Hawaiian Almanac 1882.Pdf

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Hawaiian Almanac 1882.Pdf Holidays, Church Days, Cycles, etc ::. 4 First Quarter Calendar , ; ;.. f) Heads of Principal Nations of the\Vorld..; : ;.:.. f; :::5econd Quarter Calendar , ; ; : 7 Inter-Island Distances-':'-hysea ,;~, :..... 8 Third Quarter' Calendar: , ,.. 9 Census of the Islands, 1878 : ".. 10 Fourth Quarter Calendar :: ; , . 11 'l'able of elevations of Principal Localities : :............. 12 . f • Compamtive 'rable of Comnwrce of Haw'n Islands from 1844... '13 '. Comparative 'l'able of Exports 1862-81 ; Internal 'l'axes 1862-80:14 Selection of Custom Heuse 'l'ables ; 15-16-18 Comparative 'l'able of Imports 1872-.4-(H3 and 80; Quick Stmr. Passages ~ . Comparative ;rable Domestic Exports for First,Second and '1'hird Quarters, 1880 with 1881 ; , , .. ,...... 19 Table of Domestic Exports for 1880; Sugar Crops of the \Vorld ~ 20' Public Debt ; National Debts and Expenditures 21 O,"'erlal1d Distances, Hawaiian 181ands ~ .. .....•...... ....~. 22 . Distances on Hawaii......... "23 Post Office Statistics; Comparative 'rable of Rain~fall...... 24 Indigenous Ornamental Plants ; ;........ 25- 27 Bits of Unwritten History......... .. 28--30 .Marine Casualties for the Hawaiian Islands, 1620-1861 ..:... 31-35 Legend of Kapeepeek~uila............. 36-41 Artesian \Vells ; :. 41-46 Regulations for Carriages and rates of fare... 47-48 Articles admitted into the U. S. free 6f duty by Treaty............ 48 Hawaiian Ideas of Astronomy......... 49-50 " Comparaj:ive Table Receipts and Expenditures H. r., 187~820j • HaW!li.ian Proverbs.. 51 ,'. Value o! Forei.gn Coins; ~urf Bathing ;.. 52 ~i.ble of Foreign Coms current m Honolulu................... 53 List'of Free Imports from the U. S. by'l'reaty, · 54 .~ ~~~ .~~~~a~~g~~~;;~u~~~"~~~m.G~~.~~~.~:;~ht ..S~~~~y;...... 55 Passages to and from the Coast ~ 56 The Lava Flow of 1881........................... 57 Hawaiian Entomology :.... 58--61 The cultivated Sugar Canes of the Hawaiian Islands......... 61-64 Retrospect of the year 1881. ,.... 64-67 Forthcoming Hawaiian Postal Cards and Stamps. 67 Sugar Plantations and l\Iills......... .68--69 Casualties of Shipping for 1881.. :.... 70 Hawaiian Islands Postal Service for 1881...... 71 Royal Order of I{alakaua ;. 72 Royal Order of Kamehameha :...... 73 Postal Table and Countries of the Postal UniOl!!l!~.. 74-76 Rain-fall for \Vaimanalo and Hilo, 188L.. 76 Register and Directory for 1~82 ~........ 77-83 . (..--. " . I. \ 'I.... / .,.' i27Fort St., Honolulu. C. J. HARDEE, AND H. F. BERTELl\IANNJ CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEl{S. Planing, Shaping, Turning, Band and Scroll Sawing, Doors, Sash, Blinds, . Door and Window Frames, Bracketts, Ballusters,.Stairs, etc., Made to Order. Mouldings and Finishing Ornaments Always on Hand. ~ All orders filled 011 short notice, and Jobbing promptly attended to. 6" l\Iouldlngs made to any pattern without extra charge for knives. Price of ~Iachine Work, $1.00 to $1.50 per liOnr. "'M. DICKSON, No. 6:1 Fort Street; Honolulu, Ha-waiian Islands, .. PHOTOGRAPk-IEI1. AVaried and Vauable Collection of Photographic '"?""i.e~s an.d :I?o:rt:rai.ts. -'ALBO- A' FULL STOCK OF SHELLS; CORALS, FERNS, SEA' MOSSES, JE!)~H~~~{:!~t> Wtll~ Jrmpl~m~~t~t> n.~~ Qth~~ ~l1l~IilQ~iltr@~~ t-- ;J. -M~' OAl'. &~Co., .. SAIL JH:AKERS, ._ _,t~.:it .:~':._"« or ~'~~}(~.