Ann Ist Super Sanità 2012 | Vol. 48, No. 2: 161-171 161 DOI: 10.4415/ANN_12_02_09

The expression and modulation vi ews re of CEACAM1 and tumor cell transformation a nd Valentina Fiori(a), Mauro Magnani(b) and Maurizio Cianfriglia(c) (a)Diatheva srl, Fano (PU), Italy (b)Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari, Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino (PU), Italy (c)

Dipartimento del Farmaco, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy a rt i cles

Abstract. Background. In this review, we focus our discussion on one class of carcinoembryonic an- r i g n a l

tigen-related molecules, -related cell adhesion molecules 1 O (CEACAM1). This has been observed in several malignant transformations to be subjected to com- plex mechanisms of modulation and dysregulation. Aims. Restoration of CEACAM1 expression in tumor cell lines often abolishes their oncogenicity in vivo, and therefore, this adhesion molecule has been regarded as a tumor suppressor. In contrast, de novo expression of CEACAM1 is found with the progression of malignancy and metastatic spread in a large array of cancer tissues which include melanoma, Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC) as well as bladder, prostate, thyroid, breast, colon and gastric carcinomas. Discussion.We report and discuss the most significant findings confirming at immunohistochemical and clinical level the correlation between poor prognosis and expression of CEACAM1 on the cell surface of tumors. Key words: CEACAM1, cancer, dysregulation, NSCLC, melanoma, poor prognosis.

Riassunto (Espressione e modulazione cellulare di CEACAM1 e trasformazione tumorale). In questo articolo abbiamo focalizzato il nostro interesse su di una classe di molecole di adesione e più in particolare sul CEACAM1 che in diversi studi è stato osservato essere coinvolto nella trasforma- zione tumorale attraverso complessi meccanismi di modulazione e di alterata regolazione. Obiettivo. L’espressione di CEACAM1 risulta spesso associata con l’abolizione della oncogenicità di linee cellulari trasformate e pertanto questa molecola di adesione è stata considerata alla stregua di un immunosoppressore tumorale. Discussione. In contrasto con questa osservazione, in molti casi l’espressione de novo di CEACAM1 risulta essere associata con la progressione tumorale e la me- tastatizzazione di diverse forme di cancro che includono il melanoma, il carcinoma polmonare a non piccole cellule, il carcinoma della vescica, della prostata, mammario, tiroideo e del carcinoma gastrico e del colon. In questo articolo riportiamo i dati più significativi della letteratura corrente che dimostrano attraverso studi immunoistochimici e clinici una stretta correlazione fra prognosi infauste ed espressione del CEACAM1 sulla superficie di cellule tumorali. Parole chiave: CEACAM1, cancro, alterata regolazione, NSCLC, melanoma, prognosi infausta.

INTRODUCTION ous cells thus playing a key role in the modulation of CEACAMs are cell surface involved in various types of cancers. intercellular binding and belong to the immunoglob- In this review, we restrict our discussion to CEACAM1, ulin superfamily [1]. They are implicated in various which has been reported in several malignant transfor- cellular functions governing growth and differentia- mations to be subjected to a complex mechanism of tion and have an important role in insulin homeos- regulation. tasis [2], vascular neogenesis [3], and immune modu- CEACAM1 has the widest tissue distribution of all lation [4]. Some CEACAM members (CEACAM1, its family members. This receptor is found not only CEACAM3, CEACAM5 and CEACAM6) have also on different epithelial cells, but also on various leu- been identified as receptors for host-specific viruses kocytes. Its expression can be induced in endothe- and bacteria in mice and humans, making these pro- lial or T cells [8]. CEACAM1 shows intercellular teins an interesting example of pathogen/host coevo- homophilic interactions as well as heterophilic bind- lution [5-7]. Further, CEACAMs have been implicat- ing to CEACAM5 expressed on target cells [9, 10]. ed in various intracellular signalling-mediated effects In humans, 11 different CEACAM1 splice variants involved in the growth and differentiation of cancer- have been detected. CEACAM1 isoforms differ with

Address for correspondence: Maurizio Cianfriglia, Dipartimento del Farmaco, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

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respect to the number of extracellular immunoglobu- tient tumor tissue specimens obtained from surgical lin-like domains, membrane anchorage and the length resection have been extremely useful in determining vi ews of their cytoplasmic tail [4]. Isoforms with the long the incidence and prevalence of this biomarker, and re cytoplasmic domain, contain two tyrosine residues for generating hypotheses regarding the clinical rel- that can be phosphorylation and dephosphorylation evance of CEACAM1 expression in the patient pop- a nd targets during intracellular signalling and that con- ulations studied [13, 14]. In the of these studies stitute a functional immunoreceptor tyrosine-based we expected to notice CEACAM1 positive tumor inhibitory motif (ITIM) [11]. subpopulations with less heterogeneous character-

a rt i cles In some tumor cell lines, restoration of CEACAM1 istics to which monoclonal target therapy expression abolishes their oncogenicity in vivo, thus can be applied with an improved expectancy of ef- this cell adhesion molecule has been regarded as a ficacy. Our proposed study tries to respond at least tumor suppressor [12]. In contrast, de novo expres- in part to one of the critical aspects of personalized r i g n a l

