Sponsored by Legislators Dagostino, Jasenski, Santabarbara, and Vellano:


WHEREAS, the NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK(PPK) program is a national skills competition for boys and girls the ages of 6 and 15 to compete separately against their peers; and

WHEREAS, more than three million boys and girls from around the country take part in the annual PPK competitions every year; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Youth Bureau in participation with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady and Union College Athletic Department sponsored the NFL PPK locally; and

WHEREAS, winners in each age group are determined by the total distance of their punts, passes and kicks and a large number of area youth were entered in this competition; and

WHEREAS, Alex Gannon of Rotterdam took first place in his age division at the Team Chan~pionshipat Giant Stadium and Javer Tillman from Schenectady finished in third place at the Team Championship; and

WHEREAS, other local winners in their divisions were Lorenzo Gannon of Rotterdam, Dominic Barnett of Rotterdam, Zoe Mies of Glenville, and Austin France of Duanesburg; and now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates Alex Gannon, Javer Tillman, Lorenzo Gannon, Dominic Barnett, Zoe Mies and Austin France for their success at the recent NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK competition. Page 2

1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (Rl) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the Coztnty Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

- - Resolution 1-11

STATE OF } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. 7,42dF ~eoffrefl. ~ a Clerk,g Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 2-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated December 29, 20 10 recommends that four healthcare reforms for management employees be implemented; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises the implementation of the following healthcare reform measures for management employees:

1. All management employees and pre-65 retirees who are in the Empire Matrix Indemnity Plan with Schenectady Meds I be enrolled in the Empire PPO plan with Schenectady Meds I (estimated annual savings of $90,058.32); 2. All management retirees in the Empire Medicare Advantage Plan PPO in the Schenectady Meds I plan will be enrolled in the Empire Medicare Advantage Rx plan (estimated annual savings of $39,170.49); 3. Management en~ployeesand retirees enrolled in the CDPHP HMO with CDPHP Rx plan will be enrolled in the MVP HMO healthcare plan with Schenectady Meds I1 (estimated annual savings of $29,2 16.88); 4. Current CDPHP Medicare Choice enrollees will be transferred to the MVP Gold Plan (estimated annual savings of $14, 539.36); and Page 2

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance by memorandum dated December 29, 20 10 advises that the aforesaid healthcare reforms will produce an estimated annual savings of approxin~ately$163,000.00 for Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance further advises that if these healthcare reforms were implemented for all active and retired employees the County would realize an estimated annual savings of over $1 million; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 30, 20 10 recommends that the aforesaid healthcare reforms be implemented by Schenectady County; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she is hereby authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into all necessary agreements on behalf of the County of Schenectady to implement the aforesaid healthcare reforms. Page 3

1/3/20]1: Reportedfrom Committee on Labor and Civil Service (LCSI) Reportedfrom Committee on Ways and Means 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 2-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

, , w ~eoffr&?f. H#, Clerk, Schenectady county Legislature RESOLUTION 3-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 183-10 was adopted on December 22,2010, which set forth and imposed the Special District tax levies of the County of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance has advised by memorandum dated December 30,20 10 of the need to amend the aforesaid Resolution based upon either a correction or revision of amounts set forth therein; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Resolution 183-10 be and it hereby is amended as follows in order to correct the hereinafter indicated Special District tax levies to be as follows:

Town of Niskayuna From -To:

Maintenance Charges $0 $ 100.00

Town of Rotterdam From: -To:

Maintenance Charges $ 6,726.18 $ 8,518.56 Page 2

1/3/2011: Reported from Contmittee on Ways and Means (WM1) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 3-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12Ih day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen$ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 4-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislatu-re of the County of Sclienectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance has advised by memorandum dated December 27,2010 that some of the taxes previously reimbursed to certain school districts were ultimately determined to be erroneously levied and therefore uncollectible; and

WHEREAS, Section 558 of the Real Property Tax Law provides for the cancellation and chargeback of any such taxes relevied by the County; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following school districts shall be charged back the indicated amounts as provided for by law, to wit:

Scotia-Glenville Central School District $4,2 16.58 Schalmont Central School District $ 2,898.86 Niskayuna Central School District $ 7,352.08 Mohonasen Central School District $498.40 Burnt-Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District $ 470.29

TOTAL $ 15,436.21 Page 2

1/3/2011: Repor-tedfr-om Cornnzittee on Ways and Means (WM2) 111 11201 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 4-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS n~yhand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12"' day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

V ~eofffl. &ll, Clerk, sche6ectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 5 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance in a memorandum dated January 3,201 1 has informed this Schenectady County Legislature as to the proposed distribution of dog license fees pursuant to law; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that said distribution be and hereby is approved and adopted, in accordance with section 1 11 of the Agriculture and Markets Law; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Acting Conlmissioner of Finance be and she hereby is authorized and directed to pay to the City of Schenectady and to the respective Supervisors of the Towns of the County, the sum set opposite the name of each Town and City, in accordance with the following schedule, to wit:


Town of Duanesburg Town of Glenville Town of Niskayuna Town of Princetown Town of Rotterdam City of Schenectady Page 2


;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Schenectady County Legislature to the Schenectady County Acting Commissioner of Finance. Page 3

1/3/20] 1: Reportedfrom Committee on Ways and Means (WM3) 1/11/2011: Adopted bj)the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 5-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eoffr-ax Clerk, schef;ectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 6 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law provides that this County Legislature shall consider applications for correction of tax rolls when there are clerical errors, unlawful entries, or certain errors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature can either accept or reject the aforesaid applications; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency has reviewed the hereinafter indicated application and has recomn~endedby memorandum dated December 20,20 10 acceptance of same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law, the application is approved and the Duanesburg tax roll is corrected, to wit:


Duanesburg County of Schenectady U~llawfulentry $294.72 67.05-2-13.2

Amount to Cancel $294.72

;and, be it further R6- 11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the Acting Commissioner of Finance and the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency be and they are hereby authorized to take appropriate action as authorized by law to implement the provisions of this Resolutioii. Page 3

1/3/2011: Reportedfiom Committee on Ways and Means (WM4) 111 1/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrniaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 6-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady f

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

L ~eoffrefl. H&, Clerk, sche&ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 7-11

Sponsored by The Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Community Services by memorandum dated January 4,20 1 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for an increase in state aid of $1 12,705.00 by the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Community Services further advises that these additional monies will be used for the purchase of a van and furniture for the New Choices Recovery Center and for the purchase of furniture for the Bridge Center of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Conln~unityServices further advises that there would be no matching requirement by Schenectady County to receive this funding; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Financial Management of the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services by letter dated December 28, 20 10 advises that Schenectady County will receive additional funding for the Bridge Center of Schenectady (furniture purchases) and for the New Choices Recovery Center (van and furniture purchases); and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated January 7,20 1 1 recommends that the County accept these additional monies from the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services, and that appropriate budgetary amendments be implemented; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body approves and accepts the additional monies from the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services for the aforesaid purposes; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she is hereby authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into all necessary agreements on behalf of the County of Schenectady with the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services to accept the aforesaid monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and hereby is amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Codes by:

A4230.400440 -Narcotics Addiction Control Services - Bridge Center $ 15,161. A4230.400450 - Narcotics Addiction Control Services - New Choices $ 97,544.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A3486 - State Aid -Narcotics Addiction Control Page 3

1/11/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R2) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 7-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ) County Legislature ) County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. /A~#;~ 71~ Geoffr . H ,Clerk, ~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 8-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jaserzski:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. 5-20 10, entitled:


WHEREAS, in accordance with the law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law No. 5-20 10, before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 11 th day of January, 20 11;and

WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the 14'~day of December, 20 10, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid proposed Local Law No. 5-20 10 entitled:

A LOCAL LAW REGARDING THE DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY SCHENECTADY COUNTY AND THE CONVEYANCE OF SUCH PROPERTY TO THE TOWN OF DUANESBURG Page 2 introduced on the 14'~day of December, 20 10, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 1-20 1 1. Page 3

1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R3) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrniaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 8-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 1 1, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady /County Legislature RESOLUTION 9-11

Sponsored by Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows,

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law A -201 1, to be held before the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the gthday of February, 201 1 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of adoption of the proposed Local Law that would provide for the payment of salaries to officers of the County of Schenectady appointed for a fixed term; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R4) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 9-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } Couilty of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12Ih day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

&lf&2g x//y ~eofffl. w1, Clerk, - ~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 10 -11

Sponsored by Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows,

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law B -201 1, to be held before the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the gthday of February, 20 11 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of adoption of the proposed Local Law that would repeal local law no. 05-2008 and renew the mortgage recording tax in Schenectady County; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

1/11/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R5) 111 1/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 10-1I

STATE OF NEW YORK I County Legislature I County of Schenectady I

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 1 1, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chehectadiCounty Legislature RESOLUTION 11-11

Sporzsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, paragraph 31 of subdivision (i) of section 12 10 of the Tax Law of the State of New York authorizes the County of Schenectady to adopt a local law, ordinance or resolution imposing an additional sales and compensating use tax of one-half of one percent for the period beginning June 1,2003 and ending November 30,20 1 1;and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body adopted Resolution 110-09 on July 14, 2009, which amended Resolution 148-88 to implement the provisions of section 12 10 of the Tax Law; and

WHEREAS, the authority to impose the additional sales and compensating use tax as provided in Resolution 1 10-09 expires on November 30,201 1, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Legislature does hereby request the New York State Legislature to introduce a special law for the County of Schenectady authorizing the County of Schenectady to continue the imposition of an additional sales and compensating use tax of one-half of one percent; and, be it further R11-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Legislature is directed to send a certified copy of this Resolution to Assemblyman George Amedore, Assemblyman James Tedisco and to Senator Hugh T. Farley requesting them to introduce special legislation to comply with the foregoing provisions. Page 3

1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R6) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the Corrnty Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.

~c1~en~ctad~'~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 12-11

Sponsored by Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady has the need to appoint citizens to provide invaluable service to our community; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager has appointed, by memorandum dated January 11,20 1 1, the following named individuals to the positions and for the terms indicated, to wit:

Human Rights Commission Term Expires

Chad Putman (Replacing Kristen Northup) December 3 1,2013 Philip Fields (Reappointment) December 3 1,201 1

;now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid appointments by the County Manager be and they hereby are confirmed and approved; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby appointed and confirmed for service on their respective board, as follows: Page 2

Schenectady County Industrial Development Agency

Evan Christou (Replacing James Buhrmaster) Catherine Gatta (Replacing Christine Chiaravalle)

Schenectady County Capital Resource Corporation

Evan Christou (Replacing James Buhrmaster) Catherine Gatta (Replacing Christine Chiaravalle) Page 3

1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R7) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 1 1 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage) Nays: 3 (Buhrmaster, Farley, Vellano) Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11,2011 011 file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven.


WHEREAS, ths Future City Competition is held ann ua!ly and is sponsored in part by Niitional Engineers Week Fourida~ion;and

WIIEREAS, Ihe iilissinn of the National Engineers Week Future City Compe.titiun is to provide a full and exciting educational program for sixth, seventh, and eighth-

?,wade students that cornbi~lcsa st.irnulating engineering challenge with a "hands- on" application to presci~ttheir vision of a city of the future; and

WHE,REAS, participating students design a computes model of their city and then build a physical model using recycled materials; and

WHERKAS, this year 6 students from Draper Middle School in the 'Town of Rotterdam participated in and won the &st Design and Construction of a Bridge Award, for. their Future City Model (Orange City) and learned about real world engineering concepts along the way; i~owtheretore be it

RESOLVICD, that tllc Schenectady Courlty Legislature congratulates the Llraper Middle School Futur-e C:i ty Team and A ward Uritlr~cr.s,Nolan Carroll, Nathan Canfield-Lord, Joc Conway, Guy Cramer, Zacha~yHess, I3illy Scarf ard sponsoring teachcrs Gerald Gari ng a11d Pe;e Sc,oficld,and Engineering Mentor, Matt Il unr. Page 2

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Uagostirio, DiCerbo, Farley, Gordon, Hughes, .Insellski, .lohnson, McDonald, Pettn. Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Abserit: 2 (Ficlds, Finn) Ahstair~cd: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Idegislatore 1 C'ounty of Schenectady )

I llavc compared the preceding copy u-ittl the original resolution adopted by thc Sclicnectady County Legislature at a meeting held Fcbruary 8, 201 1 on filc ir~[his office, and I dc? HEKEBY CERTIFY the samc to be a correct trallscript tllcrt: from in the wholc oS the original.

WITNESS my hand arld thc seal of the Schenectady County 1-egislaturr; at [he City of Scherlectady this 9'h day of Febnlnly, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chekectad~Loun~y Legislature RESOLUTION 14 -11

Sponsored 61.' Legislators Sata~gecltl~i C;clrdotz:


WHEREAS, The Alliance with the Medical Society of thc Cour~tyof Schenectady, the volunteer am1 of the Alncrican Medical Association, is composed physician spouses coll~~nittedto hcalth prntectinn; anci

WHEREAS, ?'he Alliance with the Medical Socjcty of Schenectady has been an instrumental force within the conlt~lunityfor alrnosl90 years and with a membership of over 80 individuals hits bee11 an active participant in community prograrrls such as heS.A.V.E. program; and li'tlEREAS, shortly before Thanksgiving oT21710, ii local faii~ilysuffcrcd catastrophic dalnagc to their llome leaving them homeless, without clothing and furnishings and all of their holiclny presents; and

WHEREAS, The Alliance again stepped forivard to help the community by assisting this family wit11 clothing, holid~tygiils for their childrcn and other essc~ltiali terrls the family needed during this vely difficult time; nois therefore be

WSOLVED, that the Schcllcctady County I,egislature thanks The Alliancc v+ it11 the Medical Society of Scllenec tady County for its cllmost 90 years of dedicated servicc to thc community and for coming to the aid of a local family in its time of need. Page 2

2/8/20i1: Xepurtcd jrum Commirr~.eor1 Rulc~(R y) 2/8/2011: Adupfrd by ~hrC'II~I tit)- Lr~gi~I~iture

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmasler, Dagoslincl, DiC'crbo, Farlcy, Gordorr, Hugtics, Jascriski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbal-a, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Fields, Finn) Abstaincd: O Excused: O

Resolution 14-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Sdlcnectady County Legislature at a lneeting held Feblurtry 8, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTTPJ' the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the ori~jnal.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City 01' Sclicr~cc~adyhis 9"' Jay of Fcbsuary, Two Thousand Elcvcn. /t~~-~~y~.;?Jkh Geoffrey. . Hal , Clerk, RESOLLTION 15 -1 1

Sponsored b,y L~'gisl~ric~t.Jilset~ski:


WEIEREAS, Schenectady Coi1111yis an actjvc ~ricu~bcl-of tl~c Capital District Transportation C'ornmittcc' and

WIIEREAS, the Scheneclady County Eco~loniicDcvcloprncr~t tcarrl has bee11 working tirelessly in landcm wit11 the administrat ion of the Town of Kcrtterdarn, the Town of Rotterdam IDA and the Hamhurg St. Merchant's Association to revitalize the Hamburg St. Corridor; and

WHEREAS, Schenectady Coutlty has stt40tlglysupported and advocated for the $5.7 million I Iamburg St. improvemcnl project rhal has bcc.11~r~cludcd it1 thc new NY S 1)epartment of Trnl~sportat~un ln-rprovement Plan(TlP); rind

W11EREAS, Capital Living will shorlly bc slar.li11g a 11cw catalyst constmction prqject for a $40 r~lill~ur~facility on Hamburg St., that will retain 300 jobs ill the area and will result in large t111tnhel.sof people travelling to the Hamburg Street Corridor during and after the construction of this new facility; and

WHEREAS, this project is crucial to creating a revitalized Hamburg St. thal will allracl cuntiriucd invcstmcnt, jobs, retail traffic, and tax revenue; and

WHEREAS, the Tow11 oSRottcrdam and thc Halnhurg St. Mercha~lt's,4ssocintio11 are in the proccss of cxplorirlg a new 52.7 nillion sewer project that will further enhance the ability of the Hamburg St. Corridor to attract new businesses; and

WHEREAS, Metroplex has expanded its successful Facade Grant Program to incIudt: busineases along Ihc Hamburg S1. Corridor; and

WHEREAS. ongoing and increased support of the grassroors sffbrts of the Hamburg St. Merchants Assuciiitiun ;md ~hcrcvilali~ation of the Halnb111.gSt. C'oi-t-idar-reniains one of the top priorities of the Schenectad~~County Legislature: st~d 1115-10 Page 2

WHEREAS, elir~iirlalionof Bus Ror~tc#35Y by the Capital 1)istricl Transportation Aulhority will have a sigrli ficant Jctcimental effect on the cconomic development efh-tsof this critical busil~csscorridor and nil the ob.crall euonon~ichealth oi'Tht. Town of Rotterdam and the Col~nty of Schenectady; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schencctady Cout~tyLegislature urgently requests that the Capital District Transportat in11 Aulhurity continues to rnainlain Bus Route #358 which provides a vital service frtm McClellan St. it1 t11c City of Schenectady through to IIarnburg St, arid Curry Rd. in thc Town of Kottcrdam. Ayes: 13 (Buh~n~asrer,Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley. Gordon, Hughes, dasenski, Jol~nson, McDonald. Petta, Santabarbara. Savage, Vt.llatio) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Fields, Finn) Abstsinod: 0 Excused: O

Kcsolution 15-1 1

STA'TE OF NEW YORK ) County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady )

I 11at.e corllpared the prcccCli11g copy with thc ~rigitlalresolutiun adopted hy the Schci~ectadyCounly Legislature at a ~l~cetii~gheld Februaly 8, 201 1 on iilc in this office, and I do HEREBY C:EKTiFI' the satne to he a corrcct transcript therc thin i17 the ~vholcof the origi tla 1.

WITNESS illy hand and lhc scal of the Schencctady County Legislature at the City of Schent-ctady this 9"' day of'bcbtuary, TnroThousand Eleven.

~chci~cctad~county Lcgislnture RESOLUTION 16-11

Sponsored /I-V Legisla~or.Jusen,sJci:


BE IT ENAC"I'I~:Il,by thc Lcgislature of the Cuunty of Schtlncctady, as follows:

WI1NUKEAS. tlic Director of Emergency Managcmcnt by letter dated January 1 1,201 1 adviscs that Scl~enectadyCounty has bccn approved for an additional grant of $101,000.00 froill the New York Strile Division of Homcland Security and Emergency Services; and

WHEKEAS, thc Director of Emergency blar~agcmcntfurther advises that the grant monies will hc uscd to enhance interoperable communications, purchase certain personal protective cquipn~entand supplies. and provide for the creation of a regional database lo track National Incident Management System [raining status; alld

WHEREAS, the Chunly Managcr by memorandum dated January 28,20 1 1 reconl~nendsthe acceptiinue or gt-ant rno~licsfrom the New York State I Iivision of Ho~l~elandSecurity and E~~lergcncyServices, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of thcsc grant moiiies and ulili~~atioriof these funds riccds to be reflected in resolutior~of this Legislature accepting thc same; imw, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, thar the Legislature of the C'ounly of Schcncctady does hcreby accept the aforesaid grant n~oniesfbr the aforesaid purposes; and be it further Page 2

RESOl,VF,D, that the County Managcr be and she hereby is authorized, aftcr approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, lo enter into an agr-ccmcnt with the New York State Division of Ho~nelalldSecurity and Lmergency Services regarding thc aforesaid grant morlics; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 20 1 1 Operatiotlal Budget be and il hereby is amended as follows: lrlcrcasc Appropriatior~Codcs by;

A3640.4 1 530 1 - Urban Area Security Initiative - 2008 $ 20,000.

A3640.3 Z ,5302 - IJrbau Area Security Tn itiativc - 2009 $40,000.

I nc rcasc Revenue C'clrics t1y:

A40H9. I I -- Federal Aid - Crr1~n11Area Security Initiative - 2008 $20,00U. i24089.12 - Federal Aid Urban Area Security Initiative - 2009 $ 4U,OOO. K16-I l Page 3

1/31/201I: H~y~o~,t~dfr-omCo~~zmiflee OP~ ~.?OII,FL~I~C~ Affi~jr~ r111d Pl~bIir.Tajhty (CAPS 1 Rcpot-lerl,fi.orr~17n'ontmittur 017 Wuja (711dMELIIIS 2/8/,1011: ,-ldoptcd ht. rhe Cuutii+vLrgi.s/~tur~c

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagosrino, DiCcrbo, Farlev, Gordon, Hughes, Jaseiwki, Johnson, McDonald, Pctta. Sail tabarbara, Savage, \!ellano) Nays: 0 Ahseut: 2 (Ficlds, Finn) Xbstaincd: 0 Excused: 0

- - Resolution 16-1 1

S'I'ATF OF NEW YOHK 1 County Legislature j County of Schenectady 1

1 have comparud thc preceding copy :.wilh thc original resolution adoptcd by the Schenectady County Legislature at a rncct~lyheld February 8, 201 1 or1 file in this office, and I do HERERF' CERTIFY Ilic same to be a correcl lrariscript there from in the whole nE the original.

WITNESS rriy hand and the seal of tht: Sctlctlectady llnunty Lepistaturc at rhe City of Scheneclady this 9"' day of February, Two Tliousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 17 -1 1

Sponsored Lt!gislulor .J~~setlski:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the C,'ounty of Schcncctady. as ~L>~~OWS:

WHEREAS, the Scheneclady Courlty Clcrk recommends by memorandum datcd January 26, 201 1 that Schenectady County enter- irlto an agrccnlent with In To Quick Solutiotls, Inc. (IQS) regarding the cornpulerizeti veteran identification card pr.ogram and pistol pennit management software; and

WHEREAS, the following signi Cicatlt provisiorls of thc agreement have bccn agl-eed to, subject to Legislative approval, to wit:

1. Purpose: TQS will pr.c)vidc thc Schenectady County Clerk's Office with an integrrited pistol permit rnar>agcr~~ctltsystem;

2. Term of Lease: Five years; and

3. I'ay~netlt:Monthly rent of $600.00

WHEREAS, the Coun~pMarlager by metnorandurn dated January 28,20 1 1 t.ccornmends that an agreement be entered i~il~)wit11 Jrlfn Quick Solutions, Tnc. for pistol pennit software, hardware, mnintenance and data convcr-sion; now, thcrcforc. be it

RESOLVED, that the County hlunager be and she hcrcby is authorized, aftcr app-oval of the County Attorney as to form and contcnt, to negotiate Yagc 2 and to execute n five-year agrcctnent with lnfb Quick Solutions, inc. consistent with the provisions nT t his Resolution. K17-l l Page 3

Ayes: 13 1 Kuhnnaster, Dngostitio, DiCcrbu, FarIey, Gurdon, Hughes, Jwcr~ski, Johnson, McTlonald, Pctta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Fields, Frnn) Abstained: 0 Excused: O

STATE OF BEW I'Olili ) Cot111ty Ltgislat~~re 1 County of Sche~~ectady

I havc comyared thc p~.ecedingcopy with the original I-esolutian adoplcd by the Schcncctady County L.cgis!ature at a mccting held Februaty 8, 20 I I on 1iIc in this office, and Ido IIEREBY C:ERTIFY ~hcsame to be a corrcct transcript thcrc from in the whole of the origitlal.

WITNESS my hand aoii the seal of thc Slchenectady Cuu~ltyLegislature ai the City of' Sche~~ectadythis 9'" day of February. 7'wo Thousand Eleven.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of thc County of Schetlectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, thc Schenectady County Attorney recommends by memoriindlrm dated Janualy 28,20 1 1 that Schenectady County enter inlo an agreetneilt with the Town of I

WHEREAS, the Scheneutady Cou~ltyAttorney advises that the County has entered illto a contrrict with Will iarrl Larncd & Sons, Inc. for the purchase and salc of real estate on Burdeck Street in the Town of Rotterdam (about 8.7 acres of land), which will be used for the construction of three hasehall fields; and

WHERE AS, the Schenectady Counly Attorl-icy ful-thrr advises that the Town of Rotterdam is willing to convey to Schenectady County a pelnlanent easctnc~ltfor access over n parcel of land approximately sixty-two (62) feet in width and thrcc hundred seventy-five (375)feet in lerigtll; and

WHEREAS, the Scheriectady County Attorney further advises that tr road~xruywould be conslr-uctud on the parcel that is the subject or rht. permanent easemenl that will Icad from West Ca~npbellRoad to the parking area of the baseball fields; arid W i [EKE:AS, the County Manager by memoranduri~dated January 28. 20 1 I recommends that an easeillent agreement be entered illto wit11 the Towrl of Rotterdam to provide access to the Rotterda~nLittlc League basebal I fields; now., therefol-c, bc it

KKSOLVKLI, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to fol~~land contcnt, to negotiate an easenlstlt agreement with thc Town of Rotterdam consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. KIX-I I

Ayes: 1 4 (Buhrrnastzt-, Dagostinv, DiCct ho, Farlcy. Fields, Gorduu, Hughes. Snsenski, Johnsu~~,Mcllonald, Petta, Sari~abarbara,Savage, Vellsno,l Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (k~t~n) Abslained: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK 3 Courity Legislatul-e 1 C'otinty nf Scbeneclady ]

I have cornparcd the ])receding copy with the original resolutiun adopted by the Schenecllidy Count. [ a mcctiilg held February 8, 201 1 on file in this office, and 1 do HEREBY CERTIFL' the same to be a co~~ecltranscript there from in Lhc whole of the original.


BE 11' ENACTED by the Legislature of thc County of Schenectady: as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectad y County Attorney by memol-andurl~dated .January 28, 201 1 recommends that real propcity located in the 'l'own of Kotterdaru be purchased fium thc Schenectady lloming Pigeon Club, Tnc. for use by Schencctadv Cour~ty;arid

WHEREAS?the Suhenectady County Attorney furtl~cradvises thal t lit: property locater\ i 11 the Town of' Rotterdam will bc uscd for expansion of the parking lot at the baseball complex; and

WHEREAS, the Schenuctady Cour~ty At hmey fi~rtheradvises that thc salc pricc for thc real properly (37 acres) is $13,000.00; and

WHERId:AS, the Sc henectady County Attorncy recn~l-lrnenr1.sthat the C:oun ty Managel- be autl~orizedto cxccutc a proposed contract for the purc haxe and sale of real estate of thc aforesaid real property; and

WHEREAS, thc County hzlarlager by memorandum dated Janua~y28, 20 1 1 rccommerlds approval of the purchase of the aforesaid rcal cstate; now, thcrcfore, be il

RESOLVED, thal the County Manager be and she hcr4cbyis authol-id, after approval oU the County Attortley as to for111 and contcnt, to erller in to a corltract fnr ~ht.purchase and sale of real estate regarding thc rcal properly R19-1 l Page 2 located at Rurdcck and Thompson Streets in the Town of Rotterdam (portion of SIHIL 48.-4-4.12, portion of lot 1, and marked property on a digital imaging photograph) Tor the sale price of $1 3,000.00, and to execute any and all documents necessary for the acceptance of the aforesaid real pr.ol)er-yby the County. Ayes: 14 (Huhrmaster, Dagostino, L)iC:el-bo, Farlev, Fields, Goi-don, Hughes, Jasenshi, Johnson, McDonald, Pcl~a,Santabarbara, Savage, Vcllarlo) Nays: 0 Abscrit: 1 (Finn) Abstained: 0 Excused: U

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

1 have cornparcd the preceding copy with the original resolution adoplcd by the Scht.tlcctady County Legislatul-t. a[ a ~ticetingl~zld February 8, 201 1 on fjle rn this oSficc, arid I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a corrrcl transcript there from in the wliots of the original.

WITNESS my liaiid and tlie seal ol'thc Schenectndy County Legisla~urtat the Cily oi' Schenectady this 9Ih day ul' Fcbn~a~y.Two Thousand Efcvcn. RESOLUTION 20 -11

Sjrnrrsorr~lIr)) Legislator I;ield,s:


BE 1T ENACTED by the Legislature of the Ctounty of Schcncctady, as rollnws:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of tllc Real Property Tnx Luw provides that this County Legislature shall cotlsider applications for correction of tax rolls when thcrc arc clerical errors, unlawrul entries, or certain elrors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature car) ei tlwt acccpt or reject the afbresaid app I icat ions; and

WHEREAS, t11c Dep~~tyDirector of the Real Y~-~)pcrtyTax Serviuc Agcncy has revie~dthe Iiereinaftcl. indicated applications and has recomrneilded by memorand~irndutecl January 28, 20 1 1 acceptal~ceof same; now, therefore, bc it



Amount to Cancel % 50.00

Clenvillc Tu\vr)of Glenville C'ler~cal SXX.X9 $ 0 Gl~li~~ille Town of Glenv~ll~ Clcrical 9.~1-7-6.13

Arlou~~tto Cuncrl

Glcnv illr Tow11 of Cilenville Clcrical S 69.75 30.13-1-6.1

Ali~vu~ltto Cancel

'?~lc~~\,iIle M&J C'av:illa Clcrical E 710.42 23-9-3-4.1I 1

AIIWUII~to Cancel

S 1,804.94

Amount to Cancel

Rotterdam T-iire Brothers ~C~IIUI-C~Clerical $ 2.?2,1.57 48.18-9-2 1

Amount to Cancel

Clerical $ 6,853.83

Niskayunn KkK De;lm 50.19-3-59

Niskayur~u J.C Mayott C'lerical 6 1.1 1 - 1-20.1 Page 3

; and, be it further

MSOI,VED, that the Acting Comnlissioner ofFi~larlce and thc Dcputy Director of the Real Proyclty Tax Service Agency he and they arc hcrcby autl~orizedlo lake appropr-iatc action as authoriz,ed by law to implement the provisions nf this Kesijli~tion. 1,31/2011: Rc?port.tedJiomCot~lmiftrt~ 011 Wltrs und Means (IJ'Mj) 2:#:'20 1 I : Arloplcd I,). ihe Cozlntv Lcglslatzlrc

Ayes: 14 (Butlrnlas1t.1-:Dagos tino, DiCerbo, Farley, F )el&, tiordon, Hughes, .lasenski, Johnson, McL)u~~ald,Pella, Sr-lntabal-bara,Savage, Vellallo j Nays: 0 Ahseiit: 1 (tin~i) Abstained: O t.xcu.jcd: O

STATEOE'NEWYORK 1 County Legislature 1 COUIIty of Schene~tad!~ 1

I have compared tl.12 preceding copy with the origitial resolution adopted Ily tlie Schenecrady County Lcgislalurt: at a meeting held February 8. 213 I1 on file in this office, and 1 do IIERGBY CERTTFY the same to be a corrccl [ranscript thrre from in the wl~oleof the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady Cout~tyLcgialalurt: at the City of Scllenectady this ythday oi'Febru:~ty, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 2 1-1 1


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislalure of thc Co~uiltyof Scl~enectady,as follows;

WHEREAS, proposcd Local Law No. A-20 10, rr~t i lled:


WHEREAS, in accordance w it11 thc law, a public hearing upon propnsed Local Law No, A-201 1, hefot-c this County Legislature, was duly lleld on thc sthday of lebruary , 20 1 1 ; and

WHEKKAS, said proposed Local Law in final Ton11 has becr~on the desks of the rnen~bvrsof this County Legisliiturr: sincr [he 1 1'I1 day of January, 20 1 1, constituting a period of over sever) (7) days, exclusive of' Sundays; no~v,therefore, be it

RESOLV 11: I), that t1ic aforesaid proposed Locril Law No. A-20 1 1 entitled:


introduced on the I 1 'I' day of January, 20 1 1, be and the sarrlc is hcreby approved and adoptcd as Local Law No. 2-201 I. Page 2

2/8/2(111: Kt'/~)rttvi,frtmCommittrr or1 KZIIPJ(RI I) 2/51/2Ui I: ,-I~loptcclb! the County Legisirxttir+e

Ayes: 13 (13uhm1aster, Dagnstino, DiCerbo, Fields, Gordon, Hugllcs, Jaserwki, Juh~lson,McDonald, Petta, Sanrabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Navs: I (Farley) Abscr~l: 1 (Finn) Abstai~led: O Excuscd: li

Resolution 2 1-1 1

STATE OF KEW YORK C'ou~~tyLegislature i County of Schencctady

I have co~nl~aredthe preceding copy wit11 thc original resolirtion adopted by 111c Schcrlcctady County Legislature at a meeting held February 8, 20 I1 on file in this office, and 1 do Hlr'KEBt' CEKTlFY thc satno tu bc a correct tranxript there from in the whole of the 01-iginal.

WITNESS illy liil~~clat~cl the seal of the Schencctady C'uurlty Legislature at the Cily of Schenectady this 91h day of Febn~ary,Two Thousa~~dEI~vell.

Schcncctady C,our~tyLcgrslalurt: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING LOCAL LAW NO. 3-201 1

BE 1'1' LNACTEI) by the Legislature of the County of Schencctady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. H-20 1 0. enlit led:

A LOCAL LA\' TO REPEAL LOCAI, T,A\T NO. 05-2008 AND TO RENEW THE hlORTGAGE H1~:CIOKI)INC;'LAX 1N SC'HEN ECTADY COUNTY was heretofore i~~rroducedon Ja~~uary1 1. 201 1 ; and

WIIKKEAS, in accordance with the law. a public hearing upon proposcd Local I,aw No. 13-20 1 1, befure this Clor~ntyLegislature, was duly held on thc 8"' day of February, 201 1 ; and

WHEREAS, said proposed Local T,aw in final form has been on the desks of thc mcmbcrs of this County Legislature since the 1 1 'I' day of January, 20 1 1, constituting a pcriod of over sever] (7)days, exulusi ve or Sundays; now, therefore, be it

KKSOL\'ED, that the nforesaid proposed Local Law No. B-20 1 1 entitlc'd:

A LOCAL L.4W TO REPEAL LOCAL LAW NO. 05-2008 AN[) '1'0 RENEW THE MORTC;,.IC;E RECORIITNG 'I'AX 1N SClHENECTADY COCJNTY introduced on the 1 I 'I1 day of January, 20 I I, he and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Lau. No. 3-20 1 1. Page 2

7. ' 7 - Af-Ui 1: Adopted hy the 170~it~+LcgisIatzkre

Ayes: 1 2 (L)agust~no.T11Cel-ho, Fields, Gordon, I£ught.s. Jawr~ski,Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Sanbabarbara, Sa\ age. Vellano) Nays: 2 (B~~lirt~lastc't.t arley) Absct~t: 1 (Finn) Abstained: 0 Excuscd: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 Clo~inty1,egislature 1 County of Scheriectacly 1

I have compar,cd tl~cpreceding copy ~viththe original resulution adoptcd b? LIIC Schcnectady Coui~tyLegisiature at a meeting held Frbriiaiy 8, 20 1 1 011 file ill this office, and 1 do IIEREBY CERTIFY the same to be n coi~ecttranscript there from in the wholc oi'thc original.

WiTNESS illy I~andand Ihe seal of the Schene~tadyCuiuity Lcgislaturc at thc City of Schenzzrady this 9Ih day of February, Two Thousand Eleven. /*7:";" GeoCI'rc . Hal , Clerk, A RESOLUTION URKA'I'INC, AND ELIMINATING CERTAlN POSITIONS AT THE DEPAIITMENT OF SOCIAL SERVlCES

HE lT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as fbllows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Dcpartnlent of' Social Services by memorandum dated February 3, 20 1 1 recotn~~~endsa reorganization and realignment-. within thc Office of Cl~ildreniincl Family Setviccs; and

WHEREAS, the C'ornruissioncr of the Department of' Social Services advises that the aforesaid changcs ~villenhance the overall supervision or the daily activities the C11ild Protective unit and Farnily Support unit: and

W1 IRREAS, thc Collllnissioiler of the Lkpurtrrlent of Social Scivices fiisther recommcr~rlsthat, within the Office of Children arid Farnily Scrviccs of the Department of Social Sen.iccs, the positio~~of Deputy Ilireclor of Children and Family Sur\.ices he eliminated, and that the position of Case Supcn-isorGrade A be creiited; now, tllcrcforc bc it


RESOLVED, that the fbllowing posiliorl within thc Office of Cl~ildrenand Farrlily Scrvices of the Department or Social Scrviccs is hereby created:

Title Grade

Casc Supervisor Grade A 18. Page 2

Ayes: 14 (Buhtmaster, Dagostirio, DiCcrbo, Farley, Fields, Gordon, I Iughes, Jascnsk~,Jollnson, McDouald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savagc, Vcllario) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Finn) Absluiricd: O Excused: O

Resolution 23-1 1


CVUII~~VLegislati~rc j1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared thc pr,cccding copy with the original resolution adopted by the S~,hcricctadyCounry C.egislature at a meeting llt.ld February 8, 201 L or1 file in this office, find T do HEREBITCLRTIFY the snn~ctu bc a correct trailscript there from in the wl~olzof the original.

WITNESS my harid arid the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature a1 the City US Schct~cctadythis 9''' day of February, Twc, Thuusand Elcvc~i. RESOLUTION 24-1 1

Sporrsnrt,d 6y The Cotrlt~ittevoo Rules.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legisliiturt: of the County of Schcnectady as fbllaws:

W 1.1 11: REAS, Section 5 .OG of the Ad~ministrativeCode of the Uou~ilyof Schenectady requires cnr~t?rttlationof thc County h4anagerfs appointment of the Director of the Real Proprr-ry 'I'ax Servicc Agcncy; and

WHEREAS. the County Manager by rrler~~orandurlidatcd Fcbrua~y4. 20 1 1 appoints, subject to confirmation by the County Ixgislature, Sylvia J. Poggi to the posi tin11 of Dit.cctor of Real Property Tax Services; and

WHEREAS, Paul !I;. S~\te(ioof the Officc of Rcal Property Tax Services of the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance by letter- datcd Novcnlber 1 5, 20 10 advises that Sylvia Poggi meets the minimum quali fication standards for. Dircctor of Kc31 Property Tax Scrviccs for Scl~enectadyCounty; now, therefore, he it

RESOLVED, {hat the Schenectady County Lcgislature hereby confinns the County Manager's appointmeni of Sylvia J. Poggi as the Schcncctady County Dircctor of thc Real Property Tas Service Agency, efkoli ve February 14,20 1 1 ; and, he it further

RESOLVED, I hat S_vl via .I. Poggi shall rcccive an ai~nualsalary of $66.000.00 and her term its Director o C [he Real Propcrty Tax Sc~viceAgency ends on September 30, 2013. Page 2

Aycs: 14 (R~~lii~~inster,Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farlev, Fields, Gordon, Hughes, Jaxtlski. Johnson. RluDunald, Pctta, ~antabarbara.Sinrage. L.elli~n~) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Finn) Abstaincd: O Excused: 0

Resolution 24-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 C:oanty of Schenectady 1

1 have cn~ilp~~redthe preceding copy with the original rcsolulio11 adopted by thc Schenectady County Lt.gisIa(urc a1 a rricctir~ghcld Febr.ua17 8. 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEKEBY C'kK'l'Il-Y the sanle to he n correct tranwipt there from in the whole of IIK original.

WITNESS illy hand and the seal of the Schrtlectady Coimly Legislalurc at tllc City of Schenectady this 9"' day of February, Two Thousatld blevsri.

Scl~t.nccladyCounty Legislature RESOLUTION 25-11


BE IT EKACTED by thc Legislature of the County ol' Schentctiidy, as follows:

WHEREAS. pur-sunn[ to sections 3.01(2) and 5.00 of the Charter of the County of Schenectady, the C'ountj- Mailager is vested with the authority to appoiut all department heads subject to the confilmation by the County Lcgislature, which includes the Commissionsr of thc Dcpal-tmcnt of Finance; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 5.00 of the C'hiirtsr of the County of Schenectady. the Commissioner of the Depart~nentof Finance sl-[allbe appointcd for a fivc-yoar- term: and

\!'HEREAS, the Department of Fin;~nct:is responsible for the oversight of all aspects of Coun ty budgetary issues including oversigl~tof the C,ounty's capital budget, yearly operating budget, revenues fiom numerous sources and taxcs Icvicd lpon real property througl~outthe County; and

WHEREAS, this Govcrt~itlg Body determines that Deborah M. Marluirli possesses the requisite degree of ski l I ilrld expertise lo serve as Commissioner of the Departmen1 of Finanut:; and

WHEREAS, the current annual base salary as Commissionci-of thc Dcpartrnent of Finance is $1 1 5.000.00; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by me~nora~tdumdatcd Fcbrualy 4,20 1 1 appoints Deborah M. Mancini to thc position of Conlt~~issioner-of the Department of Finance for a five-year tcrm conlmcncing Fubr-uaty 14, 201 1 ; now, therefore, he it R25-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, tl~atthc Schet~eclrtdyCounty Legislature hereby col~fil~~lsthe Cloui~t}Ma~~agcr's appui n tment of Deborah M. Mancini as the Commissic>nerof the Departmc~ltof Finance for a five-ycar term commencing Februat-y 14, 20 1 I ; and, be it further

RESOI JVED, that the Schcnectady County Legislature hereby sets the a~lilualbase salary of the C'orn~nissioncrof the Tlepartment of Finance, Deborah M. Mancjni, at one hundred fifteen tllousatld dollars (5 115,000.00), corninencing Februa~y14, 201 1. Page 3

Ay cs: 14 (Ruhrmastsr, Dagostino, D~C'crbo,Fariey, Fields, Gordon. I Iughes, Jasenaki, Johnson, McDonald. Petta, Sa~~tabarbara,Savage, Vellariul Nays: 0 Ahsent: L (Finn) Abstairlc.d: 0 k.xcused: O

Rcsolutinn 25-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] C:aunty Legislature ! Cuunly of Scl~encctady 1

1 haw compared the precedirlg copy with the original resnlution adopted by the Scl~er~ectadyCounty Legislature a! a rnceting held Fehrunty 8, 201 1 on lilt. in this ofiicc, and I do IIEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct trinscripl thcrc eon1 it1 the whole of the original.

