People 12 Krzysztof Pastor ANDREJ USPENSKI and EMMA KAULDHAR in conversation with the 's artistic director 30 César Morales AMANDA JENNINGS meets BRB's Chilean SUMMER principal 60 Chloë Réveillon EMMA KAULDHAR catches up with the - Chloë Réveillon in Don Quixote. © Emma Kauldhar French dancer at the Mariinsky Ballet FOR AGE 12-14 6-11 JULY 2020 64 Obituaries Valerie Adams and Maria Fay remembered Performances 76 Adam Cooper 20 Royal Trilogy GERARD DAVIS talks with the dancer ROBERT PENMAN reviews a bill that SCH OOLFOR AGE 15-21 about his upcoming debut in The Red Shoes gels together admirably 13-24 JULY 2020 Daily classes such as , 26 Dracula pas de deux, solos, contemporary and MIKE DIXON savours a bloodthirsty tale repertoire from Dutch National Ballet Features NEW! 34 The Sleeping Beauty Summer School age 15-21 40 Four Seasons AMANDA JENNINGS considers the return — in the studios of Dutch National Ballet SUMMER MIKE DIXON compares two disparate of the enduring fairy tale Summer School age 12-14 SCHOOL takes by Kenneth Tindall and Ilya Zhivoi — in the NBA studios of Academy 44 Body and Soul PREMIERE of Theatre and Dance AGE 12-14 46 Who is Carabosse? FRANÇOIS FARGUE sums up Crystal Pite's AMANDA JENNINGS asks Monica Mason, new work at the Paris Opera Information and applications: Hayley Forskitt, Itziar Mendizabal, Marcelo

Gomes and Jason Reilly how they contents dutchnationalballetacademy.nl Sacre PREMIERE photography — Antoinette Mooy interpret the legendary role 52 ALISON KENT catches a poignant double Front cover: - Kevin Poeung in David Nixon's Dracula. bill in Linz © Emma Kauldhar

Dutch National Ballet Academy Dutch National Ballet Academy is the affi liated 7 Entre Nous 70 Auditions and Jobs 100 What's On 106 People Page school to Dutch National Ballet

Dance Europe - December 2019 3

Dance Europe 54 Final Edition PREMIERE FOUNDED IN 1995 64 ROBERT PENMAN applauds a company P.O. Box 12661, London E5 9TZ,UK fighting its ground Tel: +44 (0)20 8985 7767 www.danceeurope.net Rambert Event Editor/Photographer Emma Kauldhar 57 [email protected] ROBERT PENMAN catches Rambert's mobile/text: +44 (0)7983 608544 Cunningham Event Advertising Manager Naresh Kauldhar [email protected] mobile/text: +44 (0)7981 945320 58 Rambert2 GERARD DAVIS enjoys a triple bill by Editorial Consultant Clare Taylor Rambert's second company Film-maker/Photographer Andrej Uspenski Administrator Katie Harrington 66 Coppélia [email protected] ALISON KENT is charmed by Roland Listings and Videos for Digital Edition Petit's version [email protected] 80 New Romantics PREMIERE Critics & Writers TRINA MANNINO rates American Ballet Rambert - Miguel Altunaga in Rambert Event. © Tony Nandi Theatre's engaging triple bill Mark Baird, Pandora Beaumont, Valentina Bonelli, Luke Bradshaw, Gerard Davis, Mike Dixon, François Fargue, Jesús R. Gamo, Maina Northern in the Linbury Gielgud, Amanda Jennings, Altin Kaftira, Alison 84 Kent, Ali Mahbouba, Trina Mannino, Bruce AMANDA JENNINGS welcomes the Leeds- Michelson, Yuki Nagano, Catherine Pawlick, 74 based company to the ROH Robert Penman, Susan Pond, Lydia Radetsky, Jessica Teague, Philip Tunstall, Lucy Van Cleef, Viki Westall. 86 Dancing Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky Freelance Writers FRANÇOIS FARGUE reviews a memorable evening with Ballet du Rhin The editor welcomes applications from new writers with significant dance backgrounds, especially from former professional dancers. In 88 The Great Gatsby the first instance, interested parties are invited to ALISON KENT considers a new take on submit a sample review of a recent performance and a comprehensive CV to the editor. the novel in Ljubljana

istribution D Reviews Dance Europe is published 11 times a year in London and distributed worldwide: Austria Natalia Osipova - Morawa & Co. Ltd; Australia/New Zealand 90 Pure Dance - Gordon & Gotch; Canada - LMPI; Croatia - ANGCRO; Germany - We Saarbach GmbH; Ballet du Rhin in Pagliaccio. © Agathe Poupeney Iceland - Innkaupasam band Boksala; South ballet Cymru Africa - Magscene (Pty); Sweden - Svenska Three Works Interpress AB; Poland - Ingland Co. Ltd; Croatia, Slovenial - Levant Dist; Portugal - International he ational allet of apan News; Trieste - EST; Finland - Rautakirja Oy; T N B J Poland - Ingland Co. Ltd; Sweden - Sevenska 80 Romeo and Juliet Interpress; U.S.A. - SEMAJ INC/IPD/; Spain - SGEL; Belgium - AMP; Hungary - Libropress maya Beiser/Wendy Whelan 2000; Taiwan - Multi-Arts Enterprise; Singapore The Day - Borders/STP; Japan - Yohan ; Malaysia - STP; Italy - Intercontinental (FE) and in France by the publisher +44 20 8985 7767. staatsballett Berlin Jewels Dance Europe is published in both printed paper and digital editions. Subscriptions, single and éonard ngel back issues and library and institution subscrip- L E tions online at www.danceeurope.net. How to get rid of a body

ISSN: 1359-9798 gregory Maqoma/ the Urban Playground Team The content of Dance Europe is copyrighted and Cion/The streets of Croydon may not be freely reproduced in any medium whatsoever, including on the internet. The scan- ning and posting of articles published in Dance The Europe online is strictly forbidden and constitutes Teshigawara/Béjart/Balanchine a breach of copyright. in James Whiteside's New American © Dance Europe 2019 Romance. © Erin Baiano. London School of Classical Ballet Gala

Dance Europe - December 2019 5