~-;. f~i ~-~~:' .:')'; ,'; :):~i SAILS, HAMMOCKS, TENTS, ;tND TRUNK COVERS MADE TO ORDER, FLAGS.MADE AND REPAI1?ED, CARPETS CVT AND MADE TO ORDER. Makee (fire-proof) Block,QUEENSTREET, H()NOLULU. H. L -------- BR6GLIE~SPE)iR&CO., ----- MAwriFicTUnING JEW:~LERS, • J ,~~ • I i \ '. : ~ - j; ~ Diamond Setters, Engravers, . ,~" AND DEALERS IN """ . Fine Watches, Clocks, _Silver Ware, an~ Jewelry of Latest Designs. ~i-~·:-··";"'\ . SHELL AND NUT 'JEWELRr EXECUTED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. No. 75 FORT STREET, HO:SOLULU. VOLCANO,. HOUSE, CRATER ON K1LAlTEA, - ".~ HA'VAII. ',. ,I ""'VV. :::a:. LENZ. ~N.A.GEB. L. P. FISHER'S ~D~"'EIR"-rISIN<-;}AGENCY., Rooms 20 and 21 Merchants Exchange, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. e- Advertising Agent for the Hawafiah Almanac and AnimaL A.. ~. JH:ELLIS, IMPORTER An~ ,Dealer in CeneraIM,erchllndise" NEW GOODS Br Evimr STEAMER. , ....... 10+ FoRT,STREET, HONOLULU. '"BISHOP & 'Co., • " o. • BANKERS, : CORNER MERCHANT AND KAAHUMA~6'Sors.; Honolulu, H. I., :New York. Boston, San Fra,ncisco,· London, Paris, Hongkong, Sydney, .Melbourne, Auckland, -'-'-AND TRANSACT-- A GENERAL BANI-i:ING BUSINESS. , FASHIONABLE DRESS AND, CLOAK MAKER, Latest Parisian and American fashion bo~ks and patte~s received by every steamer. .....c...::..:; ........_• .: ••. -.o ." ; 104 Fort~treet.,Honolulu. J!@)BNr ;g~. r>~ ~lf 1) 'Notary Public, --AND- COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS For the States of California and New York. OFF1C AT Tm~ D.\NK OF B1SHOP & CO" MERCHAl'\T STREET, _______:El:_C>:N"C>L~L~,:EI:. x. IIYB411 BBOa~t) IMPORTERS OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE -AND- . Commission Merchants, No. 29 Merchant Street. Honolulu. H. I. HYMAN BROS.~ 'WHOLESALE GROCERS~ 216 and 218 California Street, San Francisco. Particular Attention Ch,en to Filling Orders fifiir And to the sale of consignments of Rice, Sugar, Coffee and other Island Produce. THE HAWAIIAN AIJ}IANAC AND ANNUAL, ISSUED EACH YEAR IN TIME For '1; l::1. e Dec e:D:l. be r J.v.I:ai1s. Price. 50 cents each; by mail. 10 cents extra. fifiirBack numbers to fill sets can be had for a limited time.~ Address THOS. G. THRUM, Publisher, Honolulu. ThrENCOURAGE~ HOME MANUFACTURE I F. HOR'N, Practical Confectir:ner and Pastry Cook, HOTEL ST., BET. FORT AND NUUANU STS. Havin~addedto his Candy Factory a St~llm Qandi~ Mlln~fa:Q;ttL!?tng App:arattMh With New Moulds and Machines of 'the Newest Designs and'Pattern s, Parents' Guardians of Children, and my Customersgenerally are guarnteed that . all Candies made at Horn's Steam Candy Factory are STRIOTLY PURE! And free from all poisonous substances, such as Terra Alba, or White Earth, and all mercurial colors, as Paris Green, Prussian Blue, Chrome Yellow, and other injurious .substances so exten- sively used in the manufacture of Foreign Candies. The Gum Drops Are No Imitation J:.oi.ke 'J:'he J:=.po:rte:L, But are made of the finest qmtlity of Gam Arabio. Please tfl.ke partioalar notioe that my pure and whalesome Home-made Candies are sold 25 Per Cent. Cheaper Tl1an The Imported Candies. Consta~tly in reoeipt of LA.TEST NEW YORK AND CHICAGO TOOLS .aND MACHINERY. Made of the Richest Mixtures and Fhvors. and Ornamented in the highest style of the art. American. French, English, and German Pastries Made to Order. --:0:-- ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT TEE COMING HOLLIDAYS, The Greatest Assortment of Rioh and Phin Fruit, Pound, Sponge &Jelly Oakes . Ever shown in Honolulu,of the finest quality,Ornamented and Plain, all made of the very best material, .A.ndSold.8..t San :E"'.ranQisoo