Jdappy f-^cissouer LARGE TURNOUT BRAVES BLIZZARD TO ATTEND SECOND SUPPER LECTURE to our A remarkable display of congrega¬ tional and intellectual SAVE THIS BULLETIN loyalty took erJ and WeU Adriendi place this past Sunday evening when We should like to call your a fine turnout of members and friends attention to the fact that no Bul¬ braved a raging snowstorm to attend letins will be published during Rabbi Lookstein's second supper lec¬ the holiday. The next ture. Practically all of those who issue will be that of April 6th. made reservations came, whether by car or on foot when roads were im¬ passible (snow shoes would have been RABBI LOOKSTEIN ON TV more appropriate). Like the motto of WITH PAUL MUNI our postmen, "neither snow, nor rain, This Sunday, March 25th, Rabbi nor sleet," succeeded in holding back Lookstein and Paul Muni, the actor, these enthusiasts. will be featured on a Special Passover And what greeted them after their Program entitled, "The Young Lambs." arrival? As it is written in the Ethics This program will appear on Channel of our Fathers, "according to the labor 4 from 12 to 12:30 P.M. under the is the reward," and since the audience sponsorship of the New York Board labored greatly to get here they were of Rabbis. treated to what was possibly the finest talk ever given at a Supper Lecture. PASSOVER GAILY CELEBRATED BY OUR RAMAZ AND Continuing the theme begun at his RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHILDREN first lecture Rabbi Lookstein spoke on The festive holiday of Passover is On Thursday and Friday mornings, "The Religious Existentialism of Kier¬ being fully celebrated by the children March 22nd and 23rd, the Ramaz stu¬ kegaard and Franz Rosenzweig." The of our Ramaz and afternoon Religious dents will conduct their Sedorim in rabbi pointed out how Existentialism Schools in their many classroom ac¬ the Auditorium of the Synagogue was an anti-intellectual revolt against tivities and in a series of Model Se- House. The Religious School will hold the enthroned position of Reason. its Seder on dorim that attract not only the children Thursday afternoon. Kierkegaard, the tormented and but Each Seder will feature the chant¬ many parents as well. guilt laden thinker, found no satisfac¬ ing cf Kiddush and the singing of all tion in the calm, intellectually reas¬ The spirit of Passover is felt in our the special . Kings and oned out philosophy of Hegel. He de¬ Synagogue in many ways. The Queens lobby preside over each class and clared that man discovered the truth cf the Synagogue House is gaily dec¬ the Seder ceremony is conducted in through his own existence — that is orated with Passover motifs as are the the traditional Passover manner. through his own personal experiences. classrooms and the Auditorium. The The series of Model Sedorim is one God is found not by an elaborate sys¬ singing of "Ma Nishtana," "Echad Mi of the high points of the activity year tem of thought, but by a deeply felt Yodea," "" and other Seder of both Ramaz School and the Reli¬ emotional introspection. songs can be heard all week in the gious School. They are important not and in The cli¬ The classrooms the halls. only for the children but for the many second half of the Rabbi's talk max of all this preparation is the beau¬ parents who enjoy the rich experience was devoted to the German Jewish tiful Model Sedorim conducted by our of witnessing the religious and edu¬ Philosopher, Franz Rosenzweig. A Ramaz and afternoon Religious School cational growth of their children in the young man of assimilationist upbring¬ children. beautiful setting of their school. ing, Rosenzweig at first thought of turning to Christianity to fulfill his Rabbi Lookstein will preach this Sabbath at 11:00 a.m. spiritual needs. However, he decided to do so through Judaism, as a learned "WITHOUT SACRIFICE THERE CAN BE NO FREEDOM" and not as an ignorant Jew. In learn- A Sermon for the "Great Sabbath" (Continued on page 2) 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

