Mark McGann Blyth [email protected] Twitter: @Mkblyth

Google Scholar Numbers All Since 2016 Citations 13519 7065 h-index 37 31 i10-index 74 54

Professional Positions 2019-Present: The William R. Rhodes ’57 Professor of International Economics Director of the Rhodes Center for International Economics , Providence RI (Joint Appointment between the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and the Department of Political Science)

2014-2018: Eastman Professor of Brown University, Providence RI (Joint Appointment between the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and the Department of Political Science)

2009-2014: Professor of International Political Economy Department of Political Science Brown University, Providence RI

2005-2009: Associate Professor of Political Science , Baltimore MD

1997-2005: Assistant Professor of Political Science Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD

Education 1995-1999 Ph.D. Political Science 1992-1994 M. Phil. Columbia University Political Science 1991-1992 M.A. Columbia University Political Science 1990-1991 Language Training Strathclyde University Russian Language 1986-1990 B.A. (First Class) Strathclyde University Political Science

Ph.D. Comprehensive Exams: and Comparative Politics Dissertation: Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Political Change in the Twentieth Century. Awarded with distinction, May 1999

1 Research Interests International and Comparative Political Economy, Growth Models, the Politics of Finance, the Politics of Ideas, Institutional Change, Uncertainty and Risk, Complex Systems, Inequality and Growth, the History of Political Economy, Climate Finance, Decarbonization and Distribution.


Books Angrynomics (Agenda Books: London and Columbia University Press: New York 2020) with Eric Lonergan.

Awards for Angrynomics Financial Times, Books of the Year 2020 – Critics’ Choice list Reviewed in the Financial Times, The Times, Sunday Times, Irish Times.

Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea (New York: Oxford University Press 2013 and 2015). Translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese (complex and simple), Korean, Arabic, German, Greek, Japanese, Croatian, Romanian, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, Turkish, Italian. Paperback edition of with new afterword published in 2015.

Awards for Austerity: Financial Times, ‘Books of the Year 2013’ – Economics List. The 2014 Hans-Matthöfer-Preis für Wirtschaftspublizistik, “Wirtschaft. Weiter. Denken,” by the Matthöfer and Friedrich Ebert Foundations, Berlin, Germany.

Reviews of Austerity:‘How the Case for Austerity Crumbled’ New York Review of Books, by Paul Krugman, June 6th 2013. ‘The End of the Line,’ Financial Times, by Larry Summers, April 12th 2013. The New Yorker, by John Cassidy, May 20th 2013.

Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2002). Arabic edition 2009, Chinese edition 2010.

Books: Edited A New Financial Geopolitics? The U.S. Led Monetary Order in a Time of Turbulence (ed.), with Sylvia Maxfield (New York: Foreign Affairs Publishers 2017) – E-Book.

The Future of the Euro (ed.), with Matthias Matthijs (New York: Oxford University Press 2015).

Constructing the International Economy (ed.), with Rawi Abdelal and Craig Parsons (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2010).

2 The Handbook of International Political Economy: IPE as a Global Conversation (ed.) (New York: Routledge Press 2009).

The Transformation of Great American School Districts: How Big Cities Are Reshaping Public Education, (ed.) with William Lowe Boyd, and Charles Taylor Kerchner, (Cambridge: Harvard Education Press 2008).

Books Forthcoming, in Review, and Under Construction The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation (joint project with Jonas Pontusson and Lucio Baccaro) forthcoming with Oxford University Press in 2022.

The Last Cartel Standing: Neoliberalism and Party Politics in Europe and America (joint project with Jonathan Hopkin and Nicolo Fracarolli) for 2022/3.

Published Journal Articles “Hocus Pocus: A Response to Mallaby’s ‘The Era of Magic Money.” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2020.

“The Global Economics of European Populism: Growth Regimes and Party System Change in Europe,” Government and Opposition, vol. 54, no. 2, April 2019 pp. 193-225, with Jonathan Hopkin. Published on line December 2018. DOI:

“From Big Bang to Big Crash: The Early Origins of the UK’s Finance-led Growth Model and the Persistence of Bad Policy Ideas,” New Political Economy, with Tami Oren. Published online May 2018

“When is it Rational to Learn the Wrong Lessons? Technocratic Authority, Social Learning, and Euro Fragility,” Perspectives on Politics. Volume 16 (1) March 2018, pp. 110-126. https://doi:10.1017/S1537592717002171 Awarded the APSA European Politics Section Best Paper for 2018

“Black Swans, Lame Ducks, and the Mystery of IPE’s Missing Macro-Economy,” The Review of International Political Economy, 24 (2) (2017) pp. 203-231, with Matthias Matthijs.

“After the Brits Have Gone: How to Turn a Drama into a Crisis that Will Not go to Waste.” The Review of European Economic Policy, 50th Anniversary Issue, Winter 2016

“Policies to Overcome Stagnation: The Crisis, and the Possible Futures, of All Things Euro.” European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol. 13 No. 2, 2016, pp. 215–228,

3 “Capitalism in Crisis: What Went Wrong and What Comes Next” Foreign Affairs, July/August 2016,

“The New Ideas Scholarship in the Mirror of Historical Institutionalism: A Case of Old Whines in New Bottles?” European Journal of Public Policy, December 2015.

“Print Less but Transfer More: Why Central Banks Should Give Money Directly to the People,” Foreign Affairs, September/October 2014, with Eric Lonergan.

“A Curious Case of Caveats and Causes: Some Thoughts on the Causal Story of Banking Across Boundaries,” Environment and Planning, Symposium Contribution, Spring 2014.

“Austerity as Ideology: A Reply to my Critics,” Comparative European Politics, 11 (6) December 2013: 737-751.

“Constructivism and the Study of International Political Economy in China,” Review of International Political Economy, 20 (6) December 2013: 1276-1299, with Qingxin K. Wang.

“The Austerity Delusion: How a Dangerous Idea Won Over the West,” Foreign Affairs, April/May 2013: 41-56.

“The BRICs and the Washington Consensus: An Introduction,” Special Issue of the Review of International Political Economy, 20 (2) April 2013: 241-255, ‘Dreaming with the BRICs,’ (with Cornel Ban).

“Paradigms and Paradox: The Politics of Economics Ideas in Two Moments of Crisis.” Governance, 26 (4) December 2012.

“What Can Okun Teach Polanyi? Efficiency, Regulation and Equality in the OECD” Review of International Political Economy, February 2012, (with Jonathan Hopkin).

“Introduction to the Special Issue on the Evolution of Institutions”, The Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 7 (3) September 2011, pp. 1-17, with Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Orion Lewis, and Sven Steinmo.

“The Black Swan of Cairo: How Suppressing Volatility Makes the World Less Predictable and More Dangerous,” Foreign Affairs, 90 (3) April 2011, with Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

“The Ghosts of Corporatism’s Past and Past Corporatisms,” Capitalism and Society: 5 (3) (2011): 1-22.

“What if Most Swans are Black? The Unsettling World of Nassim Taleb,” Critical Review, January 2010.

4 “Torn Between Two Lovers: Caught in the Middle of British and American IPE,” New Political Economy, 14 (3) (2009): 329-336.

“The Secret Life of Institutions: On the Role of Ideas in Evolving Economic Systems,” Revue de la Régulation: Capitalisme, Institutions, Pouvoirs. n°3/4, Novembre 2008, pp: 1-11.

“The Politics of Compounding Bubbles: The Global Housing Bubble in Comparative Perspective,” Comparative European Politics, Fall 2008, pp. 387-406.

