A new Agreement providing, tor an would concentrate TOo admThbtfalivei averag^ 10 per cent wogo redaction icnrlie work for the department is a FRANK E. KOHETZKft, ESSENCE OF ALL was sigm-d by employing yackers of whple nnd wc^Jld hare gvoi ral con­ Kc-r York nnd Amalgamated Meat trol and supervulon over the Licensed Broker and Cutters & Butchers Workmen of aratlon , ot departmental General Auctioneer. CURRENT AFFAIRS Jforth America, and over expendKurej, cost accotrnt- Seven AmerK-nn aulmini-lncs of the iftg and reports. For most depart­ 1«i) Httntfg,, Frilll arftl. Atlantic fleet arrived at New York to Collected, Prnp-t-rlv Looked A Summary for Busy Readers give their crews nhore...leave. ments thJ-, office would keep tho rou- Aft"r, both t»wn ami 0'iunt'v A United State? Senatorial Investi­ Survey Report C-l's Eleven trolllng ^."counts of tbe fcitiro de>' Al«o curry in «t'jck i» H««»>on. (i of the Significant Doings gation ot tbe Industrial upheaval In partment, prepare accounting «Utn- General Cliomicil (V«. HP'-*' M o' the Dav the coal llelrts of Mlngo county, W. Vn., Major Departs tnenl* and reports, supervise tho col-' which lin? led to open warfare be­ leclloa of revenues U any, and make te-lHls all disbursements. It would be under RESIDBSOF. AND BUSINHSS PL\ E tween striking miners and strike­ CCCURREhiCCS OF INVEST. breaker*. Is assured. '. IN&EPE the supervision ot /he department Agreement to semi the peace resolu­ director and in direct cb»rgo oi a Commerce Street. BERLIN, MARYLAND chief clerk." % : . Progress cf the World In General. tion to the house for Consideration was reached nt conference of llepubllcan Eleven Departments Pr The centralUr«enby'B new naval department heads instead of 8* brftrti*, . Three of them cause headache, which can be cor­ 3ERL.IN, MARYUANO, aid was nnnounsied. He auccccds Cair- Dccartmen coiuaui'itons, , etc., wouH be directly rected by glasses properly fitted. mnnder Percy W,,Foot;>,'Who fcn JiayT r*|ix>nBlble to the Gii^rnor ior tb« took command of the scout cruiser Sn- | conduct ot the Suto't bns'lnes*, and r^ will be answered by r WASHINGTON letu. Hep-oupinf of the 8 (b) by the ahoIlsMng ot commission* A decision nf Philadelphia iu favor ns nnd In favor of thd single coarail«sloner DR.R.O.HIGGINS of the United States government In a major or bureau chl«C. On this latter head' H. O. CROPPER, OPTOMETRIST Isaac II. Smith was nominated by sclf brought by the Ehrct Magnesia I'resldent Ilnrdlng to be superintend­ ent office i>: 'U»« report aays: Manufacturing Company ot .Philadel­ l\: tt.e the cenoral , BERLIN, MD. ent of the-United Stnle.8 Assay Office phia' to recover $28,889 alleged ovc«^ ct New York. ifce C'al-ja;;a policy IWbocaUd' ID tbi» report, it is DR. E. W. SMITH charge for taxes for 10I7 was said to Rltcbie Tt« ', pending. commlttrp of 71 Detuo<-: ognljis the function ot a k«rd or a X -lU'.'H TKLEfUONK.T^. Inturstu:-.) Commerce Commission approved application of th'e Pennsyl­ Governor has just appoi commission as a pollcy-fernilnf: agency If You have not tried our delicious Lunch Rolls, vania Kallruud f«r u government loan SPORTING Th« adminlstrstlve si reconv If not a* np administrative body. T'axu, Tea Rings, Cinnamon Buns, Cinnamon Cake, DR. O. H. MASON. of ?5,7UO,000 to meet maturing obllga- env.^d by the report for the "four advisory conr.clls are suggested tons. folio«'lug uinjor dlTUJl In connection with tbe Department of Raisin '.Rolls, Butter Nut Rolls, DENTIST. Agreement on the budget bill was Is to erase color line after 1. Kxecutlve Departii Welfare tb» W-j(| Lunacy C\timJs- You Are Missing Something. BERLIN, - - MARYLAND. reached by the senate and bouse con­ nloti. tho Advisory Board of Parole, the (SPECIALIST IN EXTRACTING. bout ot July 2. 'FRESH EVERY DAY FOR DINNER ferees; - . . It wns said tlmt some of the beat 3. DopRrtment Of ".jt* A:'.v: ry CvHiEcll on ChlrltlCS And. tjj» Also our reyular Rolls, Buns.^read, Cakes and Pies UFITICB HOURS: OPl'OSITa Following tho custom of tbe house .'v.i>;.-..i;y Council on. Connections."' tl II; 16. 111GU SCUOOL. of thu French players, Including -1. Dcparlnipnt of -"Mil PHONE 8-T-.H of lords and the Jlouse of commons of Suzunne l.englen, V-ho are slated for An Advisory Council on Health is. having ten nnd dinner served on the posltfons on the French Puils -cup 6. another suggestion. Tto policy of the WM. J. PITTS terrnceu of tho parliament; building, tennls'teum, might nut_nail July :E( 7. Depar report wjld bo for memb«ia o( auob C. A. PARSONS BAKING COMPANY. the senate of the United States* hud for Now York to v, compete In the 8. Depur' advisory councils to Kervc wlthovt SURVEYOR. luncheon served on the portico cf tbe mutches, because they'nre afraid they mp«nsaUon,> though "icembers of senate wing of the copilot. Btnator KfS?, Democrat, Utah, told tsi=Rl_IN, r MD.' will bo iinnbie to obtain In thb,United 10. o State Luuacy Commission, be- the unate he had teen Informs c! that Tho House voted 77 to 38 to add States tbe wine to which they are ac- $200,(XX) :o the deficiency appropriation 11. Depart'ue csuse of tbo larger demands jMde WILLIAM M. STEUMVT the electric drive system adopted CUBtOUlU. upon thorn, should bo paid for !h*Time bill for prohibition enforcement until Reglf.tri Appo!'rtt" - Adminliirntlon leaders, 'joth In anC Chnrllo Frank, nn'hfiger ot tho A.'luntli t.. by Dirwvtor.of fi'••• . <. cut of Congress, are jreatly disturb­ At Utrllc olBwottry SHiron club. ••• .-; " .onat ed over the refunal uf the nenate to The Union Pacific Railroad acquired Tho scheduled baseball gamo : >!t, as av; i approve the development of the AU- /'f.Mi.iliott. N v l,..tw..,'.|i Ohio V meda nflvy supply bale on San Fr«n-i PRANKLiN UP'IHUR full ownurshlp of tho Los Ajgeitp & on joint ballot oV tu> Salt Luke Italtrond CompV/f" Km£ ' ni.it, would serve a* inch Cisco Bay, which Is one of the essen­ UAWYER former United States Scwto/ William j . -....,... tial steps In the new »oh4,.,c to cor,, centrite r>, large part of the battlf- A. Clark, of Montana Bnd tilit usao- vd In mi accident by tlie buttery of up Comptroller cli'to^. ' l»<*.Mn nine. It Is believed that C Itlp fleet In the Piclflc, ' It.ly Inuead ot TKk economy drive aoalntt th« $49},- Standards 'in gi,.. ...incur n c tfolng [ Wesleynn's flteher suffered a bM iro. H.UpiVar. I I'M1 and lt»:»?or catcher won 000,000 naval appropriation bill w«i ux* In bot-1- tondencx *h>tur*d In the eenMtr, v,' : ; mended by ^ HurdluK to niembc-rs of. the Acad­ ork for-Enei emy o( 1'olltlcal Bcl'-iice at their lunch-' tier J»'-wtthin hilf-pound (father thnn t" -, -,. ARA;P. BOWEN, BOII nt (ho Asicr hotel. New York. '>ls xs't>r^g weight. Demp£-v«'..'.'suto«U would be created, he ie &ii- plural-bead' . U. S.'ambaseador to Italy ' MAGISTRATE. I'lcsldi'iit Hnrillnif by iiroclunintlon hardW>rk for the title n.t

  • lng It?" Under the provision!* ol tbe Ac righteous; and jliuiit for Joy, nil ye need prince, ennaK'id Ills pcr»mi uni "Why, can't yon make It grow on Uoliold upon thu mountains tho feet thnt are upright In .heart. 1'Kalms,. powers In tho holy war nKulii»t HIL ol tbe Aaeembly, the County and of him thnt brlngeth gn may be a* _ It Is popularly HUppuxed that a now flervant Klrl, who professed to bo In thU connection will he recnllet Deadly Duel 0«twe«n Eagles. circumalancee ate cuch that they an inliiiM.rnay'he'nirardi'd fronton of the Ilrllhdi pnrlliimciit be­ prophetess and who Issued 0,-IOQ flenled t'raed'» brilliant ehnriule, "Thu t'ca Two eagles bnvo hnd a fight to the unable to obtain an education i> 1922 in Haliliii'jr*- t'itj, (&iH, ten ' AI Large." gins with Uie king's speech, but In papers to her fotlowws, at prices cock uud the lunllea." death at Invergnrry, Inverness-shire, ood,- 4hhd and lourlli .Pl-ttUitc), AinilioftnlB fliould addresa The from 12 shlllltiKB to a love- corre- Engineering unlesa free tuilion b reality this Is not so. I'recedlng the wires n London Dally Chronicle Baliiiuoic. Ctlvert. Resintrar, The John* Hopkloe UnU speech from the throne n "dummy" bill cnch "HIH!" gunrontecd to BO- Comp:noatlon. xpondcnt. Within a fow^arda of a granted to them. Tbe scholanhlpa Anne Arundel, U always presented for first remtins euro salvation, has still her followers "Are you eoluy to take any siirmno road a boy, tho son of a herd keeper, entitle the holders to free tuition KQiU.Monlgoin*.^, IMnce Gfor«e'», vcr»ltr, t»i blank (orrns ol applica­ a little fiction carefully preserved In In London. Sumo of those strange IIHW two golden eagles engaged In a Somernet and \VaahinRton tion an:! fr>r catnloguea giving i»- documents still survive, nnd nro much He watched the strug- free use ot text-books, and exemp «rdnr to assert tho Independence of "Flilu' up tlie rules now," repllw llwce combat HcholaiBblpe mty be formation a* lo examinations, award parliament. In tho hellof that to turn treiisurcd by their word*: "Tho seal Farmer Cnrntosse). RUv, and saw one of the birds tion from all regular fees. One at once, to tho npeecli might suggest n or tho Lord tho Klect I'roclous Mnn'n "Hemenihcrlnif, of course, that fnoi fall nil Its buck- dead In a ditch. the tcliolarshrpa in each pou RfnduaUa ol Lojola Collfgn, tft. of BchoUrshlpe, and courses of in- too-eager preoccupation with ills inn- Ilcdcwptloi; To Inherit the Tree of cost Ims been going down." Hu fidv'.-fHnry, with beak fast tn tho Jqhn'a Coll^gp, \Vniihiiigtoa Ciillpw, ttruotloD. The next 8«wlon and nnd In each Legislative BUtiiot o jesty'u voids. J^lfo To bo mado liotra of Qod "Yes. Itut remember 'a' also llm other's thuwr, thmj stood Wettorn Matylnntl College, Mary- Tuesday, October 4tb, 1021. y i . ' .- , Jojnt heirs of Jesus Christ." liavo bceu going up/ on tho victim's tbe City oaniea alio tUe bum o Bfll JoneslClothes JacMeCooganjfNear East fc\"f-~k Helping Price Reduction on Goodrich Tires

    The decisive reduction of twenty per cent Going to Build? Better Decide On on the prices of Goodrich Tires and the Heating Equipment Now Include h your buiHinj, estii.tteth* price of a good he-.i,- Tubes which took effect May 2nd, re­ SBgffmn of proper* :«. Don'i-!«the !i«c go un'JI Ur- ISST-MK! then fuvsfosto toler-tcn>I vomething tlimjy t JwuV*«peBT tnemowyior"«Sow". Livnh dn-nratiooa ceived the complete endorsement of tire rvtpoorwtastiiuteforw^nrjh. Comider your family's health and comfort/l'r.Y/ We'll gladly have a heating plan users and dealers throughout the country. nd ettiman dravn up fn* if you act ui now. Or we'll submit your problem to th* Round Oak Engineering It was accepted at its full face value as a Department cor advice - no eharg»- as to be»i, moit eco­ helpful, economic move in'tune with the nomical typ« of h*u to imull. On* popular ntw type t* spirit of the times. The reduction applies to ROUND OAK \ IfcONBILT FURNACE BuBl throughout of iron 600 !b». jnrift- Goodrich Silvertown Cords r than iron used ill locomotive wHeeu* Vim*, bolvng .'-oidi it forever Ic-r-tipht. For pip* irutalAition. We ado hand'.* Goodrich Fabric Tires Rou na Oak Pipeleu /iirruc** and Mour» air Heating System*. All are obtainable Goodrich Red and Gray Tubes at lomc potubb prices - now! The Round CJak FoUa(ReiourcwiJ,enl for discarded closing "Rill Jonon" suit will be auctioned off ofthairnductiria. TK«r» i> nothing to gain by waiting - to dlsW ite nmmii; the destitute In at n lilts nffalr In New Tork and the tation by sheer quality of construction Western A*la John Drew, chairman of proceeds uned to purchase clothing for the New ! >»( Ilcllef National Tbeat- .'he sufferers In Western Asia. Berlin Hardware Co. and complete dependability of service. 'rlcal CCD inlTteo, nt OIICR got liusr, and Little Jnvkle Coogan, who bunt Into as rtsu'.t It Is cxperteU thnt nt least fame sj "The Kid" In the latest CUr- Every improvement in making, with 1 ,000,03ft pounds ot clothing will be He Chaplin film. Raw a photograph of 'given by the people of the stage «nd h little Armenian orphan boy ana very many exclusive betterments is in the Iscreen W'Hd n1onc. promptly said that he'd like to send "Cortllnly," said Hill Jones, whose some clothes over there to those "poor Goodrich tires you buy today. Innmr off the stnuc Ix Frank Bacon, kiddles." ("certainly I want to do something for "I've got 81 lot of clothes, and I can '.those poor follr out In tha Near East. only weal i snlt at a time," said will supply your^needs an>' ,I'T» got.'n lot of rxtrn clothes nt the Jnckle. tackle's bundle, which ha* Your dtftltr ,honM, jtnil you mn het I'll 'bnndii> up already been received by Near Bust give you .the benefit!of these new re­ of old clothes ami somt Se!!ef, at 1 Madison avenue. New Tork And Pressing. W. J. ELLIS, [new oin, too nnd Rtnid them parcel Cliy, was bigger than Jackle himself. Cleaning duced prUes on your purchases post to Koixr East Itell-f." B'.-lgndler General J. L«ille Klncald, ' Then.JkJr. Bacon, whose plir/i "Ught- state chairman : Near East Relief, li L. Jom«, the 8p«-ciaJI*t, Cleaner Contractor and 'nln'," fcjs mn over 2,000 tlmen In a ^ nlng that tno people generally all and prPM*-; «coi>rinit « ; dje'rg. .single '.fbtnter In New York city, took hreund the state will follow the exam­ Pirat-clry* t.ooi'.rtsoV woik OH I led tar Builder <#**& The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company clown flffpiu the hook In bis dressing ple of these Mart of (creen and stage srd dMivK-w*. 8b«p nut door «« Estimate*, lamiehed on all clanea o! AKRON, OHIO room t>M old familiar suit he wears In and at once make up a bundle of their Poet Offii*. Kain etrml, Berlin. My Congress.. August hored, restless, street gamin, soiae big devotion tft saving the. liven of 18,000 tho Western World has be­ 0, 1019. hew heen died with Ctogre** hearted Salvation Army Officer sen»«d children lit tlie last m-nwnt before nil hy Charles V. Vlckrey, general secn>- gun to take for granted that the Jap­ the cry of a aoul for music and coaxed food supplies were cx.'muHted Is re- anese* have reached an cnvlablo posi­ tary of (he relief organization. Th» him Into the ball, first to hear the oth vcalefl In,- a flu- of rtibWKroms from report Include* nn auditor's .itotement tion InUhe world because ot an alleged er follows play and later Invited him Trn.'isciiucosU mntlo public by the In all matters, a cloeo Inspec­ by n firm of elmrtered ncccu;itnni,v, elllclancy to try to make a noise himself. No Near KiiHt. Hellwf, Ihe An'crivan or- whose tmvelliiK nud'.pn in tb* field tion of actual facts shows up thu Jap normal boy cr,i!d reslsfthe chance, [rs,n. which In the pntit four years all expenditures hy the Near as almost childish. Writing for Me because In bis Innermost heart he 1' iai U«en tho means of Having nvre East lie) Iff, Clu're'a Miifiazlrif in an article entitled, than n million lives In the old Berlin Aovance certain, that 'ie could play juat as veil In regard to the !>unlursa methox)* "Are'tho jfpancso umclenlT" Julian as Any ff-ilow In tho bunoh 1C ht nad empire. and efficiency of the organization Ad­ Street, noted traveler and writer, gives halt a o'aance to try. When tlito Htunmer "Qwnncn," sen*-, miral Mark U DrlHtol, United States many^lnatancca of njupld Japanese in- The Army gives them not only ball from Coimtnntliiople hy Near East He- htgL ( lomlssloner to Turkey, Is quot­ efficiency, particularly «s to tele­ a chance but a whole chance over and lief, arrived out 23 months," Ad­ MAJOR play welL The regular practice keeps sand orphan* nnd never Ainerlonn r«- has utterly Inadequate etreet car >ftretr lsnt Ojy of the work of this relief committee hn* Assigned To Baltimore In Charge Of bhng dens, out of craps sboetlog and bslf-rcUun'j, when the flrsv trnlnlasd there Is o^Ir saved from being as ter- Dghtlng and surrounds them over those been such thht Amenoru- i-liould he The Cheiapeake Division Of The oleVs the rush hour In Now York by of American flour nrrl'.ed. proud of this great Immune effort The periods at least with upllfUnj influ­ The flrst new* of the <1c»prll 21 In n -;-:>»e I with which I have ever come Into con- sional comanandui of the Chesapeake nedlclcncy Is 11103'. strikingly brought every other appeal falls and many of dated Api!U*'. which xvnti tho firm dl- , Division of tho jislvatlon Army, who o tho notice ot strangers. The postu. AT ONCE! them not only cling to this Association reel mes";i|r:e received from tho Ameri­ Over a Million Saved MR recently comu from .MIunciuioHs, crvJ'ca la poor, tho cable service U ex as Soldiers, but eventually become Sal cans cut i*pntch with 0,.'£2 lifds. Tar, clinics, 1J re»ci» tion Army work, whica really datdi was In Japan It took about ten days Bplundld type of prevenUtlv* work said : "Nonr Ku*t Relief food »»pplles his birth as his paruntu were o cable to America and get an answer homes, 20) orphtnago*, accox'niCKUf- 'back to which reaches and appeals to boyo from exhausted. SUwatli**; -^/p»<'l8'.!y in Ing 54,000 oblldrc'i, am) cuitnlite nrph^n- .both Salvation Army ofllcors. lack), nnd the It tephono service Is un- ten to (Uteon, many of whom actually Armenlti. very erltUtil. Seini food sup­ cilevnbly awful.i All these, like the agm>, cnrliid for .r>v.y the In England, where hb inrved eight «i>- nllrouJs, In Baltimore, Captain Albert Turk' staled tlmt the new government* of llef. l>olntmcnts. Altcrwards incolved and ho Goyornment "^ liiKton, skilled band leader, who has the TnintCMUcuHlnn States had fur- It Is reported that approximately served ulno appolntmouu In Canada It is Mkc oin-rn toutte. Though the recently bran transferred from the nlnhnd "satisfactory gimrniUeos) rook- 3,700,-tOO Armenians nre Rtlll living out stay away. covbrlng a period ot eighteen yeare, em ami for now tulrjiliones far exceeds South, Is already finding his corps hal Ing relief operations- vaster than for­ ot n pre-war population of nliont 4,000, Since befog transferred to th« UnU- hu suvply. do KOVI rnrncnt make« no a magnet to the boya of tb« s;!|h^or merly." 000. I'l [inrt.ii of <"ll!cln nlnnn It In stat­ ed Stales, Major Uala nerved In Chi­ »fpr»tl«ble effort to rctnody Uio »ltua- Xmr r.:i*t Relief chartered n e>pe- ed thnt 0.' per cent of the Armenian hood eager to join his band w>' \A ?> dnl rterinei-, lomled her with flo'ir, cago prior to being stationed In .Ion. Every year an absurdly email already about twenty-dive in number Christian pDpulatlon perished from J. W. TUCKER, nenpollB, where hu made nn enviable nuinhrr of lines Is added te> the cxleit- rice, tieiiii-i mill milk, And sent her to Starvation during the war, while In the Instruments, and uniforms are provided Pttuni, In rlmrgo of lwo American*, record in bringing bis territory Into ng «yatem. Tlienc are anslgned by lot for these players and along* with the whole of Syria not lefts than ?-"> pnr Berlin, Md. roiutlderabla prominence. Commeodft auonK those who have applied for Ifc-lvllle riioler, and Chnrles T. White, rent pcrlslii-d from the same ca-jg«. It playing, they are also encouraged to cf New York City. Hut before this firm lions wore showered upon him anc .'houi.' Thus, If a man be lucky in tha pliiR, for the Army believe* in music In estimated that had It not neen for promotion to comiuauderahlp of the draw, he may get a trlophone within shipment reached Datum ii^now cahle tho Ncnr KnM Kellcf fnllr half of the and plonty of It. from E. A. J'urrow, representing tho Chebapeake Division rlth ;wo or*threu years. But 1 know one On Its Roster &t the present .time In prt'sent Armenian population of the (MT^jS^nn In Tokyo who was not lucky ' Near Eum Relief In Transcaucasia, Near Kaxt would linvc succumbed. tors in Baltttnor* followed. Major; tha United States there are B,«2 reported that w;vcnty-flvc hundred liopes to make tho Chesapeake Eriri a~fV».' court for drunkenness and Jn-'proc«M. of being broken in, sit < ns each IndlvJduftJ, takes ft ^ MfCf them also A book they Can u»e u All right w«'U wait. stlh* S£S.tf«j intitfihiiojini tt Step '*AM»«rilj^Jiis«Bh H. AnMi. t. MERLIN ADVAMOHO

