak Park. Hudson Milton T., emp J. A. Lafferty, r 1117£ 10th. Hudson M. T. Mrs, dressmkr 1117J 10th, r same. Hudson Wm., switchman S P Co. Hudson Wm., elk, r 1414 3d. Huebner I. Mrs, r 1208 G. Huebner Lillie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1208 G. Huelsman Eda Miss, r 1107 H. Huested John M., restaurant 424 K, r 627 Q. Huff C. Mrs, r 505 J. Huff Myron F. (Huff & Slater), r Oak Park. Huff & Slater (M. F. Huff and L. H. Slater), bakery Oak Park Huff Waiter R., mgr Griffin Bros, r 1418 8th. Huff Wm. W., emp S P Co, r 1613 P. Hughes Addie L. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r1528 G. Hughes Albert, painter, r Mansion House. Hughes Alice Miss, r 2308 N. Hughes Annie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1027 1. Hughes Chas., waiter B. Pilcovich, r 1007 J 4th. Hughes Chas. T., atty 420 J, r 1528 G. I Hughes Emma A. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r1528 G. Hughes Fred, elk Hirsch & Gottorski, r Western Hotel. Hughes Harry L., driver Sac Trans Co, r 1718 8th. Hughes Jas. H., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 904 O. Hughes Jas. T., harnessmkr, r 2308 N. Hughes John, grading contr 2308 N, r same. Hughes John J., lab J. Hughes, r 2308 N. Hughes John L., eng City Brewery, r 1517 G. Hughes John M., mach S P Co, r alley bet 6th and 7th, Q and R. Hughes Jos. W. (White, Hughes & Seymour), r 1818 F. Hughes K., lab S P Co. Hughes Marguerite Miss, r 2308 N. Hughes Michael, marble cutter S P Co, r 2308 N. Hughes Owen E., eng Phoenix Milling Co, r 1528 G. Hughes Patrick, elk Sacramento Flour Mills, r 418 O. Hughes* Richd., r alley bet 6th and 7th, Q and R. Hughes S. M., comp State Printer. Hughson Edith Miss, artist 425 M, r same. Serves Daily more Patrons Ti than any other two Grocery COR. S)TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOB HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 267 Hughson Haydie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1216 3d. Hugti8on Iva Miss r 425 M. Hughson W. A. Mrs, r 425 M. -Hughson Wm. A., died Apr 24th, 1894. Hugo Ida Miss, r 616 10th. Hugo Jas., lab S P Co, r 616 10th. Hugo Victor, painter, r 1531 E. Hugo Wm. H., carp, r 616 10th. Hugo Wm. H. Jr., collarmkr, r 616 10th. Hulburd Byron H., groceries 1214 J, r 1511 G. Hulburd Byron N., elk B. H. Hurlburd, r 1511 G. Hulen Geo. W., teamster, r Oak Grove. Hulett Mortimer G., switchman S P Co, r 508 N. Hulett Oscar, emp C. P. Massey, r s 6f 16th and Y. Hull Chas., broom mfr 2901 J, r 2907 J. Hull Edwin, r 906 E. Hull Wm. Mrs, furn rms 315 K. Hull Wm. J., eng S P Co, r 315 K. Hully Margaret Mrs, furn rms 1216 4th. Hultquest Frank O., emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. 3 7? Hultquist C. F., lab S P Co, r 319 alley bet 3d and 4th, M CO and N. Hume Annie Miss, r Tremont Hotel. Hummel Agnes Miss, r 1226 3d. Hummel Emma Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1226 3d. Hummel H. H., elk S P Co, r 702 12th. Hummel Louisa D. Mrs, r 1226 3d. Hummel W. H., night elk St. George House, r 1007^ 4th. Humphrey Jas. H., carp S P Co, r 517 13th. Humphrey May E. Miss, r 1305 P. Humphrey Wm. H., atty 628£ J, r 1600 7th. Humphrey W. O., carp, r Eldred House. S "^ Humphreys Chas. W., bkkpr, r 915 N. Humphreys H. B., mail carrier, r 915 N. Humphries Richd., teamster, r 407 K. Humrich Frank P., saloon 1014 6th, r 513J K. Humrich Kate Miss, r 1323 17th. si- Humrich L. Miss, emp State Printer, r 514 8th. sr- Humrich M. Mrs, r 1323 17th. HI Humrich Maria Miss, r 514 8th. Humrich Peter, watchman S P Co, r 514 8th. Hundermark Henry, piper S P Co, r 2106 I. Hundt Henry J., moved to S F. c Hunger C. Mrs, r 1116 12th. Hunger Carrie M. Mrs, r 1116 12th. (0 Hunger Daisy M. Miss, r 1116 12th. 0 DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 3V Market Street, •» F. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 268 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Hunger Ferdinand J., elk Hahn & Co, r 1116 12th. Hunger Fred W., r 1116 12th. Hunger Henry W., janitor P O, r 1116 12th. Hunt Blanche Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1229 J. Hunt Catherine H. Mrs, r 716 D. Hunt Chas. R., r 1229 J. Hunt Clarence M., comp The Bee, r 903$ L. Hunt E. B., lab, r 1025 U. Hunt Edw., r Broderick. Hunt Edw., mach, r 531 0. Hunt Ernest C, plumber Crouch & Co, r 1025 U. Hunt Evalina Miss, r 716 D. Hunt F. C, appr S P. Co, r Broderick. Hunt G„ emp Capital Box Factory, r Oak Park. Hunt Jacob K., vegetable vender, r Oak Park. Hunt John, fruit vender, r 1114 4th. Hunt John H., r 901 Front. Hunt Lizzie Miss, r 721 J. Hunt Martin, teamster, r 12th st rd nr Am river. Hunt Mason, moved to S F. Hunt Robt., groceries and saloon 531 O, rsame. Hunt Saml. C, mach S P Co, r Broderick. Hunt Sarah Mrs, r 807 L. Hunt Selina M. Miss, r 807 L. Hunt Thos. F., barber J. Busch, r 1012 10th. Hunt Walter, driver H. Fisher & Co, r 1229 J. Hunt W. H. Mrs, boarding 903$ L. Hunt Wm. A., r 622 7th. Hunt Wm. H., r 903$ L. Hunt Wm. M., stenog Continental Fruit Express, r 628 7th. Hunter Abb, teacher Sutterville School, r 1306 O. Hunter Chas. N., carp, r Oak Park. Hunter Frank W., real estate 420 J., r Golden Eagle Hotel. Hunter I., lab S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Hunter John A., carp, r Oak Park. Huntington Thos. W., physician S P Hospital Assn and 426$ J, r 1515 H. Huntoon John L., r 721 M. Huntoon John T., carp S P Co, r 723 E. Huntoon Jos. E., bkkpr People's Savings Bank, r 721 M. Huntoon Wm. J., r 1731 M. Hunzicker Gottleib, driver City Brewery. Hunzicker Henry, butcher, r 2302 5th. I lurd Alfred D., mach, r 2518 N. Hurd Annie M Mrs, r 1317 H. Hurlbut Alice A. Miss, r 520 N.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted*fl is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. *o2 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 269 Hurlbut Chas. S., fireman, r 520 N. Hurl but John W., eng S P Co, r 520 N. Hurlburt Saml, lab, r 525 O. Hurley John, blksmith S P Co, r 1126$ 6th. Hurley John, eng, r 813 7th. Hurley Margaret Mrs, r 1216 4th. Hurley Mary Miss, dressmkr, r 813 7th. Hurley M. B. Mrs, r 813 7th. Hurley Thos. D., insp S P Co, r 813 7th. Hurley Wm., painter, r 1216 4th. Huskisson Henry, com trav, r 520 alley bet 5th and 6th, L and M. Hu8s Jos., watchman Phoenix Milling Co, r 1320 N. Huss Peter, truckmkr S P Co, r 1320 N. Hussey Jas. H., mach S P Co, r 614 12th. HUSTED F. M„ Attorney S F and Publisher Directories Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and Alameda County, San Jose City and Santa Clara County, Sacramento City and County, Stockton City and San Joaquin County, Fresno City and County, Honolulu and the Hawaiian Inlands, 1007 4th, Main Office Room 65, 530 California, S F. Husted Wm. J., blksmith C E Ry Co, r 1430 K. Huster Jos., r 1121 Front. Hutchings S. A. Mrs, houpekpr Western Hotel. Hutchinson Edwin F., r 1316 7th. Hutchinson Elbridge C, tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 909 N. Hutchinson Geo. A., elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1219 7th. Hutchinson J. Albert, student, r 909 N. Hutchinson Nancy Mrs, furn rms 1219 7tt/. Hutson L. G. Mrs, r 1111$ H. Hutton C. W., electrician Capital Gas Co, r 623 O. Huxley Henry M., teacher Atkinson's Sacramento Business College, r 1408 Q. Huxley J. Edw., teacher Atkinson's Sacramento Business Col­ lege, r 9th cor K. Hyams Albert C, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 922 N. Hyams David S., r 918 N. Hyde F. C, ins 903 K, r same. Hyde Jas., teamster, r 29th cor P. HYMAN JACOB, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Watches, Jew­ elry and Optical Goods, 419 K, r 702 N. Hyman Jacob Jr., jeweler 506 J, r same.

Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. t^eal Estate and Insurance . GEO- KROPIER, 725 K SW, gACBAUENTO, CAI* •M 1 270 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY.

Iddins R. W. Mrs, r 917 20th. Her J. C, mgr Cal Winery, r 21st cor R. Ilgner Adelie Miss, r 1617 J. Ilgner Annie Miss, milliner Mrs F. Sullivan, r 1617 J. Ilgner Chas. W., buyer W L & Co, r 1617 J. Ilgner Olive S. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1617 J. Ilgner S. Miss, dressmkr, r 1617 J. Ilsley Geo., elk W L & Co, r 400 K. Imfield Henry, emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 1400 4th. Imhof Frank, bartndr New Wm Tell Hotel, r 814 J. Infield John F., emp S P Co, r 116 K. Ing Albert H., student, r 717 F. Ing & Allee (J. C. Ing and L. T. Allee), druggists 712 J. Ing Eliza A. Miss, r 717 F. Ing John C, r 717 F. Ing John C. Jr. (Ing & Allee), r 717 F. Ing Oliver, r 717 F. Ingals John, r 1015 8th. Ingham Chas. H., r 1231 E. Ingham D. R. Mrs, r 1231 E. Ingham Etta Mrs, r 1409 D. Ingham F. W., bartndr W. H. Verhein, r City Hotel. Ingham H. C, mach S. P. Co, r 1415 D. Ingham Sallie F. Miss, r 200$ K. Inglis Rosa M. Miss, stenog Bell, Flye & Co, r 1127 10th. Ingram Alexander, blksmith 814 2d, r 1328 O. Ingram & Bird (S. Ingram and H. B. Bird), furniture 617 K. Ingram M. Mrs, r 1328 O. Ingram Scott (Ingram & Bird), r 1718 O. Ingram Wm. Jr (Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co), r 721 N. Inman Geo. L., baker R. D. Wheeler, r 1207 L. Inman Sarah Mrs, r Broderick. Intergand John, bartndr Hotel Rhein, r same. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Ruedy & Voegelin, Proprie­ tors, 320-326 K. I. O. O. F. Temple, K cor 9th. Ireland Geo., lab, r 417 13th. Ireland John, lab 1025$ 10th. Iring A., carp S P Co, r 1818 E. Iring Olga Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 1818 E. Irons Michael, foreman S P Co, r 122 K. Irvine Geo. D., dep Co Assessor, r 1229 F. Irvine Riclid. C., hop grower, r 1900 H. Irvine Wm. J., livery 1122 2d, r 224 M.

Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY l Wr**e« * Insurance IOX3 FOURTH STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 271 Irwin Jas., lab, r Broderick. Irwin Lorne A., moved to Ohio. Irwin Maud Miss, r Broderick. Irwin Nathanial A., cond S P Co, r 901 L. Irwin Robt. T., r Broderick. Irwin Thos. S., lab, r Broderick. Irwin Wm. F., eng S P Co, r 1110 E. £5S"5j Isaacs Clarence J., r 2708 M. Isaacs Ida M. Miss, artist 2708 M, r same. Isaacs Isaac, foreman S P Co, r 2708 M. Isaacs Isaac J., glazier, r 1526 5th. Isaacs Jos., appr Clark Bros & Stanley, r State House Hotel. Isaacs Maurice C, cigarmkr Clark Bros & Stanley, r State House Hotel. Isaacs Norman T., r 2708 M. Isaacs Oscar E. W., r 2708 M. Isaacs Thos., mach S P Co, r 1325 Q. Isenminger Fred, r 1012 2d. lser Conrad, capitalist, r 521 K. Isham L. B., ins, r 2417 P. Isla Catherina Mrs, r 1012 10th. Isle Freda Miss, nurse Ridge Home, r 22d bet Q and R. £=*=> Isles John, lab S P Co, r Broderick. Isoard J., eng S P Co. Isoard L., fireman S P Co. Isreal Sadie C. Miss, opr Sunset T and T Co, r 511 N. V) I STREET EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, H. B. Martin, Pro­ 8 prietor, 626 I. Italico Castellani, r 918 2d. Ivang Michelli, r 207 O. Iverson Henry, painter, r 1825 J. & 5. Iverson Robt. F., stoker Capital Gas Co, r 518 N. m Or Ives Wm. S., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 2200 J. 00 » Ivey Ella N. Miss, stenog Orange Vale Colonization Co, r ^ * 901 L. 91 » Ivey Eva Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 901 L. * t 9 0. - ft t B Jacinto Manuel, wood 322 U, r same. Jack John A., driver Plummer & Quinley, r 609$ I. » 0 Jack Jos. L., eng Engine Co No. 3, r 19th bet L and M. p V Jacka Josiah C, carp S P Co, r 2120 K. Jacken Adam, r 814 J. / f 9 ft Jacks John, r 621 J. •1 Jacks L. D., trav salesman Horst Bros., r 923$ K. 0* ft Dixon, Borgesoo m &COT, SHOW CASES 37 Market »U, *> W. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 ClavSt., - San Francisco. 272 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Jackson Andrew, furniture rpr 1514 J, r same. Jackson Augusta A. Miss, r 1810 Q. Jackson Carter, poultry raiser, r Highland Park. Jackson C. E., r State House Hotel. Jackson Chas. H„ dep Atty General, r S F. Jackson Danl. S., r 1616 G. Jackson Edw., shoemkr 822$ K, r same. Jackson Egbert B., bkkpr S. J. Jackson, r 1117 5th. Jackson Emma Miss, r Highland Park. Jackson Frank D., motormau C E Ry Co, r 2129 J. Jackson Frank M., emp S P Co, r 1226 E. Jackson Geo. J., electrical eng, r 1810 Q. Jackson Geo. W., elk Capital Gas Co, r 427$ K. Jackson H. J. Mrs, r 1810 P. Jackson Jacob M., tinner, r 1412 0. Jackson Jas, lab, r M cor 31st. Jackson John H., died Sept 17th, 1894. Jackson John L., route agt Record-Union, r 621 O. Jackson Joshua, carp S P Co, r515 11th. JACKSON J. W., Proprietor The Louvre Saloon 701 J, r 605 1. Jackson L., insp S P Co, r Colfax. Jackson Lewis, butcher C. Swanston & Son, r Riverside rd. Jackson Mamie H. Miss, r 1412 O. Jackson Pearl Miss, r 1616 G. Jackson R. Thos., carp S P Co, r 902 6th. Jackson Saml. J., stoves and tinware 427 J, r 714 O. Jackson T., carp, r Tremont Hotel. Jackson Thos., r 406$ J. Jackson Thos. B., emp S P Co, r 1425 Q. Jackson 1 Virginia Miss, actress Clunie Opera House. Jackson W. C. lab, r 1621 5th. Jackson Wm., cook, r 612 F. Jackson Wm, r P bet 13th and 14th. Jackson W. F., supt E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, and teacher Sac School of Design, r 1622 G. Jacob Peter, elk J. Ginsberg, r J rtr 8th. Jacobi David, glazier Sullivan-Kelly Co, r 526 N. Jacobs Andrew, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. Jacobs Chas., shirt mfr 1013 6th, r same. Jacobs Chas. I., bartndr Cowles & Buckman, r 306$ K. Jacobs C. I. Mrs, furn rms 306$ K. Jacobs Davis, clothing 1012 3d, r same. Jacobs Elizabeth Mrs, r 1217 K. Jacobs Jay B., elk Sparrowe's, r 712 N. Jacobs Jos., barber R. Label, r 503$ M. IVJ. CLARK & SONS, 1V-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. aumua CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR iZALL KIN08 Of lotb and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 273 Jacobs Julia Miss, r 503$ M. Jacobs L., lab S P Co, r 906 7th. Jacobs L. Mrs, r 503$ M. Jacobs M. D. Mrs, boarding 1131 28th. Jacobs Theo. S., elk, r 725 J. Jacobson Jacob, lab, r 611 Q. Jacox Bros (L. A. and L. H.), furniture and carpets 920 K. Jacox Leon H. (Jacox Bros), r 1901 P. Jacox Leslie A. (Jacox Bros), r 1901 P. am Jadarola Louis S., physician 200$ K, r 1623 3d. Jager Fred, emp M. F. Odell, r 1109$ H. c/> Jakobsen H., lab S P Co, r 1811 7th. James Carl, lab, r 801 7th. James O. J. Mrs, dressmkr, r 2416 P. James J. M., carp, r 614 H. James John, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 2321 K. James Jos. W., appr S P Co, r 2331 K. James Lewis, emp S P Co., r 2920 K. James Thos., emp S P Co, r 2321 K. James W. W., livestock, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Janak Frank, bkmn S P Co. Jane Jane Mrs, moved to Point Arena Cal. 00 Janigg John F., bartndr J. Schmid, r 120 I. o Jansen Andrew, lab, r 1232 J. ft Jansen Mattie Miss, emp F. Mason, r 15th cor D. £ Janson John, harness 1223 J, r same. o b sO Janssen Carl A., gardener State Capitol, r 2023$ N. ft Jaqua Judson, lab, r 827 alley bet 8th and 9th, O and P. ^ to Jaqua R. Lee (Beck & Jaqua), r 827 alley bet 8th and 9th, O and P. &o >m Jasperson Carrie, dom 1123 H. -H Jaunders Geo., electrician, r 528 I. Is Jay C, painter S P Co, r 418 P. OO •*r Jay R„ mach S P Co, r 811 H. K) >§ Jeans Walter S., wellborer 1230 J, r 2018 I. 12. Jeardean L., eng S P Co. r*fa c © Jefferson School, Miss Jeannie Govan prin, N cor 16th. •* JefFery Anna J. Mrs, janitor Fremont Primary School, r Cfi 2500 N. Jeffery M. Mrs, r 1619 N. Jeffery Wm. H., mach S P Co, r 1600 T. Jefford C. H. Mrs, r 610 10th. Jefford Frank H., switchman S P Co, r 610 10th. Jefford Harlie T., porter Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 610 10th. Jeffords Chas. W., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1726 K. Jeffrey J. S., insp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. THE AMERICAN CASH SIOREthr «, ^17™ G^ I8 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. mm X. ML MORRISON RESTAURANT A. MT. GAUL KT me Deimonico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. coen Doy and moK. OYSTER PARLORS us 274 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 9 da Jeffrey P. Mrs, r 1619 N. S e > • Jeffrey R. Mrs, furn rms 212 K. Jenkins Amelia Mrs, died Dec 4th, 1893. §«> Jenkins David C, teamster, r 2909 M. go.* • Jenkins Frank H., cond C E Ry Co, r 2221 J. Jenkins John, elk W L & Co, r 2909 M. « o o Jenkins John, emp Capitol Park, r Dillman Tract. Jenkins Jos., sawtiler, r alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. «s § • Jenkins Jos. D, mach S P Co, r 304 L. Jenkins Marcus L., painter S P Co, r 1015 E. JENKINS THOMAS, County Supervisor, r Elk Grove. Jenks Wm. M., sec C. W. Reed Co, r 2508 L. liiW Jennewein Fred, tailor Lister & McCracken, r 719 F. s Jennings Herbert W. C, painter, r Broderick. CO Jensen Belle, dom Golden Eagle Hotel. Jensen Chas. W., elk S P Co, r 2517 O. * Jensen Edw. J., mach S P Co, r 2512 N. Jensen H. Peter, cabinetmkr C. Suter, r 2200 O. Jensen Joullin B., appr S P Co, r 2512 N. Jensen L. C, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 614 N. o Jensen N., emp S P Co, r Whisky Hill. Jensen Peter B., foreman S P Co, r 2512 N. Jensen Zina, dom 1403 H. Jeriman H., tinner, r 2012 H. a Jerry Antone, emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r Highland Park. © • Jeter C. E., eng S P Co. Jeter Wm. A., bkmn S P Co, r 411 L. Jewell Frank A., master mariner, r 629 M. a ' Jewish Cemetery, N. H. Mohn sexton, J cor 31st. .s » Jewish Synagogue, Abraham Simon rabbi, 1007 6th. JIM AND HARRY'S SALOON, Koenecke & McGrath Pro­ ^-« (A prietors, 1009 3d. Jimenez Ponce, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 721 J. Job Chas. E., emp S P Co, r 120 I. Joesink Bernard H., eng S P Co, r 1017 F. Joesink Geo. H., emp S P Co, r 1017 F. Joesink May Miss, r 1017 F. a> ° Johansen Jakob H., driver Pacific Brewery, r 918 alley bet -£ 9th and 10th, Q and R. JOHANSON SVEN, Proprietor United States Laundry 14th bet D and E, r 412 14th. at John Wm., lab, r 710 alley bet H and I, 7th and 8th. Johns Lena M. Miss, retoucher A. Holmes, r 1128 O, a» Johnsen M. H. Mrs, r 1723 J. Johnson A. G. (Anderson & Johnson), r 2314 M. o Johnson A. L. Mrs, r 1323 O. . O serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery 1 COR. 6TM AND K 8TRECTS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY. 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 275 \70 JOHNSON ALBERT M., Attorney-at^Law and Secretary Board of Trade 918 5th, r 2019 M. Johnson Alex., painter, r 323 11th. Johnson Alfred, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. > Johnson A. M. Mrs, carpet weaving 1214 8th, r same. s Johnson Amariah, carp, r 610 N. 0 Johnson Andrew, teamster S P Co, r Brighton. So

Johnson Annie Miss, dressmkr, r 1105 I. itt * Johnson Annie M. Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 1516 8th. Johnson August, driver J. Skelton, r 422 alley bet 4th and iO 5th, M and N. o Johnson August A., r 816 26th. c Johnson August G., tailor, r 2314 M. 2 Johnson Augustus, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1622 J. Johnson Beck C, emp City Water Wks, r 1723 alley bet 17th and 18th, J and K. Johnson Belle Miss, r 1726 O. Johnson Benj. F., died Aug 2d, 1894. o o Johnson Beverly A., caterer 600 Q, r same. r Johnson Carrie E. Miss, music teacher 824 O, r same. m Johnson C. C, solr Western Hotel. Johnson Chas., died Aug 27th, 1894. Johnson Claude F., lab, r 2330 F. Johnson Clayton M., salesman Locke & Lavenson, r 318 J. 1 Johnson D. Mrs, dressmkr 110 J, r same. 3 J Johnson Danl., bkmn, r 1109 H. Johnson Delia C. Miss, elk Red House Co, r 1007$ 4th. Johnson E. Miss, stenog, r 1005 F. Johnson E. Bingham, stenog Court House, r 1726 J. Johnson Edna P. Miss, r 1726 O. Johnson Edw., emp Mrs A. Keene, r 1226 7th. Johnson Edw. S., painter A. Meister & Sons, r 816 26th. 0) Johnson Edw. T., bkkpr C. Suter, r 1911 G. to Johnson Emma Mrs, janitor Marshall Primary School, r 816 01 26th. p CD Johnson Emma Miss, emp State Printer, r 2218 I. 3 > Johnson Emma C. Miss, r 816 26th. a Johnson Emma P. Mrs, r 2218 I. a> Johnson Eva I. Miss, r 1919 O. io Johnson F. J., stenog Standard Oil Co, r 913 G. Johnson Frank A., shoemkr 911 K, r 1113 8th. JOHNSON FRANK T., County Sheriff and Tax Collector, Court House, r 1323 O. f CD Johnson Fredk. A., trav salesman Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 1123 I. Johnson Geo., trav salesman L. Elkus Co, r 1516 8th. O DIXON, BORGESOtt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, F- 505 CLAY ST., S. F.

if 276 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. co Johnson Geo., carp, r 1330 G. Johnson Geo. F., bartndr L. B. Green, r 1113 8th. Johnson Geo. W., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 701 N. Johnson Grove L. (Johnson & Johnson), r 720 H. Johnson Harry, patent medicines 1110 J, r same. 00 Johnson Henry, emp J. A. Brown, r City Hotel.

a* Johnson Henry A., cond S P Co, r 428 M. Johnson Henry M., feed stable 1222 J, r 1113 16th. 2 Johnson H. H., broker 1010 4th, r 415$ K. 09 Johnson Hinole, appr R. Schuler & Co, r Brighton. Johnson Hiram W. (Johnson & Johnson), r 821 18th. cd u Johnson Homer H., eng S P Co, r 414 12th. o>*- £*j Johnson Swan, emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1011 5th. 2V *? * to»* Johnson Sylvester D., bkkpr B. Kreuzberger, r 1612 M. 8w* £ 2 Johnson Thaddeus S., barber 1630 J, r 824 O. »ff „°3 K Johnson Theo., steward Golden Eagle Hotel, r 825 J. Snf C& Johnson Thos. J., brass finisher, r Broderick. ^«5 .*» Johnson Viola Miss, dressmkr, r 2218 I. 5§ Johnson Virginia Mrs, r 613 P. El Johnson W. F. Mrs, r 2218 I. a. Johnson Wm., elk R. E. Greer & Co, r 1006 J. i 5>—< Johnson Wm. J., elk E. H. McKee, r 816 26th. &*£*3 Johnson Zoe E. Miss, r 1323 O. J,IrJ JOHNSTON A. J., State Printer, State Capitol, r 1100 F. PI Johnston Chas. H., driver Pioneer Box Co, rl416 13th. Johnston David (D. Johnston & Co), r 11th corF. JOHNSTON D. & CO (D. Johnston and W. J. Hassett), Book and Job Printers, 410 J. ^ Johnston D. M., emp S P Co, r International Hotel *""» Johnston Forrest J., elk Standard Oil Co, r 511 9th. J §•« Johnston Frank A., elk Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 221 J. g g s Johnston Jas. H., emp S P Co, r 511 9th. g j+" Johnston J. Waverly, elk Kilgore & Tracy, r 1609 K. m o " Johnston Kate Mrs, r 414 13th. HO* Johnston M. S. Mrs, r 1117 Q. -° I* JOHNSTON RICHARD T„ The Leading Photographer, 421 g o j= J, r same. r a j Johnston Robt. G., died Dec 15th, 1894. J- Johnston S. Mrs, r 519 Oak av. c co ' Serves Daily more Patrons . than any other two Grocery OOR. «TM AMO K STREETS. Stocss in Sacraments, •ftp

t^eal Estate and Insupance 7SS K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAI* p 278 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Johnston Saml. M., died May 10th, 1894. 0 JOHNSTON WM., Vice President People's Savings Bank, r CourtlandCal. Jolley John B., carp, r Oak Park. Jones A. Mrs, r 1605 0. Jones Albert, emp C. A. Palm, r 1318 F. Jones Amelia Mrs, r S bet 24th and 25th. Jones Benj., student, r 1006$ 2d. ft Jones C. E. Mrs, r 1015 22d. Jones Chas. C, r 1006$ 2d. Jones Chas. E., farmer, r alley bet S and T, 24th and 25th. JONES CHARLES T„ Attorney-at-Law 607 1, r 1506 O. M ^ Jones Chas. T. Jr., student C. T. Jones, r 1506 O. Jones K CO Kady C. C. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1717 16th. Kady R. John, lab, r 1717 16th. to Kaelin Jos., farmer, r K cor 35th. a* Kaelin Louis, lineman, r International Hotel. Kaerth Alma A. Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1116 G. 3 Kaerth Lulu E. Miss, teacher Freemont Primary School, r CO 1116 G. CO Kaerth Mary A. Mrs, died May 7th, 1894. H Kaerth May K. Miss, r 1116 G. Kaeser Arnold, waiter Mrs M. Kaeser, r 730 K. > Kaeser Fritz, mining, r 780 K. Cb CD Kaeser Lydia Miss, cashier Mrs M. Kaeser, r 730 K. Kaeser Mary Mrs, restaurant 806 K, r 730 K. I r Kaeser Reinhard, lab S P Co, r 730 K. CO m Kagee Albert T., plumber, r 411 M. Kagee Geo., barber A. Wilson, r 411 M. co Kagee Nellie Mrs, r 411 M. Kagge Edw., helper T. Scott, r 3d cor L. Kahler Chas. M., driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2301 Q. Kahley Jas. C , dairy J st rd nr 36th, r same. DO Kahoe Julia Mrs, r 904 O. Kaiser E., r 814 J. Kaiser Frank, mach S P Co, r 603 9th. Kaiser John, watchman County Hospital. Kalaher Lizzie Miss, emp State Printer, r 409 P. Kalbaugh F. J., bkmn S P Co. a. 22 Kalberer Jos., lab, r 900 J. Kamenzind Antone, carp 2116'H, r same. Kameyer Chas., plasterer, r W bet 21st and 22d. Kaminsky J. Julius W., lab S P Co, r 525 N. Kampfen John, lab, r 922$ 9th. o Kanaur , painter, r 1400 4th. Kane A. C. Mrs, r 412 N. Kane Jas., r B bet 12th and 13th. X Kane John, pressman State Printer, r Pacific Hotel. t Kane Jos. E., foreman Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1619 23d. © • Kane L. Mrs, matron Ridge Home, r 22d bet Q and R. Kane P., emp S P Co, r 100 I. Kane Thos., lab, r 921 alley bet 9th and 10th, L and M. o C Kappmau Chas., lab S P Co, r 2203 12th. 00 Kappman Jos., mach, r 2203 12th. r % Serves Daily more Patrons K THEAMER1CANGASHST0RE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND R STREETS. Store* in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELNIOrtlCO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day & Nijdit Oyster Parlor 282 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Karcher Fred C, r 1428 7th. Karcher Geo., r 1428 7th. Karcher Matthew, r 1428 7th. Karcher Matthew Jr., printer, r 1428 7th. Karcher Wm. L., boilermkr S P Co, r 1428 7th. Karlson B. K., carp, r 2509 I. Karlson Ida, dom 1900 H. Karnse Wm. A , r 306 11th. Karsten Anna Miss, elk R. D. Wheeler, r 1113 12th. Kast Fred (Kast & Patterson), r Broderick. Kast & Patterson (F. Kast and A. Patterson), meat mkt 728 J. Kastberg Christopher, bartndr F. J. Dietrich, r 724J K. Kathan J. Henry, finisher A. Meister & Sons, r 2931 G. Kattenhorn C, driver Christianson & Co, r 1312 O. Katzenstein Arthur, elk W L & Co, r 1209 P. KATZENSTEIN BERT, Manager Sacramento District Mes­ senger and Telegraph Co, and Proprietor Sacramento Room Renting Bureau, 612 K, telephone 474, r 1213 O. KATZENSTEIN £. MRS., Leading Milliner, 605 J, r 605£ J. KATZENSTEIN GEORGE B., Secretary and Manager Orange Vale Colonization Co, 214 J, and President Gar­ ten Gold Cure Institute Co, r 1213 O. Katzenstein Geo. B. Jr., stenog, r 1213 O. Katzenstein Saml., elk W L & Co, r 1209 P. Katzenstein Wm. H., expressman, r 921 P. Kauf C. Mrs, r 1928 L. Kauffman Jacob, groceries and saloon 1700 K, r same. Kauftmann Otto, musician, r 612 L. Kaufman Adolph C. (Geiser & Kaufman), r 921 8th. Kaufman Carl (Wasserman, Davis & Co), r 817 18th. Kaufman Otto, carp 2321 14th. Kaufman Andrew, baker Kent & Son, r 318 N. Kaufman Chas. C, carp City Brewery, r 621 L. Kaufman Geo., bartndr F. Eckhardt, r 704 12th. Kautmann Otto, confectionery 908 J, r 902 N. Kavanagh Wm. J., undertaker 513 J, r same. Kavanagh Wm. J. Jr., elk W. J. Kavanagh, r 513 J. Kavenaugh Annie Mrs., r 429 S. Kay E. J., elk, r 510 J. Kay Henry, painter S P Co, r 1011 5th. Kay Saml., mach S P Co, r 1801 14th. Kayner D. P., physician Garten Gold Cure Institute, r 808 G. Kearney K. M., elk The Nonpareil, r 717 7th. Kearney Wm., bartndr Mrs M. Coady, r 1025 Front. Kearth Florence Mrs, r 2423 O. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Store* is Sacnunento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOWE-WADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET. CD SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 283 Keating Annie Mi*s, r 1731 11th. Keating Jas. D., emp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. KEATING JAMES W., Groceries, Hay, Grain and Mill CO Feed 1731 Uth, r same. Keating John W., elk J. W. Keating, r 1731 11th. Keating Patrick E., emp S P Co, r 405 O. Keber Ada Miss, teacher The Singer Mfg Co, r 530 K. Keber Albina E. Miss, r 140H G. Keber Annie EL Mrs, r 1406 G. Keber Clara Miss, drefsmkr, r 530 K. Keber Hattie Mrs, seamstress Locke & Lavenson, r 530 K. Keefe Corne ius, emp S P Co, r 1600 P. Keefe Danl., fireman S P Co, r 1112 Q. Keefe Danl. M., r 1112 Q. Keefe Henry, bricklayer, r 1220 18th. Keefe J., mach S P Co, r 720 Q. Keefe John, wagonmkr D. Carmichael, r 1320 K. Keefe John A., comp 11. S. Crocker Co, r 1112 Q. Keefe Katherine H. Miss, r 1112 Q. Keefe M., mach S P Co, r 720 Q. Keegan Gerald, tailor, r 513 K. Keegan John, emp S P Co, r 1031 U. Keegan Maggie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1315 P. Keegan Martin J., painter 411 P, r same. Keegan Patrick A., emp S P Co, r 1315 P. Keegan Wm., baker John Black <& Sons, r 1119 Front. Keely John, r 1015 8th. Keen A. Mrs, tamales 1226 7th, r same. Keen Angel, grocer M cor 7th, r 2226 7th. Keen M., lab S P Co, r 627 9th. Keenan Adam, r 814 J. Keenan Matthew, r 1016 9th. Keenan Wm., bkmn S P Co, r 721 G. Keene Albert E., emp A. J. Pommer, r 1510 11th, Keeue Reese, carp Merry

PMlliDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 284 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Keiper Chas., sexton Cathedral of the Most Holy Sacrament, r1316 K. Keiper Jacob, r 1316 K. Keiser John, r 1927 D. Keiter Jacob, cutter Joe Poheim, r 814 L. Keleher P., lab, R cor 31st. Kellam Wm. H. B., heater S P Co, r 610 13th. Kelleher Cornelius, bartndr L. B. Green, r 724 K. Kelleher Cornelius, switchman S P Co, r 1130 P. Kelleher Cornelius Jr, student, r 1130 P. Kelleher Jas. P., painter S P Co, r 1130 P. Kelleher Mamie Miss, dressmkr, r 1130 P. Kellen Fred., brewer Pacific Brewery, r 1611 8th. Keller Chas., molder S P Co, r 814 J. Keller & Dean (H. Keller and O. S. Dean), photographers 719 K. Keller Francis, physician 1128 6th, r same. Keller Grant, teamster, r 2228 Front. Keller H. (Keller & Dean), r 812 11th. Keller L. Burnett, elk California State Bank, r 1011 15th. Keller Mamie Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 1130 P. Keller Margaret Mrs, r 1011 15th. Keller Wm. C, cigarmkr 1011 15th, r 1312 18th. Kelley Bernard, eng S P Co, r 1226 D. Kelley E., switchman S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Kelley Kittie Miss, elk E. S. Elkus, r 1002 J. Kelley L. R., painter, r Eldred House. Kelley Mary Mrs, r 328 10th. Kelliher Jas., lab S P Co, r 409 P. Kellogg xMrs, r 1130 6th. Kellogg A. Mrs, dom 605 H. Kellogg Cornelius, stoves 819 J, r same. Kellogg Edwin F., blksmith, r 821 J. Kellogg Josephine Mrs, farmer, r 608 F. Kellogg Wm. V., elk O. Kellogg, r 821 J. Kelly Benj. F., farmer, r 1721 O. Kelly Catherine Mrs, r 1019 10th. Kelly Chas. A., nurse County Hospital. Kelly Cornelius, hack driver, r 207£ J. Kelly Delia Miss, stenog, r 505 J. Kelly E. Mrs, r 1015 O. Kelly Edw., lab, r 1019 10th. Kelly Edw. E. (McEnerney & Kelly), r 2100 L. Kelly Elsie Miss, r 505 J. Kelly Eugene, emp S P Co, r 111 K. Kelly Frank S., r 1721 O.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in adrance. Husteffv is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. erockenr and (Bossware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 285 Kelly Frank W., barber 2003 J, r same. CO Kelly Geo., appr Clark Bros. & Stanley, r 821 6th. Kelly Geo., dep sheriff, r 2305 I. Kelly Jas., eng S P Co. Kelly Jas., lab S P Co. Kelly Jas. C, comp State Printer, r 1015 0. Kelly Jas. P., fireman S P Co. Kelly Jerome, comp, r 1405 J. Kelly J. M. Mrs, dressmkr 505 J, r same. Kelly John, emp Capital Gas Co. Kelly John, gardener, r 800 N. Kelly John, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Kelly John A., emp S P Co, r 1617 M. usa Kelly Jos., r 821 6th. Kelly Jos. B„ appr S P Co, r 1226 D. Kelly Julia, dom 910 H. Kelly Lottie Miss, r 1617 M. Kelly M. Mrs, r 1214 6th. Kelly Mamie Miss, r 821 6th. * {•< Kelly Margaret Z. Miss, student, r 1721 O. »1 NX Kelly May E. Miss, r 810 P. ft O Kelly Michael J., molder F. M. McKeever, r 1611 2d. ft to Kelly N. Mrs, milliner 523 J, r same. to 1+ Kelly Nellie Miss, r 821 6th. 0 VI X y Kelly Patrick H., r 821 6th. ff ** Kelly Robt. F., rpr S P Co, r 617 6th. *m ft ** to Kelly Sadie Miss, dom 1100 N. ** • Br* • Kelly Sophie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1617 M. ft Kelly Susan, dom 1128 10th. *m»* • Kelly Thos., lab S P Co, r 1025£ 10th. S • Kelly Thos., emp S P Co, r 711 H. ft Kelly Thos. S., emp W L & Co, r 810 P. to Kelly T. J., lab, r 616 G. Kelly Wm., mach S P Co, r 505 J. Kelly Wm., stoker Capital Gas Co, r 215 N. Kelly Wm., r 821 6th. Kelly Wm. J., saloon Riverside rd nr Sutterville, r same. Kelsey J. M., carp S P Co, r Broderick. Kelsey Mabel MisSj emp State Printer, r 1602 H. Kelsey S. V. Mrs, r 2809 H. Kemencent Jos., bartndr F. Reding, r 901-2d. Kemnitzer Henry L., emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 1724 4th. Kemnitzer Jacob D., collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 905 Front. Kemnitzer Louis H., blksmith S P Co. r 905 Front. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. t^eal Estate and Insurance GEO. RHHER. 725 K ST, S4CHAMEXTO, CAL. 286 BACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Kemnitzer Wm. L., mach hand 0. R. Amsden, r 1802 L. Kemp Jas. A., foreman Richards & Knox, r 1722 2d. Kendall E. A. Mrs., r 1726 6th. Kendall Elizabeth Mrs, r 708 Q. Kendall Randolph, comp Record-Union, r 606 J. Kendall Randolph Mrs, furn rms 606 J. KENDALL WILLIAM S., Broker and Notary Public 910 5th, r 2118 K. Kendel Philip, r 1214 4th. Kendrick Jesse D., emp S P Co, r 2311 Q. Kendrick S. E. Miss, r 827$ J. Kendrick Thos, roller S P Co, r Oak Park. Kendrick T. J., r311 K. Kenealy Jas., r 2923 O. Kenealy Jeremiah, plasterer, r 2923 O. Kenefick John, trav salesman Standard Oil Co, r Golden Eagle Hotel. Kennedy C. Mrs, r 426 N. Kennedy D., lab S P Co, r 511 M. Kennedy D. J., boilermkr S P Co, r 1824 4th. Kennedy Edmund N.. molder, r 2320 Q. Kennedy Edw., mach S P Co, r 1324 4th. Kennedy Edw. J., foreman Columbian Broom Factory, r 1307 4th. Kennedy Frank, butcher, r 801 7th. Kennedy J., appr S P Co, r 13244th. Kennedy Jas., lab, r 1025 Front. Kennedy Jas., lab, r 417 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Kennedy John, mach S P Co, r 630 M. Kennedy John, farmer, r 28th bet V and W. Kennedy John, r alley bet 13th and 14th. N and O. Kennedy Kate Miss, milliner, r 28th bet V and W. Kennedy Kittie Miss, teacher, r 426 N. Kennedy Mamie Miss, r 1324 4th. Kennedy Mamie Miss, r426 N. Kennedy Mary Mrs, r 1324 4th. Kennedy Matthew M., r 426 N. Kennedy Thos., blksmith, r 28th bet V and W. Kennedy Thos. E., bkkpr M. Cronan, r 426 N. Kennedy W., lab, r Broderick. Kennedy Wm. M., emp S P Co, r 426 N. Kennedy Winifred Miss, dressmkr, r 426 N. Kenney Edw, famer, r Broderick. Kenney Edw. D., elk E. Weller, r 1025 I. KENNET ERASTUS, Real Estate and Insurance 904 K, r Y nr 34th Oak Park. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery 5 COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. t SELLS REAL ESTATE ) Cooley,!— =. } 1013 4th SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 287 t~^5j Kenney Jos. B., emp S P Co, r 517 M. Kenney Mary, dom 1515 H. Kenney May Miss, r 1724 15th. Kenney Nellie Miss, dom, r 1724 15th. Kenney Patrick, blksmith, r 1724 16th. Kenney R. Mrs, furn rms 517 M. Kenny Kate Miss, emp State Printer, r 1630 0. Kenney Thos., saloon 1217 4th, r same. Kensey Michael, moved to S F. , Kent Bros (R. E., F. J. and W. E.), livery 1617 3d. Kent David J, foreman Wood, Gray & Co, r 1315 3d. Kent Frank J. (Kent Bros), r 1315 3d. Kent Hannah Mrs., elk D. Dierssen

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 289 Kilgariff H, Mrs, r 310 P. Kilgariff Henry J., chief elk S P Co, r 310 P. Kilgore Ellis (Kilgore & Tracy), r 1412 10th. KILGORE & TRACY, Proprietors The Original Big Tree 1^ Store, Groceries, etc., 801-803 J. •< / Kilian Henry, malster City Brewery, r 1909 N. Kilin Marv, dom 325 M. 35=0 Kim John", lab, r 1824 3d. Kimball Chas., emp C E Ry Co, r 2900 M. TjC^ Kimball L. J., mining, r 505 18th. KIMBALL M. NIXON (Kimball & Upson), r 620 M. Kimball S. M. Mrs, r 1531 P. KIMBALL & UPSON (M. N. Kimball and L. S. Upson), §_= Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition, and Fish­ co_50 ing Tackle (see new catalogue), 625-627 J (see back cover). Kimball Wm. S., emp C E Ry Co, r 2900 M. Kimber Wm. M., kalsorainer 614 I, r 803J J. Kimberly D. C, cabinetmkr S P Co, r 1117 12th. KIMBROUGH & CO. (Howard Kimbrough), Real Estate, Insurance Collections and Loans, 402 J. Kimbrough E. A. Mrs, r 223 O. Kimbrough Howard (Kimbrough & Co), r 223 O. Kimbrough R. O., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 223 0. o b Kimmel Harvey, r Highland Park. SO Kimmel J., emp S P Co, r 901 Front. ^5 *£ Kincaid Peter, r 328| K. © Kinder Gottfried, baker, r 1410 alley bet 14th and 15th, K & and L. *H >« Kindblom Gus A., emp F. Mason, r 12th bet C and D. «t> » King Antone, masonry contr 1212 D, r same. CrfO King Antone Jr., horseshoer C. W. Godard, r 815 20th. *o | King Arthur, lab Capital Gas Co, r 605 H. a. King Arthur E„ elk Christianson & Co, r 1406 4th. IHa . King Chas. C, photographer C. Young, r 415 J. £ King Chas. L., comp State Printer, r 1431 15th. 3 King Chas. S., acct California State Bank, r 1716 P. • King C. R. Mrs, r 1115 13th. King D. A., switchman S P Co. King Ellen A. Miss, r 911 N. King F. J., lab S P Co, r 1520 M. King Fred H., meat mkt 817 7th, r 1630 7th. KING & GARDNER (J. 0. King and J. W. Gardner), Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchandise, 721 K. King Geo. W., r 1301 J. King Geo. W., r 1406 4th. UC AUTR PAUPtQUQTflRrServesDailymore Patroas IIL AIR til UAN Unun UI UIIL than any other two Grocery 19 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, ^p 7. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT RESTAURANT T te Trie Deinionico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Caen Day ond HgH. OYSTER PARLORS 290 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. King Geo. W., trav salesman Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1236 P. King Henry H., emp C. Suter, r 2528 N. King Herbert L.. teamster, r 1316 21st. King J. A. Mrs, r 1316 21st. King J. M. Mrs, r 1406 4th. King John, postal elk, r 923£ K. King John, drayage 618 Q, r same. King John C. (King & Gardner), r 826 L. King John J., elk, r 1406 4th. King J. W., upholsterer S P Co, r^l529 3d. King Miles, lab, r 1425 6th. King Millie G. Miss, r 1406 4th. King Peter, boilermkr S P Co, r 402 10th. King Thos. J., fireman, r 1406 4th. King W. F., lab, r U bet 15th and 16th. King Wm., carp, r 814 7th, King Wm. W., elk A. Schaden, r 1406 4th. Kingdon Wm. H., upholsterer Jacox Bros, r 1118 O. Kingman John H., carp, r 1711 P. Kingsbury Jos. E., died Apr 10th, 1894. Kingsbury Nellie Miss, r 1718 8th. KINGSBURY SAMUEL, Proprietor Sacramento Transfer Co 614 K, Telephone 89, r 1718 8th. Kingsbury Wm. E., driver Sac Trans Co, r 1718 8th. Kiugsley Albert C, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1608 I. Kingsley E. S., lab S P Co, r Arcade House. Kinkella Louis, waiter Buckman & Carraghar, r 1019 2d. Kinkle O., emp S P Co, r 409 L. Kinney Stella Miss, r 2300 H. Kinsner J. N., r Broderick. Kipp C. F„ emp S P Co, r Brighton. Kipper Wm, painter S P Co, r 1715 L. Kipper Wm. Jr, cabinet mkr C. Suter, r 1715 L. Kirby John, moved to S F. Kirby Wm., switchman S P Co, r'J211. Kirch Louisa Miss, dom 1237 O. Kirk Agnes Miss (Kirk, Geary & Co), r 1029 F. Kirk Benj., fisherman, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Kirk Cora Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1411 Q. Kirk Frank, emp S P Co, r 418 L. Kirk Fred., r 1411 Q. KIRK, GEART & CO. (H. S. Kirk, Wm. Geary, Mrs. J. Kirk and Miss Agues Kirk), Wholesale Druggists 416 J. Kirk Harry S. (Kirk, Geary & Co), r 717 15th. Kirk Jennie Mrs (Kirk, Geary & Co), r 1029 F. r Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. w

R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESIFAD HOME BAKERY. 1012 J Street...... SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 291 Kirkman Wm. A., saloon 1317 Front, r same. Kirkpatrick D., farmer, r 1817 S. Kirkpatrick Dora Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 1817 S. Kirkpatrick Mamie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 1817 S. Kirkpatrick Robt. B., carp S P. Co, r 2128 N. Kirkpatrick Thos.,janitor People's Savings Bank,rl007£ 4th. Kirn Laura Miss, teacher Marshall Primary School, r 717 11th. Kirn Lulu Miss, music teacher 717 11th, r same. Kirn Nettie Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 717 11th. Kitz Philip, bkkpr C. H. Krebs & Co, r 3001 J. Klare Wm., carp, r 2014 19th. Klebitz Edw., r 1417 8th. Klebitz Lizzie Miss, r 1417'8th. Klebs Theodore A., elk Red House Co, r 1720 K. Kle.es Geo. A., painter, r 722 12th. Klees John, carp 824 K, r 722 12th. Klees Sonomo A. Miss, opr W U T Co, r 722 12th. Klein Conrad, died Nov 30th, 1893. Klein David, mach S P Co, r 120 I. Klein Geo. W., fireman S P Co, r 1822 O. Klein Gustave F., malster City Brewery, r 2631 O. Klein Jos. A., r 1910 alley bet 19th and 20th, C and D. Kleinsorge Albert F., cashier W. P. Fuller & Co, r 2318 M. Kleinsorge Chas. E., bkkpr W. P. Coleman, r 1008 10th. KLEINSORGE CHARLES P., Groceries and Provisions, 1404 J. Telephone 144, r 1008 10th. Kleinsorge Emma Mrs, r 1319 L. Kleinsorge Emma S. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 1008 10th. Kleinsorge Frank, elk Mohr & Yoerk Packiug Co, r 1008 10th. Kleinsorge Henry E., elk National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, r 1008 10th. Kleinsorge Laura M. Miss, died May 2d, 1894. Kleinsorge Mary L. Miss, rl319 L. Kleinsorge W. Edw., atty, r 1319 L. Kleising Fred, coachman F. Cox. Klemm Tina Miss, tailor, r 2116 M. Klenk Christian, r 1116 3d. Llenk Rachel Mrs, turn rms, 1116 3d. Klenk Reinhold, painter, r 414 Q. Klenzendorf John, emp S P Co, r 804 K. Klewe Augusta, dom 1618 O. Klewe Emma C. Mrs, r 925 I. Klewe Oscar, butcher H. Gerber, r 927 I. Klien John, butcher Clauss & Kraus, r 1700 I. Klimser Fred, shoemkr 1926 O, r same. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Str«et. 8, F- CIT s/ .Li IF. 505 CLAY ST., S. F.

292 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. £ Klinck A. C. Mrs (Nagle & Klinck), r 609J J. c_> Kline Chas., foreman Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. Kliuk Chas. F., died Apr 27th, 1894. Kloppenburg Anna L. Miss, dressmkr, r 823 Q. o Kloppenburg Danl. W., mach S P Co, r 823 Q. o Kloppenburg E. W. Mrs, r 823 Q. Klotz Colorado Mrs, furn rms 705 J. Sfe Klotz Ella Miss, teacher, r 1712 O. 2 Klotz H. Mrs, r 1712 O. CD O Klotz John Y., emp S P Co, r 705 J. JSZ o Klotz Lizzie C. Miss, teacher, r 1712 O. ex,<» Klotz Wm. F., bkkpr, r 1712 O. go Klotze Emma Miss, r 1006 7th. 0>« O

WOODEN MANTELS AND TILINQ. i flmo 428 J St., Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 295 Krenke August, lab S P Co, r 411 15th.' Krenkel Gustav W., emp Talken & Washburn, r 719 O. Krepper Albert, plumber, r 618 16th. Krepper Ernest J„ emp C E Ry Co, r 618 16th. Kreuz berger Adolph, bricklayer, r 1419 18th. KREUZBERGER BARTLE, Proprietor Sacramento Lime J=^ Depot. Lime, Plaster and Cement, 517-519 I, r 1612 M. Kreuzberger Bertie Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 1700 K. Kreuzberger Gus, r 1714 8th. Kreuzberger & Harvie(L. Kreuzberger and N. Harvie), contrs, bldrs and brick mlrs 13th cor Y. c==_ Kreuzberger Lucas (Kreuzberger & Harvie), r 1622 K. Kreuzberger Matthias, lab, r 2302 5th. Kreuzberger Theo., r 1714 8th. Kribbs Herman D., emp Burns & Waterhouse, r F cor 17th. Krider C. H., r 728 8th. Kriedeweiss Fred. H., butcher M. Emerine, r 1625 6th. Krieger Philip, baker Pioneer Bakery, r 614 L. Krinkle Josie Miss, seamstress John Breuner, r 523 M. Kripp Edw. L., cigars 602 J., r 615 H. Ift-ipp H., lab Evergreen Cemetery, r 1822 11th. Kripp Fred., r 182211th. Kriskie Wm., teamster, r 8th cor U. * Kroeger Gus C, elk Lindley & Co, r 725 I. Krogh P. Christian, restaurant 517 K, r same. V) Krogh Peter C, barber 529 K, r same. e KROMER GEORGE, Real Estate, Insurance and Notary Public 725 K, r 1226 P (see top lines). KromerJohn, tailor S. Tryon, r 2417 J. Kropft Wm.,rl231 J. 2 §• Krueger Wm., emp W. B. Devin, r 1017 K. Krull Adell Miss, r 1717 O. 5 » Krull Ane A., r 1717 O. Krull Yke A., farmer, r2011 0. Kruttschmitt A. M., emp S P Co, r 409 10th. 1 SB Kruttschmitt E., appr S P Co, r 409 10th. • a Kuchler Albert, elk John Breuner, r 600 10th. * ft Kuchler Annie Miss, r 600 10th. Kuckler Caroline Miss, dressmkr, r 600 10th. Kuchler Emma Miss, elk W. F. Peterson, r 600 10th. • e Kuchler Frank L., baker, r 600 10th. Kuchler Fred. (Danioth & Kuchler) and restaurant 103 K, r $ a same. 01 Kuchler Geo. E„ baker, r 600 10th. ft Kuchler Jos., waiter Hotel Rhein. Kuchler Josephine, dom 1510 K. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 3V Markot Street, S. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS,, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. s 296 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Kuchler Louis, lab S P Co, r 600 10th. Kuebler A. Mrs, furn rms 424 L. Kuebler Eugene (Kuebler & Farewell), r 424 L. Kuebler & Farewell (E. Kuebler and J. Farewell), pickle mfrs 7th cor S. Kuechle Jack, emp C Zuest, r 1531 4th. Kuechler Gustav C, mach S P Co, r 2115 N. Kuehne Chas. B., carp S P Co, r 1121 17th. Kuehne Freda M. Miss, r 1121 17th. Kuehne J. Fred, foreman C. Suter, r 1121 17th. Kuhlman A. H., carp, r 1814 10th. Kuhlman S. Mrs, r Oak Park. Kuhn Anthony (Kuhn & Hilger), r 1112 I. Kuhn P. B., elk Kimball & Upson, r 620 M. Kuhn Carl, tinsmith S P Co, r 317 12th. KUHN & HILGER (A. Kuhn and J. Hilger), Proprietors Sacramento Spring Shop, 1112 I. Kuhnle Wm. F., r 1112£ K. Kuhr August, died Apr 3d, 1894. Kummerfeldt Fred (Kummerfeldt & Schmidt), r 723 O. Kummerfeldt Fred Jr., student, r 723 O. KUMMERFELDT & SCHMIDT (F. Kummerfeldt and F. D. Schmidt), Wood and Coal, 710 I. Kun Lillie Miss, marker W L & Co, r 305 10th. Kun Martin, r 305 10th. Kuncman Henry, lab, r 28th bet R and S. Kunigk R. Mrs, dressmkr 1216 I, r same. Kunigk Rudolph, bkkpr, r 1216 I. Kuntz Albert, bartndr A. D. Bulger, r 1314 3d. Kuntz Chas., bkkpr, r 721 J. Kuntz Frank, mach S P Co, r 1215 16th. Kuntz M. Mrs, midwife 1215 16th, r same. Kunz Emil, elk Palace Restaurant, r 626 O. KUNZ FRANK, Proprietor Union Nursery, 2129 10th, r same. £unz Frank Jr., driver G. Llewellyn, r 2230 12th. Kunz Geo. H., gardener, r 1800 3d. Kunz G. Henry, gardener, r 1930 10th. Kunz Lillie C. Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1800 3d. Kunz Louis P., emp Capital Box Factory, r 1800 3d. Kunz Margaretha Mrs, r 1311 9th. Kunz Peter, nursery 1900 3d, r same. Kunz Wm. B., packer Phoenix Milling Co, r 1311 9th. Kunze Chas., elk Grafmiller Bros, r alley bet 7th and 8th, M andJN. Kunzelmann Jacob, elk City Brewery, r 1205 G. N, CLARK & SONS, 1MI Sp,ar «••SaB *mtm MasttfMturers and Dealers wm

CARLAW BROS ^nPoriet's °f Scotch and aH xotb and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 2i>7 Kurl Emma Miss, cashier Buckmann Kurz Herman, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 82112th. CO Kyburz Bertha Miss, dressmkr 1328 I, r same. Kyburz Gustave, bartndr City Brewery, r 1328 I. ?x Kyburz Marie Mrs, r 1328 I. 6* _• Kyle A., mach S P Co, r 609 14th. Kyle Chas. H., elk, r 410 L. &o Kyle Nellie, dom 1025 Front. 5>Z Kyne Frank D., emp S P Co, r 1116 Q. © Kyne Jas J., lab S P Co, r 1116 Q. Kyne Kittie M. Miss, dressmkr, r 1116 Q. i«> Kyne Mary A. Miss, dressmkr Mrs M. L. Swillings, r 1116 Q. Kyne Michael C, emp S P Co, r 1116 Q. JH Kyne Wm H., appr S P Co, r 1116 Q. *> |(D Sr Laauser L. Mrs, r 615 P. m Laauser Lizzie C. Miss, dressmkr, r 615 F. Laauser Minnie Miss, acct W L & Co, r 615 P. CO Labadie Gertrude Miss, r 912 12th. La Bare Chas., r 214 11th. r-) La Basse Adolph W., emp W. P. Fuller & Co, r 925 10th. >- Label Richd., barber 328 K, r 1515 K. r— DO Labhard Alfred, bartndr T. Labhard, r 513 6th. -=: esa >—t e=3 Labhard Theo., saloon 600 I, r 513 6th. •-< ca- Labs Benj., grading contr 1128 S, r same. cr> Labs, Marie K. Miss, r 1128 S. GO >* LACHENMEYER & FAIG (Fred Lachenmeyer and G. o 5*3 Faig) Proprietors El Dorado Saloon, 826 J, and Restau­ ^o 52! >~ rant 1008 9th. o Lacheumeyer Fred (Lachenmeyer & Faig), r 906 7th. en Lack Minnie Miss, milliner, r 606 J. m Lackey Q. G., fireman S P Co. c—i Lacy D. B., prin Broderick School, r Broderick. o Lacy Thos., fireman P O, r 104 K. Ladd Hubert, driver H and L Co No. 1, r 1009 10th. Lafayette Edw., emp Union Ice Co, r 1111 8th. a La Frayette Julia M. Miss, r Oak Park, t La Ferer Louis, waiter Pacific Hotel. Lafterty Frank A., mgr J. A. Lafferty, r 1813 J. § 2 • LAFFERTY JOHN A., Livery and Feed Stable, 1101 J, I * 2 telephone 238, r 1813 J (see adv). 3 © 5 La Fontaine D., bartndr A. D. Bulger, r 621 M. Lafosse John (Maisonnave & Lafosse), r 912 L. T « * 3 wmmmmzzzzzz 1 COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores is Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0ril(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 71* K St. Own Day ft Ritfht Oyster Parlor 298 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. La France Jas. J., painter, r 1631 L. La France Mary Mrs, died Sept 28th, 1894. Lages Albert H., elk W L

THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 299 LAMMERS G. H„ Manager W. H. Eckhardt, r 226 M. LeMontagne Leon, contr and bldr 1727 9th, r same. Lamoree Onslo P., carp, r 418 O. LaMotte A. G., emp S P Co, r 708 23d. LaMotte Eugene A., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 708 23d. LaMotte Louise Miss, r 708 23d. Larapert Wm., coffee aud teas 718 J, r 1409 F. Lamphrey Irene Miss, r 1121 E. Lamphrey Wm. N., emp S P Co, r 1121 E. Lamping A. W., emp S P Co, r 1030 G. Lamping Kate Miss, dressmkr, r 1015 15th. Lanagan Jas., car bldr, r 1781 6th. Lanagan John F., appr S P Co, r 1731 6th. Lanagan Julia E. Miss, r 1731 6th. Lanagan Wm., r 1731 6th. Lancaster David A., ins 1009 2d, r 401 L. Lancaster Ernest M., emp S P Co, r 1610 J. Lancaster Schuyler C, emp S P Co, r 1610 J. Lancaster Z. A. (Stewart & Lancaster), r 1105 I. 3 3! LAND WM., Proprietor Western Hotel 209-221 K and State u -« House Hotel K s w cor 10th, r 215 K. Landau John, emp J. W. Wilsou& Son, r 318 K. Landes H. M., mach S P Co, r 615 11th. a Landes Maude E. Miss, music teacher 615 11th, r same. 3 Landis J. B., express 720 S, r same. ft Laudis Joseph, emp S. P, Co, r 1116 J. 3 rr (0 Landis Minnie Miss, r 1116 J. W Landis Myrtle Miss, r 1116 J. Landis Wm. C, emp C E Ry Co, r 1116 J. Landsborough Leonard M., dep co clerk, r Florin. Lane Frank D., elk T. H. Cook & Co, r 813 8th. Lane Fredk. M., butcher J. Schaerer, r 10th cor K. Lan3 Geo. E, carp S P Co, r 1314 8th. Lane Jas., emp S P Co, r 1411 5th. I CD Lane John, died Sept 27th, 1894. Lane L. Mrs, dom 1729 G. Mr Lane Kate, dom 21st cor V. Lane Maggie, dom 1325 G. N ° IT Lanear Jas , gaiter State House Hotel. Lang A. E., asst yard master S P Co, r 426 8th. Lang Jacob, dyer 909 K, r same. Lang Jos., blksmith, r 1707 U. C Lang Wm. F., emp M. D. Keet. Langenbahn John, waiter Lachenmeyer & Faig, r 10th cor I. G> Langenbahn Nicholaus, boilermkr, r 2619 Q. Langford T. W., teacher, r 917 K. 0 DIXON, BORGESON A CO., SHOW CASES SI Market Street, S. *• Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 300 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Langham The, 401 L. Laugley Wm., r W bet 25th and 26th. Laugner John M., lab S P Co, r 1714 T. Langsdon Chas. W., emp S P Co, r 717 L. Langtree Ellen Mrs, r 319 Sutter av. Langtree Jas. W., lab, r 319 Sutter av. LANKTRY GEORGE F. (successor to Lister & McCraken), Merchant Tailor (see adv on margin), 513£ J upstairs, r 609£ 1. Lannon Patrick J., emp Pioneer Mills, r alley bet 17th and 18th, J and K. Lansing E. H., butcher Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r Jack­ son rd nr 32d. Lansing Ella Miss, r Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Lansing Emma Miss, r Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Lansing Mary E., died July 8th, 1894. Lantoll John, cooper, r Oak Grove. LaPierre A., painter S P Oo, r 419 L. Lapisch Martin, lab, r 1709 3d. Laracy Annie Miss, dressmkr, r 923 10th. Laracy John J., book agt, r 1227 P. Largent Annie Mrs, waiter 1015 8th. Larkin Andrew, lab, r 10th bet R and S. Larkin Geo. W., student F. F. Tebbets, r 714 11th. LARKIN J. N. & SON (J. N. and W. H.), Publishers The Sunday Leader, 918 8th. Larkin John N. (J. N. Larkin & Son), r 714 11th. Larkin Wm. H. (J. N. Larkin & Son), r 2416 I. LaRocca RafFaele, died Jan 30th, 1894. Larrabee H. F., adv agt, r 1022 K. Larry E. J., lab S P Co, r 621 L. Larry Jos., farmer, r 621 L. Larsen John, stonecutter, r 925 Front. Larson Christine, dom 2025 M. Larson E., cabinetmkr Capital Furniture Co, r 12114th. Larson Maud Miss, r 815 J. LaRue Chas., coachman 1403 H. LaRue Geo., r 1623 F. LaRue Hugh M., farmer, r 1602 H. LaRue Hugh M. Jr., atty 401 J, r 1602 H. Lash E. J. Mrs (T. M. Lash & Co), r 1017 I. Lash T. M. (T. M. Lash & Co), and pres Cal Fruitilaxi Co, r 1017 I. Lash T. M. & Co (T. M. & MrsE. J. Lash), mfg chemists 725 K. Lashelle J. F., waiter E. Himmel. LaShells Frank E., elk S P Co, r 721 H.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in Advance. Hustefft is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOKOUT Published. EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS


i Bookkeeping and Commercial Science, Shorthand Tf"<{ Tlpn^rifimDnf"^ nfl J and TvPimI> Penmanship, Modern Languages and Ibp UtiUaiblUCUbp Ul "\ Telegraphy are practical in every detail as is at- ( tested by the 1 O r\r\f\ GRADUATES WHO ARE NOW SUCCESSFULLY 1 Q HArt ±0)\J\JVJ . . . APPLYING THEIR KNOWLEDGE . . . ±0)\J\J\J

It received the First Gold Medal at the California Midwinter Exposition fur the general excellence of its display of PEN9IANSHIP 'J J, TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING SETS *^ BUSINESS FORMS AXD PRACTICAL, METHODS OF BUSINESS TRAINING 550 20 600 Students placed in positions Teachers employed. Stenographers placed in posi- since January, 1892. tions during the last 5 years Ladieg m admitted to all Department? of the College

INDIVIDUAL \ ^"STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME I N STRUCT 1ON__L_ The College has one of the largest Shorthand and Typewriting Departments of any Commercial Institution in the United States. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, containing full particulars, may be had by addressing HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 Post Street, .-. .-. San Francisco, Cal. Two Medals and a Diploma at the last Mechanics] Institute Industrial Exhibition.

Heald's Business College is always a Prize winner and has a large number of State and County Diplomas. L. I#JLEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. *02 and 5d4 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 801 5a Lassona C, died May 19th, 1894. Latham Hugh D., emp Mebius & Drescher, r 1717 18th. cr Latham John, emp S P Co, r 2214 H. Latham Jos. A., driver Weber & Co, r 31st cor E. Latourette John, tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 922 O. Lutt*»n Chas. H., vegetable vender, r 2325 K. Laubenheiraer Chris., waiter Western Hotel. H Lauchere Pierre, tailor, r 104| K. Lauchlan John W., emp S P Co, r 2014 J. Lauchlan M. Mrs, r 2014 J. o Lauder Andrew S., horseshoer 1116 4th, r 1614 4th. Lauder Bertha Miss, r 1614 4th. LAUDER THOMAS A., Buggies, Carts, Wagons and Car­ riages 1000-1006 K, Grangers' Building, telephone 266, cr r1617 17th. o Laue Augsut, tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 827 N. rt Laue H. L. Mrs, r 1230 K. O Lauer John E., harnessmkr, r 403 O. Lauffer Chas. F, emp F. Mason, r 12th bet C and D. to Lauffer J. A., gardener S P Hospital Assn. Laurkotter Emma Miss, r 1007 10th. •a Lautkotter Mamie Miss, r 1007 10th. Si Laughlin Jas., emp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Laughman G. W., r Broderick. or Lauken Marguerite Miss, cashier IX Dierssen Co, r 1314 Q. Launtz John A., eng S P Co, r 1025 3d. Laurie Annie Miss, r 530 K. Laurie J. B. Mrs, r 530 K. Laurie John XL, emp S P Co, r 530 K. LAUTENSCKLAGER & BAUMANN (G. Lautenschlager and H. N. Baumann), Proprietors Philadelphia House, 1015 8th (see adv). n B LAUTENSCHLAGER GEO. (Lautenschlager & Baumann), 0 < r 1015 8th. ft Lautenslager Wm., bkmn S P Co, r 2309 K. Lavelle Bernard W., elk A. S. Hopkins Co, r 1423 F. a Lavelle Edw., driver Adams-Booth Co, r 1416 2d. Lavelle John, lab, r 1423 F. Lavelle Michael, teamster, r 1423 F. 0 Lavenson & Casselman (M. S. Lavenson and J. Casselman), hopgrowers 318 J. Lavenson Geo. H, bkkpr The Nonpareil, r 328 M. LAVENSON GUS, Wholesale and Retail Boots and Shoes, u Agent Hannan's Men's and Boys' Fine Shoes, Laird, a ff Schober & Mitchell's Ladies' and Children's Fine Shoes, 500J, r 1235 I. p 8 ft serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery Stores in Sacramento. F; COOLEY 4 Writes * Insurance "***'^^^^-"W;*""r' •*• • 1013 FOURTH STRhETi

When Oxygen is not The Electropoise is absorbed into the system$50.0 0 especially recommended in a sufficient quantity, to all those suffering then you are from any form of sick. Malaria By the use of the ELECTROPOISE Fevers, Rheumatism you will absorb pure and all disturbances of Oxygen, the then you will Nervous Sys- be well, SIANDARD. tern.

> 50

WftTSON & CO 122-124 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. $25.00. This treat­ Send for Cir­ ment does cular giving away with the endorse­ all Medi­ ments of peo­ cines and ple using the Drugs. Electropoise. POCKET. SHOWCASES***" SACItAI-.iXATO, CALIF. F; COOLEY 4 Writes * Insurance *^»''^^^^-*W.BW •*• • 1013 FOURTH STRhET.

When Oxygen is not The Electropoise is absorbed into the system$50.0 0 especially recommended in a sufficient quantity, to all those suffering then you are from any form of sick. Malaria By the use of the ELECTR0P01SE Fevers, Rheumatism you will absorb pure and all disturbances of Oxygen, the then you will Nervous Sys- be well, SIANDARD. tern.

> 50

WftTSON & CO 122-124 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. $25.00. This treat­ Send for Cir­ ment does cular giving away with the endorse­ all Medi­ ments of peo­ cines and ple using the Drugs. Electropoise. POCKET. SHOWCASES***" SACItAI-.iXATO, CALIF. m SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. • PHILLIPS BROS.. BOOKBINDERS,BOOKB.NDERS. 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 304 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Leader Timothy, laborer S P Co, r 1317 D. LEAKE W. S.f Postmaster, K ne cor 7th, r 1101 0. LeAldarose Joaquin, teamster, r 2031 3d. Leam John W., driver J. McMorry, r 1615 5th. Leam Violet Miss, dressmkr, r 1615 5th. Leary Edwin, Jab, r 621 L. Leary Jas. T., farmer, r 2523 P. Leary Julia Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Leary Patrick, rpr S P Co. r Tremont Hotel. Leary Stephen S., mariner, r 1122 alley bet 11th and 12th, N and O. Leary Wm., lab S P Co, r 410 J. Leason Robt, emp S P Co, r 1211 4th. Leavitt Edw. J., elk stmr "Red Bluff," r 2823 O. Leazer Marion, lab, r 618 23d. LeBare Wm. A., driver Cole & Haycock, r 214 11th. LeBlanc Eli A., painter, r 1112 8th. Leddy Ellen N. Mrs, r Broderick. Leddy Frank, lab, r Broderick. Leddy Mamie Miss, r Broderick. Leddy Thos., lab, r Broderick. Ledesma Cornelio, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1620 9th. Ledlie John C, died Feb 1st, 1894. Lee Alma, mach S P Co, r 716 7th. Lee Frances Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 901 L. Lee Fred. E., driver L. L. Lewis & Co, r 14th cor Y. Lee H. W., carp S P Co, r Broderick. Lee Jas., lab, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Lee J. B., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Lee K. H^ r Broderick. Lee Mabel Miss, r 716 7th. Lee Martha C. Mrs, r 1617 7th. Lee Timothy, r 1600 G. Leeman A. M., motorman C E Ry Co, r 2523 P. Leeman H. F., emp S P Co, r 300 N. Leeman Wm. H., hopgrower, r 1322 I. Leeper E. Mrs, r 2304 O. Leeper Wm., r Mansion House. Lees Arthur V., emp S P Co, r 418 12th. Leeson F. Mrs, emp Protestant Orphan Asylum, r alley bet K and L, 18th and 19th. Lefaivre C. F., sawfiler, r Broderick. LE FAVOR JOSEPH A., Proprietor Empire Broom Fac­ tory 225 J, r 905 F. LeFebvre, D. L., cigarmkr, r 1007£ 4th. Lefebvre Leon T., carp, r 1824 L. IM. CLARK & SONS, r/'19 ^ st- San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS MO CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. ton ALL KINDS OF roth and R Sis. BUILDIHG STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 305 Leflar Wm. J., emp S P Co, r 1611 G. Legs Ezekial, r 10236th. Lehman Henry J., elk Sullivan Kelly Co, r 902 N. Leibling Nathan, r 1011 0. Leighton Chas., elk Hirsch & Gottorski, rl405 K. Leimbach Wm., emp F. Wager, r 424 N. Leinberger Chas., emp S P Co, r 1224 H. Leinberger Henry, butcher, r Broderick. Leinberger Henry Jr., saloon Broderick, r same. Leinberger Lizzie Miss, r Broderick. c/> Leinberger Louisa Miss, dressmkr, r Broderick. Leist Antone, tailor, r Hotel Rhein. Leist Fredk., tailor, r Hotel Rhein. Leitch David A., emp S P Co, r V cor 34th. Leitch Edw. E., cond C E Ry Co, r 1610 2d. Leitch E. M, wood, coal and drayage 117 Q, r 1610 2d. Leitch Geo. T., driver Wood, Gray & Co, r 1610 2d. Leitch John W., appr S P Co, r V cor 34th. Leith Frank, confectionery 420 K, r 427£ K. Leiva Bros (J. E. and J. A.), groceries and saloon 1400 2d. Leiva Jos. E. (Leiva Bros),.r 1400 2d. xn Leiva Jos. A. (Leiva Bros), r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. ft Leiva Lena, dom 1515 24th. £ Lei Ian Jas., r Broderick. Leloy Louis, emp Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 222 J. O to£ LeMttistre Geo., carp, r 2722 M. sO Lemay 0., plater S P Co, r 704 G. PS *£ LeMay Victor, foreman S P Co, r 2517 O. Lemeu Wm. S., bkmn S P Co, r 2418 M. Po& Lemer Jos. J., r 418 Q. -H >• Lemer Mary A. Mrs,, r 418 Q. «-t> Is Lemery Lucy Mrs, r 515 17th. OO •*r Lemke Emma Miss, r 1912 0. .to •§ Lemke Geo., elk A. C. Tufts, r 1912 O. •«** . Lemke M. Mrs, r 1912 O. C*a . Lemmer Geo. W., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r •p* 1322 D. U) Lendgvest A. Mrs, r 2024 H. Lenhardt ——, reporter, r 905 6th. Lenhart Jeremiah E., truckman, r 1123 0. Lennon Chris., lab, r 425 11th. Lennon Patrick J., lab Pioneer Flour Mills. LeJSIoir Chas. J., elk S P Co, r 803 M. LeNoir Chester, elk S P Co, r 803 M. LeNoir D. E., lab S P Co, r 803 M. LeNoir John R., mach S P Co, r 818 M. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery 20 COR. Btw AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. r •^ I. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. V.T GAUL tT me Deimonico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. CQSO Day and mow. OYSTER PARLORS afS|" 306 6ACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Lentz Geo., eng S P Co, r li;05 E. ill Lentz Paul, elk Perkins & Son, r 1100 J. Lenz Herman R., r 1526 D. Lenz John, died Sept 6th, 1894. Leon Rafael a Miss, r 1408 alley bet 14th and 15th, K and L. a m Leonard Benj., r 1811 G. Leonard Carl A., cond S P Co, r 1116 9th. A u O S .X eo Leonard C. E. & Co (C. E. Leonard and F. C. Nichols), cigars, a g. 331 K. «> * 8 • Leonard Chas. E. (C. E. Leonard & Co), r 1610 12th. Leonard Emma Mrs, elk Red House Co, r 1007£ 4th. ••8 ghl. Leonard J. Mrs, r 1609 1 lth. Leonard Jennie Miss, bkkpr W. D. Comstock, r 1609 11th. S Leonard Julia Miss, r 1609 11th. CO Leonard Mary, dom Capital Hotel. Leonard Patrick H., driver A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 2113 P. Leonard Peter, lab, r 2113 P. Leonard Susie Miss, teacher, r 1609 11th. o Leriher Faustus, miner, r International Hotel. Lesh Jacob, hostler W. B. Devin,,r 1017 K. Lesh L. 8., patent medicines, r 2510 O. Leslie A. Frank, lab S P Co, r 1129 H. o • Leson Andrew, coppersmith, r Highland Park. Lessenger Warren, lab, r Oak Grove. Lesser Benj., barber 908 J, r 1111 8th. Lesser Elias, barber B. Lesser, r 1407 4th. £* ui Lesser Isaac, glazier, r 1407 4th. CD £ Lester Geo., r Eldred House. Lester Geo. E., emp S P Co, r 418 12th. Leter Louis, tailor 524 K, r same. S i- Lett W. P. (Pattee

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 809 Lindsay Jas. J., boilermkr 8 P Co, r Broderick. Lindsay Jos. A., carp S P Co, r 821 E. Lindsay M. A. Miss (Logan & Lindsay), r 409 J. Lindsay Wm. K., r 1708 N. Lindsay Wm. K. Jr., farmer, r 1708 N. Lindsay W. K. Mrs, r 1003 L. Lindsey Sue M. Miss, moved to S F. Lindsley T. E., mach S P Co, r Western Hotel. Line Frank C, barber, r 1712 4th. Liuess John, tinner, r 816 M. Liness S. Mrs, r 816 M. Liness Wm. N., tinner, r 816 M. Links Jacob, driver H. Weinreich & Co. r 2423 L. LIPMAN CHAS. K., Secretary and Manager Sullivan Kelly Co 915-919 2d, r 427£ K. Lippert Theresa Mrs, r 1021 15th. Lippke Louis, emp M. F. Odell, r 1413 13th. Lippe J, (Lippe & Strubinger) r 2418 V.' Lippe & Strubinger (J. Lippe and J. Strubinger), bakers M cor 3d. List Bernhard, lab S P Co, r Broderick. Lister Thos. E., r 1232 H. Litchenstine Thos., elk I. Zemansky, r M bet 4th and 5th. Little Christopher J., mach S P Co, r 1313 G. Little G. B. Miss, elk S,P Co, r 423 11th. Little Geo. E., postal elk, r Davisville Cal. Little J., eng S P Co, r 1201 J. Little L. E. Mrs, boarding 701 I. Little Maggie B. Miss, teacher Jefferson School, r 423 11th. Little Mary E. Miss, r 1208 10th. Little Nancy A. Mrs, corsets 1208 10th, r same. Littletield Geo. L., bkkpr Lindley & Co, r 1119J I. Littlefield Louis B., comp, r 1723 L. Littletield Louis B. Jr* comp, r 1723 L. Littlefield Thos. D., teller National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, r1225 F. Littlefield Thos. P., eng, r 1022 G. Litzberg Harry J., elk M. J. Ginsberg, r 314 J. Litzberg Max, shoes 314 J, r same. Livermore Andrew W., carp, r Oak Park. Livingston J., comp, r Central House. Livingston Wilson H., waiter, r824 M. Llarame Raffelle, lab, r J st rd nr 40th. Llewellyn Geo., meat mkt 10th ne cor Q, r 1001 Q. Llewellyn Geo. Jr., butcher G. Llewellyn, r 1001 Q. Lloyd Albert J., emp Capital Gas Co, r 2701 T. r Serves Daily more Patrons ! L than any other two Grocery •on. em AN© K STREETS. Stores fa Sacramento, f^eal Estate and Insui*anee (El. MER. 785 K ST, 8ACKAMEMO, CAI* 310 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Lloyd Edw. J., salt wks 1119 4th, r 721 J. Lloyd W. 8., died Mar 8th, 1894. Loaiza John, emp S P Co, r 516 0. Lobes C. Mrs, r 408 Sutter av. Loch Ella, died Dec 1st, 1893. Loch Louis, moved to S F. Lockart Daisy B. Miss, r 2126 K. LOCK ART J. D., Proprietor Farmers' Feed and Livery Stable, and Hay, Grain and Feed, 1013 and 1015 11th. Telephone 393, r same. Lockbohn Chas., emp S P Co, r 1615 20th. Locke Carrie A. Miss, r 1601 L. Locke Geo. G., salesman Locke & Lavenson, r 1701 K. LOCKE GEORGE W. (Locke & Lavenson), r 330 M. LOCKE & LAVENSON (George W. Locke and Samuel Lav­ enson), Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, and Paper Hangers, 318-320 J. Lockhart John, died*Apr 6th, 1894. Locklin Lottie Miss, emp State Printer, r 409 9th. Loder Geo., lab, r Broderick. Lodge John, horseshoer 1021 K, r 1117 I. Loeffler Francisca Mrs, r 1617 7th. Loeser Gustav A., lab Kruezberger & Harvie, r 420 alley bet 4th and 5th, M and N. Logan Archibald, drayage 723 L, reame. Logan Geo. W., bricklayer, r Oak Park. Logan & Lindsay (Miss M. E. Logan and Mrs M. A. Lindsay), restaurant 409 J. Logan L. May Miss, r Oak Park. Logan Lucy, dom 1236 H. Logan M. E. Miss (Logan & Lindsay), r 409 J. Logan Saml., lab S P Co, r 216 11th. Logue John, emp Capital Gas Co, r 1216 Whitney av. Logue John F., policeman, r 811 J. Lohman Louis E., emp S P Co, r 505 M. Lohmeyer Catherine Mrs, r 1530 5th. Lohmever Frank, painter, r 1530 5th. Lohmeyer Geo., emp S P Co, r 1530 5th. Lohmeyer Tillie Miss, r 1530 5th. Lohmeyer Wm., truckbldr S P Co, r 1708 4th. LohmmiHer Dietrich, farmer, r Dillman Tract. Lohmuller John, molder S P Co, r alley bet 6th and 7th, G and H. Lohry E. M., emp S P Co, r 1015 8th. Lohry Hannah Mrs, postmaster Broderick, r same. Lolloway Wm., porter Capital Hotel. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. OTH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, ttranite and If arble Monuments and : : : {Statuary. : : : a. limn, 423 J STREET, - SACRAUENTO,CAIi fc-=» SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 311 Lombard Peter, carp, r 308 R. Lombert Jos. D., waiter Western Hotel. Lomond Fred. W., emp S P Co, r 1422 C. Long Mrs, r 600 7th. Long Agnes Mrs, housekeeper Sutter Club, r 406} J. Long Benj. F., lab, r 20th cor G. Long Danl., steward Windsor Hotel, r 908 7th. Long Danl. J. (Freund & Long), r 400 O. Long Geo. A., emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 7011. Long Lizzie Miss, emp State Printer, r 209 M. Long Maggie Mrs, teacher Union Primary School, r 600 7th. Long S. Mrs, dom 1113 16th. Long W. A., fireman S P Co. Long W. Mrs, r 1100 H. Long W. W., emp Sac Boiler and Iron Wks. Longbottom Walter, engraver 513J J, r 908 L. Longenagger M., r 814 J. Longenbuhn N., emp S P Co, r 1713 K. Longerbaker M. J., r Windsor Hotel. Longette G., lab S P Co, r Roma Hotel. 5=XP Longshore Jas., trunk mfr 614 J, r 1727 15th. Longshore Jas. Jr., elk P O, r 1327 9th. Longshore Wm. L, trunkmkr J. Longshore, r 911 S. * Longton Chas. E., harnessmkr, r 614 N. Longton Frank E., carp, r 614 N. Longton Henry, ins, r 614 N. Longton Henry A., molder Union Iron Wks, r 614 N. Longton Jas., lab, r 2228 Front. Longton Thos. H., trav salesman Wood, Gray & Co, r 711 O. Longworth G., carp Siller Bros. Lonney Geo., r 211 12th. Look Halleck H., physician K ne cor 4th, r same. Loomans Albert, mgr Depot Hotel, r same. Loomans Edw., r 419 L. Loomis A., lab, r 1121 Front. Loop Sidney J., r State House Hotel. Lopeck Frank, emp Capital Gas Co. Lopez Edw., fireman S P Co. Lopez Edw., lab, r 1920 4th. Lopez Frank, express 2518 G, r same. Lopez Rodolfo, lab, r 1426 2d. Lorain Chas. A., lab, r Highland Park. Loranger Frank, eng S P Co, r 821 E. Lord Jas. H., stone cutter A. Aitken, r925 Front. LORD J. D., Harness and Saddles 613 J., r same. Lord John, bkmn, r 1027 I. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES S7 Market Street, S. V. mmmm SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 312 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Lorensen Christiana Miss, emp W L

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustetfo is the only Directory elSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 317 CO Magray Joshua N., gardener, r 611 16th. Magray Lillie Miss, r 611 16th. Magray Mary Mrs, r 611 16th. Ma'han Thos., emp C E Ry Co. Mahan Wm. T., r 1702 G. Mahar Jas., peddler, r 1717 alley bet 7th and 8th, Q and R. Maher Jas. H., lab, r 1400 4th. Maher John, died Aug 4th, 1894. Maher Jos., switchman 8 P Co., r Broderick. Mahl Fred W., insp S P Co, r Capital Hotel. Mahla Clara Miss, elk Am Cash Store, r 1022 K. o Mahler Wm. F., elk S P Co, r 1611 5th. Mahns Carl F., died Nov 20th, 1893. Mahoney Jane Mrs, r 1013 L. Mahoney Jeremiah, lab, r Tremont Hotel. Mahoney Kittie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1400 N. Mahoney Lawrence W., plumber T. Scott, r 1013 L. Mahoney Lizzie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1716 12th. * r* Mahoney M. Mrs, r 1716 12th. 1 as Mahoney Mary Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 1716 12th. ft 0 Maier Andrew, poultry raiser, r T cor 28th. ft Maier Frank, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. m <*r+> Maier Jacob, emp S P Co, r426 Q. 0 Maier Wilhelm, tailor S. S. Nathan & Co, r 422 Q. a ^N * Maierhofer Jacob, died Feb 21st, 1894. sMM ft ** 0B Mails Frank, tinner Holbrook, Merrill

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 319 Manhattan House, 315 K. Mankel Wm., carp P. Wolf, r Oak Park. Manley Arthur, pressman Record-Union, r 928 3d. Manley Bridgeman, straw wks 1022 8th, r 723 L. Manley H., boilermkr S P Co, r Brighton. Manley Wm. C, died Dec 17th, 1894. Mann M., fireman S P Co. Manning Adelia Miss, teacher, r 906 G. Manning E. Mrs, r 906 G. Manning Ella Miss, music teacher 906 G, r same. Manning Gilbert H., bkkpr Am Steum Laundry, r 1822 I. Manning May Miss, r 906 G. Manning Michael J., driver Dolan, Middlemass & Co, r 1320 2d. Manning S., r 1121 Front. Manning Wm., painter, r 1109 8th. Mannix Dennis J., plastering contr 2215 O, r same. MANOGUE P. RT. REV., D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento, r 12th cor K. Manseau Edw., r 2630 O. Mansfield Eliza Mrs, r 1512 2d. Mansfield Kate Miss, artist 609J I, r same. Mansfield Richd., r 1512 2d. MANSION HOUSE THE, Mrs. Mary 0. Ferriter Proprietor, 906-914 7th. Manson Frank, rpr S P Co, r 728 7th. V) Manson Frank S„ steretyper The Bee, r 1616 K. S Manson Theo. D., carp 8 P Co, r 1616 K. Mansur Jas. C, bkmn S P Co, r 316 14th Manuel Frank, emp S P Co, r J007£ 4th. CI B Manuel Rader, gardeuer, r 1007| 4th. r; J Manz Louis, emp S P Co," r Roma Hotel. ^ Maracci C, lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. . £ Marbs Herman, bkkpr Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, r 3 912 17th. ^ * T % Marcelais Narcisse, car rpr S P Co, r 1513 D. 1 » Marcelli Chas., porter W L & Co, r 1419 4th. J 0 Marces A. C, r 1121 Front. * *0 March Chas. A., atty 628£ J, r 1109 21st. tf g March Jas. O., farmer, r Louisiana Tract. v March John C, coll 628£ J, r 1109 21st. Marciano F., emp II. A. Petralli, r 918 2d. £ ^ Marcino Chas., lab S P Co, r 2719 O. £ S Marco G. B., lab, r Roma Hotel. 9 % Marcucci F., vegetable vender, r Slater's add. ' g Marcus Annie Mrs, r 1415 J. 1 Cr Dixon, Borgeson ft & CO., 3 SHOWCASES 37 Market »U, S. V, SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS.. -BOOKBINDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 320 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Marcus Solomon, elk I. Zemansky, r M bet 4th and 5th. Margadout Wm., cook S P Hospital Assn. Marguerite Home The, Miss F. I. Saffbrd matron, 1617 7th. Marguerite Kindergarten, Miss R. A. Nourse prin, K cor 23d. Marguerite Mission K cor 23d. Marias Jos., r 1527 4th. Marincovich Geo., granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 1209 Q. Marincovich Vincent, granite cutter Carlaw Bros., r 119 N. Marino Frank, upholsterer, r 1121 Front. Marker C. Sherman, asst yardmaster S P Co, r 1331 Q. Markewitz Jacob, r 1117£ I. Markewitz Louis, comp Day & Joy, r 1117£ 1. Markey J Mrs, r Broderick. Markey Patrick, lab Standard Oil Co, r Broderick. Markham Annie Mrs, r 806 P. Markham Henry 11., moved to Pasadena Cal. Markham Jas., carp S P Co, r 806 P. Markham Jas., r Hotel Rhein. Markley Julia Mrs, teacher Broderick LSchool, r Y bet 26th and 27th. Marks Bert, r 604 J. Marks Bros (J. and H.), clothing 722 J. Marks Edw., barber A. Wilson, r 714 P. Marks Eva Miss, cashier H. Marks, r 410 O. Marks Goldie Miss, r 410 O. MARKS GUS, Manager Henry Marks, r 410 O. Marks H. Mrs, r 604 J. MARKS HENRY, Proprietor Mechanical Clothing Store, 414 and 416 K, r 410 O. Marks Hyman (Marks Bros),r 604 J. Marks Isaac, elk H. Marks, r 410 O. Marks Jos. (Marks Bros), r 604 J. Marks Tillie Miss, r 604 J. Marks Yetta Miss, dressmkr Mrs E. M. Coty, r 410 O. Marling Russell H., stenog, r 1326 Q. Marlowski Alexander, r InternationalHotel. Marmon Alfred, janitor, r 1120 J, Maroney Edw., r Western Hotel. Maroney John, r Windsor Hotel. Maroney Steve, solr Western Hotel. Maroni Frank, miller Neubourg

• "•


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• • • • • . • f • . ty [•• » . •'. \ CARLAW BROS. stcam Craniig 10th and R Sts. and Marble Works ~0 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 321 Marsh Geo. W., upholsterer S P Co, r 822 O. Marsh Harry, photographer, r 627 M. Marsh Harvey, much S P Co, r 301£ J. Marsh & Hornlein (J. W. Marsh and W. G. Hornlein) saloon 316 K. Marsh John W. (Marsh & Hornlein), r 920 L. Marsh Robt, watchmkr, r 1624 P. Marsh Wm. D., appr E. W. Bruening, r 822 0. Marshall A. G. Mrs, r 1611 2d. Marshall Annie Mrs, nurse 1018 E, rsame. Marshall Geo. S., r 411 N. Marshall J. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 919 E. Marshall Jas.,r 910 9th. or" Marshall Jas., carp S P Co, r Broderick. cnZSO Marshall John B., emp C E Ry Co, r 2712 N. Marshall Jos., eng S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Marshall Mary J. Mrs, died June 10th, 1894. Marshall Primary School, Miss L. Phillips prin, J cor 27th. Marshall W. H. Mrs, artist 511 P, r same. Marshall Wm. H., editor The Bee, r 511 P. Marshall Wm. P., rpr S P Co, r 412 14th. 33 Marston S. Mrs, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1128 I. r> Martes Frank N., r 1802 7th. ft Marthely Edw., bartndr S. Bauman, r 900 J. £ Martin Albert B., driver F. H. King, r 621 J. Co b Martin Amy A. Miss, r 1828 G. SoO ft Martin Antonio, lab S P Co, r 1721 2d. PZ * Martin Arthur, lab, r 1025 Front. Martin A. S., elk, r 824 M. o Martin A. 8. Mrs, furn rms 824 M. N?f* c —3 Martin Chas. H, emp Pioneer Box Co, r 1822 M. «-D. 1•t3 Martin & Costa (J. Martin and M. Costa), barbers 126 K. o>? Martin Cyrus B., moved to Auburn Cal. *o j^» Martin Edw., r 1121 Front. N Martin Edw. II., expressman, r 1721 I. *•*. rsa> Martin Frank C, barber W. B. Peck, r 1219 8th. © Hf Martin Fred. L., salesman Stanton, Thomson & Co, r 1818 M. Cfi Martin Geo., bootblk 1003J 2d, r 5th bet L and M. Martin Geo, r 528 I. Martin G. W. Mrs, r 1702 M. Martin llarlin P., mgr Pioneer Box Co, r 1822 M. Martin Henry, boxmkr, r 1730 14th. Martin Howard R. (C. B. Strong & Co), r 1828 G. Martin Jas., saloon 1931 G, r same. Martin John, agt, r 1121 Front. Martin John (Martin & Costa), r 1721 2d.