O sion of CEACAM1 actually increases the risk of cancer therapy identifying a subgroup of patients metastasis in melanoma patients and is an independ- who are most likely to benefit from a given therapy, ent predictor of survival in NSCLC patients [13, 14] given the presence of homogeneity in the expression raising the possibility that CEACAM1 expression and distribution of CEACAM1 in tumor cells. might facilitate metastatic tumor spread. The aim of this investigation is firstly to analyze the associa- tion between the expression of CEACAM1 in lung EXPRESSION OF CEACAM1 cancer and melanoma and their metastatic deposits IN MALIGNANT MELANOMA in lymph node and hematogenic sites. Secondly, we AND ITS TUMOR PROGRESSION ROLE have also considered the transformation patterns of IN THIS TUMOR ENTITY bladder, prostate, thyroid, breast and gastric can- CEACAM1 plays a role in various physiological cer where, in parallel with CEACAM1 dysregula- and pathophysiological human processes [8] and it tion, the progression of malignancy and metastatic has been suggested as a putative tumor suppressor, spread may be observed. Recent insights into the since its expression was found to be reduced in colon, role of CEACAM1 in cancer will be reported and endometrium, breast, and prostate cancer [20-24]. discussed because of their importance in designing In contrast, a large body of evidence demonstrated a more comprehensive role in cell transformation of that CEACAM1 is a marker for progression and this adhesion molecule as a feasible target for novel metastatization of NSCLC and melanoma. In this forms of in vivo immuno-therapeutic agents. regard, the various contributions of Thies and co- Multi-modal treatments that combine chemother- workers [13, 25-27] eliminate any controversy about apy with surgery or radiotherapy have increased the the role of CEACAM1 in malignant melanoma. In survival rate of tumor patients. In particular, dose- one study published by Thies et al. on 2002 [13], intensification has recently improved their cure rate, CEACAM1 expression was immunohistochemi- despite the increase of severe toxicity and high level cally evaluated in 100 primary cutaneous malignant of life-threatening late events, such as secondary melanomas and correlated with metastasis in a 10- malignancies. year follow-up. In addition, CEACAM1 expression The development of selective and better tolerated was analyzed in metastatic lesions (11 distant me- cancer therapeutics possibly represents an important tastasis and 6 sentinel lymph node metastasis). The goal in the research of new and more effective treat- results obtained in this study showed a strong cor- ment of CEACAM1 positive tumors. Antibody-based relation between the expression of CEACAM1 in cancer treatments have given promising results in sev- primary tumors and the subsequent development of eral malignancies and specific monoclonal metastatic disease. (mAbs) have demonstrated clinical efficacy in patients In fact, among the 40 patients with CEACAM1- with solid tumors unresponsive to chemotherapy [15]. positive primary melanomas 28 developed metastat- Although it seems unlikely to cure a large mass of ic disease, compared with only 6 of 60 patients with tumors by the administration of mAbs alone [16], CEACAM1-negative melanomas. In the majority the combination of tumor targeting mAbs with of positive cases, the strongest CEACAM1 expres- conventional anticancer drugs represents an effec- sion was observed at the invading front. In addi- tive strategy to overcome the intrinsic or acquired tion, CEACAM1 expression was preserved in the resistance of solid tumors [17, 18] which often are metastatic lesions. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed extremely aggressive and show a low survival rate a highly significant association betweenC EACAM1 despite the adoption of multimodal treatments [19]. expression and metastasis (P < 0.0001); multivari- In order to identify a CEACAM1 tumor sub-popu- ate Cox regression analysis, including CEACAM1 lation to which immunotherapeutic interventions expression status adjusted for standard prognostic can be applied via a specific antibody we have con- indicators as tumor thickness, presence of ulcera- sidered data obtained from already published results tion, and mitotic rate, confirmed that CEACAM1 concerning biochemical, genetic and phenotypic as- is an independent factor for the risk of metastasis pects of CEACAM1 expressing human tumors. In with a predictive value superior to that of tumor particular, retrospective studies conducted on pa- thickness.

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These findings were confirmed and extended by by Gamblicher [28] indicate that CEA de- Gamblicher and co-workers in a study published tected by the anti-CEA mAb II-7 clone (DAKO, in 2009 [28] that analyzed if the dysregulation of Glostrup, Denmark), is significantly over-expressed vi ews re CEACAM1 was associated with progression of ma- in melanocytic skin lesions with an increase of ex- lignant melanoma. In particular, the authors empha- pression at more advanced stages of neoplastic pro- a nd sized the lack of studies systematically investigating gression. Hence, conflicting results for CEA detec- CEA (CEACAM5) and CEACAM1 expression in tion in melanoma cells may be also explained by malignant melanoma and in its precursor lesions the specificity of the mAb used. In the same study,

such as spreading melanoma (SSM), dysplastic nevi Gamblicher et al. showed that CEACAM1 pro- a rt i cles (DN), and benign nevi (BN). tein detected by mAb 29H2 (catalog No. ab49510; The data reported by Gamblicher et al., obtained Abcam, Cambridge, MA) is significantly over-ex- from 106 cases of histopathologically proven BN pressed in thick SSM, thin SSM, and DN compared r i g n a l