Prices. --:0:--- G.UAVA JELlY, PRE8ERVED TA·MARIND8. TAMARIND 8YRUP, Constantlvon hand and for Sale. PtONEER fURNITURE' WAREROOMS, c. E. WILLIAMS, • .' PROPRIETOR, HIPORTER, ~IANUFACTURER, UPHOI,STEHEP. AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING MATERIAL AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. riano~I Drgan~ &Sewing Machines ~ ~ -ALWAYS ON HAND AND- FOR SALE OR HIRE. New Goods of the Very Latest Styles Reo'd Monthly. Undertakingill all its branches thoroughlyand satisfactorily attended , to. Coffins and Caskets of all descriptions and the Latest Styles of Trimmings, Linings and Burial Robes always on hand. Hearses and Carriages for Funerals at reasonable rates; Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. FURNITURE WAREROOMS AND OFFICE IN FIRE·PROOF BUILDING, NO. "' FORT ST. Work Sh0I,' at the Old Stand, No. 66 Hotel Street, ~<>N~LULU,=. L LAINE & 00., impQ,~t~rl$ a,~~ @Q;mm~~I$~Q~ lMr~M;~h~mt~" DEALERS IN HAY, GRAIN, AND ~ENERAL PRODUCE. Grain Ground. to Order. ORDERS SOLICITED' AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. STORAG.E FOR GOODS. Office, Fort St., below Lucas', Honolulu,H.I. H. HACKFELD & CO., GE~EE~L COMMISSION MERCHANT'S,; HONOLITLU , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. PACIFIC~fAILSTEAMSHIP CO . -:0:- ~The steamers of the Pacific Mail Company will leave- FOR SANFRANOISOO December 19th, 1882, and every fourth Monday thereafter; AND FOR AUCKLAND AND SYDNEY December 24th, 1882, and every fourth Saturday thereafter. H. HACKFELD & CO., Honolulu, Agents. COS}fOPOLITAN RESTAURANT! KILAUEA KAUI, HALF WAY BETWEEN HANALEI AND KAPAA, ~IR~T ~LA~~ INtnRYRft~r~~TB~THlN nUALITY AND nUANTITY, Charges J.\I.I:e>dera"te. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. Ci~ars and Cigarettes always on hand. Gin­ gerAle, Cider,SodaWater, Lem. onade,Tea coffee and Ohocolate Alvvays Ready. w. COFFIN, Propl'etor. A. W.BUSH, FAMILY GROCERY, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Nos. 93 and 95 Fort Street :::::: Honolulu, H. I. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FAMILIES. PLANTATIONS AND SHIPPING SUPPLIED. Goods Carefully Packed for Shipment and Warranted. Particular attention given to putting up Stores for Officers and other Messes of Vessels of 'Var. Received by Every Packet. Choice American and European Crocerje~. PURELY MUTUAL. ASSETS, 845,000,000.••••• SURPLUS, $6,000,000. ALL FORMS OF LIFE LNSURANCE POLICIES ISSUED. The Tontine policy issued by. this company' offers unusual advan­ tages; itprovides for one's family at ordinary life rates, and the Illoncy returned with interest on arriving at n certain age. ~acneale and urban Safes.,. Fire proof, fire and burglar proof, burglar proof. Old safes taken in exchange. 'fhe celebrated Springfield Gas Machine. For particulars. apply in Honolulu to CI. 0, BERCER, Agent, Hawiian Islands. HEALD'S BUSINESS CrOllEGE,. 24 Post Street, opposite Mechanic's Institute, '., . S.A.N FE.A.NCJ:SCO. C.A.LJ:FOENJ:.A.. Imparts a thorough and practical Education ill all Commercial and English Branches. French, German. Spanish, Drawing and Telegraphy. The school hav­ ing Rwater facilities and enjoying a more extensive patrollage than any similar institution on the Paciffc Coast, continues to base its claims for recognition and patronage upon the good sense and enlightened judgment of the public. LIST OF FACULTY, E.P.HEALD, ALFONSO V. BJJSSCHE. F. C. WOODBURY, MISS H. M. CURTIS, A.B.CAPP, 'I'.
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