    Belgian Hares, New Zealand Farm For Sale 75 acres or more, BERLIN ADVANCE. Reds snd Flemish Gmnts for sale, miles northwest of Berlin, about HKHLIN, MD., JUNB 8, 1031 moat any size or sge. Alfred W. 2 miles from Slate Road. Nearest "That Graduation Gift" Peters. railroad station is St. Martin's, 2J Over Half Million Individual Deposits, Tun ADVANO for sound doctrine, h musty and chsnpneee. Only $1 per Peter F. Jarman, of Ridgely, miles. Good 8-room house and all Suitable Gifts in Gold and Silver . uar. Hubicrlbe now. necessary outbuildings in good con­ Del., aiotored to Berlin and spent Resources $650,000,00, HAND ENGRAVING FREE last Sunday and Monday with Us dition. Good corn, wheat, Mraw- Anniversary "In Memoriama* berry, potato and grass land. Wood trill Ito charged at 5 cents per line. brother, Paul T. Jarman,and family. and timber on place. H. B. Sock- A welcome avaita those wishing to start a back account or All verses o( poetry in connection Mrs. E. M. Holland left last'Sat­ rlter, Berlin, Route*4. thews, contemplating a change in their.banking with death notices and obituaries urday for Norwood, Pa., to spend will he charged for at the rate of Tbe Rev. and Mrs. S. A. PotUu connections at E. H. BENSON 5 cents per line. several days with her son, Edward, gave the Junior choir .of St. Paul': J eweler and in purchasing new goods in P. E. Church a delightful picnic on Philadelphia. Wednesday at Henry's Grova A CALVIN B. TAYLOR BANKING COMPANY, Member, "National Retail Jewelers' Association". locals. Mrs. Will Parkbill returned to number of (he Senior choir accom­ BERLIN, HD. panied thtfm, making a party of Dr. her home in Baltimore last Satur­ Fodder For Sale Apply lo about thirty in all. Dinner and T. Y. Franklin. day, after spending a week with her When you think of bathing were enjoyed at.ihe Grove, husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FERTILIZERS "A A" Quality Fertilizer for eale A. T. Chancp. and a sail in the Cnrey house­ PROGRAM NEW SPRING GOODS by Anthony H. Purnell. boat up tbe Synepuxent Bay to tbe COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Think of Howard Gnr lias returned to of the , Messalines, White Dresn Oceau City InleC. Goods, colored Organdies, printed "A A" QUfALITY Mis. Ella King ia (-pending a f?w Berlin, after ppi..dinu some months Voiles Etct weeks in Mitteboro, Del. in the south and west. A. Vernon The Woman's Christian Temper­ Peninsula Summer School The price on Egg,- Btove and Nut Call at my store and get your copy Burbage, who went away wilh him, ance Union will met t next Wednes­ For Sunday School Select One of Our Pretty, Oiorjette Coal for June, only, is $1190 per of the following literature FREE. Z M. Parkbill, ol Wilmington, How to Make Money with Fertilizers is now in Galveston, Texas. day evening with Mrs E R Pow- Teachers. Blouses. ton of 2240 Ibs. put in your bin. it visiting his parents here. ell. All members are urged to ba Fifty cents per ton legs at Ibe yard. Money-Making Corn Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pills A big line of Nemo, Hendoroon and .Seeding to Grass and Clover and others present and bring a new member. School Sftln* ,'uns ZOtb. ittttrucUoa Thompson's Glove-Jilting C^mcte. A new lot of children's ready-to- and lillle daughter, Margtre*, ol DO NOT DELAY Jn placing order. wear clothes. J. M. Bratten. Weta are c-.refully organ'z: ng their Every Morning, iaciudln^ Saturday, A!«o full linn of , Embroi­ Carney's Point, N. J., returned lo In The State School HOUM. deries and Notions. forces fo. a desperate attack on Pro- DAVIS ICF. AUD COAL CO. For Sale Two good cows with their home on Tuesday, after visit­ hibU'.-j'J. There is need of every 9-10 "The Pupil," Mi>»J«nnines. Anthony li. Purnell calves by their side. C. W. Hanley. ing Ibeir parents and friends in "Principles of Teaching," friend of temperance organizing M. I. Holland Berlin, Maryland, Berlin. Mr. MoAHfattor. Miss Nellie Betharda was home agi,l£i>'. lham. Reports from the 10-11 "Methods and Mamu;*n>ent," from WHwinRton for the holidays. Mra. Alice Holland and daughter, Convention will be given at Ibis Bl r, Seymoar. For Sale a Ford truck in good Mr*. Elizi Teas, lefl Irtat Friday to meeting. "Materials," Mr. Taylor. 11-12 "Church History, "K r. Mutthcw* condition. A. Hollinc, Berlin, Md. jpc:;d u week or so with relatives nnd friends at and near their old 12-1 "Devotion in Educati..-a," U'nll paper, 17ict*. piece and up. litbop Cook. home, Milton, Dal., and attend the Ceilings and bands. J. M. Brnlleu. Mrs. Gardner II. Nicholas. 5.30 Vetper Service. Memorial Day service i. ON SUNDAY. When }ou think of ice cream 01 Ptofesfor and Mrn Eugene M. The many friend-i of Mrs. Gardner 7.30 A. M. Corporate Communion. candy, think of us. O. 1'. Sharp & Prtiitt l,HVe moved to the IIOUFO on H. Nicholas, ol Philadelphia, for- 9.30 Church School DC :iw>n»tration Sons. m«rly Miss Virg'djn Wa'tingUin, Classes. Gay Slreel recently occupied by Cy- 10.30 Morning Prayer will: 8»rmon Floyd Trader, who workc in Ptiil- rua Davis nnd family, who have ll be grieved to henv other death, by Bishop Cook of Delaware. adtlphia, spent the week-end at moved lo (heir new home on the which: occurred Thursday morning 8.00 P. M. Evening Pray/and Ser­ HELP home. at 10.45, following r. oavere opera­ mon by Bishop Davenport. ANTED! Ocean Cily road. tion for iif(pendioi:le and gall-stones For Sale ForJfon Tractor and Brevard Wha'iey is home from at tho Presbyterian Hospital, May nearly now, 9500. Lester F. Ibe Johns Hopkins and his sister, How to Save Honey the 4th. Adkins. Kiltie, Mrs. Dirickaon Cumminp, Woollen Griffin. Funeral services wilt be held «1 with her baby son, of New Orleans, Mrp. Kelby Purnell has relunred Woodlawu Cemetery, Philadelphia, Clarence H. Woollen, ol Friend­ Is also spending some time with ship, and Miss Margaret May Grif­ from u viijit to her sister, in Wil­ Sunday afternoon, June 6th. Wanted! help to save money, at Bratten's New Store. By reading mington. her mother, Mrs. T. J. Whaley. fin, of Showell, wore quietly mar­ Mrs. Nicholas was the yoniger ried on May 25th, by tbe Rev. E. J. the following list you will learn how to save it. Tbe .Sunday Schools are busily Mrs. Roland Harringlon and son, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William NichoUon, at his Lome n«if Friend­ , lOc yd. , 14c yd. Dress Ginghams, 20c and 25c rehcareiug fi'r Children's Day, which ol Washington, are here this week WarringtoD and was born nnd rep red ship, this county. We b'^pe they Organdies, 40c. Percales, 20c and 14c. Mosquito Netting, I2ic. Calicoes, wilh her mother, Mrs George Scott. will have a long and happy matri­ !H June 12th. in Berlin She was an accom­ monial journey. I2ic. Dimities, 20c and 25c. , 30c. Pink Crepe, 30c. Toweling, i)r. Luo \V. \Varren and family Mibs Louise Scott, who is employed plished musician and in Washington, also spent the week­ ,'Oc to 23c. Cretonnes, 20c. Bed Spreads, $2.00, 52.40 and $3.00. Turk­ aio hcine fruui I'alutka, Florida, for music teacher and among Ut9 most ish Towels, lOc, 25c and $1.00. Huck Towels, lOc. Table Cloths, $1.25 '.he summer. end here with her grandmother. popular of the young peop'. of the LAND WARRANT. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Dutton and Presby'.erKxn Church. She is sur­ and $2.00. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tyoou Moore vived by HIT husband, her mother, By virtue of a Special Warrant limed daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs. Delia out of the Land Offity of Maryland, In nnd daughter are at Ocean City (or Mrs. Emily A. Warinngton, a sister, itiu t-ummer. Doggett and daughter, Miss Cecil, the name of Dr. J. MaFaddcn Dick, of motored on Saturday from Phila­ Mra. Mary Burwell, M of Philadel­ Wicomico County, Sfttto of Maryland, Special For your Fordson Tractor plovn delphia, to spend the holidays wilh phia; and two brothers, Al., oV Cal­ and Davfd Ford, of Newark, "State oi' • •-a «rn! .lisdue Kruund, "apply (o frlondfl and relatives here and at ifornia, and Willii-n J., of New Jersey, date-} ^.piil J8th, 1921, a.x! Children's ready-to-wear-Clothes: Dress, $1.50. $2.00 and .Harold v/'uli.'ghl Ocean City. to me directed, a* SVrv^yor lor Worces­ ter County, I her«.%y ^tyo nolle* that I $2.98. Smock^Suits, $2.50. blue, pink, green, yellow. Middle Blouses, For Siite UolsUu* cow with Vt»lt, Mr. ami Mrs. Everett Liylon w- Atfentlc "HI". E. Church will bo oCthe pr«tMv& ' •• $1.25. ^MiTQW^'MIU li'lilfdrf'^1% whlt« Organdie' Dresses for 1 to 14 yfears, at foot, 805. J. \7. Ur;de, $ tiuie urne-i Thursday, May 20tt, Iroin Cor. N. 3rd St tiad N. Bal**j; Av«. WedncvJr.. July vMIi. 1911, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50. Boys' *nd OL-is' Rvmrvr Suite, $1.15, pink And noilh of Ircnshire Station. week's vimi in Philadelphia. Ocean City, Md. at whfr.1.'. time I will proct«i to locate blue. Little Boys' fancy Popi*.s Suits, blyfi, pink cfld greer:, |$5.-y"o to Hale Harrititin, who was i|uite ill They were accompanied homo by William T. McGuIre, Pastor. nulcl Warrant. j > $2.40. Princess Slip, black aud v/hite Sitten Bioomers to- din*; For Mrp. E. A. Trinkine, wb* remained The land to be cnrvcyed under said > tbe first of tbe week, is much im­ Warrant ia described aa follow*: with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Pow > Ladies, Pink Bfootners, Envelope Chemise, White Skirts, Pink and white proved, no are glad to learn, Morning Worship 11 a. m One acre, mere or leas, of vacant p Gowns, Black silk messaline Cam isoles, Crepe-de-Chine and silk in Belgian Hares, New Zealand ill, until Monday. Sermon by the Pastor: "The land, lying and being situated in the Seroixi Election Diitrlct of Worcester p pinks and blues. Others coming and more in stock that space wi!i no* Ki'ds nnd Flemish Giants for sale, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Steelman, of Christian-Idea'." County, Maryland, bounded and de­ permit to mention. . uioril any sue or age. Allied W. Jhincoteague, are visiting at the Sunday School and Bible Class scribed as lollowe: On the north by the Peter*. home of Dr. und Mrs. C. A. Hol­ 10 a. m. waters of Synepuxent Bay, on the east Kpworlh League Miss S*llie Tingle went to Wil- land. Mrs. Steelman ban been help­ 7.15 p. m. by the waters of Sympuxent Bay,*on Evening Worship the south by the waters of Synepuxent p A jjood line of Ladies' silk Hone at Low Prices, ail colors. Children's minglon Saturday with her mother, ing keep house during the absence 8 p. m. Sermon by the Pastor: "Battling Bay, and on the west by the water* of p and Misses' Hose IS cents up. who has been visiting here fur two of Mrs. Holland, who U in Phlla AgainstTheOJds." Synepuxent Bay. weeks. dclphia having her eyes treated WM. J. PITTS, Memorlnl Day was observed by Mid week Prayer Service, Wednes­ Surveyor for Worcester Co. If ia need of Shoes or Slippers for any member of the family, you can The Ladies' Aid Society of the day evening at 8 o'clock. Dated May CTth, 1021. save money here. 1 am desirous of cleaning: out snyaHI lots at reduced Methodist Church T.ill meet next tho colored population with a mili­ tary funeral in tho morning of one Strangers will find a cordial wel prices. Thursday evening With Mrs. U. M. come. Chandler. of their number, James lirown, FOR SALE! ivho died in Fiance; and in Ihe af­ MEN Dr. C. P. Cullen has been off on ternoon by a parade. The Mi'ford Stevenson M. E. Church Farm along west line viicatioii this week, and Dr. S. 1C. colored band served for both oc"a- road leading from Bi«bopville to Suits for all kinds of Mun. Trousers for uJl kinds of Men. Marshall has been attending to his bions. Williamsville. If not fold l>y Tues dvnlul practice. 0.30 ». in., Sunday School, E. 8. Mrs. Sudio Betuiller and Mrs. Furbush, Superintendent. day, June 28tb, I will ofl«i» it at ATTELNTION Mr. and Mrs. James II. Cropper, public auction on Saturday, July Funnio Conner Gardner stopped 1045 R m., Sunday, Sacramento! c! Wiluiinutun, spent a low days 2nd, 1 o'clock p. m., to be sold by Have just received from a Virginia factory the best line of Overalls over in Berlin on Wedn'sday with tho Lord's Supper. last week and this wilh relatives the acre, at Bishopville, Sin. _ and Jumpers for Men and Boys, and White Overalls and Jumpers for their nister, Mrs. S. B. Mumlii'd, 7.00 p. m., Kpworth League and friends here. whilo returning from the sickbed of H. B. Sockriler. Painters or Masons These are all high -grade goods, cut full and'big Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richardson their lather, utStockton. Mr. Cou- 7.45 p. m., Sermon. Subject, "The value for the money. Also, strong on good Khaki Trousers. Greed of Glair.." have moved lo the house on Frank­ ntr, who has been very ill with Men's Union Suits, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Shirts and Drawers, 80c lin Avenue vacated recently by Mr. pneumonia, Is improving. 745 p. m. Tuesday, Mid-week Soldering Work, Prayer-meeting. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, SOc. Men's work and dress Hose, 15ct and Mrs. Lee Johnson. Burden Hammond and family, of Repairing Radiators to $1.50. Men's work and dress Suspenders, SOc. Lost Dark blue Crepe do Chine tlilford, Del., and his daughter, A cordial invitation extended to all. And Motorcycles.... mish, May 27th, at Globe Theatre or Mrs. Derrickson, and family, of JOHN J. . Pastor. Men and Boys, come and see my Hne of Low Shoes at Low Prices, W e North Main Streel. Finder hiladelphiu, motored to Berlin and Thomas C. Pitts, carry the Bostonlan and Dayton Brand Shoes, noted for their style and leave at Advance Olllce. Ocean City last Monday for a day's Presbyterian Church 13 Commerce St. workmanship. Mrs. Carltou Boston and little outing. Mr. Hammond ia ;i native j eon, of Wilmington, are vialling of Berlin, and the only-remaining J. Russell Verbrycka, Minister. AT THE her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William brother o! C. E. Hammond. I WALL PAPER U. 1'urnell, for a few weeks. Mr. Potato Grower: We have a 0.80 a. m. Bible School, Calvin B. Just received a big lot of Wall Paper for Sitting Room Dining Room The hour for tbe Sunday evening man right here In town who will! Taylor, Superintendent GLOBE Bedroom and Kitchen at lower prices, 17Jc a piece, up, Ceiling and Bor­ preaching and week-evening services make potato barrel*, providing he 10.45 a. m. Divine Worship and THEATRE der to match. Always carry a big line of wall paper. at Ibe Methodist Church changes can get orders for 4,000 or more. Sermon. BERLIN, MARYLAND this week from 7.30 to 7.45. Get busy and talk the matter OVM ,6.45 p. m. Christian Endeavor, with your neighbor, and lel roe 7.30 p. FEIEID AND SE.E1D Mrp. Mirthi Purnell, who has no. Evening Service snd TUESDAY, JUNE 7th. know by mail, or cull at my store 1 Sermon. A Fox five-reel Western Bran, $1.70. Standard Middlings, $1.70. Flour Middlings, $1.95 been visiting her daughter, Mrs. at once, at it is now time to atari. Also the Last Episode of Hinaldo ilanley, has returned home J. M. Bratteu. Tuesday. 7 80 p. m., Midweek Ser "KINO OF THE CIRCUS" Red Dog Middlings, $2.25. Mixed Feed, 1,95. Dairy Feed, 1.90. Horjse accompanied by Mrs Hanley. vice. We will show the First Episode Feed, $2.25. Scratch Feed, $2.60. Biddy Feed, $2.75. C. Corn, 2.25. Captain and Mrs. Charles Rickurda You are cordially invited to t). .ji For Sale or Rent, reasonable "THE SON TARZAN" Feed Meal, $2.00. Table Meal, $2.25. Cow Peas, clay, mixed, mixed and son, and Miss Jennie Colling, of cervices. 425 Mala 8»., Berlin, Md., furnished Philadelphia, motored to Berlin and Don't tall to sec UiU show Cow Peas and Soy Beans, Wilson's black Soy Beans, all $4.00 bus. and or unfurnished. Ideal home and spent the week-end as guests of Mrs. Admission (ScftZOc very scarce, and getting higher. Thisprice is low for present market^ location. Address P. O. box 224. J. A. Bunting. Miss Collins was WED. ft TMUR5. JUNB 8th and 9th Mra. E. B. Joyner and daughter, a popular resident ol Berlin in times We will i wve Mm. Elsie Cannan, of Rock Hall, past, leaving here eleven jp-are ago "INSIDE TI.B CUP" Md , were expected Thursday to to u)»J

    added tliat there wns some kind of ish those encaged In fomenting Site- firmness which had the appearance of slan disorders. Announcoment to this SINN FEIN BURN WILL NOT DEFY weakness. effect was niado by M. Itrtand. "Today France Ims the strength- which permits her to bo confident, bus AMERICAN ARMS IN IRELAND CUSTOMS HOUSE BRITAINAND U, S, commands her to he calm," he snld. "Just nt the time wlien a mere show Representation* May Be Made to of this force was sufficient to obtala Washington Government. Republican Army Seizes Ireland's Premier Briand Wins Deputies in more In two weeks than had been ob­ London. American ammunition to­ tained in two years from Germany the talling 10,388 rounds lias been cap­ Finest Building, Applies Speech Uring Gratitude for use ~of this fnrce Is unnecessary. I tured In tlie Dublin district. Sir Torch and Bomb. shall not use It unless an imperative Unmnr Greenwood, chief secret a-y for Help Given in War. necessity. Involving the security of (.'eland, stated In the House of Com- France, arises." nions. Colonel Archer-Shee. asked MANY KILLED AND HURT The pren.ler told the Chamber that whether, In view of the fact thnt PROMISES BY GERMANY unless there were provocative viola­ Jnrge sums of money huu been raised tions of tlie disarmament or repara­ In the United Sttntes, strong repre­ Damage Is Wont of Present Rebellion. Troops Will Advance Into Ruhr Valley tion clauses by Germany the troops sentations would be made to tlie Unit­ Structure Valued at Flvs Million* In the occupied regions would not re­ ed States government. Only If France Is Vitally Threat ceive order* t» advance Into the Ituhr Destroyed With All Ita Ree- ened Is Against Isolation In. Valley, and then only conditionally Coal Lost in Watte. orda of Government. vadert Being Disarmed. upon agreement with the Allies. He Under ordinary conditions of mln contended thnt the mere presence of Inc ond firing, 'out of every 2,Oi>G 200,000 men on the lU.lne was suffi­ pounds of steam coal In place In the Dublin.- The handsome quayside one j Paris. Following a two hour defense cient to make Germany fulllll her ob­ mine, only nbont 75 pounds nre con­ hundred and thlrty-yenr-old Dublin by Premier llrinnd of his policy at the ligations. verted into mechnnicnl enemy a most Custom House, with n frontage of j London conference when the German M. Briand declared thnt "the Cham­ surprising fnct. The other 1,0-1 355 feet, wns destroyed by tire while n reparation payments were decided and ber must assume Its re«ponslblllty, as pounds are c'.thcr unavailable or are fierce battle between the Rep-ibllcnn his courte In the SIleMnn crisis, the I have mine." If It wished the occupa­ absorbed by the el^ht losses. and Crow-, forces was {ought around Chamber of Deputies adjourned "lih- tion of the Iluhr. 