(n = 42), DN (n = 22), thin SSM (n = 21) and with BN, with a stepwise over-expression in melano- O thick SSM (n = 21), revealed an apparently step- cytic skin lesions at more advanced stages of neo- wise increase of CEACAM1 protein expression in plastic progression. Thies et al. [13] suggested that melanocytic skin lesions at more advanced stages of mAb 4D1/C2 specific for CEACAM1 is highly sen- neoplastic progression. CEACAM1 protein was sig- sitive and may be a worthy complement to standard nificantly over expressed in thick SSM, thin SSM, antibody panels for diagnosis of melanoma cells. and DN compared with BN. Moreover, CEACAM1 They found that for the detection of CEACAM1, expression was significantly increased in thick SSM the monoclonal antibody 4D1/C2 was by far supe- compared with DN with a staining intensity more rior to the commercial CEACAM1 mAb 29H2, for pronounced at the invasive front of SSM. Similarly, detecting malignant melanoma cells. In particular, they observed significantly increased CEA expres- the sentinel lymph node sensitivity of 4D1/C2 was sion in DN and SSM compared with expression significantly higher (95% vs 40%). In addition, Thies in BN. CEA expression in thick SSM was also in- and co-workers also showed that the sensitivity of creased compared with expression in DN. These the 4D1/C2 antibody against CEACAM1 is supe- data give support to previous studies indicating that rior to the classic trio S-100, Melan-A, and HMB- CEACAM1 may have an important role in the devel- 45 immunohistochemical markers for detecting opment and progression of cutaneous melanoma. melanoma cells. An additional form of CEACAM1-associated biological resistance that renders the immune at- tack ineffective [29] has provided evidence in several MELANOMA METASTASIS TO SENTINEL reports by Markel et al. [30-32]. They showed that LYMPH NODES SELECTIVELY DENTIFIED CEACAM1 expression is actively up-regulated in BY CEACAM1 SPECIFIC MAB 4D1/C2 response to interferon-gamma on melanoma cells Classification schemas for cancers are useful in surviving specific lymphocyte-mediated aggression, predicting overall survival and the selection of pa- conferring on these cells enhanced resistance against tients for treatment. Historically, the most important new attacks. Since effector functions of natural killer factors in determining prognosis in patients with and T cells are inhibited by homophilic CEACAM1 melanoma have been tumor thickness and lymph interaction, immune escape could be responsible for node status. In particular, sentinel lymph node the poor prognosis of CEACAM1 over-expressing (SLN) mapping offers greater accuracy in staging tumors. because it defines a subset of patients with micro- scopic metastatic disease and for this reason has be- come an integral part of the revised staging system THE IMPORTANCE OF MONOCLONAL for cutaneous malignant melanoma as proposed by ANTIBODIES SPECIFICITY FOR CEA American Joint Committee for Cancer [36, 37]. The (CEACAM5) AND CEACAM1 STAINING histopathological assessment of SLN biopsy, re- IN MELANOMA SAMPLES flecting the regional lymph node status is critically CEA staining with polyclonal or specific mono- important for accurate staging [38], however, the clonal antibodies (mAbs) is not rare in malignant best method to detect single melanoma cells with- melanoma. However, in independent studies con- in the SLN is still being controversially discussed. ducted by Sanders et al. [33] and Ravindranath et al. As SLNs may contain benign nevus cells inclusion [34] they found that anti CEA specific mAbs were (BNI), a significant diagnostic problem arises as not reactive with malignant melanoma. By contrast, BNIs can be mistakenly diagnosed as metastatic Selby et al. [35] found CEA immunoreactivity with a melanoma cells. Pathologic evaluation of SLNs us- polyclonal antibody in a significant number of ma- ing immunohistochemistry has improved diagnostic lignant melanoma cases. However the authors did accuracy, yet there is no universally accepted stand- not exclude the possibility of a cross-reactivity of the ard protocol for pathologic processing of SLNs. For polyclonal antibody with molecules such as nonspe- example, Karimipour and co-workers [39] evaluated cific cross-reacting antigen (NCA; CEACAM6) that the sensitivity and efficacy of S-100, HMB-45, and share antigenic sites with CEA. The data reported Melan-A stains for SLN biopsy. In this work, 99

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positive SLNs from 72 patients were retrospectively tween both, thus the true incidence of metastatic reviewed for the presence of microscopic metastatic melanoma cells might be overestimated. Therefore, vi ews melanoma on hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), S-100, it is urgent to identify tumor markers suitable for re HMB-45, and Melan-A stained sections and sensi- highly sensitive and specific analyses of melanoma tivities of each immunohistochemical stain were de- cells within SLNs. a nd termined. The sensitivities of S-100, HMB-45, and A growing body of evidence indicates that altera- Melan-A were 97%, 75%, and 96% respectively. In tions of adhesion molecules play a pivotal role in the light of these results Karimipour et al. conclud- the development of recurrent, invasive and distant

a rt i cles ed that, given the lower sensitivity of mAb HMB-45, metastasis. Loss of intercellular adhesion represents the practice for evaluation of SLN biopsy specimens the first step in the process that leads malignant in their group was modified using combinations of cells to escape from their site of origin and finally H&E, S-100, and Melan-A without HMB-45. If the invade and metastasize. In addition to participat- r i g n a l