Serves Daiiy more Patrons th»n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. •sv J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT The DeimoniGO RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 7!2 & 7I4 K St. CM Dcy and linn OYSTER PARLORS 'I' 322 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. s.O o a . Martin John LL, foreman Sacramento Lumber Co, r 1730 14th. w O O. Martin Jos., lab City Brewery. ^ *i 3 Martin Jos. A. M., hardware 920 J, r 1315 G. 3 w £ Martin Josephine, dom 601 N. •} 5 S • Martin M. A. Mrs, r 1828 G. Martin Mary Miss, r 1721 2d. 8*8 Martin Mary, dom 1429 II. §1 UBS Martin Mary Miss, r 2425 M. Q o Martin Maud, dom 726 O. Martin M. J. Mrs, moved to Denver Col. li Martin Sarah M. Mrs, r 401 L. I MARTINE J. G., Vice-President L. L. Lewis & Co, r2030K. Iltf Martinez B., stevedore, r 1413 2d. Martini C, lab, r Garibaldi hotel. 5 8P1 J. Marty Antone, lab, r Freeport rd^ras city limits. M _ Marty Benj., lab, r Freeport rd J m s city limits. a .5 i* Marty P^redk., dairy Freeport rd \ m s city limits, r same. 09 Marty Jos., dairy Freeport rd \ m s city limits, r same. Marty Martin, lab, r Freeport rd \ m s city limits. CO Martin Mary, dom 120 I. Martyr Joseph R., painter S P Co, r 1729 F. MARTYR ROBERT, Proprietor Columbian Broom Factory 223 L, r 1731 F (see adv). iw Martz Valentine, molder S P Co, r 2915 F. Marvin Amelia L. Mrs, died Sept 23d, 1894. Marvin W. W., moved to S F. Maschat Jos., r 307 S. Masdell Chas., lab, r 220 S. Maslin S. P., elk, r 1603 2d. CO * Maslovska A., emp S P Co, r *Wm Tell House. Mason Conrad, r 612 12th. Mason Danl., farmer, r 1703 G. Mason Edw S., carp Oak Grove, r same. MASON FRED., Proprietor Mason's Steam Laundry, Shirt Manufacturer, Men's Furnishing Goods and Towel Sup­ ft ply 528 J. Mason H., emp S P Co, r 809 12th. Mason John II., lab, r 1127 W. Mason John M., switchman S P Co, r 1324 2d. Masonic Building, K cor 6th. is Masonic Hall, 530 K. CO Masonic Temple, K cor 6th. MASON'S STEAM LAUNDRY, Fred. Mason Proprietor, 12th and D, office 528 J. Mass Peter, cigarmkr, r Windsor Hotel. Massey Aseuath O. Miss, r 18th nr Y. serves Daily more Patrons THL AHERIGAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery } OOR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. ft. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOli™ IIIVF MMl 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 323 Massey Chas. P., wood and coal 1210 J, and dairy 16th cor Y, r*18thnrY. Massey Mabel T. Miss, r 18th nr Y. MASTERS EGBERT E., Inventor and Patent Rights, 1807 V, r same. Masters Georgie E. Miss, cashier The Nonpareil, r 701 N. Masterson Ella C. Miss, elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 611$ J. Mastin Maud Miss, elk W L & Co, r 513 11th. Mathauer Ernest, lab, alley bet 9th and 10th, M and N. Mathena Geo. W., r Broderick. Mathena Jas., elk Henderson, Blown & Co, r 1109 L. Mathena Martha Mrs, r 1416 3d. Matheaon Matthew, carp Siller Bros, r 116 K. Mathews Harry B., cond C E Ry Co, r 1010 21st. Mathews Jas., lab S P Co, r 1401 4th. Mathews Wm. P., dep State Library, r 1224 O. Mathis Jacob L., blksmith S P Co, r 1221 G. Mathis Martin, died May 21st, 1894. Mativia L. N., cond S P Co. Matlock Allen R., carp S P Co, r 1521 O. Matlock Wm. L., emp S P Co, r 1521 O. Mat rone J., granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 2200 10th. Matroni Kalph, bootblk, r 808 E. Matsen Christ., lab, r 1121 Front. Matt Fred., lab S P Co, r 122 K. Matthews J., lab T. Scriver, r 1007£ 4th. Matthews John B., eng S P Co, r 2306 M. Matthias Louis W., foreman electrotype dept State Printer, r 2929 X. Matthiesen Martha, dom 731 M. Mattice Isaiah, groceries Oak Park, r same. Mattich John, r 332 O. Mattitall Wallace, emp T. G. Romero, r 401 M. Mattson H., emp A. A Van Voorhies & Co, r 1511 4th. Mattson Jas., car bldr S P Co, r 1520 11th. Mattson O. Mrs, r 1520 11th. Matz Henry, lab Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1730 F. Maucher Jos., emp Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r X bet 32d and 33d. Mauldin Brown, farmer, r 612 H. Mauldin Hugh, jeweler, r 612 H. Mauldin John, mining, r 2320 J. Mauldin Lopez, died June 12th, 1894. Mauldin Wm. H., r 1626 6th. Maxons Benj., r I nr 12th. Maxwell Eliza Miss, dressmkr, r 1008 E. DIXON. BORGESOtt S CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S* T- CITY . . •: !.J . •. r\ iX * SACR; ••-•-*-•• > ,'~"- v f T"|M 505 CLAY ST., S. F.

324 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Maxwell Hattie Miss, r 217 Q. Maxwell John A., mach, r 1019 E. Maxwell John W.,r 1317 3d. Maxwell Wm., watchman S P Co, r 1019 E. May , Slater's Add. May E., emp S P Co, r 809 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. May Edw. A., elk, r Broderick. May Emma, housekpr 1202 10th. May H. C", emp S P Co, r 210 Q. May Henry G. (II. G. May &Co), r 917 L. May H. G. & Co. (H. G. May), groceries 430 K. May Howard T., elk Johnson & Johnson, r 1531 2d. May Ira C, student, r Broderick. May Josephine Mrs, r 608 F. May Philip, restaurant 620 I, r same. May R. C, r Broderick. May Richd. A., student, r 210 Q. .May T. C, r 210 Q. May Thos. M., eng, r 210 Q. Mayberry C. M., watchman S P Co, r 1226 3d. May berry Geo. W., miner, r 621 R. Mayberry Heury W., r 621 R. Mayberry Laura Miss, r 621 R. Mayberry Noah C, r 621 R. Mayden John, bill elk Baker & Hamilton, r 827£ N. Maydwell Gertrude E. Miss, stenog W. F. Barnes, r 720 18th. Maydwell Guy F., atty 420 J, r 720 18th. Maydwell Ollie L. Miss, teacher Marguerite Kindergarten, r 720 18th. Maydwell Wm. B., r 720 18th. Mayer Minnie Miss, trimmer V. Trout, r 1021 14th. Mayer Rosie Miss, r 1021 14th. Mayer Stephen, r 1021 14th. Mayer Wm., r 728 7th. Mayer Wm., locksmith 623 L, r same. Mayes Robt. C, saloon 700 K, r 717 L. Mayhew Horace A., r 1503 I. Maynard Alfred S., trav salesman Cal Fruit Transp Co, r 1001 2d. Maynard Lulu Miss, r 1605 H. Mayo Eli, r 1014 12th. MAYO J. E, Sign Writer, 1010 12th, r 1014 12th. MAYOR OF SACRAMENTO, B. U. Steiumau, W. II. Dev­ lin Clerk, 328 J. Mayeaux Francis T., emp S P Co, r 514 P. Mazger F., fireman S P Co. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'ft is the only Directory ofSacrameoto * LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. tehttkinR 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento^ Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 325 Mazzini Adriano (Mazzini Bros), r 1108 3d. Mazzini Bros (A. and S ), saloon 228 K, and groceries 11103d. Mazzini Saverino (Mazzini Bros), r 1108 3d. Mazznecchi Peter, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Mazzoni L., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. McAdams Alice Miss, r 2024 M. McAdams Jefferson, teamster, r 2024 M. McAdams J. H., emp C E Ry Co. McAdams Jos , carp, r 2024 M. McAdams Mary Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 2024 M. McAllister Chas., emp Western Hotel. McAllister Jas., emp Kent Bros, r 1617 3d. McAllister Jos. L. (Burke & McAllister), r 918 K. McAlpine Thos. W., tinsmith S P Co, r 310 14th. McAneney Henry D., teacher,' r 1121 5th. McArdleB. Mrs, r914D. McArthur John, elk S P Co, r Broderick. McArthur John M., emp S P Co, r alley bet 3d and 4th, L and M. McArthur Neil, foreman C E Ry Co, r 2000 K. McAuliffe Danl., r 1716 21st. McAuliffe E., died Oct 20th, 1894. McAulitfe Jas., r 1716 21st. McAuliffe John, electrician, r 1716 21st. McAuliffe M. Mrs, r 1716 21st. " McAuliffe Thos. W., elk A. C. Tufts, r 1716 21st. McBride Jas., com trav, r 1322 O. McBride M. Miss, bkkpr J. Riley, r 917 E. McBride Wm., gardener 1302 H. McBrown John, lab S P Co, r 1321 E. McBurney G. R. Mrs, r 1211 C. McCabe E. D., ex. sec Governor, r Western Hotel. McCabe E. J., upholsterer S P Co, r 1022 N. McCabe Harriet Mrs, r 714 17th. McCabe P., fireman S P Co. McCaffery Elizabeth Mrs, r 1614 8th. McCaftery John, painter A. Meister & Sons, r 1614 8th. McCattVry Maggie Miss, r 1H14 8th. McCaffery Patrick, r 1614 8th. McCaffery Peter, cashier Capital Gas Co, r 1614 8th. McCaffrey Thos., contr and bldr 502 I, r 613 J. McCailey Martin, emp Capital Box Factory, r 329 P. McCall T., carp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. McCALLUM COLIN, Merchant Tailor, 425 J, r 515 N. McCalvy vieo A., bkkpr Sec of State, r 1129 Q. McCanu Ann, dom 1210 2d.

r Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery COB. »TM AMD K STBCKTS. Stores io ^flfrumtntfli f^eal Estate and Insurance GEO. KROmCR. 735 K AT, SACRAMENTO, CAI* 4 326 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. o McCann Cornelius, stoker Capital Gas Co, r alley bet 5th aud 6th, P and Q. MeCann Edw. J., tailor H. McCann, r 1019 8th. McCann Henry, tailor 1019 8th, r same. McCann John, r 814 J. McCann Lizzie, dom 1418 7th; McCants'M. Mrs, r Highland Park. w McCants Thos., brick contr 1515 10th, r same. st McCants Thos. D., brick contr 1£15 10th, r same. McCants Wm. A., brick contr 1515 10th, r same. McCarthy Barney, emp S P Co, r 1115 R. g v McCarthy E. Mrs, r 1126 0. M McCarthy Eugene, lab, r 808 P. McCarthy Jas., insp S P Co, r 511 O. McCarthy John W., molder Union Iron Wks, r 518 R. McCarthy Julia Miss, r 301 12th. McCarthy Mamie Miss, r 808 P. McCarthy Margaret Mrs, r 1209 J. g McCarthy Mary Mrs, r 1831 S. McCarthy Mary Miss, milliner Mrs I. Stafford, r 1209 J. w McCarthy Michael, lab S P Co, r 301 12th. McCarthy Michael, plumber G. B. Stack, r 808 P. McCarthy Michael, emp S P Co, r 1612 Q. McCarthy Michael T., molder S P Co, r 2000 3d. McCarthy Thos., mach S P Co, r 30112th. McCarthy Thos. H., blksmith S P Co, r 301 12th. McCarthy Thos. J., molder S P Co, r 1326 K. McCarthy Timothy, emp S P Co, r 1106 Q. (0 McCarthy Wm. J., emp State Printer, r 1326 K. McCarty C. Mrs, r 627 L. McCarty Edw., lab. r alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. o McCarty Danl., trav salesmau W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1416 16th. McCarty Geo. H., r 2001 3d. McCarty John, lab, r 2001 3d-. 0Q McCarty John, shoemkr 1500 K, r same. ••• McCarty Lizzie Miss, r 2001 3d. McCarty M. Mrs, furn rms 521 M. McCarty Sarah A. Miss, dom, r 2001 3d. X McCaslin Jas. A., axlemkr S P Co, r 1804 T. McCaslin Jennie Miss, emp W L & Co, r 1328 O. McCauley E. Mrs, medium, r 621 J. o McCausland Bert, horseshoer J. Lodge, r 1214 K. J McCaw Alexander, driver J. McCaw, r 518 L. McCaw Annie Miss, student, r 518 L. 111McCa w Jas., wood and coal 518 L, r same. McCaw May J. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 518 L. Serves Daily more Patrons I than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Store* in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. limn. 4*23 .7 St.., Saorflmento, Col. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 327 McCaw Wm., lab S P Co, r 5l8 L. McClain Anthony J., emp M. McClain, r 1316 5th. McClain Frank (McClain & Hogle), r 1124 I. McClain & Hogle (F. McClain and M. Hogle), horseshoers 916 9th. McClain Martin, foundry M bet 4th and 5th, r 1816 5th. McClane II. Mrs, r 1208 Whitney av. McClane Henry, brick contr 1208 Whitney av, rsame. McClane Marcus A., cond, r 312 Q. McCLATCHY CHARLES K. (James McClatchy & Co) and cr=ra Managing Editor The Bee 1016 3d, r 1015 O. McClatchy C. M. Mrs, r 300 P. McClatchy Emily Miss, r 300 P. McCLATCHY JAMES & CO. (V. S. and C. K. McClatchy), Job Printing and Publishers The Bee 1016 3d. McCLATCHY V. S. (James McClatchy & Co) and Business Manager The Bee 1016 3d, r 2207 J. McCleery Ella G. Miss, teacher Sutter Grammar School, r 1403 K. McCleery Sidney Mrs, r 1403 K. McClellan Geo. E„ comp The Bee, r 314£ J. McClellan Patrick, emp Sacramento Boiler and Iron Wks, r 420 8th. McClellan Wm., upholsterer S P Co, r 1415 N. McClelland Thos., lab, r Lower Stockton rd f m s city limits. 8 McClure Wm„ harnessmkr, r Broderick. McClure Wm. H., blksmith H..G. Melvyn, r 1022 14th. O McColligan Jas., elk Lindley & Co, r 1225 3d. McColligan M. Miss, r 1225 3d. 2 £ McCollum A. M., veterinary surgeon alley bet 9th and 10th H GO • and I, r 818 10th. McCollum Edw F., moved to S F. *«* McCollum Wm., lab S P Co, r 617 alley bet 6th and 7th, G and H. 1 » McConaghy John A., died Feb 23d, 1894. • A * T3 McConarthy Frank, emp J. Meister, r 323 16th. " ft McConnell Chas. A., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 917 0 8 N. McConnell Hugh, hostler W. B. Devin, r Elered House. « e McConnell John R., real estate, r 917 N. 5 $ McConnell Lucille L. Miss, bkkpr T. II. Cook & Co, r 917 N. i 9 McConnell Wm., carp S P Co, r Oak Park. 35 McConnell Wm. J., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. ft McCord John L., farmer, r 1220 N. McCormack Harriet Miss, prin Capital Primary School, r I 1122 J. 5 DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. f. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPE.NING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS,, 505 Clay St., San Francisco. UJ O 328 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. McCormack Lou B. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 711 M. CO McCormack M., insp S P Co, r Blue Canvon. UJ McCormack Stewart, emp C E Ry Co, r 1518 12th. 00 McCormack Wm., ernp S P Co, r 523 L. t> McCormick Frank, eng Phoenix Milling Co, r 1314 J. c McCormick Frank, emp S P Co, r 1718 6th. McCormick N. M., comp, r 1831 G. co McCormick Thos., emp S P Co, r 122 K. oUJ McCoughin John, driver Wood, Gray & Co, r 1416 3d. z 0 McCourt Jas., saloon 330 L, r 1020 8th. o 0 McCowan David, r 814 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. DC McCoy Edw., driver Richards & Knox, r Ebner Hotel. r- CO IE McCoy Geo. W., eng 8 P Co, r 1310 F. McCoy John B., ins, r 612 O. McCoyd John L., farmer, r 1220 N. So McCoyne Wm., lumberman, r 1602 3d. McCrabbe Hugh T., roadmaster S P Co, r 1019 14th. KC McCracken John, r 716£ K. zJ McCraney H. A., dep elk Supreme Court, r 2400 K. McCreary Chas., died Sept 22d, 1894. UJ n McCreary Harry C„ elk Sacramento Flour Mills, r 1128 10th. r- * McCreary L. C. Mrs, r 1128 10th. Ul J McCREARY ROBERT C, Manager Sacramento Flour Mills, UJ E 1213 Front, r 1128 10th. a < McCrory Ann Mrs, r 600 M. McCrory H. Mrs, r 910 N. 1 DC McCrory Saml., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 910 N. UJ McCrory Wm., elk, r 910 N. -J McCue Belle Mrs, r 1410 7th. McCuen Amy Miss, elk Crystal Palace, r 1417 12th. McCulloch David R., wood carver, r 531 23d. McCulloch Jas., foreman 8 P Co, r 2530 H. McCullough A. C, fireman S P Co. CO McCurdy Jas., actor Clunie Opera House, r State House Hotel. McCurdy Wm. (McKay & McCurdy), r Belvidere Hotel. McCutcheon John, driver Schad Bros, r 422 K. o McDermit A. J. Mrs, r 1416 11th. O McDermit Sadie Miss, teacher, r 1416 11th. McDermott J., emp S P Co, r 7th cor E. CD McDonald A. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1716 L. McDonald A. C, emp C E Ry Co, r 120 1. McDonald Alex., emp C E Ry Co, r L cor 28th. McDonald Anna E. Miss, teacher, 1015 17th. McDonald Annie Miss, student, r 1331 5th. McDonald Bart J., eng, r 810 P. 5N, CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers 11 PARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch and a/1

xotli and R Sts. other Foreign Granites. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 329 •n McDonald C. Mrs, r 922 Q. > McDonald (has., barber Western Hotel, r same. McDonald Danl., eng driver Engine Co No. 2, r 915 10th. McDonald B., rpr S P Co, r Broderick. McDonald Frank, emp M. F. 0 McDonald J. W., pres'City Street Imp Co, r S F. McDonald K. Mrs, r 922 Q. o McDonald Max, barber Western Hotel, r same. McDonald Nelson, live stock, r 410 17th. McDonald Saml., blksmith S P Co, r 1716 L. m McDonald Saml. 8., plumber A. M. Smith, r 1331 5th. McDonald Thos. II., pressman State Printer, r 1016 13th. McDonald Thos. J., switchman S P Co, r 514 7th. McDonald Wm. A., r State House Hotel. c—> >• McDonald W. L., r 1312 2d. r— CO McDonell Angus D., gardener State Printer, r 1116 K. *£. pa McDonough Andrew J., asst yard master S P Co, r 1412 22d. —t e=3 McDonough P., emp 8 P Co, r 1210 3d. *-< r=au McDougall A. D., r 707 I. r-> GO McDougall DoLald, tailor 619 K, r 707 I. nr* 5^ o ?o McDougall Jas. C, carp S. P. Co, r 501 O. •—t .J50 McDowell N. Mrs, furn rms 226| K. 52 >- McDowell Paxon, elk, r 1005 H. c*> McElaney M. Mrs, horseshoeing 408 L, rsame. <—> rn McElory Nellie Miss, nurse Ridge Home, r 22d bet Q and R. r-> McElroy Thos. F., emp State Printer, r 1300 K. O McEnerney John J., insp S P Co, r 1226 D. McEnerney & Kelly (P. J. McEnerney and E. E. Kelly), gro­ ceries and liquors 530 N. McEnerney Patrick J. (McEnerney & Kelly), r 711 H. McEnerney Wm. J., insp 8 P Co, r 1419 Q. McEnery Alice Miss, dressmkr, r 1331 D. McEWEN EDWARD, Groceries N cor 3d, r same. •3 °° 5 McFaddeu A., r 311 K. McFadden Oliver, r Windsor Hotel. E ot ; McFall Andrew, r 806 M. McFall Emily 0. Miss, r 806 M. Serves Daily more Patrons r% than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0ril(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooeo Day & Niaht Oyster Parlor 330 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. McFall Margaret E. Miss, teacher Sutter Grammar School, r 806 M. McFall Mary Miss, r 806 M. McFarland Dexter F., expressman, r 1919 N. McFetridge Jas. A., r 916 D. McGardy John, lab, r 1121 Front. McGarry John E., U. S. gauger, r K cor 7th. McGarrity Dennis, clkB. Wilson & Co, r 1612 7th» McGee John, baker, r 1026 E. McGee John M., r 2411 O. McGee Peter, died Dec 19th, 1894. McGee Wm., emp 8 P Co, r 914 F. McGillivray Ethel Miss, r 2321 G. McGillivray Jas., artificial stone 630 M, r same. McGillivray Jas. J., cement wkr, r 2321 G. McGillivray John J., r 2321 G. McGillivray Katie J. Miss, stenog The L. Elkus Co, r 2321 G. McGillivray Millie Miss, stenog Hale Bros & Co, r 2321 G. McGinity Annie Miss, r 2120 N. McGinity Bernard, soda water mfr 1926 O, r 2120 N. McGinity Kate Miss, r 2120 N. McGinn , r 1517 2d. McGinnis Alice Miss, r 515 M. McGinnis C. Mrs, r 515 M. McGinnis Henry, well borer, r Louisiana Tract. McGinnis Jas., eng S P Co, r 2005 I. McGinnis Rhoda Miss, r Louisiana Tract. McGinnis Thos. J., elk Geo. E. Dierssen & Co, r 515 M. McGinnis Wm. M., r Louisiana Tract. McGinnis E H. Mrs, r 730 O. McGinnis Jas. C, r 728J O. McGinnis John C, r 728£ O. McGinniss John H., r 728£ O. McGovern M., emp S P Co, r Fifth st Hotel. McGowan O. W., emp S P Co, r 923£ 2d. McGowan Philip, granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 1408 J. McGrath Danl. F., rpr S P Co, r 1331 D. McGrath Edw., r Hotel Rhein. McGrath E. R., Mrs, r 1921 J. •McGrathMas. (Koenicke & McGrath), r 317 J. McGrath John, insp S P Co, r 1331 D. McGrath Martin, cleaner S P Co, r 1317 4th. McGrath Mary Miss, r 1921 J. McGrath Michael, rpr S P Co, r 1331 D. McGraw Grace Miss, r 507 P. McG raw Kittie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 507 P. r Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery ©OR. STM ANO K STREETS. Store* in Sacramento, THE 0LD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-fflADE BREAD AND PiES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 331 McGraw Nellie Mrs, r 206 Q. McGraw Pauline Miss, elk W L & Co, r 507 P. McGraw Peter, r 1026 8th. McGraw Wm., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 507 P. McGregor Jas., r 1315 4th. McGuire Belle C. Miss, r 620 P. McGuire Andrew T., teamster, r 1713 F. McGuire B. T. Mrs, r 1310 D. McGuire Frank, foreman Sunset T & T Co, r Western Hotel. McGUIRE JAMES, Iron Works, 1119 6th, r 620 P. McGuire Jas. L., boilermkr S P Co, r 1713 F. McGuire J. Jos., blksmith J. McGuire, r 620 P. McGuire John B., emp S P Co, r 1310 D. McGuire Lillie Z. Miss, r 620 P. McGuire Minnie Miss, rVl713 F. McGuire Nannie B. Miss, student, r 1117 15th. McGuire Patrick, teamster, r 1713 F. McGuire Patrick J., died Nov 29th, 1893. McGuire Wm. B., elk F. S. Ott, r 427| K. McGuire Wm. F., r 1310 D. McGuire Wm. G., student, r 620 P. 3 7! McGushin Danl. A., emp J. F. Hill, r 519 O. tft McGushin Danl. W., boltmkr S P Co, r 519 O. rr o Q McGushin John J., r 519 O. < McIIale Annie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1706 4th. Q. McHale Gertie Miss, msgr W L & Co, r 513 P. 3 McHale Jas., pilot, r 1416 2d. "5* rr CO McIIale Josie Miss, msgr W L & Co, r 513 P. (A McHale Mary F. Mrs, r 513 P. tft McIIale Patrick, r 526 Q. McHale T. C. Mrs, r 513 P. McIIale Robt. E., teamster, r 526 Q. McIIogan John, bricklayer, r 300J K, Mcllugh Fannie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1409 10th. McHugh John, emp 8 P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Mclnerney Anthony, mach S P Co, r 1409 E. I D3 Mclnerney Catherine Mrs, r 1409 E. A Mclnerney Thos., r Highland Park. Mdntire Howard S., elk F. Hickman, r 1530 O. »r Mclutire John A., mining, r 1530 O. Mclutire Mary E. Mrs, farmer, r H st rd nr 38th. 8 3 fib Mdntire Mary L. Miss, r H st rd nr 38th. Mclutire Sadie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. a Mcintosh Chas., watchman, r Slater's add. Mclntyre Danl.. eng S P Co, r 618 10th. Mclsaac Geo., bartndr T. Carolan, r 1109 8th. » DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, ft. V. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 332 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. McKay Arthur J , eng S P Co, r 2322 M. McKay Chas., driver Union Ice Co, r 3i2 M. McKay Chas. (McKay & McCurdy). r Belvidere Hotel. McKay Danl., harness 809 J, r917 I. McKay Jas., teamster W. F. Frazer, r518 L. McKay John, lab S P Co, r 1714 Q. McKay John B.. bkkpr M. F. Odell, r 908 L. McKAY & McCURDY (0. McKay and W. McCurdy), Pro­ prietors Belvidere Hotel, 1023 6th. McKay S. W. Mrs, elk The Nonpareil, r 814 L. McKay Wm., teamster J. Toohy, r 1023 6th. McKean Geo., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1220 K. McKean Wm , emp SP Co, r Tremont Hotel. McKEE EDWIN H., City Tax Collector 328 J, r 420 P. McKee Evelyn A. Miss, r 420 P. McKee HomerE., dep City Tax Collr, r 420 P. McKee Julia Mrs, r412 R. McKee Saml., eng Capital Box Factory. McKeehan J., switchman 8 P Co. McKEEVER FRANK M., Proprietor Novelty Iron Works and Machine Shop 1112 I, r same. McKelvy Chas. A., r 1123 E. McKenna Geo., photographer, r 1031 I. McKenna Jas., groceries and saloon 1701 4th, r same. McKenna Lena Miss, r 10311. McKenna M., r 1031 I. McKenna M. Jr., horseshoer, r 1031 I. McKenna Patrick, died June 25th, 1894. McKenna Rose, dom 1511 0. , McKenna Wm. H., died May 15th, 1894. McKenney W. B., carp, r 1821 N. McKenzie Carrie Mrs, nurse 212 Q, r same. McKenzie Geo. N., fireman S P Co, r 1026 3d. McKenzie Harry, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. McKenzie John, blksmith 8 P Co, r 828 G. McKenzie M., cabinetmkr 8 P Co, r alley bet 9th and 10th, N and 0. McKenzie M., carp, r 521 M. McKeon Jas., hack driver, r 1007£ 4th. McKeown Owen, r 1808 I. McKeown Thos., lab 8 P Co, r 310 N. McKerney Sarah Mrs, r 722 L. MeKerricher Edw., moved to S F. McKillip Chas. W„ time elk Capital Gas Co, r 1218 17th. Mckillip E. E. Mrs, r 1218 17th. McKillip Hattie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1218 17th.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance Hu«ted*0 is the only Directory ofSacramentp LOOK OUT Published, L. L. LEWIS & CO. ^BS and Ranges. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTC CITY DIRECTORY. 333 Da McKillop John, emp S P Co, r International Hotel. to McKim S. Warder, r 1100 I. M.-Kinlay W., lab S P Co, r 209 M. McKinney Marion C. Mrs, r 1311 L. o McKinnon John J„ miller Sacramento Flour Mills, r 1612 P. McKinnon Saml, carp, r 614 13th. McKune Florence A. Miss, r 1511 H. McKUNE & GEORGE (J. H. McKune and W. F. George), Attorneys at-Law 401 J. cr McKune John H. (McKune & George), rl511 H.> McLaflin John, r 1416 3d. Q McLain Frank, r Broderick. McLain Jas., lab S P Co, r Broderick. McLaughlin Chas., upholsterer, r 212 K. cr McLaughlin Chas., emp S P Co. r 1006J 2d. o McLaughlin Denis, elk Sac Transp Co, r 806 L. McLaughlin Felix, saloon 201 I, r same. rr McLaughlin Frank, painter, r 2014 K. McLaughlin Geo., emp Capital Box Factory, r 1617 2d. o McLaughlin Geo. F., opr W TJ T Co, r 2014 K. McLaughlin Geo. H., elk Hoibi00k, Merrill & Stetson, r 601 to 9th. 111 McLaughlin J. J., bartndr Elliott & Haggerty, r 809 K. McLaughlin Jos., emp Capital Box Factory, r 1617 2d. McLaughlin Patrick, r 1617 2d. MCLAUGHLIN WILLIAM (Bell, Flye & Co), and General o Draying and Trucking, 913-915 2d, r 1621 2d. McLean Arthur A., emp C E Ry Co, r 2127 J. McLean Lachlan, veterinary surgeon 904 J, r 920 M. GO McLean Maria Miss, seamstress, r Broderick. OB McLean S. I. Mrs, propr Goging's drug store, r 920 M. McLean W., emp S P Co, r 2018 4th. McLellan Wm., emp 8 P Co, r 1411 K. ft § McLemore Clarence N„ contr and bldr 2115 O, r same. McLennan Henry K. (Walters & McLennan), r Union Hotel. r+ ft McLeod H., pilot Sac Transp Co, r 314J J. McLeod N., cook Tremont Hotel. • t McMahon Ann Mrs, r Oak Park. McMahon Celia A. Miss, r Oak Park. McMahon Chas., pr3ssman II. S. Crocker Co, r 402 L. McMahon Dottie J. Miss, r Oak Park. & s McMahon Edw., r Tremont Hotel. s Mealand C. Herman, elk A. S. Hopkins Co, r 1217 O. C •J Mealand Gertrude B. Miss, r 1217 O. Mealand Grace E. Miss, r 1217 O. co Measure A. L., carp, r 1229 8th. UJ Meagre Edw D., lab Evergreen Cemetery, r 1229 8th. zO Measure John H., driver Richards & Knox, r 1828 2d. Measure Timothy, elk, r 1229 8th. go Measure Walter C„ appr J. W. Guthrie, r 1828 2d. Measure Wm. E., lab, r 1828 2d. i H MEBIUS & DRESCHER (Ludwig Mebius and P. C. Drescher) Importers and Wholesale Groceries, Tobacco, Cigars and Liquors. Exporters of California Hops. Front se cor K. Telephone 35. Mebius Ludwig (Mebius & Drescher), r 1100 N. ui n MECHANICAL CLOTHING STORE, Henry Marks Pro­ h v prietor, 414 and 416 K. < • Mechanics' Building and Loan Association, W. H. Devlin sec, 328 J. Ul J MECHANICS' EXCHANGE, Jacob Schmidt Proprietor, bJ ffl Hotel and Saloon, 120 I. < MECHANICS' PLANING MILL, Bassett & Minford Pro­ prietors, Front se cor O. 2 Mecheli Paolini, emp Lazzarini & Cecchettini, r 1130 3d. cc Mechler Robt., driver Pacific Brewery, r830 P. Ul Mecklessel Frank, r 1300 N. J Meckfessel Fred, farmer, r 1511 L. Medley John C, U 8 Gauger, r 809 I. Meeder Jas. M., emp C E liy Co, r 1419 28th. Meehan Dennis, r 1418 2d. CO Meehan John, emp Capital Soap Co, r 1418 2d. Meehan John J., blksmith H. Bennett, r 1225 F. Meeker C. R., eng S P Co, r 1921 H. o Megerle H. C, stationery 429 K, r 319 J. o Megerle Philip N., emp S P Co, r 1623 I. MeHarrie M. Mrs, r 523 M. CQ Meikle Henriette Mrs, r 314 Sutter av. Meillette J. P., laundry, moved to S F. Meisner E. F., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co. Meiss August, grading contr 1412 K, r same. Meiss August Jr, emp A. Meiss, r 1412 K. Meiss Clara Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1412 K. 3 1M. CLARK 6L SONS, IV-19 spear St., San mncisco. CO Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. RRR1RWSW^»1!!.><|IW«IU1,1^.,I'J ""'"n. ..MIIIH-JJIH I .. i u CARLAW BROS OUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS


SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 337 Meiss Edith S. Miss, r 1412 K. Meiss Henry, r 1631 I. Meiss John C., emp A. Meiss, r 1412 K. Meiss Minnie M. Miss, r 1412 K. Meister Albert G., emp J. J. Meister, r 323 16th. cn Meister A. Rheinhart, woodwk A. Meister & Sons, r 910 9th. •< MEISTER A. & SONS (August G. F. and 0. E.), Carriages, Ladies' Phaetons, Buggies, etc., Agent Winkler Bros' Street Sprinklers, 910, 912, 914 9th. Meister August (A. Meister & Sons), r 910 9th. Meister Chas. E. (A. Meister & Sons), r 910 9th. Meister Edw. A., bkkpr A. Meister

DA ROZfl & NEVES, Proprietors,

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

©aliforoia Wines and Brandies.




£ &-' 'Up tl, " THE nETROPOLlTAN,"

«?•• & N.W. Corner Fifth and K Sts.,

SACRAMENTO, CAL. i: Handsomely Fur­ Strictly First-class. nished Rooms, Sin-^ gle or En Suite. Special Attention to Centrally located. 2 Transients.

Electric Cars pass the door to all parts of the City.

Restaurant in Same Building. Mrs. E. J. C. KETCHUn, Propr.


PRACTICAL Horse Sins and Foot Veterinary We warrant to stop Interferers, Over-reachers and Speedy Cutters, cure Corns, Sand Crack, Quar­ ter Crack and Quitter, Thrush and Crease Heel. Track Shoeing, Plating and Alumi­ num Shoeing a Specialty. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Horses sent for and Returned. 1228 J Street, Sacramento. .. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HUD HOME BAKER»? 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 339 sffl METCALF FRED. H., Dentist, Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Hours—9 to 12 M and 1 to 5 P M. S W cor 8th and J, entrance 8th, rsame. *s > Methodist Ei iscopal Church South, Rev T. A. Atkinson pas­ tor, 7th bet J and K. M Methven D. B., lab S P Co, r 1018 2d. Methven E. A. Mrs, dressmkr 1316 8th, r same. Methven Maude Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1316 8th. Metlar K. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 2701 U. Metlar E rO Meyer Eugene E., r 704 P. 01 Meyer Frank, emp Clunie Opera House, r 1309 4th. P) CD Meyer Henry (Meyer Bros), r 712 L. 3 > Meyer J. Mrs, r 712 L. Meyer Jacob (Meyer & Scheidegger), r 1300 K. a r- Meyer Jacob, emp S P Co, r 419 N. Meyer John, emp S P Co, r 420 Q. to 9* Meyer John A., farmer, r north levee rd nr 34th. u C Meyer Jos., tinner S. J. Jackson, r 1118 5th. "U Meyer Lena Miss, r 1522 7th. CO Meyer Louis, emp Bergman & Co, r 712 L. 0) Meyer Louise Miss, r 712 L. £ O Meyer Margarethe Miss, teacher Sac High School, r 1417 12th. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. 8, T. 340 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Meyer Peter, died March 11th, 1894. Meyer Robt,, rpr S P Co, r 808 alley bet 9th and 10th, H and I. Meyer Rose Miss, r 712 L. Meyer & Scheidegger (J. Meyer and A. Scheidegger), cigars and shooting gallery, 618 K. Meyers Chas., waiter J. Schraid, r 120 I. Meyers W. A., car bldr S P Co, r 520 J. Michael Butler, mail carrier, r 1621 M. Michael Geo. A., died July 4th, 1894. Michaelson Michael, porter Sacramento Flour Mills, r 925 Front Michels Frank E., r 1606 M. Michener Fredk. A., r 415 J. Michener Fredk. G., pressman D. Johnston & Co, r 415 J. Michili A., granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r Garibaldi Hotel. Michili Peter, granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r Garibaldi Hotel. Mh-koleith Christian, bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2101 P. Midlemass Geo., blksmith S P Co, r 424 10th. Middlemass Jos. H. (Dolan & Middlemass), and (Dolan, Mid- mass & Co), r 1328 7th. Middleton Arthur H., emp S P Co, r 1001 E. Middleton Walter T., emp S P Co, r 1001 E. Mier Chas. W. (Hevener, Mier & Co), r 1007 L. Mier Fred., treas Capital Furniture Co, r 1225 L. Mier Herman, sec Capital Furniture Co, r 819 12th. Mier Wm. J., foreman Capital Furniture Co, r 607£ H. .Mikle P. G„ emp S P Co, r State House Hotel. Mikulich Andrew, waiter Buckmann & Carraghar, r 1329 2d. Miles Darwin, horseshoer 909 12th, r 912 12th. Miles Hiram E., elk WL1 Co, r 920 O. Miles Wm. G., tinner, r 421 12th. Milgate Annie Mrs, furn rms 1004 J. Milgate Chas. J., r 1004 J. Milgate Wm. J., r 1004 J. Mill Russell W., emp Bassett & Minford, r 1922 M. Millard Agnes Mrs, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. Millard Frank C, blksmith 2319 J, r 2522 I. Millard J. P. Mrs, r 2505 I. Miller , r 1001 2d. Miller A. Mrs, groceries 212 K, r same. Miller Abraham, fruit vender, r 212 K. Miller A. D., carp, r State House Hotel. Miller Alexander, emp S P Co, r 1315 4th. Miller Alfonzo W., eng, r 2315 K. Miller Alice M. Miss, r 701 N. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay oo money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory ofSacnunento x LOOK OUT Published. W: Silver Plated Ware and L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 841 Miller Amy E. Miss, r 2210 H. Miller Annie J. Miss, emp State Printer, r 1525 4th. Miller Arnold, cook F. Kuchler, r 103 K. Miller Arthur, saloon 600 J, r 719 7th. Miller Arthur, emp J. Gerber, r Upper Stockton rd nr Guth­ rie's Station. Miller Arthur, lab Capital Furniture Co, r Oak Park. Miller Arthur E., atty 426J J, r 2210 H. Miller & Aspinwall (G. W. Miller and R. Aspinwall), horse­ shoe rs 1118 2d. Miller August, caudymkr H. Fisher & Co, r 1001 2d. Miller Benj. E., mach S P Co, r 1708 H. MILLER BROS. (J. B. and Edward), Stoves, Tinware, Cor­ nice Makers and Windmills 1116 J. MILLER & BUERGI (A. Buergi and M. Miller), Proprie­ tors Garabrinus Hall Saloon, 620 K. Miller B. W. (Harris & Miller!, r 600 L. Miller Carl E., msgr W F & Co, r 424 M. Miller C. H., musician, r 1019 E. Miller Chas., r 3008 F. Miller Chas., cabinetmkr, r Hotel Rhein. Miller Chas. F., foreman M. Miller, r 920 9th. Miller Chas. O., elk S P Co, r701 N. Miller Clara S. Miss, r 608 M. Miller D. Mrs, furn rms 1126£ 6th. Miller Dan, com trav, r 1126£ 6th. Millard Darius B., teamster, r 200 T. Miller Dwight U., teller National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, r 919 N. Miller E. Mrs, r 1717 16th. Miller Edith Miss, r 831 N. Miller Edw. (Miller Bros), r 1410 16th. Miller Elmer, bellboy Western Hotel. MILLER FRANK, President National Bank of D. 0. Mills Miller J. Henry, teller California State Bank, r 530 J. M « Miller John, emp C E Ry Co. M MILLER JOHN, County Coroner and Funeral Director, Odd Fellows' Temple 905 K, telephone 186, r 1216 K. 2 Miller John, lab, r Riverside rd 2 m s city limits. Miller John, carp S P Co, r 216 M. Miller John G., emp S P Co, r 216 M. Miller John H., fisherman, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Miller John H., reporter The Bee, r 608 M. Miller John S., U S gauger, r 527 J. Miller Jos., r 1909 S. Miller Jos., butcher H. Gerber, r 1414 15th. Miller L. Mrs, r 1220 Whitney av. Miller Louis, furn rms 128 K. Miller Louis J., mach, r 1800 V. Miller Manuel, barber M. Lima, r 1223 5th. Miller Matthew (Miller

ij%^- Notary Public I Commissioner of Deeds



Deeds, Mortgages, Powers of Attorneys, Wills, Etc., drawn and properly executed, according to law. Real Estate in Sacramento and vicinity cared for, including pay- t ment of taxes, leasing and sale of property.



An Expert Stenographer and Typewriter Employed in Office. Correspondence Satisfaction . . . Solicited Guaranteed


Book ar)d Job t • •

6} PF^TE^S lfi>

814- K STI^CCT

\acran?ej?tot Cal. tjrranite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : 3 i. limn,41JJ8TREET , - HACRAIIENTO, CAI* SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 843 Miller W. H., teamster, r 1419 3d. Miller Wm., emp S P Co, r 3015 Y. MILLER WM. B., Public Administrator, Hall of Records, r 1013 I. MILLER WILLIAM J., Restaurant, Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco, 921 and 923 2d, r same. Miller Wm. N., carp, r Oak Park. Milligan Alexander, painter II, M. Bowman, r 14th nr K. Milligan M. M. Mrs, r 801 7th. Milligan Tbos. M., lab, r 1023 14th. Mi I liken Agnes, dom Mansion House. MILLIKEN CHARLES T., Dentist, 1008 8th bet J and K. Hours—9 A. M. to 12 M. and 1 to 5 p. M., r 1113 16th. Mllliken Geo. S., elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 709 J. MILLIKEN JOHN M., Manager Sun, Williamsburg City and Franklin Insurance Cos, and Oil Merchant, 1010 4th, r 1615 23d. Milliken Louise P. Miss, r 1108 H. Milliken Sarah A. Mrs, r 1108 H. Milliken Theodore J., elk J. M. Milliken, r 1108 H. Millis Geo. P., real estate, r 1719£ 13th. Mil'on Arthur H., painter S P Co, r Oak Park. Million John, carp, r Oak Park. Mills Edw., lab S P Co., r 807 7th. ft MILLS JAMES E., Keal Estate, Insurance, Notary Public 8 and Commissioner of Deeds 301 J ne cor 3d, r 619 10th (see advl. 2 Mills T. H., carp S P Co, r 1410 10th. Mills Wm., emp S P Co, r 705 L. 2 I Milne Wm. W., bkkpr Wood, Gray & Co, r 2611 N. Milner Wm. T., carp S P Co, r Oak Park. Milzner Nathan D., elk W L & Co,r 1519 9th. «? Minear David, carp, r 916J J, Miner Harriet J. Mrs, r 2218 H. IS Miner Ida M. Miss, r 1625 J, ft 5 Miner John M., r 1625 J. * ft Miner Wm., comp D. Johnston & Co, r 505 J. a D MINFORD ARTHUR B., Groceries, Hay, Grain and Mill Feed 12th nw cor O, r 1713 P. « 0 Minford John (Bassett & Minford), r 1713 P. $ ft Mink Edith Mrs, r Oak Park. ; * Minnie C, carp Merry & Nanina, r 3d bet M and N. f a» Mitau Henry, salesman Mebius & Drescher, r 821 8th. ft Mitchell A. M. Miss, newsdealer and cigars 819 K, r same. % Mitchell Annie Miss, r 2201 J. Mitchell Bridget, dom Golden Eagle Hotel. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES »7 Ma»k«t **»••«, S. ¥• SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 344 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Mitchell Clara Miss, r 2201 J. Mitchell E. A. Mrs, r 1921 H. Mitchell F., foreman C E Ky Co. Mitchell Frank E. (Wilson & Mitchell), r 1331 L. Mitchell Fred., packer J. G. Davis, r 924 15th. Mitchell John, printer, r 1111 G. Mitchell John M, painter S P Co, r 1229 P. Mitchell Lena Miss, r 1229 P. Mitchell M. Mrs, r 1229 P. Mitchell Maggie Miss, r 2201 J. Mitchell Mary Mrs, died Dec 28th, 1893. Mitchell Mollie Miss, elk C. A. Sawtelle, r 805 K. Mitchell Peter, lab S P Co, r 1811 8th. Mitchell Peter E., lab S P Co,' r 1811 ffth. Mitchell Rowland T., gard'r, r alley bet 12th and 13th, N and 0. Mitchell Wm., r 2201 J. Mitchell Wm. Jr, r 2201 J. Mitsch John G., bartndr E. Mack, r 908 K. Mittsdarffer Michael, bartndr Hoysen & Durand. Mittmann W. A., lab S P Co, r 2114 11th. Mixer F. D., emp S P Co, r Broderick. MOELLER FRANCES MRS, Vocal Culture, 727 M, r same. Moeller Leo A., emp Hale Bros, r 727 M. \ Moffat Robt., emp S P Co, r 509 7th. Moffett E. S., bartndr, r Broderick. Moffett J. A., saloon 423 K, r Broderick. Moffitt David M., lab, r 1023 D. Mohamed Henry, cook, r 1007\ 4th. Mohen Robt., emp M. H. Meagher, r 1721 E. Mohler C. L. Mrs, r 905 Front. Mohley A. J., lab S P Co, r 241 7th. Mohley Clara Miss, r 1022 K. Mohns Edw., lab, r 2829 O. Mohns Maggie Miss, r 2829 O. Mohns May Miss, r 2829 O. Mohns N. H., sexton Jewish Cemetery, r 2829 O. Mohr Eda Miss, 11131 L. Mohr Evelyn Miss^ r 1131 L. Mohr Henry, student, r 1131 L. Mohr L. Mrs, r 2123 M. Mohr Louis B. (Hall, Luhrs & Co), pres Mohr & Yoerk Pack­ ing Co, r 1131 L. MOHR & YOERK PACKING CO., L. B. Mohr President, G. A. Yoerk Vice-President, L. M. Schwoerer Secretary, Market and Packing House 1024 and 1026 J. Telephone I 354. 5N , CLARK & SONS, 1719 Spear st- * *"**• OQ «-**--*-- CHIMNEY PIPE TOPSI ) GAPS Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOtti and R Sts. Monuments and Statuam SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 345 Mohwikel John, teamster, r P cor 31st. Mohwikel John Jr., teamster, r P cor 31st. Mohwikel Lizzie Miss, r P cor 3lst. Moil M. Mrs., r 2113 K. Moil Mary Miss, dressmkr, r 2113 K. Molter Jacob P., cond S P Co, r 1028 J. Monaghan A. E. Mrs, furn rms 1022 K. Monaghan Chas. D., comp The Bee, r 1022 K. Monaghan Jas. J., comp, r 1022 K. Monaghan Maggie Miss, r 1022 K. MONARCH CIGAR FACTORY, F. K. Driesbach Proprie­ tor, 628 I. Monasch Max, barber W. V. Pierce, r 619 O. Monsch I. S. Mrs, r 1502 H. Monsch Martin B., appr S P Co, r 1502 H. Monsch Wallace T., r 1502 II. Monsees Henry H. (Gillespie & Monsees), r 2024 N. Monte Vista Land Co, H. Bennett sec, 6^8_ J. Monteverde John J., bkkpr Lindley & Co, r 214 K.' Montfort Jane H. Mrs, r 1519 7th. Montfort Louis C, vice-pres A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1237 O. Montgaillard Louis, asst eng Fire Dept, r 412 L. Montgomery Chas. C„ r 1321 9th. Montgomery Dick, watchman, r 1314 F. Montgomery Gertie Miss, stenog, r 724 8th. Montgomery Geo. W., carp S P. Co, r 1113 H. Montgomery J. H. (Craddock & Montgomery), r 1318 G. Montgomery Jas. E , painter A. Meister & Sons, r 1321 9th. Montgomery Jas. W., foreman A. Meister & Sons, r 1321 9th. Montgomery N. W.,'boilermkr S P Co, r 1314 F. Montgomery Richd., lineman Sunset T & T Co, r 1314 F. Montgomery Robt. E„ chief elk S P Co, r 1314 F. Montgomery Robt. J., marble cutter A. Aitken, r 1314 F. Montia John, r 405 M. Montia Jos., r 505 M. Moody Gerald T., emp S P Co, r 701 7th. Moon C, carp S P Co, r 618 K. Moon J., boltmkr S P Co, r 814 17th. Moon Wm. S., mach S P Co, r 511 10th. Mooney Jas., hostler J. W. Wilson & Son, r 318 K. Mooney John E., emp S P Co, r 1025 Front. Moor Chas. H., r V bet 15th and 16th. Moore Chas., bricklayer, r 814 17th. Moore F. J., elk S P Co, r International Hotel. Moore Fred W., elk Kirk, Geary & Co, r 416 J. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery 1 COR. «TH AND K tTRECtS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT A Strictly First-Class Res­ THE DELNIONKO taurant and a Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooea Day ft NUht Oyster Parlor K 346 Moseley Phoebe Mrs, r Riverside rdlras city limits.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hasted"*, is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. GrocKenf and Glasswnie 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 849 CO Moser Annie, dom 1511 L. Moses Flint, elk W. II. Hanlon, r 1530 12th. Moss Annie, dom 800 8th. Moss Bernard, oiler S P Co, r Broderick. Moss Dora Miss, r 626 I. Moss Edw., emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1900 I. M<»88 Henry H., mantel setter Crouch & Co, r 626 1. Moss John F., r Broderick. Mott Cora Miss, r 1515 I. MottEdw. R., r615 18th. Mott Foster N., r 1723 G. o, MOTT GEORGE M„ Manager H. S. Crocker Co, 208-210 J, r 1515 I. CO Mott Geo. M. Jr., r 1515 I. Mott Howard L., r 2305 P. Mott Nellie Miss, r 1515 I. Mott Nina Mis*, u>her W L & Co, r 615 18th. Mott Rena Miss, r 615 18th. *9 1 Mott S. Jackson, farmer, r 1415 9th. 1 r Mott Wm. W., painter 728 K, r 1413 20th. ft 0 Mott Wm. W. Jr., plumber A. M. Smith, r 1413 20th. ftji Mott W. L., emp C E Ry Co. H> Motz August, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1731 U. 0 » OR ** Motzer Robt. L., porter Adams-Booth Co, r 822 6th. y+* Mount John, bootblk, r 1805 8th. •eM r+ Xft Mount Rhoda Miss, dressmkr 1022 K, r same. *+ M • MOUJJT SHASTA MINERAL SPRING CO., Hall, Luhrs ft • & Co Agents, 908-916 2d. r+ • MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH, Rev. T. F. Smith MM Pastor, 1023 10th. 3 • Mouser C. T. Mrs, r 912 6th. »n Mouser Eugenia Miss, r 912 6th. Moxness Benj. A., emp F. Mason, r 1103 I. Moxon Wm. E., emp S. W. Butler, r 1618 7th. Moyer Chas. H., r Oak Grove. Q9 Moyer Wm. P., carp, r Oak Grove. Moylan August J., emp 8 P Co, r 317 14th. Moyle May Miss, elk W L & Co, r 901 L. Moynahan Jas. P., fireman S P Co, r 714 E. Moynahan J. D., business college 513 K, r same. Moynihan J. A. Mrs, r 1001 2d." Mucka J. Mrs, r 1219 4th. Muddox Emma Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1601 M. Muddox Geo., pottery K cor 30th, r 2920 K. V Muddox Geo. L., r 1601 M. Muddox Harry C, r 1601 M. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Heal Estate and Insurance GEO. KROmCR. 7S5 K 1ST. S4CKAMEXTO, CAL, 350 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Muddox Ralph H., r 1601 M. Mudge Sarah E. Mrs, r 1409 K. Mudge Wm. J„ emp Sacramento Pipe Wks, r 1409 K. Mueller Emil, cook International Hotel. Mueller John, elk S P Co, r 1726 14th. Muhleck Anton, upholsterer S P Co, r 116 K. Mnir B., vinegar and pickle mfr 8th cor U, r same. Muir Mary Mrs, r 804 O. Muir Robt. D., emp State Printer, r 1507 8th. Mulcahy W., lab S P Co. Mulgrow Jas., lab, r Slater's add. Mulholland Patrick, emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Mullen, J., r Tremont Hotel. Mullen Maggie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Mullen Millie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Mullenney Annie Mrs, r 1318 P. Mullenney Manuel, emp S P Co, r 1318 P. Mullenney Mary E. Miss, dressmkr, r 1318 P. MULLENNEY WILLIAM, City Surveyor, 328 J, r 1318 P. Mnller Frank M., confectionery 424 K, r 431 N. Muller Fritz, fruits 1026 6th, r same. Muller Jos., actor Clunie Opera House, r 721 J. Muller Lena Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1116 16th. Muller Louis, emp C. Suter, r 1§17 alley bet 13th and 14th, J and K. Muller Louis, tailor, r Hotel Rhein. Muller Max, blksmith Jackson rd, r same. Mullery Winnifred Mrs, died Dec 30th, 1893. Mulligan Frank, emp S P Co, r 230 M. Mulligan Michael, r S bet 4th and 5th. Mulligan T. M., emp S P Co, r 1023 14th. Mullin Jas., r 505 O. Mullin John, r 5110. Mullin Michael, lab, r 1826 4th. Mullin Patrick, emp S P Co, r 511 O. Mulloy Chas. J„ trav salesman Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 418 L. Murphy Richd. C, driver J. J. Burns, r 1318 23d. Mumford M. E. Mrs, prin Union Primary School, r 714 K. Muncill John, r Mansion House. MundE. Mrs, r 1731 M. Mund F. C. Mrs, midwife 1720 15th, r same. Mund Fred. C, butcher Clauss & Kraus, r 1706 I. Mund Fred. C, rpr S P Co, r 1720 15th. Mund H. Frank, bkmn S P Co, r 1720 15th. Mundorff J. B., groceries and saloon 10th cor W, r same. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery OOR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. II! SELLS REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY. Cooley,{[° NTS HOUSCS. }1013 4th tHB!d SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 351 Munger Carl, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Munger Julia Mrs, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Munios Joe, lab S P Co. Munn F. S., fireman S. P Co. Munson John, waiter Golden Eagle Hotel. Murdoch Jas., emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. &"* Murdock Henry R., carp B. F. Pike, r 1118 7th. Murley Patrick, r 1631 6th. Murman Peter, mgr G. G. Wickson & Co, r 2627 J. Murphy Agnes Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 308$ K. Murphy Annie C. Miss, associate editor State Text Books, r 903 10th. Murphy Bridget F. Miss, bkkpr Curtis & Herzog, r 308$ K. Murphy Con B., carp S P Co, r alley bet 8th and 9th, O and P. Murphy Danl., carp, r 122 K. Murphy Edw., r 111 K. Murphy E. M. Mrs, furn rms 727 J. Murphy F., decorator, r 1121 Front. Murphy Frank, driver Wilson & Mitchell. Murphy Geo., r 111 K. Murphy Geo. W. E., student, r 626 Q. Murphy Hattie Miss, hairdresser Mrs D. Combs, r 1400 G. * Murphy Jas., lab, r 429 S. Murphy Jas., barber 513 K, r 626 Q. CD Murphy Jas., emp S P Co, r Oak Park. 0 Murphy Jas. T., barber, r 1615 10th. Murphy Jeremiah, r Y nr 6th. Murphy John E., carp, r 1525 10th. Murphy John P., mgr D. Dierssen Co, r 525$ K. CI 0 Murphy Jos., msgr W L & Co, r 1701 13th. - cr Murphy Jos., student, 308$ K. GO » Murphy Jos. H., plumber G. B. Stack, r 1525 10th. Murphy Julia Mrs, r 308$ K. Murphy Julia Miss, dressmkr, r 308$ K. Murphy K. A. Mrs, r 711J alley bet 7th and 8th, N and O. Murphy M. Mrs, r 1525 10th. 9 m Murphy Maggie, dom 1610 K. Murphy Maggie Miss, dressmkr, r 308$ K. 0 Murphy Maggie E. Miss, r 609 P. Murphy Mary Miss, dressmkr, r 308$ K. P CJJ Murphy Mary E. Miss, r 1525 10th. 0 Murphy Mary E. Mrs, r 609 P. 0* I » Murphy Michael, emp S P Co, r W cor 31st. ft Murphy Nellie Miss, dom 1305 Q. a Murphy Patrick C, tailor 1701 13th, r same. cr ft Dixon, Borgeson &C07, SHOW CASES 09 Market »U ftV V. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS.. 505 Clay St., San" Francisco. 352 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Murphy Penelope E. Miss, cashier Curtis & Herzog, r 308$ K. Murphy Thos., r 308$ K. Murphy Thos., eng, r 625 0. Murphy Wm., emp F. S. Smith, r 1117 7th. Murphy Wm., r 1630 4th. Murphy Wm. A., barber, r 626 Q. Murphy Wm. E., bkkpr, r 308$ K. Murphy Wm. J., r 1830 I. Murray Alice Miss, r 1716 M. Murray Annie Miss, r 827$ N. Murray B. Mrs, r 719 M. Murray Benj. F., r 908 alley bet 9th and 10th, K and L. Murray Carrie Miss, emp L Elkus Co, r 827$ N. Murray Celia Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 827$ N. Murray Danl., lab S P Co, r 1216 I. Murray Edw. A., bkkpr W. R. Knights Co, r 2828 H. Murray Frank, miller Neubourg & Co, r 1016 5th. Murray Geo., contr and bldr and Supt of Streets 328 J, r 1716 M. Murray Geo. W., contr and bldr 1716 M, r same. Murray Gussie Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, 1 827$ N. Murray Irene Miss, r 1716 M. Murray Jas., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 1005 F. Murray Jas. C, painter S P Co, r 508 10th. Murray Jas. II., painter S P Co, r 1728 E. Murray Jas. P., trav salesman Horst Bros, r 1202 O. Murray John W., r Eldred House. Murray Julia Miss, r 1330 E. Murray Lucy Miss, r 1716 M. Murray Martin, emp S P Co, r 1330 E. Murray Martin Jr, moved to S F. Murray Martin V., cond S P Co, r 1216 P. Murray Matthew J , elk The L. Elkus Co, r 827$ N. Murray May Miss, r 1728 E. Murray Nelson II., comp State Printer, r 1705 O. Murray Philip G., foreman C E Ry Co, r Oak Park. Murray Robt. E., r 726 O. Murray Robt. J., horseshoer J. Lodge, r 1117 I. Murray Wm., r 715 23d. Murray Wm. H., emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 2715 U. Murrels Amy Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 622 G. Murrels Frank, r 622 G, Murrels H. G. Mrs, r 622 G. Murrels lone Miss, r 622 G. Murry Mary J. Miss, died Dec 3d, 1894. Musgrave Carl, nurse S P Hospital Assn 13th cor C. N. CLARK & SONS, 1V-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite ioth and R Sts. and Marble Works

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 353 Musselman Albert E., elk The Earl Fruit Co, r 819 P. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., THE, of New York, Charles L. Smith District Agent, 411 J. Myer Peter, clkX\ Quiggle, r 12th cor E. Myers A., rpr S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Myers Cianna M , r 826 0. Myers Dora Mrs, r 621 P. 3Z50 Myers Elmer E., salesman Wood, Gray & Co, r 1631 K, Myers F. E., bkm S P Co. Myers Gussie Miss, emp State Printer, r 621 P. Myers Henry J. R., tillerman Hook and Ladder Co No. 2, r 19th bet L and M. Myers H. Frank, elk J. Bellmer, r Hotel Rhein. Myers J.J, bartndr, r Broderick. 30 Myers Morris, r 621 P. GO Myers Stanton, r 1810 Q. Myers W. H., postal elk, r Placerville Cal. Myers Wm. J., gardener, r 826 0. Myrtetus Chas., carp S P Co, r 3d cor J.

% IN" O Naegle John, bartndr Nagle & Svensson, r 300$ K. ^ Nagel Wm., r 1123 3d. £ NAGELE JOHN J. (Nagele & Svensson), r 429 L cor 5th. o b NAGELE & SVENSSON (J. J. Nagele and A Svensson), SO £ Proprietors Capital Ale Vaults, Fine Liquors and Mer­ ^ * chants' Lunch, 302 J. © Naghel Edw. Q., dentist, r 917 20th. » «-P Nagle Geo., cook J. H. Eikenbery, r 405$ K. * Nagle & Klinck (Mrs M. E. Nagle and Mrs A. C. Klinck), OO restaurant 1016 4th. *>j •§ Nagle M. A. Mrs, teacher Sutter Grammar School, r 1013 L. a. Nagle M. E. Mrs (Nagle & Klinck), r 1112 J. p>a k © Nagle Morris, dishwasher Nagle & Klinck, r 1112 J. •t Nagle S. E. Mrs, furn rms 915 5th, r same. <#> Nagle Wm. J., mach S P Co, r 917 I. Nagler C. Mrs, furn rms 1020 8th. Nagler Flora Miss, r 1020 8th. Nagley S. E. Mrs, r 726 M. Nance Jos. M., emp S P Co, r 2523 I. Nance Orrin S., emp S P Co, r 2523 I. Nance W. H., blksmith U.pper Stockton rd nr County Hospital, r Dillman Tract. * Nangle C. J., comp State Printer. Serves Daiiy more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery 28 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores ia Sacramento, mym* 7. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT me Deimonico RESTAURANT J1 Tcl7352. 712 & 714 K St. Caen Day and HICK, OYSTER PARLORS s S 854 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. o o. Nantz Etta Miss, emp State Printer, r 2131 J. Napier J., emp S P Co, r 820 6th. w S. Napier John F., emp S P Co, r 1329 5th. Sft. « Napier Ida L. Mrs, furn rms 1329 5th. Napier Newton F., eng S P Co, r 1512 G. Narciso Corazza, shoemkr P. Vauzetti, r Garibaldi House. U04 S 2 Nash Hiram C, r 1731 I. P. 9 Q Q Nash I., fanning mills, r 17311. O u to B 3 fc Nash Kate Miss, r 1225 4th. c 2 .a Nash Michael, r 1225 4th. I o. «? 2 Nash Patrick, painter, r 1225 4th. g bo «> M O M Nason Evelyn Mrs, bkkpr John Breuner, r 1311 L. Nason Fred. A., porter Adams-Booth Co, r 1131 (4. •J to o -J c a Nason Wm, I., trav salesman Adams.Booth Co, r 1131 Q. Nathan Aaron (Aaron Nathan & Co), and cigars 205 K, r 1510 K. CO Nathan Aaron & Co, (A. and J. H. Nathan), clothing 301 K. Nathan A. R., comp State Printer, r 1116 8th. CO Nathan Bernard, elk J. R. Nathan, r 418$ K. NATHAN CHARLES P., Presideut The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r S F. Nathan Esther, r 315 P. Nathan Hattie Miss, student, r 719 N. Nathan E. I., clothing 321 K, r 315 P. Nathan Irvin, elk S. S. Nathan & Co, r 719 N. Nathan Isadore C, elk Edwin K. Alsip & Co, r 1510 K. Nathan John R., clothing 418 K, r418$ K. •—* 0 Nathan Jos. H. (Aaron Nathan & Co), r 1510 K. CO Nathati Mvron S., elk Aaron Nathan & Co, r 1510 K*. pes Nathan Nathaniel J., died July 10th, 1894. s Nathan N. J. Mrs, r 418$ K. Nathan Pierre, elk E. I. Nathan, r 315 P. Nathan Saml., mgr E 1. Nathan, r 315 P. Nathan Saml. S. (S. S. Nathan & Co) r 719 N. NATHAN SOL, Vice-President and Manager The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 601 N. Nathan S. S. & Co (S. S. Nathan), clothing 602 K. Nathan—THE CHAS. P. NATHAN CO, Charles P. Na­ than President, Sol Nathan Vice-President aud Manager, O. Ross Secretary, National Bank D. O. Mills Treasurer, CO Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots 5=55 and Shoes 604-608 J. NATIONAL BANK OF D. O. MILLS & CO, Frank Mil­ ler President, C. F. Dillman Cashier, 200 J cor 2d. NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO of Hartford, Charles Cooley Agent, 1013 4th. serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery eon. »TM AND K iTRrcrs. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop THE 010 HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY. 1012 J Street...... SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 355 to National Fruit Association, H. A. Fairbanks mgr 1010 2d. Nanghton John, bkkpr, r 1122 W. "0 Nauman Harry A-» elk Ingram & Bird, r 1712 N. Nay Geo. F., moved to S F. Neagle Delia Miss, r 1711 N. Neagle Fannie Miss, r 1711 N. Neagle Hancock, atty, r 1921 H. NEAGLE JAS. H., M. D, Manager and Resident Physician ft" "7 Neagle Medical Institute 724$ K, r 1711 N. Neagle Jennie Miss, r 1711 N. NEAGLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, J. H. Neagle M. D. Manager and Resident Physician 724$ K. Neagle Pearl Miss, r 1711 N. Neale Chas. A , vice-pres Cooper Music Co, r 918 M. Neale Geo., meat mkt 1702 M, r 1704 M. iO Neary Annie J. Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 1220 8 O Q. Neary E. Mrs, r 1220 Q. NEARY & FLAHERTY (Fred. Neary and Peter Flaherty), to Proprietors Windsor Hotel J nw cor 8th (see adv). NEART FRED. (Neary & Flaherty), r Windsor Hotel. Neary T. H., painter, r 1220 Q. Neckfessel Eliphalet, died Feb 24th 1894. > Nedry Chas. G., lab, r 1111 8th. 0 Needham C. 0., eng S P Co. o Needham L. Mrs, r 1121 5th. Neely Robt. W., shoemkr, r 815 M. Neely R. R., shoemkr T. F. Taylor, r 6th bet J and K. Neely Thos. R., shoemkr 815 M, r same. NeffF., lab S P Co. 00 a Neff Jas. W„ contr and bldr 919 12th, r same. Neff John W., carp S P Co, r 2805 H. Negus Vernon, r Riverside rd 2 m s city limits. ar* Nehrbass Benj. R., elk F. J. Beal, r 2222 I. u Nehrbass Christina D. Mrs, r 2222 I. Nehrbass Geo. W., emp C. Suter, r 2222 I. "fib Nehrbass Jacob, emp S P Co, r 2222 1. Neidhardt Wm. F., died Dec 20th, 1893. Neidhart Chas., boarding 2101 P. Neidhart Mollie Miss, r 2101 P. Neidhart Robt. L., brewer City Brewery, r 2101 P. Neidlein Fred W., mach S P Co, r 1707 E. So Neil Frank, butcher, r 909 10th. Neill John, painter S P Co, r 1919 P. Neill John F., painter S P Co, r 1919 P. Neilsen Hans, r 1105 I. I 0 DIXON, BORGESOtt 9 A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Str««t. S, 7. •jf SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Neilsen K., lab, r 1233 J. Neilsen Soren, emp Pioneer Mills, r Highland Park. .E Neilson Alexander (Root, Neilson & Co), r 1520 2d. Neilson Louisa Mrs, r 1015 10th. © Neilson Peter, porter Central House. o Nelis Jas, blksmith S P Co, r 729 L. Nelis John R., blksmith S P Co, r 729 L. co Nelis Mary Mrs, r 729 L. Nelis Michael 8., opr W U T Co, r 729 L. Nelson A., tailor 621 J, r same. 2 Nelson Chas., carp Sacramento Brewery. CD O Nelson Christian, emp S P Co, r 603 13th. -C o Nelson Clarence A., saddles 327 K, r 1210 10th. cts o Nelson Clarence N., saddlemkr C. Nelson, r 1210 10th. C7)« O (C Nelson Danl., emp Singer Mfg Co, r 1409 D. JS <•• Nelson E. Mrs, r 613 14th. •"• * Nelson Emil, lab, r 620 I. -J « Nelson Emma Mrs, r 1318 3d. Nelson H. W. Mrs, r 613 14th. Nelson John A., tailor C. McCallum, r 2100 19th. s o Nelson Josef K., died Feb 18th, 1894. Nelson J. M. Mrs, r 604 10th. s Nelson L. B. Mrs, r 604 10th. Nelson Peter, saloon 12th st rd bet A and B, r same. Nelson Wm., r 510 J. !« Nemetz Chas. C, carp, r 1614 G. Nesbit Mary Mrs, r 1525 Front. 5 (0 Nesensohn John, butcher J. Schaerer, r 1722 8th. cd Nethercott Arthur D., fireman S P Co, r 31st cor S. 55 NETHERCOTT BROS. (Edward and John A.), Proprietors Valley Dairy, 31st cor S. Nethercott Edw.jNethercott Bros), r 31st cor S. Nethercott Geo. H„ emp Valley Dairy, r 31st cor S. Nethercott Geo. H. Jr., emp Valley Dairy, r 31st cor S. Nethercott John A. (Nethercott Bros), r 31st cor S. QC Neubauer John, bartndr E. Heinrich, r 1116 3d. Neubauer Lizzie Miss, stenog C. T. Jones, r 1128 9th. Neubourg Anna E. Miss, bkkpr Neubourg & Co, r 910 M. Neiibourg Carl, trav salesman Neubourg & Co, r 1222$ 6th. Neubourg Clara J. Miss, r 910 M. NEUBOURG & CO. (Leonard Neubourg), Proprietors Star Mills and Malt House, 1016-1020 5th. Neubourg Leonard (Neubourg & Co), r 910 M. NeubourgLottie D. Miss, r910 M. Neuhaus Henry, elk Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 701 J. C/> Neumann Adam, molder S P Co, r 2221 11th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted's is the only Directory ofSacranientt x LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. House Fomisl 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street Sacramento^ Cat. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 857 Neumann Fred., emp S P Co, r 2221 11th. > Neumann Fredk. W., elk S. Ginsberg, r 228 M. Neumann Geo., emp S P Co, r 228 M. Neumann Geo., molder S P Co, r2221 11th. Neumann Harry W., bkkpr Standard Oil Co, r 228 M. Neumann Walter R., student, r 228 M. Neves Antone, barber Perry & Santos, r 904 2d. X Neves Carrie Mrs, r 904 2d. Neves Manuel, lab, r 904 2d. Nevis Antone, msgr W L & Co, r 1820 11th. Nevis Antone B., emp Friend & Terry Lumber Co* r 1120 11th. Nevis Manuel, elk M. I. Enos, r 1500 Q. Nevis M. S., wine mfr 21st cor R, r same. New Cauer L. Mrs, r 1211 4th. New Cauer Lizzie Miss, r 1211 4th. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co of Boston, 231 J. New Helvetia Cemetery, N. H. Mohns sexton, 31st bet H and I. New Pavilion, 16th bet L and N. NEW POST OFFICE SALOON AND LODGING HOUSE, Danioth & Kuchler Proprietors, 708 K. NEW WM. TELL HOTEL, Ben Steinauer Proprietor, 814 J. NEW WM. TELL SALOON, J. J. Ulrich Proprietor, 307 J. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Julius Steinhart General Agent, 904 K. NEW YORK MARKET, M. F. Odell Proprietor, 1020 K. Newachek Harry C, tailor J. Haberkorn, r 516 M. Newbert Wm. E., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 1315 G. Newbourg , tailor, r 1011 5th. * Newcom Wm., bartndr, r 1025 3d. Newell Albert M., emp J. A. Cunuingham, r Broderick. Newell 0. M. Mrs, r 1029 H. Newell John N, boilermkr S P Co, r Broderick. Newell Julius bkmn S P Co, r L cor 5th. Newell Kittie Miss, emp State Printer, r Broderick. NEWLIN WM V., President Continental Fruit Express, r Los Angeles. Newman Albert J. (P. Newman & Son), r 1423 K. NEWMAN & BINGAY (D. G. Newman and G. B. Bingay), Assayers and Mining Experts 904 K. Newman Chas. E., emp S P Co, r 518 18th. Newman Danl., G. (Newman Y (2 SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. O 360 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRKCTORY. Noe Robt. A., emp S P Co, r 1114 D. Nokes Richd., r 1508 J. H CO Nolan Bros Shoe Co, A. C. Kaufman mgr, 603 J. UJ Nolan Frank, c'Omp, r 314$ J. CD Nolan John 1)., asst yardmaster S P Co, r 627 L. Nolan L. Mrs, r 1406 10th. Nolan M. Mrs, r alley bet 13th and 14th, N and O. Nolan Sylvesta, elk G. Lavenson, r alley bet 13th and 14th, N co and O. Ul Nolan Walter, r alley bet 13th and 14th, N and O. z 0 Nolan Wm., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co. o nw Noland Wm. B., carp, r Tremont Hotel. a Nold Chas., emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1523 O. Nold Frank, emp Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1523 O. Nold Fred., r 1523 O. i"Nol d Fred. Jr., plastering contr 1523 O, r same. Noles C. A. Mrs, r 808 7th. NONPAREIL THE, Wasserraan, Davis & Co Proprietors, Dry and Fancy Goods 501, 503 and 505 J. Noon John, .saloon 300 K, r same. ui 0 Noonan Frank, died March 25th, 1894. Noonan & Galligan (W. N. Noonan and F. J. Galligan), gro­ afl) ceries and liquors, 1700 4th. hi J Noonan J. F., bartndr, r 813 I. ui m Noonan John, lineman W U T Co, r 230 M. Noonan John S., msgr W F & Co, r 431 N. a Noonan Walter N. (Noonan & Galligan), r 1630 4th. < Noras Thos., died Apr 12th, 1894. QC ui NORD CALIFORNIA HEROLD, Schmitt & Currlin Pro­ -I prietors, 1017 8th (see adv). Nordling Fred W., cementwkr, r 918 23d. Nordstrom John (Nordstrom & Koss), r 1126 2d. Nordstrom & Ross (J. Nordstrom and W. H. Ross), saloon 1126 2d. CO Norman Hayden, musician, r 1010 3d. Narmelex J. H., emp Pioneer Mills, r 918 2d. Norman R. K. Mrs, furn rms 1317 5th. o Norman Thos. G., r 1317 5th. Norman Wm. A., r 2018 I. o Norris Henry H., carp, r Oak G ove. CQ Norris John, butcher, r Oak Park. Norris M. Mrs, r 1012 P. Norris R. Miss, teacher kindergarten, r 1911 G. Norris W. Edw., train dispatcher S P Co, r 1012 P. Norris Wm. W., farmer, r Broderick. Norsworthy Hattie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 818 G. tti CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Maatrfartnrert asd Dealers Y CARLAW BROS fmPorters °f Scotch and all loth and R Sts. oiner Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 861 > Norsworthy M. E. Mrs, dressmkr, r 818 G. North German Lloyd S S Co, 1011 4th. CO Northey Chas., carp P. Wolf, r Oak Park. Norton Catherine K. Mrs, r 319 alley bet 3d and 4th, K and L. Norton Edw., miller Pioneer Mills, r 2405 I. &x Norton Ella Mrs, emp State Printer, r 3<>6 M. Norton II. J., salesman Baker & Hamilton, r 317 P. Norton John, molder S P Co, r 1810 4th. Norton John, bartndr C. Schlutius, r Slater's Add. Norton John F. Jr., molder S P Co, r 1810 4th. Norton Kate G. Miss, r 2519 H. Norton L., insp S P Co, r Red Bluff. Norton M. E. Mrs, r Slater's Add. > Norton N. F., saloon 925 3d, r 5th bet I and J. ! Norton Thos., saloon 319 K, r 2519 II. DO Norton Wm. E., switchman S P Co, r 1721 7th. Nott Augustus G., driver Union Ice Co, r 1616 17th. 1 Nott Chas. A., driver National Ice Co, r 1616 17th. m Nott Harry, driver G. Neale, r 1616 17th. co Nott Leonora Miss, stenog W L & Co, rl616 17th. Nott Roswell S., carp, r 1616 17th. - Nottingham Henry, carp S P Co, r 931 M. c~> Nottingham L. A. Mrs, r 931 M. >- Nourse Geo. F., trav salesman Pioneer Mills, r 1210 10th. r— CO pj, Nourse Rebe A. Miss, prin Marguerite Kindergarten, r 1911 G. •—«-i C=3 Nourney August, emp S P Co, r 1622 J. *-< C=u NOVELTY IRON WORKS AND MACHINE SHOP, *-* r-> Frank M. McKeever Proprietor, 1112 I. OO >- S3* 50 Nowland F. H., lab S P Co, r alley bet 9th and 10th, J and K. o Noyer H. Mrs, dom 1210 N. —* 5C a: >- Noyes Chas, emp W U T Co, r Broderick. cr> Noyes Chas. T., draftsman S P Co, r 1130 F. rn Noyes Harley, lab., r Broderick. ri Noyes Mary Mrs, r Broderick. CD Nulk Chauncey C., mach Cook & Drew, r 1301 J. ... Nunan J., lab S F Co. Nurnberger Chas. E., lab Phoenix Milling Co, r 2709 H. Nusbaum A. B. C, farmer, r 812 11th Nusbaum Joseph, bkkpr Waterhouse & Lester, r 2426 L. Nusbaum Peter, lab'S P Co, r 2215 5th. Nusbaum Wm., emp C. Schnerr & Co, r 2215 5th. Nuttall John T., upholsterer S P Co, r 1600 T. Nuttall Levi, asst foreman S P Co, r 1413 21st. Nuttall Richd., mach S P Co, r 1600 T. Nutting Benj. F., elk Miss A. M. Mitchell, r 819 K. Nyberg Bernh, tailor O. Hanson, r 1011 5th. Serves Daily more Patrons !T than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, 1 J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUXT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Kl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day & mm Oyster Parlor 362 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Nyberg Lena, dom 1822 N, Nye Edmund K., molder S P Co, r 2320 Q. o Oak Park Baptist Chapel, Oak Park. Oak Park Hall, Oak Park. Oak Park Pavilion, terminus C E Ry, Oak Park. Oak Park Post Office, Mrs M. L. Glackin Postmaster, Oak Park. Oak Park School, Miss Flora Greenlaw prin, Oak Park. Oak View Hall, Oak Park. Oak Wm. B., stenog, r 1528 7th. OATMAN CHARLES H. Attorney-at-Law 420 J, r 1027 G. Oatman E. F., elk S P Co, r 909 F. Oatman May M. Miss, music teacher 1027 G, r same. Oatman V. C. Mrs, r 1027 G. Oats Thos., farmer, r Upper Stockton rd. O'Bannon W. S., fireman S P Co, Obarr Etta Miss, r 1109 G. Obarr Mildred Miss, teacher Sacramento Free Kindergarten, r 1109 G. Ober Wirth, horse trainer, r 618 23d. Oberle Jos. E., brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2128 N. O'Brien Alice Miss, r 1103 I. O'Brien Anthony W., elk M. Cronan, r 1014 N. O'BRIEN BROS. (Thomas F. and Wm. R.), Choice Tomato and other Plants always on hand. Gardens, B nr 31st. O'Brien Cornelius J., springmkr S P Co, r 1103 I. O'Brien Edgar, emp Capital Gas Co, r 1529 8th. O'Brien Edw., lab S P Co, r 1307 K. O'Brien Frank, farmer, r 2631 F. O'Brien Frank H., appr S P Co, r 1007 14th. O'Brien Frank H., emp S P Co, r 830 M. O'Brien Frank J., stenog Dist Atty, r 1529 8th. O'Brien Frederick, farmer, r 2631 F. O'Brien Geo. H , farmer, r 2209 J. O'Brien Geo. W., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 830 M. O'Brien Jas., blksmith S P Co, r 2100 L. O'Brien Jeremiah V., emp S P Co, r 1301 F. O'Brien John, elk City Hotel, r same. O'Brien John, horseshoer, r 1710 13th. O'Brien John J., emp S P Co, r 1301 F. O'Brien Josie Miss, moved to S F. O'Brien Lizzie G. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 1125 8th. r serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery ©OR. «TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 363 O'Brien M. Mrs, r 830 M. O'Brien Mamie Miss, dressmkr, r 1103 I. O'Brien M. Agnes Miss, r 1529 8th. O'Brien Retta Miss, r 830 M. O'Brien Thomas F. (O'Brien Bros), r 2631 F. O'Brien Wm. A., lab, r alley bet 5th and 6th, P and Q. O'Brien Wm. J., mach 8 P Co, rl301 F. O'Brien Wm. J., elk Red House Co, r 1529 8th. 0 Brien Wm. J. Jr., emp State Printer, r 1529 8th. O'Brien Wm. M., lab, r 1713 0. O'Brien Wm. It., comp State Printer, r 1915 4th. O'Brien William It. (O* Brien Bros), r 2704 F. Obrist Martiu, cabinstmkr, r 1328$ I. O'Oallaghan John S., druggist, r 919 alley bet 9th and 10th, L and M. Occidental Building and Loan Association, P. E. Piatt pres, E. K. Alsip sec, 1015 4th. Ochsner Ernest, oiler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 20th corQ. Ochsuer Fredk. A., cooper J. Ochsner, r 721$ K. Ochsner Geo. W., cooper J. Ochsner, r 721$ K. 3 3 Ochsner Jacob, dishwasher Lachenmyer & Faig, r Central House. Ochsner John, cooper 816 2d, r 721$ K. Q. Ocksner John M., cooper J. Ochsner, r D nr 10th. 3_ -I Ochsner Louis, bartndr Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2410 Q. Ochsner Thos., emp W. R. Knights Co, r 25th cor R. O'Connell Jas., emp S_P Co, r 1808 Q. O'Connell Jas. H., shoemaker 817 K, r same. O'Connell John, emp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. - O'Connell Sarah Miss, emp State Printer, r 1420 Q. O'Connell Thos., eng S P Co, r 1109 I. O'Connell Wm., fireman, r 1420 Q. 1 § O'Connor F., lab S P Co. O'Connor John, lab, r 507 O. I CO O'Connor John, emp S P Co, r 1813 M. O'Connor Jas., moved to Truckee Cal. O'Connor Maurice, died Feb 16th, 1894. O'Connor Michael, rpr S P Co, r 1218 D. O'Connor Neal, emp S P Co, r 1218 D. fib O'Connor P.-Mrs, furn rms 510 M. O'Connor Patrick, died Apr 17th, 1894. O'Connor T., emp S P Co. c O'Connor Thos., foreman S P Co, r 711 H. TJ O'Connor Timothy, lab, r 1411 5th. 0) O'Connor Wm., miner, r 1121 Front. O'Connor Wm., carp, r 1121 Front. 0 DIXON, BORGESON 5 «e VO., SHOW CASES 37 Mark.t lit..!, »• w. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 864 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 0'Conor Chas., bartndr Sutter Club. O'Conor Michael, r 319 N. Odbert Geo. E., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 1511 4th. Odbert J. P, farmer, r R nr 35th. Odd Fellows' Temple, ne cor K and 9th. Odell Chas. M., carp, r 1607 23d. Odell Edith F. Miss, r 1607 23d. Odell Frank P., r 1525 E. Odell Jas. M., emp F. Mason, r 1022 J. Odell Jas. W., carp, r 715 16th. ODELL MERRILL F„ Proprietor New York Market 1020 K, r 1118 I. Odell Wm., driver Am Steam Laundry, r 828 10th. Odom & Bell (F. M. Odom and J. O. Bell) mattress mfrs 1124 3d. Odom Francis M. (Odom & Bell), r 220 N. Odom'J. R., blksmith, r 405$ K. O'Donnell Edw., gardener St. Joseph's Convent. O'Donnell Geo. W., elk T. Allen, r 1104 4th. O'Donnell H. Miss, dom St. Joseph's Convent. O'Donnell John,r 311 K. O'Donnell Maggie Miss, milliner MrsE. Katzenstein, r 1315 F. O'Donnell Margaret Miss, r 1831 C. Oehler Chas. F. Rev, pastor German Lutheran Church, r 1207 K. Offenbach Fred., saloon 905 2d, r same. Offenbach Wm., bartndr F. Offenbach, r 905 2d. Ogar Frank, baker E. Lamet, r 1227 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J, OGDEN GEORGE W„ Physician 426 J, r 606 M. Ogden Hattie Miss, emp The Nonpareil, r 606 M. Ogden Nellie M. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 606 M. Ogg Geo. G., barber 524 J, r 922 15th. Ogg Henry W. M., asst foreman press room State Printer, r 1323 J. Ogle Eva, dom 21st cor W. Ogle Jos., waiter Western Hotel. O'Hare J. Mrs, janitor State Library, r 1106 Q. O'Hare Jane Miss, r 1726 J. O'Hare Maggie Mis3, r 1106 Q. O'Hare Michael, farmer, r 1726 J. O'Hare Patrick, lab, r 1822 8th. O'Hare Wm., emp Clunie Opera House, r 803 K. O'Hare Wm. J., bkmn S P Co, r 1824 8th. Olandt Henry, elk Mrs E. K. Filand, r 1700 3d.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted*t is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. pp Pi'PJSPITTWW.. •»•">'•• L. L. LEWIS & CO. stM$ a»d RanB8S- S02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 365 O'Laughlin Peter, mach S P Co, r 722 L. Old City Hall, Front cor I. OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY THE, R. D. Wheeler Proprietor, 1012 J (see top lines). Old Pavilion The, 6th cor M. Old Po8toflice Building, ne cor 4th and K. Oldfield Alfred C, shoemkr 2325 J, r same. Oldfield Malcolm, emp S P Co, r 922 23d. Oldfield Wm. B., painter S P Co, r 922 23d. Oldham Pauline F. Miss, emp W L & Co, r 1329 F. Olds Mark S., emp 8 P Co, r 1307 4th. Olea Martin, emp E. J. Loyd, r alley bet 3d and 4th, L andM. O'Leary Julia Miss, elk W L Co, r 530 K. Olive Emily A. Mrs, r 1407 L. Oliver Geo. E., died May 5th, 1894. Olive Geo. S., painter S P Co, r 1323 E. Oliver Lillie Miss, r 1019 10th. Oliver Rose Miss, r 1019 10th. Oliver Wm. C, carriage trimmer 1019 10th, r same. Oltnstead Andrea Mrs, tamalemkr 1111 5th, r same. OLMSTED R. A. & CO. (R. A. and S. P. Olmsted, Proprie­ tors Fourth Street Cash Grocery, 400 L. Olmsted Ralph A. (R. A. Olmsted & Co), r 1517 6th. Olmsted S. E., elk A. S. Hopkins & Co, r Western Hotel. Olmsted Sheldon P. (R. A. Olmsted & Co), r 1307 6th. Olney C. C, ins 1007 4th, r 1619 J. Olney Edwin D., elk Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1619 J. O'Loughlin Frank, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. Olsen Alice, dom 1530 O. Olsen Andrew, lab, r 1814 19th. Olsen Annie, dom 925 M. Olsen Carl, emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1232 J. Olsen Hulda, dom 1007 I. Olsen Jacob, farmer, r 712 H. Olsen L., appr S P Co, r 1901 I. Olsen Thoger, emp Phoenix Milling Co, r 1232 J. Olson Alfred, solr Edwin K. Alsip & Co, r 2200 O. Olson Fred, cooper G. Ochsner, r Tremont House. Olson John, jeweler, r Pacific Hotel. Olson Wm., mach, r 1901 I. O'Malley John (Jones, Fisch & O'Malley), r 1517 5th. O'Mara M., lab S P Co, r alley bet 5th and 6th, J and K. O'Mara M. Mrs, r 523 M. O'Meara Jas. B., painter S P Co, r 525 Oak Av. O'Meara John W., msgr State Printer, r 328 J. O'Meara Michael, r 525 Oak av. r Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery 5 COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, t^eal Estate and Insurance (El. KXOIRER. 725 K WT, 8ACKAMEXTO, CAIt 366 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. O'Mera Maggie Mrs, housekpr Pacific Hotel. O'Neil Benj., r 1414 7th. O'Neil Ellen Mrs, r 813 L. O'Neil J., carp, r Tremont Hotel. O'Neil Jas., brick mfr 813 L, r same. O'Neil John, painter S P Co, r 1009 J. O'Neil John, emp S P Co, r 15th bet Q and R. O'Neil Jos., collarmkr, r 1514 8th. O'Neil Michael, miner, r 1706 3d. O'Neil Nellie Miss, r 813 L. O'Neil Nellie S. Miss (Misses Burns & O'Neil), r 816 M. O'Neil Thos. W., r 1304 Q. O'Neil Wm. R., r 813 L. O'Neil W. M., spl msgr P O, r 1730 P. O'Neill Edw., empD. Johnston & Co, r 1730 P. O'Neill Edw. J., student G. L. Simmons, r 1531 11th. O'Neill Geo. W., eng S P Co, r 501 M. O'Neill Jeremiah, mach, r 1724 15th. O'Neill Jos. J., comp State Printer, r 1208 10th. O'Neill Mamie E. Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 816 M. Opitz Bernard, cabinetmkr S P Co, r 11th cor U. Oppenheimer Ella Mrs, r 1814 O. Oppenheim Emanuel, farmer, r 801 I. Oppenheim R. Mrs, r 8011. Oppenheimer Jas., elk B. Wilson & Co, r 702 N. ORANGE VALE COLONIZATION CO, Thomas B. Hall President, George B. Katzenstein Secretary and Manager, 214 J. ORANGE VALE COLONY, on American River, 16 miles ne of city, opposite Folsom, G. B. Katzenstein Secretary and Manager, 214 J. Orcutt Frank L., wool, r 1803 H. O'Reilly Jas. R., plasterer, r 316 10th. O'Reilly Philip F., shoemkr 1024 8th, r 1613 6th. Orgia Marcellino, lab, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. ORIENTAL BAZAAR THE, F. Sing & Co Proprietors, Fine Silk Underwear, 815 K. ORIGINAL BIG TREE STORE THE, Kilgore & Tracy Proprietors, 801-803 J. Orla Buckias, appr C. A. Fisk, r 12th cor B. Orleans House, 1018 2d. Orman Harry K., comp State Printer, r 1415 K. Ormerod Thos., mach S P Co, r 515 8th. Ormiston Jettie L. Miss, died Feb 1st, 1894. Ormsby Carlton S., carp, r Oak Grove. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND KSTREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Wrlte f Insurance COOLEY { IOIJ FOURT* H STRtET, SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 367 t*^ Ormsby Geo. C. (Lightfoot SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS,, 505 Clay St., San Francisco. UJ O 368 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. < Owner Henry E., trav salesman Sullivan Kelly Co, r \ 15 I. 5 i&n PaBaglio Saml., vegetable vender, r Jackson rd nr 42d. CQ Pabst Alexander, lab Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2321 0. TJ PABST BREWING CO, George Wissemann Agent .700 C • J (see adv). I- Pacheco John, restaurant 1130 2d, r same. 00 PACIFIC BREWERY, Frederick C. Knauer Proprietor, sw UJ cor 9th and P. Pacific Coast Savings Society, G. H. Stevenson agt, 1007 4th. PACIFIC ELECTRICAL WORKS, C. A. Fisk Manager go 408 J. PACIFIC GROCERY STORE THE, John Riley Proprietor, ne cor 10th and E. o« PACIFIC HOTEL, Mrs. C. F. Singleton Proprietor, K se cor

