Roboform, Jim Thornton
Amateur Computer Group of New Jersey NEWS Volume 36, Number 12 December 2011 Election Slate for 2012 Daughter of Thirteen Things Bob Hawes, ACGNJ President ································open This is the fourth and probably final (at least for a while) in- Vice President ····················Evan Williams stallment of my Family Member(s) of Thirteen Things Secretary ································open series. In the first three articles, I installed Ubuntu 11.04 (because it was the latest non-beta version available at the Treasurer······················Malthi Masurekar time). Now, I could just take the hard disk containing the Directors ···························BobHawes standalone Ubuntu 11.04 installation that I made for Son of ·························Gregg McCarthy Thirteen Things (in our September 2011 newsletter) and ·······························John Raff stick it into this month’s subject computer (my current ··································Open “Main” machine, a Pentium 4). It would absolutely, posi- tively, and almost certainly work there with no problems; but if I only did that, I wouldn’t get much of an article for As usual, the election will be held at the December Main this issue, would I? Furthermore, as I write this, Ubuntu Meeting (December 2). Nominations will be accepted from 11.10 has been released. So we’ve got a new article, a new the floor. subject computer, and a new Ubuntu version. Wouldn’t it be nice if we combined them? Therefore, we’ll be installing Ubuntu 11.10 here. However, in accordance with World- wide Deja Vu Awareness Day (which, you shouldn’t be surprised to learn, actually lasts for two days), we’ll be fol- From the President lowing the exact same Thirteen Things list that I used in I would like to thank Barbara DeGroot for being our the three previous articles.
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