WII'NESS IIIY hand and thc seal oT lhc Scl~c~lectadyColiilty Legislature at tht. Uiry of Schenectady this 9"' day ol'Fcbruary, 'l'wo Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 26-11


WHEHEAS, his month is being I-ecognized as U nilcd 2- 1- 1 Northeast Kcgiurl hlunth, a local and statewide effurt to educate businesses, govertlment utticials and the puhlic about ft~c access for the cot~ln~unityto infurmatior1 and rrferrals; and

WIIEREAS, [Jnited Way 2-1- 1 Nurtheast Resion Month emphasizes lhe importance of cvcryu~~ebeing able to get confidential assislance to ensure that residents hnvu access to the services that they [zccd; and

WHEREAS, busincsscs, municipalities and community urgatlizations pat-tnering with CIr~iled LVdy 2-1-1 to aid ill prnvidjng such help will benefit the coml~~unity;arid

WHEREAS, tiil~elq.and accura~einfornlation and refet-rals to callers will pro\.ide them bettcr uppurlun ities to connect to vita 1 resoul,cca: and

N'FIEMAS. throughout this montll, commuuity events will be held to irlcrcast. our awareness nf crrllilt Unitcd Way 2- I - 1 Northeast Region is; ~luw,thcrcrvre, be it

RESOLVED, Ihat February I - 28, 20 1 I 1s C:nitcd Way 2- 1- 1 Northeast Reginti Mur~lhin Schenectady Cou~ityand call lipon the residents to join with us to uLili~t:the services of United \,Yay 2- 1- 1 Northeast Region. Page 2

A~t'j: 13 (Ruhimaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Gordorl, Hughcs, Jasenski, Juhtlj011, McDonald, Pclla, Sarilaba~bara, Savage, Vellanoj Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Fields. Finn) Abstairicd: O Excused: 0

Rcsnlution 26-1 1

S'l'AI'E: OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schcnectady J

1 have compared the preceding copy with thc ut'1g111a1resolution adopted by the Schenect;iJy Counly Lcgis1alur.r: at 3 meeting held February h. 20 1 1 on file in this office, and 1 do HEKE.HI C'kKZ'ZFY the same to be a correct transcript tht't'r kurn in ~huwholc of rhc original.

WITNESS my hand and the sea1 of the ScEicrlcclady Coul~tyLegislature at the City of Schenzctady this 9"' day oi' Fcbrualy. Two Ttlousarwl Eleven.

WHEREAS, organized school sports are first and foremosl an activity for its participants to develop healthy bodies, foster team work, n~asterathlctic skills and provide :I positive outlet for. growing young people; and

W tIIIREAS, over thc last turo years the Schalmollt Varsity Football Team has conipiIed an enviable record, currently crljoyirlg 3 2 1 grime winning streak against Scctior~2 opponents; and

WHEREAS, the Sclialmonr Sabres won back to back Regional Championships, back to back Class U Super Bowl participants and this year were cl Class B NYS C tlampionsl~ipFinalist; and

WHEREAS, tearn sports are n family cffort in that a11 me~ilbersof an athlctc's family 1n:ike sacrifices in or.der for \he athlete and the team to succeed; now therefore be it

KESOLVED, that thc Scheneciaciy County Legislature wishes to congratulate thc Sulla!monl Varsity Football Tca~rlconsisting of Joe Paskcvich, Kyle Hinkley, Jesse Ross, Alcx Hildebrallci Brian Pomaki, Pete Kalil, 66 Mu~phy,Mike Floccuzio, Joe Canton, Jean Gomez, Marcus Ramundo, Tyler Center, Dalton Lal'ulipe, Jake Ayers, Natc C'arabal lo, Scott l'hornpson, Jake Neri, Mason Foley, Dan Squires, Albcrto Bcltran. Joe Kosen, J are11 Ranlundo, Anihony Amadore, Niko Nicolet(i, Josh Warner, Mike FamaIaro, Nick Keali, Jason Center, Deh.011Willis, .llrirne Zalewski. Edgar Marcano, Hayder~Labelle. Tyler Matiic k, Chaz Higgins, Leo Pavoldi, Assistant Coachcs Mi kt: 1 IiCocco, Ray Kcarney, Scott Barhato, Rich Messmerc, Greg Loicano, and Head C,oach Joc Whipple Tur their efforts and an outstanding 20 1 0 season. Ayes: 13 (Buhmaster, DHEOS~~110, Dicerho, Farley, Goi-don, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDoilalrI. Pcttu, Santabarbrtrii, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Abscnt: 2 (Ficlds, Finn) Abstained: O Excused: 0

Resolulion 27-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK County C,cgislaturc 1 Count uf Schenectady )

I have cotnp;lred the preceding copy with the arigit~alre~olutinii adoprecl by the SchcncctaJy C'our~tl; Lcgislalusc a[ a mccli~igheld February 8. 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HERERY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transc~+jprtherc from irl thc' whole of' LIK uriginal.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County T,egislature at the City uf Schencctady this 91h day ui' Fcbruary, Two Thuusand Eleven.

Scllenectady County 1,egisIatut-e Sl~orlsoredby Legislator Jaseriski.


WHEREAS, volunteel- fire departi~lei~tsare 111stirst line of emergency defense for- tl~nusandsof cornmunitics throughout thc Ut~itcdStatcs; and

WHEREAS, the volunteers who miin these fire departments spend countless l~oursnuray from theil- families training, taking courses as well as being available ivhenever they are called out on an emergency; and

\%'HEREAS, Jamcs IYcnlilcy joiucd the Mariaville Fire Department in 1960 ii11d has beer1 n un~lii nuous ttle~nher.cvcr sincc and has taken ~~u~~lcrous trainingC. courses since Joining right up until this day; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Weakley has served in many capacities as a inember of that Depal-tmcnt includirlg Cl~icffro111 1968- 1975 and again from 1980- 1981; and

WHEREAS, Jitn also served as Deputy 1:ire Coordinator covering the Duauesburg area since 1979, bee11 a Fire Deportment Trustee tbr 30 years and has bcotl a t11cnlbc.r of tllc Schctlcctady County Fire Advisory Board si tlce 2003; [lot!. thet.efot-e be it

RESOLVEL), that t lit: S~.heticciatlyC:ouniy Legislature offer its congratulrttions, thanks, anci gruti tt~cit:to James W cak ley Tor his many years of service and dedication to his cornnlun~~y on the occasion of his retirement f'rorn the Mariavi l It: Fire Ileparlment. 2~8~~011. Rej~or'tt'dfi'0~11 Cofrz~rzitlc~OIE RUIRT (K 18) A,V?O/ I: rlcloptcd bjpthc County Legi.slature

Ayes: 13 ( Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Gordon, Hught.5, Jastnskj, Johnsor~:McDo~lald, Pctta, Santabarbr-lra, Savage, Vel Iailo) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Ficlds. Finn) Abstained: O Excused: 0

Resolu t iori 28-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK Couiity Lcgisloturc 1 County of Schenectady )

1 have c.omp;irecl Ihe prcccd~ngcopy with thc original resolutioll adopted by thc Schct~cctndyC'oul~ty 1 .zg~

WIThESS my hand and the seiil ol'thc Schcncclady Uourlty Legislaturc at ~hcCily 01' Schcncctady this 9"' day of E'ebluary, Two Tliousai~dEleven.

Schenectady County Legislature S~~otisoredbla the Comtttilter on Rtdlt7s:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of thr County of Scl~enectady,as rollows:

WHKRKAS, this Governing Body r4ecngnizcsthat further fiscal and progralnmatic; audits [nay need to be unrIer+takcnas the County begins to evaluate the potential irnpl ications of the proposed Ncw York State exrcutivc budget; and

\VtJ 14: REAS, this Governing t3ody rccognizes that there rrlay bc several nrens tha~need fu~tl~eriiscol and progranln~aticaudits during this year as efforts to stream1i11c operations and decreasc cxpenditures w i l l heco~~lc necessary; and

WHEREAS, this Govern irlg Body finds that considerablc cxpenditures car1 be avoided as a result of the in-lplen~cntatioi~of successful fiscal and program rnatic audits; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the current starfing lcvcls in the C'ounly Auditor's Office 11;ivt: been rcduced; and

WHEREAS, this Govcnling Body finds that the part-time status of the positio~~of' Counry Auditor sl~ouldbe increascd to enable this persorl to undcl-take additional fiscal and programmatic audits; and WHEREAS, this Governing Body recognizes that various County departments are in need of furthcr audits, that certain accounts need more oversight and support, and that speci fic systems warrant inorc controls; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the 211 11 Operatjo~~alBudgct bc and it hereby is amended as follows: lncrense Appropriation Codc by:

A 1 050.1 1 1 - Audit 6L C:onlrol Personnel Serviccs $ 20,260.

Decrease .4p~ropriationCodes by:

A1 030.429 - Audit k Control - T'ro rcssic~nalServices $ 6,465.

A1050.415 -Audit & Control -- Education & Training $ 1,000.

Ir~crcaseAppropriiiteri Fund Balance by,:

A599 - Appropriated Fund Balancc $ 12,795. Page 3

Ayes: 14 (Rulirmaster, Dapostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Gordon, Hughcs, Jasenski, Johnsorl, hlcLlor~ald,Petta, Sa~~tabal-bnm,Smragz. Vellanaj Nays: U Absent: 1 (T;inn) Abstained: O Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature I Co~~ntynf Schenectady 1

I have compared thc preceding cupy wit11 ~hcurigirla l resolutior~adopted by the Schrncclacly County Lcgislatul-e at a meeting held Febr4uary 8, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a corrccL tt-ar~bcriyttherc fro111 in the whole of the ariginal.

WITNESS my hand ar~dti~c scal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City US Schcncctady this c)'~day ot'Fzbrua*y,Two Thousand Eleven. ~+4~-7kH Geoff . all. Clct'k. Schenectndy County Legislature RESOLUTION 30-1 1


BE 1'1 LNACTED by the [xgislature ot'the County of Schenectaciy, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Courity of Scheneclady has the need to appoint citizens to providc invaluable servicc to our community; atld

WIIITREAS, the County Matlagcr has appointed, by rncillorandum daled February 4. 201 1, the following namcd indi\:idurtls to [he positions and for ttic terms indicaled, to wit:

Schenectadv Countv Public Library Terin Expires

Marsha hloi-timore (replacing John Karl)

Lisa Mcl !ugh (r-cplacing Steve Fitz) Deccrnher 3 1,20 15

Schcnectadv Countv Fire Advisnrv Board :l'erm Expires

James W eaklcy(Re-Appointmet1t) Dm-e Gal l up (New Appointment) Edward W oehrlc(Re-Plppointmer~t) Thomas Shaw (Re-Appointmen t) Lloyd Denny, Jr. (Rc-Appointmen t) Page 2

M ichael T)ell;irocco( New Appointment) rlecember 3 1, 20 13 Josh SnitkofY(New Appointnlcnt) Lleceniber 3 I, 201 1 Vincent Krawiccki (New Appoinlmtnt) Decetnbcr 3 1,20 I 1

Schenectadv Countv Board of Ethics 'I'erm Ex piI-cs

Rabbi Matthew Cutlcr (Rc-Appoi n tmenl) Decen~ber3 1,2012 Carol Valcnza(r{e-.4ppointmt.nt I Dcccmbet- 3 1,201 2 FI~k Ran ucci (Re-~lppointimei~t) Uecer~iber3 I, 20 1 2 CAhryn Bern Smith (Replacing Hclga Schrneter) I kcember 3 1, 20 1 2

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid appointnlents by the County Manager be and they liereby are confirmed and approved. 2/8/,301I: Rc.yur.ted4/iomc'otr~l~~ ittee 01.1R111es (R20) 2/8i3C)I 2: f doplccl by the C'ou~tyLegislatlrre

Aycs: 12 (Dapostino, DiCel-ho, Fields, Got-dun, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson. hlcLIunald, Pelta. Santabarbara, Savage, Vcl iariu) Nays: 2 (Buhnl~astel-,Fai-ley) Absent: 1 (Finn) Abstained: 0 Excused: II

Resolu tian 30- 1 1

STATEOFYEWYOKK ] County Legislature 1 C'o~~ntyof Sclienectady ]

I have cornpared the preceding copy wit11 the nriginal resolution adoptcd by the Schenectady County Legislatiuc at a rneeling held Februaiy 8, 201 1 on file in this nfiice, and I do HEREBY CER-I'IFY the same to bc a correct transcript there fro111 in the wl~olcof the originril.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schsncctady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this Orh day of February, Two Tl~ousandEl cvell.


WFIEREAS, colorectal canccr is Ihe third most diagnosed cancer and tlic secoi~d most colnnlvrl cause of ca~~cerrleatlls fur Jrlen and womcn in the United states; and

WHEREAS, colon cancer ;I ffects Inen and womcn equi~lly;nnd

WIIEREAS, it is estimated that as many as 60% of'color-cctnlcancer dcatl~scould be preve~ltedi S all nien and women agcd 50 years or older were scrcctiecl routinely; and

WHEREAS, thc survival rate of individllals who have colorectal cancer is 9 1'Yo when detectcd in early stagcs versus only a lo'% survival rate when colorecral cancer is diagnosed aftcr it has spread to other orgatls; atlci

WHEREAS, uniilsured Aixericans are more likely tu be diagnosed with late stage colon cancer than patietlts with private il-lsurance; and

WHEREAS, colorectal cancer is pl-cver~table,treatable iind bsatahle is most cases; al~d

N'HEKEAS, thc Cnnccr Services Program of Schenectady County provides free colorectal cancer screenings to ~~ninsurcdmen nnd women eyer thc age of 50; and

WHEREAS, observing Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month duririg the month of March provides a special opportunity to offer education on the in~porti-lnceof early detection adscree~~irig and as part of this observance, Schenectady has been selected to pariicipate in a statewide ca~r~paigncalled "Main Streets Go Blue"; and WHEREAS, businesses on Statc Street in have agreed to participate in the "htlain Strccts Cu 5lue" calnpaigrl by hanging blue lights, displaying cancer informarion, wearing blue, holding special "blue" promotions, ztc. all in an cffort to increase colorectaf criucer awareness iind saving lives in Schenectady; now therefore bc it

RESOLV ISD, that the Schene~tadyCounty Legislature:

1 supports the observance of Colorectal Cal~ccrMonth and the "Main Streets Go Bluc" initiative in ordcr. to dftr education on the impol-tance or early detection and screening;

2 - recognizes ai~lapplauds tllc Chrlcer Services Program for providing informatiotl on the irnportai~ceof prevention and carly detection through regular screening, and fijcilitatjng access to care for uninsured residents nf Schenectady County;

3 - urges residents of Scl~encctadyCounty to be screened for early cletectioll of colon cancer, and to participate and support colon c;mer awareness efforts by the Cancer Services Prograrn, rind l~erebyr.ecognizes March, 2011 as Colorect :I 1 Cancer Acvareness hlor~thin Schencctady Chunty. Ayes: I I (l)iC'crbo. Farlcq. Flnn, H~ghcs,Jasensk~,Juli~ison.McDonald, Pclla. S;intabarbara, Savage, Vel lano) Nays: II Abscnt: 4 (Ruhrmnsler, Dagostino, I:lclds. Gordo~~) Abstained: I) Excused: 0

Resolution 31 -1 1

STATEOFNEWYORK j C:ount~ Legislature 1 County of Scheoectady 1

I have cotnparcd Ihe preceding copy with the original resolution adoptcd by the Scllenectady County [.egislaturc at a rncsting I~cldMarch 8.201 1 on file in this officc. and I dn HEWBY CERTIF)' tlie sarnc lo be a correct transcript thew from in the whole of thc uriginal.

WITNESS nly hand and the scal 01 the Sclicnec~adjCvunly Legislatllrt: at the City of Sctlcncctady this !ILhday of March, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 32-11


WREKEAS, Wo~~~en'sHistory Month is an annual declared month in the Unitcd States that highlights uorltrihutions of wo~llerllo events in history and contemporary society; and

WHEREAS, the theiiie of thc 20 1 1 Women's History Month is Our History is our Strength; and

WH EREAS, the Business and Professional Women is an or.ganizati011focused on creating succcssful workplaces by concentrating on issues that impact women, families and employers; and

WHEREAS, the Schcr~ectadyBusiness atld Prclfessio~lalWomen are plallnit~g several events t111.ougliout the 111011t11 of March aimed at highlightii~gwolnen's contributio~lsto our history; and

WHEREAS, these events will culrninatc in a mceling on March 22 at the Stockade 11111 where women's' orgar~i/.a~ionsthroughout the Capital districl wilI share their experiences in n panel discussion; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady Counly Legislature recognize March, 20 11 as National \iTamcn's I (istory Month and congratulates Schenectsldv Business and T3rc.)lssiolialWornen for their important and effcctivtr contributiolls in bringing thc pul~lic'sattention to the celebratioti of women's history. Page 2

Ayes: 11 (DiCerbo, Farley. Fitln, Hughes, Jasrnski, Jol~nsori.McDonald, Petta, Sa tltabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 4 (Buhrmaster, Dagnsti~~o,Ficlds, Gordor,) Abslained: 0 Excused: O

Resolution 32-11

STATF: OF NEW YORK 1 County Legisli~turr 1 Coul~tyof Schenectady ]

I have coi~lparcdthe preceding copy wilh the original resolution adopted by the Scl~criccladyCounty T2egislaturcat a meeting held March 8, 201 1 on file in his office, and 1 do HEKEBI- CERTIFY the sarnc lu be r-1 correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS nly hand and the seal of the Schet~ectadyCouniy Legislature at tl~c Ciiy of Schenectady this 9Ihday of March, Two Tho~rsandEleven.

Schcnectady County Legislati~re RESOLUTION 33-11

,Spnnst~r~.$by Legislators Hilghes, Firm McDorrnld and Suvnge:


WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady is proud of its Illany Irish residents, and residents of Irish dcsccnt, which arc many in this county, as arc thcir cotltributions to the well-being of Schenectady; arid

WHEREAS, Saint Patrick is the patroil Saint of Ireland and his deeds and works are an impol-tant pal? of the heritage of all 11-is11people, and people of Irish dcsccnt; and

WIIEKKAS, the John F. Kennedy Division 1, Ancient Order of llibernians together with the Schenectady Division of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians has contributed to the coi~~~nuilitiesof Schenectady County for ovcr 130 years by making donations to worthy causes and dcscrving organizations; and

WHEREAS, the John F. Kennedy Divisiorl 1 of the Ancient Order or liibernians logelher with the Schenec~aciyIlivision of Ihe Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians is dedicated to fostering an appreciation of Irish heritage and to building con~munityaniong all peoples of Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, rllc Schcncctady County Legislature wishes to join wilh Irish people eveiywhcrc in a sinccrc wish for peace in a11 of Ireland and the full implementation of thc Good Friday Pcacc Accord; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that thc Schcncctady County Lcgislatur-edeclares that on Thursday, March 17, 20 1 1, St. Patrick's Day shall bc cclebsated throughout Schenectady R33- 11 Page 2

County in the furtherance of peace in all of Ireland, and in recognition of the many contributions and good works of Irish-Amcrican pcoplc cvcrywhcrc. Ayes: 11 (DiCerbo, Farley, Finn, Hughes, Jasenski,Johnson, McT)anald, Petta, Santabarbam, Savage, Vellann) Nap: 0 Absent: 4 (Buhrinastzr, Dagostinn, Fields, Gordon) Abstained: 0 Excuscd: 0

STATE;OFNEWVOKK ] County 1,cgislature 1 Couniy vf Sche~~cclady 1

I have. cornpal-ed thc preceding copy wilh the origitlal resolution adopted by the Schenectady Couriiy Legisl~tureat a meeting held March 8, 201 1 on tile in th~soffice, and T do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct trariscript there fi-om 111 the ~vholeof thc original.

WlTNESS my hand and the sex1 of' tht: Schenectady County 1.egislature at tlie City of Scl~enectndythis 9"' day of March, Tuu l'housand Eleval. ([-@J$fz,,T-/$"E!r Geoff - .- all, Clerk, A RESOTAUTIONHONOKTKC: FREDERICA "FREDDIE" ANDERSON ON THE OCCASION OF HER 901HBIRTHDAY

WHEREAS, reaching the 90'hileshine of one's life is cause to cclclrrate and givc recognition; and

WkIEREAS, Freddie Antlerson is still an active skier with 87 years on the slopes; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Anderson is responsible for litcrally thousands of people who notv enjoy the sport hecause of hcr support and inslruction; and

WHEKEAS, bccause of her love nf the sport Freddie began irlstructing students in 1946 at the Schencctady Municipal Golf Course; and lVHEREAS, due lo the succcss of that early beginrli~lgshe founded [he Schenectady Ski School in 1950 which lvas subsequently ~novedto the MapIe Ridge Ski area in 1967 where it cor~titlucstoday teaching hundscds of children and adults the Joys of skiing every year; and

WHEREAS, Freddie Anderson's Scheneclady Ski School has spanned four gcncrations ot' skiers, nfterl scrvi~~ggrand chi l dren and great-grandchiltlren (3 f original students; and

WHEREAS, in sccognition of fi'reclerica"Freddie" Anderson's illustrious career, Ski Magazine named bcr as one of 10 Great Illstcuctors in the United Statcs in its Nollen~ber.2006 issuc; now tl~eret'orebe it

RESOLVEI), that tfic Schenectady C'ounty L,cgislature wishes lo acktlowledge Ms. Anderson or, thc 9uthanniversary ol' her birth, the success of her cntcrprise. the joy she has brought to tllousands ofnew skiers and the example she has set for athlctcs of all ages. .4ycs: I 1 (T)iC'crbu, Farley. Fi1111,Hugt~cs,Jasenski, Johnsori, McDonald, Pctta, Santabarhara, Savage, Vcllano) Nays: I) .4hsent: ..1 (Buhrn~astcr,Dagostino, Fields, tiurdon) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YO= County I,egislature 1 C~OIIII~~of Schcncctady ]

1 have coi~lparedthe preceding copy with the original resolulion adopted by \he Schenectady Counly Legislature at a 11icctin2held March 8, 20 1 I on filc in [his office. and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to bc a correct transcript there from in t11c whule of the original.

WlTNESS my hand a11d the seal of thc Schenectady Cocmtg Legislaturc at the Cily of Schenectadq Lhis 9'"day of March, Ttva Thousand Eleverl.


WHEREAS, Don Wccks has bccn entertai~ingthe residents of the Capital Llistrict for close to 40 years; and

\$:HEREAS, Mr. Weeks recently retired frorrl WGY after 30 years of hostii~g WGY's popular and top-rated morning show; and

Wf IKREAS, Thri began his carccs as a top 40 disc jockey and later became a TV weathercaster and subsequently became artistic director nf an advertising agency; and

WHEREAS, for thirty snowy winters listeners looked forwiird to "Clncle Llon" arl~lounci~lgthat their school would be closed fbr the day; and

WHEKEAS, over the years no11has lent his urlique talents to fund dsivcs and special events such as the Children's Mirricle Network to benefit the Children's Hospital at Albany Medical Center, and emceeing The Red Cross Hometown Hcro's Award Brcakfast; and

WHEIIEAS, Mr. Weeks has beet1 lloriorcd with scvcral N.Y .S. Broadcaster of tl~c Year Awards, topper1 local nett spaper readet. "favorite radio personality" polls and has been nominated four times and won the prestigious Marconi Award from The National Association of Broadcasters; now therefbre be it

RESOLVED, that tlze Sclienectady County Legislature wishes to congratulate and thank Don Weeks for his many years of being a friendly and entertailling presence in the Capital District; and be it further K35-1 I Page 2

RESO1.VED, that thc Schcnectady County Legislature hopes for Don a long and enjoyable relirernerlt wit11 His n-ifc Sue, his children John, Cliristine, Noelle and Holy, aloiig with his griintlchildren Soey, Jon Jon, Sama~ltha.Elizabeth and Emily, Page 3

Ayes: 11 (DiC'crbo, karley, Finn, Hughes, Jasenski. Juhrlson, McDonald, Petta, Sailtabarbara, Savage, Vcllanu) Nays: 0 Absenl: 4 (Huhnnaster, Dagostino. Fields. Gordor~) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 35-1 1

STATE OF NEW YOHK 1 County 1.cgislntnre 1 County of Scher~ectady ]

Ihave comparcd tllc plcceding copy with the 01-ipinalresolution adupled by thc Schenectady County Legislaluru at a tt~cctitlgheld March 8, 201 1 on file in this office. and 1 du HF.KERY CERTIFY the same to be a corrcct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WlTNESS my hand and tt~cseal of the Schei~ectadyCounty Legislature at the City nf Schenectrzdy this 9"' day of March, 'l'wo 'I'housand Eleven.

~chenecta4County Legislature RESOLUTION 36-11

Sponsored h~c7 I.~r~i,vlurorS~lvage:


WHEREAS, Schenectady County has bccn a leader in addressing climate change at the local level with the passage of a series of et~crgy-r.cductionmeasures, adoption of the New York State Climate S111artCommuriities plcdgc to rcducc grccrlhousc. gas enlissions and establi sllment of C; oGreen Sch enectadyCoun~y.cot~~, an energy-focuscdwcb page; and

WHEREAS, Inlernatio~~alEarth Hour is one of the world's largest environmental events involvii~ghundred^ of millions of penple frnrn tnorc tllatl 4500 conlmunities in 128 couiltries across every continent; and

W'HE.REAS, International Eal-th Hour is an opportunity to raise awareness uf energy consumption and its impact on the local and global environment; iinrl

WHEREAS, encouraging goverr~rnentnpcr.ations, busincsses, scl~ooIs, organizations, and residents of Schenectady County tn turn off for onc hour all non-essential lighting ayplial~cssand electronics will show our commitment to reducing energy cotlsumption in order to ~ni~liinizeour environmental footprint; now therefbre he it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady C'ouniy I,egislalure recognizes and wishes to promote a county-wide celebration of Earth Hour 2011 on March 26, 20 1 1 , from 8:30 to 9:30pm. Page 2

Ayes: 1 1 (Ll~C'crbu,Farley, Finn. Hughes. Jsscnski, Johnson, McT)onald, Pclla. Santabarbar.a, Savagc, L'ellano) Nays: I) Absent: 4 (Huhrtt~aslcr,Dagostino, Fields, Gordon) Abstained: O Excused: 0

-- Resolution 36-1 1

STATE OF NEW J'OKK 1 County Legisknture 1 County of Sche~lectady ]

i have compared the PI-eccdingcupy with the original rcsoluiion adapted by tl~c Schenecrady County Legislature at a mccting held March 8, 201 1 on lilt. in this office, arid I do HEKEHY CERTIFY the same to hc rl correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITt\lESS llqr hand and lhe seal of the Sthencclady County Legislntusc at the City of Scl~cnectadythis 9"'day of klarch, Two Thausa~~dElel-rn.

Schcncctdy County Legisl:~tu~.c Spnrzsored by Legislator Fields:


H1Z 1'1' P;N ACII'b;I) by the 1,egislature of ihe County or Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law provides that this County Legislature shall considcs applications for corscction of tax rolls when there are clerical errors, unlawful entries, or certain errors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature can either accept or reject the aforesaid applications; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency has reviewed the hereinafter indicated applicatio~lsand has recoill~ncndcdby mernorandum dated February 14, 20 1 I acceptance of same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law, the applications are approved and the Glenville, Niskayuna and Rottcrdarrl tax rolls are corrected, to wit:


Glenville L>&K Iluhtala C'lerical 57,266.3 8 15.15-2-23

Clerical Niskayuna W.1'. h,lorrone h2.3- I-14

Arnurlr~tof Refund

Niskuyuria Tnwn of Niskayuna Unla\\ ful Er~lry S 896.67 5 I .-2-10.2

Clcrica! % 2.422.25

A rnu~lntto C'a~lcel

Rotterda~:~ G&P Schwab Clerical % 2,709.42 59.20-6-5

; and, be it filrther

RESOLVED, that the Finance and the Director- of the Rcal T'roperty Tax Service Agcrlcy be and they are hcrcby authorized to take appropriate action as autllorized by law to implement the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

2;28/2Oll: K~pnrrvrJj;?~tt~Cof~znzitfcc on WUJ'sanrl ill~ns(WMG) 38~2011: Adopicif hs the Coen@Legirilrturr

Ayes: 1 1 (L)iCelAbo,Farley, Finn, IIughes, Jasenski, Juhrwur~,Mcl)onald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vcllano) Nays: 0 A bscnt: 4 (R uhmlaster, Dagostinu, Ficlds, Gordon) Abstained: 0 Excuscd: O

STA'I'II OF NEW YORK j County 1,rgislature 1 County of Scbencctady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original rcsoliition adopted by the Scllenectady County Legislature at a meeting hcld March 8, 2011 on file in this oftice, and I do IIEREBY CERTIFY thc same ta be a coirect transct.ipt there from in the whole uS Ihc original.

WITNESS ttly hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at thc City of Schenectndy this 9"'day of March, Two Thousdnd Elevcn. RESOLUTION 38 -1 1


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislalure nf tt~cCounty of Schel~ectady,as I-01lows:

F'HEKEAS,the Con~missionerof the Depatq-tnlent or F,cor~o111ic Development and I'lanning by mcinoi-ai~dumdated February 17, 211 1 1 advises that the Schenectady County Glcndalc Nursing I-Iome reconstruct ion prnject is ccady to proceed; and


WHEREAS, the Schcncctady County Manager by memorandum dated February 23, 20 11 advises that thc projcct, which will entail the construction of a new 200 bed nursing home facility, is rcady to proceed; now, therefore, he it

RESOLVED, that the realignment of llelchcliow r~ Road, thc constriiction of 11 new 200 bed nursing home facility. and the demolition of the existing tilendale Nursing Ilome on Hctchelto\+-11Road in the Town uf Glenville will not result 111 riny signilic.ant advcrsc environmental impacts; and, be it further

RESOL\'IZ1), that the Schcrlcctady County hIa~-lager,subject to approval of the County Attorney as to fotqrnand content, is authorized to esecule any documents necessary to preparc and file a negative declaration with the appropriale agencies. R78-11 Page 2

2/28/20]i: Kt-pvt-tt>dfiof~lCommittee on Hitmln Scrvic~.~find Agirtg (HSA-3) 3/8/.?011: Adnptcd bj-the L'uutl,~Lt~gislurur-P

Aycs: 1 0 (DiCerbo. Finn. Bughcs, Jasctlski, .lohnson, hlcDonald, Petta, Sarttabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 1 (Farley) Absent: 4 (Buhnnastcr, Uagostiilo, Fields, Gordon) Abscaincd: O kxcused: O

Resolution 38-11

STATEOFNEWYORK ] Cour~ty Legislat~lre 1 Cor~ntyof Schenectady 1

T have cotnpal-ed the preceding cvpy wit11 the origiilal resnlution adopted hy the Schenectady County Lcgislaturc at n meeting held March 3, 201 1 on lilt. in lhis ofice, and I do HPKEBY CERTIFY the same to be a correcl trarlscript there from in the u-lioleof the original.

WITNESS my hard ar~d(hcscal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City ul' Schcr~cctadythij 9"'day of M; Thousand Elevcn. RESOLUTION 39-1 1


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of thc Coui~tyof'Schenectady, as follows:

WHEKEAS, the Comml5sinner of the Department of Social Services by memorandum dated February 15, 201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for an additionill grant of $68,496.00 from the New York State Office of Ternpol-ary and Disability Assistance; and

WHEREAS, the C'olnmissioncr of the Department of Social Services further adviscs that the grant rnnnies will be used to provide subsidized en~ploymenlopportunities to certain individuals in the "Green Jobs" sector; and

WHEREAS, the Ileputy Cottlnlissioner of the NYS Officc of Teniporary and Disability Assistitnce by letter dated February 15, 211 1 t adviscs that Schenectady County has been appmvcd for a grant in the amount of $68,496.00 fro111the "Green Jobs" Corps 2 Prograln; and

WHEREAS, the Courlty Manager by nlernoratldu~~~dated February 25, 201 1 recommends the acceptance of grant monies from thc New l'ork State Office of Temporary artd Disability Assistiince, and that corresponding operational budgt.! amendments be approved; and K39-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, acccptancc of these grant monies and utilization of thesc funds ilccds to bc reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting thc same; now, therefore, he it

KESOLVED, that the Legislature of the Courlty of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant lllorlics hrthe aforesaid purposes: and be it fi~rther

RESOLVED, that thc Courlty Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the Chunty Attorney as to fbrm and content, to alter into an agreement \vi th ~ht:New York State Office of Tc~llporaryand nisabitity Assistance regarding the aforesaid grant mo~lies;'ar~dbe it further

RESOL\'ED, that the 20 1 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is ameuded as follows:

Establish A pprt)priulion Code:

AhO 10.4291 33 - DSS Administration - Green Jobs Corps 2 Progriim $ 68,496.

Establish Rcvcnue Code:

A36 10.14- State A id - Green Jobs Co~ps2 Program $68,496. 2/,713/20 I / . Rppot.tt7dfi OF~ECOFIIF~E~TT~~ on H~rnznuServices nfrdAging (HSAI) ~c~ortcd:fiom Co~,l,,littfeon Ways atld Mea~ls 3/8/201 I. Ai/c~pri>rJIy /he ColrnlyLrgislcr~ur~

Aycs: 1 1 (L) iC'ct'bo, Farlcy, Finn, Hughcs, Jascnski, Johnson, McDonald, Petla, Santabat4hara,Savage, Vellano) Nays: O Absent: 4 (Rul~r-nlnster,Dagostino, Fields, Gordon) Abstained: O Excused: U

Resolution 39-11

STATE OF KEIY )'ORE; 1 Counly Legislature 1 C:onnty of Sthcncctndy ]

1 11ave coalpared the preceding copy with the original resolution adoptcd by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held March 8, 201 1 on file ill this of'ficc, and 1 do HEREBY CERTIFY thc same lo be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WTTNESS 111y 11ai16 and the seal of the Scherlectady County Lcgislaturc at the City of Schenectady this 9''' dav of March, Two Thousand Eleven.

~cheneztad~county Legislature


Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


WHEREAS, Autism is a lifelong development disability which occurs in approximately 1 in every 150 births, the causes of which are not fully understood; and

WHEREAS, Autism, which is four times more common in boys than girls, usually appears during .the first three years of life and has been found throughout the world in families of all ethnic and social backgrounds; and

WHEREAS, speech and language may be absent or delayed and cognitive abilities may be affected, causing the person with Autism to relate in abnormal ways to people, objects, and events and causing great stress to families; and

WHEREAS, early diagnosis, research, training, education and therapies are vital to reducing the effects of Autism; and

WHEREAS, it is vital to continue educating people about Autism and the entire range of Autism spectrum disorders; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature proclaims that April 2011 be declared as Autism Month in Schenectady County. Page 2

4/12/2011: Reported froin Committee on Rules (R28) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 43-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chendtad~dunty Legislature RESOLUTION 44-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, Don Birch has been the proprietor of .the Saw Mill Tavern on -the comer of South Avenue and North Jay Street in the City of Schenectady for over thirty years; and

WHEREAS, hanging on the front of the Saw Mill Tavern during that time was a large banner stating "free Sunday buffet", and

WHEREAS, this "free Sunday buffet" has evolved into a nutritious meal for hundreds of Schenectady's less fortunate individuals and families; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Birch has personally overseen the acquisition and preparation of these meals in which 200 to 250 needy individuals typically partake in these weekly events; and

WHEREAS, other local businesses such as Perecca's Bakery and local farmers contribute to these meals that many in the community rely on; and

WHEREAS, Don Birch has assisted .the community in many other ways such as his support for Schenectady's sister city program, Schenectady-Nijkerk and his annual biker holiday toy run; and

WHEREAS, even though Don is going to have to cut back on his beneficence he will still look for way so assist the community; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature thanks Don Birch for his 30 years of generosity and compassion to those less fortunate and to the community. 4/12/2011: Reported from Conznzittee on Rules (R29) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 44-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady c;unty Legislature RESOLUTION 45-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, Bernard Z. "Butch" Conn (912511 940-812212005, who was a dedicated and visionary supporter of jazz and the community, founded and served as the tireless volunteer leader until his premature death, A Place for Jazz. A Place for Jazz is a unique and valuable non-profit organization that has played an unparalleled role in promoting arts and culture in our community for 25 years and has been housed in the First Unitarian Society on Wendell Avenue in the City of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, A Place for Jazz is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of jazz, America's original art form, through presenting at least five concerts annually far the last 25 years with world-class artists, as well as free workshops, school-based clinics and other youth and community events; and

WHEREAS, in its 25 years of concerts, A Place for Jazz has presented more than 130 jazz bands, comprising more than 500 world-renowned artists, many of whom are internationally acclaimed legends, Downbeat Poll winners, Grammy nominated artists and outstanding Capital District local favorites; and

WHEREAS, A Place for Jazz has advanced the appreciation, awareness and understanding of Jazz as a distinctive art form by presenting enjoyable and professional concerts to over 1,000 attendees annually in an affordable acoustically perfect venue; and

WHEREAS, as a certified 501(C)(3) non-profit organization, A Place for Jazz has been awarded many grants in recognition of the value of its work to the community by a wide range of private philanthropic foundations, corporate entities and R45-11 Page 2 governments agencies, including the Schenectady County Initiative Program (SIP) and the New York State Council on the Arts, allowing their ticket prices to remain the lowest in the region for the top flight talent level presented; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature proclaims April 15,201 1 as Butch Conn--A Place for Jazz Day in Schenectady County to honor the very special legacy of Butch Conn and the impressive accomplishments of all those involved with A Place for Jazz these past 25 years and for bringing world-class performance artists and their uniquely American art form to our County. Page 3

4/12/201 I: Reported from Committee on Rules (R30) 4N,7/,7011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 45-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'" day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

sche&ctady c6unty Legislature RESOLUTION 46-11

Sponsored by Legislator Savage:


WHEREAS, a holiday for our planet was first proposed in November, 1969 at the UNESCO Conference on the Environment in San Francisco resulting in the first Earth Day celebration, and

WHEREAS, Global Earth Day has been celebrated on the first day of Spring by the United Nations every year since 1971; and

WHEREAS, here in the United States Earth Day has been celebrated on April 22nd of each year; and

WHEREAS, the human family has inherited a beautiful planet and has been given stewardship responsibilities over the Earth; and

WHEREAS, an annual world-wide celebration of Earth's significance and needs will remind present generations that a sustainable world requires everyone to ensure the ability of future generations to support themselves and nurture their offspring and Earth's diverse creatures; and

WHEREAS, every individual and institution should now think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth, seeking the best choices in an effort to eliminate pollution, poverty and violence in an effort to foster a brighter future for all individuals; now therefore let it be

PROCLAIMED, that the Schenectady County Legislature on April 22,201 1 encourages the citizens of Schenectady County to celebrate Earth Day in a manner consistent with the values and intent that day implies. Page 2

4/12/2011: Reported froin Committee on Rules (R31) 4/12/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislatur-e

Ayes: 12 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 46-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady county Legislature RESOLUTION 47-11

Sponsored by Legislators Jasenski, Dagostino, Santabarbara and Vellano:


WHEREAS, Rotterdam Emergency Medical Services Inc. (REMS) is a NYS Certified Ambulance Service that provides ambulance service on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis for primary Basic Life Support coverage to the Towns of Rotterdam and Princetown; and

WHEREAS, REMS provides emergency medical services to 28,845 residents covering 36.5 square miles in Rotterdam and 2,132 residents covering 24.1 square miles in Princetown; and

WHEREAS, REMS is the Basic Life Support treatmentltransportation conlponent of a multi-tiered emergency response system composed of REMS, the Rotterdam Police Department's Paramedic Unit and eight Volunteer Fire Departments; and

WHEREAS, mutual aid coverage is routinely provided by REMS to surrounding communities as requested by adjacent services and is an active participant in the Schenectady County Mass Casualty Incident Response Plan; and

WHEREAS, REMS is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who maintain oversight over all facets of the operation; and

WHEREAS, a fleet of four NYS certified ambulances, housed in two stations on opposite ends of the Town of Rotterdam is maintained by REMS; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the Rotterdam Emergency Medical Services Inc. for 75 years of outstanding service to the citizens of the Towns of Rotterdam and Princetown. Page 2

4/12/2011: Reported.from Committee or2 Rules (R32) 4/12/20] 1 : Adopted by the Count,v Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 47-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady county Legislature RESOLUTION 48-11

Sponsored by Legislator Savage:


WHEREAS, 23 million Americans are victims of crime each year, and of those, 5.2 million are victims of violent crime; and

WHEREAS, a just society acknowledges crime's impact on individuals, families, and communities by ensuring that rights, resources, and services are available to help rebuild lives; and

WHEREAS, victims' rights are a critical component of the promise of "justice for all," the foundation for our system of justice in America; and

WHEREAS, although our nation has steadily expanded rights, protections, and services for victims of crime, too many victims are still not able to realize the hope and promise of these gains; and

WHEREAS, we must do better to ensure services are available for underserved segments of our population, including crime victims with disabilities, victims with mental illness, victims who are teenagers, victims who are elderly, victims in rural areas, and victims in communities of color; and

WHEREAS, observing victims' rights and treating victims with dignity and respect serves the public interest by engaging victims in the justice system, inspiring respect for public authorities, and promoting confidence in public safety; and

WHEREAS, in Schenectady County, a Ceremony of Remembrance will be held at the Rose Garden, in Central Park, Wednesday, April 13, beginning at 12 Noon, where friends and families will gather to remember and honor their loved ones; and

WHEREAS, National Crime Victims' Rights Week--April 8-15, 2011 provides an opportunity for us to strive to reach the goal of justice for all by ensuring that all victims are afforded their legal rights and provided with assistance as they face the financial, physical, and psychological impact of crime; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Legislature is joining forces with victim service programs, criminal justice officials, and concerned citizens throughout all of Schenectady County, New York State and America to raise awareness about victims' rights and observe the 3 1" National Victims' Rights Week; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature do hereby proclaim the week of April 8 - 15 as National Victims' Rights Week. 4/12/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R38) 4/12/2 01 1: Adopted by the CounQ Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 48-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady county Legislature RESOLUTION 49-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara.