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 369 Paine Robt. A., elk, r 1216 7th. Painter J. M. S., r 2021 I. Paitrick Michael, granite cutter Carlaw Bros. PALACE RESTAURANT, Schad Bros Proprietors, 309 K (see side lines). Paladini Flora, dom r 303 S. Paladini Jos., expressman, r 303 S. Palm Alfred, blksmith, r Slater's Add. Palm Chas. A., iron wks 1113 J, r 1610 G. Palm Jennie Miss, dressmkr, r Slater's Add. Palm John, carp, r Slater's Add. Palm Jos., blksmith S P Co, r 917 11th. Palm Wm. H., emp C. A. Palm, r 1318 F. Pa'mare Nicholas J., eng Capital Gas Co, r 2032 Front. Palmei A. J. W. Mrs, moved to San Bernardino Cal. Palmer Chas. G., harnessmkr P. Graf, r 1103 I. Palmer David, r 417$ K. Palmer Edmund A., r 1418 8th. Palmer J. Frank, music teacher 610$ I, r same. Palmer Jos., lab, r Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Palmer M. Mrs, elk W L & Co, r 610$ I. 00 Palmer Walter, emp S P Co, r 910 13th. Palmer Wm., r 2101 P. oft Palmer Wm., cook Covacevich & Tarras, r 1018 2d. 1'arnpinella Jos., mach S P Co, r907 Front. o to2 sO Panabaker Edw. E, ins agt, r 1800 G. ft Punabaker C. S., teacher, r 1007$ 4th. ^ hi Pancoast Saml., fisherman, r Broderick. Pans back Jos. A., carp P. Wolf. o vv. Paulino G., tailor Joe Poheim, r 604 F. -H Papke Wm., r Broderick. «-B Parent Geo., r 317 M. OO » Parenti G., lab S P Co, r 118 L. *vj € Parenti B., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. a Parenti Carlo, tailor O. Giorgi & Son, r 118 N. af* Parenti Luis, tailor, r 118 N. ^p Parish Times, Rev G. A. Ottman publisher, 8th bet I and J. <*> Park Jas. M., carp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Park John S., emp F. Mason, r 12th bet C and D. PARK NURSERY THE, F. A. Ebel Proprietor, 10th se cor P. Park S. S. Mrs, boarding 1120 J. Parkenson M. M. Miss, hairdresser 611 J, r same. Parkenson M M. Mrs, milliner 611 J, r same. Parker A. D., blksmith D. Carmichael, r Windsor Hotel. Parker Clara M., r 1615 4th. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 2* COR. 8TH AND K STRCCT8. Store* in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT The Deimonico RESTAURANT tf&J Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. doen Doy and ngi OYSTER PARLOUS $88 370 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Parker Clarence C, elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 2027 K. to « P Parker E. Mrs, r 2604 G. PARKER FRED G., Manufacturer of Improved Rubber Moldings and Weather Strips. Interior Decorator, Wood «5 Sco e » Finisher and Polisher. Rear 2314 K, r 2314 K. o 8 Parker Geo. M., died May 28th, 1894. M u O Parker Ivy M., wellborer, r 1716 6th. = & Parker Jacob, lab, r 12th st rd bet A and B. 5 2 6 Parker Jas. R., carp, r Oak Grove. 3 (S PARKER JOHN S., Wood Carver, 906 9th, r same. •SJgfc* Parker Lottie Miss, emp State Printer, r 2221 O. Parker Louis, emp Clunie Opera House. a Parker Lucy E., r 1615 4th. CO Parker M. A. Mrs, r 1615 4th. Parker Richd, r 1400 J. Parker Robt. W-, grading contr 1904 M, r same. £-4 Parker Stanley S.. jeweler 1615 4th, r same. O Parker Walker C. (S»hmid & Parker), r 1400 J. Parker Walter E., r Riverside rd. Parkhurst Edith Miss, shin mkr F. Mason, r 1327 9th. Parklmivt Wm., lab, r 1327 9th. Parkinson Geo., emp S P Co, r 1329 5th. Parkinson Jas. H., physician 429 J, r 1430 H. (0 Parks O.&., lab, r 1817 19th. Parr Jas. II., wood, r 2505 I. eft h Parr M. Mrs, r 1931 P. £* u Parramore M. E. Mrs, furn rms 328$ K. CD AC Parramore M. K., porter The Bee, r 1118 5th. h Parrott Jas. W., painter S P Co, r 1718 6th. Parrott Jas. W. Jr, painter, r 1718 6th. h Parrott Ketta Miss, elk Sacramento Free Public Library, r (0 516 15th. •73 Parrott Wm. K„ carp, r 516 15th. Parry Alice Miss, r 916 L. Parry Edw. S., teamster, r 1800 6th. § Parry May A. Miss, r 916 L. CD Parry M. J. Mrs, furn rms 916 L. Parry Nellie L. Miss, r 916 L. •s Parry Wm., r 916 L. Parsons A. E., mach S P Co, r 902$ 7th. Parsons Benj. F., elk S P Co, r 2022 1. Parsons Clara F. Mrs, teacher Chinese Public School, r 619 a 10th. CD Parsons J. Mrs, furn rms 1401 4th. 2 Parsons Jas., r 603 J. o Parsons Lillie Miss, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1818 G. o serves Daily more Patrons THEAMER1CANGASHST0RE than any other two Grocery COR. «TM AN0 K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOWFSTFAD HOWE BAKERY ' 1012 J Street . SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 371 Parsons Plummer H., r 2022 I. Jin Parvin Eliza Mrs, died Sept 7th, 1894. b.'v Paseoe Frank J., died May 12th, 1894. Pa-qnalli Vinci G., lab, r 918 2d. > PATRIARCHS MILITANT BAND (formerly Hussar Band), Wm. E. Piatt Manager 618 J (see adv). Patrick Albert E., appr S P Co, r 2130 O. Patrick Atcherson H., appr S P Co, r 2130 0. Patrick C. A. Mrs, dressmkr, r 2130 O. Patrick Clay, died Apr 9th, 1894. Patrick O. Fred, eng S P Co, r 2130 O. Pattee G. B. (Pattee & Lett Co), r Ottawa Kansas. o PATTEE & LETT CO. (G. B. Pattee, W. P. Lett, H. R. c Green, Jr, and C. A. Ludlow), Fruit Shippers,'305 J. 2 Patterson Alexander (Kast & Patterson), r Broderick. to Patterson Chas. A., comp State Printer, r 931 M. Patterson Fred W., saloon Broderick, r same. Patterson F. W„ emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1617 P. Patterson Geo., r Broderick. O O Patterson Geo., bartndr, r 209 J. r Patterson Geo. F., carpet layer Ingram & Bird, r 426 Q. m Patterson J. Mrs, furn rms 917 P. Patterson Jas., janitor Capital Grammar School, r 917 P. Patterson Jas., bkmn, r Broderick. Patterson Jas. II., elk W L & Co, r 1729 8th. 3 -° Patterson John, r Broderick. Patterson J. R., lab, r 1<)26 4th. Patterson Julia Mrs, r 1617 7th. 3 Patterson J. V., switchman S P Co. Patterson May J. Miss, r 1729 8th. Patterson Patrick, emp S P Co, r 1729 8th. Patterson Robt., r Broderick. Patterson Sadie Miss, student, r 1729 8th. Patterson Thos. F., appr S P,Co, r 1729 8th. to Patton Chas. S., bartndr P. Siebenthaler, r 524 23d. 01 p 03 Patton G. Mrs, r Highland Park. 3 > Pau C. Miss, language teacher 925 10th, r same. a Paul Philip L., emp S P Co, r 618 16th. 0) r- Pauli R. Miss, capt Salvation Army, r 430 L. io Paulk Annie F. Mrs, janitor Uuiou Primary School, r 913 F. *4 r" Paulk Jacob M.,r 913 F. Paushack Jos., carp, r Broderick. Pau>back Julia Miss, milliner, W L & Co, r Broderick. Pausback Julius, eng, r Broderick. Paxton Danl. D., carp 1710 F, r same. * O Paxton Edw. E., moved to S F. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO.. SHOW CASES 3*7 Market Street. S, F. w mmm^ Plilus Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 372 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Paxton Nora Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1710 F. Payne Albert, driver A. Dunbar, r 806 I. Payne Edmund B., r 920 22d. Payne E. F., lab A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1626 6th. © Payne Henry W., painter S P Co, r 731 D. o Payne J. N.,r 1912 H. CO Payne John W., lab S P Co, r 1613 P. Payne Louis, r 920 22d. if Payne Louis A., r 920 22d. 09 O Payne Sherman B., stenog, r 1424 K. JS o C3.<2 Payne Wm. H., capitalist, r O cor 3d. cd o Payne Z. W., r 1424 K. *- 2 Peacock Wm., emp S P Co, r 505 J. o oc PEALER M. A. MRS, French Millinery 621 and 623 J, r 1215 P (see adv below). M4 < (0 CO o *"•> z CD < B O

Qu hi

o CD < 621 and 623 J St., (0 o Sacramento. <** Pearl Chas. G., foreman S P Co, r 1708 II. cd Pearl Chas. G. Jr. (Pearl & Purcell), r 1708 H. CO Pearl Claude A., died Oct 14th, 1893. Pearl & Purcell (C. G. Pearl Jr. and J. F. Purcell), saloon, • 1800 I. o Pearson Edwin A., emp Bassett and Minford, r 1015 15th. Cad Pearson Henry, painter, r 1015 10th. Painter H. M. Mrs, r 1015 15th. Pearson Jas. M., r Slater's Add. Pearson J. Ezra, emp W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1018 14th. Pearson Jennie M. Miss, r 512 10th. Pearson John L., r 512 10th. Pearson Jos., comp, r 426 M. Pearson J. Wood, cabinetmkr S P Co, r 918 19th. Pearson Neely, painter, r Oak Park. Pearson N. P., died Mar 16th, 1894. Pearson Oscar F., tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 1015 10th. Pearson Sadie Miss, r 512 10th. c/> Pearson V. Mrs, r 1609 2d. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted*s is toe only Directocy ofSaaameclo LOOK OUT Published. Silver Plated Ware and L. L LEWIS & CO. Glassware

502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, CaL C^3 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 873 Pearson Wallace W., farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Peat-e Marion Miss, r 1617 7th. Peaslee Chas. S„ carp, r 2909 C. Pebbles B., emp S P Co, r Brighton. Peccetti Fred, bootblk 926 K, r same. Pechner Arthur, barber W. V. Pierce, r 1524 5th. Peck Cornelius, lab, r 613 P. Peck Daisy Miss, r 1316 18th. Peck L. Mrs, dressmkr, r 613 P, Peck Nelsou S., eng S P Co, r 1316 18th. Peck Newton, orchardist, r Broderick. r-r-i Peck Wm. B., barber 802 K, r 613 P. Pedro G., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Pedroia M., granite cutter Carlaw Bros. rim Peek Edman, lab S P Co, r Highland Park. Peekema Thos. G., emp S P Co, r 416 16th. R n n Peelers Jas., lab, r 1025\ 10th. ,5sg> PEERLESS SALOON THE, Elliott & Haggerty Proprietors, 809 K. Pegg Arthur B., r Oak Grove. m cr o _ Pehile Jos., emp W. R. Knights Co, r 16229th. t» f •• PeliHe Louise Mrs, r 1622 9th. oa Pelican Club, John Haley sec, 1008 8th. Pellegrini Anton, lab, r Roma Hotel. 2 tt" N* Peltier Andrew, r 21st cor W. Peltier Leda Miss, r 21st cor W. n M Pelton Geo. E.,r 1520 G. Pelton Wm., waiter E.'Himmel. •B 5* PenaC. Mrs, r 1225 5th. cr4 Pena Carrie Miss, r 1225 5th. Pena Mary Miss, r 1225 5th. Pendergast Annie Miss, r 605 K. Pendergast Edw., mach S P Co, r 1406 2d. Pendergast Jas., emp S P Co, r 1406 2d. Pendergast Jas., fireman S P Co, r 1722 15th. 00 Pendergast John, emp S P Co, r 1407 2d. u Pendergast Katie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Pendergast Lottie Miss, dressmkr, r 605 K. Pendergast M., shoemkr 605 K, r same. 5 O m Pendergast M. Jr, r 605 K. s « " Pendergast Mamie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. m O . Pendergast Owen, r 517 8th. 2 < X Pendergast W. J., waiter, r 801 7th. ?-** Pendergast Patrick, molder S P Co, r 1406 2d. Pendery Benj. F., physician 706$ K, r same. "Si Pendleton C. L. Mrs, r Western Hotel. ra" if. Serves Daily mors Patrons o c than any other two Grocery CR IT O •OB. «TM aND KSTRCKTS. Stoffjs In Saccajnontow Heal Estate and Insurance tEl. HtinEt. 9CS K ST. HACRAMEXTO. CAI* 4 p 374 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. o Pendleton S. R. Mrs, dressmkr 1204 10th, r same. Penner J. H., fireman, r Tremont Hotel. Penney Ellen Mrs, boarding 1323 6th. Pennie N., farmer, r J st rd nr 36th. Pennington Henry, ins agt, r 1115 9th. Pennington Brice C., butcher, r Oak Park. Pennington Josie Miss, emp H. Fisher & Co, r Oak Park. W Pennish Martin, orchardist, r 319 Q. Pennish Martin A., policeman, r 321 Q. Pennish Timothy J., plastering contr 2122 N, r same. W *r PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO. (of Phila­ delphia Penn), 1007 4th. g o< Peoples Alex. P., lab Capital Gas Co, r 1721 3d. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK, Wm. Beukmun President, w * Wm. Johnston Vice-President, George. W. Loreuz Secre­ a*^ •^•» tary and Cannier, 400 J. Q Pepper Chas. S., mail carrier, r rear 1614 G. is Perez Manuel, lab, r 1420 2d. Perez Sylvester, r alley bet Front and 2d, N and 0. u Perkins Andrew J., comp, r 209 J. « Perkins Calvin, dairyman, r 1715 29th. Perkins Carlos L., bellboy Capital Hotel. Perkins C. C. Mrs, furn rms 209 J. Perkins Chas. 0. (Perkins

PETERS & RAY (C. J. Peters and F. E. Ray), Druggists, •*B• 90 J K. r+ Peters Wm., elk S. H. Farley, r 413 P. 0 Peterson Annie, dom 913 M. ** Peterson Marcus, ho=tler Sacramento Brewery. i e Peterson Mary, dom 1431 O. s % Peterson Mrs, r 414 R. * » Peterson Adolph, cabinetmkr C. M. Campbell, r Hotel Rhein. u * Peterson Andrew, lab Pioneer Flour Mills, r Highland Park. D P »4 ^ Peterson Ann Mrs, r 2103 3d. 1 » Peterson Chas., compressed yeast 1819 P, r same. 9 0 Peterson Danl., emp Burns & Waterhouse, r F cor 17th. t*0 •d Peterson E. Mrs, turn rms 16J5 20th. « ft s B Peterson Geo., lab S P Co, r 713 alley bet II and I, 7th and 8th. T3 *% Peterson Jas., pantryman Sutter Club, r 1007$ 4th. « 0 Peterson Mary Miss, emp W L & Co, r 720 M. rt9 A Peterson N. Mrs, r 420 R. . ** Peterson Tillie, dom 1501 N. 1 a t »c* Peterson Wm., r 211 O. ft Peterson Wm. F., candy mfr 620 J, r same. Petezelka Jos., waiter Western Hotel. 1 » DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. 3 SHOW CASES 37 Market fftr'oot, S. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 376 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Petitdidier Alexander J, painter Anderson & Bliss, r 1616 6th. Petracci A., shoemkr, r 118 N. PETRALLI HENRY A., Proprietor Colombo Hotel 918 2d and Plumbing, Tinning, Stoves and Tinware 716 K, r 918 2d. Petralli Johu, plumber H. A. Petralli, r 1516 9th. Petrie A., comp, r Central House. Petrie Eugene A., bkkpr J. Woodbura, r State House Hotel. Petrie Wm. M , clothing 822 J, r same. Petrochi Abramo, shoemkr 208 K, r 118 N. Petroi John, stonecutter, r Roma Hotel. Petterson August, cabinetmkr Capital Furniture Co, r 720 M. Pettit Chas., r 821 N. Pettit Mamie E. Miss, r 1410 7th. Pettit Mary Mrs, r 1016 L. Pettit Robt. H., cigars 225 K, r 1410 7th. Pettit Vincent J., r 1015 L. Peyran Belle M. Miss, teacher Uuioti Primary School, r 1124 F. Peyran M. A Mrs, r 1124 F. Pfeitter August, waiter Mrs F. Pfeiffer, r 913 K. Pfeitter F. Mrs, restaurant 913 K. r same. Pfeiffer H. E., waiter Mrs F. Pfeitter, r 913 K. Pfeitter Louise, dom 913 K. Pfil Jos., porter L. Fischer, r 116 K. Pfui.d B. G., r 1026 II. Pfund Edw. F:, dep County Clerk, r919 20th. Pfund Juliana Mrs, rl026 H. Pfund Wm. II., r 1026 II. Pryfter Jos. (Pf^ffer & Meunier), r 1217 C. Pfyfter & Meunier (J. Pfyffer and Mrs B. Meunier), saloon 830 K. Phair Richd. F., emp F. Mason, r 802 E. Phelan Fred., blksmith S P Co, r 529 N. Phelan Wm. H., elk Am Cash Store, r 1014 O. Phelps Adna, carp S P Co, r 1208 7th. Phelps Clarence, Jab, r 1£14 J. Phelps Edw. M., r 1906 P. Phelps Henry, emp S P Co, r 901 Front. Phelps Lydia Mrs, r 1323 J. Phelps Mary A. Miss, teacher, r 1208 7th. Phelps Silas A., driver Lindley & Co, r 1905 Q. PHENIX INSURANCE CO of Brooklyn N Y, 1007 4th. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, Lautensch lager & Baumann Pro­ prietors, 1015 8th (see adv). Philbrick Martin, fisherman, r Broderick. N, CLARK & SONS, iUi Sp,u "••ta Fm!isco Manufacturers an* Dealers —ET'FKr Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOth and R Sts. Monuments and Statuary SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 377 PHILIP ROBERT, General Engraver, Stencil Cutting and Die Sinker, 628$ J, r 916 O. > Phillips Budd J., trav salesman The L. Elkus Co, r Western CO Hotel. Phillips Carrie Miss, r 820 N. Phillips Chas. A., solr W. P. Coleman, r 728 9th. !3* •"•• Phillips Chas. L., painter, r Broderick. Phillips C. W., lab, r Broderick. Phillips Emmett M., emp State Printer, r 18th bet N and 0. Phillips Frank T., trav salesman Record-Union, r 728 9th. Phillips Geo., elk W. M. Petrie, r 613 J. Phillips Geo. C, eng C. Suter, r 1415 D. Phillips Gertrude B. Miss, r 1811 N. Phillips Henry S., ins agt, r Oak Grove. I Phillips Jesse, saloon Oak Park, r same. Pl.illips J. H. (J. II. Phillips & Co), r 14th cor K. r*fc Phillips J. II. & Co (J. 11. Phillips and A. Priuce), dyers and cleaners 14th cor R. Phillips John N., jeweler 627 J, r J st rd nr 36th. Phillips Jos., carp, r 122 K. Phillips Jos., waiter E. Reid. Phillips Laura Miss, prin Marshall Primary School, r 728 9th. Phillips Louis, moved to S F. CD Phillips Milton, moved to S F. >• Phillips Stephen, teamster, r 1931 G. t— c© -a P^ PHILLIPS THOMAS F., Druggist and Apothecary 531 K *n S3 cor 6th, r 700 P. *-< <=u Phillips Wm., plasterer, r 1011 5th. c—* Philpott John M., painter, r 1727 I. GO >-* S34 'TO Phi I pott Thos. H., emp Hevener, Mier & Co, r 1621 1. o— 1 Phinnev C. M., civil engineer 328 J, r 707 I. PC Phinuey E. W.. carp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 827$ I. 5£ ^ o cr> Phinney Geo. A., sec and treas A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r rn 1233 O. <—> Phipps Chas., moved to,Oakland. CD Phipps Chas. A., emp S P Co, r 505 J. Phipps Chas. E. (Weinstock, Lubin & Co), r 1418 N. Phleger C. W. Mrs, teacher Union Primary School, r 600 M. PHCENIX BAKERY, Christian Schurr Proprietor, 1236 J. PHCENIX INSURANCE CO of Hartford, Conn, Geo. Kromer t Agent, 725 K. 5? © S" PHCENIX MILLING CO, George Schroth President, F. 5 °° * Kohler Secretary and Treasurer, 13th se cor J. Tele­ O E phone 57. Pic Thos., tailor Joe Poheim, r 1525 8th. Picanco John J., emp Sacramento Lumber Co, r 1325 O. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 1 COR. 0TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Nl(0 taurant and Oyster Parlor & Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day ft Night d 378 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. •q. n « bo ® Pickett John, emp S P Co, r 1717 14th. M!.£ £ S Pickett L. Mrs, r 224 J. is *° Pickle Geo., poultry, r J st rd nr38th. w ^ u Pick M., cigarmkr, r Hotel Rhein. 1% Pierce A. M. Mrs, r 716 G. ,M" ;«K o £* x Pierce Chas. M., elk R. D. Finnie, r 1015 G. •V, +J 0« 09 A Pierce Everitt, r 1423 P. Pierce Frank J., emp Capital Gas Co, r 117 P. i 3 09 (0 Pierce Fred H., elk National Bank of D. O. Mills Co, r :fc. co a J 1905 H. ® o s Pierce Harry L., emp S P Co, r 716 G. !• 8 Ai Pierce Ida, dom 1222'E, - *"• 09 Pierce Jovete Miss, r 1423 P. h1 . *J . Pierce R. D., r 719 11th. © _; Pierce Smith, comp, r 1421 L. (/ ••9 *> Pierce Walter V., barber 622 K, r 902 L. H . *•» CO Pierce W. H., asst yardmaster S P Co. rUSti • 4 Pierce Wm. H., switchman S P Co, r 506 8th. CO Pierini Fredk., vegetable vender, r 2630 G. 1 Pierson Henry S., comp The Bee, r 520 N. Mi M it PS Pierson Henry H., dentist 511$ J, r 1517 3d. Pierson Hobart F., civil eng, r 923 I. Pierson Jas., r 500 9th. >» PIERSON JAMES C, Superintendent Capital Gas Co, r 500 9th. Pierson Jos, comp The Bee, r 426 N. Pierson Morris D., painter, r 1118 7th. £2 0 Pieruccini John, emp S. Pieruccini, r 1329 3d. - 0 Pieruccini Stephen, stucco mtr 1110 6th, r 118 L. P=J H Piessy Clement, bartndr, rill K. Piexini A., farmer, r Dillman Tract. w o Pike Benj. F., carp and bldr 926 11th, r 2304 H. Pike Frank P., carp B. F. Pike, r 2023 27th. S & Pike John E. T., cashier W F & Co, r 1712 P. Pilbean S. J. Mrs, r Broderick. a 4 Pilcovich Bartoloraeo, restaurant 403 K, r 517 L. Pilcovich Milena Miss, cashier B. Pilcovich, r 517 L. Pilkington Mamie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1103 P. W Pilkington Thos., lab S P Co, r 1419 D. «3 Q Pimitell Francis, r 2000 K. Pincaco J. J., lab Sacramento Lumber Co, rl325 O. Pincombe John, carp S P Co, r 504 O. Pinhevio Antone, lab S P Co, r 2015 3d. Pinkham Addie T. Mrs, music teacher 818 8th, r same. Pinkham Chas. B., student, r 818 8th. p—5 Pinkham Chas. E., physician, 627 J, r 818 8th. <33 Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. CD SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 379 Pimlov M L. Mr*, r Oak Park. PIONEER BAKERY, Schuetz& Schuck Proprietors, 124 J, telephone 397. Pioneer Box Co, H. P. Martin mgr, Front ne cor M. PIONEER FLOUR MILLS, H. G. Smith mauager, Front and Yolo bridge, telephone 23. PIONEER HALL, 1011 7th. PIONEER PHARMACY, W. L. Helke Proprietor, ne cor 2d and K. Pioneer Pii-kle Works, 709 L. Pioneer—SACRAMENTO SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS, W. H. Luther Secretary, 1011 7th. Pioneer Soda Works, 218 K. PIONEER STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS (Harry W. Rivett Proprietor), sw cor 12th and O. Telephone 292. Piper Bertha L. Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r 1109 17th. Piper John, appr S P Co, r Western Hotel. Piper K K. Mrs, r 1107 17th. Pippin John H., r 524 14th. Pippin Laura L. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 524 14th. Pippin M. E. Mrs, r 524 14th. Pippitt Geo. H., rpr S P Co, r 817 11th. Pippitt J. Willard, emp S P Co, r 1426 C. Pither Henry, fisherman, r 2329 Front. l'ither Robt W., asst bkkpr W. P. Fuller & Co, r 2329 Front. Pitt Annie J. Mrs, r 1709 29th. Pitt David, carp, r 1709 29th. Pitt Edw. M., carp, r 2308 P. Pittman Alonzo D., lab S P Co, r 1915 3d. Pittman Grace E. Misa, emp W L & Co, r 1111 28th. Pittman John A., teamster, r 1111 2^th. Pittman John N., comp State Printer, r 1111 28th. Pittman Wm., elk, r 900 M. Pitts Tiilie Mrs, r 1910 alley bet C and D, 19th and 20th. Pixley Wm., moved to S F. Pizano Frauk, r 1230 3d. Pizarra Louis, emp Golden Eagle Hotel, r 1316 17th. PizerL., r 420 L. Plageman J. C, r 814 J. Plant Jabez, eng S P Co, r 1508 F. PLATNAUER RAPHAEL, Attorney-at-Law, rm 12, 420 J, r 1111$ I. Piatt Elisha A., emp S P Co, r 1018 14th. Piatt Fruit Co (P. E. Piatt), 108 J. Piatt Geo. W., upholsterer S P Co, r 709 7th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market &*»••«, ». V. ^

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAV ST., S. F. 380 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Piatt John H., emp PJatt Fruit Co, r 1530 M. Piatt Philemon E. (Piatt Fruit Co), r 1115 D. Piatt Sarah Mrs, r 719 L. Piatt Wm. E., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 1313 K. Platter John, r 501$ M. PLAZA DRUG STORE, T. Y. Tallraan Manager, 904 J. Pletscher Edw., mach S P Co, r 315 14th. Plettig A. Mrs, r 1416 24th. Ploner Jos., r 900 J. Plotner Frank O., lineman W U T Co, r 1714 F. Plucker A. M. Mrs, furn rms 406 L. Plummer Chas. E. (Plummer & Quinley), r 2513 II. Plumraer David B., watchman E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, r 325 P. Plummer Emma J. Miss, died May 20th, 1894. Plummer John A., r 325 P. Plummer M. Mrs, dressmkr 325 P, r same. PLUMMER & QUINLEY (C. E. Plummer and C. J. Quin­ ley), Proprietors Gurney Cab and Hack Co, 717 K, tele­ phone 235. Plunkett Bridget Mrs, died Aug 18th, 1894. Plunkett Jas. J., police sergeant, r 529 O. Pluss Fredk. J., emp Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1327 J. Plymouth Stage Co 1217 J. Poage S. N. Mrs, r Upper Stockton rd. Pockman Henry C, bartndr R. C. Mayes, r 1020 8th. Podd Jesse, emp State Printer, r 1512 19th. Poehlmann Theo. H., brewer City Brewery, r 2312 P. Pocker Chas. A, r 1414 16th. Poeker M. Mrs, r 1414 16th. Poggenpohl Gustave, waiter Golden Eagle Hotel. Poggio Danl. L. (Koscoe & Poggio), r 2924 D. POHEIM JOE, J. H. Heitman Manager, Merchant Tailor, 600 J. Pointer John Rev, Pastor African M. E. Church, r 619 G. Polhemus Edwin R., farmer, r 1 m ne 31st. Politz Hannah C. Miss, student, r 820 N. Police Court, Geo. G. Davis Judge, I cor Front. Politz Godfrey, elk H. Marks, r 820 N. Politz Jos., elk The Nonpareil, r 820 N. Polk Harrison, baker W. Gropp,^r Central House. Pollock Eugene, r 2311 J. Pollock Flora Mrs, furn rms 718 8th. Pollock H., driver A. F. Dray, r 2311 J. Pollock P. Mrs, r 2311 J. Pollock Pri8cilla Miss, dressmkr, r 2311 J.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'fl is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 381 Pollock Robt., emp H. M. Johnson, r 1222 J. CO Pols Andrew, lab S P Co, r Oak Park. CO POMMER A. J., Stein way Pianos, Estey Organs and Domestic Sewing Machines, 829-831 J cor 9th, r 916 9th. Pommer A. J. Jr, elk A. J. Pommer, r 920 9th. Pommer Emma L. Mrs, r 922 9th. Pommer Juanita D. Miss, bkkpr A. J. Pommer, r 920 9th. Pond Jas. H., prin Sacramento High School, r 1022 P. Poole Chas. W., r 419$ O. Poole Frank M., plumber Carlow & Miller, r 2326 J. Poole Sander, carp S P Co, r 2326 J. Pooler Wm. F., waiter Morrison & Gault, r 810 I. Poorman David, U S Gauger, r 2620 H. Pope Edwin A, comp D. Johnston & Co, r 1408 I. ea Pope Saml,, foremau Record-Union, r 1408 I. Pope Saml. E., bkkpr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1408 I. Popert Adolf, groceries 630 Q, r same. Popert Carrie Miss, dressmkr, r 630 Q. Popert Jas., groceries 2030 H, rsarae. Porcellan L., lab S P Co, r Roma Hotel. »**• 9r3< PortC. M.Mrs, r 1730 M. ft ft Porter Amos H., cond S P Co, r 721 G. ft PORTER BROS CO, W. Porter President, N. R. Salsbury (D pf Vice-President, J. S. Watson Secretary and Treasurer, 0 Wholesale Commission 111 K. » vP<* Porter C. P., janitor Neagle Medical Institute, r 724$ K. n•M ft P» ao Porter C. W.,'tinner H. K. Wallace, r 917 K, P* * Porter H., carp Siller Pros, r 2210 I. ff ft Porter Jas. N , real estate, ins, notary and. City Treasurer 1006 **• • 4th, r 427$ K. Ml Porter M. A. Mrs, r 1716 9th. 3 • ft Porter Oscar D , carp, r 612 K. » Porter Tobe, lab, r 804 alley bet 8th and 9th, M and N. Porter Washington, pres Porter Bros Co, r Chicago 111. Porter Wm., granite cutter Carlaw Bros, r 1015 8th. Poska Saml. (S. Poska & Co), r 420 L. Poska S. & Co (S. Poska), cigars 431 K. Post Chas. A., r 1001 2d. Post Chas. N., atty 627 J, r 1922 I. Post C. N. Mrs, teacher, r 1822 L POST OFFICE, W. S. Leake Postmaster, K ne cor 7th. Potter A. Mrs, r 502 10th. Potter A. E. Mrs, r 1510 N. Potter Alfred A., bkkpr Geo. E. Dierssen & Co, r 1421 L. Potter Burnie M., student, r 1405 O. Potter Chas. T., r 1405 O. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. I^eal Estate and Insurance & ! GEO. mmi 7«5 K NT. »4€KAMKXTO. CAL. 382 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Potter Clarence S., r 1405 0. Potter Daisy S. C. Miss, r 1012 16th. Potter Lyman M., comp State Printer, r 1012 16th. Potter Mary 1). Miss, r 1405 O. Potter Mary T. Miss, r 1012 16th. Potter Myron B., teacher, r 1405 0. Potter P. Mrs, r 10th cor F. Potter R. Grant, foreman J. T. Stoll, r 1619 5th. Potter W. A., bkkpr, r 1227 H. Potter Wm. H„ r 1012 16th. Potts Mollie, dom 1220 7th. Poulding C. W., emp 8 P Co, r Roma Hotel. Poulsen Jackson, r 708 L. Powderly Jas. M., butcher H. Gerber, r 1015 10th. Powell B. J., asst phvsician S P Hospital Assn, r 13th cor C. Powell Harry, lab, r Guthrie Station. Powell Martin, lab, r 1025 Front. Powell Richd., lab, r 1025$ 10th. Powell Sophie Mrs, r Guthrie Station. Powelson Frank, elk Dolan & Middlemass, r alley bet 7th and 8th, M and N. Power Emma Miss, elk W L & Co, r Broderick. Power Frances Miss, r Broderick. Power J. J., molder, r Broderick. Power M. J., molder, r Broderick. Power Teresa Mrs, r Broderick. Powers Chas. A., bkmn S P Co. Powers D'Arcy, physician 806 J, r same. Powers Florence B., physician 806 J, r same. Powers John, stoker Capital Gas Co, r 511 M. Powers John V., stenog Mayor's office, r 1215 7th. Powers Lucy M. Mrs, r 1215 7th. Powers May Miss, actress Clunie Opera House, r 1215 7th. Powers N. Miss, r 511 M. Poj'teivy Bernard, emp Covacevich & Tarras, r 1018 2d. Prackler C, r 1121 Front. Prader Carrie Miss, r 1311 5th. Prader Horace, r 1311 5th. Prader Wm. A., r 1311 5th. Pradie John, farmer, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Pradie Manuel, lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Pradie Manuel D., farmer, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Pradie Manuel D. Jr, farmer, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Pradie Mary Miss, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Pratt Alonzo R., expressman, r 1719 6th. Pratt Chas., lab, r 1315 5th. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 0TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. SELLS REAL ESTATE Cooley,{ LOANS MONEY. TOT 3 4 th RENTS HOUSES.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 383 Pratt Geo. E., r 1415 15th. Pratt Harriet E, Mrs, r 1719 6th. Pratt Leland S., emp 8 P Co, r 710 0. Pratt Percy D., elk S P Co, r 1007 8th. ' Pratt Wm. E., expressman, r 1719 6th. Preble Fred I. Mrs, moved to S F. Predom Chas. A., emp S P Co, r 1117 23d. PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO of New York, George Kroraer Agent, 725 K. Prenderga8t Alice E. Miss, emp W L & Co, r 11th cor Y. Prendergast C. P. Mrs, saloon 10th cor Y, r same. Prendergast John C, bartndr C. Schlutius, r Slater's Add. Prendergast Maurice T., plumber, r 10th cor Y. Prentice" Chas. W., emp S P Co, r 1401 L. Prentice Clara W. Mrs, r 1401 L. Prentice Mary Mrs, r 1401 L. Prescott Agnes, dom 608 J. Prescott Eth'e M. Miss, r alley bet 5th and 6th, N and O. Prescott Emma Mrs, r alley bet 5th and 6th, N and O. Preston Agnes, dom 1309 I. Preston Benj. 11., adv mgr The Bee, r 711 16th. Preston Frances Mrs, died Aug 11th, 1894. Preston Fredk. A., r Broderick. Preston Harry H., asst foreman The Bee, r 715 16th. Preston Jas., lab, r 2403 K. Preston Jas. J., elk B. Kreuzberger, r 2403 K. Preston P. B. Mrs, r 1402 O. Preston R. Mrs, r 1402 O. Preston Wm. F., proof reader State Printer r 1115 16th. Prevost Augustin W., r 2021 3d. Prevost Frank A., r 2024 3d. Prevost Lillian Miss, r 2024 3d. I'rewett G. W., r 1121 Front. Prewett Jas., atty 628$ J, r same. Price Adele Miss, elk W L & Co, r 821 8th. Price Hattie Miss, r 821 8th. Price Henry A., emp Mebius & Drescher, r 821 8th. Price Nettie Miss, teacher Union Primary School, r 821 8th. Price Sarah Miss, teacher Miss S. Price, r 821 8th. Price Smith D., comp State Printer, r 1421 L. Price Sophie Miss, private kindergarten K hear 19th, r 821 8th. Price Thos., carpet layer A. Mendis, r 1515 Front. Price Wm., solr, r 821 8th. Price Wm. W. B., janitor Pioneer Hall, r 2812 K. Prideaux Edwin, r* 2120 K. Prideaux Edwin, carp S P Co, r 825 L. Dixon, Borgesoa &coY, SHOW CASES 37 Market Sfc, 0. 9* SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco 384 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Prideaux Edwin Jr, elk C. Feldhusen, r 825 L. Prideaux Richd. B., painter S P Co, r 1927 P. Priest Henry A., carp S P Co, r614 13th. Prieston Augusta Miss, dressmkr, r 719$ L. Prieston Laura Miss, dressmkr, r 719$ L. Prince Arthur (J. H. Phillips & Co), r 14th cor R. Prince Emma Miss, died Oct 11th, 1894. Prince Jos. W., emp S T Co, r 714 I. Prince Wm. H., r 714 I. Prince Wm. W., elk W L & Co, r 416 P. Prior Anderson, r Oak Grove. Prior Henry, carp, r Highland Park. Pritchard Albert E., mach S P Co, r 1511 7th. Pritchard Chas. D., emp S T Co, r 1602 8th. Pritchard Frank M., cigars 513 K, r 429 5th. Pritchard John, driver State House Hotel, r same. Pritchard Johnson W., carp S P Co, r 513 11th. Pritchard Maud Miss, r 513 11th. Pritchard Robt. T., emp S P Co, r 1602 8th. Pritchard Wm. L., elk Henderson, Brown & Co, r 1016 0. Pritchard W. L., farmer, r Lower Stockton rd. Proctor Saml., lab, r 1115 I. Prodger Chas. M., teller National Bank of D. 0. Mills & Co, r 801 I. Props Joel L., carp S P Co, r 919 E. Protestant Orphan Asylum, Mrs. J. G. Cady matron, bet 18th and 19th, K and L. Prouty Win. H., bkkpr, r 1232 P. Provost M. C. Mrs, r 1813 18th. Pruner Herbert D, emp S P Co, r 1011 5th. Pryor Jacob, emp Capital Soap Co, r Oak Grove. Pryor John, carp, r 1721 18th. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, Wm. B. Miller, Hajl of Records. Pucinelli E., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Pucinelli Pete, gardener County Hospital. Puckman Harry, bartndr, r 1028 8th. Pudan Thos. A., draftsman S P Co, r 1413 15th. Pulvermacher Fannie Miss, elk J. Pulvermacher, r 812 K. Pulvermacher Isador, elk Beesley & Son, r 812 K. Pulvermacher Julius, crockery and glassware 812 K, r same. Purcell John F. (Pearl & Purcell), r 1700 H. Purdy Wallace W., lab, r 306$ S. Purdy Wm., painter, r 1518 11th. Purington Jas. T., emp S P Co, r 1416 G. Purnell E. B. Mrs, vice prin Sacramento High School, r 2428 M. fSZ N. CLARK 6L SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. t.".,f*y*m CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite roth and R Sts. and Marble Works —^ SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 385 Purnell Geo. M., bkkpr W. F. Purnell, r 2428 M. PURNELL W. F„ Bookseller and Stationer, 609 J, r 2428 M. Purriman Pauline, dom 1314 10th. Puschel Alfred, r Jackson rd. C-n Putnam Geo. A., died May 16th, 1894. Putnam Geo. P., gardener City Cemetery, r 2026 3d. Putnam Mary J. Miss, furn rms 527 J. Putnam Phoebe A. Mrs, r 721 F. m Putnam Soule A., msgr W F & Co, r 1717 N. Putney Ida Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 920$ J. Putney Ray, elk Schmid & Parker, r 1426 J. Pyburn Fannie V. Miss, r 1011 H. =13 Pyburn Geo., physician 1011 H, r same. Pyle Mary, dom 713 O. Pythian Castle, nw cor 9th and I. Q Quass Henry, bkkpr A. Heilbron & Bro, r 1104 O. Quaid Martha J. Mrs, died Apr 6th, 1894. Vl Quandt Wm„ pipemkr Schaw, Ingram. Batcher & Co, r 614 16th. o Quareles Bell Mrs, r J bet 4th and 5th. t?l QUIGGLE CHARLES, Groceries and Provisions, 12th cor E, K O to r 503 12th. SO Quiggle Thos., elk C. Quiggle, r 503 12th. £ Quigley Adelia K. Mrs, r 1616 G. ^ w Quigley Maud Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. o SB Quigley Michael, lab Capital Gas Co, r 218 S. N* -H Quillinna Jas. W., r 1327 2d. rt> Quin Blanche M. Miss, r 1017 15th. !>«Sf Quin Chas. S. (T. Quin & Sons), r 1017 15th. C^3 *o •s Quin Frances Mrs, r 1017 15th. ft >**. Quin Frank L. (T. Quin

25 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS.r. Stores in Sacramento.

..!' IL-i. . A. 'v~.; >. ".•f*y*m CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite roth and R Sts. and Marble Works •-TJ SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 385 Purnell Geo. M., bkkpr W. F. Purnell, r 2428 M. PURNELL W. F„ Bookseller and Stationer, 609 J, r 2428 M. Purriman Pauline, dom 1314 10th. Puschel Alfred, r Jackson rd. Putnam Geo. A., died May 16th, 1894. C-n Putnam Geo. P., gardener City Cemetery, r 2026 3d. Putnam Mary J. Miss, furn rms 527 J. Putnam Phoebe A. Mrs, r 721 F. Putnam Soule A., msgr W F & Co, r 1717 N. m Putney Ida Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 920$ J. Putney Ray, elk Schmid & Parker, r 1426 J. Pyburn Fannie V. Miss, r 1011 H. :3a Pyburn Geo., physician 1011 H, r same. Pyle Mary, dom 713 O. Pythian Castle, nw cor 9th and I. Q Quass Henry, bkkpr A. Heilbron & Bro, r 1104 O. Quaid Martha J. Mrs, died Apr 6th, 1894. Vl Quandt Wm„ pipemkr Schaw, Ingram. Batcher & Co, r 614 16th. o Quareles Bell Mrs, r J bet 4th and 5th. ft QUIGGLE CHARLES, Groceries and Provisions, 12th cor E, K O to r 503 12th. SO Quiggle Thos., elk C. Quiggle, r 503 12th. ft Quigley Adelia K. Mrs, r 1616 G. ^ w Quigley Maud Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. o SB Quigley Michael, lab Capital Gas Co, r 218 S. N* -H Quillinna Jas. W., r 1327 2d. rt> Quin Blanche M. Miss, r 1017 15th. !>«Sf Quin Chas. S. (T. Quin & Sons), r 1017 15th. C^3 *o •s Quin Frances Mrs, r 1017 15th. ft >**. Quin Frank L. (T. Quin Qu nn Harry, musician Theatre Comique. o n Si Qu nn John S., elk W L & Co, r 1116 8th. Qu nn Kate Miss, dressmkr, r 2130 K. » Ok Qu nn Lillie Mrs, r 712 J, rear. s§•• «° Qu nn Mary Miss, r Kathleen Tract. GU 0 M Q Qu nn May, dom 1100 H. a O 5 Qu nn Richd. H., bkkpr W L & Co, r 1116 8th. is Qu nn Thos., painter S P Co, r 1216 6th. «'a Qu nn Thos. P., painter S P Co, r 28th and Y. B Qu o ntana John, emp M. F. Odell, r 925 I. •s s Qu ntan Margaret A. Miss, r 916 N. •4 . IPS Qu nton Thos., emp S P Co, r 1229 8th. U fr, Qu nton Wm., carp O. R. Amsden, r 1229 8th. 04

OO Raap M. Mrs, r 1600 P. Rackerby Wm., bus driver Golden Eagle Hotel, r 1224 K. RACKLIFFE LEVI, State Treasurer State Capitol, r 518 M. Rackliffe Pitt, elk T. H. Cook & Co, r 917 K. Radcliffe Nona Miss, emp State Printer, r 1515 14th. Radigan D., emp S P Co, r 1011 5th. Radonich Chas., r 1326 3d. >—i o Radonich Geo., r 1326 3d. Radonich Laura Miss, r 1326 3d. Radonich Martin B., waiter M. Radonich, r 1326 3d. Radonich Morris, restaurant 1025 2d, r 1329 2d. S 2 Rae Danl. W., plasterer, r 911 L. RAE MART C. KENT MRS, Furnished Rooms, 911 L. Raffetto John, elk E. Weller, r 1230 J. Raffetto Angelo, lab, r Roma Hotel. Raffetto L., rpr S P Co, r 913 Front. Raffetto Louis A., groceries and saloon 1234 J, r same. Ragalo Jos., bkkpr E. L. Green, r 1009 4th. w Ragsdale E. S., moved to Los Angeles. Raiff Otto, tinner, r 1223 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. RAILROAD MARKET, Henry Sbulmeyer Proprietor, ne cor 2d and O. Railton Geo. W., tkt agt 612 K, r 1220 N. Rainey John, molder S P Co, r 1023 6th. Rainey Matthew, emp S P Co, r 2711 N. Rakestraw John, emp H. M. Johnson, r 1325 K. Ralz Ernst, r 1420 2d. yN Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery OOR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores In Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 387 Rameau Benj., waiter L. Faure. Ramsay John J}., mach, r 410 Q. Ramsay Mary F. Mrs, r 410 Q. Ramsay May Miss, opr Sunset T & T Co, r 410 Q. Ramsay Nellie Miss, dressmkr, r410 Q. Ramsey M. H. Mrs, died Jan 25th, 1894. Randall A. J. Mrs, r 1617 14th. Randall Chas. I., r 608 Q. Randall Wm. C, elk S P Co, r 630 M. Rankin Chas. M., elk T. F, Phillips, r 920 9th. Rankin Christopher, street contr 1415 5th, r same. iO Rankin Theresa R. Miss, r 514 7th. Rankin Wm., lab S P Co, r 514 7th. iO Rankin Wm. T., emp S P Co, r 514 7th. Ranlett A.' H., boxmkr, r 2630 H. 8 O Ranlett Eliza Mrs, r 2630 H. o Ranlett Fredk. G., elk S P Co, r 2630 H. Ranlett Harry H., elk S P Co, r 2630 H. to Ranou Fritz, emp Belvidere Hotel. Ranson Henry S., emp John Breuner, r 1410 N. A Ranson Jos. F., rpr S P Co, r 122 K. > Rapp Antone, lab, r Hotel Rhein. Rapp John, saloon 12th st rd and Am river bridge, r same. 0 Rapson Wm. E., bkmn S P Co, r 614 14th. o Raschen E. C. (H. Weinreich & Co), r 1110 N. Raschen Fredk. (H. Weinreich & Co), r 1236 I. Rasmusen John, lab, r 1232 J. Rasmussen Carl, eng S P Co, r 818 G. Rasmussen Christopher, emp Western Hotel, r 328$ K. Rasmussen John (Carstensen -~ Rattle John, lab, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Ratto Jos., lab, r alley bet Front and 2d, O and P. Ratzanefsky Isaac, junk, r alley bet 21st and 22d, O and P. Raught Wm. T., pilot, r B cor 32d. Rave Christian, r 1322 7th. 8o Ravlett M. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 2219 O. «.£ Rawles John, r 2914 I. RAWSON ALEXANDER K., General Secretary Y M C A, B r 6th nr K*. Ray Edw., r 415 O. 8 Ray F. E. (Peters & Ray), r 1431 K. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, Sr r. MBIIB i HI1 Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 388 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Ray Francis M., watchman Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r alley bet 3d and 4th, P and Q. Ray Jas., emp S P Co, r 926 7th. Ray Jas., carp, r 424 L. O Ray John N., emp Kirk, Geary & Co, r alley bet P and Q, 3d and 4th. Ray Saml., blksmith S P Co, r 411 10th. Ray Saml., msgr B. Katzenstein, r alley bet 3d and 4th, P C and Q. 03 O -S= O; RAYL E. J. MRS., Manager Viavi Co, 521 J, r same. Q.W Raymond Henry,' painter, r 1412 G. Cd O Raymond Jas., r 111 K. «- z Raymond Leza Miss, r 1412 G. o cc Raymond Marion Mrs, r K nr 10th. JS <*. Raymond Mary E. Mrs, r 2405 I. «- z Raymond Percy M., newsdealer 524 K, r 1527 L. —J < Raymond W. H. V., editor State Text Books, State Capitol, r W 1009 I. Raynsford Mark H., r Oak Park. «< Read John A., com trav, r 1231 E. Readman Alfred, r 1126 P. •=° Readman E. Mrs, r 1126 P. >• z Readman Emma Miss, dressmkr, r 1126 P. QM U Readman Geo., eng H. Fisher

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 889 Reeber Louise Miss, bkkpr Hale Bros & Co, r 823 J. > Reeber M. Miss, bkkpr R. A. Olmsted & Co, r 823 J. Reed Anna E. Miss, r 1809 F. Reed Chas. W., vice-pres C. W. Reed Co, r Broderick. Reed—C. W. REED COMPANY, S. R. Johnson President, C. W. Reed Vice-President, W. M. Jenks Secretary, Nur­ x series, 813 2d, telephone 92. Reed Hubert L., emp S P Co, r 717 L. Reed J. J., barber A. Wilson, r 922 M. Reed Marvin D., r Broderick. Reed Mary E. Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 2115 I. Reed Richd., lab S P Co, r 1002 E. Reed Richd. A., r 1002 E. Reed Robt. D., teamster, r 1730 Q. Reed Robt. D. Jr., teamster, r 1780 Q. Reed Wm. D., former, r 1731 K. Reed W. J., eng S P Co. Reedy Eugene, died Jan 9th, 1894. on Reedy Kate Mrs, r 620 10th. m Reel M. A. Mrs, r 1702 G. Reese Benj., lab, r 1121 C. H Reese C. E, r 1236 H. » Reese Chas., carp, r 116 K. Reese David, under sheriff Court House, r 7th and 1. < Reese D. F., insp S P Co, r 2009 J. Reese H. P., comp State Printer, r Central House. 93 Reese U. M., r 1236 H. Reese Wesley, barber W. J. Henderson, r International 9 Hotel. a Reeves Chas. O., rpr S P Co, r 421 J. 0 a Reeves C. O. Mrs, lodgings, 421 J. Wt Reeves John K., painter S P Co, r 716 H. Reeves John W., route agt Record-Union, r 917 M. Reeves Pearl Miss, r 421 J. Reeves Wm. F., lab S P Co, r 2512 K. Regallo J. A., elk, r 1007$ 4th. Regan Danl. F., lab, r 416 R. Regan Edw. J., blksmith, r 416 R. Regan Ellen Mrs, r 416 R. Regan John, r 1005 F. Regan John J., insp S P Co, r 1005 F. Regan Mollie Miss, r 416 R. Rego Edw. S., saloon 1008 4th, r 817 15th. Rego Louise M. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 817 15th. Reibel Earnest, emp Cal Winery, r 2311 P. Reichert Frank E., harnessmkr, r 1810 L. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. STM AMD K STRUTS. Stores io Sscramento, I^eal Estate and Insurance (El. XROPIER 7X5 K ST. 8ACKAMEXTO, CAL 4 p 390 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. o Reichert Gustave, boilermkr S P Co, r 508 7th. Reichert Jos., boilermkr S P Co, r 620 G. Reichert Lucy Mrs, r 620 G. Reichert Lucy Miss, elk W. F. Peterson, r 620 G. Reichert Theo., r Golden Eagle Hotel, Reick Bertha, dom 1614 11th. Reid A. W., eng S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Reid David, mach S P Co, r 2417 K. Reid Edw., restaurant 327 K, r 406$ J. Reid Henry, comp Record-Union, r 509 Oak av. Reid Jos., r Broderick. Reid Thos. B., dentist 530 K, r 1431 8th. Reid Wm. D., carp, r Broderick. M Reider John H. Rev, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church, r 1608 I. Reiffenrath Peter, carp T. McCaffrey, r 1514 19th. Reigling Jos., lab, r Freeport rd $ m s city limits. Reilly John F., pressman State Printer, r 1016 13th. Reilly Mary Mrs, furn rms 611 J. Reilly Patrick, emp S P Co, r 611$ J. g Reineke Chas. F., lab, r 21st nr M. w Reineke J. Edw., lab, r 21st nr M. Reinersman Fredk.', car bldr S P Co, r Broderick. Reis John, driver Lippe & Strubinger, r M cor 3d. Reis Nathan, elk W L & Co, r 429 L. Reith Chas. E., student, r 1009 7th. Reith John J. Jr, trav salesman Lindley & Co, r 1318 4th. Reith Wm. C, dentist 1009 7th, r same. Reitz E. H., lab S P Co, r 1422 2d. Reitzell Sarah Miss, r Dillman Tract. (0 Reitzke Chas. R., barber, r 1406 D. O Reker Caroline Mrs, r 820 O. Kelyea Chas. L., blksmith J. T. Hill, r 1504 L. It Relyea Lewis H., r 1830 F. Remeley Fred. R., trav. salesman Waterhouse & Lester, r 613 J. Remick Amos C, watchman State Capitol, r State House Hotel. Remington M., roofer S P Co, r 1517 2d. Rene Bernard, emp N. Dingley, r 113 I. X Renfro Albert J., contr and bldr 2610 I, r same. Renfro Edith Miss, music teacher 1230 F, r same. u Renfro John A., carp, r 1230 F. Renfro J. R., lab S P Co, r 727 N. Renfro L. E., lab S P Co, r 727 N. Renfro Malvina Mrs, r 1013 P. Renfro Walter, r 705 J. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. OT WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. 1.1ITKED, 433 .J St., Sacramento, Cal. t=e*| SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 391 Renfro Wm. F., atty 426$ J, r 2321 I. Renken C, grading contr Eldred House, r same. Rennia W. L., bkkpr C E Ry Co, r 728 K. Rennie Fred. G., gardener, r 2106 O. Rensckler Fred. N., salesman Wood, Gray & Co, r 1416 3d. Renschler Levitt W. shpg elk Wood, Gray & Co, r 1416 3d. Rentschler F. E., fireman S P Co, r 1326 F. Rentschler Geo., r 1326 F. Ren wick A. T., saloon Freeport rd £ m s city limits, r same. Renwick A. T. Jr., mach, r V cor 24th. Renwick Frank L., molder S P Co, r 1913 I. Renwick Rollin A., eng Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 513 0. Renwick Wallace H., coremkr S P Co, r 513 0. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Rev. G. W. Harlow pastor, K cor 24th. Repinsky Gabe, tailor W L & Co, r 503$ M. Repp Edwin G., emp S P Co, r 912 13th. Repp Henry N., stenog, r 912 13th. Repp Mary Mrs, r 912 13th. Resseguire Frank A., groceries 2008 H, r 3022 J. Rettinger E. Mrs (Maas & Rettinger), r 1215 18th. Rettinger Martin, died Dec 13th, 1894. * Reuter E. Mrs, r 1721 J. Reuter Jacob, carp S P Co, r 804 K. ft Revord Jos. W., barber 518 K, r same. C Revord Mary Mrs, restaurant 518 K, r same. Reyburn Wm. H., r 123 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Reynolds G. B., r Broderick. o Reynolds Geo. H., piper S P Co, r 1717 I. 2 & Reynolds John W., blksmith S P Co, r 1022 K. Reynolds M. F. Mrs, furn rms 627 M. Rhatigan A. Chas., r 1423 19th. Rhatigan Edw., watchman, r 1423 19th. Rhatigan Rose Miss, dressmkr, r 1423 19th. Rhein Chas. J., postal elk, r 1124 8th. Rhoads A. J., miner, r 513 2d. Rhoads Danl. C, r 318 P. * ft Rhoads Edw. K., lab S P Co, r Highland Park. tf P Rhoads Francis J., lab, r 425 O. 9 e Rhoads Michael, bartndr Eldred House, r 1113 11th. Rhoads Rufus H., bartndr J. A. Hess, r 425 O. & B Rhoads Rhodes A. J., cleaner S P Co, r Tremont HoteL ft Rhodes John, elk W. J. Toland, r 1511 D. i Rhodes R. Mrs, r 415 O. 3 SHOW CASES jssrr. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 392 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Rhodes Sarah Mrs, r 1617 7th. Ricci D., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Ricci Peter E., bartndr J. McCourt, rl020 8th. Riccioli Amelio, lab, r 918 2d. Rice A. Mrs, r 1220 Whitney av. Rice Annie Miss, r T cor 28th. Rice Annie Mrs, elk P P Tel C Co, r 1821 Q. Rice Artemus, driver, r 2201 L. Rice August, r T cor 29th. Rice Catherine Mrs, r 618 E. Rice Johanna Miss, elk Red House Co, r 1220 Whitney av. Rice John, r T cor 28th. Rice Julia Mrs, furn rms 230 M. Rice Katherine Miss, dom, r 1220 Whitney av. Rice Saml., bartndr State House Hotel, r same. Rice Wm., emp T. W. Walker, r Empire blk. Rice Wm. C, driver G. H. Braun, r T cor 28th. Rich Eula S. Miss, dressmkr, r 909 22d. Rich Franklin, carp S P Co, r Kathleen Tract. Rich Geo. L., driver Am Steam Laundry, r Kathleen Tract. Rich Walter H., r 909 22d. Rich W. E. Mrs, r 909 22d. Rich W. W. carp, r Kathleen Tract. Richards Albert, postal elk, r 1609 11th. Richards Alison B., died Aug 26th, 1894. Richards Chas. M.,r 807 25th. Richards Clayton L., butcher, r 807 25th. Richards Edw. A., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, rj cor 10th. Richards F. P., emp C E Ry Co, r 2508 J. Richards Geo. H., student, r 1809 J. Richards Jas. T., boltmkr S P Co, r 1425 E. Richards Jennie Miss, teacher Fremont Primary School, 1 1809 J. Richards John, r 1121 Front. RICHARDS & KNOX (S. L. Richards and Wm. F. Knox Jr), Lumber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, and Managers Sac- ramento Warehouse Co, 2d nw cor M. Telephone 70. Yards—2d and M, and Front and Q. Richards Maude I. Miss, r 1809 J. Richards Plymouth, r 1317 6th. Richards Richd., switchman S P Co, r 1824 3d. Richards Sharp L. (Richards & Knox), r 1013 24th. Richards W. H. H., carp S P Co, r 1809 J. Richardson Abraham, lab, r 431 S. Richardson Ada Miss, teacher Fremont Primary School, r T cor 2l8t. N. CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers PARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch and all

10th and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 393 Richardson Albert, lab, r 804 alley bet 8th and 9th, M and N. Richardson C. L. (J. F. Richardson & Son), r 2000 21st. Richardson Edw., H., msgr W F & Co, r D. O. Mills Bank Bldg. Richardson Frank, emp F. S. Smith, r 513$ K. Richardson Grace Miss, r Broderick. Richardson Irene Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 1922 H. Richardson Jas. F., hostler S P Co, r Broderick. Richardson J. E.. confectionery 824 J, r same. Richardson J. F. & Son (J. F. and C. L. Richardson), wood and coal, 21st and T. Richardson John F. (J. F. Richardson & Son), r 2000 21st. Richardson Jos., lab, r 431 S. Richardson Luke B., asst mgr Adams-Booth Co, r 1503 H. Richardson Minnie Miss, stenog, r Pacific Hotel. Richardson Minnie D. Miss, r 1503 H. Richardson R. Mrs, furn rms 512$ K. Richardson Robt. M., trav salesman H. S. Crocker Co, r 1503 H. Richardson Roy D., elk A. B. Minford, r 1713 P. Richardson Thos.. r 513$ K. Richer T. J., truckhand S P Co, r 600 7th. Richerson Jos., elk W L & Co, r 1026 O. Richli Jacob, lab, r 610 alley bet 6th and 7th, L and M. Richmond H. Mrs, r 429 13th. Richmond Grove bet 19th and 21st, Q and R. Richmond John W., r 1818 P. Richmond Olive Miss, dressmkr, r 1913 G. Richmond W., painter S P Co, r 429 13th. Richmuth Martin, lab, r Freeport rd $ m s city limits. Richter Arnold, groceries and saloon 701 7th, r 704 G. Rick John, lab Buffalo Brewing Co. Rickard Glenn E., porter W F & Co, r 514 11th. Rickard H. L., r 514 11th. Rickard Mabel G. Miss, r 514 11th. Ricker G. W., mach S P Co, r 1214 4th. Ricker G. W. Mrs, r 317 Oak av. Ricker Mabel Miss, elk W L

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 396 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Robinson F. B., electrical supplies 410 J, r same. Robinson Frank, bartndr Windsor Hotel, r same. Robinson Frank W., mach S P Co, r 613 J. Robinson Fred., r 613 J. Robinson Fred. R., elk J. A. Le Favor, r 713 10th. Robinson Geo. W., eng S P Co, r 1025 3d. J Robinson Grant T., r 1727 I J Robinson John L., rpr S P Co, r 1704 N. Robinson Jonathan M., farmer, r 1727 I. Robinson Lottie A. Miss, stenog Edwin K. Alsip & Co, r 1704 N. Robinson Mabel L. Miss, r 305 13th. Robinson S. Mrs, r 1704 N. Robinson Saml., tkt elk S P Co, r Depot Hotel. Robinson Walter C, mach S P Co, r 802 E. Robitaille L. W., elk S P Co. Robitscheck Louis, emp W L & Co, r 1011 O. Roblin A., fireman S P Co, r 1909 J. Roblin F. A. timekpr S P Co, r 1909 J. Roblin Jas. A., train dispatcher S P Co, r 1909 J. Roca Jos., r 1425 9th. Roche A., lab S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Roche H. Mrs, r 711 H. Roche Henry J., teamster Carlaw Bros, r 1115 W. Roche M. Agnes Miss, r 711 H. i Rochon Wm., painter, r 2405 Q. Rock Island Fruit Express, 124 J. Rock .J. W., foreman S P Co, r 1220 G. Rockwell Wm. H., died Aug 26th 1894. Roddy P. C, emp Hevener, Mier & Co, r 7th bet L and M. Rode Bertha E. Miss, student, r 1117 P. Rode Chas. L., r 1117 P. RodeM. O. Mrs, r 1127 P. Rode Otto, mach Kimball & Upson, r 9th cor L. Rodegerts August, groceries M cor 3d, r same. Roderick M., mach S P Co, r 511 Q. Rodey Jas. P., emp Capital Gas Co, r 528 I. Rodgers E. Mrs, r 609 N. Rodgers Frank, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Rodgers Jas. G., lab S P Co, r 609 N. Rodgers Jennie Miss, r 609 N. Rodgers Jesse H., plumber J. W. Guthrie, r 1224 H. Rodgers Joaquin G., saloon Lower Stockton rd nr Whisky Hill, r same. Rodgers John B., blksmith S P Co, r 1708 J. Rodgers Jos., lab, r Oak Park.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustetfi is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. stoyes anfl Ran&es- 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 397 Rodgers L., barber 1023 2d, r 1216 4th. Rodgers Michael, elk, r 12th cor G. Rodgers Nellie Miss, r 609 N. Rodman Wm., groceries Oak Park, r same. Rodgers Wm. A., carp S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Rodrigues Manuel, r 511 Q. ROEDER EDWARD C, Cashier City Brewery, r-1110 9th. Roeder Herman, tinner Miller Bros., r 1317 18th. Roeder Jacob, emp State Printer, r 1600 K. Rogers Allen, student, r 816 P. Rogers Chas. H., pilot, r 1509 10th. Rogers Elizabeth S. Miss, teacher, r 1111 G. Rogers F. E. Mrs, r 1111 G. Rogers G. W., mail carrier, r 2117 9th. Rogers Hamilton C, sawfiler 1121 J, r 1509$ D. Rogers Harry, gen foreman State Printer. Rohrer C. Mrs, r 1018 H. Rohrer Fredk. W., elk State Controller, r 715 14th. Roland Michael, foreman T. Scriver, r 912 4th. Rolend Chris., lab, r 13th cor X. Roling Chris, lab, r 1230 6th. Roller Benj. R., pressman D. Johnston & Co, r 509 P. Roller J. Thos., pressman D. Johnston & Co, r 509 P. Rolleri Geo. C, r 1128 9th. Roma Hotel, J nw cor 2d. Romani M., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Romero Thos. G , tamales 401 M, r same. Ronan J. Thos., stenog White, Hughes & Seymour, r 415$ K. Rood M. Mrs, dressmkr 1006 7th, r same. Rook Ada Miss, r 703 6th. Rook Wm., emp S P Co, r 703 6th. Rooney Frank, hostler H. Casey, r 727 M. Rooney Robt. F., carp S P Co, r 2831 H. Rooney Stephen J., fireman, r Brighton. Root , mach, r 528 I. Root Albert, carp Siller Bros, r 2028 I. Root Alice Miss, r 302 O. Root Chas. A., mach Union Iron Wks, r 302 O. Root Clara Miss, r 302 O. Root Harry L., mach Union Iron Wks, r 302 O. Root Homer F. (Root, Neilson & Co), r 302 0. Root L. L. Mrs, r 1518 12th. ROOT, NEILSON & CO (Homer F. Root, Alexander Neil­ son and John Driscoll), Proprietors Union Iron Works Front bet N and O. Root P, mach, r 326 K. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. I^eal Estate and Insur*ane« (El. MEI. 725 K NT. 8ACKA.11KXTO. CAJL. 398 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Root Wm. A., dentist 814 K, r same. Roper C. A., comp State Printer, r 1232 H. Roper Randolph P., elk State Controller, r 931 M. Rorhirsch K., emp S P Co, r 1107 D. Roscoe Henry (Roscoe & Poggio), r 830$ J. Roscoe & Poggio (H. Rosco and D. Poggio), saloon 802 K. Rose Alexander, r 2928 N. Rose Antone, grading contr 1717 2d, r same. Rose August, r 916 17th. Rose Gertie Miss, milliner Mrs. E. Katzenstein, r 1818 G. Rose King, lab, r 2031 3d. Rose Lewis B., mach, r 2218 N. Rose Minnie Miss; emp H. Fisher & Co, r 1217 G. Rose P., lab S P Co, r alley bet 3d and 4th, M and N. Rose Wesley M., mach 1029 K, r 1518 13th. Rose Wm. G., emp W L & Co, r 1321 Q. Rosenfeld Emma Miss, r 304 J. Rosenfeld Fannie Miss, r 304 J. Rosenfeld S., cigars 304 J, r same. Ross , r 2402 M. ROss A. (Ross & Ankener), r 915 H. Ross Alice Miss, r 1111 3d. Ross Angus T., r 1018 H. Ross Annie Miss, r 1111 3d. Ross A. T., saloon, r 1018 H. Ross Cebern C, r 2130 J. Ross Chas., piper S P Co, r Broderick. Ross Chas. A., actor, r 1814 Q. Ross Donald, actor, r 1111 3d. Ross Flora Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1213 G. Ross Frank A., r 1814 Q. Ross G. Mrs, dressmkr, r 513$ K. Ross Geo., mach W. Gutenberger, r 513$ K. ROSS GEORGE B„ Real Estate and Insurance, 1005 4th, r 2130 J. Ross Hampton B., r Broderick. Ross Henry, r 1212 5th. Ross Henry C. Jr. (Clarken & Ross), and notary 401 J, r 2130 J. Ross Jas. W., emp N. W. Robbins, r 1105 8tb. Ross Jessie Miss, r 806 E. Ross Jos, timekpr S P Co, r 809 L. ROSS LESLIE C, Manager Capital Hotel, r 502 M. Ross Lois L. Miss, r 2130 J. Ross Mary L. Mrs, music teacher 710 7th, r same. Ross Mattie Miss, r 2130 J. Ross M. E. Mrs, r 1202 H. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery 5 COR. ©TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. w e t Insurance COOLEY * 101.!"3 FOVRT« H STRbET. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 399 Ross Minnie Miss, r 1111 3d. Ross Orelia Mrs, r 1814 Q. Ross Oscar, sec The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 1212 5th. Ross P., r Tremont Hotel. Ross Pauline Miss, r 915 H. Ross R. F., hostler T. Scriver, r 912 4th. £5*3 Ross Sarah H. Mrs, r 1317 II. Ross Susan Miss, student, r 1111 3d. Ross Susie M. Miss, r 2130 J. Ross Thos., emp S P Co, r 1111 3d. Ross Thos. (White & Ross), r 805 H. ROSS THOMAS (White & Ross), Physician and Surgeon, Hours—9 to 10 A M, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 P M, 528 J. Tele­ phone 179, r 805, H, telephone 402. Ross Wm. B., tinner S P Co, r 1818 G. Ross Wm. H. (Nordstrom & Ross), r 1126 2d. Ross Wm. M., r 1814 Q. Rosse Jos., lab, r Roma Hotel. Rosse Peter, r alley bet 5th and 6th, M and N. Rosser, B„ blksmith S P Co, r 618 F. Rosser G., blksmith S P Co, r 618 F. Rosser L. Miss, emp The Nonpareil, r 618 F. Rossi Benj., carp Merry & Vanina, r 1011 5th. Roskoth Elizabeth Mrs, r 706 D. Rost August, plater S P Co, r 224 J. Rost Julius, carp S P Co, r 1919 D. CO Roth C. Mrs, r 510 J. 0 Roth Frank L., foreman Capital Soap Co, r 1211 L. Roth L. Mrs, r 627 9th. Roth Minnie Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r 01 0 1211 L. co • Roth Simon, harness 415 J, r 1211 L. Rothholz Caesar, elk I. Cohen, r 1111$ I. Rothwell E., appr S P Co, r 1119 23d. Rothwell Jas. H., mach S P Co, r 1119 23d. X Rothwell Walter, lab S P Co, r 216 11th. a Rott Adolph H., moved to Oakland Cal. 0 •0 Rott Bernhard H., r 904 M. <* ft Rott Chas. H., painter 610 L, r same. 8 B Rounds F., cond S P Co. Roundy Geo., salesman Baker & Hamilton, r 1631 K. V Rowader Lena, dom 717 I. 0 Rowan M. Chas., eng S P Co, r 1015 17th. 9 Rowan Nellie, dom 12th cor K. 9 Rowe Chas. E., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r B • ft cor 15th. 2. ft Dixon, Borgeson &COT, SHOW CASES 37 Market St„ S. P.