SISTERHOOD TO HOLD THEATRE PARTY MAY 14 SECOND SUPPER LECTURE Mrs. Eugene Hollander Appointed Chairman (continued from page 1) Mrs. Hyman Abrams, president, an- ing about Judaism he found what he nounced that the Sisterhood will hold was looking for, and instead of pass¬ CONGREGATIONAL ACTIVITIES its Annual Theatre Party on Monday ing through — stayed. evening, May 14th. Mrs. Eugene Hol¬ DURING PASSOVER Rosenzweig posited that the three lander has been major elements in Judaism were appointed chairman Father-Son Minyan — God, of this function. Man and the World. Contact The between Father-and-Son Minyan will re¬ God, and Man is made through Revela¬ The cess for two weeks and no services play selected this year is tion; between God and the World will be on stars held March 25 and April 1. "Goodbye Again" which the through Creation; and between Man well-known Donald The Broadway actor, concluding Minyan service will and the World through Redemption. Cook, plus an excellent cast. be held on Sunday, April 8. A special In program will be given that day to concluding, Rabbi Lookstein Each year our Theatre Parties are stated that conclude this most important activity Rosenzweig's Existentialism looked forward to eagerly as a Social in an manner. brought forth many new creative and and Financial Event. appropriate Socially they pro¬ important ideas and was Junior possibly the vide for members and friends an en¬ Congregation — only position that a Jew like Rosenz¬ Junior joyable get together and financially Congregation services will weig, who was not rooted in Jewish be held on the first and last two they make possible our widespread days learning, could make. While we can philanthropic program. of Passover as well as on the inter¬ learn much from Jewish Existential¬ mediate Sabbath. Special liturgical ism, the position of We will need full cooperation for Orthodoxy rests prayers from the holiday will be part on much more solid ground. this Theatre Party. Tickets may be pur¬ of the service. We urge our chased neighbor¬ This lecture was the second in a se¬ by contacting the chairman, hood children to come to these ser¬ ries devoted to "Man in Search Mrs. Hollander, at RE. 7-8881, or the of vices that begin at 10:15 a.m. in the God: Syngagogue office, SA. 2-0800. Three Modern Philosophies of Chapel. Judaism." in his first lecture Rabbi Lookstein Religious School Recess — spoke on the secular or athe¬ The istic Existenialism. The third and con¬ DATES TO REMEMBER ON Religious School will have Pass¬ over vacation for two weeks begin¬ cluding lecture will be devoted to de¬ YOUR SISTERHOOD ning with this Sunday, March 25. Ses¬ veloping the theme "Man Is not Alone —The Neo-Chasidism of Abraham J. sions will resume on Sunday, April 8. CALENDAR Heschel." Since the Junior Congregation is part of the Religious School The Monday afternoon, April 9th program all concluding lecture will take school children who reside in the at 12:30—Sisterhood Executive place on Sunday, April 8th, and we Board Meeting in the Social neighborhood are requested to at¬ urge our readers to make their res¬ tend the Hall. special holiday services. ervations early.

Monday, April 16th at 12:30 — Special Meeting in the home of Mrs. Louis Etra, 945 Fifth Avenue. The Third and Monday morning, April 23rd — Concluding Visit to the United Nations. (Reservations can be made by contacting Mrs. Samuel Gross, SUNDAY SUPPER LECTURE BU. 8-9024 — deadline April 13th). will be Monday evening, May 14th — given by Annual Theatre Party.


We with thanks a con¬ on acknowledge Sunday evening, April 8th on tribution to our Happy Day Fund from Mrs. Richard Kolb. "MAN Members are urged 1o share their IS NOT ALONE: joyous occasions with others by mak¬ ing a gift to the Happy Day Fund. Con¬ THE NEO-CHASIDISM OF ABRAHAM J. HESCHEL" tributions may be sent to our Happy Day Fund Chairman, Mrs. Samuel Gross, 311 East 72nd Street. OVER $2,800 COLLECTED FOR NEEDY BY PASSOVER RELIEF FUND