22-49 When he described Premier Lloyd the biasing stricture. out reaching a vote of confidence In All documents and records pertain­ George's speech as having been badly the government In Its policy toward Interpreted and badly transmitted, In­ ing to the local government, cnstor.js, Germany. The result of the proceed­ dicating, apparently, that tbe t'v,i pre­ j. W. Burbage Sr, excise and income taxes nnd old age ings wna distinctly fare-rafale to the mier* had patched up their differences, Furnishing Present lines of new Buick pensions for Ireland were destroyed. government, which was strengthened there were loud-hoots from many depu- Their value .cannot be estimated. by tlie receipt of Germany's promise utles. but despite many Interruptions The statue of llopc which surmount­ to close the Blleslan frontier and dis­ during his long speech tho premier Undertaker and Embalmer ed the il'UlIdlng remained standing arm the Irregulnr bands which were seemed to keep a majority of the depu­ fomenting trouble. six=cylirider models will be throughout the Ore, though it wa* ties with him l>r bis promise to use Pull Line of scorched M. Brlnml's ^ declaration wns re- force If France's vital security was reived lit 4lme» with (Trent npplanse, ever In danger, although not before CASKETS •»< ROBES. Shortly Itefore 1 o'clock In the nfter- but occasionally with hoots from his having notified France's allies. sixty youns Hepubllcons, carried thru the i 922 season. noon aBout opponents, who were not entirely con­ In reply to the ultimatum delivered MIANUCAOTVIKKH O» heavily nrmcdT~t'nteri'd the Custom fined to the IHght- There seemed am­ by Premier Brlnnd to Dr. Wllhelm * Hlgti-Or«d« Monument* and House, hHil np those of the staff who. ple n&urance that the majority senti­ Mayer von Kaufbeuren, German am­ Tombstone* at Reasonable Price- wer-» not '>ut nt lunch, and collected ment was against a change in the bassador here, Germany Informed the om.Ai.mm IN theii] In i he vestibule under guard. government at this time. The pre­ French government It Imd given ar­ Three policemen who came In to sec mier's speech wns a plen for a mod­ dors through the ministry of Interior IRON FENCE. Beginning June 1st the new series and prices eration and a contl^SBtlna of the In Berlin to close tlie Sllcslnn fron­ wuit was going oa were seized and placed wl'li the other prison'1 . Large policy which ha» kept Franco In ac­ tier, deciarlug n state of siege, the pur­ All builMti will r»«elv« our personal quantities of petrol and waste cord with tho Allies nnd America. pose being to disarm the Gcr-nnn bands tteotlOB. were then taken quietly Into the build­ "In the present world crisis no peo­ proceeding toward and tc pun- BERLIN MD. be as follows, I. o. b, factories, Flint, Mien, ing and distributed about the various ple can lire Isolated," he said. "I am on tho bridge nnd will not let the offices where the customs, local govern­ \VH. 1>KNNKV. SEO'T AMD THKAI ment ail Inland revenue document* ship go on the rocks. I wlM not plnce JAHK8 J. BOSS, PB«SID«MT. Old Prices New Prices were kept. France In the position she was In These places were nrod, the Incen­ In 1815 and hi 1871. nor cxn I forgtt Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, $1795 $1495 diary work carried out with the utmost that In 1014 the Englbdj "came and THE KENT COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE DO., coolne*t/iinil so quietly that hundreds the Americans also. DOVER, DELAWARE. Model 22-45 Five Passengre Touring, $1795 $1525 of pnsswsby hod no suspicion of what "We have no right to forget that, Insures Property Against Fire and Lightning. was talln^ place. Street trnfTlc, always nnd we owe~them something despite Business Conducted on the Mutual System Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe, - $2585 $2135 heavy at fills nolnt, was uninterrupted the present dissensions nnd polemics. Hap returned to its policy-holder)! In riiviilpnde *t>d surrerule.M? pnllcittt for Bome time. If It Is posMble to maintain this mag­ The arrival of auxiliary police In nificent union before tho world It mui't over 8700 000 00. Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan - $2895 $2435 an armored car after nn Interval, dur­ be done in the 'Interests of England Present membership over, nine thoueand, with over f 13,000,000.00 ing which the tire had 'obtained a an well as ourselves." Insurance in force. Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, - $2985 $2325 good.*tart, Indicated thnt the alarm Continuing, Premier Tlrland said tbli W. L. HOLLOHAT, »ft.. K. FOMTAIXB, ««t., JOHN K. McCABK, Agt., had rMWhed tho authorities. As they policy did not exclude firmness, but Berlin, Md. Pocomoke City, Md. Hl.hop, Ud. Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, $2065 $1735 passed. Over tho Llltey midge tho po­ lice TWp bombed but returned the Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, - $3295 $2635 fire. When they reached the Custom. House a pitched hnttle ensued. Tlie Slnn Felncrv crowiK-d Into the win­ dows fiMlie bml'i'.iiK and iiirt tho sol- dler» M»mi n heavy fire. Tho wild shooting In 'the streets BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, M1CH. Sillied tep persons nud wounded twen­ ty. Tmi casualties ire believed to- Pioneer Builders of Vatve-in-Hcud Motor Cnrs Include snme of tho C.'rowu forces? Several Suggestions Branches in ail Principal Cities Dealers Everywhere Troop»jaud more police worn rushed o Jho jlrene and machine Runs wore trn'wr-d on tho burning building In nit- effort 1" '""-» In il"1 liN'omllnrles. As f nt:. -ii tt»» various :.>\vu Solicit i v n MURPHY'S GARAGE nnd others wuiimU-iI. Tlie oiln'iiii suite- mcnt says n total of 111 arrests Imvo AUTHORIZED BUICK SERVICE jcen nWtaiv A number of the raiders were covert-il with petrol and arf which nothing remains but American private capital to foreign King, acting secretary, at a recent the shell, wan "erected during the Irish Koverniiionts ami Hie effei l of Kuch a meeting of the Legislative Council of Parliament and was one of tho mo.it Are you one of the fortunate persons to obtain a loan on the resumption of normal In- Indiana Women. As site read tlio last beautiful In Ireland. It cost $5,000,000.. dusirlnl conditions nt home and on word, 8h« realized what (he had amid It ha.l little to do with the customs, 9 x \2 ft Japanese Grass Rug for $5.95? The the American export trade. Sir. Hard- and started to laugh. It was In the but li'iined nmny of the chief adminis­ In^ Is Kiilil to have laid before his text of the minutes-of the preceding tration departments, and Its destruc­ nue.sts an offei' «o do I'Verythlng prnc- meeting, at which Sirs. King had not tion Is laoru disabling to the ordinary , demand for these rugs is necessitating weekly ship­ tli'iihle to co-operate for the relief of acted as secretary, and cauia In the* mncliln.ry of the government than If cciinnonilc conditions, while the bank­ account ot legislative council bills Dublin Oustle had been burned. ers are said to have replied with ex- which bad been passed, advanced, or ments so don't hesitate to take advantage of this op­ pres.slons of wllllngm-MM to work !n "killed." Jail for War Criminal close? coiijiiiicllon with tho administra­ As It happened, It wns a mistake Leipzig, Germany. Germany con­ portunity. . ' tion. after all, for U was another bill per­ victed liar'flmt war rritulnnl. Sergeant .Most of those prvticiit are understood taining to the Industrial board which Helnen WO'H Hcntoncod to ton moiitlm In have iirgucil cmplnitlciiily thut tho Imd been killed, not that creating ln 1>ri.s,.,f nmi ordered to pay irnrt <>t surest way to promote export trade woman member of tho board. But fo'r \ tne tr|,,| «>,,(,, Wlien lie wus found guilty If you contemplate painting your floor don't fail to use LAV- wii'd be by helping actively In the a moment tho legislative council for- it innlireatlng fifteen British nnd Bel |-i'li:ilillitiilloii of Kuroiiean finances. Itot Us dignity t>:id giggled. Indian- Kliin pi-i*on«rs of war. llilnen prsie- npolls News. lenlly aiuvlctcd lilmMlf. A-VAR, a preparation which we guarantee to give satisfac­

    WORLD NEWS IN France's Oak Trees Threatened, FUNDING LOANS TO ALLIES tion or your money will be refunded. Our constant increase .Mniili'I lii'lllss, whnsi- irlnl nt KIclY CONDENSED FORM Wlillo t'fidcuvorlnit to recover from l(!lil JVSIM ni;o fur Ilio murder of lhe rnvngtva of \viir tlio forests of Prospective Plan for Spreading Pay- in sales of this product is evidence of its satisfaction. Allow Andrew Yushlnsk.v, 11 I'lirlsilun boy, Vranro arc nlso ntniggllng from the mente of Ten Billions. forms lino of tho Murkest o!'lH»lcH In DOSTON Movies In Massachusetts ravi.ues of paroHltlc growths which Wi.slmmton. Fon-liiii loans npproxl- tlio lilMlory of iln> liiiporlnl rculine of will lit- under stnto roiMoralilp lu-ro- Beem to he cytieclnll', dlsnxtrous to tho innllntf »10,000,000.om> niado to the us to refer you to someone near your home who has used it. In Ni-w York. m llnssln, IH now living aflor, Governor Cox linvli b Hlgnud a oak?. These are the country's mojt Allies .luring tho war will be funded Mil wi»Ji Hint pruvlHlnn. Supervision voluahle tree, conHtltullng nearly 80 lids ye.ir. Secretary Mellon said. Ac- will be exorcised by the department of per cent of the forest area. This tree cumulated unpu'd Interest, hu added, publli: safely. Kxlillilllnti of any dim seems to suffer especially from the fun­ ivoul'l probnMy be funded u'»" nnd nut foinuilly passed Is prohlbltvd by gus (ttdlum, which appeared In the nynii'nw spread over n irertod of years. The funding opernllons, the Lorijgfellow Work Shirts the Ia\v. province of Champagne about 1007, HARDINGON EXPORTS BERLIN. The German Govern­ and Is doing such damnge that th« ex­ secretary snld, arc In lino with tho ment Is about to order the confiscation termination of tho oak In Franco ll treasury'* Intention of putting foreign On these shirts for which we have the exclusive sell­ of nil Bold, Kllver and jewels In prl- foreseen. Young trees particularly debt* lii regular marketable form. Government Ready to Co-operate vnto possession. coppice shoots of tho current yca^- SOFIA, Bulgaria. A bomb thrown nro most susceptible to attack, though LIQUOR CASES CUOG COURTS ing rights in Berlin, we defy competition. With Business Investment of Into a procession of gchool children needllngs up to ten yearn ot ago have observing the liatbimil holiday caused been destroyed. No remedy lino yot Attorney General to Provide More For Men $1.00 F°r Boys 75C Capital Abroad a Factor. eighteen rnstmMlt'H. been discovered. Assistant* to Push Trials, CHICAGO. The rates of pay and Washington. The h-di-ral courts oli:«slllcntlonn entabllshed by tho Hall- have IKIOOIM «o congested with pro­ Washington. The Hf»t of a series road Ijibor Ilonrd'o wage nirnrd of , Carrots for Lunch. hibition COMCH that It In necessary to Bear in mind that we are selling five-gallon oil cans with of conferences with (limnelnl Interests July, lieu, will ho used as tho basis As I lived far from school, I had to employ special assistants to the utttfr- to dlicoss the administration's plait's of reduction when tho bunnl hands carry my lunch. One morning my step­ ney seiiprnl In tho larger cities. This In regard to the Dotation of foreign down Its new wage decisions on mother asked me to go to the grocery aniioimivinciit wan made by Attorney PUMPS for $j .50. )<>nn.i and tho revival of American In­ Juan 1. utoro for ROIUO carrots, as we had some (ienerul DauKberty, who said |hat dustry unil export Iradn ami to obtain LONDON Re.v Admiral William 8. pet rabbits. When I returned I set the Judge John K. Snder of Columbvis. their co-opera 11 on was la-Id nt the 81ms, who cnnimiimlecl tho Amorlcan «nck 011 tho table and hurried to flnlth Ohio, lus been appointed to head « \Vlilto Houoc, when President ilur-llng naval forces In the war zoiio during the getting myself ready for school. When committee to select special assistant* had eight proitilneiit banker* at din­ Intt ;r part of tho^ World War, lunched I Imd llnlslied she had my lunch ready to Iminlki tliese case*. ner with him, together with Secretary vlih King Qcorgo nnd Queen Mary In and told me It was on the table. Tbn' Mellon and Secretary Hoover. Buckingham Pale re. Tho rear ndmlral day nt noon I opened my sack acd to DISARMAMENT PLAN PASSED Tho bankers who attended were J. In described as "tho bent friend In my amazement I hod the sack of car- I'. Morgan of .1. I'. Morgan & Co. | need thut Knglnnd found during tho rolw. Of course the girls all laughed Amendment to Bill Authorises Hard- f'lmrles II. Sahln, president ot the \\urd' and had a good time over It, but I am Ing to C*ll Conferenee (humility Trust Company; I'uul War- NEWCASTLE, Pa Five armed men Nure It was the moat embarrassing Washington. Uiuintmoim Senate liurg; James. A. Alexander, president robbed tlio Union National Hank hero. innmeut ot uiy life. Chicago Tribune, approval >vus given to Senator tit tho National Hunk of Cominercu; C. Ono nnt In an auto In front of the bunk Borab'a proposal for an International K. Mltoliell, prcHlilent of tho National covering pedestrians with n pistol, What Average tyan Lacks. iiuvnt iiuurmuniont conference. By a X'lty Bank; William Kent of HIP Hank- thrca others held employees nnd ofll- Tlio Ignominy, of'tho plnco vote of 74 to 0, tho Idaho Senator'* " Where your cash pays Dividends' Irrs' Trust Company, nil of New Yoi'k; corn of the hank nt hay, while tho in li Inexcusable; we are taught t< amendment was added to tho naval llenjamln Strong, governor of tlio New fifth Jumped over the counter nnd tilled rend maps, nnd have n knowledge of pproprlRllon bill authorizing and re- 1'ork Federal Ilcsarvo liiii.k, and It. O. a bne with money. They Cflcnpod In tho position1) and contours of tho landa i" nunaca. _.__ . ..;.. VOL. XIX, NO. 2 BERLJN WORCESTER G00f MD. FRIDAY JUNE 3.1921. $1.00 Fpp/YEAR A nc«v nBreviuciH provtdUiK lor an average 10 per - -* ...... i ,-.:011 > i scon train Ifio admlnUtraUv* PRAM E. IOMZKA, ESSENCE J)F ALL wan nik'iH'tl by >f ork lor tbo department as a Now i'orfc anu .' ... r..... - _:'-i:t .J would" have general con- • Licensed Broker and puiM util and supervision over the prep­ ff Cutters & Hutcner* Wor<'rty Ix>oked A Summary for Btwy Readers - -. >4 abort I-.'iive. L'us oOlce would ke«t> ihe cou- nmintrv give Aft"r, noth town nml of the Significant Doings A ! tes Senat<'rlnl Invesil- -ng aceousts of the entire de- A!w> iwrvy in ttt-^-.k in «e,««on. « untini! or mo indo.-:;:' ' ' " ,: n ""' - r>sre accounting »tatt- General (;hetnicp>l CK'H. Hp'»T M of the Day. the cnnl lields of Jiln irta, iaperv!*e ihe col- which hit" '< ' - .., (. ....^ijio ,,v- nues if at'i Eleven Departrrr; Tin? centnttteattan of authorHj and The pictures above represent the condition of J OH. Cfi P. OUUL-KN, Aotlvitlei .»* the Na. Vea- n^p'MsJblllty. would I-B achieved '<*>' jtlpn's Capital Now* Fri>m Ev- Solution of ' ' ' » -tel­ Of Motor '!»«/o(,«r your eye. . ^ * V/euld Come ' b)' tbo "cabinet" system by which U » ' ' iry Corner of the Country. lers as Sccr-it. naval . neree department heads ln:Ke&d of 85 board*, ** Three of the.m cause headache, which can be cor- , MARYU-ANCJ, aid wle> to the Governor tor tk» .u ut theUU Di. J. W.Pltti. took comranuo. <... . .-- .,- ...A cruiser Sa­ conduct uf the Si.-.; '. .-«». uiA Any ^questions will be answered by * WASHINGTON lem. , Ot (b) by th» abolish:; !i!g«Uia» In f.tvor CO...,.,-..,!-.,...... I A decision at Philadelphia .» JUtO 11 in favor of the s4nK»: coinrulsitioner r the United StntcH ut In a (.'. DH.R.O.HIGGINS of intlepetid/ bureau chief. On tils latter head' OPTOMETRIST UENFIST Isaac U. Smith »vns nominated by milt brought by the uigri'ccla or President Warding to be sirperlntend- W:...... - ?. yv,,,.,rol. is r»cj the report says: H. O. CROPPER, J!ni:iifnctiirlng Company of Philadel­ orame ent of the United Slates Assay Office phia to recover J'i't.RO nlloged over- "InK. »«buiitted by "In accordance with the cenoral BERLIN, MD. at New York. . S) the C .! SBlfh flnvr.rn.i" ii;,tii-T ndvocHttd In thl» report. It U DR. E. W. SMITH chttr* •-. for taxes /or ' '' • suld to UltcMo ret., Offices aa» \VeBt Main Street Sjwnker Olllett wtrodnccd a resolu­ pave the way for t! ..ent to Jrd tbat boards and coiomla- tion In thu house proposing to add collect nillll'iiiM of d>m;u» uMiu firms the S;ato's j . K-il wlH'r<.'V*-vr - SALISBURY, - MARYLAND. an amendment to the constitution pro- Th)» It the re 111 como Uus Administered. Teeth Sh-.»!ghtehed. polygamy. tbroughont tbe .. United States which bfbltlnt; have Biuillnr eases In for analysis lam fcf 'th«j t>ort tec- X . BA V» TKL^PDON KfU . Intorstnte Co.'iinierco Commission como».ittce of 71 .n«Uen of a board or a WE ABE NOW GIVING YOU SOMETHING EXTRA approved application of the Pennsyl­ Governor hes Jui vania Rullroml far n government loan If You hav* not tried our delicious Lunch Rolls, SPORTING artalnistrallv If no: au an admlftiiffativo body. Thus, DR. O. H. MASON. of y."i,700,000 to meet maturing obHga- d !>> tho "fr>«* advUorjr. - ^fnclls are suggested Tea Rings, Cinnamon Buns, Cinnamon Cakje, tons. following major dlvt- with the Department of [Roils, Butter Nut Rolls, DEMTJST. bill was In connection Raisin BERLIN, - - MARYLAND. Agreement on tho budget Dempsey U to erase- color line after 1. Executive T)«r> Welfare -Ihe state Luuacy Commis­ You Are Missing Something. reached by .tbe senate and bouse coii- July 2. 2. SPECIALIST IN KXTBACT1NG. ferccs. ' . • ' • bout of sion, the Advisory Board o.' Parole, the FRESH EVERY DAY FOR DINNER OFP.CB HOURS: OWO!l1lTtfllsCnoOI.. It iva« xald thGt some ot the beat 8. Adrlsory Counc'l on Charities and tbe Following the custom-of the house of tho French plnyers. including 4. rv- - - Also our regular Rolb, Duns, Brjad, Cakes and ?les of lords and tho uouse ot cpmtnons of Advisory Co'.ucU on Corrections." >>VfONE 5-4-M ;' Huzonno Jx>nglen, who ore slated for 5. I. An Adviyory Couocil on Health it having tea' and dinner nerved on tho on thu French Duvls cup fi I terraces of the parliament uulU'lng, positions ano!hor suggestion. The sollcy of tbe WM. J. PITTS sail July 'JS ;.;i: tlie teiuitf of tho I'nlted States bad teonls-teum, might not 7. j ' , 'sport would be fcr members ot suob C. A. PARSONS BAKING COMPANY. SURVEYOR. luncheon fccrved un the portico oZ tbe tor New 1'ork to compete In the 8. 1'. -.•• advisory councils to serve without ; nmtclics, because they are afraid they ». 1?. cotapenaatlon, though "members .ot somite wltiR of the cnnltbl. obtain In" the United Senator King, Democrat Utah, told tiERUIN, - MD. The Hotise voted 77 to 38 to add will be unable to 10. I)! Lunacy CooonlMlon, be- States the wine to which they are acx the senate he had nsen ir.formerf th»t I-W.OOO to the clcflclency appropriation 11. Depart e ot tbe larger demand* mloe WILLIAM M. STEUART the electric drive a/item adopted bill for pr^iii'-Itlon enlorcoinent nhtll Tic;;' un. them, should be paid for the time for American warships h*4 filled Calvin ». 3a«lor, July 1. The .amendment was offered An epidemic of home run hitting has In nd ' they actually devote to their work." Appointed .Director broken out in both inajor leiipneb, and of the C c n u badly In th^- cam of the ».v|>i -1 to dnto con­ Dec lit audi; ngcs la toe state organization iterllo, ltd, i BOIDR new la anneuneet'-.',!