O H&E sections were found negative or equivocal for ing in tumor invasiveness and metastasis, adhesion metastatic melanoma, immunohistochemistry stain- molecules regulate or significantly contribute to a ing with S-100 and Melan-A was performed. variety of functions including , Kucher et al. [40] investigated whether the use of cell growth, differentiation, site-specific expres- the newer marker Melan-A detected by a mono- sion, morphogenesis, immunologic function, cell clonal antibody would improve the detection of motility, wound healing, and inflammation [41]. metastatic melanoma in SLN biopsies and replace During tumor metastasis, modulation of cell ad- S-100 and HMB45 stains. In this study, 40 lymph hesion molecules expression and aberrant glycosyla- nodes previously diagnosed with metastatic melano- tion of molecules can be analyzed ma were retrospectively evaluated for S-100, HMB- using lectins. In order to define the glycoconjugated 45, and Melan-A expression. In a parallel study, 42 profiling of primary melanoma and the presence of SLN biopsies for metastatic melanoma detection genuine melanoma tumor cells in its SLN and dis- were prospectively collected and evaluated for S- tant metastasis, Thies et al. [25] analyzed the expres- 100, HMB-45, and Melan-A expression. All lymph sion of the two adhesion molecules, CEACAM1 nodes with metastatic melanoma from the retrospec- and , using specific antibodies (L1-11A against tive study demonstrated S-100 reactivity, five failed L1 and 4D1/C2 against CEACAM1), in comparison to express either HMB-45 or Melan-A, and one of with standard immunological probes which include the metastasis tested positive for S-100 and HMB- Melan A, S100 and HMB45. To complete the above 45 but failed to show reactivity with Melan-A. In mentioned study, Thies and co-workers used a panel the prospective study 10 lymph nodes from 42 cases of tumor binding lectins such as HPA, the lectin positive for metastatic melanoma, were positive for from Helix pomatia which recognizes terminal al- S-100, 9 were positive for HMB-45, and 9 were posi- pha N-acetylgalactosamine residue, the lectin ML- tive for Melan-A . Then, the authors concluded that 1 from mistletoe and peanut lectin PNA. Previous Melan-A, although very specific, cannot replace the histochemical studies have demonstrated that ex- use of S-100 and HMB-45 for the detection of meta- pression of HPA-binding glycoproteins by cancer static melanoma in SLNs. It can, however, substitute cells is a marker of metastatic competence and HMB-45 with equally good results. poor prognosis in a range of common human ad- Hence, micrometastasis in a lymph node can be enocarcinomas, including those of breast, stomach, easily missed on routine H&E-stained sections, ovary, esophagus, colorectum, thyroid and prostate therefore, S-100 HMB-45 and Melan-A immuno- [42]. Mistletoe lectin ML-1 and peanut lectin PNA histochemical stains are standardly performed on binding sites are widespread in human tissues, with grossly negative SLNs for detection of metastatic staining patterns varying by tissue type. The lectin melanoma. Each of these immunohistochemical ML-1 seems to induce an anti-angiogenic response markers, however, is not ideal. in the host suggesting that the anti-metastatic effect, Thies and co-workers criticize the specificity observed on a series of tumor cell lines in mice, is in of reagent used for melanoma detection in SLN part due to an inhibition of tumor-induced angio- and propose other immunological and molecular genesis and in part due to an induction of methods. In a detailed overview [25] they reported [43]. PNA is selective for acrosomes in rat and hu- that S100 shows frequent background staining of man sperm, [44, 45] and has also been used to label Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, macrophages and the synaptic in the study of de- Schwann cells. MelanA stains normal melanocytes veloping neuromuscular junctions [46] and serves as as well as malignant melanoma cells. HMB45 be- a marker for certain melanomas [47, 48]. ing a marker of melanocytic differentiation is more Thies et al. assessed the expression of L1, CEACAM1, specific but less sensitive. Detection of mRNA and binding of the lectins HPA, ML-I and PNA, in from melanocyte-associated such as tyrosi- benign nevi (n = 12), primary melanomas (PTs: n = nase and MART in SLNs by reverse - 67), their corresponding sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs: polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) is a sensitive n = 40), and distant metastasis (DMs: n = 35). In this indicator for the presence of melanoma or nevus study they found that sensitivity and specificity of cells, but again it does not enable the distinction be- anti CEACAM1 mAb 4D1/C2 and L1 exceeded

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Table 1 | Association of increased CEACAM1 expression with tumor transformation in normal cells and tissues

Tumor type Hystological aspect of Clinical relevance Remarks References vi ews re

CEACAM1 expression

Melanoma *BN 0-3**; DN, 0-10; Thin Correlation with tumor Normal skin cells adjacent to the Gambichler a nd

SSM, 2-20; Thick SSM, progression and poor survival tumor lesion did not show et al., 2009 [28] 10-80. CEACAM1 expression a rt i cles Non –small-cell CEACAM1 expression in MVD expression represents Normal lung cells adjacent to the Dango et al., lung cancer 82/82 NSCLC specimen; an indipendent prognosticator tumor lesion did not show 2008 [56] (NSCLC) increased MVD*** in the for unfavorable cancer related CEACAM1 expression vicinicity of tumors survival r i g n a l

Colon carcinoma IH analysis of CEACAM-S Multivariate analysis shows that CEACAM-L dominance is associated Ieda et al., O and CEACAM-L showed CEACAM-L dominance was and with short survival and is important 2011 [72] staining at the invasion independent risk factor for lymph for colorectal cancer cell invasion front of tumor node metastasis. and migration