“Beyond the Usual Suspects: Ideas, Uncertainty, and Building Institutional Orders,” International Studies Quarterly, 51 (4) December 2007, pp. 761-777.

“The Social Construction of Wars and Crises as Mechanisms of Change” International Studies Quarterly 51 (4) December 2007, pp. 747-759 (with Wesley W. Widmaier and Leonard Seabrooke).

“Great Punctuations: Prediction, Randomness, and the Evolution of Comparative Political Science,” American Political Science Review 100 (4) November 2006, pp. 493- 498.

“Domestic Institutions and the Possibility of Social Democracy,” Comparative European Politics, 3 (4) December 2005, pp. 379-407.

“Globalization Didn’t Make You Do It! Understanding Social Democratic Party Choices” (“La Globalizzazione e il Mutamento della Social Democrazia”) Meridiana - Rivista di Storia e Scienze Sociali, Vol. 50-51 (2005), pp. 41-70. Special issue on ‘Reformism and Counter-Reformism in Europe’ (with Jonathan Hopkin).

“From Catch all Politics to Cartelization: The Political Economy of the Cartel Party,” Western European Politics 28 (1) January 2005, pp. 34-61 (with Richard S. Katz).

“The Great Transformation in Understanding Polanyi: A Response to Hejeebu and McCloskey,” Critical Review 16 (1) August 2004, pp. 117-130.

“Structures do not Come with an Instruction Sheet: Interests, Ideas and Progress in Political Science,” Perspectives on Politics 1 (4), December 2003, pp. 695-703.

“Our Past as Prolog: Introduction to the Tenth Anniversary Special Issue of the Review of International Political Economy 10 (4) December 2003, pp. 607-620. (With Hendrik Spruyt).

“Globalization and the Limits of Democratic Choice: Social Democracy and the Rise of Political Cartelization” Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft - International Politics and Society 6 (3) July 2003, pp. 60-82.

5 “Same as it Never Was? Typology and Temporality in the Varieties of Capitalism,” Comparative European Politics 1 (2) Summer 2003, pp. 215-225.

“From Comparative Capitalism to Economic Constructivism,” New Political Economy 8 (2) July 2003, pp. 263-274.

“The Transformation of the Swedish Model: Economic Ideas, Distributional Conflict and Institutional Change,” World Politics 54 (1) October 2001, pp. 1-26.

“The Ghost in the Machine? The Specter of Marx in the Matrix,” Politologiske Studere 4 (4) December 2001, pp. 86-91 (with Robin Varghese).

“The State of the Discipline in American Political Science: Be Careful What You Wish For?” British Journal of Politics and International Relations 1 (3) October 1999, pp. 345- 365 (with Robin Varghese).

“Moving the Political Middle: Redefining the Boundaries of State Action,” Political Quarterly July 1997, pp. 231-240.

“Any More Bright Ideas? The Ideational Turn of Comparative Political Economy,” Comparative Politics 29 (1) January 1997, pp. 229-250.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters Forthcoming, Under-Review, and in Progress “Fidelity for the People: Broadening Asset Ownership, Reducing Inequality, and Stabilizing the System,” Paper Prepared for The Aspen Institute and the St. Louis Federal Reserve, forthcoming in 2021.

“The Prudence Principle: Rethinking Europe’s Fiscal Rules,” (with Eric Lonergan) forthcoming in 2021 in the New Economy Working Paper Series for the NewForum/European Climate Foundation.

“The End of Social Purpose: Great Transformations of American Order,’ (in press) in Peter Katzenstein and Jonathan Kirshner (eds.) The Downfall of the American Order: Liberalism’s End? Cornell University Press (2021).

“Europe Ten Years After the Crisis: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained” for the New Left Review (with Cornel Ban) – in preparation (2021)

“Four Galtons and a Minsky,” (with Mark Herman Schwartz) in Lucio Bacarro, Mark Blyth and Jonas Pontusson (eds). The New Politics of Growth and Stagnation – forthcoming in 20212.

“The Ties that Blind: How International Financial Flows Shape Domestic Growth Models,” with Aiden Ragan and Nicolo Fraccaroli (for SASE 2021)


Published Book Chapters “Global Trumpism: Understanding Anti-System Politics in Western Democracies,” (with Jonathan Hopkin) in The Emergence of Illiberalism: Understanding a Global Phenomenon, (2020) Boris Vormann and Michael Weinman (eds.) New York, NY: Routledge.

“Introduction: A New Financial Geopolitics,” with Sylvia Maxfield, in Foreign Affairs E- Book (2017), A New Financial Geopolitics.

“How the Eurozone Might Split: Could Germany Become a Reluctant Hegemon?” with Simon Tilford in Foreign Affairs E-Book (2017), A New Financial Geopolitics.

“Ideas and Historical Institutionalism.” Contribution to the Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism (New York: Oxford University Press 2015), with Oddny Helgadottir and William Kring.

“When you Find yourself going through Hell, look for an Exit,” contribution to a Gulbenkian Foundation project (Portugal, Lisbon), entitled Imagining the Future (ed.) Viriato Soromenho-Marques, September 2015.

“Just Who Put You in Charge? We Did: Credit Rating Agencies and the Politics of Ratings,” chapter for Alexander Cooley (ed.), Rankings and Ratings Organizations and Global Governance (Cambridge University Press 2015) (with Rawi Abdelal).

“Introduction: The Future of the Euro and the Politics of Embedded Currency Areas,” (with Matthias Matthijs) in Matthias Matthijs and Mark Blyth (eds.), The Future of the Euro (New York: Oxford University Press 2015), pp. 1-21.

“Conclusion: The Future of the Euro – Possible Futures, Risks, and Uncertainties,” (with Matthias Matthijs) in Matthias Matthijs and Mark Blyth (eds.), The Future of the Euro (New York: Oxford University Press 2015), pp. 249-271.

Reprint of “Constructivism and the Study of International Political Economy in China,” (with Qingxin K. Wang) in Chin G. (et al.) (eds.), International Political Economy in China: The Global Conversation (London: Routledge 2014).

“This Time It Is Really Different: Europe, the Financial Crisis and Staying on Top in the Twenty-First Century” in Daniel Breznitz and John Zysman (eds.), The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? (New York: Oxford University Press 2013).

“Ideas, Uncertainty and Evolution,” in Robert Cox and Daniel Beland (eds.), Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research (Oxford University Press 2010), pp. 83-101.

7 “Constructing the International Economy,” in Abdelal, Blyth and Parsons (eds.), Constructing the International Economy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2010).

“Re-Constructing IPE: Some Conclusions Drawn from a Crisis” in Abdelal, Blyth and Parsons (eds.), Constructing the International Economy (Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2010).

“On Setting Up and Upsetting Agendas,” Contribution to an edited volume by Andreas Gofas and Colin Hay (eds.), The Ideational Turn in Social Science Research (London, Routledge 2010).

“Torn Between Two Lovers: Caught in the Middle of British and American IPE,” in Nicola Phillips and Catherine Weaver (eds.), International Political Economy: Debating the Past, Present and Future (London: Routledge 2011), pp. 133-141.

“An Approach to Comparative Analysis, or a Sub-Field Within a Sub-Field? Political Economy,” in Mark Lichbach and Alan Zuckerman, Comparative Politics: Rationality, Culture, and Structure (Cambridge University Press, 2009).

“One Ring to Bind them All: American Power and Neoliberal Capitalism,” in Sven Steinmo and Jeff Kopstein (eds.), Growing Apart: America and Europe in the Twenty- First Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007), pp. 109-136.