.1 / SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. 1 PHILLIPS BROS.. BOOKBINDERS,BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 400 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Rowe J. Edwin, elk J. S. Attama, r 2321 I. Rowe John C, harness 516 12th, r 1317 E. Rowe Richd. H., r 1317 E. Rowe Saml., emp S P Co, r 1317 E. Rowe Thos., lab, r 607$ K. Rowland Chas. A., bricklayer, r 1521 8th. Rowland Chas. C, died March 24th, 1894. Rowland Michael F., mgr T. D. Scriver, r 912 4th. Rowley Frank, elk W L & Co, r 314 Q. Royal Frances Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 405 13th. Royal Geo., r 405 13th. ROTAL INSURANCE CO. of London Eng, C. H. Denton Agent, 1007 4th. Royal John, mach, r 405 13th. Royal John J., upholsterer, r 405 13th. Royal Nellie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 405 13th. Royer August, cook H. Boule, r 5th nr J. Royster Geo. P. (Geo. P Royster & Co), r 1630 P. Royster Geo. P. & Co, (Geo. P. Royster), printers 309 J. Rubatio Lugia, lab, r B cor 35th. Rubel Isaac, junk 1014 17th, r same. Rubenstein Chas., barber, r 417 M. Rubenstein Geo., barber, r 519 K. Rubenstein Henry, barber 227 K, r 1700 Q. Rubenstein Jacoo, barber M. Rubenstein, r 519 K. Rubenstein Morris, barber 510 K, r 519 K. Rudech Jas., painter S P Co, r 1709 3d. Rudech Thos. eng, r 7311. RUDELL ALBERT E., General Agent Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co (of Hartford), 1005 4th, r 1232 G. Rudell Wm. E., moved to Red Bluff Cal. Rudine Albert, emp L. Fischer, r 116 K. Rudolph Bessie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Rudolph Edw., carp, r 1010 C. Rue Jas. O., cashier The Earl Fruit Co, r 2600 H. Ruedy Andrew (Ruedy & Voegelin), r International Hotel. Ruedy August (Ruedy Bros), r Fifth St Hotel. Ruedy Bros. (Christian and August), proprs Fifth St Hotel, 1011 5th. Ruedy Christian (Ruedy Bros), r Fifth St Hotel. Ruedy John, hotel 1009 J, r same. RUEDY AND VOEGELIN (Andrew Ruedy and Marcus Voegelin), Proprietors International Hotel, 320-326 K. Ruf Nicholas, bricklayer, r 2113 N. Ruff Jos., upholsterer, r 1006$ 2d. Ruggles Carlton, contr and bldr 1311 L, r same. IV. CLARK 6L SONS, 1H» Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AHD COHTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. fOH ALL KINDS OF loth and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 401 Ruggles John, lab, r U nr Front. Ruggles Margaret Mra, r U nr Front. Ruggles Wm., teamster, r U nr Front. Ruhl August F., blksmith M. Kestler, r 1323 L. Ruhl Bernard, emp State Printer, r 1323 L. Ruhl Bertha Miss, r 1323 L. CD Ruhl Geo. A., cook Capital Hotel. Ruhl J. Mrs, r 710 alley bet 7th and 8th, M and N. Ruhl Jacob, molder S P Co, r 402 8th. RUHSTALLER FRANK CAPTAIN, Proprietor City Brewery ne cor 12th and H, r 1220 H (see front edge). RUHSTALLER FRANK J., Assistant Manager City Brew- >•—H ery, r 1220 H. Ruland Jane Mrs, r 1523 Front. or* Rulfs Theodore, r 1327 2d. Ruman Louis A., died Aug 23d, 1894. Ruman Peter F., copyist Co Recorder, r 1010 K. Rumble Frank M., painter E. S. DePuy, r 716 D. Rumble Henry M., painter, r 1209 C. Rummage Otto, elk S P Co, r 1808 I. Rummel Rudolph, elk Schmid & Parker, r 1202 I. Runyan Geo. A., carp, r 2523 P. % Runyon Cynthia Mrs, r 1114 7th. o Runckel J. Henry, blksmith W. Gutenberger, r 115 F. & Rupa Ernest, died July 19th, 1894. 2 Rusch Wm., foreman, r Ebner Hotel. O0 b Ruser Wm., emp F. Mason, r 12th bet C and D. NO o & Rush Mendel, tailor 208 K, r 1113 3d. •7K * Rush O. K., lab S P Co. o Rush Richd. C, piper S P Co, r 725 L. Rush Wm., r 122 K. 9> -^ » Rushing Anna P. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 624 O. rt> |5 Russel Wm., r Tremont Hotel. OO •«r Russell August, junk, r L cor 29th. «-o •§ Russell B. Mrs, r 2222 N. a. Russell Benj., blksmith, r 618 F. aCfc Russell Benj. U., driver W F & Co, r 719 H. pH* Russell Chas., junk, r L cor 29th. Ui Russell S. Mrs, r 1419 4th. Russell Edwin F., mach S P Co, r 717 L. Russell Ernest H., r 1419 4th. Russell F. H., farmer, r 719 H. Russell Geo., blksmith, r 618 F. Russell Geo. H., r 6th bet K and L. Russell H. M., eng, r 621 J. Russell John F., jeweler, r 1512 D. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMER10AN GASH STOREtha n any oth?r two Grocery 3fi COR. 8TH AND K STRCKYS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M< MORRISON A. M. GAULT The Deimonico RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Ogen Day and Nlnfii. OYSTER PARLORS 402 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Russell L., lab S P Co, r 1512 D. Russell Leah Miss, elk, r 618 F. Russell M. Mrs, r Oak Park. Russell May Miss, r 1419 4th. Russell M. I. Miss, r 719 H. Russell Silas, died June 11th, 1894. Russell Wm., r 318 P. Russell Wm. B., capitalist, r 1017 0. Russell Wm. M., farmer, r Broderick. Rust R. E., barber J. Murphy, r K cor 4th. Rust Thos., blksmith S P Co, r 1906 L. Rutherford Edw., reporter, r 1113 3d. Rutherford Jas., wheelfitter S P Co, r 1616 N. Rutherford Jas. L., carp, r 2426 Q. Rutherford Wm. P., policeman, r 513 P. Rutishauser Jacob, cook Ruedy Bros., r 1011 5th. Rutsch Rud, died Aug 13th, 1894. Ryan Agnes Mrs, r Mansion House. Ryan Annie Miss, dressmkr, r 1120 Q. Ryan C„ lab, r 1915 10th. Ryan D. Mrs, r 1825 M. Ryan Danl., lab, r 1818 8th. Ryan Frank, r 1825 M. RYAN FRANK D„ District Attorney Court House, r 1200 P. Ryan Geo., appr S P Co, r 923 I. Ryan Henry P., comp The Bee, r 1824 11th. Ryan Jas., shoemkr 1104 J, r 1219 J. Ryan Jas. H., stone cutter, r 1801 13th. Ryan John, emp State Printer, r 1825 M. Ryan John C, r 1022 Q. Ryan John C, lab, r 529 T. Ryan John L., elk, r 1022 Q. Ryan Kate Miss, r 1825 M. Ryan Mamie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1915 10th. Ryan Mary Miss, r 818 10th. Ryan Nellie Miss, dom, r 1825 M. Ryan Patrick, r 1120 Q. Ryan Rose, dom 917 L. Ryan Thos. A., pilot Sac Transp Co, r 2219 9th. Ryan T. P., groceries and saloon 10th cor S, r 1915 10th. Ryan Wm., emp S P Co, r 1511 5th. Ryan Wm., lab, r 1818 8th. Ryder , plasterer, r Mansion House. Ryder H. A., carp 1221 2d, r 2424 K. Ryder Wm., supt carriers P O, r 1311 E. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. 1HE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY » 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 403 S Saal Geo., lab S P Co, r 1923 9th. Sabin J., carp P. Wolf. Sachraitar J. E. Mrs, furn rms 714 L. Sachs C, emp S P Co, r 1805 C. Sachs Wm., mach S P Co, r 300 10th. Sachs Wm. Jr, appr S P Co, r 300 10th. Sacramento Athletic Club, C. E. Bauer pres, W. C. Haub sec, M cor 6th. SACRAMENTO BANK (Savings and Loan), W. P. Coleman President, E. R. Hamilton Cashier, 431 J. SACRAMENTO BOILER AND IRON WORKS, John A. Cunningham Proprietor, 112-114 I. Sacramento Box and Supply Co, W. F. Cronemiller sec, 12th bet B and C. Sacramento Brewery, M cor 28th. Sacramento Building and Loan Association, Daniel Flint pres, M. Barber vice pres, Frank Hickman sec, 1014 4th. SACRAMENTO BUSINESS COLLEGE, E. C. Atkinson Principal and Proprietor, Hale's Block, 9th nw cor K. SACRAMENTO CASK STORE, Perkins & Son, Proprietors, Groceries, 1100-1102 J. Telephone 74. Sacramento City Receiving Hospital, Front and I. SACRAMENTO COAL CO, W. J. Hall Agent, Front cor O. Sacramento County Humane Society, W. D. Lawton sec, 402, J. SACRAMENTO COUNTY LAW LIBRARY, F. C. Van Walbeck Librarian, Court House. Sacramento Cracker Co, 1119 Front. SACRAMENTO DENTAL DEPOT, Fred Kolliker Propri­ etor, 530 J. SACRAMENTO DISTRICT MESSENGER AND TELE. GRAPH CO, Bert Katzenstein Manager, 612 K. Tele­ phone 474. SACRAMENTO FLOUR MILLS, Sperry Flour Co Propri­ etors, R. C. McCreary Manager, 1213 Front. Telephone 62. Sacramento Foundry and Machine Co, Front cor N. Sacramento Free Kindergarten, Miss M. Obarr prin, M cor 2d. SACRAMENTO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND READ- ING ROOM, Miss C. G. Hancock Librarian, I bet 7th and 8th. SACRAMENTO GLASS AND CROCKERY CO, John Weil President and Manager, 629 J and 920-922 7th. Sacramento Grammar School, Miss M. J. Watson prin, bet I and J, 15th and 16th. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, T. PPJllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 404 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Sacramento High School, J. H. Pond prin, 9th and M. Sacramento House, 925 Front. Sacramento Industrial Improvement Association, C. C. Howell mgr, 2011 J. eO SACRAMENTO INSTITUTE, Conducted by The Christian 00 Brothers, Brother Walter Director, K sw cor 12th. SACRAMENTO LIME DEPOT, B. Kreuzberger Proprie­ tor, 517-519 I. 2 SACRAMENTO LUMBER CO, Thomas Geddes Manager, CD 2d bet L and M, telephone 32, yard Front and R, tele­ cd phone 32-3. o Sacramento Natural Gas Co, W. H. Humphrey sec, 628 J J. Sacramento Night Mission, 1112 3d. O AC Sacramento Night School (Free), Mrs M. Tryon prin, 1012 I. Sacramento Olive Co, W. D. Lawton sec, 402 J. SACRAMENTO OYSTER MARKET, Mrs J. T. Wilson Proprietor, 817 K. SACRAMENTO PACKING AND DRYING CO, W. C. B. DeFremery President, R. I. Bentley Treasurer and Man­ B O ager, G cor 6th. Sacramento Pipe Works, W. W. Chapin mgr, Octagon bldg Q- u nr depot. S SACRAMENTO PLANING MILLS, Hartwell, Hotchkiss and Stalker Proprietors, se cor Front & Q. SACRAMENTO PUBLISHING CO, Publishers Record- i< Union and the Weekly Union, 1017 3d. 5 (0 Sacramento School of Design, W. F. Jackson and Miss J. M. cd Blanch teachers, O cor 2d. Sacramento School of Shorthand and Typewriting, 8th cor J. 55 SACRAMENTO SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIO­ NEERS, W. H. Luther Secretary 1011 7th. SACRAMENTO SPRING SHOP, Kuhn & Hilger Proprie­ tors, Carriage and Wagon Springs Made and Repaired, 1112 I. Sacramento Steam Carpet Cleaning and Renovating Wks, 1513 Front. SACRAMENTO TRANSFER CO, S. Kingsbury Proprie­ tor, 614 K., telephone 89. SACRAMENTO TRANSPORTATION CO, J. H. Roberts o President; H. K. Johnson Agent, General Freighters on Sacramento River between Sacramento, San Francisco and Red Bluff, Office and Wharf, 1400 Front, telephone 61. SACRAMENTO WAREHOUSE CO, Richards & Knox Managers, Front and R. SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT, Buckmann & Carraghar CO Proprietors, 1019 2d. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hostel's is the only Directory ofSacreaKtrto x LOOK OUT Published, L. L. LEWIS & CO. ^222** 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 405 Sadlowsky Adolph, moved to Kansas City. Satford Fannie I. Miss, matron The Marguerite Home, r 1617 7th. Safford W. S., elk S P Co, r 701 I. Sage Addison, r 1316 2d. Sage K., emp S P Co, r 411 L. SAGE 0. G., Manager Baker & Hamilton, r 931 M. Sailor Minnie Miss, r 220 P. Sakiema T., died Nov 6th, 1893. Salberg John, groceries and saloon 1800 M, r same. Salcido Ernest L., comp State Printer, r 1809 L. Sales Wm. L., milk vendor, r J st rd nr 36th. Salina Benedict, barber, 124 L, r same. Salle E.Mrs,r614M. Salliares Chas. G., r Highland Park. Salliares K., peddler, r Highland Park. Salomon Cecilia Miss, r 1626 H. SALOMON LEON, Water Assessor, 328 J, r 1626 H. Salomon Leopold, elk B. Wilson & Co, r 1626 H. Saulsbury Nate R., vice-pres Porter Bros Co, r 810 8th. Salvation Army Barracks, 507 K. Salz Lena Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 2018 J. Salz Wm., mach S P Co, r 2018 J. Samele B., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. Samland Hermann, bartndr, r alley bet 5th and 6th, J and K. Sampson , r Highland Park. Sampson Wm. S., carp, r 1404 7th. Samuels Michael, cook J. F. Costello, r 1120 5th. Samuelson J. H., r 900 J. San Francisco Chronicle, A. P. Booth agt, 401 K. Sanaque Frank, emp T. G. Romero, r 401 M. Sanborn Arthur B., r 1620 18th. Sanborn M. C. Mrs, r 613 13th. Sanchez Albino, lab, r 1420 2d. Sandal Gustaf, carp, r 1119 20th. Sandell John, emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1822 I. Sanders Annie Mrs, r G nr 8th. Sanders August, upholsterer S P Co, r Broderick. Sanders Danl., died Aug 15th, 1894. Sanders F., carp S P Co, r Upper Stockton rd. Sanders Laura Miss, r 1311 L. Sanders P. S., comp Record-Union, r 621 J. Sanders Wm. H., reg elk P O, r Tremont Hotel. Sanderson Emma, dom 1420 I. Sanderson Lizzie Miss, dressmkr, r 716 8th. Sanderson Margaret, dom 1114 C. 0) Serves Daily more Patrons f| f ff ff r] • Ethan any other two Grocery —tL RTN AND ft STRUTS. StSftS M SftCMUnftlltO, I^eal Estate and Insurance KEQ. mm 7*5 K ST. 8ACRAMEMO, CALu < P 406 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. C Sanderson Marion H., emp S P Co, r 1004 J. « Sandoz C, waiter E. Himmel. Sands Patrick F., teamster, r 808 O. P 2. Sangster J. E., elk Peters & Ray, r 901 K. Sani Paolo, vegetable vender, r Front bet V and W. 3 Santini F., lab S P Co, r Roma Hotel. a Santos Antonio J., barber F. Lima, r 1912 3d. ee Santos Jos. S., barber 1006 3d, r 1917 4th. * h Santos J. S. Mrs, r 1917 4th. u Santos Manuel J. (Perry & Santos), r 517 K. ce Santos Thos. S., barber J. S. Santos, r 1007J 4th. Santovell Delfino Mrs, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. Sarchett Edith Mrs, boarding 2508 J. M Sarchett Horace L., teller W L & Co, r 2215 J. Sargent F. H., fireman S P Co. fl Sargentini R., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. P t* Sartine B., emp S P Co, r 604 F. Sartoretti John, lab S P Co, r 1724 16th. Saunders Ada Miss, r 1225 2d. SAUNDERS C. E. V., Agent Equitable Life Assurance So­ K ciety, 402 J, r 2221 O. Saunders Geo W., mach S P Co, r 1023 E. Saunders Hester Mrs, r 600 Q. Saunders Ira R., carp, r 1225 2d. Saunders Jas. L., bkmn S P Co, r 910 14th. Saunders Thos., r 910 14th. Sautter Otto, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2313 Q. Sauve E. Mrs, artist 1114 J, r same." Sauze F. W., plumber, r 1220 F. (0 Savage John, r 724 8th. Sawtelle Chas. A., r 522 15th. Sawtelle Chas. A. Jr, emp Capital Gas Co, r 522 15th. Sawtelle Clarence A., books and stationery 710 J, r 909 10th. o Sawtelle Mary G. Miss, r 522 15th. Sawyer Michael, barber Beck & Jaqua, r 1111£ I. Saxton Chas., r 24th bet W and X. Sayles Thos., fruit vender, r 1411 Q. PQ Sayre Jas. B. (Sayre & Son),r 1615 O. Sayre & Son (W. A. and J. B.), harness 728 K. Sayre Wm. A. (Sayre & Son), r 1615 O. Sayres W. D., bartndr N. F. Norton, r 925 3d. s Sbarbaro Antonio, shoemkr 1125 3d, r same. Sbraggia L., lab, r Garibaldi Hotel. u Scandinavian Methodist Church, Rev F. N. Liljegren pastor, 1011 9th. -i Scanlan John, r 801 7th. UJ Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery 1 COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Granite and Marble Monument* and : : : Statuary. : : : 1.1IT1ED, 4*3 J STREET, . SACUAMENTO,CAI, SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 407 Scanjon M., rpr S P Co, r 1015 8th. Scanlon Michael J., emp S P Co, r 1410 N. Scannell John, hostler Fashion Stables. Schaal Gottlieb, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. Schaap Albert, driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1818 Q. Schaap Albert J., elk Am Cash Store, r 1818 Q. Schaap Mary P. Miss, r 1818 Q. Schapp Thos. W., bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1818 Q. Schacht Anna Miss, r 217 N. L—*—-i Schacht John H., rpr S P Co, r 217 N. Schacht Laura Miss, r 217 N. Schacht Lena Miss, r 217 N. Schacht Wm., fireman, r 217 N. SCHAD BROS (Thomas & Isador), Proprietors Palace Res­ taurant 309 K and Fashion Stables 508-514 K (see side lines). SCHAD ISADOR (Schad Bros), r 626 O. SCHAD THOMAS (Schad Bros), r 626 O. Schade Mary Mrs, r 811 L. Schaden Alfred, elk A. Schaden, r 1227 2d. Schaden Arend, groceries M cor 2d, r 1227 2d. Schadt Alice Miss, r 727| K. Schadt Fred W., jeweler H. 0. Hotfilter, r 727| K. Schadt N. Mrs, r 727£ K. (ft Schaefer Annie Miss, r 921 I. a Schaefer Caroline Miss, r 921 I. Schaefer Chas. A., carriage trimmer J. F. Hill, r 9211. Schaefer Francis Miss, r 9211. 2 S Schaefer Ida Mrs, r 9211. 5 a Schaefer Jacob, painter, r Hotel Rhein. £ » Schaefer John, painter S P Co, r Hotel Rhein. Schaefer Peter, emp Hotel Rhein. "ST Schaefer Peter, blksmith S P Co, r 2214 K. Schaefer Peter Jr., emp S P Co, r 2214 K. 1 » Schaefer Wm. S., painter, r 2214 K. * *0 Schaefter Jas. W.* lab, r 1511 Front. Schaefter M. S. Mrs, r 1511 Front. * ft Schaefor D. J. Mrs, r 1514 20th. 0 0 SCHAERER JOHN, Proprietor Capitol Avenue Market, * » sw cor 8th and M, r 728 M. i e Schafter Geo., butcher, r 814 J. 3 a Schaffer Geo. W., painter S P Co, r 906 E. r * • Schaffner Fred W., ruler State Printer, r 1311 18th. ft Schamberger John, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2321 O. Schamberger Jos. M., foreman Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2321 O. a Schammel John, foreman Capital Packing Co, r 206 19th. 1 DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 M*rk*t St»«et, 1. F, SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. DIM I IP? RRflQ BOOKBINDERS, rniLLIrO DllUOil 505 ClaySt., San Francisco. Ill 408 SACRAMENTO*CITY DIRECTORY. o Schandony Mary, dom 1116 16th. SCHARDIN FRANK H., Architect, Pioneer Hall 1011 7th, r1417 9th. III Schardin Jos. P., lab, r 1417 9th. a Schardin Minnie J. Miss, seamstress L. Leter, r 1417 9th. Schark Adam, carp S P Co, r 2427 Q. Schark Irene Miss, r 2427 Q. 1- Schaumloeffel H., saloon 918 J, r same. co Schaumloeffel Wm., emp S P Co, r 624 L. ul Schaumloeffel Wm. Jr, mach S P Co, r 624 L. Schaw Edw. T., trav salesman Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, o nw r 1121 G. a SCHAW, INGRAM, BATCHER & CO (Wm. Schaw, Wm. fi Ingram Jr, J. H. Batcher and A. Heilbron), Hardware, Mill, Mining and Blacksmiths' Supplies, Sporting Goods, and Manufacturers Sheet, Steel and Iron Pipes, 217-219 J. Schaw Minnie Miss, r 1121 G. So Schaw Nellie Miss,r 1121 G. "0 Schaw Wm. (Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co), r 1121 G. Schaw Wm. B., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1121 G. ul Q Scheidegger Albert (Meyer & Scheidegger), r 1300 K. < • Schelcher Geo., eng Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2430 Q. 0.55 Scheld Adolph P.,!mgr P. Scheld'r 1121 11th. ul J Scheld Philip, brewery M cor 28th, r 1105 L. ui D a" Schellenberg J., upholsterer S P Co, r 116 K. < Schenecker Edw., lab, r 1407 Front. Schenecker John, lab, r 1407 Front. rr Schenecker Petronella Mrs, r 1407 Front. UJ Schenck John, moved to S F. Schepp Chas., emp Mohr & Yoerk Tacking Co, r 1524 N. Schepp Conrad, meat mkt 500 12th, r same. Schepp Geo., butcher H. Shulmeyer, r M bet 2d and 3d. Schepp Josie Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1524 N. Schepp John, shoemkr alley bet 11th and 12th, land J, r same. co Schepp Louisa, dom 612 M. Schepp May Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1524 N. SCHEPPELMAN A. V., Manager Crouch & Co, 511 J, r o 721 I. Schestag R., emp S P Co, r 2230 10th. o Scheuerman Chas., candymkr H. Fisher & Co, r 712 8th. CQ SCHEUNERT BROS & CO (W. R. H. and C. E.), Manu­ facturers and Importers Cigars and Tobaccos, 720 K. Scheunert Carl E. (Scheunert Bros & Co), r 1317 K. Scheunert W. R. Hermann (Scheunert Bros & Co), r 1317 K. Schiller Chas. J., M O elk P O, r 1705 P. Schilling August H., carp S P Co, r International Hotel. co N, CLARK & SONS, 1MI Speu st-SaB FMCl5C0 Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOth and R Sts. Monuments and Statuaru SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 409 Schilling Emil J., carp S P Co, r 1722 J. > Schilling Emma Miss, r 1722 J. Schilling John, lab, r 1011 5th. CO Schilling John N., emp S P Co, r 1722 J. # X Schilling Wm. J., r 1722 J. BBSUi Schilling W. J., carp S P Co, r 911 24th. 5* Schillinger Chas., r 116 K. o Schilter C. Miss, r 903 S. * 2 Schimelpfenig Fred. W., fireman S P Co, r 519 Oav av. © Schimelpfenig Geo., bartndr J. A. Hess, r 716 L. to Schiminger Anna Miss, dressmkr, r 2109 10th. *» CO Schiminger L. Mrs, r 2109 10th. Schiminger Otto, r 2109 10th. J H Schiminger Rose Miss, dressmkr, r 2109 10th. ! > Schindler Cyrenes, carp 708 K, r same. Schindler Louis C, bkkpr Gregory Bros Co, r 609£ J- DO Schink Mathias, saddle tree mkr 1931 9th, r same. r* Schlenninger Wilhelm, lab Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2227 P. r Schluckebier Theodore, emp Mebius & Drescher, r 1815 S. m Schlueter Ludwig, emp W. Gropp, r Central House. CO Schlumpf Gus, bartndr F. P. Humrich, r J bet 5th and 6th. Schlutius Chas., saloon 210 K, r 2016 H. Schmaelzle Dora Mrs, r 1617 7th. c—> 3^ Schmall Jacob, watchman W L & Co, r 2114 10th. CO Schmeiser Geo., r 528 I. r- - C/O U^ Tinning and Roofing, Estimates Furnished, 1021 9th, r E3* 2C 728 9th - SCHMID JACOB, Proprietor Mechanics' Exchange, 120 I, r o same. Schmid John B., r 1605 E. Schmid Jos., emp S P Co, r 1307 C. SCHMID & PARKER (Emil Schmid and Walter C. Parker), Butchers and Pork Packers, 1400 J, telephone 389. Schmidt August, bartndr G., Wissemann, r 427| K. Schmidt C, lab, r Tremont Hotel. Schmidt Elmer, died May 28th, 1894. Schmidt F. Mrs, r 1729 9th. Schmidt Frank, waiter H. Boule. Schmidt Frank H., lab S P Co, r 1318 G. Schmidt Fred D. (Kummerfeldt & Schmidt), r 1726 L. Schmidt Fritz, r Western Hotel. Schmidt Geo., waiter New Wm Tell Hotel. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery COR. OTM AND R STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. wmm •'*wv<.VJ J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Kl(0 taurant and » Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day & Night Oyster Parlor 410 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Schmidt Geo. H., r 1729 9th. Schmidt John, lab, r 900 J. Schmidt John F., fireman Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 2814 H. Schmidt Linda Miss, r 1729 9th. Schmidt Paul, cigars and fruits 829 2d, r same. Schmidt Philip, died Apr 9th, 1894. Schmidt Wm., died Oct 25th, 1894. Schmidt Wm. F., comp Woodson Bros, r 1729 9th. Schmitt Carrie Miss r 512 O. Schmitt Charles (Schmitt & Currlin), r 512 O. Schmitt Charles J., comp, r 2909 N. Schmitt Christ, r 814 J. SCHMITT & CURRLIN (Charles Schmitt and Albert Curr­ lin), Proprietors Nord California Herold, 1017 8th (see adv). Schmitt Frank, elk Schmid & Parker, r 2108 I. Schmitt Geo., emp S P Co, r Highland Park. Schmitt Henry, emp H. Fisher & Co, r 512 O. Schmitt Henry, carp, r 1515 4th. Schmitt Jacob, r 2012 H. Schmitt Peter N., painter, r 2909 N. Schmitt Rose Miss, bkkpr, r 2909 N. Schmitt Wm., upholsterer S P Co, r 1719 K. Schmittgen A., piper S P Co, r Brighton. Schmittgen H., rpr S P Co, r Brightor. Schmorliez Simon, lab S P Co, r 302 11th. Schnauss Fred W., draftsman S P Co, r 1600 N. Schneider C, eng S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Schneider Chas., saloon Guthrie's Station, r same. Schneider Conrad, foreman C. H. Krebs & Co, r 920 25th. Schneider F. (Freygang & Schneider), r 323 O. Schneider J. F., fireman S P Co. Schneider Jos., contr and bldr 507 18th, r same. Schnelle Fred, paper hanger, r 410 12th. Schnelle Herman, capitalist, r 828 10th. Schnerr Antoine, bkkpr C. Schnerr & Co, r 1511 P. SCHNERR C. & CO (Constant Schnerr), Proprietors Capita Soda Works, 1113 Front. Schnerr Constant (C. Schnerr & Co), r 1511 P. Schnerr Constant Jr, r 1511 P. Schnerr Edw., trav salesman C. Schnerr & Co, r 1511 P. Schnerr Marie Miss, student, r 1511 P. Schnerr Therese Miss, student, r 1511 P. Schnetz Carl, foreman Pioneer Bakery, r 125 J. Schnetz Henry (Schnetz & Schuck), r 125 J. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 5 OCR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores io Sacramento,

uj .Sftvli THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... - FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. C^^ SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 411 Schnetz Otto, appr Pioneer Bakery, r 121 J. SCHNETZ & SCHUCK (Henry Schnetz and Henry Schuck), Proprietors Pioneer Bakery, 124 J. Telephone 397. Schnible Adam, elk F. H. King, r 819 7th. Schnider Henry, candy mkr, r 1508 4th. Schnuriger Xavier. saloon 728 K, r same. Schocke Chas. A., painter S P Co, r 1113 12th. Schocke Thos. C, lab S P Co, r 1113 12th. Schoeb Louisa Mrs, r 1020 8th. Schoemaker Abraham, tailor 808 K, r 827£ J. Schoemaker John D., tailor A. Schoemaker, r 1714 Q. Schoemaker Wm. L., appr S P Co, r 1714 Q. Schoenbackler Chas. (Silvius & Schoenbackler), r 1622 Q. Schoenbackler Frank D., plumber, r 1622 Q. Schoenbackler L. Mrs, r 1622 Q. Schoenberger Henry, saloon 600 E, r same. Schoenberger Henry Jr, r 600 E. Schofield Chas. M., hostler W. J. Irvine, r 302 S. Schofield Harry B., r 2211 L. Schofield Jas., cementwkr, r 2211 L. Scholes Jas. F., r 13th cor B. Scholes Ray W., elk C. A. Sawtelle, r 13th cor B. Scholl Hugo, upholste«er John Breuner, r 330 O. Scholting Chas., yardman Capital Hotel. Schomperle Otto, elk W L & Co, r 424 Q. Schonfelt W. D., piper S P Co, r Mansion House. Schopf E., bartndr C. Dittmar, r 422 Q. Schopf Jacob, r 422 Q. Schott Michael, r 814 J. Schrader Fredk. H., harnessmkr A. H. Griesel, r 920 11th. Schraeder Adolph A., lab S P Co, r 1421 25th. Schraeder Fredk. F., upholsterer S P Co, r 1421 25th. Schranz Gus, shoemkr A. Caselli, r International Hotel. Schreier Fred, artificial stone 1717 23d, r same. Schroder Wm. A., painter 816 20th, r same. Schroeder August, boarding 1422 2d. Schroeder Frank C, mach S P Co, r 516 M. Schroeder Richd. F., eng Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2219 O. Schroer Wm., r 718| K. Schroth Geo., pres Phoenix Milling Co, r 1231 K. Schroth J. Geo., director Phoenix Milling Co, r 1705 J. Schroth Matthew, driver Phoenix Milling Co, r 1325 K. Schroth Wm. C, director Phoenix Milling Co, r 1701 J. Schubert Alvin L., com trav, r 2708 F. Schubert Cecelie Miss, stenog Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 406 11th. Schubert D. Mrs, r 406 11th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street- •• *• Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 412 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Schubert Dora Miss, r 406 11th. Schubert Elsie Miss, bkkpr D. Dierssen Co, r 406 11th. Schubert J. E., stableman S P Co, r S P Co's stables. SCHUBERT LYDIA MISS, School of Art Needle Work, 1014 8th, r 406 11th. Schuch Adolph, wood turner 20311, r same. Schuck Henry (Schnetz & Schuck), r 121 J. / i Schucking Bernard O., trav salesman Horst Bros, r 1100 H. Schuerley Chas., bartndr Pacific Brewery, r 1726 10th. Schuhman Geo. M., lab, r 610 alley bet 6th and 7th, L and M. Schuler Annie Miss, died Feb 8tti,"1894. Schuler Frank C, elk Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 915 L. Schuler Karl M., bartndr J. J. Ulrich, r 307 J. Schuler Louis, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1221 L. Schuler Louis F., pressman Day

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnstedte is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. [f 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 413 ©» Schwalenberg Chas., elk W. F. Purnell, r 609 L. Schwalenberg Frank, r 609 L. Schwalenberg Julius, stonecutter, r 609 L. Schwamb Maud A. Miss, elk T. W. Schwamb, r 1215 K. Schwamb Theo. W., art goods and sewing machines 804 J, r 1215 K. Schwan Chas. H., driver Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 1515 8th. Schwan Chas. J., emp S P Co, r 1515 8th. ,. Schwan Louisa T. Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 1515 8th. Schwan Philip, blksmith S P Co, r 116 K. Schwartz Alice M. Miss, r 722 P. «ca . Schwartz Bertie M., died Apr 13th, 1894. Schwartz Chas. A., butcher C. W. Schwartz, r 722 P. Schwartz Clemens W., meat mkr 700 L, r 702 L. Schwartz Edw. (E. & L. Schwartz), r 722 P. Schwartz E. & L. (Edw. and Louis), meat market 1530 7th. Schwartz Jos., elk H. Marks, r Western Hotel. Schwartz Louis (E. & L. Schwartz), r 722 P. Schwartz Mary Mrs, r 722 P. * r Schwarz Benj., msgr California State Bank, r 1331 J. ft 0 Schwarz Emma Miss, emp State Printer, r 1331 J. ft Schwarz Mary Miss, elk B. Wilson & Co, r 1331 J. us »* Schweitzer C. Mrs., r 1517 12th. e 01 Schweitzer Fred. W., carp S P Co, r 1517 12th. yM m»0 Schweitzer Henry, molder S P Co, r 2110 H. r+ 0ftB Schwekendiek August, shoemkr 1006 6th, r 14th cor W. r+ * B4 Schwenker August H., elk H. Lages, r 1508 2d. ft Schwerdle Dora Mrs, carpet weaver 402 12th, r same. *>Mt • Schwilk Chas. F. dep Sheriff Court House, r 7th and L B • Schwoerer John, r 1104 I. ft SCHWOERER LOUIS M., Secretary Mohr & Yoerk Pack­ a> ing Co, r 1117 O. Scllon Robt. M., emp S. Johnson, r 414 14th. Scofield Julia Mrs, r 2508 H. Scott Adolph H., waiter Sutter Club, r 909 L. Scott Ernest, mach, r 610 H. Scott Frank T., emp Sutliff & Scott, r 1330 N. Scott Harry, waiter Morrison & Gault, r 708 K. Scott Herbert, student, r 816 P. Scott Howard, actor Clunie Opera House. Scott Jas., gardener 1420 O. Scott Jas., emp Capital Gas Co, r Pacific Hotel. Scott Jas., elk W L & Co, r 818 L. Scott Jas. L„ live stock, r Broderick. Scott John, acct 1009 2d, r 2423 J. Scott John H., waiter Sutter Club, r 909 L. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. l^eal Estate and Insurance KEO. IMinEI. 725 K ST. SACKAMEXTO. CALL 414 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Scott Louis E., mach S P Co, r 610 H. Scott Margaret Mrs, nurse The Marguerite Home, r 1617 7th. Scott Maria Mrs, r 1628 6th. Scott May Miss, r 2423 J. Scott M. L. Mrs, r 1117 5th. Scott Philip, r 1317 6th. Scott Peter F. (Sutliff & Scott), r 1330 N. Scott Robt., eng, * 1025 3d. Scott Saml., barber R. H. Fields, r J cor 3d. I Scott Tillie G. Miss, student, r 207£ J. Scott Tom, plumbing 303 J, r 1602 11th. Scott Wm., lab, r 124 M. Scott Wm. G., blksmith Carlaw Bros, r 2126 10th. Scott Wm. J., plumber T. Scott, r 1106 11th. Scott Wm. W., appr W U T Co, r 921 E. SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE CO of Edinburgh, G. B. Ross Agent, 1005 4th. Scribner Luther C, lab, r Broderick. Scriver Annie Mrs, r 1220 G. Scriver Chas. D., lab, Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1620 G. Scriver Oscar, upholsterer W. H. Burtless, r 1220 3d. Scriver Timothy, D., livery 912 4th, r 421 J. Scroggs Alexander, died June 20th, 1894, Scroggs Building, ne cor 10th and K. Scroggs F. W„ elk H. Marks, r State House Hotel. Scroggs J. C, hopgrower, r 1014 10th. Scudder 0„ r 814 J. Scudero Victor, lab, r Roma Hotel. Scullion B. J., harnessmkr, r 808 11th. Scullion Jas. H., harnessmkr, r 808 11th. Scullion Nellie Mrs, dom, r 524 R. Scully Chas., r Broderick. Scully Geo. A., painter, r Broderick. Scully Geo. A. Jr, appr S P Co, r Broderick. SEADLER JAMES, Architect 1018 8th, r 1425 8th. SEAMON W. W., Deputy Superintendent Public Instruc­ tion, State Capitol. Search Wm., carp, r 10th nr N. Sears Dominguez, barber, r 306 S. Sears Dominguez, Jr lab, r 306 S. Seavey Chas. R., elk H. Fisher & Co, r 614 H. Seavey Chas. T., carp, r 614 H. Sechter Theo., eng, r 1232 G. Secord Thos., r 412 10th. SECRETARY OF STATE, L. H. Brown, State Capitol. Sedgley J., lab S P Co, r 1007J 4th. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in bacramento. Cooley,fE:"EfTll013 4th

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 415 Sedgley M. P. Mrs, r 616 8th. Seeba Chas. F., lab S P Co, r Slater's Add. Seeba Fred, fireman S P Co, r 923 I. Seeger Margaret Mrs, r 1617 7th. Seely F. L. Mrs, stenog Porter Bros Co, r 2315 N. Seely M. Irene Miss, r 2315 N. Seeman S., mach S P Co. P*=* Seferless D. A., appr S P Co, r 508 K. Seifert John W., r 1114 7th. Seipp Philip, cook Belvidere Hotel. Seiter & Herbert (W. Seiter and W. B. Herbert), saloon 630 L. 5=3 Seiter Wm. (Seiter & Herbert), r 628*L. Seitz Edw. J., emp Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r 2930 L. Seitz Jacob P., carp S P Co, r 2930 L. Seley E. A. W. Mrs, r 2309 N. Self Chas. E., carp S P Co, r 1219 G. Sell Geo., r 1923 9th. Sellinger C. August, emp Union Ice Co, r 1416 4th. SELLINGER CHAS., Manager Union Ice Co, 521 I, r 1416 4th. Sellinger Chas. F.,died Feb 1894. Sellinger Geo. P., bkkpr Union Ice Co, r 522 M. Senatz Anthony J., died Sept 5th, 1894. Senf Eva E. Miss, bkkpr W U T Co, r 717 G. SENF GEORGE, Manager Western Union Telegraph Co, 1015 2d, r 717 G. Senf Henry, teamster, r 1208 Q. Sentz Henry, lab Buffalo Brewing Co, r Oak Park. 01 Serch Frank, r 328J K. s Serch Lizzie Mrs, r 328J K. »- Cr Sermonet Annie Miss, r 708 8th. CO » Sermonet C. Grace Miss, r 708 8th. Sermonet Felix, elk G. Sermonet, r 708 8th. SERMONET GEORGE, Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Provisions, 8th cor G, r same. Servoss W. S*., bkmn S P Co, r Capital Hotel. Sesma Jose, lab, r 1917 3d. * ft SESNON WM. T., Deputy Secretary of State, State Cap­ 0 B itol, r Sutter Club. * » Setterquist Albin, carp S P Co, r International Hotel. K 0 Seventh Day Adventist Chapel, G bet 18th and 19th. Severino Manuel A., r 1620 18th. Severn Silas M., emp S P Co, r 2327 I. f OB Seward Bud, lab 519 K. ft Sexton Chas., carp, r 2513 I. cr ft Dixon, Borgeson & CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market St* g. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. 'I PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St.BOOKBINDERS., - San Francisco . ,1 416 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Sexton Chas. M., elk Schmid & Parker, r 1417 J. Sexton John, mach S P Co, r 215 N. 1 Sexton Minnie Mrs, r J bet 13th and 14th. $ Sexton Wm., emp J. J. Meister, r J cor 21st. Seyers Jas., lab, r 1115 Q. Seymour Arthur M. (White, Hughes & Seymour), r 1625 M. Seymour Edw. W., elk The Nonpareil, r 701 J. Seymour E. M. Mrs, r 1031 E. s Seymour Eugene A., carp, r 316 16th. < Seymour H. Irving, bkkpr Buffalo^ Brewing Co, r 1414 18th. Stinger Chas., pressman State Printer, r 510 M. Sfunger Grant H., comp State Printer, r 1408 O. Shacklefoot Louis, porter L. Friedman, r 1317 6th. Shaden John C, elk W. F. Peterson, r 400 L. Shafer Geo. L., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1821 G. Shaff Mary Mrs, r J st rd nr 38th. Shaffer Chas. F., carp S. T. Shaffer, r 1009 H. Shaffer Frances M. Mrs, r 1227 J. Shaffer Saml. T., carp 1909 H, r same. Shaffer Vernon G., bkmn S P Co. Shamp H. S. Mrs, r 1214 10th. Shanahan Annie, dom 917 O. Shanahan Maggie, dom 822 8th. Shane Geo. N., molder S P Co, r 1501 L. Shane I. C, r 314 N. Shane Louis A., molder S P Co, r 1501 L. Shane Peter E., eng Capital Furniture Co, r 1501 L. Shane Valentine, emp S P Co, r 1501 L. Shannon Geo., elk S P Co, r 612 7th. Shannon John J., molder S P Co, r 612 7th. Shannon Jos., emp S P Co, r 419 L. Shannon J. W. G., elk H. S. Crocker Co, r 811 L. Shannon Kate Miss, r 612 7th. Shannon Mary, dom 1603 2d. Shaplin Saml. N., opr W U T Co, r 1512 2d. Shaplin Walter D., teamster, r 1401 4th. Sharkey Alice Miss, emp State Printer, r 1300 K. Sharp Edwin L., elk S P Co, r 1116 18th. Sharp M., elk S P Co. Sharp Wm., r Mansion House. Sharpies Aim Mrs, moved to S F. Shartzer Henry, emp S P Co, r 913 D. Shattuck Chauncey E., driver Kreuzberger & Harvie, r 1919 O. Shattuck Scovel, farmer, r 1919 O. Shaughnessy Jas., mate str " Veruna." Shaver Nelson, farmer, r 2623 H.

fiu CLARK 6L SONS, 1'M9 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. - • • i i i CARLAW BROS. steam Granite lotn and R Sts. and Marble Works

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 417 Shaw Eva Mrs, r Broderick. Shaw Flora Miss, seamstress W L & Co, r 1227 Q. Shaw I. C, foreman S P Co, r 314 N. Shaw Ira G„ dentist 1000 J, r Oak Park. Shaw Jas., plumber, r 1508 4th. Shaw John, carp S P Co, r 413 12th. °CT1 Shaw Jos., carp, r Broderick. Shaw Mary Miss, r 1508 4th. Shaw Richd., emp Jones & Davis, r 1508 4th. Shaw Sarah Mrs, r 1508 4th. Shaw W. A. Mrs, matron Foundling Home, r 9th cor X. •o QS> Shaw Wm., emp Jones & Davis, r 1508 4th. > Shay John, driver W. F. Peterson, r 620 J. 30 Shay Michael, lab, r 34th bet S and T. Shea Eugene, rpr S P Co, r 317 11th. Shea John, lab, r 1317 D. Shean Timothy, blksmith, r 1806 I. Shear Chas., elk Schmid & Parker, r 814 J. Shearer Chas. D„ finisher J. D. Shearer, r 1818 N- Shearer Elizabeth Mrs, r 120 O. Shearer Henry, emp Kohler & Van Bergen, r R cor 31st. Shearer John D., artificial stone 1818 N, r same. xn Shearer Richd. H., rpr S P Co, r 120 O. r> Sheehan Edgar M., bkkpr Record-Union, r 21st nr V. & Sheehan Edw. C, molder S P Co, r 713 14th. 2 Sheehan Hannah, dom 1021 H. o b SO SHEEHAN & HARRIS (J. A. Sheehan and J. B. Harris), fe Publishers The Sunday News, 610 I (see adv). P* fc Sheehan Henry, teamster, r 1931 G. SHEEHAN JOHN A. (Sheehan & Harris), r 422 L. Sheehan John A., comp Record-Union, r 1101 H. Sheehan John T., elk W L & Co, r 1203 Q. Sheehan Maurice, r 1101 H. Sheehan Maurice H., saloon 605 I, r 823 6th. Sheehan Patrick W., teamster, r 1223 16th. Sheehan Thos.; bottler C. Schnerr & Co, r 1112 J. Sheehan Thos. P., elk Sullivan-Kelly Co, r 1223 16th. Sheehan Timothy J., blksmith S P Co, r 1806 I. I SHEEHAN T. W., Manager Record-Union, r 21st nr V. Sheehan Wm. F., fireman, r 1101 H. Sheehan Wm. J., emp Union-Iron Wks, r 332 O. Sheehy B. Mrs, furn rms 429 L. Sheehy Edw., emp Sac Transp Co, r 429 L. Sheeren Hannah Mrs, furn rms 818 L. Sheeren John, baggageman S P Co, r 818 L. Sheets H. N. Mrs, furn rms 408 N. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERICANGASHSTOnEtha n any other two Grocery 27 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT The DPJlllOlliGO RESTAURANT Tel7352. 712 & 714 K St. Ooen Day ond llgft OYSTER PARLORS 418 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Sheets Wm., farmer, r 408 N. Sheils Mary Mrs, r710 9th. Sheldon Logan S., bkmn S P Co, r 1311 19th. Shellers John R., watchman State Capitol, r 1324 3d. SHELLEY BROS (Dennis and Daniel), saloon 218 J. Shelley Daniel (Shelley Bros), r 218 J. Shelley Dennis (Shelley Bros), r Pacific Hotel. Shelley Michael, r Pacific Hotel. Shepard Belle Miss, r 723 7th. Shephard David, wood turner, r N nr 6th. Shepard Geo. A., rpr S P Co, r Oak Park. a 2 Shepard Leon G., bkkpr Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r 1416 11th. Shepherd Fred. A., capitalist, r 1606 J. Shepherd Geo. F., elk, r 1606 J. Shepherd John W., notary 1006 4th, r 1606 J. Shepherd Nicholaus H., druggist, r Highland Park. Shepler Frank M., r 1326 P. Sheppard , bartndr, r 1012 10th. Sheppeard Geo. W., lab, r 2012 alley bet 20th and 21st, N and O. Shepstone Charlotte Miss, student, r 527 N. Shepstone F. Mrs, r 527 N. Shepstone Geo. E., emp S P Co, r 527 N. Shepstone Hattie Miss, emp L Elkus Co, r 527 N. Sherburn Ella M. Miss, teacher, r 323 K. Sherburn Richd., farmer, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Sherburn Wm. H., auctioneer 323 K, r same. Sheridan Jas., r 328 P. Sheridan Owen, porter M. Cronan, r 1128 9th. Sheridan Wm. M., molder S P Co, r 328 P. Sherman Agnes M. Mrs, died Jan 10th, 1894. Sherman Albert, emp Mrs J. T. Wilson, r 816£ K. Sherman Alpheus, carp, r 1007J 4th. SHERMAN GEORGE A., Riding Academy 6th bet O and P, r same. Sherman Geo. C, elk H. Fisher & Co, r 712 8th. Sherwood Harry, lab, r Eldred House. Shevelin Edw., blksmith G. B. Blue & Son, r 621 J. Shick Chas. H., molder S P Co, r 109 P. Shick J. J., died Jan 18th, 1894. Shick John, emp Capital Box Factory, r 109 P. Shick Kate Mrs, r 109 P. Shields Addie Miss, r 1523 G. Shields Alice M. Miss, r 2124 M. Shields Ambrose, Shoemkr 1011 3d, r 1424 2d. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 419 Shields Benj. F., comp State Printer, r 1706 4th. Shields Bernard, painter, r 910 J. Shields Chas. A., emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 1424 2d. Shields Francis M., dentist 415 J, r 2124 M. Shields Francis M. Jr, carp, r 2124 M. Shields Jennie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1706 4th. Shields John, rpr S P Co, r 1314 5th. Shields Maggie Miss, dressmkr, r 1314 5th. Shields Peter, classifier State Library, r 1911 0. Shields Peter J., farmer, r Riverside rd 1ms city limits. Shields Tessie Miss, r 1424 2d. Shields Thos., r 1706 4th. Shields Wm., lab, r 1514 J. Shields Wm. S., pressman H. S. Crocker Co, r 1706 4th. Shiells Andrew G., r 1415 4th. Shiells Maud Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1415 4th. Shiells M. F. Mrs, r 1415 4th. Shiells W. A., eng S P Co. Shiels J. T., asst yardmaster S P Co. Shine Danl., molder S P Co, r 1313 5th. Shinkle Benj., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 2626 M. Shirland Edmund B., pension atty Court House, r 605 14th. Shirland Edw. C, eng, r 605 14th. Shirland Mattie W. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 605 14th. Shirley J. H., specialist, 1026 4th, r same. SHOCK THOMAS A. W., Superintendent C E Ry Co, r 1921 H. Shoemaker Geo. W., elk S P Co, r 1426 F. Shoemaker Jas. D., died Jan 15th, 1894. Shoemaker S. A. Mrs, r 1426 F. Shoen Paul, piano tuner 820 J, r Oakland Cal. Shonander E., mach S P Co, r 1314 13th. Shoor M„ tailor O. Hanson, r International Hotel. Shore Alfred (Hantzman & Shore) r 818 11th. Shore C. W , eng S P Co, r 818 11th. Shore Theodore L., bkkpr Kirk, Geary & Co, r 917 23d. Shorrock John H., painter S P Co, r 1521 12th. Short Benj. J., r 1316 23d. Short Geo., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Short Geo. M., r 1316 23d. Short Jos., lab S P Co, r 2417 O. Short Jos. Jr, lab S P Co, r 2714 O. Shortliff B. F., emp S P Co, r 2119 K. Shortliff Julia, cook 910 9th. Shortliffe Mary, dom 1705 M.. DIXON. BORGESOtt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, 7. CIT V •:~-n 1 'p,0 * PY .:,«,:0, CALIF. Pl!l!llDSBr0S.ffl»l«l.™P £ 420 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Shortridge Jas. E., cond S P Co, r 1706 J. Short Owen, baker R. D. Wheeler, r 817 12th. X3 Showalter Benj., lab, r 18081. Showier Thos. EL, butcher, r J cor 35th. © Showier Wm. Y., trav salesman W. R. Knights Co, r J cor o 35th. CO SHULMEYER HENRY, Proprietor Rail Road Market, ne 12 cor 2d and 0, r 1931 3d. 00 o Shuster Wm., shoemkr 1124 J, r same. -C o Schutler Henry, fireman Pioneer Flour Mills, r 300£ K. Shutter F. M., lab, r 1796 3d. Shutter Fredk., former, r 1796 3d. si Shweitzer L. Mrs, r 509J J. Siddons Wm. M., saloon 204 J, r 14211. O C Siebenthaler Elizabeth Mrs, r 2000 H. •-J Z Siebenthaler John P., r 2000 H. —I < Siebenthaler Philip, saloon 2000 H., r same. to Siebenthaler Philip Jr, bartndr P. Siebenthaler, r 2000 H. Siebert Gustave, bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2106 W. e o SiehGeo. W. (Sieh & Henn), r330 O. Sieh & Henn (G. W. Sieh and H. Henn), bakery 1121 3d. CL ui Sieke Frank A., trav salesman Mebius & Drescher, r 1621 N. S Sieke Fredk. L., elk C. P. Kleinsorge, r 1623 Q. Sieke Louis A., bkkpr Phoenix Milling Co, r 1621 N. & i Siever John O., died Dec 5th, 1893. SILLER BROS. (Lenhart G. and John L.), Contractors and Builders, 1614 13th. Siller C. Mrs, r 171113th. cd SILLER JOHN L. (Siller Bros), r 1322 P. to SILLER LENHART G. (Siller Bros), r 1230 P. Silva A. J., groceries 200 Q, r same. Silva Alex. P., waiter Western Hotel. Silva Antone, lab, r 312 R. •Sflva Antone F.j lab S P Co, r 2014 3d. -§i*Va Antonio F., grading contr 1217 E, r same. Silva Chas., lab S P Co, r 1816 4th. Silva Constantine, lab, r Highland Park. Silva Frank F., barber L. Rodgers, r 1216 4th. Silva Frank J., appr S P Co, r 1711 4th. Silva J., lab S P Co, r 309 M. Silva John, r 312 S. Silva John, lab S P Co, r 2d cor Q. Silva John, lab S P Co, r 307 S. Silva John F., lab S P Co, r 2014 2d. Silva John F., lab, r 1608 3d. c/> Silva Jos., lab S P Co, r 1826 4th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted's is the only Directory ofSacraroento x LOOK OUT Published. 1. L. LEWIS & GO. In MM 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento^ Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 421 Silva Jos., r 311 N. Silva Jul D., lab S P Co, r 509 Q. Silva King, saloon 1131 2d, r 1522,11th. Silva L., lab S P Co, r 1423 4th. Silva M. Mrs, r 1711 4th. Silva Manuel, pressman H. S. Crocker Co, r 1711 4th. Silva Manuel, emp A. Mendis, r 1515 Front. Silva Manuel, r 311 N. Silva Manuel, barber Martin & Costa, r 316 S. Silva Mary, dom 726 Q. Silva Rosie Miss, elk W L & Co, r alley bet Front and 2d, N and O. Silva Wm„ emp S P Co, r Highland Park. Silver Antony J., lab, r 2121 3d. Silvera Amelia Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 324 T. Silvera Annie Miss, emp H. Fisher

Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stoma in Sacramento, t^cal Estate and Insurance 1 CEO. Mil, 7»5 K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAL. 3. 422 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Simms Walter W., r Central House. Simon Abraham, Rabbi Jewish Synagogue, r 1412 8th. Simoni August, r 604 F. * Simons Enos A., elk Simons & Son, r 818 K. Simons Frank E. (Simons & Son), r 1815 P. Simons & Son (W. A. and F. E.), groceries 818 K. Simons Wesley A. (Simons & Son), r 1810 P. Simonsen Chas., upholsterer S P Co, r 1131 E. Simpers Harry K., clklGoodell California Fruit Line, r 1216 3d. Simpson A. M., pres Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r S F. < Simpson Chas., emp S P Co, r Broderick. | Simpson Edw., r 1414 21st. Simpson Edw. C, r 706 12th. Simpson Edw. M., elk Holbrook, Merrill

10th and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 425 Smith Crandell M., r 1410 Q. Smith DeWitt C, r 615 17th. Smith DeWitt C. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 615 17th. Smith D. M., mach S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. Smith E., lab S P Co, r Mansion House. Smith Edna Miss, r 1220 17th. Smith Edwin F., Secretary State Agricultural Society, r 1618 O. Smith E. J. Mrs, r 415£ K. Smith E. L. Mrs, r 218 M. Smith Eliza Mrs, dressmkr, r 2408 Q. Smith Elizabeth Miss, r 418 10th. Smith Ella Miss, r 405 15th. Smith Elmer, rl007|4th. Smith Elmer J., driver Henderson, Brown & Co, r 201 J. Smith Emma Mrs, r 1826 4th. Smith Eugene E., buyer Baker

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 428 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Snedegar Thos. J., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 9th cor K. Sneed John W., emp A. A. Van Voorhies

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsfesfto is the only Directory ofSacrameatQ LOOK OUT Published, L. L LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. S02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 429 Souney Thos. D. (Souney Bros), r 2109 P. SOUTH PARK SALOON AND RESORT, Mrs Rosine Frey Proprietor, 1803 9th. Souther J. A. Mrs, milliner W L & Co, r 2108 L. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, C. J. Ellis Agent, Passenger Depot cor G and 2d, Freight Depot Front opposite J. SOUTHERN PACIFIC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, T. W. Huntington Physician in Charge, 13th cor C. Southworth Ernest L., dentist 628£ J, r 2100 J. Southworth Fred. B., com trav, r 1905 J. Southworth May E. Mrs, asst State Library, r 916 L. Southworth Scott S., student, r 1905 J. Southworth Stephen, dentist 628£ J, r 1905 J. Soza Manuel, lab, r 1531 Front. Spafford Edw., r Oak Park. Spain Patrick, bricklayer, r 2327 P. Spain Wm. J., plasterer, r 2327 P. Spalti Rudolph, butcher Mrs E. Weber, r 1030 H. Spangler Chas. L., insp S P Co, r 1528 2d. Spangler Christian, r 201.1 J. Spangler John T., insp S P Co, r 429 L. Spangler Levi, emp C E Ry Co, r 2011 J. Spanjer Henry J., mach Capital Furniture Co. r 1119 I. Spargo P. Mrs, r 1814 E. Spargo Peter, carp Merry & Vanina, r 1814 E. Sparks Chas., r 19221. Sparrowe's Confectionery, 418 J. SPAULDING CLARENCE M., Manager Hammer's Music Store 820 J, r Foresters' bldg. Spaulding C. O., tinner, r Eldred House. Spaulding Lester, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1328 K. Spaulding M. Frances Miss, teacher, Lincoln Primary School, r 1517 8th. Spaulding M. M., r 2119 I. Spear Geo., driver Am Steam Laundry, r 916 17th. Specht Bertha Miss, r Broderick. Specht Christopher, mach Union Iron Wks, r Broderick. Specht Richd., lab, r Broderick. Speiker L., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Spence Chas., emp C E Ry Co, r 2227 O. Spence John G., moved to Alameda Cal. Spencer Chas. E., solr Record-Union, r Mansion House. Spencer Cullen G., physician, r 608 M. Spencer E. Mrs, r 2901 N. Spencer Frank L., farmer, r Jackson rd. Spencer Johu, janitor Sacramento Athletic Club, r M cor 6th. THE AMERICAN GASH oTOnEthanany ZLZ COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f^e&l Estate and Insurance t EI. HUHHER. 725 K ST. SACRAMENTO. CAIi. 430 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Spencer John, driver Sacramento Trans Co, r 1718 8th. Spencer John F., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 813 8th. Spencer John N., farmer, r Jackson rd. Spencer John W., farmer, r 2309 G. Spencer Mary Mi3S, r 2901 N. Spencer Oliver P., lab, r 611 Q. Spencer Peter, r 23d bet B and C. Spencer S. Mrs, moved to Nevada. Spencer Simeon, car bldr, r 523 L. Spencer Stephen A., emp S P Co, r 1525 G. Spencer Susie V. Miss, r 608 M. Spencer Warren D., farmer, r Jackson rd. SPERRY FLOUR CO (Sacramento Mills), R. C. McCreary Manager, 1213 Front, telephone 62. SPERRY FLOUR CO (Pioneer Mills), H. G. Smith Manager, Front and Yolo Bridge, telephone 23. Spertz Wm., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 814 J. Spicer Chas. A., carp, r B cor 29th. Spieker Sophia Mrs, r 430 P. Spielenberg Jos., butcher, r 1022 K. Spielling Henry, shoemkr, r 2315 5th. Spiersch Paul, appr C. Schmid, r Highland Park. Spiersch Robt., coppersmith S P Co, r Highland Park. Spiggott John, ins agt, r 1121 9th. Spillman Edmund T., mail elk P O, r 912 G. Spillman E. W. Mrs, boarding 912 G. Spillman Harry L., U S gauger, r 912 G. Spillman Matthew, lab, r Jackson rd. Spillman Wm. A., student, r 912 G. Spillman Wm. T., r 912 G. Spilman Grace Miss, r 1109 L. Spillman I. D. Mrs, private school M cor 9th, r 1109 L. Spilman Jas. S , atty 1005 2d, r 1109 L. Spilman John E. P., died March 14th, 1894. Spilman Ruth P. Miss, teacher Mrs I. D. Spilman, r 1109 L. Spilman Wm., mgr C. Quiggle, r 415 9th. SPINKS ALFRED (Faris & Spinks) and Constable, 614 I, r same. Spinks Jennie E. Miss, r 428 M. Spirz Christ, r 814 J. Spitt Chas., r 814 J. Spofford Jacob A., painter S P Co, r 410 J. Spoor iWm., lab, r Jackson rd nr 40th. Sprague Alden H., driver Sacramento Lumber Co, r 212 Q. Sprague Alex. Z., fireman S P Co, r 212 Q. Sprague Annie A. Miss, r 1108 4th. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery ? COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in ^acia.neuto. WrIteB * Insurance COOLEY * IOI3 FOURTH STRtBTt ^•^ ^^ ^^ "^"^ -""^ -"- • TAT* mm SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 431 Sprague Edw. B., r 718 Q. Sprague Edwin C, contr and bldr 2709 O, r same. Sprague Emilia Mrs, r 1017 10th. SPRAGUE & FREEMAN (James O. Sprague and Grant C. Freeman), Proprietors The Owl Restaurant, 1010 3d. Sprague James O. (Sprague & Freeman), r 1714 14th. Sprague M. A. Mrs, r 1721 N. Sprague Moses, r Freeport rd nr Y. Springer Grant H., printer, r 1408 O. Springer W. L., opr Record-Union, r Western Hotel. Spurgeon Leonard A., teamster, r 1923 M. Spurgeon Leonard E., teamster, r 1923 M. Spurgeon Maude A. Miss, dressmkr Mrs E. N. Corwin, r 1923 M. Spurgin Caroline Mrs, died Sept 17th, 1894. Spurgin Geo. G., died Aug 3d, 1894. Spurgin Jay A., r 1512 G. Spurgin Jesse G., r 1512 G. Squglia Paul, lab, r 222 S. St Clair Azriah G., lab, r Oak Grove. St Clair John, jeweler Oak Park, r same. St Denis Rose L. Mrs, dressmkr, r 427 N. St George House, 1007| 4th. St John Harriet A. Miss, dom 1228 N. ST JOSEPHS ACADEMY, Sister Mary Liguori Superior, G bet 8th and 9th (see adv). CD St Joseph's Cemetery, 21st s of Y. n St Paul's Episcopal Church, Rev G. A. Ottmahn Rector, 8th sw cor I. St Vraine Mary Mrs, furn rms 724 8th. 01 £ Stacey Frances E. Miss, died July 16th, 1894. Stack Geo. B„ plumbing 1022 6th, r 222 M. CO * Stack John G., r 222 M. Stackhouse Thos., lab S P Co, r 2727 N. * * Stadler F.,* bakery 1330 G, r same. 9) » Stadler Michael, baker, r 913 T. 1 x ft Stafford Ida Mrs, milliner 527 J, r 517 J. O Stafford Jas. A., r 1014 14th. ' ft Stafford Jas. W., bkkpr, r 1316 7th. 3 Stafford John, emp C E Ry Co, r 1111 28th. *8 Stafford John T., watchman State Printer, r 1317 F. Stafford M. Mrs, r 1317 F. p CD Stafford Mary Miss, emp State Printer, r 929 K. 8 Stafford Rose Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1722 J. Stagg Geo., r Mansion House. ft Stahl Adolph, driver C. Schnerr & Co, r 300£ K. 2. c Dixon, Borgeson ft & co" 3 SHOW CASES 37 Market 8t* •> F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. DUIII IPC DRfK BOOKBINDERS, rniLLirO DnUOil 505 ClavSt., San Francisco. ui 432 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Q < Stahl Alice K. Miss, dressmkr, r 1225 7th. 2 Stahl John M., carp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Stahl Mary A. Miss, r 1225 7th. ui Stahl Michael J., eng, r 1225 7th. CQ Stahl Sadie J. Miss, student, r 1225 7th. Stahle Frank X., butcher D. Dierssen Co,r 911 10th. c « Staiger C. Robt., r 1123 3d. Staiger Robt., baker, r 1123 3d. co Stairley Waverley, U S Int Rev Collr, K ne cor 7th, r 1114 H. UJ Stalker Wm. D. (Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker), r 419 O. 15 Stalker Wm. M., mach Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r z 419 O. o Stallder Edwin, shoemaker, r 610 alley bet L and M. Stalzle Edw., carp, r 216 11th. Stamper Edw., comp State Printer, r 1305 L. *l STANDARD OIL CO, H. T. Harper Manager, Broderick. Standish H. C, carp S P Co, r 915 5th. Stanfield Annie Miss, teacher Union Primary School, r 1609 P. Stanfield Chas. L., boilermkr, r 1609 P. Stanfield Josephine Miss, r 1609 P. Stang Otto, r 1715 7th. < • Stanley Lee (Clark Bros & Stanley), r 1028 K. Stanton Bertie L. Miss, r 1309 6th. Q.8J Stanton Edw., comp, r 300£ K. UJ J Stanton Frank D., student, r 528 I. Stanton Geo. W., carp S P Co, r 528 I. UJ n Stanton Nellie Miss, student, r 1325 5th. < Stanton Patrick, emp S P Co, r 1325 5th. 2 Stanton Perrin (Stanton Thomson & Co), r 1309 6th. csr STANTON, THOMSON & CO (Perrin Stanton, H. R. and UJ F. F. Thomson), Hardware and Agricultural Implements, j 308-312 J. Stapleton L. P. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 317 Oak av. STAR MILLS AND MALT HOUSE, Neubourg & Co Pro­ 09 prietors, 1016-1020 5th. Starbird John T., died Feb 8th, 1894. Starbuck Kate Miss, stenog Driver & Sims, r 2901 M. O Stargel Belle Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1017 I. Stargel S. A. Mrs, r 1017 I. o Stark Eugene, musician Theater Comique, r 117 K. CO Stark Gustave, r 1619 10th. Stark M., carver S P Co, r 900 J. Stark Maude Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1619 10th. Starkey Albert^W., emp S P Co, r 1721 7th. Starkey Eugene, mach S P Co, r 510 O. Starling A. M., mach, r 707 12th. 5 IV. CLARK & SONS, l'/-19 SpearSt., San Francisco. CQ Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. OUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS 0? 10th and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK. —Q SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 433 Starling John, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 422 alley bet 4th and 5th, I and J. Starr Albert H., bricklayer, r 718 alley bet 7th and 8th, Q and R. Starr Chas., elk The Bee, r 604 Q. Starr Chas. W., r 1600 7th. Starr Fred. C„ cigarmkr Knowles & Wagener, r Y cor 28th. Starr Henry, atty 1600 7th, r same. Starr Lois C. Mrs, r 604 Q. Startsman Arthur F., r 1232 F. Startsman Chas. A., r 322 O. Startsman Clara Miss, r 518 N. Startsman Eraeline Mrs, r 518 N. or— STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, E. F. Smith Sec­ retary, 15th aud N. STATE CAPITOL, 10th se cor L. STATE CONTROLLER, Edward P. Coigan, State Capitol. State Exposition Building, sw cor Capitol Park, 15th and N. State House Hotel, K sw cor 10th. STATE LIBRARY, W. D. Perkins Librarian, State Capitol. STATE PRINTER, A. J. Johnston, State Capitol. CO STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUC­ o TION, Samuel T. Black, State Capitol. & STATE TREASURER, Levi Rackliffe, State Capitol. £ Stanton Frank L., driver H. Fortman, r 725 G. o b Staton Henry, r Broderick. sO £ Staton John, lab Pioneer Flour Mills, r Broderick. ^ fc Stauffer Fred J., livestock, r 1402 I. © Stauffer Gottlieb, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. OB Stauffer Harry C, r 1402 I. *H "•• Stauffer Ida Miss, r 1402 I. rp * Stauffer Lillie Miss, r 1402 I. C*3 Stauffer Mira S. Miss, r 1402 I. *o >§ Staunton Fred W., agt, r 513£ J. a. Stave Chas. W., elk Aaron Nathan & Co, r 711 N. ra* Stmr Dover, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. © Stmr Flora, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. (143 Stmr Jacinto, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stmr Red Bluff, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stmr San Joaquin No. 2, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stmr San Joaquin No. 3, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stmr San Joaquin No. 4, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stmr Varuna, Sac Transp Co props, ft N. Stearns Albert E., woodwkr A. Meister & Sons, r 810 E. Stebbins F. L., emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Stebbins Jas. H., carp S P Co, r 2015 O. THE AMERICAN GASH 8T0nE«^?^^G^ 28 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. CIT .— ff J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT The DeimoniGO RESTAURANT n ho J Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Qoen Day and NinR. OYSTER PARLORS 434 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 3 boo Stecher H., r Pacific Hotel. Stedman Edw., lab, r Oak Park. SIB Stedman Wm. A., shoemkr W L & Co, r Oak Park. freS Steele Ella Miss, r 1522 G. S2w • Steele Harry O., bkmn S P Co, r 315 11th. •*? P* "u Steen John, emp J. C. Steen, r 2511 J. C9 o O Steen John C, groceries 2511J and saloon Broderick, r 2511 J. 2 .SJ M 2 2 8* Steeve Henry, car rpr, r 925 Front, 3.S.8 Stefano N., lab S P Co, r 525 L. S2hg Steften Kasper, brewer, r 814 J. 4Si» . g STEFFENS JOSEPH, Vice-President California State Bank, .2 ,2,^; u r 1524 H. Steffens Laura Miss, r 1524 H. Stetfens Lottie Miss, r 1524 H. Steffens Lulu Miss, r 1524 H. Stege John F., r 1009 16th. Stegeman Henry D., blksmith Union Iron Wks, r 1414 6th. Ste gler W„ emp S P Co, r Washington, Ste n & Fleming (N. Stein and F. P. Fleming), barbers 805 K. Ste n Louis (S. Stein & Co), r 714 P. Ste M. Mrs, r 909 10th. Ste n Meyer, died July 20th, 1894. Ste n Nathan (Stein & Fleming), r 515 O. Ste n Rae Miss, elk C. A. Sawtelle, r909 10th. Ste n Saml (S. Stein & Co), r 714 P. STEIN S. & CO (Samuel and Louis Stein), Stoves, Tinware and Hardware, New and Second-Hanoi, 805 J. STEINAUER BENEDICT, Proprietor New Wm Tell Hotel, 814 J. Steinauer M. Mrs, r 1024 H. Steinauer Amelia, dom 1216 K. ^ in Steiner Mrs, r 320 N. Steiner Jacob G., bartndr P. H. Steiner, r 509 M. STEINER PHILIP H., Proprietor Fifth Avenue Saloon, 1015 a! 5th, r 509 M. rrt io STEINHART JULIUS, General Agent New York Life In­ o surance Co, 904 K, r 2408 P. Steinicke Fred, r 818 R. Steinkoenig H. Mrs, r 2116 M. Steinkoenig Peter, piper S P Co, r 1128 9th. STEINMAN B. U., Mayor 328 J, r 717 I. Steinman Emil, elk H. Steinman, r 1705 M. Steinman Rudolph, moved to S F. Steinmann Etta Miss, r 807 H. Steinmann Herman, jeweler 219 K, r 807 H. Steinmann Mabel Miss, r 807 H. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD HOMESTFAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street, SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 435 Steinmetz Chas. A., emp S P Co, r 1118 7th. Steinmetz Marten, r 1118 7th. Steinmeyer E. Mrs, r 1708 5th. Steinmeyer Fred. W., r 417 P. Steinmeyer Henry L. (Eckmann & Steinmeyer), r 417 P. Steinmeyer J. H., r 623 R. Steinmiller John, emp A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1715 7th. Steinmiller Louis H., molder S.P Co, r 2417 J. Stemler Alfred J., livestock, r 1716 H. Stenberg Frank O. painter 913 8th, r 1109 8th. Stenlein H. H., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Stenz Max, cellarman City Brewery. Stepham V. J., bartndr S. Bauman, r 900 J. Stephano Nicholas, lab, r 525 L. Stephens Fred, hostler Fashion Stables. Stephens Lewis, moved to Willows Cal. Stephens Mollie Miss, emp F. Mason, r415 10th. Stephens O. L., emp S P Co, r alley bet 9th and 10th, F and G. Stephens Russell D., farmer, r 1210 N. Stephens W. C, fireman S P Co. Stephenson Anna Missj r 1030 N. Stephenson C. R. Mrs, r 725 I. STEPHENSON CYRUS H., Dentist, 1009 7th, r 1030 N. STEPHENSON GEORGE H., Real Estate and Insurance, 1007 4th, r 1525 I. Stephenson Harlev H., student C. H. Stephenson, r 1030 N. Stephenson Jas. ML, surveyor F and M Sav Bank, r 530 K. Stephenson J. N., bkkpr M. Van Gelder, r 811 L. Stephenson Wm. A., elk W L & Co, r 826 Q. Steppe John, emp S P Co, r 625 9th. Stevens A. C., carp, r 1016 9th. Stevens Addie M. Miss, r 21st nr U. Stevens A. J., civ eng, r 528 I. Stevens Chas., emp Capital Hotel, r K cor 7th. Stevens Eugene N., bkkpr Pioneer Box Co, r 21st nr U. Stevens Fred A., eng S P Co, r 2117 M. Stevens Harry L., r 21st nr U. Stevens John, r 21st nr U. Stevens Jos. G., r Oak Park. Stevens Lottie D. Miss, r 21st nr U. Stevens Mae Miss, packer H. Fisher & Co, r Oak Park. Stevens May Mrs, r 631 E. Stevens Miles A., bartndr G. H. Jones, r 918 K. Stevens Marshall L., emp S P Co, r 618 H. Stevens Nellie, waiter Mansion House. DIXON, BORGESOtt A CO*. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S, PHl!!lDSBr0S.M1l"ll.»™ 436 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. CD Stevens Walter P., sec The Earl Fruit Co and notary, 1014 2d, r 811 H. Stevens Wm. H., r State House Hotel. o Stevenson A. M., student, r 1106 G. o Stevenson Fred T., mach S P Co, r 427| K. CO Stevenson Henry L., eng S P Co, r 517 10th. Stevenson Leila B. Miss, r 1106 G. co Stevenson Mabel Miss, r 1106 G. s_ Stevenson M. E. Mrs, r 1106 G. CD 0 Stevenson Robt. N. Rev., pastor Westminster Presbyterian JS O cx.v> Church, r 1316| 10th. CtJ o Stever Chas. G., music teacher 1030 9th, r 1417 17th. «- z o>< SteverLorin G., r 1417 17th. Stewart Chas., died July 13th, 1894. Stewart David, elk J. Wilson, r 719£ J. O (C Stewart E. L., salesman, r 719£ J. Stewart Ellen, dom 717 F. Stewart Geo. D., photographer, r 2501 O. Stewart Geo. W., lab S P Co, r 2501 O. 0) Stewart Jas., lab, r 2801 K. jr P Stewart Jas., rpr S P Co, r Broderick. CSL 5i Stewart Jas., mach S P Co, r 728 7th. CD^ S< Stewart Jas. A., lab, r 1530 16th. CO JO Stewart Jos. B., bartndr Koenicke & McGrath, r 427£ K. Jo o Stewart & Lancaster (T. J. Stewart and Z. A. Lancaster), — * saloon 704 K. Stewart Thos. J. (Stewart & Lancaster), r 122518th. Stice Andrew W., r 627 M. cd Stice Mattie E. Mrs, hairdresser 525 J, r same. CO Stickney Chas. R., music teacher, r 1107 8th. Stickney Edgar A., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1107 8th. Stickney Lulu M. Miss, r 1107 8th. Stiegler Frank, mach S P Co, r 413 N. tfV— Stiegler Fredk., emp S P Co, r Broderick. DC Stiegler F.W., r Broderick. Stiegler John, emp S P Co, r Broderick. Stiles Jas. N., emp S P Co, r 1319 G. Stillman Howard, eng S P Co, r 1905 G. Stillson Geo. S., cond C E Ry Co, r 2400 Q. Stillwell Arthur M., elk Weber & Co, r Hale's blk. Stillwell ThoB. S., dairy 34th cor T, r same. Stilwell Danl., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1112 J. Stilwell Simeon, r 1115 22d. Stindt M., agt H. H. Fortson, r 629 M. C/7 Stiners Alexander, waiter Windsor Hotel, r 801 7th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted't is the only Directory ofSacnunento x LOOK OUT Published. T I TUWTQ A Pl\ Silver Plated Ware and L. L. LDU10 GL liU. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.; SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 431 .Stinson Arthur W., elk Plaza Drugstore, r 902 N. Strmion F. E., r 902 N. Stinson F. E. Mrs, furn rms 902 N. Stinson Ira W., cementwkr, r 902 N. Stipp Geo. H., r State House Hotel. Stober Bros (F. C. and H. A.), tinning and plumbing, 906 K. Stober Fredk. C. (Stober Bros), r 906f K. Stober Henry A. (Stober Bros), r 112013th. Stock Jacob, pickle mfr 2231 10th, r same. Stock Jos., gardener 1617 7th. Stock J. R., died Jan 7th, 1894. Stock Yards, B cor 14th. Stocker J. H., collarmkr D. McKay, r 1023 G. Stocker J. Harry, emp Sac Boiler and Iron Wks, r 220 P. Stocker John B., elk M. S. Hammer, r 406 O. Stocker Walter H., boilermkr S P Co, r 1712 8th. Stocks Chris. B., painter S P Co, r Oak Park. Stocks Robt., painter S P Co, r 1720 14th. Stockton W. R., rpr S P Co, r 4th and N. Stock well G. A., elk City Hotel, r same. Stoddard G. A., chief draftsman S P Co, r 702 10th. Stoddard Geo. W., carp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Stoddard M. F. Mrs. r 1516 2d. Stoddard M. K,, comp Record-Union, r 1113 3d. Stoddard N. K., asst foreman Record-Union, r 1113 3d. Stoira Louis, elk Curtis & Herzog, r 1415 6th. STOKES E. H„ Mauager Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co, 301£ J, r 1603 2d. Stokes Jas. C., emp Mohr& Yoerk Packing Co, r 2015 J. Stoll Adolph, emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker, r 315 15th. Stoll Albert, com trav, r Broderick. Stoll Benj. F., dentist 608 J, r same. Stoll Chas. F., bkkpr Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1931 J. Stoll John T., harness 610 K, r 1216 10th. Stoltz Herman, bartndr Lackenmyer & Faig, r 826 O. Stone David, expressman, r 1514 J. Stone Edith Miss, r 1522 G. Stone Ella, dom 621 J. Stone Frank, r 1015 8th. STONE H. R. (Wiseman & Stone), and Secretary Garten Gold Cure Institute Co, 808 G. Telephone 167, r 731 G. Stone Louis, expressman, r 518 alley bet 5th and 6th, L and M. Stone Marion P., elk Supt Public Instruction, r 1513 18th. Stone & Melogli (S. Stone and E. Melogli), merchant tailors 417 J. Stone Saml. (Stone & Melogli), r 509| J. l" Serves Daily more Patrons !L than any other two Grocery •OR. STM AMO IV STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, F^eal Estate and Insurance CEI. HtOOIEP. 7SS K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAI*. 438 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. P ••3 Stone Wm. H., lab J. Skelton, r alley bet 5th and 6th, I and J. ^ e Stone Wm. R., elk Secretary of State, r 1126£ 6th. CR Stoppel Antone, emp S P Co, r 1326 E. Stoppel Louis, r 1326 E. Stora Peter, emp Fashion Stables. Storch Jacob G., barber 828 K, r 827 N. g Storer Budd, bartndr A. Burnett, r 1023 3d. Storm L., r 1904 11th. Storms Annie Mrs, dressmkr, r 1116 5th. g 8 Storms Saml. H., carp, r 1116 5th. Storror Edw. H., carp S P Co, r 1224 E. .« «T Storror Eva M. Miss, r 1224 E. 5g «f Storror Fred W. M., painter S P Co, r 1224 E. Storrer Leonard, emp S P Co, r 1223 E. Storror Thos., cabinetmkr S P Co, r 1224 E. Stortz K. Mrs, r 1219 16th. Stortz Peter, waiter J. Haub, r Mansion House. 6 ** Stose S. Mrs, r 1201 L. 3* Stout Geo. W., cabinetmkr S P Co, r International Hotel. u Straber Chas., farmer, r 1210 K. Strachan Mary A. Miss, r 604 10th. w Strachauer Chas., mach S P Co, r 726 6th. Strachauer Fred, emp S P Co, r 601 J. STRADER HARVEY W., Physician and Surgeon, 530 K, r same. Strader Jas., teamster, r Broderick. Strader Jas. E., patternmkr S P Co, r Broderick. Strader Wm. H., lab, r Broderick. Stradford C. F., barber W. H. Guinn, r 1525 7th. 0) Strain Lew, r 1018 2d. Strain Louise, dom 1619 G. o Strathmeier Carl, carp, r 1826 10th. Stratman Louis, tinsmith, r 718 L. Straub Gertrude Mrs, r 914 6th. ffl Straub John, tailor Lister & McCracken, r 914 6th. Strauchauer Fred, r 601 J. Strauss Abraham, bartndr D. J. Considine, r 1116 3d. Strauss August, r 1816 J. Strauss Conrad, r 300£ K. Streeikerk Peter J., brewer City Brewery, r 918 D. Street Stuart A., painter, r 2817 H. > $ u Streeter Mary Mrs, dressmkr, r 707 L. Stremming Henry H., mach, r 411 L. Stremming Lena Miss, r 1316 2d. UJ Stretten Jas., emp Mrs S. E. Clayton, r 1126 7th. Striening Louis C, bkkpr State Controller, r 1203 O.

