grand tetoneewinot national park & john d. rockefeller, jr. memorial parkway news t autumn 2002 2002: The International Year of the Mountain Climb the mountains and get their efforts of the National Park Service, good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow the local community, and the Greater into you as sunshine flows into trees. Yellowstone Ecosystem partners. The winds will blow their own I am excited to welcome you to freshness into you, and the storms this magnificent park. The United their energy, while cares will drop off Nations designated 2002 as the like autumn leaves. International Year of the Mountain JOHN MUIR to promote the conservation and sustainable development of While John Muir wrote these words mountain regions, with the hope of about Yellowstone more than a ensuring the well-being of mountain century ago, they seem an especially and related lowland communities. fitting welcome for today’s visitors National Park is a to Grand Teton National Park. fantastic example of people from all Our country and our world have walks of life working together to experienced many difficult protect a mountain park and its

This spectacular mountain range and the desire to protect it resulted in the establishment of Grand Teton National Park in 1929. challenges during this past year. It is surrounding landscape of natural my hope that visitors to Grand and human communities. Teton will be able to leave their So as you walk the trails or cares behind and find quiet drive along the lakes, reflect on moments to refresh themselves. the importance of these areas to The , the central the broader landscape and our feature and focus of Grand Teton responsibility for maintaining National Park, draws the eyes for them to fulfill the needs of future miles, captivating park visitors and generations. Also, remember to local residents alike. This spectacular take a moment to celebrate the Phone Numbers EMERGENCY 911 or 739-3300 Park Dispatch mountain range and the desire to magnificence of these protected Visitor information ...... (307) 739-3600 Weather ...... 739-3611 protect it resulted in the peaks and experience one of the Road Construction ...... 739-3300 Fire Information . . . . .739-3300 Backcountry & River information . .739-3602 Climbing information . .739-3604 establishment of Grand Teton most beautiful and peaceful places Campground information ...... 739-3603 National Park in 1929. Over time, on earth. TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf only)...... 739-3400 and 739-3544 through the vision and generous philanthropy of John D. International Visitors Rockefeller, Jr., additional lands Des renseignements en francais sont disponibles aux centres des visiteurs dans le parc. were added creating the present-day Sie konnen Informationen auf Deutsch in den Besucherzentren bekommen. park. This area continues to be Steve Martin Se puede conseguir informacion en español en el Centro del Visitante. protected through the combined Superintendent Grand Teton National Park’s website: VISITOR SERVICES open/close dates subject to change visitor centers activities camping other services

Moose Visitor Center Most of these businesses operate May NPS Campgrounds ATM (307) 739-3399 through September. Call for more details. (307) 739-3603 (recorded information) Colter Bay Store Open year round, features exhibits, an Boat Tours, Rentals, & Marinas National Park Service campgrounds are available Dornan’s introductory video, and an extensive bookstore. dates may vary with water levels on a first-come, first-served basis. $12.00 per Flagg Ranch Resort Located 12 miles north of Jackson. Colter Bay Marina night, per site. Maximum stay is 14 days, 7 days at Jackson Lake Lodge Visitor Center (307) 543-2811 Jenny Lake Campground. Electrical hook-ups not Signal Mountain Lodge Open through September 29, features geology May 24 - September 29 available. Open/close dates subject to change. Fuel exhibits and book sales. Located Dornan’s Adventure Sports Filling times are approximate and vary with the 8 miles north of the Moose Visitor Center on (307) 739-3507 season. Colter Bay Village (propane & diesel also) the Teton Park Road. Leek’s Marina Gros Ventre Campground Dornan’s (307) 543-2494 Flagg Ranch Resort (propane & diesel also) Colter Bay Visitor Center April 29 - October 17 May 18 - September 15 Jackson Lake Lodge (diesel also) & Indian Arts Museum 372 sites & a trailer dump station Signal Mountain Marina Jenny Lake Campground Signal Mountain Lodge (307) 739-3594 (307) 543-2831 May 13 - September 20 Open May 11 through September 29, features a May 18 - September 22 Fishing Licenses & Supplies museum, an auditorium, and an extensive Jenny Lake Boating 51 sites, tents only, full by 8 a.m. Colter Bay Marina bookstore. Located 42 miles north of Jackson. (307) 734-9227 Signal Mountain Campground Colter Bay Store May 13 - October 14 Flagg Ranch Provides shuttle across Jenny Lake Dornan’s 86 sites, dump station, no vehicles over throughout the day; early June thru early Flagg Ranch Resort (no licenses) Information Station 30 feet, full by 10 a.m. September; pay at the dock. Moose Village Store Open June 3 through September 2, and in mid- Colter Bay Campground Signal Mountain Lodge winter. Features book sales and information Bus Tours May 20 - September 20 about John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and the Greater Flagg Ranch Resort 350 sites, showers & laundry nearby, Laundry & Showers Yellowstone Ecosystem. Located 16 miles north (307) 543-2861 dump station, full by noon Colter Bay Village of Colter Bay Village. Grand Teton Lodge Company Lizard Creek Campground (307) 543-2811 June 10 - September 3 Lost & Found Office food Climbing Guides 60 sites, no vehicles over 30 feet, (307) 739-3450 full by 2:00 p.m. Pay Phones Exum Mountain Guides Concessioner Campgrounds Groceries (307) 733-2297 Visitor Centers Jackson Hole Mountain Guides Call for reservations, hookups available. Colter Bay Store Colter Bay Store (307) 733-4979 Colter Bay RV Park Dornan’s Dornan’s Flagg Ranch Resort Flagg Ranch Resort Float Trips/Fishing (307) 543-2811 May 24 - September 29 Jackson Lake Lodge Jenny Lake Store Barker-Ewing Float Trips Leek’s Marina Moose Village Store (307) 733-1800 Flagg Ranch Resort Signal Mountain Lodge Signal Mountain Lodge (800) 443-2311 or (307) 543-2861 Flagg Ranch Resort Post Office Quick Meals/Deli May 24 - September 29 (307) 543-2861 Kelly (307) 733-8884 Colter Bay Café Court Moose (307) 733-3336 Colter Bay Store Fort Jackson Float Trips Moran (307) 543-2527 Dornan’s (307) 733-2583 Jenny Lake Store lodging Recycling Flagg Ranch Resort Grand Teton Lodge Company Recycle aluminum cans at stores where canned Family Style (307) 543-2811 beverages are sold, at visitor centers, and at AAC Climbers Ranch campgrounds. Expanded recycling is available Colter Bay Chuckwagon Jack Dennis Fishing Trips at some concessioners. Dornan’s Pizza & Pasta Company Located south of Jenny Lake (307) 733-3270 (307) 733-7271 Dornan’s Chuckwagon Road Construction June 1 - September 30 (very rustic) Flagg Ranch Resort Heart 6 Float Trips (307) 739-3300 Jackson Lake Lodge (307) 543-2477 Leek’s Pizzeria Dornan’s Spur Ranch Cabins Signal Mountain Lodge National Park Float Trips Located in Moose religious services (307) 733-6445 Fine Dining (307) 733-2522 Open year-round Jackson Lake Lodge O.A.R.S. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Jenny Lake Lodge (800) 346-6277 Signal Mountain Lodge Flagg Ranch Resort Jackson Lake Lodge Sundays, May 26 - September 29 Signal Mountain Lodge Located two miles south of Yellowstone (307) 543-2831 (800) 443-2311 or (307) 543-2861 Sacrament: 9:30 a.m/5:45 p.m. gift shops May 24 - Sept 29 & mid-Dec - mid-March Sunday School: 7:00 p.m. Solitude Float Trips Priesthood/Relief Society: 7:45 p.m. Colter Bay (307) 733-2871 Episcopal Grand Teton Lodge Company Dornan’s Gift Shop Triangle X-Osprey Floats (307) 543-2811 Chapel of the Transfiguration 1/2-mile north of Moose Flagg Ranch Resort (307) 733-5500 Colter Bay Cabins Sundays, May 26 - September Grand Teton Natural May 24 - September 29 Eucharist: 8:00 a.m./10:00 a.m. Horseback Riding History Association Colter Bay Tent Cabins Interdenominational Bookstores Colter Bay Village June 7 - Sept 2 Christian Ministry (307) 543-2811 Jackson Lake Lodge Moose Visitor Center June through September Diamond Cross Ranch May 19 - October 9 Menor’s Ferry Gros Ventre Campground (307) 543-2015 Jenny Lake Lodge Jenny Lake Visitor Center 8 a.m./10 a.m./7 p.m. Flagg Ranch Resort June 1 - October 6 Jenny Lake Ranger Station Jenny Lake Campground Colter Bay Visitor Center (307) 543-2861 Signal Mountain Lodge Jackson Hole Trail Rides 9 a.m./7 p.m. Flagg Ranch Information Station (307) 733-6992 Located on Jackson Lake Signal Mountain Campground Jackson Lake Lodge Jackson Lake Lodge (800) 672-6012 or (307) 543-2831 8 a.m./10 a.m./7:30 p.m. Jenny Lake Store (307) 543-2811 May 11 - October 13 Jackson Lake Lodge Ranger-Led Activities 9 a.m./11 a.m./7:30 p.m. Moose Village Store Colter Bay Amphitheater Check at visitor centers for current information. Triangle X Ranch 8 a.m./10 a.m./5:30 p.m. Signal Mountain Lodge Located north of Moose (dude ranch) Lizard Creek Campground (307) 733-2183 9 a.m./7 p.m. medical services May 26 - Oct 31 & mid-Dec - Mar 30 park watch Flagg Ranch Campground 24-Hour Emergency Care 8 a.m./10 a.m. Report illegal activities, hazards, call 911 Roman Catholic and accidents in the park by calling: Grand Teton Medical Clinic (307) 739-3300 or 911. Jackson Hole Chapel of the Sacred Heart Located at Jackson Lake Lodge 1/4-mile north of Signal Mountain Lodge Report Fires By Calling: May 19 - October 9 Information June - August (307) 739-3630 (307) 543-2514 Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. St. John’s Hospital For services located outside of the park Located in Jackson (307) 733-3316 (307) 733-3636 2 READING THE LANDSCAPE The Teton Range dominates Grand Teton National Park, attracting the attention of all who pass through Jackson Hole. The natural processes that resulted in mountain building and sculpting have also determined where plants grow in the park. Herbivores, plant-eating animals like moose, mule deer and elk, inhabit areas where their food sources exist. Carnivores, meat-eating animals like or rivers of ice, flowed from high elevation parts of the day. bears, coyotes and weasels, follow the cirques and gouged out U-shaped canyons When the herbivores they prey upon. Geologic between the peaks. Mountain glaciers climate warmed and today’s Snake River indicate that it carried events created the dramatic scenery of spilled from the canyons to the valley glacial ice melted, water broke through much more water in the past. Jackson Hole and indirectly account for floor, forming basins occupied today by the moraines and swirled south through Along the Snake River grow the distribution and abundance of lakes like Leigh, Jenny, Bradley, Taggart the valley, carrying away soil. Today the cottonwoods and blue spruces where bald wildlife and plants found here. and Phelps. Ridges of glacial debris, southern part of Jackson Hole contains eagles nest. Beavers occasionally dam side The Tetons owe their existence to called moraines, surround these lakes and less developed, dry, rocky soils. Only channels of the Snake River, establishing movement along a fault found where the mark the edge of the glacier’s flow. vegetation like sagebrush and hardy ponds that Canada geese and ducks use mountains meet the valley. Starting about While small glaciers flowed in the grasses and wildflowers can thrive in such for nesting and feeding. Moose and 13 million years ago, movement with Teton Range, an ice cap covered much of desert-like conditions. Despite the hot beavers eat willows that flourish in massive earthquakes occurred about every what is now Yellowstone National Park and dry conditions, some mammals and wetlands along the river. Willows and thousand years or so along the fault. The beginning 50-25,000 years ago. This river birds favor the sagebrush flats. Bison other wetland plants provide cover and mountain block uplifted on the west side of ice flowed south, gouging out the graze on grasses growing among the nest sites for a multitude of songbirds. of the fault while the valley block depression that Jackson Lake fills today, sagebrush, while pronghorn eat sagebrush As you explore Grand Teton dropped down east of the fault. Today the and carried debris as far as Snake River itself. Sage grouse, large chicken-like National Park, read its landscape. Note mountains rise more than a mile above Overlook, eight miles north of Moose on birds, eat sagebrush buds. the work of glaciers on the mountains and Jackson Hole, with total displacement Highway 26-89-191. Today moraines For the past 10,000 years or so, the canyons and the old river terraces carved of 30,000 feet along the fault. support forests of lodgepole pine and Snake River has cut through glacial in the past by the Snake River. Watch for Ice performed the sculpting and other conifers. Elk and black bears seek moraines and flowed from Jackson Lake wildlife. The presence of wildlife provides carving of the Tetons. As recently as 12- refuge and shade in morainal forests and and out the southern end of Jackson clues to the ancient processes that formed 14,000 years ago, small mountain glaciers, graze in nearby meadows during cooler Hole. Old river terraces paralleling and shaped this area.