WHEREAS, children are our future and protecting them must be one of our highest priorities; and

WHEREAS, there are over 900,000 confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect in the United States; and

WHEREAS, children have a right to be safe and to be provided an opportunity to thrive, learn, and grow; and

WHEREAS, all governmental entities, agencies and departments, including human service providers, educators, legislators, law enforcement agencies, judges, and child advocates must work diligently to ensure to the best of our abilities that our children are kept safe and healthy; and

WHEREAS, we must come together as partners so that the voices of our children are heard by all and we are, as a County, extending a helping hand to children and families in need; and

WHEREAS, by providing a safe and nurturing environment for our children, free of violence, abuse and neglect, we can ensure that Schenectady's children will grow to their full potential as the next generation of leaders, helping to secure the future of our community; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that .the Schenectady County Legislature proclainls April 201 1 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Schenectady County. Page 2

4/12/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R39) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislattlre

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 49-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

1 have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 50 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Finn:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Election Commissioners of the Office of the Board of Elections advise by memorandum dated March 14,2011 that the New York State Election Law requires Schenectady County to assume responsibility for payment of compensation to election day workers and voting machine technicians and custodians, and to adopt rates of compensation for such election day workers and voting machine technicians and custodians; and

WHEREAS, section 3-420 of the New York State Election Law provides that a County shall pay election inspectors, poll clerks and election coordinators for their services on the days of registration and election in an amount that is fixed by the County legislative body; and

WHEREAS, section 3-302 of the New York State Election Law provides that a County shall pay voting machine technicians and custodians for their services in an amount fixed by the Board of Elections and approved by the County legislative body; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Board of Elections recommend the following rates of compensation for election day workers and fix the following rates for voting machine technicians and custodians:

Worker Election Day Primary Training Classification Day Class

InspectorIClerks $ 145 1 $90 $30 Election Day $185 $ 125 $30 I Coordinator and I ~ 1 ~ Site Supervisors ChairpersonIVoting , $ 165 $110 NIA ,

Election Law 3- A poll worker working less 400(7) Shift than a full election day shift 1 1 shall receive pro-rated 1 compensation based on the 1 percentage of the full shift 1 1 i worked. 1

Other Election Worker 1 Rates Voting Machine TechniciansICustodians InspectorsIClerks (other $1 1Ihr than election day

Other Mandatory Trainin


WHEREAS, the Election Commissioners further advise that funds needed to compensate election day workers and voting machine technicians and custodians at .the aforesaid rates are included in the 201 1 Operational Budget; and Page 3

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,2011 recommends approval of the aforesaid rates of compensation for election day workers and voting machine technicians and custodians, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body hereby adopts the aforesaid rates of compensation for election day workers as recommended by the Schenectady County Election Commissioners, and approves the aforesaid rates of compensation for voting machine technicians and custodians as fixed by the Schenectady County Board of Elections. Page 4

4/4/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Codes and Judiciary (CJI) Reported from Cornmittee on Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the Courzty Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

-- Resolution 50-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~county Legislature RESOLUTION 51-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, scientific consensus identifies carbon dioxide (C02) and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere as having a profound effect on the Earth's climate; and

WHEREAS, pollutants such as greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere have negative long-term effects on local and regional human and natural systems, including, but not limited to, economic vitality, environmental integrity, and human health; and

WHEREAS, energy consumption, specifically the burning of fossil fuels, accounts for inore than 80% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; and

WHEREAS, local government policies and the services that local governments provide directly impact the community's livability, economic vitality, and preservation of the community's natural resources; and

WHEREAS, direct and indirect costs can be avoided, and pollutants reduced, through energy efficiency and energy management; coordinating planning efforts for land use, housing, and transportation; and waste reduction; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady has adopted various energy efficiency and energy management programs such as energy efficiency retrofits in government buildings, establishment of various l~azardousand waste reduction programs, establishment of energy efficient building standards for construction of R51-11 Page 2 new government buildings, and utilization of energy efficient products in County vehicles; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady desires to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through reductions in fuel use, energy use, and solid waste produced by municipal operations and the community as a whole; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady desires to understand local direct and indirect effects of climate change and specific climate change impacts; understand local susceptibility and ability to cope with adverse effects of climate change; and to take action by preparing for the impacts of climate change; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady desires to manage local environmental resources including water, air, land and biological resources within ecological limits; to support a locally driven economy based on principles of revitalization, vitality, and environmental neutrality; and to promote a safe, just, healthy, accessible, and a vibrant community; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady has a vested interest in protecting and enhancing the environment, the economy, and quality of life through reducing energy consumption and helping the community become more sustainable in use of resources; and

WHEREAS, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability is a nonprofit membership association of local governments committed to sustainability, energy conservation, and climate protection; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County of Schenectady will join ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability as a Full Member and pledges to take a leadership role in promoting public awareness, education, and outreach regarding sustainability, the causes and impacts of climate change, actions that mitigate and prepare for the negative effects of climate change, and strengthen the local economy and quality of life; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the County of Schenectady will undertake the Five Milestones for Climate Change Mitigation, to reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions throughout the county, and specifically:

Conduct a greenhouse gas emissions inventory, which includes an inventory of energy use, fuel use, and solid waste, and forecast to Page 3

determine the source and quantity of greenhouse gas emissions resulting fi-om municipal operations and the community as a whole

Adopt a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target(s)

Develop a climate action plan with both existing and future actions which, when implemented, will allow the local government to meet the local greenhouse gas emissions reduction target

Implement the policies and measures in the plan

Monitor and verify progress

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability membership will entitle the County of Schenectady to merr~bershipbenefits and assistance as it progresses through these Milestones. 4/4/2011: Reported from Committee on Environmental Conservation and Parks (ECPI) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 51-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 52-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the State of New York provides financial aid for household hazardous waste programs; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady, herein called the MUNICIPALITY, has examined and duly considered the applicable laws of the State of New York and the MUNICIPALITY deems it to be in the public interest and benefit to file an application under these laws; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary that a Contract by and between THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, herein called the STATE, and the MUNICIPALITY be executed for such STATE Aid; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by Schenectady County that the filing of an application in the form required by the State of New York in conformity with the applicable laws of the State of New York including all understanding and assurances contained in said application is hereby authorized; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager is directed and authorized as the official representative of the MUNICIPALITY to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required and, with the approval of the County Attorney, to enter the resulting contract if said application is approved by the STATE; and, be it further R52-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the MUNICIPALITY agrees that it will fund the entire cost of said household hazardous waste program and will be reimbursed by the State for the State share of such costs; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that four (4) Certified Copies of this Resolution be prepared and sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation together with a complete application; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately. Page 3

4/4/20]1: Reported from Committee on Environnzental Conservation and Parks (ECPZ) Reported from Committee orz Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Bullmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schenectadY/County Legislature RESOLUTION 53-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning by memorandum dated March 18,20 11 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the implementation of stom~watermanagement programs; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that the grant amount approved is for $61,833.00; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that Schenectady County and the participating municipalities would be required to provide a 25% local match, which would be comprised largely of staff support from the participating municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County accept the grant monies from the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for the implementation of .the stormwater management programs; and Page 2

WHEREAS, Schenectady County, after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and after study of the available data, has hereby determined that certain work, as described in its application and attachments, herein called the "Project," is desirable, is in the public interest, and is required in order to implement the Project; and

WHEREAS, the New York State Environmental Conservation Law authorizes State assistance to municipalities for water quality improvement projects by means of a contract, and Schenectady County deems it to be in the public interest and benefit under this law to enter into a contract .therewith; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager, or such person's successor in office, is the representative authorized to act on behalf of the County in all matters related to State assistance under Articles 17, 51 and 56 of the IVYS Environmental Conservation Law and/or any applicable federal grant provisions; including making application, executing the State Assistance Contract, submitting project documentation and acting for Schenectady County in all matters related to the project and to State assistance; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that Schenectady County agrees that it will fund its portion of the cost of the project, and that funds will be available to initiate the project's field work within twelve (12) months of written approval of its application by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for the acceptance of the aforesaid funds, and, be it further R53-11 Page 3

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget and Capital Improvement Program be and they hereby are amended as follows:

Capital Fund

Increase Appropriation Code by:

H8020.2006132 Stormwater Management Grant - Phase I1

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

H5 130-2008124 - 2008 Vehicle Fleet replacement

Increase Revenue Codes by:

H283 1 - Interfund Transfers $725.

H398 1 - State Aid - Stormwater Management Grant $ 61,833.

General Fund

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A9550.905 - Transfer to Capital Fund $725.

Decrease Appropriation Codes by:

A 1440.429 - Engineering - Professional Services $225. A8020.429 - Economic Development & Planning -- Professional Services $500.

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Legislature shall prepare and submit one certified copy of this Resolution to the Albany office of .the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately, R53-11 Page 4

4/4/4301 1: Reported from Committee on Environmental Conservation and Parks (ECP3) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 53-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 131h day of April, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 54-11

Sponsored by Legislator Savage:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that over 4,500 new jobs and more than $400 million in new investment has been made in our community since 2004; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that many of these new jobs are in fields that are attracting new young professionals and their families to our community; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that we need to continue this job creation trend in our community, and we need to continue to attract and retain young adults and students who are graduating from area colleges and universities; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the creation of a Young Adult Advisory Council will provide a forum for youi~gadults in our community to provide recommendations to this Legislature regarding issues of job creation, affordable housing, and livable communities; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that there hereby is created a Young Adult Advisory Council, which shall consist of fifteen individuals from Schenectady County who are between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five; and, be it further Page 2

RESOLVED, that the members of the Young Adult Advisory Council shall be appointed by the County Manager and confirmed by the County Legislature; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chair of the County Legislature shall appoint the chair of the Young Adult Advisory Council; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the members of the Young Adult Advisory Council shall serve for a term of two years; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the members of the Young Adult Advisory Council shall provide advice and recommendations to the County Legislature on issues of importance to young adults in Schenectady County, including, but not limited to, job creation, affordable housing, youth retention and livable communities. Page 3

4/4/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Economic Developnlent and Planviing (EDP3) 4/12/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 54-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~cheneckd~County Legislature RESOLUTION 55-11

Sponsored by Legislator Savage.


BE IT ENACTED, by .the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the Schenectady County Public Library offers several programs that encourage young children to read; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the Schenectady County Public Library has excellent staff and resources to assist with the providing of additional reading programs for young children; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that .the Schenectady County Youth Bureau has the resources and staff to organize and administer a reading program for young children at facilities of the Schenectady County Public Library; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the staff and resources of the Schenectady County Public Library and the Schenectady County Youth Bureau should be used in conjunction to provide a reading program for young children; now, .therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that there hereby is created a "Book Buddies" reading program at the Schenectady County Public Library; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the "Book Buddies" reading program will be held on Saturday mornings at the Schenectady County Public Library during the school year; and, be it further Page 2

RESOLVED, that the "Book Buddies" reading program will be for children from the ages of two to six; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Youth Bureau will identify, recruit, schedule and oversee high school student volunteers who will read one-on-one or in small groups to the young children; and, be it further RESOLVED, that staff from the Schenectady County Public Library and the Schenectady County Youth Bureau will work together to organize and implement the reading program, which includes determining the location of the library branches that will host the weekly reading program, and the selecting of the books that will be read by the volunteers; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that representatives of the Youth Bureau shall develop and present an implementation plan to the County Manager by April 18,2011 for a "Book Buddies" reading program to be held at the Main branch and Mont Pleasant branch of the Schenectady County Public Library commencing April 30,201 1; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that during the summer of 201 1, the County Manager, representatives of the Schenectady County Public Library and the Youth Bureau will develop a plan to expand the "Book Buddies" reading program to additional library branches for the 201 111 2 school year. Page 3

4/4/20] 1: Reported from Coinmittee on Education and Libraries (ELI) 4/12/20] 1: Adopted by the County Legislatzrre

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays : 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 55-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tadeounty Legislature RESOLUTION 56-11

Sponsored by Legislator Gordon:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health by memorandum dated March 28,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a grant of $4,000.00 from the National Association of County and City Health Officials for a diabetes prevention and control training program; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health further advises that the grant monies will be used to participate in a two-day training designed to empower con~munitiesto develop appropriate interventions that will prevent or reduce diabetes complications and improve diabetes care; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the National Association of County and City Health Officials by memorandum dated February 8, 2011 advises that Schenectady County has been selected to participate in a two day training seminar; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,201 1 recommends the acceptance of grant monies from the National Association of County and City Health Officials, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and Page 2

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for .the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the National Association of County and City Health Officials regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 20 11 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

A4009.415215 - Public Health Administration - Diabetes Today Initiative $4,000.

Establish Revenue Code:

A2705.18 -- NACCHO - Diabetes Today Initiative Page 3

4/4/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Health (HI) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 4/12/20] 1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 56-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITlVESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen%ctad~p/ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 57-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services by memorandum dated March 10,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a grant of $8 1,296.29 through the Capital Region Workforce Investment Board from the United States Department of Labor for a disability resource coordinator; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health further advises that the grant monies will be provided to Rehabilitation Initiatives LCC to be used to employ a disability resource coordinator who will assist the business community and job seekers with disabilities; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Capital Region Workforce Investment Board by letter dated February 18,201 1 advises that the Board has been awarded a 3-year disability employment initiative award to be used to employ disability resource coordinators in each of the respective counties; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,2011 recommends the acceptance of grant monies from the U.S. Department of Labor, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and R57- 11 Page 2

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the Capital Region Workforce Investment Board and/or the United States Department of Labor regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with Rehabilitation Initiatives LLC for the services of a disability resource coordinator; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 20 1 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A6250.429 - Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - Disability Employment Initiative $ 81,297.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A4750 - Federal Aid - Workforce Investment Act R57-11 Page 3

Reported jiom Committee on Hzirnan Services and Aging (HSA4) Reportedjiorn Committee on Ways and Means 1: Adopted by the Cozinty Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 57-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene%ady dunty Legislature RESOLUTION 58 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services recommends by memorandum dated March 16,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the Schenectady City School District regarding the summer youth employment program; and

WHEREAS, -the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services advises that the County would administer and deliver a summer youth employment program for approximately 460 Schenectady City School District youth; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,201 1 recommends that an agreement be entered into with the Schenectady City School District for the delivery of a summer youth employment program; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the Schenectady City School District consistent with the provisions of this Resolution; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and. it hereby is amended as follows: Page 2

Establish Approprialion Codes:

A6227.111 S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Employment Program -Salaries -Staff $ A6227.112 S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Employment Program -Wages - Participants A6227.403 S.C.S.D. SmnerYouth Elnployment Program -Utilities A6227.409 S.C.S.D. Su~xnerYouth Employment Program -Postage A6227.4 14 S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Employment Progran) -Mileage Reimbursement A6227.432 S.C.S.D. Sumrner Youth Elnploynent Program -Participant Expenses A6227.498 S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Elnployment Program -Subcontmctor Expenses A6227.800 S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Emplo~mel~tProgram -Fringe Benefits -Staff A6227.SOl S.C.S.D. Summer Youth Elnployment Propram -Fringe Benefits - Participants

Establish Revenue Code:

A2309 Schenectady City School District -Summer Youth Employment Program $4235-662 R.58- 11 Page 3

4/4/2 01 1: Reported from Committee on Human Services and Aging (HSAS) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 4/12/2 01 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 58-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of April, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 59-11

Sponsored by Legislator Dagostino:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney by memorandum dated March 7,20 1 1 recommends the funding of a part-time legal secretary position for one year; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney advises that the current legal secretary is retiring, and that her position cannot be filled until December 19,201 1 ; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney further advises that the current legal secretary is willing to work part-time, commencing May 2, 20 11, until her replacement can be hired and trained; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney further recommends that monies from the federal forfeiture account be transferred to the payroll account to fund the part-time legal secretary; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,2011 recommends the creation of a part-time legal secretary position, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; now, therefore, be it Page 2

RESOLVED, that the following position within the Office of the Schenectady County District Attorney be and it hereby is created as follows:


Legal Secretary - part-time

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A 1165.1 11 - District Attorney - Personnel Services $ 13,088.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A2625.02 - Forfeiture Criminal Proceeds - Federal $ 13,088. R59- 11 Page 3

4/4/20] 1: Reported.from Committee on Labor and Civil Service (LCS2) Reported.from Comnzittee on Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the Cotrnty Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 59-11

STATEOFNEWYORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

sche&ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 60 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney by memorandum dated March 31.20 11 recommends that real property located at the intersection of Providence Avenue and Hillside Avenue in the Town of Niskayuna 1805 Providence Avenue) be purchased by Schenectady County from 1805 Providence Avenue, LLC; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney further advises that the aforesaid property will be used for right-of-way for future roadway intersection improvements; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney further advises that certain exceptions to marketable title are being cleared, and he recommends that the property be purchased once clear and marketable title is established; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering by memorandum dated March 3, 201 1 advises that the property is appraised at $8,800 (0.1 acre); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering recommends that the property be purchased along with a temporary and permanent easement, and that the County Manager be authorized to enter into the purchase agreement; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney recommends that the County Manager be authorized to execute a proposed agreement to purchase real property; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,2011 recommends approval of the purchase of the aforesaid real property; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement to purchase real property, including a permanent and temporary easement, regarding the real property located at the intersection of Providence Avenue and Hillside Avenue, Town of Niskayuna (T/B/L 3 1.O- 1-80.1), for the price of $8,800.00, and to execute any and all documents necessary for the acceptance of the aforesaid real property and easements by the County. Page 3

4/4/20]I: Reported from Committee on Transportation (TI) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 60-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eoffre-j$f ,Clerk, ~chenectad~~Count~Legislature RESOLUTION 61 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law provides that this County Legislature shall consider applications for correction of tax rolls when there are clerical errors, unlawful entries, or certain errors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature can either accept or reject the aforesaid applications; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency has reviewed the hereinafter indicated applications and has recommended by memorandum dated March 18,201 1 acceptance of same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law, the applications are approved and the Glenville, Niskayuna and Rotterdam tax rolls are corrected, to wit:


Glenville A. Chaturvedi Clerical $ 1,010.58 $ 74.57 15.7-3-31.2

Amount to Cancel $936.01 Page 2

Niskayuna Alternative Living Group, Inc. Clerical 31.17-1-26

Amount to Cancel

Rotterdam Town of Rotterdam Unlawful 58.20-2-2.3

Amount to Cancel

Rotterdam Town of Rotterdam Unlawful 58.20-2-80

Amount to Cancel

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance and the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency be and they are hereby authorized to take appropriate action as authorized by law to implement the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

4/4/2 011 : Reported from Committee on Ways and Means (WM7) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 61-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 62-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the President of the Schenectady County Conlnlunity College (SCCC) by memorandum dated April 1,201 1 advises that the Board of Trustees of SCCC adopted resolution 1 1-33, which approves a request to transfer monies from one capital facility project to another capital project at the college; and

WHEREAS, the President of the SCCC further advises that a facilities assessment of critical infrastructure identified a need to update core central mechanical systems at Begley Hall and to install an energy management system at the Computer, Science and Technology (CST) Building; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 1,201 1 recommends the shifting of capital funds from the Elston Hall project to the Begley Hall and CST Building improvement projects, and that corresponding capital budget amendments be approved; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Capital Budget

Establish Appropriation Code: Page 2

H240 1-201 1 /22 --- SCCC -- Begley Hall lnfrastructure Improvements $ 700,000. H2401-2011/23 - SCCC - CST Building Energy Management System $ 125,000.

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

H240 1-2010/ 18 - SCCC - Building Improvements for Elston Hall $825,000. Page 3

4/4/2011: Reported from Committee on Ways and Means (WM8) 4/12/2011: Adopted bj~the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'" day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chengctad~county Legislature RESOLUTION - 63 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields


BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK (by the favorable vote of not less than two-thirds of all the members of said Legislature), AS FOLLOWS:

Section 1. The County is hereby authorized to prepare a multi-year master plan for the College. The estimated maximum cost of said class of object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $100,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $50,000 serial bonds of the County to partially finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. It is expected that $50,000 to be received from the State of New York will be applied towards the cost of said object or purpose to finance the balance of the $100,000 appropriated therefor not provided by the issuance of said $50,000 serial bonds herein authorized therefor.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific object or purpose herein authorized and for which $50,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11.00 a.62 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 2. The County is hereby authorized to undertake repairs to bridge deck structure on Scotch Ridge Road and stream stabilization on Ennis Road. The estimated maximum cost of said specific objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $400,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $400,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said

0 18018/00000 Business 8215530~I R63- 1 1 Page - 2 - appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of said specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $400,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11 .OO a. 10 of the Law, is twenty (20) years.

Section 3. The County is hereby authorized to construct, reconstruct, pave and resurface various County highways (pavement of sand and gravel, water bound macadam or penetration process with single surface treatment). The estimated maximum cost of said class of objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $3,800,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $2,430,708 serial bonds of the County to partially finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. It is expected that $1,369,292 to be received from the State of New York will be applied towards the cost of said object or purpose to finance the balance of the $3,800,000 appropriated therefor not provided by the issuance of said $2,430,708 serial bonds herein authorized therefor.

The period of probable usefulness of the class of objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $2,430,708 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11 .OO a.20(a) of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 4. The County is hereby authorized to undertake the replacement of the County office building chiller. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $160,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $160,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose herein authorized and for which $160,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11 .OO a. 13 of the Law, is ten (10) years.

Section 5. The County is hereby authorized to undertake the replacement of the County Jail fire alarm system. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $195,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $195,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

0180 18100000 Business 82 ISS30vI R63- 11 Page - 3 - The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose herein authorized and for which $195,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00 a.56 of the Law, is ten (10) years.

Section 6. The County is hereby authorized to undertake safety and other improvements to various County facilities. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $150,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific object or purpose herein authorized and for which $150,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11 .OO a.35 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 7. The County is hereby authorized to undertake the renovation and modification to various ice making and related components at the County Ice Rink. The estimated maximum cost of said specific objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $60,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $60,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $60,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11.00 a.32 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 8. The County is hereby authorized to undertake the replacement of a used portable screener for the County's Compost Facility. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $130,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $115,000 serial bonds of the County to partially finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. It is expected that $15,000 to be received from other sources will be applied towards the cost of said object or purpose to finance the balance of the $130,000 appropriated therefor not provided by the issuance of said $1 15,000 serial bonds herein authorized therefor.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific object or purpose herein authorized and for which $1 15,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11.OO a.32 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 9. The County is hereby authorized to purchase one (1) tandem axle dump truck with snow and ice equipment and one (1) six-man crew-cab dump truck for the Engineering and

-3- 0 1801 8100000 Business 82 15530~1 R63-11 Page - 4 - Public Works Department. The estimated maximum cost of said specific objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $273,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $273,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $273,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11 .OO a.28 of the Law, is fifteen (15) years.

Section 10. The County is hereby authorized to refurbish various equipment for the Engineering and Public Works Department. The estimated maximum cost of said specific objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $80,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $80,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $80,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11.OO a.35 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 11.The County is hereby authorized to make various upgrades to the County's information system, including hardware and software upgrades. The estimated maximum cost of said class of objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $362,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $362,000 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable.

The period of probable usefulness of the class of objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $362,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 11.00 a.32 of the Law, is five (5) years.

Section 12. The County is hereby authorized to undertake various renovations to the 201 State Street property for Schenectady County Community College (the "College"). The estimated maximum cost of said specific objects or purposes, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $550,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of the County to partially finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become d;le and payable. It is expected that $350,000 to be received from the State of New York and $50,000 to be received from other sources will be applied towards the cost of said

01801 8100000 Business 82 15530~1 R63-11 Page - 5 - object or purpose to finance the balance of the $550,000 appropriated therefor not provided by the issuance of said $150,000 serial bonds herein authorized therefor.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $150,000 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued within the limitations of Section 1 1.OO a. 12(a)(l) of the Law, is twenty-five (25) years.

Section 13. The County is hereby authorized to make certain infrastructure improvements to Begley Hall and the installation of an energy management system in the Computer, Science and Technology Building. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose herein authorized, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $825,000, and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $412,500 serial bonds of the County to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the County to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. It is expected that $412,500 will be received from the State of New York and will be applied towards the cost of said class of objects or purposes to finance the balance of the $825,000 appropriated therefor not provided by the issuance of said $412,500 serial bonds herein authorized therefor.

The period of probable usefulness of the specific objects or purposes herein authorized and for which $412,500 of said serial bonds are herein authorized to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.OO a. 13 of the Law, is ten (10) years.

Section 14. Serial bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $4,838,208 to finance the balance of the appropriations not provided by funds expected to be received from the State of New York or the other sources identified herein are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Law.

Section 15. The following additional matters are hereby determined and stated:

(a) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by Sections 1, 3, 6 through 8, 10 and 11 of this resolution will not exceed five (5) years. Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided as a down payment prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized by said Sections or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof in accordance with Section 107.00.d.5 of the Law.

(b) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by Sections 2,4, 5, 9, 12 and 13 of this resolution will exceed five (5) years. Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided as a down payment prior to the issuance of the serial bonds authorized by said Sections or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof because the County intends to comply with the provisions of Section 107.00 of the Law with respect thereto.

Section 16. Each of the serial bonds authorized by this resolution and any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds shall contain the recital of validity prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said serial bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds shall be

-5- 0 180 18/00000 Business 821 5530vl R63-11 Page - 6 - general obligations of the County, payable as to both principal and interest by general tax upon all the taxable real property within the County without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocable pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and provision shall be made annually in the budget of the County by appropriation for (a) the amortization and redemption of the bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof to mature in such year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year.

Section 17. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and of the Law, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes or the renewals of said notes and of Section 21.00, Section 50.00, Sections 56.00 to 60.00, Section 62.00 and Section 63.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the County Legislature pertaining or incidental to the sale and issuance of the obligations herein authorized, including but not limited to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance, the chief fiscal officer of the County.

Section 18. The Commissioner of Finance is further authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to ensure the continued status of the interest on the bonds authorized by this resolution, and any notes issued in anticipation thereof, as excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and to designate the bonds authorized by this resolution and any notes issued in anticipation thereof, if applicable, as "qualified tax-exempt bonds" in accordance with Section 265(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Code.

Section 19. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution, and of any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, may be contested only if:

(a) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the County is not authorized to expend money, or

(b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or

(c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution.

Section 20. The County may initially use funds from the General Fund or such other funds that may be available to pay the cost of the specific objects or purposes authorized by Sections 1 through 13 of this resolution, pursuant to Section 165.10 of the Law. The County then reasonably expects to reimburse such expenditure with the proceeds of the bonds or bond anticipation notes authorized by Section 14 of this resolution. This resolution shall constitute the declaration of the County's "official intent" to reimburse the expenditures authorized by Sections 1 through 13 hereof with the proceeds of the bonds and notes authorized herein, as required by United States Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2. R63- 1 1 Page - 7 - Section 2 1. The Commissioner of Finance is further authorized to enter into a continuing disclosure agreement with the initial purchaser of the bonds or notes authorized by this resolution, containing provisions which are satisfactory to such purchaser in compliance with the provisions of Rule 15c2- 12 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Section 22. This bond resolution shall take effect immediately and the Clerk of the County Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to publish the foregoing resolution, in full (or a summary thereof), together with a notice attached in substantially the form as prescribed in Section 8 1.OO of the Law, in "THE DAILY GAZETTE", a newspaper published in the City of Schenectady, New York, having a general circulation in the County and hereby designated as the official newspaper of said County for such publication.

01 801 8/00000 Business 82 15530vl R63-11 Page - 8 -


I, the undersigned Clerk of the County Legislature of the County of Schenectady, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the County Legislature of the County duly called and held on April 12, 201 1, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said County Legislature and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County of Schenectady this 13 day of April, 20 11.

Clerk of the County Legislature

01 8018100000 Business 821 5530vl R63- 11 Page - 9 - 4/4/2 01 1 : Reported from Committee on Ways and Means (WM9) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 1 (Farley) Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 63-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady county Legislature

018018100000 Business 821 5530~1 RESOLUTION - 64-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields


WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady, New York (the "County") heretofore issued its (A) $3,282,000 original aggregate principal amount Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2000, Series B, (B) $8,254,000 original aggregate principal amount Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2001, and (C) $7,429,598 original aggregate principal amount Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2002, (collectively, the "Prior Bonds") to finance various capital improvements, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof;

WHEREAS, the Prior Bonds mature in the amounts and on the dates set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part thereof;

WHEREAS, the County desires to refund all or a portion of the Prior Bonds by issuing certain refunding bonds and selling such bonds pursuant to a private sale pursuant to the Local Finance Law to an underwriter to be selected by the County (the "Underwriter");

WHEREAS, it would be in the public interest to refund all or a portion of the Prior Bonds by the issuance of refunding bonds pursuant to Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law; and

WHEREAS, such refunding will result in present value savings in debt service as required by Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law;

BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Legislature of the County as follows:

SECTION 1. For the object or purpose of refunding all or a portion of the outstanding principal balance of the Prior Bonds, including providing moneys which, together with the interest earned from the investment of certain of the proceeds of the refunding bonds herein authorized, shall be sufficient to pay (A) the principal amount of the Prior Bonds, (B) the aggregate amount of unmatured interest payable on the Prior Bonds to and including the date on which the Prior Bonds mature or are redeemed in accordance with the refunding financial plan, as hereinafter defined, (C) redemption premiums, if any, payable on the Prior Bonds as of such redemption date or dates, (D) the costs and expenses incidental to the issuance of the refunding

01801R!00000 Business 82 13065~1 R64-11 Page 2 bonds herein authorized, including, but not limited to, the development of the refunding financial plan, as hereinafter defined, the fees and costs of the financial advisor of the County (the "Financial Advisor"), the fees and costs of the bond counsel of the County (the "Bond Counsel"), the costs and expenses of executing and performing the terms and conditions of the escrow contract, as hereinafter defined, and fees and charges of the escrow holder, as hereinafter described, and (E) the premium or premiums, if any, for the policy or policies of municipal bond insurance or other form of credit enhancement facility or facilities for the refunding bonds herein authorized, or any portion thereof, there are hereby authorized to be issued the General Obligation Refunding Serial Bonds, Series 201 1 of the County in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $6,850,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law (the "Refunding Bonds"), it being anticipated that the principal amount of Refunding Bonds actually to be issued will be approximately $6,215,000 as described in Section 5 hereof. The Refunding Bonds shall be dated such date as shall hereafter be determined by the Commissioner of Finance pursuant to Section 5 hereof, shall be of the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof (together with one odd denomination, depending on the final sizing of the Refunding Bonds) not exceeding the principal amount of each respective maturity and shall mature annually and shall bear interest semi-annually thereafter on such dates as shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance pursuant to Section 5 hereof, at the rate or rates of interest per annum as may be necessary to sell the same, all as shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance.

SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Finance is hereby delegated all powers of this County Legislature with respect to agreements for credit enhancement, derived from and pursuant to Section 168.00 of the Local Finance Law, for said Refunding Bonds, including, but not limited to the determination of the provider of such credit enhancement facility or facilities and the terms and contents of any agreement or agreements related thereto.

SECTION 3. The Refunding Bonds shall be executed in the name of the County by the manual or facsimile signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon and attested by the County Clerk. The Refunding Bonds shall contain the recital required by Section 90.10(j)(4) of the Local Finance Law and the recital of validity clause provided for in Section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals, as the Commissioner of Finance shall determine.

SECTION 4. It is hereby determined that:

(A) The maximum amount of the Refunding Bonds authorized to be issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed the limitation imposed by Section 90.10(b)(l) of the Local Finance Law;

(B) The maximum period of probable usefulness permitted by law at the time of the issuance of the Prior Bonds for each of the objects or purposes for which the Prior Bonds were issued is as shown upon Exhibit A;

(C) The last installment of the Refunding Bonds will mature not later than the expiration of the maximum period of probable usefulness of each of the objects or purposes for which the Prior Bonds were issued, or in the alternative, the weighted

-L- 018018100000 Business 8213065v l R64- 11 Page 3 average remaining period of probable usefulness of the objects or purposes (or classes of objects or purposes) financed with each series of the Prior Bonds or the weighted average remaining period of probable usefulness of all objects or purposes (or classes of objects or purposes) financed with all the Prior Bonds, in accordance with the provisions of Section 90.10(c)(l) of the Local Finance Law; and

(D) The estimated present value of the total debt service savings anticipated as a result of the issuance of the Refunding Bonds, computed in accordance with the provisions of Section 90.10(b)(2)(c) of the Local Finance Law, is as shown in the Refunding Financial Plan described in Section 5 hereof.

SECTION 5. A preliminary financial plan for the refunding authorized by this resolution (the "Preliminary Refunding Financial Plan"), showing the sources and amounts of all moneys required to accomplish such refunding, the estimated present value of the total debt service savings and the basis for the computation of the aforesaid estimated present value of total debt service savings, are set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. The Preliminary Refunding Financial Plan has been prepared based upon the assumption that the Refunding Bonds will be issued in the aggregate principal amount of $6,215,000 and that the Refunding Bonds will mature, be of such terms, and bear interest as set forth in Exhibit C. This County Legislature recognizes that the amount of the Refunding Bonds, and the maturities, terms, and interest rate and rates borne by the Refunding Bonds to be issued by the County will most probably be different from such assumptions and that the Refunding Financial Plan will also most probably be different from that attached hereto as Exhibit C. The Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to determine the amount of the Prior Bonds to be refunded, the redemption of the Prior Bonds, including the date and amount of such redemption or redemptions and authorizing and directing the Escrow Holder described in Section 6 to cause notice of such redemption, the amount of the Refunding Bonds to be issued, the date of such bonds and the date of issue, maturities and terms thereof, the provisions relating to any redemption of the Refunding Bonds prior to maturity, whether the Refunding Bonds will be insured by a policy or policies of municipal bond insurance or otherwise enhanced by a credit enhancement facility or facilities, the terms of the private sale of the Refunding Bonds, including the form, terms and conditions of the Notice of Sale providing for the sale of the Refunding Bonds, the amount of the annual installments of the Refunding Bonds to be paid pursuant to Section 90.10(~)(3)of the Local Finance Law, whether the Refunding Bonds shall be sold at a discount in the manner authorized by Section 57.00(e) of the Local Finance Law, and the rate or rates of interest to be borne thereby, to prepare, or cause to be prepared, a final refunding financial plan (the "Refunding Financial Plan") for the Refunding Bonds, whether the Refbnding Bonds are to sold in conjunction with or consolidated with the issuance of certain other refunding bonds to be issued by the County to refund any other general obligation serial bonds issued by the County (including, but not limited to, the structuring of the annual installments of the consolidated issue) and all powers in connection therewith are hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance; provided, that the terms of the Refunding Bonds to be issued, including the rate or rates of interest borne thereby, shall comply with the requirements of Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law. The Commissioner of Finance shall file a copy of his certificate determining the details of the Refunding Bonds and the final Refunding Financial Plan with the County Clerk not later than ten (10) days after the delivery of the Refunding Bonds, as herein provided. -3- 018018100000 Business Y213065vl R64-11 Page 4

SECTION 6. The Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an escrow contract (the "Escrow Contract") with a bank or trust company located and authorized to do business in this State as she shall designate (the "Escrow Holder") for the purpose of having the Escrow Holder act, in connection with the Prior Bonds, as the escrow holder to perform the services described in Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law.

SECTION 7. The faith and credit of said County are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Refunding Bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said County a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable.

SECTION 8. All of the proceeds from the sale of the Refunding Bonds, including the premium, if any, but excluding accrued interest thereon, shall immediately upon receipt thereof be placed in escrow with the Escrow Holder for the Prior Bonds. Accrued interest, if any, on the Refunding Bonds shall be paid to the County to be expended to pay interest on the Refunding Bonds on the next bond payment date of such Refunding Bonds. Such proceeds as are deposited in the escrow deposit fund to be created and established pursuant to the Escrow Contract, whether in the form of cash or investments, or both, inclusive of any interest earned from the investment thereof, shall be irrevocably committed and pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Prior Bonds in accordance with Section 90.10 of the Local Finance Law, and the holders, from time to time, of the Prior Bonds shall have a lien upon such moneys held by the Escrow Holder. Such pledge and lien shall become valid and binding upon the issuance of the Refunding Bonds and the moneys and investments held by the Escrow Holder for the Prior Bonds in the escrow deposit fund shall immediately be subject thereto without any further act. Such pledge and lien shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the County irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.

SECTION 9. The Commissioner of Finance is further authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to ensure the continued status of the interest on the Refunding Bonds as excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes pursuant to Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and, if applicable, to designate the Refunding Bonds authorized by this resolution as "qualified tax- exempt bonds" in accordance with Section 265 of the Code.

SECTION 10. The Commissioner of Finance is further authorized to enter into a continuing disclosure agreement with the initial purchaser of the bonds authorized by this resolution, if required, containing provisions which are satisfactory to such purchaser in compliance with the provisions of Rule 15c2-12, promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission pcrsuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

SECTION 11. The County hereby determines that the issuance of the Refunding Bonds is a Type I1 action that will not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, no

-4- 0180 18/00000 Business 82 13065v 1 R64- 11 Page 5 other determination or procedures under the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQR) is required.

SECTION 12. In accordance with the provisions of Section 53.00 and Section 90.10(h) of the Local Finance Law, subject to the determination by the Commissioner of Finance regarding the redemption of the Prior Bonds described in Section 5 above, the County hereby elects to redeem the Prior Bonds with the proceeds of the Refunding Bonds prior to their stated maturity dates on the date or dates provided in the Refunding Financial Plan. The sum to be paid therefor on such redemption date or dates shall be the par value thereof plus the redemption premium, if any, and the accrued interest to such redemption date or dates. The Escrow Holder is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of such call for redemption to be given in the name of the County in the manner and within the times provided in the Refunding Financial Plan. Upon the issuance of the Refunding Bonds, the election to call in and redeem the callable Prior Bonds and the direction to cause notice thereof to be given as provided in this section shall become irrevocable, provided that this section may be amended from time to time as may be necessary in order to comply with the publication requirements of Section 53.00(a) of the Local Finance Law, or any successor law thereto.

SECTION 13. Subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 90.10(f)(2) of the Local Finance Law, the Refunding Bonds shall be sold at private sale to the Underwriter and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to negotiate for such private sale. Subject to the approval of the terms and conditions of such sale by the State Comptroller as required by Section 90.10(0(2) of the Local Finance Law, the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to execute and deliver a bond purchase agreement with the Underwriter for the Refunding Bonds in the name and on behalf of the County providing the terms and conditions for the sale and delivery of the Refunding Bonds to the Underwriter. After the Refunding Bonds have been duly executed, they shall be delivered by the Underwriter in accordance with said bond purchase agreement upon the receipt by the County of said purchase price, including interest.

SECTION 14. The Commissioner of Finance and the County Clerk and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the County to execute and deliver all certificates and other documents, perform all acts and do all things required or contemplated to be executed, performed or done by this resolution or any document or agreement approved hereby, including, but not limited to, the bond purchase agreement.