“When Liberalisms Change: Comparing the Politics of Deflations and Inflations,” in Arthur T. Denzau, Thomas C. Willett, and Ravi K. Roy (eds.), Neoliberalism, National and Regional Experiments with Global Ideas (London and New York: Routledge 2006).

“Ideas and Interests,” in Roy Macridis and Bernard Brown (eds.), Comparative Politics: Notes and Readings (New York: Harcourt Brace 2006).

“The Political Power of Financial Ideas: Transparency, Risk and Distribution in Global Finance,” in Jonathan Kirshner (ed.), Monetary Orders (Cornell University Press 2003), pp. 239-259.

“Institutions and Ideas” in Dave Marsh and Gerry Stoker (eds.), Theory and Methods in Political Science (London: Macmillan 2002), pp. 292-311.

Published Working Papers

8 “How the Menu Gets Set: Growth Regimes, Cartel Parties, and Permanent Austerity,” in MaxPo discussion paper 18/1, “Destabilizing Orders – Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism,” (eds.) Jenny Anderson and Olivia Godechot, May 2018.

“The Sovereign Debt Crisis that Isn’t: Or, How to Turn a Lending Crisis into a Spending Crisis and Pocket the Spread.” American Consortium on EU Studies working papers series (ACES) at American University, Washington DC, 2014.

“International Political Economy,” Entry in IPSA/Sage International Encyclopedia of Political Science, (Sage: London and New York 2011).

“The Opium of the Marxists: Embracing Indeterminacy in the International Political Economy,” (with Charlotte Epstein, Leonard Seabrooke, and Jason Sharman). BSIA IPEG working paper, 2009.

“Cartel Politics and Social Democratic Policy Change,” Georgetown University BMW Center for German and European Studies, Occasional Paper Series, Working Paper 5-03, July 2003.

Web-Only Non-Peer Reviewed, Non-Disciplinary Writings, Reviews, and Interviews (Recent Selections) “The Death of the Carbon Coalition,” Foreign Policy February 2021 “The U.S. Economy Is Uniquely Vulnerable to the Coronavirus: Why America’s Growth Model Suggests It Has Few Good Options,” Foreign Affairs, April 2020. Can a Pandemic Defeat the Politics of Austerity? The Key to Economic Recovery After COVID-19 Foreign Policy, April 2020. Op Ed, The Financial Times: 74b8ecd34d3b August 2017 Interview in GQ. “The Economist Who Predicted Trump and Brexit Explains How the Baby Boomers Ruined Everything.” November 2016 “Global Trumpism: Why Trump’s Victory was 30 years in the Making and Why it Won’t Stop Here.” Foreign Affairs, November 15th 2016. “Why the Greek Drama Isn’t Going Away” MSNBC, July 9th 2015 “A Pain in the Athens: Why Greece Isn’t to Blame for the Crisis” Foreign Affairs, July 7th 2015. “The Perceived Tragedy of Greece” On The Media Interview, NPR, July 3rd 2015. “Austerity Bites: Fiscal Lessons from the British General Election” Foreign Affairs, May 18th 2015. “Will the Politics or Economics of Deflation Prove More Harmful?” Intereconomics, April 2015. “Austerity versus Democracy in Greece: Europe Crosses the Rubicon,” Foreign Affairs, January 29th 2015 (with Cornel Ban) “It’s Not About the Money: Why Might Just Say Yes to Independence,” Foreign Affairs, September 14th 2014.

9 “To Fix the Economy Let’s Print Money and Mail it to Everyone,” Interview with Vox (with Eric Lonergan and Dylan Matthews) Fortune Magazine, “To get Europe out of its Economic Rut: Give its People Cash.” September 4th 2014 (with Eric Lonergan) “Europe’s Goldilocks Dilemma” Foreign Policy, July 14th 2014. Der Spiegel, “Deutschland schafft das nicht” Interview, Der Spiegel 42 (2013): 130-133. “End Austerity Now” Project Syndicate, published in 24 countries in 12 languages during September 2013. “Austerity’s Big Bait and Switch” Harvard Business Review, Idea Cast, April 2013 “Spain is now making Ireland’s Mistakes” Harvard Business Review, June 2012 “Three Reasons the Eurozone Deal Won’t Work” Harvard Business Review, July 2012 “The World Waits for Germany” Foreign Affairs, June 8th 2012 (with Matthias Matthijs) “Why Only Germany Can Fix the Euro” Foreign Affairs, November 17th 2011 “The G20s Dead Ideas,” Foreign Affairs, July 2010. “Bouncy-Castle Finance,” Foreign Policy, September 2009

Book Reviews Friedman, Fortune Tellers: The Story of America's First Economic Forecasters. The American Historical Review, 2014 119 (5): 1704-1705. Katznelson, Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time, Dissent, fall 2013. Schmidt, The Futures of European Capitalism, Perspectives on Politics 2 (3) September 2004. Hall and Soskice, Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, Western European Politics, Fall 2002. Lichbach and Seligman, Market and Community: The Basis of Social Order, Revolution, and Relegitimation. American Political Science Review June 2002. Arrighi and Silver, Chaos and Governance in the Modern World System. Political Science Quarterly 115 (1) Spring 2000. Broberg and Roll-Hansen, Eugenics and the Welfare State: Sterilization Policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Governance 12 (1) January 1999.

Selected Invited Academic Presentations ‘The End of Social Purpose? Great Transformations of the American Liberal Order,’ Harvard University State and Capitalism Seminar, November 20th 2020. ‘Angrynomics – Book Talk’ – OECD seminar (virtual), Paris, November 19th 2020. ‘Angrynomics – Book Talk’ – (virtual) - University of Strathclyde Economics Seminar, October 7th 2020. ‘Europe’s COVID Moment’ – (virtual) – the Council for Foreign Relations, Washington DC, May 15th 2020 ‘Angrynomics – Book Talk’ – University of Rhode Island Economics Seminar, February 26th 2020. “Social Challenges, Party Politics and Systemic Resilience,” OECD NEAC Conference, OECD Paris, September 16th 2019

10 “Bringing the System Back In? Towards an IPE of Growth Models,” Conference on the Politics of Growth Models, Brown University, August 27th 2019 (with Herman Mark Schwartz) “Can We Have It All” (60k Views) - “A Brief History of How We Got Here and Why” (100k views), and “Global Trumpism and the Future of the Global Political Economy” (200k views). All delivered at the McMaster University Summer School on ‘Property Owning Democracy,’ June 24-27 2019 Keynote Panel presentation, “the Euro at Twenty,” European Union Studies Association annual meeting, Denver Colorado, May 11th 2019 “The Future of European Economic Governance: It’s Not About the Institutions,” Faculty of Law and European Economic Governance, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, April 11th 2019 “Abba Lerner’s ‘Functional Finance’ 75 Years On. A Discussion with Stefanie Kelton and Mark Blyth,” The New School for Social Research, New York, February 19th 2019 “Angrynomics,” Book Talk at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London, February 6th 2019 “Global Trumpism and the Future of the Global Political Economy,” Loughborough University London, January 6th 2019 “The Future of the Eurozone,” Frontiers in International Business Symposium, The Darla Moore School of Business: International Business in an Era of Institutional Disruption,” University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC February 2nd 2018. “The Crash of 2008 Ten Years On,” UCLA Center for Social Theory and Comparative History, January 25th 2018 “How the Menu Gets Set: Growth Regimes, Cartel Parties, and Permanent Austerity,” MaxPo 5th Anniversary Conference, Paris, France, January 12th and 13th 2018. “Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea (Revisited),” Kreisky Forum, Vienna, Austria, December 1st 2017. “Global Trumpism - One Year On,” The Walker Institute of International and Area Studies and the Political Science Workshop, University of South Carolina, November 17th 2017 “When Is It Rational to Learn the Wrong Lessons? Technocratic Authority, Social Learning, and Euro Fragility,” McGill University, European Studies Seminar, September 28th 2017. “What if BREXIT, Trump, and GREXIT, are Noise rather than Signal? Exploring the Politics of a Secularly Stagnant World.” The Annual Shapiro Lecture, Political Studies Association (UK), Strathclyde University, Glasgow, April 10th 2017 “Globalization in an Era of Discontent: Populism, Prosperity and Policy in Contested Times.” OECD, NEAC Seminar, Paris, March 28th 2017 “Is the World Riskier with Trump in Charge?” Ecole Nationale Superior, Paris, France, Seminar on Geopolitics, January 9th 2017 “After Brexit and Before the Trumping: Is this the End or the Reinforcement of Neo- Liberalism?” The New School for Social Research, NYC, November 1st 2016 “So it’s the Populists that are Threatening Democracy?” Presentation at the Watson Institute, Brown University, May 21st 2016. “Some Thoughts on European Ideas and Europe’s Ideas about Europe,” Harvard University, Center for European Studies, March 31st 2016


