'Work Forest' Myth Dispelled in Kuh Report
, •!1996 WFU Publications Board, All Ri hts Reserved · · •'· ·"; ·-:~ :"--·-·/:' ':•.'l.('• :~·-r:·-. "~- -·. ,1": ,' ',," • " J> •• ·l'. 1 ' . E.~PI•li~~~!~-:,~k·pl~y~ Charlotte's Grady Cole .Center, Devils BedevaUed: WoRlen's soCcer sneaks past Duke, perf,o~rp~jjop~lar ~o11g~ and ·dances the Sissyneck. · Schilling. ·kJcks i~.last-second ·goal to down. Devils 1-0 ·?·· ·,,_:- ::. ·:·,. ' A&E Page 86 Sports Page 81 News Page A4 VOLUME80, No.5 "COVERS THE CAMPUS LIKE THE MAGNOLIAS." THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1996 'Work Forest' myth dispelled in Kuh report BY DAN CHILI>S The report said the amount ofeffort has the third highest workload in the demics at the university consume 0Lu Got.ll Mm BLACK Ru•mu !~K devoted to educationally purposeful country. too much of their time. activities by students Kuh found that Ken Zick, the vice president of According to a recent assessment does not seem to ex more than half of stu student life and instructional re of the intellectual climate of the uni ceed that put forth by Intellectual dents at this university sources, said part of the reason be versity, the nickname "Work Forest" students at other com te spend 30 hours or fewer hind the conclusion could be the is not as accurate as many students parable universities, a week on their school quality of the students themselves. like to imagine. contrary to common work, class time in "We know there are some students One of the conclusions of the as student belief. Kuh used cluded. who don't have to spend as much sessment, done by George Kuh, stated, three comparable uni Kuh also con time on the material presented in "students devote satisfactory, but not versities while assess cluded that students do order to master it," Zick said.
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