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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CII Issue 1 August 17, 2016 Transgender students covered by Title IX 3ULYDF\DQG(GXFDWLRQDO5HFRUGV names according to a transgender inclusive campus for students ´$Q\ WLPH WKH 2IÀFH IRU student’s gender identity even if ZKR LGHQWLI\ DV WUDQVJHQGHU &LYLO 5LJKWV RIIHUV VSHFLÀFV LWGLIIHUVIURPWKHLULGHQWLÀFDWLRQ and implement the DCL guid and guidance on a particular or education records. ance,” Assistant Director for area of Title IX, it provides When a school provides the Center for Diversity and VFKRROV ZLWK VWURQJHU WRROV VH[VHJUHJDWHG DFWLYLWLHV DQG ID ,QFOXVLRQ .HOVH\ 2·1HLO VDLG and a more useful roadmap to cilities, transgender students must “The team consists of leader not just be compliant, but as EHDEOHWRKDYHDFFHVVWRZKLFK ship from Athletics, Admissions, importantly, to help us deliv HYHU IDFLOLW\ RU VH[VHJUHJDWHG 5HVLGHQFH /LIH )DFLOLWLHV 7LWOH er on our mission to prepare activity they identify their gender IX, and the Center for Diversity VWXGHQWVIRUDZRUOGWKDWLVLQ ZLWKLQFOXGLQJUHVWURRPVORFNHU & Inclusion. FUHDVLQJO\GLYHUVHFRPSOH[DQG URRPVDWKOHWLFVVLQJOHVH[FODVV “Throughout this summer, interdependent and do so in an es, housing and overnight accom VXEWHDPV KDYH EHHQ LGHQWLI\LQJ inclusive environment of open PRGDWLRQVDQGRWKHUVH[VSHFLÀF ÀUVW ZKHUH ZH DUH LQ UHODWLRQ and free inquiry,” Chief Title activities and rules. WRWKH'&/DUHDVDQGZKHUHZH ,; 2IÀFHU .DWH /DZVRQ VDLG Schools must also protect need to be to achieve best prac “It also helps us deliver on our transgender students’ identi tice systems and provide the promise to students about their W\ E\ VHFXULQJ WKHLU LGHQWLÀDEOH highest level of care for and ser H[SHULHQFH ZKLOH WKH\ DUH ZLWK information (PII) such as their vice to our students, and second, XV7LWOH,;LVDFLYLOULJKWVODZ QDPH DQG VH[ JLYHQ DW ELUWK action steps and an implementa DQGLWVWHQHWVGRYHWDLOZLWKWKH An invasion of these private WLRQSODQWREULGJHZKHUHZHDUH Jesuit values of social justice and educational records could DQGZKHUHZHZDQWWREHµ DQGDQWLRSSUHVVLRQZRUNµ be harmful to the transgender Many components of the DCL 0RUHVSHFLÀFDOO\HDFKXQLYHU student and violate the Family are already implemented at Xavier, sity must provide a safe and non (GXFDWLRQDO 5LJKWV DQG 3ULYDF\ VXFK DV VH[ GLVFULPLQDWLRQ SROL 3KRWRVFRXUWHV\RIDDUZHERUJ A federal mandate released in May of this year requires that discriminatory environment for $FW )(53$  cies. Xavier also currently has 58 universities now make accomodations for their transgender students. DOO VWXGHQWV E\ WDNLQJ VZLIW DQG A team formed from sev JHQGHUQHXWUDO EDWKURRPV ORFDWHG HIIHFWLYH VWHSV WR LGHQWLI\ VH[ HUDO ;DYLHU GHSDUWPHQWV ZLOO throughout campus in academic, BY REGINA WRIGHT Letter on Transgender Students” based harassment, end its occur address changes mandated by residential and public buildings. Campus News Editor (DCL) on May 13, 2016 mandating rence, prevent its reappearance '&/ DQG ZLOO GHFLGHG ZKHQ Each team of departments is 1HZ FKDQJHV FDQ EH H[SHFW that colleges make more accommo and be able to provide remedy ZKHUH DQG KRZ WKH\ ZLOO EH ZRUNLQJ WR DGGUHVV '&/ PDQ ed for transgender students on dations for transgender students. for the effects it may have. implemented. dates as soon as possible. campus courtesy of the U.S. DCL addresses and gives guid 6H[EDVHG KDUDVVPHQW LQ “Under the leadership and ´,ZRXOGOLNHWRVHHXVEHFRPH Department of Education ance on four broad categories volves targeting students for their support of Associate Provost a model and leader on addressing 2IÀFH IRU &LYLO 5LJKWV DQG WKH under Title IX including Safe and gender identity, transgender sta and Chief Student Affairs these issues based on our pro U.S. Department of Justice Civil Nondiscriminatory Environment, tus or gender transition, accord 2IÀFHU'DYH-RKQVRQZHKDYH DFWLYH PLVVLRQGULYHQ DSSURDFK 5LJKWV'LYLVLRQV ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQ'RFXPHQWV1DPHV ing to DCL. DVVHPEOHGDFURVVFDPSXVWHDP WKH ZD\ ZH KDYH IRU RXU DS 7KH WZR IHGHUDO GHSDUWPHQWV DQG 3URQRXQV 6H[6HJUHJDWHG School staff, faculty and con to address the key areas of the SURDFKWRJHQGHUEDVHGYLROHQFH jointly released “Dear Colleague Activities and Facilities and tractors are to use pronouns and '&/ WR HQVXUH ZH IRVWHU DQ UHVSRQVHµ/DZVRQVDLG Saturday shuttle adds stop at Oakley Station BY ELLEN SIEFKE ZKLFKLVVHWWRRSHQLQPLG6HS right at noon. )RUHYHU/RRSVZLOOEHJLQRQ SDUWQHULQJZLWKWKHVKXWWOHSURYLG Head Copy Editor WHPEHU DV ZHOO DV &LQHPDUN The inclusion of Oakley WKHKRXUDW)HQZLFN HUV WR VHW XS KRXU HPHUJHQF\ The Student Government theater. 6WDWLRQPHDQVWKDWHDFKORRSZLOO The shuttle runs continuously line if there are questions or issues Association has announced the Local Cincinnatians may recall ODVWDERXWDQKRXUEHJLQQLQJZLWK DQGHQGVZLWKDÀQDOGURSRII RQ ZLWK WKH VHUYLFH DQG WKH QXPEHU VFKHGXOH IRU LWV ZHHNHQG VKRS from a year ago the opening of SLFNXSDW)HQZLFN3ODFHLQIURQW campus at 7 p.m. A full schedule ZLOOEHSXEOLVKHGIRUVWXGHQWV SLQJVKXWWOHZKLFKZLOOUXQHYHU\ WKDW.URJHUZKLFKHQWDLOHGD RI &XUULWRIROORZHGE\WKHVWRS for dates and times can be found In the meantime, any ques Saturday throughout the school million investment by the compa LQ2DNOH\LQIURQWRI .URJHUDQG on the Student Government tions can be directed by phone to year. Q\DQGZDVODXGHGIRULQFOXGLQJ WKHQ .HQZRRG 7RZQH &HQWHU $VVRFLDWLRQ·VZHEVLWH WKH26,DWGXULQJ 5HWXUQLQJVWXGHQWVZLOOQRWLFH VXFKIHDWXUHVDVDVLWGRZQELVWUR at the North Face Entrance by $GPLQLVWUDWRUVLQWKHRIÀFHDUH business hours. DIHZFKDQJHVWKHELJJHVWEHLQJ Another change of note is a the addition of Oakley Station. shortening of the run time — According to Debbie instead of operating from noon 5RPDQHOORDQDGPLQLVWUDWLYHDV to 7 p.m. as in previous years, the VLVWDQWIRUWKH2IÀFHRI 6WXGHQW VWDUW WLPH ZDV SXVKHG EDFN DQ Involvement (OSI), the stop at hour to 1 p.m. 2DNOH\ ZDV LPSOHPHQWHG IRU LWV 5RPDQHOOR H[SODLQHG WKLV combination of stores such as change came about because more .URJHU 7DUJHW DQG 0HLMHU QHZ VWXGHQWVZHUHXWLOL]LQJWKHVKXW 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIPDU\MDQHVGLDU\FRP restaurants like MOD Pizza, tle later in the day as opposed to A university shuttle will now run from campus to Oakley Station to Kenwood Towne Center and back.