SECTION 15. All other matters pertaining to the terms and issuance of the Refunding Bonds shall be determined by the Commissioner of Finance and all powers in connection therewith are hereby delegated to the Commissioner of Finance.

SECTION 16. The validity of the Refunding Bonds may be contested only if:

(1) (a) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said County is not authorized to expend money, or

(b) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, -5- Ol80l8/00000 Business 82 13065~1 R64- 1 1 Page 6 and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication; or

(2) Said obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.

SECTION 17. The Clerk of the County Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to publish the foregoing resolution, in full (or a summary thereof), together with a notice attached in substantially the form as prescribed in Section 81.00 of the Law, in "THE DAILY GAZETTE", a newspaper published in the City of Schenectady, New York, having a general circulation in the County and hereby designated as the official newspaper of said County for such publication.

SECTION 18. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

0 18018/00000 Business 8213065~1 Page 7 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE

I, the undersigned Clerk of the County Legislature of the County of Schenectady, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the County Legislature of the County duly called and held on April 12, 201 1, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said County Legislature and is a true, complete and correct copy thereof and of the whole of said original minutes so far as the same relate to the subject matters referred to in said extract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said County of Schenectady this 13th day of April, 201 1.

Clerk of the County Legislature

01801 8100000 Business 82 13065~1 Page I EXHIBIT A


Purpose Original Period of (projects with bond maturities still outstanding) Amount Probable Usefulness $3,282,000 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2000, Series B

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of Various Parcels of Real Property 2) County Recreational Bldg

$8,254,000 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2001

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of 622 Smith Street 2) Community Policing System 3) Reconstruction Aqueduct!Maxon Road 4) Road Equipment Washing Facility 5) Materials Processing Facility 6) Vehicle Maintenance Facility 7) Equipment for Engineering & Public Works 8) Improvements - County Airport 9) Acquire and Renovate Various Parcels of Land 10) Renovate Central Library 11) Renovate Various Buildings at SCCC 12) SCCC - Instructional Facilities 13) Construct!Reconstruct Glendale!Maple Ave Sewer Sys

0 180 18100000 Business 82 13065~l Page 2 Purpose Original Period of (projects with bond maturities still outstanding) Amount Probable Usefulness $7,429,598 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2002

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of 622 Smith Street 2) Roof Replacement 267 State Street 3) Vehicle Maintenance Facility 4) Acquisition of Highway Equipment 5) County Internet Map 6) Rollerblade/Skateboard Parks 7) Renovate Central Library 8) ShopIStorage Barn 9) Renovate Various Buildings - SCCC 10) Property Tax Settlement General Electric

01801 8100000 Business 82 1306% 1 Page 1 EXHIBIT B




Year Amount



Year Amount

01 801 8:00000 Business 8213065~1 Page 2 $3,875,000 COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK VARIOUS PURPOSES SERIAL BONDS - 2002


Year Amount

01801 8!00000 Business 8213065~1 Page I EXHIBIT C



018018/00000 Business 8213065v l Page 2 ESTOPPEL NOTICE

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the resolution published herewith has been adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Schenectady, on the 12'" day of April, 20 11 and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if:

(1) (a) such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the County is not authorized to expend money or

(b) if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication of this notice; or

(2) such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution of New York.

Dated: April 13,201 1 s/ Schenectady County Clerk


The following is a summary of a resolution adopted by the County Legislature of the County of Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York (the "County") on April 12,201 1. Said resolution authorizes the issuance of refunding serial bonds (the "Refunding Bonds") and sale of the Refunding Bonds in an amount not to exceed $6,850,000. The proceeds from the sale of the Refunding Bonds shall be used for the specific purpose of refunding certain serial bonds of the County issued in 2000, 2001 and 2002 (collectively, the "Prior Bonds"). The Refunding Bonds are being issued in accordance with the terms of a refunding financial plan (the "Refunding Financial Plan") prepared for the County.

Information regarding the Prior Bonds is described as follows: Page 3

Purpose Original Period of (projects with bond maturities still outstanding) Amount Probable Usefulness $3,282,000 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2000, Series B

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of Various Parcels of Real Property 2) County Recreational Bldg

$8,254,000 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2001

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of 622 Smith Street 2) Community Policing System 3) Reconstruction AqueducttMaxon Road 4) Road Equipment Washing Facility 5) Materials Processing Facility 6) Vehicle Maintenance Facility 7) Equipment for Engineering & Public Works 8) Improvements - County Airport 9) Acquire and Renovate Various Parcels of Land 10) Renovate Central Library 11) Renovate Various Buildings at SCCC 12) SCCC - Instructional Facilities 13) Construct/Reconstruct GlendaleIMaple Ave Sewer Sys $7,429,598 Various Purposes Serial Bonds - 2002

Construction of various improvements as follows:

1) Acquisition of 622 Smith Street 2) Roof Replacement 267 State Street 3) Vehicle Maintenance Facility 4) Acquisition of Highway Equipment 5) County Internet Map 6) RollerbladeISkateboard Parks 7) Renovate Central Library 8) ShoptStorage Barn 9) Renovate Various Buildings - SCCC 10) Property Tax Settlement General Electric

01 801 Xi00000 Business 821306.5~1 R64-11 Page 1 Copies of the resolution summarized herein and the Refunding Financial Plan are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of the County Clerk, County of Schenectady, Schenectady, New York.

01 80 18100000 Business 821 3065vl R64- 11 Page 2 4/4/2011: Reportedfiom Committee on Wa-vsand Means (WMIO) 4/12/2011: Adopted by tlze County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 64-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~c6unty Legislature

0 180 i 8100000 Business 82 I 3065~1 RESOLUTION 65-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

Robert Wall Nominated by the Supervisors of the Towns of Princetown and Duanesburg and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 31,2014. Page 2

4/12/20] 1: Reported frotn Cotntnittee on Rules (R33) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the Coun~1,Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrnlaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 65-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Ele\len. RESOLUTION 66-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator DiCerbo:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

Edward L. Capovani Nominated by the Supervisor of the Town of Glenville and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 31,2014. Page 2

4/12/20 11 : Reported from Committee on Rules (R34) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 66-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 131hday of April. Two Thousand Eleven.

schene&dy co

Sponsored by Legislator DiCerbo:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

William R. Chapman Nominated by the Supervisor of the Town of Niskayuna and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 3 1,2014. R67- 11 Page 2

4/12/20]1: Reported fronz Colwnittee on Rules (R35) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 67-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13Ihday of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene5ady cob;;tY Legislature RESOLUTION 68-11

Sponsored by Legislator DiCerbo:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

Sharon Jordan Nominated by .the Mayor of .the City of Schenectady and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, -therefore,be it

RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 31, 20 14. R68-11 Page 2

3/12/2011: Reported fi-om Committee on Rules (R36) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 68-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS nly hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13Ihday of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chem&ad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 69-11

Spoizsored by Legislator DiCerbo:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of .the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

John Mallozzi Nominated by the Supervisor of the Town of Rotterdam and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that .the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 31,2014. 4/12/2011: Reported fronz Conlnlittee on Rules (R37) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 69-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 131h day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenecddyCounty Legislature RESOLUTION 70 -11

Sportsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, paragraph 3 1 of subdivision (i) of section 12 10 of the Tax Law of the State of New York authorizes the County of Schenectady to adopt a local law, ordinance or resolution imposing an additional sales and compensating use tax of one-half of one percent for the period beginning June 1,2003 and ending November 30,20 11 ; and

WHEREAS, Senate Bill number 3770 and Assembly Bill number 5972 wou.ld au-thorizethe County of Schenectady to adopt a local law, ordinance or resolution imposing an additional sales and compensating use tax of one- half of one percent for the period beginning June 1,2003 and ending November 30, 2013; now, -therefore,be it

RESOLVED, that a home rule request is made to the New York State Legislature as follows:


Pursuant to Article IX of the State Constitution, the County of Schenectady requests the enactment of Senate Bill number 3770 and Assembly Bill Page 2 number 5972, entitled "AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to the imposition of sales and compensating use tax in Schenectady County"

It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, and that the facts establishing such necessity are as follows:

The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law.

Such request is made by the chief executive officer of such municipality concurred in by a majority of the total membership of the local legislative body; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that .the Clerk of this Legislature be and he hereby is directed to process a home rule request with the IVew York State Senate and Assembly and to take whatever additional steps are necessary to implement this Resolution. Page 3

4/12/2011: Reported from Comnzittee on Rules (R40) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 10 (Dagostino, DiCerbo, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 70-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13"' day of April, Two Thousand Eleven. ,4a/P ~eoffM.HAClerk, ~ch&ectad~/Count~Legislature RESOLUTION 71-11

Spotzsored by Legislator Dagostino:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney by memorandum dated April 7 ,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County enter into a revocable license agreement with the Rotterdam Little League, Inc. for the use of certain real property (approximately 9.07 acres) owned by Schenectady County, which is located off Burdeck and Thompson Streets in the Town of Rotterdam; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney advises that the agreement would commence on May 1,201 1, and that Rotterdam Little League, Inc. would use the real property to construct at least three little league baseball fields and the necessary appurtenances; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Attorney further advises that the proposed site is sufficient for the construction of three full-size little league baseball fields, and the proposed site is acceptable to the Rotterdam Little League, Inc.; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute a revocable license with the Rotterdam Little League, Inc. regarding the use of real property in the Town of Rotterdam. Page 2

4/12/2011: Reported from Conznzittee on Rules (R41) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: I (Santabarbara)

Resolution 71-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature l County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'" day of April, Two Thousand Eleven. z;/d? ~eoff~.H&, Clerk, ~chenkctad~county Legislature RESOLUTION 72-11

Sporzsored by Legislator Dagostino:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning by memorandum dated April 8,201 1 advises that a capital project involving the construction of three little league baseball fields, accessory structures, a parking lot, and additional roadway access, which project would be located on the southeasterly side of Burdeck Street between Thompson Street and West Campbell Road, is ready to proceed; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that for the construction to begin a determination of non-significance must be provided by this Governing Body; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the construction of three little league baseball fields, accessory structures, a parking lot and additional roadway access to be undertaken on County property located in the vicinity of Burdeck Street between Thompson Street and West Campbell Road, in the Town of Rotterdam will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts; and, be it further Page 2

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Manager, subject to approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, is authorized to execute any documents necessary to prepare and file a negative declaration with the appropriate agencies. Page 3

4/12/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R42) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 72-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen&tadycounty Legislature RESOLUTION 73-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 8,2011 recommends the submittal of a grant application to the Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications of the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services for equ.ipment and training; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager advises that the grant monies would be used to purchase equipment for the proposed unified comn~unicationscenter, assist with debt service, and would aid with the development of standard operating procedures and training; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further advises that the centralization of municipal public safety answering points will provide improved inter-municipal and interdisciplinary communication resulting in better emergency response dispatching and coordination; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Schenectady County be and hereby is authorized to submit a grant application to the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services seeking monies for the aforesaid purposes. 4/12/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R43) 4/12/20] 1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 73-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene;ady c&nty Legislature RESOLUTION 74-11

Sponsored by Legislator Finn:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as Follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 21 1 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law C-2011 to be held before the Legislature of the County of Schenectady in the legislative chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the lothday of May, 201 1 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of enacting an amendment to the charter of the County of Schenectady regarding the size and apportionment of seats of .the County Legislature; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

4N2/2011: Reported from Committee on Codes and Judiciary (CJ2) 4/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 74-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ) County Legislature County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady cdnty Legislature RESOLUTION 75-11

Sponsored by Legislator Finn:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as Follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 21 1 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law D-20 11 to be held before the Legislature of the County of Schenectady in the legislative chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the lothday of May, 201 1 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of enacting an amendment to the administrative code of the County of Schenectady regarding the size and apportionment of seats of the County Legislature; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

4/12/20] 1: Reported from Committee on Codes and Judiciaiy (CJ3) 4N2/20Z I: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Savage) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Petta, Vellano) Abstained: 0 Excused: 1 (Santabarbara)

Resolution 75-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held April 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of April, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen;ctadq/~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 76-11

Sponsored by Legislators DiCerbo, Johrrson, Petta, Fields, Huglzes, McDonald, Gordon, Finn, Dagostirzo, Jasenski, Santabarbara and Vellarzo:


WHEREAS, Susan E. Savage was first elected to the Schenectady County Legislature in November of 1997, representing the Towns of Niskayuna and Glenville of District 3, and served with great distinction until April 17, 201 1 when she accepted an appointment to state government from Governor Andrew Cuomo; and

WHEREAS, Susan Savage was elected Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature by her colleagues on January 1,2004 and served in that position until her resignation on April 17,201 1; and

WHEREAS, among her many accomplishments in conjunction with the Legislature was the establishment of Schenectady County's first Office of Economic Development and Planning, creating a professional and proactive economic development effort and cutting county property taxes in four of the last six years; and

WHEREAS, these efforts led to unprecedented growth in Schenectady County resulting in the creation of over 3,500 new jobs and attracting in excess of $400 million in new investment; and

WHEREAS, Susan's leadership also led to a revitalized downtown with the dramatic expansion of Proctors, and attracting Bow Tie Theaters, Schenectady Light Opera Company, Aperitivo, the Hampton Inn, YMCA, Villa Italia and many others which has resulted in an active and vibrant downtown, visited by thousands every week; and Page 2

WHEREAS, Ms. Savage also spearheaded an increased emphasis on intergovernmental cooperation through shared services, and instituting cost-saving measures in healthcare including the first and most successful Canadian drug program in New York State saving county taxpayers over $3 million annually; and

WHEREAS, Susan's legacy will live on through projects initiated under her leadership and will come to fruition in the near future such as the expansion of the Main Branch of the County Library and the construction of a new County Nursing Home; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature thanks Susan E. Savage for her strong, capable leadership which has resulted in the transformation of Schenectady County government and a dramatically revived economy and wish her well in her new position with the State of New York. Page 3

5/10/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R44) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 76-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1I"' day of May, Two Tkousand Eleven. &g&y/d/Y Geoffre . H ,Clerk, ~chengctad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 77-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, The Interfaith Community of Schenectady (IFC), established on November 17, 1971, is an organization dedicated to encourage membership of diverse religious institutions and organizations to move beyond ecumenical to multi-faith engagement; and

WHEREAS, since its inception, the IFC's goal has been to foster dialogue and create better understanding among groups of different faiths; and

WHEREAS, among the goals of the IFC is fostering greater understanding, opposing bigotry, sharing ideas, concerns and resources, promoting cooperation in social action and networking with others who want to engage in similar action; and

WHEREAS, some of the activities of the IFC include having monthly dinnerldialogue meetings in various locations, publishing a monthly newsletter, sharing the financial support of the chaplaincy at Sunnyview Hospital, and a yearly concert of interfaith music open to the community;

WHEREAS, IFC also supports numerous interfaith community events, including the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. march and celebration, the CROP Walk, the Interfaith Story Circle's Youth Ministry, the Thanksgiving Interfaith celebration, as well as co-sponsoring programs with the United Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York, and the Islamic Center of the Capital district; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature recognizes and applauds the 40 years of interfaith dedication, activism and involvement of the Interfaith Community of Schenectady to the citizens of our region. R 77-1 1 Page 2

5/10/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R45) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 77-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature I County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lth day of May, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 78-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management by letter dated April 18,2011 advises that the County has been awarded grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services for enhancing interoperable communications and infrastructure improvements; and

WHEREAS, the Director of .the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the amount of the grant monies is $17,000.00, and these monies are an increase in the County's Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant funding for fiscal year 20 10; and

WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services by letter dated March 25,201 1 advises that Schenectady County is being awarded an additional $17,000.00 in funding from the UASI program; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 29,201 1 recommends acceptance of the additional UASI grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and Page 2

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of -the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A3640.415402 - Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) - 201 0

Increase Revenue Code by:

A4089.22 - Federal Aid - Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) 20 10 Page 3

5/2/20]I: Reported from Committee on Consunzer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS4) Reported.from Conzmittee on Ways and Means 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 78-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature > County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding c~pywith the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1 lthday of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&aJdy County Legislature RESOLUTION 79-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, .the Assistant to the County Manager by memorandum dated April 28,201 1 recommends the submittal of a grant application to the NYSERDA to administer the Green Jobs Green New York program; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager advises that the Green Jobs Green New York program provides financing for energy audits and loans for residents, small businesses, and not-for-profit organizations; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager further advises that Schenectady County will serve as the "host commuiiity" for the grant program, and will administer the grant on behalf of .the region; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 28,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County submit a grant application to NYSERDA seeking monies from the Green Jobs Green New York program; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that Schenectady County be and hereby is authorized to s-ubmit a grant application to the NYSERDA seeking monies for the aforesaid purposes. R 79-1 1 Page 2

5/2/20]1: Reported from Committee on Environmental Conservation and Parks (E CP4) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 79-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature I County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lth day of May, Two Thousand Eleven. ,4?!-&G7ZY/./O Geoffre . Ha ,Clerk, schene;tady bunty Legislature RESOLUTION 80-1.1

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by .the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager recommends by memorandum dated April 28,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) regarding employment and training services; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager advises that SCCC has been awarded an $1 1.2 million Health Care Opportunity Grant to train workers in health care professions; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further advises that SCCC has requested that the Schenectady County Job Training Agency provided assistance to screen, assess and refer appropriate candidates for the health care program to SCCC; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further advises that SCCC is willing to enter into an agreement to fund up to $74,074.00 for the aforesaid employment counselor services; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager recomnlends that an agreement be entered into with the SCCC for the delivery of enlployment counselor R 80-11 Page 2 services by the Schenectady County Job Training Agency; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the Schenectady County Community College consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

5/2/2011 : Reported froin Committee on Education and Libraries (EL2) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 80-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 11"' day of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen$tady'~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 81-11

Sponsored by Legislator McDonald:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health by memorandum dated April 14, 201 1 advises that the City of Schenectady has requested assistance from Schenectady County to administer a lead hazard reduction demonstration program; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health further advises that the County of Schenectady would provide personnel to manage the lead hazard reduction demonstration program from May 1,201 1 to March 31,2014; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Health further advises that Schenectady County would, at a minimum, provide outreach and training for contractors, act as a referral intake agent for homes at risk, monitor and provide oversight of contractors, prepare bids for certain risk assessment work, monitor progress of remediation work, oversee clearance of rehabilitated units, and approve contractor payments; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated April 28,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the City of Schenectady to administer the lead hazard reduction demonstration grant for the period from May 1, 20 1 1 to March 31,2014; now, therefore, be it R 81-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the City of Schenectady to administer the lead hazard reduction demonstration grant program from May 1,201 1 to March 3 1, 20 14; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 20 1 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

A40 12.415 131 - Public Health - Preventive Services - Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant $ 2,163.

Establish Revenue Code:

A23 10 - City of Schenectady - Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Page 3

5/2/2011: Reported from Committee cn Health (H2) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 5/10/2011: Adopted by the Cozlnty Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 81-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lthday of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eoffrefl~d,Clerk, schene

Sponsored by Legislator McDonald:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows,

RESOLVED, -thatpursuant to section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law No. F-20 11, to be held before the Legislature of the county of Schenectady, in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the 14'~day of June, 20 11 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on .the question of adoption of the proposed Local Law that would authorize the County of Schenectady to enter into a multi-year sign location lease with the Lamar Companies in the City of Schenectady; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

5/2/2011: Reportedjrom Committee on Public Facilities (PFI) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 82-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lt"day of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene"cady county Legislature RESOLUTION 83 -11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Initiative Program Advisory Committee has completed their review of the 201 1 applications for funding local arts organizations and programs; and

WHEREAS, numerous applications were reviewed and considered for funding under the 201 1 County Initiative Program; and

WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee recommends that $36,000.00 in public benefit service agreements be funded based upon artistic merit, feasibility to complete programs, and public benefit; and

WHEREAS, the following organizations have been recommended for funding in the amounts indicated, to wit:


1. 440 State Street Inc. $ 2.000.00 2. A Place for Jazz Ltd. ' $ 500.00 3. American Association of University $ 500.00 Women 1 4. 1 Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. / $ 1,500.00 R 83-11 Page 2

15. Downtown Schenectady $ 1,750.00 I Improvement Corporation 1 6. 1 Einpire State Youth Orchestras, Inc. $ 500.00 1 7. i First United Methodist Church $400.00 8. Freedom Park Foundation $ 3,000.00 9. Hamilton Hill Drop-in Arts and $3,000.00 Crafts Center, Inc. 1 10. Kee~ersof the Circle. Inc. $ 500.00 11. Mabee Farm Historic Site $2,000.00 (Schenectady County Historical Society) 12. Musical Union of Schenectady, Local $ 1,400.00 85- 133 American Federation of Musicians 1 13. Musicians of Ma'alwvck. Inc. I $1,000.00 1 1 14. 1 New York Folklore Society 1 $ 1,000.00 1 15. 1 Octavo Sin~ersof Schenectadv. Inc. I $ 500.00 16. SCCC Foundation, Inc. $ 800.00 17. Schenectady County Chamber of $2,000.00 Commerce, Inc. 18. Schenectady Heritage Area (City of $ 2,000.00 Schenectady) 19. Schenectady Symphony Orchestra $ 2,000.00 Association. Inc. 1 20. 1 Scotia-Glenville Children's Museum 1 $ 3,000.00 1 2 1. 1 Scotia-Glenville Pipe Band, Inc. $ 1,400.00 22. St. Anthony's Church $ 1.500.00 1 23. Sunnyview Hospital and $ 500.00 Rehabilitation Center Foundation, Inc. 24. The Robert and Dorothy Ludwig Schei~ectadyJewish Community Center 25. Town of Niskayuna $ 1,000.00 26. U.S. Water Ski Show Team. Inc. $ 1.000.00 27. Vale Cemetery Association $ 500.00

1 TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT 1 $ 36,000.00 R 83-1 1 Page 3

; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that public benefit service agreements with the organizations and in the amounts hereinabove set forth be and they hereby are authorized; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that payment under each agreement shall be made in a manner, as determined by the Commissioner of Finance to the duly constituted and properly bonded disbursing officer of each organization upon submission of a verified account of disbursements as required by law; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that no County money shall be paid until memorandum receipts and/or public benefit service contracts, as may be required by the County of Schenectady, signed by the principal officer and disbursing officer of each organization agreeing to abide by the terms of this Resolution shall be delivered to the County Commissioner of Finance. Page 4

5/2/2011: Reported.from Comnlittee on Tourism, Arts and Special Events (TASE I) Reported.from Committee on Ways and Means 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Excused: 0

Resolution 83-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1 lthday of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&ady county Legislature RESOLUTION 84-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a joint report of the Recording Officer and the Commissioner of Finance was filed with the Clerk of the Legislature, showing the amount of mortgage tax monies collected during the preceding period ending March 31, 201 1 and credited to each tax district of the county; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature is required to issue the warrant to .the Commissioner of Finance directing payment to be made to the proper officer in each city, village and town of the county of the proportionate share to which each city, village and town is entitled by law, now, .therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the joint report of the Recording Officer and Commissioner of Finance be accepted in accordance with the schedule hereinafter specifically set forth, to wit:

Village of Delanson Town of Duanesburg Village of Scotia Town of Glenville Town of Niskayuna Town of Princetown Town of Rotterdam Page 2

City of Schenectady $ 190,034.01

TOTAL $1,280,134.46

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the foregoing statement shall be to the Commissioner of Finance a sufficient warrant for the payment of said monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of the Legislature to the Commissioner of Finance and to the proper officer of each city, village, and town entitled to payment mentioned herein. Page 3

5/2/2 0 11 : Reported from Committee on Ways and Means (WMI 1) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 84-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 3 County Legislature 3 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the,,d@ City of Schenectadyz/&yJ this 11'" day of May, Two Thousand Eleven. Geoffrey all lerk, ~chenecfad~co'unty Legislature RESOLUTION 85-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law provides that this County Legislature shall consider applications for correction of tax rolls when there are clerical errors, unlawful entries, or certain errors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature can either accept or reject the aforesaid applications; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency has reviewed the hereinafter indicated applications and has recommended by memorandum dated April 15,20 11 acceptance of same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law, the applications are approved and the Glenville, Niskayuna and Rotterdam tax rolls are corrected, to wit:


Glenville NYS Assoc. for the Learning Disabled Clerical $ 1,032.39 23.18-2-1.21 1

A~nourttto Cancel $338.57 Page 2

Niskayuna J&J Camillo Clerical 40.14-3-77

Amount to Refund

Rotterdam NYS Thruway Auth. Unlawful 10.-70-1.I1

Amount to Cancel

Rotterdam NYS Thruway Auth. Unlawful 10.-70- 1./2

Amount to Cancel

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance and the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency be and they are hereby authorized to take appropriate action as authorized by law to implement the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

5/2/2011: Reported from Contmittee on Ways and Means (WM12) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislatul-e

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 85-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 11th day of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenediad~/County Legislature RESOLUTION 86-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. C- 11, entitled:


WHEREAS, in accordance with the law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law No. C-1 1,before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 1othday of May, 20 11;and WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the 12'~day of April, 20 1 1, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid proposed Local Law No. C-1 1 entitled:

A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY REGARDING THE SIZE AND APPORTIONMENT OF SEATS OF THE COCTNTY LEGISLATURE introduced on the 12thday of April, 201 1, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 4-20 11. Page 2

5/10/2011: Reported from Conzmittee on Rules (R46) 5/10/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 86-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lth day of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectady/Count~Legislature RESOLUTION 87-11

Sponsored by the Committee otz Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. D- 11, entitled:


WHEREAS, in accordance with the law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law No. D-1 1, before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 1othday of May, 20 1 1;and WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the 12thday of April, 201 1, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the aforesaid proposed Local Law No. D-1 1 entitled:

A LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY REGARDING THE SIZE AND APPORTIONMENT OF SEATS OF THE COUNTY LEGISLATURE introduced on the 12th day of April, 201 1, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 5-201 1. Page 2

5/10/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R47) 5/10/2011: Adopted the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, DiCerbo, Gatta, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 87-11

STATE OF NEW YORK I County Legislature I County of Schenectady I

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held May 10, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1lthday of May, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 88-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, each year the Schenectady County Department of Long Term Care Services identifies seniors who have made significant contributions to their community; and

WHEREAS, Robert L. Diedrich has been selected by Schenectady County's Department of Long Term Care to be the County's 201 1 Senior Citizen with an Outstanding Contribution; and

WHEREAS, after an aortic heart replacement in 1988, Mr. Diedrich joined the Mended Hearts and volunteers at Ellis Hospital and Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, giving 25-30 visits per month to patients who have had cardiac surgery, and he has been making wooden wheelchair arms for Sunnyview stroke patients that slide over the arms and provide arm rests; and

WHEREAS, since 2002, Robert has been a volunteer at .the Schenectady Rose Garden in Central Park and since 200 1 he has delivered roses from his own 130 bushes to various places within Ellis Hospital; and

WHEREAS, in addition Mr. Diedrich participates with the Lutheran Braille Workers, making bibles for the blind, is a volunteer in the summer lunch program for needy children, and is a trustee at his church; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature acknowledges the honor bestowed upon Robert L. Diedrich for being designated Schenectady County's 201 1 Senior Citizen with an Outstanding Contribution. R 88-1 1 Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules ('49) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 88-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'h day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~che*ecta&~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 89-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson.


WHEREAS, each year the Schenectady County Department of Long Term Care Services identifies seniors who have made significant contributions to their community; and

WHEREAS, John "Jack" Shiely has been selected by Schenectady County's Department of Long Term Care to be the County's 201 1 Senior Citizen of the Year; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Shiely has been long active in a variety of volunteer efforts in our community; and

WHEREAS, for over thirty years Jack has been an involved member of the United Way of the Greater Capital District, serving on the Fund Raising and Allocation of Funds committees; and

WHEREAS, Jack Shiely has been heavily committed to the Rotterdam Elks, Lodge 21 57 as Past Exalted Ruler and was a member of the Board of Directors of the Schenectady Boy Scouts of America; and

WHEREAS, in 2009 Jack became President of the Rotterdam Senior Citizen's Association and worked diligently to increase the level of senior involvement and is the Director of Tours for .the Senior Center; and

WHEREAS, Jack's greatest love is for his family, he has four grandchildren with whom he spends a great deal of time on a daily basis; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature acknowledges the honor bestowed upon Jack Shiely for being designated as Schenectady County's 201 1 Senior of ,the Year. Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R.50) 6/14/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 89-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven. .,//24d zA4// Geoffrey .Hall, erk, ~chenectad~cb;nty Legislature RESOLUTION 90-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


WHEREAS, Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States and is a holiday that is spreading all over our nation; and

WHEREAS, the Juneteenth Celebration honors the history, progress and perseverance of the African-American people and is a time for reassurance, hope and celebration of history and culture, and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton Hill Arts Center will host its 11th Annual Juneteenth Celebration in Vale Cemetery and at Schenectady's Central Park; and

WHEREAS, the Juneteenth celebration will have something for everyone, including a Father's Day Tribute, an Interdenominational Service, concert, parade, carnival, music, performances by local groups, workshops, exhibits, arts and crafts and much more; and

WHEREAS, the Hamilton Hill Arts Center mission is to promote the knowledge, preservation and continued development of African and African-American arts and culture and serves nearly 10,000 people throughout the Capital Region through a wide variety of programs and events, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature recognizes the significance of the Juneteenth celebration and encourages all the citizens of Schenectady to participate in its activities. Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R.51) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 90-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15Ihday of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

y ,<*J d77 , , -3 " , -//' ~e'ffrefl~agClerk, ~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 91-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


WHEREAS, Lyme disease is an infectious disease which is carried by deer ticks; and

WHEREAS, it is the most common tick-borne disease, affecting citizens in every state of the nation; and

WHEREAS, Lyme disease is most easily treated when it is diagnosed early, as dissemination of .the disease can cause serious, permanent, and sometimes life- threatening damage to the brain, joints, liver, spleen, blood vessels, and kidneys; and

WHEREAS, ticks transmitting Lyme disease can be found in woods, parks, beaches, and yards throughout our area; and

WHEREAS, Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose because it imitates other conditions and because there is no reliable test to determine infection; and

WHEREAS, declaring an increased awareness of Lyme disease provides a unique opportunity for the citizens of Schenectady County to work together to raise awareness of the threat and prevention of Lyme disease and other tick transmitted diseases; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature urges all the residents of Schenectady County to recognize Lyme disease as a public health threat and to work together to raise awareness of the importance of early detection and treatment of this disease. R 91-11 Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R.52) 6/14/201 1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 91-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15th day of June, Two Thousand Eleven. - ~eoffrefl& Clerk, schen&tady/County Legislature RESOLUTION 92-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


WHEREAS, June 16,2011 marks the 6thannual National Dump the Pump Day as a day that encourages people to ride public transportation to save money, protect the environment, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and improve the quality of life for all Americans; and

WHEREAS, public transportation is an important part of our nation's transportation system and provides citizens with travel options other than driving a car; and

WHEREAS, people who ride public transportation can save, on average, more than $10,000 per year, based on today's gas prices, the cost of owning a car and .the average unreserved parking rate; and

WHEREAS, for every $1 invested in public transportation, $4 is generated in economic returns; and

WHEREAS, U.S.public transportation use reduces the country's carbon footprint by 37 million metric tons -- the equivalent of 4.9 million households using electricity in a year; and

WHEREAS, U.S.public transportation use saves 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline per year - the equivalent of 900,000 cars filling up every day; and

WHEREAS, public transportation use in 439 urban areas in the United States saved 785 million hours in travel time and 640 million gallons of fuel in 2009 and without public transportation, congestion costs would have risen by nearly $19 billion; therefore be it R 92-1 1 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature declares that by using public transportation people save money; help the environment; reduce dependence on foreign oil; and improve America's quality of life; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature proclaims June 16,201 1 as NATIONAL DUMP THE PUMP DAY and will join with the CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY and transit agencies across the country to participate in .the 6th annual National Dump the Pump Day to encourage transit ridership on June 16,201 1. Page 3

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R53) 6/14/2 01 1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 92-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffrey schendidy6ounty Legislature RESOLUTION 93-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski; Co-Sponsored by Legislators Johnson, Petta, Huff an, Hughes, Fields and McDonald:


WHEREAS, Operation Impact was organized to combat organized gang activity in Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, on May 26,201 1, over 200 local, state and federal law enforcement officers conducted raids which resulted in the arrests of 30 gang members, 5 were already in custody and the remaining members are being sought; and

WHEREAS, local investigation discovered a direct connection with the Four Block Gang and the tragic suicide of four young local women recently; and

WHEREAS, in the words of U.S. Attorney Hartunian, "Gangs such as the Four Block gang victimize our community with drugs and gun violence."; and

WHEREAS, this operation was strongly supported and successfblly implemented on the local level with the involvement of our County Sheriff, Dominic Dagostino and his staff - particularly Sgt. Chris Booth, the Schenectady County Department of Probation and its Director Joseph Mancini, District Attomey Robert Carney with the DA's personnel - particularly Chris Strange, the Schenectady County Department of Community Services and its Director Darin Samaha, and the Schenectady Police Department headed by Chief Mark Chaires; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature expresses its thanks and gratitude to the Operation Impact forces for a very successful operation that is making Schenectady County a safer place in which to live. Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R54) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 93-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15thday of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

//lLg2 T&dk?/ Geoffrey $ ,Clerk, schendady county Legislature RESOLUTION 94-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 requests that the position of Security Officer be abolished and that the position of Special Deputy be created in the Office of the Schenectady County Sheriff; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further states that there will be no budgetary impact resulting from these requested changes; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further states that the creation of additional positions of Special Deputy will permit these persons to make arrests for offenses committed in their presence; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Human Resources by memorandum dated May 19,201 1 states that the Schenectady County Civil Service Commission has created and titled the position of Special Deputy at their meeting of May 17, 201 1; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Human Resources states that the position of Special Deputy would be a grade I1 position, with a rate of $15.9 1 per hour; and R94-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that five positions of Security Officer be eliminated, and that five positions of Special Deputy be created at the Office of the Schenectady County Sheriff; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following positions at the Office of the Schenectady County Sheriff be and they hereby are created as follows:

Position Grade

Special Deputy (five positions) I1 $15.91/hour

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid five positions of Security Officer in the Office of the Schenectady County Sheriff be and they hereby are eliminated. R94-11 Page 3

6/6/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Consumer Afairs and Public safety (CAPSSj 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

- - Resolution 94-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenedad~county Legislature RESOLUTION 95-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management advises by letter dated May 3 1, 201 1 that his Office has reviewed and revised the Comprehensive Emergency Plan for Schenectady County (CEMP); and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the CEMP promotes a proactive approach to emergency management and will serve as a core for specific operational emergency response plans; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the plan has been updated to reflect necessary changes in how incidents would be managed by the County; and

WHEREAS, the CEMP, and a summary of the CEMP changes were filed with the Clerk of this Legislature on June 3, 20 11, and the summary was distributed to the members of the Schenectady County Legislature during the meeting of the Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety that was conducted on June 3,20 1 1; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum date June 2,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County adopt the aforesaid revised Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body approves and adopts the aforesaid Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan that was filed with the Clerk of this Legislature on June 3,201 1. R 95-1 1 Page 3

6/6/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS6) 6/14/20] 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 95-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15th day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffrey Walmerk, ~chenectid~~6unt~ Legislature RESOLUTION 96-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management by letter dated June 1,201 1 advises that the County has been awarded grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to support local first responder activities throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the amount of the 2010 State Homeland Security Program Grant monies is $425,33 1.00; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the monies will be used for purchasing interoperable radios for agencies, grant management, supporting public health community planning, purchasing a specific identification system, purchasing shelter supplies, expanding GIs mapping capabilities, and certain operational expenses and exercises; and

WHEREAS, the Contracts Manager of the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services by letter dated May 23,201 1 advises that Schenectady Page 2

County is being awarded monies from .the fiscal year 20 10 State Homeland Security Program; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends acceptance of the grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of .the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

A3640.4 15461 - Emergency Management Services - State Homeland Security Program -- 20 10 $ 144,500.

Establish Revenue Code:

A3089.57 - State Aid - State Homeland Security Program - 2010 $ 144,500. Page 3

6/6/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS7) Reported from Ways and Means 6/14/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 96-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

J Geoffrey @al-fclerk, ~chenectsd~County Legislature RESOLUTION 97-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management by letter dated June 1, 20 1 1 advises that the County has been awarded grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to support local law enforcement activities throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that .the amount of the 20 10 State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program monies is $164,669.00; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Office of Emergency Management further advises that the monies will be used for purchasing interoperable radios for agencies, grant management, purchasing mobile data terminals, purchasing active shooter training equipment, and certain operational expenses and exercises; and

WHEREAS, the Contracts Manager of the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services by letter dated May 19,2011 advises that Schenectady County is being awarded monies from the fiscal year 2010 State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,20 1 1 recommends acceptance of the grant monies from the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant moiiies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation- - Code:

A3640.4 15462 - Emergency Management Services - State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program -- 20 10

Establish Revenue Code:

A3089.58 - State Aid - State Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program - 20 10 Page 3

6/6/201 1: Reported from Committee on Cotzsumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS8) Reported from Ways and Means 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 97-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1.5'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffrey ~allfilerk, schenec6dy c&ty Legislature RESOLUTION 98-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the Commissioner of Social Services for Youth Development recommends by memorandum dated May 26,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the City of Schenectady regarding a summer enrichment program to be funded at an amount of $23,973.00; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the Commissioner of Social Services for Youth Development advises that the County would administer and deliver a summer social recreational and educational enrichment program at both Hillhurst and Steinmetz parks for certain youth; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the Comnlissioner of Social Services for Youth Development further advises that the program will provide increased activities at the park including sports programs, swimming and swim lessons, arts and crafts, nutrition education, and educational games; and

WHEREAS, the FCP Program Monitor for the Department of Development for the City of Schenectady by letter dated May 26,201 1 advises that the County of Schenectady's request for proposal was approved, and will be funded in an amount of $23,973.00; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that an agreement be entered into with the City of Schenectady for the delivery of a summer enrichment program, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the City of Schenectady consistent with the provisions of this Resolution; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

A73 10.4 15 107 - Youth Services - HillhurstiSteinrnetz Parks Recreation & Education Enrichment CDBG Project $23,973.