“The Futures of the Euro: High, Low, or End of the Road?” American University, Paris November 10th 2015. “Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea (and what it means for Economic Reform in Europe), New Approaches to Economic Challenges Seminar Series, OECD Paris, November 9th 2015 “Policies to Avert Stagnation: The Crisis and the Future(s) of the Euro,” FFM Macroeconomics Conference, Berlin, Germany October 14th 2016. “The Future(s) of the Euro,” Wellesley College, September 18th 2015. “Whatever Happened to Europe: From Social Democratic Heartland to Heartless Creditor’s Paradise?” Durham University, Distinguished International Visitors Plenary Lecture, May 14th 2015. “The Future of the Euro,” Panel Discussion with Matthias Matthijs and Michael Mandelbaum at JHU SAIS, April 24th 2015. “The Politics of Money: A Disconsolate Analysis,” University of Glasgow, Scotland, Annual Mackenzie Lecture, March 23rd 2015. “When You Find Yourself Going Through Hell, Look for an Exit,” University of California, Irvine, January 15th 2015. “When You Find Yourself Going Through Hell, Look for an Exit,” Providence College, November 14th 2014. “Wie Europa sich Kaputtspart – die gescheiterte Idee der Austeritätspolitik,” Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, November 11th 2014. “When You Find Yourself Going Through Hell, Look for an Exit,” Watson Political Economy Forum, Brown University, October 14th 2014. “Unconscious Uncoupling: Ideas, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Historical Institutionalism,” Comparative Historical Social Science Workshop, Northwestern University, October 10th 2014 “When You Find Yourself Going Through Hell, Look for an Exit,” Gulbenkian Foundation, Social Policy Conference, Keynote Address, Lisbon, Portugal, October 7th 2014. “The Ten Year Long Recession? Why the Future of Europe is not Bright and why this Matters to Asia.” Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, September 16th 2014. Austerity Roundtable, INET Event hosted by Department of Economics, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland, May 30th 2014. “If Heterodoxy is So Great, why isn’t it the Orthodoxy?” Copenhagen Business School, May 6th 2014. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Universite de Montreal, Canada, March 17th 2014. ‘The Sovereign Debt Crisis That Isn’t: Or, How to Turn a Lending Crisis into a Spending Crisis and Pocket the Spread.’ McGill University, European Politics Colloquium, April 17th 2014. ‘The Sovereign Debt Crisis That Isn’t: Or, How to Turn a Lending Crisis into a Spending Crisis and Pocket the Spread.’ Panelist, Conference of Europeanists, Washington DC, March 15th 2014.

12 ‘The Future of the Euro’ Panel Chair, Conference of Europeanists, Washington DC, March 14th 2014. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Juan March Institute, Inaugural Lecture, February 7th 2014. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Lisbon University Law School, November 29th 2013. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 7th 2013 “How Not to do Economic Policymaking in a Democracy: The Case of the Eurozone Crisis” Keynote Address, European University Institute Summer Conference “Are Democracy and Capitalism Still Reconcilable?” Florence, Italy, July 2nd 2013. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ John Hopkins University, SAIS, April 15th 2013 ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Columbia University, Blinken Center for European Studies, April 10th 2013. ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ New York University, ‘In Print’ series with James Hoge as host, April 1st 2013 ‘Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea,’ Malim Harding Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto, March 14th 2013 ‘Austerity and Keynesian Economics,’ Lyons Memorial Lecture,’ Franklin and Marshall College, March 4th 2013 ‘Austerity and Banking Crises,’ Cornell University IR and Law seminar, February 25th 2013. Co-convener of authors’ conference, ‘The Future of the Euro,’ Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington DC, December 5th 2012 (joint project with Matthias Matthijs). ‘Austerity’ book talk, Max Planck Institute for Social Research, Cologne, Germany, November 22nd 2012. Austerity book talk, University of Pennsylvania, Penn Social Science and Policy Forum, November 9th and 10th 2012. Discussant at Center for European Reform (London) Annual Conference on Europe, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, November 9th and 10th, 2012. “It’s a Banking Crisis - Stupid!” Presentation at author’s conference on the Crisis in Europe, University of Toronto, October 13th 2012 Discussant at author’s workshop on Political Sociology and Political Economy in French and American scholarship, University of Bordeaux, May 10th and 11th 2012 Presenter, SAIS Bologna Center, Italy, Seminar on Risk and Uncertainty, April 26th 2012 Conference convener and organizer, “The Failure of the Euro?” Brown University, April 17th 2012. Discussant, Panel on Social Capital, Institute for New Economic Thinking Conference, New York City, November 4th-6th, 2011. “The Global Financial Crisis: Long Run Causes and Long Term Issues” UC Riverside International Studies Public Forum Talk, March 10th 2011.