Campus News Op-Ed A&E Take a look at the Police Notes Managing Editor Luke Byerly Check out page 7 to on page 3 to catch up on ev shares his advice for incoming GLVFRYHU ZK\ VR PDQ\ erything you missed over the ÀUVW\HDUV RQ ZK\ WU\LQJ QHZ +ROOH\ZRRG ÀOPV DUH summer. things is important. being shot in Cincinnati. page 5 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIZLNLPHGLDRUJ page 3 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIPHQWDOÁRVVFRP 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIIDFHERRNFRP page 7 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Henry Eden August 17, 2016 Campus News [email protected] GSC renovations maximize space Upcoming SAC BY: MAX BRUNS SStaff Writer to be the Xavier book store, which of a premier space for student Events While you were away over is now half the size to accommo- organizations to host events… Compiled by Henry Eden the summer, some big chang- date the renovation. [now] The Arrupe Overlook is es happened within Gallagher The space will be open dur- one of those spaces,” Marshall Student Center (GSC). In fact, ing the Manresa weekend, in said. Taste of Cincinnati: Xavier University’s Gallagher Student Free food in true Cincinnati Style combined Center celebrated its with live music from the band “Plaid Brixx “ fourteenth birthday this year and Xavier Wednesday, Aug 24th is celebrating with several internal ren- 9 p.m. ovation projects that Xavier Yard serve to expand stu- dent leisure and club space. Late Night Movie: “During the aca- demic year of 2013- “The Jungle Book” 2014, the Division of Student Affairs Aug. 25th - Aug. 27th received an increas- 11 p.m. ing number of con- Gallagher Student Center Theater cerns from students about the lack of available campus Photo courtesty of xavier.edu space for students GSC underwent several changes over the course of the summer to improve student space. Late Night Xavier to socialize and host events,” Chris Multi-Instrumentalist Noah Hoehn headlines Marshall, the manager of the time for Week of Welcome Students and select faculty GSC, said. events. boards were involved in planning an evening of Free Music, Food, and Activities As a result of these concerns, D’Artagnan’s Den is serving a the look and names of the new the Division of Student Affairs, function more suited for student- spaces. Saturday, Aug 27th Student Government Association to-student personal interaction. “Students have been highly and the University Planning and “D’Artagnan’s Den, on the GSC’s involved in the planning pro- 9 p.m. 5HVRXUFH &RXQFLO LGHQWLÀHG SR- lower level, will serve as a TV cess for this space – beginning Gallagher Student Center Atrium tential for lounge and event space lounge providing additional space with SGA’s advocacy and stu- in Gallagher’s interior. for students to interact,” Marshall dent survey and including stu- The new event space is known said. dent representation on the plan- WEBN Fireworks as The Arrupe Overlook. Chris Marshall began his tenure ning committee in 2014-2015. Xavier Newswire @xaviernewswire “The Arrupe Overlook, the as Gallagher Center’s manager this Involved students represented Xavier will shuttle 30o students to Sawyer Point QHZVSDFHRQWKHÀUVWÁRRUZLOO year and helped implement and such organizations as SAC, serve as a lounge but can also be oversee the planned renovations. SGA, Singers, Don’t Tell Anna, WRYLHZWKH/DERU'D\¿UHZRUNV)LUVWFRPH reserved by student clubs, groups “Ultimately, these spaces will Acabellas, Harmon-X, Black and university organizations. It enhance and expand students’ Student Association and more,” ¿UVWVHUYHG%XVHVORDGDWSPDQGUHWXUQ can accommodate over 100 peo- opportunities to come together, Marshall said. ple and can be set up in various organize and participate in en- $Q\ ;DYLHU DIÀOLDWHG JURXS LPPHGLDWHO\IROORZLQJWKH¿UHZRUNV ways. There is a built-in projector gaging programs and events, and club or organization is encour- with a screen and audio in addi- build community on campus. aged to utilize these new spaces in tion to a performance area with :KHQ , ÀUVW DUULYHG DW ;DYLHU the upcoming school year. Sunday, Sept. 4th available portable stage,” Marshall I immediately became aware of The Arrupe Overlook can be 7:30-11:30 p.m. said. the shortage of student-driven reserved through the GSC web- Buses load at Buenger Circle The space occupies what used VSDFH VSHFLÀFDOO\ WKH DEVHQFH page, www.xavier.edu/gsc. Norwood nuisance stores shut down BY MICAH PRICE Staff Writer cidents prompting police visits, support behind the decision, cit- however did have six rental units police have not told them when including DUI stops, drug related ing public safety, and saying that, attached to the store, and now they can retrieve their belongings. Two local businesses are now DFWLYLW\ÀJKWVDQGFKLOGHQGDQJHU- “This is a good day for Norwood. the inhabitants living above the Several outraged families said closed after being declared ‘nui- ment through underage sales of Two businesses that caused noth- Norwood store are facing uncer- that they had already paid rent for sances’ by Hamilton County alcohol. ing but trouble for the law-abiding tain living arrangements, and may the month of August. Prosecutor Joseph T. Deters. Donna’s has long been a popu- citizens in the community have be left without a place to live. There was initial speculation Hamilton County Prosecutor lar location for Xavier students to been shut down. Norwood citi- Displaced resident Paul that the Red Cross might be of Joseph T. Deters closed two local acquire alcohol, both legally and zens constantly complained about Johnson said, “Nine o’clock, they assistance to any of the affected bsuinesses, Sherman Market and otherwise. these businesses.” banged on my door. I’ve been Sherman Market residents, but a Donnas carry-out after deeming The store is located immediately Deters later added that the in- homeless since. My 3-year-old spokeswoman for the agency stat- them ‘nuisances’ per police on July across from Xavier’s University ordinate number of incidences can’t go in and take a... bath in her ed that they would not be involved 28. Station apartments and shopping posed a risk to the surrounding own