ountain ountain ister t. Owen t. M M M iddle Teton 12,928 feet t. W eewinot M 12,605 feet Grand Teton M 13,770 feet T M 12,804 feet 12,325 feet 11,490 feet tatic Peak Buck M Nez Perce Peak 11,938 feet S 11,901 feet t. John M 11,303 feet S 11,430 feet

Peak Names John D. In the Teton Range north of Towers above Most prominent peak Death Canyon. So named because it is so and Jenny Lake. Its name in the northern end of the Teton Range. Rockefeller,Jr. often hit by lightning. comes from the Shoshone word meaning Named by Ferdinand V. Hayden for the “many pinnacles.” Teewinot probably once landscape artist Thomas Moran, who Named for George A. applied to the entire Teton Range, rather traveled with the 1872 Hayden expedition Memorial Buck, recorder for T.M. Bannon’s 1898 than just this one peak. Fritiof Fryxell and into Yellowstone and into Pierre’s Hole on mapping party. Bannon gave the name Phil Smith named the peak when they the western side of the Teton Range. He “Buck Station” to the triangulation station he successfully completed the first ascent of the produced many sketches and watercolors Parkway and George Buck established on the summit mountain in 1929. from these travels. in 1898. Located at the heart of the Greater MOUNT SAINT JOHN Between Cascade From the book Origins by Hayden and Nielsen. Yellowstone Ecosystem, the Rockefeller NEZ PERCE Named for an Indian tribe and Indian Paintbrush canyons. Actually a whose well-known leader was Chief Joseph. Parkway connects Grand Teton and series of peaks of nearly equal height. Named Ye llowstone National Parks. The late Sometimes referred to as Howling Dog for Orestes St. John, geologist of Hayden’s Mountain because of the resemblance when 1877 survey, whose monographs on the Teton conservationist and philanthropist John D. seen from the north. and Wind River ranges are now classics. Rockefeller, Jr. made significant contributions THE GRAND TETON Highest mountain to several national parks including Grand in the Teton Range. Named by French Teton, Acadia, Great Smoky Mountains, and trappers. Upon viewing the Teton Range Virgin Islands. In 1972 Congress dedicated from the west, the trappers dubbed the a 24,000 acre parcel of land as the John D. South, Middle and Grand, Les Trois Tetons, Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway to meaning “the three breasts.” Wilson Price recognize his generosity and foresight. Hunt called them “Pilot Knobs” in 1811 because he had used them for orientation Congress also named the highway from the while crossing Union Pass. In his Journal of a south boundary of Grand Teton to West Thumb Trapper, Osborne Russel said that the in Yellowstone in honor of Rockefeller. Shoshone Indians named the peaks “Hoary The Rockefeller Parkway provides a Headed Fathers.” natural link between the two national parks Neighboring peak of the and contains features characteristic of both Grand Teton to the northeast. Named for areas. In the parkway, the Teton Range W.O. Owen, who climbed the Grand Teton tapers to a gentle slope at its northern in 1898 with Bishop Spalding, John Shive, edge, while rocks born of volcanic flows from and Frank Petersen. Yellowstone line the Snake River and form outcroppings scattered atop hills and ridges. 3 WILDLIFE Where to Look for Wildlife All animals require food, water, and shelter. Each species also has particular living space, or habitat, requirements. To learn more about wildlife habitats and animal behavior, attend ranger-led activities. To sharpen your wildlife observation skills, spend some time in these locations. OXBOW BEND the day. Elk leave the shade of Timbered squirrels at Inspiration Point. One mile east of Jackson Lake Junction. Island at dusk to eat the grasses growing Pikas and yellow-bellied marmots Slow-moving water provides habitat for amongst the surrounding sagebrush. live in scattered boulder fields. fish such as suckers and trout, which SNAKE RIVER Mule deer and moose occasionally become food for river otters, ospreys, bald Jackson Lake Dam south to Moose. Elk browse on shrubs growing at the mouth eagles, American white pelicans and and bison graze in grassy meadows along of the canyon. Listen for the numerous common mergansers. Look for swimming the river. Bison also eat grasses in the songbirds that nest in the canyon. beavers and muskrats. Moose browse on sagebrush flats on the benches above the BLACKTAIL PONDS abundant willows at the water’s edge. Elk river. Bald eagles, ospreys and great blue Half-mile north of Moose on Highway occasionally graze in the open aspen herons build large stick nests within sight 26-89-191. Old beaver ponds have filled groves to the east. of the river. Beavers and moose eat in and now support grassy meadows where TIMBERED ISLAND willows that line the waterway. elk graze during the cooler parts of the A forested ridge southeast of Jenny Lake. CASCADE CANYON day. Several kinds of ducks feed in the Small bands of pronghorn antelope, the West of Jenny Lake. Look for, but do not side channels of the Snake River. Moose fastest North American land animal, feed, golden-mantled ground browse on willows growing along the river. forage on nearby sagebrush throughout The Migration Dilemma Birds serve as colorful, sweet-sounding Birdwatchers and scientists alike have indicators of biodiversity. The return of become concerned about the future of migratory birds each spring seems as certain migratory birds. Become involved by as spring itself. enjoying birds in your backyard and National parks like Grand Teton during your travels. At home, plant native provide sanctuary for many species. vegetation to provide food, shelter and Unfortunately, many of our birds spend nest sites for migratory birds. Protect only a part of their lives within national birds by keeping your cats indoors. Assist park protection. When birds fly south scientists measuring bird population each fall, they face numerous perils. changes by participating in bird counts Bears Human-caused habitat changes have and surveys, such as the annual Christmas Grand Teton National Park and the fragmented forests, removing safe feeding Bird Count and the North American and roosting areas along migration Migration Count. Find out about the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway provide corridors. Birds that migrate as far as the “Partners in Flight” program in your home tropics may lose their winter ranges due state. Use your interest and knowledge of habitat for black and grizzly bears. To distinguish to deforestation. birds to help assure their future! between the two bear species, look for: BLACK BEAR For Wildlife Observers Color Varies from black to blond. Some black bears in this region are black with a light brown muzzle. Many of them are brown. Color is & Photographers not a good indicator of species. Be a responsible wildlife observer. wildlife, including increased levels of Appearance Remember that patience is often rewarded. stress and the avoidance of essential Straight face; longer, more pointed ears; in some positions may Use binoculars, spotting scopes or long feeding areas. appear to have shoulder hump; rump higher than shoulders when lenses for close views and photographs. Please remember, nesting birds are standing on level ground. Always maintain a safe distance of at easily disturbed. For wildlife, raising Claws least 300 feet from large animals such as young is a private affair. If an adult bird Short and curved for climbing. Claws do not always show in tracks. bears, bison, moose and elk. Never on a nest flies off at your approach, or GRIZZLY BEAR position yourself between an adult and its circles you or screams in alarm, you are offspring. Females with young are too close to the nest. Unattended nestlings Color especially defensive. readily succumb to predation and Varies from black to blond; dark fur with long, pale guard hairs accounts for a mixed dark and light, or grizzled, appearance. Appearance Be a responsible wildlife observer. Dished-in face; shorter, more rounded ears; prominent shoulder hump; rump lower than shoulder. Do not feed wildlife. Do not harass wildlife. Claws Do not feed wildlife, including exposure to heat, cold and wet weather. Front claws are long and straight and often show in tracks. ground squirrels and birds. Feeding wild Allow other visitors a chance to animals makes them dependent on enjoy wildlife. If your actions cause an ® people, and animals often bite the hand animal to flee, you have deprived other that feeds them. visitors of a viewing opportunity. Use an Moose, bison, elk, mule deer, pronghorn and surrounding areas. Wildlife may be Do not harass wildlife. Harassment animal’s behavior as a guide to your (antelope), black and grizzly bears—a found on roads and highways at any is any human action that causes unusual actions, and limit the time you spend with host of large animals inhabit Grand time of the day or night. For your own behavior, or a change of behavior, in an wildlife, just as you would when visiting a Teton National Park, the Rockefeller safety and for the protection of wildlife, animal. Repeated encounters with people friend’s home. Follow all park regulations 4 Parkway, Yellowstone National Park please drive carefully and stay alert. can have negative, long-term impacts on and policies. Plant & Wildlife Communities The geology and natural systems of Grand Teton National Park and Jackson Hole, create a magnificent environment showcasing an incredible diversity of vegetation and wildlife. There are a number of distinct, natural communities within Grand Teton National Park, all of which may be defined by the plants and animals that live within them.

Alpine Communities

The alpine community is the harshest by growing only inches above the soil. fly overhead. Tiny rabbit-like pikas of Grand Teton’s habitats. High Many alpine flowers have unpleasant spend the warm months collecting and elevation, long, severe winters and odors so as to attract pollinating flies storing food for the long winter. short summers present special and other insects. The insects in Golden eagles sometimes soar on challenges to the inhabitants above turn attract horned larks and warm air currents searching for prey. the treeline. Summer is short white-crowned sparrows. The By the time the snow falls, most and intense, with long, bright alpine forget-me-not rewards residents have moved to lower days and cold nights. Lichens cling to hikers with its vibrant blue color elevations or begun a long winter rocks and miniature, low-growing mat and sweet scent. Yellow-bellied hibernation. plants, such as phlox and pussytoes, marmots often sun themselves on guard themselves from wind and cold rocky hillsides as Clark’s nutcrackers

Forest Communities There are a number of forest pine martens prey upon smaller and subalpine fir and are located at communities in Grand Teton National animals. Colorful western tanagers higher elevations. Moose feed Park. Because of the variations in the fly through the less dense parts of the extensively on subalpine fir in the height of trees, shrubs and grasses, forest canopy. winter months and elk and deer use forests support a wide variety of Other forest communities here these forests at other times during animal species. include Douglas fir and spruce-fir the year. Other mammals can be The most extensive of the forests. Stands of Douglas fir can be found here, including long-tailed forests here is the lodgepole pine found on either dry, south-facing weasels, pine martens, mountain community, which extends from the slopes up to about 8,000 feet or on lions, and the rare wolverine. southern portion of Yellowstone dry north-facing slopes at lower Williamson’s sapsuckers, hairy National Park and along the lower elevations. Voles, mice and gophers woodpeckers, Steller’s and gray jays, elevations of the Tetons to the south also live here; they are hunted by olive-sided flycatchers, and mountain end of the range. Elk and mule deer great horned owls. Other birds found chickadees are among the birds find shade here during sunny, summer amongst the Douglas fir include occupying this forest type. days. Red squirrels inhabit the trees, chickadees, nuthatches, pine siskins, gathering seeds and storing them in Cassin’s finches, and dark-eyed middens for the long winter. juncoes. Yellow-bellied marmots Snowshoe hares, white-footed deer and golden-mantled ground mice and red-backed voles are among squirrels can sometimes be found the small mammals found on the in open rocky areas. forest floor. Black and grizzly bears, Spruce-fir forests are short-tailed weasels (ermine) and dominated by Englemann spruce