Establish Revenue Code:

A2350 -HillhurstiSteinmetz Parks Recreation & Education Enrichment CDBG Project $23,973. Page 3

6/6/20]1: Reportedfrom Committee on Eizvironmental Conservation and Parks (ECPS) Reportedfrom Ways and Means 6/14/20] 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 98-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

1 have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene&&dy c&nty Legislature RESOLUTION 99-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning recommends by memorandum dated May 26, 201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with Boy Scout Troops 51, 105 and 501 regarding trail development on public lands; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning advises that the aforesaid Boy Scout Troops have offered to construct and maintain a hiking trail network on property owned by the Town of Duanesburg, and to build a connector trail to property owned by the County; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that this action by the Boy Scout Troops would double the amount of trail space open to hikers who use the County forest; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney by memorandum dated May 27,201 1 recommends that the County enter into a revocable license agreement with the Boy Scout Troops regarding trail development in the County forest; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that a revocable license agreement be entered into with Boy Scout Troops 5 1, 105 and 501 to construct and maintain trails in the County forest in the Town of Duanesburg; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that .the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with Boy Scout Troops 5 1, 105 and 501 consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

6/6/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Environmental Conservation and Parks (ECP6) 6/14/201 1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

-- Resolution 99-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eoffre~T.. ~all;(Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 100-11

Sponsored by Legislator McDonald; Co-Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Assembly bill number 373 and Senate bill number 663 provides for the creation and administration of land banks by municipalities in New York State; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid legislative bills would attempt to promote economic growth by fostering the development of vacant and abandoned real property within municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid legislative bills would authorize certain governmental units to efficiently acquire, hold, manage and develop tax- foreclosed properties; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that land banks will allow local governments to overcome re-development barriers and various legal restraints regarding the conversion of public liens on private land to create functioning real estate markets; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body calls upon the Governor and the State Legislature to approve Assembly bill number 373 and Senate bill number 663 in relation to providing for the creation and administration of Page 2 land banks, for the conversion of vacant, abandoned or tax-delinquent properties into productive use; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body directs the Clerk of the Legislature to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Governor, the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, Senator Hugh Farley, and Assemblymen James Tedisco and George Amedore. Page 3

6/6/2011: Reported from Committee on Economic Development and Planning (EDPS) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 100-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 3 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15Ih day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

.,"'-L~~,fly- Geoffrey J?.Hall, werk, schenec&dy Legislature RESOLUTION 101-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works recommends by memorandum dated May 17,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the Schenectady County Community College regarding air traffic controller training; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises that County employees would provide air traffic controller training to students at the Schenectady County Airport control tower; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that up to twenty students per semester will experience live air traffic commands, organization and management during a thirty hour ground control laboratory, as well as fifty hours of training in local control; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the County will be paid for its services at a rate of thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents per hour per student of training subject to a total hourly maximum per course; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that a three year agreement be entered into with the Schenectady County Community College for the delivery of air traffic control training at the County airport; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the Schenectady County Community College consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

6/6/20]1: Reported from Committee on Education and Libraries (EL3) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 101-11

STATEOFNEWYORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

I I" Geoffrey 1: kall,,kferk, Schenectady cd;nty Legislature RESOLUTION 102-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Department of Probation by letter dated May 16,201 1 advises that the County has been awarded grant monies from .the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services to support the juvenile mental health diversion project; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Department of Probation further advises that the amount of the grant is $ 88,158.00; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Department of Probation further advises that the monies will be used for programs that attempt to reduce the number of certain youth who are referred to the juvenile justice system by the school district representatives; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Schenectady County Department of Probation further advises that the program will link identified persons to appropriate mental health agencies and/or professionals for support and services; and

WHEREAS, .the Acting Commissioner of the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services by letter dated February 11,20 1 1 advises that Schenectady County has been awarded a juvenile accountability block grant in the amount of $ 88,158.00; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends acceptance of the grant monies from the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of ,these grant moilies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

A3 14 1.4 15600 -Probation - Juvenile - Juvenile Mental Health Diversion Project

Establish Revenue Code:

A33 10.17 - State Aid -Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) $ 88,158. Page 3

6/6/20]I: Reported from Committee on Human Services and Aging (HSA6) Ways and Means 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 102-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15thday of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

sche&ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 103-11

Sponsored by Legislator Gatta.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works recommends by memorandum dated May 17,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the Village of Scotia for roadway paving; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises that the County will pave the following roadways, applying Type 6 asphalt (estimated cost $16.00/ton - in place) as estimated and specified by the Village of Scotia:

- Larkin Street - IVyman Street - Short Broad Street - Robin Street - Weather Crest Street - Weather Crest Court - Schermerhom Street - Craigie Street (true and leveling only) - Neal Street (true and leveling only) - Meriline Streeet (true and leveling only), and - Alcazar Street (true and leveling only); and R 103-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises that either party, on 10 days written notice, can terminate the agreement; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that an agreement be entered into with the Village of Scotia for the paving of certain roadways; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the Village of Scotia consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

6/6/2011: Reported from Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation (ICl) Reported from Ways and Means 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 103-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature l County of Schenectady )

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15thday of June, Two Thousand Eleven. ,&4+ zkd Geoffrey p.'Ha;l,Clerk, ~cheneciad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 104-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works recommends by memorandum dated May 17,201 1 that Schenectady County enter into an agreement with the Town of Princetown for the control of ice and snow, and other maintenance services on Town roadways; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises that the County will provide routine snow and ice control and roadside mowing on the following roadways (3.75 center-lane miles) for the period July l,201 1 to June 30, 2012:

- Brookside Drive 3,760 feet - Nomanskill Drive 2,570 feet - Overlook Drive 500 feet (excludes snow and ice control) - Princetown Plaza 500 feet - Reutter Road 2,900 feet - Shagbark Court 1,885 feet - VanPatten Road 1,320 feet (excludes snow and ice control) - Vernon Drive 1,286 feet - Willow Run 5,065 feet Page 2

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises that the Town agrees to reimburse the County for the services provided at a rate based on current labor and materials costs per lane mile of County System Operations; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 2,201 1 recommends that an agreement be entered into with the Town of Princetown for the control of ice and snow, and other maintenance, on certain Town roadways; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the Town of Princetown consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

6/6/20]1 : Reported from Committee on Intergovernmental Cooperation (IC.2) Reported from Ways and Means 6/14/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 104-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen6ctady county Legislature RESOLUTION 105-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, all municipalities, including the County of Schenectady have the power and authority to contract for the purpose of renting, leasing, exchanging, borrowing or maintaining of machinery and equipment, with or without operators, with other municipalities; and

WHEREAS, all municipalities, including the County of Schenectady, have the power and authority to borrow or lend materials and supplies to other municipalities; and

WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the County of Schenectady and other municipalities have machinery and equipment which is not used during certain periods; and

WHEREAS, it is determined that the County of Schenectady and other municipalities often have materials and supplies on hand which are not immediately needed; and

WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that by renting, borrowing, exchanging, leasing or maintaining highway machinery and equipment and the borrowing or lending of materials and supplies, the County of Schenectady and other municipalities may avoid the necessity of purchasing certain needed highway machinery and equipment and the purchasing of or Page 2 storing a large inventory of certain extra materials and supplies, thereby saving the taxpayers money; and

WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon each municipality to design a simple method whereby materials and supplies, equipment and machinery, including the operators thereof, may be obtained or maintained with a minimum of paperwork and inconvenience and with a swift approval process; and

WHEREAS, it is the intent of this County of Schenectady to give the Director of Public Works, with the approval of the County Manager and review by the County Attorney, the authority to enter into renting, exchanging, borrowing, lending or maintaining arrangements with the persons serving in similar capacities in other municipalities without the necessity of obtaining approval of the County Legislature prior to the making of each individual arrangements; and

WHEREAS, a standard contract has been prepared which is expected to be adopted and placed into effect in other municipalities, and will grant the person holding the position comparable to that of the Director of Public Works, authority to make similar arrangements; and

WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that it will be in the best interests of the County of Schenectady to be a party to such shared services arrangements; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager of Schenectady County is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the County and after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, agreements with other municipalities in the County regarding shared highway services that contain the following language:

1. For purposes of this contract, the following terms shall be defined as follows: a. "Municipality" shall mean any city, county, town or village which has agreed to be bound by a contract for shared services or equipment. b. "Contract" shall mean this agreement. R 105-11 Page 3 c. "Shared Service" shall mean any service provided by one municipality for another municipality that is consistent wi'th the purposes and intent of this contract and shall include but not be limited to:

i. the renting, exchanging, or lending of highway machinery, tools and equipment, with or without operators;

ii. the borrowing or lending of supplies between municipalities on a temporary basis conditioned upon the replacement of such supplies or conditioned upon the obtaining of equal value through the provision of a service by the borrower or by the lending of equipment by the borrower, the value of which is equal to the borrowed supplies;

iii. the providing of a specific service for another municipality, conditioned on such other municipality providing a similar service, or a service of equal value, in exchange;

iii. the maintenance of machinery or equipment. e. "Superintendent" shall mean, in the case of a city, the head of the department of public works; in the case of a county, the Director of Public Works, or the person having the power and authority to perform the duties generally performed by county superintendents of highways; in the case of a town, the town superintendent of highways andlor superintendent of public works; in the case of a village, the superintendent of public works.

2. The undersigned municipality has caused this agreement to be executed and to bind itself to the terms of this contract and it will consider this contract to be applicable to any municipality which has approved a similar contract and provided a copy thereof.

3. The County of Schenectady by this agreement grants unto the superintendent, subject to approval by the County Manager and review by the County Attorney, the authority to enter into any shared service arrangements with any other municipality or other municipalities subject to the following terms and conditions: a. The County of Schenectady agrees to rent or exchange or borrow from any municipality any and all materials, machinery and equipment, with or without operators, which it may need for the purposes of the County of Page 4

Schenectady. The determination as to whether such machinery, with or wi.thout operators, is needed by the County of Schenectady shall be made by the superintendent. The value of the materials or supplies borrowed from another municipality under this agreement may be returned in the form of similar types and amounts of materials or supplies, or by the supply of equipment or the giving of services of equal value, to be determined by mutual agreement of the respective superintendents. b. The County of Schenectady agrees to rent, exchange or lend to any municipality any and all materials, machinery and equipment, with or wi,thout operators, which said municipality may need for its purposes. The determination as to whether such machinery or material is available for renting, exchanging or lending shall be made by the superintendent. In the event the Director of Public Works determines that it will be in the best interests of the County of Schenectady to lend to another municipality, the Director of Public Works with the approval of the County Manager is hereby authorized to lend to another municipality. The value of supplies or materials loaned to another municipality may be returned to the County of Schenectady, by the borrowing municipality in the form of similar types and amounts of materials or supplies, or by the use of equipment or receipt of services of equal value, to be determined by the respective superintendents. c. Upon completion of rental exchange or lending or borrowing of materials, services andlor labor, a statement thereof shall be generated by the lending municipality and sent to the borrowing municipality. Annually, a reconciliation of services/materials supplied, or lent and borrowed between municipalities shall be performed by January 3 1 of the following year. Any net amounts owed shall be paid to the appropriate municipality by March 1. d. The County of Schenectady agrees to repair or maintain machinery or equipment for any city/county/town/village under terms that may be agreed upon by the Director of Public Works, Epon such terms as may be determined by the respective superintendents. e. An operator of equipment rented or loaned to another municipality, when operating such equipment for the borrowing municipality, shall be subject to the direction and control of the superintendent of the borrowing municipality in relation to the manner in which the work is to be completed. However, the method by which the machine is to be operated shall be determined by the operator. Page 5 f. When receiving the services of an operator with a machine or equipment, the receiving superintendent shall make no request of any operator which would be inconsistent with any labor agreement between the lending municipality and the operator. , Except as provided below, all machinery and the operator, for purposes of liability and any other relationship with third parties, shall be considered the machinery of, and the employee of, the municipality borrowing the machinery and equipment. g. The lending municipality shall be liable for any negligent acts resulting from the operation of its machinery or equipment by its own operator. All machinery and the operator, for purposes of workers' compensation, liability and any other relationship with third parties, except as provided in paragraph e of section 3 of this agreement, shall be considered the machinery of and the employee of the municipality owning the machinery and equipment. h. Each municipality shall remain fully responsible for its own employees, including but not limited to, salary, benefits and workers compensation.

4. The renting, borrowing or leasing, repairing or maintaining of any particular piece of machinery or equipment, or the exchanging or borrowing of materials or supplies, or the providing of a specific service shall be evidenced by the signing of a memorandum by the superintendents and the County Manager, substantially the same as set forth in schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "memorandum"), with form and content subject to review by the County Attorney, and shall be signed by the other party. The memorandum may be delivered to the other party via mail, personal delivery, facsimile machine, or any other method of transmission agreed upon. Notwithstanding anything contained in this section 4 to the contrary, should the estimated value of materials, equipment, andlor labor to be borrowed total less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), then the Schenectady County Director of Public Works shall be authorized to sign the memorandum following approval and signing by the Schenectady County Commissioner of Finance.

5. In the event any shared services arrangement is made without a memorandum at the time of receipt of the shared service, the superintendent receiving the shared service shall, within one day thereof, send to the provider a duplicate memoranda identifying the type, time and date of the acceptance of the repair or maintenance shared service. In the event such Page 6 shared service related to or included any materials or supplies, the memorandum shall identifSI such materials or supplies and time and place of delivery.

6. In the event a municipality wishes to rent machinery or equipment from another municipality or in the event a municipality wishes to determine the value of such renting for the purposes of exchanging shared services or a comparable value, it is agreed that the value of the shared service shall be set forth in the memorandum.

7. In the event machinery or equipment being operated by an employee of the owning municipality is damaged or otherwise in need of repair while working for another municipality, the municipality owning the machinery or equipment shall be responsible to make or pay for such repairs. In the event machinery or equipment is operated by an employee of the borrowing, receiving or renting municipality, such municipality shall be responsible for such repairs.

8. Records shall be maintained by each municipality setting forth all machinery rentals, exchanges, borrowings, repair or maintenance and other shared services. Such records will be available for inspection by any municipality which has shared services with such municipality.

9. In the event a dispute arises relating to any repair, maintenance or shared service, and such dispute cannot be resolved between the parties, such dispute may be resolved through arbitration through the American Arbitration Association pursuant to American Arbitration Association rules.

10. Any municipality which is a party to this contract may revoke such contract by filing a notice of such revocation. Upon the revocation of such contract, any outstanding obligations shall be settled within thirty days of such revocation, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing to extend such time for settlement.

1 1. Any action taken by the superintendent pursuant to the provisions of this contract shall be consistent with the duties of such official and expenditures incurred shall not exceed .the amounts set forth in the County budget for highway purposes. Page 7

12. The record of all transactions that have taken place as a result of the County of Schenectady participating in the services afforded by this contract shall be kept by the superintendent and a statement thereof, in a manner satisfactory to the County Legislature, shall be submitted to the County Legislature annually, on or before the first day of May.

13. If any provision of this contract is deemed to be invalid or inoperative for any reason, that part may be modified by the municipalities which are a party to this contract to the extent necessary to make it valid and operative, or if it cannot be so modified, then severed, and the remainder of the contract shall continue in full force and effect with the invalid portion so modified or eliminated.

14. This contract shall be reviewed each year by the County of Schenectady and shall expire five years from the date of its execution by the County Manager.

15. Copies of this contract shall be sent to the clerk and the Superintendent of each municipality with which the superintendent anticipates engaging in shared services. No shared services shall be conducted by the superintendent except with the Superintendent of a municipality that has completed a shared services contract and has sent a copy thereof to the clerk of his or her municipality and the superintendent. R 105-11 Page 8

6/6/201 1: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (IC3) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 105-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 106-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. F-20 11, entitled:


was heretofore introduced on May 10,201 1 ; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with the law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law No. F-2011, before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 14th day of June, 20 11 ; and

WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on .the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the lothday of May, 20 11, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, .that the aforesaid proposed Local Law No. F-2011 entitled:


introduced on the 10" day of May, 20 11, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 6-201 1. Page 2

6/14/20] 1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R55) 6/14/20] 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 106-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eoffrf~&clerk, ~chene'ctad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 107-11

Sponsored by Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady has the need to appoint citizens to provide invaluable service to our community; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager has appointed, by memorandum dated June 10, 20 11, the following named individuals to the positions and for the terms indicated, to wit:

Human Rights Commission

Name Term Expires Replacing

Randolph McGough 12/31/12 (Monica Arias-Miranda) Shai Butler 12/31/12 (Taryn W ebster) Richard Pezzano 12/31/13 Karim Adeen-Hasan 12/31/13 Richard Werner 12/31/13 (Rev. Emanuel Adams) Christopher Gilhooly 1213 1/13 (Genghis Kahn) Bharath Arjoon 1213 1/13 (John Gentile)

Schenectady County Public Library

Name Term Expires Replacing Page 2

Simon Weinstein 1213 111 1 Julie McDonnell 1213 1/12 Edwin Reilly 12/31/13 Dr. Clifford Tepper 12/31/14 M. Joe Landry 12/31/14 Sharon Jordan 12/31/15 (Carl Erickson) Jean Wildegrub 12/31/15 Rory Fluman 1213 1/14 (Andrew Kohout)

Officeof the Aging Advisorv Council

Name Term Expires

B. Donald Ackerman Blanche Fisher Karen Johnson Darius Kirstein Robert Harrison Denise Murphy McGraw Omoye Cooper Angelica Morris Sara Erickson Ken Harris Miriam Negron Deneen Palmateer Mary Pritchard Maria Sardella Jack Shiely Steve Swinton Madeline Thorne

Soil and Water Conservation District

Name Term Expires Replacinx

Anthony Jasenski, Sr. 1213 111 1 Holly Vellano 12/31/11 (Judith Dagostino) Page 3

William Ruther Michael Pileggi

Schenectadv Counw TrafficSafety Board

Name Term Expires Replacinx

Michael Della Rocco 12/31/13 (Chief Farsted) James Hamilton 12/31/13 Michael Ranalli 12/31/13 Dennis Schager 12/31/13 (Trooper Cardinal) Anthony Jasenski, Sr. 1213 1/13 Vince Budinas 12/31/13 Mark LaViolette 12/31/13 Donna Stressel 12/31/13 Eric Plura 12/31/13 David VanSchaick 1213 1/13 Steve Perog 12/31/13 Joseph Ryan 1213 1/13 (G. Latimer Schmidt)

Schenectadv County Public Health Advisorv Board

Name Term Expires Replacing

Dr. Quintin Bullock 12/31/14 Dr. Herbert Reich 1213 1/14 Dr. Michael Jakubowski Dr. Howard Scl~lossberg 1213 1/14 now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid appointments by the County Manager be and they hereby are confirmed and approved. RESOLUTION 108-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated June 6,201 1 recommends that certain real property (S/B/L 39.71-3-35; 0.003 acres -- approx. 15 1 sq. ft.) located at the intersection of South Ferry Street and Erie Street be conveyed to the City of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney advises that the conveyance of the aforesaid property to the City of Schenectady would permit the City of Schenectady, as part of the Erie Boulevard project, to enhance the turning lanes at this intersection; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the City of Schenectady has offered to pay $1,100.00 for the parcel, which offer is based upon an appraisal by a NYS certified real estate appraiser; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body hereby determines that the aforesaid County real property in the City of Schenectady is no longer necessary for use by the County and that all the right, title and interest of the County in such real property shall be conveyed to the City of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, section 72-h of the General Municipal Law provides that this Governing Body may sell, upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by this Governing Body, any real property to any municipal corporation; now, therefore, be it Page 2

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to execute any and all documents necessary for the conveyance of the aforesaid real property to the City of Schenectady at a cost of $1,100.00. Page 3

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R57) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 108-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

~cheneciad~~buntyLegislature RESOLUTION 109-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by .the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the hereinafter named individual has been nominated for appointment to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority:

Karen Zalewski-Wildzunas Nominated by the City Council of Schenectady and

WHEREAS, this individual has been interviewed and given due consideration and examination by the Schenectady County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the above-mentioned individual is hereby appointed and confirmed to the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority Board for a term ending December 31,2014. Page 2

6/14/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R58) 6/14/201 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhmlaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 109-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 110-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of .the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a contract previously entered into between the County and the Schenectady County Unit of the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc, has expired on December 31,2010; and

WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations during the past few months between representatives of the County and said union, agreement has been reached upon the terms of a new two year contract commencing January 1, 201 1, and continuing until December 3 1,2012, relating to terms and conditions of employment to be incorporated in a subsequent formal written contract to be executed by the parties to include the terms outlined in the agreement between the County and the said union, which said terms in such agreement have been explained to the members of the County Legislature, and such terms have been provided in writing to the members of the County Legislature, and which contains the following major changes:

- Compensation (increases) - 1.5% per annum in 201 1 1.5% per annum in 2012; Page 2

- Replace Empire Blue Cross and Matrix with Empire Preferred Provider Organization (effective July 1,2011 - new open enrollment period established);

- Replace CDPHP with MVP with Schenectady Meds I1 (effective July l,201 1 - new open enrollment period established);

- Change Empire Blue Cross Smart Value $1 0 Medicare Advantage Plan to Empire Medicare Advantage PPO with embedded drug plan which existed prior to carve-out (No Schenectady Meds). Give County right to revert to Canadian Drug plan, if County determines it is financially advantageous. Change CDPHP Medicare to MVP Gold. Changes effective July 1, 201 1;

- Eliminate single-source brand exception. Changes effective July 1, 201 1;

- For new employees hired after effective date of contract: Family plan contribution shall be 20%;

- Effective within 90 days after ratification and approval, the County will fund a health reimbursement account of $300 per year non- cumulative for current retirees prior to becoming Medicare eligible, and for current employees who retire within 90 days after ratification and approval, and who are not Medicare eligible;

- For Glendale Employees only hired after effective date of contract: 2 Tier Wage Scale with 10% lower rate for employees hired after effective date of contract;

- Eliminate 10% Masters Premium for employees hired after effective date of contract;

- Make election day a holiday and delete Lincoln's birthday;

- Change the definition of immediate family to include step- equivalents;

- Amend the sick leave accumulation from 200 days to 225 days; R110-11 Page 3

- Eliminate "summer hours" at the Department of Social Services, and make corresponding changes to accrued leave;

- Broaden the number of employees who can donate sick time to an eligible employee;

- The labor-management committee will develop an RFP for re-bid;

- County maintenance staff will no longer have "summer hours" and the length of shifts will be eight hours;

- Week-end "beeper pay" for DSS employees is increased from $60 to $100


WHEREAS, this contract implements various progressive concepts whose purposes are to reduce health care costs; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized to enter into a two year contract on behalf of the County of Schenectady with the Schenectady County Unit of the Civil Service Employees Association, Local 885, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, subject to the approval of the County Attorney, in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment spelled out in the Proposed Agreement between the County and the aforesaid union for the calendar years of 20 11 and 20 12 for all county employees in the unit represented by the aforesaid union. Page 4

6/14/20]1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R59) 6/14/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Gordon, Finn, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Farley, Fields) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 110-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held June 14, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 15'~day of June, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffr ~chenidtad~/County Legislature RESOLUTION 111-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hofl~~zan:


WHEREAS, the New York State Mock Trial High School Tournament is administered by the Law, Youth and Citizenship Committee of the New York State Bar Association and is one of the largest mock trial competitions in the country; and

WHEREAS, in December, 20 10, more than 300 high school teams from across New York began preparing and presenting their case in local mock trial tournaments, local county winners then moved to regional tournaments and six regional winners went on to compete in the state championship in Albany; and

WHEREAS, Schenectady County's Loving Education At Home (LEAH) team qualified for the championship and was victorious against the Bronx team in a fictional case of an individual suing his village over a parking ban ordinance; and

WHEREAS, this year's local team was composed of Laura Brincat, Michelle Brincat, Rebecca Cambron, Jon Panzera, Caleb Trouwborst and Leah Trouwborst and was coached by Thomas Trouwborst and attorneys from the Schenectady County Public Defender's Office Lauren Mack and John Lockwood; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the LEAH Team on its outstanding performance in winning the New York Mock Trial High School championship. Page 2

7/12/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R60)

7/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 11 1-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~~day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 112-11

Sponsored by Legislator Gatta.


WHEREAS, bullying in school has been determined a major cause of school disruptions and has even led to student suicides in some instances; and

WHEREAS, the 4" and 5" grade classes at Glendaal Elementary School embarked on a year- long character education project to confront this problem in their school; and

WHEREAS, videographer and teacher aide Michael Feurstein, principal Thomas Eagan, teacher Marianne Reidy and social worker Cindy Skala coordinated the scripting and creation of "How to Un-make a Bully"; and

WHEREAS, the students in grades 4 and 5 served as cast and crew for the film project; and

WHEREAS, the video teaches children how best to deal with or "unmake" a bully in school and has generated interest from teachers across the state; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the students and staff of Glendaal Elementary School for the production of this timely and valuable teaching aid. 7/12/20]1: Reportedfiom Committee on Rules (R61)

7/12/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 112-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 113-11

Sporzsored by Legislator Sarztabarbara:


WHEREAS, BMX (Bicycle Motocross) is an exciting action sport where riders, male and female, race each other around a dirt track packed with jumps and berms; and

WHEREAS, BMX offers a safe, friendly, drug-and alcohol-free place to ride bikes and enjoy friendly competition in a family friendly atmosphere; and

WHEREAS, on June 17,2011 Tri-City BMX, Inc. celebrated its track dedication and ribbon cutting at its location at 520 Burdeck St., Rotterdam; and

WHEREAS, the new track was dedicated in the memory of Bob Iovinella Jr. and has been named the The Bobby Iovinella, Jr. Memorial Race Track - Home of the Clay Monster; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates Tri-City BMX, Inc. on the dedication of its new track and wishes them great success in their endeavors. 7/12/2011: Reported fi-om Committee on Rules (R62) 7/22/20]1: Adopted by the Cot~ntyLegislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 113-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13th day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene&;dy County Legislature RESOLUTION 114-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney by memorandum dated June 23,201 1 advises that tlie County has received additional monies from the NYS Office of Children and Family Services; and

WHEREAS, the Scheiiectady County District Attorney further advises that the County has received additional monies amounting to $28,363.00 for the retention of a victim advocate from the Rape Crisis Services of Planned Parenthood; for improvements and supplies to the Child Advocacy Center; for training and insurance for providers performing exams at the Child Advocacy Center; and for training of employees assigned to the Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Teani; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney is recommending that the 201 1 Operating Budget be amended to reflect the additional monies received from the NYS Office of Children and Family Services; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 30,201 1 recommends that the 201 1 Operating Budget be amended for purposes of accepting additional grant monies from the NYS Office of Children and Family Services; and R 114-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, acceptance of these monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the Cou~ityof Schenectady hereby accepts the aforesaid additional grant monies from the NYS Office of Children and Family Services, and authorizes the utilization of such monies for the aforesaid purposes; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into any necessary agreements, certifications, or reimbursement requests with the New York State Office of Children and Family Services for the acceptance of such grant monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operating Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A 1 165.415062 - District Attorney - Multidisciplinary Team Project Grant $ 28,363.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A3030.06 - State Aid - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Team Grant $ 28,363. R 114-11 Page 3

7/5/2011: Reportedfrom Coinrnittee on Human Services and Aging (HSA7) Reported from Conzmittee on Ways and Means 7/12/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrnlaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 114-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 3 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 3

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13"' day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chene/ctadycounty Legislature RESOLUTlON 115-11

Sponsored by Legislator Sarztnbarbara:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislat~lreof the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering by memorandum dated June 20, 201 1 advises that the County has been negotiating with representatives of William M. Larned and Sons, Inc. for an easement that will enable the County to relocate the outfall of a storm water drainage pipe near North Thompson Street; and

WHEREAS, the County Engineer further advises that Timothy Lamed of William Larned and Sons, Inc. has executed the appropriate documents for the easement; and

WHEREAS, the County Engineer further advises that the purpose of the easement would be to eliminate the "backing-up" of the current storm water drainage pipe and to reduce the "build-up" of sediments in the pipe; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated June 28,201 1 recommends that the County accept the easement executed by Timothy Larned; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 30,2011 recommends authorization to accept the aforesaid easement so that the County can relocate the outfall of a storm drainage pipe adjacent to North Thompson Street; now, therefore be it Page 2

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to execute any and all documents necessary for the acceptance of the aforesaid easement by the County. Page 3

7/5/2011: Reported from Conzinittee on Transportation (7'2) 7/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 115-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~"day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady County Legislature RESOLUTION 116-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabavbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises by memorandum dated June 14, 201 1 of the receipt of an amendment to the 20 1 1/12 municipal snow and ice agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the amount in the agreement that is payable to the County would be $1,448,632.08, an increase of $349,5 18.2 1;and

WHEREAS, the DOT Resident Engineer for Schenectady County advises by an undated letter that DOT has approved an amendment for the 20 1 1/12 municipal snow and ice agreement with Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 30,201 1 recommends that the County amend its 201 1/12 snow and ice contract with the DOT to include the aforesaid changes; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is, authorized to execute an amendment to the 201 1/12 snow and ice agreement with DOT as detailed herein, after approval by the County Attorney as to form and content. Page 2

7/5/2011: Reported from Committee on Transportation (T3) 7/12/2011: Adopted by the Cotlnty Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'" day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenedrad~hunty Legislature RESOLUTION 117-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has submitted a memorandum dated June 20, 20 1 1 outlining a request by Exploration Production, Inc., a Canadian Corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Discovery Channel Canada to use a portion of the Schenectady County Airport for a filming project of the activities of the 109'~Air National Guard; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that Exploration Production, Inc. has requested that filming occur on August fithto 9th,and on August 23rdand 24th(or on other mutually agreed upon dates) and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 30,20 1 1 recommends approval of use of the County Airport by Exploration Production, Inc. for the aforementioned project; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney by memorandum dated June 30,2011 recommends approval of the proposed agreement with Exploration Production, Inc., and advises that Exploration Production, Inc. agrees to indemnify the County and will obtain general liability insurance; and Page 2

WHEREAS, Major Paul J. Bernasconi, of the New York Air National Guard, by e-mail dated June 21,2011 recommends approval of use of the County Airport by Exploration Production, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature finds such use, under proper controls, consistent with the function of an airport and compatible therewith and in the best interests of the public in the promotion of the advantages of our County; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this County Legislature hereby authorizes the use of the Schenectady County Airport on the dates herein stated for the aforesaid project and the County Manager be and she is authorized to negotiate and enter into a written agreement with Exploration Production, Inc permitting them to use the Schenectady County Airport as determined by the Director of Public Works and subject to the rights of current tenants, if any, and upon such terms, conditions, regulations, and agreements for such use including but not limited to insurance protection to the County, as may be required by the Risk Manager for the proper protection of the County and execution of a hold harmless clause by said sponsor indemnifying the County of Schenectady, its officers, officials, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of the said use; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the authorization granted in this Resolution shall be contingent upon the receipt of express written approval of any tenant at the Airport affected thereby, consenting to this proposed project and receipt of evidence of insurance protection to the County of Schenectady no later than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled project. Page 3

7/5/1301 1: Reported from Committee on Ti-anspoi-tation (T4) 7/12/13011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 117-11

STATE OF NEW YORK I County Legislature I County of Schenectady I

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13~~day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chene/ct~d~~unt~Legislature RESOLUTION 118-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Neil A. Muscatiello, of 46 Pine Street in the Village of Scotia, by letter dated June 13,201 1 requests access over County property to his property to assist with the replacement of a septic tank; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering by memorandum dated June 2 1, 201 1 recommends that Mr. Muscatiello be granted access over County property to assist with his septic tank removal and replacement; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney by memorandum dated June 29,201 1 recon~n~endsthat Neil A. Muscatiello and Audra Muscatiello be granted access over a County-owned alleyway to permit construction equipment to enter their property to replace a septic tank; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney recommends that the County Manager be authorized to enter into a revocable license agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Muscatiello, which grants access over County-owned property for a limited time period and requires the owner to provide general liability insurance and indemnify the County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager recommends by memorandum dated June 30,2011 that Schenectady County enter into a revocable license agreement Page 2 with Neil and Audra Muscatiello regarding access over County-owned property; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute a revocable license agreement with Neil A. Muscatiello and Audra Muscatiello consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

7/5/2011: Reported from Committee orz Transportation (T5) 7/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 118-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen6ctady /County Legislature RESOLUTION 119-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, section 5.07 of the Schenectady County Administrative Code requires authorization by the County Legislature in order to sell surplus equipment having an aggregate market value in excess of $5,000; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works by memorandum dated June 27, 20 1 1, and the Director of Purchasing both recommend that the following items should be declared surplus since they are of no further use to the County, to wit:

Description VIN # Or Vehicle Number

1996 Ford Tanker 1999 Ford F-550 dump 200 1 Int'l6-man dump 2001 Int'l6-man dump 1985 Int'l4x4 dump 1987 Int '1 4x4 dump 1994 Int'l6x6 dump 2003 Cimline Cracksealer 1985 Dynapro Roller 1998 Ford '/z ton pick-up 2001 Ford !h ton pick-up 1995 Ford Escort Page 2

1996 Chevrolet Cavalier 1G1JC5243T7268957 2005 Tennant 5700XP 1607 1998 Ford Taunis lFAFP52U4WA263796 1996 Chevrolet Cavalier 1G1JC5243T7267334 1999 Jeep Cherokee 1J4FF2858XL62926 1

Equipment Description

1 pallet of miscellaneous parts 1 pallet of leaf-spring U-bolts 1 crate of plow shoes Wing and plow edge holder on wheels Hewlett Packard "Design Jet 600" (plotter)

; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and the Director of Purchasing recommend that the aforesaid items be sold at a public auction to be conducted by a professional auctioneer, Collar City Auctions Realty & Management, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and the Director of Purchasing further advise that the auction to be held by the professional auctioneer is scheduled for October 1, 20 1 1, and such auction will be comprised of surplus equipment and parts from both Schenectady County and the City of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated June 30,201 1 recommends that the aforesaid County equipment be declared surplus, and that an agreement be entered into with Collar City Auctions Realty & Management, Inc. for the sale of such items; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid equipment and parts are surplus items that are no longer needed by the County of Schenectady; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Purchasing Agent be, and he hereby is, authorized to offer for sale said surplus equipment in accordance with the provisions of the Schenectady County Administrative Code with the further provision and specific understanding that these items of equipment and parts are sold "as is" and the County of Schenectady makes no representation as to Page 3 fitness for a particular purpose nor warrants merchantability of the equipment and/or parts; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized to enter into an agreement with Collar City Auctions Realty & Management, Inc., after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, for the sale of the aforesaid surplus items at a public auction. Page 4

7/5/20! 1: Reportedfiorn Committee on Wa-ys and Means (WMI 3) 7/12/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 119-11

STATE OF NEW YORK County Legislature I County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene6ady founty Legislature RESOLUTION 120-1 1

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a public hearing is required by law before final adoption by the Schenectady County Legislature of a budget for the Schenectady County Community College, which is a County agency; and

WHEREAS, by section 7.04 of the Charter of the County of Schenectady, New York, at least ten (10) days advance notice is required for a public hearing on a budget; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that a public hearing is hereby called, to be held at the Chambers of the Schenectady County Legislature, in the County Office Building on the 9thday of August, 201 1 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of adoption of the following budget for the Schenectady County Community College:

Operational Budget to serve the operational needs of said college for the period commencing September l,201 1 and ending August 3 1, 2012

;and, be it further Page 2

RESOLVED, that the notice of such public hearing, including a general summary of the tentative budget, be published one (I) time in the Daily Gazette Newspaper and a copy of such notice be posted on the bulletin board on the first floor of the Schenectady County Office Building, and at centers of other municipal governments in the County, as required by law. Page 3

7/12/2011: Reported from Conzmittee on Rules (R63) 7/12/20]1 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Kesolution 120-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13'~day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

-&Az& Geoffr . Ha ,Clerk, ~chenectad~county Legislature RESOLUTION 121-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows,

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law G-20 11, to be held before the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the 9thday of August, 201 lat 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of adoption of such proposed Local Law, which would authorize a lease of certain County- owned property in the City of Schenectady to the Schenectady County Industrial Development Authority; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. Page 2

7/12/20]1: Reported frorn Cornrnittee on Rules (R64) 7/12/2011: Adopted by the Coztnt)~Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrnlaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 121-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 12, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 13thday of July, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 122-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the contract previously entered into between the County and said union has expired on December 3 1,2010; and

WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations during the past several months between representatives of the County and said union, agreement has been reached upon the terms of a new three year contract commencing January 1, 20 1 1, and continuing until December 31, 20 13, relating to terms and conditions of employn~entto be incorporated in a subsequent formal written contract to be executed by the parties to include the terms outlined in the agreement between the County and the said union, which said terms in such agreement have been summarized and provided in writing to the members of the County Legislature, and explained in detail in the July 20,20 11 memorandum of the County Attorney, which outlines a new two-tier wage system, changes to shift differentials, and several progressive and innovative health care cost containment measures; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized to enter into a three year contract on behalf of the County of Schenectady with New York's Health and Human Service Union 1199, Service Employees' International Union, AFL-CIO, subject to the approval of the County R 122-11 Page 2

Attorney, in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment spelled out in the Proposed Memorandum of Agreement between the County and the aforesaid union for the calendar years of 201 l,2012 and 20 13 for all county employees in the unit represented by the aforesaid union. Page 3

7/26/2011: Reported from Committee on To the Floor (R65) 7/26/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 10 (Dagostino, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 5 (Buhrmaster, Gatta, Finn, Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 122-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature I County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held July 26, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 271h day of July, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eofW2Clerk, Schenectad ounty Legislature RESOLUTION 123-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, Rhonda Phillips Scott is being inducted into the Schenectady City School District Athletic Hall of Fame on September 12,201 1 at Proctors; and

WHEREAS, Rhonda Phillips Scott is a daughter of Schenectady County, who ran track at Mt. Pleasant High School from 198 1- 1984; and

WHEREAS, Rhonda Phillips Scott went on to have an incredible career in track which included setting Section I1 track records as a sophomore, and eventually setting seven sectional records including tying the New York State record in the 800 meters in 1984; and

WHEREAS, she was recognized as third in the nation in 1983 in the 600 meters and honorable mention in the National High School Track All-American in 1984; and

WHEREAS, she continued her exceptional running career at Louisiana State University where she continued to excel, helping LSU win the NCAA team championship in 1988 and again in 1989 and herself winning All-American honors in 1988 and 1989 as well as qualifying for the 1988 Olympic Trials in the 400 meter hurdles; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that on the occasion of her induction into the Schenectady School District Hall of Fame, the Schenectady County Legislature salutes Rhonda Phillips Scott on her exemplary sports career and congratulates her on her induction into the Hall of Fame. Page 2

8/9/20]1 : Reported from Cornnzittee on Rules (R66) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 123-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and 1do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

,+//&L:~? ,$%A[> Geoffrey all, lerk, ~chenecfad~County Legislature Spo~zsovedby Legislator Santabavbaua:


WHEREAS, the Rotterdam Youth Soccer Club (RYSC) was founded 35 years ago to give local youths the opportunity to participate in a sport popular the world over; and

WHEREAS, the RYSC is an organization dedicated to helping children and young adults grow as individuals through positive experiences with the game of soccer; and

WHEREAS, the organization is now one of the largest in the Capital Region wi'th 700 youths participating in the fall recreation program, 250 for the spring program and 300 youths play on traveling teams; and

WHEREAS, each year several coaches frnm Frosinone Calcio, a B-division soccer team from just outside Rome, Italy, come here to help camp participants hone their skills; and

WHEREAS, to celebrate their 35thanniversary the Club recently held a family fun day for past and present club players and their families; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the Rotterdam Youth Soccer Club for 35 years of providing Schenectady area residents with an outstanding soccer program. Page 2

8/9/2011: Reported from Conzmittee on Rules (R67)

8/9/2011: Adopted by the Coulzty Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 124-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady c&nty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the entire Legislature:


WHEREAS, this year, September 11,2011, is the tenth anniversary of an unprovoked and horrendous act of terrorism that was committed against of the United States of America, and

WHEREAS, nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children, civilian and military, lost ,their lives at the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington DC, and in Western Pennsylvania; and

WHEREAS, more than 400 firefighters, police officers, and emergency personnel died in a heroic effort to save the lives of the men and women who were caught in these terrible attacks; and

WHEREAS, many of the survivors of the horrific attacks continue to suffer from health conditions directly relating to these attacks; and

WHEREAS, the destruction, devastation, and grief of this event have forever changed the United States and the lives of its citizens; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature wishes to pause from its deliberations for a moment of silence to honor the memory of all the victims of September 11,2001 and ack~owledgingthe great sacrifices of the community volunteers, police officers, firefighters, and all other heroes of 911 1. Page 2

8/9/20] 1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R68) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislatttre

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 125-11

STATE OF NEW YORK j County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady f

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady /County Legislature RESOLUTION 126-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Glendale Home by memorandum dated July 20,20 1 1 recommends that Schenectady County enter into an affiliation agreement with the Schenectady County Community College for a nurse aide training program, and that the Glendale Home be a clinical site for such program; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated July 28,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County enter into an affiliation agreement with the Schenectady County Community College regarding a nurse aide training program whereby the Glendale Home would be the training site for the program; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further recommends that up to eight students per semester participate in the clinical experience at Glendale Home; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an affiliation agreement with the Schenectady County Community College consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. Page 2

8/1/2011: Commit1t.e on Education and Libraries (EL4) 8/9/2 0 11: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 126-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady co/unty Legislature RESOLUTION 127-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields.