13 “European Sado-Monetarism? Germany and the Financial Crisis”. Contribution to a workshop on, Germany and the Future of the Euro, Georgetown University, December 5th 2010. “This Time it Really is Different: Europe, The Financial Crisis, and Staying on Top in the 21st Century” Tertulias Seminar, Instituto Empresa, Madrid, Spain July 5th 201 “It Worked Best When It Didn’t and Mattered Most When It Ended: The Rise And Fall Of Bretton Woods” Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA, April 1st 2010. “The Political Economy of Future Regulation: Bouncy Castles, Systemic Risk, And The Pitfalls Of Reform” JFK School, Harvard University, March 31st 2010 “What I Learned (and Un-learned) at the Global Financial Crisis,” LBJ School, University of Texas at Austin, 16th November 2009. The Second Annual RIPE Lecture at the University of Warwick, UK, on The Handbook of International Political Economy. University of Warwick, UK, May 4th 2009. “The Three Questions I Would Most Like to Ask the Field of IPE,” Guest Speaker Presentation at the International Political Economy Society annual meeting, University of Pennsylvania, November 15th 2008. Keynote Speaker and Discussant, European Critical IPE Workshop, Oxford Brookes University, September 13th, 2008. “On Constructivist Theory and Political Economy: Reasons for, and Approaches to, a Leveraged Buy-Out” Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, May 31st – June 2nd 2008. “One Ring to Rule Them All: US Power and Neo-liberal Capitalism” Universite de Picarde Jules Verne, Amiens, France, January 15th 2008. “ELEN Degenerates (or) Four (plus two) Reasons to Take Ideas Very Seriously Indeed,” IBEC Barcelona, Spain. November 27th 2007. “The Politics of (Mis)-Representation: Constructing (and Destructing) Europe in Discourses of Anti-Americanism” Center for European Studies, Oxford University, November 12th 2007. “ELEN Degenerates – or Four (plus two) Reasons to Take Ideas Very Seriously Indeed.” The Politics of Ideas: Contemporary Research and Debates, Centre d'études Européennes. Sciences Politique, Paris. November 8th 2007. Co-organizer, Discourse in Political Economy Group, Copenhagen, Center for Business and Politics, June 18th-19th 2007. Co-Chair, PhD Workshop, Evolution in Social Systems, European University Institute, June 15th-16th 2007. Discussant, Author’s workshop on ‘Reconstructing IPE: Post-Colonialism and the Political Economy of the Everyday,’ University of Sheffield 24-25 May 2007 “ELEN Degenerates: Or Four (Plus Two) Reasons to Take Ideas Very Seriously Indeed,” McGill University, Montreal, Canada, April 26th 2007. “The Politics of (Mis)-Representation: Constructing (and Destructing) Europe in Discourses of Anti-Americanism,” University of Toronto, Comparative Politics Workshop, April 12th 2007. Discussant, Author’s workshop on Institutional Change in American Education, Research in Action, Philadelphia PA, March 29th 2007. “When Liberalisms Change: Comparing the Politics of Deflations and Inflations” University of Pennsylvania Comparative Politics Workshop, February 16th 2007.

14 “The Politics of (Mis)-Representation: Constructing (and Destructing) Europe in Discourses of Anti-Americanism” Panel contribution, International Studies Association Conference, March 1st 2007 “What Exactly is an Uncritical Theory of Political Economy?” Roundtable contribution, British International Studies Association Conference, Cork, Ireland, December 19th, 2006. “Constructivist Political Economy?” University College London, Department of Public Policy, December 14th 2006. “Oil and Uncertainty” University of Calgary Business School, Calgary, Canada, December 7th 2006. “Knowledge Regimes in an Uncertain World,” Keynote speaker, GOVNET conference, Canberra, 30th November 2006. “Incompleteness and Uncertainty: How Hegemony Met Constructivism” NUPI, (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Theory Seminar, Olso, Norway, Wednesday May 31st 2006. “Equality Versus Efficiency? Structural Reform, Inequality, and Economic Performance in Western Europe,” The Center for West European Studies, University of Washington, Seattle. May 16th, 2006 “Constructivism and Political Economy: Blissful Union or Shotgun Wedding?” Columbia University, Comparative Politics Workshop, March 30th 2006. “Be Careful What You Wish For: What American Federalism Tells us about the Limits of Devolution” London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK December 16th 2005. “Equality Versus Efficiency: What Trade-Off? The Continuing Lessons of Polanyi’s Political Economy” National University of Ireland, Maynooth, December 13th 2005. “Constructivism and Political Economy: Ne’er the Twain?” Mershon Center speaker series in Political Economy, Ohio State University, October 27th 2005. Co-Organizer of a week-long teaching/research seminar on Globalization and the Middle East, Ben Gurion University, Israel, 24th-30th June 2005. “Towards a Constructivist Political Economy?” Mannheim Center for European Social Research, June 20th 2005. “One Ring to Rule Them All? American Power and Europe’s Neoliberalism ” Author’s conference for a volume entitled “Growing Apart? American and Europe in the Twenty- First Century” Boulder, Colorado, June 2nd, 2005. “Towards a Constructivist Political Economy” Invited presentation, The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna, Italy, April 7th 2005. “Towards a Constructivist Political Economy” Invited presentation, Amsterdam School for Social Research, March 17th 2005. “The New Political Economy of Party Politics” Invited Presentation, Australian National University, Canberra, March 17th 2005. “Constructivism and Political Economy: Ne’er the Twain?” Invited presentation, Duke University Political Economy Seminar, January 25th 2005. “Uncertainty and Agency in Institutional Change,” University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, April 16th 2004

15 “The New Political Economy of European Political Parties,” American University, Washington D.C. February 9th 2004. “Agency and Institutional Change,” Science Politique, Paris, France, March 20th, 2003. “Great Transformations” Book Talk, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, March 6th 2003. “The New Political Economy of Political Parties,” University of Toronto, February 27th 2003 “The New Political Economy of Political Parties” Georgetown University, BMW Center for European Studies, February 6th 2003. “Great Transformations” Book Talk, University of Sussex, (UK), January 21st 2002. Organizer and host of interdisciplinary conference, ‘Taking Ideas Seriously: New Perspectives on Understanding Change,’ Johns Hopkins University, December 7th and 8th 2001. “The Political Power of Financial Ideas: Transparency, Risk and Distribution in Global Finance,” Bristol University, UK, November 22nd 2000 “Governing by Trope: Ideas, Crisis, and Stability in Financial Markets,” University of Warwick, November 1st, 2000. “Great Transformations” Book Talk, University of Nottingham, October 25th 2000. “The Rise and Fall of the Keynesian Order in the US and Sweden,” Oxford University Seminar in Political Economy, October 18th 2000. “Governing the Markets: Ideas, Finance, and the Politics of Globalization” University of Birmingham, UK. October 11th 2000. “Governing by Trope: Markets, Ideas, and Crises in a Global Financial Order” Author’s conference on “Power, Ideology and Money: The Political Foundations of 21st Century Money,” Cornell University, March 31 - April 2, 2000. “It’s the Ideas Stupid! Economic Ideas and the Construction of the New Deal Political Order,” University of Colorado at Boulder, April 16th 1999. “Economic Globalization and the Politics of Ideas,” Cornell University IPE workshop, April 7th 1999. “Dismantling the Swedish Model: Big Business and the Politics of Ideas” Paper presented at author’s conference on Ideas and Politics, Princeton University, May 16th- 18th, 1998. “Why do Conservatives Build Welfare States and why do Social Democrats Dismantle Them?” Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research 1998 Conference, Warwick University, March 23rd-28th 1998. “Economic Ideologies and the Distribution of Decline: Redefining the Boundaries of State Action.” Paper presented at The Center for European Studies Workshop on the Distributional Dimensions of Political Economy in a High Unemployment Age, Harvard University, March 1996.