bathtub. She can’t lay down in any tenant-landlord disputes, Sherman Market, of 1764 center. Sherman Market is located community and its citizens. in her own bed. She can’t play per agency policy. Sherman Ave. has been the the lo- off of Carter ave, slightly north of The two businesses combined with her own stuffed animals.” The move to close the two es- cation subject to 217 police calls in Xavier’s campus. have been hotbeds for neighbor- Local News outlet WLWT re- tablishments has provided both a the past two years. At a press conference an- hood crime, likely due to their ported that the families affected had boost to community safety and a During that same stretch, nouncing the closings of these location. received housing vouchers good for GLIÀFXOW FLUFXPVWDQFH IRU VHYHUDO Donna’s Carry-Out had 153 in- two businesses, Deters placed his The Sherman Market location, DSHULRGRI ÀYHGD\VEXW1RUZRRG families and individuals. Op-Ed Sports Features 6WDII &ROXPQLVW$OH[+DOHGLVFXVVHV FC Cincinnati makes waves in its )HDWXUHVHGLWRU/\GLD5HDJDQWDONVZKDWWR ÀUVWVHDVRRQRQWKHSURFLUFXLW WKHEHQHÀWVRI WKHQHZELNHSDWKFRPLQJ GRLQ&LQFLQQDWLDQGWKHEHVWVSRWVWRFDWFK WKURXJK;DYLHU WKHHOXVLYH3RNHPRQ\RX·YHEHHQORRNLQJIRU Xavier Newswire 3 Edited by: Regina Wright August 17, 2016 [email protected] Campus News - Paid Advertisement --


June 3, 9:20 a.m. – A stu- June 21, 12:56 a.m. – Xavier Schmidt Memorial FieldHouse chase both were apprehended on campus. dent reported the theft of his Police helped Norwood Police were advised and sent on their in lower Mill Crest Park with or her lanyard containing his apprehend two juveniles wanted way. Later the juveniles stole a the assistance of Norwood July 31, 9:07 a.m. – Xavier or her AllCard and work ID for theft from parked cars in campus utility vehicle and cell Police. They were charged with Police conducted a search from the support office in the Norwood. The juveniles were phone from the loading dock motor vehicle theft, obstruct- of the Conaton Learning McDonald Memorial Library. located in the Smith Lot walking at Buenger Hall. After a short ing official business, trespass- Commons after finding one toward Dana Avenue. ing and outstanding warrants. of the outside doors propped June 10, 3:53 p.m. – A non- open with a piece of wood. student panhandling on the June 22, 2:08 p.m. – A 9-year July 5, 6:04 p.m. – An em- After investigation all was residential mall was advised old juvenile was arrested for    ployee reported damage to the deemed OK. and sent on his or her way. theft after stealing a student soccer concession trailer in the worker’s iPhone, which was left   O’Connor Sports Center park- Aug. 2, 4:54 p.m. – An June 17, 3:37 p.m. – A stu- near his or her register in the ing lot. It is believed someone employee reported an unknown dent reported the theft of his All For One Shop. tried to break into the trailer person used a Xavier credit card or her wallet at the O’Connor Sleeping Beauty but was unsuccessful. to purchase over $600 of mer- Sports Center locker rooms. The June 22, 4:30 p.m. – A con- chandise. An investigation is wallet was discovered, turned tract employee reported that July 5, 6:25 p.m. – A summer pending. into the front desk and released another employee in Fenwick June 4, 5:17 a.m. – A intern reported damage to the to the owner the following day. Place threatened him or her. nonstudent found in Alter driver’s side of his or her ve- Aug. 4, 10:22 p.m. – Xavier Hall was arrested on over hicle in the Village Apartments. Police investigated a report of June 18, 3:43 a.m. – An intox- June 23, 1:52 p.m. – An em- 21 outstanding arrest war- interns drinking on the vol- icated underage non-student was ployee reported damage to one of rants and for criminal tres- July 11, 11:36 a.m. – A non- leyball courts. Two interns observed by surveillance driving the electrical boxes in the Schmidt passing. He or she had taken student looking into cars be- with open containers were through campus parking lots and Memorial FieldHouse across from classes at Xavier before and hind the Cintas Center was ad- advised and sent on their crashing into the guardrail at the the classrooms. it is believed the nonstudent vised for trespassing and sent way. Additionally, several un- top of the Cintas Center incline. may have been staying in the on his or her way. A short time opened beers, which no one He or she was arrested for DUI June 27, 10:17 a.m. – Two building for several nights. later he or she was arrested for would claim, were confiscated and criminal damaging. juveniles found sleeping in trespassing when found back and destroyed. 4 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Abrena Rowe August 17, 2016 Opinions&Editorials [email protected] XAVIER NEWSWIRE New additions to campus Copyright 2015 Circulation 1,200

Editor-in-Chief JESSICA GRIGGS Bike trail bursts “Xavier bubble” Of all the obstacles to a full and well-rounded from Norfolk Southern (Railroad Company), it was Managing Editor LUKE BYERLY education that we face at Xavier, there are few that considered private land, which meant law enforce- are as lasting as the ‘Xavier Bubble,’ the invisible ment could not regularly patrol the area. Now that Opinions & Editorials Editor ABRENA ROWE wall that encourages students not to leave campus, the land is owned by the city, it can regularly be pa- explore their surrounding neighborhoods or get in- trolled and protected. Head Copy Editor ELLEN SIEFKE volved with the community life outside of campus. %HVLGHVDOORI WKHVHEHQHÀWVWKHREYLRXVDGYDQ- The bubble is a true detriment to students because tage is health. Biking promotes a healthy lifestyle and Distribution Manager ALAN GONZALEZ LWHQFRXUDJHVVDIHW\DQGFRGGOLQJ7KLVVWLÁHVH[SOR- will lead to a healthier community. ration and opportunities to have our “There aren’t really a lot of op- Online Editor ALFRED NWANKWO beliefs questioned or our worldview The bubble is a tions around other than running changed. After years of hard work true detriment to URXWHVRQVWUHHWVZKLFKLVÀQHEXW and lobbying from community ac- students because it actually having a trail to run on Copy Editors: MIKE FISHER AND ALAN GONZALEZ tivists outside of Xavier, as well as