THE AMERICAN CASH STORE^rroo^'ui H v -i . COR. STM ANO K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Oranite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : 1. fllTIEO, 423 J STREET, • 8ACBAMENTO, CAL SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 439 Strift John M. (Favero & Striff), r 1019 10th. Striff M. H. Mrs, dressmkr, r 1813 O. STRINGER A. M., Sign Writer, Pictorial Work a Specialty 505 K, r 324 M. Stringer A. M. Jr, painter A. M. Stringer, r 324 M. Striplin Edw. A., carp S P Co, r 714 L. Stritzel John, lab, r 1511 Front. Strobel B. Mrs, r 1928 L. Strobel Carl, real estate and ins 317 J, r 809 N. Strobel Carl A., elk C. A. Strobel, r 809 N. Stroner Wm., mach S P Co, r 7211. Strong C. B. (C. B. Strong & Co), r 517 J. STRONG C. B. & CO (C. B. Strong and H. R. Martin), Wholesale and Retail Seedsmen, Florists, Plants, Bulbs, etc, 515-517 J. Strong E. O., emp C E Ry Co. Strong Henry, stoves 827 J, r same. Strong John, carp, r 1121 Front. Strong W. R., r 1018 G. Strotman Louis, tinsmith S P Co, r 718 L. Strover Chas., emp M. Duffy, r 1418 F. Strover F., lab S P Co, r 1418 F. Strover Henry F., r 1417 F. Strover Hermann F., foreman S P Co, r 1418 F. Strub Frank J., tinsmith S P Co, r 1806 M. Strubinger J. (Lippe & Strubinger), r M cor 3d. Struck F. Mrs, r 824 10th. Struck Tillie Miss, elk W U T Co, r 824 10th. Struve K. Mrs, r 1430 21st. Stuart Chas., actor Clunie Opera House. 2 a Stuart E. Mrs, r 415 M. CO » Stuart Geo. A., elk Hale Bros & Co,r 2031 L. Stuart Robt. J., carp S P Co, r 1321J E. Stubbs Henry, carp S P Co, r Monte Vista. Stubbs John, died May 6th, 1894. 99 Stuben Herman, teamster, r Broderick. 1 » • A Stuber Annie Mrs, r J m ne 31st and J. ft M Stuber Carrie Miss, r J m ne 31st and J. -* *ft0 Stuber J. C. Mrs, farmer, r bet I and J, 35th and 36th. 0 B Stuber John, lab, r 607 H. ii e Stuber Kate Miss, r | m ne 31st and J. Stuber Urs, lab, r 1007| 4th. S n\ Studebaker Benj., emp S P Co, r 814 7th. - a Stuissi John, r 1024 H. : & Sturges Geo. M., eng, r 1113 15th. r » Sturm L., lab S P Co, r 1614 12th. | ftiJ DIXON, BORGESON 2 A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, ft. 1*» SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS,BOOKBINDERS. 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. m 440 SACRAMENTO" CITY DIRECTORY. Sturmer Albert H., elk S. Sturmer, r 1113 23d. Sturmer Geo. H., elk S. Sturmer, r 1113 23d. Sturmer Saml. C, elk S. Sturmer, r 1113 23d. Sturmer Simon, watchmkr and jeweler 504 K, r 1113 23d. Sturtevant Andrew J. Rev, pastor Emmanuel Baptist Church, r 1708 K. Suber Geo. W., teamster, r 1927 2d. Sueell Arthur A., blksmith Winters & Morgan, r alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Sullivan Abbie Mrs, bkkpr Dolan & Middlemass, r 1330 7th. Sullivan Alice Miss, r 1530 3d. Sullivan Alice Miss, r 1807 M. Sullivan Danl., teamster Henry Cowell & Co, r 900 E. Sullivan Danl. D., pressman State Priuter, r 1326 G. Sullivan Dennis E., r 1807 M. Sullivan D. W., cleaner S P Co, r 604 L. Sullivan Edw. G. B., r 1100 E. Sullivan Elioe, died March 1st, 1894. Sullivan Emma Mrs, r 1530 3d. Sullivan F. Mrs, milliner 519 J, r 521 J. Sullivan Frank J., mach S P Co, r 1100 E. Sullivan Geo. T., mach S P Co, r 1100 E. Sullivan Geo. W., r 1330 F. Sullivan Henry, saloon 604 L, r same. Sullivan J., emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Sullivan Jas., emp S P Co, r 1216 4th. Sullivan Jeremiah C, gardener, r 1807 M. Sullivan Jerry M., miner, r 1913 3d. Sullivan J. J., collarmkr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r alley bet 6th and 7th, M and N. Sullivan John, porter Baker & Hamilton, r 1610 3d. Sullivan John C, elk, r 1807 M. Sullivan John E., upholsterer S P Co, r 611 O. Sullivan John H., plumber Capital Gas Co, r 1925 3d. Sullivan John L., waiter Capital Hotel, r 613 N. Sullivan Jas., peddler, r 1717 alley bet 7th and 8th, Q and R. Sullivan Julia Miss, r 1530 3d. SULLIVAN KELLY CO, F. T. Dwyer President, Chas. K. Lipman Secretary and Manager, Wholesale Paints, Oils, Glass, Wallpaper, etc., 915-919 2d. Sullivan Lee H., boltmkr S P Co, r 1330 F. Sullivan Lizzie Miss, r 1530 3d. Sullivan M. Mrs, furn rms 1115 3d. Sullivan Mary Mrs, nurse 1007J 4th, r same. Sullivan Michael J., horse clipper 1031 J, r Oak Park. Sullivan Minnie Miss, r 401 L. SN. CLARK & SONS, 1M» Spear"-San Francisco' Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. Granlt6 and *arl)l6 lOtn and R Sts. Monuments and Statuan SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 441 •n Sullivan M. J., emp S P Co, r 323£ J. > Sullivan Patrick, roller S P Co, r J st rd nr 36th. Sullivan Patrick, r 604 L. CO Sullivan Peter, foreman S P Co, r 1100 E. Sullivan Quinlan, horseshoer, r 1025£ 10th. Sullivan Robt.W., elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1530 3d. Sullivan Saml., porter Washburne & Co, r 800 J. S.O Sullivan Sophie Miss, r 1530 3d. Sullivan W. G., boltmkr S P Co, r 1330 F. Sullivan Wm., peddler, r 1717 alley bet 7th and 8th, Q andR. Sullivan Wm., emp Capital Gas Co, r 1913 3d. Sullivan Wm. A., r 1610 3d. Sullivan Wm. L., r 2123 M. Summerfield Chas. A., solr F. Mason, r 815 7th. Summers Dolly Miss, dom Eldred House. Summers Geo. J., emp S P Co, r 1315 18th. Summers Lillian Miss, r 1321 5th. 1 Sumner Frank J., emp S P Co, r 319 14th. CO Sumner Jas., bartndr J. McCourt, r 330 L. Sumy D., emp C E Ry Co. SUNDAY LEADER THE, J. N. Larkin & Son Publishers, 916 8th. e-> SUNDAY NEWS THE, Sheehan & Harris Publishers, 610 >~ 1 (see adv). t— co Sunnafrank Eh, emp Mrs A. Keene, r 1226 7th. -s P^ SUNSET TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO, E. K •—I 6=3 •-< <=*- Stokes Manager, 301£ J. pa SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT NO. 2, Matt F. r-5 oo >* Johnson Judge, Court House. S3* ^o Supple Jas., emp S P Co, r 1011 5th. o>— 1 •?v Surgeson Edw. J., r 1121 19th. s: >~ Surgeson Geo., horseshoer 24th bet P and Q, r 1121 19th. CD Surgeson Mamie Miss, r 112119th. m Surgeson Pierce I., horseshoer G. Surgeson, r 510 M. r-5 Surgeson Richd., bricklayer, r 1121 19th. CD Surgeson Wm. G., painter, r 1121 19th. SURVEYOR-GENERAL, Martin J. Wright, State Capitol. Suter Christopher, planing mill 13th nw cor J, r 916 13th. Suter Oscar, driver C. Suter, r 916 13th. t Sutherland Emma Mrs, elk King & Gardner, r 702 K. © -Jj Sutherland Jos. C, carp, r 819 Q. Sutlift' Frank B., physician, r 1326 10th. Sutliff Kate M. Miss, r 1808 H. o £ Sutliff Levi B. (Sutliff & Scott), r 1808 H. SUTLIFF & SCOTT (P. F. Scott and L. B. Sutliff), Lum­ T c ber, Sash, Doors and Blinds, 1310 I. *^ * rse esD UymerePwron8 * THEAMERICANCASHSTORL than "any othe" r two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ 00 THE DCLN|OKl(0 taurant and feu Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day & Night Oyster Parlor 442 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Sutphen Richd., hog raiser, r Jackson rd nr 40th. Sutter Buildii g, sw cor J and 5th. SUTTER CLUB, A. A. Van Voorhies President, W. R. Ormsby Secretary, J nw cor 4th. Sutter Grammar School, W. Johnson prin, 21st cor L. Sutter H., r 814 J. Sutter's Fort, bet K and L, 27th and 28th. Sutterville School, A. Hunter teacher, Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. Sutton John L., emp Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r 308 M. Sutton N., emp C E Ry Co. Suydam Geo. L., foreman Geo. P. Royster & Co, r 1113 3d. SVEA FIRE INSURANCE CO of Guttenburg, 1007 4th. SVENSSON A. (Nagele & Svensson), r 300 K cor 3d. Swain Annie Mrs, packer H. Fisher & Co, r 421 J. Swain C, emp S P Co, r 1317 Q. Swain Chas. S., rpr S P Co, r 609£ I. Swain Frank R., elk State Controller, r 931 M. Swain Haskin C, r 1128 I. Swain Jas. P., elk S P Co, r 2319 N. Swan Jas. C, painter S P Co, r 1015 E. Swan Philip, mach S P Co, r Ebner Hotel. Swanson Albert, cook E. Reid, r City Hotel. Swanson August, r 300| K. SWANSON E. JAY, Specialist, 1023 I, r same. Swanston Chas. (C. Swanston & Son), r Riverside rd. Swanston C. & Son (Chas. and Geo.), wholesale butchers River­ side rd. Swanston Geo. (C. Swanston & Son), r Riverside rd. Swanwell Fred, painter, r 1705 E. Swazey John, orchardist, r Oak Grove. Sweeney B., appr S P Co, r 121 J. Sweeney J. Frank, eng S PCo,r 121 J. Sweeney John F.. upholsterer S P Co, r 1212 G. Sweeney John R., mgr Mrs B. Voscher, r 325 12th. Sweeney Margaret H. Miss, r 1212 G. Sweeney Minnie Miss, teacher Sacramento Grammar School, r K cor 15th. Sweeney Thos. P., eng S P Co, r 1212 G. Sweeney Timothy, marble polisher Carlaw Bros, r 1023 6th. Sweeney W., mach S P Co, r 920 C. Sweeney Wm., r Eldred House. Sweeny Geo., mach, r Y cor 31st. Sweeny Harvey, lab, r 2202 I. Sweeny Saml., lab, r 2202 I. Sweet I. H., fireman S P Co. Serves Daily more Patrons THLAMEKIGAN CASHSTORE than any other two Grocery OOR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAO HOME ....BAKERY.... ^_ FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. CJ^t SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 443 Sweet Wm., lab, r 1901 S. Sweetser A. 0., capitalist, r 1003 G. GO Swicker J., rpr S P Co, r 27th cor H. Swift Chas. J., eng S P Co, r 1901 K. Swift Desmond D., emp S P Co, r 620 M. Swift F. P. Mrs, r 620 M. Swift H. D. Mrs, r 210 M. Swift Isaac J., carp, r 1117 23d. Swift Julia A. Miss, r 620 M. SWILLING M. L. MRS, French Dress Making and Hair Goods 1012 8th, r same. Swinnerton Geo. H. Mrs, capitalist, r Capital Hotel. Switzer Mrs, dom 1328 10th. Switzer J. G., lab S P Co, r 1114 11th. Sylvester Chas., lab, r 1121 C. Sylvester Elijah, r 1103 C. ^ Sylvester E. R. Miss, r 721 F. Syme A. D., butcher, r Broderick. Syme Maggie Miss, dressmkr, r Broderick. Symes Harry B., elk W L & Co, r 522 O. 3 T | Tade Benj. F., emp S P Co, r 10111. TADE J. E., Assistant Postmaster, K ne cor 7th, r 1630 F. Tade W. H., mail carrier, r 10111. Taft Chas. C, farmer, r Riverside rd nr Oak Hall. Talbot Chas. S., died Dec 13th, 1893. Talbot Jos. H., emp J. A. Cunningham, r 1322 G. Talbot M. D. Mrs, bkkpr J. A. Cunningham, r 1322 G. Talbot Richd. A., elk J. G. Genshlea, r 621 J. Talbot Wm. L., policeman, r 621 J. TalbottB. E., eng S P Co. Talken John B. (Talken & Washburn), r 818 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. Talken & Washburn (J. B. Talken and W. J. Washburn), d restaurant 800 K. ii Talkin Henry, teamster, r 1418 D. Tallman Geo. S., driver Weber & Co, r 1614 N. "0 TALLMAN THOMAS Y., Manager Plaza Drug Store, r ft" 1614 N. Tarn Cettie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1409 10th. N Tammey Edw. I., barber J. Diefenbacher, r 1008 7th. Tamo Dante, saloon 230 L, r same. Tannehill Wm. J., baths 1026 4th, r same. S Tanner Elfie, elk Mrs M. L. Swilling, r 1012 8th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Markat *«»••«, •• *. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 444 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Tanner Geo., carp, r 1007£ 4th. ~ Tannert Robt., brewer Buffalo Brewing Co. Tanquary Chas. 0., miller Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1521 5th. Tanquary L. M. Mrs, r 1521 5th. Tanquary Walter P., elk Ehmann & Co, r 2326 M. Tansay Michael, lab, r 1215 C. Tappan Gertrude Miss, r 1208 10th. Tappan Godfrey, emp W L & Co, r 1208 10th. Tappan Mary Mrs, boarding 1208 10th. Taral Frank, shoemkr 1025 10th, r same. Tariel Nelson H., emp S P Co, r 1*113 22d. Tarr Fred R., carp, r Oak Park. Tarr Harry W., fireman P O, r 7th cor K. Tarras Edw. J. (Covacevich & Tarrras), r 118 O. Tart Leon, butcher, r 1318 2d. Tarte M. Mrs, r 416 13th. Tarter Fred, appr S P Co, r 1126 I. Tarter Sarah Mrs, r 1126 I. Tassaro Bartolo, emp S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Tassie Edw. F., musician, r 1718 7th. Tassie Mary Mrs, r 1718 7th. Tassie Wm. W., fireman, r 1718 7th. Tate John D., capitalist 301 J, r 1502 O. Tate Saml., msgr Sutter Club, r 810 7th. Tate T. J., contr and bldr 802 7th, r same. Taylor Mrs, r 1419 3d. Taylor Alfred H., emp S P Co, r 1718 F. Taylor Alice Mrs, r 2210 H. Taylor Berle, lab, r Fair View. Taylor Birney, carp P. Wolf, r 2100 K. Taylor Carrie E. Miss, r 1613 H. Taylor Chas. H., emp S P Co, r 1810 M. Taylor Chas. W., emp Mebius & Drescher, r 1126£ 6th. Taylor Clara Miss, r 2307 H. Taylor Clarence E., fireman S P Co, r 214 M. Taylor D. Irving, tinner Miller Bros, r 1810 M. Taylor Dora Miss, r 2307 H. Taylor E. Mrs, r 1126£ 6th. Taylor Edw. D., searcher of records 1009 7th, r 721£ K. Taylor Edw. F., atty 328 J, r 1613 H. Taylor Edwin T., elk S P Co, r 2307 H. Taylor F. A., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co. Taylor Fairchild B., livestock, r 1217 18th. Taylor Frank M., locksmith N cor 16th, r same. Taylor Geo., foreman S P Co, r 427J K. Taylor Hugh B., lab, r 1415 G.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustetffe is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Pubuahed. L. L. LEWIS & CO. GroGkenr ond Giosswoie 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 445 CO Taylor Jas. R., emp S P Co, rl427 4th. Taylor John E., hackman, r 1810 M. Taylor Leroy S., atty, r 1207 0. Tavlor M. Mrs, dom State House Hotel. Taylor Martha Mrs, died Sept 13th, 1894. Taylor Mary Miss, r 2307 H. Taylor May Miss, r 1415 G. Taylor R., molder S P Co, r 1427 4th. Taylor Ruth A. Miss, r 1701 M. Taylor Saml. L., cigarmkr Clark Bros & Stanley, r 214 M. Taylor Theo. F., shoemkr 1018 3d, r 1904 I. Taylor Thos. P., watchman Pioneer Flour Mills, r 700 Q. Taylor Vernon F., policeman, r 1211 7th. CO Taylor W. C, lab S P Co, r 2307 H. Taylor Wm., driver Union Ice Co, r 322 N. Taylor Wm., emp S P Co, r 1427 4th. Taylor Wm. E., farmer, r 2218 I. Taylor Wm. H., r 1415 G. Taylor Wm. M., gen foreman State Printer, r 1701 M. n* 0r9< Taylor W. J., dentist 718 J, r same. ft ft Teachout L. F. Mrs, r 523 M. ft V) Teague Agnes Miss, r 2809 H. Hi r+ Teague Edson, packer Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1012 10th. 0 Teague Frank R., r 2809 H. » *4 Teague Wm. J., lab, r 2809 H. S ft ^ W Teague Winnifred Mrs, r 2809 H. f* • Tealbar Geo., r 316 10th. ST ft TEBBETS F. F., Dentist, 914 6th, r same. r+ • Tebbetts Maud D. Mrs, teacher Washington Primary School, m* rll26F. • fti Tebow Jas. O., carp, r 1630 Q. » Tebow Maytie Miss, r 1630 Q. TEICHERT ADOLPH, Artificial Stone, 917 24th, r same. TELEGRAPH PLANING MILL, O. R. Amsden Propri­ etor, J se cor 12th. Tell Chas. J., carp, r 2304 O. Temple Hall, Odd Fellows' Temple, K cor 9th. Temple John H., mach S P Co, r 1605 K. TenBosch Adrian, emp Golden Eagle Hotel. Tenbrook A. Mrs, r 1421 P. Ten brook Ada G. Miss, teacher Fremont Primary School, r 1421 P. Tenbrook Carrie E. Miss, r 1421 P. Tenbrook E. Newton, elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1421 P. Tenbrook Russell M., elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 1421 P. Tennant Edw., lab, r 2514 F. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Heal Estate and Insurance 6E0. HHMER. 725 K ST, 8ACRAMEXTO. CAL. 446 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Tennant Walter J., died Apr 21st, 1894. Terrell Danl. W., bkmn S P Co, r 1410 E. Terrellj| Herman H., emp Hartwell, Hotchkiss & Stalker,' r Lower Stockton rd. TERRILL S. M., Medical Director Capital Gold Cure Insti­ tute, 526 9th, r same. Terrio Arcem, farmer, r 624 Q. Terrio Chas. A., trunkmkr, r 624 Q. Terry D. V., died Jan 31st, 1894. TERRY J. E., Manager Friend & Terry Lumber Co, r 1114 N. Terry Jennie D. Miss, r 1418 4th. Terry John, emp S P Co, r 511 7th. Terry L. A. Mrs, r 1236 N. Terry Laura A. Miss, r 1236 N. Terry May A. Miss, r 1236 N. Terry W. J., elk W L & Co, r 1418 4th. Tesreau E. D. Mrs, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 714 13th. Tesreau Ed. B., bkkpr B. Wilson & Co, r 714 13th. Thacker Albert H. (Thacker Bros), r Chicago 111. Thacker Bros (J. F. and A. H.), fruit pkg and shipg, 100 J. Thacker J. Frank (Thacker Bros), r Chicago 111. Thackham John J., painter, r420 12th. Thalls Horace L., lab S P Co, r Oak Park. Thatcher Annie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 714 I. Thatcher Annie Mrs, dom Golden Eagle Hotel. Thatcher Maud M. Miss, milliner Mrs M. A. Pealer, r 714 I. Thayer Jas. E., eng, r 1624 O. Thayer S., r 1007£ 4th. Theater Comique, 117 K. Theiss Carrie Miss, r 718 D. Theiss Chas. F., elk P P Tel C Co, r 328 10th. Theiss Geo. H., fireman S P Co, r 718 D. Theiss H. Mrs, r 718 D. Theiss Henry D., appr J. Hyman, r 328 10th. Theiss M. Mrs, r 328 10th. Theobald Newton L., comp State Printer, r 1006 7th. Therien Ernest, plumber, r Pacific Hotel. Theriot Clayton, horse trainer, r 2000 H. THIEBEN JOS., manager Crystal Palace, r 1412 8th. Thieben—Jos. Thieben Crockery Co (S F), L. Eger and L. W. Wilcox nigra, crockery 518 J. Thielan Henry J., appr S P Co, r 1922 P. Thielen Clara E. Mrs, r 809 N. Thielbahr Chas. J., carp Siller Bros, r 2902 D. Thielbahr Geo., emp S P Co, r 1321 E. r Serves Daily more Patrons 1L than any other two Grocery COR. em AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, SELLS REAL ESTATE 1 LOANS MONEY. Cooley,| RENTS HOUSES } 1013 4th

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 447 Thielbahr Minnie Miss, r 2902 D. Thiele Chas., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Thiele Henry G., mach S P Co, r Broderick. Thiele Maud Miss, r Broderick. Thielen John W., emp Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1922 P. Thielen Lena Miss, dressmkr, r 1922 P. Thielen Nicholas, carp S P Co, r 1922 P. p«S Thild Saml., r 1117 28th. Thirkield Frank L., opr S P Co, r 503 M. Thirkield Harry D., elk S P Co, r 503 M. Thode M., r 1011 5th. Thomas Alfred J., dentist 511£ J, r same. Thomas Anastatio, emp S P Co, r Broderick. Thomas Annie Mrs, r 5th nr Q. Thomas Belle Miss, elk W L & Co, r Broderick. Thomas Benedict T., emp Standard Oil Co, r 1612 5th. Thomas Chas., cook International Hotel. Thomas Chas. G., eng S P Co, r 513 N. THOMAS F. & G-, M. P. Barnes Manager. French Dying and Cleaning Works 1011 6th. Thomas Frank C, emp S P Co, r 5th nr Q. Thomas G. A., comp H. S. Crocker Co, r 1414 16th. Thomas Geo., comp The Bee, r 517 M. Thomas Horace C, emp J. A. Brown, r 423 K. * Thomas Jane Mrs, died July 15th, 1894. Thomas Johanne Mrs, r Broderick. V) Thomas John J., driver Plummer & Quinley, r Pacific Hotel. 0 Thomas Jos., r 3d bet M and N. Thomas Jos. S., r 1322 5th. Thomas Lee, died Aug 16th, 1894. 01 g, Thomas Mary Mrs, r 17211. Thomas Perry O., bkmn S P Co, r 922 M. W » Thomas Robt., teamster, r Highland Park. Thomas Scott, mach S P Co, r 610 H. «•? Thomas-THE F. THOMAS PARISIAN DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS, Henry Maisonnave Agent, 912 L. as Thomas Wm. M., pressman State Printer, r 1326 17th. ft A Thompson A. Mrs, r 4th cor O. ft & Thompson Alice Mrs, r 2228.0. * ft Thompson A. M„ lumber, r 1908 H. Thompson Anna Miss, student, r 2227 O. ft 0 Thompson Arthur, painter, r Hotel Rhein. p (D Thompson Chas. F., elk S P Co, r 2113 M. ff * Thompson Chas. N., r 927 M. s s Thompson Chas. T., waiter, r 810 7th. ft Thompson Clark B., r 811 E. 3. o1 Dixon, Borgeson ft & COT, SHOW CASES 37 Market »U, Jt> V. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 448 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Thompson Danl. P., carp, r 417 alley bet 4th and 5th, L and M. Thompson Emily M. Miss, r 927 M. Thompson Frank, bartndr A. Waldron, r 721 J. Thompson G. Mrs, nurse 810 7th, r same. Thompson Henry, miner, r 828 M. Thompson Henry J., died Dec 13th, 1894. Thompson Henry W., student, r 828 M. Thompson Jacob, rpr S P Co, r 709 7th. Thompson Jas. E., comp State Printer, r 1524 M. Thompson Jas. J., carp S P Co, r 1524 M. Thompson J. H. A., tinner, r 2100 H. Thompson John M„ farmer, r 927 M. Thompson Kate Miss, dom 606 7th. Thompson Lyman G., mfr hop presses 13th cor J, r 1310 18th. Thompson M. Mrs, r 1316 8th. Thompson Maggie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 420 N. Thompson M. D., r 1026 G. Thompson Nelson, r 621 J. Thompson Robt., elk L. P. Gilman & Co, r 427 M. Thompson Rose, waiter L. R. Harris, r 1201 J. Thompson S. E. Mrs, r 1120 G. Thompson Thos. L., eng, r 1319 K. Thompson Waverly S.. elk Kimbrough & Co, r 621 J. Thompson W. H., hostler D. Gillis, r 917 8th. Thompson Wm. H. H„ painter 1015 E, r same. Thompson Wm. J., tinner 1527 7th, r 1525 7th. Thompson Wm. L., carp S. Carle, r 811 E. Thorns Fred W., carp J. M. Hastings, r 2221 9th. Thomson Fred F. (Stanton, Thomson & Co), r 1731 P. Thomson Herbert R. (Stanton, Thomson & Co), r 1725 P. Thomson M. DeL., lab S P Co, r 1026 G. Thomson Wm. L., lab S P Co, r 1026 G. Thorne F. Mrs, r 1114 3d. Thornton Edw. E., fireman, r 418 O. Thornton R. P., eng S P Co, r 716 H. Thorsen Kate, dom 1706 P. Thorp Harry, r 1321 7th. Thurmau R. O., fireman S P Co. Thyle A. C, eng S P Co. Tibbals Mina G. Miss, r 2528 N. Tibbits Wm., r 1816 Q. Tibbs Henry C, lab, r 1626 6th. Tibbs Mary E. Miss, r 1626 6th. Tichaut Lizzie Miss, waiter Pacific Hotel. Tiel Elbert R., comp, r 916 O. ft. CLARK & SONS, ir/-i» Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers / DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite joth and R Sts. and Marble Works "—"Q SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 449 Tierney Wm. P., r 613 J. Tietjen Carston, driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1611 20th. Tietz Herman J. R., driver Pacific Brewery, r 916 alley bet 9th and 10th, Q and R. Tilden Jas. D., U S storekeeper and gauger K ne cor 7th. r 1526 J. Tilden J. E., emp S P Co, r 415£ K. Tilden J. E. Mrs, turn rms 415£ K. Tilden Laura M. (M. C. & Laura M. Tilden), r 1706 H. Tilden M. C. (M. C. & Laura M. Tilden), r 1706 H. TILDEN M. C. & LAURA M., Attorneys-at-Law and •°22 Notary, 504 J. r533'- Tillapaugh Alice A. Miss, r 521 N. Tillapaugh I. Mrs, dressmkr 521 N, r same. or- Tillman John, r Highland Park. Tilson Chas. W., emp W L & Co, r 1023 6th. Tilton Arthur D., packer Baker & Hamilton, r 804 K. TIMES SALOON THE, Arthur D. Bulger Proprietor, 1012 7th. Tindall Anna L. Miss, teacher High School, r 916 L. Tindall Geo. P., died Sept 8th, 1894. rn Tindell John V., r 708 L. o Tindle Jas., r K cor 21st. ft Tingman S. E. Mrs, r 728 7th. K Tinnin L., painter S P Co, r 818 G. o to Titherington Jos. B., molder S P Co, r 514 O. NO £ Titherington Mary Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r ^? fc 514 O. © Tittle Alexander, r 111 K. Titus C. (Gray & Titus), r Golden Eagle Hotel. ifc —} *» Toby Sylvia Miss, milliner Mrs F. Sullivan, r Placerville. <-t>

Todd Alexander, emp S P Co, r 528 I. OO Jp Todd Chas. W., painter, r Oak Park. t-o Todd Elmer, butcher H. Shulmeyer, r 1600 K. 1 Todd Geo. W., bartndr, r 1717 16th. a. <*+a . Todd G. G. Mrs, r 1222 E. © h» Todd J. H., mgr Metropolitan Theater and Clunie Opera House, Ui r 711 M. Todd John R., woodwkr, r 2414 G. TODD JOHN W„ County Supervisor and shoemkr, 1107 5th, r 519 M. Todd Josie Mrs, r 1818 2d. Todd Wm. G., comp The Bee, r 902 L. Todd Lee, butcher H. Shulmeyer, r 1318 2d. Todd Louise Mrs, laundress County Hospital. Todd Nellie L. Miss, teacher Capital Grammar School, r 519 M.

TH E AM EBI CAN CASH 8T0RE ^"1, oL™Z c^er, 29 COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT M. GAULT me Deimonico « §3 Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Caen Day and moK. OYSTER PARLORS w.|«S 450 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. •| «o P c . Todhuuter Edw. M., constable Broderick, r same. w o o. Todhunter Frank, farmer, r Broderick. "3 & £ & Todhunter F. W., blksmith S P Co, r Broderick. * • 6g Todhunter Geo., capitalist, r Broderick. ^ r n u Todhunter Hattie M. Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1329 F. a « 2 £ Todhunter Leavitt H., r 1206 9th. Todhunter Minnie Miss, r Broderick. o« £"g 8 "§ Todhunter Rhodethia Miss, r 2531 P. Todhunter Richd., r Broderick. aft Todhunter W. B. Mrs, r Boderick. H gg.2 Todhunter Wm. B., farmer, r Broderick. 2 «° • *a Toland Annie Mrs, r 1400 G. •S 2 TOLAND WILLIAM J., Groceries, Provisions, Hay and si Grain 1400 G, r same. %0 o e a Toll Daisy Miss, r 1902 L. IM (0 3 g o Toll Nelson J., solr E. L. Hawk, r 1902 L. Toll Wm. H., painter J. F. Hill, r 1423 I. 09 Toll Wm. R., expressman, r 1423 E. TOLLET VICTOR J., City Plumbing Inspector 328 J, r CO 1318 K Tolman Frank A., eng S P Co, r 1114 7th. Tolson Lilla Miss, r 1630 J. Tomaso Enrico, music teacher, 628 7th, r same. » Tombs Fred, carp, r 2221 9th. Tomlin Chas. W., driver Fashion Stables, r 226 M. Tompkins Albert A., appr A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 1204 2d. Tompkins Thos. C, horseshoer J. M. Nielsen, r 314£ J. eg Tomlin Chas. W., hackdriver, r 226 M. Tooker M. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1827 H. Toole Frank, tamales, r 1431 9th. SI Toole Margaret Mrs, r 623 N. Toole Matthew L., pressman State Printer, r 623 N. Toole Thos. H., bookbinder, r 623 N. Toole Wm. J., boilermkr, r 623 N. s E Toomey Bridget Mrs, janitor Edwin K. Alsip w» ' ' PH!!!!DSBfOS.-«l.i« 452 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Trainor Mary K. Miss, r 1214 Q. Trainor Rose Mrs, died May 6th, 1894. Trainor Wm., r 1717 24th. Trainor Wm. F., bkkpr W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1228 0. Trammel Olney R., carp S P Co, r 305 11th. Trapp B. A., bartndr A. Clacy, r 723 7th. Trapper Wm., eng S P Co, r 917 E. Trarbach John J., elk E. H. McKee, r 904 L. Trarbach Michael, lab, r 1222£ 6th. TRAVELLERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO of Hartford Conn, G. H. Stephenson Agent, 1007 4th. Travis Wm. E., driver Baker & Hamilton, r 1325 P. Traynor Patrick J., painter C. H. Krebs, r 1211 7th. Treadwell Jas. B., trav salesman Adams-Booth Co, r 130 J. Trefren Jas. L. Rev., pastor Central M. E. Church, r 1317 G. Trefry Benj. C, r 2300 H. Trefry Walter C., r 2308 H. Trefzer Emily L. Miss, r 911 E. Trefzer Geo. J., tailor 911 E, r same. Treichler Geo. M., r 1926 H. Treichler H. Mrs, r 1926 H. Treichler Hattie Miss, r 1926 H. Treichler Henry W., r 1926 H. Tremblay Paul A., cond S P Co, r 1714 E. TREMONT HOTEL, Harbinson Bros Proprietors, 112 and 114 J, telephone 301. Trengove Richd., blksmith S P Co, r 1514 5th. Treulieb Christopher, r 1213 9th. Trexall J. H., carp, S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Trichler Xavier, emp J. Schmid, r 120 I. Trimble Sarah Miss, r 1236 H. Trimble Seth, motorman C E Ry Co, r 2800 N. Trisch Jos., saloon 708 K, r 708J K. Trope Alexander, carp, r 1804 9th. Trott Chas., eng S P Co. Trott H. E., fireman S P Co. Trought Louisa Miss, dressmkr, r 1631 L. Trousdale A. Mrs, furn rms 410 J. Trousdale Hall W., r 410 J. TROUT FRED, Hats and Caps, Practical Hatter, 802 J, r 1507 10th. Trowbridge B. Miss, r 1012 N. Trowbridge Carrie Miss, dressmkr, r 1012 N. Troy F.Mrs, r 919 6th. Troy Michael J., mail carrier, r 719 M. Troye E. Mrs, furn rms 1515 14th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'a is the only Directory ofSacremeoto x LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. House FumisDifls HDrdwuf 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 453 Troye John F., emp Evergreen Cemetery, r 1515 14th. Truby Chas. M., emp S P Co, r 412 N. True Benj. F., emp S P Co, r 427£ K. True B. F. Mrs, bkkpr Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, r 427£ K. Trueblood Albert A., comp State Printer, r 1314 18th. Trumpler Delia F. Miss, r 1400 N. Trumpler Eva C. Miss, r 1400 N. Trumpler Grant G., driver D. Dierssen Co, r 1314 Q. Trumpler Harry F. G., driver Christianson

THE AMERICAN CASH S10REth«Ian, 1^™ GZ°Z COR. STH ANO ft STREETS. Stores io Sacramento. WOODEN MANTELS AND TILINQ. i. limn, 423 «J St., Saoramento, Cal. era SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 455 Tyree Jas. A., lab, r 726 M. Tyree S E Miss, r 726 M. Tyrholm Lilla, dom 1415 15th. Tyrrell Fred D., student, r 617 N. Tyrrell Gerard G., physician 429 J, r 617 N. Tyrrell Louisa Miss, r 617 N. IT Uhl Geo. A., finisher A. Meister & Sons, r 512 0. Uhl Harry, carp S P Co, r 512 0. Uhl Wm. F., blksmith S P Co, 2507 W. Ullery Brayton L., lab S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. t=2=3 Ullery Silas E., rpr S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Ulmer Rudolph, mgr Depot Hotel, r same. Ulrich Alois, saloon Jackson rd, r same. Ulrich Anton, r 814 J. Ulrich Frank, bottler Buffalo Brewing Co, r Brighton rd. ULRICH JOHN J., Proprietor New Wm Tell Saloon, 307 J, r same. Ulrich Wm. J., mach S P Co, r 2416 G. Umberg M., carp P. Wolf. Underbill U. J., r 612 F. Underhill W., lab S P Co, r 623 N. Union Brewery, 20th bet O and P. Union Building and Loan Association, B. U. Steinman pres, 8 E. K. Alsip sec, 1015 4th. Union Hall, O cor 20th. UNION HOTEL, Walters

xotli and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 457 Van Alstine Edw., salesman Baker & Hamilton, r 707 J. Van Alstine Frank, elk Baker & Hamilton, r 709 I. Van Alstine W. J., r Tremont Hotel. Van Aram Hudson, carp, r 905 6th. Van Bergen H. Edw. (Kohler & Van Bergen), r S F. Van Bibber Eva Mrs, r 1319 G. Van Bibber Harry T., driver J. Riley, r 1319 G. Van Bibber Jas. F., died July 31st, 1894. Van Bibber Louis R., elk Sacramento Glass and Crockery Co, r 1319 G. Van Buren Fred A., r 314 14th. Vance—J. J. VANCE CO, Designers, Engravers and Stereo­ types, 924 6th (see adv). VANCE JOHN J. (J. J. Vance Co), r 924 6th. Van Demark A. Mrs, r 1831 J. Van Demark Geo. E., elk W L & Co, r 1829 J. Vandemark Martha Mrs, r 1427 J. Van Demark Nellie Miss, dressmkr, r 1831 J. Van Den Burgh Henry C, r 2400 J. Van Den Burgh L. B., mail elk P O, r Mansion House. Vandercook Eugene L., carp O. R. Amsden, r 1426 J. Vandercook Henry D., carp 1123 J, r 1426 J. Vandercook Levi E., carp, r 1426 J. Vandertord Dennis W., teamster, r Oak Park. Vanderhoof Herbert H., musician, r 14311. Vanderwick Isaac, cigarmkr Clark Bros & Stanley, r Inter­ national Hotel. VanDusen Geo., driver U S mail wagon, r K cor 21st. Van Dyne G. B. Mrs, r 1207 L. Van Dyne Walter, mail carrier, r 604 Q. Van Epen Marius, r Broderick. Van Fleet E. A., mach S P Co, r 1201 J. Van Fleet Frank T. (Hinkson & Van Fleet), r 1920 I. Van Frank Herbert I., lineman Capital Gas Co, r 620 O. Van Gelder Morris, nursery 815 2d, r Acampo. VAN GUELDER FRANK, Proprietor Wine Rooms, 614 J, r 607 I. Van Guelder Walter, mach S P Co, r Slater's Add. Van Heusen A. H. Mrs, r 616 P. Van Horn Francis W., lab S P Co, r 1320 C. Van Horn Nellie Mrs, r 901 L. Vanina Chas. (Merry


C 0 H

.2 c


f/'/je Etchings, Sepias, Crayons, and Water Colors ^, * AT REASONABLE PRICES.- ¥ ViLBUET Successor to Hodson. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR WORK TO PLEASE. 521 J Street. CITY Successor to VARNEY, :H:O:DS©:N\


Makes the Finest Life Size, Steel Etched, direct =±= _„ PORTRAITS.

And does only tne best of work in all other lines.

•-'.finving 5Mcc^d(pl \o ]}{{ k[\5\\\{55, gcapl will ortd ti(g«fiv/^

|f )• K- tfvdzoti, w{ ur{ |3r^nr(pl io fill nil ard#$ for

icnj^ work ill niiM lirK.

I-"..-far all n$w warH w^ will nt l^t rtinirifniji ]}{{ Jligjlc^f

llutafion of J]^ J^nllM in tft |d«5t.

W$ 05k for a gifting to ^DW Han wjipit w^ cnri PID.

.; f^ric^ ]IHV$ h{{n r^plu^pl jo r^«c]i nil. I VARNEY,

Successor to HODSON. AW*m*J£>


SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 459 Veach Frank H., mach 407 J, r 714 I. Velasigi A., lab S P Co, r alley bet 2d aud 3d, L and M. Verhein Wm. H, saloon 315 K, r 308 M. Vermilya A. J., mach S P Co, r 1011 3d. Versiko Saml,, saloon 1323 Front, r same. Vest Chas. Q., bartndr, r 614 13th. Vest C. Q. Mrs, r 614 13th. Viau Peter, lab, r Roma Hotel. VIAVI CO THE, Mrs E. J. Rayl Manager, 521 J. Vice Geo. W., fireman, r 824 N. Vice Laura Mrs, r 324 N. VICTOR BICYCLES, Kimball & Upson Agents, 625-627 J (see adv). Vincent Francis O., carp, r 2623 Q. Vincenzo Angeli, cook Garibaldi Hotel, r 118 L. Viora Giovanni, lab, r 918 2d. Visker Matilda M. Miss, r 515 Oak av. Visker Walter, appr W. F. Bailey, r W cor 12th. Vitro Manuel, lab, r 1830 13th. Voegeli Marcus, saloon 519 K, r same. 3 :* Voegelin Marcus (Ruedy & Voegelin), r International Hotel. Voeller Herman, physician 1005 5th, r same. Vogel Chas., treas Metropolitan Theater, r 700 12th. *> So Vogel Conrad T., r 925 G. Vogel John, coppersmith S P Co, r 1814 M. 3 &. Vogel Louis A., saloon 506 K, r 1723 12th. Vogel T. Mrs, r 700 12th. 3 Vogel Wm., r 700 12th. (A Vogelgesang Emma Miss, r 1709 J. Vogelgesang Geo., porter State Printer, r 1709 J. Vogelgesang John C, blksmith S P Co, r 1709 J. Vogeli Elizabeth Miss, dressmkr 719 M, r same. Vogelie John J., moved to Oleta. Vogelsang H. G., eng S P Co. Vogt Theodore, baker, r M cor Fourth. Volger John, r V bet 24th and 25th. A 1 Vollmert David, cement finisher, r J bet 9th and 10th. Von Hatten Louisa Miss, dressmkr, r 3001 K. Von Hatten Paul, sexton St Joseph's Cemetery, r 3001 K. Von Rentz John, r California Hotel. .-ft. Vosler Andrew, tailor 621 J, r same. Voss Benj., tinner Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1229 J. C Vowels W. J., elk W L & Co, r 419 L. T) 0) O 5 QUflW f ASFS D,XON«,GESON i/ Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 460 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. W Wachhorst Eugene S., chief dep Co Clerk, r 1417 11th. Wachhorst Herman B. F., jeweler 315 J, r same. Wachter John 0., elk The Nonpareil, r 1622 14th. Wacker Freda, dom 706 M. Wackford Wm., expressman, r Highland Park. Waddell J., emp S P Co., r 1626 6th. Wadden Michael, r 517 8th. Wadden Wm., emp S P Co, r 713 E. Waddle Mary Mrs, r 510 O. Wade John, foreman S P Co, r Broderick. Wadsworth Caroline Mrs, r 317 P. Wadsworth Herbert Jr, elk Cal Fruit Trausp Co, r 1001 2d. Wadsworth Ruby S. Miss, r 317 P. Wagenbach Louis, lab S P Co, r 623 9th. Wagener Mathew (Knowles & Wagener), r Y cor 28th. Wagener Sadie Miss, emp W L & Co, r 28th cor Y. Wager Fred, restaurant 1016 6th, r 424 N. Waggoner Bonnie Miss, r 910 6th. «r Waggoner Fieldon R., physician 429 J, r-&UL&h./W/2~ A) Waggoner Pearl Miss, artist 910 6th, r same. , Waggoner R. D., miner, r 910 6th. Waggott Bertram, rpr S P Co, r Red Bluff. Wagner Christopher A. (C. and L. Wagner), r 1614 7th. Wagner C. and L. (C. A. and L. Wagner), hops 612 J. Wagner Frank A., emp S P Co, r 1107 D. Wagner H., bkmn S. P Co. Wagner Harry A., r 609 14th. Wagner Henry, emp C E Ry Co, r 1026 8th. Wagner H. S., r 28th cor Y. Wagner John, carp, r 830 I. Wagner Jos., poultry raiser, r Y cor 28th. Wagner L. (C. and L. Wagner), r 1614 7th. Wagner Louis, fireman City Water Wks, r 1418 13th. Wagner Michael, died May 25th, 1894. Wagner Thos. M., emp S P Co, r 609 14th. Wagoner Wm. V., com The Bee, r 314£ J. Wahl Gus, r 417 N. Wahlander Claus A., painter S P Co, r 615 16th. Wait A. M. Miss, r 1020 F. Wait Chas. E., moved to Portland Or. Wait Geo. S., druggist 531 J, r same. Wait Geo. Z., elk G. S. Wait, r 531 J. Wait Jas. M., r 1616J alley bet 16th and 17th, G and H.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hlisted** is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. st0V8S ani1 Ran&es- 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 461 Wait Jerome, miner, r 1020 F. Wait Robt. L., dentist 701 J, r 1619 P. Waite Albert L., elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 332 O. Waite Bertha J. Miss, r 1324 10th. Waite Edith A. Miss, r 1424 10th. Waite Edwin G., died Oct 1894. Waite Efi^e G. Miss, r 1324 10th. Waite E. G. Mrs, r 1324 10th. Waite Harry, clairvoyant, r 520 L. Waite Sumner B., emp John Breuner, r 616 12th. Walchrist Albert F., mach, r 721 E. Waldan O. C, insp S P Co, r Blue Canyon. Waldburger Conrad, baker, r 900 J. Waldisbuehl Bernhardt (Feusi & Waldisbuehl), r 1003 K. Waldren M. E., emp S P Co, r 619£ H. Waldren Thos. J., emp S P Co, r 617 H. Waldron Andrew, saloon 706 J, r State House Hotel. Waldron Ashby T., mach, r Y bet 26th and 27th. Waldron Elizabeth Mrs, farmer, r North Levee rd nr 40th. Waldron Ella M. Mrs, r 1831 G. Waldron Georgia Miss, actress Clunie Opera House. Waldron Louis, mach S P Co, r Y cor 26th. Waldron W. B., eng S P Co. Waldron Wm., r825E. WaldvogelH., r 814 J. Walke Adolph, driver D. Dierssen Co, r 704 O. Walker A., appr S P Co, r 1621 8th. Walker Adela Miss, r 1227 I. Walker Alexander, lab, r Tremont Hotel. Walker Bros (D. and W.), cigars 800 K. Walker C. S., r 1227 I. Walker Daisy Miss, bkkpr J. B. Atwood, r 528 Oak av. Walker David, blksmith, r 720 S. Walker David (Walker Bros), r 429 L. Walker Edw. T., agt Goodell California Fruit Line 1012 2d, r same. Walker Elmer O., lab, Sacramento Lumber Co, r 2309 Front. Walker Fred R., msgr B. Wilson & Co, r 917 5th. Walker Grace Miss, elk W L & Co, r 923 12th. Walker Geo. A., bkmn S P Co, r 923 12th. Walker Henry, painter, r 1409 D. Walker J., teamster, r 8th cor U. Walker Jas. E., elk The Nonpareil, r 1116 7th. Walker Jas. H., boilermkr S P Co, r1621 8th. Walker Jasper, r California Hotel. Walker John, emp Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2110 W. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery ? COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. CITY oi- IF. Heal Estate and Insufanee CEO. KRONER. 785 K ST. 8ACKAMEXTO. CAI*

462 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Walker Jos. A., elk Lindley & Co, r 1226 Q. Walker Leona Z. Miss, teacher, r 1227 I. Walker Lizzie, dom, 406| J. Walker Mary Miss, elk Hale Bros & Co, r 923 12th. Walker May Mrs, cloakmkr 1227 I, r same. Walker Odie Miss, r 1117 Q. Walker Saml., emp S P Co, r 906 7th. Walker Taylor D., bootblk W. H. Guinn, r 1412 4th. Walker Theodore H., restaurant 206 K, r same. Walker Wm. (Walker Bros), r 613 J. Walker Wm., elk Am Cash Store, r 1125 I. Wall August, lodgings 925 Front. Wall Frank, emp S P Co, r 814 7th. Wall Helen Miss, r 925 Front. Wall Jas. T., emp C. Schnerr & Co, r 925 Front. Wall John J., teamster, r 2117 4th. Wall Kate Miss, emp Capital Soap Co, r 2117 4th. Wall Patrick H., groceries 6th cor P, r same. Wall Stewart S., emp Am Steam Laundry. Wall W. A., janitor K of P Hall, r I cor 9th. Wallace Elvira Mrs, nurse 617 P, r same. Wallace Frank A., painter S P Co, r 1117 6th. Wallace Henry K., stoves 815 J, r 2114 M. Wallace J. B., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Wallace John, lab, r 919 16th. Wallace John M., emp S P Co, r 1531 D. Wallace Johu Q., painter, r 919 16th. Wallace Jos. F., elk W U T Co, r 919 16th. Wallace Jos. M., r 1308 N. Wallace Lillie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1236 O. Wallace Lizzie J. Miss, shirtmkr F. Mason, r 919 16th. Wallace M. A. Mrs, r 1111£ H. Wallace Manuela Mrs, r 610 alley bet 6th"and 7th, G and H. Wallace Milton, bkkpr, r 2114 M. Wallace Thos. H., moved to Marysville Cal. Wallace Wm., r 1023 6th. Wallace Wm. I., route agt The Bee, r 617 P. Wallenstein Johaann, carp, r 2426 P. Wallenstein N. Mrs, r 1506 2d. Wallin Alfred S., elk, r 2613 N. Walling John C, elk Hammer's music store, r1512 J. Wallis Talbot H., timekeeper State Printer, r 1519 10th. Wallquist Antone F., mach S P Co, r 721 E. Wallquist Chas. J., foreman SP.Co, r 915 J. Walrath Bros (C. P. and L. L.), drayage 524 K. Walrath Chas. P. (Walrath Bros), r 1314 E. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND KSTREETS. Stores in Sacramento. . w r Insurance COOLEY i «*IOI3 ~FOURT H STRtiET* SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 463 Walrath Geo. W., r.1314 E. Walrath Lu L. (Walrath Bros), r 1314 E. Walsh Chas. E., emp Golden Eagle Hotel, r 422 K. Walsh Chas. S., r 1925 J. Walsh Danl., died Dec 7th, 1894. Walsh & Dunphy (E. Walsh and G. Dunphy), saloon 900 K. Walsh Edw. (Walsh & Dunphy), r 610£ I. Walsh Edw., saloon 317 L, r same. Walsh Henne Miss, r 212 M. Walsh John M., r 1326 G. Walsh John R, barber R. Label, r 422 K. Walsh J. S. Mrs, r 1925 J. tr=a Walsh Kittie Miss, r 212 M. Walsh Michael Rev, asst pastor Cathedral of the Most Holy Sacrament, r 12th cor K. Walsh Oliver S., emp CEKy Co, r 1215 25th. Walsh Patrick, emp S P Co, r 212 M. Walsh Wm., lineman W U T Co, r 1721 N. Walsh Wm., bartndr A. Bulger, r 212 M. Waltenspeil A., lab S P Co, r 727 J. Walter Albert, r 1500 J. Walter Alfred L., r 16th and W. Walter Bertha Mrs, r 822 8th. Walter Fred., carp, r 2212 10th. Walter Wm., r 1419 E. Walter Wm. F., died Dec 7th, 1894. » 8 Walters Ezekiel (Walters & McLennan), r 2415 L. M* Walters John, emp M. Miller, r 918 9th. m+ WALTERS & McLENNAN (E Walters and H. K. McLen­ nN» nan), Proprietors Union Hotel, 1024-1026 2d, telephone 01 8 76. ** ff 03 m Walther A. Mrs, r 822 8th. X S3 Walther Bertha Miss, r 822 8th. u Walther Fredk., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. *4 Walther L. Mrs, r 1614 L. (K «4 ^&? Walther T, mach S P Co, r Broderick. * P Walther W., molder S P Co, r 1208 5th. ft Jfe- Walthers Wm. C, bkmn S P Co, r 1507 D. * •o ft Walthews Thos. A., r 2022 K. 0 B Walton J. A., painter S P Co, r 28th cor W. •8 «* Walton Jefferson, r 1625 3d. » e Walton Oscar W., r 1424 6th. 9 Cfl Walton Wm., porter W. B. Peck, r 802 K. w 8 Walzer Geo., emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r Jackson rd 1 cr nr 32d. ft Wappa S., lab, r J121 Front. 3. 9 ft Dixon, Borgeson 1 & COT, a SHOW CASES 37 Market St* 8. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 464 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Wara Geo. A., plumber Crouch & Co, r 2100 10th. Wara Michael, eng S P Co, r 2100 10th. Ward Alex., teamster, r Highland Park. Ward Archibald, elk The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 1714 H. Ward Benj. F., carp, r 1714 H. Ward Chas. H.. r 1413 O. Ward Jas., lab S P Co, r Highland Park. Ward Jas. H., gardener, r 1413 O. Ward Jas. H. Jr, r 1413 O. Ward John, emp S P Co, r Broderick. Ward Margaret Miss, emp State Printer, r 1413 O. WARD TROWBRIDGE H., Clerk of the Supreme Court, State Capitol, r S F. Ward Wm. F., emp S P Co, r 1714 H. Wardlaw C. A. Mrs, dressmkr 814 L, r same. Wardlaw Edw., lab, r 2900 J. Wardlaw Jas., elk W L & Co, r 2900 J. Wardlaw J. M., elk Hale Bros & Co, r 1012 N. Wardlaw Wm., elk, r 814 L. Wardle Ralph, blksmith, r 2931 G. Warendorph E. Mrs, r Slater's Add. Waring Mary Mrs, r 1417 G. Waring Robt. A., r 1417 G. Warlin Jos., mach, r 1806 9th. Warm by Chas. L., mach S P Co, r 715 11th. Warm by John J., fireman S P Co, r 715 11th. Warmby Thos., mach S P Co, r 715 11th. Warner Adam, driver Buffalo Brewing Co, r 202 L. Warner C. R., fireman S P Co. Warner E. S., painter, r 1128 9th. Warner Ezra F., painter 1009 10th, r 2307 P. Warner Geo., mach, r Broderick. Warner Geo. A., r 716 L. Warner Geo. W., r 1516 2d. Warner Jos. L., carp, r 523 N. Warner Leonard, carp, r 523 N. Warner Millard, driver Am Steam Laundry, r Kathleen Tract. Warr Jos., lab S P Co, r 1800 K. Warr J. Mrs, emp Protestant Orphan Asylum, r same. Warren C. R., fireman, r Union Hotel. Warren Frank J., lab, r 2200 S. Warren John W., emp S P Co, r 1308 K. Warren May Miss, emp W L & Co. r 22 S. Warren Wm. H., watchman S. Glidden, r 916£ J. Warwick Wm., waiter Western Hotel. Washburn A. F. Miss, r 1125 I. |\j. CLARK (SL SONS, 1V-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS OF 10th and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 465 Washburn F. A. Mrs, r 1125 I. Washburn L. B., lab, r 307 11th. WASHBURN 0. F., Vice-President Capital Banking and Trust Co, Garten Gold Cure, and Proprietor American Cash Store, Groceries etc, 801 K ne cor 8th, r 1619 G (see bottom lines). Washburn Waldo A., mgr Am Cash Store and Talken & Washburn, r 1125 I. WASHBURNE & CO (M. A. Washburne), Druggists 800 J. Washburne Lucy Mrs, r 1015 U. Washburne Merrill A. (Washburne & Co), r 1509 I. Washington Primary School, Miss M. L. Woods prin, G cor 13th. or** Washington Ship Yard, W. H. Young supt, Broderick. Wasilisky Peter, peddler, r 406 L. Wasserman David, elk The Nonpareil, r 820 N. WASSERMAN, DAVIS & CO (S. Wasserman, R. D. Davis and C. Kaufman), Proprietors The Nonpareil, Dry and Fancy Goods, 501, 503 and 505 J. Telephone 395. Wasserman S. (Wasserman, Davis & Co), r S F. Wassmaun Adolf, shoemkr, r 1809 12th. xn Waterbury E. L., gunsmith Kimball & Upson, r State House Hotel. o Waterhouse Block, 709-715 J. & Waterhouse C. P. (Burns & Waterhouse), r S F. o toS Waterhouse Gertrude Miss, r 912 18th. SO WATERHOUSE & LESTER, W.JL. Duden Manager, Iron, 5*; £ Steel, Coal and Hardwood Lumber, 709-715 J and San to Francisco (see adv). o Waterland TyreH., cabinetmkr W. D. Comstock, r 1219 18th 9> —3 nr L. kd Waterman Etta Miss, r 1612 I. Waterman Frank S., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 1612 I. Waterman Harry G., plumber F. T. Lyman, r 1612 I. Waterman Wm. F., lab Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1612 I. Waters Edw., carp S P Co, r 317 11th. Waters F. R., barber 603 K., r 817 11th. 1 Waters J. B. Mrs, r 1408 J. Waters J. E. Mrs, r 1701 O. Waters LuellaM. Miss, artist 1111 28th, r same. Waters Mamie Miss, emp L. Elkus Co. Waters Mary Mrs, poultry raiser, r Broderick. Waters R., elk The Nonpareil, r 905 K. Waters Wm. T., switchman, r 716 7th. Waters Wm. R, died June 17th, 1894. Watkins Annie Miss, emp State Printer, r 1207 L. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any oth»r two Grocery 30 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT TH6 Deimonico RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Qoen Doy and Niam. OYSTER PARLOR: 466 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Watkins Delos S., mach S P Co, r 1417 P. Watkins Malcolm, smp Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, r 1909 M. Watkins Retta Miss, r 1909 M. MS Watkins Richd., city electrician 1017 5th, r 1909 M. Watkins Wilbur, elk, r 1417 P. *> 2co • Watley Thos. J., cond C E Ry Co, r 2817 O. g » Watson Anna Mrs, r 1023 E. 3 ft -• Watson A. W., elk W L & Co, r 818 L. «J o o Watson C. S., patent medicines 2208 I,r same. S 2 8 • Watson Geo. W., r 828 10th. SSH8 Watson G. Vernon, stenog Gregory Bros Co, r 314 15th. £-• . a Watson Jas. S., elk S P Co, r 1531 2d. £>-iw Watson Jas. S., sec and treas Porter Bros Co, r Chicago 111. 2 Watson John T., lab S P Co, r 1615 11th. Watson J. P., died Oct 23d, 1894. CO Watson J. R. Mrs, r 8th cor F. Watson Lily M. Miss, died Mar 31,1894. Watson Louis, carp, r 1011 5th. o Watson Mary J. Miss, prin Sacramento Grammar School, r 1627 H. Watson Pembrook S., emp S P Co, r 314 15th. Watson Ralph, emp S P Co, r 1531 2d. Watson Wm. G., elk Curtis & Herzog, r J 001 2d. o • Watson Wm. S., physician 2208 I, r same. Watt Jas. W., emp City Water Wks, r 1520 O. S "• Watt John, r 605 13th, Wattles Chas. H., carp, r 1405 O. WATTS PLINY R., Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours SP »- 10:30 A M to 12 M and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M, 925 10th, tel­ ephone 345, r 1316 N. Waxon Antone, motorman C E Ry Co, r 2515 S. Waxon Frank, cond C E Ry Co, r 2515 S. Waxon Peter, r 2515 S. Waxon Mary Mrs, r 2515 S. Waxon Millie Miss, r 2515 S. •a! Way Chas. F., trav salesman Capital Gold Cure, r 908 7th. Way Frank S. E., emp M. E. Lyon, rl603 2d. Webb E. H. Mrs, r 631 E. Webb Elenor Mrs, r 1118 R. o Serves Daily more Patrons o THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery 5 OOR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street,

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 467 Webb F. A. Mrs, dressmkr 530 J., r 1800 P. Webb Frank A., mach S P Co, r 1800 P. Webb Geo. W., emp S P Co, r 1521 7th. Webb Jas. C, r Oak Park. i^0 > Webb J. H. Mrs, r 817 11th. si Webb John, elk The Chas. P. Nathan Co, r 520 L. Webb John J., lab, r Broderick. Webb J. Paul, appr S P Co, r 817 11th. Webb Nathan, foreman S P Co, r 1806 P. Hz Webb Nettie E. Miss, bkkpr Kilgore & Tracy, r 817 11th. Webb T. F. Mrs, furn rms 905 6th. iO Webb Thos. F., lab, r 905 6th. o Webb Wm., emp M. Miller, r 918 9th. c Webber Percy, student, r 630 M. z Webber Richd. P., emp S P Co, r 1610 F. V) Webber Wm., lab Carlaw Bros, r Oak Park. Webber Wm. J., mach S P Co, r 1610 F. Weber Antone, brewer Buffalo Brewing Co, r 2101 P. WEBER & CO (A. A. Jost, ), Wholesale and Retail Gro­ o o ceries and Provisions, 1217 and 1219 L, telephone 106. r Weber Conrad, butcher Mrs E. Weber, r 1511 F. m Weber Eva Mrs, meatmkt 1030 H, r same. Weber F. H. L., died Dec 29th, 1894. Weber Geo., butcher Mrs. E. Weber, r 1030 H. Weber John, emp S P Co, r 1330 C. 3 "o Weber Luther T., elk Weber & Co, r 1602 L. Weber Margaretha Mrs, died Feb 6th, 1894. Weber Rosina Mrs, r 1511 F. B Weber Theresa Mrs, r 5th nr X. Webster Annie, dom 1007 L. Webster A. S., r 2509 O. Webster C. Mrs, r 1704 N. Webster Emily Mrs, r 324 M. Webster Henry Mrs, r 2028 3d. to Webster John F., died Oct 4th, 1894. 01 Webster Jos. R., emp S P Co, r 306 10th. » 03 3 > Webster Noah N., gardener Capitol grounds, r 1705 N. o. Webster P. M., physician 1029 H, r same. o> Webster Wm. A., opr W U T Co, r 300£ K. to Wederholt Geo., blksmith, r 2701 T. Weed Theo., lab, r Broderick. Weeden Chas., butcher, r Broderick. WEEKLY UNION THE, Sacramento Publishing Co Pub­ ? ~0 lishers, 1017 3d. Weeks Annie C. Miss, vice-prin Sacramento Grammar School, £ O r 1219 7th. DIXON, BORGESOft A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. I. Is- i Pll PillDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 468 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Weeks Jas. A., fireman Capital Gas Co, r 1412 3d. Weeks John R., tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 621 M. Weeks Urilda H., carp S P Co, r Highland Park. Weidenhamer Otto, emp Buffalo Brewing Co. © o Weidman Jennie Miss, actress Clunie Opera House. CO Weidner Frank, barber Western Hotel, r 812 P.

s* Weigers Stephen, emp S P Co, r 916 C. 2 Weil Edw. A., U S gauger, r 1530 J. Or O Weil Fred C, cashier Buffalo Brewing Co, r 1213 18th. -S o WEIL JOHN, President and Manager Sacramento Glass and cd o Crockery Co, r 1009 L. «- z Weil Louis J., elk Sacramento Glass & Crockery Co, r 1514 N. o>« Weil Margaret Miss, r 1009 L. o a Weil Robt. H., elk Sacramento Glass and Crockery Co, r 111420th. —5 Z Weiman E. Mrs, emp State Printer, r 1214 K. (0 Weimann D., stoves 914 J, r same. CO Q *»» z Weinreich Chas. E., r 1010 N. • - Weinreich Edw. C, elk H. Weinreich & Co, r 1110 N.' WEINREICH H. & CO (H. Weinreich, F. and E. C. cs o Raschen), Wholesale Liquors and Rectifiers 514 J. Q. u Weinreich Henry (H. Weinreich & Co), r 1110 N. Weinstock Harris, pres W L & Co, r 1631 H. s WEINSTOCK, LUBIN & CO, H. Weinstock President, D. Lubin Vice-President, A. Bonheim Secretary, General i< Outfitters, 400-412 K. 5 CO Weir Jas., driver Gregory Bros Co, r 2d cor I. Weir Michael, hostler W. J. Irvine, r 1122 2d. CO Weisel Christian, meat mkt 726 L, r 1427 8th. CO WeiselChristian Jr, butcher C. Weisel, r 1427 8th. Weisel Daisy Miss, r 1427 8th. Weisel Minnie Miss, r 1427 8th. Weisman Chas. F., r 404 O. Weisman Eugenie Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 404 O. Weisman Julia Miss, r 404 O. CC Weisman Wm. J., appr E. W. Bruening, r 404 O. Weisman Wm. J., emp E. W. Bruening, r 404 O. Weisman Frank M., bkkpr Ebner Bros Co, r 612 Q. Weiss Hermann, gardener, r 1123 H. Weisse Fred E„ emp S P Co, r 406 12th. Weitzel Frank, elk Am Cash Store, r 1208 9th. Welch Andrew, lab, r 1511 Front. Welch Benj., emp S P Co, r 817 H. WELCH BENJAMIN B. (Welch Bros), r 817 H. WELCH BROS (B. B. and F. C), Confectionery, Fine Can­ CO dies, Ice Cream and Soda Water, 607 J (see left side lines). FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'a is the only Directory ofSaosmento x LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. ^SSS*"

502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. 00 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 469 Welch Ella Miss, r 2413 P. Welch Francis M., died June 14th, 1894. WELCH FRANK C. (Welch Bros), r 817 H. Welch Jas. H., carp, r 2413 P. Welch John, lab, r 2d cor S. Welch John J., blksmith S P Co, r 1314 P. Welch Lulu J. Miss, bkkpr Perkins & Son, r 906 12th. Welch Mary A. Mrs, r 11th bet P and Q. Welch Thos. F., rpr F. M. Jones, r 1719 11th. Welch W., emp S P Co, r 1314 P. Welch Watson D., painter S P Co, r 906 12th. Welch W. D. Mrs, dressmkr 906 12th, r same. Welch Wm. J., r 1817 2d. WELDON ELMER J., Dentist, 306 J, r 1418 N. Weldon Jas. L., tinsmith S P Co, r 2911 D. Wellbauks S. Mrs, r 417 M. Weller Chas. E., elk E. Weller, r 714 M. Weller Elias, groceries 710 K, r 714 M. Weller Geo. F., r Louisiana Tract. Weller Geo. M., elk Am Cash Store, r!234£ F. Weller H. B. Mrs, farmer, r Louisiana Tract. Weller Kate Miss, r 714 M. Wells Chas., r 1011 5th. Wells Chas. M., bartndr C. F. Williams, r 1007£ 4th. WELLS, FARGO & CO'S EXPRESS, Felix Tracy Agent and Assistant Superintendent, sw cor 6th and K. Branch office, S P Co's depot. Wells Fredk., elk C. A. Sawtelle, r 621 J. Wells Geo., lab, r Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Wells Geo., blacksmith, r 1208 G. Wells Geo. A., appr S P Co, r 1208 G. Wells H. A. Mrs, r 1900 H. Wells Lillian H. Miss, r 1900 H. Wells Mamie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 1208 G. Wells Mattie, dom 1815 18th. Welsh Jas., marine eng, r 1320 2d. Welsh Patrick, lab, r 1025 Front. Welsh Thos. G., died Nov 26th, 1893. Weltrowske Paul, barber 911 K, r same. Wendt Gustav A., contr and bldr 2126 M, r same. Wenger Fredk., elk J. J. Wingard, r 2430 O. Wentworth Clara B. Miss, music teacher 1730 9th, r same. Wentworth Edw. R., lab, r 416 7th. Wentworth Geo. D„ carp S P Co, r 1730 9th. Wentworth L. C„ lab, r 416 7th. Wentworth M. W. Mrs, r 416 7th. THE AMERICAN CASH 8T0RE£r2r =m J •mm. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, II ••• I f^eal Estate and Insurance KE1. HtORIEit, 7SS K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAJL. p 470 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. c Wentworth N. Miss, r 416 7th. Wentzel Geo. R., elk Buffalo Brewing Co, r State House Hotel. Wenzel Geo., r 1413 5th. Wenzel M. Mrs, r 815 7th. Werlin Jos., mach S P Co, r 1806 9th. Wermuth Preston G., painter, r 415 10th. w Werner Ida Mrs, emp State Printer, r 929 K. Werner Kate Miss, dressmkr, r 2431 13th. Werner Louisa Mrs, r 243113th. Werner Rudolph, appr C. S. Ott, r 2431 13th. g 4* Wesolovski Czestav, tailor Lester & McCracken, r 719 F. M Wessell Bernard, lab, r 13th cor Y. West , carp, r Dillman Tract. crT£ West Dan, cond S P Co. West Edw., boilermkr S P Co, r 1731 M. s * West Effie Miss, r 1123 0. West F., lab S P Co, r Belvidere Hotel. West Frank, lab, r Lower Stockton rd f m s city limits. West Geo. B., fireman, r 515 10th. w West Henry E., emp S P Co, r 1915 M. West John D., emp S P Co, r 111 K. West John J., emp S P Co, r 515 10th. West Maggie J. Miss, dom 1214 N. West R. Edwin, fireman S P Co, r 224 J. West W. A., fireman S P Co. West Wm., r alley bet 7th and 8th, G and H. Westerberg Nels P., blksmith Favers & Striff, r 1015 10th. (ft Western Annie Miss, r 1123 H. WESTERN HOTEL, Wm. Land Proprietor, 209-221 K. O WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, George Senf Man­ ager, 1015 2d. Westlake Frank, emp C E Ry Co. Westminster Presbyterian Church, Rev R. M. Stevenson Pas­ tor, 6th cor L. Weston Arthur M., cond S P Co, r 1015 G. Weston Wm., emp Burns & Waterhouse, r F cor 17th. Westphal Bert, emp S P Co, r 521 M. Westphal C. H., emp S P Co, r 521 M. Westphalen Herman, cigarmkr Clark Bros & Stanley, r u 1524 J. Westrend Edw., teamster, r Broderick. Wetzell Kittie Miss, r 431 N. Wetzal Martin, janitor Hall of Records, r 431 N. Id Weule Emil, watchmkr 816 J, r 1117 15th. Weyman Chas. M., electrician Capital Gas Co, r 620 O. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery OOR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Granite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : i. mmn, 42J J STREET, - 8AGRAMKNTO, CAE, SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 471 Whalen H., emp S P Co, r 1129 H. Whallon S. N., eng S P Co. Wharton Jerome S., emp Capital Gas Co, r 818 20th. Wharton John W„ r 818 20th. Wharton Z. F., atty 624 J, r 1925 I. WhatwoodW. J., r 1007£ 4th, Wheat Harriet B. Miss, r 409 9th. Wheat Hayden I., elk Kilgore & Tracy, r 409 9th. Wheat Jas. M., bkkpr F. V. Flint & Co, r 409 9th. Wheat Jas. R., upholsterer S P Co, r 409 9th. Wheat Jos. W., marine eng, r 1704 4th. L-^-.J Wheeler Frank R., blksmith, r 1224 K. Wheeler Jay, blksmith, r 1224 K. Wheeler Leanna Miss, stenog Adams-Booth Co, r 813 8th. Wheeler M. Mrs, r 906 7th. WHEELER R. D„ Proprietor The Old Homestead Home Bakery, 1012 J, r same (see top lines). Wheeler Wm. W., emp M. F. Odell, r Eldred House. Whelan W., lab S P Co. Whipfly Chas., driver City Brewery. Whipple Lily M. Miss, r 1612 7th. Whipple M. A. Mrs, r 1612 7th. Whitaker A., r 1007£ 4th. •*• Whitaker Andrew, died Apr 17th, 1894. Whitaker E. Mrs, r 1326 F. ft S Whitaker Priscilla Mrs, r 1720 Q. M« Whitbeck Danl. D., cashier Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings P* Bank, r 1314 10th. ft N» Whitbeck Frank H., emp Singer Mfg Co, r 614 G. 01 0 Whitbeck Jas. L., ins, r 1314 10th. M White A. H., bkmn, r 804 K. CO I * P White Alida Miss, stenog, r 1614 3d. N* White Anita Miss, emp State Printer, r 1614 3d. u 4 White Annie Mrs, r 612 alley bet 6th and 7th, G and H. 89 *w «* White . Monuments and Statuaro SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 473 White Wm., r Y cor 25th. > White Wm., hostler T. Scriver, r L cor 4th. White Wm. A., r 715 N. CO White Wm. H„ died May 22d, 1894. White Wm. J., elk W. H. Hanlon, r 1206 Q. White Wm. J., carp, r Broderick. Whitelaw John D., emp S P Co, r 1011 F. Whithorn J. S., cook, r 1315 5th. Whiting Fredk., r Broderick. 3 Whitley F. G., emp S P Co, r 605 H. Whitlock Geo. W., r 1720 K. Whitlock Geo. W., r 1620 J. Whitman Wm. C, elk W L & Co, r 713 O. Whitmore A., nurse S P Hospital Assn, r 917 K. > Whitmore A. C, appr S W Co, r 8th cor F. t Whitmore B. F., carp S £ Co, r 516 M. O CD Whitmore Clifford, r 1613 K. CO r Whitmore Frank L., carp S P Co, r 715 23d. Whitmore Maria Mrs, emp State Printer, r 916 14th. m Whitmore Winnie Miss, stenog Wood, Gray & Co, r 916 14th. co Whitney A. J. Mrs, r 1909 H. Whitney David H., patent medicines 1005 K, r same. Whitney Frank, r 909 10th. r~> Whitney L. Mrs, r 903 S. ;>- Whitney L. A. Mrs, r 1115 12th. r— OO .^ P4 Whittaker Geo. W., waiter Buckmaun & Carraghar, r 1026 8th. >—« E=3 Whittaker Wesley, lab, r 1011 5th. •-< <=U JM Whittemore Wm. P., bxmkr State Printer, r 528 I. »—>• r-> Whittier Benj. A., elk W. P. Fuller & Co, r 1012 21st. CO 3=- o TO Whittier S. A. Mrs, r 718 M. <—t TO Whittier Wm. P., painter J. F. Hill, r 718 M. 52 >~ Whitworth Thos. W., r 1411 P. o> CD Whyer J. H., mach, r Tremont Hotel. <-> m Whyte Edw., elk, r 216 P. ri Whyte John, elk Crystal Palace, r 216 P. CD Whyte John F., emp S P Co, r 621 J. Whyte M. L. Miss, cashier The Nonpareil, r 216 P. Wiard Henry D„ motorman C E Ry Co, r 2201 L. Wiard Wm. F., physician 1007 8th, r 1608 O. Wiard Wm. M., physician, r Oak Park. t Wick Ida K. Miss, r 811 H. S o • Wicke Henry, waiter Western Hotel. » QO , o Cf1 p Wickham Nathaniel W., lab, r 2221 9th. 3 O »- Wicks Chas. E., fireman S P Co, r 418 9th. oa Wicks Wm. T., r 810 alley bet 8th and 9th, L and M. Wickson G. G. & Co, P. Murman agt, typewriters 528 J. TflDC Serves Daily more Patrons • I U UL than any other two Grocery J COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, m

J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI/T First-Class Res­ THE DELIVIOKKO taurant and OS Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day & Night Oyster Parlor bo 474 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. as >> bo Wickwire Frank, harness 317 K, r 314 Q. 0) Widten Chas. A., molder S P Co, r Broderick. o Wiedeman Walter M., died Sept, 1894, Wiegel Ernest, musician, r 510 M. a Wieger Chas., com trav, r 1910 L. *£ Wieger J., Upholsterer S P Co, r Broderick. o O o Wiese Rudolph W., driver Bufialo Brewing Co, r 1619 23d. CO i° Z Du, a < Wiesel John, r 831 M. O o I- Wiesenhofer Annie A. Mrs, r 421 N. 00 (0 Wiesenhofer Frank, elk J. J. Buckley, r 421 N. o s Wiesler Albert A., blksmith H. G. Melvin, r Oak Park. Wiest Lawrence, driver Kirk, Geary & Co, r 1531 E. 6* w co Wietrick Sam, r 610 alley bet 6th and 7th, L and M. Wieyant Emma Mrs, r Broderick. o Wiezel Albert, horseshoer J. F. Mannigan, r 831 M. Wiezel Alice Miss, r 831 M. 09 Wiezel John Jr, horseshoer J. F. Mannigan, r 1910 I. Wiezel Jos., emp State Printer, r 831 M. Wiezel Minnie Miss, r 831 M. CO WIGWAM OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE, A. R. Clarke Proprietor, 727 K. Wilbur Henry H., blksmith, r 1323 J. Wilbur Oscar, comp Sheehan & Harris, r 1323 J. Wilbur Vance W., musician, r 1323 J. Wilcocks Wm., carp S P Co, r Brighton. Wilcox Augusta M. Miss, furn rms 629 M. Wilcox Florence Miss, r 1020 F. S3 0 Wilcox Lou W., mgr Jos. Thieben Crockery Co, r 906 7th. - o Wilcox M. B. Mrs, r 1020 F. *3 ID Wilcox Nellie Miss, teacher Union Primary School, r 1020 F. Wilcox Nelson, carp, r 629 M. Wilcox Nelson H., elk S P Co, r 629 M. 5 & Wilcox Wm., r 1614 M. a 4 Wilcoxson Jefferson, capitalist 918 7th, r 815 J. Wild Simon, saddletreemkr alley bet 7th and 8th, N and 0, r o K same. Wilder C. H. Mrs, furn rms, 729 I. Wilder Joel O., mach S P Co, r 1708 O. Wilder Marshall W., dispatcher S P Co, r 1422 H. Wildermuth Robt., bartndr A. Miller, r 300£ J. Wiley Abel C, cabinetmkr S P Co, r 703 23d. Wilford J. L., rpr S P Co, r 1015 8th. Wilgus Aaron H., r 1406 N. 525 Pi Wilhelm A. Mrs, r 606 F. ^ilhelm Emma Miss, emp L. Elkus Co, r 606 F. Vtilhelm F. E„ emp S P Co, r 609£ I. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores io Sscrsmento.

i-3 THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... — FOR HOME-IDE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. C^> SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 475 Wilhelm M. A., r 606 F. Wilhelm Otto, upholsterer W. H. Burtless. Wilhelm Otto A., mgr J. G. Davis, r 2031 I. WILKE CHARLES, jeweler 1010 7th, r 1328 K. Wilke Chas. Jr, emp C. Wilke, r 1328 K. Wilke Christopher, jeweler 0. Wilke, r 1515 8th. Wilke Nellie Miss, r 1328 K. Wilkerson Wm. E., r 510 M. Wilkie Geo., saddlemkr J. T. Stoll, r 1330 K. Wilkie John, waiter, 1022 5th. Wilkins A. Mrs, r 725 L. Wilkins Belle Miss, teacher Capital Primary School, r 1300 I. Wilkins Dedlif, died Dec 30th, 1893. Wilkinson Jas., emp S P Co, r 322 N. Wilkinson M. J. Mrs, r 1818 G. Willage Hannah Mrs, r 1718 14th. Willard David W., emp S P Co, r 1320 8th. Willard Frank J., pipemkr Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 321 15tb. Willem J. W. Mrs, r 209 M. Willem Lillie Miss, r 209 M. Willett Elba S., emp C E Ry Co. Willey Chas. J., elk Surveyor-General, r 1412 18th. Willey M. C, eng, r 313 N. Willey Wm. H. H., cigars 804 K, r 1218 F. Willhite Chas. A., asst yardmaster S P Co, r 125 J. Willhite J. C, carp S P Co, r 718 8th. Willi Dora Miss, r Dillman Tract. Willi Edw. F., elk W. M. Smith, r Oak Park. Willi Mary Miss, dressmkr, r Dillman Tract. Willi Oscar J., elk C. McCallum, r Dillman Tract. Willi Wm. G., blksmith S P Co, r Dillman Tract. William Tell House, 900 J. Williams A., lab S P Co, r Broderick. Williams A. E. Mrs, r 1216 O. Williams Arthur F., elk Baker & Hamilton, r 907 L. Williams Callie L. Miss, r 2319 H. Williams Calvin F., pres Sacramento Box and Supply Co, r 2319 H. Williams Carrie Miss, r Oak Park. Williams Chas., porter Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 513£ K. Williams Chas., blacksmith, r 420 13th. Williams Chas. F., saloon 324 K, r 1305 4th. Williams Chas. J., r 513 alley bet 5th and 6th, M and N. Williams Clark F., elk A. A. Van Voorhies & Co, r 2319 H. Williams C. Ross, elk W L & Co, r 400 K. DIXON, BORQESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. a% PtiilliDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 476 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Williams D. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1816 F. Williams Edw., painter J. E. Mayo, r 1010 12th. Williams Edwin A., elk S P Co, r 1620 12th. Williams Eliza Mrs, r 420 13th. Williams Ellen Mrs, r Oak Park. Williams Elmer, r X cor 34th. Williams Fannie Mrs, r 907 L. Williams F. C. Mrs, r 920 W. Williams Frank, emp S P Co, r 719J J. Williams Frank, waiter H. Boule, r 5th nr J. Williams Frank A., comp State Printer, r 1016 P. Williams Fredk. L., moved to Rodeo Cal. Williams Fred Y., cashier Hall Luhrs & Co, r 2110 M.­ Williams Geo., lab, r 104 K. Williams Geo., carp S P Co, r 1813 N. Williams Geo. H., r2319 H. Williams H. A., emp S P Co, r Red Bluff. Williams Henry K., elk Surveyor General, r 906 G. Williams H. M., r Broderick. Williams Isaac B., painter 1623 G, r same, Williams J., appr S P Co, r 1822 F. Williams J. G., motorman C E Ry Co, r 1425 K. Williams Jane Mrs, r alley bet 3d and 4th, N and O. Williams Jas., plasterer 622 J, r same. Williams J., emp C E Ry Co. Williams J. H., emp S P Co, r 605 H. Williams John N., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 714 I. Williams John, mach S P Co, r 1816 F. Williams John S., r 1809 M. Williams John T., emp Capital Gas Co, r 414 N. Williams Jos. A., carp, r 1317 6th. Williams K. Mrs, r 321 P. Williams M. Laura F. Miss, dressmkr, r 922 M. Williams Lincoln P., asst foreman State Printer, r 1232 Q. Williams Luella E. Miss, emp Wm. Gropp, r 922 M. WILLIAMS MANUEL S„ Groceries and Liquors, 1630 11th. r same. Williams Mattie W. Miss, r 922 M. Williams M. J. Mrs, furn rms 922 M. Williams Richd., mach S P Co, r 1822 F. Williams Saml. H. (Sacramento Box and Supply Co), r 2319 H. Williamson Addie Miss, r Guthrie's Station. Williamson Charlie N„ student Armstrong & Bruner, r Guth­ rie's Station. Williamson E. Mrs, r 1700 N. Williamson Geo. B„ r Guthrie's Station.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustsft is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published, L. L. LEWIS & CO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 477 Williamson Jennie Miss, r Guthrie's Station. Williamson John, r Guthrie's Station. Williamson M., stevedore, r 1121 Front. WILLIAMSON MAHLON N., Proprietor Capital Nur­ series, 2d nr S P Depot, r 1625 K. Williamson Robt., designer J. J. Vance & Co, r 924 6th. Williamson Robt, r Guthrie's Station. Williamson Robt. Jr, r Guthrie's Station. Williamson S. L., lab S P Co, r 25 N. Willingham Geo. F., cond S P Co, r 1805 O. Willingham M. F. Mrs, r 2309 N. Willis Alice B. Miss, r 1630 G. Willis Evander B., editor Record-Union, r 616 M. Willis, Maud M. Miss, r 1630 G. WILLIS ORLANDO P., Proprietor Willis' Pharmacy, 212 J, r 1630 G. WILLIS* PHARMACY, O. P. Willis Proprietor, 212 J. Willis Theodora Miss, r 1416 7th. Willis Wm. L., reporter Record-Union, r 1416 7th. Wills John C, fireman County Hospital. Willmunder A. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1613 J. Wilmunder Geo., emp Am Steam Laundry, r 1613 J. Wilsey C. A. Mrs, r 1422 N. Wilsey Charlotte P. Miss, copyist Co Recorder, r 1422 N. Wilson Aaron, barber A. Wilson, r 1218 8th. Wilson Abraham, barber 129 and 425 K, r 613 J. Wilson Alice D. Miss, r 1220 N. Wilson Amos, foreman J. W. Wilson & Son, r 318 K. Wilson Arthur J. (J. W. Wilson & Son), r 1522 Q. Wilson Benj., r 1115 11th. Wilson Benno (B. Wilson & Co), r 606 L. Wilson B. & Co. (B. Wilson and H. M. F. Levison), drygoods 601 J. Wilson Celia Miss, r 1220 8th. Wilson Chas., waiter Windsor Hotel. Wilson Chas., emp W. P. Fuller & Co, r 801 M. Wilson Chas., carp, r 1115 11th. Wilson Chas. B. (Wilson, Hall & Co), r 1626 I. Wilson Chas. P., fireman Capital Gas Co, r 2017 3d. Wilson Edwin B., carp and bldr 1224 J, r 1115 11th. Wilson E. E., lab S P Co, r 311 K. Wilson E. F., emp C E Ry Co. Wilson Frank, mach S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Wilson Fred, lab, r Slater's Add. Wilson, Hall & Co (C. B. Wilson and W. C. Hall), mfg chem­ ists, 209 J. Serves Daily more Patrons I , than any other two Grocery COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f^eal Estate and Insurance (EO. mmi 7S5 K ST. 8ACHAME8ITO. CAL. 478 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Wilson Hattie Miss, stenog D. Dierssen Co, r 1724 K. Wilson Isador, elk John Breuner, r 1218 8th. Wilson J., carp S P Co, r 1015 E. Wilson Jas., mach S P Co, r 617 13th. Wilson Jas. N., r Broderick. Wilson Jesse W. (J. W. Wilson & Son), and Wilson & Mitchell, r 1417 I. Wilson John, hostler Fashion Stables. Wilson John, mgr Gt Am Imp Tea Co, r 917 I. Wilson John A., policeman, r 414 13th. Wilson John A., r Slater's Add. Wilson Jos., lab Evergreen Cemetery, r 624 L. WILSON J. T„ Manager Sacramento Oyster Market 817 K, r817£ K. WILSON J. T. MRS., Proprietor Sacramento Oy ster Mar­ ket 817 K, r 812J K. Wilson J. W. & Son (J. W. and A. J.), livery 318 K. Wilson Lillie Miss, r 1614 11th. Wilson Lizzie Miss, emp Mrs J. T. Wilson, r Clarendon Hotel. Wilson Lotta Miss, r 1724 K. Wilson Marcus, r 1220 8th. Wilson Mary M. Miss, r 1502 H. Wilson Matilda, dom K cor 21st. Wilson Mervyn F., emp S P Co, r 318 15th. Wilson & Mitchell (J. W. Wilson and F. E. Mitchell), hacks, 7th nw cor K. Wilson Nelson, appr S P Co, r Broderick. Wilson Peter, usher Clunie Opera House, r 1218 8th. Wilson P. F., emp C E Ry Co, r 2416 P. Wilson R. W., elk I. Zemansky, r Western Hotel. Wilson Seth L., carp S P Co, r 1908 2d. Wilson Stephen, lab S P Co, r 1007£ 4th. Wilson Thos., r 725 L. Wilson Thos., emp S P Co, r 1007^ 4th. Wilson Thos., bartndr W. M. Ellsworth, r 600 K. Wilson W. C, waiter, r 801 7th. Wilson Wm., mach S P Co, r Broderick. Wiman Ella Mrs, r 1214 K. Wimbish Milton, farmer, r 2022 W. Winans Abraham, emp S P Co, r 1018 2d. Winans M. N., clothing 305 J, r Western Hotel. Winckler Martin, teamster, r 308 12th. Windmiller Louis D., bkkpr Sacramento Brewery, r2523 N. Windrick Fredk. Y., carp, r 2931 F. Windrick Geo., emp C E Ry Co, r 2931 F. |r Serves Daily more Patrons | L than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. SELLS REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY. Cooley,| RENTS HOUSES. }1013 4th SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 479 WINDSOR HOTEL, Neary & Flaherty Proprietors, J nw cor 8th (see adv). WINE ROOMS, Frank Van Guelder Proprietor, 614 J. Wing Laura Mrs., emp Nagle & Klinck, r 714 I. Wing Frank H., rubber stamps 1008 3d, r 730 Q. Wing O. H., died July 5th, 1894. WingS. H. Mrs, r 518 N. Wing Wm. H., moved to S F. Wingard J. J., groceries O cor 25th, r same. Wingate A. M., died Oct 5th, 1894. Winkelman E. Mrs, r Oak Park. Winkelman Emma Miss, r Oak Park. Winkleman K. Mrs, r 1830 M. Winkler Jos. C, saloon Y cor 28th, r same. Winn Adolphus G„ surveyor, r 1905 N. Winn Edw., elk Earl Fruit Co, r 721 J. Winn Elizabeth A. Miss, teacher, r 1905 N. Winn Kate E. Miss, teacher Sutter Grammar School, r 1905 N. Winslow Robt. B, trav salesman M. Cronan, r 2014 M. Winter Geo., bkkpr Horst Bros, r 1230 H. Winter Lewis, engraver, 627 J, r 2422 Q. Winters Antone, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co. Winters Hermann, r 2326 H. WINTERS HARRY J. (Winters & Morgan), r 1225 alley bet 12th and 13th, I and J. Winters J. Herman, lab S P Co, r 502 M. 0 Winters John, moved to S F. WINTERS & MORGAN (H. J. Winters and H. J. Morgan), Horse Shoers 1228 J (see adv). Winterstein L. S., fireman S P Co, r300£ K. M or Winther I. Mrs, dom 812 H. CO * Wintringer Leander L., bartndr W. J. Fawcett, r 328J J. Wirth Chas., elk Sacramento Glass and Crockery Co, r 304 S. * * Wirtz John P., lab S P Co, r 1709 J. 3D » Wirwohl Alice Mrs, r 709 7th. Wise Chas., bkmn S P Co, r 1113 8th. * A Wise Edwin S., r 1125 H. * M Wise Elizabeth Mrs, r 1112 F. *• *0 Wise Geo., carp, r 1201 J. * ft Wise Geo., carp S P Co, r 1125 H. 0 B Wise Jos., emp S P Co, r 807 J. * » Wise Michael L., real estate and ins 1029 J, r 920 11th. v e Wiseheart J. H., r 1527 L. Wiseman J. Mrs, r 1630 I. S » Wiseman Jas. A., eng, r 2301 J. ff * Wiseman J. H. (Wiseman & Stone), r 1618 L. ? r Dixon, Borgeson a. &co", ft SHOW CASES 37 Market St„ 0. V. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. DUIIIIPQ BRflQ BOOKBINDERS,

UJ rniLLIrO DnUOil 505 Clay St., San Francisco. Q 480 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. < WISEMAN & STONE (J. H. Wiseman and H. R. Stone), Real Estate, 411 J. H CO Wisotsky Israel, tailor, r 429 L. UJ Wissel Albert G., msgr W F & Co, r 1123 I. CQ Wissemann Fred, beer bottler G. Wissemann, r 817 O. •o c WISSEMANN GEORGE, Proprietor Cafe Royal. Wines, (0 Liquors, Cigars, Billiard Parlor. Beer Bottler and Agent Pabst Milwaukee Lager Beer, 700-702 J, and Saloon 1020 co 4th, r 817 O (see adv). UJ Wissig Henry C, butcher Clauss & Kraus, r 1718 E. zO Wisterwell C. P., lab, r 314 9th. Witham Edith Miss, r Broderick. go Witham Fred, eng S P Co. U Witham Gilbert T., r Broderick. B Witham Wm. S., emp S P Co, r Broderick. * Witherbee Walter L., mgr Thacker Bros, r 1314 H. Withington Millard C, bkkpr Sacramento Coal Co, r 2308 H. With row F., lab, r 8th cor U. Withrow Reuben S„ teamster, r 1507 D. Withrow Wm. H., motormanC E Ry Co, r 2914 L. UJ Q Witt Orlando, emp S P Co, r Broderick. < • Wittenbrock Eliza Miss, r 1303 I. Q. (fl Wittenbrock Elizabeth Miss, r 1800 J. Ul J Wittenbrock Geo. F., hopgrower, r 1808 J. UJ D Wittenbrock Henry, hopgrower, r 1303 I. < Wittenbrock Kate Miss, r 1800 J. Wittenbrock Laura Miss, r 1800J. 2 Wittenbrock Lista Miss, r 1303 I. rra Wittenbrock Rudolph, hop grower, r 1800 J. UJ Wobcken Alice A. Miss, r 1700 J. Wohl H. Mrs, r 1010 3d. Wohlck John C, died Jan 11th, 1894. Woithe Henry A., tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 2125 I. Wolcott H. Orton, comp Sheehan & Harris, r 807 J. CO Wolt Abraham, barber A. Wilson, r 1110 4th. Wolf Albert M., elk E. S. Elkus, r 815 I. Wolf E., elk, r 408 N. o Wolf H. Edwin, appr S P Co, r 410 P. O Wolf Henry C, eng City Water Wks, r 410 P. Wolf Herman, r 1318 2d. QQ Wolf Ida M. Miss, teacher, r 615 11th. Wolf Jacob, elk A. Dunbar, r 815 I. Wolf John H., janitor Capital Primary School, r 615 11th. Wolf Lena Miss, r 1316 20th. Wolf Lena Miss, elk E. S. Elkus, r 815 I. i Wolf Louisa Miss, died Nov 23d, 1893. 3 N. CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. ! flQ Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite ioth and R Sts. and Marble Works

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 481 Wolf May E. Miss, teacher Lincoln Primary School, r 410 P. Wolf Philip, rl316 20th. WOLF PHILIP JR, Contractor and Builder, 2101 N, r same. Wolfe S. H„ r Pacific Hotel. Wolff Louis, cook L. Fischer, r 116 K. Woltine Mary Mrs, r 307 10th. Wollman M. Adolph, elk Fabian Bros, r 700 9th. Wollmer Jacob, barber 818 J, r 2115 10th. Womble Daisy E. Miss, elk The Nonpareil, r 1616 7th. Womble Jas. E., emp Ebner Bros Co, r 1616 7th. Womble Lillie M. Miss, r 1616 7th. W C T U, Mrs Osborn sec, 1122 3d. W C T U Hall, 1122 3d. Wood A., caller S P Co. Wood Abraham, emp S P Co, r Tremont Hotel. Wood Alfred H., emp S P Co, r 2412 M. Wood Alta L. Miss, emp Mrs M. A. Pealer, r 1231 G. Wood Annie M. Miss, milliner Mrs M. A. Pealer, r2412 M. Wood Benj., tailor 503 12th, r 422 14th. Wood Catherine xMrs, r 3008 F. Wood Chas., emp M. Miller, r 918 9th. Wood Chas. K., pressman State Printer, r 1315 19th. AVood Fred, carp, r International Hotel. WOOD, GRAY & CO (INCORPORATED), W. H. Wood President, W. A. Curtis Secretary, Wholesale Produce, 117-125 J, telephone 56. Wood Gill T., lab S P Co, r 2918 G. Wood Harry C, bkkpr Sacramento Lumbei Co, r 1509 G. Wood II. D. Mrs, r 1616 4th. Wood Hiram T., r 1616 4th. fc Wood Jas., carp, r 1406 P. Wood Jas. H., bkmn, r 1931 E. Wood John II., miner, r 2412 M. Wood Lottie Miss, dressmkr, r 2412 M. Wood M. A., electrician, r 1105 I. Wood Maud Miss, elk O. W. Erlewine, r 1315 19th. Wood Merrill A., r 1105 I. Wood Mollie Miss, r 2412 M. Wood Robt. H., elk, r 819 O. ' Wood Saml. 11., emp S P Co, r 1731 N. Wood Seneca B., carp, r 1600 7th. Wood Thos., eng City Water Wks, r 1509 G. Wood Wm., dentist 530 J, r 1403 I. Wood Wm. H., pres Wood, Gray & Co, r 8 F. Woodall Geo. G., emp S P Co, r 1216 18th. Woodard Emily Miss, r 1007 E. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTQRE than any other two Grocery 31 COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. CITY FREr JBv RY J. M MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT TH6 Deimonico Tel7352. 712 & 714 K St. ooen Doy and nn OYSTER PARLORS SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. Woodard Fred B., painter, r 525 O. Woodard Harry, bricklayer, r 1007 E.

bO Woodard Harvey, emp S P Co, r 1007 E. • al Woodard Richd. G.,r 1007 E. Woodbridge John D., comp H. S. Crocker Co, r 2411 L. w« a« o"a r?0* Woodburn Chas. G., trav salesman J. Woodburn, r 1613 7th. „•£ 8 "8 Woodburn Geo. M., elk J. Woodburn, r 1102 G. " Woodburn Jas., wholesale liquors 417 K, r Golden Eagle. a a Q o Woodin Arnold, emp S P Co, r 1219 G. E5S.S Woodland Jane Mrs, r 1414 H. Woodling Wm., coremkr S P Co, r 728 H. Woodman Everett I., foreman The Bee, r 2307 Q. M o .a g Woodruff'Chas., mach S P Co, r Windsor Hotel. *;£** Woodruff David N., drayage 820 R, r same. »J ** ho o Woodruff Jane E. Mrs, r 1617 7th. rf . C C Woodruff Mary A. Mrs, died June 16th, 1894. o s « £ Woods Anna Miss, r 513 13th. H .5 i» Woods Annie L. Miss, r 1231 G. GO Woods Christopher, comp, r 1007J 4th. CO Woods Edw., elk J. F. Clark, r 229 K. Woods Emily Mrs, r 617 15th. Woods Emily E. Miss, r 617 15th. Woods Ernest R, r 1231 G. ^J Woods Henry W. (Woods & Mallet), r 1121 Front. Wood's Hotel, 1121 Front. Woods Jas., r Broderick. Woods Jas. A., blksmith 720 S, r 1617 K. 2 0 Woods Jennie L. Miss, stenog Henderson, Brown & Co, r •—• 0 810 E. Woods Jas. H., emp City Water Wks, r 217 N. eS H Woods J. L., r Broderick. Woods J. M., r 1231 G. Woods John, emp S P Co, r 1011 5th. Woods John D., carp S P Co, r 309 11th. Woods John B., carp S P Co, r 513 13th. h Woods John F., painter, r 229 K. Woods Jos., cigars 229 K, r same. Woods Jos. F., elk J. Woods, r 229 K. Woods J. W. Mrs, r 411 alley 4th and 5th, O and P. Woods Laura Miss, r 1121 Front. Woods & Mallet (H. W. Woods and Mrs H. Mallet), hotel and co saloon 1121 Front. Woods Mary L. Miss, prin Washington Primary School, r 617 15th. Woods Patrick, emp S P Co, r 1313 5th. Woods R. H., elk The Nonpareil, r 819 O. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS S lores in Sacramento. J . H. Stephenson, C. H. Denton, C. E. Wright,

• , •,


^B?\ imm m^w!^^ a 7 Fourth Street.