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney by memorandum dated July 14,2011 recommends that a position of Deputy Assistant District Attomey be created at the Schenectady County District Attorney's Office, and that the position of Paralegal be eliminated; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County District Attorney states that this additional position will assist with cases in City Court, and other assignments as necessary; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Human Resources by memorandum dated July 28,201 1 states that the position of Deputy Assistant District Attomey is at management Job Class 6 with a salary range of $50,690.00 to $68,424.00; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated July 28,201 1 recommends that the position of Deputy Assistant District Attomey be created at the Schenectady County District Attorney's Office, and that the position of Paralegal be eliminated; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the position of Paralegal in the Office of the Schenectady County District Attorney be and it hereby is eliminated; and, be it further Page 2

RESOLVED, that the following position at the Office of the Schenectady County District Attorney be and it hereby is created as follows:

Position Management Job Class

Deputy Assistant District Attorney 6. Page 3

8/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Labor and Civil Service (LCS3) 8/9/20]1: Adopted by the County LegisIature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 127-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 10"' day of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene&ady county Legislature RESOLUTION 128-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a contract previously entered into between the County and the Schenectady County Community College Chairpersons, Administrators and Directors Association expired on September 1, 20 10; and

WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations, agreement has been reached upon the tems of a memorandum of agreement to such existing collective bargaining agreement, relating to terms and conditions of employment to be incorporated in a subsequent formal written amendment to the contract to be executed by the parties to include the terms outlined in the proposed memorandum of agreement between the County and the said union, which said terms of 'the proposed memorandum of agreement have been explained to the members of the County Legislature, and such tems of the proposed memorandum of agreement have been provided in writing to the members of the County Legislature, and which contains the following changes:

- The contract term is for the period September 1, 20 10 to August 31,2013;

- Adds a compensation increase of 1.5% per annum, and an equity adjustment of I % for school years 201 0/20 11 and 20 11/20 12; R128-11 Page 2

- Adopts many of the savings of the County Health Plan, including:

1. Eliminating the Empire Blue Cross Indemnity Matrix Plan and replacing it with the Empire Preferred Provider Organization with Schenectady Med I prescription coverage; 2. The Empire Medicare Advantage PPO with Schenectady Med I prescription coverage will continue as Empire Medicare Advantage PPO with Empire Medicare Advantage Rx Plan; 3. The Capital District Physicians Health Plan HMO and its prescription coverage will be eliminated and replaced with MVP with Schenectady Med I1 prescription coverage; and 4. The CDPHP Medicare Choice Plan will be eliminated and replaced with the MVP Gold Plan;

- The definition of "immediate family" is modified for personal and bereavement leave;


WHEREAS, these proposed contract amendments implement various progressive concepts whose purposes are to reduce overall health care costs; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager, on behalf of the County of Schenectady, be and she hereby is authorized to enter into a memorandum of agreement to the contract with the Schenectady County Community College Chairpersons, Administrators and Directors Association, subject to the approval of the County Attorney, for all county employees in the unit represented by the aforesaid union. Page 3

8/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Labor and Civil Sewice (LCS4) Reported $-om Conzmittze on Ways arid Means 8/9/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 128-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen~ctad9'~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 129-11

Sponsored by Legidator Gatta; Co-Sponsored by Legislator Buhrmaster:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney has submitted a memorandum dated July 29,2011 outlining a request by the Town of Glenville to use a portion of the Schenectady County Airport for the following event, to wit:

Sponsor Event -Date

Town of Glenville Oktoberfest 201 1 September 29, 201 1 to October 2, 201 1 ;and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated July 28,2011 recommends approval of use of the County Airport by the Town of Glenville for the aforementioned event; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature finds such use, under proper controls, consistent with the function of an airport and compatible therewith and in the best interests of the public in the promotion of the advantages of our County and providing community, recreational or entertainment events; now, therefore, be it R129-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that this County Legislature hereby authorizes the use of the Schenectady County Airport on the date herein stated for the aforesaid event and the County Manager be and she is authorized to negotiate and enter into a written license agreement with said sponsor permitting the latter to use the Schenectady County Airport as determined by the Commissioner of Aviation and subject to the rights of current tenants, if any, and upon such terms, conditions, regulations, and agreements for such use including but not limited to insurance protection to the County, as may be required by the Risk lManager for the proper protectio~~of the County and execution of a hold harn~lessclause by said sponsor indemnifying the County of Schenectady, its officers, officials, agents, servants and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, costs, expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of the said use; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the authorization granted in this Resolution shall be contingent upon the receipt of express written approval of any tenant at the Airport affected thereby, consenting to this proposed event and receipt of evidence of insurance protection to the County of Schenectady no later than ten (10) days prior to the scheduled event. Page 3

8/1/2011: Reporred from Committee on Public Facilities (PF2) 8/9/20]1 : Adopted by the County Legislatzire

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 129-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

1 have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 1Oth day of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 130-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Sclienectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, Section 554 of the Real Property Tax Law provides that this County Legislature shall consider applications for correction of tax rolls when there are clerical errors, unlawful entries, or certain errors in essential facts; and

WHEREAS, this Legislature can either accept or reject the aforesaid applications; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Real Property Tax Services Agency has reviewed the hereinafter indicated applications and has recommended by menlorandurn dated July 15,2011 acceptance of same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Tax Law, the applications are approved and the Glenville and Duanesburg tax rolls are corrected, to wit:


Glenville A&V Andersen Clcrical $ 1,171.68 (2011) $ 0 14.-3-37.11 $1,169.33(2010) SO $ 1,184.60 (2009) $ 0 $ 1,146.26 (2008) $ 0 $ 1,106.46 (2007) $0 Page 2

Amount to Cancel: $ 5,778.33

Duanesburg County of Schenectady Unlawful $ 336.88 $0 44.00-1-22.11

Amount to Cancel: $ 336.88

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance and the Director of the Real Property Tax Services Agency be and they are hereby authorized to take appropriate action as authorized by law to implement the provisions of this Resolution. Page 3

8/1/2011: Repor-ted,ji-onzCommittee on Waj?sand Meutls (WM14) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 130-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffre Schenectady county Legislature RESOLUTION 131-11

Sponsored by the Committee oul Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law G-20 1 1, entitled:


WHEREAS, in accordance with the law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law G-201 I, before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 9" day of August, 2011; and

WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the 12'~day of July, 2011, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid proposed Local Law G-2011 entitled:

A LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING A LEASE WITH THE SCHENECTADY COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY THE COUNTY THAT IS LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SCHENECTADY introduced on the 12thday of July, 20 11, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 7-20 1 1. Page 2

8/9/2 01 1: Reportedfiom Committee on Rules (R69) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the Counly Legislatut-e

Ayes: 15 (Buhmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 131-11

STATEOFNEWYORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

+djq Geoffrey .Hal Clerk, ~chenectadyc6unty Legislature RESOLUTION 132-11

Sporzsoved by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature cf the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the College Board of Trustees has adopted, by Resolution No. 1 1-78, on May 16,201 1, the Community College Operating Budget for the fiscal year September 1,2011 to August 31,2012, subject to this Legislature's approval; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing, pursuant to the Education Law and Section 7.04 of the Schenectady County Charter has been duly called and held on the 9thday of August, 201 1 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard on the question of adoption of an Operating Budget to serve the operational needs of the Schenectady County Community College, for the period commencing Se~tember1,20 1 1 and ending August 31,2012, in a gross amount not to exceed $26,256,842.00; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Legislature, as the local legislative body of Schenectady County, which is the local sponsor of said Community College, hereby approves and adopts an operational budget for the Board of Trustees of the Schenectady County Community College in the amount of $26,256,842.00 which includes the sponsoring community contribution from the County of Schenectady of $2,098,694.00 to serve the operational needs of said Community College for the period commencing September 1,2011 and ending August 31,2012; and, be it further RESOLVED, that this Legislature hereby authorizes and directs the Commissioner of Finance to make payment of necessary County funds to the Board of Trustees of the Schenectady County Corn~nunityCollege for the aforesaid purposes; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Legislature hereby requests reimbursement from the State of New York to the County of Schenectady of the State's share of the aforesaid operating costs for the said Community College for said College fiscal year pursuant to the Education Law. 8/9/2011: Reporied jrorn Committee or1 Rules (R 70) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vcllano) Nays: 1 (Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 132-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and 1do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffr ~chenectad~dounty Legislature RESOLUTION 133-11

Sporzsored by Comnzittee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady has the need to appoint citizens to provide invaluable service to our community; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager has appointed, by memorandum dated August 4,201 1, the following named individuals to the positions and for the terms indicated, to wit:

Young Adult Advisorv Council

Term Expires Replacing

Jeff McDonald June 30,20 13 (New Appointment) Elizabeth Delos June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Eric Langer June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Kelsey Mulvihill June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Meredith Adamo June 30,20 13 (New Appointment) Cara Jasenski June 30,20 13 (New Appointment) Nadia Viscusi June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Eugene Maye June 30,2013 (New Appointment) John Lockwood June 3 0,2013 (New Appointment) Jaclyn Agostino June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Tina DiIanne June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Emily Miller June 30,2013 (New Appointment) Page 2

Officeof the Axin2 Advisorv Council

Name Term Expires Replacing

Rosemarie Melius December 31,2012 (Michelle Baldwin)

Scllenectadr~Corrrztv E~virorrmerrtalAdvisorv Corrncil

Name Term Expires Replacing

Richard J. Westergard June 30,20 14 (Andy Gilpin) Richard Wilk June 30,2014 (Laura MacManus-Spencer) John L. Greenthal June 30,2013 (Theresa Tolokonsky) George Runkel June 30,20 14 Peter Muscanelli June 30,2014 now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid appointments by the County Manager be and they hereby are confirmed and approved. Page 3

8/9/20I 1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R7 I) 8/9/201 I: Adopted by the County LegisEature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 133-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County L,egislature at the City of Schenectady this loth day of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

~eofffl~.Pll, Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 134-1 1

Spoizsored by Conzrnittee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 4-A of Resolution No. 148-88, which was amended by Resolution 110-09 by this Governing Body at a Meeting held on July 14, 2009, is amended to read as follows:

Section 4-A. Imposition of additional rate of sales and compensating use taxes.

Pursuant to the authority of section 12 10 of the Tax Law, in addition to the sales and compensating use taxes imposed by sections 2 and 4 of this resolution, there is hereby imposed and there shall be paid an additional one-half of one percent rate of such sales and compensating use taxes, for the period beginning June 1,2003, and ending November 30, [201 1] 2013. Such additional taxes shall be identical to the taxes imposed by such sections 2 and 4 and shall be administered and collected in the same manner as such taxes. All of the provisions of this resolution relating to or applicable to the administration and collection of the taxes imposed by such sections 2 and 4 shall apply to the additional taxes imposed by this section, including the applicable transitional provisions, limitations, special provisions, exemptions, exclusions, refunds and credits as are set forth in this resolution, with the same force and effect as if those provisions had been incorporated in full into this section and had expressly referred to the additional taxes imposed by this section.

SECTION 2. Paragraph (D) of subdivision (1) of section 11 of Resolution 148-88, which was amended by Resolution 110-09 by this Governing Body at a Meeting held on July 14, 2009, is amended to read as follows: R134-11 Page 2

(D) With respect to the additional tax of one-half of one percent imposed for the period beginning June 1,2003, and ending November 30, [2011] 201 3, in respect to the use of property used by the purchaser in this County prior to June 1, 2003.

SECTION 3. Paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of section 14 of Resolution No. 148-88, which was amended by Resolution 110-09 by this Governing Body at a Meeting held on July 14,2009, is amended to read as follows:

(2) Net collections attributable to the additional one-half of one percent sales and compensating use taxes imposed pursuant to the authority of section 1210 (opening paragraph) (i)(3 1) of the New York Tax Law for the period beginning June 1,2003, and ending November 30, [20 1 11 20 13, shall be retained by the County and shall be available for any County purpose.

SECTION 4. This enactment shall take effect on December 1, 20 11. Page 3

8/9/20]1: Reported from Cornnlittee on Rules (R72) 8/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislnruve

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 134-11

STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held August 9, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of August, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&tady c;unty Legislature RESOLUTION 135-11

Sponsored by Legislator the Entire Legislature:


WHEREAS, Anthony Wayne accompanicd Admiral Richard E. Byrd and a crew of 125 on the 1939- 194 1 expedition to the Antarctic aboard the USS Bear and the USMS North Star; and

WHEREAS, Admiral Byrd was authorized by Congress and President Franklin D. Roosevelt to undertake a third voyage to Antarctica; and

WHEREAS, on November 25, 1939 President Roosevelt issued an order to the Expedition to establish two bases in the Antarctic and to map much of the coastline of the continent; and

WHEREAS, as a result of the Expedition and the efforts of Admiral Byrd, Anthony Wayne and the rest of the crew 700 miles of previously unmapped Antarctic coastline were formally recorded and East Base and West Base, 1600 miles apart were established; and

WHEREAS, due to rising international tensions it was decided the Expedition should return and on May 5, 194 1 the USS Bear, Admiral Byrd, Anthony Wayne and crew arrived back in Boston; and

WHEREAS, as the last surviving member of the crew that accompanied Admiral Byrd to Antarctica Mr. Wayne was honored by having a natural geographic feature in Antarctica named after him, a headland now named Wayne Head; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulate Anthony Wayne for being part of an historic and dramatic adventure, the United States Arctic Expedition of 1939-4 1. Page 2

9/13/20] 1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R73) 9/13/20] 1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 135-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding cc?y with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14'~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

f14:- h;/,/*7 GeoffreyT. Hall lerk, schen&tady c&nty Legislature RESOLUTION 136-11

Sponsored by Legislator the Entire Legislature:


WHEREAS, September 17,2011 marks the two hundred twenty-fourth anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document and its memorable anniversary; and to all the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and

WHEREAS, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature hereby proclaims the week of September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week in Schenectady County and asks the citizens of the County to reaffirm the ideals that the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties remembering that lost rights may never be regained. R 136-1 1 Page 2

9/13/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R74) 9/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 136-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14'~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~codty Legislature RESOLUTION 137-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management by memorandum dated August 19,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a grant from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; and

WHEREAS, the Director of the Office of Emergency Management further advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a $30,000.00 grant to fund a water monitoring station on the ; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 1,2011 recommends the acceptance of grant monies from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and that corresponding budget amendments be approved; and WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further R 137-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Capital Fund

Establish Appropriation Code:

H3640-2011125 - Mohawk River Lock 8 Water Monitoring


Establish Revenue Code:

H3089.06 - State Aid - Environment Benefit Fund Page 3

9/6/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPSY) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 9/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 137-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14'~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

,Clerk, ~chekctad?County Legislature RESOLUTION 138-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning by memorandum dated August 18,201 1 advises that the developer of Patriot Square in the Town of Glenville is seeking an easement from the County for the construction of an access road that connects to Rudy Chase Drive; and

WHEREAS, .the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that the developer has agreed to construct an access road (2,000 feet in length) to County specifications, and to annually provide the County with a lease payment of $3,000.00 until such roadway is accepted by the County; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that the Federal Aviation Administration has given approval for the access road to traverse property on the Schenectady County Airport; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney by memorandum dated August 18, 201 1 advises that the developer, New York Development Group/Glenville, LLC, has agreed to construct an access road to County specifications, pay the County $3,000 per annum until the County accepts the roadway, construct a detention basin, and to provide at least a one year warranty on the roadway; and R 138-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney recommends that the County Manger be authorized to enter into an agreement for the granting of the aforesaid easement for ingress and egress; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 1,2011 recommends approval of granting the aforesaid easement for the construction of an access road to Patriot Square; now, .therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of .the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement, and other necessary documentation, for the conveyance of an easement to New York Development Group/Glenville, LLC for the right to construct, install, maintain andlor replace a roadway connecting to Rudy Chase Drive, which is located in the Town of Glenville. R 138-11 Page 3

9/6/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Economic Development and Planning (EDP6) 9/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 138-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14~~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene6tady County Legislature RESOLUTION 139-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering by memorandum dated August 31,2011 has advised that Schenectady County is advancing a project for highway improvements at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue in the Town of Glenville; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering further advises that the project entails installing a new traffic signal, adding turning lanes at the intersection, improving the curve north of the intersection, and improving drainage; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering advises that Schenectady County has prepared a draft Notice of Determination of Non-significance for the improvements to the aforesaid intersection; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering further advises that prior to construction of such improvements, Schenectady County must comply with the provisions of Article 8 (Environmental Quality Review) of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law (ECL); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering further advises that Schenectady County has conducted the necessary review of the project, as required by Article 8 of the ECL and its implementing regulations, and recommends that a negative declaration of any environmental impact be issued for such project; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Engineering requests that the Schenectady County Legislature, acting as lead agency under the provisions of Article 8 of the ECL, issue a notice of determination of non-significance for this project; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 1,2011 recommends that the Schenectady County Legislature issue a notice of determination of non-significance for the improvements to the aforesaid intersection; and R 139-11 Page 2 WHEREAS, Schenectady County is currently developing the design for the reconstruction of the Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue intersection in the Town of Glenville, which will improve traffic operations and safety deficiencies at such intersection and adjacent roadway sections; and

WHEREAS, Maple Avenue is classified as a Minor Urban Arterial and Alplaus Avenue is an Urban Local; and

WHEREAS, Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue are owned and maintained by Schenectady County within the project limits. The existing roadway drainage system in the project area consists of drainage ditches and driveway culverts on the west side of the road and a closed system starting 300 feet south of Alplaus Avenue continuing 500 feet north of the intersection. The existing drainage system is in fair to poor condition and does not appear to be functioning adequately. The pavement surface based on field visits appears to be in good condition with minimal to no visible cracking on both Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue. Minor deterioration is visible on the shoulders on Maple Avenue north of Alplaus Avenue; and

WHEREAS, Schenectady County identified the need for improvements and initiated a project to improve traffic operations and safety at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue and the adjacent roadway segments, and submitted an application to the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) outlining the proposed improvements; and

WHEREAS, CDTC approved Schenectady County's application and added the Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue Intersection Improvement project ("Project") to the CDTC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and

WHEREAS, two alternatives were considered for the intersection: a Roundabout Alternative and a Traffic Signal Alternative. The Roundabout Alternative would involve a roundabout at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue to provide improved traffic control. The Roundabout Alternative would improve traffic operations and mobility at the intersection, and would eliminate conflicts between left-turning vehicles, subsequently helping to improve vehicular safety. The uneven distribution of northbound and southbound through vehicles would likely result in less than optimal performance of the roundabout. The uneven distribution of traffic would result in queuing of left-turning vehicles, requiring alternate means of traffic control to prevent conflicts between queued vehicles and the nearby at-grade rail crossing on Alplaus Avenue. This alternative would also result in increased right-of-way (ROW) impacts as compared to a signalized intersection configuration and would likely require the displacement of the residential apartment building located at the northeast quadrant of the intersection; and

WHEREAS, the Traffic Signal Alternative would involve the addition of a southbound left turn lane, northbound right-turn lane, and new traffic signal at the intersection. The non-standard reversing curve north of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue would be flattened to improve intersection safety. The widening for the turn lanes would be symmetrical, and the roadway alignment would be set to minimize ROW impacts; and

WHEREAS, hrther specific features about the alternatives are documented in the Draft Design Report, dated June 201 1, entered as Exhibit 7 at the Public Hearing held on June 7,201 1; and R 139-11 Page 3 WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Legislature, acting as lead SEQRA agency, has completed all appropriate SEQRA processing in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, and has otherwise considered the general effect of the proposed project on the environment; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Legislature, acting as lead SEQRA agency, has classified this Project as a Type I Action in accordance with 6 NYCRR Part 617; and

WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), as the Lead Agency for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), is expected to concur with the Project being progressed as a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion with documentation under the NEPA regulations, 23 CFR 771.1 17; and WHEREAS, Schenectady County has considered the general effect of the proposed project on the adjacent property owners of the locality in which the proposed project is to be undertaken; and

WHEREAS, representatives of Schenectady Cou~ityhave met with the adjacent property owners who may be affected by the proposed public project, and have made every effort to minimize the impact that the proposed public project will have on adjacent properties; and

WHEREAS, the proposed project would require Schenectady County to acquire fee andlor easement interests in strip parcels throughout the Project Area; and

WHEREAS, upon due notice thereof, the oral presentation and comment phase of a public hearing was held on June 7,201 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the Alplaus Volunteer Fire Department at 309 Alplaus Ave, Alplaus, New York, for the purpose of informing the public and to review the public use to be served and public benefit to be obtained by the aforementioned proposed public project, and to consider all other matters appropriate to the project; and

WHEREAS, during the course of the aforementioned oral presentation phase of the public hearing, the purpose, project location, maps and property descriptions of the property to be acquired and adjacent parcels were identified and explained to persons then in attendance, and such persons in attendance were given an opportunity to, and did, speak and comment on the proposed public project and to examine documents presented; and

WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the oral presentation and public comment phases of the aforementioned public hearings, the hearing was closed; and

WHEREAS, the minutes of the June 7,201 1 public hearing were transcribed and made available, together with the exhibits and other documents which were identified or made available during the oral presentation and public comment phases thereof, for inspection and examination by the public at the supervisors office of the Department of Engineering and Public Works, Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, as a result of public comments received during the public comment period, the Maple Avenue alignment of the Traffic Signal Alternative was shifted slightly to the west and concurrently raised to minimize impacts to the property in the northeast quadrant of the Maple Avenue/Alplaus Avenue intersection; and R 139-11 Page 4 WHEREAS, representatives of Schenectady County met with the owner of the property located in the northeast quadrant of the Maple Avenue/Alplaus Avenue intersection to discuss options for the reconstruction of the driveway onto Maple Avenue. These options included keeping the roadway alignment as shown at the public hearing, which shifts the alignment approximately four feet closer to the house; shifting the alignment approximately four feet to the west, which results in a driveway grade of 14.5%; or shifting the alignment approximately four feet to the west, closing the driveway onto Maple Avenue, and extending the existing driveway from Alplaus Avenue around the north side of the house, which would include connecting the house to the public sewer system as mitigation for impacts to the septic system as a result of the driveway extension. The property owner expressed preference for the option that shifts the roadway approximately four feet to the west and includes the 14.5% grade on the driveway onto Maple Avenue; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the following constitutes the Determination and Findings of this Body with respect to the proposed Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue Intersection Improvement in the Town of Glenville, Schenectady County, New York:

The public use, benefit or purpose to be served by the proposed public project is the reconstruction of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue and the adjacent 0.35 miles of roadway. The proposed highway will revise the existing roadway centerline and vertical profile to flatten the reversing curve on Maple Avenue north of the Alplaus Avenue intersection and minimize impacts to adjacent properties. Intersecting driveways will typically be reconstructed back to a distance necessary to provide an acceptable tie-in to the proposed Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue edge of pavement.

2. The benefits to be obtained and purposes to be served by the proposed public Project are as follows:

a. Geometries. The proposed Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue lane widths generally match existing conditions. The proposed shoulders on Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue will be widened from 1 ft to 3 ft and 2 ft, respectively, to 4 ft.

b. Level of Service, Safety and Traffic Control. The proposed alternative provides improved traffic control by installing a traffic signal at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue. The resulting levels of service at the intersection are C for AM peak hours and B for PM peak hours. Level of service for Maple Avenue will continue to operate at LOS D through all design years.

c. Pavement. The proposed pavement will be "Superpave hot mix asphalt (HMA)". The proposed full-depth pavement will consist of a 12 inch underlying granular sub-base course, 5 inch asphalt base course, 2 inch asphalt binder course and a 1.5 inch asphalt top course. Page 5 d. Drainage. The proposed project will include reconstructing existing drainage. The proposed alternative will utilize a closed drainage system along the west side of Maple Avenue, using concrete gutters to convey stormwater to drop inlets. Stormwater on the east side of Maple Avenue will either flow to the concrete gutters on the west side of Maple Avenue or drain onto the adjacent properties as overland flow. Other work includes replacing the 24-inch reinforced concrete pipe crossing beneath Maple Avenue to Alplaus Avenue and additional drainage ditches on either side of Alplaus Avenue. The drainage ditch on the south side of Alplaus Avenue will be designed to meet State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) requirements to treat runoff from additional impervious area and closed drainage.

e. Utilities. The proposed project will include modifications for most of the utilities within the project corridor. These modifications will include raising frames and covers and/or valve adjustments due to change in roadway elevation or grading. There are approximately twelve utility poles that need to be relocated, which are private utilities owned by National Grid, Verizon, and/or Time Warner Cable.

f. Right-of-way. The proposed alternative will require both fee acquisitions and temporary easements along the project corridor to incorporate the proposed roadway. These strip acquisitions will total approximately 0.4 acres of permanent acquisition and 0.05 acres of temporary easements.

g. Landscaping. Existing trees that are removed by the construction of the proposed alternative will be replaced where they can be accommodated outside the clear zone and within the highway right-of-way. The proposed project will not significantly change the visual environment.

h. Pedestrians. Based on the Pedestrian Generator Checklist, it has been determined that no separate pedestrian facilities are warranted. The occasional pedestrian may legally use the shoulder along Alplaus Avenue and Maple Avenue in accordance with the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.

i. Bicycling. There are no bicycle routes along Maple Avenue or Alplaus Avenue, nor are there any plans for bicycle routes; therefore, no special provisions are proposed to accommodate bicyclists. The occasional bicyclist may legally use the roadway shoulder along Alplaus Avenue and Maple Avenue in accordan~ewith the NYS Vehicle and Trai'fic Law.

j. Lighting. Existing street lighting throughout the project will be retained.

3. The location of the proposed public Project is the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue in the Town of Glenville, Schenectady County, New Y ork. R 139-11 Page 6 4. The following different alternatives were considered for the Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue Intersection Improvement Project:

a. Roundabout Alternative

b. Traffic Signal Alternative

5. The Traffic Signal Alternative is selected as the preferred alternative because it meets all the project objectives, minimizes potential impacts to the extent possible and is cost effective. This alternative would involve the addition of a southbound lee turn lane, northbound right turn lane, and a new traffic signal at the intersection. The Traffic Signal Alternative would consist of reconstructing the intersection and 0.35 miles of adjacent roadway pavement. This alternative includes symmetrical widening and an adjustment to the Maple Avenue alignment, raising it and centering it between the two critical points in the intersection to minimize impacts to the residential and historic properties adjacent to the intersection. This alternative addresses the non-standard reversing curve north of the intersection of Alplaus Avenue, drainage deficiencies, and intersection safety and operational deficiencies.

6. The proposed Project underwent a thorough and proper State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) environmental review, during which environmental concerns were addressed. The proposed project is classified under SEQRA, Part 617, Title 6 of the Official Compilation of New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (6 NYCRR Part 617) as a SEQRA Type I Action. The Project is classified as a Class I1 Action that has been processed as a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

7. It is hereby concluded that the proposed public Project will have, among others, the following effects upon the residents of the locality:

a. The proposed public Project will have a beneficial impact on the area by improving safety and traffic operations through the flattening of the non-standard reversing curve north of the intersection and adding the turn lanes and traffic signal at the intersection.

b. The proposed public Project will improve overall traffic conditions by providing greater capacity at the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue.

c. The proposed public Project will reconstruct the intersection of Maple Avenue and Alplaus Avenue and 0.35 miles of adjacent roadway with full-depth hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement and flatten the non-standard reversing curve north of the intersection.

d. The proposed public Project will improve the drainage system throughout the project corridor. R 139-11 Page 7 e. The proposed public Project will increase the grade on the driveway at 128 Maple Avenue to 14.5%. This driveway slope was identified as the preferred option by the property owner over other options presented. The proposed public Project will not have any negative impacts on any other local residents.

f. The proposed public Project will require acquisitions, but will not affect land uses or have any permanent effect on local planning.

g. The proposed public Project will not have a substantial negative impact on the aesthetics of the area; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature declares itself as lead agency and determines that the aforesaid actions will not have an adverse impact on any environmental resources, and a draft environmental impact statement will not be prepared. Page 8

9/6/20]1: Reported from Committee on Transportation (T6) 9/13/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 139-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14'~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~c&nty Legislature RESOLUTION 140-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works by memorandum dated August 22, 20 11 advises that Schenectady County has been awarded a grant in the amount of $267,500.00 from the Federal Aviation Administration; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the County must provide a matching share of $6,688.00 (2.5%), and the State will provide a matching share of $6,688.00 (2.5%); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that this funding will be for the completion of a con~prehensivemaster plan update for the Schenectady County Airport, and an airport layout plan drawing; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 1,201 1 recommends that Schenectady County accept the grant monies from the Federal Aviation Administration to complete a comprehensive master plan update, and an airport layout plan drawing set; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady hereby approves the aforesaid project and accepts the aforesaid grant monies from the Federal Aviation Administration and authorizes the utilization of such monies for the aforesaid purposes; and, be it further R 140-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into any necessary agreements, certifications, or reimbursement requests with the Federal Aviation Administration for the acceptance of such grant monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Capital Improvement Program and the operational budget be and they hereby are amended as follows:

Capital Fund Establish Appropriation Code:

H56 10-201 1I24 - Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout

Plan Update

Increase Revenue Codes bv:

H283 1 - Interfund Transfer

H3592 - State Aid - Airport

H4592 - Federal Aid - Airport

General Fund Increase Appropriation Code by:

A9550.905 - Transfer to Capital Fund

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

A1 990.400090 - Contingency Fund Page 3

9/6/2011: Reported jrom Committee on Transportation (T7) Reported jrom Committee on Ways and Means 9/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

-- Resolution 140-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14'~day of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

4,.? : / //.. /L - 7 /I , i-" / Z Geoffrey 6 Hall, Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 141-11

Sponsored by the Cornrnittee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by .the Legislature of .the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 6,201 1 recommends an early retirement plan for certain employees of Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further recommends that the retirement plan be made available to specific full-time employees at the Glendale Nursing Home who are 55 years of age or older who have fifteen years of credited service with Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further recommends that the retirement plan be an incentive of 15% of an employee's base salary, including longevity, and such plan must be taken by December 31,2011; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that any full-time employee of Schenectady County at the Glendale Nursing Home who is in a title listed below as of the effective date of retirement, and who is a member of the New York State Employees' Retirement System, and who is 55 years of age or older as of December 31,2011, and who has fifteen years of credited service in County employment at the time of retirement, and who elects to retire from such Retirement System by filing an application for retirement with the New York State Comptroller with an effective date of retirement between October 1,201 1 and December 31,201 1, and who is no longer a County employee after December 31,201 1, shall receive an additional salary adjustment from the County in the form of a retirement incentive equal to fifteen (15) percent of such R 141-11 Page 2 person's annual base salary (includes longevity) for the year 201 1;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the retirement incentive shall be available to persons who are employees at the Glendale Nursing Home, and who are in the following titles as of the effective date of retirement:

Assistant Cook Cleaner (Glendale) Food Service Helper Diet Technician Nursing Assistant Stores Clerk Supervising Nurse LPN Maintenance Worker (Glendale) Utility Worker (Glendale) Laundry Worker . R 141-1 1 Page 3

9/13/20]1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R 75) 9/13/20]1: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 141-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held September 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14Ihday of September, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 142-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 7.04 of the Schenectady County Charter a public hearing will be held in the Chambers of .the County Legislature on the 17" day of October, 201 1 at 6:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the Tentative Program Budget for 20 12 and the Tentative Capital Improvement Program for 20 12 - 20 17. R 142-10 Page 2

10/3/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R76) 10/3/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (McDonald, Petta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 142-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 3, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 4thday of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

sch&ectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 143-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by .the Legislature of ,the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of P-ublicWorks by memorandum dated September 27,201 1 states that Schenectady County was declared a federal disaster area by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further states that budget amendments are necessary to conduct repairs to the County road system as a result of the recent "Hurricane Irene;" and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further states that an appropriation of $820,000.00 is necessary to implement FEMA related repairs, and that $900,000 is necessary to implement FHWA related repairs; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further states that .the County share for the FEMA and FHWA projects would come from the 201 1 County Highway Improvement Program; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 29, 20 1 1 recommends that the appropriate budgetary amendments be made so that repairs can be made to County highways and bridges damaged by "Hurricane Irene;" now, therefore, be it R 143-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the 2011 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

H5 1 10-20 1 1/27 -- County Road System Storm Damage Repair -F.E.M.A

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

H5 1 10-20 1 114 - 20 11 County Highway Improvement Program $ 102,500.

Increase Revenue Codes by:

H3960 -- State Aid --Emergency Disaster Assistance H4960 -- Federal Aid --Emergency Disaster Assistance

Establish Appropriation Code:

H5 1 10-20 11/28 -- County Road System Storm Damage Repair -F.H. W.A.

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

H5 1 10-20 1114 -- 201 1 County Highway Improvement Program $ 130,000.

Increase Revenue Code by:

H4960 -- Federal Aid -- Emergency Disaster Assistance $ 770,000. R 143-1 1 Page 3

10/3/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R77) 10/3/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (McDonald, Petta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 143-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 3, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 4thday of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene%ady co&ty Legislature RESOLUTION 144-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


WHEREAS, 201 1 marks the 75thyear that the Boys and Girls Club of Schenectady has been in existence; and

WHEREAS, the Mission of the Boys and Girls Club is to help youth of all backgrounds with special concern for those with disadvantaged circumstances, develop the qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders; and

WHEREAS, the Club's purpose is to promote the social, educational, health, leadership, and character development of boys and girls during critical periods of their growth; and

WHEREAS, a broad range of programs in the core areas of education and career development, character and leadership development, health and life skills, arts and sports, and fitness and recreation are offered to the membership; and

WHEREAS, youth ages 6 to 18 are served in six clubhouses, various schools, the Community College, as well as city parks in the summertime and at Camp Lovejoy; and

WHEREAS, the Boys and Girls Club of Schenectady is the largest agency provider of services to youth from disadvantaged circumstances in Schenectady County, serving over 3,000 members while reaching 7,000 youth in 2010; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates .the Boys and Girls Club of Schenectady for 75 years of dedicated service to the youth of Schenectady County. R 144-11 Page 2

I0/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R78) I 0/11/201 I: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 144-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

,Clerk, ~chendtadflcountyLegislature RESOLUTION 145-11

Sponsored by Legislator Gatta:


WHEREAS, the Scotia-Glenville Pipe Band's mission is to teach piping and drumming to young people, ages 8 to 18 in the Capital District; and

WHEREAS, the Band was formed in 1989 to enhance the Scotia-Glenville School District's music program and in 1999 expanded its membership area to take in all of the Capital Region and beyond; and

WHEREAS, our local pipe band from Scotia-Glenville is the only significant youth pipe band in the Northeast; and

WHEREAS, the Pipe Band competed this year in the Celtic Classic Invitational in Bethlehem, Pa which is by invitation only and came away as the overall winner of the $3,000 top prize after finishing first of 60 bands at the Eastern U.S. Championship in Hunter Mountain; and

WHEREAS, the Scotia-Glenville Pipe Band will next travel to Glasgow, Scotland for its third time to compete in the World Pipe Band Championships; now therefore be it

RESOLVED that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the Scotia- Glenville Pipe Band on its outstanding victory at the Celtic Classic Invitational and wishes it great success next summer at World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland. R 145-11 Page 2

10/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R79) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 145-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11,2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

Sponsored by Legislator Gatta:


WHEREAS, in 201 1, nationally more than 190,000 women are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer, and more than 40,000 women are expected to die from this disease; and

WHEREAS, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month educates women about the importance of early detection for breast cancer; and

WHEREAS, as we observe National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we salute the brave Americans who are fighting this disease, including families and friends, advocates, researchers, and health care providers. We also pause to remember those we have lost to breast cancer; and

WHEREAS, the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will invest over $ 1 billion in research this year to fight this dreaded disease; and

WHEREAS, screening and early detection are essential to our nation's fight against breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute recommends that women age 40 and older have mammograms every 1 to 2 years; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature declares that October, 20 11 be declared Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Schenectady County. R 146-1 1 Page 2

10/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R80) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, hdcDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 146-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 1 1, 20 1 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chene'ctad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 147-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


WHEREAS, domestic violence affects all persons in Schenectady, and its damage is inflicted not only upon victims, but their children, families, and communities; and

WHEREAS, Schenectady County has taken decisive steps to develop and strengthen policies and laws to hold domestic violence offenders accountable while increasing measures that ensure the safety of victims and their children through our legal, law enforcement, human services, education and healthcare systems; and

WHEREAS, there are numerous human service agencies in the County as diverse as the County Department of Social Services, Probation, Sheriffs Department, Protective Services for Adults, the YWCA, Baptist Retirement, Bethesda House, various police departments, Proctors and others all working together to bring public awareness and to put a stop to this epidemic; and

WHEREAS, during 20 11, in Schenectady County alone, approximately 30% of all police calls were domestic violence calls. The YWCA sheltered 337 women and 228 children, advocated for 718 victims in Family Court and 1158 in Police Court; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature hereby that October, 2011 be declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Schenectady County. R 147-11 Page 2

10/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R81) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 147-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 1 1, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

,7= ,id/ ~eoffrdx.H&, Clerk, schen;ctady county Legislature RESOLUTION 148-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Great Flats Aquifer of Schenectady County supplies high quality drinking water to one hundred fifty thousand Schenectady County residents, and is a vital natural resource that needs to be protected and preserved; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady performs, and contracts with others to perform, certain improvements and maintenance to the County's real property who employ the use of chainsaws that require bar and chain oil for lubrication; and

WHEREAS, the County of Schenectady constantly strives to protect the Great Flats Aquifer as well as the safety of our employees and contractors; and

WHEREAS, the current practice of using "bar and chain oil" when operating chain saws results in oil leaking into the ground which poses a threat to the environment and to the groundwater supply due to the fact that 100% of Bar & Chain oil ends up in .the ground or water; and

WHEREAS, chainsaws spill a quart of oil every four hours of use; and R 148-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that there are many bar and chain oils that are based on oils that are not petroleum products that have the right viscosity, tackiness and flow qualities for the full range of professional chainsaw applications; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that biodegradable oils operate at higher and lower temperatures with sufficient flow properties while remaining toxicologically safer than petroleum chainsaw oils; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that using biodegradable oil poses no health danger to underground aquifers and other water supplies; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that using biodegradable lubricants eliminate unpleasant and irritating petroleum oil odors, and can be less costly than petroleum products because certain these products adhere better to steel and last longer enabling a chainsaw operator to use less bar and chain lube; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that County employees, or contractors employed by the County, who must use chainsaws as part of their employment or contractual duties shall be required to use biodegradable bar and chain oil for lubricatioil of such chainsaws, and may not use petroleum based bar and chain oil for lubrication of any chainsaws. R 148-11 Page 3

10/3/2011: Reported from Commitiee on Transportation (T9) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 148-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

ScheAectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 149-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, .the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning by memorandum dated September 28,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been approved for a grant of $28 1,000.00 from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that the grant monies will be used to renovate the County parking lot at the corner of Albany Street and Veeder Avenue in the City of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning further advises that the County must provide matching funds of $100,245.66, of which $53,423.43 will be for salaries of employees in engineering and planning; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 29,201 1 recommends the acceptance of grant monies from the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation from the "Green" Innovation grant program, and that corresponding operational budget amendments be approved; and

WHEREAS, 6 NYCRR section 617.5 (Title 6 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations) under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) provides R 149-11 Page 2 that certain actions identified in subdivision (c) of that section are not subject to environmental review under the Environmental Conservation Law; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation, and any and all other contracts, documents and necessary instruments, regarding the aforesaid grant project; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager has been authorized to submit an application for grant funding under the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation's GIGP 2010 on behalf of Schenectady County; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the renovation of a parking lot at the comer of Albany Street and Veeder Avenue will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the renovation of a parking lot at the comer of Albany Street and Veeder Avenue will reduce environmental impacts from stormwater runoff through the installation of porous pavement and infiltrationlrain garden structures, and the parking lot will not occupy a greater area of land than the existing parking area and the action does not exceed any of the thresholds identified in 6 NYCRR section 617.4; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body hereby determines that the aforesaid project is a Type I1 action in accordance with 6 NYCRR section 617.5, and is not subject to review under 6 NYCRR part 6 17; and, be it further

RESOLVED, -that.the 201 1 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code: Page 3

H 1620-201 1126 - Green Innovation Grant Program - Parking Lot Renovation $381,250.

Decrease Appropriation Code bv:

H 1620-201016 - Parking Improvements $ 100,250.

Establish Revenue Code:

H3089.07 - State Aid - Green Innovation Grant Program $281,000. R 149-11 Page 4

10/3/2011: Reported from Committee on Economic Development and Planning (ELP8) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 149-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

~cheneltad~&nty Legislature RESOLUTION 150-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance by memorandum dated September 28,201 1 recommends that the position of Requisition Clerk in the Purchasing Bureau of -theFinance Department be abolished, and that the position of Specifications Coordinator be created; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance advises that the proposed changes will facilitate the continued effort of the Finance Department to expand competitive bidding and assist in the efforts toward more consolidated and cooperative bidding with other municipalities; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Human Resources by memorandum dated September 26,201 1 advises that the Schenectady County Civil Service Commission, at its next meeting to be held on October 18,2011, will create the position of Specifications Coordinator within the Bureau of Purchasing; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Human Resources recommends that the position of Specifications Coordinator be created at grade 13; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 29, 20 1 1 recommends the creation of the position of Specifications Coordinator, and the abolishment of the position of Requisition Clerk within the Bureau of Purchasing; now, therefore, be it R 150-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the following positivn within the Bureau of Purchasing be and it hereby is created as follows:

Position Grade

Specifications Coordinator 13

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the positioii of Requisition Clerk within the Bureau of Purchasing be and it hereby is eliminated. R 150-11 Page 3

10/3/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Labor and Civil Service (LCSS) 10111/20] I: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 150-13

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chencctad~county Legislature RESOLUTION 151-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Developn~entand Planning by memorandum dated September 19,2011 recommends that certain common boundary lines of real property owned by the County and the State of New York, which property is located adjacent to the Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) and the New York State Armory (from Railroad Street to Washington Avenue in the City of Schenectady), be realigned; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Development and Planning advises that the current boundary lines are uneven, and the Public Lands Law authorizes the State of New York to exchange parcels of unappropriated State land with a municipality; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated September 29, 201 1 recommends that the current boundary line between the aforesaid property be adjusted to end the mutual encroachment that has existed for many years; and

WHEREAS, the First Deputy County Attorney by memorandum dated September 29,201 1 recommends that the common boundary line between real property owned by the County and the State of New York be adjusted to provide sufficient space to erect a dormitory for SCCC; and Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated September 29, 201 1 recommends that the County and the State exchange real property along the common boundary line of the aforesaid property to realign the lot lines to facilitate a student housing development project for SCCC; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body hereby determines that the aforesaid County real property in the City of Schenectady is no longer necessary for use by the County and that all the right, title and interest of the County in such real property shall be conveyed to the State of New York; and

WHEREAS, section 72-h of the General Municipal Law provides that this Governing Body may sell, without consideration and upon such terms and conditions as shall be approved by this Governing Body, any real property to any municipal corporation; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to execute any and all documents necessary for the conveyance and acceptance of the aforesaid real properties in the City of Schenectady in order to realign the common boundary lines. 151-1 1 Page 3

10/3/2011: Reported from Committee on Economic Development and Planning (EDP 7) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 151-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ]

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

~e0fffl.M Clerk, ~chenectadyCounty Legislature RESOLUTION 152-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hoffman:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows,

RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 20 of the Municipal Home Rule Law, a public hearing is hereby called upon proposed Local Law H-20 11, to be held before the Legislature of the Cou.nty of Schenectady, in the Legislative Chambers in the County Office Building, 620 State Street, Schenectady, New York on the 1" day of November, 20 11 at 7:00 pm for the purpose of hearing all interested persons on the question of providing a real property tax exemption for capital improvements to residential buildings.

