FOI 6579745.Xlsx
Promoter Reference City of Westminster 55277 City of Westminster 59967 City of Westminster 68537 City of Westminster 78973 City of Westminster 156299 City of Westminster 209555 City of Westminster 215014 City of Westminster 219300 City of Westminster 251495 Vodafone 17JHG072 Road Closures (3rd Party) N/A Road Closures (3rd Party) N/A Road Closures (3rd Party) N/A Crane Operations N/A Crane Operations N/A Crane Operations N/A Crane Operations N/A Crane Operations N/A Crane Operations N/A Description Construction of a new Pedestrian Island (between St Christopher's Place & Jason Court) Carriageway Resurfacing Works & Construction of a Pedestrian Island Carriageway resurfacing ‐ Anti‐skid Carriageway resurfacing ‐ Antiskid Upgrade of Footpath Carriageway resurfacing Major Highway works converting Baker Street and Gloucester Place into 2 way working. Details of the scheme can be found on Carriageway and footway resurfacing Footway works Repair defective Vodafone chamber (S81) Valve Repair ‐ Thames Water ‐ Wigmore Street (Eastbound Close) Manderville Place and Marylebone Lane ‐ 29/07/17 ‐ 30/07/17 ‐ Back Up 05/08/17 ‐ 06/08/17. Div: Manderville Place, Hinde Street, Bentinck Street, Welbeck Street, Wigmore Street, Duke Street, Manchester Square. 17/04720/HLTTO Nationwide Traffic Solutions ‐ Wigmore St (between James St & Marylebone Ln) ‐ 12th ‐ 14th Sep 2014 ‐ backup 19th ‐ 21st & 26th ‐ 28th Sep 2014 ‐ ref 67303 Nationwide Traffic Solutions ‐ Wigmore St (between James St & Marylebone Ln) ‐ 03rd ‐ 5th Oct 2014 ‐ backup 10th ‐ 12th & 17th ‐ 19th Oct 2014 ‐ ref 67879 Nationwide Traffic Solutions ‐ Wigmore Street & Marylebone Lane ‐ 26/03/16 ‐ 27/03/16 ‐ Back Up (02/04/16 ‐ 03/04/16) + (09/04/16 ‐ 10/04/16) + (16/04/16 ‐ 17/04/16) + (23/04/16 ‐ 24/04/16) Div Man Mandeville Place, Bentinck Street, Welbeck Street, Wimpole Street, New Cavendish Street, Marylebone High Street, Thayer Street, George Street, Baker Street, Wigmore Street.
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