16 Selected Invited Professional Presentations “How Are We Going to Pay for That? The Myth of Social Democratic Bankruptcy,” Cevea Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 11th 2019 “Global Trumpism and the Future of the Global Political Economy,” The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, February 6th 2019. “How the West Fell out of Love with Human Rights: The Economics Behind Global Populism,” Open Society Institute, November 21st 2017. “Why People Vote for Those Who Work Against Their Best Interests,” EN Thompson Forum on World Issues, Lincoln NE, October 10th 2017. Roundtable participant, ‘Global Populism,’ The Global Empowerment Meeting, Harvard University Kennedy School, April 19th 2017 “Why Low Inflation Rates and Interest Rates are Here to Stay for Much Longer Than Most Investors Realize,” Presentation, Global ARC, Boston, October 24th 2016. “Short Term Politics versus Long Term Returns: What’s Driving What?” Keynote speech at Australian Superannuation Institute conference, Cairns, Australia, September 6th 2016. “A New Deal for Europe?” Public discussion with Current Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos, Athens, Greece, June 2nd, 2016. “The Future of Europe.” A discussion with Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, National Bank of Abu Dhabi Global Financial Markets Forum, March 3rd 2016. “The Future(s) of the Euro,” Presentation, Europe America Business Council/Morgan Stanley, New York City, October 6th 2015. “The Future(s) of the Euro,” Presentation, CLSA Asia Investors Forum, Hong Kong, China, September 14th 2015. “The Long Slow Death of the European Union? Or, Why the Greek Drama is not Really About Greece.” Presentation, Fidelity Investments, Boston, August 5th 2015. “European Dreams, Greek Dramas, and the New Politics of Money,” Presentation, Oliver Wyman Consulting, New York City, July 10th 2015. National Bank of Abu Dhabi Global Financial Markets Forum, March 2nd 2015, panel host and panel speaker. “Has Europe Run out of Road or Turned a Corner? The Political Economy of Europe’s Immediate Future,” Boston Economic Club, Boston Federal Reserve, April 15th 2015. “Balanced Budgets and the Truth about Revenues,” Testimony to the Senate Budget Committee, March 11th 2015. Three Panels and one Solo Presentation at “Kilkenomics 2014 – Ireland’s Public Economics Festival,” Kilkenny, Ireland, November 7th and 8th 2014. “Is the European Recession Secular or Policy Driven?” Presentation at Center for European Reform (London) Annual Conference on Europe, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, October 3rd and 4th, 2014. “Austerity: The (Recent) History of a Dangerous Idea and why this Matters in the AI Space” New York Hedge Fund Roundtable, August 13th 2014. “Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea.” Chicago Quantitative Alliance (CQA) annual conference, the Winn Casino, Las Vegas, April 23rd 2014

17 Host and interviewer of Vladis Dombrowskis (ex-Latvian Prime Minister) and Gordon Brown (ex-British Finance Minister and Prime Minister), at Alphametrix Investor Summit, Monaco, September 18th 2013. ‘Austerity: Vice or Virtue?’ debate with Holger Schmieding at The Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), London, July 3rd 2013. Austerity Book talk, The Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) London, May 24th 2013. Austerity Book talk, Google Campus, San Francisco, May 11th 2013. Host and Interviewer of Gerhard Schroeder (ex-German Chancellor) at Alphametrix Investor Summit, Monte Carlo, September 13th 2012 Leading Indicator Presentation, The Economist, Buttonwood Gathering, New York City, October 6th 2011. Keynote Speaker, Foundation for European Progressive Politics, Brussels, Belgium. Europe’s Economic Crisis as a Political Opportunity. Brussels, Belgium, June 30th 2011. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Iceland. Presentations to Finance Ministry and Central Bank Staff on Financial Regulation and Forms of Capture. March 24th and 25th 2011. “Regulating the Banks: Distribution and the Future of Finance,” Bank of America Headquarters, London, UK. July 8th 2010 “The Persistent Uncertainties of Systemic Risk and Regulation,” Department of Foreign Affair and International Trade, Ottawa, Canada, April 20th 2010 “The Political Economy of Future Regulation: Can we Effectively Manage Systemic Risk?” Presentation to the Norwegian Government Crisis Commission on the origins and responses to the financial crisis, Oslo, Norway, November 11th 2009 Co-author of the Warwick Commission Report on International Financial Reform, August 2009.

Conference Presentations (Selections) Roundtable Presenter on Appel and Orenstein’s “From Triumph to Crisis”, European Union Studies Association, Denver, May 11th, 2019 Roundtable Presenter on “the Euro at Twenty,” European Union Studies Association, Denver, May 10th, 2019 Discussant on panel, “Italy: Europe’s Problem Child,” European Union Studies Association, Denver May 10th, 2019 “Growth Regimes at a Global Level,” Max Planck Conference on Growth Regimes, Max Planck Sozialforschungsinstitute, Cologne, Germany, May 25th 2018. “Trumpism and Populism,” Plenary Panel, The Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, May 31st 2017. “Can I Take on Option on That? Optionality and the Limits of the Platform Economy,” Conference on the Gig-Economy, Watson Institute, September 30th 2016. Discussant at the conference, “Willing to Pay? Tax Experiments and Historical Institutionalism,” European University Institute, Florence, Italy, May 11th- 13th 2016 Panel Chair for two panels, and presenter of paper (with Matthias Matthijs), “Ideas that Make Money” at the Conference of Europeanists, Philadelphia PA, April 14th-16th 2016 Chair, “The Future of the Euro,’ Panel at European Union Studies Association Annual Conference, Boston MA, March 7th 2015

18 Participant on Roundtable, “Europe and Neoliberalism after the Crisis,” European Union Studies Association annual conference, Boston MA, March 6th 2015. “Roundtable on Sven Steinmo’s, The Evolution of Modern States,” American Political Science Association Annual Convention, September 2nd, 2011. “The End of Neoliberalism?” Roundtable chair and presenter, International Studies Association Annual Conference, New York City, February 17th 2009. “How and Why Ideas Matter in Political Science,” American Political Science Association Annual Convention, August 29th, 2008. “When Liberalisms Change: Comparing the Politics of Deflations and Inflations” Panel contribution, International Studies Association Conference, March 2nd 2007. Panel chair and discussant, American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Washington DC, September 2nd 2005. “How Many Varieties of Capitalism?” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2nd 2004. Discussant for panel “International Finance from the Bottom Up,” American Political Science Association Annual meeting, Chicago, IL, September 2nd 2004. Discussant, Panel on Constructivism and Political Economy at the International Studies Association Conference, March 4th 2005. “Uncertainty and Agency in Institutional Change,” Panel Presentation at the 14th Bi- Annual Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, IL March 10th-13th 2004. “Globalization Didn’t Make You Do It! Understanding Social Democratic Party Choices,” Panel Presentation at the 14th Bi-Annual Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, IL March 10th-13th 2004 (with Jonathan Hopkin). “Tithed to the Lord: Do States Create Civil Societies?” SSRC Research Network meeting on Non-Profits and Advanced Industrial States, Florence, Italy, October 10th – 12th 2002. Chair and Discussant for panel on ‘Political History and Development,’ American Political Science Association annual convention, Boston, MA, September 2002. Organizer of panel ‘The Rhetoric of Money’ and presenter of paper “The Political Power of Financial Ideas” International Studies Association conference, New Orleans, 24th- 27th March 2002. Panel Organizer and Participant on panel ‘The New Political Economy of Political Parties’ Bi-annual Conference of Europeanists, Council of European Studies, Chicago, March 14th-16th 2002 Participant on roundtable discussion of the ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ at Bi-annual Conference of Europeanists, Council of European Studies, Chicago, March 14th-16th 2002 “Uncertain Interests: Economic Ideas and Endogenous Institutional Change” Paper presented at the conference on Global Turbulence: Instability in National and International Political Economy, Simon Fraser University, B.C., Canada, July 19th-20th 2001. “From Catch-all-icism to Reformation? The Political Economy of the Cartel Party” (with Dick Katz). Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Session Annual Meeting, Grenoble, France, April 6th-11th 2001. “What Makes Social Democracy Possible” Panel chair and paper presenter at the American Political Science Association annual convention, Atlanta, September 1999

19 “Economic Ideas and the New Conservative Consensus” Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research, Mannheim University, Germany, March 25th-29th 1999. “Be Careful What You Wish For: The ‘New’ Institutionalism and British Political Science.” Paper presented at the British Political Studies Association, March 23-25th 1999. “Taking Ideas Seriously: Towards a Better Understanding of Ideas and Political Change,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Boston, September 1998. “From Ideas and Institutions to Ideas and Interests: Beyond the Usual Suspects?” Paper presented at the Eleventh Conference of Europeanists, Baltimore, 28th February 1998. “The Growth of Consensus on Monetary Policy Within Europe.” Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Convention, New York, September 1994.