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature be and he hereby is directed to publish a notice of such public hearing once in the Daily Gazette as provided for by law, such notice to contain the title of the proposed Local Law and an abstract of the text. R 152-11 Page 2

1011 11201 1: Reported from Committee on Rules (R82) 10/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 15 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 152-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 11, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12~~day of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

scheli6ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 153-11

Sponsored by Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager submitted to the County Legislature the proposed tentative Operating Budget in accordance with and as provided for in the Charter of the County of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the Committee on Ways and Means received such proposed Operating Budget and conducted a series of committee meetings to review and examine same; and

WHEREAS, a Public Hearing on the tentative Operating Budget was held on Monday, October 17,201 1, in the Chambers of the Schenectady County Legislature, at which time, comments were solicited and received from members of the public with respect to the same; and


WHEREAS, State Legislation (S.5889-BlA8644) will require state policymakers to take full fiscal responsibility for New York's Medicaid program, by implementing an eight (8) year gradual State takeover of county Med.icaid costs; and R 153-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that New York State is the only state in the country that requires local municipalities to provide funding for Medicaid programs through the property tax; and

WHEREAS, in 1976, the State of New York mandated that Schenectady County provide $3.2 million towards the funding of Medicaid, and in the past 35 years this unfair State mandate has exploded over 961%; and

WHEREAS, the cost of this unfair State mandate to the taxpayers of Schenectady County will amount to $33,952,877 in 2012; and

WHEREAS, removing county taxpayers from the financing of Medicaid is the single most important thing the State Legislature can do to lower property taxes for New Yorkers; and

WHEREAS, the State takeover of county Medicaid costs will lead to lower property taxes and enhance New York's economic competitiveness and improve economic opportunities for all New Yorkers; and

WHEREAS, state lawmakers can fund the takeover with a combination of Medicaid program reforms, state-derived savings and other spending controls, including, applying MRT (Medicaid Redesign Team) reform savings to mandate relief and pursuing a federal Medicaid waiver to leverage state cost containment initiatives that can be applied to property tax relief and applying future revenues to lowering property taxes and by allowing federal health care reforms to cover New Yorkers; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that Schenectady County could reduce the County real property tax by approximately 50 percent if New York State assumed the total cost of the Medicaid programs in the County, as is done in all other States in the nation; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body hereby requests the State Legislature and the Governor to approve the aforesaid legislation (S. 5889- BIA. 8644, which would require New York State, over an eight year period, to fund the total cost of the Med.icaid programs administered by each county; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body hereby directs the Clerk of the Legislature to send a certified copy of tnis resolution to the Governor, the R 153-11 Page 3

Majority Leader of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, Senator Farley, and Asserrlblymen Tedisco and Amedore.


WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the suicide prevention and treatment system is an integral service to certain members of our youth population; and

WHEREAS, this Governing Body has been informed that certain providers are in need of additional funding due to potential funding reductions from other sources; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that said Tentative Operating Budget be and the same is hereby amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A4322.400608 - Treatment Services - Children & Youth $60,000.


WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that funding should be available to ensure that eligible seniors are provided with home-delivered meals on weekdays and on week-ends; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that said Tentative Operating Budget be and the same is hereby amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A6772.400423 - Home Delivered MealsDJutrition Ed & Counseling $50,000.


WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that a position that was proposed to be consolidated in the tentative budget is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the Bureau of Weights and Measures; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, -that said Tentative Operating Budget be and the same is hereby amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A66 10.1 11 - Consumer AffairsIWeights & Measures Personnel Services $62,000.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A1962.01 --- Consumers Affairs Fees/ Weights & Measures Charges $62,000.

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that budgetary appropriations and revenues should reflect anticipated revenues; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that said Tentative Operating Budget be and the same is hereby amended as follows:

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A1 985.4000 18 - Distribution of Sales Tax $ 153,781.

Increase Revenue Code by:

A 1 110 - Sales and Use Tax $1,230,247.

Decrease Revenue Code by:

A 100 1 - Real Property Taxes $966,466.

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that such proposed Operating Budget in the total amount of $295,25 8,565 .OO be and hereby is adopted as .the official County Operating Budget for 20 12. R 153-1 1 Page 5

10/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R83) 10/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 153-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of October, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 154-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Manager submitted to the County Legislature the proposed Capital Program in accordance with and as provided for in the Charter of the County of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, the Committee on Ways and Means received such proposed Capital Program and conducted a series of committee meetings to review and examine same; and

WHEREAS, a Public Hearing on the proposed Capital Program was held on Monday, October 17,2011 in the Chambers of the Schenectady County Legislature, at which time, comments were solicited and received from members of the public with respect to the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that such proposed Capital Program for 201 2 - 20 17 be and hereby is adopted as the official Schenectady County Capital Program Budget for 2012 - 2017. R 154-11 Page 2

10/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R84) 10/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Dagostino, Gatta, Hoffman, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 154-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held October 19,2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of October, Two Thousand Eleven.


Sponsored by Legislator Vellano:


WHEREAS, Robert Becker was recently named New York State Marine of the Year and National Marine of the Year by the Marine Corps League for his 42 years of dedication to veterans organizations; and

WHEREAS, Bob served in the Marine Corp from 1960 to 1968; and

WHEREAS, after leaving active service Mr. Becker became a Marine recruiter and joined the local Marine Corps League and over the years held numerous elected positions with the League; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Becker went on to form the Electric City Detachment No. 222 in Schenectady and was Detachment Commandant for five terrns and helped to forrn 17 other local Marine Corps League detachments; and

WHEREAS, for 32 years Bob has chaired the local Toys for Tots and was the editor of the detachment news letter as well as the vice president of the Marine Corps League Foundation and has held several national positions; and

WHEREAS, in addition to his other involvements Robert Becker is associated with several other veterans organizations such as the Marine Corps Association, Military Order of the Devil Dogs No. 134, American Overseas Veterans, the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars as well as numerous other activities that assist veterans and their families; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates Robert Becker for being named Marine of the Year and thanks him for his years of dedication to helping veterans of all servicss and their families. 11/9/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R85) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 155-1 1

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chen'ectadf~ount~Legislature RESOLUTION 156-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


WHEREAS, the Highbridge Civic Association was formed in 195 1 to exercise, promote and protect the privileges and interests of the residents of the development known as Fred's Community Plot nos. 1 and 2 and Highbridge Manor in the Town of Rotterdam; and to foster a healthy interest in the civic affairs of the community, to develop good citizens, and to promote friendship among its members; and

WHEREAS, HCA is the oldest active and continuously functioning civic association in the Capital District; and the first organized and continuously active participant in the Town of Rotterdam IVeighborhood Watch Program; and

WHEREAS, at the time it was formed there were approximately 500 families, that have now grown to over 900 families residing in the Highbridge Community; and

WHEREAS, the Association publishes a monthly newsletter, HIGHBRIDGE HIGHLIGHTS, and has never missed a publication date in its 60 year history; and

WHEREAS, among its many accomplishments the HCA has been influential in the completion of the new Kings Road Bridge, installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Hamburg St. and E. Campbell Rd., construction of sidewalks on the 890 bridge, and additional lighting in strategic areas of the community; and

WHEREAS, the HCA provides support to families in need of assistance in the Mohonasen School District through more than $10,000 in donations raised through their annual Adopt A Family Program, and over $2,300 raised in storm relief contributions for their neighbors in Rotterdam Junction and Pattersonville left devastated in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene; and

WHEREAS, the residents of Highbridge Manor, through their ongoing commitment and unwavering support of the Highbridge Civic Association have played a crucial role in maintaining and improving the quality of life for residents of the Town of Rotterdam, and all of us in Schenectady County; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the Highbridge Civic Association and its officers and directors on the occasion of its 60th Anniversary and thanks them for helping to strengthen the fabric of .the greater Schenectady County community. R 156-11 Page 2

11/9/2011: Reported from Coininittee on Rules (R86) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 156-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 157-11

Sponsored by Legislator Dagostino:


WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Environmental Advisory Council was established by the Schenectady County Legislature in 1971 under Article 47 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council is to solicit the expertise of the community in order to preserve and improve the quality of natural and constructed environments in Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, it is also the intent that the Council will facilitate cooperation between various governmental agencies, as well as between County Government, private institutions and the public, in addressing environmental issues; and

WHEREAS, in the last forty years SCEAC has been the voice and guidance in environmental issues effecting the citizens of Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, SCEAC has established a number of committees to help guide its work; Land Uselopen Space, Waste Management and Recycling, Air, Energy and Climate Change, Water Resources, and Policies and Procedures; and

WHEREAS, the governing Board of SCEAC is composed of 12 at-large members appointed by the County Manager and confirmed by the County Legislature while staffing is provided by the Schenectady County Department of Economic Development and Planning; now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates the Schenectady County Environmental Advisory Council for dedicating their efforts toward protecting and enhancing the environment of Schenectady County for the past 40 years. Page 2

11/9/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R87) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 157-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffrey fia@lerk,/ ' Schenectady county Legislature RESOLUTION 158-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


WHEREAS, thousands of children are in need of adoptive parents who will provide them with love, nurturing and a good home; and

WHEREAS, adoption is a wonderful way for childless adults to experience the joys of parenthood as well as for families who already have children to expand their family; and

WHEREAS, children who are adopted are particularly fortunate because they have parents who have chosen them to be part of their family; and

WHEREAS, adoptions help foster strong families which in turn helps build vibrant communities which benefits all of society; and

WHEREAS, adoptions facilitated by the Schenectady County Department of Social Services for 20 11 have reached 15 and 7 additional adoptions have been filed in Schenectady County Family Court and are scheduled for adoption finalization in November 20 1 1 ;and

WHEREAS, 10 additional adoptions have been filed in Schenectady County Family Court and are awaiting and official adoption date; now -thereforebe it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature does hereby recognize November, 20 11 as National Adoption Month; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the citizens of Schenectady County be encouraged to consider adoption as a positive and rewarding experience in which to expand their families and help create a healthier community. Page 2

11/9/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R88) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Hoffman, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 158-11

STATE OF NEW YORK 1 County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady 1

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

V ~eoffrefl~dClerk, schedcEady county Legislature RESOLUTION 159-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator Hoffman:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated October 28,20 1 1 advises that subdivision 4 of section 373 of the NYS Agriculture and Markets Law provides that the sheriff, upon request of a duly organized Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, must assume custody of seized animals; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the Schenectady County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SCPA) recently seized over 40 cats and a dog that were neglected from a residence in the Town of Rotterdam; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the SCPA requested that the sheriff assume custody of the animals, which was not feasible due to a lack of facilities by the sheriff; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the SCPA commenced a special proceeding to enforce compliance with the NYS Agriculture and Markets Law; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that a settlement has been reached with the SCPA that addresses the problem of vicious dogs in the City of Schenectady and the aforesaid animal control issues; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that a memorandum of agreement has been provided to this Governing Body entitled the "Vicious Dog R 159-11 Page 2

Control Services Agreement of 201 1 and Release" that would establish a dog control program for Schenectady County phrsuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the major provisions of the Vicious Dog Control Services Agreement of 201 1 and Release are: 1. The special proceeding action initiated by the SCPA is withdrawn; 2. The SCPA is appointed the Schenectady County Dog Control Officer; 3. Revenues received from tickets issued by the SCPA will be equally divided between the County and the SCPA; 4. The County agrees to donate certain surplus vehicles to the SCPA; 5. The SCPA, and not the sheriff, will be the Dog Control Officer at no cost to County residents; 6. The term of the agreement is from November 15,2011 to December 31, 2012 (with five one year automatic renewals expiring on December 31, 20 17); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and execute a "Vicious Dog Control Services Agreement of 201 1 and Release" with the Schenectady County Society for tlie Prevention of Cruelty to Animals consistent with the provisions of this resolution. R 159-1 1 Page 3

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS1 0) Reported from Ways and Means 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 9 (Dagostino, Fields, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Santabarbara) Nays: 5 (Buhnnaster, Farley, Finn, Petta, Vellano) Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 159-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven. TI& Geoffrey YAaMlerk, ~chenedad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 160-11

Spo~zsoredby Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Fire Coordinator by letter dated October 13, 20 11 advises that this Governing Body must approve the local wireless 9 11 enhanced reimbursement program certification for 20 11 to be eligible to receive wireless 91 1 funds from the NYS Department of State; and

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Fire Coordinator further advises that this year's reimbursement amount is $76,928.00; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated October 27,201 1 recommends that this Governing Body approve the aforementioned certification; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to execute the local wireless 9 1 1 enhanced reimbursement program certification for 20 11. R 160-11 Page 2

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS1I) Reported from Ways and Means 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 160-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven. z/J# ~eoffr-.Hall,Clerk, schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 161-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Deputy Commissioner of the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services by letter dated October 18,201 1 advises -that the 20 11/12 State Budget includes an appropriation of $150,000.00 for a not-for-profit organization in Schenectady County - the New York State Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the Deputy Commissioner of the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services further advises that the funding source for this appropriation is a 2010 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance grant that will lapse on September 30,2013; and

WHEREAS, the Deputy Commissioner of the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services further requests that Schenectady County execute a waiver letter so that the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services can contract directly with the NYS Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated October 27,20 11 recommends that the Legislature authorize the execution of the waiver letter, now, therefore be it R 161-1 1 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized to execute the aforesaid waiver letter provided by the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services, which waives the County's local claim to the Anti-Drug Abuse Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds. R 161-11 Page 3

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS12) Reported from Ways and Means 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 161-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

schen&ta&county Legislature RESOLUTION 162-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services by memorandum dated October 28,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been awarded monies from a National Emergency Grant through the NYS Department of Labor to create temporary employment to assist with clean-up activities relating to Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services further advises that the amount of monies is $20,880.00, and that the monies will be used for remediation of streams and public paths throughout the County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated October 28,201 1 recommends the acceptance of the aforesaid monies from the NYS Department of Labor, and that appropriate budgetary amendments be adopted; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for -the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement R 162-11 Page 2 with the NYS Department of Labor regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Operational Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation- Code: A6234.429 - SJTA -National Emergency Grant - Professional Services $20,880.

Establish Revenue Code:

A4960.0 1 - Federal Aid - National Emergency Grant $20,880. R 162-1 1 Page 3

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Human Services and Aging (HSA8) Reported from Ways and Means 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 162-13

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenecta@count~ Legislature RESOLUTION 163-11

Sponsored by Legislator McDonald:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated October 28,201 1 advises that Schenectady County has been working with Monolith Solar, LLC to provide for the installation of solar panels on ten county-owned facilities; and

WHEREAS, .the County Attorney further advises that the installation of the aforesaid solar panels will be at no expense to the County, and will be borne by Monolith Solar, LLC; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the County will purchase the electricity produced by the solar panels from Monolith Solar, LLC at a 30% d.iscount from the County's regu.lar electric rates; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the County will save approximately $20,000.00 per year on its electrical costs with the installation of the aforesaid solar panels; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the major provisions of the Solar Equipment Lease and ancillary agreements are: R 163-11 Page 2

1. Monolith Solar, LLC will install up to 50kW systems per meter per site at ten sites; 2. The agreement is for 15 years;

;now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into a Solar Equipment Lease, Schedule B - Schedule of Changes, a Customer Agreement for Solar PV System Installation under NYSERDA Incentive Program PON 21 12, and any other necessary documents with Monolith Solar, LLC consistent with the provisions of this resolution. Page 3

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Public Facilities (PF3) Reported from Ways and Means 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 163-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

schenec6dy coGnty Legislature RESOLUTION 164-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator Hoffman:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows;

WHEREAS, proposed Local Law No. H- 11, entitled:


WHEREAS, in accordance with tlie law, a public hearing upon proposed Local Law No. H- l 1, before this County Legislature, was duly held on the 9thday of November, 201 1; and

WHEREAS, said proposed Local Law in final form has been on the desks of the members of this County Legislature since the 1 lthday of October, 201 1, constituting a period of over seven (7) days, exclusive of Sundays; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the aforesaid proposed Local Law No. H-1 1 entitled:

A LOCAL LAW REGARDING A PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS introduced on the 11 th day of October, 201 1, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted as Local Law No. 8-20 1 1. Page 2

11/9/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R89) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 164-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 10" day of November, Two Thousand Eleven. T/&// ~eoffry$%,J-&all, Clerk, sche&ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 165-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a public auction was held by the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency on October 29,201 loffering the interest of the County of Schenectady in certain properties acquired by the County of Schenectady pursuant to the Real Property Tax Law; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has recommended by memorandum dated November 4,201 1 acceptance of the highest bids made at said auction for the hereinafter indicated parcels by the individuals listed below:




33.00-2-17 Fabio Urbano 2,000.00 Hwy RT 30

35.06-3-29 Donald Weber 26,000.00 2242 Weast Rd Page 2

55.00-4-12.31 Donald LaBier 24,000.00 1178 VanPatten Rd

65.00-1-26 Richard Romer 300.00 Western Tpke

66.00-1-1.11 Antonio A. Marotta 1,400.00 Western Tpke

74.00-1-19 Roger Tidball 700.00 Oak Hill Rd


38.27-3-9 Harold Fogg, I11 26,000.00 309 Root Ave

38.43-2-38.1 John Gibbons 42,000.00 311 Sanders Ave


10.17-4-23.1 Johathan Winnicki 6,000.00 651 Saratoga Rd

10.17-7-17 Matthew Arnow 3,800.00 33 Paradowski Rd

10.17-7-18 Matthew Arnow 100.00 Paradowski Rd

15.03-2-87 Jason Micare 100.00 Country Fair Ln

15.12-2-1 Charlotte & Anthony Santora 100.00 Gleason Rd

15.19-5-24.1 1 Antonio A. Marotta 100.00 Stottle Ln

16.05-2-50 Antonio A Marotta 100.00 (off) Hetcheltown Rd

20.00-4-27 Larry A. Lamora 15,000.00 Amsterdam Rd

22.06-5-33 Paul Haakonson, Sr. 100.00 Berkley Rd

22.12-5-13.1 Robert Bonaparte 100.00 Glenridge Rd (rear)

30.13-3-25 Carlo Viscusi 100.00 Ballston Rd Page 3

Edward J & Linda A Luberda Ballston Rd


31.17-1-43.2 Paul Haakonson, Sr. Oakland Ave

50.19-2-10 Paul Haakonson, Sr Meadow Ln

60.15-1-38 Paul Mendel, Jr. 250 Taurus Rd

60.18-3-1 Antonio A. Marotta 3404 High St

61.15-1-13 John W Plekan Birchwood Ln (off)


20.05-8-1.12 James B. Parker 1225 Main St

36.00-3-30 Sang Woo Lee 4895 Mariaville Rd

48.15-2-1 Antonio A. Marotta Vienna Ave

48.15-11-8 Fabio Urbano 2749 Broadway

48.17-2-3.1 Michael C. Majkut Kellar Ave

48.17-5-16 Carlo J. Viscusi 29 Kellar Ave

48.19-7-30 Paul Haaknson, Sr. Broadway

48.20-7-13.11 Bryan Ellers 2520 Barton Ave

49.17-3-13 Antonio A. Marotta Fordham Ave

49.20-1-9 Aaron D. Persing Chism Rd

59.05-9-1 Philip Martinelli Rogers St Page 4

59.06-6-2.1 Antonio A. Marotta 100.00 Altamont Ave

59.13-6-5.1 Donald Ruf, 111 100.00 2037 Greenpoint Ave, Lot 59

59.14-9-3 Louis R. Lupi 100.00 Curry Rd

60.17-2-10 Fabio Urbano 2,200.00 Martinella Ave

72.05-1-12 Antonio A. Marotta 1,500.00 Genoa Blvd


28.08-2-29 Donald & Cynthia Petersen 15,000.00 4E VanBuren Ln

;now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Real Property Tax Law and the auction terms and conditions this Legislature hereby approves the sale of the aforesaid parcels at the purchase prices listed above and upon receipt of the full payment pursuant to the Terms of Sale, the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized to execute appropriate quitclaim deeds and the Director of the Real Property Tax Service Agency shall cause a quitclaim deed to be delivered to each purchaser in accordance with the Terms of Sale. Page 5

11/9/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R90) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 165-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven. Z//M ~eoffre~$<~ayr!Clerk, ~chenectad~cbunty Legislature RESOLUTION 166-11

Sponsored by Legislator Hughes:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the President of the Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) by memorandum dated November 3,20 11 advises that due to Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee the college suffered severe flooding and damage to the grounds and the Begley and Elston Buildings; and

WHEREAS, the President of the SCCC further advises that an assessment estimates the monies needed to restore and mitigate the damages to be $3 million; and

WHEREAS, the President of the SCCC further advises that a resolution authorizing the Federal Emergency Management Agency dollars as a match to the dollars provided by SUNY is necessary, which would provide an opportunity to restore facilities and implement mitigation strategies at no cost to the county; and

WHEREAS, .the Director of Facilities by memorandum dated November 3, 201 1 advises that the estimated cost for required SCCC facility repairs is $2 million, with an additional $1 million for mitigation and other improvements, for a total of $3 million; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated November 3, 20 11 recommends .the providing of .the necessary capital funds for the Page 2

aforesaid restorations and damage mitigations, and that corresponding capital budget amendments be approved; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 201 1 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Capital Budget

Establish Appropriation Code:

H240 1-20 1 1/29 - SCCC - Facilities Restoration and Mitigation Project $3,000,000.

Increase Revenue Codes by:

H3270 - State Aid - Community Colleges $ 1,500,000. H4960 - Federal Aid - Emergency Disaster Assistance $ 1,500,000. Page 3

11/9/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R91) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 166-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenictad~County Legislature RESOLUTION 167-1 1

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, a joint report of the Recording Officer and the Commissioner of Finance was filed with the Clerk of the Legislature, showing the amount of mortgage tax monies collected during .the preceding period ending September 30,20 1 1 and credited to each tax district of the county; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature is required to issue the warrant to the Commissioner of Finance directing payment to be made to the proper officer in each city, village and town of the county of the proportionate share to which each city, village and town is entitled by law, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the joint report of the Recording Officer and Commissioner of Finance be accepted in accordance with the schedule hereinafter specifically set forth, to wit:

Village of Delanson Town of Duanesburg Village of Scotia Town of Glenville Town of Niskayuna Town of Princetown Town of Rotterdam Page 2

City of Schenectady

TOTAL $ 1,027,434.06

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the foregoing statement shall be to the Commissioner of Finance a sufficient warrant for the payment of said monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of the Legislature to the Commissioner of Finance and to the proper officer of each city, village, and town entitled to payment mentioned herein. R 167-1 1 Page 3

11/1/2011: Reported from Committee on Ways and Means (WM14) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Gatta) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 167-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenectad~&unty Legislature RESOLUTION 168-11

Sponsored by Legislator Vellano:


WHEREAS, Angelo Tommasone served in the United States as a tail gunner in the 3 19thbomb group and the 437thsquadron during World War 11; and

WHEREAS, the 3 19thBombardment Group was known as the "Flying Martin Marauders", as they flew B-26 Marauders that could be identified by the wide white band around the rear of the fuselage; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Tommasone was a tail gunner who flew seven missions over France in the summer of 1944; and

WHEREAS, the 3 19th Bombardment Group was instrumental in bombing rail yards, bridges, radar stations, and costal batteries in order to cut off supplies to Italy and push the Germans out of the South of France; and

WHEREAS, .the Legion of Honor is a French Order established by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802 and contains five levels, of which Chevalier is the highest ;and

WHEREAS, in January 20 11, Angelo Tommasone was notified by Patrick Lachaussee, Deputy Consul General of France that he was appointed as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor due to his service in World War I1 ;now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates Angelo Tommasone for being appointed Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France and thank him for his service in World War 11. R 168-11 Page 2

11/9/2011 : Reported from Committee on Rules (R92) 11/9/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gatta, Johnson) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 168-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held November 9, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this lothday of November, Two Thousand Eleven.

schenecTady c6unty Legislature RESOLUTION 169-11

Sponsored by Legislator Jasenski:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Undersheriff of the Office ofthe Schenectady County Sheriff recommends by memorandum dated November 17,2011 that Schenectady County enter into a five-year agreement with the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) for food service for the inmates; and

WHEREAS, the Undersheriff advises that a costlbenefit analysis performed in conjunction with the County Manager's Office determined that a savings of approximately $1,000.00 per week was realized in food costs since the Schenectady County Correctional Facility has utilized the food services of DOCCS; and

WHEREAS, the Undersheriff recommends that the Schenectady County Correctional Facility utilize the food services ofDOCCS, which is prepared under a "cook/chill" method, for the inmates at the County Facility; and

WHEREAS, the Undersheriff further advises that, subject to legislative approval, the following are essential terms of the agreement, to wit: R 169-11 Page 2

1. DOCCS would provide food products as requested by Schenectady County; 2. DOCCS would transport and deliver the food products to Schenectady County on a weekly basis; 3. The agreement would commence on July 1, 2011 and remain in effect until June 30, 2016; 4. Either party could terminate the agreement on ninety days notice; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 recommends that the County enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision for the aforementioned food services; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to negotiate and to execute an agreement with the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision consistent with the provisions of this Resolution. R 169-11 Page 3

12/5/2011: Reported from Committee on Consumer Affairs and Public Safety (CAPS4) Reported from Committee on Ways and Means 12/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 169-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven. -- /10/ , Clerk, Schenectady ounty Legislature RESOLUTION 170-11

Sponsored by Legislator Petta:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature ofthe County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 advises that Schenectady County has been awarded a grant from the Green Jobs Green New York Program administered by the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager further advises that Schenectady County has been awarded $965,437.00 in funding to provide financing for energy audits and loans for residents, small businesses, and not-for-profit organizations, including outreach activities to these entities; and

WHEREAS, the Assistant to the County Manager further advises that Schenectady County will serve as the "host community" for this funding, which entails the County being the lead agent and administering the grant for Albany, Rensselaer and Warren counties; and

WHEREAS, the Contract Administrator for the NYSERDA advises by letter dated November 3, 2011 that Schenectady County has been awarded a grant from the Green Jobs Green New York Program, which is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; and R 170-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 recommends that the Legislature accept the aforesaid grant to promote "green" initiatives in the community and the region, and that the appropriate budgetary amendments be adopted; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization ofthese funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it

RESOL VED, that the Legislature of the County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into an agreement with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOL VED, that the 2011 Capital Improvement Program be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Capital Fund

Establish Appropriation Code:

H6420-2011130 Economic Development - Green Jobs Green New York Program $ 965,437.

Establish Revenue Code:

H4797 Federal Aid Green Jobs Green New York Program $ 965,437. R 170-11 Page 3

12/5/2011: Reported from Committee on Environmental Conservation and Parks (ECP7) 12/13/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 170-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffre , Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 171-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works advises by memorandum dated November 14, 2011 ofthe receipt of an extension to the municipal snow and ice agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) to include the 2012113 winter season; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the amount in the agreement that is payable to the County would be $1,078,029.12 for the period July 1,2012 to June 30, 2013; and

WHEREAS, the DOT Resident Engineer for Schenectady County advises by letter dated October 20, 2011 that DOT has approved an extension for the municipal snow and ice agreement with Schenectady County; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 recommends that the County extend its snow and ice contract with the DOT to include the aforesaid changes for the 2012/13 winter season; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is, authorized to execute an extension to the snow and ice agreement with DOT as detailed herein, after approval by the County Attorney as to form and content. R 171-11 Page 2

121512011,' Reported from Committee on Transportation (TI0) ReportedJrom Committee on Ways and Means 12113/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 171-11

STATEOFNEWYORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 172-11

Sponsored by Legislator Santabarbara:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Director ofPublic Works by memorandum dated November 14, 2011 advises that Schenectady County has been notified that an amount previously awarded through a grant from the Federal Aviation Administration has been reduced; and

WHEREAS, the Director ofPublic Works further advises that the change in the funding amount necessitates an amendment to the previous resolution accepting such funds; and

WHEREAS, the Director ofPublic Works further advises that the total project amount has been reduced from $267,500.00 to $248,200.00; and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the County must provide a matching share of$6,205.00 (2.5%), and the State will provide a matching share of $6,205.00 (2.5%); and

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that this funding will be for the completion of a comprehensive master plan update for the Schenectady County Airport, and an airport layout plan drawing; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 recommends that Schenectady County accept the reduced grant monies from the Federal Aviation Administration to complete a comprehensive master plan update, and an airport layout plan drawing set; and R 172-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Manager further advises that the project has been considered under SEQR and is classified as a type II action because it involves preliminary planning and management, which does not involve a major reordering ofpriorities that may affect the environment; and

WHEREAS, acceptance ofthese monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOL VED, that the Legislature ofthe County of Schenectady hereby approves the aforesaid project and accepts the aforesaid grant monies from the F ederal Aviation Administration and authorizes the utilization of such monies for the aforesaid purposes; and, be it further

RESOL VED, that the development of a comprehensive airport master plan update and an airport layout plan requires no further action under SEQR; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Manager, subject to approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, is authorized to execute any documents necessary to prepare and file a SEQR compliance statement with the appropriate agencies; and, be it further

RESOL VED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into any necessary agreements, certifications, or reimbursement requests with the F ederal Aviation Administration for the acceptance of such grant monies; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the following Resolved clause of Resolution 140-11, which amends the 2011 Capital Improvement Program and the operational budget, be and it hereby is amended as follows: R 172-11 Page 3

Capital Fund

Establish Appropriation Code:

H5610-2011124 - Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan Update $ [267,500.] 248,200.

Increase Revenue Codes by:

H2831 - Interfund Transfer $ [6,688.] 6,205. H3592 State Aid - Airport $ [6,688.] 6,205. H4592 Federal Aid Airport $ [254,124.] 235,790.

General Fund

Increase Appropriation Code by:

A9550.905 - Transfer to Capital Fund $ [6,688.] 6,205.

Decrease Appropriation Code by:

A 1990.400090 - Contingency Fund $ [6,688.] 6,205. Rl72-11 Page 4

121512011: Reported from Committee on Transportation (T11) 1211312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 172-11

STATEOFNEWYORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geoffre~L:J!d/ . H , Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 173-11

Sponsored by Legislator Johnson:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Arts Center and Theatre of Schenectady, Inc. is a recognized tourism promotion agency in the County of Schenectady; and

WHEREAS, as a recognized tourism promotion agency, the Arts Center and Theatre of Schenectady, Inc. is authorized to make application for and receive grants for recognized advertising programs; now, therefore be it

RESOL VED, that the Schenectady County Legislature hereby authorizes the Arts Center and Theatre of Schenectady, Inc. to submit an "I LOVE New York" matching funds grant application for the County's 2012 tourism and promotion programs; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that as Schenectady County's appointed tourism promotion agency, the Arts Center and Theatre of Schenectady, Inc. be and hereby is directed to notify the Schenectady County Legislature of the grant award. R 173-11 Page 2

121512011: Reportedfrom Committee on Tourism, Arts and Special Events (TASE2) 1211312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 1 (Johnson) Excused: 0

Resolution 173-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe origina1.

WITNESS my hand and the seal ofthe Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven. /.1 -;-; Geoffre lerk, Schenectady: ounty Legislature RESOLUTION 174-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance has filed a memorandum dated November 30, 2011 outlining the need to adopt values for tax levy and tax apportionment purposes; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the report of the Ways and Means Committee relative to the form and footing of the assessment rolls ofthe City of Schenectady and the several towns of Schenectady County, presented to the Legislature for approval, be and hereby are approved and adopted as follows:

Assessed Values for Tax Levy Purposes

City of Schenectady $ 2,386,872,413. Town of Niskayuna $ 2,424,595,623. Town of Princetown $ 59,748,902. Town of Duanesburg $ 156,600,585. Town of Rotterdam $ 2,435,815,598. Town of Glenville $ 1,982,558,417.

TOTAL: $ 9,446,191,538.

; and, be it further R 174-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the following assessed values be and hereby are approved and adopted for apportionment purposes:

Assessed Values for Apportionment Purposes

City of Schenectady $ 2,676,770,851. Town ofNiskayuna $ 2,516,993,882. Town ofPrincetown $ 63,141,649. Town of Duanesburg $ 164,833,767. Town ofRotterdam $ 2,628,711,409. Town of Glenville $ 2,075,842,630.

TOTAL $ 10,126,294,188. RI74-11 Page 3

121512011: Reportedfrom Committee on Ways and Means (WM15) 1211312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 1 (Farley) Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 174-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 175-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, certain information has been filed as required by law pertaining to the extension ofreturned school taxes; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutes applicable thereto, this County Legislature authorizes the extension of the following school taxes on the applicable rolls of the several towns of the County:

School Taxes Returned


Schoharie Central $ 29,076.62 Duanesburg Central $ 381,195.54 Schalmont Central $ 146,496.88


Scotia Glenville Central $ 1,335,639.84 Burnt Hills Ballston Lake Central $ 465,300.95 Niskayuna Central $ 136,378.54 R 175-11 Page 2


South Colonie Central $ 202,516.08 Niskayuna Central $ 1,203,107.01


Schalmont Central $ 235,907.14 Duanesburg Central $ 923.72


Schalmont Central $ 1,086,858.71 Mohonasen Central $ 893,952.28

; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Finance be and she hereby is authorized to adjust the aforesaid totals in order to reflect payment received on any ofthe aforesaid delinquent taxes and interest and penalties provided for by law. R 175-11 Page 3

121512011: Reported/rom Committee on Ways and Means (WM16) 12113/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhnnaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 175-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day of December, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 176-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature ofthe County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, certain information has been filed as required by law pertaining to the extension ofreturned village taxes; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statutes applicable thereto, this County Legislature authorizes the extension ofthe following villages' taxes on the applicable rolls ofthe several towns of the County:

Village ofDelanson $ 11,895.45 Village of Scotia $ 327,923.68

; and, be it further

RESOL VED, that the Commissioner ofFinance be and she hereby is authorized to adjust the aforesaid totals in order to reflect payment received on any of the aforesaid delinquent taxes. R 176-11 Page 2

121512011: Reported/rom Committee on Ways and Means (WM17) 12/1312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, V ellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 176-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven.

,/I~ Geoffrey r all lerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 177-11

Sponsored by Legislator Fields:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

. WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 2, 2011 advises that Schenectady County has been awarded a grant from the Agricultural and Community Recovery Fund, administered by the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets and the NYS Homes and Community Renewal; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further advises that Schenectady County has been awarded approximately $31,000.00 (plus program and administration funds) in funding to provide emergency funding to help storm-impacted farmers in Schenectady County with on-farm operating costs incurred as a result of damage from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager recommends that the Legislature accept the aforesaid grant to help storm-impacted farmers in Schenectady County with on-farm operating costs; and

WHEREAS, acceptance of these grant monies and utilization of these funds needs to be reflected in a resolution of this Legislature accepting the same; now, therefore, be it Rl77-11 Page 2

RESOLVED, that the Legislature ofthe County of Schenectady does hereby accept the aforesaid grant monies for the aforesaid purposes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval ofthe County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into any necessary agreements or documents regarding the aforesaid grant monies; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 2011 Operating Budget be and it hereby is amended as follows:

Establish Appropriation Code:

CD8020.415283 - Storm Impacted Farmers Grant $ 36,580.

Establish Revenue Code:

CD4910.01 - CDBG - Storm Impacted Farmers Grant $ 36,580. R 177-11 Page 3

121512011: ReportedJrom Committee on Ways and Means (WMlS) 1211312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, V ellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 177-11

STATEOFNEWYORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal ofthe Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 178-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, rule 5.2.2 ofthe Rules ofOrder and Procedure ofthe Schenectady County Legislature provides that this Governing Body shall fix by resolution the date and hour of the biennial organizational meeting ofthe subsequent County Legislature; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the biennial organizational meeting ofthe subsequent County Legislature shall be conducted on January 3,2012 commencing at five-thirty in the evening. R 178-11 Page 2

1211312011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R93) 1211312011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 178-11

STATEOFNEWYORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day of December, Two Thousand Eleven. ~~--/-----L--'~ 6ft , Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 179-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated December 9, 2011 advises that the County is relocating a portion of Hetcheltown Road in connection with the construction of the new Glendale Nursing Home; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that Town of Glenville's current water piping infrastructure (water main) adjacent to the existing Hetcheltown Road will not be moved when Hetcheltown Road is relocated, and, as a result, will be located under the proposed parking lot at the new Glendale Home; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the Town of Glenville should be provided with an easement to enter County property for purposes of maintaining or replacing the aforesaid Town water main; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney advises that the County Attorney's Office has prepared the proposed easement and recommends its approval; and

WHEREAS, the Director ofPublic Works by memorandum dated December 9,2011 advises that the Town of Glenville also intends to replace and relocate another portion of water pipe along Hetcheltown Road (between Birch Lane and the northern entrance to Glendale Home); and R 179-11 Page 2

WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works further advises that the Town of Glenville has agreed to fund 75% ($195,000.00) of the estimated cost of this water pipe replacement and relocation project, and the County would be funding 25% ($65,000.00) of the improvement; and

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works for the Town ofGlenville by letter dated October 26,2011 advises that the Town of Glenville agrees to provide 75% (up to $195,000.00) of the estimated cost of the aforesaid water pipe replacement and relocation project, and also wishes to receive an easement from the County for purposes of maintaining or replacing the existing water main that will be located under the proposed parking lot to the new Glendale Home; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises that the County would assume responsibility for the construction of the water pipe replacement and relocation, and such project would be done in conformance with the specifications and requirements ofthe Town of Glenville; and

WHEREAS, the County Attorney recommends that the County enter into an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Glenville regarding the aforesaid water pipe replacement and relocation project; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 9, 2011 recommends the conveyance of the aforesaid easement to the Town of Glenville for purposes of maintaining or replacing the existing water main that will be located under the proposed parking lot at the new Glendale Home; and

WHEREAS, the County Manager further recommends that the County enter into an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Glenville regarding the replacement and relocation of a portion ofwater pipe along Hetcheltown Road (between Birch Lane and the northern entrance to Glendale Home); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval ofthe County Attorney as to form and content, to execute any and all documents necessary for the conveyance of the aforesaid easement by the County to the Town ofGlenville; and, be it further R 179-11 Page 3

RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she hereby is authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to execute an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Glenville for the replacement and relocation of a portion of water pipe along Hetcheltown Road (between Birch Lane and the northern entrance to Glendale Home). R 179-11 Page 4

1211312011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R94) 1211312011 : Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gatta, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, Petta, Santabarbara, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 2 (Gordon, McDonald) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0

Resolution 179-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature } County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 13, 2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole ofthe original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal ofthe Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 14th day ofDecember, Two Thousand Eleven.

~~J/4Geoffr " ... , Clerk, Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 180-11

Introduced by The Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the annual budget for the fiscal year 2012 was adopted on the 19th day of October, 20 11, pursuant to Section 7.05 (c) of the Schenectady County Charter; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the several amounts specified in such budget as the totals for several objects set forth below, be appropriated for such objects effective January 1, 20 12.


GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROGRAMS as detailed ...... $295,258,565.



Accounts Prefixed by "A" Represent the General Fund Accounts Prefixed by "C" Represent the Enterprise Fund Accounts Prefixed by "DMRepresent the County Road Fund Accounts Prefixed by "El' Represent the Road Machinery Fund Accounts Prefixed by "L" Represent the Library Fund



County Le~islature:

A1O1O.l Personnel Services A1010.4 Contractual Expenses A1010. Total County Legislature PAGE 2

Clerk to the Legislature:

A1040.1 Personnel Services $205,229. A 1040.4 Contractual Expenses $ 35,600. A 1040. Total Clerk to the Legislature

Audit & Control:

A1050.1 Personnel Services A1050.4 Contractual Expenses A1050. Total Audit & Control

Board of Ethics:

A1051.1 Personnel Services A1051.4 Contractual Expenses A105 1. Total Board of Ethics


Security Services:

A1 162.1 Personnel Services A1 162. Total Court Security Services

District Attorney:

A1 165.1 Personnel Services A1 165.4 Contractual Expenses A1 165. Total District Attorney

Public Defender:

A1171.1 Personnel Services A1 171.4 Contractual Expenses A1 171. Total Public Defender

Conflict Defender:

A1 173.1 Personnel Services A1 173.4 Contractual Expenses A1 173 Total Conflict Defender PAGE 3

Assigned Counsel:

A1 174.1 Personnel Services A1 174.4 Contractual Expenses A1174 Total Assigned Counsel

Town Justices:

A1 180.4 Contractual Expenses A1 180. Total Town Justices

Medical Examiner:

A1185.1 Personnel Services A1 185.4 Contractual Expenses A1 185. Total Medical Examiner


County Manager:

A1230.1 Personnel Services A1230.4 Contractual Expenses A 1230. Total County Manager



A1310.1 Personnel Services A1310.4 Contractual Expenses A1310. Total Finance

Purchasing/Central Mail Distribution:

A1345.1 Personnel Services $268,344. A1345.4 Contractual Expenses $ 15,350. A1345. Total PurchasingICentral Mail Distribution

Tax Advertising Expense:

A1362.4 Contractual Expenses $ 45,000. A1362. Total Tax Advertising Expense R 180-1 1 PAGE 4

TOTAL FINANCE ...... $1,595,858- STAFF

County Clerk:

A1410.1 Personnel Services A1410.4 Contractual Expenses A1410. Total County Clerk

Law: A1420.1 Personnel Services A1420.4 Contractual Expenses A1420. Total Law

Civil Service Commission:

A1430.1 Personnel Services $619,861. A1430.4 Contractual Expenses $ 53,725. A1430. Total Civil Service Commission $ 673,586.