« to join the Pacitin emergency tariff hill wns ended when tinues t.'iroURli as "ofiice o' rich would require ConstP.uUsnal fleet. tlie House, r>y u vote of 2-15 to 07, records In clrcui', umc*. wljl be estab­ lished. ,;. / ' ' - ;''" ,( Amendment*. Such changes are: ^ Amendment for the c..,itlon of a 8pi> adopted tho conference report to which Appnlnuaent by the Governor V clai organization In aeronautic^ JOHN W. STATO N, the. senate already has agreed. The pnr*>~-ie of Catch adopted. Uttlc Itock cliib-lUJd (Uo re­ - ,,rnpy ATXORI* JO y-AT-L A. W frotn tho lectlou by the voters ot tbe Senator Jorffcaon w.inta fj_-«U leading turn of Cinchor JTuhrmim to the PU'ta- to mine dispute. delphlif* Americans wai ninounced^bj; SNOW HILL, MD. " NATION'S BUSINESS . Uttertwdlntt of the State Treasurer AdminHtration leadirs, bcflftln and Charlie Frank, innnuRcr of the Atlanta disturb, utBriotnjr b» Southern Association club. a tMftetor of Finance. Fending tlie out of Consr««». ar, grejtly Constitutional A#io schcduk'd baseball (turn* nt Kkjp, Of a >'••••> V., ••'t ."»» =< >> T' i-vrer, ns at p,re«- i- ive the development. ofsthe Al»- FRANKLIN UPSHUR full Dwiiursblp of thu Los Angeles & Hamilton, N. X., btn- ••••' i» navy wit-.y bate on 9f.a Fran-. Suit Lake Itallcoad Company from leynn anil Culnnio vsn •;•••' ballot Of lilt i>r * a* such Cisco Bay, wh'ch It one of Wie «;-«n. LAWYER funner United States Senator Willlum fonriec on n . ' ' tial stepi In the hew scheme to co>n- ' QERL.IM A. Clarl;, of Montana nnd bU nosio- In nn ;i- centMt> »>>.,-je p»rt of (11.1,, I.'!--' ' " Comntrollci -.,-mof l!p«hnr ir. th-' ?««' Sr-'v.r «galn*t the _» ..H'^. . .._ Lb.ll • • " wai r«n member* ot tneAci«Kl New Jfor HII.V uf I'pliyci I Science at tlielr luncu- .Cwpcntlei- IH within Imlf-pontio" ft _ ...WiifKK^- -liMiinard W. Child as ARA P. BOM I eon ut the Astor ho^ei, New Vovk. hU nglulng weight. Dompsvy reuutncd U. 8. «mbi«$ador to Italy w» favor­ for the title match. 'Out! o! K"'" 1 V> maintaining; high Is not mentioned. By a vo>e o' 45 to 23, the senate adapt­ tunate Chiengouns Heiulug a ten-round decision bout - tho pr ion would ed a commit':* amendment, reposed A««Dt Tor UK TUB NATIONAL 8UUBTY CO. prices for funeral curs and hearses, has 25 ut Toronto, Canada. Fleming o»e 11s I:, ntltjr and The report Qnds in tho creation of a Ill KIciU or hondi (urnlnbcd. June vlgorouily liy the economy forces, u«ttiB otnco c boon In operation In Chicago for years, Is to weigh VM pounds at 1 o'clock, would b!«oi uv. <>uvn.4 of Motor Central Purchasing Bureau (with ru- a navy perwinnel of tivldeuce of the activity of this "trust" practically vested In one providing fir TBLBPMONBS Clllc* HO while Klltn'nu will come In at catch or the fleoartm^nt of Com- 8pon»lbllUr 120.000.men. He a(jaintt 100,000 nu- WHS turned over to State's Attorney' weight. mere*. The 1>e;d at Ibis bureau would individual the Stato PurebMlng William M. Bteuurt ot Michigan, who thorlzad by the hou«4. Cruwc. Veteran English critics who have >e the Cornmlsislther ol Motor Ve­ Agent) and ot a State Employment has been appointed director of the cen­ traaspar- A bill to prevent Interstate Bc'en t'arpentlor In action figure that hicles, 'onrmlisloner further illustration* of sus by President llanhng. lie hns "PANTS" PROVED HIM HONEST DK. W. H. BOTZ, tntlon of coal on which a special state he 1ms it good outside chance to win Two commlaolon* -the Public Sfr^- tbe tendency towards centralization al­ been holding tho ponltlon of assistant tux ling been linptme>l was Introduced furitwii renvonr, no matter what Pemp- Mr. Hteunrt first entered the Veterinary ce rfmrcisRlon nnd tjlo State Boat 4 ready manlfrat in this State. director. TK*lr Frayed Condition Convinced by Representative MacUrcgor, Itemb- sey may be. The two reasons are that of MoHon Picture Consors U U pr\>- rfTthli connection the report pays census service la 1830. llrtm, New York. nnd con Tailor That Man Who Surgeon.... Cnrpoutler Is extremely "fust to retain ""bccaute of tbe quail- compliment to the Maryland Merit Them Mutt Be _ltiillor sold at the lowest wholesale hit Jlke a buttle ax, exercised by tne*e System law. drawn by Thlllp B. Perl Ocean City, Maryland, Seaside Hotel. prli-ujln Mlhvaukuu In live years whan ludlrtn! (unctions u^oncir§. The chairmen of tbese two man. Secretary of State, when it eay.3: It pays to advertise one's poverty, It propped to twenty-six and one-bait "The Civil Sefviee ot moat othci BRIAND SUSTAINED cefiis u pound. A year ago butter re­ , however, shall be desig­ certain statesman thinks. FOREIGN nated as the chlrtf of tbelr respective Governmental bodlr* U In fact all A tailor In the lust campaign wan tailed at blxl;r-Uvo to seventy cents a ministered by a commlsclon, so thai INCONPOMATKD lit TMI V«A* 1 8»B pound. bureaus nnd ubili be made responsible AFTERJOT DEBATE quite convinced In bis own mine ilist to the director of. the department for .ho action ot Maryland In this regari the statesman was a most <'.;i repuratlonn paymenU by the spectlva bureaus." . cities'." All Hope in Enttnte With conducted aeolost him. substantial mujorlty of 410 against If, however, the" "proponed reorgani­ United States. About ten days before th* ;'6Cil?n 171. zation would -teem -la- Impair the au- For Conservation Beteton. one of tb* bell bora of a Washington " A general strike throughout Norway The bill to amend the Chinese Immi­ tonomy--(o «ft# r.oOilDK of the dignity Governor RKcUlo has wrlttrn to Gov­ Paris. A ote of confldeuce' waa club brought to thli p««!tlcular tailor Eicliangeaod Savings ht\» begun. gration wjis given n final reading ernor Davls. of Virfrlnin, suggritlng tlr. liy mere chance n pair of trousers So. many women have volunteered house of commons. The --of certain Important State offlcUU by given to PromK-r ItrlauO after a In Cuiiudlnn them bureau chiefs, subordi­ advisability of a ronn*>rvatlon confer belonging to the -«>>ismaj? to he to march July 4 In protest of prohibi­ measure would nbollob certificates of Htoruy debate, «-hleh shbnld not nils- pressed. It was a >.'.rry-nr' Job, be- tion that a special women's brigade nate- to depnriment heads, the plan nco similar to that held by the EXPCU lead Ar/icriea Into bellevlns that Bant of Berlin, klcntlflcntlon for I'hlnone inorchnnts. lives of the two States In 1911. Chair Inu th<- onr-,p»ir u^t.H'i utatesman wan formed with Miss Belle Norton Major Ueiurrul lA-onard Wwil nnd would afford thorn, the compensating France has finally decided to abandon etartcd benefit of sfciurlty In oOlce for to man Vfckers of the Maryland Conner her militaristic drettniH in favor ot a had 4t 'iiu >,« the rfi>ort "The positions of vatlon Commission has already >UIK policy if concillulon. Krland's cabinet Interest to the government nf Clilnu to vlKlt that dlstovfjed »t\at ;u'm troawrs were I per cent, walk or HlmfTle. In the llrst parade of country ut the ci-^jo ot their, present the honds of the various bureaus lotted vuch ».. conference to Qovernoi wcatlie.-oU thn xt.orm, but according to depositors. not as yet muy bo over- badly frujr'.J at Jho edges end worn ntl-prohlhlllont»!*. In the I'hlllpplnrH. They br- pbtftd In Cbo classlfled serv­ DavlB, but the latter has parllnucntar}' experts, nr.l aijo-.,cd otbe'.' evidence that thn The Cook county (Clmiigo) grand acwpt the liivitiidlan. ice of the Stale.. (tnd they shonld be acknowledged tV.e VlcUcrs communion thrown nt any moment.' OHIIC-.- was ar-rrjrently not spending ' W* invite you to open «n account. Inry returned Indictment* against nine, King Hurls of Bulgaria, standing nn removed only for CMISP an provided In tlon. Huuh a confrrrncr. If held, would Tho \uto HUH given on quegtlous ot thi syv iriimenl'H foreign imllcy.' Ac- hi.1 T-jfltV for elegance in clothes. JOHN D.flENRY, CASHIER. >flJcmls n I id ngentH of tlie United Shoe the balcony of tiie Hoyul I'alncc, hi'd the Merft Syalw l^iw. Tiicy would denl prlucipnliy with the propagation v ; er,\upoL! ^olannounced ho wns for [(epnlrcrs1 Association, clmipInK eon- a narrow eKcnpo from death In the be th« r-'j-nmncnt expert executive nnd convervatlon of crab.v The cnin copttinci of tho London ultimatum lum. piracy to extort nnd boycott, dyiia- bomb-throwliig which lesulted In 18 from the ordl nt1. as tno rurnl jnurnalu like to gunrnitUe was voted 403 to ^03; con- C W KF.KS, ASST. CASHIER. heads ar dlHtingul.ihcd ability to f "I am with him from Ihls day for- Dilto and commit assaults. casualties. ; , narlly tians'ent palle}' making ap- sny. aro rapidly Uluilnlnhing In num­ lldeucu l.i thu Koverniuct','* wo»(J," ho nail'. "Any statetaan vtho In order to determine the authenti­ Soviet Itossln dud Turkluh bers, H is BRlcl. ?nd both Uovernni inaUo Qertnany. curry out her agree­ poirtcoi of tho cMct oxfcutlve of the wns voted 1100 to 102, and the I* forceC to weai' clothe* for so Ion; city of reports that caskets received Ist bovermncTnt ^tgnod a treaty based Stale." Kltchle and Mr. Vtekors think that ments a time M these havo been wont In from overseas failed to contain re- on mutual old for 'he "emancipation Joint action by ftrc Coi.^nionwcalt:: Vote on tho ordur ot the di-y ' as a Lilac Should 6« Everywhere. Further, anf possible loss of prpsUje whole was 4 If) to 171. » nnrely a square and upright tnao and ~ No country lane or road today Is innliis of soldiers, the box received at of all ticoples of the Rust, nnd the due to thtt trani>lt!on from, chairman of Maryland and VlrKlnla In Imperative I am for Ijim lo tbe limit." Athol, MOPS., by relatives of Ellcroy ubsoluto right*- of nelf determination.' Tim country Is divided into two sec­ complete In the northern states un­ of a commlsfllon to a commissioner, If the crabs are to be isved, tions. Tho first nn: vhoKo who hnve ions It ,'tiows loni'hes of lilac. A few Uilsslnin, of I'etorslmni, was opened Thirty-eight caKOs of bubonic plngue who IK mcrrlv c^ih'f ( ( a subordinate ^Hagerstown, One bundrrd nnd flft;, Aoldnth In Ohio Rlv«r. by undertakers. Relatives IdcntlfleO wll'n '£> deaths, were reported -*o Tain como to the realization finit (Irciit hedges occur here and there, but while, bureau, would bf> offset by a prospect delegates And v tailor* attended tin llrttnln'K proitinm hu« been Hiicccasful- Unny tons o! goMOsh were caught otherwise adaptable, the Illnc docs ring In the casket. plco nnd environs. Ive IncrMiBe In sa'.iiy. Tbe rpport ree- biennial convention of tne Catholic In the fluhlUK irounds ol Uw Portago A "meeting uf bent financial minds" Knllorx tif the fteven Amcrrcan sub ly carried out alnce the armistice, and not ndinlt easily of such training. oRnlnes that traln",(!>nnd viompetent ex- DBUKhters of Anx-rlca, formerly Dnugh has be(,'ic*(l fcr thn JJrlllxh cmplro tli« river at Port CllDtrj. O., rc^mtly. Ac­ Is Htlll hns been inaugurated^ by rccsldent marines visiting Cluaynqull, Ecuador teis ot Isabella, In HBRcrstown. Th<. cording to some ot U« fishermen, tho LoiiKfellow's "C'ralKlo lloimu" nnd Ills luivlborn n« n means rciitlvc (iiuch as tlio bureau cbltfi (lernuin rolonlos and (ho best oil Held* mirrciiny Kinking and rilnjierHlnz i ibrit time that the fish may loans of American capital to foreign Hlnn Felners raided Mid burned the "Commissioners i it the head of the i Ubernted from Komo of. the Judged Him fy HU 'Hair. wlou» hur«a«» be full-time ly entablnhed flvo couit - >or In Its Heel, Its credit, and Us- possibility governments. aiagnlllcent $5,000,(KM) customs house .--;:ue park and resort aquariums, by ll:n At the beiiinnliii,' of the second se- Federal Judge Kojietaw M. LnndU rrputiHl to be the line-it building of Id oincia)n nnd Ktioi] intaly paid. The I'orto Hlco nnd M. F. i In chnContre thu iirltloh triidn suprtt- overflowing ot the flooded arllflclul McMti-r of school, n boy entered the of Chicago declared, one out of twery kind In the world. Nlnctoen death State must comp» a to tome extent secrctnry, Ut!ci\. N. V., v ^.- | > .-at. uiucy for at leant a Kenernlloii. monttiB' tiint Krance pondn. first i;rndu wearlnK curls. That noon ton liquor law violators brought before have been recorded and scores with pilvuln ' »s by paying a - Aflnr (several Thl» sec.-iion InslutH The flah are not ot Ute glnw Vwi nt tahlu my you UK ho|>eful In a tone hint Is nn American, the*othor nine' woundPd «r» belDg cored for. ' Interest com ..'.ndrew Mc-M u. coul uliDUhl receive at .leiin! H.i sniiio'com- war ':rs Great variety, but aecin to be inoro of a carp registering dlnKitut said: "That new foreigners. ' Kni()pi works, In KSHCII, Germany pr'tr-nt and 4 business and miner, i • f i!'c poii-sntlon for and will wetsaro nevcrttl boy ts sure gouio sls.iy." Upon my A bumper pen crop Is expected by cmpliij 12.000 more workers now thnn 's In tl rvlco. Their lamest vein* <-f -«> i! .1 ;i '!)!> lll'lllllll, CKttll* fchlllll'i : :!flltO RO asking him how be knew, ho replied: the slula of Delaware. "Hulling" ma­ In any month preceding the Worli l n ,:lly bp Wifil "ectlon for s, at AIICKttt!.v "I know bccuuau his lialr nays so." chines m'o being established by cnn- War, and In nddltlon to casting un noiir ih<> S >ln Pl:e Uriel. A vlxlmi of jm ijvalnnchc of gold ilnl- lnr>i nnd llie :ini>pll»lh>n of tho French- Chicago Tribune. ncrn at central point** through tbu rolling operutloiis, 7;t different kinds ' iimpany, The vt-i:i ccntaina an et , alive, of mai'hlneH, uppnrntUH or technical or cdlent nnalltv '-t (ml. '.c f. f«ol 7 War «Jt'bt in Aincrlfii looms InrfO ,1'a admin tbo; X't«liii!n:j nniduvcU. Utr;i >Kd by IncliPH thick, ll! fee" tu Uie retail nud The United States government ot th« Southern 1'iiulBc rnilroad, an-' " " '.- l-.L l-l-ZJl" *" ilon o to cover tui nrea about 4,<»fi<> ncrcs. nmliiU'Jns nine railroad cars traveling nounced rnti'H on certain commodities Erater Hint. au will he reduced 20 per cent by trans­ of LATEST EVENTS Wanted the «Pre*crlptl#A.» among, li,? v.iimirg of tho country, When the orn»w becomes well won Missouri For duv vilivn t.»wr*'iu:u \vfis c teaching tlieu;. nr»t old, mine rescue continental mllrnmitt In In prviTiirlm.' f»r n\>- prnvi-'-:.iM AT WASHINGTON One With tvuter routes. It la.,apt to shveur the pnpei when It !i by «el and other nr V !io navul bill with­ in the to scud the fl«»o» i (solu­ >.i!m:ii u to this tiMfe itru trains raain- out a :'.-; of tion to the Houu for 'eonitlderaUon ailiu-J la rush to Uiu alii of miners orntlou m ni'iy bo. Injured or trupp«d In W. WnntetS foi \vlio has li -KJO.OOO tu'iUKM. J-nBLDJ ADVANCE. WHALEYVILLE. OCEAN CITY. Straightforward J. W. Tuoter, Proprietor, Editor and Manager. Mr. and Mrs. William Reed and BfiPTISTS COLLECT May 2Tth 4*u u Red Letter Day Testimony's The daughter, Miss Margaret, and Mra. in Ocean Citytbiafory, in celebrat­ Itttukl arety Friday mocnJng. Margaret Fooka, of New York City, ing, its first vomtnecMinent Day. Many Berlin Citizen* Have Prof'ted t«M4 a* aynirt riassmsrtfag. January Your Opportunity For By i;v:v. pent the week-end with Mr. and The assembly room VM beautifully By It. MKfl, IVOt at th« poai office at SeffliB, Maryland, Mrs. N. J. Wimbrow. tecorated. with the claes colors, under the a«t of Oongreis of REDEMPTION OP PLEDGES MM. If you have a backache, urinary Mar. tzd. isra"' Rev. J. L. Nichol, of Federals- he national odors, and in a profu- COURAQING—80UTHWIDE PRO* lion of flowere. The stage showed (roubles, days of ditzloeee, head­ burg, visited at the home of Mr. GRAM aches or nervousness, strike at the The Month ol May. TKXT.-Jii.lii., I IS LAUNCHED. AdvertUng nln auuL known on Handy Cooper, this week. he artistic work of Captain Harry seat of the trouble. These are of­ John IS:!. ?aiker, with the mot to of the class ten the symptoms of weak kidneys Mrs. Horace Hamblin, of Ocean of'21, "Sowing not Drifting," in BHELJJf, MD., JUNE 3, 1921. OMPLETE GREATEST YEAR and thnre ia grave danger in delay. City, visited her mother, Mrs. Frank rge, gold letters. Dr. Burk, who Doan'a Kidney Pills are especially Hudson, this week. prepared for kidney ailments are We have taken special pains to select just what you want in Money o»nb« tent by P. O. itoney baa raade the High School a possi­ Order, Bzpreis Money Order, Check, or Reports to Southern Baptlit Conven­ endorsed by over 50,000 people. all lines, at prices very much less than in May 1920. Miss Gladys Brombley, of Stock- bility, presided, and introduced the Your neighbors recommend this Maw York Draft, ton, is spending some time with tion at Chattanooga Show Marked speakers. In his opening address Progress Along Every Una remedy have proved ita merit in We call your special attention to our line of New Printed MIBB Madge Wimbrow. to gava a brief and encouraging his­ many teals. Berlin readers should INDEPENDENT. REFORM. of Organised Work. Voiles, our delicate shades of Organdies, Dotted Swiss, Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson, ot tory of the High School and its take fresh courage in the straight work and workers. Rev, William (otward testimony of a Berlin citi­ Satin Crepes, Crepe-de-Chine, Georgettes, and Satins. Wool-to-Blanket Cam­ Seibyville, and Mr. Pasher Hud- zen. McGuire ofiertd the prayer and paign to be Continued. eon, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday Tbeo. L. H. Wlmbroagb, black, These are goods of superior quality and prices risht. with Mr. and Mis. Frank Hudeon. Maude B. Crupper rang a silo. smith, West & Baker Sts , Berlin, Then followed the SUutatory, by says: -'Kidney trouble almost got You should see our line of Crepe-de-Chine, Georgette and The popularity with which the Miss Elizabeth Dale, who holds a Anna M. Riobartisoc.the Propherfy, me down where I couldn't work. Voile Waists and Blouses. Also our line of silk under­ wool-to-blanket campaign was re responsible position in one of the by Maude B. Cropper; Class Histo­ My back ached and pained, and celved by the farm are and the peo­ Philadelphia banks, spent tbe week­ ry, by Mildred K. Hudson; tho when I stooped, I could hardly wear. Satin Camisoles in all shades. «'tmit!;li nf th ple of Worcester County lact Reason end with her parento, Mr. and Mrs. straighten. up. My kldnoys were llitllU'tKV i.r. ! Gluts 1'oenv by Hilda R. Rinnds, ivpt our i faai been the mtaufl of bringing nn- JAOY<* Dale. never regular in action. Doan's See our new line of Oxfords and Strap Pumps, Quality there. the Public School System, by Kmth- Kidney Pills were recommended to pliirr, but : I jcrcu; inquiries to the County Mrs. P. A. Wimbrow and son ryn L. Taylor; the Class Will, by me and I used them, getting my A complete line of Nemo Corsets. lift* us :<. Agent's I'ffice daring the past few supply Iroui Farlow's Pharmacy. J.-iiiM t!.. ' spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. H&rold P. Diasmoie, and Esanv Full line Men's Clothing, Value, Quality, Style, Price. ly ! weeks regarding the disposal of this and Mrs. John Hudson, of St. Mar­ and Oration l>y Calvin B. QuHlin They noon fixed me up in good II till. Rhnpe; the backache* left and I felt spttog'a clip of wool. tin's. and John B 1/yncli, all of which II!- like a different person." Just received a big line of those Rattania Rugs you have been ll.