Sagebrush Flats The sagebrush flats are the most Arrowleaf balsamroot and winter snows. Large herds of elk visible community in Grand Teton, springbeauty add spring color to the feed on the grasses during the covering most of the valley floor. silvery green of the flats. Small morning and evening hours of Rocky, well-drained soils make it mammals such as Uinta ground spring, summer and fall. Areas difficult for most plants to survive squirrels, white-footed deer mice and where bitterbrush is abundant are here, but hardy big sage, low sage, least chipmunks make their homes good foraging places for moose, antelope bitterbrush and over 20 here. Badgers can sometimes be especially in fall and winter. Birders Wetland Communities species of grasses thrive. Though it seen digging burrows while coyotes can find western meadowlarks, sage appears barren and sparse, this is a and wolves may lope across the thrashers, green-tailed towhees, surprisingly diverse community. cobbly plains. Pronghorn are vesper and Brewer’s sparrows, and Wetland and aquatic communities in Bend is an excellent area to find white Sage grouse use sage for summer residents on the flats; they raptors of many kinds among and around rivers, lakes and marshes pelicans, trumpeter swans, great blue food, shelter and nesting areas. must migrate south to avoid deep the sage. are those that are dominated by water. herons, and a variety of waterfowl. The Snake River and its tributaries Moose feed on aquatic plants and drain the mountains surrounding browse on Jackson Hole, providing a rich habitat streamside for a variety of wildlife. Trout and vegetation. other fish are a valuable food source for bald eagles, ospreys and river otters. The slower-moving braided channels of the river are home to beavers, otters, muskrats, and several reptiles and amphibians. The Oxbow

Whatever the community, it is important to remember that the wildlife, plants and habitats within Grand Teton National Park Wet Meadows are protected. While birding or watching animals, please keep a Wet meadows and willow flats mammals and birds which rely are covered by water for at on this type of vegetation are respectful distance. Please do not pick or disturb the vegetation. least part of the year. A high common here. Willows also water table and good soil make provide critical habitat for In order to continue to enjoy our National Park, an abundance of grasses, sedges moose, which feed heavily on we must all work to preserve it. and forbs possible. Small them, especially in late winter. 5 FIRE IN THE HOLE! 2002 Fire Season In the Intermountain West, fire season comes as early as June and may last as late as November. It is hard to know what to expect because so much depends on the weather. Mild fire seasons allow personnel to conduct prescribed fires—reducing fuels & improving wildlife habitat. The conditions that lead to a Local fire managers are ready preservation experts from each of • Smoke safely—grind out severe fire season include drought, for whatever the fire season may the agencies. cigarettes, cigars, or pipe unusual weather, the number of bring. Park fire personnel work Currently all human-caused, tobacco, then properly dispose lightning strikes, human-caused closely with the Bridger-Teton unplanned fires are suppressed no of them. Ashtrays should be fires, and an accumulation of National Forest, National Elk matter where they occur. These used while smokers are in a woody fuels resulting from nearly Refuge, and Teton County Fire fires, particularly those in areas of vehicle and should never be a century of fire exclusion in areas Departments to manage fire and high use, threaten visitor safety and emptied on the ground. that historically burned on a fuels across administrative cause loss of property and cultural • Obey posted restrictions. regular basis. boundaries. A severe fire season resources. In the last ten years, Another factor that adds to the means a lot of work, but a normal 44% of the park's fires have been For more information, risks of wildland fire management or mild season allows personnel to human-caused. Visitors are asked visit the park's website at is development near the edges of conduct more prescribed fires and to do their part to prevent human- open lands like national parks and manage fires caused by lightning caused fires: forests. This has put homes and strikes to achieve objectives like • Build campfires only in To report a fire, call the Teton other structures closer to the kinds wildlife habitat improvement. They designated areas, monitor Interagency Fire Dispatch Center of vegetation where large fires also work with wildlife biologists, them, and make sure they are at (307) 739-3630. spread rapidly. vegetation ecologists, and historic properly extinguished. Take a Look Around Fire benefits the entire ecosystem. Fire Suppression Fires management at Grand Teton National Although fire is managed whenever Park focuses on restoring and maintaining possible, there are always considerations natural processes associated with fire given to life and property. Therefore, while protecting human life and property. some fires will be suppressed in the A comprehensive fire plan allows most cost-effective, efficient manner. the park to take advantage of the full Most of these fires stay small. Some, range of management options. The fire however, have grown rapidly before program uses hazardous fuels reduction firefighters could control them, in developed areas, prescribed fire, threatening homes and historic sites. management of natural fires for resource Vegetation usually recovers rapidly and benefits, and wildland fire suppression. attracts wildlife, as can be seen at the These actions can be viewed throughout 1985 Beaver Creek Fire near Taggart the park. Lake, and the 1994 Row Fire north of Hazardous fuel reduction Blacktail Butte. While these fires have In developed areas, park fire crews had positive effects on plants and remove fuels around buildings by wildlife habitat, it is far safer to use thinning trees and removing dead prescribed fire for these purposes when wood and brush from the forest floor. animals, or burning accumulated fuels conditions when lightning-ignited fires people and property are nearby. They pile the slash and let it dry for at to minimize risk to developments and can be managed on the landscape for least a year, then burn the piles during cultural resources. resource benefits or firefighter safety. wet weather in spring or late fall. The fire is continually evaluated to Look for these piles in the areas around They pile the slash and let ensure it stays within certain weather Colter Bay, Signal Mountain, Jenny and fire effects parameters. These fires Lake, and Leek’s Marina. Piles of brush it dry for at least a year, are critical to fire-adapted plants that and logs waiting to be burned should then burn the piles during rely on the natural fire cycles to re- be left undisturbed. Most of the piles sprout from their roots, seed in open are comprised of green branches that wet weather in spring areas, or open their specialized do not make good firewood. or late fall. serotinous cones for seed dispersal. Prescribed fire Many of these managed wildland For each prescribed fire, a burn plan is You can view the results of a 1998 fires are in backcountry areas that are prepared and approved in advance, prescribed fire on the flats between not easily seen from roads or trails. describing the fire's objectives and Blacktail Butte and the highway. However, near the north end of Jenny outlining the specific environmental Elk, moose, bison, and sage grouse Lake you can see where the 1999 conditions for burning. These projects are frequently seen feeding on the lightning-caused Alder Fire burned. target specific resource objectives like lush re-growth. This fire was monitored and allowed to restoring early successional vegetation Wildland Fire Use burn for several weeks before it was composition, creating a mosaic of Grand Teton National Park's fire suppressed when strong winds caused it diverse habitats for plants and management plan outlines specific to grow rapidly. 6 IMPORTANT INFORMATION