would be phenomenal,” junior Josh a recent push from students in the encourages safety Menke, an avid runner and member Photography Editor: HANNAH MICHELS Philosophy Politics and the Public and coddling. This of Xavier’s running club, said. Sports Photographer: ANNE DONAGHUE Program (PPP), that bubble may Right now, there aren’t many ÀQDOO\EXUVW VWLÁHVH[SORUDWLRQ trails near Xavier. With the creation The abandoned railroad line and opportunities of Wasson Way, we will see an in- that crosses Montgomery right by to have our beliefs crease in safety for bikers, runners the new Delicio Pizza Restaurant and the general community. For your information: has been purchased by the City of questioned or our This trail is for more than biking, Cincinnati with the intention of worldview changed. though. It is a place for runners and turning it into a 7.6 mile bike trail - Alex Hale walkers as well. It spurs economic Each edition: that extends from Xavier all the way development, promotes sustainable The Xavier Newswire is published weekly throughout the to Ault Park, passing through vibrant places such as living and will even link the Little Miami Bike Trail VFKRRO\HDUH[FHSWGXULQJYDFDWLRQVDQGÀQDOH[DPVE\WKHVWX- the Hyde Park Plaza and the Rookwood Commons. to the Ohio to Erie bike trail that crosses the entire dents of Xavier University, 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH The trail is called Wasson Way and is expected to state of Ohio. 45207-2129. be completed by the summer of 2017. Hopefully it It will open up new doors of opportunity to The Staff Editorial is written jointly by the editor-in-chief, the will make a big difference, not just for our commu- Xavier students through these connections. It will managing editor and the opinions & editorials editor. Editorials nity here at Xavier, but for all of the 11 communities bring people together for fun all across the city and, DUHZULWWHQLQKRSHVRI UHÁHFWLQJWKHRSLQLRQVRI WKHVWDIIDVD that it will pass through. For example, it will increase most importantly, it makes Xavier University and the whole, but do not necessarily do so. property values for all homes within a mile of the City of Cincinnati a better place for everyone. The statements and opinions of a columnist do not necessarily trail by an average of about $9,000. It was my pleasure to be a member of the team UHÁHFWWKRVHRIHGLWRUVRUJHQHUDOVWDII The University of Cincinnati DAAP program did of PPP students The statements and opinions of the Xavier Newswire are not a long-term economic analysis of the trail and con- who were able necessarily those of the student body, faculty or administration of cluded that the trail would lead to a $7.18 million in- to lobby for this Xavier University. crease in annual household incomes across the city project. I know Xavier University is an academic community committed to and will generate $5.18 million in annual sales along without a doubt equal opportunity for all persons. the trail from food, beverage, and convenience items. WKDW WKH ÀQDO In addition, the city estimates that the trail will gener- push couldn’t ate approximately 140 new permanent jobs. have happened Right now, Cincinnati is not a very walkable city without my col- and lacks in public transportation. However, the new leagues and the Business affairs: VWUHHWFDU ZKLFK RIÀFLDOO\ RSHQV LQ 6HSWHPEHU ZLOO input of fellow Subscription rates are $30 per year or $15 per semester within hopefully change that. Wasson Way will directly af- Xavier students the USA and are prorated. fect Xavier students, unlike anything else could. Now into this project. Subscription and advertising inquiries should be directed Xavier students without a car can easily get jobs and I’m very excited to the advertising manager, Max Bruns, at 513-745-3561. shop at Rookwood. for the future Alex Hale is a junior in the One copy of the Xavier Newswire, distributed on campus, is The trail will also make our community safer. of this project Philosophy Politics and the Public free per person per week. Additional copies are free. According to national crime statistics, bike trails are and I can’t wait Program from Detroit, MI. He also two to three times safer than parking lots and streets. to bike down it works with Cincinnati City Councilman Before the City of Cincinnati purchased the property soon. P.G. Sittenfeld Write to us: XUPD and SGA take on violence Xavier Student Government Association (SGA) and Xavier Police are collaborating more than ever this The Xavier Newswire is committed to publishing opposing view- year to create safe and productive spaces on campus for dialogue and action. Most undergraduate students left points and opinions in hopes of fostering dia- campus in May, before a tumultuous and often violent summer began. logue on campus among students, faculty A few concerns that we have heard, particularly from students include: and staff. The Newswire accepts Letters to * Police-related violence including the deadly shootings by police of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and the Editor on a weekly basis. Comments 3KLODQGR&DVWLOHLQ0LQQHVRWDDQGWKHNLOOLQJRI VL[SROLFHRIÀFHUVLQ'DOODV can be submitted online during the week. * Potential threat of terrorism close to home with the announced arrest of alleged ISIL supporter Munir Please contact us if you have opinions and Abdulkader, who attended Xavier from 2013-2015. wish to write on a regular basis or a sense 8SFRPLQJWULDOIRUIRUPHU8QLYHUVLW\RI &LQFLQQDWLSROLFHRIÀFHU5D\7HQVLQJFKDUJHGZLWKNLOOLQJDQ of humor and like to draw. Find us online XQDUPHG&LQFLQQDWLUHVLGHQW6DP'X%RVHDIWHUDQRIIFDPSXVWUDIÀFVWRS at xaviernewswire.com. * Desire to be more proactive with regard to safety and emergency preparedness by engaging in trainings for scenarios such as a potential active shooter. As a Jesuit institution, we pride ourselves on standing in solidarity with others as well as showing trust and respect to all. We believe in and want to live our motto, “all for one and one for all.” A good deal of on-going work needs to be done on campus and it is imperative that we all play a part in assuring that our campus is safe and First Amendment to the United welcoming. “See