Urinary Bladder CEACAM1 immunostaining Higher CEACAM1 expression High CEACAM1 is detect in urinary Oliveira-Ferrer Cancer is absent in normal levels are associated with UCB ( 207 ng/ml versus 0 ng/ml et al., [54] urothelium but appears cancer presence and muscle in endothelial cells of UCB invasive cancer

Thyroid carcinoma CEACAM1 is not appreciably CEACAM1 is expressed in CEACAM1 reactivity was associated Liu et al., expressed in normal thyroid thyroid carcinoma cell line with metastatic spread but not 2007 [57] tissues derived from tumors that show with increased tumor size aggressive behavior

Gastric carcinoma All tissue samples of gastric A more malignant The transformation of CEACAM1 Zhou et al., carcinoma examined from transformation in distribution from membrane to 2009 [63] 2001 to 2006 expressed gastric carcinoma is associated cytoplasm is an important incident for CEACAM1 with membranous with higher cytoplasmic the reverse effects on the tumorous or cytoplasmic staining staining angiogenesis facilitating metastasis of carcinoma cells to lymph nodes

* BN, benign nevi; DN, dysplastic nevi; thin (< 1 mm Breslow tumor thickness and thick > 1 mm Breslow tumor thickness superficial spreading melanoma (SSMs). ** Percentage of CEACAM1 stained cells. ***MVD, microvessel density. Immunohistochemistry analysis performer on 222 tissue samples.

that of the standard markers MelanA, S100, and cept of a tumor suppressive effect of CEACAM1 HMB45 in single marker use so these antibodies since its putative angiogenic function. could be a worthy completion to standard antibody Tumor growth and progression depend on angio- panels for diagnosis of melanoma cells. Moreover, genesis, which is regulated by angiogenic activators both molecules seem to be functionally involved in and inhibitors [49, 50]. In the intricate angiogenesis lymphatic and haematogenous spread, and are thus system, cell adhesion molecules play an important promising targets for immunotherapy. Lectin bind- role in vascular morphogenesis and endothelial ing was found in PTs and DMs (HPA: 69% and signaling [51]. Human CEACAM1 is an adhesion 77%; ML-I: 82% and 77%, respectively), but rarely molecule with pro angiogenic activity acting as a in SLNMs (HPA: 20%, ML-I: 20%, PNA: 5%, re- major effector of vascular endothelial growth fac- spectively). The authors concluded that CEACAM1 tor (VEGF). It has been shown that the angiogenic and L1 seem to have multidimensional importance effects of CEACAM1 are additional to those of the for diagnosis, prognostic estimations and treatment VEGF: the expression of CEACAM1 was up-regu- of malignant melanoma. As they are expressed in lated by VEGF, and VEGF-induced in vitro tube the overwhelming majority of lymphatic and hema- formation was completely blocked by a monoclonal togenous metastasis, they represent a potential tar- anti-CEACAM1 antibody [52, 53]. get for antimetastatic immunotherapy. Oliveira-Ferrer and co-workers [54] have observed that CEACAM1, which is ubiquitously expressed in the luminal surface of normal bladder urothelium, THE ROLE OF CEACAM1 IN CANCER is down regulated in bladder cancer cells while it The role of CEACAM1 in tumor cells is still a is concurrently up regulated in endothelial cells of matter of active investigation for the putative, ap- adjacent blood vessels. This differential switch in parently contradictory, function of down- and up- CEACAM1 expression is accompanied by an up-reg- regulation in different types of cancer. Several stud- ulation of pro-angiogenic and pro-lymphangiogenic ies have challenged the previously postulated con- factors such as VEGF-C and -D. Interestingly, the

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up-regulation of CEACAM1 during this angiogenic tial providing a putative mechanism underlying the activation of endothelial cells is detectable both in spectrum of biologic with thyroid cancer. vi ews a membrane-bound form and in the supernatant of Therefore, detailed investigations of the expression re these cells [52]. So, strategies targeting endothelial patterns of CEACAM1 in many different types of CEACAM1 may be of benefit for anti-angiogenic cancer are crucial in determining how CEACAM1 a nd bladder cancer therapy. Similar observations were might be involved in carcinogenesis and what sig- made by Tilki et al. [55] in prostate cancer where nificance the altered CEACAM1 expression might epithelial CEACAM1 downregulation in prostate have for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of

a rt i cles intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) is accompanied by distinct cancer types. The emerging picture of the upregulation of VEGF-A, -C and -D and concur- involvement of CEACAM1 is thus very complex. rently, CEACAM1 is upregulated in adjacent blood Nonetheless, the CEACAM1 expression pattern has vessels. In electron microscope studies conducted by been confirmed, in independent laboratories, to be r i g n a l