PLANTS & ANIMALS FISHING FLOATING THE SNAKE RIVER PETS Leave plants and animals in their natural Whitefish and cutthroat, Only human-powered rafts, canoes, dories and Restrain pets on a leash at all setting for others to enjoy. Picking wildflowers lake and brown trout inhabit kayaks are allowed on the Snake River within times. Pets are not allowed on is prohibited. Keep a respectful distance from lakes and rivers of the park and the park and parkway. Register non-motorized trails nor in the backcountry all animals to avoid disturbing their natural parkway. Obtain fishing regulations at vessels and pay the fee ($5 for a 7-day permit; (which begins 50 feet from routines. Larger animals are quick, powerful the Moose, Jenny Lake or Colter Bay $10 for an annual permit) at the Moose Visitor roadways), in boats on the Snake and unpredictable. Getting too close can result Visitor Centers. A Center or Colter Bay Visitor Center each year. River, in boats on lakes other than Jackson in serious injury. Take special care to avoid fishing license, required for Read the launch site bulletin boards for current Lake nor in visitor centers. Pets are not encounters with bears and to help maintain fishing in the park and parkway, river conditions. On the surface, the Snake does allowed on ranger-led activities. Kennels are their natural fear of humans. may be purchased at the Moose not seem very powerful, but only experienced available in Jackson. Many small animals can carry diseases Village Store, Signal Mountain Lodge, Colter floaters should attempt this swift, cold river. and should never be touched or handled. All Bay Marina and Flagg Ranch Village. Fishing CLIMBING animals are part of the natural processes in Yellowstone National Park requires a There are many risks and hazards associated protected within the park and parkway. Allow separate permit (fee charged); purchase with climbing and mountain travel. Experience BACKPACKING and good judgment are essential. The Jenny them to find all their own food. Their natural permits at Yellowstone visitor centers and Grand Teton National Park has more than diet assures their health and survival. No ranger stations. Lake Ranger Station, the center for climbing in 200 miles of trails of varying difficulty. Grand Teton National Park, is staffed from late matter how convincingly the animals beg, Obtain the required, non-fee backcountry feeding is prohibited. May to mid-September by climbing rangers BOATING permit for overnight trips at the Moose or who can provide up-to-date weather and route Colter Bay Visitor Centers or the Jenny Lake HIKING Motorboats are permitted on Jenny Lake (10 conditions information. Registration is no horsepower maximum), Jackson and Phelps Ranger Station. Backcountry campsites may longer required for day climbs and off-trail Hikers are reminded that shortcutting damages Lakes. Human-powered vessels are permitted be reserved in advance from January 1 - hiking. Backcountry permits are required, fragile vegetation and is prohibited. on Jackson, Jenny, Phelps, Emma Matilda, May 15 by writing the park; the fee is $15 however, for all overnight climbs. The park Topographic maps and inexpensive trail guides Two Ocean, Taggart, Bradley, Bearpaw, Leigh per reservation. Pets are not allowed on trails DOES NOT track and check to see that you get are sold at visitor centers and the Jenny Lake and String Lakes. Sailboats, water skiing, and nor in the backcountry. Campfires are safely out of the backcountry. Leave an agenda Ranger Station. Sturdy footwear is essential. windsurfers are allowed only on Jackson Lake. prohibited except at designated sites with friends or family. Pets are not allowed on Know your limitations when traveling in the For motorized craft, the fee is $10 for a 7-day depending upon fire danger. trails nor in the backcountry. Solo climbing backcountry or taking extended hikes. If you permit and $20 for an annual permit; for non- and backcountry travel is not advised. are traveling alone, let someone know your motorized craft, the fee is $5 for a 7-day SWIMMING planned destination, route and expected time of permit and $10 for an annual permit. As of Swimming is allowed in all lakes. No BIKING return. Permits are not required for day hiking. April 2000, personal watercraft are prohibited swimming areas have lifeguards. The Snake Ride bicycles only where cars can legally go. Trailhead parking areas fill early during in all waters within the park. Obtain permits at River is dangerous and swimming is not Ride on the right side of the road in single file. the day in July and August, so start your hike the Moose or Colter Bay Visitor Centers. recommended. Do not ride bicycles or other wheeled vehicles early to avoid parking problems. in the backcountry, on or off-trail. Short On Time? Teton Weather May and June - Mild days and cool storms common. Snow level gradually Wondering how to make the most of your nights intersperse with rain and retreats; divides between mountain canyons occasional snow. Depending on snowpack, are free of snow by August. time in Grand Teton National Park? snow level remains just above valley September - Sunny days and cold nights Take a look at a few of the suggestions elevation until mid-June. alternate with rain and occasional July and August - Warm days and cool snowstorms. below to help plan your visit. Suggested drives nights prevail, with afternoon thunder- and places to stop are described from north May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. TEMPERATURE to south. Use the map on page 12. The Normal Daily Maximum 60 70 80 78 68 56 distance from the south entrance of Yellowstone National Normal Daily Minimum 31 38 42 41 34 26 PRECIPITATION Park to the south boundary of Grand Teton National Park is Normal 1.9" 2.2" 1.2" 1.4" 1.3" 1.0" 1/ Maximum 2.9" 4.0" 2.2" 3.9" 3.7" 2.6" 56 miles; approximate driving time with no stops is 1 2 hours. Maximum Snowfall 14" 6" 6" 2" 8" 18" Please follow posted speed limits, watch for wildlife on roads Days w/measurable Precip. 10 10 7 8 8 9 Average No. Thunderstorms 5 11 14 12 2 0 and be prepared for occasional delays due to road construction. ON A HALF DAY replica of the ferry that crossed the Snake formed by an immense glacier that once Take a Hike - Over 200 miles of hiking Colter Bay Visitor Center and Indian River at the turn of the century. The altar flowed from Yellowstone National Park. trails in the park and parkway range from Arts Museum - Visit the museum to view window of the Chapel of the Transfiguration Park on the southwest side of the dam and level and easy trails on the valley floor to art created by native people and gain a frames the tallest Teton peaks. Please be take a short walk for a peaceful view of steep, arduous trails into the mountains. glimpse of 19th-century Native American respectful; the chapel is a house of worship. Jackson Lake and Mt. Moran. At visitor centers, ask a ranger for recommended hikes and look at or life. Native American and wildlife ON A WHOLE DAY Antelope Flats - Kelly Loop - At Gros purchase maps and trail guides. videotapes and a park orientation slide Willow Flats - Stop at the Willow Flats Ventre Junction, 5 miles south of Moose program are shown throughout the day. Turnout, 6 miles south of Colter Bay for a Junction on Highway 26-89-191, turn Raft Trips on the Snake River - Park Signal Mountain Summit Road - This 5- view of an extensive freshwater marsh that east. Follow the road to the small town of and parkway concessioners operate trips mile drive starts one mile south of Signal provides excellent habitat for birds, Kelly. To see the Gros Ventre Slide, turn at on the Snake River daily. Watch for Lodge and Campground. The beavers and moose. Jackson Lake and the the sign marked “national forest access.” along the banks and bald eagles and road winds to the top of Signal Mountain, Teton Range form the backdrop. The Gros Ventre Slide occurred in 1925 American white pelicans soaring above. when earthquakes and rain caused the 800 feet above the valley. Summit Oxbow Bend - Located one mile east of Ride a Bike - The Teton Park Road has north end of Sheep Mountain to slide and overlooks provide a panoramic view of the Jackson Lake Junction, this cut-off wide shoulders and superb views of the dam the Gros Ventre River, forming Lower entire Teton Range, Jackson Lake and meander of the Snake River attracts a Tetons. The Antelope Flats – Kelly Loop Slide Lake. Follow the Antelope Flats most of Jackson Hole. The road is narrow wide variety of wildlife. Mt. Moran, the provides riding opportunities on secondary Road along hayfields and ranches to rejoin and parking at overlooks is limited, so no most massive peak in the Teton Range, roads. Ride bicycles only where cars can Highway 26-89-191. trailers or large motorhomes, please. dominates the background. legally go; bicycles are not allowed on Menor’s Ferry and the Chapel of the Jackson Lake Dam Overlook - Jackson MANY DAYS trails nor in the backcountry. Ranger-led Activities - Join a ranger for Transfiguration - Turn off the Teton Park Lake Dam, one mile west of Jackson Lake Horseback Riding - Park concessioners 1 a visitor center talk, museum tour, stroll, Road /2-mile north of Moose. The Junction on the Teton Park Road, raises offer horseback rides at Colter Bay, 1 hike or evening program. A list of scheduled Menor’s Ferry Trail, less than /2-mile the level of Jackson Lake a maximum of Jackson Lake Lodge and Flagg Ranch. long, affords a look at homesteading and 39 feet. In addition to being a reservoir, programs is in this newspaper. Attend these pioneer life in Jackson Hole. Visit Bill Jackson Lake is also a natural lake activities to learn more about the natural Menor’s cabin and country store. Ride a and human history of the park and parkway. 7 CAMPING AND HIKING

CAMPGROUND OPEN FILLING TIME approx. Gros Ventre Evening or 372 sites, trailer dumping April 29 - Oct. 17 station. may not fill

Jenny Lake 51 sites, restricted to tents. May 13 - Sept. 20 8:00 a.m.

Signal Mountain 86 sites, 30-foot vehicle max, May 10 - Oct. 14 10:00 a.m. trailer dumping station. Colter Bay 350 sites, trailer dumping station, propane available, May 20 - Sept. 27 Noon laundry & showers nearby.