-l.l -: ArrangbmentB have been made were greatly eojoyed by tho large With the Extension Department, as tars. William Hudson,-of Wil- Price 60c, at all dealers. Dou't looking for. H'lll. ll !,- m!nf;ton, is visiting her mother, audience. Patriotic songs were git- simply ask for a kidney remedy get IN t J.ilnii,.. well as with the woolen mill?, to en between iuo literary numbers. Doan's Kidney Pills- the name thai When in need of Clothing remember we carry a good line l.»nl .1. s , Mrs. Irving Jarman. would fni. continue this campaign for another Rev. William McQuire and Mice Mr. tt'itnbrougb bad. Foater-MU- hnrn Co.. Mfrs., and the prices are right Mtinrrs, tin .i . seaeon, whereby the turners o Don't forget the baseball festival Elizabeth Thomas sang a duet and' Buffalo, N, Y. whli Jolni «r I' Worcr 'ter County, who have no Saturday night, June 4th. Every Rev. WiVbpr S. Smith pronourced Big Line of Straw Hats. III- ',111'U 11 ready sale lot their wool, will be body is invited. tbe bt>ned)cfii>a at ihe close. n lint under (he head, "Missing '.u Ac­ tomobile robes. Csptlst Commissioner for Europe tion." Bo«ton Transcript conform in n the seat of the loul was th* stomach, earnest and fnroeiul ajipcal for lion- lii-nnl nt in"-i i.u( Collections la cash totaling $25,103,- This campaign will be conducted moit likely for the reason that a man I* est> and preparation for tbeo- ming Burbage, Powell If Mnrlr-l l.y 424.64 have been made for general Can Do No More. in about tbe same manner as the never to completely used up as when years. ., Dr. Could and (Inrl- of Hi,. ni^M,| causes fostered by the Baptist 75 Mil Pr-.ifeesor It !m» just about gotten to In tills listen, .lust previous one. Any farmers inter­ his itomaoh Is oat of order. For the lion Campaign ulnco the campaign Dennis delivered thu diplomas to mur.iry that after a man bays roof* ested ia jieposing o! their wool in euro of ordinary itounach trouble*, was launched In 1919, according to a for the family, whitewash U about I'nn linrdly )i there U nothing quite to prompt sue report to the Southern Baptist Con the ni«j» gndustes KMhryn L. tbr best he can Uo for and Company up to tli<> ,.|'l - li^ ibii way will please notify tbe hla fenc*. Dal­ tlif winter rv\l\: satisfactory u Chamberlain'1 Tablets. ventlon, which baa just adjourned it* Taylor, Waiuta B. Cropper, Anni las News. County Agent, eo that arrangements Chattanooga yc sinner!* |.o..r ; They itrengthen the stomaoh and eoi- session, by Dr. L. U. M. Richardson, Mildred; E. Hud­ j old kltrhi-n hi can be made to pool the wool at an blo It to perform IU function! natmal- Scarborough, general director iu-rs, "I'oi' $12,924,943.60 of this amount MSB col L. Thomas and Calvin B. Qulllin they can Miake themselves, but appoint the blankets may be manufactured lected during the past year, under the i-Ilts," I'.ut .Iitd;i* most depressing conditions known In and certificates to those finishing a whole lot o' folks to carry oci the nnd would tmt j '.• I before the rush season comes on at years, la rury encouraging to the de­ the grammar qenooL COONS. sln-l'i'nrrr. Tbo pi: the factory. Telephone Directory Out, nominational leaders, they say. liuili, tlio lirnrt HI' It wsjsvjpiable occaiioo, and tho PoseJbfy. In. Croon mrr i!n Will Seek the Unsaved. P»r.;.»Tt«nid jiatrons of the school, Batten soy that the price of rabbit Feeling tho need of conaerrinc tho skins Is likely to ruin the trmle. Mean­ but Illiu n s.'ldi'-r The Chesapeake and Potomao and tho clowns generally are grati- IlKht Jesus n \vny fn Daily Weather Report. Telephone Company has complete* while the mere act of getting the skint fiad aj " slly proud o( the firtt U npt to ruin the rabbit the bonrt. the distribution of i Anil why the spring issue campaign, the convention ask; long-desired High A weather forecast is being re­ of its directory in Wicomlco, Som­ 'Conservation Commission tbo twelve? To In ceived dftUy at the County Agent's enlist, through** the state ani suliMHuli'd by Mutt] erset, Worcester and Dorchester tlonal organizations, all tho he ever ii'.lmllteil? office by telegram from tbo U. 8. Counties, on the EaMetn Shore o cal Baptist churches In the So you twelve nnd onu Weather Bureau. These reports Maryland. 5,500 books comprise larger evangelistic offoit dur a»ult S b aio kept on file and are at the eor- next naptvo month*, the atn I School T^ohers will UNIV£BSAL one. the trensuri r ; this Issue. induce |s nmnj IK luuuKcfctvd ll ot the setyple oUt .T^anl^J no fuvora or tvl it""one desiring/ the~'weat subscribers on imrieen exchang. to Christ durln] InilhoBtate School «i-«f» OMH» Rcporta) tho convention showed that | Houte froi L June 20th t > 20lh In BLADES With Spring comes the Rush Season open. Tho upostlou forecast for the day can receive tho OB located in the above counties. thero -were 173,595 persona received of Iho centurion-old' same by telephoning or calling per­ For general information, consul into the loCnl Baptist churcbcn by elusive. Af elaborate program has WITH for Ford Touring: Cars lima sin. So fur 11.11 sonally at tbe County Agent's oflice. pages 1 and 2. On pages 2, 3 anc ttsm during the past year, and ^ much been preparld, acd a capable and Ibero could not have ] larger number will be soughj during HOLDER Each year thousands have been compelled to wait for Julian to This information is free, and no 4 you will note the compiny'a reg dUtlnguishekcor|»i of teachers pro­ the year ahead. f for their cars after placing their orders. Sometimes ran be nllowcil to nl doubt can be used by many farm ulatiot s for calls to local and lorg Would Evangelise Europe. vided. On Brsday evooing, the ntiil '.invu , UrM-lini $1.22 they have waited many months. era to a pplendid advantage. diattmcs points, also a partial lie One of tho Interesting *cUoDs of the 2Ut, tber&will be a lecture on L»l- where, If thcru had. f convention was tho decision to back cry nclvlwd, tia wu| of rates to points which miy be rador by tn« Rev. Edgar Jones, and PREPAID up fully the Forviirn Mission Board In on Fridty-ibe 24tb, a pngoant writ By placing yoor order now, yon will bo protecting nbcis! It. called through the Long DiMaaci llg program for tho evangelization ot f.u>:' tills IS tllC Illtllj ST. MARTIN'S. In Attractive Case yourself against delay. You will be able to get reason­ operator. Fur ralei to points no tho now Kuropoan territory of Spain, tec by RevVEd mund Uurk, Ph. D., for a few cents nmru I Jugoslavia, Hungary, Roumanla, the Rector of St.N Paul's, entitled, the ably prompt delivery on your Ford Touring car. And Yt'H, but tlilH Is tho nj Childien's Day will he observed mentioned, ask for Ling Distance Ukraine and Southern Russia. Dr. J. "Phantom Spirits and the Real Spi­ you will have it to enjoy when you want it most this out tbo wholo at the Church Sunday iiight, June H. W. Cnrly, manager of th IT. Hushbrooko. or Londou, BapUjt Satisfaction Guaranteed states tbnt lie lluds nl Commissioner for Europe, addressed rit o! the Churoh" will be presented spring. 5tb. The usual program ol songs company, report* that a substanlia tlon or trickery oil J| the convention, Idling how ho nnd dis­ in the State School House In­ or Money Refunded "son of perdltluii" and recitations by the children will increase in new subscribers bos tributed the relief funds contributed struction will be given lu the Stale Don't pat off placing your order. llrHt-lmnd inforinntluj be given. been added to the system in tbi >7 Baptists (or the needy families of ThH offer for a limited cnnnot llnil n llnw district since the laslj issue ol the those count HIM and how tho giving ot School House during the daytime time only. slructuro oi Je.sui' eJ Helen Hudson and Grace H olden this relief had opened wide tho door jccts to Mnry utiolntll directory. He call;: attention to through life week. are the luoky members of the St. of mlanlonary opportunity. 1 ne State School in being uned Remit by money order or R. J. MASSEY, member, ho nowhST the advisability of consulting the Work on the older foreign fields "LonL" Martin's Girls' Club, who are at­ through the courtesy of Mr. Cook cash (no stamps) new issue before making familiar during tho Past year was unusually Do we not Bee Unit tending the County Club Camp, in Biiccosnftil. the board reportlnc re­ and Mr. MoMsster. calls. women, wnywnvil Ocean City, June 2nd to June Glh. ceipts ot |2,404,M8 for Its missionary that they do not crUlJ The Telephone Company further operations and $278.000 for relief Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea onumlrs admit, by tits Miss May GilliBS left Saturday for work. a» well ns $100,000 worth of urges the necessity of calling by clothing; fi.'.'OS baptisms on the for- Remedy. Frad Razor Co. that they "llml tin fnti] a visit to relatives and friends in number. The limits of memory fields; 1ST of the 611 churches Kvery family should kenp this prepa­ !hcy refuse him tin the Hp.rper'g Kerry region of West solf'aupportlng. with a tola', of 40S for- ration at band during the heat ol the 1475 BROADWAY could Jesus C'hrlxt and any change in the operating summer niunthe. It I* almost sure to teacher, leader of i Virginia. Her little nephew, Jamer, elfin missionaries and STS native worx- { NEW YORK CITY force make it impossible to render ers employed. be ntedod, and when that time come*, If his repented decll went with her to visit his grandpar- Is worth many timer Its oost. llur It Suvlor-slilp w»ro tn\td prompt service if connections are Home Mission Board Active. •••)••••«••••••••••••« •«••••«•••*»••'*•••• OU'.B, Mr. and Mr*. Maildox. now. Adv. man prutwrly apprecln| asked for by name. The Home Mission Board reported anil his wonder works i Miss Catherine Hull, of Salis­ 7,072 additions to the churchon moment reject hl» Bb<| through Its In.vtrumoiitiilitlefl. church HAVE yOU EVER BOUGHT ANY STOCK? admlro him, but you bury, Is spending the week with Why Suffer from Rheumatism? oxttnslon operations of $1,248,000, and NEW PRICES ON him; bewaro lest, tor Mrs. Lizzie Gillies, 298 patients treated at tho Tubercular Do you know Unit nine out of every Sanatorium at El Paso. If you have then you will be more than interested in our offer. him. There Is another "|i Mr. and MM. W. A. Holland ten oases of rhoumatlsm aro simply Lurlag the year tho receipts of the We have the. most complete Information Buraau in the country on unlisted stocks rheumatism of the muscles or ckronle Sunday School Hoard reached $1,147,- U. the account. Jiulnll shopped in Salisbury, Monday. and bonds. own place." Ho .'mtl rheumatism, neither of which requires 721.73, ami the board turned back Into Wt are Ronnral work of the denomination tho ottering for two weeks only a complete book covering all point* connec CHEVROLETSi pluco from Jcsii". MifH Defsio Jones was giaduntcd any Internal treatment? Tho imln may tod with the purchase of stocks or bond* written by men who have hod man] cost Into hell" hid be rellured by applying Chamberlain's sum of $189,000. yeara experience in the securities buiiness. last night froui the Virginia State Although only three years of age, Ills o tbe heart enrollment of 40,000 pupils, tho report Our book ia not offered to the public with the idea of hampering any legitimate you enter that "pl«cc." ' pleacant and profitable. She will The United States Department of enterprise but iimply to aid the general public In determining what to do In the whose of tho Education Board nhowed, and event of their qelng offered stock or if they have already purchased some. How trees and. llowersj ?i»U an uncle, Dr. 11. H. ElliDg- Agriculture announces tbe perfec 2,186 ot thoso pupils aYo preparing for. and Where to! el). lilesslng, DO In Ills ton, In Salisbury, N. C., and attend special Christian service, such as tho If you reject that, I w4 tion of a simple process by which ministry, mlssl-onary and other special We are not con :ted with any brokerage home* and when offering a marke Model 490 Touring Car, $ 645.00 might realize that y< Tablets hardly enough to justify tbo instal­ In order to cure lv. you tnuat tatt* an Nice line of both Work and Dress Shirt*, Shoe*. witKldii of the llrltlnh and they fix me op One," write* Internal remedy Half* Catarrh Modl- Mrs. Nerrton VrvelanJ. Minoa, N. Y. lation ot the machinery fov making clno U taken Internally and act* thru And a fine ol Gents' Furnishings at Low Prices, Kins with the king's tho blood on tho mucoui surfaces ot tbo Mls-flt Suits Exchanged or Remodeled. ivnllty thlii In put to. Take these tablets when doubled with the oil nnd meal itt each factory, so yitem. Hull'* Catarrh Uodlclne was Hiictch from tlu> ttiro>.e, constipation or indigestion aod they prcncrll..'.' by one ot the beat phyilcUn* Agent for Nallonal Tailoring Company's rnade-to-order Clothing. Perfect fi LESTER F. ADKlflS, a ' the soedn would probably beehippec In thl* country for yean. It U oom- guaranteed. Me4*or«montB mndo by Merchant Tailor. •' In ulwars prexcuuiil for fli! Will do jou good. Adv. tio>cd of some of the best tonics known, a little flctlon carefully | to souie central point where a plant combined with some of tbo best blood I have in«t»llAJ ar up-to-date Ster.m Pruaslng Machine, which AbaolntelySte DEAUC^ portlier*. The perfect combination oC Hiiea the GarmeltU, and thoroughly cleans them, which la the mott sanitary way order to aitsert the Indai would be orgunited to utilize tho .the incrrflcnt* In HalfrtCntarrh Modi- parliament, In ti;o belief cine Is what product* such wonderful known to clean Jelled clothes, killing, all gvraa. Call at Tbe Advance office II you waste seed from several factories. results in eatarrhal condition!. Bend for I olio have thl latoat i>ry Cleaning Machine, known as French cleaning. BERLIN, MARYLAND. at once to, I In- Dpcei'li nilp teMUnonlala, m«. Work callodJbr and delivered anywhere In the town, and will deliver by Par- want a garni of Authors, prioa 25 The value ol this feed has already F. J. CBRNter * CO., i?rops.. Toledo. O, All Dronrlst*, We. ctl Poat, worKwceived from nearby tovrna. Jesly'd words. cent*. been demonstrated In Italy. Uall's FamHy PIUi for con.llp.tlon. Qulctdjr and Nvntly Dom. \

    • ••••I IMPROVED U?(IFORM INTCRNATIONAC The Treasuro The Lonely Little Girl. "Devil" GItEAT CIHXESI For neatly a week, now, Laura SundaySchooi CABIAE TAMED TUlUiUl CST HIVElv. and Malc'On? and Fern hud noticed BE PREPARED 6y SEV. H. OSTROM, D. D. (©. 1911. Weitcrn .\'cw«p»ptt Vnlon.) The lloang Is tb i largest river Etlenslon Department. Moody of northern ChlrJi . The Mile her, the little white-faced girl who ^COUGHS AND COLDS Bible Institute, Chicago. There la uo other napplneu In the world except that ot a soul content possibly exceptcd, It 1'ns been bunfl nbout the gste of tbo big red arseness. Wry suo'amg lo the inflammed ane .is a plnct KEFKIIENCE V«ATERIAI*-D«ut. I*- Melt one table- mous for all time Uls engineer­ aha had any fun In her at n'l " tissues and helpful in loosening and exrellmg phlegm. itins. where Jcsaa oft­ 21: r«aim 7!:5-7. spoonful of but­ ing skill has not been surpassed Malcolm jninrd them at the cor­ RA\VLE!GM'S COUGH LOZENGES are hifhly medica­ en visits, lie lua PRIMARY TOI'IC-Jenur- Ix»v« for Hit ter; In It cock one or even equaled l>y his succes­ ted and ccrjpoicd of just the light coml/inalion of inrirdienls for Country. ner. overcoming coughs, tickling in ihe thrrnt, arid hoarseness Oue to It. been there with JUNIOR TOPIC-Uovln» and Helping green pepper cut sors, nnd his memod of river him, nevertheless Our Country. hi squares. When softened a little control may be bueded by en­ "T'/e bo.-rs eay it's Mr. Caywond colds. Pleasant'to taste nnd convenient to use. and he Is a betrayer. INTlillMKDIATF. AVD SENIOR TOPIC add one pound of commou cheese, cut gineers of todry. who'ii com* back to live in tbo RAWLi'ICH'S COLD TABLETS contain Loyalty to Our ('Mintry. It Is practically tho method Like tho foolish YOU NO PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC In small bits, and stir constantly v;'U brick iiouw. He wed to live there examine in iti moU valuable form and in ndJition are ander- virgins In the par­ Christian Principle* in Law and OOT- melted ; add two-thirds of a cupful ot ttdnvjteu" by the en.'lneerg of the tomcwhal laxative, making them particularly incful in able, he has had rnmenL fresh. or canned corn, one-hnl! tefi- Mississippi Hlvor comniliwlon a long lime ago, but Mm City wood overcoming cold*. f eno^^^ of the oil of the Holy Spirit's spoonful of salt, one half teuspoonful miinely, the adji^-uoent. of tJi« was sick, and they w?ni out to Cal­ influ'.nrc on his soul to mnke him ne- Not "Slaking the Notion Chrlst'.nn," of paprika, two .eggs well beaten and vtiloctiy of tbe current to Ve ifornia. Now they've come home J. B. Jackson, If tb3 lesson committee please. Neither maximum b>nd of -Ut which (he there. cer/£ our I.oid'n company In such a two-thirds of a cupful of tonii.to. Stir 10 stoy all aummrr " The kawlelgh Man. Merlin. Mil. plucc, but he will not accept of eternal of the passages choatm for today's and cook until omootb *.".! well wnt»r cnn'li'H. The hydraul'j en­ lesson tiDs any bearing on the title gineer of touay accoinrJlfllies "I don't ar.ppose tbe little girl Mail anil TilffihoHt' Ufa as a g\ti. Outwardly ho has blended, and when tborou^rtly hot, Orders fromptlj ftlltd Joined the Apostles' Band, but, Inwnrd- chosen by the committee. However, serve on rounds of Ion:«t. toasted on this by Impounding the excess will rare to peek to us if chb'alived See. they do set forth soue Important one side. 8er,«i the n.bblt on the uri- of water during ilood seasons ly he la a thief. Good compan,r, but teachings regarding, the nation, and 'way out in California,'' faicl Lau­ a thief's heart I toasted Hide. and rcl*>as!ng It during seasons ibeen tho teacher should carefully bring out Cream of Corv Soup. Cook one-half %of drought; Ta-yu i.ccompllslied ra, considering. Ills choosing to "Join" before he their vital meaning. The New Testa­ the same result bj the constfuc- bnd "received" tuny have cos', him his ment nowhere teaches that any na­ of an onion flnety nilnced In four "I think she looktj loiUBorue," soul. If he had humbly UislBted upon tahlespoonfuls of butter until brown. tlon of additional channels. tion will be made Christian In this Add four tP.bksrioonfuls of flour, two In Ihe lower pa«^ of the plain answered Malcolm. "Why don't line not Joining until he bad accepted c-jr dispensation ; but rather that Christ nine aiUitlot.nl channala. were fou girls ppeak io hri? I would." Lord Jesus Christ n» the, ono who la gathering r ul Ironi among the na­ cupfuls of milk -after the flour has beei- well blended, t*~t tenspoonfuls of constni'.irxl. Any number or all "Do you think obVd like il?" would fulfill all sacriflclai -type's for tions the jicoplo who .shall constitute of them could be 'firown open k oners, then ho might have ranked Ilia church, allowing that God's pur- salt, one-fourtl. of n teaspoonfnl of pepper and one or two bouillon cubv?, to a flood; any number of them "I 'most hr.ow i-lio would. I with John or I'nul. pore Is the salvation of Individuals. might be closed as necessity de- He Urew the place. Those trees provided they are not ninety-nine per raw her looking at ,ou a^d Fern! I. "Bleiied U the Nation Whose cent salt; If so, add no salt until nmr-Jed. Thereby a uniform could ,talk to him. He couljl gather God la tho Lord." (I'sn. 33:12). volume of water and a constant afl«r jnu'd gonp pvl, jrtst »s if she message* from the footprints and This verse shows Israel's peculiar after the cubes are -added. Sad ex perlence with bouillon cube* should velocity of the current *as In- wished t-be knew you. It can't he paths there. The very air wus elo­ distinction. Israel U the only nation Bured. quent, to him. Oil, tlie'ro are records of which, In mime even, U could be make UR wise. Cook until tho .mixture any fun to twin thai big yard all thickens and add one pint of sweet It woa a task of 13 years. which do not fit Into music boxes or said that Jehovah was Its Ood. Ho Thrice, according to tha Sha­ alone. Let's ask mother If we conform vo machinery. They are called this nation Into being for pe­ com put through a colondci. Let the sba'n't ppeak to her, when wa r;tl 11 heard at moot unexpected times. As culiar purpose. It was not u case whole boll up once nnd serve with king, Ta-vu passed h!a own door If started by unseun liiuids, In the where n imtloii cho.se God, but where croutons. :fa without uven staying to caress hone" Green Cneew. Take two ounces of ills child. Ills efforts succeeded, ANOTHER dark of the- night, they compel us to (!od chose a nation for Ills own In­ II is a Boo preU \viuc, il 11 wes litnfeio go. borne. I used Is manifested Qghtlng sin. ho risks for .'n the I'opulur PRESENT LOW PRICES no favor* or quarter. Hr. ni:li<;i u ur<] hn« no ilirlit to exist. The./. So ny lono- I.',. CMM^lT.trl V* r It. x-.l..l.l|» (ft. Mil 4MI74U-OWU «E»U»Wk A»0 '"" "< lllu em. I: open. Tho apostles are la tho Hii-- The believer In Oirlst Is a citizen U.xiporary .....