O the authors, the majority of PIN-associated blood a useful and valuable prognosticator parameter in vessels were structurally destabilized exhibiting en- different types of tumors. dothelial fenestration, trans- and inter-endothelial gaps and basement membrane degradation, indicat- ing activation of angiogenesis. In some PIN areas, EXPRESSION AND ASSOCIATION invasion of single tumor cells into the destabilized OF INHIBITOR OF DIFFERENTIATION blood vessels was observed. Based on these data, the (ID-1) AND CEACAM1 IN BENIGN, authors concluded that strategies to either conserve PREMALIGNANT, AND MALIGNANT the epithelial CEACAM1 or to target endothelial LESIONS OF HUMAN MAMMARY GLANDS CEACAM1 might be useful for an anti-angiogenic Breast carcinogenesis is probably a multistep proc- therapy of prostate cancer. ess that evolves from a benign stage at the terminal In order to investigate a possible angiogenic influ- duct lobular unit (TDLU), progresses through an ence of CEACAM1 in non-small-cell lung cancer intermediate proliferative stage with or without the (NSCLC), Dango et al. [56] analyzed specimens atypical hyperplastic , and eventually ter- from 82 consecutive patients with completely resect- minates in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma [58]. ed NSCLC, examining microvessel density (MVD) The inhibitor of differentiation/DNA synthesis and CEACAM1 expression, immunohistochemical- (Id-1) protein functions mainly as a dominant in- ly stained using the monoclonal anti-CD31 antibody hibitor of the bHLH transcription factor and plays JC70A and monoclonal anti -CEACAM-1 antibody a critical role in regulating cell proliferation [59]. It 4D1/C2 respectively. The authors observed that in- may be involved in the malignant progression of creased CEACAM1 expression in the tumor cells human cancer. In particular, Id-1 is constitutively and increased MVD in the vicinity of the primary expressed in highly aggressive and invasive human tumors in NSCLC correlate with the development of breast cancer cells [60] and its expression is related distant metastasis and decreased cancer-related sur- with poor prognosis in some cases [61]. vival. In the cited article, the authors demonstrated In a recent work, Liu and co-workers [62] analyzed that the prognostic impact of CEACAM1 depends the expression of Id-1 and CEACAM1 by also on the prognostic influence of MVD while immunohistochemistry in 97 cases of benign, pre- MVD itself represents an independent prognostica- malignant, and malignant lesions of human mam- tor for unfavorable cancer related survival. This led mary glands. They showed that, in benign lesions, to the suggestion that increased CEACAM1 expres- Id-1 expression is down-regulated and CEACAM1 sion in the tumor cells stimulates angiogenesis. In this is expressed with an apical membrane pattern. In study Dango et al., showed that CEACAM1 has an contrast, in premalignant and malignant lesions, important role in the development and progression CEACAM1 is expressed with cytoplasmic and uni- of cancer. In addition, they did not agree with the form membranous patterns and correlated with Id- postulated role of CEACAM1 being a tumor sup- 1 protein over-expression. These observations could pressor which is based on the observations of down indicate that Id-1 over-expression may inhibit nor- regulation of CEACAM1 in a number of different mal apical expression and promote the movement cancers and the inhibition of in vivo tumor growth of CEACAM1 from apical membrane to bilateral upon re-expression of CEACAM1 in tumor cells. membrane and cytoplasm, and this transformation In another study, Liu and co-workers [57] demon- may occur in the early stage of the tumorigenesis. In strated that CEACAM1 is not appreciably expressed this process, Id-1 should be regarded as a transform- in normal thyroid tissue or benign thyroid tumors ing factor for CEACAM1 expression and move- while it is expressed in thyroid carcinoma cell lines ment but the molecular basis of the transformation derived from tumors that exhibit aggressive behav- remains unknown. ior. In a human thyroid tissue array, CEACAM1 Similar changes on CEACAM1 cellular distribu- reactivity was associated with metastatic spread but tion were also observed by Zhou et al. [63] in gastric not with increased tumor size. These findings iden- carcinoma. The authors analyzed CEACAM1 ex- tify CEACAM1 as a unique mediator that restricts pression in paraffin wax sections of 222 patients with tumor growth whereas increasing metastatic poten- gastric adenocarcinomas classified into three histo-

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types following the Laurén classification: intestinal, therapy. However, it results in a 5-year survival of diffuse, and mixed carcinomas. All of the collected only 50-60% patients in stage I and II [68]. Moreover, gastric carcinomas expressed CEACAM1 with cyto- patients with the same stage of disease have mark- vi ews re plasmic or membranous staining. CEACAM1 was edly different rates of disease progression. There’s expressed mainly with a membranous pattern in the an urgent need for better prognostic parameters in a nd intestinal carcinomas, and with a cytoplasmic pat- operable NSCLC for the identification of subgroups tern in the diffuse carcinomas that generally carry a that could benefit from adjuvant therapy after surgi- worse prognosis. Therefore, membranous distribu- cal resection.

tion of CEACAM1 changing to cytoplasmic stain- In order to elucidate the role of CEACAM1 in the a rt i cles ing may indicate a more malignant transformation progression and survival of patients with operable in gastric carcinomas. Moreover, in this work the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Sienel et al. authors observed high MVD more frequently in [69] analyzed tumor samples from 145 consecutive r i g n a l