Lizard Creek June 10 - Sept. 3 2:00 p.m. Camping in the Park 60 sites, 30-foot vehicle max Grand Teton National Park operates five reservations are NOT accepted. camping. Group sites are located at required. Requests for reservations should campgrounds. The fee is $12 per night Campgrounds fill to capacity during July Colter Bay and Gros Ventre campgrounds be made starting on January 1 by writing per site and $6 for Golden Age/Golden and August. Approximate filling times are only. Group site capacities range from 10 to: Campground Reservations, Grand Access cardholders. Hiker/biker sites at listed. For current status of campgrounds, to 100 people. The nightly use fee is Teton National Park, Moose, WY 83012 Jenny Lake and Colter Bay are $5 per contact entrance stations or visitor centers. $3.00 per person plus a $15 non- or fax to: (307) 739-3438. night. Jenny Lake Campground is open Additional camping facilities are available Trailer Villages to tents only. Other campgrounds will in nearby national forests and other areas Colter Bay and Flagg Ranch Trailer accommodate tents, trailers, and outside the park. Villages are concessioner-operated trailer recreational vehicles. All campgrounds CAMPING IS NOT PERMITTED facilities with full hook-ups, showers and have modern comfort stations, but do ALONG ROADSIDES, IN laundry. Colter Bay has 112 sites. Flagg not have utility hookups. The maximum OVERLOOKS OR IN PARKING Ranch has 100 trailer and 75 tent sites. length of stay is 7 days per person at AREAS. Doubling-up in campsites is not Advance reservations are advisable. See Jenny Lake and 14 days at all other permitted and there are no overflow page 2 for details. Ask at a visitor center National Park Service campgrounds—no facilities. refundable reservation fee. Organized for additional trailer parks located outside more than 30 days in the park per year. groups such as youth, religious and Group Camping the park and parkway. NPS campgrounds operate on a Reservations are available for group educational groups may use the group first-come, first-served basis and advance campsites. Advance reservations are Backcountry Comfort Pit toilets are provided at many trailheads, but there are no toilets in the backcountry. Be sure to urinate at least 150 feet from streams and lakes. To prevent contamination of waterways, bury feces in a hole 6-8 inches deep at least 200 feet from streams and lakes. Pack out used toilet paper, tampons, sanitary napkins and diapers in sealed plastic bags. Do not bury or burn them. Food Storage in Bear Country All food, food containers and cooking utensils must be stored in a closed, locked vehicle both day and night. Inside a car trunk is best; otherwise, keep food covered inside a vehicle with doors locked and windows rolled up. Ice chests, thermoses, dirty dishes, cups and pans must be stored in the same manner as food: inside a locked vehicle. The only exceptions allowed are during the preparation and eating of food and during food transport. Failure to observe the below regulations is a violation of federal law and may result in citations and fines. ✔ Trash and garbage must be ✔ Absolutely no food, garbage or ✘ DO NOT bury food scraps, ✔ By storing food and related stored in the same manner as food odorous products may be stored in containers or fish entrails. Deposit items properly, you set a good or placed in campground trashcans tents or sleeping bags. them in proper garbage receptacles. example for other campers and or dumpsters. Clean grills and minimize the chance of bear-camper picnic tables. ✔ When an enclosed vehicle is not ✘ DO NOT leave food, containers conflicts for yourself and other available for food storage, hang food or garbage unattended in camp for campers. ✔ Treat odorous products such as properly or use food storage boxes, even a few minutes. Bears are active soap, deodorant, suntan lotion and if available. both day and night. ✘ NEVER feed or approach a bear. 8 perfumes in the same manner as food. Hiking and Camping in Bear Country Black and grizzly bears live throughout the park and parkway and may be active any time of the day or night. The following guidelines are for your If You Encounter a Bear, do not run. protection and for the preservation of Running may elicit an attack. If the bear bears, one of the true signs of wild country. is unaware of you, detour quickly and A Fed Bear Is a Dead Bear quietly away. If the bear is aware but has Feeding spells death for not acted aggressively, back bears. Allowing a bear to away slowly, talking in an obtain human food, even even tone while waving once, often results in your arms. aggressive behavior. The Aggressive Bears bear is then a threat to If a bear approaches or human safety and must be charges you, do not run. It removed or destroyed. Do will increase the chances of not allow bears or other attack. Do not drop your wildlife to obtain human pack; it may protect your Bears & Wilderness food. body if attacked. Bears often Use the Counter Balance bluff charge, stopping before Avoid Encounters method illustrated above Wild bears symbolize wilderness. Help us Make bears aware of your contact. Bear experts when storage boxes or poles generally recommend maintain bear populations and prevent bear presence by making loud are not available. This is noises like shouting or the only method that will standing still until the bear problems. Follow the recommended singing. Be especially careful protect your food and the stops, then backing away in dense brush or along bear. You will need 50 feet slowly. Climbing trees is no of rope and two stuff sacks. practices for safe hiking and backcountry streams where water makes protection from black bears camping. Report all bear sightings and noise. Bells are not and may not help with recommended because the sound does grizzlies either. If you are knocked down, not carry well. Look ahead when hiking. curl into a ball protecting your stomach incidents at a visitor center or ranger station. and back of your head and neck. Water Warning Cool, crystal clear stream water looks Drinking untreated water can make you tempting to drink. As more and more ill. Carry sufficient water from approved people camp and hike in the sources, such as water spigots and backcountry, however, the incidence drinking fountains in the park and of intestinal infection from parkway, when hiking or enjoying any drinking untreated water has other outdoor activity. If you must use increased throughout the West. water from lakes or streams, boil Giardia, Campylobacter and other water for 3-5 minutes to kill harmful harmful bacteria may be transmitted microorganisms or filter with an through untreated water. approved device. Self-Guiding Trails Sample the history, natural history, and mystery of Jackson Hole. Obtain free trail guides at visitor centers and trailheads, except for Lunch Tree Hill and String Lake, where signs are placed along the trail. Expanded versions of the trail guides for Cascade Canyon, Taggart Lake and the Colter Bay area are also sold at park visitor centers. Cascade Canyon Trail - Follow part or Lunch Tree Hill Trail - This self-guided Access Trail at String Lake - A paved all of the Cascade Canyon Trail. From the trail at Jackson Lake Lodge answers the trail follows the shore of String Lake for east shore boat dock to Inspiration Point question “What’s in a name?” Small 1/4-mile. Wayside exhibits explain the is 5.8 miles roundtrip (2.2 miles via wayside exhibits interpret the 1/2-mile trail. formation of glacial lakes. shuttle boat). Menor’s Ferry Trail - A 1/2-mile Colter Bay Area - A variety of trails lead Cunningham Cabin Trail - loop begins at the Chapel of the from the vicinity of the Colter Bay Cunningham Cabin is located 6 miles Transfiguration parking lot in Moose and Visitor Center, including the Lakeshore 1 south of Moran. Take a 3/4-mile walk to passes Bill Menor’s cabin and ferry and Trail, paved for /2-mile. learn about the early ranching history of an exhibit of historic photographs. Fire Waysides - Interpretive signs at Jackson Hole. Taggart Lake Trail - The 3.2-mile Cottonwood Creek picnic area and Flagg Ranch Area - The Polecat Creek Taggart Lake trail traverses a major Jackson Lake overlook explain various Loop Trail (2.3 miles) and nearby Flagg portion of the 1,028-acre Beaver Creek aspects of fire ecology and local fire history. Canyon Trail (5.0 miles roundtrip) offer fire. The trail begins at the Taggart Lake Scenic Turnouts - Consult interpretive scenic hiking opportunities. Leaflets parking area, 3 miles northwest of Moose. signs at scenic turnouts to learn about the available at visitor centers. natural history and geology of the Teton Range and Jackson Hole. 9 PARK PARTNERS Grand Teton National Grand Teton Natural Park Foundation History Association