Thanks to the generous response of our and members friends, the 1956 Mrs. Vera Icikovic Passover Relief over We our readers will be Appeal realized $2,800. know Emanuel B. Jacobs interested in a summary of the money received and disbursed; we are happy, George Jacobs therefore, to render this brief report: Mrs. Lena Jacobs Receipts $2,858 Anna Jacobson Mrs. Irma Jacoby Disbursements: Morris Jaret Yorkville Relief Passover Committee, for the aid of the needy in our Norman Jaspan Dr. Abraham community . . . . $1,000 Jersky Sent to Israel, particularly for refugee relief work and institutions of David Joseph Jewish learning 1,040 Joseph Kagan Leo. B. Special grants to organizations doing relief, educational and Kagan David Kahn philanthropic work 500 Fred Kahn To deserving individuals, mostly rabbis, who would not come to the Morton Kamerman attention of public charity 103 Norman Kamerman Total Disbursements $2,643 Abraham Kaminer Balance to be distributed $ 215 Mrs. Louis Kanarek Dr. Harry Kaplan We are happy to list below the names of those who responded to the Pass¬ Dr. Ira I. Kaplan over Relief Appeal this year, as of Tuesday, March 20. Richard Karlin Estate of David Kass PASSOVER RELIEF CONTRIBUTORS - 1956 Herman Katz Mrs. Abram J. Abeloff Harry Etra Mrs. B. Kelin Hyman Abrams Isidor Etra Dr. Emory Klein Harry Abramson Louis Etra Julius Kohn Jonas Adler Max J. Etra Richard Kolb Mrs. Rose Alpert Mrs. Adolf J. Elkeles Mrs. Rose Kolker Irving Angel Feinberg Twins Alexander Kommel Mrs. Blanche Bachrach Mrs. Ella Felber Cantor Jacob Konigsberg Harry Bachrach Dr. Theodore R. Fink Morris Krauss Philip Bachrach William B. Fischberg Saul J. Lance Harry W. Baumgarten Miss Fannie Fischer N. David Landau Mrs. Frances Bayer Bernard D. Fischman R. Landau Morris Benuk Ludovico Fleischmann Dr. Joseph Laval Maurice A. Bergman Samuel Frank Edward Lebowitz H. Blum Joseph N. Friedman William Lebowitz Meyer W. Blumberg Samuel Garfinkel Sam Lerner Dr. M. M. Bogdonoff M. Ginsburg Marion Gold Lewis Mrs. Florence Bonat Dr. Isidore Givner Dr. Jack Lieberman Dr. Samuel Bondi Samuel Goldberg Dr. Philip A. Lief Hyman C. Brandman A. Phillip Goldsmith J. Lipschutz Berthold Breiner Dr. Eli Goldstein Dr. Joseph Litwins Elaine Brody Saul A. Goldstein Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein A. Milton Brown Edward Goodman Benedict 1. Lubell Nathan D. and Theo Brown Dr. Frank Goodman Max Meislen Hyman 1. Bucher Mrs. B. Gordon Abraham L. Marcus Mrs. C. Butterman Jules Gourary Samuel A. Marcus Mrs. S. Lawrence Brody Abel Gottheimer Martin Markson Mrs. J. D. Cohen Herman Greenberg Hermann Merkin Hyman Cohen Ben Greenstein Leib Merkin Hyman 1. Cohen Alexander Gross Max Messing Mrs. Esther Cooperman S. B. Gubbay David Miller Dr. Herbert Cooperman Jack Halpern Frieda Miller Israel Cummings S. Haskell Joe Miller Mix Doctorow Jacob Held Alex Morganstern Ruth Dossick Alex Herbst Isaac E. Okun Dr. Leo Edelman Aaron Hinitz Aaron H. Onish Alfred Erlich Eugene Hollander Oscar Perlberger Samson Eichler Hilda Holt Mrs. S. Plessner Joseph J. Ein'norn Abraham 1. Holzer Jules Podell Herman Elkon Michael Hyams Irwin Polk PASSOVER SUPPLEMENT


Reuben N. Popkin Summonses for "Jewry" duty will We Deliver TRafalgar 3-2040 Hon. George Postel not be served until after the Passover Abraham Poust holiday. Meanwhile we would like to STERN'S BAKE SHOP Joseph M. Prensky extend our thanks and appreciation Robert Price to those of our members who served 490 AMSTERDAM AVENUE Archie Richman on "Jewry" duty and attended ser¬ N. Richman vices this past week. They are: Joseph Again offers a Full line of Mrs. Anna H. Robbins Perlman and J. William Rosenbluth. Delicious Cakes and Cookies Franklin Robbins Samuel Rosen KOSHER FOR PASSOVER T. Rosenberg Miles Rosenberg Open for Passover goods beginning this Jacob J. Rosenblum Monday, March 19th, under the supervision Mrs. L. Rosenthal of Rabbi Breuer. Mrs. Sarah Rosentover J. William Rosenbluth Dr. Morris Rosner ATZOH Joseph Roth Jack A. Rothenstein with the table! Louis Rubinfield Sam Rubinsky William Ruderman Nathan Salzman famous since 1884 Max Sadinoff Bruno Scheidt Bernard Schiff Isidore Schlang Joseph Schlang Louis Schneider Moses Schonfeld Julius Schwartz E. R. Shamoon Barney Shapiro Miss B. Sherry Jacob P. Shulman Elgin Shulsky THE SEDER PLATE Benjamin Siegel Full-color, metal gift tin, illustrating the cere¬ Elliott W. Siegel monial symbols of the Seder, with Barton's deluxe Continental Passover miniatures. 1 lb., Seppy I. Silberman $2.49 (mailing cost 60c); 2 lbs., $4.60 (mail ing cost 75c). Joseph Silberschutz nosn Aaron J. Simon an* Emanuel Simon Dr. Kona Simon Ludwig Simon Dr. Miriam E. Trachman Dr. Sadie Edith Trachman Dr. Edgar Trautman PASSOVER Simon J. Vogel Dr. Robert Wallach