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G. H. Stephenson, C. H. Denton, C. E. Wright, " Hff mm

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*»•# •=*&,? 7 set. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY I 1012 J Street,

SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 483 Woods Robt. W., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Woods Thos., emp S P Co, r Broderick. Woods Thos. B., carp, r Highland Park. Woods Thos. J., carp S P Co, r 2919 D. Woods Virna Miss, teacher Washington Primary School, r 513 13th. Woods Wm., elk S P Co, r Broderick. Woods Wm. B., elk Waterhouse & Lester, r 1931 J. Woods W. W., watchman State Library. Woods Wynne G., elk Wilson, Hall & Co, r 1931 J. WOODSON BROS (F. M. Woodson), Job Printers, 511 K (see adv). Woodson Frank M. (Woodson Bros),r 604 N. Woodson Jos. A., editor Record-Union, r 604 N. Woodward Edw. C, bricklayer, r 1015 I. Woodward Edw. F„ bricklayer, r 1015 I. Woodward Ferdinand, patternmkr, r 708 11th. Woodward 8., emp S P Co, r 528 I. Woodvvorth Chas. E. S., elk Stanton, Thomson & Co, r 1614 M. Woodworth Geo. A., emp S P Co, r 714 L. Woodworth Ira D., mail carrier, r 1614 M. Woolf Harriet Mrs, furn rms 717 L. Woolf Reuben, emp S P Co, r 717 L. Woolf Rose M. Miss, r 717 L. Wooll Arthur J., agt The Examiner 730 J, r Oak Park. Woolmer Jacob, barber 818 J, r 2115 10th. Woolsey Luther S., patternmkr S P Co, r 916 E. VVoolsey Wm., rental agt 1023 9th, r 916 E. Woolston Jennie Miss, r 2713 H. Woolston Nellie Miss, elk W L & Co, r 2713 H. Woolston Wm. emp S P Co, r 2713 H. Woolston Wm. J., appr S P Co, 2713 H. Wooster Ernest A., cook, r Dillman Tract. Work Klizabeth Miss, r 1130 I. Work Frances Miss, dressmkr 1130 I, r same. Worley & Clark (E. P. Worley and P. Clark), saloon 313 K. Worley Elijah P. (Worley & Clark), r 1128 I. Wormer Mark, gunsmith 1021 9th, r 505 M. Worthe Henry A„ tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 2125 I. Worthington Maud Miss, bkkpr Crystal Palace, r 1417 12th. Wrattan Albert D., cond C E Ry Co, r 2809 H. Wrattan E. M. Mrs, r 2809 H. Wray Jas., elk W L & Co, r 400 K. Wright Albert F., elk, r 1015 E. Wrighf Bertha Miss, r 617 9th. DIXON. BORGESOft A CO.. SHOW CASES 3*7 Market Street. S- F- PPS'il'iiiilililMpjUIW. • Pi FlillllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. Sf 484 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. WRIGHT CHARLES E., Real Estate and Insurance, 1007 4th, r 1221 0 (see adv). Wright Desdemonia Mrs, r 401 L. JMS. Wright Edw. A., emp C E Ry Co, r 2907 C. © Wright E. S., eng S P Co. o Wright Ethel Miss, r 1115 8th. WRIGHT FRANK E„ Deputy Surveyor General State Capitol, r 923 M. C Wright G. C, carp S P Co, r 910 13th. JS: o Wright Gilbert, emp S P Co, r 617 9th. CL«) Wright Jas., lab, r 617 9th. eel 6 Wright John, r 617 9th. X- z Wright John, miner, r 827 D. o cc Wright John B., div supt S P Co, r 1402 H. •—s z Wright John M., cond S P Co, r 713 G. ' —J < Wright J. W., eng S P Co. (0 WRIGHT MARTIN J„ Surveyor General State Capitol, r CO Q *•» z 923 M. CD < Wright N. Y., emp C E Ry Co. 65 O Wright Otto, tinner Carlow & Miller, r 1223 alley I and J, 12th and 13th. CL. u Wright Ralph T., carp S P Co, r 714 M. S Wright R. M. Mrs, r Oak Grove. Wright Walter, mgr Hale Bros & Co, r 1410 8th. Wright Wm. H., shoemkr 1118£ J, r 805 M. I-Wright Wm. W., mach S P Co, r 1128 9th. Wulff Adolph, elk Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1531 N. "«*3 CC Wulff Henry F. G., dep collr U S Int Rev, r 1530 J. «*•* Wunderlich Richd., bartndr L. Fischer, r 116 K. CO Wundus Wm. H., barber, r 1420 6th. Wurst Robt., died Sept 20th, 1894. Wurst Sophie Mrs, r 1231 J. Wuttke Henry, coremkr S P Co, r 2114 11th. Wyant Wm., lab Pioneer Flour Mills, r 1325 P. Wyantt John, painter, r 1729 L. Wyatt Homer, emp S P Co, r 1116 12th. Wyatt Wm., lab Carlaw Bros, r Highland Park. Wylie Walter (W. Wylie & Co), r 2402 O. Wylie W. & Co (W. Wylie), wholesale produce 108 J. Wynn John, emp County Hospital, r same. Y Yager Frank, butcher, r Eldred House. Yager Frank C, driver Engine Co No 1, r 1119 3d. o> Yager Peter A., boilermkr S P Co, r 1004 E. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Husted'a is the only Directory ofS&cramento i LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. House FumisfiiagHaiflwore 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 485 Yancey Mary Mrs, r 1004 J. > YARDLEY H. EDWARD, Druggist 730 J, r 805 M. . Yates A. M. Mrs, r 904 N. a) Yates Arthur L., lab, r 904 N. Yates Chas., saloon 316 L, r same. Yates Jefferson, r 1015 8th. Yates N. J., emp C E Ry Co. Yeaman Jas,, porter Adams-Booth Co, r 1019 Front. YECKLEY MADGE MISS, Stenographer 1007 4th, r 613 IS 13th. Yeomans Bert C, emp W. Gutenberger, r 305 11th. Yeomans E. E., carp, r 420 8th. Yoerk August, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 815 12th. Yoerk August W., elk Hall, Luhrs & Co, r 1413 H. Yoerk B. Mrs, r 815 12th. Yoerk Carrie Miss, r 1413 H. Yoerk Chas. A. (Hall, Luhrs & Co), and vice-pres Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r H bet 14th and 15th. Yoerk Fred A., elk Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 815 12th. Yoerk Fredk. C, emp Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1413 H. Yoerk Geo. P., elk Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1413 H. York Anson C, carp, r 918 C. York August, plumber, r 704 12th. York E. G. Mrs, r 1608 D. York Otto, r 704 12th. York Patrick, springmkr S P Co, r 1220 P. York Thos., lab, r 610 G. Yorke Jennie Mrs, teacher Fremont Primary School, r 1010 P. Yorke Mary Mrs, r 1721 24th. Yorke May Miss, wrapper W L & Co, r 1721 24th. Yossi Fred, bkkpr Pacific Brewery, r 830 P. Young Agnes Miss, r 1010 N. Young C. Mrs, r 729 D. Young Chas. A., farmer, r 1415 20th. Young Chas. E., foreman S P Co, r 1114 7th. Young Conrad, photographer 415 J, r same. Young Edw., r 607^ K. Young Geo. H., pressman State Printer, r 417 O. Young Geo. W., lab S P Co, r Oak Park. Young Geo. W., r 1512 Q. Young Jas., elk, r 6th cor M. Young Jas. J., elk Capital Hotel, r K cor 7th. YOUNG J. D., City Auditor and Assessor, 328 J, r 419£ O. Young J. Frank, hay, r 922 M. Young John, carp, r 1321 Q. Young Lester, r Broderick. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery •OR. STN AND R STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, Heal Estate and Insurance GEO. MMER 725 K ST, 8ACKAMEXTO, CAL. 486 SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, A. K. Rawson General Secretary, w s 6th bet K and L. Young Minotte C, r 1415 20th. Young S. H. Mrs, furn rms 1415 20th. Young T. H., died July 21st, 1894. Young Wm. H., comp State Printer, r 417 O. Young Wm. H., supt Sac Transp Co shipyards, r Broderick. Young Wm. H. Jr, r Broderick. Young Women's Christian Association, Miss L. S. Chandler Secretary, 1011 9th. Younger A., asst foreman S P Co, r 600 7th. Younger C. G., lab S P Co, r 600 7th. Younger Jos. H., finisher State Printer, r 2821 H. Youngman A. W., carp S P Co, r 1108 C. Youngman J. W., r 1108 C. Yuhre Frank E., emp S P Co, r 1717 7th. Yuhre Geo. A., emp Waterhouse & Lester, r 1717 7th. Yuhre Wm. F., r 1717 7th. Yukee August, hostler T. Scriver, r 912 4th. Yule Andrew, mach S P Co, r 418 12th. Yule Annie Mrs, r 927 M. z Zanazzi Frank B„ foreman Sacramento Coal Co, r 1814 13th. Zangerle Albert, bakery 823 J, r same. Zarick L., lab S P Co, r 1006 3d. Zarick M. Mrs, furn rms 1006 3d. Zarick Marco, restaurant 230 J; r same. Zberg Frank, restaurant 521 K, r same. ZehnTe Adolph, bartndr G. Wissemann, r 422 N. Zeigler Geo., died Oct 26th, 1894. Zeitler Abby B. Mrs, r 1234 G. Zeitler Chas. M., trav salesman Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, r 1234 G. Zeitler Ralph F., r 1234 G. Zemansky Elias L., elk I. Zemansky, r 1318 4th. Zemansky Isaac, pawnbroker 231 K, r same. Zemansky Jacob, cigars 1021 2d, r same. Zemansky J. H., elk I. Zemansky, r 1318 4th. Zemansky Nathan, clothing 300 J, r 1318 4th. Z'Graggen Francisca, dom 704 O. Zieger Chas., driver Mohr & Yoerk Packing Co, r 1811 M. Ziegler F. A., emp Mebius & Drescher, r 223 12th. Ziegler Julius, saloon, 1011 2d, r 1216 2d. Ziegler Paul, emp Mebius & Drescher, r 512 13th. D- p j THE AMERICAN CASH sroHE"~than any other two *-Grocery—"a \JU H I ™r < COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. lima. 493 .7 St., Saoramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY DIRECTORY. 487 Ziehlke Edw., emp J. F. Hill, r 1007J 4th. Zimmerman A. C. Mrs, r 426 8th. Zimmerman Chas. W., eng Sac Transp Co, r 1613 K. Zimmerman Fred, r 1011 5th. Zimmerman Georgena Miss, r 1613 K. &** Zimmerman May F. Miss, r 1613 K. Ziutz Conrad T., painter S P Co, rl319 4th. Zipperlein Louis, baker Pioneer Bakery, r 506 N. Ziegler E. E., died March 30th, 1894. Zittinger John, tailor Anderson & Johnson, r 917 I. Zoelluer John, lab, r 2219 10th. S=*=> Zoller Amelia C. B. Miss, r 8th cor M. Zoller Frank, butcher F. Frieseke, r 1201 E. Zoller Franz S., r 1210 8th. Zoller Henry F., fireman City Brewery, r 1321 K. Zoller J. Chas., lab S P Co, r 8th cor M. Zoller Josephine Mrs, r 8th corM. Zoller Leopold, elk V. Hauser, r 1728 8th. Zoller Wm. L., r 8th cor M. Zollezzi Louis, mach S P Co, r Roma Hotel. Zuest Chas., bakery 1531 4th, r same. Zuest Chas. Jr, driver C. Zuest, r 1531 4th. Zumstein Achille, cookH. Boule,.r 422 L. Zumstein Henry, waiter H. Boule, r 422 L. Zurchav Chris., emp S P Hospital Assn., r 13th cor C. CD cM* Zwald Lena, dom 2304 H. r* Zwicker John, r 2620 H. ft *+ 01 n CO X tS3 N* tl t ID » *• y * QD -i^isin/Lifisw^- 9 9 •§ <• ft 0 D •o m. a 0 9 Ui 0

CD ft



ARCADE. A flag station on S P Co's R R, 8 miles northeast of Sacra­ mento. (For names see Sacramento.)

ALDER CREEK. A flag station on S P Co's Sacramento and Placerville R R. (For names see Folsom.)

ANTELOPE. A village fifteen miles east of Sacramento on the main line of the S P Co's R R. Has a post, express, and telegraph office, general store, etc. Aiston A. A., farmer. Aiston John, farmer. Armstrong Isaiah J., farmer. Astill Aaron, farmer. Astill Daisy Miss. Astill Emma Miss. Atwood Carrie Miss. Atwood Henry I., farmer. Barrett Michael E., farmer. Berry Ella Miss. Berry Wm., farmer. Borman Chas., farmer. Brown Edw., farmer. Burggraf Herman, farmer. Butler Richard L., farmer, mail Sacramento. Carden Robt. C., farmer. Carrick Wm., farmer, mail Rosevilla. coN. CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers CARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch and all

10th and R Sis. other Foreign Granites. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 489 •n Carrick Wm. Jr, farmer, mail Roseville. > Cavitt Geo. W., farmer. Cavitt Thos. F. CO Chattendou Jas. S., farmer. Cochran Wm., farmer. Colebacher Albert C, farmer. Colebacher P., farmer. O Coleman Geo., farmer. Coleman Thos. M., farmer, removed to Freeport. s? Coons Frank M. CO Coyle Edw. G., farmer. co Coyle E. H. Mrs, farmer. Coyle John II., farmer. H Coyle Wm. N., farmer. > Cross Chas , moved to Oakland. I Cross Herbert, moved to Oakland. 00 Cross John F., moved to Oaklaud. DALY BROS (Geo. and Elisha R.), gen mdse and agts 1 SP Co. m DALY ELISHA R. (Daly Bros) and postmaster. co Daly Elisha Mrs. Daly Emma Miss. Daly Eugene M., orchardist. CD >~ DALY GEORGE W. (Daly Bros). t— co

Daly John S., farmer. •** P^ Daly Josephine Miss. •—* t=3 v-< C3- Daly Louis Lt, farmer. Darling Geo. W., farmer, mail Roseville. CD CO >- De Kay Guy P.. farmer. TO De Kay Seely, farmer. 1-1 TO Dewey Harry, farmer. 25 >~ Donahue C. Mrs, farmer. o- CD Donahue Daniel, orchardist. <—> m Donahue John, farmer. CD Doran Jas., laborer. CD Driver Benj. F. Driver E. S., farmer. Driver W. S. S Farnham Alvin E., farmer. e Farnham Emmet, farmer. t Fertig Benj., farmer. © s Fertig John, farmer Gardner Joel, farmer. © I Gardner John J., farmer. Gladney Annie Miss. Gladney Bessie Miss. Serves Daily more Patrons X THEAMERICANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Telephone 3S2. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day A Night oyster Parlor 490 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Gladney Jas. F., farmer. Gladney Richard Mrs, farmer. Gladney Saml. S., farmer. Graham Jas. Hanchett John P., farmer. Hanson Nels, farmer. Heintz Frank, moved to Sacramento. Heintz Jacob, farmer, mail Sacramento. Heintz Jos., farmer, mail Sacramento. Hiette Lee B., mail Folsom. Ingols Edw. F., farmer. Johnson Andrew, farmer. Johnson Chas. P., farmer. Jones Jas. T. Junior Eugene A., farmer. Keithly Abram, farmer. Keithly Wm. U., farmer. Kelley Thos. F., farmer. Kelley Thos. Mrs, farmer. Keyes Jos. J., farmer. Keyes Benj. F., farmer. Keys Bessie Miss. Keys Chas. B., farmer. Keys Harriet E. Mrs, farmer. Kolbaker Florin, farmer. Lauppe Annie Miss. Lauppe John D., farmer. Lauppe Louise Miss. Lauppe Regina Mrs, farmer. Lauppe Rudolph, farmer. Leek Wm., farmer. Lenville Reuben, laborer. Lewis Chas. F., blksmith helper. Lewis Wm. F., blksmith. Lindley David N., farmer. McAdams Luther, farmer. McBride Emma Miss. McDermott Annie Miss. McDermott John, laborer. McDermott Mary Miss. McDermott Wm., laborer. McDermott Wm. J., laborer. McMillen Lindley, farmer. Merritt Hyram P., farmer. Miller Wm., laborer. Mitchell Jas., laborer. |r Serves Daily more Patrons IL than any other two Grocery COR. «TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 491 Muldrovv Edwin, farmer. Muldrow Jas., farmer. Muldrow Jas. H., moved to Sacramento. Mulligan Michael. NofFsinger Thos. K. Parsons John, farmer. Perley Geo. A., laborer. Pilcher S. W., farmer. Plumb Alouzo, farmer. Porter Henry, farmer. Powell W. H., farmer. Pruett John, orchardist. Pruett Nathaniel T., laborer. Pruett Thos. J., farmer. Pruett Uriah, farmer. Read John, foreman T. H. Cook. Schaper Doretta Miss. Schaper Henry Mrs, farmer. Schneider Francis J., farmhand. Slater Thos. M., farmer. 3 3 T3 T Smith David, laborer. (A Smith Leander V., farmer. Stackhouse J., laborer. O SO Stackhouse R., laborer. Terrill Robt., laborer. Van Alstine Edw. C, laborer. Van Maren Adolph, farmer. I 3 Van Maren Nicolaus. Van Maren Nicolaus, farmer. Van Maren Philip, farmer. Vickers Jas., laborer. Voile F. Mrs, farmer. Ward John. 2 2 Ward Robt. J., farmer. Ward Robt. Mrs, farmer. Ward Thos. W„ farmer. Watchel Valentine V., farmer, mail Roseville. Watkins John P., mgr Anderson ranch. Wheadon Alma M., farmer. Wheadon Geo. T., farmer. 3Rb Wheadon Isabelle Mrs, farmer. White Jason D., laborer. C Williams Frank L., farmer. *n Williams M. C. Mrs, farmer. Wilson E. G., farmer. 0) Wilson J. E., laborer. o DIXON, BORGESON 5 A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market 8tr««-*, •• *. nr»-'' •»•'•.•• r" "— •• • •"••> -•' ••• —-- •• - • -

FUllllDs Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 492 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Yager Albert F. Zeh Chas. M., farmer. Zeh Christian M., farmer. Zeh Godfrey, farmer. O o Zeh Johanna Mrs, farmer. CO Zet Chas. L. Gibson G„ farmer.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustedftl is the oily Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. 502 ana 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY, 493 Gibson, Jas. Green W. N. Greeno Wm. A., farmer. Hanson Hans C, blksmith. Herbert Louis H„ painter. Hicks Geo. B., laborer. Hicks Jas. B., farmer. Hicks Pearl Miss. Hoft'knecht F., dairyman. Hoft'knecht Wm., dairyman. Jauch Jos., dairyman. Jeanson Peter, poultry. Johnson C. Mrs. Johnson Geo., farmer. Johnson Louis F., farmer. Johnson Rosa Miss. Keating Thos. M., farmer. Keema Fredk. Love A., farmer. Love J. Maguire Hugh. Manghan Jake, blksmith. Matthew Danl., farmer. McGuirk Edw. McGuirk Geo. McGuirk Jas., farmer. McGuirk Jas. Jr. Mclnerny F. Mcluerny Patrick, farmer. Mclnerny Sarah Miss. Mclnerny W. Pierson John, dairyman. Pope A., farmer. Randolph Alfred, farmer. Randolph Henry, farmer. Randolph John S., farmer. Ray J., farmer. Riley Edward A., farmer. Riley Joshua, farmer. Riley Thos. P., farmer. Robertson M. Miss. Sexton Henry H., laborer. Slavin E., laborer. Spaulding S. Mrs. Stock Wm. N., laborer. Tinker Henry, farmer. jr Serves Daily more Patrons | I [_ than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. F^eal Estate and Insurance CEO. NMMIEit. 725 K KT. SACHAMEXTO. CA1* 494 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Trainor Jas., laborer. Valensin Alice M. Mrs, gen mdse and postmaster. Valensin Pio, farmer. Von Roth P. Weigert A., farmer. Welch T., laborer. Wheelock Carrie Miss, teacher. Wheelock Saml. A. Wirtes Mary Mrs. Yeanger Wm. A., dairyman. BRIGHTON JUNCTION. A depot on western division of S P Co'sR-R, 4 miles from Sacramento. (For names see Perkins.) BRODERICK. YOLO COUNTY. Formerly called Washington. Directly across Sacramento River from Sacramento, which is its railroad and express depot. Has a post office. (For names see Sacramento.)

CLAY STATION. A village on the Amador Branch of the S P Co's R R, 12 miles east of Gait. There is a post and express office, general store, school, blacksmith shop, etc. Allen Thompson, poultry. Basse Giosue, dairy. Beans Frank B., wellborer. Bland G. R., farmer. Bolton Curtis C. Bolton Curtis Jr, farmer. 1 Bolton Genevieve Miss. • j Brenton Jas., farmer. Brown B. B. Brown Frank P. Brown G. A., farmer. Brown W. W., farmer. Canady Silas, section foreman S P Co. Carr Elmer, laborer. Cash John, poultry. Conley James. Covell Chas., laborer. Covell Frank, laborer. Covell Jas., laborer. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. w i Insurance COOLEY i *"IOI3 ~FOURT H STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 495 Craig K. Jas., poultry. Craig Robt., poultry. Daniel Bartin. v Denney M., poultry. Doyle Catherine Mrs. Doyle David, farmer. Doyle Effie Miss. Eliot Patrick H., farmer. Frazier John, laborer. Fuson C. E., farmer. Gaffney I. E. Mrs, poultry. Gaht August. Hancock David W. Hancock G. A., farmer. Hanlon William, laborer. Hanley Elihu S., farmer. Hatton Geo. R. Mrs, poultry. Hector John, laborer. Howard Chas. B., poultry. Howell Thos., farmer. Hughes Hugh, farmer. Jenness F. W., poultry. Kelly Joseph W., sheepherder. Maestretti Antone, live stock. Makee Alex., farmer. (ft Makee Geo. H. e Makee Geo. N., farmer. Meacham Jas., poultry. Meiss Henry, farmer. 01 s Merchant Wm., laborer. Moosher Jacob, poultry. CO » Morton T. R., farmer. O'Brien Patrick, laborer. «3l O'Brien Thos., laborer. Reift Oscar H., farmer. H v 9 Robillard Jos., live stock. 9 0 Rowley J. L., poultry. « Russell Benj. R., farmer. ft Russell Greshorn. B Rnssell Willis H., poultry. Sayles Darius, farmer. Schellenbarger John C, laborer. 8 Schneider Geo., live stock. ff CD Smith Chas. S., wool. ft Smith Henry B., laborer. 3. Smith Jos., laborer. ff tt Dixon, Borgeson & co" 3 SHOWCASES 37 Market St* g. F. pri^^yy- w,-« SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., so.s ClavSt. San Francisco. 496 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Steele Bart, farmer. Steele Edw. J., mgr Thos. Steele. STEELE THOMAS, Postmaster, Gen Mdse and Agt W F Co's Express, * Stroup H., blksmith, hotel and livery. Stroup Harry. Swift Chas. S., farmer. Swift Rufus S. farmer. Thomas Wm.. J., farmer. Walker C. A. farmer. Wafters C. D., farmer. Wilson John, farmer. West C. M., farmer, mail Elliott. Whittemore A. Mrs, poultry. Wilson Henry, farmer. Wilson John, poultry. Wilson Luther.

CONLEY. A post office five miles east of Gait, on the Amador branch of the S P Co's R R. Allen J. D. Beans F. Bland George B. Boone L. L. Carr E.G. Carr Seymour. Conley J. Fisher P. Fowler F. M. Germain Peter. Hagle J. Hancock George. Henley Elihu S. Johnson Chas. Keneiit John T. Krausman Benjamin. Leroy Romain. Mitchell Chas. Owen Frank. Reitf James L. , Rieff Oscar H. > Roach James. Sayles Darius. Thomas John. 2 IM. CLARK & SONS, 1H9 Spear St., San Francisco. **"^ Manufacturers and Dealers T DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS OF ioth and R Sts, BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 497 White Thomas L. Whitney John W. Woodruff Jackson. Woodruff Luther. £T1 COSUMNE. 3=50 A village on the Cosumne River, 18 miles east of Sacramento, on the Jackson road. Has a post office, with daily stage to and from Sacramento; also a general store, school, church and hotel. Aldridge Wm. B., laborer. Allen John C. or— Allen Wm. L. co^O Anwater John, live stock. Armstrong Jas., farmer. Armstrong Jefferson, farmer. Armstrong Julia Mrs, farmer. Armstrong Maggie Mrs. Atkinson Geo., farmer. OQ Atkinson Wm. H., farmer. Bagwill Askin D., farmer. O Bagwill Wm. T., farmer. ft Bailey F. C, carpenter. K to Bailey Joshua J., farmer. O Bailey M. E., carriagemkr and painter. sO £ Bailey Rosa A. Mrs, hotel. 5^ % Baugh Jas. © Belcher Alice J. Miss. * —3 <• Belcher Lucy E. Miss. <~E> Belcher Sarah W. Mrs, farmer. | |5 Belcher Wm. J., farmer. OO ^ Bennett Chas. L. •bO •§• M* . Benton Fred, farmer. . Cb Berne Frank, bartndr J. E. Givens. r* O Bisegger Jos. G., laborer. h» Booth Arthur. (Si Booth Edw. Bovario Antonio. Brown Everish A., laborer. Busick Wm. G., farmer. Carbine Thos. W. Carroll Jas. E. Carroll WTm., farmer. Chidester Milton E., r Live Oak. Christio Elijah M., poultry. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 3a COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT Tti6 DBimomco AMD Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. coen Day ond WoK. OYSTER PARLOR. 498 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Christman J., farmer. Christman Wm. J. 3 Connelly C. C, v S« Conner Alfred S. Conner Wm. N. u d Connor Alfred S„ farmer. «* o o Connor Jas. B., farmer. • 3 6 Connor Wm. N., farmer. a 4i S Coombs Manlie W., laborer. Cross J. A. Dakin Henry C. Dalton Dennis, farmer. Dalton Edw., farmer. Dalzell David. Denham Jas., farmer. Denham Robt., farmer. Devine Edw., laborer. Dixon W. H., farmer. Doty Jonathan C, farmer. Driscoll John, farmer. ss Dunen Edw., blacksmith. o • Etling Theodore, clerk J. E. Givens. Fahrenbacker Andrew, farmer. Fahrenbacker Frank C, farmer. h Flint D. (Flint & Raymond). u Flint & Raymond (D. Flint and A. F. Raymond), live stock. u Foley Morris, laborer. ff h Forman Geo. (0 Fry Benj. F., farmer. h Fry Chas. H., farmer. (0 Fry Edw. B., former. ff Fry Frank, farmer. Fry Michael A., farmer. Gaffney Jas. J., farmer. Gaffney John Jr, farmer Gaffney John H., farmer. CD o Gamble Saml., laborer. Gardner J. COo Gardner Milton, laborer. -W CM Gibbs Geo. F„ physician and stock raiser. CO GIVENS JOHN E., Postmaster, General Merchandise, Saloon and Public Telephone. Granles Robt., laborer. Grim Geo. A., laborer. Grimm Otto S., farmer. o Grimm S. F., farmer. serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME OH i 1012 J Street.,

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 499 Grimshaw Fred F., farmer. Grimshaw Geo. R., farmer. Grimshaw S. P. Mrs, farmer. Grimshaw Thos. M., farmer. Grimshaw Walter S., farmer. Grimshaw Wm. R., justice of the peace and farmer. Groscup Fremont B. Haas Wm. D., farmer. Hanlon John, farmer. Hauskins Clayton T., farmer. Heath Edwin B. Hector John. Herringer John W., farmer. Herringer Jos. H., farmer. Hoffel Peter. Hoft'er Dave D. Hughes Jos. E., stonecutter. Hutchinson Jacob A. Jaeger Geo. F., farmer. Jenkins Philip N., laborer. Johns J ohn, laborer. Johnson John, laborer. Johnson Lemuel, wool grower. Johnson Wm. D.., laborer. Journey Geo. W., laborer. Kelley Joshua A., sheep herder. Kennedy Edw., laborer. Kurtz Fred., farmer. Lepitit John G., farmer. Lindsay Emma Mrs, farmer. Lindsay Wm. K., farmer. Lovell C. H., farmer. Lowe Thos. P., farmer. Lynch Edw. J., farmer. Mahone Robt. H., laborer. Mattice Arthur S. Mattice Freeman J, farmer. McCord J. L., live stock. McFarland Wm. H. McKindley Josiah, farmer. WcLaughlin Wm. Meachum Jas., laborer. Meyers Agnes Miss. Middleburg Wm. H., farmer. Miller Alonzo. Miller Brunell W. DIXON. BORGESOrt A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, T. 505 CLAY ST., S.

500 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Miller Lafayette. Miner Chris, poultry. Miser Edwin A., live stock. Mitchell Jas. J., farmer. Moore Seth B., farmer. Mull Archibald, farmer. Murphy Arthur D. Murphy Ralph I. Murphy Wm. R., live stock. Murray Annie Mrs, farmer. Murray Bernard H. Murry Wm., farmer. Myerhoffer R., carpenter. O'Brien Wm. Overton A. Judson, farmer. Parker Wm. L. Patterson John, farmer. Patton Jas. N., blacksmith. Patton Jos. T. Pender Sylvester D. Perry Frank, farmer, Pickett Edw. M., clerk J. E. Givens. Pickett Michael Mrs, farmer. Pickett Wm. H., live stock. Pierson Frank, farmer. Pierson Jake H. Pierson John, farmer. Pierson Wm. B., farmer. Plummer Abraham McM,, farmer. Plummer Oliver, farmer. Pratt Jos. E., farmer, Putnam Jas. A. Mrs, live stock. Quinn Jas., live stock. Quinn John, live stock. Raymond Alice F. Mrs, farmer. Raymond Ancil F. (Flint & Raymond). Raymond Eugene C. Redman Chas. P. Rhoads Francis J., laborer. Rhoads John M., laborer. Richards Chas. J., farmer. Richards John L., farmer. Richards Wm. F. Richardson Alfred, poultry. Richardson Geo. R. Riggins Franklin. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted's is the only Directory ofSacmmento LOOK OUT Published. Silver Plated Ware and L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 50T| ££ Roach Michael, farmer. Ryan Jas., farmer. Ryan Philip, farmer. Sanders Amos A., farmer. Sanders Oliver H., farmer. Schulp John, farmer. Schulp Peter, farmer. Schulze Wm. M., laborer. Scott Geo. W„ teamster. Scott John B., farmer. Scott John C, laborer. Scott Philo W., laborer. Scott Wm. A., farmer. Sheldon Wm. C, farmer. Shelley Ransome Y., laborer. Sherwood Harry, laborer. Showers Edwin. Sloan John B. Smith Jacob. Stafford Chas. T., farmer. Stearkey Jos. Swain Frank. Swawn Jas. Talbot Albert D., farmer. Talbot Arthur K., farmer. Talbot Eli J., farmer. Tavener Geo., farmer. Tavener & Lyon, farmers. Tavener Thos. M., farmer. Taylor Loren. Tew Martin C, laborer. Thomas Chas. O., farmer. Thomas Herbert E., laborer. Thomas Richard F„ farmer. Thome Matt, farmer. Tillapaugh Geo. N. Tooker Reuben W., farmer. Toomey Robt. O. Traganza Edw., farmer. Turner Wm., laborer. Vaughn Ellen Mrs, farmer. Vaughn Saml. M., teamster. Vele Geo. S. Waggoner Mary J. Mrs, farmer. Waggoner Philip, farmer. Wardrobe Alfred D., farmer. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTOREtha n any other two Grocery •Oft. STM AND K STREETS. Stores In Sacramento. 17? Heal Estate and Insurance KEO. mm. VS5 K ST, 8ACRAMEISTO, CAI* 502 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Wardrobe Franklin S., farmer. Warr Harry. Watson A. R. Welden Egbert S. Wells John B. Wessle Dick. White Rufus D., laborer. Whitman Chas., farmer. Wilcox Chas. R., farmer. Wilcox Harrison, farmer. Williams John E. Wilson David. Wirts Jas. A., blacksmith. COURTLAND. A town situated on the Sacramento River, 22 miles south of Sacramento. Has a post, express and telegraph office, a general store, schoolhouse, hotel, church, telephone office, etc. Alcock Robt. W. Aldrich John L., dairyman. American Fire Insurance Co ot Newark, J. W. Houston agt. Anderson August, laborer. Anderson Chas., farmer. Arrasmith Chas. W. Ballson Wm., carp. y Barry Wm. H., fruit grower. Bates Benj., fruit grower. • Bates F. B„ fruit grower. »^Bloom Andrew C, farmer. Briggs Wm. J. ^ Brown Chas. A., ferryman Grand Island. Bryan Francis J. Bryan Henry C, farmer. Bryan I. Mrs, farmer. Bryan John H., farmer. Bryan Jos., farmer. VBunnell Chas., farmer. Bunnell Chas. E., dairyman. Bunnell Chas. J., farmer. Bunnell Edw., farmer. Caledonian Insurance Co, J. W. Houston agt. Callaway Chas., laborer. Callaway Frank. J v/Oallaway Silas M., orchardist. IHEAI«ElilCANGASHST0liE^rr^oZ;t|J5Y1 COR. OTH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. 11 HI (Mi'anite and Marble Monument* and : : : Statuary. : : : 1. OTHER, 4*3 J STREET, - SACRAMENTO, CAI, SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 503 ^Callaway Wm. B., orchardist. Camp Judson, painter. Carty Geo. C. Catholic Church, Rev. Father Hunt pastor. Collins Jas., farmer. Collins Jas. C. Cook Henry, farmer. Cook John W., farmer. COTJRTLAND HALL, J. W. Houston Proprietor, finest Hall in County for Dances, Theatrical and Banqueting Purposes. COTJRTLAND HOTEL, J. W. Houston Proprietor. Courtland Schoolhouse, Miss B. Winn teacher. Davis Mollie Miss, teacher Richland School. KDean Eva Miss. *-Dean Thos. W., orchardist. Dean Wm., farmer. Doty Francis, orchardist. Doty Irwin G., carp. *" Dow Thos., blksmith, Paintersville. Flaxman Thos., farmer. Foster W. M., farmer. Galli Guissippe, farmer. Galli Narcissi, saloon, Paintersville. (ft Gammon D. D. Mrs, farmer. 8 Gammon Earnest A., farmer. Gammon Walter E., farmer. Gear Heury E., foreman Mrs K. Pyne. German American Insurance Co, J. W.Houston agt. Goldman Christian P., farmer. Goldman Christian P. Jr, carp. Goldman C. J. Grand Island School, Miss E. Groth teacher, Grand Island. Green Geo. B., orchardist. Green Jos. E. Jr, farmer and fruit grower, u Green Myron S., fruit grower and farmer. Green Peter B., fruit grower and farmer. l^Greene L. D., fruit grower and farmer. Hall Isaac, fruit grower. Hampton Thos. Hardenburg Jas., laborer. Harris Wm. H., barber. Hebb Henry, farmer, Grand Island. u-Hollister Chas. E„ fruit grower. uHollister Dwight, farmer and vineyardist. Hollister Frank, farmer. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOWCASES J7 Market Street, S. «% SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. DUIIIIRQ RRI.Q BOOKBINDERS, rniLLIrO DilUOll 505 Clay St., San Francisco. Ill O 504 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. HOUSTON JOSEPH W., General Merchandise and Hotel, Postmaster, Insurance Agent, Notary Public and Agent Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, Western Union Telegraph Ul Co and public telephone office. m Humbertson Wm. E. Hustler Beile Miss. vHustler Chas. E., fruit grower. r- Hustler Fannie Miss. CO ^Hustler M. J. Mrs. Ul Hustler Wm. T., fruit grower. s^ Isham Henry F., butcher. o nw Isham Murray L., carpenter. a ^Johnston Wm. A., farmer. Jackson Fred, laborer. Jackson Wm. Jefferson School District, Miss V. Ammons teacher, Yolo County, 1 mile northwest. Johnston Adolph, dairyman. "0 v- Johnston W. A., farmer and Justice of the Peace. Kercheval Hartley, farmer. r-W Kercheval Howard B., vineyardist. Kercheval Josephine Miss. 0-8) V/Kercheval M. B. Mrs, farmer. UJ LJ Knableau Chris, carpenter. akl *D Lockart Albert. < London and Lancashire Fire-insurance Co, J. W. Houston agt. 2 MacLaren Bros, farmers, Grand Island. cc Manchester Fire Assurance Co, J. W. Houston agt. ui McAnally C. Mrs, orchardist. -i McCollough Geo., laborer. McGaughran John H., elk J. W. Houston. McKeehan Saml., farmer. Methodist Episcopal Church. Meyers Dora Miss. CO Meyers Edw. H., farmer, Grand Island. Meyers F. Mrs, fruit grower. Meyers Fred, fruit grower. o Meyers Henry W., fruit grower. O Meyers Louis W., farmer, Grand Island. Micheli Guiseppi, farmer. CQ Molle John, laborer. Morse S. A. Mrs, fruit grower. N S G W, Courtland Parlor No. 106, 1st and 3d Saturday. Neistrath Edw. G., farmer, Grand Island. Nelson Fred., laborer. 2 Nirvad Mary Mrs, dressmker. SN. CLARK & SONS 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOth and R Ste. Monuments and Statuam SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 505 -n Nunes Frauk, fisherman, Paintersville. Olsen Alex G., fruit grower. Olsen Jas, R., fruit grower. Onisbo Schoolhouse, 2 miles south. tn Cb Opfer John H.. foreman. XBBBB S Osborn David, farmer. h* Osborn David H., fruit grower. o Osborn Jacob R., fruit grower. * z Ostman Chas., fruit grower. © Ostman Peter, farmer. rn Painter Levi, farmer and fruit raiser, Paintersville. CO Palmer Chas. E., carpenter. Parvin Ebon R., fruit grower. £ H Paulson Fred. > Paulson John, farmer. 1 Paulson Paul, farmer. CD Paulson Peter, farmer. 1 r Paulson Sorenson, farmer. CO Peck Archibald, farmer. m Peck Carrie Miss. CO Peck Laura Miss. Petterson John, blacksmith. Phillips Abner C, farmer. CD 3^ Puncinelli Guissipe, farmer. CO Puncinelli R., farmer. c— *=! p^ Ralston Ed. W., farmer. •—» B=3 Ralston S. W., fruit grower. "-< <=i- Richland Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. E. J. Wilson PS CD pastor. OO >~ o TO Ricketts Henry, farmer. •—i TO Ross Laurence L., engineer. ss >- Ruggles Nathan G., fruit grower. o CD Ruman Edw., wharfinger. r<-e> rn Runyon Armstead. CD Runyon Clarence. CD Runyon David B. Runyon Geo. P., fruit grower. Runyon Martha E. Mrs, fruit grower. • Runyon Ora Miss. Runyon Orrin R., fruit grower. C/l 2. Runyon Sol, fruit grower and farmer. H 2 • Runyon Wm. N., fruit grower. 00 , 0 r+. p Scott Frank H. O B Slough Schoolhouse, Sutter's Island. 00 Smith Ed. H., fruit grower.

ELK GROVE. A town on S P Co's R R 16 miles southeast of Sacramento. Post, express, telegraph and telephone offices, stores, ho­ tels, churches, high and grammar schools, hall, etc.; water\ «3 ID works affording ample protection against fires. so Allen Ann Mrs, fruit grower. Alltucker Emma Miss. Alltucker Geo., farmer. j Alltucker Henry, farmer. i >-2j Serves Daiiy more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, FORHOWEIADEBeDANDPlES,raS=rf ^ SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 507 Anderson Andrew, farmer. Anderson C. H. Anderson Jos., laborer. Andrews John N., ice and coal. A O F of A, Court Elk Grove No 8317 meets every Friday evening, Masonic Hall. Archer & Co, cheese. Archer John (Archer

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HusteiV is the oHy Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 509 CO DA ROSA & NEVES (J. L. Da Rosa and J. P. Neves), Pro­ prietors Elk Grove Winery, near depot. Dart Alfred. Dart Edward. Dart Emma Miss. Dart Levi S., farmer. Davis Eugene A., laborer. Derr Henry, farmer. Derr Jesse McC. Derr Wm., farmer. Devin Adolphus R., fruit grower. Dickson Chas. A. Dickson Fred. H., farmer. f» Dickson Henry H., farmer. Dickson Wm. S., laborer. Dillard NapoleDn B., laborer. Dixon Chas. H., farmer. Dixon Wm. E., farmer. Dodge Frank. * T* Dolson David P., farmer. *1 V Dolson John C, farmer. ft ft Dolson J os. fttii VI Dolson Wm., fruit grower. ** Doty Edw. 0 Doty Geo., laborer. w ^N * sm* ft Doty Gillis M., fruit grower. r+ m Duffy John, farmer. r+ • ST Duffy Thos., fruit grower. ft Duffy Jas. L., laboror. r+ m* • Edwards B. F. 3 • ELK GROVE HOTEL, Nelson & Peterson Proprietors. ft Elk Grove Water Co. tii ELK GROVE WINERY, DA ROZA & NEVES Proprie- prietors, California Wines and Brandies, near depot (see adv). Etling Chas. C. Mrs, farmer. Etling Louis P., laborer. EVERSON JULIUS, General Merchandise, Hay and Grain, Paints and Oils, Glass, Crockery, Agricultural Machinery, Hardware, etc. Everson Lestor T., student. Everson Wm. E , mining and justice of the peace. F & A M, Elk Grove Lodge No. 173, meets Saturday on or before the full of the moon. Falquist Peter, farmer. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, H. L. Stich Agent. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAiERICANCASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento.

,r..i-LA. * Heal Estate and Insurance GEO. KRONER. 7*5 K AT. HACBAMKNTO. CAL 510 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. d Fleckinger J. H. Foulks Geo. W., farmer and fruit grower. a Freeman Lake, farmer. u Freeman Stephen, fruit grower. o Gage Arthur, mach T. J. Chinnick. aj Gage Delos, fruit grower. t 0) Gage Fredk. P., fruit grower. Garnett S., farmer. £ X0) Garwood Zimrie L., fruit grower. >-> Garwood Wm. K., fruitgrower. N Gibson & Merwin (R. J. Gibson and Henry Merwin) butchers, O Elk Grove and Florin. M Gibson R. J. (Gibson & Merwin). 0 Gilmore John A., fruit grower. Graham Bessie Miss. 0< o Graham Chas. V., farmer. •

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 513 NELSON & PETERSON (Wm. Nelson and John Peterson), Proprietors Elk Grove Hotel. NELSON WM. (Nelson & Peterson). NEVES JOHN P. (Da Roza & Neves). Nevis D. Nevis L. Nichols Robt., fruit grower. Nilson Nils. Nilson Nesse. C/o Olson John. > Olson Magnus. Oltman Chas. Oi Oltman Gerhard, groceries, and copper and tinsmith. 30, Oltman Katie Miss. Opley A. Mrs, farmer. Order of Eastern Star, Elk Grove Chapter No 109, 2d and 4th Tuesdays, Masonic Hall. Osborn Chas. V. Owen Eben B. Owen Frank C. 05'- Owen Harry D., farmer. J? Owen Richd,, farmer. s Person Carl. <&o 2 PETERSON JOHN (Nelson & Peterson). O to sO Peterson Bessie Miss, housekeeper Elk Grove Hotel. $ Picket Edw., saloon. Ps * Pickett John, farmer. o Pickett Jos., farmer. s»p o Polhemus J. A. Mrs, farmer. -H Polhemus Lulu Miss. rx> Is Powers Chas. H., physician and surgeon. t^J *t Poyer Jas. C, barber. to € Presbyterian Church. a. Proffer John W. af-k Puffer Albert W., laborer. o•* Ui Putney Eliza Miss. • Putney Henry S., farmer. Putney Julia Miss. Redding Jas. M., farmer. Rhoades Archibald E., fruit grower. Rhoades Isaac R., fruit grower. Rhoades Rufus H„ fruit grower. Richards John, farmer. Richards John L., farmer. Richards Wm., farmer. Ritter Geo. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 38 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT me Deimonico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Qoen Dor ood IISBL OYSTER PARLOR* £3 o 514 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Robinson John A., laborer. Roden Benj. F. "3 to £> Roden Danl., laborer. Roden Isaac W., farmer. Roden John. Rogers C. B. Rev. 12 Rowe Herbert. S o BO 44 O P Rowe John H., laborer. a U «5 Russell Isaac, farmer. is Russell Jos., farmer. Sampson Geo., farmer. p bo u Sayles Chester, farmer. Sayles Jas. T., farmer. Scaper Henry, farmer. . a e Schaller Fred E. .S * Schaller John A., farmer. Schaller Wm., farmer. Schirmer Anna B. Mrs, farmer. Schirmer Chas. A., fruit grower. CO Schirmer Emil, fruit grower. Schirmer Frank E., fruit grower. Schirmer Geo. W., fruit grower. Schirmer Louis J., fruit grower. Schirmer Wm. F., fruit grower. , Schlmeyer Fred, farmer. Schlmeyer John F. L. P< 0 Sexton Henry, farmer. Schulze Chas. •—i o Schulze Edmoud G. Schulze Ernest, farmer. is Schulze John L., farmer. Schulze Wm. J., farmer. Seeley Ed. M., laborer. Shaw John, laborer. j Sherwood David H., farmer. Siebeck Charles, farmer. Spring E. W. Mrs, fruit grower. Springstead Ernest W., fruit grower and constable. Stelter Annie Miss. Stelter Carrie Miss. CO Stelter Fredk., farmer. Stelter Fred Jr. Stelter Julia Miss. STEVENS D. J., Proprietor Toronto Hotel, Livery an< Feed Stable connected with the House. Stevens Jos; B,, farmer. <£& Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores io Sacramento. V R. D. WHEELER, Prop THE OLD HOMFSTFAD HOME BAKER < 1012 J Street SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 515 Stewart Jennie Miss. Stewart Norman I., farmer. Stewart Norman I. Jr. Stewart Saml. P., fruit grower. Stewart Silas C, carpenter. STICH HARRY L. (V. Williams & Bro), Notary Public and Agent Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. Stickney Edwin W., farmer. Stickney Geo. E., farmer. Stohlgren John. Stout John, farmer. Sullivan John. Swanson Andrew. Taverner John, farmer. Taverner T. Mrs, farmer. Theobald Jos. P., saloon, Sheldon. Thomas Chas. O. Thomas Herbert. Thompson Amanda P. Mrs, farmer. Thompson John I., farmer. Thompson Theodore L. Thompson Thos. J., farmer. Tilton Theodore G. TORONTO HOTEL, D. J. Stevens Proprietor, Livery and Feed Stable connected with the House. Traganza Edward, farmer. TraganzajJas., farmer. Treat C. M. Mrs, fruit grower. True blood Edward E., laborer. Upton Cassius V., farmer. Upton Wm. N., fruit grower. Wackman Andrew R., farmer. Wardrobe Frank, farmer, 5 miles east. Wardrobe Fred, farmer. Warren Kate Mrs. Warren Robt. Westland Andrew, laborer. White John, laborer. Wiggs Jas. T„ laborer. Wilder Benjamin W., farmer. Wilder Geo. D., farmer. Wilder Jas. A., farmer. Wilder John A., farmer. Williams V. & Bro (Mrs P. Williams and H. L. Stich), gen­ eral merchandise and grain dealers. Williamson Geo. S. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S, F. fHllllD8 BrOS«JS IIP 516 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Wilson E. M. Mrs, farmer. Witt Louis E., laborer. Witt John P., butcher. o Witt John W. o Witt Jos. CO Winkleman Elizabeth Mrs, fruit grower. Winkleman John A., fruit grower. Wohland C. Miss, waiter Elk Grove Hotel. Wolf E. H., agent S P Co. Woman's Christian Temperance Union, meets twice a month. Woodard Abraham, farmer. Woodard Flora Miss. Woodard Irvin M., fruit grower. Wyant Wm., laborer. Ziegenfiess Geo., laborer. Zimmerman Annie C. Miss. Zimmerman Edw. Zimmerman John H., laborer. Zimmerman Wm., laborer.

FLORIN. A village^on the|S P Co's R R, 10 miles southeast of Sacra­ mento. ^Has a post, express and telephone office, also several stores and churches. Alliance Hall. Ames Geo. W., fruit grower. Anderson Albert J. Artz Peter M„ farmer, 2£ miles northeast. Baker Alfred, farmer, 4 miles east. Baker Frank M., farmer. Baker Jos. M., farmer and fruit grower. Balch H. C, farmhand. Balch J. N., farmer. Bandy Rufus, farmer. Bandy Sidney, farmer. Barmby John T. Barmby Robt. ! Barmoore Libbie Miss. Bartholomew Cameron P., orchardist. Bartholomew Chas. V., farmer. Bartoli John D., farmer. Bayless Martin L. Brown Alice M. F. Miss, teacher. Brown Geo. A., former. Brown John P., former. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS.. Pay no money in advance. Has is the only Directory ofSacrai x LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. HmfwisWW 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento^ CaL

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 517 Brown R. J., farmer. Buell Chas. L., farmer. Buell Daniel S., bookkeeper. Buell D. H„ vineyardist. Buell Julius H., orchardist. Butler Geo., farmer. Campbell Muirhead. Casey Jesse, farmer. Casey Milton A., farmer. Casey Thos. G. Christophel Fredk. Christopher Nicholas, farmer. Clark Burton F., farmer. Clark Chester W., farmer. Clark Ernest W., farmer. Clark Walter D., farmer. Colquhoun Frankie E. Miss, orchardist. Colson A. E., laborer. Cooney Jas., farmer. Cooney Jas. Jr, farmer. Cox G., general merchandise. Dahm Frank, farmer. Da vies Thos. E., farmer. Da vies Wm. O., farmer. Davis Chas. B. Dean W. H., farmer. Denham Anna Miss. Denham Robt., farmer. Ditson Minott S., orchardist. Eaton Leonard F., Jersey stockbreeder. Eaton L. F. Mrs, postmaster, agent S P Co and W F & Co's Express. Enos Jas. E., orchardist. Evans Evan. Evan Ormand I., farmer. Finch Darius, farmer. Finch H. A. Finch Norman P., farmer. Finch S. A. Miss, teacher. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, E. F. Fitch Agent. Fitch Bert, clerk E. F. Fitch. Fitch Elbert F., general merchandise and agent Fireman's Fund Ins Co and Sunset Telegraph and Telephone Co. Fitch Walter W. Florin Co-operative Fruit Co, L. M. Landsborough manager. Florin Farmers' Alliance, No. 310, every Saturday evening. THEAfflERICANCASH8T0RE^Dr^o^ •OR. STM AND R STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, f^eal Estate and Insurance ten. mm 725 K ST, 8ACRAMEMO, CAL. 4 518 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. p o Florin Fruit Growers' Association, D. Reese manager. » Florin Grange, meets 2d and 4th Saturday. p . Forbes A. J. Fountain Mollie Mrs, farmer. French E. F., orchardist. Gardner Esau, farmer. 8 Gardner Wm. A., orchardist. < Gibson & Merwin (R. J. Gibson and Henry Merwin), Elk Grove W and Florin butchers. U (ft Gibson R. J. (Gibson & Merwin). Gunter Alfred M., farmer. W *r Harkins Jas., farmer. Harkins Kate Miss. Harkins Tillie Miss.

W Harriman Phoebe Miss. NR Henderson C. F., farmer. P Henderson Jas. W., farmer. 0 Hoppe Frank W., orchardist. Hoppe Herman W. g Hoppe Julia Mrs, vineyardist. w Hoppe Robt. A., fruit grower. Howe Geo., farmer. Howell Russell R., farmer. Hunting Horace, farmer. Hunting Jones E., fruit grower. I 0 O F, Florin Lodge No 364, meets every Tuesday evening. Jackson Jas. T., farmer. Jackson Jos. E., farmer. Jackson Mallett C, farmer. i 10 Jackson Wm. W., farmer. O Jenkins Arthur, farmer. Jenkins David, farmer. ft Jenkins Laura Miss. Jenkins Margaret Mrs, farmer. 09 Jenkins Thos., farmer. Johnson. Chas. F., farmer. Johnson Lewis F., farmer. Jones Elli9 W., bartender G. H. Jones. Jones Geo. H., saloon. Jordan David E., farmer. Kennedy Nannie Miss. U Kennedy Nettie Miss. Kennedy Saml. W., orchardist. Kennedy Wm. H„ carpenter. Kern A., farmer. Kirkpatrick David B., farmer. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERICAN CASHSTQRE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, WOODEN MANTELS AND TILINO. i. nrrnEn. 4183 J St., SaoramentOt Oal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 519 Klote Frank S. Kramer Peter P., orchardist. Landsborough Leonard M., orchardist. Lea Chas., farmer. Lea Chas. Jr, farmer. Lea J. Ward, farmer. Lea Kate Miss, farmer. Leimbach Edith Miss. Leimbach H. Mrs, farmer. Leimbach Herman, farmer. Lervy Louis. Lewis Thos., farmer. Marett F. Mrs, fruit grower. Marett Nettie Miss, teacher. Marett S. Miss, teacher, Martin Henry, farmer. Maxfield Melvina E. Mrs, farmer. McAllister John F., laborer. McCormick Clara Mrs, farmer. McLaughlin John C, farmer. McNair Wm., fruit grower. McNie John, fruit grower. Menzel Ernest F. H., farmer. Merwin Henry (Gibson & Merwin), r Elk Grove. Mesche Carrie Miss, farmer. S Mesche Geo., farmer. Mesche Geo. Jr, farmer. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. C. F. McNeill pastor. Miller Walter A., former. 2 % Montgomery Wilson L., farmer. Morris Wm, A., laborer. Murphy H. E. Mrs, fruit grower. Neely Wm. F. * t Nevis Antonio, farmer. Odell Herbert. OwensWm., farmer. Paholka Fried., farmer. • ft Patton Frank O., orchardist. 0 D Patton Nathaniel, farmer. « * People's Co-operative Cash Exchange, G. Cox mgr, gen mdse. • 0 Perez S. Mrs, farmer. ST 0 Perkins Steward, farmer. Peters Jos. Jr. f 5 Reese David, orchardist. Reese John, carpenter and builder. Reid Wm. M., orchardist. DIXON, BORQESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, I. *„ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. DUIII ITC BRflC BOOKBINDERS, rniLLIrO DnUOil 5<>5ClaySt., - San Francisco. S 520 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Renfro Mrs. Renwick Theophilus, farmer. Robinson Frank T., orchardist. III Robinson Wm. H., vineyardist. Roden Danl. A., farmer. n Rodrigues Frank, orchardist. e • Rodrigues John S., orchardist. Rutter Jas., orchardist. CO Sanders Nancy F., orchardist. UJ Scholefield Edw. D., farmer. Scholefield John S., orchardist. Scholefield Newton, farmer. Scholefield Rhoades W., orchardist. go Scholefield Wm., farmer. Simons John A., farmer. Smith D. Wm., orchardist. Smith Homer (Smith & Smith Co). Smith Oscar C, farmer. <8 Smith Peleg H., orchardist. z ti Smith Piatt, laborer. W Smith & Smith Co (Homer and Virgil Smith), gen mdse. r- Smith T. M. Mrs. Smith Virgil (Smith & Smith Co). UJ y' Smith Wm, orchardist. bJ ffl Smith Wm. C. < Spence Jas. Stevenson Alexander, farmer. • Stewart Hallie Miss. UJ Stewart Lewis C, orchardist. -I -I Straight Benj. F. Straight Elmus F., farmer. Stubbs Chas. R., farmer. Stubbs John L. Swazy Wallace W., orchardist. co Taylor Geo., orchardist. Taylor Thos., farmer. Taylor Wm. R., farmer. o Theobolds Wm. W., farmer. o Thomas Benj. farmhand. Thomas J. K., farmer. DO Thomas John, brickmason. Thomas Peter A. Thomas Wm., farmhand. Tootell Jas., fruit grower. Towle Cyrus, farmer. Troi Frank. 3 1MI Spearsti SanFraBClsco CQ N, CLARK & SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers GHIMNEY PIPE TOPS AND PARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch and all

letb and R Sts. other Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 521 Troutman Abraham, orchardist. Troutman Add, farmer. Troutman Peter, farmer. Wason Caldwell, laborer. Wason Wm. H., orchardist. Whipple Douglas A., laborer. Whipple H. E.Mrs, farmer. White Geo. J. White Thos. Whitman Albert L., orchardist. Whitman Henry C, blacksmith and wagonmaker. Whitman Mary A. Mrs. Whitman Wm. D.. orchardist. Williams Matthew, orchardist. Wilson Dexter T., orchardist. Wilson Geo., farmer. Wilson Ulysses G., orchardist.

FOLSOM. Twenty-two miles northeast of Sacramento, on the Sacramento and Placerville branch of the S P Co.'s R R. The second city of the county. A branch of the State Prison is located two miles east. All mail matter for the prison should be directed to Represa. The Folsom Water Power Co has a large plant of machinery and a power-house. This enterprise is expected to give new life to the town. Ackley Wm. A. Addison Stephen. Anderson Thos., farmer. Anderson W. S., guard State Prison. A O U W, Folsom Lodge meets 1st and last Wednesdays. Armstrong J., guard State Prison. AULL CHAS., Warden State Prison. Aull E. A., general overseer and deputy warden State Prison. Ball Albert, blacksmith State Prison. Baltic Henry, miner. Bates Benj. F., dentist. Becki Henry, farmer. Beirnes Terrance, guard State Prison. Bennett Saml., guard State Prison. Benninger Conrad, farmer. Berry Edw., laborer. Berry Jas., laborer. Berry John T., dairyman. Betz Thos. H., guard State Prison. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0Nl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Own Day & Night Oyster Parlor 522 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Biggs Benj. F., farmer. sis Biggs Louis T., farmer. a'. Blanchard Franklin A. too Blanchard J. E., principal Granite School. 5«* Blower David, quarryman. 2 v Borges A. A., barber. * Boyd Saml. P., road overseer. * «S S Bradley Jas. T., butcher. 6?.$ * ml Bradley J. T. Mrs, restaurant. NS Brewer H. W., guard State Prison. 8 • Briare Frank B., lieutenant of guard State Prison. Broder Jacob, farmer. £S S, Broder Oswold, farmer. Brown D. L., clerk H. M. Smith. Brown E. A., clerk. » Bd •* Brown Edgar, foreman vineyard. Brown Geo., guard State Prison. « «Q 3 Brown John N., farmer. Brown John O. a* Brown Marquis, employe C. Zimmerman. s Brown P. S., guard State Prison. Buisson Eugene. Bundel Jas, miner. Burke Jas. E., livery stable. Burke J. K. Mrs. Burke John F. Burke M. H., Constable, deputy Sheriff and deputy Assessor. Burnham Jas. H., banker, druggist and agt Wells, Fargo & .. Co's Express. Burnham Wm. P., clerk J. H. Burnham. Burrill Gustav A., laborer. Bush Wm. Butler John E., farmer. Campbell A. B. Campbell Grant L., laborer. \ Campbell Squire, laborer. Caples Chas. A., farmer. Cardwell John T., capitalist, r Sacramento. Carpenter Annie Miss. Carpenter Wm., dairy. Carpenter Wm. Jr, dairyman. Carroll Jas., stonecutter. Carroll Patrick, miner. Cash Martin, farmer. Cassidy Andrew, aset turnkey State Prison. Castro Jos., laborer. r Serves Daily more Patrons L than any other two Grocery COR. RTM AND K 8TREET8. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 523 Catholic Church, Rev Father Hunt rector. Chadderdon G., guard State Prison. Cohn Philip C. (S. Cohn & Co). Cohn S. & Co (Simon and P.C. Cohn), gen mdse and.produce. Cohn Simon (S. Cohn & Co). Colebacher Albert C, farmer. Coleman Geo., farmer. Cooney Michael, miner. Coons G., guard State Prison. Cooper Jos., miner. Corrigan John, miner. Corrigan Michael, miner. Coster Jos. E., carpenter. COX JAS. P., General Merchandise, Notary, and Insurance, Postmaster and Agent Sunset Tel and Tel Co. Crawford Alonzo, teacher. Currier Ralph, orchardist. Curtin Thos., guard State Prison. Custer Geo. C, sawfiler. 3 3 Daily Jas. R., farmer. u Daily M. A. Mrs, dairy. Daily Maurice D., dairyman. Dains Amos E. (Dains & Son). Dains Henry M. (Dains & Son). Dains & Son (Amos F. and Henry M.) gen blacksmithing. Darrington John, farmer. 5 3 Darrington Levi, farmer. Davis Morris W., chief of nighf watch State Prison. Deely Albert, laborer. Deely John F„ emp S P Co. Deely M. Mrs. Deely Wm. V. Defritz Jos., clerk J. P. Cox. Demeester Sirius, bartender. I DO Dempsey John, carpenter. De Pue F. H., turnkey State Prison. De Roza Jos. F., miner. Ssr- Despeaux August, propr Folsom Bakery. w m Dettlebach E., guard State Prison. 3Rb Dickerson John M. DONNELLY JAMES H., Manager of Livery Stable Mrs K. C Foster and Constable. Donnelly May Miss. "0 Donnelly Peter F. CO Dooling Patrick, bookkeeper Folsom Water Power Co. 0 Dorian Patrick, sheep raiser. DIXON, BORGESON 5 A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street,, ft. V. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 524 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Dormandy Hugh M., laborer. Downey Bros (Edw. and Jas.) farmers. Downey Jas. (Downey Bros). Downey Edw. (Downey Bros). Drullinger Jas. W. Dunlap Absalane, farmer. Eagle Thos. B., physician State Prison. Eckhardt Philip D., mill, mail Sacramento. Ecklon C. F., butcher Ecklon & Sons. Ecklon Chas. H. (C. L. Ecklon & Sons) Ecklon C. L. (C. L. Ecklon & Sons). Ecklon C. L. & Sons (C. L., C. H. and L. G.) butchers and meat market. Ecklon Lawrence G. (C. L. Ecklon & Sons). Edwards G. W., guard State Prison. Egan J., guard State Prison. Ellis Geo. J., guard State Prison. i ENTERPRISE HOTEL, Mrs Kate Foster Proprietor. Everland G. H., guard State Prison. Excelsior Council No. 64 0 C F, 2d and 4th Monday. Fagundes Frank, miner. F and A M, Natoma Lodge No 74, meets Thursday after or preceding full moon. Farmer Belle H. Mrs, manager boarding house Folsom Water Power Co. Farmer Carrie Miss. Farmer W. E., guard State Prison. Ferguson Geo., laborer. Fiel J. Mrs, variety store. * Finan B. Mrs. Firemen's Hall, J. Hyman manager. Foley Timothy, guard State Prison. Folsom Water Power Co., office 320 Sansome, San Francisco,': wks at State Prison, H, P. Livermore manager. Folsom Weekly Telegraph, T. J. McFarland editor and propr. Ford Emery W. ;, Ford Wm. A., saloon. Foster Antone, farmer. Foster John B., guard State Prison. FOSTER EATE MRS, Proprietor Enterprise Hotel an& Livery Stable, Wagon Making and Blacksmithing. Frago Wm. J., farmer. Francis Antone, farmer. FOSTER STEPHEN, Manager Enterprise Hotel. t; Frates Joe E., laborer. Freitas John.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hn is the only Directory ofSacri LOOK OUT Published. L. L LEWIS & CO. s,0VflS and Ran88S- S02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 525 Freitas M. G., miner. Gable Ellen Mrs. Gates A. L., druggist State Prison. Gegax Richd. H., carpenter. Gibson Clarence E., laborer. Gilbert A. B., farmer. Gomez Manuel, farmer. Gooch J. L., guard State Prison. Granite House, Mrs. I. E. Marvin proprietor. Guy Wm., miner. Haase Peter, farmer. Hagerty Timothy B., guard State Prison. Hale Geo. M„ brakeman S P Co. # Harris Andrew W., miner. Harris Ella M. Miss, waiter Mrs. J. T. Bradley. Harris Jas. B., clerk J. Hymau. Harris John, health officer. Harris Matthew H., laborer. Hart Ed. T., viueyardist. Hart Hugo T., vineyardist. Hart Powell, vineyardist. Haskins C. II., gatekeeper State Prison. Hasse Chas. H. Hastings Leroy, carpenter. Hastings II. L., carpenter. Hawk John, farmer. Hawk L., farmer. Hearn Wm., guard State Prison. Heaton Jas., veterinary surgeon. Hickok Oliver C, teamster. Hicks Edw., laborer. Hicks Geo. E. B., laborer. Hines Chas., miner. Hinkle Isaac, water agent. Hoke Jas. H. Mrs. Hoke Rufus R. Hollingworth L. W., guard State Prison. Houston Noah B., carpenter. Hoxsie Bert. Hoxsie Susan Mrs, farmer. Huelsman Chas. H , laborer. Humprey E. S. Mrs. Hunt Reuben H., laborer. Hyman Isaac, bookkeper J. Hyman. Hymau Jacob, dry goods. Hyman Laura Miss, bookkeeper J. Hyman. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery COR. 6IH ANO K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. f?eal Estate and Insurance m. mm. 7*5 K »T. 8ACKAMJEXTO. CAIi. 526 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Hyman Walter A., clerk J. Hyman. Imhoff'Cha8. P., laborer. Imhoff Geo., hardware, glassware and crockery. I O I) F, Folsom Encampment No 24, meets 2d and 4th Tues­ days. I O O F, Granite Lodge No 62, meets every Saturday. I O 0 F Hall. Ivory L. L., guard State Prison. Joerger Chas. F., shoemaker. Joerger Edw., farmer. Joerger John P. Joerger Jos., dairyman. Joerger Louis, shoemaker. Joerger Louis, farmer. Joerger Philip, bartender L. Laugard. Johnson E. L. Johnson Henry, miner. Johnson John H., laborer. Johnson Peter, miner. Johnson Wm. H., farmer. Jolly C. H., guard State Prison. Jolly Matthew, farmer. Jones Edwin A., gardener. Kashner Solomon, miner. Keefe Robt., miner. Kinney Jos. Kipp H. J., guard State Prison. Klumpp Louis, saloon. Klumpp W. L. Mrs, dressmaker. Knight C. L., asst eng Folsom Water Power Co. Knight Henry T., chief eng Folsom Water Power Co, mail Represa. K of P Lodge No 167, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday. Lamphrey Geo. E., lieutenant night watch State Prison. Langard Louis, saloon. Lawrence Rawlins. Lawson H. Chris, vineyardist. Lawson Sarah Miss, teacher. Lawton John, gen mdse. Leonard John B., elk J. P. Cox and asst Postmaster. Lester Geo., live stock. Levy Edw. R., saloon. Levy Hattie B. Miss. Levy Irma Miss, teacher. Lewis J. E., guard State Prison. Lewis Margaret A. Mrs. Serves Daily more Patrons 1011 0 I U11L than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY I Writes * Insurance ^S^^^* •*-*•**'* -*- * 1013 FOURTH STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 527 Lewis Oliver C, laborer. Little Geo., vineyardist. Little Wm., farmer. Llewellyn Johanna Mrs, dairy. Logue Jas. P., guard State Prison. Lopez John, vineyardist. p^J Loritsen Louis, miner. Lovelady W. L., guard State Prison. Luscomb Warren A., miner. Luttrell Chas. E. Luttrell H. L., guard State Prison. Lyons Saml., capitalist. Mabem N. C, guard State Prison, Mahoney John, miner. Manning Geo. II., farmer. Manning Wra. L., farmer. Mars Chas. H., laborer. Marsh Jas. C. Marvin Frank E., clerk Granite Hotel. Marvin Geo. I. Marvin Ida E. Miss, proprietor Granite Hotel. Masich Antonio, saloon. Masonic Hall. Matheson Chas., master mechanic State Prison. McArdle Owen, farmer. McClain Robt., employe S P Co. 0 McCormick Hugh, laborer. McCue Edw., saloon. McCue John, bartender Edw. McCue. 01 0 McDonald Donald. McDonald John D. CO • McFarland Thad. J., editor and proprietor Folsom Weekly Telegraph. Mdntire Patrick, miner. as » McKeon John A. n OB 9 McLaughlin John W., laborer. 9 0 McLaughlin Wm., stock raiser. ?•• <• ft McNamee A. Mrs. 0 D McNamee Emmet F. •8 Menduca Antone C, miner. v Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. N. E. Northup pastor. 9 CD Mette A. L. Miss. 0 Mette Annie Miss. cr Mette Frank, farmer. ft Mette Henry, vineyardist and distiller, mail Sacramento. 3. cr Mette Louis, farmer. ft Dixon, Borgeson 3 &C07, SHOW CASES 39 Market &U, ft. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS.. 505 Clay St., San FranciscoJ 528 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Milgate Geo. C, farmer. Milgate Wm., farmer, mail Sacramento. Miller Emil, laborer. Miller Emma Miss, dressmaker. Miller Hattie Miss, dressmaker. Miller Jacob, furniture and undertaking. Miner J. M., commissary State Prison. Monroe David H., laborer. Moore Emma Miss. Moore Sarah Mrs. Moran J., guard State Prison. Morrelli M. guard State Prison. Murphy Richard J., captain of guard State Prison. Murray D. Mrs., farmer. Murray J. T., farmer. I Murray J. C, laborer. Murray Wm. H., farmer. New Western Hotel, Chas. Zimmerman prop. Nichols C. E., emp S P Co. Nichols Chas. A., drayman. Nichols W. H., drayman. Nickerson Chas., guard State Prison. Noone Andrew, farmer. Noone Andrew P., farmer. Northrup N. E., pastor M E Church. Norton Jas. H. Noyes Eliphalet, foreman John Hancock. N S G W, Parlor No 83, meets 1st and 3d Tuesday, Oakley Arion D., dairyman. Oakley Bonnie Miss, teacher. Oakley Hewey L., dairyman. ' O'Brien Edward, guard State Prison. Odell Stephen G. Olsen John, miner. O'Neil John, miner. O'Neil Peter, miner. Page F. Mrs, farmer. Page Saml., laborer. Page Wilder P., laborer. Palmer G. W., vineyardist. Perazzo Bros (Joseph and Peter), dairymen. Perazzo Jos. (Perazzo Bros). Perazzo Peter (Perazzo Bros). Perry Chas. Perry Frank, miner. Perry Manoah, blksmith. N. CLARK 6L SONS, 1H» Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS OF 10th and R Sts. BUILDING STONE WORK. " "•-{J

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 529 Peterson Lawrence, laborer. Peterson Sena Mrs. Pilliken Geo., farmer. Plumb Wallace B., rancher. °rn Porter Chas. W., farmer. Post Office, State Prison Folsom, Brainard F. Smith Post­ o* master, now called Represa. Powers N. M„ carpenter. 71 Prigmore J. R., guard State Prison. SIT Quirk Peter, laborer. Quirk Thos., miner. >—H Quirk Thos. Jr, miner. Quirk Wm. or—" Rafeld Chas., merchant tailor. Relvas Manuel Jr, miner. co 30 Rightmier Mary Mrs. Rigney Kate Miss. Rigney Kern, saloon. Rigney Peter E., bartender. Rigney Sarah Miss. % Riley Edw. F., clerk J. P. Cox. ft Roderigues John, miner. Rodgers Manuel, miner. Sft Rodgers Thos. CO b Rogers Wilford A., miner. SOO Roza Jose S. to Kumsey Wm. M., guard State Prison. 5*5 to Runser Frank A. 0o2 Rusch Heinrich H., farmer. N» •H Russell Thos. D., miner. Rutherford Edw. C, painter and reporter. s OO he Ryan Edw. J., guard State Prison. 1—» Ryan Richd., guard State Prison. •§ £w•. Sales Albert, farmer. 0> c*. Sales Geo. L., farmer. o Salvador Emanuel, miner. Ui^ Schittler M. Mrs. Schittler Mamie Miss. Sch littler Arnold, laborer. Schlottman Bernard, farmer. • Sch one Teresa Mrs, saloon. Scott Danl. D. Scott Henry C, teamster. Seawell J., guard State Prison. Sevey P., guard State Prison. Scbaffer Jacob P., wheelwright Mrs K. Foster. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery ) 34 COR. 8TH ANO K STREETS. Stores io Sacramento. 1 J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT me Deimomco RESTAURANT n &3 Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. aoen Doy onfl HigK. OYSTER PARLORS 530 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1 is ?. Shannon Jas. M., laborer. Shannon John Mrs, restaurant. s»* • * Shearman Geo., farmer. freS Shoffner Amos S„ laboror. 825) • S Showers Silas, clerk S. Cohn & Co. ea Silberhorn John T., water agent. Silva Antone, miner. a o o Silva Domingo, miner. 53 5. Silva Jose A„ miner. Silva Loriana, laborer. Silva Manuel, miner. «0 .O • Silveria Jose L., farmer. Simmonds S. Mrs. CQ Skinner Wm., stone mason. Smith A. M., guard State Prison. Smith Brainard F., Notary Public, clerk, secretary and Post­ master State Prison. © Smith Caroline Mrs. Smith H. Mortimer, miner. Sorrensen Bros (Peter and H. Chris.), butchers. * Sorrensen H. Chris. (Sorrensen Bros). o Sorrensen Peter (Sorrensen Bros). Soula Ira, laborer. Spencer J. A., guard State Prison. o • Squire E. A., electrician State Prison. Stafford Margaret Mrs. Stageman John, farmer. h State Prison at Folsom, Chas. Aull Warden, E. A. Aull gen­ SP eral overseer, Brainard F. Smith clerk and secretary. Steele A., farmer. 2 S Steele David, Justice of the Peace. .St Steinmiller Henry, harness and saddlery. Stephenson Thos. Mrs, general merchandise. S H Stillwell Wm. M., stonecutter. rrt io Strohecker Geo. R., blacksmith. WW CM Stroup Mrs, vineyardist. Q Stroup Fannie Miss. Stroup Kate Miss ; Stroup Uriah, foreman vineyard. M; •*-* CM Stuart Frank H. '4 CO Sturges Chas. H., watchmaker. Sturgess Jas. H., watchmaker and jeweler. CD Sullivan Mary Mrs. Surbaugh J. T., physician. Suza Antonio I. © Sweet Ulysses L. serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS!. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop, THE OLD MUAD HOME BAKERY• 1012 J Street. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 531 Swope Henry, miner. Sylar Geo. W., guard State Prison. Tagtmeier Geo. H., clerk. Taylor Chas. L., guard State Prison. Taylor Fred T., blacksmith and wagonmaker. Thomas Elizabeth Mrs, nurse. Thomasson D. A., farmer. Thurston John H„ stonemason. Tolking Fritz, gardener. Tomlinson Alta, farmer. Tomlinson Frank, farmer. Tomlinson Jos., live stock. Tomlinson Lewis E., farmer. Tong Chas. S., painter. Tong Gilbert S., carpenter. Tong Leslie E., barber. Torres Andrew D., miner. Townsend E. B., farmer. Tribken John, farmer. Trinity Episcopal Church, Rev W. L. Clark of Benicia pastor, services 2d Sunday of the month. Vallett Chris, farmer. Voeth A. G., miner. Vrooman Geo., laborer. Waddell Josephus, horse trainer. Waldron Warren B., engineer S P Co. Waltman Jos. D., laborer. Watson Geo. J., ambulance driver State Prison. Watts David, orchardist. Watts Francis M., orchardist. Weber Chas. Weber Henry C. Wegstein Geo., laborer. Weise Fredk. W., guard State Prison. White Geo. F., engineer S P Co. White Jason D. Wild John, blacksmith. Wild Jas., laborer. Wilds Joe, farmer and miner. Williams Benj. P. Williams Frank, farmer. Williams Wm. H., farmer and dairyman. Wilson Egbert L., dairy. Wilson Eliza Mrs, farmer. Wilson Geo. F., laborer. Wilson Grant U., teamster. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO.. SHOW CASES 3? Market Street. S, F- PillDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 532 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. «D Wilson Peter, miner. Windmiller Chas., live stock. Wood Alfred, laborer. Woodard Edw. A., farmer. Woodard Frank E., dairyman. Woodard Jos., dairy. Woods John G. Wubbena Chas. M., farmer. 2 Wubbena C. Mrs, farmer. a, o Wubbena Lena Miss. ta.<2 Wubbena Nicholas, farmer. cd o Wubbena Wm., farmer. Yager Peter, saloon. O ff Zeinwaldt Chas., gardener. Zimmerman Chas., propr New Western Hotel. FRANKLIN. A town on the Lower Stockton road, 15 miles southeast of Sacramento. Has a post office, several stores, hotel, school e o and a church. Daily stage and mail from Sacramento. OL u Anderson Delia Miss. S ^Anderson Geo. B., farmer. Anderson Gustav, laborer. Jog ^Anderson Jas. W., farmer. Anderson John, farmer. Anderson O. C, farmer. cd v Babcock Arthur C, blacksmith. Baker Alfred F., dairyman. 55 Baker Andrew. t"Bilby Jane Mrs, farmer. Bilby Richd. A., farmer. Becker Aden, laborer. Becker Fdk., farmer. yBecker Jacob, farmer. Beckley Geo. I., painter. UJ Beckley Lucius R., farmer. Beckley P. R., Postmaster and propr Franklin Hotel, stable, saloon and gen mdse. o Beckley Sarah E. Miss, deputy Postmaster. o Beckley Wm. W., clerk. Benedix Christian, farmer. - Cd Berghorst Anders, laborer. kBloom Andrew C, farmer. Brauer Hans, farmhand. Busch Frank, farmhand.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. (:, Pay no money in advance. HnsteeV*] is the only Directory oJSaaramentft * LOOK OUT Published.