More than four million visitors come to before. Please help the park keep its Grand Teton Natural History Association Teton and the Greater Yellowstone Grand Teton National Park each year to promise to the future by joining the operates interpretive and educational Ecosystem contact: gaze at the mountains, marvel at the Grand Teton National Park Foundation bookstores in five visitor centers in Grand Teton Natural History Association wildlife, and enjoy experiences than today. Grand Teton National Park, John D. P.O. Drawer 170 enrich their lives. They go home secure in Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway, and Grand Teton National Park Foundation Moose, Wyoming 83012 the knowledge that Grand Teton several outlets in National Forest and P. O . Box 249 (307) 739-3403 National Park will be waiting for their Moose, Wyoming 83012 National Elk Refuge information facilities. next visit, or the visit of their children or (307) 732-0629 When you make a purchase at an grandchildren many years in the future. Association bookstore, profits are That is the promise of the National Park returned to the park in the form of System and its caretakers, the National Help Support Our donations to support visitor programs. Park Service. Foundation Partners Your purchase also supports the However, the increasing popularity Look for Jackson, the Teton Bear Cub in publication of this newspaper and many of national parks, and decreasing federal gift shops throughout the park and at free educational handouts available at dollars to support them, make it harder retail stores in the Jackson Hole area. visitor centers and entrance stations. each year for Grand Teton National Park Jackson, a toy grizzly bear cub, was If you are thinking about ordering to fulfill that promise. Congress has now developed by Manhattan Toy, a partner books, maps and pamphlets about Grand directed the National Park Service to find of the Grand Teton National Park private partners that can help the parks Foundation, to raise money for the achieve long-term goals. Foundation and support Grand Teton The Grand Teton National Park National Park. Foundation is the only non-profit Look for Outlaw Fudge at motels organization dedicated exclusively to and resorts in Jackson Hole. Outlaw raising money for projects that protect, Fudge Company donates $1.00 from the Teton Science School preserve, and enhance Grand Teton sale of every box of fudge to the Since 1967, Teton Science School has For registration, tuition information, and National Park. The Foundation receives Foundation. collaborated with Grand Teton National a free catalog, contact: no government support, relying solely on Drink Grand Teton Water, bottled Park to provide natural science education Teton Science School the generous contributions of private by the Grand Teton Water Company in for students from third grade to adults. individuals, foundations, and Box 68T Jackson. 100% of the profits from water Summer programs include two- to five- corporations to help Grand Teton Kelly, WY 83011 sales are donated to the GTNP Foundation. week residential field ecology and field National Park. 307-733-4765 The bottled water is available throughout natural history courses for high school and Philanthropy in the cause of the park and in Jackson. junior high school students and week-long national parks is not new. The John D. nonresidential programs for third through Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway reminds us that we have the Rockefeller eighth grades. A one-year, masters-level family to thank for a generous 35,000- graduate program in environmental acre land donation that led to today’s education and natural science is also Grand Teton National Park. The Grand offered. This summer Teton Science Teton National Park Foundation School is offering 37 field seminars for promotes the Rockefeller spirit of adults and seven seminars for families. philanthropy. Grand Teton National Park Workshops and seminars for teachers and needs your support now more than ever other professionals are also offered. Entrance Fees 2002 Costs for achieving National Park Service goals in Grand Teton and other national parks have skyrocketed in recent years, while funding has not matched those ascending needs. All Americans support our national parks through tax dollars. Congress allocates some of those dollars to each park area.

Unfortunately, the dollars available • Rehabilitation of wastewater treatment through the appropriation process are only facilities, trailer dump station, comfort sufficient to conduct the yearly operation stations, and sites in the Gros Ventre Fee Schedule for Grand Teton National Park of the park. Money is not available for Campground. Entrance fee Allows entrance to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks for roads, trails, facilities, and infrastructure • Rehabilitation and improvements to 7 days: $20 per vehicle needs. In 1997, Congress authorized the wastewater treatment facilities in Colter $10 per person (single hiker or bicyclist) Recreation Fee Demonstration Program, Bay, Beaver Creek, and Flagg Ranch. $15 per motorcycle which allows selected national parks, • Resurfacing roads in the North District Golden Eagle Passport - $65 Allows entrance to most National Park areas and including Grand Teton and Yellowstone of the park including roads between Colter some other federal fee areas for 12 months from purchase; non-transferable. National Parks, and other federal sites to Bay and the south entrance of Yellowstone National Parks Pass - $50 Allows entrance to most national park areas for increase entrance and other fees. The and the Pacific Creek road. 12 months from purchase; non-transferable. parks were authorized to keep 80% of the fees collected in the park to address the • Replacement panels for interpretive Parks Specific Pass - $40 Allows entrance to Grand Teton and Yellowstone backlog of these needs as part of this exhibits. National Parks for 12 months from purchase; non-transferable. experimental program. In 2002 money The National Park Service appreciates Golden Age Passport - $10 (one-time fee) Allows lifetime entrance to all National generated as a result of increased entrance your support of ongoing efforts to improve Park System areas to American citizens 62 years old or older; non-transferable. fees will be used for: protection of natural and cultural features Golden Access Passport - Free Allows lifetime entrance to all National Park while facilitating safe and memorable System areas to American citizens who can provide proof of permanent disability; 10 visitor experiences. non-transferable. YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK

To Livingston, MT North Important Yellowstone Phone Numbers

Gardiner Northeast 911 for emergencies in Yellowstone National Park Entrance (307) 344-7381 Yellowstone National Park information Mammoth North Entrance 5 mi To Cooke City Hot Springs 18 mi (307) 344-2386 Yellowstone National Park, TDD Slough Creek & Billings, MT (307) 344-7311 Xanterra Parks & Resorts, lodging and camping Tower-Roosevelt Pebble reservations and information Indian Creek 29 mi Creek (307) 344-5395 Xanterra Parks & Resorts, TDD Tower Fall Chittenden Road More information is in Yellowstone Today, the park newspaper, available at Dunraven Pass Yellowstone National Park entrance stations and visitor centers. 21 mi 19 mi Norris Canyon West 12 mi Yellow- West Services stone Entrance 14 mi 14 mi Accommodations 16 mi Old Faithful Inn May 10 – Oct. 13 Madison Fishing Bridge Old Faithful Snow Lodge May 3 – Nov. 3 Lake 16 mi Old Faithful Lodge May 17 – Sept. 15 Bridge Bay To Grant Village May 24 – Sept. 29 Cody, WY Lake Yellowstone Hotel May 17 – Oct. 7 21 mi Lake Lodge June 10 – Sept. 22 17 mi 27 mi East Old Faithful Entrance Canyon Lodge May 31 – Sept. 15 ROAD CONSTRUCTION* Roosevelt Lodge June 7 – Sept. 2 West Thumb SPRING: Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel May 3 – Oct. 7 Grant Madison to Norris Village Up to 30-minute delays SUMMER: Restaurants, General Stores and Service Stations Lewis Madison to Norris Closed 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. The following locations have restaurants or cafeterias, general stores and Lake 22 mi 30-minute delays when open Visitor Center or service stations: Old Faithful • Canyon • Grant Village •Lake • Ranger Station Lewis FALL: Lake Fishing Bridge to Canyon Tower-Roosevelt • Mammoth Hot Springs Campground Up to 30 minute delays Distances are shown South Entrance Canyon to Chittenden Road between markers Closed Canyon to Chittenden Road, Public Showers including Dunraven Pass To Grand Teton Madison to Norris Showers are available to the public (fee charged) at Old Faithful Lodge, National Park Expect closures in morning & evenings 30-minute delays when open Grant Village Campground, Fishing Bridge RV Park and Canyon Locations and schedules are tentative and can *change. For updates, check at a visitor center Campground during the summer season. upon arrival. Yellowstone Roads Yellowstone Visitor Services Spring 2002 Opening Schedule Visitor Centers and Museums Spring weather is unpredictable; roads may be closed temporarily by snow or other weather Information, publications, exhibits, movies/videos and ranger programs are available. For details visit or conditions. Snow tires or chains may be required. Weather and snow conditions permitting, tentative road opening dates for automobiles are: Albright Visitor Center, Mammoth Hot Springs April 19: Mammoth to Old Faithful; West Entrance to Old Faithful Open year-round, 8am-7pm in summer, (307) 344-2263 April 26: Norris to Canyon Canyon Visitor Center May 3: Canyon to Lake to East Entrance; Tower-Roosevelt to Tower Fall; Opens May 25, 8am-7pm, (307) 242-2550 Cooke City to Chief Joseph Highway (if conditions allow) Fishing Bridge Visitor Center May 10: Old Faithful to South Entrance; Lake to West Thumb Opens May 25, 8am-7pm, (307) 242-2450 (earlier if conditions allow) Grant Village Visitor Center May 24: Beartooth Pass (outside the northeast entrance) Opens May 25, 8am-7pm, (307) 242-2650 June 21: Dunraven Pass (earlier if conditions allow) Madison Information Station Open year-round: Gardiner to Cooke City Opens May 25, 8am-7pm, (307) 344-2821 Autumn 2002 Closing Schedule Museum of the National Park Ranger, Norris The only park road that remains open to wheeled vehicles all winter is the road from Opens May 25, 9am-6pm Gardiner, MT at the North Park Entrance to Silver Gate & Cooke City near the Northeast Norris Geyser Basin Museum Park Entrance. Other roads close at 8:00 a.m. on the following schedule: Opens May 25, 10am-5pm, (307) 344-2812 October 8: Tower to Chittenden Road Old Faithful Visitor Center November 4: All park roads close at 8:00 a.m. except the North Entrance to Opens April 19, 8am-7pm in summer, (307) 545-2750 Cooke City road. West Thumb Information Station Opens May 25, 9am-5pm, (307) 242-2652 West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce/Public Lands Desk Camping in Yellowstone 8am-4pm, 8am-8pm in summer First-Come, First-Served Campsites may fill early in the day, especially during There are eleven campgrounds and one RV July and August. Yellowstone Campgrounds park in Yellowstone National Park. Seven Camping or overnight vehicle Xanterra Parks & Resorts campgrounds are operated by the National parking in pullouts, parking areas, picnic CAMPGROUNDS Open No. Sites Fee* Park Service: Mammoth, Tower Fall, areas or any place other than a designated reservations available; call (307) 344-7311 Indian Creek, Pebble Creek, Lewis Lake, campground is prohibited; there are no Bridge Bay May 24 - Sept. 15 431 $15 Norris and Slough Creek Campgrounds. overflow camping facilities. Canyon May 31 - Sept. 8 272 $15 Sites at these seven campgrounds are All camping is limited to 14 days Fishing Bridge RV May 17- Sept. 29 346 $29 available on a first-come, first-served basis. between June 15 and September 15 and to Grant Village June 21 - Sept. 29 425 $15 30 days during the rest of the year. Check Madison May 3 - Oct. 20 280 $15 Reservable Campsites out time for all campgrounds is 10:00 a.m. *plus tax Reservations for campgrounds at Canyon, NPS CAMPGROUNDS Open No. Sites Fee Grant Village, Bridge Bay and Madison Group Camping first-come; first-served campgrounds and Fishing Bridge RV Park Group camping areas are available for may be made by contacting 307-344-7311. large organized groups with a designated Indian Creek June 7 - Sept. 16 75 $10 Fishing Bridge RV Park is the only leader such as youth groups, etc. Fees range Lewis Lake June 21 - Nov. 3 85 $10 campground with water, sewer and from $40-75 per night depending on the Mammoth Year-round 85 $12 electrical hookups, and is for hard-sided size of the group. Advance reservations Norris May 17 - Sept. 30 116 $12 vehicles only—no tents or tent trailers. are required and can be made year-round Pebble Creek May 31 - Sept. 30 32 $10 Please make your reservations early by writing to Xanterra Parks & Resorts, Slough Creek May 24 - Oct. 31 29 $10 and/or plan on securing your campsite as P. O. Box 165, Yellowstone Park, WY Tower Fall May 17 - Sept. 30 32 $10 early in the day as possible. Campgrounds 82190 or by calling 307-344-7311. 11 GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK

North Yellowstone National Park South Entrance

G ra ss y 0 1 Kilometer 5 L a k d e a 0 1 Mile 5 Ro Flagg Ranch WINEGAR HOLE

To r John D. e Ashton WILDERNESS iv Colter Bay Rockefeller, Jr. R

e i To Yellowstone NP Memorial k m a 5 18 mi n . 7 Parkway S

Store & Campground Service Gas Station 89 Station 191 287 JACKSON Trailer Lizard Creek LAKE Village Cabin Tent Activities Office Village Picnic Area Stores To Cabins Jackson 16 m Amphitheater 40 mi VISITOR Laundry & Corral i Showers CENTER Restaurants Marina Colter Boat launch Bay



K Leeks GRAND TETON Marina A NATIONAL PARK L T Colter Bay WO OC EA Visitor Center Colter Bay Village N LA KE N Swan Lake O ATILDA M L S A AK M E Jackson EM K Lake Lodge C Jackson Lake Junction A 5 mi E J Moran Entrance Station G

N 3 mi Signal Mountain Lodge 5 mi Signal Mountain 26 287 A CARIBOU-TARGHEE To Mount Moran B R u Dubois 12,605 ft f fa NATIONAL FOREST l r d o Fork Rive LEIGH o a LAKE R r rk e Pa v n i Teto R Grand Targhee W 8 mi String Two ay Ski Area Lake North Jenny Lake Junction Cunningham Cabin Jenny Lake Lodge


4 mi

O JENNY One Way LAKE Triangle X T Hidden South Jenny Lake Junction Ranch Moose To Driggs Falls E Grand Teton Jenny Lake

13,770 ft Visitor Center To T

T Moran k Tents i Chapel of the Trail Teton Canyon e e t Junction Only o e Transfiguration n Menors r 18 mi 8 mi 18 m C Ferry


P o a o r r e k e v w i Dornans k Bradley R South Jenny Lake n Entrance Station o t a

Lake t BRIDGER-TETON R Float Trip

o n o MOOSE C a Parking Area To Jenny Lake d Campground S NATIONAL FOREST VISITOR CENTER Scenic Drive Taggart e k a 4 mi Lake n To S Teton Village Moose Village 8 mi Moose No motorhomes Junction d s Roa or trailers Post Store Parking To Moose Moose at To Fl Office 7 mi Entrance Station telop e Jackson Ranger An 13 mi Station Visitor Center Teton Science School Store Visitor Menors Center Ferry Atherton Creek ad ★ JENNY Phelps Ro Dornans LAKE Lake Parking on ils Kelly Lower Boat ad W o e Rive Dock R tr r Slide Lake Crystal Creek r n Footbridge e Ve e v ros s i 7 mi R G o e o tr Guide n Gros Ventre M e Red Hills Service V ★ Jackson s ro Aerial Tram Hole G Medical Services Airport Teton Granite 4.5 mi Ranger station Village Entrance Station Gros Ventre Restrooms Junction Trail Campground 390 Lodging Unpaved road

To Self-guiding nature trail Idaho Falls Turnout or overlook 5 mi national Food service 26 Distances are shown 89 elk refuge Gasoline between markers Teton Pass 191 Store No motorhomes or trailers Coal Creek 8431ft ★ Marina on the Moose-Wilson Road Wilson between markers Stables 22 Picnic Area Jackson ( firegrates)

Road Work Delays Move Over and Slow Down Under the law, motorists on Wyoming interstates must move Summer is the only time for roadwork because warmth and A new state law requires motorists in Wyoming to move over over to the travel lane farthest away from a stopped emergency dryness are essential for repairing and resurfacing roads. Expect and slow down when passing stopped emergency vehicles with vehicle before they pass. On two-lane highways, passing delays of up to 30 minutes while crews are resurfacing Highway flashing lights. The law is aimed at reducing the danger for these motorists must slow to 20 mph below the speed limit. These 26/89/191, south of Moose Head Ranch continuing through vehicles being hit by passing vehicles. In the last five years, actions are required unless the motorists are otherwise directed Moran Junction to Jackson Lake Lodge. stopped Wyoming Highway Patrol cars have been struck on 27 by a law enforcement officer. Violations can result in fines of up 12 Road Construction Information: (307) 739-3300 different occasions. to $200, jail terms of up to 20 days, or both.