the tumors with membranous expression, and low patients with completely resected NSCLC by assess- O MVD in the tumors with cytoplasmic staining (P ing CEACAM1 expression immunohistochemically < 0.0001). So, they concluded that membranous detected by the mAb 4D1/C2. The authors found a CEACAM1 may promote angiogenesis in the car- significant association between CEACAM1 expres- cinoma areas while cytoplasmic CEACAM1 may sion and status of the tumors. In all patients sec- inhibit angiogenesis. Finally, consistent with the tions of normal bronchiolar epithelium exhibited observations on other types of cancer, the authors no immunostaining. In contrast, 73 tumors (50.4%) found that the patients with lymph node metastasis showed between 1 and 66 CEACAM1-positive tu- showed high expression of CEACAM1 in respect mor cells and 72 tumors (49.6%) exhibited even a to patients without lymph node metastasis that higher percentage of positive cells. Sienel and co- showed low expression. These data also confirm the workers, following a detailed statistical analysis, involvement of CEACAM1 in the development of concluded that the absence of CEACAM1 in normal cancer metastasis in gastric carcinoma. lung tissue and its expression in tumor cells argues against a tumor-suppressive role of CEACAM1 in NSCLC. Rather, elevated CEACAM1 expression CEACAM1 AND LUNG CANCER was associated with severe disease progression and The tumor-suppressive role of CEACAM1 is still an unfavorable prognosis with a tendency to reduced a matter of active discussion and not universally ac- cancer-related survival in the total population and cepted by considering (1) the various and complex a significant association to unfavorable outcomes physiological roles in which cell adhesion molecules for advanced diseases. A multivariate Cox regres- are involved in tumorigenesis and (2) the observed sion analysis of the total population confirmed that linkage between CEACAM1 expression level and CEACAM1 expression was an independent predic- malignancy in tumor tissues such as lung cancer and tor for reduced cancer-related survival. The predic- melanoma. tive power of CEACAM1 expression was highlight- As reported above, cell adhesion molecules play a ed by including known prognostic factors such as key role in tumor invasion and metastasis [64]. The pT status, pN status, or patient age into the mul- loss of cell-cell binding that closely correlates with tivariate analysis. In this analysis, only CEACAM1 differentiation and the invasive potential of malig- expression and pN status remained as independent nant tumors is accompanied by a loss of, or altera- predictors for cancer-related survival. tion, in expression of cell adhesion molecules [65]. The study conducted by Thies et al. [27] on malig- It is an exciting issue to address why a cell adhe- nant melanoma patients has challenged the concept sion molecule is able to suppress tumor growth yet of any tumor-suppressive effect of CEACAM1 and promote tumor progression. Although the mecha- reinforced the role of tumor induction and progres- nism of CEACAM1 suppressive action is largely sion of this cell adhesion molecule. For the evalu- unresolved, several reports suggested that it depends ation of CEACAM1 expression in melanoma the on the presence of its cytoplasmic domain that is in- same mAb 4D1/C2 recognized by Sienel et al. as a volved in signal transduction interaction [66]. In tu- high specific for CEACAM1 detection in lung can- mor progression CEACAM1 exhibits properties of cer was utilized. an angiogenic factor in endothelial cells and acts as a Because CEACAM1 expression had a significant major effector of VEGF, suggesting that CEACAM1 clinical impact in advanced tumor stages, the inhibi- expression might promote metastasis by the induc- tion of this molecule may be a new therapeutic strat- tion of angiogenesis at the metastatic site. egy for patients with advanced operable NSCLC. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-relat- ed mortality in Europe and the United States [67]. NSCLC accounts for approximately 80% of all lung EXPRESSION OF CEACAM1 IN cancer patients. Most lung carcinomas are diagnosed ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE LUNG at an advanced stage, conferring a poor prognosis. Histologically, NSCLCs can be subdivided into The standard treatment for early-stage NSCLC pri- adenocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and marily involves surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation large-cell carcinomas. Adenocarcinomas have been

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increasing in incidence during the past decades and 5 (27.8%) patients did. In this study 9 hematogenous have become the most common type of NSCLC in metastasis were also investigated and 7 metastasis vi ews the United States and in Western Europe [70]. (77.8%) showed CEACAM1 expression of the tumor re To date, no satisfactory prognostic markers for the cells. In these cases, the primary tumor also showed stratification of lung adenocarcinomas has emerged CEACAM1 expression. In the two cases in which a nd beyond the classical tumor-node-metastasis classifi- the metastasis showed no CEACAM1 expression, cation which rely on the anatomic description of the the primary tumor was also CEACAM1 negative. tumor spread without considering any biological in- So, a significant positive correlation was found be-

a rt i cles sight into the mechanisms leading to the metastatic tween CEACAM1 expression on cells of the primary potential. However, as discussed above, cell-to-cell tumor, lymph node metastasis (p < 0.005) and hema- and cell-to-matrix interactions play an important togenous metastasis (p = 0.03). CEACAM1 expres- role in this process, and several cell adhesion mol- sion did not correlate with stage, gender, grading or r i g n a l