something, say something” is more than just a slogan and #BeSafeXU is much more than a hashtag. States’ Constitution We are looking for passionate students to serve on the Student Relations Board. Members have a strong voice on all safety efforts. If you Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment are interested in becoming a board member, or have any questions, opin- ions, comments or concerns, please contact Police Chief Joe Milek by of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or calling 513-745-2000 or via email, [email protected], or SGA President abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the Caleb Mickler by calling 513-745-3094 or via email, [email protected] Caleb Mickler, President Xavier We agree that all of us need to be the change we want to see in the Student Government Association & Joe right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition ZRUOG ,VRODWLRQ DQG VLOHQFH LV GHÀQLWHO\ QRW WKH DQVZHU  6R ERWK RI  Milek, Xavier Police Chief collaberated us challenge you to get involved, do your part and make a difference, to write this piece. the Government for a redress of grievances. #Let’sTalkXU. Xavier Newswire 5 Edited by: Abrena Rowe [email protected] Opinions&Editorials August 17, 2016 A guideline for the first year of college +RZÀUVW\HDUVFDQDGDSWWRWKHLUQHZ;DYLHUFRPPXQLW\ “We are Xavier Musketeers. of even greater concern for those had inherently; thus, going into a space for discussion; it does, how derstanding. After all, you can’t We are unique individuals who ÀUVW\HDUV IURP FRQVHUYDWLYH progressive and proper dialogue, HYHUFDOOWRPLQGDOOWKHKRUULEOH win a discussion, so you might as come together in the spirit of EDFNJURXQGV ,W·V QRW VXUSULVLQJ I am expected to recognize that I things the media has ever said well strive to understand what the St. Ignatius, to learn together, to that the conservative demograph inherently have certain priviledges DERXW+LOODU\&OLQWRQDQGLI ZH·UH other person has to say. serve together and we will succeed ic feels attacked, especially with VLPSO\EHFDXVH,DPDZKLWHPDOH playing the trust game, I certainly ,QFRPLQJ ÀUVW\HDUV GRQ·W EH in changing the world together. the current political climate. Checking your privilege is hard, don’t trust all of those things. ÀUHEUDQGV IRU FDXVHV \RX GRQ·W We act with integrity, justice and 6RZKHUHLVWKHGLVFRQQHFWEH EXWWKHXQGHUO\LQJPHVVDJHLVWKDW If I were having a discussion fully understand. Before you can generosity. All for one and one for tween kinship and personal con life isn’t fair. Effective change with a Trump supporter, that per ÀJKWWKHPDQ\RXKDYHWRXQGHU all.” WH[W" +RZ GRHV RQH EDQG RQH·V KDSSHQVZKHQWKHSHRSOHEHQHÀW VRQVKRXOGEHZDU\RI P\RSLQ VWDQGKLPDQGEHIRUH\RXFDQGR These are the ringing words of own opinions together with his or ion until I can point to concrete that, you have to listen to him. the Xavier Student Commitment KHU QHLJKERU·V LQ RUGHU WR HIIHFW There is a lot of H[DPSOHV WKDW KDYH LQÁXHQFHG 7KH WKUHH VWHSV ,·YH LGHQWLÀHG WKDWDOOÀUVW\HDUVWXGHQWVZLOOIDFH change? The answer is proper and P\YLHZV)RUH[DPSOH,EHOLHYH DUHDJRRGVWDUWEXWWKHPRVWLP when they join the Xavier Family. SURJUHVVLYHGLDORJXHWKHSUREOHP speculation that 7UXPS·V SROLWLFDO ULVH KDV EHHQ SRUWDQWWKLQJWRUHPHPEHULVWKDW Loaded with language that is that a lot of people don’t know higher education DSRFDO\SWLFEHFDXVHDVDJD\PDQ proper and progressive dialogue demonstrates intentional com how to engage in that way. and college cam- he threatens my freedom to mar fosters a climate wherein change munity, it is clear that Xavier cares 7KH ÀUVW VWHS WR FXOWLYDWLQJ pus environments U\DQGIUHHO\EHZKR,DPLQWKH FDQ KDSSHQ EXW SHRSOH ZLOO EH DERXWFUHDWLQJDVSDFHIRULWVVWX proper and progressive dialogue is are purposefully FRXQWU\,ZDVERUQ turned off if all you want to do is GHQWVWREHXQLWHG7KH-HVXLWWUD going through a rigorous process liberal in their 7KH ÀQDO VWHS WR SURSHU DQG shout and never listen. GLWLRQ VWDUWHG E\ 6W ,JQDWLXV LQ RI VHOIDZDUHQHVVNQRZQDVFKHFN progressive dialogue, and for me the 1500s, stresses the importance ing your privilege. This means sys social policy WKLV LV DUJXDEO\ WKH PRVW LPSRU of living for and with others and tematically going through all of - Max Bruns tant, is active listening. Active lis striving for service rooted in jus your identifying characteristics, tening means demonstrating that tice and love. such as race, creed, ethnicity, re ting from this fact recognize it and you are hearing what the other $VDQLQFRPLQJÀUVW\HDUHQ ligion, sexual orientation, gender, actively work toward leveling the person says. You are setting up WHULQJ D FRPPXQLW\ RI  DERXW gender expression, etc. and admit SOD\LQJÀHOGLQFRQYHUVDWLRQDQG \RXURZQUHVSRQVHVE\UHSHDWLQJ WKHVHZRUGVPD\EHLQWLPL WLQJWR\RXUVHOI WKHEHQHÀWVIURP in action. what was just said; if you repeat GDWLQJ$ÀUVW\HDUPD\ÀQGKLP identifying as such. Thus, the second step to cul it wrong, they’ll correct you and RU KHUVHOI  DVNLQJ ´:KDW DERXW For example, I am a white male. tivating proper and progressive you’ll know you misunderstood my cultural context? How am I As a result, collective systems of dialogue is making the issue you them. VXSSRVHG WR FDUH DERXW NLQVKLS oppression through colonization discuss personal. If I get into a Active listening means engag while maintaining conviction?” and imperialism have consistently discussion with a conservative ing directly in what the individual There is a lot of speculation given my demographic an advan IULHQG DERXW SROLWLFV DQG KHDU D KDV WR VD\ QRW ZKDW \RX EHOLHYH that higher education and col tage in terms of social hierarchy, phrase like, “Hillary is a seasoned they mean, and it takes a lot of lege campus environments are DELOLW\WRRZQSURSHUW\IUHHGRP politician. I just don’t trust her,” patience. But the more you do it, Max Bruns is a junior HAB major SXUSRVHIXOO\OLEHUDOLQWKHLUVRFLDO HWF ,I  , ZHUH D EODFN PDOH WKLV I am immediately wary. Spouting WKH PRUH KXPEOHG \RX IHHO DQG and Advertisement Manager for Newsire SROLF\VRWKHVHTXHVWLRQVPD\EH ZRXOG QRW EH D SULYLOHJH WKDW , rhetoric like that doesn’t create a humility is a key ingredient to un from Cincinnati, OH :HOFRPHWR\RXU¿UVW\HDUDW;DYLHU Make sure to