McCAFFREY CONCISE MAJOR 21ST-CENTURY WRITERS Were Horses, pp. 444-445; June, 1999, Joyce (Editor with Elaine Sutherland) Family Rights: Family Davidson, review of Nimisha’s Ship. Law and Medical Advances, Edinburgh University Washington Post, June 26, 1978. Press (Edinburgh, Scotland), 1990. Wilson Library Bulletin, February, 1991, pp. 90-91; (With John Kenyon Mason) Law and Medical Ethics, February, 1992, pp. 90-91. third edition, Butterworths (Austin, TX), 1991. (With Kwame Frimpong) The Criminal Law of Botswana, Juta (Cape Town), 1992. ONLINE (Editor with Michael A. Menlowe) The Duty to Rescue: The Jurisprudence of Aid, Dartmouth (Brookfield, VT), 1993. Anne McCaffrey Web site, http://www.annemccaffrey. (Editor with Colin Shapiro) Forensic Aspects of Sleep, org/ (September 28, 2004). Wiley (New York, NY), 1997. Random House Web site, (With Daniel W. Shuman) Justice and the Prosecution (June 12, 2000). of Old Crimes: Balancing Legal, Psychological, and Moral Concerns, American Psychological As- sociation (Washington, DC), 2000. *** (With Alan Merry) Errors, Medicine, and the Law, McCAFFREY, Anne Inez Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), See McCAFFREY, Anne 2001. *** NO. 1 LADIES’ DETECTIVE AGENCY SERIES McCALL SMITH, Alexander 1948- (Alexander McCall Smith) The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, D. Philip (Cape Town, South Africa), 1998, Anchor Books (New York, NY), 2005. PERSONAL: Born 1948, in Southern Rhodesia (now Tears of the Giraffe, Polygon (Edinburgh, Scotland), Zimbabwe); married; children: two daughters. Educa- 2000, Anchor Books (New York, NY), 2002. tion: Studied law in Scotland. Hobbies and other inter- Morality for Beautiful Girls, Polygon (Edinburgh, Scot- ests: Plays bassoon in Really Terrible Orchestra.
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