O ecules mediating these interactions are involved in patient’s age. Compared to patients with tumors not the metastatic spread of tumors. expressing CEACAM1, patients with a CEACAM1- The prognostic relevance of CEACAM1 expres- expressing tumor had a shorter median overall sur- sion in adenocarcinomas has been investigated by vival (21 vs 28 months) and progression-free survival Laack et al. [14] in order to possibly identify a new (11.7 vs 16.3 months). In conclusion, the study con- prognostic marker in this clinically important tu- ducted by Thöm et al. showed that CEACAM1 ex- mor entity. The expression of CEACAM1’s main pression is preserved during lymphatic and hematog- carbohydrate determinant, sialyl Lewis X, was also enous tumor spread of adenocarcinoma of the lung. investigated by this group, as it has been shown to These results support the prognostic relevance of the be a prognostic marker in its own right and may in expression of CEACAM1 in pulmonary adenocarci- addition be functionally involved in CEACAM1- noma and might allow classification of patients into mediated adhesion. In this study, sections from 93 prognostic groups, which could be important for fu- patients with adenocarcinomas of the lung were ture application of targeted therapy. immunohistochemically investigated using mono- clonal anti-CEACAM1 and sialyl Lewis X antibod- ies. Sixty-one tumors were classified asC EACAM1- EXPRESSION OF CEACAM1 positive, and 32 were classified asC EACAM1-nega- IN COLON CANCER tive. Patients with CEACAM1-positive tumors had Several reports have shown that CEACAM1 is a significantly poorer overall (P = 0.00025) and over expressed at protein level in colorectal can- relapse-free (P = 0.00029) survival than those with cer and correlated with clinical stage. Recently, CEACAM1-negative tumors. Only 3 patients did Ieda et al. [72] have deeply investigated the impli- not express the sialyl Lewis X glycotope, whereas cation of CEACAM1 re-expression in colorectal 90 tumors (97%) were sialyl Lewis X-positive. In cancer. The immunohistochemical analyses were multivariate Cox regression analysis, next to tumor conducted with CEACAM1 long (CEACAM1-L) stage and sex, only the expression of CEACAM1 or short (CEACAM1-S) cytoplasmic domain-spe- was a significant independent prognostic factor for cific policlonal antibodies on clinical samples from survival. It is interesting to note that CEACAM1 is 164 patients with colorectal cancer. In more detail, not expressed in the normal bronchial or alveolar the antibodies to the short cytoplasmic domain of epithelium. Laack et al., concluded that since the CEACAM1 were generated in one mouse using expression of CEACAM1 is an independent prog- a peptide of 12 amino acids whose sequence cor- nostic factor in resectable adenocarcinomas of the responded to the entire short cytoplasmic domain lung, it can be used to stratify patients into low-risk (KKHFGKTGSSGPLQ) with two lysines at the N and high-risk groups. In contrast, the expression of terminus. To generate antibodies to the long form, a sialyl Lewis X is of no prognostic relevance because peptide corresponding to the last 16 residues in the it was expressed in 97% of all investigated tumors, C-terminal region of CEACAM1 long cytoplasmic and most likely has no influence on the function of domain with two lysines at the N-terminal end (KK CEACAM1 in this tumor entity. PSLTATEIIYSEVKKQ) was injected into a rabbit. In a more recent study, Thöm et al. [71] analyzed The immunohistochemical study conducted by Ieda CEACAM1 expression in primary tumors, lymph and co-workers clearly demonstrated that the expres- nodes and hematogenous metastasis of 96 patients sion of both CEACAM1-L and -S was weak at the with metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma by im- luminal surface of advanced colorectal cancers and munhistochemically evaluation with the monoclonal was more intense at the invasion front of advanced antibody 4D1/C2. Expression of CEACAM1 was colorectal cancers with differences between the two shown in 81.3% (78 out of 96) primary tumors. Of cytoplasmic isoforms expression levels. In particular, the 76 patients with a CEACAM1 expressing primary the authors showed that CEACAM1-L dominance, tumor, 75 (98.7%) had CEACAM1 expressing tumor in comparison with CEACAM1-S, at the invasion cells in local lymph nodes. Of the 18 patients with- front of colorectal cancer is associated with lymph out CEACAM1 expression in the primary tumor, 13 node involvement, hematogenous metastasis and (72.2%) showed no CEACAM1 expression, whereas shorter survival of patients, indicating that re-ex-

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pression of CEACAM1, in particular long cytoplas- of cancer and is involved in the tumor angiogenesis. mic domain isoform, may function for invasion and So, this adhesion molecule also has all the charac- migration of colorectal cancer cells. teristics for a good molecular target. Monoclonal vi ews re antibodies represent the fastest growing sector of pharmaceutical biotechnology and a number of anti- a nd CONCLUSION body-based biopharmaceuticals have been approved The treatment of cancer showing an intrinsic or for cancer treatment [15-17]. The results concerning acquired chemical or immune resistance remains a CEACAM1 distribution, function and dysregula-

formidable challenge owing to factors such as the tion indicate the importance of moving towards a rt i cles difficulties in differentiating tumor cells from healthy personalized medicine as it is well recognized that cells to ameliorate the disease without causing intol- cancers classified based on traditional morphologic erable toxicity to patients [73]. Finding new mark- assessments are greatly heterogeneous [68]. In this r i g n a l

ers useful for the stratification of patients may of- context we have utilized most of the recent insights O fer a new prospective for the development of more gained on the role of CEACAM1 as a tumor marker efficacious therapies [74]. As reported and discussed to design, in the near future, novel forms of in vivo in this article, de novo expression of CEACAM1 is immuno- therapeutic agents for large and possibly associated with progression and reduced disease-free homogeneous sub-populations of patients. survival of melanoma, adenocarcinoma of the lung and other several solid tumors that are intrinsically Conflict of interest statement resistant to chemotherapy or evolve in MDR vari- There are no potential conflicts of interest or any financial or ants under the selective pressure of cytotoxic drugs personal relationships with other people or organizations that [69]. Therefore, CEACAM1 seems to be a good tu- could inappropriately bias conduct and findings of this study. mor marker for the stratification of risk in cancer pa- tients. In addition, CEACAM1 has an important role Received on 13 January 2012. in the progression, invasion and metastatic potential Accepted on 12 March 2012.

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