Frank Wallman SEND FOR PASSOVER BROCHURE FLORISTS David Warshavsky FOR THE SYNAGOGUE illustrating over 100 Kosher for Passover spe¬ cialties from the originators of authentic Pass¬ Ira F. Weisman over delicacies. Ask for Barton's free guide, Reuben Westerman CROYDON FLORISTS How to Make A Seder ahd Preparing the Home for Passover. Dr. Andor A. Weiss 1154 MADISON AVENUE Miss Cecilie Weiss (Between 85th & 86th Sts.) Miss Vilma Weiss Miss Irene Weiss Milton Meyer, Prop. RE 4-6768 BARTONS Abraham Wiener © MmMi/wiVUL Centerpieces - Arrangements - Boxes - Gifts Mrs. Abraham Wouk Barton's offices, factory and 65 Continental Chocolate Shops in New York, Philadelphia, Herman Wouk Special Consideration to Members of Detroit and Newark are closed on the Sab¬ bath and all Jewish Holidays. For mail orders Victor Wouk Kehilath Jeshurun and brochures write Barton's, Dept. 80 DeKalb Ave., Bklyn, 1, N. Y. Young Men's Philanthropic League Mrs. Mitchel Zelkind KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 3


(For the benefit of our readers we SCHEDULE OF PASSOVER SERVICES repeat the Passover preparation in¬ MONDAY, March 26, Passover Eve structions which we printed last week.) Morning Services 7:30 A special service for the first-born (Siyum) will be conducted "Kosher for Passover" — following the regular services. A label bearing the inscription, "Ko¬ Evening 6:00 sher for Passover" is not necessarily TUESDAY, Passover I a guarantee that the article so labeled Morning 9:00 is permissible for Passover use. Un¬ Rabbi Lookstein will fortunately, there are the unscrupu¬ preach at 10:45 a.m. lous who take advantage, and the "Let My People Go and Let Your 'Self' Go" credulous who fall prey. Whatever Evening ...... 6:00 food article, therefore, that is pur¬ WEDNESDAY, II chased for Passover and which requires Passover endorsement should* indicate that it Morning 9:00 Evening 6:00 has the approval of a recognized rabbi or rabbinic organization. Last week, FRIDAY, March 30 to help our members with their Pass¬ Lighting of Candles 6:00 over purchases, we enclosed with our Evening 6:00 bulletin a list of "Kosher for Passover" SATURDAY, Shabbat Choi Hamoed items published by the Union of Orth¬ Morning 9:00 odox Jewish Congregations. Rabbi Lookstein will preach at 11:00 a.m. Search for Chometz — Evening 6:10 On the evening before the eve Conclusion of Sabbath 6:55 of Passover (this year, Sunday evening, SUNDAY March 25th), every Jewish home Morning 8:30 should be inspected to make sure that Evening 6:00 all "chometz" has been removed. Like MONDAY, Passover VII every religious practice, there is a Morning 9:00 ceremony connected with this inspec¬ Rabbi Lookstein will tion. It is well to observe that cere¬ preach at 10:45 mony, not alone because it is a relig¬ Evening 6:00 ious requirement, but because it TUESDAY, Passover VIII affords an opportunity to impress the Morning 9:00 children of every household. Memorial Prayers are recited as part of this Service

Sale of Chometz — Evening 6:15 The important ritual of "m'chiras SERVICES DURING WEEK OF CHOL HAMOED chometz" the sale of chometz, must Mornings 7:30 be attended to by this Sunday, March Evenings 6:00 25th. Rabbi Lookstein is available for week. For those who cannot come in NOTE: Doors will be closed before the Sermon begins. person, we provide a form, in this bul¬ Please arrange to be in your seat in time. letin, which must be properly filled out, signed and returned to the Rabbi no later than this Sunday, March 25th.