A1440.1 Personnel Services A1440.4 Contractual Expenses A1440. Total Engineering

Elections, Board of:

A1450.1 Personnel Services A1450.4 Contractual Expenses A 1450. Total Board of Elections

Public Works Administration:

A1490.1 Personnel Services $2 10,497. A1490.4 Contractual Expenses $ 15,750. A 1490. Total Public Works Administration $ 226,247.

TOTAL STAFF ...... $ 5,283,238. PAGE 5


Buildings & Grounds:

A1620.1 Personnel Services $1,845,272. A1620.2 Equipment $ 1,000. A 1620.4 Contractual Expenses $ 976,595. A1620. Total Buildings & Grounds $ 2,822,867.

Information Services:

A1621.1 Personnel Services A1621.4 Contractual Expenses A1621. Total Information Services

TOTAL SHARED SERVICES ...... $ 3,824,769.


Special Items:

A1910.4 Insurance $ 863,000. A1920.4 Municipal Association Dues $ 13,873. A1950.4 Taxes on County Property $ 40,000. A1985.4 Distribution of Sales Tax $29,975,845. A1990.4 Contingency Fund $ 125,000. A1991. Total Special Items $31,017,718.

TOTAL SPECIAL ITEMS ...... $31,017,718. TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT ...... $48,974,215.


Communitv Colle~e

Other Community College Charges:

A2490.4 Tuition Charges - Other Community College Charges $2,300,000. A2490. Total Other Community College Charges

Contributions to SCCC:

A2495.4 Contributions to SCCC $2,098,694. A2495. Total Contributions to SCCC $2,098,694.


Educational Activities

Education of Children with Disabilities:

A2960.4 Contractual Expenses $8,640,000. A2960. Total Education of Children with Disabilities $8,640,000.

Handicapped Parking Education Program:

A2989.4 Handicapped Parking Education Program $ 2,500. A2989. Total Handicapped Parking Education Program $ 2,500. TOTAL EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ...... $8,642,500. TOTAL EDUCATION ...... $13,041,194.




A3020.1 Personnel Services A3020.4 Contractual Expenses A3020. Total MRD

Communications Systems:

A302 1.1 Personnel Services $ 62,547. A302 1.4 Contractual Expenses $263,750. A302 1. Total Communications Systems $ 326,297.




A3110.1 Personnel Services A3 110.4 Contractual Expenses A31 10. Total Sheriff

Probation - Adult:

A3 140.1 Personnel Services A3 140.2 Equipment A3 140.4 Contractual Expenses A3 140. Total Probation - Adult

Probation - Juvenile:

A3141.1 Personnel Services A3141.4 Contractual Expenses A3 141. Total Probation - Adult

A3150.1 Personnel Services A3 150.2 Equipment A3 150.4 Contractual Expenses A3 150. Total Jail

Jail - Medical Services:

A3151.4 Contractual Expenses $2,427.000. A3151. Total Jail Medical Services $ 2,427,000.

Law. Order, & Justice Alternatives to Incarceration Service:

A3 170.4 Contractual Expenses $ 68.400. A3 170. Total Law, Order, & Justice Alternatives to Incarceration Service $ 68,400.

TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT...... $21,091,446. PAGE 8


Traffic Safety Grant:

A3311.1 Personnel Services $ 52,830. A3311.4 Contractual Expenses $ 21,917. A331 1.8 Fringe Benefits $ 8,202. A3311. Total Traffic Safety Grant $ 82,949.

Special Traffic Option Program - (DWI):

A3315.1 Personnel Services $ 71,013. A33 15.4 Contractual Expenses $147,636. A33 15.8 Fringe Benefits $ 31,351. A3315. Total Special Traffic Option Program (DWI) $ 250,000.

TOTAL TRAFFIC SAFETY ...... $ 332,949.


Emergency Management Services:

A3640.1 Personnel Services $ 177,556. A3640.4 Contractual Expenses $ 543,480. A3640. Total Emergency Management Services $ 721,036.

Hazardous Material Response:

A3689.4 Contractual Expenses $200,000. A3689. Total Emergency Management Services $ 200,000.

TOTAL OTHER PROTECTION ...... $ 921,036. PUBLIC SAFETY ...... $22,826,880. PAGE 9



Public Health Administration:

A4009.1 Personnel Services $ 333,107. A4009.4 Contractual Expenses $ 434,493. A4009. Total Public Health Administration $ 767,600.

Preventive Services:

A4012.1 Personnel Services A4012.4 Contractual Expenses A4012. Total Preventive Services

Women, Infant & Children Program (WIC):

A4013.4 Contractual Expenses A4013. Total Women, Infant & Children Program (WIC)

Healthy Schenectady Families:

A4015.1 Personnel Services A40 15.4 Contractual Expenses A401 5. Total Healthy Schenectady Families


A4017.1 Personnel Services A4017.4 Contractual Expenses A4017. Total Clinics

Children with Special Needs Program:

A4045.1 Personnel Services $647,481. A4045.4 Contractual Expenses $90,785. A4045. Total Children with Special Needs Program $ 738,266.

Physically Handicapped Children:

A4046.4 Contractual Expenses $ 10.000. A4046. Total Physically Handicapped Children $ 10,000. R 180-1 1 PAGE 10

Early Intervention Placements:

A4059.4 Contractual Expenses $1,392,000. A4059. Total Early Intervention Placements $1,392,000.

Environmental Health:

A4090.1 Personnel Services A4090.4 Contractual Expenses A4090. Total Environmental Health

TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH ...... $6,414,917.


Narcotic Addiction Control Services:

A4230.4 Contractual Expenses $1,757,889. A4230. Total Narcotic Addiction Control Services $1,757,889.


Community Services Administration:

A43 10.1 Personnel Services $ 373,021. A43 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 66,310. A43 10. Total Community Services Administration $ 439,331.

Mental Health - Contracts for Services:

A4322.4 Contractual Expenses $3,056,805. A4322. Total Mental Health Contracts for Services $3,056,805.

Mental Health - Mental RetardationIDevelopmental Disability Services:

A4324.4 Contractual Expenses $ 40,526. A4324 Total Mental Health MRDD Services

Court Ordered Hospital Placements:

A4390.4 Contractual Expenses $ 130,000. A4390. Total Court Ordered Hospital Placements $ 130,000.

TOTAL MENTAL HEALTHIDRUG ABUSE SERVICES ...... $ 3,666,662. TOTAL HEALTH ...... $11,839,468. PAGE 11




A5610.1 Personnel Services A56 10.2 Equipment A5610.4 Contractual Expenses A561 0. Total Aviation

Mass Transit:

A5630.4 Contractual Expenses A5630. Total Mass Transit



Traffic Control:

D3310.4 Contractual Expenses D33 10. Total Traffic Control

Roads & Highways - Administration:

D5010.1 Personnel Services $257,329. D5010.4 Contractual Expenses $ 1.800. D50 10. Total Roads & Highways - Administration $ 259,129.

Roads & Bridges - Maintenance:

D5110.1 Personnel Services $1,360,000. D5 1 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 939,810. D5110. Total Roads & Bridges - Maintenance $2,299,8 10.

Road Construction (CHIPS):

D5112.9 Transfer to Capital Fund (CHIPS) $1,375,211. D5112. Total Road Construction (CHIPS) $1,375,211. PAGE 12

County Snow & Ice Control:

D5 142.1 Personnel Services $478,150. D5 142.4 Contractual Expenses $1,118,762. D5 142. Total County Snow & Ice Control $1,596,912.

State Snow & Ice Control:

D5 144.1 Personnel Services $ 97,230. D5 144.4 Contractual Expenses $607,888. D5 144. Total State Snow & Ice Control $ 705,118.

County Road Fund - Employee Benefits:

D90 10.8 State Retirement $ 5 14,000. D9030.8 Social Security $ 230,000. D9040.8 Worker's Compensation $ 20,000. D9050.8 Unemployment Insurance $ 32,000. D9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance $ 939,000. D9 199. Total County Road Fund - Employee Benefits $1,735,000.



Road Machinery:

E5130.1 Personnel Services E5 130.2 Equipment E5 130.4 Contractual Expenses E5 130. Total Road Machinery

Highway Stockpile:

E5 190.4 Contractual Expenses E5 190. Total Highway Stockpile

Road Machinery Fund - Employee Benefits:

E9010.8 State Retirement E9030.8 Social Security E9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance E9 199. Total Road Machinery Fund - Employee Benefits

TOTAL ROAD MACHINERY FUND ...... $ 4,975,412. R 180-1 1 PAGE 13

TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ...... $14,110,590.



Social Services - Administration:

A6010.1 Personnel Services $12,703,735. A6010.2 Equipment $ 15,000. A60 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 6,377,850. A6010. Total Social Services - Administration $19,096,585. TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES .ADMINSTRATION ...... $19,096,585.

Temporary Assistance and Disability:

A6101.4 Medical Assistance $ 650,000. A6 102.4 Medicaid Management Info. Sys. $35,742,358. A6 109.4 Family Assistance $1 6,760,000. A6 140.4 Safety Net $ 6,500,000. A6141.4 Home Energy Assistance Program $ 75,000. A6142.4 Emergency Aid for Adults $ 300,000. A6 100.4 Total Contractual Expenses $60,027,358. TOTAL TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE AND DISABILITY ...... $60,027,358.

Family and Children Services:

A6055.4 Facilitated Enrollment $ 150,000. A6055.4 Daycare $ 6,045,000. A6070.4 Services for Recipients $ 4,102,000. A6119.4 Child Care $14,140,000. A6123.4 JDIPINS Detention $ 91 1,000. A6 129.4 OCFS Juvenile Delinquent Placement $ 944,000. A61 10. Total Contractual Expenses $26,292,000.



Glendale Home - Administration:

C6030.1 Personnel Services $1 1,782,205. C6030.4 Contractual Expenses $ 8,627,350. C6030. Total Glendale Home - Administration $20,409,555. PAGE 14

Glendale Home - Employee Benefits:

C90 10.8 State Retirement $2,056,000. C9030.8 Social Security $ 903,000. C9040.8 Worker's Compensation $ 808,000. C9050.8 Unemployment Insurance $ 5,000. C9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance $4,160,000. C9070.8 Education and Child Care Fund $ 66,000. C9 199. Total Glendale Home - Employee Benefits $ 7,998,000.

Glendale Home - Bond Interest:

C9710.7 Bond Interest $ 22,144. C9710. Total Glendale Home - Bond Interest $ 22,144.


SJTA - DSS Subcontracted Programs:

A6220.1 Personnel Services $ 710,822. A6220.4 Contractual Expenses $ 184,277. A6220.8 Fringe Benefits $ 441,837. A6220. Total SJTA - DSS Subcontracted Programs $1,336,936.

SJTA-SCCC-Health Care Grant:

A6225.1 Personnel Services $ 47,500. A6225.4 Contractual Expenses $ 2,959. A6225.8 Fringe Benefits $ 22,615. A6225. Total SJTA-SCCC-Health Care Grant


A6226.1 Personnel Services $ 154,280. A6226.4 Contractual Expenses $ 11,075. A6226.8 Fringe Benefits $ 14,765. A6226. Total SJTA - DSS - TANF SUMMER $ 180,120. R 180-11 PAGE 15

SJTA -Schenectady City School District - Youth Employment Program:

A6227.1 Personnel Services $ 359,340. A6227.4 Contractual Expenses $ 38,170. A6227.8 Fringe Benefits $ 27,490. A6227. Total SJTA -Sch'dy City School District -Youth Employment Program

SJTA -Youth Employment Program:

A6242.1 Personnel Services $ 38,656. A6242.4 Contractual Expenses $ 4,740. A6242.8 Fringe Benefits $ 2,954. A6242. Total SJTA -DSS -Youth Employment Program

WIA - Workforce Investment Act:

A6250.1 Personnel Services $ 378,386. A6250.4 Contractual Expenses $ 374,340. A6250.8 Fringe Benefits $ 234,896. A6250. Total WIA - Workforce Investment Act $ 987,622.

TOTAL SJTA ...... $3,049,102. TOTAL ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ...... $3,049,102.


Community Business Center:

A6430.4 Contractual Expenses $108,250. A6430. Total Community Business Center $ 108,250.



Veterans' Service Agency:

A6510.1 Personnel Services $ 83,755. A65 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 55,690. A65 10. Total Veterans' Service Agency $ 139,445.

Consumer AffairsIWeights & Measures:

A6610.1 Personnel Services $163,197. A66 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 9,820. A66 10. Total Consumer AffairsIWeights & Measures

Senior & Long Term Care Services:

A6772.1 Personnel Services $ 376,396. A6772.4 Contractual Expenses $1,659,237. A6772. Total Senior & Long Term Care Services $2,035,633.

Long Term Care Unit:

A6773.1 Personnel Services $172,148. A6773.4 Contractual Expenses $555,750. A6773. Total Long Term Care Unit $ 727,898.

Home Energy Fuel Tax Reduction Program:

A6774.4 Contractual Expenses $ 40,000. A6774. Total Home Energy Tax Reduction Program $ 40,000.




Maintenance of Historical & Other Countv Properties:

A71 10.1 Personnel Services $ 32,000. A7 1 10.4 Contractual Expenses $ 95,300. A7 1 10. Total Maintenance of Historical & Other County Properties $ 127,300. PAGE 17

Snowmobile Trail Development & Maintenance:

A7189.4 Contractual Expenses $ 15,000. A7 189. Total Snowmobile Trail Development & Maintenance

Youth Services:

A7310.1 Personnel Services A73 10.4 Contractual Expenses A73 10. Total Youth Services

Recreational Facility - Ice Rink:

A7320.2 Equipment $ 500. A7320.4 Contractual Expenses $361,215. A7320. Total Recreational Facility - Ice Rink $361,715.

TOTAL RECREATION ...... $761,710.


Library Services:

L7410.1 Personnel Services L74 10.2 Equipment L7410.4 Contractual Expenses L74 10. Total Library Services

Library Services - Employee Benefits:

L9010.8 State Retirement $41 8,000. L9030.8 Social Security $220,000. L9040.8 Worker's Compensation $ 10,000. L9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance $522,000. L9 199. Total Library Services - Employee Benefits $ 1,170,000.

TOTAL LIBRARY SERVICES ...... $5,709,727.

Historical Services:

A7510.1 Personnel Services A7510.4 Contractual Expenses A75 10. Total Historical Services PAGE 18

A7560.40000 1 County Initiative Program A7560.400005 Proctors A7560.400007 Administration A7560. Total TourisrnIArts

TOTAL HISTORICAL AND TOURISMIARTS ...... $ 281,061. TOTAL CULTURE ...... $5,990,788.

TOTAL RECREATION & CULTURE ...... $6,752,498.




A8020.1 Personnel Services A8020.4 Contractual Expenses A8020. Total Planning

Joint Planning Board:

A8025.4 Contractual Expenses A8025. Total Joint Planning Board

Human Rights Services:

A8040.1 Personnel Services A8040.4 Contractual Expenses A8040. Total Human Rights Services

Cooperative Extension:

A8089.4 Contractual Expenses A8089. Total Cooperative Extension PAGE 19

compost in^ Facility:

A8 160.4 Contractual Expenses A8 160. Total Composting Facility

Bulk Recycling Program:

A8 164.4 Contractual Expenses $ 6,500. A8 164. Total Bulk Recycling Program $ 6,500.



Conservation Services:

A8730.4 Contractual Expenses A8730. Total Conservation Services



Employee Benefits:

A901 0.8 State Retirement $ 8,986,000. A9030.8 Social Security $ 3,995,000. A9040.8 Worker's Compensation $ 580,000. A9050.8 Unemployment Insurance $ 50,000. A9060.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance $12,595,000. A9 199. Total Employee Benefits

Interfund Transfers:

A9550.9 Total Transfers A9550. Total Interfund Transfers PAGE 20

Debt Service:

A9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal A9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest A97 10. Total Debt Service

TOTAL UNDISTRIBUTED ...... $35,983,000. TOTAL GENERAL FUND ...... $247,919,547. GRAND TOTAL .ALL PROGRAMS ...... $295,258,565. PAGE 2 1

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R9.5)

12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 1 1 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 180-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 20 11 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

Geo ff-'Hdlerk, Schenectady County Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules.


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

WHEREAS, this Governing Body finds that the overall efficiency and improvement of County government can be achieved by the following actions; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 366 of the County Law and Section 7.07 of the Schenectady County Charter the 201 1 and 2012 Budgets be amended to provide appropriations to cover anticipated expenditures in County funds as hereafter designated:

20 11 BUDGET:

Increase Avpropriation Codes By: A1040.111 Clerk to the Legislature - Personnel Services A1050.111 Audit & Control - Personnel Services A1 165.1 11 District Attorney - Personnel Services A1 171.1 11 Public Defender - Personnel Services A1 173.1 11 Conflict Defender - Personnel Services A 1174.429070 Indigent Defense Counsel - Assigned Counsel Plan A1 185.1 11 Medical Examiner - Personnel Services A1 185.421 Medical Examiner - Transport Services A1230.111 County Manager - Personnel Services Finance - Personnel Services PurchasingICentral Mail Distribution - Personnel Services - Advertising & Foreclosure Tax Advertising Expense Expense County Clerk - Personnel Services Law Department - Personnel Services Civil Service Commission - Personnel Services Engineering - Personnel Services Board of Elections - Personnel Services Public Works Administration - Personnel Services Buildings & Grounds - Personnel Services Information Services - Personnel Services County General - Taxes on County Property County General -Distribution of Sales Tax -Other Community College Tuition Charges Charges Sheriff - Personnel Services Sheriff - Utilities Probation-Adult - Personnel Services Probation-Juvenile - Personnel Services Jail - Personnel Services - GasIMaint. County Jail Vehicles - Jail Medical Services - Jail Medical Services Various Emergency Management Services - Personnel Services Emergency Management Services - Storm Related Cost Emergency Management - GasIMaint. County Services Vehicles Public Health - Administration - Personnel Services Public Health - Administration - Overtime Public Health - Preventive Services - Personnel Services Public Health - Healthy Schenectady Families - Personnel Services Public Health - Clinics - Personnel Services Public Health - Children with Special Needs Program - Personnel Services

Public Health - Environmental - Personnel Services Community Services - Personnel Services Mental Health Contracts - Adults - Vocational Services - Adult Mental Retardation/Developmental - Center for Disability - Disability Svcs Residential Services Mental Retardation/Developmental - Schenectady ARC - Disability Svcs Vocational Services Court Ordered Hospital - Contract & Court Ordered Placements Services Aviation - Personnel Services

Social Services - Administration - Personnel Services Temporary Assistance & Disability - MMIS Charges Senior & Long Term Care Service - Personnel Services Long Term Care Services - Personnel Services Youth Services - Personnel Services Economic Development & Planning - Personnel Services Economic Development & Planning - Brownfields Grant Human Rights - Personnel Services

County General - Transfer to Glendale

County General - Transfer to Capital Fund

Decrease Appropriation Codes By: Temporary Assistance & A6 109.400 120 Disability - Family Assistance A90 10.800 County General - Retirement A9030.800 County General - Social Security

Increase Revenue Codes By: A1 090 Interest & Penalties on Taxes A1 110 Sales & Use Tax Tax Advertising/Foreclosure A1235 Fees A3490.02 State Aid - Mental Health - MRDD A3490.0 1 State Aid - Mental Health Services A3997.02 State Aid - Brownfields Grant A4489 Federal Aid - Medicaid Stimulus Aid Decrease Revenue Codes By:

A1001 Real Property Taxes A1255 County Clerk Fees A240 1.04 Earnings on Investments Other Compensation for Loss A2690 Tobacco Settlement

lncrease Appropriation Codes By: C6030.111 Glendale Home - Personnel Services $ 157,000 C6030.112 Glendale Home - Hourly Rated Wages 10,000 C6030.119 Glendale Home - Overtime 7,000

Increase Revenue Codes By: ClOOl Real Property Taxes C283 1 Interfund Transfer

Decrease Revenue Codes BY: C 1650 HEAL Grant C1650 I.G.T. C1650 Medicaid C1650 Medicare C 1650 Reserve for Allowances

Increase Appropriation Codes By: Road & Highway D5010.111 Administration - Personnel Services D5110.112 Road & Bridge Maintenance - Personnel Services D5 1 12.900 Road Construction (CHIPS) - Interfund Transfers D5142.112 County Snow & Ice Control - Personnel Services D5144.112 State Snow & Ice Control - Personnel Services D5 144.402002 State Snow & Ice Control - Equipment Rental D5 144.460002 State Snow & Ice Control - Materials D9040.800 County Road Fund - Worker's Compensation

Increase Revenue Codes By: - Snow Removal & Other D2302 Charges to Other Governments Services $ 384,000 Sale of Property & D2680 Compensation for Loss - Insurance Recoveries - Refunds Prior Year D270 1 Miscellaneous Expenses - Consolidated Local D3501 State Aid Highway Assistance

Increase Appropriation Codes By: E5130.111 Road Machinery - Personnel Services $ 2,900 E5 130.112 Road Machinery - Hourly Rated Wages 15,500

Decrease Appropriation Code By: E90 10.800 Road Machinery - Retirement $ 18,400

Increase Appropriation Codes By: L7410.111 Library Services - Personnel Services $ 29,000 L7410.112 Library Services - Hourly Rated Wages 13,500

Decrease Appropriation Codes By: L90 10.800 Library Services - Retirement L9030.800 Library Services - Social Security

Increase Revenue Code By: H283 1 Interfund Transfer

Decrease Revenue Code Bv: H5710 Serial Bonds

Increase Appropriation Code By: CD8673.04 1 Revolving Loan Program

Increase Revenue Code By: CD599 Appropriated Fund Balance

2012 BUDGET:

Establish Appropriation Codes By: A1 165.4153 10 District Attorney - Asset Forfeiture Various $ 15,000 A4009.4152 15 Public Health - Administration - Diabetes Today Initiative 1,000 Establish Revenue Code Bv: A2705.18 Diabetes Today Initiative

Increase Revenue Code Bv: Forfeited Criminal Proceeds - A2625.02 Federal

Increase Appropriation Code BY: Facilitated Enrollment A6055.400656 Family & Children Services -Day Care $ 350,000

Increase Revenue Code By: A3655.01 State Aid Facilitated Enrollment Grant $ 350,000

;and, be it hrther

RESOLVED, that the salary and increment tables reflect a title change from Special Deputy to Special Patrol Officer within the Sheriffs Department; and be it further

RESOLVED, that Schenectady County management, supervisory and administrative personnel, except those officers whose salary adjustments are set forth in and subject to the adoption of a Local Law, shall receive the following salary adjustments as of the effective dates indicated, to wit:

1.5% per annum effective January 1,201 1 and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this Governing Body hereby approves adjusting the longevity pay of County management, supervisory and administrative personnel to be equivalent to that of County union employees effective January l,201 1; and be it further

RESOLVED, that said longevity pay shall be paid to eligible County management, supervisory and administrative personnel in the employee's weekly paycheck and not paid out in one yearly lump sum. R 181-11 Page 7

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R96) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhnnaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 181-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2oth day of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenpdtid~6unty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that the taxes extended upon the rolls of the town tax districts in the County of Schenectady be and the same are hereby approved, confirmed and adopted; and be it further

RESOLVED, that tax warrants in due form be issued December 3 1,2011, pursuant to Section 904 of the Real Property Tax Law, and attached to each of said rolls, signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Legislature and directed to receivers therein, and in the Town of Duanesburg and Princetown to the collectors in said towns. R 182-1 1 Page 2

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R97) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 182-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County ~e~islature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19,2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

schenee6ady 6unty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Board of Elections has certified certain election expenses for the City of Schenectady and the five towns of the County of Schenectady total $1,6 12,732.00 for 20 10;

WHEREAS, the Legislature, under Section 4-138 of the Election Law, may direct the amounts of election charges to the City of Schenectady and the towns; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Legislature hereby directs the Board of Elections and the County Finance Department to apportion the aforesaid election expenses of $1,612,732.00 for the year 2010 to the City of Schenectady and the respective towns as follows:

City of Schenectady $ 527,968.00 Town of Rotterdam 352,429.00 Town of Glenville 360,98 1.OO Town of Niskayuna 268,142.00 Town of Duanesburg 76,63 8.00 Town of Princetown 26,574.00 TOTAL $1,612,732.00 R 183-1 1 Page 2

12/19/2011: Reportedfrom Committee on Rules (R98) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 183-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19,201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

schenecdy codty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that the various sums due the County and the named towns in the various funds, as indicated on the attached Warrant, be and are hereby added to the respective Warrants. Such sums are added to the Warrant per Sections 520 and 55 1 of the Real Property Tax law.

Election Warrant County Expense Town Highway Total

Duanesburg $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Glenville $ 4,044.16 $ 61.47 $ 737.19 $ 203.00 $ 5.045.82

Niskayuna $ 10,061.33 $ 146.95 $ 1,964.42 $ 1.792.13 $ 13,964.83

Princetown $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00

Rotterdam $29,568.78 $ 544.74 $ 10,507.63 $ 6,119.43 $ 46,740.58

Schenectady $ 18,244.41 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 18,244.41

$61,918.68 $ 753.16 S 13.209.24 $ 8,114.56 $ 83:995.64 Page 2

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R99) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 184-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene;tady county Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the County of Schenectady as follows:

WHEREAS, this County Legislature has appropriated sums to various organizations as provided by the County Law of the State of New York, for public benefit services; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid provision of the County Law provides that this Legislature shall, by resolution, name the organization, the nature of service, the amount and manner of payment for the service to be rendered and such other conditions as may be appropriate; now, .therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that in calendar year 2012 the following public benefit service agreements be and they hereby are authorized in the amounts as appropriated.

Amount Name of Organization Service Appropriated

The Center for Community Mediation, Restitution Justice Ex-offender, Job Outreach Bail, Coordination, and Diversion Service

Schenectady County Conservation Conservation Services (Soil & Water District) Page 2

Cooperative Extension Association Extended Educational of Schenectady County Programs 1 19,540.

Proctors Art Center & Theatre, Inc. Promotion of Arts 200,000.

Empire State Aerosciences Public Museum and Services Museum to .the Airport 28,000.

;and, be it further

RESOLVED, that payment under each agreement shall be made in annual or equal monthly installments or quarterly installments, as determined by the Commissioner of Finance, to the duly constituted and properly bonded disbursing officer of each organization upon submission of verified account of disbursements as required by law; and, be it further

RESOLVED, -thatno county money shall be paid until memorandum receipts and/or public benefit service contracts, as may be required by the County of Schenectady, signed by the principal officer and disbursing officer of each organization agreeing to abide by the terms of this Resolution shall be delivered to the County Commissioner of Finance. R 185-11 Page 3

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R100) 1249/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 12 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 1 (Johnson) Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 185-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19,2011 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven. &L7/4 Geoffrey ~Aall,Merk, ~chenecdd~co&ty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Duanesburg, Schenectady County, New York, the following sums for the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy $ 2,991,417.84

Additional County Tax Levy - (Exemption Removal) -0-

Total County Tax Levy $ 2,991,4,17.84

Payable to Town Supervisor

Estimated Expenditures - General Town-wide $ 914,578.00

Less Town-wide Receipts $ 713,700.00

Gross Amount - General Fund Purpose Town Wide (Includes Exemption Removal Levy -0-)

Estimated Expenditures - Outside Village General $209,872.00

Less Receipts Outside Village General $209,872.00

Gross Amount - General Fund Outside Village $ -0- Page 2

Highway Fund - Town-wide $ 377,33 1.00 (Includes Exemption Removal Levy -0-)

Highway Fund - Outside Village

Due County: Election Expense (Includes Exemption Removal Levy -0-)


Village Outside

County $19.102214 County $19.102214 TownIGeneral 1.262704 TownIGeneral 1.262704 Highway 2.371873 Highway 2.371873 Election Exp Election Exp. Chargeback-County 0.453727 Chargeback-County 0.453727 R 186-1 1 Page 3 12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (RI 01) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 1 1 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chenecdd~county Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Glenville, Schenectady County, New York, the following sums for the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy $13,616,041.15

Additional County Tax Levy (Exemption Removal) 4,044.16

Total County Tax Levy $13,620,085.3 1

Town: Payable to Supervisor/General Fund

Estimated Town-wide Expenditures $3,534,893.00 Less Town-wide Receipts $1,815,010.00

Gross Amount - General Fund Purposes- Town-wide (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $301.95)

Estimated Outside Village Expenditures $4,645,649.00 Less Outside Village Receipts $1,918,049.00 Page 2

Gross Amount General Fund Purpose Outside Village (Includes Exemption $2,727,600.00 Removal Levy - $435.24)

Town Highway Fund, Payable to Supervisor

Highway Fund (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $203.00)

Due County - Election Expense (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $61.47)


Village Outside

County $6.867915 County $6.867915 Town 0.859843 Town 2.526695 Highway 0.000000 Highway 0.77 1853 Election Exp. Election Exp. Chargeback-County 0.169330 Chargeback-County 0.169330 R 187-11 Page 3

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R102) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 1 1 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 187-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2oth day of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

schene&dy c.6unty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Niskayuna, Schenectady County, New York, the following sums for the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy $15,018,207.45

Additional County Tax Levy (Exemption Removal)

Total County Tax Levy $15,028,268.78

Payable to Town Supervisor

Estimated Expenditures $9,711,831.00 Less Town-wide Receipts $ 5,909,420.00

Total Tax Levy General Fund Purpose (Includes Exemption Removal Levy $1,964.42)

Highway Fund Items (Includes Exemption Removal Levy $1,792.13) Page 2

Due County: Towns and City

Due County: Election Expense (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $146.95)


Homestead Non-Homestead

County Town Highway Election Exp. Chargeback-County R 188-1 1 Page 3

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R103) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 188-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2oth day of December, Two Thousand Eleven. Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Princetown, Schenectady County, New York, the following sums for the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy $ 1,113,740.57

Additional County Tax Levy- (Exemption Removal) $ -0-

Net County Tax Levy

Town: Payable to Supervisor General Fund

Estimated Expenditures $ 631,832.00 Less: Town-wide Receipts $ 631,832.00

Town Tax Levy General Fund Purposes

Highway Fund Item I

Due County: Election Expense Page 2


County Town Highway Election Expense Chargeback -County R 189-11 Page 3

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R104) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 189-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19,2011 on file in this office, and. I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

~chedtad~cdunty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the Town of Rotterdam, Schenectady County, New York, the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy $15,665,734.20

Additional County Tax Levy - (Exemption Removal)

Total County Tax Levy

Town: Payable to Supervisor General Fund

Estimated Expenditures $14,030,88 1.OO Less: Town-wide Receipts 7,025,898.00

Town Tax Levy General Fund Purpose (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $10,507.63)

Highway Fund (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $6,119.43) Page 2

Due County: Election Expense (Includes Exemption Removal Levy - $544.74)

Rates: Homestead Non-Homestead

County Town Highway Election Exp. Chargeback-County R 190-1 1 Page 3

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R105) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 190-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

scheneMy cdnty Legislature Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by tlze Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that pursuant to statute, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable real property of the City of Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York, .the following sum for the following purposes, to wit:

County Tax Levy

Additional County Tax Levy - (Exemption Removal)

Total County Tax Levy

Due City - Towns & City -0-

Due County - Election Expense $ 513,130.27

RESOLVED, that said levy be at the rate of $6.688254 per $1,000 of assessed valuation; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Legislature and the Chairman of the Legislature shall certify the foregoing Resolution and shall transmit the same to the City Clerk and the Director of Finance of .the City of Schenectady. R 191-11 Page 2

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R106) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhrmaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 191-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2oth day of December, Two Thousand Eleven. Schenectady County Legislature


Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady as follows:

RESOLVED, that the following sums be and the same are hereby levied and assessed against the taxable property of and in the respective districts for the ensuing year in accordance with the following schedule, to wit:


Light 1 $ 12,948.00 Light 2 2.2 13.OO Light 3 9,012.00 Light 4 7,056.00 Light 5 366.00 Light 6 19,613.00 Light 7 1,507.00 Light- 8 239.00 Light 9 238.00 Fire 2 2 10,750.00 Fire 3 760,000.00 Fire 4 (Protection District) 396,533.00 Fire 6 120,000.00 Fire 7 596,190.00 Fire 8 147,196.00 Fire 5 & 9 348,750.00 Page 2

Park 4 50.00 Park 5 1,985.00 Drainage District #1 17,950.00 Drainage District #2 5,600.00 Drainage District #4 1,500.00 Drainage District #5 2.000.00 Drainage District #6 1,600.00 Drainage District #7 2,000.00 Drainage District #9 750.00 Water 2 15,875.00 Water 3 10,640.00 Water 8 2,875.00 Water 11 (Capital) 663,5 19.00 Water 12 2,595.00 Sewer 1 106,344.00 Sewer 2 124,778.00 Sewer 3 7,869.00 Sewer 5 5,092.00 Sewer 6 175,262.00 Sewer 7 8,02 1.OO Sewer 8 1,875.00 Sewer 9 582,570.00 Rents, Water - All Districts 191,205.68 Maintenance Charges 5,718.1 1


Consolidated Light District $ 130,800.00 Fire 1 149,408.00 Fire 2 746,255.00 Fire 3 629,546.00 Fire 4 & Extensions 37,600.00 Fire 5 204.396.00 Fire 6 & Extensions 755,467.00 Fire 7 & Extensions 327,872.00 Fire P 1 (Protection District) 38,490.00 Sewer District #2 & Extensions O&M 575,077.00 Sewer District #2 & Extensions Debt 128,234.00 Sewer District #2 Ext. 6A, Debt 17,254.00 Sewer District #2 Ext. 7, Debt 32,508.00 Sewer District #3 O&M 2455 1.OO Sewer District #4 O&M 2,92 1.OO Water District #3 & #4 O&M 198,374.00 Water District #4 Debt 14,950.00 R 192-1 1 Page 3

Water District #5 O&M 576,747.00 Rents, Water 3 4,03 1.78 Rents, Water 5 53,569.27 Drainage 7,450.00 Unpaid Water & Sewer 77,289.04 Maintenance Charges 20,110.56


Fire Protection 1 - Pattersonville $37,600.00 Fire Protection 2 -Plotterkill 67,000.00 Fire Protection 3 -Duanesburg 19,264.00 Fire Protection 4 -Pine Grove 79,056.00 Water District #1 131,260.00 Water District #I Ext 1 42,112.00 Water District #1 Ext 2 36,013.00 Water District #1 Ext 3 23,182.00 Sewer District #2 22,702.00 Rents, Water 12,956.80


Light 1 $ 3,060.00 Light 2 6,630.00 Light 3 3,060.00 Fire 1 110,955.00 Fire 2 202,156.00 Fire Protection 2 217,258.00 Fire Protection 3 202,141.00 Sewer 1 309,628.00 Sewer 2 234,55 1.OO


Light 1 $ 2,436.00 Light 3 1,744.00 Light 4 22,897.00 Light 5 2,183.00 Light 6 7,641.OO Page 4

Light 7 75 1.OO Light 8 632.00 Light 9 1,160.00 Fire 1 3,053,589.64 Fire 2 714,190.00 Stanford Fire 4.10,939.00 Park 1 4,600.00 Park 2 11,4 16.00 Park 3 10,600.00 Park 9 7,O 13.OO Park 10 3,719.00 Park 11 3,719.00 Park 12 532.00 Park 13 3,719.00 Sewer 1 1,230,126.00 Sewer 6 1,702,053.00 Drainage 6 1,500.00 Drainage 7 2,350.00 Drainage 8 2,438.00 Drainage 9 550.00 Drainage 10 1,955.00 Drainage 12 4,168.00 Drainage 13 690.00 Drainage 14 500.00 Drainage 15 2,423.00 Drainage 16 800.00 Drainage 17 800.00 Drainage 18 2,800.00 Drainage 19 2,783.00 Drainage 20 500.00 Drainage 2 1 1,000.00 Drainage 23 500.00 Drainage 24 500.00 Drainage 25 3.260.00 Drainage 26 4,825.00 Drainage 27 3,000.00 Drainage 28 3,000.00 Drainage 29 2,325.00 Drainage 30 6,795.00 Drainage 32 6,795.00 Rents, Consolidated Water District 1 393,659.85 Consolidated Water District 654,6 12.00 Alarm Systems 5,034.00 Maintenance Charge 120.00

;and be it further R 192-11 Page 5

RESOLVED, that said levies be made and collected in the manner provided by law for local taxes; and be it further

RESOLVED, that when collected, the special district taxes shall be paid to the supervisors of the respective towns to be paid by them as provided by law. R 192-1 1 Page 6

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R107) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 13 (Buhrrnaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 0 Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 192-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven. RESOLUTION 193-11

Sponsored by the Committee on Rules:


BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows:

WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Finance by memorandum dated December 13, 201 1 advises that the 201 2 Operating Budget for the County of Schenectady includes the anticipated revenues from the fee increases outlined on the attached sheets; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that notwithstanding any previous resolution setting forth fees for the same or similar services by Schenectady County, this Governing Body hereby establishes and enacts the fees outlined on the attached sheets; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that this resolution, which establishes various fees for services provided by Sclienectady County, supersedes any previous resolution establishing the same or similar fees. Page 2

SCHENECTADY COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS Type of Construction or Activity Plan Permit Review Fee Fee 1 I COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL ACCESS 1 I I I Residential Driveway-New I $0 1 $35 Residential Driveway-Resurface1 Enlarge $0 $35 Commercial entrance, new- minor (less $50 $50 than 300 lin. Ft) Commercial entrance, new- major $200 $300 I Commercial entrance- repair or repaving- 1 $100 1 $100 1 1 Subdivision; local roadpublic street / $100 1 $200 1 I Construction entrance- temporary; 1 $0 1 $50 i I 1 residential - Construction entrance- temporary; $100 $100 commercial

UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION BY PUSHING/BORING OR OUT-OF- I I PAVEMENT EXCAVATION Water Main, Sewer main, or storm sewer $100 $100 Applies to Pipe in Road side ditch $100 $100 these four Gas main1 ductlburied cable categories: Service lateral connection Where length is > 200 linear feet add $0.50/foot to ~ermitfee

UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION WITH CUTTING OF PAVEMENT Water Main, Sewer main, or storm sewer $100 $100 ' Applies to Pipe in Road side ditch $100 $100 these four Gas main/ ductburied cable $100 $100 categories: Culvert crossing w/ sectional area > 7.0 $100 $100 Where length square feet is > 200 linear feet add $0.50/foot to permit fee R 193-11 Page 3

HAUL PERMITS FOR OVERWEIGHT1 OVERSIZED VEHICLES Hauling Permit; oversized or overweight $0

Tree work $0 $50 Road Closing $50 $250 Storm sewer connection at private lands; $50 $100 minor, <6"q Storm sewer connection at private lands; $100 $300 major, > 6"q County Highway relocation $200 $500 Full depth shoulder reconstruction $100 $250 Replace existing culvert $0 $50 Modify existing residential access $0 $50 Test pits or soil borings on right-of-way $50 $100



Type of Construction or Activity -- -- Driveway installations $200* Piping Roadside ditches $200* Open cut at shoulder $1,OOO* Open cut pavement; one lane or less $3,000* Open cut pavement; more than one lane $6,000* Subdivision; local roadlpublic street $3,000* Commercial entrance, new- major $4,000* Bores $1,OOO*

* Or 3% of the cost of the construction occurring within the County's right of way, whichever is greater.


Type of Activity Fee

Tax Map Designation Endorsement $15 per deed R 193-11 Page 4

12/19/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (R108) 12/19/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature

Ayes: 11 (Dagostino, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hoffman, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara) Nays: 2 (Buhnnaster, Farley) Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 Excused: 2 (Gatta, Vellano)

Resolution 193-11

STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady }

I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held December 19,201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original.

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 2othday of December, Two Thousand Eleven.

~cheneddy~&nty Legislature