challenge yourself over the next four years ,I \RX·UHDQLQFRPLQJÀUVW\HDU LW·VWKHÀUVWZHHNRI IUHVKPDQ\HDU yourself to the wolves when you of each student as the profes yourself on the line when it’s eas WKH SDVW IHZ PRQWKV KDYH SURE or senior year at Xavier, you will get to the real world. In order to sional education. This may seem ier to now and you’ll have greater DEO\ÁRZQE\%HWZHHQFKRRVLQJ FRQWLQXDOO\EHFRQIURQWHGZLWKLV help yourself tomorrow, you must like a waste of time early on; after VXFFHVV ZKHQ LW EHFRPHV PRUH a college, getting ready for school VXHVWKDW DUH XQFRPIRUWDEOH UHDO EHSURDFWLYHWRGD\$QG;DYLHULV DOO \RX FDPH KHUH VSHFLÀFDOO\ WR GLIÀFXOW$QGLI \RXFDQÀQGZKDW DQGVD\LQJJRRGE\HVWKHVXPPHU world issues. just the university where you can learn how to master a profession truly makes you happy and take it EHIRUHFROOHJHLVDQHYHQWIXOWLPH Whether it is separation from later on in life. However, many with you when you leave the uni I would like to tell you that things \RXUIDPLO\DIWHUGURSRII GD\RU I have a bit of ad- students come to enjoy the core versity. Xavier will give you the ZLOOSUREDEO\VORZGRZQWKDW\RX an ethical dilemma in philosophy vice for you: em- classes concerned with developing RSSRUWXQLWLHVWRÀQG\RXUVHOIEXW ZLOOEHDEOHWRUHOD[VRRQDQGWDNH class, the university is designed to brace the experience moral and spiritual knowledge the \RXPXVWÀQGWKHFRXUDJHWRWDNH in the last few months. In my ex prepare you for these real world to grow. Shrugging PRVWEHFDXVHWKH\SUHSDUH\RXIRU advantage of those opportunities. perience, however, that is not the LVVXHVE\SUHVHQWLQJWKHPWR\RX another aspect of life out of col case. In fact, the reason that most As the mission statement puts it: off the uncomfort- lege: life as a caring and concerned ÀQGFROOHJHWREHVXFKDGLIIHUHQW “Our mission is to educate each able situations is individual. experience is primarily due to its student intellectually, morally and GHÀQLWHO\ DQ RSWLRQ So my advice to you is to con fast pace. spiritually.” in college; nobody VLGHUWKHEHQHÀWVRI HDFKH[SHUL Between starting new classes, $V D VHQLRU HQWHULQJ KLV ÀQDO will force you to face HQFHKHUHEHIRUH\RXEUXVKWKHP PHHWLQJ D EDUUDJH RI  QHZ IDFHV \HDU,KDYHDELWRI DGYLFHIRU\RX them. off. Challenge yourself to go out and living away from home for HPEUDFH WKH H[SHULHQFH WR JURZ side of your comfort zone and WKHÀUVWWLPHFROOHJHLVPHDQWWR 6KUXJJLQJRII WKHXQFRPIRUWDEOH - Luke Byerly develop yourself in ways that will put you outside of your comfort VLWXDWLRQVLVGHÀQLWHO\DQRSWLRQLQ help you with the rest of your life. zone. There are ways to help make FROOHJHQRERG\ZLOOIRUFH\RXWR do that. -RLQ WKH FOXE WKDW \RX DUHQ·W VR the transition easier, however. face them. However, these situa Xavier is different from other VXUH DERXW 7DNH WKH SKLORVRSK\ Trying to make the transition tions are not so easily avoided in universities in its Cura Personalis, class that really intrigues you, even PRUHFRPIRUWDEOHPLJKWKHOS\RX real world, which waits for you (care for the whole person). The if it’s an 8 a.m. class. Meet new in the short run. It might make after and partially during college. university is just as concerned with SHRSOH ZKR PLJKW HQG XS EHLQJ /XNH%\HUO\LVDVHQLRU+$%PD you feel more secure, more like %\ UREELQJ \RXUVHOI  RI  WKH RS the moral and spiritual education \RXUEHVWIULHQGV)DOOLQORYHZLWK MRU 3UH0HG DQG PDQDJLQJ HGLWRU IRU \RX·UHDWKRPHEXWWKRVHXQFRP portunity to learn how to cope VRPHRQHDQGPD\EHRXWRI ORYH theGrant Newswire F. Vance from isCincinnati, the Managing OH. IRUWDEOH LVVXHV DUH H[DFWO\ ZKDW with these circumstances on your and in love again. Editor+HZRUNVDW&KLOGUHQ·V+RVSLWDODVD at the Newswire. He is a senior college makes you face. Whether own, you are choosing to throw +DYH WKH FRQÀGHQFH WR SXW EnglishLab Aide. & Digitial Innovation Film and Television double major from Jeffersonville, Ind. 6 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Kyle Tooley August 17, 2016 Sports [email protected] A Successful Start for FC Cincinnati BY DONALD MENKE people came to watch a friendly Staff Writer match against the English Premier FC Cincinnati has only been in League team Crystal Palace. existence since Aug. 12, 2015, but This could potentially help the it has been a very good year for team’s case for a promotion to the young franchise. the MLS when the organization The club plays at Nippert expands. Stadium and has made sub- This could occur as early as stantial progress since it was 2020, and FC Cincy has been founded. listed as a potential club. This is Currently, FC Cincy is in a giant leap forward, as very few third place in the United Soccer thought they would have a shot so League with 42 points. They are soon. ÀYHSRLQWVEHKLQGFXUUHQWOHDG- It has been a successful year for ers Louisville City FC and New FC Cincinnati and one it hopes to York Red Bulls II, who each build off of for as long as it can. have 47. Even though it’s only Photo courtesy of publicbroadcasting.net been one year, FC Cincy has managed to develop a few rivalries. One is Louisville City FC, which has been fueled by the Photo courtesy of uslsoccer.com closeness of the clubs, both in FC Cincinnati looks to have a successful second season and is currently in third place in the . distance, with Louisville fewer than 100 miles away, and stand- homegrown talent, as the roster drafted 23rd overall in the MLS -XO\  ZLWK ÀYH ings, with FC Cincy one spot includes two former Xavier play- Superdraft but tore his ACL be- games remaining. below Louisville. ers, forward Luke Spencer and fore he signed, and his deal was FC Cincy’s atten- These clubs also compete for goalkeeper Dallas Jaye. never completed. dance has been great the River Cities Cup every year. In addition to FC Cincy, Jaye Attendance has been incredible not only by USL FC Cincy currently leads the has made six appearances for this season. The club has broken standards but also by series. Guam’s national team. the record for highest single game Another rivalry, possibly inten- He made 14 appearances while attendance twice this season. (MLS) standards. VLÀHGE\WKDWEHWZHHQWKH%HQJDOV at Xavier but has yet to make an 7KH ÀUVW WLPH RFFXUUHG RQ FC Cincy consis- and Steelers, is with the Pittsburgh appearance at FC Cincy. Spencer April 16 with a total attendance tently posts better Riverhounds. has yet to score for FC Cincy. 