__..._ of tlio ccnturles-old conflict with hu­ John It. Spurrier ot Oklttoon rays pwtralture that lU>ovf| We all thi as well as a church member. Intelli­ that the Indian will be extinct In a gen­ man sin. So fur as tho record slates gent Christians will show loyalty to Oi^-eco and 4??.:.~: there could not have b«uu much money eration or two. Mr. Spurrier, who It a Ically np t>v t good time, the Htnte as well as to the church. descendant of !Uo Osago Indians nnd for Judas to handlo anyway. But he 1. The ClirlHtlan's obligation to the I'ngloua, Fruncev can be allowed to add nnd subtract state (vv. 1-7). This obligation Is whose wife Is also- ot Indian blood, say* even America, m, r and 1mvo , UrHt-hnnil Information, upon all Christians. Tbe reason this that constant '.dtcrmarrlage Is so weak­ VVIth few tochiu ..._ .. _._.. where, If there had Ijcen any trick­ obligation Is universal Is that civil ening the tribes that the cation which her, and a confuslnjlTDr/Bty of meth­ ery advised, ho would huvo known government Is ordained of t!od, nnd numbered over a million at the time od evident among thef old masters, I Vvbe lonely people, too." about It. the rulers are Ills representatives. So­ this country was discovered will soon the devotee engaged a fhorolst to de- I People's Now this Is the man who sells Jesus ciety could not exist without govern­ be only a name. Ise a wax that would iiot melt after for n few cents in>>ro than five dollars. ment. It Is God's purpose thut man 'The extlnctloruof tlio Indian Is only ts application, ond bf-ran a search Yrs, hut this Is tho man who through­ a matter of a short time," said Mr. for colors that were^pcnuanent and GROSS ROADS GARAGE should live under authority. To re­ out thu whole known record never fuse obcdlrnco to civil authority Is to Spurrier. "Intermarriage U proving without chcinlcot Interaction. A stet 1 The Johns Hcpkins Ktnt.-i thnt he llmls any truce of decep- resist Ood. fatal to tho tribes, and they cannot scapula and a 'set of Improvlr.-d 'Ion oi' trickery on Jesus' part. This (-j The spirit of such obedience long survive It, With Intermarriage orangewood tools composed the work- University, FRANK MAGEEf Prop. "SMN <>t piTdltUm" uu Hie Inside, with (v. 5). li Is to be conscientious, that comes the Americanization and the In­ nj? outfit, and metal plates coated llr.-t-imml Information, this "devil" Is, It Is to be regarded not merely as dians who have adopteTl modem meth­ with a Him of wni becarre the "can­ Baltimore, Md. cnnnol (1ml u lluw or u Hock In till the serving a good purpose, but morally ods live In extremely comfortable style. vas." On such a plate the out'lne of Mrtirturo of Jesus' conduct. Hu ob "The richest small group of people the subject, generally In profile. Is jrots lo Mnry nnolntliij? Win, but re- (8) Tlie nature ot this obedience tn the world are the Osago Indians, rtrst traced with a sh>rp point. Then ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS ini'inljrr, liu 110 where culls him (vv i), "). (n) I'uyment of personal whose reservation Is In Osago county. begins tho real work of building up 8'id property tuxes. The citizens who atici: i\ro 2,200 Indians In this tribe, tho miniature linage with particles of State Scholarships In Engineer- Do we not see thnt twlny men and enjoy the henctlts of government are 000 of them being of full blood who way, Into each of which has been women, wayward mill guilty, will Bay mirnlly hound to support It. (b) Pay­ still wrar their blankets, but tlie re­ i-'vaded a special color. Tlie .fin- log Counts. Unit they <|D not criticize Jesus? Ills ment of duty upon merchandise and mainder have forsaken tho ways of lH>K*d portraits, besides the Interest enemies niliult, by tho ten thousand, license fees. The business exchange their ancestors and hare become ex­ of their unusual technique, nro re­ ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS tl'Mt they "Ilml mi funk In him." Vet ictwecn nations must be regulated. tremely American. Thu reason for tlie markable for a delicacy, a fidelity and they refuse him their heart*. How For such regulations expense Is In­ great wealth of this trlbo Is that their a wnnntJi of detail that would do For the School of Engineering, SB could Jesus Christ bo Midi a true curred, for which, benefits tho citizens landx bnppon lo hu situated In the credit to 'the better-known, and seem­ well aa (or tbe College of Art* and teacher, lender of Mien and exnmple houbl pay. (c) Veneration of mag­ midst of tho largest oil Molds of Okla­ ingly more flexible, mediums of artis­ Science*, wl'.l be held in tbe Civil If his repented declaration of his istrates, "l-'ear to whom four." Those homa, and tho jvirly annual Income tic expression. Savior-ship were false? llo\v can n who fenr lio>! should venerate Ids' rep- per capita nvurugc* approximately ?-,- Engineering Building, Home wood, mail pro|H'rly appreciate his teaching eniMlves, ilct !H, civil rulers, (d) 000. How Screen Filrlti Arc Made. Monday-Saturday, JUDO 20-25, 1921 mid his wonder wurkn and at Ihe same "Honor to whom l.onor," that Is, honor "Tho Ofingo Indian* nre~"tln? host There nro two different ways ot educated tribe In thu country, and irglnnlng at 0 A. M. each day, un moment reject hls.bhed. blood? You of tivll "servants because of the minis­ prod-jclng fairies In a mavto picture or tbe susp.co« of the College En- admire him, but you do not receive try they perform. al*o the bent physical spvclmfiis. It The first nnd oldest Is to place the him; beware lest, for u price, you Hell .'. The Christian's obligation to bis was from this tribe Unit IHitTnIo (till fairy, usually an actress of small rin- ranee Examiitatloti Board. him. fellow '.ItlzeiH (rv. 8-10). This Is cboso u number of hl« famous chief- turo or n "child, far'In tho background Applications for Scholarships In Tbe tnlt.s. Tho rvsvrvulluit of lliu t'u \vu.-e. There, Is another "place" mentioned Kinmneil up In Hie wor-l "love.1' Love on th>"> scene so that when photograph­ N School Of EotHaeerlng; It) a perpetual obligation. The only Indians udjolng Unit of the OSIII.VM li, tho account. Judas went to "Ilia ing the scene she appears smaller than Btnbliabed under ibu proviaionB ol own place." He had heard of that debt that Is right, lo owe Is thut of and this tribe numbers 3.ttW, niiiny tho other actors because of the fa«-t place from JCHIIH himself. "To be love. This love forbids defrauding In of them prosperous and woll ailiicntwl." thnt she \» n. greater distance away be Laws of Maryland, Chapter 90, cast Into bell" bud doubtless rung In nmtters of property; It forbids going front thfl ccmcrn. Another, and n 1919, will now be received. If Here is a real paint Ills earn more than once. No garde? Into debt where there Is no reason­ TOOK OATH 'BY THE PEACOCK' spacc-«avlng way, Is to have, the here is more tban one applicant for with olive trees there. No Jesus K able certainty of being able to meet "fairy" perform In n space be'jlnd and When you pay out real I t>cen ut\ng Lowe Brothers tench ouo there. The sale Judas iuud« the obligation; i: forbids defrauding When Philip of Burgundy and Hja a trifle to one side «.->' the camera. Her > particular ecliolarnhlp, a oompeli money for paint, you High Standard. nnd that place are closely associated. In matters of moral purity. Where Knights Vowed to Engags to War actions are caught by a scries of mir­ live examination rmu>t be taken naturally expect to get You pay more for this there Is love, ndulti-ry cannot be com­ real j>aint. You should In­ If he will hear him teach nnd even for Holy Land. rors nnd reflected Into .1 mirror In the Fri Jar. September 23, 1921, begin sist on good spreading nnd paint per gallon, but loss endorse bin greatness, but yet ImvQ mitted: It forbids murder; It for­ Hceno which Is carefully camouflaged. covering capacities, per­ per job. Come in und let . Hie henrt to sell him, thnt ono place bids stealing; It forbids coveting, for In 1453 I'hlllp the Good, duUq of Iloth tho reflection In tho mirror and ningat9A, M. Appointment will manent colors nna lonr, us explain tho difference / In bin di'Htlny. Soul, do not reject tin coveting III.'IIIIH n desire for that Ilurgtindy, vowed "by the peacock" tu the remainder of tho sceno are photo­ be marie soon thereafter. Me. between cheap paint and which belongx to another; It forbids go to the dcllvei'iince ot ConstMiiIno- graphed at one time. Thus by placing It the paint you hnvo paint that is really cheap. Lord Jesus us Saviour todny, lest, to­ Each Legislative District of Bal­ We hnvift some literature morrow the henrt thut so rejects the working of any III to one's neigh­ ple, which had recently fallen Into '. n birthday cako with lighted candles been using in the past bor. hands of the TurKs. At Hie ccmHti.» il <>y reflections arc no manipulated that the State, with the exception of Cool! wboso trees and flowers all speak ol N The Lord's Sabbath. tbo duko at Lille. Holy Mother C-hurrh. fairy appears to be dancing In tin Hatford, Howard and Queen Aune's blessing, so Is his grace today, but, And the Lord spnlic unlo Moses, lu tlie gulso of c lady In IIIIIUIH'IU flame of the candles. The Adkins Company, If yp_ .-eject that, I would thnt you snyln^, Spi-nk unto the children of seated on an elephant nnd escorinl by ll be entitled to one or more icbol Israel, snyliiK, Verily, my Sabbath ye a Riant, nppiouclu'd the duUc ainl <•<• How It Might B« Used. arghlpa for tbe year 1921-1922, in BERLIN, HD. Wight realize that you turn townnl shay keep; fur It Is a sljcn between Judas' place. Judas bnd, as It were, llvered a long vernllled compluiia, Mother always cuts I'eggy'n hair, addition to tboee which have a] mo and you throui;hout your genera- claiming tho aid and suitor u! th« and an slu> was about to.:a clclear the n deed In band In that place when hq tlunn; thnt ye uiuy Knuw thnt I am In the fou was right In the company of JCNUS, Knight!) ot the (jolden l>'luoce. clippings awny thn llttlo glgirl stopped rra4y b«en tho Lord thr*. dulli snncllfy you. Ex- Tho tiernld advanced, hearing mi hia her. counties menlioued abovH, all th Ho bad fully realized It, doubtless tha odus 31:12, 13. very possession of It would have been fist a llvu peacock or pheu&nnt, which "Mother, you're not going to throw available eoholarabipi have been tc Mm Ilku lire. according to the rlti't of chivalry, hu my hair away, ate you?" The Rlohtcout Should Rejoice, presented to the duke. At this exlinor "Yw, my dear. Wlinftt the food «f awarded. ' ' lie K'ad lit the Ixinl. nnd rejoice, ye dlnnry summons 1'lilllp, a wlhe nni Tho Srlr.ger of Good Things. keeping It?" Under the piovlsions ol tbo Aot iis; and fhotit fur Joy, nil ye nged prince, cngiiKcd his [ii'r»nn aii< "Why, can't yon make It grow on Ilohold upon tho mountains' tbo foo that uro up.'luht lu heart. I'milmi!, powers In the holy war ngnlnst thi. of His Assembly, the County and of him that lirlnuolh good tiding, tha grandpa's head? ne'e got no hair »t 82:11. Turks. Ills example was Imitated by II." City Bcholarehlps in the Bchool ol publlshcth peace I Nahum 1, 10. tho barons and knights of the assem­ Engineering are awarded only to 1200, ami iskuQwn n» ,« "8*i«atorl land Agricultural College, Ml. tit. Outer "Religion" Survives, bly; they swore to Clod, tho Virgin, Mery'h Coilifte, Rock Bill College. Joanna Southcoft, tha Devonshire deserving students whose financial I EoholarshJjr '"-. H^ru\tniia1 Royal Speech In Second Place. tlio Udlc*, and the itAicock. Tli'oe curiolanhipB may be a- U Is popularly supposed thnt n new servant K'rl, who pi'ofesscd fo" be a In this . onneetlon will bo recalled, Deadly Dust BiV circumtlancM art euch that Ihe; are «rohlp Counliw. tion anil fur catalogues giving in- ' > ! the stroB" free Uflo ol text-bookri, and exemp­ order to assert tho Independence o documents still survive, and arc much "Flxln* up the i-ntes now," replied hcrco combat. H- Soholarshius W»y be nwaided-io fornmlion nu (o i xmnlnatlnnB, award parliament, In thu belief thnt to tun treasured by their words: "The seal Farmer Cortitossel. glc, and saw the l>lrd» tion from all regular fee*. One bl at ones tig. the speech might suggest a of the Lord tho Elect Precious Man's "Iloniomlicrln". «>' mirw, 'hit food fill! on Ilti l,:i. i n ditch. tbe f>cbo!arehi|>0 in eacb .(Jb'unty frudotles ol Lo.ynla Cotlrj;". fit of pclitil.irahipB, and COIUPPH of in- too-eager preoccupation with lit* ma ItcdcmpUon, To inherit the Tree of cost 1ms heen u." in the and lu each LeirjalaUve Di«Uiot ol ion. The Jesty's words. X'lfo To be mudo heirs of Ood and "You. Hut i-m' also tliat Western it>y, 'October 4l'.,, joint heirs of Jesus Cbrl&V rents hnva boon goiuj up/' on iiiu vu.'Uui's brun Ibe City c*rrie» aleo tb«'«um of I ACIVA N0» '1 ftpMv»ixf Bill JonesCloth.es wif Near East T-^MeCoogan Jfelping Price Reduction ited on Goodrich Tires iriss, btins. The decisive reduction of twenty per cent Going to Build? Better Decide On on the prices of Goodrich Tires and the Heating Equipment Now and Include in vour tnii'din?; estimate t lie price of a %ood heat- Tubes which took effect May 2nd/ re­ ingtyHemof pmpcri.ztf. Don't l«c the !i irgoumil the nder- Itft-and then havetorolWatr tomcihin^ flimsy bocau&o tire you've irxttt the money for *' show ". Lav iih decoraf-on* ceived the complete endorsement of «!*« poorsuK'.tjtTjtefor w.irrnth. Consider your family's health »r.d comfort fntf \\V11 gladly have n fixating pl.in users and dealers throughout the country. and riiimjte drawn up fire if you see us now. Or we'll nere. tubmit your problem to the Round Ojk Engineering It was accepted at its full face value as a Department for advice - nn charge - as to best, most eco- helpful, economic move in tune with the Tvoouotl lype of heat to iiut^ll. One popular new typ« U fce. spirit of the times. The reduction applies to ibeen ROUNDIR.ONB1UT FURNACE OAK Built throughout of iron 600 lt». irronz- Goodrich Silvertown Cords Cf than iron lufd in locomotive whtcfu line Putnt bolting holdi ir fotr%-« Icak-iifiht. For pipe uuttlUiion. We siio handle Goodrich Fabric Tires Round Oak Piptlcu Furnace) and Moist- ail Heating Systems. All arc obuinibla Goodrich Red and Gray Tubes at lowttf poruble prico - now 1 «tr,rs ore "bundling up their even send them this," aald the star. WhydcUy? The Round Oalc Folki( Rcsoum>««,CXX>,- 000.00 ) gfctfranfrr that if the price it lowcrrd brforc next hnndlea." H1:en Near East Relief Is­ A* a result of this suggestion the Dcormbet, you vnl! bt reb»s«f through us inr full amount Goodrich Tires have earned their repu­ sued Its opi'Cal for discarded clothing "Hill Jones" suit will be auctioned off of their ndrction. Thaw it nothing to gain by waiting - to distribute anuxig the destitute In at a lilg affair In New York and the tation by sheer quality of construction Western Asia John Drew, chairman of proceeds used to purchase clothing for the Near Knst Relief National Theat- the sufferers In Western Asia. Hardware Co. and complete dependability of service. "rleal Committee, nt once got busy, and Little Jnckle Coognn, who burst Into Berlin ill as u result It In expected that nt least fame as "The Kid" In the latest Char- Every improvement in making, with 1,000.000 pounds of clothing will be He Chaplin (Urn, saw a photograph of given by the people of the stage and a little Armenian orphan boy and rery many exclusive betterments is in the [screen world alone. promptly -*»!kH« nnd IULT1MORE Report to Congrea*. We ar« also dealers in Flr>wn»n »ntl s to Nita; 'East Relief Funeral design* — .* MD- prompt Not If You judge Them By boy doe» not* sometime Criticaf Situation Washington. Accounting for the AJ1 buaiiieM will teat-Ire CKAHK CASE^*^ wildly) crave to play to a< bandf try disbursement " 2+tiV.ISI JVi Ill J!)20and attention day or eight. Their Telephones, Sa'/s out hii jtbHlty on ce>;nev.fluto or drum. larving Armenians. a totnl of J«n.ooo,0(0 H> diiie, includlnf ANC ALL Many a man is now it. SalraUon Army flo'ir, Jptlilu; and ' ncdlral supplies; BUSINESS LOCATED AT fLOlES SI Julii.n Street the .nntml report of t>:e Near East Re- BROhZN NACtHNEPAKIS' ranks because vrhen 'io was » blaa* An op j of AmerlcnnAme hfrolum and BK.RUN, Mn bored, restless, street gamlo, some big 11'-/. lucorpornted by Congress August Although the Western World has be­ devotlor in hiivlug tlie llvr^ of 18,000 d, 1010, hurt been filed wlfh Congress hoartod Salvation Army Offioer aenoed children |I thf last mouient h>fcri nit't hy Char.'cs V. Wrkrey, ^neral secre- gun to take for granted that the Jap- tlie "rj- of a eoul for music and co.ixad aneee. have reached an enviable posi­ lof,:\ xiii t'J la re- tary of tho relief organisation. The him into the hall, first to hoar the oth­ In flle of rnMccnnis from report Includes on Auditor's statement tion Inltbo wo.i Id because of an alleged er fellows play and later invited him Trnn*cnuiawln s T<}flde piilillc'iby the efflcUncy In all matters, a close Inspec­ by a firm of rhnrtarm accountants, to try io make a noise himself. No Near Knst llellef, the Anwr.tnn or­ whose IrovFUnff auditor.'. In the field tion ot actual facts shows up the Jap normal boy could reslWthe chance, ganization which In the past for,.- yean a* almost childish. Writing for Me check nil expenditures 'uy the Near because In his Innermost heart he is has been the iiiwiiiH of curii-'. more Kust IU-tlvf* Clu're'a Ma»azlno in an article entitled, than n million llve» In the uld O'tomnn Berlin Advance certain that he could play Ju»t aa well In regurd to the bustacsti methods tbe Blllclent?" Julian as any fellow in the bunch U he had empire. gives and efficiency of the orgnnluitlon Ad­ Street, noted traveler and writer, halt a chance to try. \Vln-n the »trr. Street. "Tho rush hour lief, workers '.row on thflr liiKt dny of tlv> work of this relief committee ha* Assigned To Baltimore In Chnru* Of bling dens, out ot craps shoetlna; and half-rntl'mn, tvlien thi- llrvt Irulnload there is only saved from being as ter- lighting and surrounds them over tboao been such that Americans should be The Chesapeake Division Ot The rlblo "as the rush hour in New York by of American fl»«r urrlvt-d. proud of thla great humane effort. The periods at least with uplifting influ Tlte first news of the desperate situ­ FOR SALE Salvation Army. ho lack of subterranean features. Xenr East Kellef here In Constantino­ once. By and by they get Into the uni­ ation of the Ainwrtcnn relief wnrkors "But It is In all matters having to form, and though other interests ple Is run more like a buslneiis organi­ Major Henry Uavey Dale, new divl- do with communications that Japanese and their nrphnn clinn:c« ri'iiihe*! the zation than any relief organization beackon, tho bands hold them when Near Eust Relief on April '21 In n cable ftloaal coniuianuor ot the ChosaptAko nclDclcncy Is most strikingly brought overy other appeal falls and mtuy o! with which I have over come Into con­ IJtvlalon ot the Salvation Army, who to the notice ot strangers. The postal dated April 15, vi-hlch wns tlm flrst di­ tact." AT ONCE! them not only cling to thla Association rect IUOISIIRO rct'i-'.ved from the Ameri­ Over a Million Saved lias recently couio from Minneapolis, lervlce Is poor, tho cable corvlco Is ex­ eventually become Sal­ has had an extensive career In Salva- pensive and absurdly slow (when I as Soldiers, but cans cut off In the heart of Armenia According to the report, 03 hmtpttnlH, vation Arm,- Officers. This Is another alnce mld-Felininr.v. Thft dlspntch with 0.522 bed*, 128 cllnk-a, 11 rescue itlon Army work, which really rtatd* was In Japan U took about ten day* aald: "Neur EiiMt llellef food supplies to hlii blrlli as his parents were pplcndld lype of preventa-llve work home*. 