RESOLUTION 1-11 Sponsored by Legislators Dagostino, Jasenski, Santabarbara, and Vellano: A RESOLUTION HONORING LOCAL YOUTH FOR THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE RECENT NFL'S PUNT, PASS, AND KICK COMPETITION WHEREAS, the NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK(PPK) program is a national skills competition for boys and girls the ages of 6 and 15 to compete separately against their peers; and WHEREAS, more than three million boys and girls from around the country take part in the annual PPK competitions every year; and WHEREAS, the Schenectady County Youth Bureau in participation with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady and Union College Athletic Department sponsored the NFL PPK locally; and WHEREAS, winners in each age group are determined by the total distance of their punts, passes and kicks and a large number of area youth were entered in this competition; and WHEREAS, Alex Gannon of Rotterdam took first place in his age division at the Team Chan~pionshipat Giant Stadium and Javer Tillman from Schenectady finished in third place at the Team Championship; and WHEREAS, other local winners in their divisions were Lorenzo Gannon of Rotterdam, Dominic Barnett of Rotterdam, Zoe Mies of Glenville, and Austin France of Duanesburg; and now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Schenectady County Legislature congratulates Alex Gannon, Javer Tillman, Lorenzo Gannon, Dominic Barnett, Zoe Mies and Austin France for their success at the recent NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK competition. Page 2 1/11/2011: Reported from Committee on Rules (Rl) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the Coztnty Legislature Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0 - - Resolution 1-11 STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady } I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. 7,42dF ~eoffrefl. ~ a Clerk,g Schenectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 2-11 Sponsored by Legislator Fields: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CERTAIN CHANGES TO HEALTH BENEFITS FOR MANAGEMENT CLASS EMPLOYEES BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows: WHEREAS, the County Attorney by memorandum dated December 29, 20 10 recommends that four healthcare reforms for management employees be implemented; and WHEREAS, the County Attorney further advises the implementation of the following healthcare reform measures for management employees: 1. All management employees and pre-65 retirees who are in the Empire Matrix Indemnity Plan with Schenectady Meds I be enrolled in the Empire PPO plan with Schenectady Meds I (estimated annual savings of $90,058.32); 2. All management retirees in the Empire Medicare Advantage Plan PPO in the Schenectady Meds I plan will be enrolled in the Empire Medicare Advantage Rx plan (estimated annual savings of $39,170.49); 3. Management en~ployeesand retirees enrolled in the CDPHP HMO with CDPHP Rx plan will be enrolled in the MVP HMO healthcare plan with Schenectady Meds I1 (estimated annual savings of $29,2 16.88); 4. Current CDPHP Medicare Choice enrollees will be transferred to the MVP Gold Plan (estimated annual savings of $14, 539.36); and Page 2 WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance by memorandum dated December 29, 20 10 advises that the aforesaid healthcare reforms will produce an estimated annual savings of approxin~ately$163,000.00 for Schenectady County; and WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance further advises that if these healthcare reforms were implemented for all active and retired employees the County would realize an estimated annual savings of over $1 million; and WHEREAS, the County Manager by memorandum dated December 30, 20 10 recommends that the aforesaid healthcare reforms be implemented by Schenectady County; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the County Manager be and she is hereby authorized, after approval of the County Attorney as to form and content, to enter into all necessary agreements on behalf of the County of Schenectady to implement the aforesaid healthcare reforms. Page 3 1/3/20]1: Reportedfrom Committee on Labor and Civil Service (LCSI) Reportedfrom Committee on Ways and Means 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0 Resolution 2-11 STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady } I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12'~day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. , , w ~eoffr&?f. H#, Clerk, Schenectady county Legislature RESOLUTION 3-11 Sponsored by Legislator Fields: A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 183-10 IN ORDER TO CORRECT CERTAIN SPECIAL DISTRICT TAX LEVIES BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows: WHEREAS, Resolution No. 183-10 was adopted on December 22,2010, which set forth and imposed the Special District tax levies of the County of Schenectady; and WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance has advised by memorandum dated December 30,20 10 of the need to amend the aforesaid Resolution based upon either a correction or revision of amounts set forth therein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Resolution 183-10 be and it hereby is amended as follows in order to correct the hereinafter indicated Special District tax levies to be as follows: Town of Niskayuna From -To: Maintenance Charges $0 $ 100.00 Town of Rotterdam From: -To: Maintenance Charges $ 6,726.18 $ 8,518.56 Page 2 1/3/2011: Reported from Contmittee on Ways and Means (WM1) 1/11/2011: Adopted by the County Legislature Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0 Resolution 3-11 STATE OF NEW YORK } County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady } I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12Ih day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. schen$ctady County Legislature RESOLUTION 4-11 Sponsored by Legislator Fields: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHARGEBACK OF UNCOLLECTIBLE TAXES TO CERTAIN SCHOOL DISTRICTS BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislatu-re of the County of Sclienectady, as follows: WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance has advised by memorandum dated December 27,2010 that some of the taxes previously reimbursed to certain school districts were ultimately determined to be erroneously levied and therefore uncollectible; and WHEREAS, Section 558 of the Real Property Tax Law provides for the cancellation and chargeback of any such taxes relevied by the County; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the following school districts shall be charged back the indicated amounts as provided for by law, to wit: Scotia-Glenville Central School District $4,2 16.58 Schalmont Central School District $ 2,898.86 Niskayuna Central School District $ 7,352.08 Mohonasen Central School District $498.40 Burnt-Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District $ 470.29 TOTAL $ 15,436.21 Page 2 1/3/2011: Repor-tedfr-om Cornnzittee on Ways and Means (WM2) 111 11201 1: Adopted by the County Legislature Ayes: 14 (Buhrmaster, Dagostino, Farley, Fields, Finn, Gordon, Hughes, Jasenski, Johnson, McDonald, Petta, Santabarbara, Savage, Vellano) Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (DiCerbo) Abstained: 0 Excused: 0 Resolution 4-1 1 STATE OF NEW YORK ] County Legislature 1 County of Schenectady ] I have compared the preceding copy with the original resolution adopted by the Schenectady County Legislature at a meeting held January 11, 201 1 on file in this office, and I do HEREBY CERTIFY the same to be a correct transcript there from in the whole of the original. WITNESS n~yhand and the seal of the Schenectady County Legislature at the City of Schenectady this 12"' day of January, Two Thousand Eleven. V ~eofffl. &ll, Clerk, sche6ectady County Legislature RESOLUTION 5 -11 Sponsored by Legislator Fields: A RESOLUTION DISTRIBUTING MONIES RECEIVED IN 2010 FOR DOG LICENSE FEES TO THE VARIOUS MUNICIPALITIES IN THE COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY BE IT ENACTED, by the Legislature of the County of Schenectady, as follows: WHEREAS, the Acting Commissioner of Finance in a memorandum dated January 3,201 1 has informed this Schenectady County Legislature as to the proposed distribution of dog license fees pursuant to law; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said distribution be and hereby is approved and adopted, in accordance with section 1 11 of the Agriculture and Markets Law; and, be it further RESOLVED, that the Acting Conlmissioner of Finance be and she hereby is authorized and directed to pay to the City of Schenectady and to the respective Supervisors of the Towns of the County, the sum set opposite the name of each Town and City, in accordance with the following schedule, to wit: Municipality Town of Duanesburg Town of Glenville Town of Niskayuna Town of Princetown Town of Rotterdam City of Schenectady Page 2 TOTAL ;and, be it further RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this Resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Schenectady County Legislature to the Schenectady County Acting Commissioner of Finance.
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