M Silver Plated Ware and L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 533 Buscher Henry, farmer. Cannon Harry H. Christesen Ferdinand, farmhand. Christesen Lena Miss. Christesen Louis, farmhand. Christesen Mary Miss. Christesen Robt., farmer. Core Aaron F., farmer, f Core Edw. R., farmer. Danischus August, laborer. De Jarnette Wm. B., physician. Derr Henry, farmer. fr-Derr Wm. H., farmer. Dubacher John, laborer. Dunscombe Walter R. Ehrhardt Fredk. W. Ehrhardt Henry. Ehrhardt John. ** Elliott John, butcher. Ellis E., farmhand. *-Ellis H. D., carpenter. Ellis Jas., farmhand. Falquist Peter, farmer. i^Fay Reuben N., farmer. Ferre Chas. H. Fisher Frank X. Franklin Hotel, P. R. Beckley proprietor. Frey Henry, farmer. Frye Chas. T. Frye Edw. W. Frye Eugene A., farmer. Frye J. H. Frye Wm. H., farmer. Gibson May Mrs. Glann Annie Mrs. Glann Peter, stock raiser. Glann Vincent, stock raiser. Grupp Wm., fruit grower. Hamilton Chas. E. Harris Clarence E., farmer. Hein John, dairyman. Herzog John, dairy. ^Herzog Leon, shoemaker. *-Hodge David D., farmer. t,HogaboomBenj. B., farmer. Hogaboom Elihu B., carpenter. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery •Oft. STM AND KtTRCCTS. Stores in Sacramento. 17? Real Estate and Insupance CEI. MEK. W« K ST. SACRAMENTO, CAI* i 534 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. t/Hollman John E, farmer. P . Houston Adolph, carpenter. ^Houston John K., orchardist. < a Houston Maud Miss. Houston Minnie Miss. « a Johnson Adolph, laborer. Keema Carl, farmer. Keema Henry N. King Aaron, farmer. w King Elizabeth Mrs, orchardist. W «* t^Kloss August, farmer. g v Kuhn Peter, butcher. i/Kunsting Frank, gen mdse, notary public and Freeport Tele­ phone Agency. Lass Henry, farmer. Lytte Francis M. Luttig Henry, elk F. Kunsting. Marlatt Peter, farmer. McLanahan Annie Miss. vMcLanahan David, farmer. i/Myers John, livestock. Moore Claus, farmer. Moore Fred, farmer. ^/Moore J. W. Mrs, farmer. Morrison Dee R. Nelson Chris, laborer. Nelson Lena Miss. i^Owen Eben, farmer. (0 Owen Harry D., farmer. Peterson Nels, laborer. o Purson Adoniram J. Reed J. D., physician. it Riley Jas. A., teacher. Riley Jos. I., mail carrier. 03 vRoberts Robt, farmer. Rusch John H., painter. Schmidt John, farmer. Schmidt Lena Miss, domestic Mrs K. Kunsting. ffl Schoech Chas., farmer. Schultz Jacob, farmer. o Smith B., dairyman. Sprock Johannes, farmer, i^ Stephenson Edw. G., farmer. Ul Stephenson John F., farmer. Stevens Frances Miss. Stevens Jos. B., farmer. Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery COB. «TM AND K 8TREET8. Stores in Sacramento. <*ranlte and Marble Monuments and : : t Statuary. : : : i mm. 423 J STREET, . 8ACRAHENTO,CAI« Caecl SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 635 5 Stevens Lucy A. Mrs, farmer. Strong Preston A., former. Toole Jas. Walther Chas. F., blacksmith. Walther John, farmer. Weisen berger Jos. S., farmer. Wells Carrie Miss. Wells David, farmer. Welly Carry T. Wilson Danl. B., farmer. Yeng'er John. Zell Chas. D., carpenter.

FREEPORT. A town ou the Sacramento River, 9 miles south of Sacra­ mento. Has a post and telephone office, daily mail, stage, general store, school, church, etc. Alvia Jos., farmer. Antone Daineao, farmer. Areira Manuel L., farmer. Avila Antone, farmer. Avila John, farmer. Azevado John, farmer. Azevado Mary Miss. f Azevado Rosa Mrs. Belial Joe, farmer. Baumgartel Chas., farmer. Baumgartel Frank L., farmer. 01 £ Baumgartel Geo. C. CO » Baumgartel John C, farmer. Bayles Smith, farmer. Beach JuliusH., farmer. Bello John, farmer. SH 39 Bittencourt John S., farmer. 9 Black Jas. T., laborer. 9 e « Black Wm., laborer. ft Brophy Jas. P., farmer. Brown Franklin, farmer. B Brown John, farmer. Bryan Edw., stage driver. P ft Bryan Francis J., farmer and proprietor Freeport stage line. 0 at Bryan John H., farmer. ft Bryan Nellie Miss. •n Bryan Wm., laborer. Caldeira Manuel, laborer. DIXON, BORGESON s A CO.. SHOW CASES 3V Market Street, I. *\ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. 1 PHILLIPS BROS., -BOOKBINDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. tu 536 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. O Caldiars Antonis. Coleman Henry, orchardist. Coleman John N„ orchardist. & Coleman Mollie Miss. ui Condon Jas., laborer. n Contente Jose, farmer. Contente Manuel S., farmer. Curran Hugh, farmer. De Costa Manuel E., farmer. Demio John Mrs, farmer. De Pedning Jacob, farmer. Dixon F. H., bookkeeper J. W. Houston. Downer Mary A. Mrs, orchardist. Dutra Jose S., farmer. Fernandez Antone.; Fernandez Joaquin, farmer. Fernandez Manuel. Fonts Fortonto. FREEPORT TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO, D. T. Lutkm President, P. G. Riehl Manager. The Com­ pany connects with Sacramento, Walnut Grove, Rio Vista and Courtland, Isleton, Franklin, Clarksburg, and around Grand Island. Frick Henry C, farmer. Gilbert Jas. Gosling Jos., dairy. Gourlie Robt. A. G., orchardist. Governor Frank, farmer. Governor Frank Jr, farmer. Green Myron S., farmer. Hack Chas. J., laborer. Hack Geo., orchardist. Hack John, farmer. Hack Nathan D., farmer. Haight John G., farmer. Hamilton Robt. W. Harvey L. A., clerk P. G. Riehl. Hite Danl. 0. Huber Chas. H. Hunt D. R., farmer. Hunt Frank L., dairy. Hunt Mark T., dairy. Jacinto Jose, farmer. Jacinto Manuel F., farmer. Jacinto Manuel M. Joseph Antone, farmer. 5 N. CLARK & SONS, 1WI Spear *••San *"*»• Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. 6ran,t6 and Marl)l6 lOtn and R Sts. Monuments and Statuaru SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 537 Keck Geo., farmer. Kelley Thos., farmer. > Kirtlan Frank W., clerk P. G. Riehl. CO Kirtlan Fred. N., blacksmith. Klotz Annie Miss. Klotz Frederick, farmer. I Klotz John J. to Kunstle Jacob, farmer. a* o Lam Albert, apiarist. Lassner George, farmer. r Z Lial Antone M., farmer. en Lowell Amos M., manager Freeport brickyard. 0 CO Lufkin David T., fruit grower and president Freeport Tele­ phone Co. H Machado Floren, farmer. ft > Maio Antone, farmer. r*. Manica Jose L„ farmer. 8 Marty Frank, farmer. CO Mendenhall Clarence, laborer. Pi Mendenhall James, farmer. Meyers Christopher, farmer. CO Miller Charles R., clerk P. G. Riehl. Moore Carl J., farmer. CD Moore Ralph, farmer. >~ Moore Sarah E. Mrs, orchardist. r— CO Morgan Joseph M., farmer. •< p* —t 6=3 Neubauer George, laborer. «-< c=»- O'Brien Thomas. CD O'Toole John T., farmer. OO 3^ Peterson John, laborer. TO Perriera Jose B., farmer. >—i TO Petersons Hans P., farmer. SS 5^ Priddy Albert, laborer. o CD RIEHL PHILIP G., General Merchandise, Postmaster and rn Manager Freeport Telephone and Telegraph Co. CD Rigo Manuel S., laborer. CD Rodgers Joseph, orchardist. Rose Manuel F., laborer. Sarmento Joe D., farmer. Schreiner Charles, farmer. en Schreiner Charles J., farmer. Schreiner Henry W., farmer. ff . 00 Schreiner Lizzie Miss, farmer.. o ^ p Sebastian Manuel S. Silva Antone T. P., farmer. Silva Joaquin T., farmer. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH ANO K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. F' J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0rll(0 taurant and Oyster Parlor m Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day ft mm a60 538 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. PC « Silva John J., farmer. bA « Silva Manuel, farmer. 3 J? Silva Manuel F., farmer. s * • Silva Manuel Jr, farmer. Soto Antone, farmer. g s- Soto John, farmer. Soto Manuel, farmer. •2 « ° Souza John. d * O Oh Souza M. Mrs, farmer. S si o Strothman Christopher, farmer. •s B £ Sullivan Thomas, laborer. ® o s Teseria Antone F„ farmer. oa * Twohig Michael, farmer. Twohig Wm., farmer. Valine Antone P., farmer. • Wallace Albert, laborer. GO Warner Adam, farmer. < Waxson Joseph Mrs, farmer. Waxson Manuel, farmer. CO Welsh James, farmer. Werlein Warren W„ laborer. Williams Albert F., farmer. Williams Mary Mrs. Young Asa W., laborer.

GALT. A town on the S P Co's R R, Western Division, 28 miles southeast of Sacrameuto. Has a post, express and tele­ CO graph office, several stores, schools, churches, etc. PC* Adams Albert A., farmer. Adams George W., laborer. Ainsworth Albert, laborer. Alderman Alvira Mrs. Alderman Edwin F., laborer. ^Allen George, former. | Ames A. T., blacksmith. Andrus John, blacksmith. Angrave Joseph W. (McKinstry & Graves). A O U W, Gait Lodge No 113, every Thursday evening, I Of 0 F Hall. Archibald George W., druggist Whitaker & Ray. Baker Albert F., mail carrier, r Elliott. Bandeen John R., farmer. t^Barnhart George W. Barnhart John C, farmhand T. M. Barnhart. Serves Daily more Patrons ||J( I than any other two Grocery OOR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, I THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... E ' 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 539 Barnhart Thomas M., farmer. Bartlett 0. N. Beans Frank B. Beaver Jacob W., laborer. MBeckwith John W., harness. Bill Burtis, farmer, r Liberty. Bill Halbert, farmer, r Liberty. Bill Sedley 0., farmer, r Liberty. Bizagno Antone, farmer. Bizan John, kiln burner. (^Blohm Wm. A., farmer. Boggiano Emmanuel, gardener. Boggiano Giovanni, gardener. Bottimore Charles C., laborer. Bottimore Wm. W., laborer. Botzbade Henning, baker. Brewster B. T., student. Brewster Geo. W. Brewster John, general merchandise. Brewster John Jr, clerk J. Brewster. Brewster Wm. F. Briggs Mamie Miss. Briggs Sarah E. Mrs. Brooks John R., carpenter. Brooks Samuel J., laborer. Brooks Wm. A., laborer. Bryant Anson B., orchardist. Bunds Wm., laborer. Buschke Daniel. Byron Timothy. Cain Lemuel B. Callaway George W., laborer. Campbell James M. Campbell John J., editor and propr Gait Weekly Gazette. Catholic Church, Rev Father Hunt rector. pChase Hiram fruit grower and farmer. uChase John C, farmer. Christian Church. Clark D. C. Clauson J., farmer. Clements C. C. Mrs, teacher. Clements Chas. C, real estate, mgr Gait Warehouse Co, and Justice of the Peace. ^Clough Andrew A., farmer. Commercial Hotel, J. Graham propr. Congregational Church. DIXON, BORGESON & A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Markat »«*'••«, •• W. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. fij 540 SACRAMENTO COUNTCOT Y DIRECTORY. Connell Lawrence, farmer, r Liberty. Connelley Frank, cook Commercial Hotel. Cooper A. Mrs, farmer. Corpening Frank M., laborer. Cottrell A. Mrs, housekeeper. Coulson J. E. Coulson L. S. Cox Edw. B., farmer, r Liberty. Craig C, carpenter and housebuilder. Cutts W. H. H. Daniels Bartin, farmer. Daniels Harvey S., farmer, Acampo. Daniels Robt. M., farmer, Acampo. Da vies Wm. T. Denevi P., gardener. Denney M. Mrs, farmer. Dobson Jas. D. Dobson S. Mrs. Donaldson C. L., farmer. Donaldson Frank, farmer. Donaldson Jos., farmer. Donaldson Saml., farmer. Donaldson Tyler, farmer. Donaldson Wm. E. Driscol John. Driscol Wm. Dufly John B. Edwards Frank W. Evans Abraham N. Faris Jos. Fawcett J. R. Fenton Gurden C. Ferguson Emma J. Miss. Ferguson, James, carpenter. Ferguson Thomas S. Ferguson Wm. H. Ferris James H., insurance and real estate. Fleming J. A., farmer, r Liberty. Fox James A., farmer. Frank George W. Frank Lawrence H., farmer. Frazier James 0. Frazier John E. Fugitt Hiram, clerk Whitaker

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hi is the only Directory of Sacramento ^ LOOK OUT Published. m L L. LEWIS & CO. eroelreiy and Gfossvore 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 541 Fugitt R. Mrs. Fugitt Wm. R. Fulton S. M. Furnish G. J. Furnish James B., farmer. Gaffney I. E. Mrs, farmer. Gage John, laborer. Gage John P. Gait District School, Miss C. Ray principal, Mrs C. Clements assistant. Gait Irrigation Co. Gait Lodge, No 267, F & A M, meets Saturday on or after full moon. Gait Lodge, No. 83, K of P, every Wednesday evening. Gait Warehouse Co, C. C. Clement manager. Gait Weekly Gazette, J. J. Campbell proprietor and editor. Garside John F. Gibbon Andrew. Gibbons C. C. Gibbons J. E., laborer. Graham James, proprietor Commercial Hotel. Grammar Edw. B. Grammer A. Miss, farmer. Gwinn John F., agent S P Co. Haberman J. F. Haight Jane Mrs. Haller Wm., farmer. Hauschildt Augustus, farmer. HauschildtEdw.T. Hauschildt Fredk. C. Hauschildt H. Hauschildt Wm. H. Held Geo. C, barber. Hicks Jos., farmer. Hicks Wm., laborer. Hill Asa, farmer. Hill John, laborer. Hill Stephen D., butcher R. A. Miles. HilJman Wm. P., farmer. Hinley Mrs, proprietor Union Hotel. Hobday Kelsey H. Hoft'knecht Fredk., dairy. Hoft'knecht Wm., dairy. Hollenstein Jos. Houghton Danl. C, bookkeeper Whitaker & Ray and assistant postmaster. THE AMERICAN CASH STOREthln^y^ COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. CITY B-V"Y s :':-^ARY Ileal Estate and Insurance GEO. MIRIER. 7S5 K ST. SACHAMEXTO. CAL. 542 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Howard Mark E., laborer. Howe Edw. P. Jr, teacher. Huffman Edw., laborer. Hull Leonard H., feedyard. ler Benj. F. (Her Bros). ler Bros (J. T. and B. F.), blacksmiths. ler Clarence R., farmer. ler Geo. H., farmer. ler Jas. W., tarmer. ler John T. (Her Bros). ler Rebecca Mrs. 0 G T, Ulla Lodge No. 275, meets every Friday. OOF, Phoenix Lodge No. 239, meets every Saturday. OOF, Rebecca Degree No. 132, meets 2d and last Tuesday. Jeffery Wm. J., employe S P Co. Journey Jas., laborer. Kelly Joshua W. Kenefick Edmond H. Kenefick John, farmer. Kiefer Jas. A. Kiernan Ellen Mrs. King Harvey C, farmer. King John T., farmer. King Wm. I., elk Whitaker & Ray. Kirkland Wm. P., confectionery and bakery. Kreeger Hiram, laborer. Kreeger Solomon, farmer. Kreeger Virgil E., farmer. Krenkell Bernhart F., farmer. Laing Webster, wagonmaker. Latourette Johu, clerk P. H. Latourette. Latourette Paredes H., hardware. Lavagnio S., farmer. Leach Oscar, carpenter. Lippi A., gardener. Long Wesley, fruit grower. Luchetti B., gardener. Marengo A., farmer. Marler Saml. K. Maxfield Chas. F., farmer. Maxfield Gershom, farmer. Maxfield John W., farmer. May Fredk., laborer. May Geo., laborer. May Kate Miss, domestic Commercial Hotel. McClanahan John M., bookkeeper Whitaker & Ray. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. m Coolcy,{S"Er!'|1013 4th SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 543 McClaughey Saml. C, farmer. McFarland John, farmer. McFlynn John, emp S P Co. McGuirk Jas. McKenzie Colin, farmer. McKinstry Chas. W. (McKinstry & Son). P^ McKinstry Edw. McKinstry Jas. K. (McKinstry & Son). McKinstry & Son (J. K. and 0. W.), livery. McMahon Hugh J„ laborer. M E Church South, Rev J. F. Roberts pastor. fc=BSd Metzner Edw. H., blacksmith A. T. Ames. Meyer Adolph. Miles Ralph A., butcher. Miller Geo. clerk Whitaker & Ray. Mitchell Alexander G. Mitchell Gray, laborer. Mitchell Jesse A., poultry raiser. Montague Alexander, physician, Montague Alpheus J. Montague Nettie Mrs, millinery. Moore Franklin, farmer. Moore Mattie Miss. Moore Wm. W. Morris Chas. H., laborer. Mountjoy Walter S., printer J. J. Campbell. n Murry W. F., emp Union Hotel. Need Geo., farmer. Need Geo. W. CI £ Newcomb Saml. E., carpenter. Niel Thos. H. &5 a North British arid Mercantile Insurance Co, C. C. Clement agents. O'Meara Jas., employe S P Co. * ^ O'Neil Thos. H., veterinary surgeon. »J OB Orr Geo., farmer. Orr Robt. M., farmer. Overmeyer Henry, farmer. * ft Overmeyer Jas. W., farmer. 0 B Overmyer Geo. R., farmer. tt 0 Overmyer Jonathan M. p Wi Packard Chas. O., laborer. ff * Pearson Allen, farmer. 2 S Pearson Peter J., farmer, r Liberty. ft Pearson Stith A. aw Pearson Wm. R., farmer. ft Dixon, Borgeson 3 & co:, SHOW CASES 37 Market St* 0. P. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS.. 505 ClavSt., San Francisco. 544 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Perquilla Alcalde A. Peters J. E. Phelps Alton D., clerk F. F. Phelps. Phelps Fredk. F., jeweler. Phillips Wm. J. Pierce David H. Pierce Wm. A., clerk J. Brewster. Piercoall E. A., laborer. Planalp Etta Miss. Planalp Peter, farmer. Planalp Rose Miss. Presbury Edw. H., farmer. Presbury Wm., farmer. Pritchard John W., farmer, r Liberty. Prouty E. M., farmer. Pruitt Wm. J., farmhand G. Need. Putnam Chas. P. Quiggle Chas. F., real estate and insurance. Quiggle John, saloon. Quiggle Valiski S., farmer. Rae John G. Randolph John S. Randolph Michael B. Rawlings Wm. S., laborer. Ray Clyde Miss, principal Gait District School. Ray Don W. (Whitaker & Ray) and postmaster. Ray Ephraim. Ray Felix G. Reardon John. Rice J esse H. Rider Anson, farmer. Riley Thos. P. Ring C. B. Mrs. Ritter Franklin. Roach Jas. A., farmer. Robbins Danl. H. Roberts John F. Rev, pastor M E Church South. Robertson Jos. D. Robilard M., cook. Roseberry Wm. F., farmer. Russell Radford B. Salvation Army, meets every Tuesday evening, M E Church^ South. .;$ Saner J., farmer. .';; Sawyer F. N., farmer. § Sawyer John H. N. CLARK & SONS, f/-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers '•' * DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILI •"•PBSPBSJBJ CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite roth and R Sts. and Marble Works -o SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 545 Sawyer Wallace B. Schmied John, dairyman. Scott Richd. T., blacksmith. Short Jas. M. Shutt Ollie Mrs, waiter Commercial Hotel. Simons Chas. R. Simons Geo., laborer. Smith A. Mrs, farmer. Smith Geo. D. Smith H. R. Mrs, groceries. Smith Jas. M., farmer, r Liberty. Smith Thos., shoemaker. Smith Wm. H., farmer, r Liberty. OCT* Sparks Meritt A. Stamp Geo. M., farmer. Stevenson Alfred, farmer, r Liberty. Still J os. F., farmer. Stone E. F., drayman. Stuprack B. Mrs. Sutter Wm. Sutton Jas. W. Taylor Loren, blacksmith A. T. Ames. s Thomas Geo., farmer. & Thomas Geo. L., farmer. Co £ Thomas John, farmer. b Thompson Everett M. osO £ Thompson Jas. H. JPs* * Tracy Edw. V. o Turner Wm., blacksmith. 0> Union Hotel, Mrs Hinley proprietor. i-H Van Valkenburgh Loyal H., farmer. !j Vanderhoof Danl., painter. M *r Wade Henry M., farmer. *>3 ! Walsh John, farmer. Cb r*. Welsh Geo. © Whitaker Andrew (Whitaker & Ray). h* WHITAKER & RAY (A. Whitaker and D. Ray), Gen­ (Mi eral Merchandise and Warehouse. White Chas. G., laborer. White Edmond, laborer. White John, farmer. White Oscar S., carpenter. Whitney J. W., farmer. Whitney Wm. W., farmer. Wilder Jas. A., farmer. Wiser D. M. Mrs, waterworks and barley mill.

IHE AmEnlCAN UfloH STOIlLthan any other two Grocery 35 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. I f y w.; J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT The Deimonico Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Caen Day and llnK. OYSTER PARLOK.

W 89 O 546 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Woodson Benj. F. a Woodson Jas. G., farmer, r Liberty. « W (S bo Woodson J. C, farmer, r Liberty. a -s Wonderly Jas. M., farmer. rt * u Wright Albert W. W 04 M 13 U O Wright Catherine Mrs. UBS Wright Edw. E., farmer. Sto *«• CU 9 Q o Wright Fredk., farmer. 3 Wright Willis, farmer. I 3 * Wriston Saml. E., farmer. Eg Yopp Stephen, farmer. e-I s9 W g. bo u Young Budd, butcher R. A. Miles. Si C 2 Young E. Mrs, farmer. bo u Young Leander J., farmer, r Acampo. «< . c c IX 00 Young Wm. B., laborer.

CO GUTHRIE'S STATION. At the crossing of the S P Co's R R and the Upper Stockton CO road, \ mile from Sacramento. (For names see Sacra­ mento.)

HICKSVILLE. (For names see Arno.)

pes 0 ISLETON. i—i o A town situated on Andrus Island, 40 miles southeast of Sac- ramento. Has a post and express office, general store, hotel, school, church, etc. 5Z5 W Adler Jes, harnessmaker. Albert Horace. Allender Alonzo T., orchardist. Allender Edw. T. ~J3 Alves Joseph, farmer. Anderburg O. A., carpenter. Angelo Antone, farmer. Arellano Angel, farmer. « Babcock C. E., laborer. CO Babcock S. C, farmer. Barratier Joseph, farmer. Barstow Calvin, laborer. Bell H. J., laborer. Bellomoni P., farmer. Bennesen C. P. eTOO ymorep K B MMlANCA$H$TOr than an"y other two" Grocer" y COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY. 1012 J Street......

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 547 Berlin Chas., farmer. Berlin Hannah Miss. Berlin John, farmer. Berlin Katie Miss. Berry Hugh M. Brewer Henry C, saloon. Bristol H. H. Brown Joseph L., mail carrier. Buckley Margaret Mrs, orchardist. Burkel Martin. Carter Robert, engineer. Cathers Thomas, former. Chapman Alfred S., farmer. Christer Joseph^ Clemens Charles, laborer. Clements Charles H. Cook Joseph, laborer. Grain Wm. J., hunter. Crnm G. L., fruit grower, farmer and butcher. Damke Fred, foreman Ferris & Williams. Date Edw., farmer. Davis Charles K., farmer. Davis Frank A., fisherman. Davis Herman, engineer. Davis Hugh, blacksmith. Davis Manuel, boatman. Davis Nettie Miss. Davis R. F. Mrs, farmer. Delosso Sebastian, farmer. Delporto M., farmer. Desrosier Joseph H., farmer. Dickey Sanford, proprietor Isleton Hotel. Dickey Sanford M., manager Isleton Hotel. Dron John, farmer. Dupern Wm. A. Ferris & Williams, farmers, Grand Island. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, P. H. Gardiner Agent. Francis Antone, fisherman, Brannan Island. FrancisJos., farmer. Frates T., fisherman, Brannan Island. Garcia Adolfo. Gardiner P. H., general mercharidise, agent Fireman's Fund Insurance Co and Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, postmas­ ter and notary public. . Gibson Robt. W., hunter. DIXON. BORGESOtt A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S, F. PlfflllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. tf 548 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Giovanni A., farmer. Giovanni M., farmer. Gomez Jos., farmer. Gomez Manuel, farmer, Andrus Island. Hall Mart, hunter. Hanson Levi O. Hanson Peter, farmer, Grand Island. Hanson Ross, constable and farmer. Harn Frank, laborer. Harris Robt. A. Harvie A. R., blacksmith and wagonmaker. Harvie Jas., wharfinger. Hensley Ada Miss. Hensley Calvin Jr, orchardist. Hensley M. A. Mrs, orchardist. Hensley Wallace L., farmer. Hoag Harry, laborer. Hodapp Jos. L., orchardist. Hodapp Sebastian, orchardist. Holland Geo. W., carpenter. Howe Peter, farmer, Grand Island. Hunseeker Chas. Hutton Wm. M., clerk P. H. Gardiner. Isletou Hotel, Sanford Dickey proprietor. Jantzen Henry, farmer. Johnson Chas. Johnson G. A., former. Johnson John, farmer^ Grand Island. Jones Frank, laborer. Jones M. H. Kelly F. N., farmer. Kelly Seth M.„ laborer. King Jos. M., laborer. Knott Bruce F. Knott^Geo. A., fruit. Knott Walter L., farmer. Kuhn Annie Miss. Kuhn Katie Miss. Kuhn Max, farmer. Kuhn Philip. Kulper Henry, farmer. Langley Andrew J., fisherman. Larsen Gustave, farmer. Lauritzen Fredk. C, farmer, mail Rio Vista. Lauritzen Hans, farmer, mail Rio Vista. Leary Dennis, former, Grand Island. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hn* is the only Directory ofSacrament = LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Miisiflllo* 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento^ Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 549 Lee Manuel, farmer. Limbaugh Leonard M., farmer. Lopez A., farmer. Marett Sabina Miss, teacher. Marketti A., farmer. Maxon Edw., laborer. McCarty Hannah Miss. McCarty John, farmer, Grand Island. McCarty John Jr, engineer. McCarty Minnie Miss. McCourt Thos., farmer, mail Rio Vista. Mclntyre Geo., farmer. McLachlan Wm., farmer. McMullen Arlington. Methodist Episcopal Church (South). Moore Saml. C, laborer. Mott Wm. A. Nelson W. G., farmer, Grand Island. Oleson Peter, engineer. Owens Wm., farmer. Palmer Emanuel, carpenter. Pierce Frank A., engineer. Perkins Chas. A., farmer. Perkins Chas. C, orchardist. Perkins Lulu Miss. Perry Jose, farmer. Pine Fredk. B. Poage J, Mrs. Poage Julia Miss. Raney Wm. T. Regan Geo., laborer. Roberts Edw., laborer. Rogers Dewitt C, farmer. Rubble L. C. Russell Jas., farmer. Schaefer Conrad. Schesler John P. Schuler August. Shafer D., laborer. Siemsen John, laborer. Silva Frank, fisherman. Silva Manuel V., fisherman. Smith Alice Miss. Smith Annie Miss. Smith Garrett D., fireman. Smith Hart F., farmer and Justice of Peace. THE AMERICAN CASH 8T0RE£T2r ^W) OOR. 8TH AND a. STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. litis) • r^eal Estate and Insurance set. mm« T*S K ST, SACRAMENTO, CAL. 550 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Smith Hart F. Jr, farmer. Smith Jane Mrs, farmer. Smith John, farmer. Smith John K., farmer. Smith John M. Smyth Jas. L. Terschuran G. F. Thisby Geo., farmer. Thisby Mary Miss. Trinblin Nora Miss. Vance Hugh, blacksmith. Watson J. N., live stock. Wickstrom Chas., farmer, Grand Island. Wilcox John F., orchardist. Will Geo. W. Williams Hammond. Willits Frank L., laborer. Wilson Ole, farmer. Wilson Wm. Wulff Hans.

MATHEWS. A post office on the Sacramento and Placerville branch of S P Co's R R, 9 miles east of Sacramento. Has school, hotel, and telephone. Agean John, fruit grower. Baker Geo. B., fruit grower. Baker Hattie Miss. Beaudry Jos. C, orchardist. Brenner Jos. Brooks J., orchardist. Brooks Jennie Miss. Brooks Wm., farmer. Buckley Jerry, foreman A, B. Humphrey. Camp Clarence, farmer. Camp Chas., farmer. Carroll Mary Mrs, farmer. Carroll Patrick, farmer. Chapin Flavel P., orchardist. Cowan A. E., laborer. Dawson Wm., farmer. .Gore Jas., farmer. Hood A. M. Mrs. N Hoy Peter, orchardist. Hughes Kate Miss, teacher. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND. K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, ^K?

WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. limn, 483 J St., Sacramento, Oal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 551 *-*^ Humphrey Anthony B., orchardist and Postmaster Koch Louis. Longley Geo., laborer. Loth Wm. H., saloon. Mayhew Leon, student. Mouton Albert, orchardist. £>*--.' Mouton Edw. C., orchardist. L_LJ Quale Stephen, farmer. *•"*•"' Rickey Aaron,|farmer. Schmidt. Herman, orchardist. Shaw C.'F. , Solon Conrad,'farmer. pso Sprague Edw. M., asst Postmaster. Stephens R. D., orchardist. Stoner B. Mrs, farmer. Wells Eli, orchardist. Wells Lewis, farmer.

MICHIGAN BAR. A town 26 miles east of Sacramento. Has a post and express office, general store, church, school, hotel, etc. * Atkinson Geo., general merchandise. Atkinson Henry W„ general merchandise. \§i Barry Henry J. g, Brown J. T. ~ Brown Pony. O Brown P. S., laborer. Ql j? Brown Wm. S., farmer. j- J Brown V. A., farmer. * Brown V. A. Jr. v V, & Bullard Ben, miner. H jg Carbine Danl. W., laborer. 3D & Carbine Patrick J. ? QD Connor Francis E., live stock. J Q Davis John G„ farmer. * *0 Dearth John, farmer. 0 jj Edmiston John T., laborer. g Flinn Philip, miner. g 0 Gaffney James J., laborer. J ^ Gaffney J. H. & B Gaffney John, farmer. a J Gaffney Peter F., laborer. ft Gallogly James, live stock. 1 Gill Noah B., farmer. jf DIXON, BORGESON 3 A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, 8. W\ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. O 552 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Green Benjamin F., laborer. Heath James W., farmer. Heath John W., general merchandise and postmaster. Heffling Joseph, farmer. Hilton Oliver J. Hilton Thomas J. Hughes John H., miner. Hughes Joseph E. Hurley John P., miner. Jaeger George F. Jaqua Rennie L. Jordan James, miner. Long John, farmer: Lott John. Lowe Thomas J. Lowery Harris J. Mahan John, farmer. ' Mahan Philip, live stock. Mahan Thomas, live stock. Meiss Wm. R., farmer mail May, Amador County. Miser Edwin A., live stock. Neal Alonzo, laborer. Neal Edw., laborer. Nichols Grant G., farmer. O'Brien Thomas. Parker Johnson, mail May, Amador County. Parker Smith V., live stock, mail May, Amador County. Patterson Moses, clerk. Prothero Fernando. Robinson Rush B., carpenter. Ruman Augustus C, live stock. Ruman Theodore E. Scott Albert W. Silva Antonio. Spooner Alfred, farmer. Walker Francis M., physician. Walker Philip M., carpenter. Wilcox Charles R. Woolery Lenoard, laborer.

MILLS. Commonly known as Hangtown Crossing, a flag station on S P Co's Sacramento and Placerville branch R R. (For names see Routiers.) 5 N, CLARK & SONS, 1719 m st-to F,aBClsco -— CHIMNEY PIPE 18 Hi MPS CARLAW BROS fmp°rters °f Scotch and all loth and R Sts. otner Foreign Granites.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 553 MONTE VISTA. A station on the Western Division of the S P Co's R R, 4 miles from Sacramento. Mail to Perkins. (For names see Perkins).

MORMON ISLAND. Three miles northeast of Folsom. (For names see Folsom.)

NATOMA. Location of Natoma Vineyard Co., 4 miles west of Folsom, on S P Co's R R. Has a post office. Bleidorn B. Miss. Briggs' Vineyard, Geo. W. Holly superintendent. Clemenson H. C. J., bookkeeper Natoma Vineyard Co. Dowdim Saml., farmer. Finch D. A., foreman Natoma Vineyard Co. Finch F. Mrs. Greenwood W. T., laborer. Greenwood Wayne, laborer. Hendricks Jas. H., employe Natoma Vineyard. Howard District School, Miss Minnie Moore teacher. Holly G. W., superintendent Briggs' Vineyard. Meyer F. C, foreman Natoma Vineyard. Meyer Henry F., employe Natoma Vineyard. Natoma Vineyard Co, C. Henry Schussler superintendent. Office 508 California, S F. Nuttall Chas. A., farmer. Nuttall Isaac, farmer. O'Neil John P., laborer. O'Neill Peter, laborer. Paul Michael, laborer. Schussler C. Henry, superintendent Natoma Vineyard Co and postmaster. Walborn Frank, laborer. Wild John, blacksmith.


A post office 1 mile southeast of Sacramento. (For names see 00 Sacramento.)

•P* THE AMERICAN CASH STORE URC!L, *L™ Grocery 1 COR 8tH AND a STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. *«p

J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0rtl(0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day & NUht Oyster Parlor 554 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 1 > i Si 8|s ORANGE VALE. ?! • On American River, 14 miles northeast of city, opposite Fol­ som, its railroad point. Has post, express and telephone Ut offices. The Orange Vale Colony is located here. ^ £ Andrew Wm., farmer. Beauchamp E. A. Mrs, physician. Boyarsky Chas. Boyarsky Louis, farmer. B"- Boyarsky Louis Jr. Brandon Frank. Brandon Giles, farmer. WPS Camfield Albert H., farmer. Camfield M. E. Mrs. *** 1 Cole Albert, farmer. Cooke Anne Mrs. et 05 ^ Cooke Robt. J. Gould Lucius F., carpenter. 'II Iberson Gregory, farmer. Iberson Robt. i Lampher Ed. R., farmer. Landis Leonidas H., farmer. Lane W. W. Linnell Abby Mrs. Linnell Chas. ? Linnell Frank, farmer. Mitchell Wm., farmer. Moncur John. Raaf K. G. Ratcliffe Mary Mrs. Rose M. Sager Lizzie B. Mrs. Sawyer Henry. Sears Dexter. Sears W. I. Smith Jay, farmer. Smith Simeon R., Postmaster. Wait S. L. Wahrhaftig Peter, farmer Wegreeich Romain. - Wilkinson Walter S., farmei. Williams Henry, farmer. Williams Jas. P., laborer. Williams Mark, farmer.

Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery eon. «TN AND K. STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. V3W m


PAINTERSVILLE. One mile below Courtland. (For names see Courtland.)

PERKINS. A town 5 miles east of Sacramento on the S P Co's R. R. Has a post, express and telephone office, two general stores, two hotels, school, church, etc. Ames Frank, laborer. Ames Geo. W., fruit grower. Artz Peter M., farmer. Barton Albert J., laborer. 3 2 Barton Wm. C, farmer and hotel. V t Belnap Charles, farmer. ~t (A Bennett John, farmer. Bidwell Henry G., farmer. Bishop Wm. H., laborer. Bowles Martha Mrs, farmer. § -» Bowles Wm. E., farmer. I 3 Brennan E. II., farmer. Brennan John, shoemaker. Brown Jas., farmer. Brown Robt., farmer. Brown Wm. H., emp S P Co. Browning Jos. T., grain thresher. Bundock Sidney J., farmer. sQ) Camp Chas., farmer. Camp Clarence, farmer. Camp Jas. E., hop grower. Clark Luna B. Miss, agent S P Co, Brighton Station. Clippinger David H, insurance agent. HI Cooper Geo. L., orchardist. I fib Cornell Jas., mail Sacramento. Dahn Frank, farmer. Davies John M., farmer. 0 C Davies Wm. 0., orchardist. "0 Delong Reuben, laborer. (a Diamond Patrick, laborer. Donovan Wm. D. Mrs, saloon. 0 DIXON, BORGESON 5 A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, I. F. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 556 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Douty Wm., laborer. Drew Nathan L., orchardist. Dreyer Hans, farmer. Dreyer Rasinus P. N. Dunlap Thos. A., blacksmith. Eaton Chas., laborer. Ferguson Robt. J., farmer. JPey Wm., saloon. Foote Wm. M., farmer. Ford Saml. E., poultry. Foster Saml. G., Justice of Peace. Foster Wm. A., fruit grower. Garrett John, farmer. Goode Geo. W. Gore Jas. T., farmer. Griffith Wm., laborer. Haiden A., farmer. Hall Alexander, orchardist. Harlow Jacob J., farmer. Harlow Jesse J. Harlow John M., orchardist. Harlow Judias, orchardist. Haiden Andrew J r, farmhand. Hinters Frank J., bookkeeper Perkins & Son. Hinters John J., clerk Perkins & Son. Horstman Christopher. Horrigan Thos., farmer. Jackman J. Clarence, farmer. Jackman Saml. H., farmer. Jackson Reed, carpenter. Jackson Peter, farmer. Jaeger Geo. F., farmer. Kern Henry, saloon. Kipp Clemence F., emp S P Co. Kirkpatrick Libbie V. Mrs, orchardist. Kohler Albert H., laborer. Kurtz Fdk., farmer. Laine John, farmer. Laine Andrew, laborer. Laine Geo., laborer. Laine Wm. H., farmer. Likens A. B., meat market. Locket Mary Mrs, orchardist. Lorenzen John, laborer. Lynch Edw. J., farmer, Lynum Lewis, farmer.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance Hnstetff is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. 502 ana 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 557 Macy Albert J., farmer. Man by Edw., emp S P Co. % Manby Henry, emp S P Co. Manby Wm„ emp S P Co. Mandeville Edw. B., laborer. Manlove John E„ orchardist. Maxfield Robt. B., farmer. McGowan D. J., farmer. McGregor Joseph T., hop grower. McKercher James D., farmer. McMullen Elmer G., farmer. McMullen George C, farmer. Menke Antone, hop grower. Menke Frederick W., hop grower. Millard H. Dumont, farmer and blacksmith. Miller W. A., orchardist. Murphy Patrick H., farmer and vineyardist. O'Connor P. D. Ogden Francis W., fruit grower. Overton Adoniram J., farmer. Pebbles Albert J., emp S P Co. Pebbles Byron, farmer. Pennock John, farmer. Perkins Charles C. (Perkins & Son). Perkins Frank B., clerk Perkins & Son. Perkins Laura A. Miss. • Perkins & Son (Thomas C. and Charles C), general mer­ chandise. Perkins Thos. C. (Perkins & Son). Phipps John W., laborer. Plummer Abraham M., farmer. Prendergast Thos., employe S P Co. Prince Jas. H., laborer. Pugh Chas. L. PUGH FRANK E., Postmaster and Agent Sunset Telegraph and Telephone Co. Pugh Saml. H., hotel, blacksmith, livery and feed stable. Reardon John, farmer. Reardon Timothy, farmer. Reilly Frank, bartender Warren Bros. Rickey Aaron R., farmer. Rickey Amanda Miss. Rickey Florence Miss. Rickey Joseph, farmer. Rooney Jas. B., hop raiser. Rooney John, farmer and hop raiser. (~ Serves Daily more Patrons 11 If III fk tL than any other two Grocery III || V J COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. WW aU aaf • f^eal Estate and Insurance CE1. KRONER. 785 K 1ST. SACRAMENTO. CAL.

558 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Rooney Peter M., hop raiser. Rffoney Stephen J., hop raiser. Russell Peyton, farmer. Schmittgen Antone J., laborer. Schwab Chas., employe Perkins & Son. Seaman A. W., farmer. Sharp Jas. W., farmer; to Sharp Leonard B., farmer. Shaw Walter S., carpenter. Sherwood Jonathan O. N Simonsen Karl, mail Sacramento. O Small A. H. Mrs, music teacher. Steiner Andrew, farmer. Steiner John, farmer. Stephenson M. A. Mrs, farmer. Stewart Leroy S., farmer. Tackney Chas. J., farmer. Tackney John, farmer. Tackney Thos., farmer. Trull Kenneth P., laborer. Tucker Jos. W., peddler. Vane Chas. E., teamster. Waddawidtz Fredk. F. Mrs, farmer. Waite Thos., butcher. Wallace Thos. E., laborer. Warren Asa L., farmer. WARREN BERT R. (Warren Bros). WARREN BROS (Harvey S. and Bert R.), General Mer­ chandise (see adv). WARREN BROS.

—^DEALERS IN GROCERIES AID PROVISIONS Hay,'Grain, Hardware, Crockery, Tinware, Patent Medicines, Boots, Shoes, and Clothing at Sacramento Prices.

PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AT HIGHEST MARKET RATES. PERKINS, SACRAMENTO COUNTY, CAL. Warren Frank L., Constable. Warren Fredk. C„ laborer. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAWERIGANCASH8T0RE tha'n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY 4 Writ?s * Insurance IOX3 FOURTH STStftBT* SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 559 WARREN HARVEY S. (Warren Bros). Wells Eli, farmer. Wells Wm. Capt, farmer. White Harvey, gardener. White Levi L. White Wm. W., farmer and hop grower. P*=* Whitesides L. A. Mrs, farmer. Wilcox Wm., emp S P Co. Wilson Hayden F., carpenter. Winters John D., poultry.

REFRESA. A post office at State Prison, formerly called State Prison Post Office, for use of prison and Folsom Water Company. (For names see Folsom.)

RIO VISTA. SOLANO COUNTY. (The following are' residents of Sacramento County, but receive mail at Rio Vista, Solano County.* Brown John A. Campbell Alexander. Crum G. L. Francis Jos. CD Francis Manuel. n Krause John C. Kuhn Philip. Kulper Heinrich. »- cr McCourt Thos. co * Wilson C. W.


A station on the Sacramento and Placerville RR, 11 miles east 9 of Sacramento. Has a post, telephone and express office. 9 0 3 *0 American River Grange, meets Saturdays. * ft Anderson August, laborer * D Atchison Amos, laborer. * » Augustino Louis, laborer. » 0 Baker Wm. H., farmer. Beach Jas. E., farmer. ff * Behrel Danl., laborer. Biggs Jos. T. Biggs Louis, farmer. • Cf ft Dixon, Borgeson & co" SHOW CASES 37 Market Sk, Sk P. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 560 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Birmingham Thos., laborer. Blais Edw., laborer. Boye Claus M., farmer. Boyd Isabella Mrs, farmer. Boyd John J., farmer. Burns Frank R., farmer. Cable Richd C, dairyman. Carlson John, laborer. Carroll Mary Mrs, farmer. Carroll Minnie Miss. Carroll Patrick, farmer. Carroll Patrick J., former. Carroll Thos. T., farmer. Colquohoun C, hop raiser. Considine Michael, laborer. Cornell Cecelia Miss. Cornell Etta Miss. Cornell Jas., farmer, Cornell Jos. D., farmer. Cornell Mary Miss. Cnswell E. M. Mrs, farmer. r Criswell Wm. H., farmer. Dee John, farmer. Deterding Matilda Miss, farmer. Dickinson Peter, meat market. Dunlap Absalom, farmer. Eggars John, laborer. Erickson Christian, farm superintendent. Fann John, laborer. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, James G, Patter­ son Agent. Fisker Geo. W., farmer. Fitzgerald Chas., farmer. Fitzgerald Elizabeth Mrs, farmer. Fitzgerald Geo., farmer. Fitzgerald Jos., farmer. Forburg John, laborer. Forburg Lawrence, laborer. Foster John, vineyardist. Frankhauser David G., farmer. Gabrielson John, laborer. Gerber John, farmer. Gilbert Nicholas, laborer. Gore Jas. T., farmer. Guilloxson Carl, laborer. Guilloxson Fritz, laborer. l\l. CLARK dt, SONS, 1'My sPear st"San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers . DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. *&**• QUARR4ER8 AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOR ALL KINDS OF 10th and R Sis. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 561 Halverson Carl, farmer. Hanlon Geo., farmer. Hanson Chris, farmer. Hanson John, farmer. go Happish Wm., laborer. Harris August A., farmer. Hoey Peter, farmer. Horn Eugeue C. laborer. rnr-TI Horn Paul, laborer. Jonsen L. Carl, laborer. Jonsen Fritz, blacksmith. Jorgensen Julius, laborer. Jorgensen Lawrence, laborer. Kelly Edward, laborer, co^O Kelly Thos., laborer. Kilgore Jas. W., farmer. Koch Edw. C, laborer. Larseu Peter, laborer. Lauridson L. L., farmer. Lauridson Nels H., farmer. Lawson John, laborer. % Lorain John. o Lund John^laborer. s Madden Geo. E., laborer. do 2 Madden M. Mrs, boarding. O b Madden*Michael C, horse trainer. NO £ Maxfield Robt. B., farmer. Ps" to Mayhew Frank, laborer. 0oD McAuliffe Alfred J., farmer. v» —3 McConnaha Jas. B., barley mill. rx> McDermott. John, farmer. * McDonald Geo. A„ farmer. Os3 Menke Geo. H., hop grower. K) •§ Mix Godfrey F. a. ar* . Muhleman R. G., farmer. p Muhleman Rose Miss. * Orrison Oscar T., laborer. Otis Cbas. M„ laborer. Page Calvin J., laborer. PATTERSON JAMES G-, Saloon, Postmaster, Insurance and Agent Wells, Fargo & Co's Express. PeltierJules, laborer. Peterson Peter, laborer. PHENIX INSURANCE CO OF BROOKLYN, NY, James G. Patterson Agent. Piggott Wm., foreman S P Co. TUC AUTPIPAKJ PAQll QTflPr Serves Daily morc Patrons InLflBtmuAllUAoMOlUnL than any other two Grocery 36 COR 8TH AND K BTMCCTS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT The DeimoniGO Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. open Doy ond wgn?. OYSTER PARLORS 562 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Pike Merritt C, farmer. Pugh Jas. N., blacksmith. Quale Jos., farmer. Quale Minnie Miss. Quale Stephen, farmer. Quale Stephen Jr, farmhand. Ray Ellwood, teamster. Reynolds Andrew B., laborer. Robinson Anthony T., laborer. Robinson Jas. V., farmer. Robinson Peter M., farmer. Rodman Levi G., orchardist. Rogers Chas. E., laborer. Routier Jos., orchardist. Sangunetti Jos., orchardist. Schmidt Herman P., farmer. Shafer Nelson H., farmer. Shenick Brace N., laborer S P Co. Shields John, farmer. * Smith B. Frank, laborer. Smith John J., fruit grower. Smith John J. B., laborer. Smith Martin L., farmer. Starbuck Wm., laborer. Stevens A. Henry, orchardist. Stohl Oscar, orchardist. Storey Bertram J., elk John Studarus Jr. Stout Jas., laborer. Studarus Chas., farmer. Studarus John, orchardist. Studarus John Jr., general merchandise and public telephone office. Studarus Jos., former. Swanson John, laborer. Taylor Ann Mrs., farmer. Taylor Belle Miss. Taylor Charles T.. blacksmith. Taylor Budd H. Taylor David W., farmer. Thieson Antone, laborer. Thomasson Alexander H., farmer. Thomasson D. H. Mrs, farmer. Thomayer Wm. J., foreman Earl Fruit Co. - Toomey Cornelius, farmer. Toomey Robt. O., laborer. Turner Geo., laborer. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. •^^


SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 563 Van Voorst Benj., laborer. Warnock John L., laborer. Warnock Saml. M., farmer. Weir Etta Miss. Weir Katie Miss. Weir Lizzie Miss. Weir Maggie Miss. Wells John C, laborer. Westley A. E., laborer. Wilcox Geo., laborer. Williamson Wm. H., fruit grower. Wilson Geo., laborer. Wood FrankJM., laborer. Wortmann Antone, laborer. Yost Noah W., farmer.

RYDE. A landing for river boats on Grand Island, 33 miles southeast of Sacramento, on the Sacramento River. It has tele­ phone and post office. (For names see Walnut Grove).

SALSBURY. Flag station on Sacramento and Placerville branch S P Co.

SHELDON. For names see Elk Grove.

SOUDAN. Flag station on Sacramento and Placerville branch S P Co.

TRASK LANDING. For names see Walnut Grove.

TURNERS. For names see Isleton. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Market Str'o.t. 8, F. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 564 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. CD UNION HOUSE. A post office 8 miles southeast of Sacramento, on the Lower Stockton road. Has hotel, saloon, hall, etc. e Buell Fred J. 00 Burton Geo. C, farmer. Burton Jeremiah, farmer. Burton Laura Miss. Chapman Asa O., farmer. Chapman Thos. J., farmer. Chrisman Chas., farmer. Ehrhardt John, farmer. Fay Robt. F., farmer. Frackliu Wm., farmer. Frye Edw. W., farmer. Greer Wm. W., farmer. Harris Clarence E., farmer. Harris Newton, farmer. Hite Danl. 0., farmer. Hite John G., farmer. Hull Chas. A., farmer. Hull Chas. L., farmer. Hull Elliott, farmer. Hunt Byron, farmer. Johnson H. W., farmer. Keefe Michael, farmer. Kelly Carrie Mrs. Korn David, student. Korn Jacob, farmer and grain buyer, Postmaster and saloon. Korn Jos., insurance agent and grain buyer. Lennox Thos., farmer. Mack Chas. E. Jr, farmer. Nicolaus Geo. W., farmer. Nicolaus John H., farmer. Reith Chas., farmer. Reith Jesse L., farmer. Reith John, farmer. Roberts Robt., farmer. • Ro3S Wm. J., farmer. Schaffer Winfield S., farmer. Sims Jos., farmer. <1 Sims Paul R., farmer. Smith Myron, farmer and dairyman. Stephenson Edw. G., farmer. Stephenson Igal K., farmer. t Stephenson Jas. O., farmer. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. , Pay no money in advance. Hnsteft'n is the only Directory efSacramcnto = LOOK OUT Published. Silver Plated Ware ana L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 565 Stephenson Wm. T., farmer. Waldie Margaret Mrs, farmer. Watson Henry, farmer. Watson Meta Miss. Webb Ada Miss. Webb Arthur, farmer. Webb Eleanor Mrs, farmer. Webb Geo., farmer. Wells Geo. W., farmer. Wightman Mark N., farmer. Withers Jas. F. Wortin Elmer W., mail Sacramento.

WALNUT GROVE. A village situated on the Sacramento River, 30 miles south­ east of Sacramento. Has a post, express, telephone and telegraph office, two general stores, church, school, etc. A landing for river boats. Boats carry U. S. mail. Albert Jos., farmer. Allen F. W., saloon and ferryman, 1£ miles below Walnut Grove. Angelo A. A., farmer. Ayers W. B., bartender Walnut Grove Hotel. *- Baldocchi Paolino, farmer. Berlin Chas., fruit grower. ^ Berlin Hannah Miss. Berlin John C, farmer. Black J. M. M*8, housekeeper. Bramlette Richd. P., laborer. Bray Patrick, laborer. 1 BROWN ALEXANDER, General Merchandise and Post Office, Proprietor Walnut Grove Hotel and Livery Stable, Insurance, Agent S P Co's River Boats, Express, Tele­ graph and Telephone Agent, and Meat Market. u- Brown John S., clerk Alexander Brown., California Transportation Co, Wm. H. Holttum agent. Clark Wm. G., ferryman and Constable. Cordoza Domingo, farmer. Crew Herbert E., farmer. C^ Crew Jos.' E., clerk St Aurora. Crew Pleasant W., fruit grower, t^- Crofton Anne Miss, teacher. Crofton Edw. W., former. Crofton Emma Miss, teacher. Crofton John, fruit grower^ v 0 THEAMERICANCASHSTOr™™'™*"''L than any other two Grocer*y •OR. STM AND KSTREETS. Stores in Sacramento, f^eal Estate and Insurance CEO. RlfflER 7SS K WT, SACKAMENTO, CAL p 566 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. e Dailey Andrew J., farmer. Dailey Curtis, carpenter.. Dailey May Miss. Dann Ephraim, farmer. De Back Henrietta Miss. De Back John, farmer. De Back P. G., farmer and engineer. De Back Riga Miss. De Back Wm., carpenter, v De Bald Frank, farmer. Dron Cyrus, former. g o> Dron John, farmer. Dron Wm., hotel clerk A. Brown. Dye Sperry, fruit grower. 8 Dye Sperry Jr, pilot. Eastman A. C, farmer. e * v Eastman Albert, carpenter. f Eastman Ella G. Miss. 3 Eastman W. E. Mrs. w Eldridge Arthur N., farmer. z Fava M., farmer, M v Fields Geo., wharfinger. fa Figg Geo. L. Mrs, farmer. Fisher S. A., former. Fitzgerald E. W. Fountain Georgia Miss. Fountain Geo. W., dairyman. Fountain Nellie Miss. 0 v-Gammon Chas. W., farmer. y/Geirmann Chas., blacksmith and wagonmaker. Gleason John M., farmer. Gleason Robt., farmer. Gomez Frank, farmer. Greene Lester D., farmer. Grossi & Micheli (R. Grossi and G. Micheli) saloon, Trask's Landing. ' Grossi Rapphell (Grossi & Micheli) Trask's Landing. o Grossi Victoria Mrs, Trask's Landing. Hady Edwin B. •Hall Isaac G., farmer. Hall Rodolphus B. ivHallander O., blacksmith. Hansen John, laborer. Hansen Ole, inventor. Harris John W., butcher A.*Brown. Hebb Henry, fruit grower. l u Serves Daily more Patrons E than any other two Grocery UJ COR. STM AND ft STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. 1

JM Rsssasp

Granite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : i. limn.4* 3 J STREET, . HACRAMENTO, CAE, £—5 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 567 Holttum Wm. H., fruit grower. ~* Hopkins John N., farmer. Howard E., engineer. Hunt John, hunter. ^Isaacs Jas. S., butcher. Jacobson P., farmer. P^ Jackson Fred W., farmer. Jackson Margaret A. Mrs, fruit grower. Jackson Wm., fruit grower. Jahnke Herman, mariner. Jansen Nelson, former. Johnson Qscar, apiarist. ji.^—•> Jones Wm. L., former. Jongeneel Albert M., farmer. Jongeneel Albert M. Jr, former. Jorgensen Hans C, farmer. Kelly Frank A., butcher. Kercheval Hartley H. Kercheval Jas. L., farmer. Kesner W. A. King Manuel. Knott Oscar, orchardist. Lagazette Louis, former. Lalie Michael W. Lane Albert, laborer. Leary Dennis, fruit grower. e Lindsay O. A., farmer and general merchandise. Lord C. B., Mrs, postmaster! n Lufkin Harry T., general merchandise, public telephone station and saloon. Lufkin J. W„ clerk H. T. Lufkin. CO a Madge M. Mrs. Malory Thos. McCullough Alex. A., saloon, New Hope Landing. McGrath Patrick H., farmer. McLaren D., farmer. McQueen.N. C, clerk A. Brown. Methodist Church. * ft Micheli Gussippi (Grossi & Micheli), Trask's Landing. * P Miller Jas. D., laborer. a © Miller John, farmer. p (ft Miller Lizzie Mrs, vineyard. Mosher Wm., farmer. s ^ Nelson Andrew, former. ft Palm Edw., farmer. •n 5? Palm Henry, farmer. f> SHOW CASESDIXON ;sr,, BORGESON . 3 SEE OUR FflTENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 568 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Paysdh A. P., manager Staten Island Farm. Peters Frank, farmer. Raynsford Edwin G. Reynolds Alfred T. J., farmer. Ritchie John, laborer. Rodgers Martin N.f carpenter. Sharp Berdine, carpenter. Sharp John S., laborer. Sharp J. W. Mrs, farmer. Sharp Robt. W. Sigelkoff' Ann Miss. Sigelkoff Henry, laborer. Silva J os., farmer. Simpson 0. A., ferryman. Smith Louis, farmer. Thisby Geo., farmer. Thisby Mary Miss. Thisby R. Mrs, fruit grower and farmer. Thisby Wm., farmer. Town Danl. S., laborer. Town Evans J. Town Jas. E., notary public. Trask A. Mrs., farmer. Trask Chas. F. Trask Fred, farmer. Trask Maud Miss. Truax Rufus S. Van Lobensells J. P., orchardist, r S F. Wagner Francis. WALNUT GROVE HOTEL, Alexander Brown Proprietor. Waschelewske John P., carpenter. Whitwell Mrs, saloon. Wickers John H. Wickstrom C, farmer. Winn John, fisherman. Wise David, farmer. Wise Francis, farmer. Wise Jesse, farmer. Wise Jos., former. Wise Jos. L., farmer. Wise Philip, farmer. Wise Wm. F., former. WASHINGTON. YOLO COUNTY. NOW called Broderick. (For names see Sac­ ramento.) m N, CLARK & SONS, 1MI m ^Su ""**-. Manufacturers and Dealers "•^•"Wfl Carlaw Grantte and Marble lOth and R Sts. Monuments and Statuara SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. 569 •n WALSH'S STATION. > A post office, school and store on Jackson road, 9 miles east of Sacramento. CO Anderson Fredk., Twelve Mile House, 3 miles east. 9 X Bailey Joel D., farmer. & BBSS v Bailey Wm., farmer. Baker Jos. B., laborer. o Best Albert. * z irBest Chas., farmer. tr\o Best Hampton, laborer. >• • Birch John E., farmer. CO ^Birch Wm. A., farmer. H Branscom S. A., farmer. J Coy Zenes L„ farmer, ! > Danielson Saml. CD Davies Jas., farmer. Davis Chas., laborer. 1 r™ Davis J. C. m Davis Thos., laborer. Dennis Albert, laborer. CO • Dunan Ed, blacksmith. vDunham Robt., farmer. CD i, Ellis Wm. H., farmer. >~ Ellis Wm. S., laborer. r^ CO Fahrenbaker A. M, -< P»a —t r=3 Fahrenbaker Avrel A. «-< <=»- Fahrenbaker Andrew, farmer. CD Fahrenbaker F. C. OO >* cr* ^Fairbairn John T., farmer. o TO Farley Jas., capitalist. TO Finney Frank L. s: >* Fisher Herman. o CD Fisher T. C, farmer. <-> rn France Chas. N., laborer. CD France John W., farmer. o " Fry Chas. N., farmer. vFry M. A., farmer. Garrett John, farmer. Grim Geo., former. t,en <> •» Heath Ed. B., propr Slough House Hotel. H fi • Heringa John, farmer. 00 , Heringa Jos., farmer. , o 1+ e 3 O £ Hert Jas. C, laborer. a JONES FRANCIS M„ General Merchandise, Clothing, Gro- oo en J ceries, and Postmaster. 7* 6 Serves Daily more Patrons K ;T than any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND ft STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAUI^T First-Class Res­ THE DELM|0Nl<0 taurant and 8> Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day & Ni^bt Oyster Parlor a 570 SACRAMENTO COUNTY DIRECTORY. m « Jones Geo. F., clerk F. M. Jones. bo © Kirby Frank, laborer. Lockhart Frank, farmer. a a u Lynch E. J., farmer. 3 5 Mahone Robt. H., farmer. 3 £ Manley J. A., farmer. 09 Maxfield Robt. D., farmer. McManus Albert G., farmer. 3 to m McManus J. T., farmer. 03 ft y Messamore Boss, laborer. s 0) : Miller Albert D., farmer. Meyers Jos., laborer. 09 Newingham Jas., farmer, u Patton Jas. N., blacksmith. ,2 - Pennock John. * v Plummer A.-M., farmer. CO Prato Manuel, farmer. e Quivers Wm. H„ farmer. CO Reese Henry, farmer. Richardson Henry, la-borer. P3 «/ Riley Thos., farmer, v Russell T. B., farmer. Russell Wm., farmer. Schulp John, farmer. Schulze Chas. A., farmer. Schulze Frank A., farmer. S3 0 Scholefield Jos. Mrs, farmer. Shaver Nelson H. - o Shaver Nelson H. Jr, farmer. co Q| Sherwood A. W., laborer. Sherwood Harry. Otf H Sherwood John C, farmer. esq 0 Smith Wm. A., farmer. Taylor B. T., farmer. s & Toomey Cornelius. M 4 Toomey Edw., farmer. Toomey Gracie Miss. « Pi Toomey Herbert. efl Toomey M. Mrs, farmer. 29 * Toomey Minnie Miss. «3 (ft Upson Laura Mrs. CO Vealey Geo., farmer. Walter Jas. M. r" Warnock Walter E., farmer. ** Westlake Elizabeth Mrs, farmer. Westlake Wm., laborer.

Serves Daily more Patronstil f f 1l 1 than any other two Grocery OOB. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. 1 isU«-




In the following classification Sacramento names come first, the other towns following in alphabetical order. Abstracts of Titles. (See Searchers of Records.) Academies. (See Schools.) Accountants. Scott J., 1009 2d. Agricultural Implements. BAKER & HAMILTON, 109-115 J. Felter Jas. I. & Co, 927 3d. Green E. L., 224 J. Souney Bros, 2109 P. Stanton, Thomson & Co, 308-312 J. Ammunition. Kimball & Upson, 625-627 J (see adv). Architects. Buell H., 1420 D. Cook A. A., 627 J. Ough J., 730 N. Schardin Frank H., Pioneer Hall. Seadler Jas., 1018 8th. DIXON, BORGESON A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Msrkst Sir***, ». F. m Plumps Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 572 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Art Glass. Cantrell Geo. W. & Co, 1731 E. Art Needlework. Schubert Lydia Miss, 1014 8th. Artesian Wells. (See Well Borers.) Artificial Stone. McGillivray J., 630 M. Schreier F., 1717 23d. Shearer J. D., 1818 N. Teichert Adolph, 917 24th. Artists. ASHER J., 718 J (see side lines). Austin A. Mrs, 815 J. Herrick A. C. Mrs, 1304 N. Hughson E. Miss, 425 M. Isaacs I. Miss, 2708 M. Mansfield K. Miss, 609£ I. Marshall W. H. Mrs, 511 P. Sacramento School of Design, O cor 2d. Sauve E. Mrs, 1114 J. VARNEY A. K., 521 J (see adv). Waggoner P. Miss, 910 6th. Waters L. M. Miss, 1111 28th. Artists' Supplies. Crocker—H. S. CROCKER CO, 208-210 J (see side lines). Krebs C. H. & Co, 626 J. Schwamb T. W., 804 J. Assayers. NEWMAN & BINGAY, 904 K. AttorneyB-at-Law. Alexander D. E., 426£ J. Anderson W. A., 210 J. Armstrong & Bruner, 405 J. CO Baker C. W., 401 J.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustsftr is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & GO. Grocker^ and Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 573 CO Beckwith C. M., 420£ J. Brown C. B., 405 J. Brown J. R, 328J J. CastelhunF. C, 531 K. Clarken & Ross, 401 J. Curtis N. G., 920 6th. DeLigne A. A., 328J J. Devine M., 900 7th. Devlin Robt. T. and Wm. H., 328 J. Driver & Sims, 491 J. Dwyer E. J., 1009 7th. Elliott Christopher A., 627 J. Gett W. A. Jr, 426J J. Harlow W. P., 916 5th. Hart A. L, 426| J. Hart E. C, 328J J. Hatfield Llewellyn T., 1005 2d. Hinkson & Van Fleet, 627 J. Holl & Dunn, 920 5th. Hughes C. T„ 420 J. Humphrey W. H., 628£ J. Johnson Albert M., 918 5th. » (ft Johnson & Johnson, 504 J. Jones Chas. T., 607 I. 2 ^ Jones J. C, Court House. »•« ft Joseph I., 431|K. »*• * LaRue H. M. Jr, 401 J. Liggett J. H., 612 I. March C. A., 628J J. Maydwell G. F., 420 J. McKune & George, 401 J. Miller A. E., 426£ J, Oatman Chas. H., 420A J. Platnauer Raphael, 420 J. Post C. N., 627 J. Prewett J. L., 628| J. Renfro W.F.,426| J. -Rhoads W. W., 420£ J. Shirland E. &. (pension), Court House. Soule H. G., 607 I. Spilman J. S., 1005 2d. Starr H., 1600 7th. Taylor E. F., 328£ J. Tilden M. C, & Laura M., 504 J. Tracy C. T. K., 624 J. Tubbs J. C, 629 M. tllEAMEBICANCASIISTORE^iro^nfJY) con. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. II U • I peal Estate and insurance CEI. RRSmER. 725 K ST. SACKAMENTO. CAL. 574 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wharton Z. F., 624 J. White, Hughes

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 575 Banks. California State Bank, nw cor J and 4th. Capital Banking and Trust Co, 922 6th. Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, 330 J. National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, 200 J cor 2d. People's Savings Bank, 400 J. Sacra men toJBank (Savings and Loan), 431 J. Burnham J. H., Folsom. Barbers. Barberia F., 907 7th. Baron C. L., 729 K. Beck & Jaqua, 904 K. Bonfiglio L., 1105 2d. Busch J., 926£ J. Cady H. W., O cor 21st. Coger W. B., 317 K. Comninos G., 1013 7th. Cook T., 1104 J. De Costa J., 904 2d. Dias. J. X., 1027 2d. Diefenbacher J., 223 K. Dunlap I., 1008 K. Egan W. H., 1800 I. Fields R. A., 302 J. Friedman L., 1010 4th. Gomes A., 429 12th. Guinn W. H., 1008 7th. Hack E., 604 I. Hardy J., 1124 15th. Henderson W. J., 307 K. Hinton W. E., 1007 J. Hoefer A., 822 K. Johnson T. S., i630 J. Jones E. C, 1012 6th. Julier & Beckley, 926 K. Kelly F. W., 2003 J. Krogh P. C, 529 K. Label R, 328 K. Lesser B., 908 J. Lima F. C, 928 2d. Lima M. V., 404 J. Martin & Costa, 126 K. Morrison G. W., 702 K. Murphy J., 513 K. Dixon, Borgeson &C07, SHOW CASES 37 Market 8t~ ftV V.

SACRAM: '( i '^J-, ,fr.. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS.. BOOKBINDERS,BOOKB.NDERS. 505 Clav St., - San Francisco. 576 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OggG.G., 524 J. Peck W. B, 802 K. Perry & Santos, 515 K. Pierce W. V., 622 K. Revord J. W., 518 K. Rodgers L., 1023 2d. Rubenstein H., 227 K.; Rubenstein M., 510 K. Salina B., 124 L. Santos J. S., 1006 3d. Stein & Flemming, 805 K. Storch J. G., 828 K. Waters F. R., 603 K. Wettrowski P., 911 K. Wilson A., 129 and 425 K. Wollmer J., 818 J. Harris W. H., Courtland. Poyer J. C, Elk Grove. Held G. C, Gait.

Barrel Manufacturers. (See Coopers.) Baths. Carly E. M. Mrs, 715 I. Clayton S. E. Mrs, 1126 7th. Cook J. S. (electric), 922 9th. Tannehill W. J., 1026 4th. Bazaars. Oriental Bazaar The, F. Sing & Co Proprietors, 815 K. Beer Bottlers.. (See also Bottlers.) WISSEMANN GEORGE, 700-702 J (see adv).

Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies. Jones F. M., 819 K. KIMBALL & UPSON (Send for New Catalogues), 625-63| J (see back cover). VICTOR BICYCLES, Kimball & Upson Agents, 625-627 f (see back cover). ' N. CLARK & SONS, -iV-MSpetrSt., San Francisco, Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TIL1 V CARLAW BROS. Steam Granite ioih and R sts. and Marble Wor

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 577 Bicycle Repairers. COOK & DREW, 1109 9th (see adv). KIMBALL & UPSON, 523 J (Send for New Catalogue). Cm Bill Posters. Caswell W. A.. 1108 4th. Billiard Table Repairers. EBERHARDT WILLIAM, 528 K. Billiards. WISSEMANN GEORGE, 700-702 J (see adv). Blacksmiths. Anderson J. & A., 922 11th. Auker L., N cor 22d. Bannon M. J. & Co, 1115 10th. Bennett Henry, 520 12th. GO Bousch H„ 408 L. s Brown Bros., 1100 K. &o Carmichael D., 1009 8th. @ Carter E. L., 11th cor T. O Favero & Striff, 1013 10th. sO fed Gillespie & Monsees, N cor 21st. ZK fed Gunn E., 129 1. © Harris & Miller, 602 L. P* •H <« Heilrath J., 91y 8th. <-E> Ingram A., 814 2d. S> Melvin H. G., 418 I. Millard F. C, 2319 J. *N3 1 Muller M., Jackson rd. a. Nance W. H., Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. sp WINTERS & MORGAN, 1228 J (see adv). ** Woods J. A., 720 S. p Lewis W. F., Antelope. Hanson H. C, Arno. Manghan J., Arno. Stroup H.. Clay Station. Dunen E., Cosumne. Patton J. N., Cosumne. Wirts J. A., Cosumne. Petterson J., Courtland. Atkins F., Elk Grove. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 37 COR 8TH AND K STRCETS. Stores in Sacramento. Ml J. M, MORRISON A. M. GAULT The DeimoiiiGO RESTAURANT o8 «3 TeU52. 712 & 714 K St. ooen Doy end Hlnm. OYSTER PARLORL " .2 "8 578 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. •9 w » o c Chinnick J. T., Elk Grove. w O O. Whitman H. C, Florin. 5 *? 8 Davis & Son, Folsom. « M (2 Foster Kate Mrs, Folsom. > e v co Perry M., Folsom. Taylor F. T., Folsom. vH *o2 Wild J., Folsom. 0 *3 9 r! Babcock A. C, Franklin. P. 3 O £ Walther C. F., Franklin. g O « .2 Kirtlan F. N., Freeport. 5 « 3 * Ames W. T., Gait. 1 © 13 Andrus J., Gait. « § c £ Her Bros., Gait. Scott R. T., Gait. Turner W., Gait. Davis H., Isleton. Gd .5 i* Harvie A. R., Isleton. 09 Vance H., Isleton. Wild J., Natoma. CO Dow T., Paintersville. Dunlap T. A;, Perkins. Millard H. D., Perkins. Pugh S. H., Perkins. Jonsen Fritz, Routiers. Geirmann C, Walnut Grove. Hallander O., Walnut Grove. Dunan E., Walsh's Station. 53 0 Patton J. N., Walsh's Station. Blacksmiths' Supplies. Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, 217-219 J. Blank Book Manufacturers. 9 (See Bookbinders.) Boarding Houses. Andrews S. Mrs, 401 L. Billiou R. Mrs, 7th cor E. 5 Bronner G. F. Mrs, 1421 L. Chandler C. H.t 724 8th. IS Coady M. Mrs, 1025 Front. CO Entrican D. 0. Mrs, 816 P. Eversult G. H., 713 E. Gullion P. Mrs, 2000 K. 9 Hubell S. A. Mrs, 716 H. serves iJany more r&.mua THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. STM ANO K STREETS. Stores In Sacramento. 1 THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME VM,'I 1012 "*-*** J Street SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 579 Hunt W. H. Mrs, 903£ L. Jacobs M. D. Mrs, 1131 28th. Johnson M. F. Mrs, 827J J. Little L. E. Mrs, 7011. Maloney J., 1401 Front. Miller M. E. Mrs, 701 N. Neidhart C, 2101 P. ParkS. S. Mrs, 1120 J. Penney E. Mrs, 1323 6th. Sarchett E. Mrs, 2508 J. Schroeder A., 1422 2d. ' Spillman E. W. Mrs, 912 G. • Tappan M. Mrs, 1208 10th. Madden M. Mrs, Routiers. Boiler and .Engine Manufacturers. Cunningham'John A., 112-114 I. Bookbinders. Bruening E. W., 319 J. Carrington & Anderson, 917 5th. Silvius & Schoenbacker, 403 J. Books and Stationery. Assalena F. L., 603 K. Crocker—H. S. CROCKER CO. 208-210 J (see side lines). Doane S. A., 202 K. * Harmes A. Mrs, Broderick. Megerle H. C, 429 K. Morris S., 406 J. Purnell W. F., 609 J. Sawtelle C. A., 710 J. Boots and Shoes. (See Shoes.) Bottlers—Beer. Blauth Theodore, 407 K. WISSEMANN GEORGE, 700-702 J (see adv). Bottlers—Mineral Water. Casey H. G., 218 K. Chevalley & Oulevey, 2d sw cor M. DIXON, BORGESOtt A CO.. SHOW CASES 91 Market Street. S, F. PHOIiUs Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. tf 580 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cole &jHaycock, 11th cor B. McGinity B., 1926 0. Mount Shasta Mineral Spring Co, Hall, Luhrs & Co agents, o 908-916 2d. o Schnerr C. & Co, 1113 Front. 09 Box Manufacturers. £ Pioneer Box Co, Front ne cor N. CL o Sacramento Box and Supply Co, 12th bet B and C. szo.< o2 Towle Bros Co, «2d cor Q. CO o Breweries. O en Buffalo Brewing Company, Herman H. Grau manager, bet Q XI <•• and R, 21st and 22d. CITY BREWERY, Captain Frank Ruhstaller Proprietor, ne a; cor 12th and H (see front edge). (0 a* PABST BREWING CO, George Wissemann Agent, 700 J (see adv). &« S O Pacific Brewery, Frederick C. Knauer proprietor, sw cor 9th '—• h and P. i- z RUHSTALLER FRANK CAPTAIN, ne cor 12th and H Q. Id (see front edge). ' s Scheld P., M cor 28th. Si i< Brewers' Agents. S (0 WISSEMANN GEORGE, 700-702 J (see adv). C0 09 Brick Manufacturers and Dealers. e> Fountain Bros, 14th cor Y. O Kreuzberger & Harvie, 13th cor Y. O O'Neil J., 813 L. Brick Masons. (See Contractors—Masonry.) Bridge Builders. (See Contractors—Bridge.)

Brokers. v Atwood J. B., 528 Oak av. o Coleman J. 0.,325 J. Johnson H. H., 1010 4th. Kendall William S., 910 5th. FOri DlRECTOrtY FftAUDd. Pay no money in advance. Hostel's X is the only Directory oCSacMunento LOOK OUT Published. i. L. LEWIS & CO. tefiisHiliire 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento^ Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 581 Broom Manufacturers. COLUMBIAN BROOM FACTORY, Robert Martyr Propri­ etor, 223 L (see adv below). ROBERT MARTYR, PROPRIETOR OF THE COLUMBIAN BROOM FACTORY, MANUFACTURER OF BROOMS AND WHISKS Wholesale Dealer in Broom Corn, Handles, Wire, Twine and General Broom Manufacturers' Supplies. £23 Lt Street, Sacramento. Hull C, 2901 J. LeFavor Joseph A., 225 J. MARTYR ROBERT, 223 L (see adv). Builders. (See Carpenters, Contractors and Builders.) Builders' Supplies. Davis Solomon H., 704 J. Building and Loan Associations. Germania Building and Loan Association, 10114th. Mechanics' Building and Loan Association, 328 J. Occidental Building and Loan Association, 1015 4th. Sacramento Building and Loan Association, 1014 4th. Union Building and Loan Association, 1015 4th. Business Colleges. (See Schools.) Butchers. (See Meats.) Cab Companies. (See also Livery, Sale and Feed Stables.) Gurney Cab and Hack Co, Plummer & Quinley proprietors, 717 K. r Serves Daily more Patrons !L than any other two Grocery J eon. am AND 11 STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, f?eal Estate and Insurance CEI. mm 7S9 K ST, 8ACKAMEMTO, CAL. 582 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wilson & Mitchell,'7th nw cor K. Cabinetmakers. Barbiere A„ 1108 2d. Jackson A., 1514 J.

Candy. (See Confectionery.) Capitalists. (Only those having offices are classified.) Clarke & Cox, 926 4th. Crocker B. R., 6th ne cor M. Tate J. D., 3d cor J. Wilcoxson J., 918 7th.

Carpenters, Contractors and Builders. (See also Contractors.) Adams N., 2114 19th. Anderson W. A., Oak Park. Appleton J., 600 15th. Atwood F. A.. 1430 F. Bailey J., 816 0. Bishop N. G., 2420 P. Book F. W., 2900 G. Brady M. M., 2509 G. Buell H., 1420 D. Cady F., 512 N. Camenzind F., 2118 H. Carle S., 1124 2d. Chapman C. B., T cor 26th. Clayton Z., 1721 12th. Covell B. H., 1323 19th. Coyne M. J., 915 21st. Croly E. J., 1201 P. Curl W. C, Oak Grove. Dailey C. W., 418 15th. Dailey W. H., 619 16th. Davis T. H. H., 1417 28th. Dehn H., 2801 K. Dunn T. J., 1722 6th. Elliot H., 1017 10th. Elliott J., 1207 L. Serves Daily more Patrons , than any other two Grocery con. am AND ftSTREETS . Stores In Sacramento. M*mmm

WOODEN MANTELS AND TILING. i. imEi. . 4S3 «J St., Saoramento, Gal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 583 Falconer D , 811 7th. Harris J. E., 1114 P. Hastings J. M., 2011 9th. Hildebrand W. F., 406 P. Hook & Son, 1729 H. Jl**^J Houston J. G., 2705 0. Hovey A. M., 2325 L. Jones R. S., 522 1. Kamenzind A., 2116 H. Klees J., 824 K. Kreuzberger & Harvie, 13th cor Y. La Montagne L., 3d bet J and K. Lightfoot & Ormsby, Oak Park. Mason E. S., Oak Grove. McCaffrey T., 502 I. McLemore C. N., 2115 O. Merry & Vanina, 518 M. Murray G., 328 J. Murray G. W., 1716 M. Neff J. W., 919 12th. Orr J. L., K cor 11th. PARKER J. S., 906 9th. Paxton D. D., 1710 F. Pike B. F., 926 11th. Renfro A. J., 2610 I. Rideout C. P., Highland Park. Robbins K. W., 15th bet O and P. Ruggles C, 1311 L. Ryder H. A., 1221 2d. 2 a Schindler C, 708 K. 5 » Schneider J., 507 18th. Shaffer, S. T., 1909 H. Siller Bros, 1614 13th. Smith F. W., 1220 17th. Snook J. J., Oak Park. si Sprague E. C, 2709 O. Tate T. J., 802 7th. ' ft Vandercook H. D., 1123 J. Van Zee A., 1714 23d. e P Wendt G. A., 2126 M. « o Wilson E. B., 1224 J. ? £ Wolf Philip Jr, 2101 N. Doty I. G., Courtland. Goldman C. P. Jr, Courtland. ft Reese J., Florin. 3 Craig C, Gait. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S. F. ~ ^EE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. 584 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carpet Cleaners. Grubbs E. C.,'1417 4th. Mendis A., 1515 Front. Rivett H. W., 12th sw cor O.

Carpets and Rugs. Breuner John, 604 K. Campbell Chas. M., 409 K. Comstock Wm. D, 501-505 K. Davis Jas. G., 411 K. Jacox Bros, 920 K. Locke & Lavenson, 318-320 J. Carpet Weavers. Behr J., 28th bet R and S. Johnson A. M. Mrs, 1214 8th. Scherdle D. Mrs, 402 12th. Carriage Painters. (See;Painters.) Carriage Trimmers. Oliver W. C, 1019 10th. Robbins Nathan W., 1103-1105 8th. Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers and Dealers. Anderson J. & A., 922 11th. BAKER

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 585 Harvie A. R., Isleton. •n Geermann C., Walnut Grove. > CO Caterers. (See also Restaurants.) Johnson B. A., 600 Q. H Catholic Church Goods. HAUBOLD ADAM, 1122 J (see adv). J* Cement. co (See Lime, Plaster and Cement). IH . Cemeteries. > (See Miscellaneous Information.) I Cesspool Excavators. Campbell J. H., 829 S. m Lewis T., 821 J. co

Chemists. CD (See Druggists.) >~ i— CO -ej p^ Chiropodists. •—e •p=* Fletcher R. J., 906 alley bet 9th and 10th, K and L. *-< •ca* .CD C/O ->~ Cigar Manufacturers. C3* TO o•— 1 Clark Bros & Stanley, 922 K. TO as •>- Driesbach Frank K., 628 I. o • CD Harlow W. S„ 1624 7th. <-> TT1 Keller W. C, 1911 15th. CD Knowles & Wagener, 824 J. CD Maas & Rettinger, 326 K. Scheunert Bros & Co, 720 K. Cigars and Tobacco—Retail. Ashby W., 1216 J. t Atwater & Co, 500 K. tin Barnes C, 910 J. -.O Bennett I. Mrs., 926 J. Bergman Frank, 706 J. g in Bottler F., 805 K. TnEMEnlulw^ * COR. STM AND R STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Telephone 352. 712 and 7tf K St; Open Day ftNigh t oyst*r Parlor 586 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cohen I., 326 J. Coolot A., 812 J. Diepenbrock & Co, 422 J. Driesbach Frank K., 628 1. Easton W. L., 1018 4th. Egan Bros, 821 K. Fuchs P., 405 K. Genshlea J. G., 624 J. Ginsberg J., 619 K. Ginsberg S., 206 J. Giorgi G. & Co, 304 K. Gordon R. J., 307 K. Hammond J. T., 1009 10th. HAUBOLD ADAM, 1122 J (see adv). Hodge A. W., 529 K. Keller W. C, 1011 15th. Kern W. H., 724 J. Kripp E. L„ 602 J. Leonard C. E. & Co., 331 K. Lewis L., 630 J. McMorry John, 531 M. ' Meyer Bros, 706 K. Meyer & Scheidegger, 618 K. Miller Wm. J., 921 and 923 2d. Mitchell A. M. Miss, 819 K. Nathan A., 205 K. Newman P. & Son, 902 K. Pettit R. H., 225 K. Poska S. & Co, 431 K. Pritchard F. M., 513 K. Rosenfeld S., 304 J. Scheunert Bros & Co, 720 K. Schmidt P., 829 2d. - Walker Bros, 800 K. Willey W. H. H., 804 K. WISSEMANN, GEORGE, 700-702 J (see adv). Woods J., 229 K. Zemansky J., 1021 2d. Cigars and Tobacco—Wholesale. Cronan Michael, 230 K. Diepenbrbo&& Co, 422 J. Hall, Lufcrs & Co, 908-916 2d. HAUBOLD ADAM, 1122 J. Lindley & Co (Incorporated), 220-226 K. Mebius and Drescher, Front se cor K. Serves Daily more Patrons I , than any other two Grocery OOR. «TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 587 Civil Engineers. (See Engineers.) Cloaks and Suits. Walker M. Mrs, 1227 I.

Clocks. (See Jewelers and Watchmakers.)

Clothing. Bernstein J, 306 K. Bloomberg J. B., 214 K.' Bush H., 329 K. Cohn M., 115 K. Davis M., 121 K. Glickman J. F., 807 J. Glickman M„ 510 J. Jacobs D., 1012 3d. Lichtenstein A., 216 K. Marks Bros, 722 J. Marks Henry, 414 and 416 K. Nathan Aaron & Co, 301 K. Nathan J. R., 418 K. Nathan S., 321 K. Nathan S. S.

Coal—Wholesale. Sacramento Coal Co, Front cor O. WATERHOUSE & LESTER, 709-715 J and San Francisco (see adv).