20,497. They broke the record numbers than most Another notable rivalry is with However, while at Xavier, again on May 14 with 23,375 MLS games and also the Charlotte Independence, Spencer scored 22 goals in 70 attendees. broke the Ohio state with whom they compete for the appearances throughout his four- FC Cincy also owns the record record for highest at- Queen City Cup. year career. for the highest single season at- tendance of a soccer FC Cincy also features some He did well enough to be tendance record in the USL on game when 35,061 Thrills in store for Bengals season BY BRENDAN BURRIS a different look on the offensive Staff Writer side of the ball without Peyton As the fall semester kicks off, Manning. However, the Broncos NFL football looms right around still have the best defense in the the corner, a season Bengals fans NFL. in Cincinnati anticipate each year. With a rivalry game against There are obvioulsy important the Steelers sandwiched between inter-division games against the WKHVH WKH ÀUVW WZR JDPHV WKH likes of the Ravens, Browns and Bengals are in for a tough start to Steelers, but let’s look at the other the season. They will have to get games on the Bengals’ schedule off to a hot start to keep them- this year that could prove to be selves in the upper tier of poten- just as, if not more, important. tial AFC playoff teams. Week One: Bengals vs. Jets Week Six: Bengals vs. Week 1 is obviously an impor- Patriots tant step. Teams are now through A game against the Patriots is the preseason and are gauging never easy, and a game against the how the team is faring and who is Patriots in Foxoborough is even best suited to play where. PRUHGLIÀFXOW This is a particularly interesting Not to mention that Week 6 matchup for both teams because will be the second game of Tom it would not be overly surprising Brady’s season after serving his to see these two face off again in IRXUJDPH ´'HÁDWH*DWHµ VXV- the postseason. pension, so expect him to come Just one game off a playoff out with a giant chip on his berth last season, the Jets return shoulder and attempt to show a stable offense and one of the up everybody that gets in his OHDJXH·VWRSÀYHGHIHQVHV way. Getting the season off to a This is arguably the hardest good start is key for the Bengals, game of the season. and they will attempt to do so on Bonus: Week Eight vs. the road against the Jets. Washington Week Three: Bengals vs. The Bengals travel to London Broncos this year to play the Redskins, an Cincinnati gets to host the international event that is always reigning Super Bowl champi- a show. And, AJ Green vs. Josh Photo courtesy of Cincinnati.com ons, who will have a little bit of Norman, which speaks for itself. Bengals fans can expect an interesting season with interesting matchups against teams like the New England Patriots. Xavier Newswire 7 Edited by: Sara Ringenbach August 17, 2016 [email protected] Arts&Entertainment 4XHHQ&LW\VWDUVLQ7UDYROWDÀOP¶*RWWL· for the director to get the correct shots and angles for a movie and how the whole crew worked on the appearance of the shots, while the actors just came and did their work,” Roberts said. :RUNLQJZLWK KLJK SURÀOH DF- tors also proved to be an exciting experience for Roberts. ´-RKQ 7UDYROWD LV D YHU\ FRQ- scientious actor who made it his priority to be accurate in his in- tentions,” Roberts said. “He was also very kind, shaking hands with some of the extras, even remem- EHULQJRQHIURPKLVÀOPLQJRI I Am Wrath in Columbus, Ohio.” $V &LQFLQQDWL JDLQV WUDFWLRQ LQWKHÀOPLQGXVWU\ORFDOFDVWLQJ agents such as Lynn Meyers and %HQ5DDQDQRI (QVHPEOH7KHDWHU RI &LQFLQQDWLZRUNHGWRÀOOWKHVH ÀOPVZLWKDVPXFKORFDOWDOHQWDV possible, holding casting calls at Xavier University over the sum- mer for roles as extras in the big- Photo courtesy of cbsnewyork.com and nationalpost. ticket pictures. -RKQ*RWWL OHIW ZLOOEHSOD\HGE\-RKQ7UDYROWD ULJKW LQWKHXSFRPLQJÀOPThe Life and Death of John Gotti GLUHFWHGE\Entourage·V.HYLQ&RQQROO\ $GGLWLRQDOO\ QRQSURÀWV VXFK BY HANNAH SGAMBELLONE MaraudersWR&DWH%ODQFKHWW·VCarol as lawyer Robert Shapiro. Gotti is borhoods such as Finneytown and as the Cincinnati and Northern Staff Writer KDYLQJ EHHQ ÀOPHG KHUH 7KLV a biopic following “Dapper Don” Indian Hill, which through the Kentucky Film Commission also Cincinnati is an unlikely center summer, Cincinnati once again -RKQ *RWWL·V OLIH RI  RUJDQL]HG lens of Hollywood cinematogra- help to ensure that out-of-town of Midwestern industry, from its played host to Hollywood during crime throughout New York City phy offer themselves up as New ÀOP FUHZV KDYH DQ H[FHSWLRQDO grocery titan Kroger to its several ÀOPLQJIRU-RKQ7UDYROWD·VThe Life in the 1980s, eventually leading York City lookalikes. Filming took experience. local breweries. Lately, an unex- and Death of John GottiDÀOPIRO- to his becoming the head of the SODFHGXULQJODWH-XO\DQG$XJXVW $V&LQFLQQDWLFRQWLQXHVWRDW- pected industry has also budded lowing the life of New York mob SRZHUIXO*DPELQRIDPLO\ and even incorporated many lo- WUDFW DWWHQWLRQ IURP ÀOPPDNHUV LQ&LQFLQQDWLWKHÀOPLQGXVWU\ ERVV-RKQ*RWWL 7KH ÀOP ZKLFK LV EHLQJ SUR- cals as extras, including Xavier for its photogenic architecture, The Queen City has often of- Travolta, who achieved fame in GXFHG E\ *RWWL·V VRQ -RKQ *RWWL VRSKRPRUH WKHDWUH PDMRU -HQQ\ low maintenance production fered itself as a cheaper stunt SRSXODU ÀOPV VXFK DV Grease and -U LV EHLQJ GLUHFWHG E\ .HYLQ Roberts. costs and local talent, the city will double to New York City, with Pulp Fiction, was most recently Connolly. “My time on set [as an extra] hopefully continue to embrace ÀOPV DV YDULHG DV %UXFH :LOOLV·V seen in The People vs. O.J. Simpson Filming has taken place in neigh- showed me how important it was this blossoming industry. ‘Suicide Squad’ disappoints #squadgoals BY SAM MARTINI Staff Writer Following Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad is the latest attempt IURP:DUQHU%URV(QWHUWDLQPHQW to bring DC comics to the big screen. Many have gone out of their way to defend this movie, VD\LQJKRZIDQWDVWLFLWLV%XWWKDW