200 nrplinnngcs, accommodat­ Ibauk o cable to America and get an answer and kppeala to boya from exhausted. . S.lluntkm, MpcclnHy In .both Salvation Army ofGcors. >RciO, and the telephonele service Is which reaches ing 5-1,000 children, nnd outside or|>hnn- ten to fifteen, many of whom actually Armenln, vt'ry rrltliitl. Sond food xnp- sjen, .cnrlng tor M,000 children, have lie began his commlsaloned sor.tice .) All these, like the plles In Itntnin linme'lliiii'ly." uiid In Knglund, where ho served eight ap­ * \ been maintained by the Near Kant He- If interested, inquire of the editor if not, In Baltimore, Captain Albert Turk- ilat»d tlint lliu new (.'uvrntinenls of lief. pointments. Afterwards received and the Government inston, skilled band leader, who has the Trnnmiim-nslim Stiitfs Inid fur- served ulno appointments In Canada "It Is Uko o»»m fcontlo. Though th» It Is retried Ihat approilmately recently bwn transferred from the nlU\ed "aatlafiwti'ry liiuiriintees innk- 9,TllO,<4!X) ArmoilHin nre still living out stay away.. covering a period ot eighteen years, doniari'd for now teli>i>hbncs far exceeds lr;g relief openr.lloiM ea«ler thnn for­ Since bufttK transferred to the Unit­ Houth, is already finding his corps hall Ot a prc-wnr popnlctloi- of about 4,000,- the,suW>, the government makes no a magnet to tho boys of the neighbor­ merly." > . 000,' In pnrto uf PtUclix nt»ne It ts ittnt- ed States, Major Bale served in Chi­ ajfprtfclable effort to remedy the situa­ join bla band which Is Near Eimt Relief cliartcrod n Bpe- 03 per cent of the Armenian cago prJjr tt> being stationed In Min­ tion. Every yea' an absurdly small hood eager to rtnl utenmer, londed her with flour, «il thnt ]. W. TUCKER, already about twenty-tire In number. milk, and sent her to OhrlHtlan |>opiilntloii pcrlxhert from Idi- neapolis, where be made an enviable number of lines Is added to tho exist­ Instruments and uniforms are prorld«d vice, tieniiK and itnrvntlon during the ivnr, while In the record in bringing his territory Into ing system. These are assigned by lot Batuin, In 'rimrise of (wo Anierlcii.^s, for these players and along' with the Uflvlllo C'hiiter, nnd ClmrlcH T. Wiilte, whnle of Syrln nut less thnn 25 per Berlin, Md. icd Doiuiderablo prominence. Commenda­ among those who haw applied for ere also encouraged to Cent perlshcMl fruin the Knme cause. It tions were ehowored upon him and thorn.' Thus, if a man *.a lucky in tho playing, they of New York City. But before this first la- sing, for the Army believes in music shipment rearhwl Wn.tum n new culile In eMImntcd flint Inid It imt been for promotion to commandershlp ot the draw, he may get a telephone within and ploD'y of it. the Ncnr Knst Ileilpf fully half of the Chesapeake Division with hoadiiuac- two'oc.*three yearn. But I know one from E. A. Yarrow, representing tho population of the Un its Roster a-t the preienl.Uma In Near East Relief tn Trnnscaucnsln, present Armenlnn tors In Baltimore followed. Major Bail _. in Tokyo who 'was not lu^ky the United States thsre are »,4>2 Nenr Knpt would bnve mici-umlioO. hope* to mako tho Chesapeake ln~ tho work among the and alnce his arrival all the erangsl- for 5M^addlllon offices telephone. The Kara nod been sent to AleV!\n«3ronol, children, .Mr. Vlckrey snys: roceivcd a dtojded IrtrYrirmctnt was Installed shortly after making a total of eighteen thousand 'A fc'w millions of dollars wisely ex­ 'istlcil work has Indefinite. children at the latter point, probably LEX1NGTON jlmpnlus. tie had celebrated his eightieth birth- the largest nasumblaga of orphans pended nt this time In the support, ed­ )0 d,ay.- liong may he live to use itl a woman phones her htuband ucation nnd molding of these young "It one be In a hurry to hare ft that iihe will see him about five, lie aver known! lives #111 b« worth vastly more to the "SEEINa THE TOWN" doesn't know whether she means dol­ Arrive* Just In Tim* of dollars that oth­ telephone put in, one does net apply "Immediate transport envcd-eighteen world tlinn billions Minute Man Six. lars or o'clock, but be surmises that erwise mny Inter be required In sup- to the. authorities, but attack* the prob­ It'a both. Exchange. thousand orphan* find seven Ameri­ Just at dutk two country boys, hat lem In a manner more direct cither prcsnlnn warfare nnd strife. This ,1850, roatlesa and cuociciP, staggered cana at Ale.titiulrnpul, where food ar­ work' 11* an exprenston of brotherhood through a telephone 'broker or throat?" Definition of a Gentleman. rived name dny lust liulf-rnUoiti ex­ Into the Saltation Army headquarter* advertising. Thus one .can get in con­ should help to mark the beginning of Day-Elder, Moline, 'In Baltimore, begging for money. A gentleman has ease without fa­ hausted," t:hft cable reporting the ar- n new era of peace and Interracial tact with a person wishing to nell an miliarity, la respectjTul without mean­ rivo'i of the American supplies slates, | One jwas past talking, the olho» InstRlUtUon nnd iv number. The num­ good will." claimed they had run away from homi ness, genteel trlthout affectation, In- prosaically. ber.must, however, tie In the exchange nlnuntlne without seeming art. Ches- Worm Drive Truck. Universal Tractor. to soo the town, and that they ha< ic^rlngvlho district In which tho tele- Dream Low, And the iloaU we terfloW. An Old Dominion Phllosophsr. To drcnrn of being present at an Our line of can, truck* and tractors can't be beaten. iboen robbed ot their money npi phoao Is- to be placed. Tho roac downward to the hot have been making.are very satisfactory to our customers. Our reprc- I clothes on the boat that brought than "Though this la a very expensive Ill-health, IMS of tentative wiu be pleased to glvo a demonstration upon teqoe»v. Stole a March. t'laco hna a ways been crowded. Tho friend*). To be * performer, trouble from their homo on tho Eastern Shard anotboif, K Is the one usually employed Western paper As the bride and rond upwan to tl.u land of "milk and We carry a full line of uaecl can. Get In touch wilb us and you will be Bad whiskey nnd worso company hai Tokyo and other large cities. A tele- and n Quarrel. ' surprised at the bargains we have. tn groom entered tho clmrch the tfgan- honey" hns plenty of elbow room for Bring your b».t.terl«* here to be charged We are equipped to give ex­ i reduced these lads ot 16 and 20 to i phono 'for tho business district of the iHt rendered Appropriated mnalfx-Bos­ all of the sclf-Ui'nylng people who port service. ipltlable condition. capital may cwt ai much as twelve Jud Tonkin*. ton Traoscrtpt. ^___ imvo decide 1 to go that way. Rich­ Kny« In lookup oter General repairing a specialty. Give us a tritvl and get acquainted with | The Salvation Army officer too1 hundred dollars, but in a residence dis­ mond i'.'fil.C , Jwl Tunk.'n» the service which Is pleasing so many. them in, got thorn Into bod nnd » da? All Must Stand Together our friends we're npt to be far-sighted trict U will bo considerably cheaper- for Die fnolta and near-righted for th« or no later, when sobered up on1 five hundred flollurs or less. Onco we renllio that we are alt one, Chl tren's B repentent they worked nt several job "A curious detail of this business Is working together for the good of all; If your J bother tlie THE SHOWELL OARAGE, jto pay (or thetr keeps and were the! thfct low numbers bring the highest that each of us finds bin prosperity phone, tr,v * ' Imltn BODLEY BROS.. I Proprietors, ! persuaded to return to their home price (n the O3»n market. Thla, I was and valvntton In tho advancement of tlon and thetr In No Hurry. ID. iigalo. nnd not risk an appearance i informed, in because green operator*. all, then the whole business, us well teach to i.r runiiiuiv, flvlog "Slnnp," an F.I ono of 1M advocate* SHOWBIL, MARYLAND. {court lor drunkenness and Tajpant in~'procesB. of l>o!»nf broken In, alt at OH each Individual, takes A dt them also l book tlio,v can nuo a» a In-come* part of the 1»I*» ;- - " -" '**\ tej> All rj&ht w*/]t wait, SE.RLIN V BERLIN ADVANCE Belgian Hares, New Zealand; Farm For Sale 74 acres, or more, Uads and Flemish G ante for Bale, 18$ miles northwest of Berlin, about BKKL;N, MD., JUNKf most any size cr age. Alfred W. 2 miles from Slaie Road. Nearest ' Peters. railroad station is 81. Martin'?, 2£ Om Half Million Individual Deposits. "That Graduation Gift" TH* ADVAMCB fcr sound doctrine, honesty and cheapness. Only $1 per Peter F. Jarman, of Ridgely, miles. Good 8-room house and all Suitable Gifts in Gold and Silver rear. Subscribe now. necessary outbuildings in good con« Del., motored to Berlin and spent $e50,OGO.QO. HAND ENGRAVING FREE last Sunday and Mouu^y with his dilion. Good corn, wheat, straw­ Ann'versary "In Memoriams' berry, potato and grr^a bnd. W-od will be charged at 5 centa per line. brother, Paul T. Jarman,and family. nd timber on place. H. B. 8o-.i- All verses of poetry in connection A welcome awaits those wishing to start a bank account or Mrs. E. M. Holland left last Sat­ ter, Berlin, Route 4. those contemplating a change in their banking with death notices and obituaries urday for Norwood, Pa., to spend will be charged for at the rate of The Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Potter connections at E. H. BENSON 6 centa per line. several days with her son. Edward, ave the Junior choir of St. Paul's and in purchasing new goods in E. Church a delightful picnic on J eweler PhiJidelphia. Wednesday at Henry's Grove. A CALVIN S. TAYLOR BANKING COMPANY, Member, "National Retail Jewelers' Association". Xocals. Mrs. Will Paikhill returned to umber ct the Senior choir accom- BERLIN, HD. Fodder For Sale Apply to- Dr. her home in Baltimore last Satur­ anied them, making a party of T. Y. Franklin. day, after spending a week with her bout thirty in all. Dinner and When you think of biAband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. atbing were enjoy*.* at the Grove, «'A A" Quality Fertilizer for eale FT. Chance. nd a sail in the Carey house- PROGRAM NEW SPRING GOODS FEZRTILIZEIRS by Aathony H. Purnell. oat up the Bynepnxent Bay to the COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Think of m Howard Ouiil'v hiS} returned to of the Taffetas, Messalines, White Dftas "A A" QUAL.ITV M; .. Ella King is spending a fen Uerlln, after f>p«..ding some months cean City Inlet. Goods, colored Organdies, i.rinted Voiles Etc. weeks in Millsboro, Del. n the south and west. A. Vcrr.on The W.omati's Christian Temper- Peninsula Summer School The price on Egg, Htove and Nut Call at my store and -;cl your copy nee Union wiil meet npxt Wednes- Select One of Our Pretty, Ueonrette of the following literature FRKE. Z M. Parkbill, of Wilmington, Burbage, who went away with him, For Sunday School Coal for June, only, is $14 90 per s now }n Galveston,, Texas. ay evening with- MM E B Pow Teachers. ton of 2240 Ibs. put in your bin. How to Make Aloney with Fertilizers is visiting his parents here. t.\l members are urged to bi Money MaMriR Corn Mr. and Mrs. William D. Pills A big line of Nemo, Henderion and Fifty cents per ton less at the yerd. A new lot of children's ready-to- resent and bring a new. member. School Begin* June zOth. Instruction Seeding to Grass an J Clover anil others and Jittle daughter, Margaret, of Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets. DO NOT DELAY In placing order. wear cloth tB. J. M. Bratten. (Vets are carefully organ'rnt their Every Morning, Including Saturday, Also a full line a* Laces, Embroi­ CarneVa Point, N. J., returned to . In The State School House. deries and Ncticsa. DAVIS ICE AND COAL CO. For Sale Two good cows with their'home on Tursday, after vibil- ore*? for a desperate attack on Pro- ibition. There is need of every 9-10 "The Pupil," Miss Jennings, Anthony H. Purnell calves by their side. C. W.. Hanley. ing their parents and friends in "Principle* of Teaching;," M. I. Holland Berlin, Maryland, Berlin. riend of tempernnce organizing ^Mr. McAlli.Ur. Miss Nellie Betbaids was home gainst them. Reports from the 10-11 "Methods an! Management," from Wilmiogton for the holidays. Mrs. Alice Holland and daughter, Convention will be given at this - Mr. Sejmour. 'XM^^jMjM^M^M For Sale a Ford truck in good Mrs. Eliza Teas, left last Friday to meeting. "Materials," Mr. Taylor. V condition. A. Hollins, Berlin, Md. spend a week or so with relatives 1-12 "Church His tt>i(7,"Mr. Matthews and friends tit ami near their old 2-1 "Devotion in Education," Wall paper, 17 J ctv. piece and up. Blibop Cook. t home, Milton, Del., and attend the Ceilir>£f Mrs. Gardner 7.30 A. M. Corporate Communion. candy, think of us. 0. P. Sharp & Pruitt havB moved to thu houfo on H. Nicholas, of Philadelphia, for­ 9.30 Church School Demonstration Sons. merly Miss Virgilyn Warrlngton, Classes. Gay Street recently occupied by Cy­ 0.30 Morning Prayer with Sermon Floyd Trader, who works in Foil rus Davia and family, who Imve rill be grieved to hear of her death, by Bishop Cook of Delaware. adelphla. spent the week-end at moved to their new home on the rhioh occurred Thursday morning 8.00 P. M. Evening Prayer and Ser­ HELP WA home. Ocean Cily road. 110.45, following a severe opera- mon by Hiihop Davenport. ion lor appendicitis and gall-stones For Sale Fordfon Tractor and Whaloy is home from Brevard t the Presbyterian Hospital, May plows nearly new, 1500. Lester F. the Johns Hopklns and his Bister, How to Save Honey the 4tb. Woollen-Griffin. Adkins. Dlrickaon Cummins, Klttie, Mrs. Funeral services will be held at eon, o( New Orleans, Mr*. Selby Purnell has relunred with her baby Voodlawn Cemetery, Philadelphia, Clarence H. Woollen, of Friend pome time with ship, and Miss Margaret May Grif- from a visit to her sister, in Wil is «lno spending lunday afternoon, June 5th. Wanted! help to save money, at Bratten's New Store. By reading mington. her mother, Mrg. T. J. NYhaley. In, of. Sliowell, were quietly mar Mrs. Nicholas was the" younger d&n May 25th, by toe Rev. E. J. the following list you wil> learn how to save it. The Sunday Schools are busily Mrs. Roland Harriogton and son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William S'icuolxon, at his borne near Friend­ Muslin, lOc yd. Ginghams, 14c yd. Dress Ginghams, 20c and 25c ILIS, rehearsing for Children's Day, which of Washington, are here Ibis week iVarrlngton and was born and reared ship, this county. We hope they Organdies, 40c. Percales, 20c and 14c. Mosquito Netting, 12ic. Calicoes, with tier mother, Mrs. QeorgeScott. She was an or.com- will have a long and happy matri­ is June 12th. n Berlin monial journdy. \ I2ic. Dimities, 20c and 25c. Madras, 30t. Pink Crepe, 30c. Toweling, ind Dr. Lee W. Warren and family Miss Louise Scott, who is employed >lished musician and Buco&wful lOc to 23c. Cretonnes, 20c. Bed Spreads, $2.00, $2.40 and $3.00. Turk­ in Washington, also spent the week music teacher and among th« mot* are home from Palatka, Florida, for LAND WAiy*ANT, ish Towels, lOc, 25c and $?.00. Huck Towels, lOc. Table Cloths, $1.25 Uie summer. end hero with her grandmother. popular of the young people of the of Mr. and Mre. E. T. Dutton and 'resbyterian Church. 5hs IB inr- and $2.00. Mr. and Mrs. H. Traon Moore Ived by her husband, bc-r mother, By virtue o£»8|)eci»JVfs.rra.it issued daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs. Delia out o£ the Land Olfj of Maryland, ic and daughter are at Ocean City for Mrg. Emily A. WarinbgVMi. =. jitter, the summer. Doggett and daughter, Miss Cecil, .he name of Dr. J. BJMadden Dick, of motored on Saturday from Phila­ Mrs. Mary Burwell, all of 1'^laclel. Wfcomlco County, Rft-j. af Maryland ard DaviilF' " -- -«>^ '««-»- - Special IYLAND For your Forucon Tractor plow­ delphia, to spend the holidays with >hi»; and two brothers, At., of Cal- ing and discing ground, apply to friends and relative* here and at forola, and William J., o' Florida. New Jersey, . /Children^ n>ady»to-weat-Clothes: Gingham Dress, $1.50, $2.00 and to me dlrec Harold C'utrigh!. ( ^s Cily. . , __ Middle Blouses* .,... . , . ., . •nfirtfjpqtf,——' T $2.98. Smock S;Uts $2.5C, Qtc, jriltik^green. yettow. Vor Sale Hclrte:fri*ov»w with otlf j Mr. and Mrs. Everetl Lay ton Atlantic M. E. $1.25'. Missed ano Children's white Organdie Dresses for I to I4"years, irii.uiii.Ave. at foot, $65. J. V. Bry.le, mlls 'turned Thursday, May 26tb, Irom 'Cor. N. 3rd St. and f' Balto. ,\ve. , Ji $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50. Boys' and Girls' Romper Suits, $1.15, pink and north of Ironshire station. neck's visit in Philadelphia. at whlA time I will F1MORE Ocean City, Mid. \ blue. Little Boys' fancy Poplin Suits, blue, pink and green, i$1.90 to Hale Harrieou, who was quite ill Thvy were accompanied home by said Warrant William T. McGulre, Pastor. «d under said VS2.40. Princess Slip, bla^k and white Sjtteen Bloomers for Girls; For E. A. Trinklns, who remained The land to be MD. the firel of the week, is much im­ Mrn. WarrKs* is I'oscri! follow*: ladies, Pink Bloomers, Envelope ChemLft, White Skirts, Pink and white proved, n e ure glad to learn. with her mother, Mr». Sarah Pow Morning WorehFp 11 a. m. One acre, fnore of vacant Gowns,Black silkmessalineCamisoles,(/repe-de-Chlneand silk Poplin in ell, until Monday. land, lying aod tuated in the Belgian Hares, Now Zealand Sermon by the Pastor. "The pinks and blues. Others coming aiiu more in stock that space wilf no) Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Sttelraan, o Christian Ideal." Second Election It of Worcester Heds and Flemish U'mnlH f>ir Bale, County, Maryla ndef Have Just received from a Virginia factory the best line of Overalls of Wiluiington, spent a fee dayn 2nd, 1 o'clock p. in., to b« sold by over in Berlin on Wedmsday wit the Lord's Supror.' last week and this with relatives he acre, at Bishoptille, Mcl. and Jumpers for Men and Boys, and White Overalls and Jumpers for their sinter, Mre. S. B. Mumford 7.00 p. m., Kr-tvorth League Painters or Masons These are all high-grade goods, cut full and big and fiieuda here. while returning from the sickbed of H. a Soukrlter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richardson their father, atStockton. Mr. Con­ 7.45p. m., Seimon. Subject, "Tbe value for the money. Also, strong on good Khaki Trousers. Oif.ad of Gain." have moved to the house on Frank­ ner, who has been very ill with Men's Union Suits, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Shirts and Drawers, 80c lin Avenue vacated recently by Mr. pneumonia, is improving. 