Coal—Retail. (See Wood, Coal and Coke.) Coal Oil. (See Oils.) DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street,, ft. T. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 588 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Coffees. (See Teas, Coffees and Spices.) Coke. (See Wood, Coal and Coke.) Collectors. Boggess J. S., Oak Park. Brissel John P., 612 I. Bugbey B. N., 724 J. Farris & Spinks, 614 I. Hartman Investment and Collection Agency, 420 J. Kimbrough

Commissioners of Deeds. MILLS JAMES E., 301 J, ne cor 3d (see adv). Confectionery. Barton C. T., 810 J. Boyd G. T., 907 K. Boyne A., 813 K. Couch A., 508 K. Ginsberg M., 316 J. Graeter L. C, 728 K/ Gropp Wm., 826 K. Kaufmann O., 908 J. Leith F., 420 K. MillerJWm. J., 921-923 2d.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HustecTf is the only Directory of3acrameuto LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stones and Ranges. 502 ana 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 589 .Morelli J., 824 K. Mailer F. M., 424 K. Richardson J. E., 824 J. Sparrowe's Confectionery, 418 J. WELCH BROS, 607 J (see side lines). Confectionery Manufacturers. Fisher H. & Co., 508 J. Contractors—Bridge. Dean G. D., 822 M. Contractors—Cement Work. (See Artificial Stone.) Contractors—General. Glover W. A., 2201 L.

Contractors—Grading. Chance S., 1222 19th. Haedrich F., W cor 26th. Haedrich F. Jr, W cor 26th. Haedrich P., W cor 26th. Hague T., 2228 Front. Hughes J., 2308 N. Labs B., 1128 S. Meiss A., 1412 K. Parker R. W., 1904 M. Renken C, Eldred House. Rose A., 1717 2d. Silva A. F., 1217 E. Touhey J., 1427 6th. Twaddle E., 2513 N. Contractors—Masonry. Best G. B., 1915 J. HedluhdJ. O., 626 L. Henley O. A., 1621 13th. Herndon G. L., 1423 8th. King A., 1212 D. McCants T., 1515 10th. McCants T. D., 1515 10th. McCants W. A., 1515 10th. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE, .tha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. 7TI

f^eal Estate and Insurance BED. KRONE*. 725 K ST. 8ACKAMKXTO. CAIJ. 590 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. McClane H., 1208 Whitney av. ~~~ Turton H. H„ 1016 P. Contractors—Plastering. Finigan J., 1228 W. Mannix D. J., 2215 0. Nold F. Jr, 1523 O. Pennish T. J., 2122 N. Slaughter N. J., 422 alley bet 4th and 5th, M and N. Slaughter W., 323 M. Smith L. T., 1525 E. Williams J.^ 622 G.

Contractors—Railroad. Lowry F., 2010 M. Turtin W., 630 O. Contractors—Sewer. Snarr W., 819 Q. Contractors—Street. Curran J., 1415 5th. Rankin C, 1415 5th. Coopers. Ochsner J., 816 2d. Cornice Manufacturers. Miller Bros, 1116 J. Corsets. (See also Dry Goods.) Beamiss C. L. Mrs, 1314 O. Little N. A. Mrs, 1208 10th. Cracker Manufacturers. Black John & Sons, 1119 Front. Crayon Portraits. ASHER J., 718 J (see side lines), VARNEY A. K., 521 J (see adv).

p Serves Daily more Patrons !L than any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY t Writes t Insurance ^•^ "^^ ^^ .***m •^"m -»- • TATIOIJ* FOURTw« H STRhET. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 591 Crockery and Glassware. Crystal Palace 610 J. LEWIS L. L. & CO (Incorporated), 502-504 J (see top lines). Pulvermacher J., 812 K. Sacramento Qlass and Crockery Co, 629 J and 920-922 7th. Thieben—Jos. Thieben Crockery Co (S F), 518 J. WASHBURN 0. F., K necor 8th (see bottom lines). Imhoft" G., Folsom. Curios. Field R. S., 923 K. Cutlery. Davis Solomon H., 704 J. Eckhardt Wm. H., 523 K. Griffith E.. 1020 8th. HAUBOLD ADAM, 1122 J (see adv). LEWIS L. L. & CO (Incorporated), 502-504 J (seetop lines). Dairies. Bagganstos J., Freeport rd nr Y. Bauman J., Riverside rd 2 m s city limits. Bryte G.fJ., 1125 E. Clark J. L. Mrs, Riverside rd. Cook J. R., 1022 24th. Enerkum J., J st rd nr 40th. Gehrig K., Riverside r 2 m s city limits. Gerig A., T cor 22d. Holland M. J., S cor 22d. Kahley J. C, J st rd nr 36th. Marty F., Freeport rd £ m s city limits. Marty J., Freeport rd £ m s city limits. Massey C. P., 16th cor Y. Meister J. J., 323 16th. Menke J. F., 16th cor R. Nethercott Bros, 31st and S. Stillwell T. S., 34th cor T. Tyler C. G, 1615 G. Clem J., Arno. Basse G.. Clay Station. Stephenson T. J., Courtland. Perazzo Bros, Folsom. Herzog J., Franklin. Dixon, Borgeson &C07, SHOW CASES 37 Market St* 8. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St.BOOKBINDERS., - San Francisco . 592 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gosling J., Freeport. Hunt F. L., Freeport. Hunt M. T., Freeport. Hoft'knecht F., Gait. Hoftknecht W., Gait. Dancing Teachers. (See Teachers.)

Decorators. (See also Painters.) Parker Fred G., rear 2314 K. Delicacies. Berliner Emil, 723 J. Dental Supplies. Kolliker Fred, 530 J. Dentists. Deuel E. C, 1000 J. Kestler F. H., 8th sw cor J. Forbes W. W., 814 K. Girardey W. O., 922 5th. Light W. W., 1115 I. Metcalf Fred H., sw cor 8th and J. Milliken Chas. T., 1008 8th. Newson G. W., 1120 I. Pierson H. H., 511£ J. • Reid T. B., 530 K. Reith W. C, 1009 7th. Root W. A., 814 K. Shaw I. G., 1000 J. Shields F. M., 415 J. Southworth E. L., 628J J. Southworth S. S., 628£ J. Stephenson Cyrus H., 1009 7th. Stoll B. F., 608 J. Taylor W. J., 718 J. Tebbets F. F., 914 6th. Thomas A. J., 511£ J. Wait R. L., 701 J. Weldon Elmer J., 806 J. Wood W., 530 J. N. CLARK & SONS, 1H9 Hearst., San Francisco. j Manufacturers and Dealers '-.' DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. I QUARRIERS AND CONTRACTORS CARLAW BROS. FOK ALL KINDS OF 10th and K Sis. BUILDING STONE WORK.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 593 Designers. Vance—J. J. VANCE CO, 924 6th (see adv). >5S Diamonds. Hotfilter Herman C, 808 J. Klune & Floberg, 428 J. Directories. HUSTED F. M., Publisher Directories Oakland, Alameda, Berkeley and Alameda County, Sacramento City and County, Stockton City and San Joaquin County, Fresno City and County, San Jose City and Santa Clara County, Honolulu and Hawaiian Islands, 1007 4th, main office 530 California, S F. Drayage. (See Express and Drayage.) Xtl Dressmakers- o Allison M. Mrs, 924 N. & Ash C. M. Mrs, 1301 H. 2 Ballou E. Mrs, 1123 3d. o b Bennett C. Mrs, 609£ I. sO Benson J. Mrs, 609£. PS £fc Bert M. Miss, 910 9th. © Billiou N. M. Miss, 1118 J. CO v. Bowden C. Mrs, 1421 5th. —3 Burson M. Mrs, 1024 E. «-c> Is Byers R. H. Mrs, 809 M. OO >»r Chase J. Miss, 1030 9th. *>3 •s Chatman E. Mrs, 1223 7th. * M£». 0> Coffee K. Miss, 1404 3d. r*. © Coffman S. J. Mrs, 900 8th. •* Cook T. Mrs, 908 12th. (13 Corey A. Miss, 623 M. Corwin E. N. Mrs, 1326 P. Costello M. Miss, 1127 10th. Coty E. M. Mrs, 1417 5th. Danville J. Mrs, 709 12th. Dean H. E. Mrs, 1125 8th. Doherty C. Miss, 1512 K. Driesbach Florence Mrs, 725 I. Gardner A. G. Mrs, 426 M. Serves Daily more Patrons T E than any other two Grocery 38 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M< MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT The DeimoniGO Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. Qoien Day and Nlgnt. OYSTER PARLOK ft&8- 594 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. *i bfl o Goff H. M. Miss, 901£ L. 2 C Si • Granger E. Miss, 1227 J. 81? Gruhler M. Mrs, 2120 H. Haley & Brown, £21 J. a** * Hamlin M. Mrs, 917 10th. v 2w • c 2 Hartmann P. Mrs, 1010 3d. 2P4-" u C . Helmick M. E. Mrs, 2221 O. 4 u O S .S 09 Hickey K. Miss, 425 N. so e« g . 3 « O Horstmeyer M. A. Miss, 711 P. u5J^ • Howe B. Mrs, 1110 11th. " «* . c ? *S h '& Hudson M. T. Mrs, 1117J 10th. Johnson D. Mrs, 1110 J. Johnson M. Miss, 1516 8th. Kelly J. M. Mrs, 505 J. Kunigk R. Mrs, 1216 I. Kyburg B. Miss, 1328 I. McDonald J. M. Mrs, 421 J. Methven E A. Mrs, 1316 8th. Mount R. Miss, 1022 K. Pendleton S. R. Mrs, 1204 10th. Plummer M. Mrs, 325 P. Readman N. Miss, 1126 P. Ream A. Mrs, 1129 E. Rood M. Mrs, 1006 7th. Swilling M. L. Mrs, 1012 8th. Smith B. Miss, 1908 11th. Tillapaugh I. Mrs, 521 N. Vogeli E. Miss, 719 M. 2 S Wardlaw C. A. Mrs, 814 L. •3 0) Webb F. A. Mrs. 530 J. h Welch W. D. Mrs, 906 12th. Work F. Miss, 1130 I. a? Nirvad M. Mrs, Courtland. rd io Druggists. VW (VI Baker Osgood D., 2000 J. O o Goging's Drug Store, 904 J. Green John A., 630 K. -^ (M Hahn Joseph & Co, 430 J. Hammer M. S., 401 K. Helke William L., ne cor 2d and K. Ing & Allee, 712 J. Kolliker Fred, 530 J. Ott F. S., 200 K. Peters

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 595 Phillips Thos. F., 531 K cor 6th. Plaza Drug Store The, 904 J. Tufts Albert C, 1000 J. Wait G. S., 531 J. Washburne

Engine^Manufacturers. (See Boiler and Engine Manufacturers.) Engravers. Banholzer F., 410 J. Long bottom W., 513J J. Vance—J. J. VANCE CO, 924 6th (see adv).

P$ ^TEREOlTprX mm Winter L., 627 J. Express Companies. Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, sw cor 6th and K. Branch office, S P Co's depot. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hasted's is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. SMl£S£mm 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 597 Express and Drayage. Barber I. W., 1015 14th. Barrett I. T., 2100 O. Burns G„ 2200 M. Burns J. J., 1318 23d. Burns T. M., 22d nr N. Butler S W., 1618 7th. CroucherF. E., 2111 I. King J., 618 Q. Landis J. B., 720 S. Leitch E. M., 117 Q. Logan A., 723 L. Lopez F., 2518 G. McLaughlin William, 913-915 2d. Walrath Bros, 524 K. Woodruff D. N., 820 R. Stone E. F., Gait. Express Wagon Tops. Robbins Nathan W., 1103-1105 8th. Fancy Goods. Crocker—LI. S. CROCKER CO, 208-210 J (see side lines). Wasserman, Davis & Co, 501, 503 and 505 J. Feed. (See Hay, Grain and Feed.) Fish. Jones & Davis, foot of K. Fishing Tackle. • (See Sporting Goods.) Florists. (See also Nurseries.) B^LL CONSERVATORY CO, Dillman & Geisreiter Pro­ prietors, bet 9th and 10th, W and Y, office 607 J. Dailey C. C, Dillman Tract. Strong C. B. & Co (wholesale and retail), 515-517 J. Flour. Cook T. H. & Co, 929-931 K. THE AMERIuAN GASH 810 RE ^"^0^7^00^ COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, f^eal Estate and Insurance en. mm. T«5 K ST, 8ACWA.UKXTO. CAL. 598 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Phoenix Milling Co, 13th se cor J. Pioneer FIOUE Mills, H. G. Smith manager, Front and Yolo Bridge. Sacramento Flour Mills, Sperry Flour Co proprietors, 1213 Front. Founders. McClain M., M bet 4th and 5th. Fruit Driers. Sacramento Packing and Drying Co, G cor 6th. Fruit Packers. Capitol Packing Co, 11th cor B. Earl—THE EARL FRUIT CO, E. T. Earl President, 1014 2d. PORTER BROS CO, 111 K. Sacramento Packing and Drying Co., G cor 6th. Thacker Bros., 100 J. Fruit Shippers. Barnett Bros., 1008 2d. California Fruit Transportation Co, 1004 2d. Continental Fruit Express, 129 J. Earl—THE EARL FRUIT CO., E. T. Earl President, 1014 2d. Goodell California Fruit Line, 1012 2d. Pattee & Lett Co, 305 J. Curtis & Herzog, 308-310-312 K. Piatt Fruit Co, 108 J. Porter Bros Co, 111 K. Thacker Bros, 100 J. , Fruits and Vegetables. Abramovich J., 1004 3d. Christianson

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 599 Andrews S. Mrs, 426 L. Aratt L. Mrs, 301J J. Arndt N. E. Mrs, 1906 O. Ashley F. Mrs, 917 5th. Averill M. R. Mrs, 516 K. Bach L., 126 K. Bailey B., 918 K. Baker G. W., 1114 7th. Bastian E. Mrs, 1025 3d. Baxter M. M. Miss, 721 J. Beeler J. Mrs, 125 J. Birdsall M. Mrs, 707 L Booth H. Mrs, 1317 6th. Castorf L. Mrs, 300£ K. Chadwick A. J. Mrs, 1618 6th. Champion E. Mrs, 417| K. Clark I. Miss, 1719£ 13th. Clark L. Miss, 1121 9th. Clough J. W. Mrs, 630 M. Collier J. Mrs, 612 K. Connelly F. C. Mrs, 1115 12th. Crawford E. Mrs, 824 L. Daniels H. Mrs, 626 L. Daroux B. Mrs, 418 L. Davis J. Mrs, 613 N. Doherty A. Mrs, 122 K. Drake J. Mrs, 104 K. Drummond E. C. Mrs, 516 K. Emenn A. Mrs, 1016 P. Englehart K. Mrs, 422 L. Fabian L. Mrs, 1520 M. FarrE.R. Mrs, 825 J.] Fawcett W. J., 130 J. Ferguson M. Mrs, 224 J. Figg E. P., 401 L. Fisher B. Mrs, 926| 7th. Fisher H. Mrs, 510 J. Flinn M. Mrs, 1212 9th. Fox N. Mrs, 1114 4th. Frye M. E. Mrs, 609£ I. Gayner M. Mrs, 314£ J. GetchellS., 1025| 10th. Glenn H. L. Mrs, 412 L. Good A. Mrs, 901 Front. Gray E. A. Mrs, 719£ J. Guth J.Mrs, 811 J. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES J7 Msrkst Itr.at, S. F. SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS,BOOKBINDERS. 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 600 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hamlin M. Mrs, 728 K. Hammack E. Mrs, 716 8th. Hanson P., 619 J. Harmer N. Mrs, 519 K. Henesey P. J. Mrs, 621 J. Henley J. A. Mrs, 715 M. Henschel A. Mrs, 804 K. Hines C. M. Mrs, 902 L. Hogan M. Mrs, 520 J. Holder M. Mrs, 1012 2d. Hubert A. Mrs, 714 I' Hull W. Mrs, 315 K.J Hully M. Mrs, 1216 4th. Hutchinson N. Mrs, 1219 7th. Jacobs C. I. Mrs, 306J K. Jeffrey R. Mrs, 212 K. Jones M. E. Mrs, 1006\ 2d. Kendall R. Mrs, 606 J. Kenney R. Mrs, 517 M. KETCHUM E. J. C. Mrs, K nw cor 5th (see adv). Klenk R. Mrs, 1116 3d. Klotz C. Mrs, 705 J. Kuebler A. Mrs, 424 L. Lothhammer M. C. Mrs, 923£ K. Luce I., Mrs, 711 M. Luce M. L. Mrs, 1016 K. Lynn M. Mrs, 1001 2d. Magee D. B. Mrs, 803 K. Martin A. S. Mrs, 824 M. McCarty M. Mrs, 521 M. McDowell N. Mrs, 226\ K. McMahon J. Mrs, 402 L. METROPOLITAN THE, Mrs E. J. C. Ketchum Proprietor, K nw cor 5th (see adv). Milgate A. Mrs, 1004 J. Miller D. Mrs, 1126| 6th. Miller L., 128 K. Monaghan A. E. Mrs, 1022 K. Murphy E. M. Mrs, 727 J. Nagle Mrs, 915 5th. Nagler C. Mrs, 1020 8th. Napier I. L. Mrs, 1329 5th. Nielsen H. B., 2007£ 4th. Norman R. K. Mrs, 1317 5th. O'Connor P. Mrs, 510 M. Paramore M. E. Mrs, 328\ K. N, CLARK & SONS, 1M9 Spear st-s,n FraDCisco Manufacturers and Dealers Carlaw Bros. Granite and Marble lOttk and R Sts. Monuments and Statuaru SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 601 T. Parry M. J. Mrs, 916 L. Parsons J. Mrs, 1401 4th. > Patterson J. Mrs, 917 P. Perkins C. C. Mrs, 209 J. CO

Peterson E. Mrs, 1615 20th. had Br IO N Plucker A. M. Mrs, 406 L. *x Pollock F. Mrs, 718 8th. Putnam M. J.Mrs, 527 J. Quinn E. Mrs 1116 8th. Rae Mary C. Kent Mrs, 911 L. ©

Reilly M. Mrs, 611 J. iTA I Propri * ti% Reynolds M. F. Mrs, 627 M. Rice J. Mrs, 230 M. Richardson R. Mrs, 513£ K. Roberts M. Mrs, 207h J. Sachraitar J. E. Mrs" 714 L. i CO Schuler M. Mrs, 1729 L. Sheehy B. Mrs, 429 L. Sheeran H. Mrs, 818 L. PI Sheets II. N. Mrs, 408 N. Simmons I. J., Ill K. CO Skelton A. E. Mrs, 721 H. Smith J. W. M. Mrs, 815 J. CD Smith W., 1026 8th. >- Snape A. Mrs, 901 L. -' St Vraine M. Mrs, 724 8th. Stinson F. E. Mrs, 902 N. £•• CD Sullivan M. Mrs, 1115 3d. r-r- v, j Tilden J. E Mrs, 415£ K. ~ 22

Trousdale A. Mrs, 410 J. 3. TOAG E Troye E. Mrs, 1515 14th. Notice . Turner E: Mrs., 528 1. Ursher J. Mrs, 1419 3d. Valleau A. P. Mrs, 401 9th. CD Webb T. F. Mrs, 905 6th. CD White M. E. Mrs, 808 I. Wilcox A. M. Miss, 629 M. Wilder C. H. Mrs, 729 I. Williams M. J. Mrs, 922 M. Woolf H. Mrs, 717 L. S © •

Young S. H. Mrs, 1415 20th. 3•hon e °° t al l s Zarick M. Mrs, 1006 3d. t o Furniture. S cn.g Breuner John, 604 K. '. Zl Serves Daily more Patrons I K THE AWERIGAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery 1 COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELN|0fil(0 taurant and Telephone 354. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day A mm Oyster Parlor 602 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Campbell Chas. M., 409 K. . Capital Furniture Co, 616 J. Comstock Wm. D., 501-505 K. Crowell & Lambert, 927 K. Davis Jas. G., 411 K. Francis G., 821 J. Ingram & Bird, 617 K. Jacox Bros, 920 K. Miller J., Folsom. Gas Appliances. COOK & DREW, 1109 9th (see adv). Gilbert J. H., 1023 4th. Gas Companies. Capital Gas Co, Front cor T. Shop, 419 J. General Merchandise. Farley Stephen H., 530 12th. Hale Bros & Co, K nw cor 9th. Daly Bros, Antelope. Valensin A. M. Mrs, Arno. Steele Thomas, Clay Station. Given John E., Cosumnes. Houston Jos. W., Courtland. Everson Julius, Elk Grove. Healey E. K., Elk Grove. Williams V. & Bro, Elk Grove. Cox G., Florin. Fitch E. F., Florin. People's Co-operative Cash Exchange, Florin. Smith & Smith Co, Florin. Cohn S. & Co, Folsom. Cox J. P., Folsom. Lawton J., Folsom. Stephenson T. Mrs, Folsom. Beckley P. R., Franklin. Kunsting F., Franklin. Riehl Philip G., Freeport. Brewster J., Gait. Whitaker & Ray, Gait. Gardiner P. H., Isleton. Atkinson G., Michigan Bar. Atkinson H. W., Michigan Bar. Heath John, Michigan Bar. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery OOR. «TM ANP K STREET8. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 603 Perkins & Sou, Perkins. Warren Bros, Perkins. Patterson Jas. G., Routiers. Studarus J. J r, Routiers. Brown Alexander, Walnut Grove. Lindsay O. A., Walnut Grove. Lutkin H. T., Walnut Grove. Jones Francis M., Walsh's Station. Glass. (See Painters' Supplies.) Glassware. (See Crockery and Glassware.) Glove Manufacturers and Dealers. (See also Dry Goods.) Dodge E. A. Mrs, 1017 9th. Glue Manufacturer. Jurgens C. & Son, Upper Stockton rd nr Homestead Station. Granite. (See Marble and Granite Works.) Grocers—Retail. Attama J. S., 1801 O. AMERICAN CASH STORE, O. F. Washburn Proprietor, K ne cor 8th (see bottom lines). Beal F. J., 930 N. Beesley & Son, 810 K. Bellmer J., 915 K. Bingham William W., 1630 O. Bittancourt T. M., M cor 4th. Bonarewitz A., 1226 3d. Bovyer E. B. Mrs, 2800 N. Brome W., 730 O. Christianson & Co, 703-705 J. Churchman Thos. C, 2331 J. Cook T. H. & Co, 929-931 K. Cooper C. A., 11311. Cossich J., 2330 J. Dangler C , 1830 3d. DIXON, BORGESON A CO., SHOW CASES 37 Markat •«*••«, ft. 1 CITY r SACRA: ,:L\ PJillllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 604 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Davis T. H. Mrs, 1417 28th. Deane Bros, 2001 J. Devine W. H., 830 N. Dierssen—D. Dierssen Co, 725-727 J. Dierssen Geo. E. & Co, 828 L. Doherty Malcolm C, 801 M. Dolan & Middlemass, nw cor 7th and N. Doscher B. Mrs, ne cor D and 12th. Dwyer Stephen, ne cor 16th and J. Eckman H. L., 331 P. Eckmann & Steinmeyer, 7th cor P. Ehmann & Co, 1028 and 1030 J. Eilers F. H., 1501 10th. Enos M. L, 1500 Q. Fabian Bros, J sw cor 9th. Farley Stephen H., 530 12th. Feldhusen Claus, 801-803 L. Filand E. K. Mrs, 1700 3d. Finnie R. D., 721 J. Fortman F. H., 2100 M. Fossati G. B., O cor 21st. Freeman L., Broderick. Gill I. N., Broderick. Gomes M., 500 O. Gotcher Wm. & Son, 2300 P. Griffeth & Son, 1700 M. Hanlon Wm. H., 1530 12th. Hanson C, O., Broderick. Harrison W. G„ Broderick. Heiser O. L., 12th cor G. Hoffman H., 1330 17th. Hosking J.. 1530 9th. Hulburd B.' H., 1214 J. Hunt R,, 531 O. Jones J. S„ 430 L. Kauffmann J., 1700 K. Keating Jas. W., 1731 11th. Keen A., M cor 7th. Kilgore & Tracy, 801-803 J. Kleinsorge Chas. P., 1404 J. Koening R., 1431 4th. Lages H., 1430 2d. Leiva Bros, 1400 2d. Lynn T., 1401 O. Mattice I., Oak Park. May H. G. & Co, 430 K.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hustaffr is the only Directory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. ff 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 605 Mazzini Bros, 1110 3d. McEnerny & Kelly, 530 N. McEwen Edw., N cor 3d. McKenna J., 1701 4th. McMorry John, 531 M. Miller A. Mrs, 212 K. Minford Arthur B., 12th nw cor O. Moore M. B. Miss, 2630 O. Morrill J. D., 1800 I. Mundorff J. B., 10th cor W. Nobel R., 929 I. Noonan & Galligan, 1700 4th. Olmsted R. A.

Grocers—Wholesale. Adams-Booth Co, 1009-1019 Front. Cook T. 11. & Co, 929-931 K. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASHtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Heal Estate and Insurance CEO. mm. 725 K ST. HACKASIEXTO, CAJL 606 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dolan & Middlemass, nw cor 7th and N. Hall, Luhrs & Co, 908-916 2d. Lindley

SELLS REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY. Cooley,{ RENTS HOUSES. 11013 4th SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 607 Hardwood Lumber. WATERHOUSE & LESTER, 709-715 J and San Fran­ cisco (see adv). Harness and Saddlery. Gehring F., 912 J. Graf P., 1120 J. Griesel J., 1022 J. Hildreth T. L., 314 P. jr=g=i Janson J., 1223 J.

Hot Water Heaters. Guthrie John W., 127 J. Hotels. Bauman S., 900 J. Belvidere Hotel, McKay & McCurdy, proprietors, 1023 6th. - Caffara L., J nw cor 2d. or California Hotel, Jos. Gerig proprietor, 1200 I. Capital Hotel, Blessing & Guthrie proprietors, K sw cor 7th. Central House, Hornlein Bros propietors, 820 K. Colombo Hotel, H. A. Petralli proprietor, 918 2d. Conlan P., 311 K. Corrado G. B., 1211 Front. Depot Hotel, ft 2d. Eldred House, W. A. Brown proprietor, 1010 K. Til Fifth Street Hotel, 1011 5th. O Fischer L„ 116 K. & Garibaldi Hotel, Pellegrino Gabrielli proprietor, 118 L. £ Golden Eagle Hotel, Gray & Titus proprietors, K nw cor 7th. o b Harris L. R., 1201 J. SO £ International Hotel, Reudy & Voeglin proprietors, 320-326 K. PS * Mansion House The, Mrs Mary C. Ferriter proprietor, 906- 914 7th. Go Q "•» Mechanics' Exchange, Jacob Schmid proprietor, 120 I. —1 NEARY & FLAHERTY, J nw cor 8th (see adv). New Wm Tell Hotel. 814 J. OO *Jtp PACIFIC HOTEL, Mrs C. F. Singleton Proprietor, K se cor •to € 5th (see adv). Cab PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, Lautenschlager & Baumann r*. © Proprietors, 1015 8th (see adv). •* Reudy J., 1009 J. (Si SINGLETON C. F. MRS, K se cor 5th (see adv). State House Hotel, K sw cor 10th. Tremont Hotel, Harbinson Bros proprietors, 112 and 114 J. Union Hotel, Walters & McLennan proprietors, 1024-1026 2d. Western Hotel, Wm. Land proprietor, 209-221 K. WINDSOR HOTEL, Neary & Flaherty Proprietors, J nw cor 8th (see adv). Woods & Mallet, 1121 Front. Stroup H., Clay Station. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery 1 39 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRISON RESTAURANT A. M. GAULT The DeiiuiGO Tef352. 712 & 714 K St. Ooen Day and WoK. OYSTER PARLOR: O V 610 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bailey Rosa Mrs, Cosumnes. Courtland Hotel, Joseph W. Houston proprietor, Courtland. Elk Grove Hotel, Elk Grove. Toronto Hotel, D. J. Stevens proprietor, Elk Grove. Foster Kate Mrs, Folsom. \S w Marvin I. E. Miss, Folsom. Zimmerman C, Folsom. Franklin Hotel, Franklin. Commercial Hotel, Gait. Union Hotel, Gait. Isleton Hotel, Isleton. Barton W. C„ Perkins. Pugh S. H., Perkins. Walnut Grove Hotel, Alex. Brown proprietor, Walnut Grove. Heath E. B., Walsh's Station. House Furnishings. - LEWIS L. L. & CO (Incorporated), 502-504 J (see top lines). House Movers. Cross J. G. , P cor 16th. Kerr J. E., 408 P. Ice. Buffalo Brewing Co's Ice Department, bet 21st and 22d, Q and R. Union Ice Co, 521 I. Ice Cream. Haub John, 720 J. WELCH BROS, 607 J (see side lines). Installment Goods. Fortson Harry H., manager and collector, J. T. Clark of S F, 629 M. Insurance Agents. Acock T. L., 603 I. Alsip Edwin K. & Co, 1015 4th, and Mills' Building S F. Amsden E. F., 1029 J. Avery E. E., 231 J. Ayer F. W., 1004 4th. Bening W. L., 1005 4th. Serves Daily more Patrons I than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS Stores in Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME BAKERY, 1012 J Street

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 611 Chandler Levi C., 231 f. Coleman Wm. P., 325 J. COOLEY CHARLES, 1013 4th (see top lines). Curtis Cawnichael & Brand, J nw cor 4th. Davis R., 1002 J. DENTON CHARLES H., 1007 4th (see adv). Drew Nathan L., 408 J. Flint F. V. & Co, 305 J. Fox T., 1009 2d. Griffin T. W., 603 K. Hall W. G., 1005 4th. Hawk E. L., 1004 4th. Hickman Frank, 1014 4th. Hyde F. C, 903 K. Kenney Erastus, 904 K. Kimbrough & Co, 402 J. KROMER GEORGE, 725 K (see top lines). Lancaster D. A., 1009 2d. Milliken John M., 1010 4th. MILLS JAMES E., 301 J, ne cor 3d (see adv). Olney C. C, 1007 4th. Porter Jas. N., 1006 4th. ' Ross Geo. B., 1005 4th. Rudell Albert E., 1005 4th. Saunders C. E. V, 402 J. Smith Chas. L., 411 J. Steinhart Julius, 904 K. STEPHENSON GEORGE H., 1007 4th (see adv). Strobel C, 317 J. Wise M. L., 1029 J. WRIGHT CHARLES E., 1007 4th (see adv). Houston Jos. W., Courtland. Stich II. L., Elk Grove. Cox J. P., Folsom. Ferris J. H., Gait. Quiggle C. F., Gait. Gardiner P. H., Isleton. Patterson Jas. On, Routiers. Korn J., Union House. Brown Alexander, Walnut Grove.

Insurance Companies—Accident. Employers' Liability Assurance Co of London Eng, 231 J. Fidelity and Casualty Insurance Co of N Y, J nw cor 4th. PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO of N Y, 725 K. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO.. SHOW CASES 3? Market Street, S, F. Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 612 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CD TRAVELLERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO of Hartford Conn, 1007 4th.

Insurance Companies—Fire. Aachen-Munich Fire Insurance Co of Aix La Chapelle, 1006 4th. ^Etna Insurance Co of Hartford, J nw cor 4th. Agricultural Insurance Co of Watertown N Y, 402 J. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO of London, 301 J. American Central Insurance Co of St Louis, 1015 4th. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO of Philadelphia Penn, 1007 4th. American Insurance Co, 1002 J. Atlas Assurance Co of London, 1015 4th. Commercial Union Assurance Co of London, 1004 4th. CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO of N Y, 1013 4th. Delaware Insurance Company of Philadelphia, 408 J. Fire Association of Philadelphia, 231 J. Fire Association of Philadelphia, 1014 4th. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO., 325 J (see front cover). Franklin Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia, 1010 4th. GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE CO of N Y, 1007 4th. German American Insurance Co of N Y, J nw cor 4th. Germania Fire Insurance Co of N Y,-1011 4th. Girard Fire Insurance Co of Philadelphia, 402 J. Glens Falls Insurance Co of N Y, 1006 4th. GREENWICH INSURANCE CO of N Y, 1007 4th. HAMBURG-BREMEN INSURANCE CO of Hamburg, 725 K. Hanover Fire Insurance Co of N Y, 1011 4th. Hartford Fire Insurance Co of Hartford, J nw cor 4th. HOME INSURANCE CO of N Y, 725 K. Home Mutual Fire Insurance Co of S F, 1006 4th. Imperial Insurance Co of London. 1015 4th. Insurance Co of North America, 1014 4th. \ Lancashire Insurance Co of Manchester, 402 J. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co, 325 J. London Assurance Co of London, 1014 4th. London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co of Liverpool, 402 J. Manchester Fire Assurance Co, 1002 J. Merchants' Insurance Co of Newark N J, 1006 4th. Milwaukee Mechanics' Fire Insurance Co of Milwaukee, c/> 1014 4th. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory ofSacramento %j * LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. umisfiioQ HarflvYore 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 613 NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO of Hartford, 1013 4th. New York Underwriters of N Y, 1011 4th. New Zealand Fire Insurance Co of Auckland, 231 J. NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO of N Y, 725 K. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co of England, 1006 4th. North German Fire Insurance Co of Hamburg, 1011 4th. Northern Assurance Co of London, 325 J. Palatine Insurance Co of Manchester, 1014 4th. Patriotic Assurance Co of Dublin, 231 J. PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO of Philadelphia Penn, 1007 4th. PHENIX INSURANCE CO of Brooklyn N Y, 1007 4th. PHCENIX INSURANCE CO of Hartford Conn, 725 K. Prussian National Insurance Co of Stettin Germany, 402 J. Queen Insurance Co of America, 1015 4th. Royal Exchange Assurance Co of London, 1015 4th. ROYAL INSURANCE CO of London Eng, 1007 4th. Scottish Union and National Insurance Co of Edinburgh, 1005 4th. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co of Springfield Mass, 1006 4th. St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co of St Paul, 402 J. Sun Fire Office of London, 1015 4th. Sun Insurance Co of S F, 1010 4th. SVEA FIRE INSURANCE CO of Gotten berg, 1007 4th. TRADERS' INSURANCE CO of Chicago, 1013 4th. Transatlantic Fire Insurance Co Hamburg, 408 J. Westchester Fire Insurance Co of N Y, 1005 5th. Western Assurance Co of Toronto, 1015 4th. Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co of Brooklyn 1010 4th. Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co of New York, 231 J. American Fire Insurance Co of Newark, Courtland. Caledonian Insurance Co, Courtland. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, Florin. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO, Isleton.

Insurance Companies—Life. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co, 603 I. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co of Hartford, 1005 4th. COVENANT MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION of Gales- burg 111, 725 K. Equitable Life Assurance Society of N Y, 402 J. Manhattan Life Ins Co, 603 I. Mutual Life Insurance Co, The, of New York, 411 J, Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery •OK. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. (^eal Estate and Insurance 4 SEI. mm. 7S5 K ST. SACRAMENTO, CAL p 614 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co of Boston, 231 J. e NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO, Julius Steinhart Agent, 904 K. c . Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co of California, 1009 2d. TRAVELLERS' LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO of Hartford Conn, 1007 4th. Insurance Companies—Plate Glass. U of} Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Co of N Y, 1015 4th. Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co of N Y, 1015 4th. New York Plate Glass Insurance Co of N Y, 325 J. Investments. fl (See Loans.) P t* Iron Pipe. Sacramento Pipe Works, octagon bldg nr depot. Schaw, Ingram, Batcher

Jewelry Manufacturers. Hotfilter Herman C, 808 J. Job Printers. (See Printers.) Justices of the Peace. Henry W. A., 608 I. Johnston W. A„ Courtland. Clements C. C, Gait. Smith H. F., Isleton.

Junk. Fields Bros, 500 I. Hirsch & Gottorski, 1013 J. Rubel I., 1014 17th. Kalsominers. Gale S., alley bet 2d and 3d, N and O. Kimber W. M., 614 I. Vaughan G. W., 1111 8th. Kindergartens. (See Schools.) Ladies* Tailors. Burke & McAllister, 806 J. Landscape Gardeners. Schmid C. J., 1108 O. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Marke*t Street « , 1. t\ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. BOOKBINDERS, PHILLIPS BROS., 505 Clay St., San Francisco. ui 616 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O Laundries. Green Erastns H , 1822 I. Johanson Sven, 414 14th. Lycadord J., 614 alley bet 6th and 7th, L and M. Maisonnave & Lafosse, 912 L. MASON'S STEAM LAUNDRY, Fred Mason Proprietor, 12th and D, oflce 528 J. Morris C. Mrs, 1623 6th. Leather Goods. Heaphy M. J. & Co, 920 8th. Libraries and Reading Rooms. Christian Science Reading Room, 1109 10th. Sacramento County Law Library, F. C. Van Walbeck Li­ brarian, Court House. Sacramento Free Public Library and Reading Room, I bet 7th and 8th. State Library, State Capitol. Lime, Plaster and Cement. Cowell Henry & Co, 509-511 I. Kreuzberger Bartle, 517-519 I. Liquors—Retail. Baccelli F., Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Barieau W. A., 305 K. Barron J. T. Mrs, 200 L. Beal F. J., 930 N. Beck & Camezind, 101 K. Berg J. E., 1630 J. Black John & Sons, 1119 Front. Blauth Theodore, 407 K. Blessing & Guthrie, 630 K. Bohannan J., Broderick. Brewer A., 207 K. Brown W. A., 1010 K. Bulger A. D., 1012 7th. Burnett A., 1023 3d. CAFE ROYAL, George Wissemann Proprietor, 700-702 J (see adv). Caftaro L., J nw cor 2d. Cahen L., 226 J. N, CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers CARLAW BROS Importers of Scotch andall 10th and R Sts. otner foreign Granites. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINES8 DIRECTORY. 617 Tl Campe August L., 522 J. Carolan T., 730 K. > Carstensen & Co, 1021 4th. 0> Casey H. G., 218 K. Cifuentes G., 1531 Front. 8>X Clacy A., 803 K. Coady M. Mrs, 1025 Front. Considine Danl. J., 330 K. §.0 Corrado G. B., 1211 Front. ?z Cousins A. Mrs, 1109 2d. o Cowles & Buckman, 615 K. 75 Crowley J., 531 I. Cummings Dangler C, 1830 3d. Davis D., 1022 4th. £ on DeLonge J. B., Freeport rd nr Lower Stockton rd. 1 r" DidionJ., 414 J. Dierssen Geo. E. & Co, 719 J. n Dietrich F. J., 816 K. CO Dillman Henry F., 901 Front. Dittmar C. 928 J. CD Donnelly E. M., 1001 K. >- Dougherty E., 1831 Front. ST. °° Duftee J., Broderick. -3 S^d Duffee W. B., Broderick. £5 ea Eckhardt Frederick, 1020 J. S* CD Eddy W., 10th cor M. cr> 2>~ Elliott & Haggerty, 809 K. g* TO Ellsworth W. M., K cor 6th. 3- 22 Falkenstein J. A., 726 J. & fe: Fawcett W. J., 130 J. S. CD Fischer L.. 116 K. Flynn M.S., 1500 K. CD Forsati G. B., O cor 21st. <^> Franke A., Broderick. Freund J., 1126 J. Frey Rosine Mrs, 1803 9th. Freygang & Schneider, 906 J. Friel J., 117 N. •2 o \ Fromelt H., Broderick. £ °° s Futterer F., 1118 J. o ft- 0 Gabrielli P., 118 L. § O C Gainsley S., 900 2d. P «« ! Gamble H. D., 916 7th. S . Serves Daily more Patrons * than any other two Grocery J COR. 8TH AND K STUEETS. Stores in Sacramento. J. M. MORRTSON A Strictly A. M. GAULT First-Class Res­ THE DELNIOriKO taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Ooen Day & Night Oyster Parlor 618 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gastman M. J., 516 K. Gattmann Julius M., 912 K. Gebert J., 2000 O. Gerber A., 422 K. Gerber E., 731 K. Gerig Jos., 1200 I. Glueck F., Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Goldberg A., Upper Stockton rd nr County Hospital. Gomes M., 500 O. Goulart F., 130 L. Gray G. B., Riverside rd 1 m s city limits. Green & Ackerman, 513 K. Green L. B., 724 K. Groeneveld Melle T., East Park. Gross E. F., Oak Park. / Gruhler Jacob, 1014 J. Gullion D. H., 2001 K. Gustin D., 2012 H. Haley M., 1312 K. Hamilton & Aschenauer, 1024 3d. Hanlon Wm. H., 1530 12th. Hantzman & Shore. 607 K. Harbinson Bros, 112 J. Hauser G. Mrs, 1930 M. Heinrich E., 301 L. Heisen Chas., 630 I. Hensler J., 20th cor Q. Hess J. A., 221 K. , Hornlein Bros, 820 K. Hoysen & Durand, 300 K. Humrich F. P., 1014 6th. Hunt R., 531 O. Jackson J. W., 701 J. Jones G. H., 918 K. Kauffman J., 1700 K. Kelly W. J., Riverside rd nr Sutterville. Kenny T., 1217 4th. Keser A., 525 K. Kirkman W. A., 1317 Front. Koenecke & McGrath, 1009 3d. Labhard T., 600 I. Lachenmeyer & Faig, 826 J. Lages H., 1430 2d. Land Wm., 215 K and 930 K. Lautenschlager G., 1015 8th. Lazzarini & Cecchettini, 1130 3d. Serves Daily more Patrons ;T than any other two Grocery 0«ll. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES, 1012 J STREET. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 619 Leinberge.r H. Jr, Broderick. Leiva Bros, 1400 2d. Lowtzow & Luhe, M cor 31st. Lucey B., 130 K. Ludwig G., 1017 2d. Mack E., 908 K. Maloney J., 1401 Front. Marsh & Hornlein, 316 K. Martin J., 1931 G. Mayes R. C, 700 K. Mazzini Bros, 228 K. McCourt J., 330 L. McEnerny & Kelly, 530 N. McKenna J., 1701 4th. McLaughlin F., 201 I. McMorry John, 531 M. Menzel A., Lower Stockton rd J m s city limits. Merz John, 1022 5th. Mette H., 529 17th. 3 """ Miller Arthur, 630 J. Miller & Buergi, 620 K. Moffett J. A, 423 K. < 9 - Mundorf J. B., 10th cor W. Nagele & Svensson, 302 J. O DO NEARY & FLAHERTY, J nw cor 8th (see adv). i -> Nelson P., 12th st rd bet A and B. Newman G.. 526 J. I a Nichols L. B., 1431 L. Noonan & Galligan, 1700 4th. Nordstrom & Ross, 1126 2d. Norton N. F., 925 3d. Norton T., 319 K. Offenbach F , 905 2d. Patterson F. W., Broderick. IS? Pearl & Purcell, 1800 I. Petralli H. A., 918 2d. sr- Pfyffer & Meunier, 830 K. Phillips J., Oak Park. Pendergast C. P. Mrs, 10th cor Y. 3 fib Quinn G., Riverside rd 3 m s city limits. Raffetto L. A., 1234 J. Rapp J., 12th st rd and American River bridge. 5C Reding F., 901 2d. 1 3*0 Rego E. S., 1008 4th. Renwick A. T., Freeport rdfms city limits. Rink F., J cor 31st. DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, ft, V. PhllliDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 620 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rippon C. E., 7th cor E. Rodgers J. G., Lower Stockton rd nr Whisky Hill. Roscoe & Poggio, 802 K. Ruedy J., 1009 J. Ruedy & Voeglin, 320 K. Ryan T. P., 10th cor S. Salberg J., 1800 M. Schaumloeft'el H., 918 J. Schlutius C, 210 K. Schmid Jacob, 120 I. Schneider C. Guthrie's Station. Schnuriger X., 728 K. Schoenberger H., 600 E. Seiter & Herbert, 630 L. Sheehan M. H., 605 I. Shelley Bros, 218 J. Siddous W. M., 204 J. Siebenthaler P., 2000 H. Silva K., 1131 2d. Silvey Lee E., 723 K. Singleton R. H., 2d nw cor K. Steen J. C, Broderick. Steiner P. H., 1015 5th. Stewart & Lancaster, 704 K. Sullivan H., 604 L. Tamo D„ 230 L. Trisch J., 708 K. Tryon Clarence L. F., 12th cor F. Tryon Clarendon L. F., 12th cor C. Ulrich John J., 307 J. Urich A., Jackson rd. Van Guelder Frank, 614 J. Verheira W. H., 315 K. Versiko S., 1323 Front. Voegeli M., 519 K. Vogel L. A., 506 K. Waldron A., 706 J. Walsh & Dunphy, 900 K. Walsh E., 317 L. Walters & McLennan, 1024 2d. Woods & Mallet, 1121 Front. Worley & Clark, 313 K. Williams C. F., 324 K. Williams Manuel S., 1630 11th. Winkler J. C, Y cor 28th. WISSEMANN GEORGE, 700-702 J, and 1020 4frh (see adv).

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HustedV is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L LEWIS & CO. st°™ and Ranges. S02 ana 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 621 Yates C, 316 L. " Zeigler J., 1011 2d. Campbell A. M., Arno. Picket E., Elk Grove. Theobald J., Elk Grove. Jones G. H., Florin. Foster Kate Mrs, Folsom. Klumpp L., Folsom. Langard L., Folsom. Levy R., Folsom. Masick A., Folsom. McCueJE., Folsom. Rigney K., Folsom. Yager P., Folsom. Zimmerman C, Folsom. Beckley P. R., Franklin. Quiggle J., Gait. , Brewer H. C, Isleton. Loth W. H., Mayhews. Donovan.W.;D. Mrs, Perkins. Fey W., Perkins. Kern H., Perkins. Patterson James G., Routiers. Korn J., Union House. Allen F. W., Walnut Grove. Grossi & Micheli, Walnut Grove. Lutkin H. T., Walnut Grove. McCollough A. A., Walnut Grove. Whitwell Mrs, Walnut Grove.

[Liquors—Wholesale. Cosby Geo. B. Jr, 204 K. Cronan Michael,*230-K. Ebner Bros Co, 116 and 118 K. * Hall, Luhrs & Co, 908-916 2d. Lindley & Co (Incorporated), 220-226 K. Mebius & Drescher, Front se cor K. Weinreich H. & Co, 514 J. Woodburn J., 417 K.

Livery, Sale and Boarding Stables. Campbell Bros, 619 L. Central Stables, 1021 J. Devin W. B., 1017 K. Serves Daily more Patrons Ethan any other two Grocery 1 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. mmmmm

I^eal Estate and Insurance GEO. MOWER. 725 K ST. SACRAMENTO. CAJ*

622 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FASHION STABLES, Schad Bros Proprietors, 508-514 K (see side lines). Gillis D., 917 8th. Grafmiller Bros, 1016-1020 9th. Hayes R., 913 12th. Irvine W. J., 1122 2d. Johnson H. M., 1222 J. Kent Bros., 1617 3d. Lafferty John A., 1101 J. Lockart J. D., 1013 and 1015 11th. Miller M., 928 9th. SCHAD BROS, 508-514 K (see side lines). Scriver T. D., 912 4th. Smith Frank S., 1117 7th. Wilson J. W. & Son, 318 K. Stroup H., Clay Station. Foster Kate Mrs, Folsom. McKinstry & Son, Gait. Pugh S. H., Perkins. Brown Alexander, Walnut Grove. Live Stock. Burns & Waterhouse, F cor 17tb. Heilbron A. & Bro, 521 J. Loans. COOLEY CHARLES, 1016 4th (see top lines). Kimbrough & Co, 402 J. MILLS JAMES E., 301 J (see adv). Pacific States Saving, Loan and Building Co, 4th nw cor J. WRIGHT CHARLES E., 1007 4th (see adv). Locksmiths. EBERHARDT WILLIAM, 528 K. Fuesi & Waldisbuehl, 1003 K. Mayer W., 623 L. Taylor F. M., N cor 16th. Lodging Houses. Boban M. Mrs, 1018 2d. Brown M. Mrs, 228 L. Caswell W. A. Mrs, 1108 4th. Dean B. Mrs, 902£ 7th. Devin L. A. Mrs, 929 K. Serves Daily more Patrons THEAWERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 6TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. COOLEY i Writes * Insurance ^•^ ^^ ^"^ -™1* ~^m^ "*" • IOITAT3* FOURTWtfl H STREET, SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 623 Danioth & Kuchler, 708 K. Dieterle E„ 1015 5th. Donovan C. Mrs, 801 7th. Douglas R. C. Mrs. 1022 5th. Hensler J., 20th cor Q. McMurray Z. Mrs, 1211 7th. Reeves C. O. Mrs, 421 J. Wall A., 925 Front. Lumber. Frazer Wm. F., se cor 5th and L. Friend & Terry Lumber Co, 1310 2d. Richards & Knox, 2d nw cor M. Sacramento Lumber Co, Thos. Geddes manager, 2d bet L and M. Sutliff & Scott, 1310 I. WATERHOUSE & LESTER, 709-715 J (see adv). Machinists. (See also Founders.) Bell 8., 217 L. Goldsmith Philip G , 824 K. NOVELTY IRON WORKS AND MACHINE SHOP, F. M. McKeever Proprietor, 1112 I. Rose W. M., 1029 K. Veach F. H., 407 J. Malt. Neubourg & Co, 1016-1020 5th. Mantels. AITKEN ANDREW, 423 J (see top lines). Crouch & Co, 511 J. Manufacturing Chemists. LashT. M. & Co, 725 K. Wilson, Hall & Co, 209 J. Marble and Granite Works. AITKEN ANDREW, 423 J (see top lines). CARLAW BROS, 10th se cor R (see top lines). Carroll J. C, 1922 10th. Dixon, Borgeson & co", SHOW CASES 87 Market St., 8. F. C!T R A f SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS.. -BOOKB.NDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 624 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Devine J. H., 726 alley bet 7th and 8th, K and L. Luce & Glover, 611 K. Masons—Brick and Stone. (See Contractors-Masonry.) Mattress Manufacturers. Odom & Bell, 1124 3d. Meat Markets. Ankener J. J., 718 K. Biewener F., se cor 4th and M. Clauss & Kraus, 1700 I. Cook J, 118 J. Davis H., Oak Park. Dolan, Middlemass

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 625 ' \J Waite T., Perkins. ~ Brown Alexander, Walnut Grove. Isaacs J. S., Walnut Grove. Kelly F. A., Walnut Grove. Meats—Wholesale. Gerber J., Upper Stockton rd nr Guthries Station. Swanston C. & Son, Riverside rd. Men's Furnishings. Elkus—The L. Elkus Co, 101 J. Griffin Bros, 516 J. 30 —*-t MASON FRED, 528 J. Nathan—The Chas P. Nathan Co, 604-608 J. Smith W. M., 424 J. Mercantile Agencies. Bradstreet Mercantile Agency The, G. A. Capen Superintend­ ent, 4th nw cor K. % Merchant Tailors. r> Anderson & Johnson, 1014 7th. ft Ebert E. G., 529 J. £ Hanson Otto, 519 J. O to LANKTRY G. F., 513£ J (see side lines). so bs McCallum Colin, 425 J. PS fc Poheim Joe, 600 J. Tryon S., 822 J. o •»9> Rafeld C, Folsom. •H «T> * Midwives. OJ *T Fuchs C. Mrs, 705 L. i>3 >§ Kuntz M. Mrs, 1215.16th. Mt*.

Kurz E. Mrs, 821 12th. F"fc*c Mund F. C, Mrs, 1720 15th. o hi (a Mill Supplies. Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, 217-219 J. Millinery. Katzenstein E. Mrs, 605 J. Kelly N. Mrs, 523 J. Parkenson M. M. Mrs, 611 J. Serves Dairy more Patrons THE AMERIGAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery 40 COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. ij',#i»rw

J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT me Deimonico RESTAURANT Tel. 352. 712 & 714 K St. cmen Day and Mrnnt. OYSTER PARLORI

3 bbo o 626 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. si PEALER M. A. MRS, 621 and 623 J (see adv). Stafford 1. Mrs, 527 J. r>«3 Sullivan F. Mrs, 519 J. S>2« Montague N. Mrs, Gait. as-; M O O Mineral Water. Sj2 8, III (See Bottlers.) ,JJ „» q Mining Supplies. *3 S £ ™> .2 £.4 W Schaw, Ingram, Batchep & Co, 217-219 J. S CO Monuments. AITKEN A., 423 J (see top lines). * CARLAW BROS, 10th and R (see top lines). O Mowers and Reapers. BAKER & HAMILTON, 109-115 J.

© - Music Teachers. (See Teachers.) Musical Merchandise. SP ^ Cooper Music Co, 631 J. Hammer's Music Store, C. M. Spaulding, manager, 820 J. 2 £ King & Gardner, 721 K. .3 (0 News Dealers- Booth A. P., 401 K. Fuchs H., 525 J. Mitchell A. M. Miss, 819 K. Raymond P. M., 524 K. w CM Wool A. J., 730 J. 42 «- Newspapers and Publications.

>J CM (See also Miscellaneous Information.) XJ1 Bee The, Jas. McClatchy & Co, publishers, 1016 3d. Examiner The, 730 J. a NORD CALIFORNIA HEROLD, Schmitt & Currlin Pro­ prietors, 1017 8th (see adv). Record-Union (daily), Sacramento Publishing Co proprietors, 1017 3d. San Francisco Chronicle, 401 K. O serves Daily more Patrons THEAMERIGANGASHSTORE than any other two Grocery COR. 0TM AND K STREETS. Stores ia Sacramento. R. D. WHEELER, Prop. THE OLD HOMESTFAD HOWF BAKERY ' 1012 J Street......

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 627 Sunday Leader The, J. N. Larkin & Son publishers, 916 8th. SUNDAY NEWS THE, Sheehan & Harris Publishers, 610 I (see adv). Weekly Union The, Sacramento Publishing Co publishers, 1017 3d. Folsom Weekly Telegraph, Folsom. Gait Weekly Gazette, Gait. Notaries Public. Brand G. S., 1012 4th. Coons W. W., State House Hotel. Devine M., 900 7th. Devlin W. H., 328 J. Diviny T. M., 504 J. Driver P. S., 401 J. Dwyer E. J., 1009 7th. Elliott Christopher A., 627 J. Goethe H. J., 1011 4th. Heisen Chas. Jr, 904 7th. Kendall Wm. S., 910 5th. KROMER GEORGE, 725 K (see top lines). MILLS JAMES E., 301 J ne cor 3d (see adv). Nixon L. G., 611 I. Porter Jas. N., 1006 4th. Ross H. C. Jr, 401 J. Shepherd J. W., 1006 4th. Smith F. G., J nw cor 4th. Smith S. B., 231 J. Soule H. G., 607 I. Stevens W. P., 1014 2d. Tilden Laura M., 504 J. Tubbs J. C, 629 M. Houston Jos. W., Courtland. Kunsting F., Franklin. Gardiner P. H., Isleton. Town J. E., Walnut Grove. Notions and Toys. HAUBOLD ADAM, 1122 J (see adv). Nurseries. BELL CONSERVATORY CO, Dillman & Geisreiter Propri­ etors, bet 9th and 10th, W and Y, office 607 J. Ebel Frederick A., 1601 10th. DIXON, BORGESOrt A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S« T. IJ liwpii.m. .1JBIU, U.BWgHBJPBBBBHBSai HHHn ami mm

PbilllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. 628 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CD Kunz Frank, 2129 10th. Kunz P., 1800 3d. McWilliams Hugh, 12th and U. Reed C. W. Co, 813 2d. VanGelderM.,815 2d. Williamson Mahlon N., 2d nr S P Depot. Nurses. Christopher E. A. Mrs, 619 G. Cole J., 628 I. Crocker F. D. Mrs, 1626 D. Devine M. Mrs, 1030 9th. Donovan A., 1120 17th. Dorsey L. P. Mrs, 1409 10th. Eades M. A. Mrs, 707 E. Friedrich M. Mrs, 1116 P. Gaylord M. Mrs, 2425 O. Harney A. Mrs, 1206 4th. Harper G. W. Mrs, 1120 G. Hickey A. Mrs, 425 N. Johnson S. Mrs, 1919 O. Jones Herbert, 1029 2d. Marshall A. Mrs, 1018 E. McKenzie C. Mrs, 212 Q. Morton W. N., 722 M. Snyder I. Mrs, 906 7th. Sullivan M. Mrs, 1007J 4th. Thompson G. Mrs, 810 7th. Wallace E. Mrs, 617 P.

Oculists and Aurists. Briggs Wm. Ellery, 429 J.

Oil Cloth. ^(See Carpets and Rugs.)

Oils. Milliken John M., 1010 4th. Perkins M. L., 806 E. Standard Oil Co, H. T. Harper manager, Broderick. Opticians. Bishopp D. M., 806 J. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hnsted'a is the only Directory ofSaeraraento = LOOK OUT Published. Silver Plated Ware ana L. L. LEWIS & CO. Glassware 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. 00 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 629 Orchestras. (See Bands and Orchestras.) Outfitters. ElkusE. S., 922 and 924 J. Red House Co The, 716 J. Weinstock, Lubin & Co, 400-412 K. Oysters. (See Fish.) Painters—Carriage. Bowman Andrew, 520 12th. Bowman H. M., 918 11th. De Puy E. S., 1012 9th. Favero

Serves Dally more Patrons THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery •OR. STN AND KSTREETS. Stores to Sacramento, •'•'•'• ••• • •• ••• ---" ^

f^eal Estate and Insurance CEI. RRemEl. 7SS K ST. SACRAMENTO, CAJL. 630 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Williams I. B., 1623 G. Herbert L. H., Arno. Camp J., Courtland. Wara Bros, Courtland. Rutherford E. C, Folsom. Tong C. 8., Folsom. Beckley G. I., Franklin. Rusch J. H., Franklin. Vanderhoof D., Gait. Painters' Supplies. Anderson & Bliss, 825 J. Fuller W. P. & Co, 1016 and 1022 2d. Krebs C. H. & Co, 626 J. Sullivan Kelly Co, 915-919 2d. Painting—Pictorial. STRINGER A. M., 505 K. Paper—Wholesale. % Hopkins—A. S. Hopkins Co, 311-313 J. ' Paper Hangers. (See also Painters.) Crosby J. S., 811 L. Locke & Lavenson, 318-320 J. Meade E. C, 1717 I. Parks. (See Miscellaneous Information.) Patent and Proprietary Medicines. Blair J. N. & Co, 1431 Front. California Fruitilaxi Mfg Co, 725 K. Curtis J. S., 114 I. ElFredo M., 1317 9th. Johnson H„ 1110 J. Viavi Co The, Mrs E. J. Rayl manager, 521 J. Watson C. S., 2208 I. Whitney D. H., 1005 K. Patent Rights. Masters Egbert E., 1807 V.

THE AmERIGAN GASH 8T0RE^«y ^^0^ COB. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. (Granite and Marble Monuments and : : : Statuary. : : : i. limn,42 3 J STREET, - 8ACRAIIKNTO, CAE, fc^=a SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 631 Pawnbrokers. Coney E., 128 K. Zemansky I., 231 K. Photographers. ASHER JULIUS, 718 J (see side lines). » 3 Baldwin J. E. D.t 504 J. Beals H. S., 627 J. • Boysen I., 318 J. Gregory A. 0., 810 J. Holmes Alex., 1308 10th. Johnson I. T., 6th cor M. Johnston Richard T., 421 J. Keller & Dean, 719 K. VARNEY A. K., 521 J (see adv). Young C, 415 J. Physicians and Surgeons. Atkinson F. L., 627 J. Bainbridge C. E., 1026 4th. Baldwin Wm. H., 1029 2d. Birdsall F. W., 718 J. Briggs Wm. Ellery (eye, ear, nose and throat), 429 J. Callahan Josephine, 426J J. Clow G. B. N., 531J K. 8 Cooksley H. J., 928 O. Cronemiller M. M. Miss, 507£ J. Dixon Geo. M., 1009 7th. 2 a Fay Franklin G., 627£ J. Ferry M. C, 709 6th. S • Fowler Chas. E., 4th cor K. Gallagher F„ State House Hotel. Gardner M., 426£ J. Gowans R. W., 701 J. HaightN.H., 1008 8th. ® £ Hanna W. J., 436£J. Harcourt L. A., 426J J. * ft Henrikson Gustav, 627J J. Hing T. W., 1007 3d. « 0 Hirzu G., 1115 P. p (a 0 Huntington T. W., 426J J. 1 ff Jadarola L. S., 200£ K. f » Kayner D. P., 808 G. ft Keller F., 1128 6th. Laine J. R., 913 K. I DIXON, BORGESON I A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, 1. 1% SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOKS. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS.BOOKBINDERS, 505 Clay St., - San Francisco. 632 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Look H. H., 4th cor K. Nealand Chas., 627 J. Neagle James H., M.D., 724£ K. Nichols C. B., 628£ J. Nichols H. L., 426£ J. Ogden Geo. W., 426£ J. Parkinson J. H., 429 J. Pendery B. F., 706£ K. Pinkham C. E., 627 J. Powell B. J., 13th cor C. Powers D'Arcy, 806 J. Powers Florence B., 806 J. Pyburn G., 1011 H. Ross Thos., 528 J. Simmons Gustavus C, 212 J. Simmons Gustavus L., 212 J. Snider T. A., 1108 7th. Terrill S. M., 526 9th. Tyrrell G. G., 429 J. Voller Herman, 1005 5th. Waggoner F. R, 429 J. Watson W. S., 2208 I. Watts Pliny R„ 925 10th. Webster P. M., 1029 H. White & Ross, 528 J-. McKee J. A., Elk Grove. Powers C. H., Elk Grove. &urbaugh J. T., Folsom. De Jarnette W. B., Franklin. Reed J. D., Franklin. Montague A., Gait. Walker F. M., Michigan Bar. Beauchamp E. A. Mrs, Orange Vale. Piano Repairers. Lothhammer Adolph, 1023 9th. Piano Tuners. Hoit M. N., 1325 alley bet 13th and 14th, N and O. Hoit O. A., Oak Park. Lothhammer Adolph, 1023 9th. Shoen P., 820 J. Pianos and Organs. (See also Musical Merchandise.) to N, CLARK & SONS,im m st-San *mtim- —--CHie PIPE TOPS AND GAPS Carlaw Bros. 0ranlte and Marble lOtb and R Sts. Monuments and Statuara SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 633 Cooper Music Co, 631 J. Hammer's Music Store, C. M. Spaulding manager, 820 J. King & Gardner, 721 K. Pickle Manufacturers. Bergman & Co, 709 L. Hirst J., M cor 31st. Kuebler

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 635 WASHBURN 0. F., K ne cor 8th (see bottom lines). Weber

ixix Ninth Street, Sacramento, Cal.

Rental Agencies. Katzenstein Bert, 612 K. Woolsey W., 1023 9th. Restaurants. Aratt A. H., 321 J. Artz C. Miss, 409 J. Bernhardt C, 827 2d.. Boule H., 427 K. 4 Bowman J., 110 K. Bruning J. H., 509 K. Buckmann & Carraghar, 1019 2d.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. HustedV is the only Directory ofSacramentO LOOK OUT Published. ^ww L. L. LEWIS & CO. 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 637 CO CLARKE ARTHUR R., 727 K. Clemm A., 302 K. Codekas B. G., 520 K. Costello J. T., 814 2d. Covacevich & Tarras, 1006 2d. DELMONICO RESTAURANT AND OYSTER PARLORS THE, Morrison & Gault Proprietors, 712-714 K (see top lines). Eikenberg J. H.,415K. Faure Lucien, 613 K. Gamble W. A., 616 K. Garber A., 1114 2d. Gilmore A. B. Mrs, 1018 J. Hall G. W., 426 K. Haub John, 720 J. Himmel E., 1021 3d. Hogan W. J., 227 J. Huested J. M., 424 K. * Jones O. E. Mrs, 1112 J. t*99 ri­ Kaeser M. Mrs, 806 K. ft ft ft ID Krogh P. C, 517 K. Wi »* Kuchler F., 103 K. m Lachenmeyer & Faig, 1008 9th. 0 OR ^ May P., 620 1. N* cMM ft Meyer E. Miss, 505 K. f* m Miller Wm. J., 921-923 2d. m- • B* MORRISON & GAULT, 712-714 K (see top lines). ft Nagle & Klinck, 1016 4th. **• • m» Nichols G., 1014 2d. 5 • Owens P., 913 2d. ft Pacheco J., 1130 2d. a> PALACE RESTAURANT, Schad Bros Proprietors, 309 K (see sidelines). Peters H., 522 K. Pfeiffer F. Mrs, 913 K. Pilcovich B., 403 K. Radonich M., 1025 2d. Reid E., 327 K. Revord M. Mrs, 518 K. SCHAD BROS, 309 K (see side lines). SPRAGUE & FREEMAN, 1010 3d. Talken & Washburn, 800 K. Towle E. E., 216 J. Vaughan K. Mrs, 1111 8th. Walker T. H., 206 K. Wilson J. T. Mrs, 817 K. Serves Daily more Patrons than any other two Grocery COR. 8TM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. •^fl^^^i^™

I^eal Estate and Insurance CEO. KM. 7*5 K ST. SACRAMENTO. CAJU 638 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Zarick M., 230 J. Zberg F., 521 K. Bradley J. T. Mrs, Folsom. Shannon J, Mrs, Folsom.

Riding Academies. SHERMAN GEORGE A., 6th bet O and P. Roofers. Lawson P. S., 415 K. Schmid Chris., 1021 9th. Rubber Stamps. Wing F. H., 1008 3d.

Saddle Tree Manufacturers. Crone J. H., 1628 T. Schink M., 1931 9th. Wild S., alley bet 7th and 8th, N and O. Saddles. (See Harness and Saddlery.) Saloons. (See Liquors.) Salt Works. Lloyd E. J., 1119 4th. Sanitariums. (See Hospitals and Asylums.) Sash Doors and Blinds. (See also Planing Mills.) Frazer Wm. F., se cor 5th and L. Fuller W. P. & Co, 1016 and 1022 2d. Richards & Knox, 2d nw cor M. Sutliff & Scott, 1310 I.

Saw Filers. Ayer M. J., 1109 J. Couture S. S., 1130 4th.

Serves Daily more Patrons zc THE AMERICAN GASH STORE, tha: n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. Cooley,E=niO!3 4th SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 639 ' Flies P. A., 918 11th. Rogers H. C, 1121 J. Schools—Business. Atkinson's Sacramento Business College, E. C. Atkinson prin­ cipal and proprietor, Hale's block, 9th nw cor K. Moynahan J. D., 513 K. Schools—Kindergarten. Marguerite Kindergarten, K cor 23d. Price S. Miss, K nr 19th. Sacramento Free Kindergarten, M cor 2d. _____— • Schools—Private. Andrews A. M. Miss, 514 13th. Burns & O'Neil Misses, 8th cor J. Howe E. P., 1015 6th. Sacramento Institute, conducted by the Christian Brothers, Brother Walter Director, K sw cor 12th. Spilman I. D. Mrs, M cor 9th. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY, Sister Mary Liguori Superior, G bet 8th and 9th (see adv). Seal Engravers. PHILIP ROBERT, 628J J. Searcher of Records. Buckley J. J., 611 I. Taylor E. D., 1009 7th. Second-Hand Goods. Stein S. & Co, 805 J. Seeds. (See also Nurseries.) Strong C. B.

Shooting Galleries. Meyer & Scheidegger, 618 K.

J Sidewalks.

(See ArtificialfcStone.)

Sign Painters. (See Painters.)

Sign Writers. STRINGER A. M., 505 K. %M Silverware. ^o tea Klune & Floberg, 428 J. - 1 .•£'•• Smokers Articles. ' (See Cigars and Tobacco.)

Soap Manufacturers. Capital Soap Co, 1431 Front.

Soda Water. WELSH BROS, 607 J (see side lines). *;

Soda Water Manufacturers. (See Bottlers) i; Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE than any other two Grocery

41 COR. 8rH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacrament*, 'Sxkm* mmmmmmm^Amif^ J. M. MORRISON A. M. GAULT RESTAURANT The DeimoniGO AND Tel. 352. OYSTER PARLOR! * * 1 3 • 712 & 714 K St. ooen Day and mn 642 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Sill g •• s " ® Specialists. o o. Shirley J. H., 1026 4th. Swanson E. Jay, 1023 I. '• § » £ & Spices. (See Teas, Coffees and Spices.) v §-8 §•* lie I Sporting Goods. F a S .s Eberhardt Wm., 528 K. Eckhardt Wm. H., 523 K. KIMBALL & UPSON (Send for New Catalogue), 625-627 J (see back cover). Schaw, Ingram, Batcher & Co, 217-219 J.

?•• g Coft. « « Spring Manufacturers.

CO SACRAMENTO SPRING SHOP, Kuhn & Hilger, Proprie­ tors, 1112 I.

Spur and Bit Manufacturers. >» Valenzuela B., 112 N. Valenzuela E. B., 1412 2d.

Stage Companies. CQ Plymouth Stage Co, 1217 J. Bryan F. J., Freeport.

Stained Glass. (See Art Glass.)

Stationers. (See also Books and Stationery.) Crocker—H. S. CROCKER CO, 208-210 J (see side lines). CO Steamship Agencies. (See Ticket Agencies.) serves Daily more Pauons.l THE AMERICAN GASH STORE than any other two Grocery COR. STH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. II U • I wwmmmm


Stenographers. ACOCK T, L. MRS, 603 I (see adv). Doan W. E., 612 I. Yeckley M. Miss, 1007 4th.

Stereotypers. Vance—J. J. VANCE CO, 924 6th (see adv).

n4 .yRKMMBim,C/BL

Stone Masons. (See Contractors—Masonry.)

Storage. (See Warehouses.)

Stoves and Tinware. Hirsch & Gottorski, 725 J. Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson (S F), 221-223 J. Jackson S. J., 427 J. Kellogg C, 819 J. DIXON, BORGESOrt OllU VV LoiOI-iO 37 MarkeAt CO..Street . S* T. CITY FREE LIBRARY SACRAMENTO PATTT7 . ^RPP OIHH PHIlllDS Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. £ 644 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LEWIS L. L. & CO (Incorporated), 502-504 J (see top lines). Miller Bros, 1116 J. Petralli Henry A., 716 K. Stein S. & Co, 805 J. Strong H., 827 J. Wallace H. K., 815 J.- Weimann D., 914 J.

Straw Works. Jones L. Miss, 1008 6th. Manley B., 1028 8th.

Street Railway. (See Transportation.)

Stucco Manufacturers. Pieruccini S., 1110 6th.

Surveyors. (See Engineers.)

Tailors. (See also Merchant Tailors.) Augusta M., 520 alley bet 5th and 6th, L and M. Anderson J., 1729 18th. Conrad P., 621 J. Duvall J. B., 1022 O. Giorgi O. & Son, 304 K. Griffin R., 527J K. Grover M., 911 E. Haberkorn J., 413 J. Haller J., 1027 6th. Leter L.. 524 K. Lewis F., 11044th. McCann H., 1019 8th. McDougall D., 619 K. Murphy P. C, 1701 13th. Nelson A., 621 J. Rush M., 208 K. FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance. Hosted"! is the only Directory ofSacramento LOOK OUT Published. 59 L. L. LEWIS & GO. fcfiHiigMW 502 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 645 Shoemaker A., 808 K. Silverton O. G., 1016 9th. Stone

Teachers—Language. Pau C. Miss, 925 10th. Teachers—Music Apple-by O. J., 816 20th. Bates I. Miss, 1318 Q. Becker J. S., 1631M. Black A. W., 820 J. Borchers R. Miss, 2311 H. Cook E. S. Miss, 1718 25th. Corness C. B. Miss, 1718 25th. Darwin A. Mrs, 2523 P. Dean E. Miss, 1125 8th. De Coe C. A., Central House. Dunster M. Miss, 711 M. Elworthy J. Miss, 1422 12th. Evans L. Miss, 1425 15th. Felter E. Miss, 619 10th. Figg S. Miss, 401 L. Genung A. G. Mrs, 719| L. Gerrish G. Miss, 1517 G. * Goethe H. A. Mrs, 918 R. Griffitts E. Miss, 1231 H. Heber F. L. Mrs, 530 K. Hess E. Miss, 1716 H. Heyman J. A., 1115 12th. Holbrook G. C, 629 J. Hopley K. Miss, 1208 2d. Johnson C. E. Miss, 824 O. Kirn L. Miss, 717 11th. Landes M. E. Miss, 615 11th. Lewis M. A. Miss, 1409 9th. Malone M. Miss, 914 M. Serves Dairy more Patrons I THE AMERICAN GASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery J SOR. STN AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento, "^R

f?eal Estate.and Insurance 6E1. DSliEit. T*S K HT. HACKAMEXTO. CAI* 646 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Manning E. Miss, 906 G. McNaughton M. Miss, Oak Park. Moeller Frances Mrs (vocal culture), 727 M. Oatman M. M. Miss, 1027 G. Palmer J. F., 610£ I. Pinkham A. T. Mrs, 818 8th. Renfro E. Miss, 1230 F. Ross M. L. Mrs, 710 7th. SteverC. G., 1030 9th. Tomaso E., 628 7th. Wentworth C. B. Miss, 1730 9th.

Teachers—Stenography and Typewriting. Sacramento School of Shorthand and Typewriting, 8th cor J,

Teas, Coffees and Spices. Dingley N., 115 I. Great American Importing Tea Co, 617 J. Lampert W., 718 J.

Telegraph and Telephone Companies. Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Co, 1007 2d. Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Co, 301| J. Western Union Telegraph Co, 1015 2d. Freeport Telephone and Telegraph Co, Freeport.

Terra Cotta- (See Potteries.) Theaters. (See also Miscellaneous Information.) Clunie Opera House, K bet 8th and 9th. Metropolitan Theater, K bet 4th and 5th. Theater Comique, 117 K.

Ticket Agencies. Gill John A., 305 J. Goethe H. J., 1011 4th. £ Railton G. W., 612 K. Serves Daily more Patrons THE AMERICAN CASH STORE, .tha n any other two Grocery COR. STM AND a STREETS Stores in Sacramento. WOODEN MANTELS AND TILINO. i. limn « 4183 J St., Sacramento, Gal. SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 647 Tinners. Stober Bros, 906 K. Thompson W. J., 1527 7th. Toilet Articles. (See Druggists.)

Tools. Davis Solomon H., 704 J

Towel Supply. MASON FRED, 528 J.

Transfer Companies. Sacramento Transfer Co, S. Kingsbury Proprietor, 614 K.

Transportation—Rail. Rock Island Fruit Express, 124 J. Union Pacific System, 305 J.

Transportation—Steamboat. Hamburg-American Packet Co, 1011 4th. North German Lloyd, 1011 4th. Sacramento Transportation Co, 1400 Front.

Transportation—Street Railway. Central Electric Ry Co, 28th cor N. Trunks and Valises. Longshore J., 614 K.

Typewriting. (See Stenographers.)

Typewriters. Wickson G. G. & Co, 528 J. DIXON, BORGESON " A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street. S. t\ SEE OUR PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK B00K$. PHILLIPS BROS., BOOKBINDERS,sooKs/^*** , 505 Clay St., • San Francisco 648 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Undertakers and Embalmers. Clark Geo. H., 1017 4th. Kavanagh W. J., 513 J. Miller John, 905 K. Miller J„ Folsom.

Upholsterers. Brainard E. W., 917 16th. Brown F., 1009 K. Burtless W. H., 811 J. Byrne P. A., 1713 E. Comstock William D., 501-505 K. Hall W. R., 1518 5th.

Veterinary Surgeons. Archibald R. A., 1115 10th. Burgess T. K., 1517 8th. Cutler W. F., 1017 G. Fox D. F., 1115 10th. McCollum A. M., alley bet 9th and 10th, H and I. McLean L., 904 J. Heaton J., Folsom. O'Neil T. H., Gait.

Vinegar Manufacturers. Muir B., 8th cor U.

Violin Manufacturers. HeynH., 1128 J.

Wagons and Buggies. BAKER & HAMILTON, 109-115 J.

Wagonmakers. (See Blacksmiths, also Carriage and Wagon Manufacturers and Dealers.) 5 N, CLARK & SONS, 17-19 Spear St., San Francisco. Manufacturers and Dealers TT^" CARLAW BROS, fmporkrs °* '***.*"'* xotli and It Ste. otkeF ^rei$n Granites.

SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 649 Wall Paper. Fuller W. P. & Co, 1016 and 1022 2d. Hevener, Mier & Co, 615 J. Krebs C. H. & Co, 626 J. Sullivan Kelly Co, 915-919 2d.

Warehouses. Sacramento Warehouse Co, Front cor R. United States Bonded Warehouse, Front and R. Whitaker & Ray, Gait.

Watchmakers. (See Jewelers and Watchmakers.)

Well Borers. Jeans W. S., 1230 J. Weather Strips. Parker Fred G., rear 2314 K. Windmills. Miller Bros, 1116 J.

Window Shades. Davis James G., 411 K. Locke & Lavenson. 318-320 J, Wine Manufacturers. Azevedo M. J. & Co, 1517 18th. Dashiell W. A., 1821 Q. Kohler & Van Bergen, R cor 31st. Nevis M. S., 21st cor R. ELK GROVE WINERY, Da Rosa & Neves Proprietors, Elk Grove (see adv).

Wood Carvers. PARKER JOHN S., 906 9th. TnEAmLnluAN CASH STORE thl^y Jt*7£ c^ery •OR. STM »ND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. HI! •»'w»-<,Vl*^^^^ HP J. M. MORRISON A Strictly •A. M. GAULT First-Class Res- _ , THE DELN|0rfl(-, 0 taurant and Telephone 352. 712 and 714 K St. Open Day ft Right oyster Parlor 650 SACRAMENTO CITY AND COUNTY BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Wood, Coal and Coke. Bingham Wm. W„ 1630 O. Castro & Son, 1180 4th. Dray A. F., I cor 20th. Dunbar A., 806 I. Gomes M., 500 O. Greenlaw John W. Jr, 1420 J. Hanrahan M., L cor 8th. Hellinge F. W.,310N. Hooker G., I cor 9th. Jacinto M., 322 U. Keet M. D., 1205 2d. Kummerfeldt & Schmidt, 710 I. Leitch E. M., 117 Q. Massey C. P., 1210 J. McCaw J., 518 L. Mendis A., 1515 Front. Richardson J. F. & Son, 2d and T. Skelton J., 909 5th.

Wood Engravers. PHILIP RORERT, 628J-J.

Wooden and Willow Ware. Hopkins—A. S. Hopkins Co, 311-313 J.

Yeast Manufacturers. Hallifax Bros, 721 6th. Peterson C, 1819 P.

serves Daily more Patrons THEAMEHIGAN CASHSTORE than any other two Grocery eOM. STM AND K STREETS. Stores ia Sacramento. THE OLD HOMESTEAD HOME ....BAKERY.... FOR HOME-MADE BREAD AND PIES. 1012 J STREET.



Agricultural Terra Cotta.


Banks. BANK OF CALIFORNIA, cor Sansome and California. GERMAN SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY, 528 Cali­ fornia.

Bar Fixtures. ST GERMAIN BILLIARD CO, 55-57 1st.

Billiard Table Manufacturers. ST GERMAIN BILLIARD CO, 55-57 1st.

Book Binders. PHILLIPS BROS, 505 Clay (see top lines).

Business Colleges. HEALD E. P. & CO, 24 Post (see back bone and adv). ^ DIXON, BORGESON A CO.. SHOW CASES 37 Market Street, S. V. im*rmmmmm**^ avavawawav

Phillips Bros. 505 CLAY ST., S. F. tf 652 SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chimney Pipe and Fittings.

GLADDING,McBEAN&CO. © 1358 & R60 MARKET ST. CQ Commissioner of Seeds. s WHEAT CHARLES D., 501 California (see adv below). 09 CO o CHAS. D. WHEAT, *- z o oc Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds

-J < FOR ALL THE (0 STATES AND TERRITORIES. JO o 501 California Street, CO < e o NEAR MONTGOMERY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Q- u Residence 2118 Steiner St., bet. California and SpcramentoSts. S Telephone No. 241.

Si Diamonds. SHREVE GEO. C.

O GLADDINGfMcBEAN &0Q. O 1358 &I360 MARKET ST.- Byers and Scourers.

'. TT310JMLJ&.K=> .

CC PARISIAN DYEIHG AND CLEANING WORKS, O 714 Washington, 27 Tenth, SIS Post, S.fj. cor Polk and Pine, 402 Ellis. 306 Hayes and 75$ Valencia.

FOR DIRECTORY FRAUDS. Pay no money in advance HustedV X is the only Dnectory of Sacramento LOOK OUT Published. L. L. LEWIS & CO. Stoves and Ranges. S02 and 504 J, and 1009 5th Street. Sacramento, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 653 Electrical Supplies. CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL WORKS, 35 Market, Elec trical Construction, Gas Lighting, Dynamos, Motors and Incandescent Supplies.

Electropoise- WATSON & CO, 124 Market (see adv).

Fire Brick, Tile and Clay.


Fire Proofing Tile—Hollow. GLADDING,McBEAN8cC0. 1358 & 1360 MARKET ST.

Insurance Companies. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO of California, 401 California (see front cover).

Insurance Managers. IVES S. D.,' 401 California (see front cover).

Iron Works. GOLDEN STATE AND MINERS IRON WORKS, 231-251 1st (see side lines.)

Jewelers. SHREVE GEO. C. & CO, Market and Post.

Libraries. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, 31 Post. SAN FRANCISCO LAW LIBRARY, New City Hall. serves Daily more Patrons T Ethan any other two Grocery COR. 8TH ANO K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento. -•». ) .'..>-; *,'».<}-

Heal Estate and lnsupanee CES mm. 7*5 K NT. 8ACHA11KXTO. €AI* 654 SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. a Lithographers. a SCHMIDT LABEL & LITHOGRAPHIC CO., 23-31 Main r * (see adv). I *< Mantels, Grates and Tiles. MONTAGUE W. W. & CO, 309-313 Market. ^ »i Mathematical Instruments-

Metal Works. 0. O PACIFIC METAL WOUKS, 141-143 1st.

Notaries. 1 0 WHEAT CHAS. D., 501 California. w (0 Optical Goods. SALA J. C, 429 Montgomery (see adv). TO C Playing Cards. 0 ST. GERMAIN BILLIARD CO, 55-57 1st. O Potteries. CLARK N. & SONS, 17 and 19 Spear (see bottom lines). s I Pressed Brick.

GLADDING.McBEAN&GG a '358 & 1360 MARKET ST Serves Daily more Patrons X THE AMERICAN CASH STOREtha n any other two Grocery COR. 8TH AND K STREETS. Stores in Sacramento.

A.. COOLEY i Write8 » Insurance XOZ3 FOVRTH STREET. SAN FRANCISCO BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 656 Screens—Perforated Metal. CALIFORNIA PERFORATING SCREEN CO, 147 Beale (see adv below.)

SCREEN CO. Flour Quartz Mill Screens, Malt Kiln Floors. Screens. Manufacturers of Perforated Sheet Metals of all Kinds, for Mining and Milling Machinery and other uses. 147 Beale Street. San Francisco, Cal., Third Floor.

Sewer Pipe. CLARK N. & SONS, 17 and 19 Spear (see bottom lines). GLADDING,McBEAN8cC0 1358. 8c 1360 MARKET ST,

Sheet Iron, Iron Pipe and Fittings. MONTAGUE W. W. & CO, 309-313 Market.

Show Cases. DIXON, BORGESON & CO, 37 Market (see right bottom lines).


Surveyors' Instruments.

SALA J. C, 429 Montgomery (see adv).

Terra Cotta.

CLARK N. & SONS, 17 and 19 Spear (see bottom lines).

-^xnnn, 'i/isin^~

St., San Francisco. 2 N. CLARK & SONS—, 7 IH» spear st. Manufacturers and Dealers DRAIN AND IRRIGATING TILE. ADVERTISEMENTS. 657

THE BEST Turkish, Russian ^ Medicated Bath House

In San Francisco is DR. LORYEA'S,

218 Post Street,

Bet. Grant Ave. and Stockton St.

For Ladies and Gents. Open Day and Night.


jftgg^When visiting San Francisco, go to DR. LORYEA'S and save hotel expenses, as you can get a room for all night and an improved Hamraam Bath for One Dollar. 658 ADVERTISEMENTS.


FEMALE SPECIALIST Private Home in Confinement

Best of Care by . . . i . . Professional Nurses

/^r-CURE GUARANTEED for Mor­ phine and Liquor Habits.

Office and Residence 3uy2 HYDE Between Eddy and EUis j SAH FRANCISCO OFFICE HOTJRS : io to IS A. M. 2 to 5 r. M. ADVERTISEMENTS. 659


Successor to JOHN ROACH.

Official Examiner and Adjuster of Instruments for U. S. Surveyor-General for California.

Manufacturer of CIVIL, MINING MOT CAL

I JKWiSMJ 1 \l^s = Mm T^


S.W. corner Sacramento, - SAN FRANCISCO.

Instruments examined, repaired and carefully adjusted. Materials for office work supplied. -s^g^->?a^ *g§-g^^@*^=! oheim THE TAILOR

i0f6 and 1018 SEVENTH STREET . Under Golden Eagle Mel, opposite Post Office


JOE POHEIM, 1016 arid 1018 sk w SEVENTH tsarftSEi'

SACRAMENTO, CAL wmurtlnvwm-^^n '&,<*% mi£


4PM | CIotMi oris, Gymnasium Oniilis,JXigk Class Gun au-d Bicycle Ilv-paliiiig.


7 J ${ •/feA.j

. •