Netprints: Diagnosing Home Network Misconfigurations Using Shared
NetPrints: Diagnosing Home Network Misconfigurations Using Shared Knowledge Bhavish Aggarwal‡, Ranjita Bhagwan‡, Tathagata Das‡, Siddharth Eswaran,∗ Venkata N. Padmanabhan‡, and Geoffrey M. Voelker† ‡Microsoft Research India ?IIT Delhi †UC San Diego Abstract network elements and applications which are deployed without the benefit of vetting and standardization that Networks and networked applications depend on sev- is typical of enterprises. An application running in the eral pieces of configuration information to operate cor- home may experience a networking problem because of rectly. Such information resides in routers, firewalls, a misconfiguration on the local host or the home router, and end hosts, among other places. Incorrect informa- or even on the remote host/router that the application at- tion, or misconfiguration, could interfere with the run- tempts to communicate with. Worse still, the problem ning of networked applications. This problem is particu- could be caused by the interaction of various configura- larly acute in consumer settings such as home networks, tion settings on these network components. Table 1 il- where there is a huge diversity of network elements and lustrates this point by showing a set of typical problems applications coupled with the absence of network ad- faced by home users. Owing to the myriad problems ministrators. that home users can face, they are often left helpless, not To address this problem, we present NetPrints, a sys- knowing which, if any, of a large set of configuration tem that leverages shared knowledge in a population of settings to manipulate. users to diagnose and resolve misconfigurations. Basi- cally, if a user has a working network configuration for Nevertheless, it is often the case that another user has an application or has determined how to rectify a prob- a working network configuration for the same applica- lem, we would like this knowledge to be made available tion or has found a fix for the same problem.
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