7.4!' p. in. Tuesday, Mid-week Soldering Work, Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, 50c. Men's work and dress Hose, 15c. Prayer-meeting. ,nd Mf». Lee Johnson. Borden Hammond and family, o! Repairing Radiators to $1.50. Men's work and dress Suspenders, 50c. if not, Lost Dark blue Crepe do Chine Milford, Del., and his daughter, A cordial invitation extended to all. And Motorcycles.... BHSh, May 27th, at Globe Theatre or Mrs. Derrlckson, and family, of JOHW J. BUNTING, Pastor. Men and Boys, come and see my line of Low Shoes at Low Prices. W e North .Main Street. Finder please Phlladelphlu, motored to Berlin and Thomas C. Pitts, carry the Bostonian and Dayton Brand Shoes, noted for their style and leave at Advance Office. Ocean City last Monday lor a day's Buckingham Presbyterian Church 13 Commerce St. workmanship. Mrs. Curlton Boston and little outing. Mr. Hammond is a native of Berlin, and the only-remaining J. Russell Verbryoke, Minister. eon, of Wilmlngton, are visiting AT THE WAUL PAPER her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William brother of C. E. Hammond. P.. Purnell, for a few weeks. Mr. Potato Grower: We have a 9.80 a. m. Bible School, Calvin P. Just received a big lot of Wall Paper for Sitting Room Dining Room The hour tor the Sunday evening man right here In town who will Taylor, Superintendent GLOBE Bedroom and Kitchen at lower prices, l?jc a piece, op, Ceiling and Bor­ preaching and week-evening services make potato barrelo, providing he 10.45 a. m. Divine Worship and ——THEATRE—— der to match. Always carry a big line of wall paper. can get orders (or 4,000 or more. Sermon. at the Methodist Church changes BERLIN, MARYLAND. this week from 7.80 to 7.45. Jet busy and (alk the matter over 8.45 p. m. Christian Endeavor. with your neighbor, and let me TUESDAY, JUNE 7th. FEED AND SEED Mrc. Mtrthi Purnell, who has 7.30 p. m. Evening Service and know by mail, or call at my store Sermon. A Fox Flve-r««l Western Bran, $1.70. Standard Middlings, $1.70. Flour Middlings, $1.95 been visiting her daughter, Mrs. at once, as it Is now lime to start. Ateo the La*t Episode of Tuesday, V 80 p. m., Midweek Ser­ Red Dog Middlings, $2.25. Mixed Feed, 1.95. Dairy Feed, 1.90. Ho£se Rinaldo Uanley, has leturned home J. M. Bratten. "KINO OP THE CIRCUS" accompanied by Mrs. Hanley. vice. Feed, $2.25. Scratch Feed, $2,60. Biddy Feed, $2.75. C. Corn, 2.25. Captain and Mrs. Charles itlckards We will show the First Episode You are cordially invited to these "THE SON TAR2AN" Feed Meal, $2.00. Table Meal, $2.25. Cow Peas, clay, mixed, mixed For Sale or Rent, reasonable Colllns, of and son, and Miss Jennie nervices. Don't fail to see thU »how 425 Main St., Berlin, Md., furnished Philadelphia, motored to Berlin and Cow Peas and Soy Beans, Wilson's black Soy Beans, all $4.00 bus. and AdmtMloa ISc ft 20c fe, or unfurnished. Ideal home and spent the week-end as guests ol Mrs. very scarce, and getting higher. This price is low for present market location. Address P. O. box 224. J. A. Bunting. Miss Colling was WBD. ft THURS. JUNB 8th ami 9th. lactor. Mr*. E. R. Joyner and daughter, a popular resident of Berlin in times We will have Mrs, Elaio Cannan, rf Rook Hall, past, leaving here elev«Uiycars ago "INSIDE THE CUP" donla wo Md., were expected Thursday to to r^atfo her nome with her sister, Souvenir Post Cards This b a seven-reel Production Bur ropru- Mrs; W. P. Anney. UOflt. visit their aunt, Mrs. A. T. Chance. And one of the Best |u will be The monthly meeting of the Cab­ AUflConWJy Miea Ruth PoweJl came hone- OP BERLIN AND VICINITY. J. M. Bratten, give ex- inet and District Officers ol Worces­ Admission - I ZSc to ill from Wilmlngton to attend the grud ter Counts' Susday Hoho"1 .'.ocooia- nted with tion will b« uuu I:, '.ue 1'resby terian 8A.TURDAV, JJUNB llta. Berlin, ftarylatid. nation of her youngest sister, Miss 1OBNT BAOH. Friday evening. She Church at Snow Hill, tonight, Juno A Five-Reel Select Special Emily, last 3rd, at 7.80. Every paetor, Bun- IB, returned to her work alter the holi- day School Superintendent, and VOR SM.R AT THIS OFFICE Also AUck Senofltt Comedy d»y, aooouipnnied by Miss Emily teacher is requested to be present. Admission & tScftJOc for a vlilU MM. W, A. Hewn, Beoretary. Do iioC mlat tbU p Immummtt3 added thnt there wns some kind of ish those engaged In fomenting Bile- firmness which had the appearance of plan disorders. Announcement to this SINNFEINBURN WILL NOT DEFY weakness. effect was mnilc by M. lirlnnd. "Today France has the strength which permits her to l>e confident, but AMERICAN ARMS IN IRELAND CUSTOMS HOUSE BRiffllN AND U, S, commands lirr !<> be culm," he sold. "Just at tno time when n mere show Representations "lay Be Made to of this force was sufficient to obtnln Washington Government. Republican Army Qei7.es Ireland's \ Premier Briand Wins Deputies in more In two weeks than had been ob­ London. Amvrlcnn ammunition to­ tained In two years from Germany the talling MV.ISS rounds 1ms been cap­ Finest Building, Applies Speech Uring Gratitude for use of this force.- Is unnecessary. I tured In the Dublin district, Sir slinl! not u.«e It unless an Imperative Hiuuur 'ireenwoiid, Hilof secretary for Torch and Bomb. Help Given in War. necessity, Involving the security of Ireland, stilted In tin- Ilotis,! »f Com­ France, arises." mons, (.'iiloiu-l Arrlii'r-Shi'o asked The premier told the Chamber thnt whether, In view of the fact that MANY KILLED AND HURT PROMISES BY GERMANY unless there were provocative viola­ large sums of immey hnd boon raised tions nf the disarmament or repara­ In the United Sttates. strong rcpre^ j Damage ls Wont of Presentt Rebellion. Troop. Will Advance Into Ruhr V&dey tion clauses by Germany the troops ( (.'millions would he made to the Unit­ In the occupied regions would not re­ ed Sillies government. Structure Valued at Flva Millions Only If Franc* le Vitally Threat- ceive orders to nilvaiire Into the Iluhr Destroyc-l With Ail Its Rec­ tried le Against (eolation In- Valley, and then only conditionally Coal Lost in Waste. ords of Government vadere Being Disarmed. upon agreement with the Allies. He Cmler ordintu.v o'luHtU.us of inln contended that the mere presence of lixs nnd tiring, 'out of every 12,0»G 200,000 men on the Ilhlne was sufTI- pounds of steam coul In pliu-o In the Dublin. The handsome qunyFide one I'nrls. Following a two hour deimue cleni to make Germany fulfill her ob­ mine, only about 7."> pounds nro con­ hundred and thirty-year-old Dublin by Premier Uric nil of his policy at the ligations. verted Into mochanlral energy n most Custom Ttousc, with n frontnge of j London conference when the German M. nrlnnd declared thnt "the Cham­ surprising fiict. Tin- other l.O'-M 853 feet, was dc-troyed by flre while « reparation payments were decided and ber must assume Itx responsibility, as pounds art; e'.iher unaviilluhlc or are fierce battle between the Republican his course in the Slleslnn crisis, the I have mine." If It wished the occupa­ nbsorlieil by the ehiht looes. tion of the Ituhr. and Crown form was fought around Chamber of Deputies adjdtorned with­ When he described Premier Lloyd the blazing structure. out reaching n vote of confidence In George's speech as having been badly All documents 'and' records pertain­ the government In Its policy toward Interpreted and badly transmitted, In­ ing to the local government, customs, Germany. The result of the proceed­ dicating, apparently, thnt tbc two pre­ J. W. Burbage Sr, arise and Income taxes and old age ings was distinctly favorable to the miers had patched up their differences, Furnishing Present lines of new Buick pensions for Ireland were destroyed. government, which wn« strengthened there were loud hoots from ronny dcpu- Their vnlne cannot be estimated. by the ree-.'lpt of Germany's promise utles, but despite many Interruptions The statue of Hope which surmount­ to close the Slleslnn frontier and dis­ during bis long speech the premier Undertaker and _Eoiba!mcr arm the Invgular bands which were ed the bullih..-; retrained standing seemed to keep a majority of the depu­ fomenting trouble. ties with him by his promise to use six=cylinder models will be throughout tbe flre, 'though It wns Pull Line of M. BHnnd'a declaration was re- force If France's vital security was scorched. ct-lvcO nt times with great applause, ever In danger, although not before CASKETS »- ROBES. Shortly beforr 1 o'clock In the after­ but occnslonnlly with hoots from his having notified France's allies. noon about tiiif young KepiiMil-ii", opponent*, who were not entirely con- In reply to the ultimatum delivered carried thru the 1922 season. fitioil to the night. There seemed am- by Premier Urland to Dr. Wllhelm * heavily arm*], .entered the Custom tllfch-Qrade Monuments nnd House, he'd up those of the staff who. plo assurance that the majority senti­ Mayer von Kanf! euren, Germun am­ rombvtnnes at Rc/isonable Price' ment \i!is against a clmnge In the bassador here, Germany Informed the were not ont nt lunch, nnd collected Qe«l.BH IN them In the vstlbule under guard. government at this time. The pre­ French government It had given or­ Three policemen who came In to BOO mier's speech wa.i a plea for a mod­ ders through the ministry of Interior IRON FENCE. Beginning June 1st the new series and prices whnt wn» gohr.: on were nelied ami eration and a continuation of the In Berlin to close the Slloslan fron­ policy which has kept France In ac­ tier, declaring a state of siege, the pur­ All business will receive our personal placed with the otbfr prisoners. Large Mention. quantities of petrol nnd cotton waste cord with the Allies and America. pose being to disarm the German bonds were then tak«n «pilellv Into the tiulld "In the present world crisis no i»eo- proceeding toward. Silesia and to pun­ BERUIN MO. will be as follows, I. o. b. factories, Flint, Mien. Ing mi.: distributed nlx/ut the various jI''e «"» lire Isolated." he said. "J am on the bridge and will not !«t the oBceE where tho customs, local govern, JAMBS J. BOSS, PBBSiDBrr. VTM. 1-KNNKT, Hxo'i A*I> TKK»§ raent and Inland levcntte document* ship go on the rocks. I will not place Old Prices New Prices were kept. Franco In the position the was In These places wero flred, the Incen­ In 1815 and In 1ST], nor can I forget Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster, $1795 $J495 diary work carried out wttt< the utmost that lu 1014 the English come and THE KENT COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., coolnesg and .so quietly thai hundreds the Americana also. DOVER, DELAWARB. Model 22-45 Five Passengre Touring, $1795 $1525 of passorsby hail no suspicion of what "We have no right to forget that, Insures Property Against Flre and Lightning. was taking place. Street tralHc, always nnd we owe them something despite Business Conducted on the Mutual System Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe, - $2585 $2135 heavy at this point, was uninterrupted the present dissensions and polemics. lias returned to ite pollcy-hoMerf In dividends *nd Bimt-uduieti pnlinit^ for enme time. If It Is possible to maintain this mag­ The arrival of auxiliary police In nificent union before the world U must over 8700, 000 00. Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan - $2895 $2435 an armored car after an Interval, dur­ be done In the Interests of England Preeent memberabip over nine thousand, with over 113,000,000.00 ing which the fire hnd obtained a as well 'as ourselves." Insurance iu force. Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe, - $2985 $2325 good start. Indicated that tbe alarm Continuing, 1'rcmler Brland said this WrL. HOI.U)WAT, »gt., K. FO«T*I»K, «Kt., JOIIN K. klcCABK, Apt., had reached the authorities. As they policy did not exclude firmness, but Berlin, Ud. Pooouioka City, Md. HI,hop, VI d. Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, $2065 $1735 passed over thr ^-iP*? 1'rldge the. po­ lice were bomb/a but returned the Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, - $3295 $2635 flre. When ^\ reached the Oistom. House a pltV<> Imttle ensued. The Blnn Fclnersvrowded l"to the win­ dows of tho liblldlng and met the sol­ diers with n I/envy fire.l The wlia-**hontl»8'c>l'oi-i>lianil. anil I ho White towns were on strike against the price prisoners ct t^C'r latloi.i by armed low prices will amaze you and we would suggest that you £ i'ist- K,IC»IH hnd ilrpnrti'd when the of %\ a hundred pounds buyers are lU'publlcuns. '.raP firemen were not :'uit thai they hail Inkcn dinner with offering for their product which they released until tbe blitae showed through Notorious Figure Now a.-acrt is ridiculously low. tho roof of the Cu«tom House, when make your selection at this time wh?n our stock permits a $ Livlrrg In New York the I'l'oslilcnt was miiilo known. the guan'.s qnkiiy withdrew. It Is iiuili>rslo.«i tluit one of the The destiitfc.'in of tho Dublin Cus-. choice from many patterns. ProHhlrllt'H clilrl |iurpnsfs In Cllllln^ As the Lawmaker* Sling It torn Houv,'.1 c cIToi i of such n meeting of tho Legislative Council ot I'arllatucnt nnd was one of the most Are you one of the fortunate- persons to obtain .a loan on the ivKimi|itUin of uurninl In- Indiana Wumen. As she read the last beautiful In Ireland. It cost $5,000,000.. ilustrlul' comlltlons nt home nnd on word, she realized what she had Mid It bad little to do with the custom*, the American export traih-. Mr. Ilnnl- and started to laugh. It WM la tho but loused many of the ciilef adminis­ 9 x J2 ft Japanese Grass Rug for $5.95? The i.iK IH said to hiivc laid before Ills text of tho minutes ot thi) preceding tration departments, and Its destruc­ guvritrt mi olTor !o ilo overythliiB prac- meeting, at which Mrs. King bad not tion IS more disabling to the ordinary demand for these rugs is necessitating weekly ship­ i|i-al>li> to cii-oin'ratc for the. relief of acted us secretary, and came In the rciinoomlc conilliloiiM, \vhlle tho bnnk- machinery of the government than If account of legislative council V>llb) Dublin Castle hod been burned. i'1's am Miiltl |i> have repllc'il \vlth ex- which bad been passed, advanced, or ments so don't hesitate to take advantage of this op­ pri>ris|ons of \vllllni;arsH In Work In "killed." Jail for War Criminal rloso coiijiinctlon with tho administra­ An It happened, It was a mistake portunity* tion. Leipzig, Oenunny.--Cermnny con­ after all, for It was another bill per­ victed her first war criminal. Kvrgvnnt *> Most of those present nro umVrstood taining to tho Industrial board which to have ni'Kili'il i-nilihatlrally tlmt tho Hclnen was sentenced to ten months hnd'been killed, not that creating a In prison ami ordered to pay part of Mirrst way In pronmlv export trade woman member of the board. But (or the trial costs \vheu he wu<< found guilty If you contemplate painting your floor don't fail to use LAV- vvi.ouM Ur by helping actively In the n moment tho legislative council for­ of nmllrcntliig fifteen Hrlilsh and Itel- ri'liulillltallon of I'tiropcan llnaiices. got Us dignity and giggled. Indian­ glan prisoners of war. llclucn prac­ apolis News. tically convicted (ilmself. A-VAR, a preparation which we guarantee to give satisfac­ WORLD NEWS IN France's Oak Trees Threatened. FUNDING LOANS TO ALLIES tion or your money will be refunded. Our constant increase MnulH HrMUs, \vhos,> li-iiil n' Kli-IT CONDENSED FORM While cmleavtirlng to recover from eight years ago fur the muriliT ot tho ravages of war the forests of Prospective Plan for Spretdlng Pay. Andrew Ylishlnsky, n Christian boy, Franco ore nlno struggling from the ment« of Ten Billion*. in sales of this product is evidence of its satisfaction. Allow forms one of tho blackest cplsixk'H In BOSTON Movlee In Massachusetts ravages of parasitic growths which Washington. Foreign loans approxi­ the history of tin- Imperlul rt'Klme of will be under sinte censorship here- mating $10,000,0011.000 made' to the us to refer you to someone near your home who has used it. IliiHsIa, IH now living In New York. seem to be especially disastrous to the after, Covcrnor Ciix havlnli glj'ncd u onkH. These nro the country's most Allies during the war will bo funded bill with that provision. Hupcrvlxlon valuable trot constituting nearly 03 this your, Secretary MHlou said. Ac­ will be exorcised by tho department of per cent of the fores,t area. ThU tree cumulated unpaid IntiTt'Nt, lie nddod, public safely. Kxhlliltlou of any film seems to suffer especially from the fun­ wv,.ld pronidily he funded also nnd not formally passed la prohibited by gus Oiillutn, which appeared In the pay ncnts spread over n period of tho law. years. '-PJie funding operations, tho Longfellow Work Shirts province of Champagne about 1007, HARDING 9N EXPORTS BERLIN. The German Govern, and is doing such damage that the ex- secretary sold, aro In line with tho mem IN about to onlor (ho.confiscation tcririnatloD of the oak In France Is treasury's Intenllon of putting foreign of all goli), silver ami jewels ID prl- debts In regular marketable form. On these shirts for which we have the exclusive sell- foreieen. Young trees particularly X Government Ready to Co-operate valo possession. , coppice shoots of tho current year SOFIA, SulO'Hla. A bomb thrown are most susceptible to attack, though LIQUOR CASES CLOG COURTS ing rights ia Berlin, we defy competition. : With Business Investment of Into n procession (it (school children seedlings up to ten years of ago have observing tho national holiday caused he«u destroyed. No remedy ha* yet Attorney QeneMl to Provide More For Men $1.00 ' For Boys 75c ! Capital Abroad a Factor. eighteen casualties. been discovered. Assistant* to Push Trials. CHICAGO. The rates of pay and Washington. Tho federal courts ' ( classifications established by tho Hall- have bwom% fo congest.**! with pro- |; TVashlngton, Tho first ot a merles road Iviibor Hoard's wago award of Carrots for Lunch. hlbltlun case* .tlmt It Is ntcensar«- to 11 of conferences with financial Interests July, 1020, will bo used as tho basis As I lived far from school, I htd to' employ special RsslstnntH to the uttor- |j Bear in mind that we are selling five-gallon oil cans with to dlicnsi tho administration's plans of reduction when I ho board hands carry my 'unch. One morning my step­ ne" general In the larger cities. TlilH '• \ In regard to tho flotation of foreign down Its new wage decisions pn mother asked me to go to the grocery onnouncomeut was made by Attorney , PUMPS for $1.50. ; .» finish Ohio, hni»'iniii'ni.w.t'li'.'-l'Hwl to head a' Whlto House, wlieh President linrdlng naval foi'ccs In the war swim during tho getting myHclf ready for school. When had eight prominent bankers nt din- committee to select special iinalstuina ' latter part of tho World Wur, lunched I had finished she had my lunch ready to hniulln thcw cuson. mir with him, together with Kccrelury with King Ueorgo and Queen Mary In and told mo It was on tho table. That Mellon nnd Hccrctary Hoover. Ilucklngham 1'ulaco. Tho rcnr admiral day at noon I opened my lack and to DISARMAMENT PLAN PASfID Tbe bankers who attended were ,T, Is described as "the best friend lit my amazement I had the sack nf car­ I'. Morgan of J. 1'. Morgan & Co.; need that England found during tho rots. Of course tho girls all laughed Amendment to DIM A'C'.horliss H«rv. I'lmrles H. Kabln, pros-Mont of the war." and had a good time over It, but I am (lunratity Trust Computiy ; Paul War- Ing to jCall Conference NEWCASTLE, Ps. Five armed men- sure It wiu (lie most embarrassing Washington.-- Uiwalmuuti Ko.nnta titirg; Jumcs A. Aloxnnder, president robbed tbe Uuloi^ National Unnk hero. moment of my life. Chicago Trlbuuo. f)t tho National Hunk of Commerce; 0. approval ''ii tt> Senator One cat In an anlo In front ot tho bank Uorah's i>i un International S K. Mltchcll, prewldi'iit .of tho National .What Average Man Uckt. Covering iiodeslrliuis with a pistol, naval dlttnrm ,III.-IH (.-unferenco. Uy n JL'lty Bank ; William Kent of tho Ilnnk- three others hold employees and offi­ The Ignornncf. of tho place we llv« k-rs' Trust Company, n" of New Vorkt vote of T-J to 6, the Idaho Senator's Whem your cash pays Dividends' cers of the bank at bay, while tho In Is Inexcusable; wo are taught to jt« a, N. 8^-UpbsUr Usher Blcardo. j>nu to *M&&$&&^^ •