VLPSO\LVQ·WWUXH:KLOHWKHÀOPLV HQMR\DEOHLWKDVWRRPDQ\ÁDZV to count. (GLWLQJ LV WKH ELJJHVW GRZQ- IDOO RI  WKH PRYLH :KLOH LW ZDV sent into reshoots a few months before its release, this adds extra- neous material and leaves several things unanswered as well. Suicide Squad follows a group of Super Criminals selected by a secret government program to partake in black ops missions in exchange for time off their sentences. :LWKVXFKDFRQFHSWSXOOHGGL- rectly from the source material, it LVKDUGWRNHHSHYHU\WKLQJDÁRDW :KLOHVXIIHULQJLQERWKWKHSDF- Photo courtesy of ytimg.com LQJDQGWKHDFWLRQRI WKHÀOPWKH +DUOH\4XLQQSRUWUD\HGE\0DUJRW5REELH DERYH VWDUVLQ:DUQHU%URV(QWHUWDLQPHQW·VSuicide Squad DVWKHPDQLDFDOORYHLQWHUHVWRIWKH-RNHU -DUHG/HWR  plot was very lackluster. This left ing more. has been in years but only leaves WKHVKRHVKHZDVÀOOLQJKLVORRN him. me to question why they decided Leading the cast are Margot me wishing he did Independence for the character or his antics 6WLOO KDYLQJ LWV ÁDZV Suicide WRKDYHYLOODLQVÀJKWWKLVÀJKWLQ- Robbie as Harley Quinn and Day: Resurgence instead. RQVHW/HWR·VUROHLVFRPSOHWHO\ Squad is a nice breath of fresh VWHDGRI WKHKHURHV:DUQHU%URV :LOO 6PLWK DV 'HDGVKRW %RWK Robbie is fun as Harley Quinn useless to the overall plot, mak- air to end this mediocre summer continue to rub in our faces. appear bored throughout several EXW KHU GHSHQGHQFH RQ /HWR·V ing me wish they cut his role PRYLH VHDVRQ :KLOH , GLVOLNHG Many of the performances VHFWLRQV LQ WKLV ÀOP GHYHORS- -RNHUOHDYHVKHUDSSHDULQJDVWKH and made more time for other WKHÀOPLWEULQJVKRSHIRULWIX- by the star-studded cast appear ing what I like to call a Harrison hopeless romantic, instead of the characters. ture installments and the future watered down, namely those of Ford-like attitude: only being KDUGFRUHFKDUDFWHUZH·YHVHHQLQ :KLOH,PRUHWKDQXQderstand of the DC cinematic universe. -DUHG /HWR DQG 0DUJRW 5REELH there for the paychecks. the comics. the need to introduce the char- +RZHYHU-DL&RXUWQH\·V&DSWDLQ 7KDW EHLQJ VDLG WKLV GRHVQ·W The biggest controversy acter of Harley Quinn and her Newswire Rating: %RRPHUDQJ DQG 9LROD 'DYLV·V ODVW WKH HQWLUH ÀOP 7KLV PRYLH DURXQGWKHÀOPZDV-DUHG/HWR·V FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH -RNHU 5REELH $PDQGD :DOOHU OHDYH \RX ZDQW- PD\EHWKHPRVWIXQ:LOO6PLWK -RNHU :KHWKHU WKDW ZDV GXH WR could have done better without 8 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Lydia Reagan August 17, 2016 Feature [email protected]


BY LYDIA REAGAN Feature Editor

So you’ve chosen Xavier University. You’ve been moved into your new dorm, met your roommates and neighbors and want to get off campus to explore some of the local delicacies. Where do you go? You can check out these awesome places – some near, some far – and explore all that this great Eli’s BBQ city has to offer. all sorts, Over-the-Rhine is a ,I  \RX ZDQW WR ÀQG D SODFH WKDW great place to be on the weekends. serves delicious barbeque, check Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens There’s an amazing bakery called out Eli’s on the river or at Findlay Market. They have Who doesn’t love going to the zoo? For about $20, Holtman’s Donut Shoppe where you can awesome barbeque, as well as amazing sides that will you can see all the animals you can imagine and take get unique and delicious donuts. You can also get a keep you coming back for more. Plus, they’re within a trip back to your childhood! You can check out the Segway tour of Cincinnati and see the all the high- the budget of your average college student, so that’s new hippopotamus exhibit, as well as the baby gi- lights. Parking can be a little tricky, but there’s a ton to GHÀQLWHO\DSOXV raffe Cora. You can also pay your respects to the late see and discover down there. Harambe. Freedom Center Findlay Market Who doesn’t love freedom? Visit the Freedom Center American Sign Museum 7KLVLVDQRSHQDLUPDUNHWÀOOHGZLWKORFDOO\VRXUFHG for some fun historical facts about Cincinnati’s role in This may sound boring, but it’s actually an extremely food and some of the best eats in the city. It is home the Civil War. History buffs, I’m talking to you. LQWHUHVWLQJPXVHXP,W·VÀOOHGWRWKHEULPZLWKGLIIHU- to artisan and farm fresh restaurants and cafes and is ent types of signs, including light-up neon signs and open Tuesday-Sunday, all year round. It’s a great place Mount Adams some awesome history. to eat with a fun, friendly atmosphere. The best time Mount Adams is another place that’s awesome to go to go is at 8 a.m. on Saturday mornings, when every- for nightlife. The neighborhood on the hill offers a Half-Price Sushi thing is fresh! great view of the city, and has lots of charm in its Everyone likes a good half-price sushi! There are quite winding streets and historical architecture. It’s also a a few places around Xavier to try some tasty rolls, in- Eden Park great place to meet lots of other college kids from the cluding the Dancing Roll in Hyde Park, Ichiban and Eden Park is a large plot of land that houses both area and get out of the “Xavier bubble.” Cloud 9 in Mount Lookout. They’re open late, as well: Playhouse in the Park, where you can check out perfect for poor, sleep-deprived college students. some awesome theatrical performances, as well as the This is just a taste of the awesome things that Cincin- Cincinnati Art Museum, home of some priceless piec- nati has to offer. Check out a few with friends, and Over the Rhine es of art. And if you’re not into either of those, it’s sooner or later this place will start to feel like a second Filled with restaurants, nightlife and entertainment of also a beautiful place for a walk or a picnic. home.

Gotta catch ’em all! If you play Pokémon Go, you may want to do some other kinds of city ex- ploring. Here is a list of some known Pokémon nests around the city so that you can be the very best!

Eden Park: Magnemite Voice of America: Ekans and Staryu Nisbet Park: Diglet Mount Airy: Sandshrew P&G: Scyther Yeatmans Cove: Jynx Joyce Park: Cubone Kenton County Park: Magmar Burnet Woods: Magmar Woodland Mound: Clefairy Blue Ash Recreational Center: Staryu Paddlewheel: Magikarp Sharon Woods: Geodude Lytle Park: Voltorb Veterans Park: Horsea

Images from Google