Academic Honors Society for Women in International Political Economy (SWIPE) of the International Study Association's International Political Economy section, 2022 SWIPE Award for Mentoring Women in International Political Economy. Awarded the Open Society Individual Scholar Fellowship from the Open Society Foundations, August 2019. Awarded the 2018 European Politics Section of the American Political Science Association’s Best Paper published in 2017-2018. Awarded the 2014 Hans Matthöffer Wirtschaftspublizistik-Preis, “Wirtschaft. Weiter. Denken,” by the Matthöffer and Friedrich Ebert Foundations, Berlin, Germany. Nominated for American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, DAAD Prize, 2014. Austerity listed on Financial Times “Books of the Year 2013,” Economics List Recipient of Student’s Award for Outstanding Teaching at Brown University, May 2013. Runner up for Teacher of the Year, Instituto Empresa/Brown Executive MBA program, 2012. Nominated for the SSRC’s Albert Hirschman Award 2008. Great Transformations nominated by Cambridge University Press for the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, February 2005. Co-recipient of the Radcliffe Seminars Advanced Workshop Grant (with Rawi Abdelal and Craig Parsons) to fund an author’s conference, Spring 2005. Awarded the 2004 DAAD German Language Training in Germany Faculty Grant Awarded the Johns Hopkins University Class of 2003 George E. Owen Teaching Award. Awarded the 2003 Excellence in Teaching Award for the Liberal Arts Program of the Johns Hopkins University. Great Transformations awarded Choice top academic title (2002). Nominated for university-wide teaching awards, Johns Hopkins University (1999, 2001 and 2002, 2006). Nominated by Columbia University for the American Political Science Association’s Gabriel Almond Award for the best dissertation in Comparative Politics submitted in 1999.

20 Nominated by Columbia University for Newcombe award for the best dissertation in Contemporary American History in 1999. Research Fellowship, Goldsmith Award for Press and Public Policy Research 1996. Research Fellowship, Scottish International Educational Trust 1996. Dissertation Fellowship, The Josephine de Karman Fellowship, 1995-96. Dissertation Fellowship, Institute for the Study of World Politics, 1994-95. The William T.R. Fox Fellowship for the Study of International Relations, Columbia University, 1994-95. Columbia University's President’s Fellowship, 1991-94. Scottish International Educational Trust Award for Study in the United States, 1991 and 1992.

Teaching Interests

Undergraduate International and Comparative Political Economy, the Politics of Ideas and Political Change, History of Political Economy, the Politics of Financial Markets and Globalization, Europe and the US in Comparative perspective.

Graduate International and Comparative Political Economy, Institutional Analysis, the Politics of Finance, Constructivism and Political Economy, Causation and Complexity in the Social Sciences, PhD. Prospectus writing workshop.

Teaching Experience

Graduate Classes Prospectus Writing Seminar A hands-on step-by-step course on writing a PhD. dissertation prospectus.

The Politics of Policymaking in Comparative Perspective MPA program introduction to the political forces within which policymakers operate.

The Political Economy of Global Finance Graduate Colloquium on discrete areas of global finance. Topics covered include hedge funds, high frequency and algo-trading, offshore banking, exchange rate regimes, the role of key currencies, inequality and finance.

Ideas, Institutions and Politics Graduate survey of literatures on ideas and institutions across and beyond political science.

International Political Economy Graduate survey of the evolution of IPE as a field. Topics covered include; trade, finance, governance, and distribution.


Global Markets Exec MBA course taught with Instituto Empresa, Madrid, Spain. Deals with how business and government meet in an international economy characterized by different varieties of capitalism.

Critical Finance for the 21st Century. Exec MBA course taught with Instituto Empresa, Madrid, Spain. Deals with non- linearities, fat tailed events, and crises in financial systems.

The Political Economy of Hard Policy Problems MPA and Senior Seminar that deals with those issues that governments would like to (perhaps) do something about but find that it’s really hard to do something about it. Topics covered include economic Growth, Inherited Wealth, Inequality, Social Mobility, Money in Politics, Rent-Seeking in Finance, and the distributional politics of Austerity.

Complexity and Politics (co-taught with William Connolly) Applications of complexity theory and related works to politics drawn from chemistry, biology, statistics, neuroscience, causation, and philosophy.

Capitalism and Christianity (co-taught with William Connolly) Graduate level seminar where Political Economy and Political Theory meet at the intersection of markets and belief. Topics covered include; the Weber thesis, Christianity and Consumption, Morality and Markets.

Government in the Global Economy Masters level course that charts state strategies for dealing with the ever-changing global economy. American, Swedish, German, East Asian and African experiences are compared from the 1920’s to the present.

Growing Apart? American and Europe in the Twenty First Century Masters seminar that examines the developmental trajectories of Europe and the United States from their founding to the present. Topics covered include; Race, Equality, Exceptionalism, Power, Welfare, Markets.

Theories of Comparative Politics Graduate survey of the comparative politics subfield. Topics covered include; states, institutions, rational choice, trans-nationalism and networks, representation.

Social Science Logics and Methods Graduate survey course focusing upon different logics of understanding within the social sciences. Course teaches logics of argumentation, evidence, inference, and research design.

Core Texts of Contemporary Social Science Graduate survey of key, but perhaps not as widely known, works in IR and beyond.


Ideas and Politics Graduate seminar on how ideational factors effect political and economic outcomes, with special emphasis on theories of endogenous change.

The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State? Graduate course examines the origins, rise and retrenchment of the welfare state as a particular institutional form of capitalism from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Graduate Seminar in Political Economy (co-taught with David Harvey) Detailed Examination of the works of Gramsci and Keynes.

Thinking Economically – a History of Economic Thought - (Master of Liberal Arts) Masters level course surveys economic arguments from Locke to Lucas.

Democracy, Development, and Globalization MA level seminar on how these three issues are co-implicated in development and what this means for the limits of such projects.

Undergraduate Classes The Political Economy of Hard Policy Problems Lecture class that deals with those issues that governments would like to (perhaps) do something about but find that it’s really hard to do something about it. Topics covered include economic Growth, Inherited Wealth, Inequality, Social Mobility, Money in Politics, Rent-Seeking in Finance, and the distributional politics of Austerity.

Classics of Political Economy Undergraduate introduction to Political Economy that focuses on the ‘classics’ texts of political economy from John Locke to Robert Lucas.

Money and Power in the IPE Undergraduate Lecture course based around the monetary systems of the 20th and 21st Centuries.

Foundations of Political Economy Capstone senior seminar examining foundational texts in political economy.

The Politics of the Global Economy Survey of contemporary developments in the global economy; trade, finance, power, etc. Co- taught jointly with Nicolas Jabko and Cornelia Woll at Sciences Politique, Paris, Fall 2007.

Introduction to Political Economy One Undergraduate introduction to Political Economy that focuses on the ‘classics’ texts of political economy from Locke to Lucas.


Introduction to Political Economy Two Undergraduate introduction to Political Economy that focuses on the rise and decline of global monetary orders from the Gold Standard to Bretton Woods to Neoliberal Globalization.

International Political Economy Undergraduate seminar in comparative politics focused around the themes of development, democracy, agency, and globalization.

Introduction to Comparative Politics Undergraduate survey of comparative politics from a developmentalist perspective stressing how timing and state capacity shape development and democracy as outcomes across the globe.