Disposal of Chometz — No chometz may be eaten after 9:45 A.M. on Monday, March 26th. All chometz should be completely dis¬ I, ,hereby authorize Rabbi 10:30 posed of by Monday morning. Joseph H. Lookstein to dispose of all Chometz that may be in my possession

Service for the First-born — wherever it may be: at home, place of business or elsewhere in accordance It is obligatory upon every first-born who cannot observe the fast on Mon¬ with the requirements and provisions of the Jewish law. day, March 26th, to attend the special service on that day and to participate, at its conclusion, in the light collation Name mat is served. The services for the first-born (Siyum Bechorim) will be held in the Chapel on Monday, March Address 26th, as part of the regular morning service which will begin at 7:30. L 4 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun YOU'LL BE BATTING 1000. 117-25 East 85th Street New York 28, N. Y. if you attend SAcramento 2-0800 OUR MEN'S CLUB BASEBALL PARTY Editor Sunday, May 27th Theodore Comet Synagogue Officials Featuring: GIANTS VS. DODGERS Joseph Fl. Lookstein Rabbi For tickets contact Maurice N. Jaffe, chairman, or Sol Roth Assistant Rabbi the Synagogue Office Jacob Konigsberg Cantor .Israel D. Rosenberg Ritual Director WITHIN OUR FAMILY K. J. CALENDAR Theodore Comet Exec. Director Birthdays — Officers of the Congregation Sunday evening, April 8 at 6:30 — Many happy returns — to Hyman Third Supper Lecture — Social Hall. Max J. Etra President Abrams, Leon Daniel, Aaron H. On- A. Monday afternoon, April 9 at 12:30 — Phillip Goldsmith Vice-President ish, Mrs. Nathan Salzman, Mr. and Samuel A. Sisterhood Board Meeting — Social Marcus Treasurer Mrs. David Warshavsky, and Mrs. Hall. Romie Shapiro Secretary Nathan Warshaw. Hyman I. Bucher Pres., Men's Club Tuesday evening, April 17 at 6:30 — Anniversaries — Mrs. Flyman Abrams Pres., Sisterhood Men's Club Annual Meeting. Warmest greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Baumgarten, Mr. and Mrs. Monday morning, April 23 — Sister¬ SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Leon Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Ep¬ hood Trip to the United Nations. FRIDAY stein, Dr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hollander, Mr. Lighting of Candles 5:50 and Mrs. Richard Kolb, Mr and Mrs. Evening 6:00 Your Jacob Rudd, Mr and Mrs. David War¬ Neighborhood Furrier SATURDAY Shabbat Hagadol shavsky, Mr. and Mrs. George Weiss Morning 9:00 and Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Zessman. TAMBORYN BROS. Junior Congregation 10:15 Weekly Portion: Zav, Leviticus 1179 LEXINGTON AVENUE YAHRZEITS 6:1 - 8:36 (between 80th & 81st Sts.) Plaftorah: Malachi 3:4-24 March 24—PHILIP STEINBERG Evening 6:00 TRafalgar 9-7053 Conclusion of Sabbath 0:45 24—ISIDORE M GROSSMAN 24—JENNIE GOLDSTEIN SUNDAY Specialists in Fine Furs 25—FANNIE BERZIN Morning 8:30 25—SOLOMON BELKIN Evening 6:00 We do remodeling — alterations 25—MAX ABRAHAMS and certified Cold Storage 26—MENDEL LIPSITZ 26—AARON M. SCHOENFELD Lipstadt Memorial Co. 27—LOUIS ROTH 27—MAURICE SCHARMAN now . . . Monuments . . . 27—KALIE SCHLUESSEL in Closed Saturdays Open Sundays 28—SAMUEL SILBERSCHUTZ WESTCHESTER 28—MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN 370 AMSTERDAM AVENUE CROSS COUNTY PARKWAY AT 29—MARY L. KRAM Near 78th St. New York 24, N. Y. 29—LEAH ONISH FLEETWOOD, MOUNT VERNON Tel.: TRafalgar 4-6843 31—SIMON M. ROEDER MOunt Vernon 4-6800 31—NACHMAN ABRAMS Serving the congregation over 25 years April 1-CARRIE LEVY 1 —CHAYE VERMUS RIVERSIDE AN EIGHT-GRAVE FAMILY PLOT 1-RABBI HERMAN K. JARAY 4—ISAAC WARSHAW m.n,onJ On the Congregation's grounds at 4—AARON JACOBS 76fh ST. and AMSTERDAM AVE., N. Y. BETH EL CEMETERY 4—SARAH SCHOENFELD 5—JULIUS GOLUB ENdicott 2-660C is offered at only $500.00 5—ANNA FEIFER LONG ISLAND-MIAMI 5—ALBERT E. HYMAN Further information mav be had jy 6—HERMAN I. SCHACTER BROOKLYN - BRONX - MOUNT VERNON contacting our Ritual Director, Israel 6—MEYER FRANK Charles Rosenthal, Director D. Rosenberg, at the office. (SAcra¬ 6—SARAH MANDEL mento 2-0800). 6—ETTA LOOKSTEIN