Seminar in International Political Economy Senior seminar that juxtaposes orthodox and heretical readings of key IPE issues.

Political Economy and Political Science Undergraduate class that examines the relationship between economics and politics from a variety of Liberal, Marxist and Keynesian perspectives.

Development, Democracy and Globalization Undergraduate class that examines the relationship between economic development and political democracy in a variety of historical and institutional settings.

University Service Member, Brown University Research Advisory Board (RAB) 2020-2023 Member, Brown University ACURM Board 2020-2023 Director, the William R. Rhodes Center for International Economics and Finance, Brown University (2018-present) Brown University, Search Committee for IPE position (Chair) Fall 2018 Brown University, Search Committee for Political Theory Project joint search with Political Science (2016) Institute for Environment and Society joint search with Political Science (2017) Watson Institute China Chair, joint search with Political Science (2017) Brown University, French Center of Excellence Committee. Fall 2016-Present. Brown University, Brown-Instituto Empressa (Madrid, Spain) joint MBA steering committee. Fall 2015 – Present. Brown University, Chair of International Relations Open Rank Search, Fall 2014 Brown University, Reform of Development Studies Committee, Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. Brown University, Search Committees for junior IR position, Political Science, fall 2011 and for Watson Institute Director, fall 2011.

24 Brown University, Member, Committee on the Future of International Studies at Brown Spring 2011. Brown University, Director, International Relations and Development Studies interdisciplinary concentrations, July 2010-June 2013. Brown University, Department of Political Science, Graduate Admissions Committee 2010, 2011, 2013 Brown University, American Politics Search Committee Fall 2009 Johns Hopkins University, Director of International Studies, July 2008 – June 2009 Johns Hopkins University Admissions Policy Committee 2005-2009 Johns Hopkins University, Search Committees in American Politics (1999), Comparative Politics (2001), and International Relations (2003) Johns Hopkins University, D.C. Center, Program Oversight Committee 2003-2009 JHU Master of Literary Arts Program committee member 2002-2009 Johns Hopkins University, Fulbright Fellowship Committee 1999 – 2009

Other Professional Service Member of the Warwick Commission on Financial Reform 2009-2010. Section organizer, APSA conference 2009, Advanced Industrial States Editor of the Review of International Political Economy. Board Member of the Johns Hopkins University Press (2005-2009)

Graduated PhD. Students Guy Ben Porat (2001) Professor, IR, Ben Gurion University, Israel. Jacqueline Best (2001) Professor, IR, University of Ottawa, Canada. Riccardo Pelizzo (2003) Associate Professor and Dean, Astana University, Kazakhstan. Martin Hering (2003) Assistant Professor, CP, McMaster University, Canada. Scott Hibbard (2005) Professor, IR, DePaul University, Chicago, USA. Paula Lopes (2005) Professor, IR, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Ari Roth (2005). Went into NGO Sector. Marisa Von Bulow (2006) Professor, IR, University of Brazilia. Anna Gruben (2007) Assistant Professor, CP, University of Oregon, USA. Left the Field. Julie Zeng (2007) Associate Professor, IR, Florida International University. Matthias Matthijs (2008) Associate Professor, IPE, Johns Hopkins SAIS. Sule Caligoglu (JHU Public Health 2008). Went into NGO sector. Laura Locker (2010). Went into NGO sector. Cornel Ban (2010) Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School. Juan Wang (2011) Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada. Paris de L’Eltraz (EASDE Barcelona – October 2011), Professor of Practice, Instituto Empressa, Madrid, Spain. Ling Chen (JHU 2012), Assistant Professor, IPE, Johns Hopkins SAIS. Heidi Hiebert (American University 2012), Lecturer, GWU. Anthony Lopez (Brown 2012), Associate Professor, Washington State University Josef Hein (EUI 2012) Post Doc at Max Planck, Cologne, Germany. Elizabeth Bennett (Brown 2014), Associate Professor, Lewis and Clark College

25 Neil Shenai (JHU SAIS 2014), International Economist, US Treasury Jazmin Sierra (Brown 2015), Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame. Eyal Rubinson, (HUJI, Israel, 2016) Government position. Tami Oren (HUJI, Israel, 2016) Open University, Lecturer. Sanna Salo, (EUI, Italy, 2017) – Post Doc in Sweden. Oddny Helgadottir (Brown 2018) – Post Doc at Copenhagen Business School Puneet Bhasin (Brown 2018) – Max Planck Post Doc William Kring (Brown 2018) – Finance Center Director, Boston University Timothy Turnbull (Brown 2019) – Post Doc at USC. Erik Peinert (Brown 2020) – Post Doc at Brown.

Current PhD. Students Sanne Vershuren (Brown, Expected 2021) Gunnar Mokosch (Brown, Expected 2022) Gauri Wagle (Brown, Expected 2021) Kristine Li (Brown, Expected 2021) Jan Stockreugger (Brown, expected 2021) Josh Weitz (Brown Expected 2023) Leah Downey (Harvard, Expected 2022)

Other Professional Appointments Board Member, The John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany Visiting Professor at Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany (Fall 2013) Visiting Professor at Science Politique, Paris, France (2007-08) Visiting Professor at the University of Aalborg, Denmark (2007) Visiting Professor at the University of Mannheim, Germany (2005, 2007) Visiting Professor, Copenhagen Business School (2006, 2008, 2014) Visiting Professor at Science Politique, Lille, France (2003) Visiting Professor at the University of Birmingham (UK) (2000)

Editorial Positions: Editor, The Review of International Political Economy (2004-2010) Editorial Board member of The Johns Hopkins University Press (2004-2009) USA Review Editor for the Review of International Political Economy (2000-2004)

Reviewer for the following journals (selection): American Political Science Review, World Politics, Comparative Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Comparative Political Studies, International Organization, Governance, The American Sociological Review, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, New Political Science, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Millennium, International Studies Quarterly, Comparative European Politics, French Politics, Party Politics, Political Communication, Socio-Economic Review, Public Administration, European Journal of Political Research, New Political Economy, Comparative Studies in International Development, Social Science History

26 Reviewer for the following Academic Presses (selection): Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Cornell University Press, Princeton University Press, State University of New York Press, Palgrave/Macmillan Academic Publishers, The Johns Hopkins University Press, MIT Press

Book-jacket comments solicited from (selection): Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Palgrave, Harvard Education Press

Reviewer for the following Research Foundations: National Science Foundation (US), the European Science Foundation Standing Committee for the Social Sciences (SCSS); the Canada Council for the Arts Research Fellowship, Institute for New Economics, Austrian Science Foundation, Israel Science Foundation.

Media NYT, CBNC, Sky News, Fox News, Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg Radio, ‘The Agenda’ and ‘Diplomatic Immunity’ on Canadian Television, ‘Crosstalk’ and ‘Prime Interest’ on Russian TV, National Public Radio (On The Media, On the Money, Washington Chronicles), American Public Media (Marketplace), BBC, BBC Radio 4, Financial Times, IE Ireland, RTE Ireland, Washington Post, The Guardian, Baltimore Sun, Christian Science Monitor, San Antonio Express, Daily Telegraph (London), Toronto Globe and Mail,, Foreign Policy on line, Foreign Affairs, The Guardian, National Review, Time, Newsweek, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Der Tagesspiegel, Liberation, Project Syndicate, Vox, Fortune, El Mundo, Süddeutsche Zeitung. My interviews and presentations have over two million views on YouTube and Facebook.

References (available on Request)